Author Topic: [Monthly Mutton Bump, May] Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!  (Read 35925 times)

Bill Hagan

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Merry (Twelfth Day of) Christmas!

But, "Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons?"

Yeah, I know.  Weird. 

But you are still reading.  :wink:

So, here's my thinking.  Or what passes for that after my first bourbon after several days of NyQuil.  I am a bit worried about how much I like that green stuff.  :boozing:

Yes, I also know, too many words follow.  Sigh.  My cross, though you help carry it if you keep reading.  Thanks.

For many years -- as in since just after the Civil War -- St. Mary of the Woods parish in Whitesville, Kentucky, has held a picnic.  This has become a big deal locally, with two each year.

The focus is on BBQ.  Mutton, beef, pork, chicken.  The parishioners at St. Mary's are most mindful that the Lord's Prayer mentions "our daily bread," not salad, so this not a vegan event. 

OK.  A word of warning. 

This thread is not for amateurs from Texas, N.C., K.C., or wherever to weigh in with how their BBQ is better than that from Daviess County, Kentucky.  Save that for folks from the Flat States, California, or Canada, i.e., those who don't know better and might believe your tales.  We won't tell.    :grin:

Seriously, St. Mary's doesn't parboil meat, then slather it with vile sauces to disguise the damage.  Nope.  Slow-cooked from the start over hickory wood, with (it has been rumored) some anointing with corn-based adult beverages at appropriate intervals during the night by skilled folks who have been doing this for years.   

And, bear in mind that using words like "artisan"and other effete expressions will ensure you will not be asked to taste any samples if you happen to arrive at zero-5 or so the day of the picnic.  But that's what these guys are.  Artisans.   :bow:

When is it? Sunday, 28 May 2017.

Now, with all this notice, it's hard to call it a "flash mob" in the social-media sense, but for folks of most of our ages and sensibilities, it's close enough.  It's certainly not a rally, but would be fun for anyone who can make it.

My plan and that of the several of us who have done this for a few years now is to arrive in Owensboro on Saturday; sightsee a bit; have supper at Moonlite,; then sip bourbon until past the time we should have stopped. 

The next morning (earlyish), we'll ride the <20 miles over to Whitesville and "mess around."  Lines form early.  Some of us will go to Mass.  I've heard there is a Protestant church there, but as Mark Twain said of sunrises in Muscatine, I've never seen it.   :rolleyes:

Anyway, things start getting really serious about 11, when the parish hall opens its doors to serve the food. 

Still interested or annoyed enough to want to know more?

For a visual of the fun some of us had last May at St. Mary's, see the attached pix and this slideshow:

Two final more-or-less related points.

First, Thomas Clark Hagan (1793 - 1875), whose grave in Whitesville is shown with my Griso in the pic below, was born in Frederick County, Virginia, about 10 miles from our present home north of Winchester, and about a mile from Winchester Motosports, my local Guzzi dealer.  That's destiny. 

Second, if you can't make the St. Mary's event, see what's happening in the county seat, Owensboro, two weeks earlier:   

So, let me know here, by PM. or email if interested in being a Moto-Guzzi Mutton Glutton. While one can't make "reservations," as a matter of courtesy, I'd like to forewarn the parish if a large number actually decided too show up. I've never been arrested by the Swiss Guard, and don't want to start.

Ciao ... & chow.  Hope to see you in Whitesville!


« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 08:34:25 AM by Bill Hagan »

Offline guzzisteve

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2017, 07:25:10 PM »
I would like you to find me BBQ Mutton here in GA. You might find Goat first.
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2017, 08:13:06 PM »
Hmm. 140 miles from my sister Carol's house. I've been meaning to visit - two birds, one stone?  :wink:

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 12:40:55 AM »
Yes I did read the entire post!! :grin:

If I was a bit closer, I would like to find out what BBQ should taste like. Cali BBQ isn't bad to me  :boozing:

Enjoy your trip!!
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 12:40:55 AM »

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2017, 03:50:48 AM »
Hmm. 140 miles from my sister Carol's house. I've been meaning to visit - two birds, one stone?  :wink:

My sister  Carole lives in Woodbridge, VA. Not sure how far that is from thew bbq, but too far for me to swim 😊
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2017, 05:04:07 AM »
Bill,  As of now, I'm in.  Never rubbed shoulders with you guys, and we are not getting any younger.  I'll be coming from near Duluth MN.  Sounds like a great destination!

