
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: SISU Printer on October 05, 2006, 11:54:21 AM

Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SISU Printer on October 05, 2006, 11:54:21 AM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SISU Printer on October 05, 2006, 11:55:12 AM
Andy Sirvio, 38, Printer, Detroit Michigan, USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sbaker on October 05, 2006, 11:57:26 AM

Sam Baker

55 - Sagittarius

Managing Principal  - Xerox Global Services

Dallas TX


Sailing, Guitar Playing, Motorcycles

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jon Burdsall on October 05, 2006, 12:01:17 PM
Jon Burdsall


Imaging sysadmin

Helena, Montana

Family, motorcycles, firearms, stereo, many other things depending on the weather/time of year.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: joeguzzi on October 05, 2006, 12:03:20 PM
Joe Edmonson
52 years old
Still Married
Facilities Manager for 411,000 sq ft Operation
Hobbies are Motorcycles (Older the Better) and Camping
Austell Ga. (Surburb of Atlanta)

Joe in Atlanta
1972 Eldorado
1982 Honda GL 500
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seagondollar on October 05, 2006, 12:03:32 PM
Mark Seagondollar


Electrical Engineer

Wake Forest, NC  (8 miles north of Raleigh)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick on October 05, 2006, 12:22:39 PM
Nick Di Croce
53 years old
VP Transp/Whse/Distr Co.
Married, 4 children
Hobbies: Motorcycling, ATV, Hunting, Landscaping, etc..
Mullica Hill, NJ
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 05, 2006, 12:24:53 PM

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Slygrin on October 05, 2006, 12:25:38 PM
Mike Harrison
IT at a healthcare facility
Moses Lake, WA
Interests: Motorcycling & Computers
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on October 05, 2006, 12:30:26 PM
Dean Rose
63 years old, was now 72
Hobbies are Motorcycles, Fishing, Camping & Cooking
Claytor Lake Pulaski County Virginia
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steve Scott on October 05, 2006, 12:36:37 PM
Steve Scott
Spring Grove, PA
Eng. Technician at www.microcomdesign.com (http://www.microcomdesign.com/) specializing in environmental monitoring equipment and automated data recording systems as well as satellite and ground-based data telemetry. Part-time dirt bike mechanic.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Turn: ons: Puppies and kittens
Turn-offs: Big Bad Biker types

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on October 05, 2006, 12:41:56 PM

no wife.

no kids.

no debt.

not gainfully employed.  I ride motorcycles.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on October 05, 2006, 12:46:54 PM
Dave Swanson


Operations Lead, Aerospace

Hobbies -  motorcycles

bike inventory:

2003 Honda CBR954RR
1983 Harley FXRS
1980 Honda CBX
1979 Honda CBX
1974 Guzzi Eldo
1973 Guzzi V7 Sport
1972 Harley SX350 Sprint
1969 Harley FLH
1965 Honda 150 Dream
1964 Harley XLCH
1962 Triumph TR6SS
1956 Harley KHK

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Amboman on October 05, 2006, 12:50:35 PM
Charlie, 43 yrs. old, classic motorcycle (and sometimes Mercedes) mechanic, Rohrersville, MD.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sbaker on October 05, 2006, 12:57:04 PM


Pimp... now I undertand why you don't ride every day and not get your suit dirty!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 05, 2006, 12:58:37 PM

Pimp... now I undertand why you don't ride every day and not get your suit dirty!!!!!!!!

I was wondering if that would ever get a comment!   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on October 05, 2006, 01:05:04 PM

Pimp... now I undertand why you don't ride every day and not get your suit dirty!!!!!!!!

I was wondering if that would ever get a comment!   ;D

We know you!!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gary martin on October 05, 2006, 01:16:07 PM
gary martin
59 yrs. old (look 39 yrs. old, feel 79 yrs. old)
evans city, "pennsyltucky", usa
co-owner of independent insurance agency, part-time ne'er-do-well
coolest possession besides my bikes:  congo african grey parrot that will undoubtedly out-live me!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PhilPrice on October 05, 2006, 01:26:29 PM
Phil Price

41 years old

South Wales - United Kingdom

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FGO on October 05, 2006, 01:30:38 PM
Jon Margrave

Director of Quality, Ontic Engineering (www.ontic.com)  a retirement home for Aerospace products

51 years old

Los Angeles area

Guzzi fetish
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ragnar on October 05, 2006, 01:32:11 PM
Patrick Waylett, 64, metering instalations inspector,
 retire in 19 weeks and 4 days, not that I am counting.

Motorcycling, fishing, camping, beer, wine and history. Used to play darts, have won about 40 trophies, played once in an international match South London v Sweden, retired from competative games 4 years ago.

Current Bikes;

2001 Jackal
2001 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet.
Hoping to add a Griso or Norge next year, if the finances work out.

I live in SE England, Chatham, between London & Dover
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 05, 2006, 01:36:04 PM
Tom Huff
40 years old
Chardon, Ohio USA

work: DBA for County Court system


Hobbies: music (writing, recording, performing)

Motorcycles in inventory: 2002 MG Stone Metal
                                        1986 BMW K75S
                                        1978 Triumph T140E
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hacksaw on October 05, 2006, 01:40:16 PM
Hello Everybody.
My name is John R. and I'm an
OOPS, wrong forum. 

John Reid
Lincoln, Nebraska

44 years old next Thursday

Automation Engineer

1970 high mileage Ambassarado
2003 'planning to be' high mileage  EVT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: yaledriver on October 05, 2006, 01:59:37 PM
Steve Scott
Spring Grove, PA
Eng. Technician specializing in environmental monitoring equipment and automated data recording systems as well as satellite and ground-based data telemetry. Part-time dirt bike mechanic.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Turn: ons: Puppies and kittens
Turn-offs: Big Bad Biker types

daa now i get steve wanted to sell penguin meters last week!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: yaledriver on October 05, 2006, 02:10:27 PM
Hello Everybody.
My name is John R. and I'm an
OOPS, wrong forum. 

John Reid
Lincoln, Nebraska

44 years old next Thursday

Automation Engineer

1970 high mileage Ambassarado
2003 'planning to be' high mileage  EVT

I believe that would be step # 1
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pfaff! on October 05, 2006, 02:17:03 PM
Anders Holt is the name

55 is the age

Southern of Sweden is the place where I live. Thats in Europe.

Southern of Italy is the place I do hope to live if&when retired

So does my retired wife.....

Electrical engineer (seen that before  ;)), partly employeed, partly contractor

The rest is my motorcycle, cooking, wines and good books. Don't forget the grown up kids!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matt F on October 05, 2006, 02:17:55 PM
Matt Funk
Flight Test Engineer for the Navy.
Married, two kids, two cars and a dog.  Liging the American dream in my 4 BR colonial in suburbia.  
Don't have time for much else.
Quote from: Kev
Dayum, if it wadn't fo this playa I'd be the foshiggity-young gangsta round hair
Now it's me, sucka!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 05, 2006, 02:25:50 PM

Quote from: Kev
Dayum, if it wadn't fo this playa I'd be the foshiggity-young gangsta round hair
Now it's me, sucka!!

Crap, they're getting younger.

But ya know,

MY WIFE still has you all beat   :P :P :P

Cradle robber!  or did you get married in Delaware?   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gootsz on October 05, 2006, 02:26:22 PM

Micky Trammell

age - 53

married(second time, yes I know)

Kids all gone thank God

R&D Chemical Engineer

Satellite Beach Florida
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BillinPA on October 05, 2006, 03:03:06 PM
Bill Bosworth




1 daughter ( my sidecar buddy)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: roy on October 05, 2006, 03:04:56 PM
 roy brock
 age 73
 retired, 3 times
 two dogs, two goats
 1989 cali 111 FF
 1994 V 65 ex cop
 1996 cali 1100
 motorcyles and taking care of the "back 40"
 mt olive, nc
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twhitaker on October 05, 2006, 03:13:01 PM
Terry Whitaker
Mechanical Engineer (prostitute  ;D) for a company that rebuilds and retrofits machine tools.
Dayton OH
Married. Third time's a charm.

Guzzis, ralies, waterskiing, and snow skiing.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vkennedy on October 05, 2006, 03:14:06 PM
Victor Kennedy
English professor
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VeteranRider on October 05, 2006, 03:17:08 PM
John J. Cerilli

Working in Fremont, CA; living in Pleasanton, CA

Age: 52    

Vice President Global Sales and Marketing
AXT, Inc.

Riding motorcycles >38 years, married, no kids, one "senior-citizen" cat

1993 Moto Guzzi SP1000-III
1993 Triumph Trident 900
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: elvisboy77 on October 05, 2006, 03:18:27 PM
John Kramer
Mechanical Engineer
Chapel Hill NC
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: paul in rochester on October 05, 2006, 03:20:23 PM
paul drotar; 46; rochester, new york

Y2K jackal, '83 GL650, '80 CM200T (don't ask), '66 dodge charger (the REAL one)

no kids, six cats

riding, wrenching, volunteer paramedic
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dilliw on October 05, 2006, 03:20:48 PM
George Westbury


Work for the French....

Rural South Carolina.

Married to the farmer's daughter (Kim)

We have horses, kids (3), and not much else!

Got my first Guzzi back in May (thanks John Z), an '03 EVT

My first bike was a Herter's minibike  with a big fat rear tire....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Two Checks on October 05, 2006, 03:21:11 PM
STL Metro area

Assemble/repair film/digital photographic systems 40 hrs a week, going broke the rest

Age 50, act 10, look 50, feel 90

Deevorced a long, long time

One son, US Navy avionics/radar/guidance tech 10 yrs (Matt, if your'e in Norfolk you and he may have crossed paths)

Beer, bikes, beer, airplanes, beer, sippin' whiskey (Bourbon), beer, real BBQ, beer firearms, beer, (there's a pattern forming here)

1990 Cal III F/F
1987 1000 SP II
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SeattleVet on October 05, 2006, 03:23:11 PM
Mike Pearson
Network Administrator
Seattle, WA
Married - very happily, 11 years.

