Hey Roy, Sorry to hear about that,subject to your Drs approval & depending on the meds you're taking the seramin in pine needle tea is good for keeping blood flowing and helping to clean up debris.
Re the reinstatement of your license, every province is different and it depends a lot on what your Dr reported and recommended,hopefully he's being honest and candid with you.
I've heard a few horror stories and can relate one that I'm very familiar with,in regards to medical reporting and license suspension/reinstatement.
I worked with a guy,he was only in his 30's with a young family,tired from working late shifts,took his family to church on a hot day,probably a bit dehydrated,stood up too quickly at the end of the service and feinted,was out for 10-15 seconds. He saw his Dr just to make sure there was nothing major wrong,and there wasn't,they found nothing wrong with him. But because the cause of his feinting was undetermined and his Dr submitted a report to the Ministry of Transportation,he lost his license and it took almost a full year of jumping through hoops to get it back.
All that to say, investigate with your DR and BC dept of Transportation what report has been submitted & what the regulations are on reinstatement.
Pushing for/applying for, reinstatement as early as possible,starts the process which can possibly be lengthy;just because you get your license back,doesn't mean you have to ride/drive before/if/when you choose to.
Pay attention to your body and do what's right for you,when it's right for you.
Sending healing thoughts your way.