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2017, 05:15:10 AM »
Missouri mutton has a curly tail and a snout. I have two Boston butts marinating in horseradish right now. I'll hickory smoke them then cook foil wrapped for a couple of hours then open the foil and fill with sauerkraut. Then cook for another hour or two. Having a family gathering Saturday.

Schwinefliesh und kraut!  (German content)

My German bride would love this!
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Bill Hagan

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2017, 06:57:06 AM »
Thanks for (almost all of  :laugh:) the comments.

Here are some specific responses.

Bill,  As of now, I'm in.  Never rubbed shoulders with you guys, and we are not getting any younger.  I'll be coming from near Duluth MN.  Sounds like a great destination!

Super, hope Duluth has thawed by May!  :wink:

Not sure now whether I'll be riding from here at the top off Virginia or Atlanta; long story; will keep you posted. 

I'll try to bump this thread as warranted (if I can keep the haters  :violent1: from posting ) with info, but PM your e/m addy or send one to me at wrhagan<AT> so I can add you to the distro as the date gets nearer.

Hmm. 140 miles from my sister Carol's house. I've been meaning to visit - two birds, one stone?  :wink:

Which direction from Whitesville, Charlie?

My sister  Carole lives in Woodbridge, VA. Not sure how far that is from the bbq, but too far for me to swim 😊

Indubitably re swim.  :shocked:  670 road miles.

I don't care what you put on it, mutton can't be fixed.

You, Sir, are a Philistine.  That can be fixed, but you have to want it.  :rolleyes:

Yes I did read the entire post!! :grin:

If I was a bit closer, I would like to find out what BBQ should taste like. Cali BBQ isn't bad to me  :boozing:

Enjoy your trip!!

Tom, as a result of your exquisite culinary taste and open-mindedness, I will send you a small sample. 


Moonlite BBQ ships.  Not quite the Whitesville ambrosia of mutton, but close enough to give you an idea.  PM your 411 info so I can make that happen.

Missouri mutton has a curly tail and a snout. I have two Boston butts marinating in horseradish right now. I'll hickory smoke them then cook foil wrapped for a couple of hours then open the foil and fill with sauerkraut. Then cook for another hour or two. Having a family gathering Saturday.

Schwinefliesh und kraut!  (German content)

That sounds mmmmighty fine (and I'll bet it was), and St. Mary's does pork, too, but mutton means sheep, even in Mo.  See, e.g,

My German bride would love this!

Germans eat mutton, too, not only hogs.  See, e.g.,

I would like you to find me BBQ Mutton here in GA. You might find Goat first.

Steve, my first exposure to Whitesville BBQ that I remember was goat.  1958.  I was 11. Mighty fresh, too, as I watched the process from beheading to burgoo.  :grin: I remember it as good, but goat is hard to find except in Afghan restaurants, a niche I avoid.  :wink:


P.S.  I'll go back and edit this after it posts to delete those maddening symbols that don't appear in preview. Apologies 'til then. [Done]

« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 06:58:10 AM by Bill Hagan »

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2017, 08:24:21 AM »
Which direction from Whitesville, Charlie?

She lives in Liberty, KY, roughly 140 miles (by road) to the west of Whitesville according to Google Maps.

Bill Hagan

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2017, 09:44:04 AM »
She lives in Liberty, KY, roughly 140 miles (by road) to the west of Whitesville according to Google Maps.