Hobbies: model and high-power rocketry, SCUBA, photography, growing & showing orchids.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 03:26:45 PM
Victor Kennedy
English professor

Hello Victor!

A Slovenian participant on Wildgoose Chase!   Cool!  Are you a member of the Slovenian Guzzi Club?

I tried my best this summer to get to Slovenia to visti my friends from 2002,  but I did not succeed.   In a way it was a good thing because the motorcycle broke and by my calculations I would have been in Croatia on my way to Ljubjana if I hadn't gone north by ferry instead.  Otherwise, I was sorry I didn't make it!

Slovenian Guzzi Club Dinner, 2002....  Nice people.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: John Peters on October 05, 2006, 03:37:40 PM
John Peters
Age: 51
Occupation: Transition/Vocational Coordinator for Special Education students
Interests: Besides Guzzis (75 T-3 LAPD), sailplane pilot, firearms, fishing
My wife says the Guzzi cures her backaches much better than any meds or chiropractor ever has!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hws on October 05, 2006, 03:40:43 PM
Hi; Hank Sheddan
half retired  ;D  Louise supports me

 retired from Unison ind--no not the pill people--aerospace ignition

 did everything from machinist-tool maker to engineering designer, finally gave it up in 03

 like motorcycles, still fly a bit, guns, a little farming.

wish I had the coin to have a stable full of guzzis

 never tire of seeing how interesting the people on this board are.

and how helpfull when one of us needs a helping hand--thanks to all of you.

Hank  :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vkennedy on October 05, 2006, 03:40:51 PM
Hi Will. I wasn't aware that there was a Slovenian Guzzi Club until you mentioned it, but now that I know, I'll look it up. I just got back into biking after 25 years. I sold my last bike to pay for college tuition in 1982, and hadn't ridden anything until this last summer, when my daughter and I rented a scooter on our holidays in Bled and Bohinj. She enjoyed it so much she took a scooter riding course when we got back home (kids over 14 can get a licence to drive a scooter under 50 c.c. here). I've been futzing around with local bureaucracy trying to get my Slovenian motorycle driving licence (ever read Kafka?), but it appears that everything is taken care of now, and I expect to pick up my new Nevada tomorrow.  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Porterhouse on October 05, 2006, 03:41:14 PM
Steve Daley
Medical Science Liaison
Seattle, WA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ogsurf on October 05, 2006, 03:46:39 PM
Tom Pritchard
52 Yrs.
Old Land Rovers, Alfa Romeos, Fishing, Surfing

Ocean Grove NJ
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on October 05, 2006, 03:54:28 PM
Vince Ammendola
Customer Service Rep.
Can you guess where I live?
I enjoy riding my LeMans III and camping at rallies. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 04:02:28 PM
Hi Will. I wasn't aware that there was a Slovenian Guzzi Club until you mentioned it, but now that I know, I'll look it up. I just got back into biking after 25 years. I sold my last bike to pay for college tuition in 1982, and hadn't ridden anything until this last summer, when my daughter and I rented a scooter on our holidays in Bled and Bohinj. She enjoyed it so much she took a scooter riding course when we got back home (kids over 14 can get a licence to drive a scooter under 50 c.c. here). I've been futzing around with local bureaucracy trying to get my Slovenian motorycle driving licence (ever read Kafka?), but it appears that everything is taken care of now, and I expect to pick up my new Nevada tomorrow.  ;D


My experience with them in 2002 was truly a pleasure.  They are great people, I met them in Mandello del Lario and then rode to Slovenia and took part in a ride around the country over a weekend.  We had a party at some huge ex-communist era golf facility that was available for rent.  So the whole club could stay there, out in the country.   Man, it was crazy.   

You no doubt recognize this place....


I am on the right with Barbara Susnik, a Centauro rider now in Canada with the Slovenian embassy, and Tomaz Moravec on the left.


Here we are having fixed the loose battery cables on the ST2 I was riding, Matteo Turturro is the other guy (from Italy).   The party started right afterwards!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wil b. on October 05, 2006, 04:06:00 PM
Bill Beck

51 years young
Broadview, IL
No wife, no kids, no debt, 2 cats
Office Manager
Camping, Hiking, Road Trips, Bicycling, Jazz, Big Band, Movies, MST3K, T.O.P.
'71 Guzzi Ambassador, '75 Guzzi 850T, '91 Honda Nighthawk 750, '04 Kymco Super 9
'05 Scion xB

Daily lurker on this site!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vkennedy on October 05, 2006, 04:07:49 PM
Bled castle. What do I win?

I've never met Barbara, but I've talked to her on the phone (I'm originally from Canada, and am in touch with the consulate in Ljubljana quite often). We live at the other end of the country, in Maribor.

Thanks for the link. I'll get in touch with the club.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 04:11:59 PM
Bled castle. What do I win?

I've never met Barbara, but I've talked to her on the phone (I'm originally from Canada, and am in touch with the consulate in Ljubljana quite often). We live at the other end of the country, in Maribor.

Thanks for the link. I'll get in touch with the club.

That's a coincidence!

They're a good bunch.


PS You win a ride to Bled :-))))

PPS If you do get in touch with the Slovenian Guzzi club in person, give them my regards, and let me know how it goes!   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cam Lay on October 05, 2006, 04:30:11 PM
I always enjoy these. 

I'm an entomologist.  Probably the only one here. (?)  I've been educated well beyond my abilities and am living proof that if you don't live a virtuous life in the field you'll go to Management. 

My specialty is structural and household pests, particularly termites and beetles.  In my "day job" I fly a desk for SC's pesticide regulatory agency.  It's a little science, a little crime-fighting, a good bit of consumer protection, and a whole lot of bureaucracy.  And every other Tuesday at noon I do a call-in radio show about insects.  My 15 minutes of fame ought to be about up by now...

Outside of the day job I do a good bit of consulting as an expert witness.  (Lawyers, make a note.  Consulting pays for the Guzzi, you know.)  Every now and then I get invited to come out and put on some training for some group of pest-control guys, or another regulatory program.  I'm going to have to start taking more leave for these and riding the bike.  I've passed up chances to ride out to Arizona and Oregon recently.  I did have a nice ride up to Indianapolis this year, though.  (Hi, Dave!)

Three kids.  Two German Shorthairs.  One argumentative woman.  House in the country.  Moderate carpentry skills.  Wiring efforts usually pass the "lick two fingers..." test.  Not good at tire-changing.  Will hunt for food. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vkennedy on October 05, 2006, 04:31:50 PM
Bled castle. What do I win?

I've never met Barbara, but I've talked to her on the phone (I'm originally from Canada, and am in touch with the consulate in Ljubljana quite often). We live at the other end of the country, in Maribor.

Thanks for the link. I'll get in touch with the club.

That's a coincidence!

They're a good bunch.


PS You win a ride to Bled :-))))

PPS If you do get in touch with the Slovenian Guzzi club in person, give them my regards, and let me know how it goes!   

Hvala lipa, Will!

Jaz bom, seveda.

Lep pozdrav in srecno pot!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 04:41:34 PM
Bled castle. What do I win?

I've never met Barbara, but I've talked to her on the phone (I'm originally from Canada, and am in touch with the consulate in Ljubljana quite often). We live at the other end of the country, in Maribor.

Thanks for the link. I'll get in touch with the club.

That's a coincidence!

They're a good bunch.


PS You win a ride to Bled :-))))

PPS If you do get in touch with the Slovenian Guzzi club in person, give them my regards, and let me know how it goes!   

Hvala lipa, Will!

Jaz bom, seveda.

Lep pozdrav in srecno pot!

Oh my God, now I'm going to go crazy wondering what that means...  :-)

Since I've now hijacked this thread...

Will Creedon
San Diego, CA, USA
Engineering Research Manager
Some time EFI Tuner
Guzzis and anything Italian including the girls
Finding twisty roads wherever they are
Flying marginally powered old airplanes


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 05, 2006, 04:42:17 PM
Bill Beck


Yeah!  Now I feel like I'm sitting around a campfire! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wil b. on October 05, 2006, 05:08:37 PM

Threw that in just in case!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wayne Orwig on October 05, 2006, 05:20:35 PM
Wayne Orwig
I follow Bill around with tools.  ;D
Live in Hog Mountain Georgia. The upitty yankees moving in don't like that name.
My hobby is brewing beer. My other hobby is drinking it.
To fund my hobbies, I write manufacturing test software and design barcode readers.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SeanF on October 05, 2006, 05:28:11 PM
Sean Flanagan

35 years old

Computer geek

I live in a motorhome...actuall y a school bus that's been converted to a motorhome (http://seanf.smugmug.com).

