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Brrrrr winter. Whatcha working on ?

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Nice hobbies eh, i have to swap latches on Hepco Becker Juniors 30L, door got knocked off by a car. Got bag used off a Red dot 98EV, not the same latch but almost. It has doors that slide shut to cover lock set and the current lock sets don't work. My bag is 98EV but not an early one newer lock is the same. I keep the same key which is still available w/lock. All I need is the rivets, sent Moto Machines a note. I'd rather use the right stuff instead of figuring all the sizes (3). Got a rivet gun from doing aircraft work. Rivet are in metric but same as 1/8" and hair bigger.
edit-------------got the rivets coming

Hoping to finish this up soon after putting the project on hold for the riding season. I had to order a flywheel puller, No spark  :embarrassed: I called looking for a carb kit for a Bing, Tim @ Hugh's BULTACO told me they call that a MAKUNI. Looking forward to some Ozarks boondocks rides!  :boozing:

I've got a custom CX that needs signals installed. It's got a racing style fairing with swept back arms to above the valve covers. I don't want to poke holes in the fairing, so considering bar end mirrors with integrated signals. It also drains the battery, so that needs sorting. And then I'm considering replacing the goofy CX dash with an earlier T3 style cluster.

I've got a 72 Norton Commando Combat that came to me about 60% complete - basket case, of course. Collected parts for four years and now have most everything, so I'll be working on it. Quite the learning curve being a newbie to brit bikes.

The G5 needs a bit - but at least it's running well now. The aluminum (India made) tank needs smoothing/polishing, wiring, frame paint, - all sorts of detail work.

And then there's the home front - my very messy housemate of 16 years finally moved away leaving dumptruck loads to sort and dispose of. Every day I work a bit at that project.

Just finished new clutch on the Stelvio. Glad it happened in the driveway!   

I’m working on trying to get rid of this -!  That’s 1st priority.  Then on to the 72 cb750 choppa!!!!!


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