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Change can be good... or not

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--- Quote from: bigbikerrick on June 13, 2024, 04:13:40 AM ---Ahh, the CB 900  with the dual range gearbox?  One of the best cruisers honda has  ever built. I like it much better naked. That bike has a great "stance" without the dressing.

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Mine is the Cb1000c. In 83 Honda  re designed the bike completely although it looked the same. They increased the motor size from 900 to 1000cc and upped the HP quite a bit.
It was only produced for one year due to the Reagan era tariffs to save HD.

Personally I'd rather have the fairing or nothing.  Not a fan of fork mounted windshields of that size. 

Without the accessories you really notice the cruiser lines on the bike which is beautiful.


--- Quote from: twowheeladdict on June 13, 2024, 06:57:17 AM ---Personally I'd rather have the fairing or nothing.  Not a fan of fork mounted windshields of that size. 

Without the accessories you really notice the cruiser lines on the bike which is beautiful.

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just curious why you do not like fork/handle bar mounted shields?
I have had and put thousands of miles on bikes with these type shields in every condition one can imagine and never noticed and adverse issues, no more than a frame mounted fairing.
Enlighten me my friend.

Anybody remember the 1983 Yamaha XJ900 Seca? In Europe, Yamaha was forced to come up with a frame mount for the fairing/nacelle after lots of complaints about high speed (120mph +) weaving and some nasty crashes. For 1984, the bike came with a bigger, frame mounted fairing. There have been many motorcycles over the years that did not take kindly to handlebar mounted fairings, but the majority will not be terribly troubled.

"Less is more!"

Looks great Dan.  Well done!

I would have done the same.

About 40 years ago, my brother had a Vetter fairing on his CB750.  He liked it cause he could smoke cigarettes at 60 mph!

Another time, I remember him lighting up at a stop and taking off on a naked bike he had.  Watching the ciggarette burn at 50 time the normal speed was entertaining.  Looked like he was breathingout fireflies!

By the time he got up to 40 mph, all he had was a butt.


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