New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
I have a Norge that has aged pretty well. That is, some of the tabs on the fairing pieces are broken. Is the fairing (side panels) plastic or some kind of ABS? Would it be pretty hard to fabricate new mounting tabs that are Strong? I’m sorta bummed out and might end up parting it out but what a hassle that would be and I’m not too sure how many owners would need any of the mechanical parts anyway. And then there’s shipping the big parts cost. It’s been super reliable over 94,000 miles.Any ideas ?
I bought mine new in ‘08 (it’s an ‘07) and left the lowers on for 3 minutes and 100 metres.I gave them to someone in the ‘States, can’t remember who.Is this the zip tie method you spoke of Paul ?
Hi Huzo...not plastic bits are all original since I bought the bike from Mike at MPH. Some other lucky soul has your Tupperware!