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No exotica for me. I'm thinking a Honda Trail 125, and a R.E. 650 Meteor. I also would like a fast reliable sidecar rig. I miss driving one.
I am truly blessed. Most of the bikes I’ve lusted after I’ve managed to acquire (eventually). Or came to realize I would not like, killing the lust. And I’m currently riding the modern bike I’d most want to ride. I’m pretty content and lust free at the moment. But there are still bikes I’d love to mess around with for a day or two. Maybe not own. Just borrow for 24 hours, while riding in the right environment. A street legal Yamaha TZ750. (Oh, you know why)
somehow I don’t thing your garage will be empty for too long.
No, I guess you can't actually get these in the US, nor the Fantic bikes, but sure wish we could.
Yes I never should have sold my TY. It was just a perfect little bike for a novice trials person like I was in 1990. Unfortunately I bought a TLR250R (the proper competition version not the later road biased thing) and it was too much bike for me. I rather too much for the amount I practiced on it.