I now understand how you know so many roads: you get lost.  Liberty is EAST of Owensboro.  :shocked: 

OTOH, what's a cardinal direction among Guzzisti?   :laugh:

I know Liberty well.  How different my life would have been had I -- as planned at the time -- gone in with an older lawyer in Liberty after graduating from law school in 1971.  But, ah, the draft changed everything, and here I am.   :wink:



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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2017, 12:11:34 PM »

I now understand how you know so many roads: you get lost.  Liberty is EAST of Owensboro.  :shocked: 

OTOH, what's a cardinal direction among Guzzisti?   :laugh:

I know Liberty well.  How different my life would have been had I -- as planned at the time -- gone in with an older lawyer in Liberty after graduating from law school in 1971.  But, ah, the draft changed everything, and here I am.   :wink:



I rarely get truly lost, unless I want to. Wrote that before I was fully awake.  :wink:

That weekend is also the Cass BMW Rally at Boyer Station. That's been my destination over Memorial Day weekend for the last 10 years, but with the Boyer Station Restaurant no longer open and the next closest one within walking distance (Ryder's/Bear's Den) now closed as well, I'm thinking about a change.

Offline Sasquatch Jim

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2017, 12:46:35 PM »
  Did Mary achieve sainthood because of her barbecue?
Sasquatch Jim        Humanoid, sort of.

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2017, 12:50:05 PM »
This sounds Excellent. I've never spent much time in Kentucky, and was thoroughly enthralled by the touring I did with the Guzzisti at the last Kentucky Rally. The ride down Andy and Mary from Indy, the three days tooling around the Frankfort area...Intoxicating . Told myself then I had to get back, on two wheels or four, solo or with a lady on my arm (or pillion), and this sounds like just the thing.

I'm in.

let me know where I can pitch a tent.
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2017, 12:52:40 PM »
and to add, when accessing google maps and searching Whitesville, the default image Google presents for the town is of St. Mary of the Woods. Word seems to have gotten out....
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2017, 01:05:13 PM »
Oooo, that kinda fits into my sorta time frame and destinations... and been looking for a long distance ride for some time now...I'll be watching this thread.
Something wistful and amusing, yet poignant.

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2017, 06:12:31 PM »
Would you believe I spent an hour, drooling over these pics :grin:
Thanks Bill :thumb:
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2017, 06:41:59 PM »
I can vouch for mutton BBQ at Moonlite! It's a unique, earthy flavor. Chthonic came to mind, but that's a bit much. I've heard about the Whitesville parish, but never been.

I'll see if I can make it. It would be nice to be in the company of the BBQ cognoscenti.

Great idea!


Offline Sasquatch Jim

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2017, 06:51:04 PM »
I can vouch for mutton BBQ at Moonlite! It's a unique, earthy flavor. Chthonic came to mind, but that's a bit much. I've heard about the Whitesville parish, but never been.

I'll see if I can make it. It would be nice to be in the company of the BBQ cognoscenti.

Great idea!


Cthonic doesn't sound tasty.
Chthonic, which is a form of khthonie and khthonios, has a precise technical meaning in Greek, referring primarily to the manner and method of offering sacrifices to specific deity or deities, generally referred to as chthonic or chthonian deities. These include but are perhaps not strictly limited to Demeter and Hades in classical mythology.

Nocturnal ritual sacrifice was a common practice in many chthonic cults. When the sacrifice was a living creature, the animal was placed in a bothros (βόθρος, "pit") or megaron (μέγαρον, "sunken chamber").[citation needed] In some Greek chthonic cults, the animal was sacrificed on a raised bomos (βωμός, "altar"). Offerings were usually burned whole or buried rather than being cooked and shared among the worshippers.[3]
Sasquatch Jim        Humanoid, sort of.

Bill Hagan

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2017, 07:17:12 PM »
Cthonic doesn't sound tasty.
Chthonic, which is a form of khthonie and khthonios, has a precise technical meaning in Greek, referring primarily to the manner and method of offering sacrifices to specific deity or deities, generally referred to as chthonic or chthonian deities. These include but are perhaps not strictly limited to Demeter and Hades in classical mythology.

Nocturnal ritual sacrifice was a common practice in many chthonic cults. When the sacrifice was a living creature, the animal was placed in a bothros (βόθρος, "pit") or megaron (μέγαρον, "sunken chamber").[citation needed] In some Greek chthonic cults, the animal was sacrificed on a raised bomos (βωμός, "altar"). Offerings were usually burned whole or buried rather than being cooked and shared among the worshippers.[3]

And your point is, Jim?

