Author Topic: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in  (Read 912 times)

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Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« on: October 20, 2024, 11:45:03 AM »

Thanks a lot for those who reached out. Cliff, Dirk, a few others. Wow man, we got rocked.

It's hard to imagine you will go to bed one night and it rains so hard that many of your favorite places are washed away

We are safe and sound, but it will take a while to build us back whole.  My house mercifully was spared, a thousand thanks to Buckminster Fuller and the power of the dome!

We had perhaps 15-18 trees down on  my little 2 acres, at least from what I can see. My wife's beloved little Toyota didn't make it (2 trees across the roof) but my new Polestar was unscathed  :evil:

this pic was before the second tree fell on it  :popcorn:

The Volvo dealership where I work got completely flooded. I was there till 8pm Thursday night moving cars up on the hill to the WNC Ag Center-- They are great neighbors and on high ground with big parking lots. It was a staging/muster point for the line crews before the storm and is still an active Red Cross shelter now.  We had all the employees out moving cars all day, put about 420 up the hill and saved as many as we could. By the evening, just me and about 4 other managers were still shuttling cars up when we started having issues locating keys and such and eventually had to call it quits with about 75-80 still on the lot- all were flooded and lost.
Here's my beloved V60 Cross Country Wagon that I traded in about 3 days before the storm- I think one of the reconditioning techs had the keys in locked in his toolbox, we never could find them and the car is toast.

Woke up to the storm going nuts, looked out the window for trees down everywhere. No power (thus water) and no cell to be had. Sat around all morning listening to trees crash and hoping the next one didn't come thru the roof.  Very stressful. I have a spring-fed creek that trickles down behind/beside the house, have never seen it more than a couple inches deep. This morning it was raging and churning and had swelled up the banks, probably 8' deep while the rain poured.  Later I would learn we got over 35" of rain in less than 48hrs Thurs/fri

Storm had subsided by mid day, so went out and started trying to clear a way out of the driveway in the afternoon.  Of course my chainsaw bar/chain are old and tired, so threw the chain repeatedly and seeing chips in the bar, I elect to knock off the work and go get some supplies the next morning.

I grab a backpack and ride my mountain bike down the mountain and see if I can get a bar & chain at ACE and maybe catch some signal.  I foolishly thought we probably 'got the worst of it' and things would be fine around town, probably a lot of power outage but some things will be open and I can get the driveway cleared today. I was not prepared for what I found. Massive mud slicks all around, areas you would not ever suspect as flood prone covered in debris and 10 inches of slimy mud. Trees down on every road, shattered utility poles, flipped cars in the roadway, sheds and furniture and roofs washed up in the medians. Huge washouts and full roads carried down the mountain and in the bottom of ravines. You can't go 50 yards without crossing downed power lines or trees in the roadway.

There were just a smattering of people out, everyone looking shell-shocked and NOTHING open. No power anywhere. Cars driving up and down the roads or parked on the side full of people searching for cell signal. Rode to ACE, they are not even open, the entire East Asheville business area is a ghost town.  Rode over to Home depot, there are hundreds of people in the lot, everyone looking depleted.  The store has lights running on generator, but cash only and the line to get in reported over 3 hrs long. People coming out saying 'don't bother, everything you need is already gone'

Still have not caught enough signal to check the news, people are murmuring that Chimney Rock and Lake Lure got completely washed away- the entire town is now in the lake. Someone said the Swananoa river clobbered Black Mountain, there are bodies in the streets-  Biltmore Village was under 15+ feet or water, and the entire River Arts District of Asheville was wiped clean. This all seemed too farcical to believe.

Rode my bike right down I240 around debris piles and disabled cars to the bridge over Swananoa River road and saw the river had swelled at least 30-40 feet over its banks and clobbered everything in its path. There's a dead horse in the road in front of the Uhaul building.

I have a fair bit of food and water (we lose power & thus water quite a bit and have no cell signal where we live in the best of times, so I'm not a 'prepper' but I am prepared)....  So I just ride home, taking a circuit route home. The other road up the mountain back to the house (Rose Hill) is half washed out, with the right lane now at the bottom of a 150' ravine and the guard rail swinging in the breeze.

