Author Topic: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !  (Read 1411798 times)

Offline EncoreJoe

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2250 on: January 10, 2017, 10:05:41 PM »
Joe Fabrygel

Maintenance Director

55 years young on the gulf coast of Texas

I started riding at 43 and own a 2012 Stelvio NTX and Yamaha WR250R


Offline Darmie

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2251 on: January 11, 2017, 10:52:39 AM »
Good day everyone. It's my pleasure to be here.
My name is Darmie. I'm in Clearlake Texas. (South Houston) Born in 64 and having a blast on 2 wheels since I was 6 with a trail 70.  I have been eyeing the V7 classic (white in color) back in the early 2000. From then, there has been many bikes but today I introduce my V7 II Stone.

Very glad that I waited.  I was looking for a good replacement for the Suzuki TU 250. What I found was an amazing bike that has plenty of character that will keep me smiling for many years. On the Texas secondary back roads where 70 is the norm, the TU needed a little bit more power.  I think with the V7 II I found a great replacement.

Big Red does not look too happy, but I'm sure they will get along just fine.

My wife Karen and I enjoy taking the wing out for a day and hooking up the trailer for those extended weekend getaways. There are many days I also enjoy just hopping on something small and carving up what roads I can find.

A short walk around video and the first ride at the Dallas RPM dealer.

And a short video riding the TU in the area as well. Love that bike but it has to go. Anyone need a good starter bike?

The cool action shot at 00:37

Thank you all.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 10:53:48 AM by Darmie »
2016 V7 II Stone

Offline PappyV7

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2252 on: January 11, 2017, 09:21:10 PM »
Randall Booth
age 63
Tools and Equipment Dealer
Near Wichita Kansas America

current fleet:
03 Honda XR50R (grandkids)
81 Montersa Cota 349
71 AJS 410 Stormer
68 BSA 441 Shooting Star
04 Suzuki DR650SE
15 Moto Guzzi V7 Special

Offline Muzz

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2253 on: January 17, 2017, 12:48:39 AM »
Randall Booth
age 63
Tools and Equipment Dealer
Near Wichita Kansas America

current fleet:
03 Honda XR50R (grandkids)
81 Montersa Cota 349
71 AJS 410 Stormer
68 BSA 441 Shooting Star
04 Suzuki DR650SE
15 Moto Guzzi V7 Special

Some interesting bikes there Pappy. Not too many of those Stormers still running around, especially a 410. Most of the ones that came here were the 250 variant.

The 441 easy to start?? :grin:
Muzz. Cristchurch, New Zealand
03 Breva

Life is just a bowl of Allbran
Ya wake up in the morning and it's there

Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2253 on: January 17, 2017, 12:48:39 AM »

