Author Topic: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?  (Read 12651 times)

Offline willowstreetguzziguy

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We live in south central Pennsylvania where there are many rural railroad overpasses. This one for motor vehicles was built long ago and is single lane underpass (tunnel) about 100' long. Generally, you take your turn from each side. As I approached in my car with wife and son, I saw two cars ahead of us go into the underpass. A third car, directly in front of us followed suit. On the other side of the underpass was a pickup truck driver who's patience had run out. He drove his truck straight into the underpass, meeting the oncoming car in the middle and would not budge. With horn blaring, he forced the car driver to back up the 50' out of the underpass!!! We sat there in total shock and thought, "We don't wanna mess with that guy!"    
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 10:09:15 PM by willowstreetguzziguy »
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Offline Lannis

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Re: Worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 07:17:36 PM »
That "would not budge" stuff wouldn't work with me.  I'm retired, I have a jacket and bedroll in the car, and I've got all the time in the world.    I guarantee he'd back out of there before I would, if I honestly had the right of way.   

On the other hand, if my conscience wasn't clear about whether I'd "taken his turn" or not, I wouldn't be quite as bold .....

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Offline Steve Scott

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Re: Worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 09:37:20 PM »
Similar sitch, different outcome. (driving a 198? Dodge Aries K)
 WV Rt9 used to cross the Shenandoah with a rickety old girder bridge that had been narrowed to one lane so they wouldn't have to close it completely while they saved up for a new bridge. Since the span was fairly long, they put a traffic light at each end to aid the orderly flow of traffic. Well, after working New Years eve, I got about 1/4 way across when a car ran the red light on the other side. I was miffed at working a holiday anyway, and I sure wasn't backing up for this joker, so I stopped and sat there... He never even slowed down and hit me head-on at about 20 mph. The responding officer told me the guy was so drunk he didn't even know what state he was in.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 09:55:46 PM by Steve Scott »
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Online Gliderjohn

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 08:51:05 AM »
In Wichita, after watching a lit up ambulance trying to get through a kind of weird intersection and traffic not stopping to give it an opening I finally turned my car sideways and blocked the traffic until the ambulance could get through. Got a big wave from the crew.
John Peters
East Mountains, NM

Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 08:51:05 AM »


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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 01:51:50 PM »
Well, I did not witness this personally, I would say this woman drunk driving at 113 mph, rear-ending a motorcyclist and thereby killing him would rate up there as among the worst cases of outrageous driving.   ::(

Online Gliderjohn

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2015, 02:07:04 PM »
Right up there was this drunk "soccer" mom. When I lived in Wichita there was a soccer field a block east of my house. At around 5:30 one afternoon this 30ish year old little blond mom picks up her daughter from soccer practice in a late model full sized conversion van. She turns onto my street and in about 2/3 of a block she accelerates hard enough to loose control striking my neighbors 69 F-150 in the rear hard enough to put that truck onto the top of the cab of my poor little Izuzu PU parked about two lengths ahead of it and pushes both trucks into the rear of my Honda Accord. Both trucks totaled with significant rear damage on my Accord. Her daughter went through the windshield and was taken away on a backboard. Mom was drunk with an open bottle of vodka, a loaded handgun and ended up with some drug charges also.
John Peters
East Mountains, NM

Offline Lannis

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2015, 02:24:49 PM »
Right up there was this drunk "soccer" mom. When I lived in Wichita there was a soccer field a block east of my house. At around 5:30 one afternoon this 30ish year old little blond mom picks up her daughter from soccer practice in a late model full sized conversion van. She turns onto my street and in about 2/3 of a block she accelerates hard enough to loose control striking my neighbors 69 F-150 in the rear hard enough to put that truck onto the top of the cab of my poor little Izuzu PU parked about two lengths ahead of it and pushes both trucks into the rear of my Honda Accord. Both trucks totaled with significant rear damage on my Accord. Her daughter went through the windshield and was taken away on a backboard. Mom was drunk with an open bottle of vodka, a loaded handgun and ended up with some drug charges also.

