Author Topic: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !  (Read 1391092 times)

Offline F-22

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2610 on: April 10, 2018, 02:17:48 PM »
I am a 20 year old mechanical engineering student from Slovenia. I've owned a lot of bikes, including a few Guzzis. It was my passion for a really long time now, and I do know a lot about motorcycles despite my age (or perhaps that is my advantage?). My father is also very interested in motorcycles for most of his life, and that is how I got into this...

My first was a 77' gray V35, a brilliant bike although with many faults. Here's a photo, next to my 73' CB360 and a 77' Morini 350.

Bought it at a scrap yard for really cheap three years ago, it had around 48000km, I fixed (basically just did the maintenance and inspected everything) it up and rode it until last year. At the same scrap yard at the same time, I also bought this V35II with 98000km for spares:

It actually fired right up and ran well, but had some ridiculous whining noise from the gearbox, probably bad bearings. I also did not need and spares so I just sold it after starting it up.
Next year I found this beautiful 78' V35 in Italy (on a swap-meet) with only 3000km on the clock. After inspecting it a bit, I am certain it really did have so little kilometers, everything was original.

Other bikes on this photo are not mine. Either way, around that time I was also considering selling the V35 I was riding, and I just sold both - 350cc is just not enough for the highway and for easy overtaking. I also had a V35 Imola (unfortunately, I do not have any better photo than this one, next to my CB450):

But it was not much different from the other 350's.
I also bought two V50III's and sorted them out last winter. These are great bikes, a lot better ignition and lots of power compared to the older models:

They turned out really nice. But at that point, I already had some larger bikes to ride so I sold them too.

Just this weekend I was at a motorcycle swap meet in Reggio nell Emilia. I was looking for another project, and found a V7 Special deal that I couldn't pass by. Just sorted out the import documents today, and I am now a proud owner of a 71' Guzzi.

The double-sided double leading shoe front brake is just awesome, looks like they took it off of a 60's GP bike to me. It runs great, but unfortunately the front rim is a low-quality copy of the original. I have not found the Borrani sign on it (it is on the rear), and there are lots of little cracks around the spoke holes. So I am afraid it it not really safe to ride currently. I also hope converting it to left side shifting is not too hard or expensive.

I've also had this 3-speed Guzzi beast for some time when I was a kid. Actually quite nice as far as small 50cc Italian mopeds go.

And here is my current project. It was actually owned by my father, he bought it a few years before I bought my first V35 but now he gave it to me.

First series T5. It was dissassembled into parts some 4 years ago and left like that. Engine ran well, but it had a clutch problem. I want to build it up into a T3-ish touring bike. The T5 engine is very nice, I believe it already has most of the important upgrades and can be very reliable. I've read the T5 handling is not that good due to the 16" wheels, but I think I will let myself be surprised (I do like how large the 16" tires seem), and I think the brakes must be a lot more effective if the wheel diameter is smaller. If I will replace the piston rings, I might even round off the cylinder and head edges on a grinder to make it look a bit more like the older engine, and use the old head covers if possible.

Here are some of my other bikes and restoration projects:



71' CB450

75' R90S

And I've worked on lots and lots of other bikes (with my father), from pre war to modern ones. He was always a BMW guy, but after working on a few, and then going to a Guzzi, I really feel like BMW was just milking money out of an outdated design, while Guzzi really wanted to improve it (and they did). I swear even the V7 Special feels more solid and agile to ride than my 90' R100RT.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 02:18:54 PM by F-22 »

Offline ajpjive

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2611 on: April 10, 2018, 03:39:14 PM »
Hello all!

Longtime lurker, finally registered. Been riding for 11 years now, and I'm loving every minute of it. A Guzzi Breva 750 was my third bike, and I absolutely adored it. Since then I've moved to a Kawasaki Versys 650 and a BMW R1150GS. Both are superb bikes (and better fitting for my tall frame), but I do sure miss the Guzzi!

