Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi Visitors Pics Page 9

65.jpg (26589 bytes)

Ian Adkins '69 Ambassador of Ontario, Canada 69.jpg (28567 bytes) Mystery Motorcycle #59
66.jpg (17480 bytes) Vince Geraci's 73 Eldo of Long Island, NY 70.jpg (51644 bytes) Steve Lingg's 2000 Quota of Lincoln, Nebraska
67.jpg (56590 bytes) Paul Casterlin's 2000 V11 Sport of Meshoppen, Pa img71pg9.jpg (34492 bytes)

Bryan Redlin's Eldo and 87 V65 Lario of Cleveland, OH

68.jpg (42351 bytes) Paul Palminteri' 97 Sporti and 91 1000S,  Ramsey, NJ.

72.jpg (15398 bytes) Mike Skagg's '72 Eldo of Newbern, Tn.

If you can identify any of these mystery motorcycles, please send me an email stating which one is yours, or which one you can identify....Along with the owners name, make and model information, and hometown.

All of these photos are included in the free Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi Screensaver.  Download it today.