Author Topic: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !  (Read 1411751 times)


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #780 on: April 07, 2013, 05:00:21 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm in New Zealand, 40, recently single and my first new girl looks like she'll be a 1000s. I have a couple other bikes that are kind of cafe'd out but this will be my first Guzzi. ;-T
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 05:03:43 PM by Joe699 »

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #781 on: April 08, 2013, 09:01:56 PM »
Here I am, Gene, new to the forum.  I recently purchased a 2007 Nevada Classic and found this great forum.  I'm an old retired guy who loved to ride bikes in the late fifties and through the sixties.  Back then I owned a few European bikes but loved the British twins.  I admired the Moto Guzzi V twins when they first came out and now I finally have one. 


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #782 on: April 10, 2013, 12:42:43 AM »

This should be interesting...

My name is Josh, I live in SE Tennessee, and I've never rode a motorcycle, but I've been wanting one. I found a 74 850 Eldorado through craigslist and payed $400 for her. I'll pick the bike up tomorrow evening.

The journey from signing up for a safety course all the way to finishing work on the bike itself will be laid out for everyone to watch, and hopefully participate in.

I have absolutely no qualms about admitting I know virtually nothing about what I'm doing. I have a couple of friends that are knowledgeable bike folks, a mechanically and electronically inclined brother, my own ingenuity, and an internet connection. I'll hear out any advice anyone would be willing to offer. I'm hear to learn and share/document my experience.

Until I can get some of my own pictures up,  here's the original CL post with a couple of pictures. The guy said its an Eldorado,  but I can't positively ID it as such. So much has been changed, but it is the original frame, engine, and front forks, but the tank may be another model (I can't ID it for certain.) Any insight would be welcome.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #783 on: April 10, 2013, 01:38:10 AM »
Hello, I'm Steve John.

I'm 49 and work as a software developer in Seattle.   Married 24 years and have a son (13) and daughter (10).

I've been riding for 33 years.   I was a road racer for 12 years, and competed in the Isle of Man TT from '97 to '03.   I had a big accident in 2006, so stopped racing and started getting back into street riding.   I bought a Yamaha SRX-6 and used it for commuting and short trips, then sold it last summer to help pay for my new hobby (target shooting). 

I started getting the itch to ride again a few months later, so I purchased a 2013 V7R in December, but only after nearly boring Dave at MotoI to death with my endless attempts to decide between the Stone and the Racer.   I've been trying to soak up information from sources like this site while breaking in the V7 between bouts of rain and ice.   I'm really enjoying getting the bike set up the way I want it, and hopefully will be taking a road trip to San Francisco in June.

Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #783 on: April 10, 2013, 01:38:10 AM »


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #784 on: April 10, 2013, 06:39:40 PM »
Hi All,

I'm Mike.  53 y/o.  Live in Hampton Roads area of Southeast Virginia.  Longtime rider.  Retired from the Coast Guard, still with them in civil service.  I'm an all weather rider. Basically, ride like it was my job.  I picked up a White (fastest color btw) 2013 Norge GT 8V beginning of March.  About 1400 miles on it now.  Love the bike. Everything I had hoped it would be, during my 4 month wait for it.  Fun, unique, quick, rare, powerful, nimble, quirky, moves like a big cat, keeps the weather off me, starts instant conversations everywhere.  This is a truly great bike and I'm not talking about the spec sheet.  The guys put up a sign at work that says, "Stormtrooper Parking Only".  I had to laugh, but explained that the Norge is "much cooler" to ride than any old Star Wars Speeder.  Today I was quite late getting back from lunch (I live 5 mins from work, but temp was in the 80s). I just smiled and said, "I can't explain it, I was doing 90 mph the entire time".  There's a whole very cool life experience that comes with owning a Norge. 

Love the forum.  Been reading it for couple of weeks.

Best, Mike

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #785 on: April 11, 2013, 12:47:54 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm in New Zealand, 40, recently single and my first new girl looks like she'll be a 1000s. I have a couple other bikes that are kind of cafe'd out but this will be my first Guzzi. ;-T

Hey Joe
Which area are you from?
Christchurch here. A couple of others on the site from the shaky part as well. Getting to be quite a few Kiwis here. Don't know where you get your bits from but Pete Kelly of Motokiwi on Waiheke Is is good to deal with and has very competitive pricing. You will find that Guzzis sometimes make you want to tear your hair out, but they have soul and are vey addictive. No known cure at this stage.
Muzz. Cristchurch, New Zealand
03 Breva

Life is just a bowl of Allbran
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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #786 on: April 12, 2013, 12:08:34 AM »
James, 24, Australia
I'm a Sailor in the Royal Australian Navy
I have a Moto Guzzi V7 Classic and am looking at getting a Griso 8v
Don't know why I like Guzzis so much..I think maybe it's the Monza my uncle had sitting in his shed when I was growing up. Always intrigued me.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #787 on: April 13, 2013, 09:15:40 AM »
Hello, I'm a new Guzzi owner (it's still in a crate at customs) as I just bought a 2011 V7 Classic from England and had it shipped to me here in the Middle East.

