I guess you will receive enough advice to confuse you utterly and completely
I have suffered from tennis elbow for years on end, at times so painful I could not even grab another person's hand for a greeting shake. What finally helped me, was doing these
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4fORrKYfU7o plus wearing a brace similar to this
https://www.amazon.com/Sleeve-Tendonitis-Counterforce-Support-Forearm/dp/B01H2123YU?th=1 during the day. NOTE: Personally, I did not wear the brace when performing the exercises.
It is not an instant fix, but then again I had suffered with a really sore elbow for 4 years when I began doing these. I took me about a month to heal. You should bounce back sooner, since the injury sounds like it is fairly fresh.
You can also squeeze a ball that is not too hard (about tennis ball sized) as long as it does not hurt. I gentle sting is OK, but not pain. This will give you gradually more power, good to prevent future injury, and also help supply more blood to the whole area.
PS! You know your body best. If something feels good, it likely is. Same if it feels bad - stop unless a reliable expert can verify that it will come good eventually.