Offline Ronzo_volvo_guy

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Introduction, compliments and info
« Reply #2254 on: January 17, 2017, 09:46:38 AM »
I'm just visiting from the vintage Volvo world.  In researching our Bosch Starter and Solenoid, as apparently also used on Guzzis, I happened upon this informative thread in the forum:  ...and had to sign up so that I could chime in and contribute (I'm actually a Beemer Boxer owner, but don't hold that against me!).  Kiwi_Roy has it he says:  "There's a lot going on when you press the start button."  In the vintage Volvo application there is no relay or fuse is series with the Sol current to be a source of voltage drops...we have only the Ignition Switch and associated connections, so we don't have a common "Startus Interruptus" issue, but we have our own unique issues (see:  ) and as a hands-on guy and electrical specialist, I just had to post some hopefully useful info...   
First, compliments to Kiwi_Roy on excellent explanation of the function of Solenoid, and his work supporting your community.  It is up to guys like us, who evaluate and get to the root-cause of issues which come up after years of use and wear, and who offer technically correct explanations and working solutions.  I would agree that in the Guzzi application, the Start-Switch, Fuseblock and Eurofuse (also used on vintage Volvos and known to be a long-term weakness, see: ), wiring, and associated connections are marginal to begin with for carrying currents approaching 40A (that's asking a lot!), and they are certainly not going to get better with age and corrosion.  Voltage drops are the enemy, and they can occur at anyplace cross-sectional conductor area is decreased by poor vintage vehicles that is often cause by corrosion, particularly on motorcycles, where everything (including the rider) is out there in the elements.  Keeping connections clean and tight is the answer, and keeping them that way long-term is the goal.  To help with this, I have a suggestion tried and proven over many miles and by many users.  Here is a copy of info I sent to a Guzzi rider recently (Greg B., another supporter of vintage scooters who should be complimented for his Bosch Solenoid documentation:   ), and wanted to make others aware of it also:
I am a electrical specialist and hands-on rigger guy with a passion for vintage Volvos, much like yourself with Guzzis.  I invite you to peruse my Swedish Embassy vintage Volvo site  (  ), and would particularly like to make you aware of Anti-Corrosive Zinc Paste for electrical connections.  Everybody and their brother, including factories recommend "Dielectric Grease" for protecting electrical connections...but just because it has the word "electric" in it, doesn't make it good for protecting connections...diele ctric actually means while offering some protection and benefit in the form of encapsulation when surrounding a contact, if that's the only thing you put on connections and it gets between contacts,  it can also increase the resistance of the connection because it is non-conducting.  Another down-side is that it will also lock IN any contamination.  ACZP on the other hand also encapsulates, but also neutralizes contamination right at the metal contact because of the zinc content.  I was turned on to it twenty years ago, and haven't looked back...I have been using it on every vehicular electrical connection (except Ignition Hi-V) for that entire time, I send it out with all my kits, and highly recommend it for all vintage vehicle connections...inclu ding motorcycles (which I expect would be of interest to you), where everything (including the rider) can become soaked.  As such, I have been on a one-man-campaign to convert all owners of vintage vehicles, starting with my Volvo use this on their vehicles.  I invite you to read about it here:

I welcome any feedback, preferably per e-mail by way of the sw-em site, as I don't know how often I'll be visiting here.
In case any ones interested, here's my info on the Bosch Starter/Sol as used on the vintage Volvos:

Regards from Connecticut, and keep the oldies running and reliable!


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2255 on: January 17, 2017, 10:01:44 AM »
 Yeah Ronzo , we are pretty proud of Kiwi Roy also . Oh , and most of our experts have disabused us of the idea that dialectric grease should ever get anywhere near any motorbike .

 Stick around , you never know what might happen ...


Offline Sonny

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2256 on: January 18, 2017, 02:31:52 PM »
Hi all , just signed in .
I have had a v1000 for some years also a couple of small blocks . I am living in France now and frustrates the hell out of me that I can't register them here to ride legally. I have recently started to revive a Targa750 that's been sitting in the back of my shed for a number of years .
I am now retired so more time on my hands to do the fettling.
Other bikes are :- Yamaha 1000 gts , aprilia 1000 falco, BMW r1200rtp
Ride safe


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2257 on: January 19, 2017, 12:17:08 PM »
 Welcome Sonny , interesting stable of bikes there  :thumb:



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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2258 on: January 21, 2017, 10:44:29 PM »
Hi all. First post. :smiley:

Me: Bob from Sydney, Australia. 47 years old. Married with two kids. Firefighter by profession. Been riding a 2 stroke Vespa PX 200 for years but wanted something to safely ride on longer trips out of the city. A Guzzi was the natural choice.

My bike: 2010 V7 Café Classic. First registered in 2013, I'm the 3rd owner. 14,000km on the clock. Previous owner made a few cosmetic changes - removed the rear guard and added a tail tidy LED light, new mirrors and an Agostini exhaust. I added a V7 Racer shorter front guard and a Dart screen. Absolutely love the look and sound and it's so much fun to ride.

Looking forward to tips and advice from the experts on here. I'm not overly mechanical but do all the repairs and maintenance on the Vespa and haven't come across a problem yet I couldn't fix. My mate is a Guzzi dealer / mechanic so I probably won't tinker too much - more time to enjoy riding. :thumb:

« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 10:53:14 PM by bangalowbob »

Offline Kondour

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2259 on: January 24, 2017, 12:39:34 PM »
I'm Derek from Northern California. Just purchased my 16' v7 racer on saturday.