I teach English in Saudi Arabia and this is my third career.

I'm 60 years old and started riding when I was 21 on a 1970 Harley Sportster.

I moved to Australia and started riding European bikes with a 1997 BMW R100R, then a 1972 K100RS and finally a 2003 K1200 RS.

I started teaching English in Algeria in 2007 and married an Algerian. She is a doctor and we both now work in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

I'm already worried about the very small sump and oil capacity on my small block and I haven't even rode it yet.


Out of the crate

« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 09:48:23 AM by AbuDaoud »


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #788 on: April 13, 2013, 05:25:57 PM »
Hi I'm Ralph. I am 62. I own an electrical contracting company for 37 years. I live in Smithtown, Long Island,NY.
I have a 69 Ambasador, 76 Sporster and a 2007 Yamaha Warrior. I like taking bikes and other things apart and rebuilding them. I'm no expert but I have fun. The moto Guzzi is 50% apart.

Offline wyno

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #789 on: April 14, 2013, 12:29:53 AM »
Hi Abu Daoud,
Congrats on getting your V7 Classic, I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed my 750 Breva. I got my mechanic (Pete Roper) to order me a sump extender from in the States and it helps just for the peace of mind. You might want to get some Ikon shocks and front springs for your bike as well as they really improve the handling. Look up Proven Products on google, they're based in Albury in New South Wales. They should be able to ship them to you if there is no local dealer. Good luck with your ride.

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #790 on: April 14, 2013, 03:46:41 AM »
Welcome AbuDaoud. Obviously a reader of The Dune series!

I too own a Breva like Wyno. The smallblocks really are an addictive ride. Not over imbued with power but a really flexible motor and the bike is very "flickable" for want of a better term.

I have not bothered with the sump extender as we live in a temperate climate here, but with only 1.8 lits of oil on board there means that there is a bit more to come and go on. The smallblocks do run relatively hot and the extender may lower the temp of the oil a bit simply by there being a longer period of time when it is not in contact with the hot bits inside the engine.
Muzz. Cristchurch, New Zealand
03 Breva

Life is just a bowl of Allbran
Ya wake up in the morning and it's there


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #791 on: April 14, 2013, 10:08:10 AM »
Thanks wyno and Muzz. I have read the Dune series but Abu Daoud is my Kunyah. This is a name based on my son's name and it means "father of Daoud". For women their Kunyah is Umm and if their firstborn was named Daoud she would be Umm Daoud. I took a last ride through Canberra on the K1200RS before I left Australia in 2007. From the Gold Coast to Canberra and then to the coast up to Sydney and back to the Gold Coast. One beautiful week and over 2000 memorable kilometers. I might be back and bring this bike with me from the prices I see there.

I have heard about the sump extender and being in the Saharah it would be a good idea. I just have to have it sent here like everything else.

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #792 on: April 14, 2013, 08:41:27 PM »
Hi all. Been here before, but lost track of the site.

Phil Ammendolia, 54
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Near Sacramento, CA

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #793 on: April 21, 2013, 08:18:21 AM »
  Hello, I'm Steve from upstate NY.  My last Guzzi was a '75 850T about 25 years ago but if all goes well tomorrow I will be the new owner of a  75th Anniversary edition California.  My main bike right now is a '79 Harley FLH and I also have a '72 FLH that I picked up last fall that needs a total redo. Anything special about the '97 that could be an issue that I should check over closely?                                                                                                 Thanks, Steve


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #794 on: April 21, 2013, 08:57:29 AM »
New guy from Houston currently bikeless but thinking about remedying that soon. I've never had a MG but have always thought of them along with BMW as elite bikes. My dad and I used to ride together and spend a lot of time looking at bikes. We both liked MG's (both 2 and 4 wheel as in 2 wheel Moto Guzzi and 4 wheel MG autos) but never got around to one. I'm thinking maybe now is the time for one. Hoping to learn a lot here. Thanks for the access.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:42:23 AM by LDB »


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #795 on: April 21, 2013, 09:36:52 AM »
Hello.  I'm Steve and I"m a motorcycle addict.

