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How about Mr. Tuffy??
/////////////////////////////The only fact I know is that I get about 1 flat tire about every 200,000 miles. Maybe I'm just a statistical anomaly, who knows? Personally, I don't bet that way.Lannis
Seems to be almost a religious fervor against the stuff. Me, I use it where it seems to make sense for insurance, and don't use it where it's more trouble than it's worth.
:D :D :D :D :D Yes , no , maybe ;D Dusty
Carrying a bottle of tube-type Slime and a small air compressor is another option. I'm doing that, and if I ever put the Slime to use I'll report back. I took a cheap 12v compressor out of its fancy plastic case, and it takes up very little room now:
I have used Slime or similar products for years, primarily on tube-type tires. I've never had a problem and it has saved me several problems with acquired nails, shards etc.Most punctures I've experienced occur in the rear tire, presumably from items flipped up by the front tire.My typical practice is to replace the tube with its sealer contents on every other tire change for regularly-used tires.
Yep, if 50 some years of riding, I've only had a front flat once, a giant thorn when I was riding in the woods. ;D