I've been considering getting another Guzzi, as I've always been in love with the look of the 1100 Sport (still have some brochures I saved from the mid-90's). Looking forward to asking lots of questions about the 1100's and potentially rejoining the world of Guzzi!

2002 BMW 1150GS
1995 Guzzi 1100 Sport
2009 Kawasaki Versys 650
2001 Buell Blast

Offline Tom

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2612 on: April 10, 2018, 03:53:53 PM »
Welcome on board guys.   :thumb:
From the Deep Deep South out in left field.  There are no stupid questions.  There are however stupid people asking questions.  🤣, this includes me.  😉

Offline CanadianVikingYYC

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2613 on: April 14, 2018, 11:36:38 AM »
Hello all.

After years of owning Honda’s, Harley’s and BMW’s, I took a couple years off from riding (just too busy).  Decided to get back into it this year and just picked up a 2014 California 1400 Custom.  Really liked the Eldorado, but the deal on the Custom was just too good to pass up.  Still too much snow here now but looking forward to getting out on it in a few weeks.

As for the formal intro; Thomas Hansen, 49, director of facility management, Calgary Alberta Canada

Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2613 on: April 14, 2018, 11:36:38 AM »

Offline k98shooter

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2614 on: April 15, 2018, 01:07:10 PM »
Zaza Mchedlishvili in beautiful pine barrens of south Jersey (USA)

52 soon, surgical neurophysiologist (I test electrical circuits in human body in spine and brain surgeries).

Former owner of 07 Breva 1100, hoping to become a Guzzi rider soon again!

« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 01:10:08 PM by k98shooter »

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2615 on: April 18, 2018, 09:04:28 AM »
Welcome to the new members.  F-22, a very impressive array of bikes you've had at such a young age.  We seldom see the smaller European bikes here because they just don't sell and I think there are many of us here on the forum that are jealous of you for having them available. 
'75 Ducati 860 GT  On the road
'76 Guzzi T3   Future project
'78 Guzzi G5  Current project
'81 Guzzi G5  Organ donor
'92 BMW K75RT  On the road
'16 Triumph Thruxton R  "Holy Moly"  Gone but not forgotten, sigh.

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken".......Oscar Wilde

Offline Lannis

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2616 on: April 18, 2018, 10:49:12 AM »
Zaza Mchedlishvili in beautiful pine barrens of south Jersey (USA)

52 soon, surgical neurophysiologist (I test electrical circuits in human body in spine and brain surgeries).

Former owner of 07 Breva 1100, hoping to become a Guzzi rider soon again!

Having an uncommon name myself, I try to take some pains to make sure I know how to pronounce other people's names; I've seen too often the obvious attempts that people make to stutter over or mispronounce a name, in order to establish "You're different and I resent that; why isn't your name Jones or Brown or Jamerson or Miller?"   

Nriprendara Nath Chakravorty I spent some time getting - Rani Chandrashekar wasn't too hard - Nicolas Papanicolopoulous is rather poetic once you practice, and even though everyone else calls my surgeon "Dr. G.", I call him Dr. Guglielmetti.

Any phonetic hints on yours?   We'll end up at the same rally, see if we don't, and I want to be ready .... !

"Hard pounding, this, gentlemen; let's see who pounds the longest".

Offline Bill Dee

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2617 on: April 22, 2018, 04:45:11 PM »
Bill Dee Nampa, Idaho USA 60 UPS Tractor Trailer Driver. I have been riding motorcycles since I was 10 years old and been a continuous owner since I was 14 years old.  I have owned over 40 different motorcycles.  Wish I still had them all. 

Current Rides (By Size)
2006 Triumph Rocket III 2300cc
2008 Moto Guzzi Breva 1200cc Sport
1998 Triumph 900cc Thunderbird Sport
1984 Kawasaki LTD 550cc Shaft
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 04:51:29 PM by Bill Dee »
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Offline PhilB

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2618 on: April 23, 2018, 11:32:40 PM »
I do not currently own a Guzzi, but I like them and have ridden a few, and one is a shortlist contender for my next bike.

