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Save your fading plastic parts

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chuck peterson:

--- Quote from: Ncdan on December 07, 2024, 02:02:08 PM ---Wow!! That’s quite impressive!
I wonder how long it will last?

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It will fade so slowly you don’t notice, but about a season


--- Quote from: chuck peterson on December 09, 2024, 07:54:05 AM ---It will fade so slowly you don’t notice, but about a season

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This is a fair statment. I find that maintnence doses keep things looking good indefinitely. Wash and dry then a quick mist of B2B on the plastic and rubber bits (nott eh tars) quickly wipe/buff and done.

I did the heat gun thing on the Lawn Boy tank.  I didn't take before & after pics but before I started the tank had already faded to a chalky white color.   The old HF heat gun got a good work out on that tank. The shroud was a different story, I eventually rattle canned it and picked up re-pop stickers.


--- Quote from: guzziart on December 15, 2024, 10:30:23 AM ---I did the heat gun thing on the Lawn Boy tank.  I didn't take before & after pics but before I started the tank had already faded to a chalky white color.   The old HF heat gun got a good work out on that tank. The shroud was a different story, I eventually rattle canned it and picked up re-pop stickers.

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Good deal, glad it worked for you.


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