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General Discussion / Re: Feint Oil light when switched off
« Last post by Kiwi_Roy on Today at 05:59:15 PM »
It might be tracking across the sensor insulator,
Disconnect the wire from the sensor, give the insulator a good wipe and perhaps spray with something.

If its an LED type lamp it only takes a couple of milliamps.
General Discussion / Re: new to the forum
« Last post by Kiwi_Roy on Today at 05:52:41 PM »
Welcome to the forum

You came to the right place!
General Discussion / Re: 37th Americas Cup
« Last post by Kiwi_Roy on Today at 05:32:27 PM »
For you sailing fans. watch on youtube

As a Kiwi, of course i am biased
Sailing at more than twice the speed of the wind. 70 - 80 Km/h
Knots x 1.852 = km/h
miles per hour = knots × 1.150779

the cyclists generating all the power to run these boats are superb athletes.
745 Watts in a Horsepower, a couple of the pedlars peak well over 1000 Watts

I wish they would explain the mechanics of these boats, are they generating electric power to run pumps or just pressurizing the Hydraulics

The British boat qualifies to challenge the Kiwis

Watch the racing live on Youtube
Race day starts at 5AM Pacific
The Kiwis are up by 4 races to 0 but the british skipper has overcome that before
The next race will be Wednesday morning at 5AM
Go to youtube and type "Americas cup Race 5 Live" into the search box.
You gan look at past races "Americas cup race 3 Replay" (Race 3 was a good one)

I wonder what changes the British team made on the day off?
General Discussion / Re: Going backwards in time - 03 Cali
« Last post by michaell32 on Today at 05:29:19 PM »
There is another issue with the Hydro engine.  The rocker arms wear flat spots at the contact point with the valve stem.  The valves do still need to be adjusted and can be done after the recall kit is installed.  I have taken three hydro engines apart.  All had worn rockers arms.  I filed a new radius on all of them, re-installed. 

Other than this problems, the Bike is the same as all the other Tonti frame California series.  Parts Bin Bikes built around the Tonti Race Bike frame.  I abuse my bike engine every time I ride it.  I have added a few things that assist in the abuse.  13-1 high compression pistons, Ram light clutch, Power Commander, open pods, 2-1 exhaust. 

The engine likes to be ran at above 3,800 rpm's.  Not chugging along. 

Thats good to know.  My 2003 is coming up on 50k miles.  Ill pull the rocker arms this winter and inspect them.
General Discussion / Greg Bender wiring harness
« Last post by Gliderjohn on Today at 05:28:23 PM »
Just have finished up having Greg put together a new wiring set up for the T-3. WOW! Wish more vendors/businesses were as enjoyable to deal with I he as been. Waiting on new handlebar switches from MG and bulbs from Superbright and then will be ready for installation. Next riding season should be much brighter.
General Discussion / Re: new to the forum
« Last post by guzzisteve on Today at 05:16:18 PM »
Nice Guzzi for comfort, same as a Breva or V7C for drivetrain. Get a Service manual & learn all about it. There are a few on here that have them.
Search is your friend here, have fun. Clean out tank & fuel system, change fuel filter to all metal one.
Four days away for the meet n greet lunch.  Hope several of you can make it.  See you Saturday at Chevelles 66 in Murphy NC!  Woo hoo
General Discussion / Feint Oil light when switched off
« Last post by shepped on Today at 05:10:06 PM »
Hi All

Already need some help with my 2006 Nevada 750 ie
I have a feint oil light on when the ignition is switched off
I have checked the oil pressure switch and tried to see if i can find a bad earth but to no avail.
i have searched the site and it seems a few have reported the same issue but with no conclusion
I guess it may be the ignition switch or indeed the printed circuit inside the clocks.
Bike works fine as in it starts the battery light and oil light go out as they should .I did have to recharge the battery so i am now going to check if there is a charge from the alternator or if i have a parasitic drain (and could possibly be a sign of the ignition switch but not sure how to test that).
Any help would be much appreciated as i have just spent the last 2 hours messing about. Just to add this is a relative new issue as a couple of days ago it did not have this problem..thank you in advance
General Discussion / Re: CX100 decal
« Last post by Guzzistajohn on Today at 05:01:02 PM »
Thank you Oh Great One. No need us Both spending stupid money for our sickness, ER hobby.  I will wait until you get settled so that we can help you in any way possible to recoup your expenses. Thank you so very much.

You're welcome, I don't think Brett will "stick it to us" that bad (I hope)
General Discussion / Re: WTB 1997 (or 98?) DAYTONA RS
« Last post by Groover on Today at 04:46:05 PM »
I put a feeler out, someone I just met while looking for something else disclosed that has a Daytona, unsure if it is an RS or not. I have not seen it. I reached out for more information and if he does have one for sale i will put you in touch. Are you looking just for the RS model? I believe the bike would be in Chicago.
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