Some of my neighbors are out, walking our dirt road and you hear chainsaws everywhere. Someone has a chainsaw I can borrow, and I give them a 2gal can of gas I drained out of the CX100 and some 2-stroke oil to borrow it for the day. I buck trees all day and we drag branches for hours (Bright side- my waddle fence/berm thing I have been constructing around my property is FINALLY bulked up how I want it  :thumb: ).  Driveway is clear and my wife's car is uncovered + possibly driveable so we start prepping to GTFO of town.  Still no cell/news/comms but occasionally my cell will ping with texts of frantic people trying to reach us and see if we are ok. I reply but I know the messages aren't getting out. We put on the radio and hear that the entire region is pummeled, but can't get a sense of how far the destruction extends.

By late afternoon, we are loaded up in my EV charged maybe 60% with coolers and bags and plans to just drive east and see if we can find a hotel and a hot shower and supplies and some cell service to contact people. Greensboro? Raleigh? Charlotte? we don't know.  We get on I-40 east and start off. Car has maybe 130mi range, but surely 2hrs east things will be intact enough to grab a hotel and find charger. We haven't seen anything pumping gas anywhere.... We make it maybe 20min before I-40 east is closed. People are parked and huddled around the final exit, haven't seen much emergency services, highway patrol, or cops... but here are some signs and cones blocking the road.  Someone tells us I40 is closed for mudslides across the roadway around Old Fort and the Billy Graham center. Get spotty cell signal for just a few moments and call my dad in SC. They are happy to hear from us and say the news is sickening. It's even worse than we had imagined.

We get on I40 west and drive back thru Asheville, I get a DM on Instagram from a friend in Knoxville who says they didn't get any damage, so maybe we will head there.  We don't even make it to Waynesville before we find 40W is closed, the radio says the entire interstate thru the gorge was taken by the river.  No hope of using the backroads- there are barely any in the first place- and those routes have to be trashed as they are steep, winding, and heavily tree covered.  Someone tells us that 26 up to Johnson City/East TN is closed.... No routes out of WNC, Return home and wait for help? (Not my style)

We roll back thru town, car has maybe 80mi of range. We find a few stores open but no gas anywhere. 

I take my wife's car to the dealership around 7am. Of course she had no gas and I had used most of my paltry charge. We have an above ground fuel tank I can access that probably didn't get fully submerged. I go in the shop and get a hand pump out of an oil drum and purge it. The fill port is unlocked, so I pump out a qt of gas and let it settle for 15min- awesome, no water in the fuel!  Pump out 5 gallons and put it in her car. There is a Red Cross shelter next door with an emergency cell tower/hotspot. I do a couple hot laps around a side lot and let the car idle for 20 minutes to make double sure the fuel isn't compromised. I call my dad from the shelter and tell him I need a generator- I am driving to your house and that may take from 3-10hrs, I just dont know how I will get there.  Go home and ask the wife if she wants to go or stay. I am leaving and will not be back until I have propane, generator, a cooler full of ice, filled gas cans, more water, BOOZE, and food.  I won't be able to reach her and could be back by dark or it might be tomorrow. I will drive until I find services and fill up, then I will keep heading south/east until I can gather all the supplies on my list. Could be Charlotte, Columbia, Fayetteville, or Florence...  She doesn't want to leave the house & animals, but doesn't want to stay alone with no way to contact each other.

We hit the road on I-26 east after hearing there is gas and power as close as Shelby. Dad found a generator in SC and has it waiting for us. He can't find a L14-30P anywhere but he had all the cable we need already. Pretty uneventful drive to Fort Mill SC aside from the usual Shelby shitshow stop and go traffic and the fact our windshield is smashed, the back door is partially open, and the rear glass has been swapped out for a shower curtain and packing tape.  Worst thing that happened was that both Bridges BBQ Lodge AND Alston Bridges BBQ were closed. Man I needed a good hot meal after 3 days of granola bars and chips and ramen.

