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OK, I'm a curmudgeon {rant}

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I am officially a curmudgeon!  It annoys the crap out of me that I cannot even go to a bar for lunch anymore without peoples untended little kids having races up and down the aisles and coming over and handling stuff at *my* table like extra silverware or the salt and pepper dispensers.  When I tell the parents to control their kids I am somehow the bad guy and I am supposed to put up with their brats because "they have a legal right to be there".. 
They do not have a legal right to interfere with my dining or drinking.  I think from now on when the kids start running around i am going to start telling dirty jokes and using lots of four letter words very loudly, or maybe I'll start leaving shots of whiskey at the edge of the table where the kids can reach them.

Let's bring back smoking in bars so people will stop bringing their snot-nosed ankle biters to drinking places.  What on earth gives parents the idea that a drinking establishment is an appropriate venue for little kids anyway?

Don't get me wrong, I love kids and I have a lot of fun around kids, but undisciplined screaming brats running amok while I am trying to relax really raises my stress level. A colicky one year old screaming does not bother me at all, they are making noise for a reason.  A whining crying four year old trying to get the attention they think they deserve just annoys the crap out of me. 
I have a curse.  It is pretty much guaranteed that if I go to a bar or a restaurant the hostess will try to seat me right next to the whining four year old. 

I guess I am going to have to start eating lunch in strip clubs, or are people bringing their kids to those too these days?

okay, end of rant.. 

Isn't there a law against that?

No, seriously, doesn't Sioux Falls have a law noting that children under a certain age are barred from bars?


Not if the bar serves food, then you can bring your brats in and let them run free unsupervised so long as the management allows it.

Parents - get a clue!!  Bad people go to bars, they could do bad things to your kids when you let the kids run around unmanaged.  Drunks are not known for being tolerant.. 

Tolerant? When I was a drinker I was very tolerant. Sometimes it would take close to 24 beers to get me 'drunk'.  :BEER:  ;D


--- Quote from: twhitaker on April 03, 2015, 02:16:55 PM ---Tolerant? When I was a drinker I was very tolerant. Sometimes it would take close to 24 beers to get me 'drunk'.  :BEER:  ;D

--- End quote ---
Yeah, and what would have happened when a kid ran over to your table and took your beer or your french fries?    :food :wife:


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