New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
I like the brown, always have since I saw the V50 III in that color new at my local dealer back in the day. Parts for the early small-blocks aren't as easy to find as parts for the big-blocks of the same period. Harper's may have some hard-to-find bits. Here's the swingarm "spacer": . The gasket for the taillight lens can be 3D printed. You might also want an oil filler plug/dipstick wrench: used 90/90 and 100/90 tires on mine. It seems that no matter what size rear you use, it will need to be aired down to squeeze in.
How does a hard plastic surface seal? I.e. how is it different from not using a gasket at all?
Someone added extra washers to the rear drive to swingarm connection. I looked on Schnoor's website and the smaller ones (13mm o.d.) are spec'd for M8 bolts. No idea why the 15mm ones were also on there. Has anyone seen this?
That sounds reasonable, except the bigger washers are also Schnoors, and they aren't on the fiche at Harper's. Is it something that was discovered by users afterwards? Should I replace them with flats?jim
Unless they're serrated on both sides, they aren't schnorr washers. The ones that I've found on small-blocks are just fairly soft flat washers that the schnorr washers have left an imprint on. One thing I learned early in Guzzi ownership is that the manuals don't always agree with how the bikes were actually built.
I like that color, especially with the color of the stripes. Very unique, very European.
It probably would have grown on me, but I'm pretty sure I'll like the new color scheme much better. I've seen R bikes in that brown and I think they're much more suited to it.jim
I nearly bought one when they were new. They were "root beer brown", no olive tint or anything else. My white V50 III was repainted from that color.
Striking color. Almost like the V7 special. What did you end up doing to the wheels? They look like new.
Please tell me you plan to take the engine back out to clean it...Do you also have the Dyna pickup or the old points?