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guido guzzi:

--- Quote from: guzzista on October 19, 2022, 10:09:39 PM ---The headstock would be for a US model as there are no numbers  between the "star" markings.
As far as the Chromoly being rare, Beretta ( the Boiler makers, not the gun ones) ran out of CrMo at some point so (thicker wall ) mild steel was used. As actual dates and numbers were not kept in terms of frame steel type, it is hard to say. This  frame, however  rings  differently ( higher pitch) than the T3 one I had in bare form so the possibility is pretty good. Cannot do a weight comparison at this point, but I will soon .

 Wow, congrats on the frame score! Agreed that there is no clear line between production dates for CrMo/ Mild steel.  I would be verrrry careful to preserve those stamped marks on the headstock during the stripping and re-coating.  :thumb:
--- End quote ---

personally i would retain the short stroke engine, just keep/make it stock.
the V7sport engine has a unique character.
going oversize pistons does not gain much, you will find the original carbs are too small ( they limit the v7sport engine in standard trim a 32 mm PHF is a nice improvement  )
bigger carbs will need serious head work.
the stock V7sport engine is hard too improve without completely changing everything , at which point it stops being a V7sport engine. 

make sure to check  the front downtubes for cracks around the bottom engine mount.
they tend to break there.


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