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The standard item for ADV riders if a tube designed to hold manuals on a tractor.Search to ADV riders site for details.
Great suggestion! I couldn't find them on AdvRider, but these "manual canisters" must be what you mean: is also a 2-inch diameter, 9-inch long version at the same site.These are what I had been looking for before I gave up and fitted two leather two rolls to my Griso's saddlebag racks.
Hey folks-I'm thinking of attaching some lightweight tubes on the inside of my HB racks to hold a tool roll or tent poles. Any thoughts? 3" dia PVC is just too heavy. A thin wall aluminum tube might be good- but i can't think of any resource or end caps.
Check these out
How about a marine chart tube?
Do realize how few charts I see these days. These clowns bet everything on GPS plotters. It's depressing.