With help from visitors like you, this goal can be achieved. A lot of time goes into Research and Development of this site. Other resources are needed for software purchases, technical support, anti-spamware/adware and anti virus updates and much much more. Your computer will not get any "junk" on it from this site. I guarantee it. Any extra donations will go into the fund that takes care of the things listed below. Application development. Professional American-Based 3rd party support, and consultation. Domain Administration and Services, so that this domain will be around for a very long time to come. Maintenance and security upgrades. Software purchases to improve functionality and ease of use. Firewall protection services. Software upgrades to better serve both you and I. Improved technical support memberships for when there are issues beyond my control. Crash recoveries made seamless due to improved backup resources. Administrative Labor With your continued support, this website can be a "State of the art" facility. See for more information.

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