New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
None. Sadly, the current superbike series probably is at just about the same talent-level as the WERA series from twenty years back.
I missed the Singles Main... Shayna do ok?
I'm thinking of a step up. You gotta start somewhere to get on the world level.
$ < $$$
guys, you might put a wet towel on your heads and putout the flames. I was thinking, speculating, wondering aloud, that Mees might be the best American racer and it would be cool to see him have a chance on pavement for a bigtime opportunity. But I should've known that any pontification here regarding motorcycle racing might cause folks to grab the xanax to get over a severe case of the vapors. I do declare dawlin'......
Heck , I might be offered the lead in the next Cohen Brothers movie also . Dusty
Perhaps you are projecting 'vapors' and 'flames' over what is just quiet disappointment at some muddy footprints tracked over what was a nice, clean FLAT TRACK thread, hmm?
Buffalo Chip TT on tonight on NBC Sports channel. Moto America now on Bein.
The TT race was entertaining I guess but I kept thinking a big twin would be too hard to ride on that track and why is that called flat track?
that's why it ain't easy.
Starting to get pumped about the ride to Sagamon County, Ill.
I wonder if I can get Fans Choice in Amsterdam?