My last bike was a 1993 Ducati M900 Monster, which I bought new (at Sonny Angel's in San Diego -- he also sold Guzzis for many years).  I rode that Duc for 24 years and 265K miles, until we got taken out by a hit-and-run minivan last October.  I'm about fit to ride seriously again, and am looking to my next bike.  Something I would be wanting to turn over 250K on in about the year 2040.

I want to aim a bit more to sport-touring than the M900 was.  I could ride it 500-600 miles a day pretty easily, and rode it to 35 states plus parts of Canada and Mexico, but it wasn't really best suited for that.

My top contenders, of what I've tested so far, are: Ducati 939 SuperSport (the easy safe choice), Moto Guzzi Griso (grabs me every time I ride one, also the cheapest on my list), KTM 1290 SuperDuke (the gonzo choice), or Motus MST (the topshelf choice, but a bit of a risk).


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2619 on: April 30, 2018, 09:59:23 PM »
Hi There
age 59
Microwave / Satellite link technician
750 Breva, Griso 8v, 998 Le Mans owner, riding since 1982. First Guzzi 1983 LeMans, white close ratio box. :grin:
Perth, Australia

Offline Brineyjim

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2620 on: May 01, 2018, 08:15:37 AM »
Jim Morgan
Retired from several jobs.
'07 California Vintage (Thunder chicken XIV)
Settled down to a life in the country with long time compadre, dogs, various barnyard fowl, and volunteer work to pay for surviving my early years.

Offline Lannis

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2621 on: May 01, 2018, 08:32:02 AM »
Jim Morgan
Retired from several jobs.
'07 California Vintage (Thunder chicken XIV)
Settled down to a life in the country with long time compadre, dogs, various barnyard fowl, and volunteer work to pay for surviving my early years.

And from the screen name we'd assume that at least one of these was a maritime job?


"Hard pounding, this, gentlemen; let's see who pounds the longest".

Offline Sheepdog

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2622 on: May 01, 2018, 02:16:17 PM »
Welcome, Briney. Pull up a chair and have a look around. We’re a diverse group with experts in myriad fields...including Moto Guzzis. Andiamo, amico mio!
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Offline Mayakovski

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2623 on: May 02, 2018, 05:33:23 PM »
Just brought home my first Moto Guzzi, and first motorcycle in 22 years.

2017 Anniversario

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there you are.
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Offline PandionExpress

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2624 on: May 02, 2018, 08:05:52 PM »
Andrew, 32, environmental consultant in Baltimore area.

Been eyeing up Guzzis for a couple years now.  Randomly spotted an ad for one in the area I am a brand new Guzzi owner. 

1999 V11 Bassa.   Can't wait to ride it all over the place (when not toting the baby around).  And look forward to help from the forum work out the idiosyncracies as they show up.   

1999 California Bassa - Pearl White

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2625 on: May 02, 2018, 10:55:45 PM »
Andrew, 32, environmental consultant in Baltimore area.

1999 V11 Bassa.   Can't wait to ride it all over the place (when not toting the baby around).  And look forward to help from the forum work out the idiosyncracies as they show up.

Now that the weather is getting better, you are a pleasant ride away from the MD monthly breakfast meetings - generally the 3rd Sunday morning of the month and generally in the west Frederick area.  Watch the general discussion page for the regular reminder about a week before.  A good, low-key fairly small group that has a wealth of knowledge available for mining when necessary.
90 Mille GT (sold), 73 Eldorado, 75 Norton Commando, 46 Whizzer, 13 Harley Road Glide

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2626 on: May 07, 2018, 01:08:03 AM »

My name is Gabor Ivan, age 47. I am an electrical engineer, living in Hungary and am - since 2016 - a proud and happy owner of a 2001 Cali Stone.

