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This site came up right away, have some maybe useful info:'t the Ducati Paso have a downdraft Weber? Yes, a 44 DCNF.Here's a thread about messing with the Paso Weber. This guy replaced it with a 40 DCNF and had better results he says. That's for a Paso 750, Your TDM is an 850, so who knows?Making an intake manifold to fit should be fun.But Mikuni carbs are supposed to be good too. Worked great on my old 750 carby Monster once I returned it all to stock from the abomination it was when I first got it. (painfully loud and it ran like crap).FarmallASteve
It's interesting that you want to replace Mikunis with a dual-throat Weber when in the 90s everyone with a Ducati Paso was replacing the dual-throat Weber with Mikunis.I found that the problems with Pasos with Webers were solved once you had the parts and experience to properly tune the Webers, which came from Ducati horribly jetted for the SE US.
I had a 750 Paso and the weber worked fine after you played with the emulsion tube and added a fuel pressure regulator. The Paso forum details are dead nuts on. That said, mikuni makes fine carburetors and I'm fitting a set of Mikuni HSR's on my ongoing project.