Currently at Mormon Lake Lodge in northern Arizona.  Fixin to move to a warmer climate in about 3 weeks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 05, 2006, 05:29:41 PM
Age: Old. But not so old I wont bust you into kindling
Location: Close enought to Moto International that I buy over the counter. Far enough away that Bigfoot is renting the spare room
Occupation: Cricket bat Samurai
Hobbies: Re-enacting 3 Stooges films in my living room

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jreagan on October 05, 2006, 05:37:18 PM
John Reagan

46yo, divorced, no kids, live-in GF who loves to ride

Nashua NH

Software Engineer for Hewlett-Packard

Hobbies: Photography, motorcycles, woodworking

I have lots of photos from an around-the-world trip I took last year at


for those of you might be interested.  Plus a few of my Breva and Bonneville at

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzilady on October 05, 2006, 05:45:12 PM
Lori Daeuber
Elementary school teacher
Moorhead, MN ("across the ditch from Fargo, ND" as Eric from this board says - and yes, he's my wonderful Guzzi riding husband  :))
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 05, 2006, 05:47:30 PM
John Reagan

46yo, divorced, no kids, live-in GF who loves to ride

Nashua NH

Software Engineer for Hewlett-Packard

Hobbies: Photography, motorcycles, woodworking

I have lots of photos from an around-the-world trip I took last year at


for those of you might be interested.  Plus a few of my Breva and Bonneville at


Sweet! I'm typing this on a new HP laptop i bought last weekend. Can I have your number? Y'know...in case i have a question or something

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: philp on October 05, 2006, 06:22:15 PM

MSF Instructor, ahem.. Rider Coach

Married to my riding partner (19 years)
3 kiddo's who all love to ride

Riding since ~'84 with a short hiatus in the '90's

Passions: Family, martial arts, and recently fabrication -working a project bike.  Oh - and of course, riding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: John L. on October 05, 2006, 06:28:41 PM
Hi Y'all !
I'm 51 just now
Married - -for the 2nd and last time
3 kids grown, 2 left
2 grandkids
Cleverly disguised as a worker bee for Ok Dept of Environmental Quality.
Got back into riding 4 or so years ago ...
Love riding, don't like working   SHOCK!
Private pilot - virtually unused since, but a great accomplishment at the time LOL.
Frequent lurker, love the board here
Just got Sheila (wife) a V-star 650 to get started with...
Life is goooood

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 850tBill on October 05, 2006, 06:31:13 PM

Bill Kerekes


Comercial Construction Superintendent

Conroe, Texas

Golf, 75 T, 73 MG Midget and try to keep moving around room in my garage ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fudge Packer on October 05, 2006, 06:41:03 PM

Forklift operator for Mars Inc.  I tell truckers to backup & take this load  ;D

Not married currently but, I'm in the process of ordering a Filipino bride  :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 05, 2006, 06:44:55 PM
 Gary , 56  Just North of Canada.
Married 39 years, 2 Sons , 1 deceased , Nov 20, 2000
Metal model maker, concept cars
Just started riding Guzzi number 17  
as near as I can count it is motorcycle #49  or so overall Only 5 of them were rideable when purchased.
Started riding in 1965
First motorized two wheeler was a Lil Indian minibike
powered by an alky burning, ported Mc8 McCulloch kart engine
First real motorcycle a 1963 BSA Royal Star Followed by a very long string od Royal Enfield Interceptors, Triumph twins and triples, Matchless singles and twins, Norton twins, BSA singles, twins and triples, An AJS and a Velocette KTT, An Indian arrow. One Asian, a dreadful KZ1000
 The other Italians were a 1975 750 Sport, a 1971 450 Ducati Scrambler and a 1984 Ducati 900SS Bevel (bought at a GM employee auction in 1986 with 19 miles on the clock)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: luthier on October 05, 2006, 06:49:46 PM
      Dan Kellaway 53 Guitar Maker www.kellawayguitars .com
With the best lady ever, who makes Medieval Wedding Dresses  www.medievalwedding attire.com
who loves the bike with a passion
We have 4 Border Collies  2 children each
3 grandchildren  
We live in Singleton Hunter Valley NSW Australia a coal mining town
we live to renovate to get onto land. Our sanity if you call it that is derived from the simple pleasures of the ride.
I love to play and write music at times, photography, amateur website writing, checking out this site[ I think a little too obsessively lately], drinking beer of course, and mechanical repairs ['wrenching' to you yanks] to my vehicles although I'd prefer they didn't need it. It's enjoyable on the Guzzi if it's done right the first time.
There it is ; a serious response. I do enjoy some of the more cryptic ones too though.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mike Harper on October 05, 2006, 07:11:26 PM
Mike Harper   66   Moto Guzzi dealer for 37 years and a reluctant farmer just southeast of Kansas City, MO
Hobbies -- Antique motorcycles  I got bunches and bunches and flying
Married for 45 years-- 3 grandkids
2 Horses that run loose on the farm, 2 dogs, 1 Cockatiel
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 07:14:21 PM
1984 Ducati 900SS Bevel (bought at a GM employee auction in 1986 with 19 miles on the clock)[/left]

An S2 perhaps? 

900SS's were made from 1975-1982, replaced by the 900 S2 in 1983/84, the 84s had electric start etc, and then the 1985 S2 Mille which was the end of the line.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stevet on October 05, 2006, 07:26:15 PM
Steve Tiedman

Minneapolis, MN area

37 years, 7 months young.

Been with the same great lady for over 16 years, married to her for over 13 years.

No kids.

Work for a body of municipal government as a housing & building inspector, looking forward to the day when I can leave it all behind for a pasture without so much horsesh*t.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on October 05, 2006, 07:40:22 PM
Chuck Stottlemyer
"Well past 21"  ;D Retired engineering modelmaker/tool & die maker/moldmaker/machine designer and builder.
Live on a farm/airstrip in central Indiana.
Hobbies.. have built or restored 5 airplanes, fooling around in the machine shop, flying, double bassist, and Guzzis. duh.
"If you have no fear, you ain't doing it right..."
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Eldo in the Weeds on October 05, 2006, 07:43:26 PM
name: Eric
age: 41
location:  Katy, TX
occupation:  outside sales (musical instruments)
hobbies:  Guzzi's, guitar, guns, PC games

72 Eldo (in pieces)
2002 Stone (almost)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 05, 2006, 07:57:45 PM
Hi; Hank Sheddan
half retired  ;D  Louise supports me

retired from Unison ind--no not the pill people--aerospace ignition

did everything from machinist-tool maker to engineering designer, finally gave it up in 03


Thank you for reliable Slick magnetos - mine, installed in 97, have been entirely trouble free  :-)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Texas Turnip on October 05, 2006, 08:19:57 PM
Age: Unknown. Stolen by Gypsies at birth and later sold to farmers that needed a replacement for their dead mule.

Currently Executive VP in charge of total production of Brassica rapa.
Senior VP of TURDASS (Turnip Users Research & Development Association)
Married 6 or 7 times. I used to drink a lot.

I want my headstone to read "A steady job and a good woman have been the ruin of many a biker."

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzimike on October 05, 2006, 08:27:04 PM


Huntington Beach, Ca.

Electro/Mechanical engineer

Run my own business testing/repairing low (480) and medium voltage (1KV-15KV) electrical power distribution systems since 1986

Wife, son (17), 3 Chinese Shar-Pei dogs, 2 fire-bellied toads.

Hobbies: Reading, Motorcycling, Muscle Cars, Guns, Soccer, watching B&W classic movies.

'79 Moto Guzzi CX100,   '79 Kawasaki KZ1000 (Mad Max Replica), '68 Dodge Dart GTS 383.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Daniel Kalal on October 05, 2006, 08:29:32 PM
Daniel Kalal
49 (Guzzi owner for 30 years)
Fatigue Engineer, Cessna Aircraft Co.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: toddhaven on October 05, 2006, 08:45:54 PM
Todd Haven
Parts manager for MPH Cycles,
and MPH Automotive.
Came to work with my brother 17 years ago,
looks like I may be off the probationary period soon.

hobbies: Guzzi, blues/jazz/Texas folk music, history, Libertarian politics.
And beer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: s-rider on October 05, 2006, 09:00:01 PM
 :)   Sid Kerr
      Phoenix Az.
      Part time truck driver
      Hobbies-  Motocycles And motorcycle trips

      01 Jackal
      03 Suzuki 1200 Bandit
      96 Suzuki DR650
      79 Yamaha XS1100
      83 Yamaha Virago 920
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mongoguzzi on October 05, 2006, 09:04:57 PM
Mark Williamson
Power Plant Operator
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pete roper on October 05, 2006, 09:06:29 PM
Pete Roper

Age 49, or something :P

Job. Open to interpretation. Sometime Guzzi mechanic and designer of bits to cure a few of the problems the factory built in just to fool us ;D. Full time cook and bottle-washer and Mr. Mum for the last 21 years. Now, having just got rid of my two oldest kids, I have only a 12 year old and a 78 year old with dementia to look after, Jude, the wife, fends for herself!

Interests? Travel, motorbikes, (although most *modern* bikes hold little or no allure for me.) current affairs.

Dis-interests/hates? Much of popular culture, plasma screen TV's and anything sold as a 'Lifestyle Accessory'.

Ambitions- To drink my own bodyweight in beer every day for the next 50 years!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: owassojoe on October 05, 2006, 09:08:12 PM
Joe Chandler
Owasso, OK
56, today
Public School Supt.
Married 35 years
Who has time for hobbies?  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dinger on October 05, 2006, 09:11:45 PM
Ron, 38 years old but I feel 28!  Happily married for almost 10 years (second try).  No kids yet, wife is 30 so there is still hope.  2 dogs and a cat with 18 toes.

I like to shoot anything that goes BANG.  Clay birds are my favorite.  Reloading is fun.  I enjoy wood and metal work.   I have a passion for well trained Laborador retrievers; minpin house dog has a place in my heart.  I enjoy boating.  I've owned several bikes and at times they are all I can think about..... Current bike is the best; Jackal!

My wife is the greatest!  She loves me and my Lab (Ann)!  She can ride anything with 2 wheels and is a pretty good skeet shooter.  She can drive and load a boat, out fish me anyday (she also cleans them), back a trailer, cook, and run a business.  Did I mention she's good looking?  I got a keeper!

I manage (sell, repair, clean toilet, whatever needs done) a pool and spa store for my inlaws.  I enjoy working toward something as a family.  I started out in a lawn mower repair shop in junior high, diesel truck shop in high school.  I was an auto mechanic for several years after high school.  During this time I managed 56 college hours.  I did a stint in purgatory as a pool builder after meeting my wife.......  I was a juke box repair man for 8 years.  I went to school in the AM and went on service calls all hours of the night.  Finally got my degree as a shop teacher at 35.  Then my inlaws wanted to open a new store, next to the lake, in Grove Oklahoma.........

