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Possibly Experiencing Startus Interruptus (SI) - 2007 Norge (2V)

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This happens to be a good news/bad news story as it is my understanding it was only a matter of time before it happened to me.  BAD:  After stopping by my friendly neighborhood motorcycle shop to pay for work on the ZRX, hoped back on the Norge only to find she won't start.  Gauges sweep as usual, but no noise from under the tank (no clicking).  Hhhmm Do everything that has/was suggested in the reading, lift side stand, pull in clutch, change gear place back in neutral and still same result.  Startus Interruptus!  GOOD:  My friendly neighborhood m/c shop (Mike-Cycle Service, Marysville, CA) back in the day used to work on M/G.  I swear this guy wears a cape.   

So in the mortal words of wisdom "please check me, before I wreak me."  I have tried to do my research on this subject and have found two posts by Kev m, dated 20 Feb 11 and 12 Nov 15 and another post from dubtac dated 28 Feb 16 (thank you by the way).  Are these the definitive post on SI and is there a wiring diagram out there that can assist?  Lastly, is anyone have access or know where to purchase the MPH plug and play kit?  I thank you for your time and patience...


Thanks GuzziSteve and Nick.  I sent a message to MPH.  That's one issue, anyone have the wiring diagram?   

Wayne Orwig:

--- Quote from: DCWCALI on July 13, 2017, 09:49:56 AM ---So in the mortal words of wisdom "please check me, before I wreak me."  I have tried to do my research on this subject and have found two posts by Kev m, dated 20 Feb 11 and 12 Nov 15 and another post from dubtac dated 28 Feb 16 (thank you by the way).  Are these the definitive post on SI and is there a wiring diagram out there that can assist?  Lastly, is anyone have access or know where to purchase the MPH plug and play kit?  I thank you for your time and patience...

--- End quote ---

If you are NOT getting the FAINT relay click under the seat, it is NOT startus interuptus. Startus Interuptus is when the relay under the seat makes a faint click, but does not get enough current to the solenoid to make the LOUD clunk and the starter.

If that small relay is not clicking, you likely have a problem with a safety interlock, kill switch, etc.

If the small relay is making the faint click, but no loud clunk at the starter, then the starter wire has come off, or the starter solenoid is sticking, or it is startus interuptus and you need to improve the wiring.

Kev m:
But it's easy to miss that faint click.

You gotta pull the seat off, and listen/feel for it.


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