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With all the stuff out there on the 8v Griso, has anyone done work on the 2v?
If you look in windows devicemanager, at the com port, look what driver it has loaded, is that a ftdi driver?
2012 Stelvio NTXfree-flow air filter with open coveraftermarket exhaustI currently have the stock map and a terrible problem with fueling at 2000-3000 rpm and another lesser glitch between 4000-5000.I take my bike in the woods, offroad a lot. I'm often in tractor-pulling situations where my rpm may be in the lower section of the tach trying to pull myself out of a hole.Any advice or map suggestions will be greatly, greatly and humbly appreciated.
Since all carc bikes have the iaw 5am you need the 5x reader/writer.
Need torque? Put the stock airfilter back in and return airbox to closed/normal. The 8V doesn't need an open airbox. Besides, you want low down torque, not top end power.What exhaust? I may have a solution for you, but it won't work with an open airbox.
David? Do you have the Guzzidiag and reader/writer software and cables? Mark is flying off to Japan today or tomorrow and while he plans to be in contact he will obviously be busy. I have all the current map iterations I believe, if you want to try the Stelvio map? Give me a hoy and I'll flick it off to you.Pete
Hi, Paul.This is a US bike (although I am in Canada), and I am pretty certain it is a 15M. As you have noted, thre is no direct match for my bike in GD, so I had to try to find the closet bike listed. I initially tried the 2002 Le Mans, then V11 Naked, then V11 Sport, and I believe all came up with a 15M indication. You mentioned earlier that there are timing issues with the 15M. The computer (Atom 330) that I have in the garage is quite slow; could this be contributing to the issue? The GD applications seem to be running quickly enough, but not sure about what is happening in the background. Most things seem to take twice as long as on other machines. I'll try again tonight when I get home, and might try another computer. Thanks again for your help.Thanks,Shaun
Well I use an asus netbook without any problem, sae atom I think. Timing what I meant, is more that the 15m ande 15RC are different in that part. So therefore it does matter in guzzidiag which one you choose. Also open up the thing with the led, look what is written on the chips, if you have a 232rl in it. sometimes you don't get an 232rl but a cheaper less capable ftdi chip. Or the adapter cable is wrong made, we ghad that before. there are connection pictures earlier in this thread I think