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Blowing the lid off: this article led to the firing of Dexter Ford. It was an excellent article at the time and not long after it was published, Snell changed their certification process to be closer to those of the DOT certification. A number of years have passed since then, I have no idea what Snell does now.
It's a very telling thing culturally that even though the majority of automobile deaths involve a head injury, no one even considers in their wildest dreams requiring or even voluntarily wearing a helmet in a car, like every single competition driver in the world has done for fifty years with no exceptions. Material for a masters thesis in abnormal psych there.....
Which culture has a different opinion on this proposition? If you're on a race track, helmets in the car are mandatory (autocross, driver's track days fact, oddly enough, they don't allow motorcycle helmets, they all have to be Snell or Snell rated, so even my Shoei Neotec is not allowed when racing with the Porsche club on track).Maybe it's due to the belief that 3 point seat belts and front, side, curtain airbags should help offset/reduce the majority of the damage, or more than occurred in prior years before these items were standard equipment.
Which culture has a different opinion on this proposition?
really?feel better now?
969,488 , 489 , 490 , Dammit , you two made lose count . 1,2,3,4, Dusty
There is a very simple reason that you do not have to wear a helmet in a car, bus, ect.Your a government official that want to make it a law, to save the children I'm sure. Your wife has a $500 hair doo a week. How do you think making her wear a helmet would go over?On the DOT thing. At least in California, for a helmet to be legal it must have the DOT sticker. If you remove the sticker, it's not a legal helmet in the eyes of the cop that stopped you. Also those novelty helmets are not legal. If a cop wants to, he may be able to make you not continue your ride until you have a legal helmet.Tom
Well, it's sort of a general observation based on some years and hundreds of posts that I've read, by a lot of people.1) About 35,000 people per year in the USA die in car crashes. None of them are wearing helmets. For about 1/2 of them, a head injury was a factor in the fatality; maybe not the determining factor, but they might have survived absent the head injury. 2) About 3,000 people per year in the USA die in motorcycle crashes. About 60% of all riders wear a helmet, and it's estimated that helmets are about 35% effective in preventing a fatality in a crash. So about 600 people MIGHT have survived if they were wearing a helmet.Maybe helmets in automobiles would only be 20% effective in preventing a fatality, since there are airbags and such involved. That's still about 2000 people that might very well have survived a car crash if they'd been wearing a helmet. But NOBODY wears a helmet on the road in their car, and nobody thinks that's odd. But when a dude rides his MOTORCYCLE with just a do-rag or a beanie, we're all over his arse like a duck on a june bug. He's an idiot, his head's worth nothing, he's risking his life, he's not a real rider, etc etc etc.Seems a bit hypocritical to me. The helmetless motorcycle guy rides without a helmet because he doesn't WANT a helmet on, and he's willing to take the heightened risk of death in a crash. The helmetless automobile guy rides without a helmet because he doesn't WANT a helmet on, and he's willing to take the heightened risk of death in a crash. It has nothing to do with "I'm safer in a car, so I don't need a helmet, it wouldn't do any good". Experience shows that helmets would save lives, but we talk over it because we don't WANT to wear a helmet in the car even though it might save thousands of lives each year, same as Bubba on the chopper with a skull do-rag ....I'm not putting on a helmet in a car, but I'm not counting angels on a pinhead on the certification of my helmet neither, nor do I care whether dudely wears a helmet or not ....Lannis
There is a very simple reason that you do not have to wear a helmet in a car, bus, ect.Your a government official that want to make it a law, to save the children I'm sure. Your wife has a $500 hair doo a week. How do you think making her wear a helmet would go over?Tom
So you're the guy driving his Volvo Wagon with his helmet on with an unhappy wife?
Am I the only one questioning the $500. hairdo?
It wasn't too long ago when hair spray, (at one time common), was strong enough to hold grips onto handlebars..:-)
And bobby pins. Bobby pins had hundreds of uses, most of which had nothing to do with hair. But no one uses bobby pins any more.And the little sprinkler with a cork seal that my mother used to put into the top of a ginger ale bottle so she could use it as a water sprinkler when she ironed my Dad's Navy uniform shirts.Ironed? Tell kids that today, and will they believe you?Lannis