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Save your fading plastic parts

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Wayne Orwig:
Turtle Wax 53838 Hybrid Solutions Graphene Acrylic Trim Restorer

This stuff works well and lasts a very long time. But it turns everything black that it gets on.
I have a friend's car that has some faded plastic, that is originally a dark grey color. So, I don't what to use the black restorer that I normally use. I will be trying the heat gun trick.

Antietam Classic Cycle:

--- Quote from: Ncdan on December 07, 2024, 08:58:50 AM ---Did it come out ok, Charlie?

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Yes, looked great for as long as I had the bike.


--- Quote from: Ncdan on December 07, 2024, 09:25:27 AM ---I will definitely get some Mothers, great tip 👍

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Here are a couple before and after's showing the magic og Mothers B2B. I like the aersol version. Easy to apply and overspray does not effect surrounding paint, windscreens, dgauge faces etc. Spray on, let dry for a few minutes thenwife/buff lightly with a clean micro fiver towel.

I like the heat gun idea, will keep that in mind. All the other ‘plastic rejuvenator’ products seem superficial and don’t really fix the issue of the plastic drying, right? Merely covering it up? I personally enjoy the cheap thrill and fleeting sense of accomplishment anytime I spray the bikes down with WD40, gun lube, etc. Boy that plastic looks gorgeous…until it doesn’t.


--- Quote from: Dirk_S on December 07, 2024, 11:20:21 AM ---I like the heat gun idea, will keep that in mind. All the other ‘plastic rejuvenator’ products seem superficial and don’t really fix the issue of the plastic drying, right? Merely covering it up? I personally enjoy the cheap thrill and fleeting sense of accomplishment anytime I spray the bikes down with WD40, gun lube, etc. Boy that plastic looks gorgeous…until it doesn’t.

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Agreed that the plastic dressings are topical and do not change the underlying plastics properties, but they do make things look a ton better. What I use lasts for a long time and survives multiple washes and is if you do periodic maintenance doses the plastic stays looking good. There is no free lunch. Even the heat method if you do nothing else after heating it will start fade and get chaulky again. If the plastic is outside and subject to the UV rays from the sun the fading comes faster.


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