Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi Visitors Pics Page 65

doyle.jpg (26786 bytes) Steve Doyle's Tenni  francis.jpg (41014 bytes) Nuovo Falcone Sahara and civilian 1974 - 1972 argonnes francks - francis
francis2.jpg (38213 bytes) Argonne Franck's 1988 Le Mans 4 galardilemans.jpg (38117 bytes) Chris Galardi's 2002 Moto Guzzi V11 Lemans of  Omaha, Nebraska
kinderman.jpg (32900 bytes) Don Kinderman's 1983 California II of  Steelton, Pa gregoratti.jpg (46684 bytes)
Francesco Gregoratti's 1973 California 850 of Latisana, Italy
marcoux.jpg (59257 bytes)
Jeff Marcoux's MG Sport 1100 of Bartlett, NH
mirandacarmena.jpg (53040 bytes)
Jose Luis Miranda Carmena's 1984 LeMans III  of Guadalajara Spain

Send me your photo and I will get it posted.