New Moto Guzzi Door Mats Available Now
Wait... how did your Eldo turn into a sunbeam S7?
Well, I'm curious to say the least
It's an Ozzie trick ... ...that Balvenie can explain Dusty
hahahahaha What would we do without ya Dusty [you rotter ]
I seem to remember you mentioning that before Charlie so will keep note of it once it is back on its wheels.The blanking plate to replace the old oil pick up is done, nothing to flash but should do the job and saved cutting up the original oil pick up.The alloy plate is in a chuck mounted to a rotary table.The holes in the plate are tapped M6 and work piece drilled 6mm.The extra taped holes around the central one hold the piece at the various pivot points.Its around 3 mm thicker than the old pick up flange so might reduce it later (or not)The block off plate hole measurements.Its on to the cylinder heads now, the guides were knurled internally so will drill them out for replacement.
No luck with wheel bearings, they just shrug and say not listed. No doubt the ones on eBay "etc with no markings are from India.
Any opinions on these VHB slides and wonder what the source is (Italy I hope ? )