Author Topic: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review  (Read 23910 times)

Offline Moparnut72

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2023, 01:21:15 PM »
The wet clutch is going to create a clunk. My Harleys were so bad when cold they would leave a skid mark on the smooth garage floor. My '22 Bonneville also clunks but not as bad as a Harley. You can almost hear a Harley go into gear from a block away. Glad you like your new bike. I better not test ride one.
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Offline leafman60

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2023, 08:35:52 AM »
The wet clutch is going to create a clunk. My Harleys were so bad when cold they would leave a skid mark on the smooth garage floor. My '22 Bonneville also clunks but not as bad as a Harley. You can almost hear a Harley go into gear from a block away. Glad you like your new bike. I better not test ride one.

Oh, good lord. Skid marks on the floor when going into gear !???  Something's wrong with your HD.  Mine do not exhibit such extreme behavior, not even my '78 Shovel.  Good grief.  My '23 Triumph is also ok.   


Offline Dave Swanson

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2023, 08:46:42 AM »
Oh, good lord. Skid marks on the floor when going into gear !???  Something's wrong with your HD. 

Mopar did say it was a smooth floor.  Maybe freshly waxed also.   :laugh:
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Offline Moparnut72

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2023, 11:31:25 AM »
Not waxed but quite smooth. New floor. I tried different primary fluids without much change. Hydraulic clutch so no way to adjust it. The damn thing, 2017 Slim is long gone.
Mopar or Nocar
2023 V100 Navale
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MGNOC #24053
Amiga computer shop owner: "Americans are great consumers but terrible shoppers".

Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2023, 11:31:25 AM »


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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2023, 06:42:03 PM »
If people ask about the V100S windscreens, I bought the two major ones out there, the BIONDI maxi touring and the GIVI touring. I wanted to just try them all out and see what works for a 5'-10" frame. I want the wind hitting just above my helmet face shield if I can.

Airflow with the BIONDI "down" is smooth but it hits below the chin. This is great in warmer temps and until that 75th hard big bug nails you in the neck. Then you want airflow higher, to hit your helmet. Higher the BIONDI sends them into your face shield, and no more neck shots. The GIVI should send the bugs slightly higher when it is "down" to  more over your helmet in the "UP" position.

The GIVI windshield, compared to the BIONDI, it is a work of art. Thicker, and with rolled edges like the stock. It also has the black sun dots frits near the base section built-in to mitigate dash heat. The small side skirts divert wind more around you and your hands (so they say). The surface contours add strength from flexing, too. The BIONDI flexes noticeably at speed since it has a simpler surface curve.

The GIVI is slightly higher in the "low" position than the BIONDI was "UP". This gives the screen more support and "touring" intent. I'd never use the GIVI all the way up unless it is raining hard, anyway. But if crap hits the fan in front of you the GIVI will deliver the protection you may want. As is in the low portion you look over the GIVI touring screen. I don't like to look through a screen.

The screen mechanics have some give and it gets worse as you make the shield higher by move the mechanism up. The ideal is where you need the screen DOWN most of the time, and it is most stable. The GIVI seems like it will do just that.

The GIVI can be really tall if you need that for a short while. As is, with the BIONDI I never rode with it down too far on longer rides. My neck can take ten bugs then they bug me. I always slowed down and adjusted the BIONDI to make the bugs hit my helmet and not my neck but the bugs were always too low and into the face shield. This forces frequent stops to clean-up. I hope the GIVI hits above the face shield in the low position.

For the money, $140.00, the GIVI screen is pretty deluxe. It is built like the OEM, just a bigger version. If I didn't know better, I'd say the stock screen is made by GIVI.

The BIONDI is the middle ground on height ranges, but it is a pretty simple screen so the price, $136.00 in my case, is steep for what you get. The GIVI is more OEM quality and has some airflow mitigation that may help comfort. The BIONDI also fits closer to the dash because it doesn't have the same recess offset as the OEM or GIVI making bugs and stuff harder to clean out. The added GIVI dash clearance may improve negative pressure on the GIVI, not sure but in theory.

Stock - naked and low
BIONDI - low and higher
GIVI - higher and highest

I did get a new ARAI Signet-X helmet. The only helmet I've ever owned that fits a long oval head. I used the 40mm check pads over the stock 30mm. It was $$$ but so much better fit than I've ever had over my career that started at seventeen! I just suffered ill fitting stuff since none were made to fit my shaped head. The fit isn't marketing, it really is different. I tried two AGV K6 S sizes, XS and SM and both were awful for my head shape. Great lids, the AGV though. Light, but the ARAI is nearly as light.

5K on the bike so pretty soon for at least a rear for sure.


« Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 11:01:59 AM by Rower30 »

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2023, 01:36:47 PM »
How far will Guzzidiag get you when routine maintenance is due ?
Can you do TB balances and TPS resets like the Norge and V85 ?
Do the cams have to come out to replace shims ?
How does the amount of torque reaction in neutral, compare to the earlier big blocks ? (I know it’s in the opposite direction ).
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 01:40:53 PM by Huzo »

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2023, 02:26:50 PM »
If people ask about the V100S windscreens, I bought the two major ones out there, the BIONDI touring and the GIVI touring. I wanted to just try them all out and see what works for a 5'-10" frame.

Rower30, thank you so much for this windscreen review.  We need more of this quality, useable information around here.


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Offline lazlokovacs

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2023, 04:12:15 PM »
These days I just don't get why people use windscreens, a big tankbag and a semi sporty riding position and you're done, no wind buffeting, no strain on your neck, no noise, no turbulence for a passenger... at any speeds

And I did a heck of a lot of miles with a Swannee equipped Cali so I know what the very best screens feel like.


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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2023, 09:19:43 AM »
How far will Guzzidiag get you when routine maintenance is due ?
Can you do TB balances and TPS resets like the Norge and V85 ?
Do the cams have to come out to replace shims ?
How does the amount of torque reaction in neutral, compare to the earlier big blocks ? (I know it’s in the opposite direction ).


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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2023, 03:46:02 PM »
These days I just don't get why people use windscreens, a big tankbag and a semi sporty riding position and you're done, no wind buffeting, no strain on your neck, no noise, no turbulence for a passenger... at any speeds

And I did a heck of a lot of miles with a Swannee equipped Cali so I know what the very best screens feel like.


Not sure I get this for everyone. But I agree you can disagree though. Different strokes for different folks. But, a prone neck cranked in an unnatural position laying on a tank bag is awful for me when both young and old. I went halfway to California laying on an Eclipse tank bad in a semi-sport position with no windscreen on a 4 valve 750F Honda. I also bought a plexi-fairing for the other half of the trip...far, far better! If a sport bike was so great at touring and was comfortable I'd guess most touring rigs would be made that way, yes? I tried the sport experiment and it failed for me big time. The more upright I am the better long term.

My head is designed to be balanced vertical atop my neck, not leaned over a tank bag too long and kinked forward longer term. I also don't like bugs in my face or road hazards (crushed stone, wood blocks you name it) and that stuff is still there. The windscreen takes that hit before I do so some concern is safety. Ever been hit by a chunk of concrete tossed out between a dump truck's rear dual wheel? That ended the plexi-fairings life but saved my bacon.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2023, 07:33:04 AM by Rower30 »

Online Huzo

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2023, 09:04:20 PM »
These days I just don't get why people use windscreens, a big tankbag and a semi sporty riding position and you're done, no wind buffeting, no strain on your neck, no noise, no turbulence for a passenger... at any speeds

And I did a heck of a lot of miles with a Swannee equipped Cali so I know what the very best screens feel like.

I used to think that before I went to Nordkapp on my Norge.
Day after day of continuous rain and an ambient temperature of 0 - 8 deg C…. That Norge fairing seemed like a damn good idea 700 km North of the Arctic Circle.

Offline lazlokovacs

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2023, 11:58:28 AM »
BTDT with the screens. I still have the swannee fairings in my garage and a plethora of plexis for when I come back around to fairings, knowing me it'll probably be a sort of 10 year cycle.

Thing I love about no screen is that theres not much more buffeting or noise at 100mph than there is at 60

But then you can't wear an open face and smoke a damn fine cigar going at 70mph without a screen. Which I also loved.


Offline Tranquilo

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #42 on: November 21, 2024, 02:36:46 PM »
djkid, I really liked your review. You may not see this, but I felt that it was balanced, comprehensive, and thoughtful. As the owner of 2 Guzzis (1990 Cali III & 2001 1100 Special Sport), I find the V100 very appealing. Your review was exceptionally helpful.
Thanks for taking the trouble.

Offline bronzestar1

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Re: MOTO GUZZI V100 Mandello Owner Review
« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2024, 05:34:11 PM »
Nice, thorough review, I liked it.  I bought a '24 V100 Mandello Aviazione Navale back in Jul, have only put 300 miles on it so far, life and other hobbies just get in the way sometimes.  I also have a '23 V7 850 Special Edition, and the bikes are like night and day by comparison.  The V7 is the traditional air-cooled Guzzi, what one pictures when hearing the words "Moto Guzzi".  It rocks more side to side than the V100, has more of the traditional Guzzi "sound", and rides more like a traditional Guzzi.  The gearbox is smoother too than the V100, which makes a terrible "clunk" going into first gear.

The V100 has some definite cool features, like the adjustable windscreen (I changed to a tinted one), aerodynamic winglets, digital dash (thanks Aprilia!), side-exit exhausts, etc.  I think the seat is more comfortable than the V7's, and of course it's much faster and handles better.  Folks that are familiar with Guzzis will recognize the V7 right away.  The V100 totally surprises most riders of other makes, that's for sure!


« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 05:37:17 PM by bronzestar1 »

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