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over 11,000 miles. Three rear and one front. This is getting frustrating. Keep this up and Bill Hagan will lose his status for flats. GliderJohn
These low pressure warning sensors you guys mention... any links to read up on them? Can they be installed on any wheel?
I'm wondering if the traction control system on my '16 Stone might also function indirectly as a TPS, since it will trigger if the 2 wheels aren't rotating at constant relative rates. Has anyone here had a TC system light up when a tire lost some air?
Ride-On TPS. It has been in all my tires since 2003. Besides the flat sealing I get 25-30% better tire life. I don't want to open myself up to a tirade of grief for disbelievers, or care to convince anyone of its value but I am sold.
The problem with plugging is that you have to find the leak. I put 41 pounds in yesterday afternoon and it is at 0 this morning. I cannot find a thing visually, the stem seems tight, cannot hear anything. Don't have more time at the moment but next I will start spraying it down with soap water and have around 60 lbs of pressure and see if I can find it. You would think losing air that fast that it would not be hard to find the leak.GliderJohn
I just fill up the bathtub when I can't find a leak.
What's the clean-up like when changing a tire w/ Ride-On in it?
What is it with my Norge? I have rode my T-3 for over 70,000 miles and have only had two punctures. On the way back from JN's funeral I noticed that the bike didn't feel quite right at times. I just chalked it up to the crappy Oklahoma rodes until I started hearing a hum that sounded like truck mud tires. Sure enough the tire was way down on the rear. Was able to put air in and get home at least. It is amazing how well these low profile tires still handle with almost no air pressure. I have rode my T-3 over 70,000 miles and have had a grand total of two punctures. On my Norge this will will be my fourth in just over 11,000 miles. Three rear and one front. This is getting frustrating. Keep this up and Bill Hagan will lose his status for flats. GliderJohn
Never thought that would ever happen!
So am I approaching the Hagan mark at 7 punctures in five years? Most have been on the Norge, but the last was on the BMW one week ago: Pirelli Angel GT rear with less than 200 miles on it.Jon
Did you buy the bike from Hagan? His ju-ju might be stuck to it . . .