General Category > General Discussion

Has This ADV Thing gotten out of hand?

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Arizona Wayne:

--- Quote from: not-fishing on January 24, 2015, 11:01:07 AM ---Yeah, I've also been there and done that.

I am constantly reminded by the wife that Asians do not believe in divorce because that would end the suffering.

--- End quote ---

As the women in Japan say, "you butterfly, me cut you up!"  :'(

Having a full USMC spec KLR650 in my garage that can literally go anywhere, it seems as tho' every time I run across a big ol' nasty dirt road or 2 miles of fist sized gravel, I'm sitting on a Triumph TT600 or my v7 racer.

I never plan to be on certain kinds of roads, I usually just head out and start exploring. Maybe, if I actually took the time to choose a bike appropriate route? Nope, I'm not there yet.

Last November in Mexico on the Bajaj we ended up on more dirt, gravel and all-out nonsense than I've been on in years...Emmy was on a Honda CB-1 and I was on the TT, everyone else in our group had the perfect bike for those conditions...Vespa scooters. I know they were perfect by how much faster than us they were going.


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