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Back road rambling near home (Eldorado video)

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Short and sweet. Nothing exciting. Just rolling along on the Eldo.


Mike Craven:
Down south here I turned the air conditioning colder to really get into it.  Lol.  Yeah, and one forgets how dense and lush the growth is in some areas.  Missin' my summer trips through CA!

Just came back from a ride through the area. Lower Huron then north of Erie and Ontario. Always amazed to see that much water and none of it is salty. It really is a pleasure riding north of the states. Plus that week it was the only place where the rain wasn't.

paul in rochester:
Looks like fun; thanks for posting!

In my backroad adventures (mostly paved around here, the dirt roads are ruled by large farm equipment), the only thing that scares me is Bambi. They're so bloody unpredictable.



Dharma Bum:
Really enjoyed that, thanks Nick.


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