Current bikes: 2000 Jackal, 1974 Honda CB-200

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MindenDadof6 on October 05, 2006, 09:19:10 PM
Dan Frazier
Age 51
Married 25 years, 6 children (3 hour glasses, 3 wedges)
Landfill Manager
Observed Trials, Skeet and Sporting clay shooting,
Sailing, Motorcycle riding, wood working, home improvement (house is vintage 1905)
Reducing the deer population to make riding safer while filling freezer with tasty meat.

2000 Jackal
1981 Honda Silverwing

Trials Bikes:
2003 Gas Gas
2000 Beta Rev3 (Italian)
1986 Fantic 301 (Italian)
2 Yamaha TY-80's
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dinger on October 05, 2006, 09:19:52 PM
I forgot to mention scuba and travel! ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bill_powell on October 05, 2006, 09:30:58 PM
Bill Powell
Retired Army (101ST ABN)
Dover, TN
Guzzis & Minis
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kent in Upstate NY on October 05, 2006, 09:36:02 PM
Kent Reniche

50 (Officially an Old Fart, I have my AARP card!)

Correctional Educator

Soon to be married. (She's way too good for me)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zzrider on October 05, 2006, 09:56:05 PM
Dave Zentzis, 45 - Salem Oregon
Married 17 or 18 years(therabouts)
2 Sons, 2 St. Bernards, 4 cats, 7 chickens
Live in town but will probably be asked to leave soon.  :)
Wife is a part-time graphic designer/illustrator and full time homescool teacher and animal trainer.

Interests - songwriting, local history, old machines.

Dislikes/peeves - pop culture, wastefullness, frivolous lawsuits, Television, planned obsolesence

Bikes (in various states of disrepair)- '75 850T, '69 Ducati 450, '66 Triumph Cub and '65 Honda s-90

Oh yeah, I also dig Seans' Bus 8)

Sean Flanagan

.........I live in a motorhome...actuall y a school bus that's been converted to a motorhome (http://seanf.smugmug.com).

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Frank Smith on October 05, 2006, 10:10:21 PM
Ok, I'm in.  I enjoy these threads as well.  I started one some years back about occupations.

Frank Murry Smith; Stonewall, Louisiana
Yes, that is the correct speeling.  My Daddy spelled it that way and so does my Son!  I'm 46yo and soon to be 47, but seem to act like 27 until that right elbow starts to ache.

Mechanical Engineer who could have retired by now with the 5 years of service with Enron if the crooks hadn't been around. :(
Capital Project Manager for International Paper Company at Mansfield, LA.  That's the flagship mill, but we're struggling.  No further information on this unless at a campfire with lots of beverages. ;D  We have our annual benefit reduction meeting tomorrow. :o

Jeanne is from Indiana, I know a yankee, but coming around since she has been here so long.  Joey 12, Steph 9, Travis 8, and Molly 3.  Molly has Angleman's Syndrom to keep our life interesting.  Angles do know how to express love. ;D 8)

Riding since '69 when I threw a leg over a Honda P-50 and still have my first big bike, '74 RD-250A, that I found a couple of years ago.  Two Guzzi's and looking for justification for a third or fourth.  Griso and Norge?

New house and need to sell the old one.  Why does the news tell everybody the market has flattened and is turning down once I get in this position?  Oh, well.  We plan to be here a long time if we can make the note.  The kids have 18.5 acres to ride the dirt bikes on and a couple of hundred more out in the woods if the landowner stays out of state.  Guzzi rally plans are in store here if we can ever get settled.

I've met so many good people from across the country riding these quirky bikes that it just doesn't seem right for anyone to have to suffer through that HD popularity contest.  What happend to all those people that bought Corvette's at mid-life anyway?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chet Rugg on October 05, 2006, 10:37:24 PM
Chet Rugg   52.
professional   ;D ;Dcampfire sitter
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: will-t on October 05, 2006, 10:59:40 PM
William Williams Oakwood Texas Retired age 67
Married to the same lady for 43 years
Own 40 acres and a new house have one horse, one donkey, ten goats, some chickens, two dogs[labs] and four cats.
Am kicked back and enjoying life
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ln_e_is_1 on October 05, 2006, 11:13:03 PM
Federico Pennacchini
Opto-Mechanical Engineer
Tucson, Arizona
Married for two years the 23rd of this month.

My interests include: space exploration (it's why I do what I do), motorcycles, music (I'm a classical and jazz bassist, I also listen to WAY too much techno), roll playing games (both table top and MMOs), anything dorky or geeky, all scifi (loving the new battlestar Galactica, my interest in firearms was recently rekindled with my purchase of a SIG P239 and I plan on taking the Arizona CCW course this month, anything Italian (I do like my people), GLBT activism (got to stick up for my people), family, and enjoying being a 1st generation American

'02 California EV
'81 Suzuki GS550L slowly being rebuild and turned into a cafe racer
'65 Chevy C10 Stepside
'80 BMW 325ic
Shopping for a Scion XA (I can fit my upright in it!!!)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cj750 on October 05, 2006, 11:31:44 PM
Jay Williams, 42, Muskogee Oklahoma USA. City prosecutor.
(Special dispensations available to anyone getting a speeding ticket while on a Guzzi.)
Wife (Maggie), no kids. Never did like sharing my toys.
Collector of WWII artifacts and machine guns.
I enjoy things that make loud noises and/or go fast.

Y2K Jackal
'67 Guzzi Stornello (project)
"1957" Chang-Jiang 750 w/sidecar
'69 Cougar Eliminator (351 4 bbl)
'70 Cougar Eliminator 428SCJ (project)
'89 5.0LX Mustang coupe
'93 F150 Lightning

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 05, 2006, 11:53:24 PM
Jay Williams, 42, Muskogee Oklahoma USA. City prosecutor.
(Special dispensations available to anyone getting a speeding ticket while on a Guzzi.)
Wife (Maggie), no kids. Never did like sharing my toys.
Collector of WWII artifacts and machine guns.
I enjoy things that make loud noises and/or go fast.

Y2K Jackal
'67 Guzzi Stornello (project)
"1957" Chang-Jiang 750 w/sidecar
'69 Cougar Eliminator (351 4 bbl)
'70 Cougar Eliminator 428SCJ (project)
'89 5.0LX Mustang coupe
'93 F150 Lightning

Suwheet! a prosecutor with machine guns!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: idahorider on October 06, 2006, 12:09:59 AM
Paul Emerson
Lewiston, Idaho
57 next week.
Newspaper editor
Married for 37 years. Two kids and two grandkids.
Hobbies: Motorcycles, fly fishing, chasing steelhead (that's a big trout) in my jet boat. reading.
President, chaplain, treasurer and only member: North Central Idaho Moto Guzzi Owners Association.
2001 California Special
1983 R100 RT anniversary edition BMW.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RJ Reeves on October 06, 2006, 12:28:43 AM
RJ Reeves:51
Occupation:  Working blue collar for a company I used to own.  (OK I fake it as a sales rep.). :P
Engaged #2 ::) For 5 yrs.  With step family of 4.
Interests: Psychology, bikes,keyboards and guitar.
Curent owner:  of NOTHING!   I sold my T-3, looking for a Concours, and then back to Italian.
Dislikes:Political extremists, skunks (they's slippery), popular rock, inlaws.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: justin_o_guy1 on October 06, 2006, 01:47:17 AM
Nolan Parker, 51, married 21 years, 1 daughter, 19.
2 Jack Russels that stay outside & 1 chihuahua, spoiled, living in here against my wishes, but  OOOOh well!
We have a bit over 11 acres & want chickens & goats later.
Got a 73 F150 I need to stick an engine in & straighten the body on & repaint.
Have a few guns, only 1 with a trigger I haven't messed with. That's the 12 gauge. Some trigger work went well, some not quite so well, but nothing was a total failure.
Bikes are a 2005 Suzuki Boulevard, 650 single & 2005 Nevada
I lurk here when I am not reading about things no one wants to talk about. Disabled & often kinda stuck in the house, I look forward to days I can ride. Pesticides & heavy metals are not good for a guy. I got interested in what drives the political direction of the nation & started diggin a few years ago. Not happy with what I have found.
The people who post here & ride the Guzzis just don't seem to be an average cross section of America. Some very interesting folks here. Glad to have found this forum.
I have: Been a roughneck in the oilfield, tried my hand in a machine shop, been a body man & repaired copiers & cash registers. One year I had 14 or 15 W-2 forms just because I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do ;D Always worked harder & got more done than the next guy, or two.Working hard was what I did when I wasn't playing hard.Of the 6 kids hired as sackers when I was 16 I was first to get a raise, become a checker & get an aisle to stock. I hustled!
Of all the jobs I wish I could have had repairing flight simulators tops the list.Danged Air Force wouldn't let me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Frederik on October 06, 2006, 02:01:39 AM
Name; Frederik Smit

Age; 34

<= Location

Work; IT engineer

Hobby's; Guzzi's, Amateur Gynaecology   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rickp on October 06, 2006, 02:38:10 AM
Rick Parker


Heavy equipment parts specialist

Married 28 yrs., wife has more miles on a bike than I do ;D!
 1 13 y.o. Daughter(Dad, I can flatfoot your Jackal... :o)  Did I say she likes to ride?

3 horses 2 LLamas

Hobbies: Motorcycling, any firearm within the last 150 yrs., hauling hay, lurking this forum!

Ridden on and off since '68, now learning to speak Italian with a 2000 Jackal

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 06, 2006, 02:51:54 AM
Older than most here.  Younger than a few.

Live on the navel of the Earth.

Occupation is riding in circles cleaning the lint out of the Earth's belly button.

