New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
I decided it was time to report the results...6.5 weeks later, I have a new motor in my V7 II, courtesy of Moto Guzzi, under warranty. The first week was spent on a diagnosis of the problem. The last week or so was spent on the engine swap. All the other time was spent waiting for the motor to be shipped and clear customs.The local dealer never told me the real reason for the replacement. I would like to know, but I'm satisfied with the new motor. Hopefully, it will last longer than the first motor since my warranty runs out in about 3 weeks.
I asked my mechanic in an attempt to receive confirmation of the missing thrust washers. The mechanic would neither confirm nor deny this. All he said was, "Don't believe everything that you read on forums." But I do believe that this is the first V7II engine that the dealership replaced (I could be wrong). My guess is that Guzzi said to replace the motor, Guzzi sent them the new motor (from Italy) and they replaced it.
So what do the dealers do with these defunct engines? Send them back to Piaggio? Break them down for the good parts? Turn them into paper weights? Object d'art?It's not gonna keep me up at night, but.... Maybe I'll ask my mechanic. While I'm at it, I probably ought to give him the web address for Wildgoose.