Yes, I've done a few laps of the TT course and even at my humble average speed (open roads) quite a few bits were a bit hairy. Over the mountain on Mad Sunday on my SRX600 was interesting....
I love the looks of the SRX. It is one of the best looking bikes ever, up there with the 1980 RD350L/C in white with blue stripes. A mate had an SRX 20 years ago. It was pretty cramped, especially lacking leg room (I did have a Z1300 DFI at the time, which may have influence my idea of cramped) and the engine ran much rougher than that of the two XT600s I have owned, particularly at lower rpm and under load.
Motorcycle International rode an XBR500 and an SRX600 around IoM on a normal day back in 1986, meaning roads were open to daily traffic and forcing them to stay on the LHS of the road, averaged 76 mph around the island. Same average as a Rudge managed back in 1930, when the roads were much poorer, as were tires and suspension and brakes and...