New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
Hello I'm new to The Guzzi brand. noticed them a while back and liked them. so I'm doing some research to see if they're right for me. looking to buy before spring.
Currently live in Utah but will move to Washington State after retiring and selling my house.
If you want to have a conversation about places in the west I think would be interesting to live we could do that.BS
Howdy from Texas!I just got my first Moto Guzzi, 2003 California EV, on the road. Previous owner had it sitting for 5 years, but still has low miles, <8K.I only had to replace most of the fuel system components... Injectors look clean, but bike still feels/sounds like it is not 100%... Suggestions?I also found out that my uncle used to race MG in Italy back in the 50/60's.
Hallo friends,i'm Claudio and i wrote from Italyfine to find some Guzzi friendswish you thousend miles on our Eagles