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-Harness routing..left or right side of backbone? Threading through where?-Fuse box...does the bulk of the wiring exit out of top side? There is a pic on the service manual of the V7sport that shows the bulk of wires exiting the top side of the box and the few wires on the opposite side pointing to the battery tray- Regulator/diode board and relay..they are very close together and nearest the horn. I can see where the diode board mounts, but the bracket is not the same width as the tabs on the frame. Maybe it's bent? Looks straight. The relay adjacent to the board is translucent and I believe it's the starter relay. The horn wiring is right there too and it lines up well.
This may help with harness installation:
Thank you, seems very helpful. This bike has no provisions for the electrics on the side..behind the toolbox. I'm still a bit stumped on the relays. There are 2 translucent near the battery area and one nearest the steering neck.
- I've located a bracket that fits the starter relay just fine, I imagine the other end of the bracket mounts on the engine?