All that STILL wouldn't keep her from initiating a lawsuit against the van manufacturer because it suddenly "accelerated without warning" and caused the accident .... !

"Hard pounding, this, gentlemen; let's see who pounds the longest".


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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2015, 07:00:31 AM »
Lots of it here.   Undocumented Democrats with no license nor insurance.

Offline Guzzistajohn

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2015, 07:51:50 AM »
I've had traveling jobs for 25 years, I've seen more ignorant crap that I care to recall. I'm just thankful I've been able to stay un involved.
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Offline Lannis

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2015, 08:36:11 AM »
Well, I did not witness this personally, I would say this woman drunk driving at 113 mph, rear-ending a motorcyclist and thereby killing him would rate up there as among the worst cases of outrageous driving.   ::(

Woman in Bedford County, Virginia did the same thing.   Drunk, unlicensed, speeding, wrong side of the road.   Killed two motorcyclists.

Found guilty of second-degree murder, doing 40 years.   Like walking into a crowded room, pulling a gun, closing your eyes, and firing randomly .....  Hope this bit of trailer-trash gets the same ....

"Hard pounding, this, gentlemen; let's see who pounds the longest".

Offline not-fishing

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2015, 11:14:32 AM »
Lately?  A couple of days ago on my commute.

Car made a left hand turn from a right hand lane on a 55 mph 4 lane road nearly taking my front wheel.    ::(

Lucky for me I spend as little time as possible beside cars and I cover my brake in-town. 

Ten feet more and I would have been doing my Superman Imitation -- again.  The flight's not bad it's the landings I really hate

Oh --- and they turned on their signal once they hit the oncoming lanes.
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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2015, 12:20:54 PM »
Well, I did not witness this personally, I would say this woman drunk driving at 113 mph, rear-ending a motorcyclist and thereby killing him would rate up there as among the worst cases of outrageous driving.   ::(

Her lawyer will claim she wasn't drunk when the accident occurred, but she drank heavily after she got home.
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Offline drlapo

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2015, 01:09:41 PM »
I was stopped at the end of a row in the WalMart parking lot waiting for passing traffic.  a women in a large SUV , on my right, started to make a left turn into my row.  she stopped in front of me and began to blow the horn and make rude gestures towards me. that's when I saw the latte in her left hand and  the phone in her right hand.  she could not make the turn and wanted me to get out of her way: I did

Offline Triple Jim

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2015, 01:20:53 PM »
A classmate in high school asked his big brother if he could bring the brother's car around in back of the school and meet him.  The poor guy put the car in D instead of R, hit the gas, and panicked.  The car went under a chain link fence, with the paint getting raked good, into the tennis courts, out the other side, getting raked again, and stopped, tightly wedged between two trees.  The front bumper was against one, and the rear bumper against the other.  It took a tow truck to winch it sideways from between those trees.  No one was injured, at least in public.
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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2015, 02:37:10 PM »
 Two of us were riding South out of Tulsa on a 2 lane highway . We were running at the speed limit , 50 ft apart or so, me in the inside position . A small car came up behind , and instead of passing on my left , the driver simply proceeded to crowd me out of the way and pass on my right . She then began to crowd my buddy , until he moved to to the shoulder . OK , so we stop for a moment , discuss the situation , decide the driver is an idiot , maybe stop in the next town and notify the local constabulary . Unfortunately , the driver decided to be REALLY stupid and pull into a parking lot until we pass and the pull out behind us . Now it is obvious that she is not only an idiot , but is bent on causing us harm . This behavior is completely unprovoked . So now , what to do , no idea where the local po po station is , don't see a cop , and she is attempting to ram us  ??? So, we take off out of the small town at a high rate of speed , confident that the little car can't keep up . 100 MPH for 10 miles or so , no sign of the car , so we pause at the next highway intersection where we needed to turn East . We do park behind a barricade just in case . Sure enough , a minute or so later , the small car comes screaming up and stops about 50 feet away , driver and passenger very agitated , hurling insults and generally acting like lunatics . I opened a saddle bag and reached in , which seemed to scare the driver as she sped away , still gesturing and screaming . The whole incident is still baffling .