We were in SC by late afternoon, loaded up the generator and took a quick shower.  We were ready to head home, but spent hours more trying to find a 14-30 plug so i could run the well off the generator. BTW- Lowes and Home depot websites/phone customer service is terrible. No way to call and find these things. The zombies on the phone can just tell you 'it says we have 2 in stock' but they won't go actually check. We went to almost 10 home improvement stores from Rock Hill to CLT to Matthews, all the ACE stores and electric supply places were closed by now.  Eventually threw in the towel, ate terrible mexican food, hit the ABC store and went back to dad's to sleep in a warm bed.

Got up early and started calling electric supply houses. Found a plug 4 miles from dad's house and bought it. We started back to Asheville and stopped for ice, groceries, water, gas fillup, propane, ATM, etc

Arrived home and ran the generator- Fridge, a couple lights, put all the 20oz water bottles in a chest freezer.  Threw out 90% of the fridge food but the stuff in the freezer (which I wouldn't let my wife open for 3 days)  :thewife: was still solid.

Wired up my plug with 60ft of heavy cable and spade terminals, killed the well breaker and now I can pump water if I pull all the 120v plugs and power the 240v/40A side.

Set up the camping kitchen in the driveway with propane burner, canopy, coffee setup, etc. Took some ceiling tiles out of the downstairs bathroom and put a hook up in the rafters. Cobbled together a bucket shower with a gardener sprayer. 2.5gal cold water and 2.5gal of near-boiled water mixed in the bucket and hung in the ceiling yields plenty of shower for 2 people.

Daily rhythm starts. Wake up early to the chorus of the generator. Goddamn that thing is droning loud. Go outside and kill it for an hour while I make coffee, sit in a camp chair, read a bit, and wake up.  Gas the generator and fire it back up. Put on the well, fill flush buckets & drinking jugs, wash dishes and flush toilets. Put the power back on fridge/freezer, a couple lights, and aquarium.  Work on cleaning up the yard, stacking wood, shoveling gravel and trying to fix the driveway.

Work has a disaster team in place, they are mucking it out (all buildings flooded 3' or more) and they want to get open ASAP. Offered hours to anyone who wants to come in and help.

Work is back open. We are actually selling and servicing cars. Many lost vehicles, so business is brisk. Working off folding tables and chairs. No phones but power is back on and we have internet thanks to our proximity to airport and Ag Center/Shelter next door. Everything is annoying and takes extra time. Everyone's desk and contents washed away or went in the dumpster. there's no walls in any buildings, sheetrock was all cut out for flood/mold remediation. I am hanging doors for the restrooms because right now they are basically outhouses enclosed with black plastic sheeting. Catelouging the loaners/inventory/customer cars that got flooded. Dealership sends direct deposit for 5 days bonus PTO for all employees- maybe 1/2 the staff is able to make it in but we are operating.

10/4- NOW
Everything is either annoying or heartbreaking. Everywhere you go, so much destruction. Roads are open, closed, then open again. Some biz are back, some will never return. Everything is limited or closing early. Most have their power back but half the city still lacks running water. A lot of infrastructure at the reservoir including main supply line was destroyed. Luckily Avl provides a lot of the region's water so there are multiple treatment points. We ended our 15 days stretch of no power/water last week and were honestly surprised it came back so quick. 2/3 of the roads into our mountainside hollar here are closed.. there is one way in/out... that will probably persist into next year. You are hard pressed to find any single road in the region that doesn't need millions in repair or restoration.

Things are improving here. The level of community, friendliness and collaboration has been incredible. FEMA, state agencies, the National Guard, and community based help from fire departments/churches/charity groups and individuals has been incredible.

I am kinda running out of steam here, but I guess I really needed to type this out.

Thanks for the well-wishes guys. Please come back to WNC when you can, and spend money. Our Hospitality economy needs you.

