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So Greg Bender’s super awesome and helpful website has the handlebar switch wiring for a Cal II. My somewhat helpful Clymer manual has a somewhat legible wiring diagram for a Euro spec T3.My bike is a 77’ T3 civilian as far as I can tell. Are these going to have the same wiring as either bikes?
You think I can re-use a metal core timing cover gasket?
What do you guys/gals think of my splines. I haven’t cleaned them up or anything. Bike has an alleged 45k miles.Thanks for any input
While she purred like a kitten and fired up before the starter made a single rotation, unfortunately she was leaking like the Econ Valdez out of the bell housing . Frame crabbed trans out...Any recommendations on things to take a look at while the trans is out? Selector spring? I’m just going to replace any seal I can find. Isn’t there o-rings for the push rod that are leak prone?
Replace the two crush washers on each side of the large bajo bolt at the base of the engine block and use some thread sealant on the bolt threads, my Eldorado leaked out of that bolts for two years/ You could check the rear crank shaft main seal but you will need to pull the clutch and flywheel and then you as may as well replace the clutch discs......
Although mine is a smallblock, oil leaks are the same.The burning question is, which oil, motor or gearbox?Engine oil usually discoloured. Gearbox oil has an acrid smell. May be black from clutch dust though. You don't want to replace all the gearbox seals only to find it was the main seal in the engine.
Would you suspect it would need a clutch at 45k?
One more thing. Do I need the clutch centering tool, main bearing puller or the main seal installation tool?
I think I’ll do the trans input seal. Even if it shows no signs of leaking. That way the only special tool I’ll need is the special socket. Thanks