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Brrrrr winter. Whatcha working on ?

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I've put aside the MC projects until it warms up a bit and I can fix the fuel tank in my 2004 Chevy Colorado.

While it's too cold to roll around on the driveway under a truck, I've started spring cleaning early.  Found this (which I'm keeping)

I got 1 of those (the book) & two of those.  (the bike)  I bought the book after I bought the 1st bike.   :boozing:

Then found this one.  Must have bought that more than 15 years ago.  The Guzzi part stuck in the back of my mind to resurface years later and lead me to the V85TT


--- Quote from: inditx on December 07, 2024, 08:56:38 PM ---Well, on the 2014 Honda CB1100;
I pulled the full exhaust (dual) and center stand off and saved at least 40#!
Awaiting Santa and a full Delkevic exhaust and O2 bypass.

On the 2023 V85;
Awaiting Santa and a mistral boost plug.

That is all and to all a good night!

--- End quote ---

Scrapped the exhaust on the Honda as I was warned about a few gotchas so I put the stock back on.

Trading the V85 so, they’re ya go!

Work on the Carbon is complete. Fluids changed, wiring done, fork springs and oil changed, cylinder guards installed, 2nd seat redone w/ better foam, LED headlight and new Bridgestone A41s installed. Next up is getting the F650GS in shape for the season with oil/coolant change, new tires and seat mods.


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