If anyone has any questions, I'll be happy to answer what I can

Chad (Shadrach) in Asheville NC
1979 LeMans CX-100 (battle axe)
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2024, 12:10:32 PM »
Wow...what a story...incredible resilience and patience!  Hope for the best in the long long recovery ahead for everyone!
Paul R
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2024, 12:27:53 PM »
I was glad to find out you were ok, Chad.  We “only” lost power & phone for a few days down here.  Without any viable cell and the generator only running fridge & freezers, we didn’t even have real news until later in the weekend.  When we started learning how bad it was north of here, it was pretty sobering.  Knowing your house & property and roads around it, I was concerned.  We just stayed home and out of the no power, can’t get gas insanity all around here.  Wanted to check on you and others up in that area sooner but it became very clear that I didn’t want anyone to waste signal or battery just to return a check-in with a friend until things settled down.

The piles of downed trees & debris lining the roads everywhere around here make me think of mid-winter VT snowbanks.  County says they will pick it all up for free, estimated to be a few hundred million cubic yards of debris.  The chinook helicopters have been flying back & forth over our house for most of the last week. They’re traveling towards Lake Lure Chimney Rock directions.  just finally not seeing or hearing them anymore.

Our daughter came down from Jefferson City for fall break this weekend & took the back way through Newport - Hot Springs and is driving back that way as I type.  Jefferson City didn’t suffer much damage. She knew it was bad towards Asheville but was quite upset to see how bad it was.   
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2024, 02:27:35 PM »
Wow!  Glad you are OK.  We traveled to the Barber Vintage festival, saw a little damage along the way, nothing like what you folks got.  A lot of empty camping spaces at Barber.  I heard Wheels through Time was spared.  Until you've been up close to a flood it's hard to imagine.

Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2024, 02:27:35 PM »

Offline guzzisteve

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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2024, 05:13:48 PM »
Thanks for letting us know, figured you'd be along w/your story & vent in script. Takes time after devastation.
My place in IL was flooded from a river a year after I bought it. No flood ins. 100 yr flood.
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2024, 05:17:19 PM »

Looks like our 2008 flood and our 2019 Derecho combined!!! Glad you're physically OK.

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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2024, 08:03:25 AM »
Hello Chad (Mayor),                                                                                                                                                10-21-24

That was an incredible diary of events you shared.  We are in Weaverville and only had a few trees down in the yard, but lost several roof shingles from the storm.  We are fortunate enough to have a whole house generator (LP 1,000 gal tank, 1/2 full) and a well.  Our greatest annoyance was no cell nor internet for several days - internet is still spotty.  Our daughters drove up from Atlanta with a full suv of supplies, including gas.  We shared food with neighbors, some came over to shower and wash clothes.  We were soooo fortunate, many others were not. :cry:
I heard on the news that considering the financial devastation, loss of property and and loss of life, this was the third worst storm in US history, since they began keeping track of such events (about 120 years ago).   YIKES!

Be well,
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2024, 11:13:43 AM »
Glad you guys are OK. So much human and property loss. I imagine the insurance companies are scrambling around their accounts to come up with all the funds to help everyone. But this is where it shows just how much a local community cares for itself. Hope in time the cities can get back to becoming the wonderful holiday spots they were known for.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 11:33:39 AM by Dirk_S »
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2024, 11:31:25 AM »
was just able to read this...  Damn...

Thanks for writing this all down.  Glad you made it through the storm.

Hoping recovery comes quickly.
Michael T.
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2024, 12:21:39 PM »
Glad you're okay. You seem to be in pretty good shape compared to
a lot of others in that region.

My girlfriend has kinfolk in Burnsville just off of Rte. 80 near the BRP.
They're okay, and their house is still there. Cell service is spotty, and
the electricity will return "someday." Parts of Rte. 80 are just gone, as
are some of the places my girlfriend and I have stayed/visited.


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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2024, 12:46:10 PM »
Glad you personally weren't devastated from the storm. 

where did you host your photos.  not showing up on my personal computer.

I wonder how the Mills River Campground fared since the river runs through it and if the got the capers evacuated.   we stayed there when we met at the Guzzi lunch at the greenhouse moto cafe.

The Road Glide group I belong to is having their national rally in Asheville next summer.  Our host hotel was not affected and is a staging area for relief.  The members of the group donated $17,000 to relief efforts.  Definitely one thing I love about Harley riders.
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2024, 07:23:33 PM »
We deff got off easy compared to many of our neighbors.  I was very lucky to have an employer with the resources in place to spring into action and get us up and running quickly.