Have a few Moto Guzzi's in the collection.  Trying to get rid of the none Guzzi's in the herd.

Married late in life.  Living my mid-life crisis now that way I don't have to fear it.

Biggest hobby is duh.....the Moto Guzzi herd. Feeding and taking care of it.  During the Fall I coach shooting.  Winter it's wrestling at the local high school.  Rest of the year it's driving my mortgage and escrow people crazy.  Once in awhile I consult for my wife's private a/c catering business.  Most of the time I take care of our youngest son.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi-Guy on October 06, 2006, 03:46:52 AM
Guy Fortier

47 years old

claims examiner for a f***ing insurance company


hobbies motorcycles, cooking, traveling.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 06, 2006, 04:41:29 AM
1984 Ducati 900SS Bevel (bought at a GM employee auction in 1986 with 19 miles on the clock)[/left]

An S2 perhaps? 

900SS's were made from 1975-1982, replaced by the 900 S2 in 1983/84, the 84s had electric start etc, and then the 1985 S2 Mille which was the end of the line.


From what I understand, the 900SS was still made in 84 They were not sold in the US after 82.  That is why I usually say it was a bevel drive because most people assume otherwise. As far as I know they were still being made until 1986. That particular 1984 900SS BEVEL was only in the US because General Motors wanted to look it over. I bought it from GM at an employee auction for $1500 with a service manual, a spare head and a Michigan title.The bike was in Euro trim with 40MM DelLortos and rock strainers along with fine sounding Contis. If it weren't for a local dealer sending in a shill bidder I would have won the bid at $400.  Back then the Harley/Honda sheep couldn't care less about a Ducati. Most of them had no idea. I later found out who the dealer was. He said he told his bidder to stop at $1500 because he figured there would be no title only a BOS, since the bike was not actually type approved for 1984. He was sick when I told him I got a Michigan title with the bike. Since the title was from the certificate of origin I was listed as the first owner.
   Many in the US think the 900SS went away when they quit coming here in 1982. Not the case.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gwensp on October 06, 2006, 05:35:17 AM
Gwen Pettigrew

Age; not telling

Location Cardiff in Welsh Wales. Were men are men and sheep are scared.

Work; Advisor to King Gruntfuttock, king of Peasmoldia; professional snail sexer, chocolate taster to Homer J Simpson, and first woman to cross the Pacific on a springless pogo stick. I have done none of those things.

I do however manage a 3D Seismic interpetation lab and manage the IT for a university school.

Hobbies; Motorbikes, bread making ( the eating kind not the kind that pays for motorbikes), hiking, painting minature figures, Round the Horne, learning German and trying to build a robot.

Likes; chocolate, wine beer, Moroccan, Italian and Japenese food, and cats
Dislikes; ironing, crap driving and reality TV

Bikes; Nevada and a Spada. Would love to have a Norge and any Guzzi bacon slicer single.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 06, 2006, 05:48:08 AM
We have 4 Border Collies 

We have 1 1/2 Border Collies.  Crash is a smooth coat half white.  Great breed!  Smart, obedient, loving dogs!  Lemmy is 1/2 BC, 1/2 Beagle, and also a 1/2 white.  It is quite funny what you end up with when you get a dog that is 1/2 the smartest dog breed and 1/2 the dumbest!  What a character...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hws on October 06, 2006, 06:01:06 AM
what an interesting trend,  a collection of fascinating talents and interests.what does this say about the guzzi design? and the ability of a group of people to become addicted to it's finer points.what a great thread.thanks to all.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wayne Orwig on October 06, 2006, 06:50:11 AM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FUGuzzi on October 06, 2006, 07:03:24 AM
Julian here
32 years old
three dogs, three cats, zero kids, one wife
Patent Examiner in electrochemical technologies (fuel cells and batteries)
evening graduate student in Economics
love golf, coffee, cigars, Scotch

'93 Cal III daily ride
'84 V65 (first Guzzi, in storage)
'92 Mazda Miata (have had for 10 years)
'86 C-10 work truck
'76 and '74 VW baywindow buses (project)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 06, 2006, 07:28:21 AM

Hobby's; Guzzi's, Amateur Gynaecology   ;D

You rock!   ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: silver redspine on October 06, 2006, 07:33:26 AM
Tim Fiehler
Born in '53--- I'm 53!
40 miles west of Boston--- Hub of the Universe
Finish Carpenter/Woodworker
Wonderful woman has put up with me for 29 years--- married for 21, with 2 Lads--19, and 17.
Bassist (another one!), electric/acoustic for 38 years (and I still play like crap!); occasionally build guitars/basses ('tho not for a living, or as well as Mr. Kellaway), collect/use antique woodworking tools, Historical Society Prez., sucker for the "Perfect Vehicle"-- Motorcycles!
'65 Puch 175 "Twingle", '76 BMW R75/6, '84 BMW R80/ST, '78 Yamaha SR500--- Gone, but not forgotten!
2000 Guzzi V11Sport, 2000 Guzzi Jackal--- Current Rides.
'78 Guzzi 850 T3, '84 Guzzi V65C--- Projects (sure, I'm, Uhhh, workin' on 'em! Yeah.... that's it!)
'67 Aermacchi SS250, '71 Aermacchi SS350 ( HD Sprints--- Uhhh, yeah. They'll be up 'n runnin' any day now!)
'71, '72 Honda CB175's-- ( Didn't I tell ya I was gonna try Vintage Racing? They'll be runnin', Uhhh... next season!)
Sense a pattern here?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: samfrank on October 06, 2006, 07:39:42 AM
Sam Frank
Orthodontist for 23 years
Pittsburgh, PA
married 33 years
three offspring, the older two have moved back home! (lucky us) :'(
love lurking on this site
hobby is motorcycling
Breva 1100 is current ride and fourth Guzzi
'73 Eldorado--Hey Jason, is the Eldo ready Yet?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dhansen on October 06, 2006, 08:09:36 AM
Dennis Hansen, Spruce Head, Maine.

Another 1953 @53 kid, married with a daughter in Grad School.

Currently pretending to be a boatbuilder but always thinking about getting a real job.

Check out www.hansenandcompan y.blogspot.com to see a little of what I'm about. (Just started the blog, much more to come).

I LOVE CBRs.............. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers that is, model airplanes and bikes.

2001 V11 Sport in Silver. Only one project bike, what? Gilera, OK, sears, 106SS.

Whatever happened to summer?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redhunter on October 06, 2006, 09:14:06 AM
Carl Sederquist

71 and going strong
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/redhunter/th_cas.jpg) (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/redhunter/cas.jpg)

Commercial International Satellite service and operations consultant (45 years in this field)

paid my dues by living in Southern New Jersey for five years and Wash DC for 28

Live and work from my seashore home in Surry, Maine since 1996
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/redhunter/th_Xmas05.gif) (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/redhunter/Xmas05.gif)

My interests are history, motorcycles (euro), firearms and fine food and wine. Also films that have content with any of these subjects.

politics - Libertarian of course.  read my copy of "Reason" cover to cover each issue along with my motorcycle rags and "Rifleman"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 09:21:24 AM

Age; not telling

Fine. I guess we wil have to cut you in half and count the rings  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frans belgium on October 06, 2006, 09:52:17 AM
Frans Vandaele
Living in Brugge, Belgium
Married, 2 sons
self-employed banker
Hobbies: motorcycling, jazz and blues (used to play, now just listen), Scotch Whisky, Belgian Beer ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: yaledriver on October 06, 2006, 09:52:28 AM
Timothy Matthias Liewer Hershey, NE. USA
    A&P IA aircraft mechanic, out of high school found railroading to pay better, have been maintaining and repairing A/C to stay active in that field for 40 years. Have had the good fortune to buy some old junkers and crashed out heaps and restore them over the years, My first personal restoration was a 1943 Boeing Stearman, then I picked up Lyman Gustave Bloomingdale's 1936 Stinson Reliant, I still own this a/c and love the history of it . It was based at Roosevelt field Long Island NY from 36 to 40, then it was pressed into military service during WWII. Bloomingdale would fly it from Long Island to Manhattan, past the statue of Liberty on his daily commute to his department store. I also traded the Stearman for the Yale (another story)
    Wife Diane son Choan daughter Shannon 3-8/9 grand kids!
     Returned to motorcycles after 35 years as a way to relax and take some of the daily grind off, it seems to be working!!!  
           Can't spell as you all know, don't seem to have the ability to make lil crib notes in head like most. Have always considered this to be cheating on your part and finally came to the conclusion I have done pretty well for what I have to work with!!! Inherited a 2 stroke Lawn Boy once would like to trade for old Bultaco any takers?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jmdaia on October 06, 2006, 10:09:11 AM
Mike DeRienzo


Instructor and Architect in Florence, SC

new wife w/ 2 kids ( 1 started college this year)

old wife, 1 boy, flight test engineer after graduating from the Air Force Academy last June, 2000 ZR-7, 2002 KLR 650

stuff:  03 Guzzi EV11t, 81 Lancia, 62 MGA Coupe
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Two Checks on October 06, 2006, 10:13:39 AM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

But it's nowhere near Butts, MO.

Yes, there really is a town named that, it's south of Rolla, near Steelville.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 06, 2006, 10:17:30 AM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

But it's nowhere near Butts, MO.

Yes, there really is a town named that, it's south of Rolla, near Steelville.

Never been to Butts, MO but I've seen Big Butt, NC on the Blue Ridge Parkway!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gwensp on October 06, 2006, 10:18:21 AM

Age; not telling

Fine. I guess we wil have to cut you in half and count the rings  ;D

Ohhhhhhh messy and very ouchy
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: luthier on October 06, 2006, 10:19:31 AM
Age: Old. But not so old I wont bust you into kindling

And the other one about cutting someone in half to read the rings.
Sounds like the onset of Treebergers syndrome, a delusional state where the recipient becomes secretive about themselves while imaging others to be made of wood.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Charles in Lake Charles on October 06, 2006, 10:23:42 AM
Charles Rader

Divorced twice - there won't be a  third time!

