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Engine not firing

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I own a Moto Guzzi v9 roamed which has done 8000 km, yesterday I left home and after traveling 2 km the engine suddenly died! I towed it back home, starter motor works fine. Checked spark on plugs it’s fine, checked fuel injection the spray is fine, emptied the fuel tank petrol has no water or any other impurities, no blown fuses!
What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance 🙏

John A:
Off the top of my head, it has been the cam position sensor when it has happened to me. No warning, suddenly no spark but it could be an open in the wiring as well.

Have you checked the fuses?
My B1100 quit on me and I eventually traced it to a faulty speed sensor that took out one of the 2 (yes two) supplies to the ECU
My copy of the V9 wiring diagram shows two feeds like the Breva

Go into dash and see if Diagnostics says anything, designed to show errors.

Making some very broad assumptions, that your quality of spark is good, there are only 2 things that can kill the motor.
1. Timing is bad
2. Compression is bad.

Has the motor ever been hard to start before? Particularly, has it been harder to start hot than cold? If yes, check your valve clearance. (check it in any case)

A timing sensor can't change timing, it can only fail to report which results in no spark so that seems unlikely.

How many miles had you run previously on this particular tank of fuel? What is the condition of the spark plugs?


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