Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi Visitors Pics Page 71

remo-crivelli.jpg (44967 bytes) Remo Crivelli's 1973 Moto Guzzi 850 GT of Zurich audace.jpg (35724 bytes) Giuseppe Brunetti's Sp 1000
LuukVries.jpg (26291 bytes) Luuk Vries' V7 Special  Ulestraten, Netherlands. NancyBetsy.jpg (53400 bytes) Nancy Johnson's '03 EV Tour of Dyersburg TN.
sager.jpg (15107 bytes) John Sager's 2001 v11 Sport of Eagle, Idaho. Your Bike Photo Here Your Information Here
davidpott.jpg (48437 bytes)
Dave Pott's '04 V11 sport Billabio of Humphrey Station, CA
kevincampbell.jpg (38782 bytes) Kevin Campbell's 1980 v50 I cafe Salem, NH

Send me your photo and I will get it posted.