Profession: Pilot and A &P mechanic.

Interests: fishing, tinkering with everything and of course riding the guzzi.
Current bikes
2016 v7 race
2006 Kawasaki ZX6R 636

upload image
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 12:42:35 PM by Kondour »

Offline Rayjv

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2260 on: January 25, 2017, 07:38:53 AM »
Ray Viale

Location : Boston , Massachusetts

Past occupation: electronic technician (33yrs.) contractor & part time womanizer......I wish .

 Interest: motorcycles , women , guns (any) traveling , drinking (anything) not necessarily in that order .

Bikes : 96' Harley FLTCU/I
           Ducati ST3 (forgot year)
           95' Moto Guzzi cal.
           96' Moto Guzzi cal.
           97' Moto Guzzi cal.  ( go figure )
           13' Moto Guzzi Norge
           Ducati 1000 GT (sold)
           97' dashound , finally housebroken .

Expectation : not to resume room tempeture....... at 65+ and still vertical (for now) I expect to learn something new on this sight that I'm new at ......and maybe contribute something from my experience of 50+ yrs. of aimousley riding around this planet............ just saying .

Offline Guzzinut

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2261 on: January 28, 2017, 06:14:12 PM »
Mike from NZ
Had 20 or so since '89
2 x Daytonas
2004 Cali stone touring
1978 850 LM
1979 850 LM
1980 850 LM x 2
1975 T-3
1975 Auto
350 Imola
500 MonZa x 2
Mk3 & 4 & 5 LM
1980 T-3 Cali
2006 Griso
This was one of my faves, T with LM 1000
2016 V7 Classic II
1979 LM 2
1970 V750 Ambassador

Offline Muzz

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2262 on: January 29, 2017, 09:04:08 PM »
Welcome Mike. Good to see another Kiwi on board. :thumb:
Muzz. Cristchurch, New Zealand
03 Breva

Life is just a bowl of Allbran
Ya wake up in the morning and it's there

Offline changohot

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2263 on: January 29, 2017, 10:12:21 PM »
Hello I picked up a 2015 V7 Special this fall  fun bike

Offline Crosspug

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2264 on: January 30, 2017, 06:01:21 AM »

Jono Cross
34, Building Services Engineer
In Australia...

Moved to a 1983 V65SP as my daily commuter (staintunes, k&ns, flatbars, ikon shocks) from a very worn SR250 Yami just after getting my licence.

Now 6 years later I still have the lovely old small block (a forever keeper) but just acquired my new love... A "2014 build" 1200 Sport 8V ABS to commute and occasionally blat around on.

Hopefully we'll spend our time talking nice rides and not "ugh I've an issue..." Ha!

« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 06:10:55 PM by Crosspug »

Offline bbolesaz

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2265 on: January 31, 2017, 05:58:50 PM »
Hi, bbolesaz here.  From east Mesa, AZ.

Recently purchased a 2002 V11 Sport Scura to add to my fleet, which includes mostly tourers and ADV bikes.  Mostly BMW's.

Having a lot of fun with a big V-twin engine in a sport bike chassis.

Online PJPR01

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2266 on: January 31, 2017, 09:29:00 PM »
Hi, bbolesaz here.  From east Mesa, AZ.

Recently purchased a 2002 V11 Sport Scura to add to my fleet, which includes mostly tourers and ADV bikes.  Mostly BMW's.

Having a lot of fun with a big V-twin engine in a sport bike chassis.

Cool! Another Scura... what number is yours?
Paul R
2021 Honda Goldwing Bagger Manual Cement Gray
2015 Red/Black Griso
2008 Silver Norge
2002 V11 Scura

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2267 on: February 01, 2017, 08:52:55 AM »

Offline El Faziz

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2268 on: February 02, 2017, 12:04:24 PM »
Hi Folks,

Jumping back into motoing after a long absence.

V-twin lover, and always wanted a Guzzi after riding my friend"s LeMans III in the early 80's.

Always wanted a V11 since they first come out, but while finally searching for one to buy, had my heart stolen by a used 2012 Tenni Green Griso.