Offline normzone

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2015, 03:08:14 PM »
Since I wasn't there that's a funny story, Dusty.

If I'd been there I'd feel differently. Funny how people find some manner in which to take offense. I'm always mystified by the one's I'm pretty certain I didn't do anything to piss off - you almost want to stop and ask them what it was you did, but evasive action is usually safer. You guys probably failed to yield your right of ways when she blinked her air conditioner at you.
That's the combustion chamber of the turbo shaft. It is supposed to be on fire. You just don't usually see it but the case and fairing fell off.


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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2015, 03:22:03 PM »
Norm , one of the mystifying aspects of the incident is that there was plenty of room to pass , straight section of
road , light traffic . The only explanation I've ever come up with was the influence of some truly powerful drug . The whole incident was surreal , like some bad movie .


Offline LowRyter

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2015, 05:41:27 PM »
The strangest one that happened to me was when I coming home from work one afternoon.  I am merging from one interstate to another and there's a slow moving semi in the right land and I have just enough room to signal and pass him and get into the left lane.  There's a fellow in a small Dodge that wants to cut me off but he can't get to me.  So I am in the left lane passing the truck and doing about 5 or 10 over in my Z/28.

Well this guy in the Dodge starts to tailgate, I look in the mirror this guys a site:  he's smoking a cigarette like it's last, face is red and shaking his fist.  And he's dive-bombing me with his tailgating back and forth.  Really scary.  So what the hell, I just wanted to get around the truck, drive efficiently and get home safe so I pull out his way and let him go.  

Now the guy pulls in front of me and brake checks me really hard, and does it 4 or 5 times.  I just slow down and keep my distance.  Then I see him grab his ashtray and throw it out the side window.   I thought is was cigarette butts until they hit my car.   It's white rocks!  So my car gets showered with these rocks, bouncing all over my car and the road.

Then the guy speeds away and I have no inclination to follow him.  I try to remember his tag number but saw no damage to my what the hell- I am glad I made it home.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 05:43:01 PM by LowRyter »
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Offline Waltr

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2015, 06:25:20 PM »
Lots of it here.   Undocumented Democrats with no license nor insurance.

We try to steer clear of political bashing of ANY type on this forum,  you are welcome to take this crap to H-D Forums or Victory Forum where they eat this for breakfast. 
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Offline Lannis

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2015, 06:53:25 PM »
We try to steer clear of political bashing of ANY type on this forum,  you are welcome to take this crap to H-D Forums or Victory Forum where they eat this for breakfast. 

Oh, just ignore it, it'll go away.   The mods know when to pull the trigger ....

"Road Rage" is sort of an inexplicable thing.   I've told this before, but ...

Never will forget one time when I passed an old toot and his wife in a 70's Lincoln Town Car (the one with the 500 CI engine).   I was just riding along in the fast lane on the Centauro at about 65, he was in the slow lane about 60.   When I came by, I saw his old bald head looking at me, and his stubbly jaw wagging and mumbling, and he TOOK OFF down the road, passed me doing about 80.    I just let him go, wasn't sure what he was on about.

A mile along, there's a traffic light.   He was already stopped in the fast lane, I'm in the right lane.   When the light changed, I didn't spin the tire and wheelie or anything, but I DID gently wind it up to about 7000 in each gear till I was doing about 80 and he was WAY behind me, then backed off to 65.    Well, he had his foot to the floor the whole time, and I could see that old boat coming fast in the passing lane, tail down.    I could hear that big 4-barrel sucking air from 100 yards behind me.    He passed me; but about 50 yards ahead, I heard a sound like taking a quarter between your fingers and rapping it hard against a formica counter top, and the car started throwing oil smoke like a destroyer laying a smoke screen.   If he hadn't thrown a rod through the block, I'll eat my helmet.

He started slowing down in a fog of burning oil; and as I came up along and passed him, he was gripping the wheel and staring straight ahead, and his old wife was RIGHT up in his ear, and now HER jaw was going 100 to the minute ....   I was laughing too hard to notice anything else.