I mostly feel heartbroken for all the wonderful hospitality biz in Asheville. Restaurants especially are going to close in droves. These guys largely barely eek by year to year on razor thin margins. Unplanned month-long closure at the end of summer followed by a highly depressed leaf season into our regularly scheduled long slow winter is going to be crushing -- not to speak of cleanup coast, rebuild and rehab costs. 

I don't know what is going to happen with Lake Lure, Marshall, Burnsville... Some of these places got absolutely hammered.

Chad (Shadrach) in Asheville NC
1979 LeMans CX-100 (battle axe)
2007 Breva 1100 (Sport 1200 tribute)

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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2024, 07:46:41 AM »
It’s hard to imagine how this will change the food scene in Asheville.   Aside from the direct losses of inventory and facility, there are so many other issues.  We watched a news segment about how they were trying to put together the guidelines for restaurants to operate legally without running water.    The pics of the big water lines that were approx 20’ underground but were still eroded and washed away with the ones buried even deeper as a redundancy.

At the end of Aug, we came home from Kingsport through Asheville and had a light dinner at Vinnies on N Merrimon. I was hired to open that kitchen as Savoy and recipe the entire menu 30 yrs ago in Aug 94.  Hadn’t eaten there since I moved on to TN.   Thought it was cool to get a few plates and a glass of wine there.  We have since wondered how it and so many other places & those in neighboring communities will survive, just based upon the infrastructure issues that no one can avoid. 
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2024, 04:30:48 PM »
It’s hard to imagine how this will change the food scene in Asheville.   Aside from the direct losses of inventory and facility, there are so many other issues.  We watched a news segment about how they were trying to put together the guidelines for restaurants to operate legally without running water.    The pics of the big water lines that were approx 20’ underground but were still eroded and washed away with the ones buried even deeper as a redundancy.

At the end of Aug, we came home from Kingsport through Asheville and had a light dinner at Vinnies on N Merrimon. I was hired to open that kitchen as Savoy and recipe the entire menu 30 yrs ago in Aug 94.  Hadn’t eaten there since I moved on to TN.   Thought it was cool to get a few plates and a glass of wine there.  We have since wondered how it and so many other places & those in neighboring communities will survive, just based upon the infrastructure issues that no one can avoid.

I'm sure that those who survived 4 years ago will survive this.  Those that can't adapt will close their doors just like 4 years ago.
2022 Moto Guzzi V85TT Guardia D'onore
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2024, 07:10:11 PM »
Thanks for the update, Mayor. Very well written, and I feel I have a much better handle on what happened. FWIW, Jon, an adopted son :) well not really, but I'll claim him..has been flying food and supplies into NC since the disaster. There is a whole hanger's worth from central Indiana, and I hope it helps.
Chuck in (Elwood) Indiana/sometimes SoCal
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Re: Off Topic- Asheville/Helene diary and check-in
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2024, 07:38:55 PM »
I'm sure that those who survived 4 years ago will survive this.  Those that can't adapt will close their doors just like 4 years ago.

Ok, enlighten me…. I missed when this same scenario happened in Asheville and Lake Lure and etc etc 4 yrs ago.

Edit- just in case you want to pretend that one thing is the same as another, go for it.   Theres a huge difference between shut down along with everyone else and trying to operate a business that is largely water-based without potable water vs a typical retail or office business that has minor need for running water.  As an executive chef, I’ve btdt with keeping an offline property full of guests (the most consequential was an inn in TN full of power company execs & reps on a business retreat..) fully operational cooking by gas with kerosene lamps & generators to run the well pump.  After three days when the ice cleared enough & they were sick of it, they went out to find the sections with damage and call in for repairs…. That was only a power outage, not a total loss of water infrastructure that will be offline for weeks if not months.

From the Asheville paper…


« Last Edit: October 22, 2024, 08:32:14 PM by cliffrod »
1973 V7 Sport  "Now THAT'S a motorcycle!"-  Master Sculptor Giuliano Cecchinelli
1967 V700 Corsa Record
1981 Lemans CX100
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