I really meant to stay away from motorcycles.  Really.  I am an old car guy, mainly European sports cars.  The damn vintage Vespa ('77 Rally 200)  I bought 4 years ago was just a gateway drug.  From there I bought another old Vespa ('62 GS160).  A local '72 Eldorado was offered on CL and I thought it was a beautiful bike for a good price, so I bought it.  It was a blast to ride for a 40 year old bike.  I even met Patrick Hayes soon after who was kind enough to look it over and let me know if it was going to kill me.  It was a slippery slope from there. 

I"m a 48 year old Electrical Engineer in Sunnyvale, CA, and live in Nevada City, CA on the weekends.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #796 on: April 22, 2013, 08:35:06 PM »
Actually, a re-introduction. I have been riding a 2007 Benelli Cafe Racer for a couple of years and have strayed from the Guzzi Fold. How have things been?


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #797 on: April 22, 2013, 11:24:41 PM »
Michael, 34, Business Analyst, Canada

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #798 on: April 23, 2013, 08:02:21 AM »
Michael, 34, Business Analyst, Canada
Welcome to you!
Elaborate on your biking experiences if you would  ;-T
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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #799 on: April 25, 2013, 11:15:51 AM »
Hello all, the name is Ben and I call Michigan home though work puts me all over the country. New to the street side of the 2wheel game I grew up riding dirt bikes and mountain bikes. Soon I will be the proud owner of a new 2012 V7 Racer that I am picking up on my next trip home and am looking forward to riding and joining in on the guzzi way of life.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #800 on: April 28, 2013, 11:54:37 PM »
Operations Manager with FedEx
Breva 1100

Been riding for about 10 years. First bike was a Royal enfield 500, second an RD 350, third 2001 Yamaha R1 now a Guzzi.

Offline KBuck

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #801 on: April 29, 2013, 03:27:47 PM »
Name: KBuck
Age: 54
Occupation: Program Manager
Location: Yorktown, VA

 - -   Future MG
1986 Harley Davidson FLST (current)
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« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 03:30:22 PM by KBuck »


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #802 on: April 29, 2013, 07:57:14 PM »
Hi Akshay, I'm an IC with Custom Critical. No bike at the moment but thinking about a V7. Which center do you manage?


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #803 on: April 30, 2013, 02:25:39 AM »

I manager the centre here in Vancouver BC. Good to see a colleague here :)



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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #804 on: May 02, 2013, 09:13:24 PM »
My name is Jordan, living in Austin, TX, USA.

At least on paper, old Guzzi's seem to fit the bill for my perfect motorcycle. Simple, reliable, plenty of character, look great, parts available, centerstand and just the right size. Just found myself a rusty 1970 Ambassador and I can't wait to get her running.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #805 on: May 03, 2013, 05:54:17 AM »
I am Doug.
I have been a member here before.
Some will remember me some will not.
I am thinking seriously about getting back to riding motorcycles and when this happens I am convinced it will be on another Moto Guzzi.

Doug Doolin


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #806 on: May 04, 2013, 11:51:19 AM »
Andreas Norman, Uppsala Sweden

IT consultant

my old Guzzi, photography


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #807 on: May 05, 2013, 07:06:31 PM »
New Guzzi owner from London Ontario, Canada.

50+ year-old veterinarian with Guzzi riding added to hobbies of fly-fishing, renovating our century home, traveling, and looking for next adventure!

Good to meet the group.


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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #808 on: May 06, 2013, 05:56:33 PM »
Vittorio here

2000 V11 Sport coming with all of 1800mi on her in Black.

Currently into rally racing and have a heavily modified 1987 Audi 4000 competing against the new metal Subaru's. So, I'm already all about the old technology - just loved the torque curve on that sport - hum'nah, hum'nah!

Used to own Ninja 900's, put many k's on one in Europe especially between Belgium and Italy, lived on lake Como for a while as well. The second I sold to buy my first rally car in 2000...

Now in NH and looking for something that is not as desperately hands-on as the rally car - my wife used to ride a Kawa 450, and probably looking to get her into a 750 ie - if she's still game - my prediction is a couple of rides two up and she'll be wanting  ;D

Look forward to hitting some twisties and hangin' with some Guzzisti  ;-T

going greyt

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Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
« Reply #809 on: May 07, 2013, 08:13:20 PM »
Geoff Le Raye
Sydney, Australia

2012 Stelvio NTX. I've owned a long list of Japanese bikes, but this is my first "exotic" European. Looking forward to it! Just had its first service and now Ready to Rumble...

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