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New guy with a V50 (kinda…)

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AJ Huff:
This can be your inspiration. 😜 Pretty sure this was JB's aka RatGuzzi's bike.



--- Quote from: dbarale on December 13, 2024, 08:34:27 PM ---Since the bike will never be a showpiece, and the bodywork has issues, I was thinking about adding fork boots and painting it flat olive green to resemble the dutch V50 army bikes. What do you guys think?

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That would work, no need to be a resto purist. How's the thing coming along? Got it to pop yet?

Go for it ! I think fork boots are cool anyway.  BTW on exhausts just to share my experience. V65 & V50 III exhausts can be switched BUT there can be a few minor challenges (different ones depending which way you go).

If (as you did I think) you fit full V65 exhaust on V50 engine then the downpipes will hang lower because the V65 exhausts are slightly higher to compensate for the extra head height & you may have to fiddle around to get the silencers fitted on the rear of the frame. Clearance on cornering might be tighter too.

If (as I did !) you stick a V65 engine (you have to keep V50 gearbox& clutch) in the V50 III frame but keep the V50 exhausts then you get the opposite problem & the pipes sit tight under the engine & frame making it tricky to fit properly, harder to drain the gearbox as the cross pipe is in the way, and the gear shift & brake foot lever are always tight to the pipes.


--- Quote from: guzzisteve on December 14, 2024, 08:21:03 AM ---That would work, no need to be a resto purist. How's the thing coming along? Got it to pop yet?

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Yes, but just on carb cleaner fumes. Tomorrow I am starting disassembly again. I have a gasket set on order. My goal is to ride it by spring…


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