64 years young?

Professor of marketing - I should be able to retire in another 10 years.

Hobbies = motorcycles and passing a good time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SantaFeRider on October 06, 2006, 10:30:32 AM
Name: Marcelo

Live in:  Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Age: 65

Profession: Retired, life misspender.

married for 30 years, one daughter from former mistake.

Hobbies:  motorcyclist for 45 years, anything else with a motor has captured my attention at one time or another, food, wine and spirits, outside living, smelling the roses, classical music, art and architecture, traveling.

Favorite quote:  "knowledge is the enemy of faith"

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 10:43:32 AM
Age: Old. But not so old I wont bust you into kindling

And the other one about cutting someone in half to read the rings.
Sounds like the onset of Treebergers syndrome, a delusional state where the recipient becomes secretive about themselves while imaging others to be made of wood.

No...It's called ASHberger's syndrome.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: luthier on October 06, 2006, 10:59:58 AM
Age: Old. But not so old I wont bust you into kindling

And the other one about cutting someone in half to read the rings.
Sounds like the onset of Treebergers syndrome, a delusional state where the recipient becomes secretive about themselves while imaging others to be made of wood.

No...It's called ASHberger's syndrome.

Well you don't seem Autistic to me. Maybe it could be ENTism.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chicago Mark on October 06, 2006, 11:14:34 AM
Mark Pintar, 45

West Chicago, IL

Married 20+ years to my best friend and wife, Shannon

Screenprinting mesh and other supplies sales rep

Confirmed Guzziaholic, no 12 step program needed or desired

2000 blue and silver Bassa with lots of mods and additions with more planned

1998 BRG Centauro Sport, also with lots of mods and additions with more planned

DINK (dual income, no kids)

3 dogs, Mini, (MinPin), Max (MinPin) and Spike (Yorkie)

Still love old FIATs, Studebakers, Willy's and cars or trucks in general.

We live for Jesus Christ and enjoy riding as we're able to and as time permits. I'm a deacon at our church and Shannon is also heavily involved in the Ministry of Helps. Our church, www.fwo.org is far from religious or ordinary in that we preach and teach bible doctrine, not church doctrine. Religion is a shackel, Jesus is our strength. We are far from perfect unless you consider us as perfect sinners. But we strive to be worthy of Him.  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moltoguzzi on October 06, 2006, 11:21:52 AM
Mario Anthony Malone, nickname Molto, 51yo.

Happily married to my high school sweetheart 25yrs., a son and daughter, 2 cats.

Last 10yrs Police Officer, previous 20 as a Mech. Eng. for the Defense industry.

Traced roots to ancient Rome but now married to a Viking/Barberian, go figure.

Fishing, hunting, soccer, family vacations, former foosball Eastcoast Champion, eating.

As a kid in Italy I owned a Torino moped 50cc and a 125cc Gilera, returned to riding this past year after 37yrs and it as taken most of my free time and money, I am in love with my 02EV, I must see and touched it everyday.

Looking forward to a red Norge with spoke wheels, alternates Vintage or HD Softail Deluxe.

Oh yeah my wife is a professional shopper and I am her only client.

Motto: Motorcycles have spoke wheels, cars have mags

Ciao, Molto

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gary martin on October 06, 2006, 11:49:59 AM
ok, since pets are being mentioned . . .
mine :  congo african grey parrot "pogo" says "see ya later" when i leave the house and lots of other stuff depending on the situation.
wifes:  green wing macaw and two cats - of that group only one of the cats is tolerable ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dee g on October 06, 2006, 11:51:34 AM
Dee Gutierrez  I live in  Cashmere, WA with Pete (N97972)


911 dispatcher.  I tell cops, firefighters and paramedics where to go.  Been doing that for 12 years, only job I liked better was flying a King Air.

Divorced once, I have 4 kids aged 17 - 22. 

Hobbies:  motocycles, flying (I'm multi-comm-IFR), cooking, eating, wine, gardening, reading, x/c skiing, bicycling
We have 7 motorcycles, 2 planes, 2 tractors, several 4 wheeled vehicles and I am having trouble keeping up with maintenance schedules. 

For those of you, like Yaledriver, that like antique aircraft, my friend Tom is doing a ground up restoration of a Fairchild F24 that belonged to the DuPont family back when it was new. 


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 12:05:02 PM
1984 Ducati 900SS Bevel (bought at a GM employee auction in 1986 with 19 miles on the clock)[/left]

An S2 perhaps? 

900SS's were made from 1975-1982, replaced by the 900 S2 in 1983/84, the 84s had electric start etc, and then the 1985 S2 Mille which was the end of the line.


From what I understand, the 900SS was still made in 84 They were not sold in the US after 82.  That is why I usually say it was a bevel drive because most people assume otherwise. As far as I know they were still being made until 1986. That particular 1984 900SS BEVEL was only in the US because General Motors wanted to look it over. I bought it from GM at an employee auction for $1500 with a service manual, a spare head and a Michigan title.The bike was in Euro trim with 40MM DelLortos and rock strainers along with fine sounding Contis. If it weren't for a local dealer sending in a shill bidder I would have won the bid at $400.  Back then the Harley/Honda sheep couldn't care less about a Ducati. Most of them had no idea. I later found out who the dealer was. He said he told his bidder to stop at $1500 because he figured there would be no title only a BOS, since the bike was not actually type approved for 1984. He was sick when I told him I got a Michigan title with the bike. Since the title was from the certificate of origin I was listed as the first owner.
   Many in the US think the 900SS went away when they quit coming here in 1982. Not the case.

I remember seeing your bike advertised for auction at that time (1986), or maybe afterwards for sale elsewhere.  The GM story rings a bell as does the bike.

Bevel drive engines were not discontinued in 1983, but the 900SS was discontinued, and replaced by an updated model called the 900S2.  Many people think the S2 is less of a bike than the SS it replaced for various reasons (it got very poor reviews at the time) so that is why it is significant to some.  Today some of the changes are easily backdated.  The S2 wasn't sold in the US, which leads to some confusion here, although it was sold in Canada. The S2 used a new frame relative to the 750 or 900SS, recognizable by different engine mounting lugs (flat like a Darmah, versus being a weldment made from two pices of tubing).  This frame is well known as a backwards step relative to the SS frame, it screwed up the handing a bit.  The same frame was used for post-82 Hailwoods, which were sold in the US.   Electriic start was available on the S2.   In 84 they introduced different engine cases, with new verison electric start and spin on oil filter for the S2 and Hailwood, but kept rolling element bearings for the rods.  Then in 1985, they introduced an again-revised engine on the S2 and the Hailwood, this time the "Mille" with 973 cc displacement and plain bearing bottom end.

Massimo Bordi was the technical lead for the engine updates in 84 and 85, he later was the technical lead for all the 4V/cylinder engines that  got Ducati their WSB victories.  He left when TPG took over from Cagiva.

This was the last of the 900SS's, a 1981/82 model....


Here is a 1983/84 Ducati 900S2...  (this one is actually an 83, but they are very similar except for the engine cases).  The fairing is the same as a 600 Pantah.   This one has electric start, same setup as a Darmah, never available on a 900SS.  Instruments and warning lights the same as the Hailwood or Darmah, with ND gauges, different than the Veglias used on the last SS's.


Here is a 1985 Ducati S2 Mille.  Note the different engine cases.


Sorry for yet another thread diversion!



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 12:36:51 PM
For those of you, like Yaledriver, that like antique aircraft, my friend Tom is doing a ground up restoration of a Fairchild F24 that belonged to the DuPont family back when it was new. 


I'd seen that page before, Fairchild 24s are neat airplanes.  A friend of mine has a beautiful one with a 200 HP Ranger, unlike this one with its Warner radial.   They are cool because they are a little smaller and more economical than the typical 30's cabin airplane.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 06, 2006, 12:55:12 PM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

Can't argue that point since you live there.  If I still lived in Chester, PA then I'd argue with you. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EVDavid on October 06, 2006, 12:56:23 PM
David Hughes
Gloucestershire, England
Married, with son at uni
Close to end of ten year contract restoring old farm and buildings in Greece and about to move to head office in south of France.
Classic Brit bikes, fishing and WW11 piston engined aircraft, hope to mahe Reno air races for 60th birthday next year.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hotair on October 06, 2006, 02:09:33 PM
Hotair/ David Evans 58,retarded(means I am able to slow down),1 son, married third time last I hope,plumber/AC/pilot fixed wing and free balloon/certified risk evaluator for ins ind/inflateable product replica mfg/builder/goof-off/worlds worst typest and speller/hint checker for my wife/like: eating,drinking,BS, cooking, cigars, all things that GO, fishing,travel,people,science, reading,ect,ect........OH YEA live in south TEXAS where you can do things outdoor all year long ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NOLAGuzzi on October 06, 2006, 04:16:54 PM
Mark Wilson
New Orleans LA
Occupation- Cancer Research, Tulane University

Hobbies; Kung-Fu, Motorcycles, Music, and Horticulture.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joliet Jim on October 06, 2006, 04:41:45 PM
Collector of certifications
Married 22+ years
2 daughters 21 and 17 I'm almost free.
3 bikes - Trident Beast Stone
2 goldens Valentine and Bear
3 convertibles S S S
Unincorporated Illinois where the land is flat and the roads are straight.
hobbies, photo, bass fishing, darts (metal not that plastic tipped electronic wannabe sheet)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JohnG. on October 06, 2006, 04:44:08 PM
G'day.... :)
John Gorman
Age: 47
Married to Colleen...15 years...
Three dogs,Two cats & a bloody horse on
small farmlet just out of town 8) :)
Driver for a Autologistics mob...thats looks like its
going to be sold...again... :(
Currently riding a Aprilia Caponord ETV 1000...
(but wishing for a new MG the same size...)
..'cause anything else is too small,causing back ache...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Turin on October 06, 2006, 04:46:33 PM
Turin Saris, 33, scottsdale AZ       Ex nightclub manager and bartender, now plant manager and lab tech for a Ensso Emulsions (U.S. sister Co. to http://www.entacemulsions.com/) I also get to Drive a Kenworth T600 and a T800, both w/ 4000 gallon tanks. A T-3 was my first bike 17 years ago. I've had a KTM (POS), a heavily modified Cagiva Allazurra (balled that one) , and currentlly have a Trumpet 1200 Daytona, in addition to my two Guzzi's. I'll be looking for a third Guzzi, probablly a square fin Lemon of some sort. I'm also a muscle car nut, and have involuntarilly collected three cats (the missus knows I'm a sucker).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dan Beaman on October 06, 2006, 05:17:47 PM
I decided to never hide behind a nickname...that holds me more accountable for what and how I say things.  that's not a put-down of nicknames, just an accountability issue for me.

