New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
decided to replace them with some tractor trailer style lights
I like 'em. Got the LAPD look of an old loop frame Ambassador or El Dorado.
Have been thinking alot about how to solve the wind buffeting around my head and helmet.
These work quite well.
ok oil leak from 4 bolts is from not being snug enough I didn't want to over tighten when I put it on it has not leaked until now. an I had not remembered how the gasket worked around those bolts.
The front had an interesting twist. When I examined the OEM front wheel, I assumed that the factory used the same front wire wheel hub that had been using since the first front disc brakes bikes since 1974. Assuming that I figured that the Lester Mag which is machined to those same specs, and is made to use the standard 300mm rotors/bearing carriers and inter bearing spacer, would be able to use the more modern 320mm rotor/bearing carriers and inter bearing spacer. From this picture, you can see it did work.