It's on its way from Maine to me in Vacaville, CA. Poor thing, living in rain and snow, finally gonna see some sunshine. Pristine shape with 1300 miles.

I'm 61, retired. I worked at a University as an environmental specialist. Now I live on a small ranch my wife considers a farm and I believe is a wildlife refuge.

I love nature, wildlife, ecology, weapons, books, mountaineering, riding horses, art, and anything mechanical that is finely made.

One of those way-out-there dudes but with a fine life-induced sense of dirty reality. Here's my new baby getting on the truck on the Maine seacoast:



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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2269 on: February 02, 2017, 12:07:16 PM »
 Well E F  , you should fit in just fine here  :grin:


Offline Dean Rose

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2270 on: February 03, 2017, 05:51:24 PM »
Has it been rollerized?
Magnolia '02 EV
Sophia '06 Breva 1100 
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Offline Angel

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2271 on: February 05, 2017, 10:43:37 PM »
New here.  Currently ride a Harley but looking at the Guzzi's as a second bike.  Have ridden the Norge but not sure about it yet.  Rode it when the wind was howling like crazy so gonna try it again and see how it rides. 

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2272 on: February 06, 2017, 01:18:42 AM »
59 married Land Surveyor with 3 grown kids.  Live within a mile of the bottom of Angelel Crest Highway, so over the years have made a lot of rides up and down to Newcomb's Ranch. My adult son now rides a Daytona 675, but I have no hopes of keeping up with him.

Currently own a 2007 BMW GSA, a KTM 690 Enduro.  I am looking at the MG V7iii Anniverario, maybe because I had a Hodaka with a chrome gas tank as a kid.  The light weight and nice size gas tank appeal to me for both commuting and running the Crest, and 50 horses seems about right.

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2273 on: February 06, 2017, 07:55:59 AM »
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...
1979 V1000 G5


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2274 on: February 06, 2017, 08:40:00 AM »
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...

 Hello Erich , don't worry when some of these guys confuse Austria with Australia  :laugh: Welcome  :thumb:


Online PJPR01

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2275 on: February 06, 2017, 12:29:10 PM »
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...

Villach!  Nice!  I've spent a bunch of time in Klagenfurt over the last 30 years on many trips, nice ride around the Worther See!! 
Paul R
2021 Honda Goldwing Bagger Manual Cement Gray
2015 Red/Black Griso
2008 Silver Norge
2002 V11 Scura

Offline erich

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2276 on: February 07, 2017, 09:00:43 AM »
Villach or rather Faak is also renowned for the bike week (de facto Harley week) in September. Their homepage say they expect 70.000 bikes. I can testify that they are an awful lot, and brave.
There is no mountain path too steep and narrow they do not infiltrate. And the sound is like a 1000 B-24 all over Carinthia. But - given the image that Harley seems to have in Europe - I would feel old on an HD. Always fancied something Italien, and the G5 suits me perfectly: I can always deliver a sinister appearance  (Lafranconi without endpiece), but I do not have to.
1979 V1000 G5


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2277 on: February 07, 2017, 01:12:26 PM »
66 years young retired & living near Hastings England. Currently rebuilding a 1979 T3 (slowly) Also own a 1936 Ariel 600 & a 1962 Norton Dommi 88. Great countryside around here for riding. Always had bikes since the 1960's. Always something to learn.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2278 on: February 07, 2017, 01:57:35 PM »
66 years young retired & living near Hastings England. Currently rebuilding a 1979 T3 (slowly) Also own a 1936 Ariel 600 & a 1962 Norton Dommi 88. Great countryside around here for riding. Always had bikes since the 1960's. Always something to learn.

 Retired trombone player ?



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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #2279 on: February 08, 2017, 05:49:24 AM »
2002 California Stone Orange owner
Building trades
Knoxville Tn
63 yrs young
Long list of ownership including SP1000, 2 BMWs , several HDs, Victory, SV650,Vstrom, 2 Triumph Bonnie's 69, 2013. And others
Steve Huber
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 07:42:26 PM by Tennmoto »


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