New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
Those heads don't have dual plugs,dual ignition is a must for a manned aircraft.
Not for homebuilts. You can use any engine you want, Model A Fords, Henderson 4s, Volkswagons, et al. Bare
Remember those Triumph MC engine powered Gyrocopters ? Cut my teeth on Triumphs , do NOT want to fly in a rig with a Limey motor CheesyDusty
Rolls-Royce Merlin?
The Ultralight has the heads mounted the opposite way round to the engine shown earlier in the thread. I assume the heads are symmetrical (not identical though) thereby allowing this kind of flexibility.
From distant memory I think the hunters or a variation of them had a push pull setup with the Guzzi motors ie one at the front one at the rear so by rights there should also be a proper cam for them readily available.
Its not about whats legal but whats senseable. There is a good reason why commercial aircraft have dual ignition and fuel systems.Only a fool would chance a single system.Ciao
I was foolish with a VW conversion in Mouser (the yellow and green low wing in this thread) for several years. Flew all over the Midwest single ignition, but it was a magneto that could be inspected and maintained rigorously. <shrug> Since then, I've added a secondary ignition using a Dyna S and 10mm plugs. I'd say flying single ignition is considerably less foolish than riding a motorcycle if you get right down to it.. ;D
;DDid the gentlemen send you any pictures Chuck?
:+1 C'mon Chuck , be a hero .Dusty
Just out of interest chuck, why go to the dual ignition if safety is not a concern?Ciao
Well all I can say chuck after 38 years as a certifying engineer in the aviation industry is "better you than me".Just out of interest chuck, why go to the dual ignition if safety is not a concern?Ciao
I suppose there may be more places in Indiana to put down in an emergency than here in upstate NY?
:+1 :+1DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!It would be really cool if someone could get 3D laser scans of the heads and then go to a 3D print shop to get casting molds made.They'd make some nice hot-rod heads for smallblocks!
I don't think that you know how much that I don't know.. ;D The combustion chambers and external shape would be a no brainer, but is it even feasible to digitize all the internal stuff?
I believe there are a few services out there to X-Ray scan parts to CAD drawings... bet they are expensive though! You may want to take donations to get that kind of work done. The other method is to cut the casting in half in order to laser scan it, but that is sacrilege eh? :o
Uh...yeah. That is some seriously expensive technology. :o Remember the problems Iceblue had just getting something as simple as valves made? ;D What we need is someone with an inside to the Guzzi factory to talk them into making up some heads. They Shirley ;) haven't thrown away the tooling..
With the military changing over to diesel power (so that everything can run off a single fuel, Jet-A civilian fuel, or JP-5 (I think) military fuel), the Guzzi powered ones will be, if they haven't already been, converted to diesel or retired. Once that happens, there is no need for spares, and Guzzi will likely "retire" the tooling. Maybe we should get them to do one last run of heads for us before they do that. ::) :BEER:
With the military changing over to diesel power (so that everything can run off a single fuel, Jet-A civilian fuel, or JP-5 (I think) military fuel), the Guzzi powered ones will be, if they haven't already been, converted to diesel or retired.
There has to be some kind of "cheap" and creative way we could measure and recreate the heads without the expensive x-ray scan... I'll do a little bit of research as I can.
Ok, once you get the digital data, who you gonna get to make the heads? Cheap, of course.. ;D I used to do engineering modelmaking for GM back in another lifetime, and making 100 relatively complex parts from scratch is/was hellaciously expensive. I realize that things have changed since the 90s, but I'll bet it is still out of reach for us Guzzi Guys.Believe me, Joe.. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, and I hope I'm wrong.