Offline Lexiyntax

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2627 on: May 07, 2018, 09:19:00 PM »
Daniel, 40, Information Technology specializing in Linux and Big Data solutions in Central Pennsylvania, USA; bought a V9 Roamer last year from Europa Machina just before they closed up the Guzzi side of their shop. Had them put on a center stand to make it easier to work on it myself, which turned out to be a good decision since my closest dealer is now hours away.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 09:20:07 PM by Lexiyntax »
2017 Guzzi V9, 2008 Rebel 250, 2014 Street Triple, 2012 Voyager 1700, 2014 FLD Switchback, 2017 Concours 14

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2628 on: May 09, 2018, 06:42:57 AM »
I'm new to group. Brent Bartley from Miamisburg Ohio. I have always been a fan of Moto Guzzi. Owned several over the years. I have recently started collecting small displacement Italian motorcycles. Currently working on a 1958 Moto Guzzi Cardellino

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2629 on: May 09, 2018, 01:58:32 PM »
Now that the weather is getting better, you are a pleasant ride away from the MD monthly breakfast meetings - generally the 3rd Sunday morning of the month and generally in the west Frederick area.  Watch the general discussion page for the regular reminder about a week before.  A good, low-key fairly small group that has a wealth of knowledge available for mining when necessary.

Thats great.  I will keep my eye out.  I will definitely plan on attending, whenever i can manage.

1999 California Bassa - Pearl White

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2630 on: May 09, 2018, 09:38:17 PM »
RON DETULLIO taos new mexico.68 yrs. still wrenching on vintage VWs and my friends bikes. Currently riding a 98 ducati SS and a 58 beemer conversion rig.Putting together from boxes an 83 lemans café bike. this will be my second guzzi café project.
83 Lemans café project
98 ducati 900ss final edition
58 bmw sidecar rig

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2631 on: May 10, 2018, 05:38:41 PM »
RON DETULLIO taos new mexico.68 yrs. still wrenching on vintage VWs and my friends bikes. Currently riding a 98 ducati SS and a 58 beemer conversion rig.Putting together from boxes an 83 lemans café bike. this will be my second guzzi café project.

Doesn't happen without  :gotpics: :gotpics: :gotpics: :thumb:

Welcome aboard Ron. There is a thread running which has a cafe racer theme.
Muzz. Cristchurch, New Zealand
03 Breva

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Ya wake up in the morning and it's there

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2632 on: May 11, 2018, 11:54:14 PM »
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:

Offline Paul Brooking

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2633 on: May 12, 2018, 03:00:01 AM »
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:
Welcome from Adelaide

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2634 on: May 12, 2018, 03:04:48 AM »
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:
Huzo is currently riding around Oz and may bump into you so beware :-)

Welcome mate

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2635 on: May 13, 2018, 06:02:03 AM »
My name is Bob Luck and I have been into Guzzi's for nearly thirty years. I have three, of which only one is a runner and that is my 1990 Spada III which has 143,000 miles on the clock. The other two are a 1980 Monza (which was close to being back on the road until I managed to break one of the lugs for the clutch arm on the back of the gearbox - don't ask) and 1969 ex Italian army Neuvo Falcone which needs new valve seats.

Other bikes I have owned include a Honda GL500 Silverwing, a Honda TransAlp and a BMW 650 Funduro.

I live in Birmingham,  an industrial city in the UK and I work as CAM programmer.

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2636 on: May 13, 2018, 07:18:23 AM »
 ^^^ Hello Bob , are you from a railroad family ?


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2637 on: May 13, 2018, 09:38:26 AM »
Alberta, Canada

2013 V11 LeMans, 2015 BMW R1200RT

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2638 on: May 13, 2018, 05:11:49 PM »
^^^ Hello Bob , are you from a railroad family ?

Hello Dusty,

No, though I have a great passion for steam trains and machinery in general. My dad was a lorry (truck) driver whilst my grandfather built bicycles and motorcycles at the Arial works in Selly Oak.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2639 on: May 13, 2018, 10:33:12 PM »
My name is Ryan, I'm Mid 30's, I talk motorcycles all day at Flying Tiger, and I'm in St. Louis MO.

I own a V7II Stornello 386/1000

« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 10:35:54 PM by Rion »
V7II Stornello 386/1000

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