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If that's the case then a big Thank You is in order and I took it too personally. I'll blame it on the post-pneumonia steroids making me irritable and overly sensitive.
Cheerfully stolen from another site with the heading.. They walk among us..
If she were smarter, She would have left it in the car while filling it up.
I’m given to wonder if a hoarder mentality is all that much different than a collector mentality.The acquiring of larger amounts of something than you can currently use, due to the artificial enhancement of it’s perceived value driven solely by it’s rarity.
Now, you know they tell you to put plastic tanks on the ground when filling them to remove the static electricity hazard. She's just doing the right thing..
Probably one of the reasons you can't pump your own gas in Oregon. Most will let motorcyclists pump their own however. kk
There are videos of people pumping gasoline into plastic tubs and even plastic trash bags..... Darwin is having a good laugh.
Filled up the tank this morn and took the mighty GRiSO out for a 135 mile romp. Life is goooood.
"Always found that mildly amusing. I'd ride up to the pump and the attendant would take the nozzle off the pump and hand it to me!"Same in NJ.... -Stretch