Dan Beaman
Brayton, Iowa That's halfway between Des Moines and Omaha
My wife and I own a small town jewelry store. (been in the business itself for 20 years and bought this stoe 11 years ago.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GZRPWR on October 06, 2006, 05:22:51 PM
Don Nortrup

Suburban DC

Age 64, Married 42 yrs, 2 daughters

Retired in March after 40 years in a federal environmental agency (the one that warns you when the hurricanes on its way)

Still trying to figure out how this retirement business works

Enjoy the bikes, traditional music, photography, and travel (looking forward to New Zealand in ((our)) springtime)

Goal is to keep riding till I'm the oldest on this board

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 05:23:04 PM
I decided to never hide behind a nickname...that holds me more accountable for what and how I say things.  that's not a put-down of nicknames, just an accountability issue for me.

Dan Beaman
Brayton, Iowa That's halfway between Des Moines and Omaha
My wife and I own a small town jewelry store. (been in the business itself for 20 years and bought this stoe 11 years ago.

Fair enough. And whatever serves to control your impulses  ;D I just snap myself with a rubber band. But I digress.

It occurs to me that there aint no way of knowing for sure that "Dan Beaman" isn't anymore a 'nym than "Zerhackermann" is.  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 06, 2006, 05:23:59 PM
1984 Ducati 900SS Bevel (bought at a GM employee auction in 1986 with 19 miles on the clock)[/left]

An S2 perhaps? 

900SS's were made from 1975-1982, replaced by the 900 S2 in 1983/84, the 84s had electric start etc, and then the 1985 S2 Mille which was the end of the line.


From what I understand, the 900SS was still made in 84 They were not sold in the US after 82.  That is why I usually say it was a bevel drive because most people assume otherwise. As far as I know they were still being made until 1986. That particular 1984 900SS BEVEL was only in the US because General Motors wanted to look it over. I bought it from GM at an employee auction for $1500 with a service manual, a spare head and a Michigan title.The bike was in Euro trim with 40MM DelLortos and rock strainers along with fine sounding Contis. If it weren't for a local dealer sending in a shill bidder I would have won the bid at $400.  Back then the Harley/Honda sheep couldn't care less about a Ducati. Most of them had no idea. I later found out who the dealer was. He said he told his bidder to stop at $1500 because he figured there would be no title only a BOS, since the bike was not actually type approved for 1984. He was sick when I told him I got a Michigan title with the bike. Since the title was from the certificate of origin I was listed as the first owner.
   Many in the US think the 900SS went away when they quit coming here in 1982. Not the case.

I remember seeing your bike advertised for auction at that time (1986), or maybe afterwards for sale elsewhere.  The GM story rings a bell as does the bike.

Bevel drive engines were not discontinued in 1983, but the 900SS was discontinued, and replaced by an updated model called the 900S2.  Many people think the S2 is less of a bike than the SS it replaced for various reasons (it got very poor reviews at the time) so that is why it is significant to some.  Today some of the changes are easily backdated.  The S2 wasn't sold in the US, which leads to some confusion here, although it was sold in Canada. The S2 used a new frame relative to the 750 or 900SS, recognizable by different engine mounting lugs (flat like a Darmah, versus being a weldment made from two pices of tubing).  This frame is well known as a backwards step relative to the SS frame, it screwed up the handing a bit.  The same frame was used for post-82 Hailwoods, which were sold in the US.   Electriic start was available on the S2.   In 84 they introduced different engine cases, with new verison electric start and spin on oil filter for the S2 and Hailwood, but kept rolling element bearings for the rods.  Then in 1985, they introduced an again-revised engine on the S2 and the Hailwood, this time the "Mille" with 973 cc displacement and plain bearing bottom end.

Massimo Bordi was the technical lead for the engine updates in 84 and 85, he later was the technical lead for all the 4V/cylinder engines that  got Ducati their WSB victories.  He left when TPG took over from Cagiva.

This was the last of the 900SS's, a 1981/82 model....


Here is a 1983/84 Ducati 900S2...  (this one is actually an 83, but they are very similar except for the engine cases).  The fairing is the same as a 600 Pantah.   This one has electric start, same setup as a Darmah, never available on a 900SS.  Instruments and warning lights the same as the Hailwood or Darmah, with ND gauges, different than the Veglias used on the last SS's.


Here is a 1985 Ducati S2 Mille.  Note the different engine cases.


Sorry for yet another thread diversion!



Hello Will,
 Thanks for the info. I sold the bike to a pretty well known Dacatisti from Toledo Ohio area. I have heard it now resides with a Detroit area Triumph parts dealer whom I used to deal back and forth with about 25 years ago. It was positively an SS not an S2. Perhaps the title date and GMs involvement had some issues. The ID tag as I recall and title for sure called it a 1984.I still have an old Michigan registration . It had the early style frame, the race kit goodies and the beautiful Contis not those ugly Eastern looking mufflers fitted to the S2.Kick start only and not the S2 style cases. In any event it was a very real 900SS Ducati and titled and probably tagged a 1984. It was only here because GM wanted one. It did come direct from Italy.[/color]
  Perhaps a one off from the parts bin? For sure it was not type approved or emissions certified for that model year in the USA. Still it wound up titled and registered as a 1984 right here in Michigan. The dealer bidding was a Ducati dealer at one time and is still a Guzzi dealer.

    Thanks again for the info, if I still owned the bike I would get a real answer. For now I call it what the title called it. And I know for sure it isn't the S2 model but is a genuine 900SS/
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steph on October 06, 2006, 05:25:39 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 05:29:07 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D


Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steph on October 06, 2006, 05:32:49 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D


Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

Wilguzzi bandwith warning on "modify" button request :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 05:34:56 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D


Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

Wilguzzi bandwith warning on "modify" button request :D

No to mention Speedy McToolbox on the "Quote" button
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FUGuzzi on October 06, 2006, 05:38:57 PM
Alias or not ;D, now that we know who we are amongst ourselves, may I add that if you haven't joined 216 of your Guzzisti friends already on the Google group page to please do so, so we know *where* you are!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steph on October 06, 2006, 05:39:49 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D


Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

Wilguzzi bandwith warning on "modify" button request :D

No to mention Speedy McToolbox on the "Quote" button

McToolbox?  you callin' me a tool? I'm not a tool  ;) ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FUGuzzi on October 06, 2006, 05:40:10 PM
and yeah, linky is http://www.frappr.com/guzzisti
and FWIW, FUGuzzi my alias is not "Eff You Guzzi", FUG = Fredericksburg, VA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 05:41:07 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D


Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

Wilguzzi bandwith warning on "modify" button request :D

No to mention Speedy McToolbox on the "Quote" button

McToolbox?  you callin' me a tool? I'm not a tool  ;) ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 05:44:49 PM
  Hello Will ,

 Thanks for the info. I sold the bike to a pretty well known Dacatisti from Toledo Ohio area. I have heard it now resides with a Detroit area Triumph parts dealer whom I used to deal back and forth with about 25 years ago. It was positively an SS not an S2. Perhaps the title date and GMs involvement had some issues but the ID tag as I recall and title for sure called it a 1984.I still have an old Michigan registration . It had the early style frame, the race kit goodies and the beautiful Contis not those ugly Eastern looking mufflers fitted to the S2.Kick start only and not the S2 style cases. In any event it was a very real 900SS Ducati and titled and probably tagged a 1984. It was only here because GM wanted one. It did come direct from Italy.

From your description it is an earlier model bike titled as an '84, which was common, and that would've been even more likely considering that GM bought it for their own reasons (not likely to include rides in the country :-)  and so they didn't necessariy need to title it. 



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: verde on October 06, 2006, 05:49:22 PM
Andy Sicignano
Houston, Tx
Married, 5 kids, of whom 4 are still in college.
Computer Systems Consultant
Hobbies... ? I seem to have lost track of them, although I'm enjoying the hell out of a Federico Fellini film retrospective that wraps up this weekend.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steph on October 06, 2006, 05:52:52 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D

Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

You think it's just a typo error?
in your dreams!
"snipper" rifles are world renowned rifles from transalvania ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rainman on October 06, 2006, 05:54:25 PM
Contemporary Blacksmith/Shipwright; Repairing machinery, from 1100ft. oil tankers to a garden tractor.
Hillsboro, OR.
Hobbies; Fly fishing, Fiddling, Tinkering, electronics (building a jefferies My15M ECU), & Dragging pegs on the Guzzi.
1 wife
4 children / 2@home.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 05:58:23 PM
Now that we have all given info about ourselves, lets hope some psycho wont come after us with a snipper rifle... ;D

Snipper rifle? Does it use scissors for ammo?