You know it is very difficult to find virgins in Daviess County, which may explain how this all got started there.  Sheep were the fall-back victims for sacrifices.   :laugh:

And Moto's use of "earthy" was, IMO, very apt.  It is more than that, but there is a taste and texture to mutton cooked right that evokes images of when some our ancestors toured Europe and elsewhere in longships.    :wink:

Anyway, sure hope that those of you who have expressed an interest can make it. 

Somewhere along the way, we need look into lodging. 

Someone -- I'll have to reread the thread to see who that was -- mentioned camping.  Suspect that is quite doable, and perhaps even more easily in Whitesville itself than in Owensboro.  I'll inquire.

I am also beginning to think some sort of tee may be needed.   :grin:



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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2017, 07:22:12 PM »
Cthonic doesn't sound tasty.
Chthonic, which is a form of khthonie and khthonios, has a precise technical meaning in Greek, referring primarily to the manner and method of offering sacrifices to specific deity or deities, generally referred to as chthonic or chthonian deities. These include but are perhaps not strictly limited to Demeter and Hades in classical mythology.

Nocturnal ritual sacrifice was a common practice in many chthonic cults. When the sacrifice was a living creature, the animal was placed in a bothros (βόθρος, "pit") or megaron (μέγαρον, "sunken chamber").[citation needed] In some Greek chthonic cults, the animal was sacrificed on a raised bomos (βωμός, "altar"). Offerings were usually burned whole or buried rather than being cooked and shared among the worshippers.[3]

Yes, I know. I'd been reading Camille Paglia at the time, who uses the term unrelentingly, and it was preying on my mind. It's not too bad a description of mutton BBQ, I thought, referring to the underworld and its deities, the chthonic ones. It's a dark, otherworldly flavor. (American Heritage Dictionary: Chthonic. adjective. Concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld: a chthonic deity.)

But as we say, YMMV.


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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2017, 07:28:55 PM »
I love lamb chops, leg of lamb, etc.  Never had BBQ mutton.  Would like to try it someday.
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Offline Sasquatch Jim

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2017, 08:53:43 PM »
  Ha, word droppers.  If you are going to drop words for the sake of their rarity, be sure to use them in a valid context.
Sasquatch Jim        Humanoid, sort of.


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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2017, 09:31:30 PM »
  Ha, word droppers.  If you are going to drop words for the sake of their rarity, be sure to use them in a valid context.

I think I did.


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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2017, 10:11:23 PM »
 You boys ever had BBQ'ed armadillo ?



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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2017, 10:43:42 PM »
You boys ever had BBQ'ed armadillo ?


Nope. Sign me up!


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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2017, 10:49:31 PM »
Nope. Sign me up!

 The Texas Turnip served it at the old Italy TX rally , he is the armadillo master  :laugh:


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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2017, 05:48:20 AM »
Sounds like a great time to be had in the Bluegrass state but Memorial day weekend takes us to the New Cumberland rally.  :cry:
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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2017, 06:57:19 AM »
Bill, this mutton chow-down sounds like a great time.  Concerned about the flash dance part - beer bellies, suspenders and corn cob pipes flying  :shocked: - we may not be invited back.  It is a-ways from H-Town, probably will not make it.  But your post was the most entertaining ever, I'm thinking you should work NyQuil in with your regular Bourbon rotation.   :wink:

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2017, 08:08:24 AM »
And your point is, Jim?

You know it is very difficult to find virgins in Daviess County, which may explain how this all got started there.  Sheep were the fall-back victims for sacrifices.   :laugh:

And Moto's use of "earthy" was, IMO, very apt.  It is more than that, but there is a taste and texture to mutton cooked right that evokes images of when some our ancestors toured Europe and elsewhere in longships.    :wink:

Anyway, sure hope that those of you who have expressed an interest can make it. 

Somewhere along the way, we need look into lodging. 

Someone -- I'll have to reread the thread to see who that was -- mentioned camping.  Suspect that is quite doable, and perhaps even more easily in Whitesville itself than in Owensboro.  I'll inquire.

I am also beginning to think some sort of tee may be needed.   :grin:


So you are taking your golf clubs too?

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Re: Flash Mob for Moto Guzzi Mutton Gluttons!
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2017, 08:16:05 AM »
The Bride and I are giving this some serious thought..

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