Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi Visitors Pics Page 79

levesque.jpg (41224 bytes) Bob Levesque's  98 V11 EV of Fort Walton Beach, Fl lienhard.jpg (56445 bytes) Andre Lienhard's V10 Centauro of France
manfrediSP.jpg (40111 bytes)
Matt Manfredi's 83 1000SP
Anchorage Alaska
roberto.jpg (38504 bytes) Roberto's 2000 Special from Italy
Al Collins (AKA "dadbeem", on the west coast of Illinois) on his EV/spyder outfit. Andy Giesen's 1998 Daytona RS of the Netherlands
Brian Harper's 1980 CX100 of Campbell, CA Chad Lewis'  99 Bassa

Send me your photo and I will get it posted.