Got to let those kind of people go.   They'll kill themselves and take you with them ....

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Offline mrrick

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2015, 09:05:40 PM »
Back in the 80's I drove a little BMW 2002 tii from which the FI had been removed and replaced with a pair of Weber 45's that would dribble raw gas from the tailpipe..The racing shop that put it together added a hot cam (it was supposed to be a "rally" car, no back seats, racing harness belts, 3 pc wheels, f/glas trunk lid, hood, front end, etc., no bumpers and so on).  So it didn't idle worth a damn but woke up immediately as soon as you put your foot in it.  I'm sitting at the stoplight on 59th st overcrossing, revving the motor just to keep it from dying, and a guy in a Ferrari to my right is at the light waiting to turn left across my front, giving me the eyeball. 
His light turns green, he stomps it once, and he and his wife/girlfriend come flying through the intersection in a four-wheel drift in front of everybody.  He runs out of roadway room before he can let up, and the car slams sideways into the raised "sidewalk" area of the overpass, tips up on 2 wheels, and falls back down, the right side demolished.. I crept through the intersection looking in the rearview, and through a cloud of dust I cd see his gal screaming at him. I felt terrible about the car.  Almost felt bad for him...  ~;

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2015, 11:36:01 PM »
  If it was her Ferrari he is in deep doo doo.
Sasquatch Jim        Humanoid, sort of.

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2015, 08:19:53 AM »
Not the most outrageous, but this morning, coming off the interstate to work I must cross three traffic lanes within 100 yards to set up for the left turn at the intersection.  As I was coasting up the offramp at about 65 a Mercedes SUV slides onto my tail like a Messerschmitt.  All three lanes of traffic were clear so I signalled left to cross them and get to the left most of two left-turn-only lanes.  (Crossing five lanes total.)  The SUV dives past inside with a blocking pass to beat me in a pointless 100 yard dash to a red light and I end up right next to them.   ::)

We get the light, both lanes proceed left, I get slowed up by a car turning into a shop and the Mercedes swings in front of me.  Point scored I guess.   ::) ::)

This road is an office park boulevard with a dozen different businesses fed off on spurs.  Our business shares a spur with another gated company.  The SUV turns into our shared spur, as do I, then they turn into our lot and I follow.  They pull up and park in a spot between our company vehicles at the back of the lot while I park and wonder who the heck it could be.  Only our custodian parks back there.  Maybe a guest on our morning show today, who was afraid of running late?  They usually park in the guest spots near the door.

Gathering my things I walk across the lot to our front door, buzz in and watch as the Mercedes then drives out of our lot, across the road and into the other business where they obviously work.

All that time saved driving like a fool wasted cowering in a back lot.


Have a nice day.
Roman, '86 LM IV

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Offline Lannis

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2015, 08:24:19 AM »

All that time saved driving like a fool wasted cowering in a back lot.


Have a nice day.

It worked out for him, though.   

He SPANKED you on the ramp, he BEAT you, he GOT IN FRONT of you, he SHOWED you, he was FASTER than you.

It's what the American road is all about, unfortunately.

"Hard pounding, this, gentlemen; let's see who pounds the longest".

Offline normzone

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2015, 01:08:40 PM »
A REAL horse would have eaten your food after biting you on the butt also. I guess that's only for the advanced drivers.
That's the combustion chamber of the turbo shaft. It is supposed to be on fire. You just don't usually see it but the case and fairing fell off.

Offline screamday

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Re: What's the worst case of outrageous driving you've ever witnessed?
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2015, 01:32:01 PM »
Last October when I was in Illinois I had an 18 wheeler pass me on the right hand shoulder, on a clear highway (I think I was heading west on Route 20 just outside Elgin) going 55 - 60MPH. I have no idea what this clown was doing. I was just cruising along about the same speed when I happened to glance in my rear view mirror to see this behemoth barring down on me and moving right to the shoulder instead of left....which was clear of vehicles. I moved left to give him more room and he went by like that's what he meant to do. Didn't even slow down.   
Tony in SC
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