You think it's just a typo error?
in your dreams!
"snipper" rifles are world renowned rifles from transalvania ;D


You scare me
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: travelingbyguzzi on October 06, 2006, 06:05:25 PM
Bill Loveladt
 Eskimo Spy under cover as a construction surveyor in the Seattle area
 46 yaers old.
 wife is an excellent pillion occupant good for 400-500 mile days, day after day after day
 Cal II, Eldo, SP1000, 1100Sport
 Like beer, literature, fresh vegetables, MEAT, John Lennon, and Ann Margeret in 'Tommy"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 06, 2006, 06:15:46 PM
  Hello Will ,

 Thanks for the info. I sold the bike to a pretty well known Dacatisti from Toledo Ohio area. I have heard it now resides with a Detroit area Triumph parts dealer whom I used to deal back and forth with about 25 years ago. It was positively an SS not an S2. Perhaps the title date and GMs involvement had some issues but the ID tag as I recall and title for sure called it a 1984.I still have an old Michigan registration . It had the early style frame, the race kit goodies and the beautiful Contis not those ugly Eastern looking mufflers fitted to the S2.Kick start only and not the S2 style cases. In any event it was a very real 900SS Ducati and titled and probably tagged a 1984. It was only here because GM wanted one. It did come direct from Italy.

From your description it is an earlier model bike titled as an '84, which was common, and that would've been even more likely considering that GM bought it for their own reasons (not likely to include rides in the country :-)  and so they didn't necessariy need to title it. 



   My curiousity has been aroused. I will try to get hold of Kenny and have him check the tag. I sold the bike about 20 years ago but for some readon I recall the neck tag showing a 1984 build date. It seems that issue came up when I sold the bike. If I had seen 1982 I would have been more likely to have started referring to it as an 82. Stay tuned I'll try to confirm.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: two-speed on October 06, 2006, 06:17:07 PM
    Hi All,
      Leo Thompson, ---- 70 years young, ;)    Retired mechanic---- (Auto, small engines and Industrial )

     Hobbys are----- Camping, Motorcycles, and Cave exploration ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 06:22:48 PM
  Hello Will ,

 Thanks for the info. I sold the bike to a pretty well known Dacatisti from Toledo Ohio area. I have heard it now resides with a Detroit area Triumph parts dealer whom I used to deal back and forth with about 25 years ago. It was positively an SS not an S2. Perhaps the title date and GMs involvement had some issues but the ID tag as I recall and title for sure called it a 1984.I still have an old Michigan registration . It had the early style frame, the race kit goodies and the beautiful Contis not those ugly Eastern looking mufflers fitted to the S2.Kick start only and not the S2 style cases. In any event it was a very real 900SS Ducati and titled and probably tagged a 1984. It was only here because GM wanted one. It did come direct from Italy.

From your description it is an earlier model bike titled as an '84, which was common, and that would've been even more likely considering that GM bought it for their own reasons (not likely to include rides in the country :-)  and so they didn't necessariy need to title it. 



   My curiousity has been aroused. I will try to get hold of Kenny and have him check the tag. I sold the bike about 20 years ago but for some readon I recall the neck tag showing a 1984 build date. It seems that issue came up when I sold the bike. If I had seen 1982 I would have been more likely to have started referring to it as an 82. Stay tuned I'll try to confirm.

OK, as you have probably noticed, I like old Italian motorcycles, and learning about them :-)

If it has right side shifter, it is a 75.  Rare.

If it has crossover from right side shaft to left side shifter, it is a 76-77.   

If it has left hand shift shaft, silver/blue or black/gold with straight stripes, it is a 78-80. 

If its silver with curved blue stripes (like the picture), and black frame (unlike earlier silver SS's) its an 81-82.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: morini500 on October 06, 2006, 06:37:54 PM
Lance------43-------Newport RI---------Stone Mason , Scenic Artist--------Wife and 2 boys, 3 and 5 yrs old ---  Interests- Family, Bikes, Surf, Skateboarding, Sculpting, Mid Century Modern Stuff
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doug McLaren on October 06, 2006, 06:47:15 PM
I'm Doug McLaren. I live in North East England, I'm 50, married and have 2 kids.  I've had an interest in bikes since I was about 17 years old. At present I have a 1977 Le-Mans, a 1982 G5 which I've tarted up as a cafe racer and a 1994 Ducati 900 Monster.
I'm a chauffeur, cook, cleaner, gardener, painter and decorator, Mr Fixit, errand runner, childrens entertainer and general dogsbody when I'm at home. The rest of the time - truck driver.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 06, 2006, 06:51:14 PM
  Hello Will ,

 Thanks for the info. I sold the bike to a pretty well known Dacatisti from Toledo Ohio area. I have heard it now resides with a Detroit area Triumph parts dealer whom I used to deal back and forth with about 25 years ago. It was positively an SS not an S2. Perhaps the title date and GMs involvement had some issues but the ID tag as I recall and title for sure called it a 1984.I still have an old Michigan registration . It had the early style frame, the race kit goodies and the beautiful Contis not those ugly Eastern looking mufflers fitted to the S2.Kick start only and not the S2 style cases. In any event it was a very real 900SS Ducati and titled and probably tagged a 1984. It was only here because GM wanted one. It did come direct from Italy.

From your description it is an earlier model bike titled as an '84, which was common, and that would've been even more likely considering that GM bought it for their own reasons (not likely to include rides in the country :-)  and so they didn't necessariy need to title it. 



   My curiousity has been aroused. I will try to get hold of Kenny and have him check the tag. I sold the bike about 20 years ago but for some readon I recall the neck tag showing a 1984 build date. It seems that issue came up when I sold the bike. If I had seen 1982 I would have been more likely to have started referring to it as an 82. Stay tuned I'll try to confirm.

OK, as you have probably noticed, I like old Italian motorcycles, and learning about them :-)

If it has right side shifter, it is a 75.  Rare.

If it has crossover from right side shaft to left side shifter, it is a 76-77.   

If it has left hand shift shaft, silver/blue or black/gold with straight stripes, it is a 78-80. 

If its silver with curved blue stripes (like the picture) its an 81-82.



   Got that . Haven't been paying a lot of attention to Ducatis since the 900 was sold. Just a rider not a colllector My 1974 was a right foot shift, 750 Sport it was the only other Duc V twin that I owned.I rode it A LOT more than I ever cared to ride the 900.It was born school bus color and wound up quite red. At the time I had the 900 I was involved in a kidney transplant.That kind of put motorcycles on the back burner for a while. The 900 was silver and blue. The 750 Sport was originally sold at Blackie's in Detroit. The conversion to red  was done by Greg R. You probably know him or of him. I would rather not mention specific names here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 07:02:33 PM
    Got that . Haven't been paying a lot of attention to Ducatis since the 900 was sold. Just a rider not a colllector My 1974 was a right foot shift, 750 Sport it was the only other Duc V twin that I owned.I rode it A LOT more than I ever cared to ride the 900.It was born school bus color and wound up quite red. At the time I had the 900 I was involved in a kidney transplant.That kind of put motorcycles on the back burner for a while. The 900 was silver and blue. The 750 Sport was originally sold at Blackie's in Detroit. The conversion to red  was done by Greg R. You probably know him or of him. I would rather not mention specific names here.

Shoulda kept that 750 Sport :-)

Since the 900 was silver/blue, the rest is easy:  if it had a black frame it was an 81 or 82, and probably would've had the boxy dual seat shown in the picture.   OTOH, If it was silver/blue with a silver frame it is a 78 or earlier.

My money is on 1982, fitted with 40-mm carbs and Contis for the Italian market.   Elsewhere that year they often came with LaFranconis and 32-mm carbs, but you could often get the the earlier spec parts as a "race kit" from Ducati for about $400.  Most of them went to Australia in the early 80's.

This is fun trivia, lodged in my mind since I was in my 20's and a bevel nut.  I really loved them, despite puttng most of my miles at that time on a LeMans... like all good bevel nuts!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SantaFeRider on October 06, 2006, 07:09:20 PM
that's wonderful.

I remember when I was passing by the walkboard on my Lambretta and the girl in the bikini waved at me with a hot-dog.  I immediately parallel-parked the Civic at the town square and walked to the department store for a cheese danish.  Man! that oil was expensive; but I took it like a man and ordered the Calvin Klein 34-B.  When I got home I emptied the fish pond, lit the grill and threw the sheets in the garage.

Makes a lot of sense.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 06, 2006, 07:15:24 PM
that's wonderful.

I remember when I was passing by the walkboard on my Lambretta and the girl in the bikini waved at me with a hot-dog.  I immediately parallel-parked the Civic at the town square and walked to the department store for a cheese danish.  Man! that oil was expensive; but I took it like a man and ordered the Calvin Klein 34-B.  When I got home I emptied the fish pond, lit the grill and threw the sheets in the garage.

Makes a lot of sense.

The next day some guy on a bevel Ducati went by you so fast you pee'd your pants like any BMW rider would.   He laughed and moved on to the next moving road block.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: toddhaven on October 06, 2006, 07:24:32 PM
that's wonderful.

I remember when I was passing by the walkboard on my Lambretta and the girl in the bikini waved at me with a hot-dog.  I immediately parallel-parked the Civic at the town square and walked to the department store for a cheese danish.  Man! that oil was expensive; but I took it like a man and ordered the Calvin Klein 34-B.  When I got home I emptied the fish pond, lit the grill and threw the sheets in the garage.

Makes a lot of sense.

psst, SFR,
your TV remote is in the freezer, between the ice cream and your car keys.
I don't know why your diving mask and snorkel are there as well, but maybe it
will all make sense to you later :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 07:26:46 PM
I'm Doug McLaren. I live in North East England, I'm 50, married and have 2 kids.  I've had an interest in bikes since I was about 17 years old. At present I have a 1977 Le-Mans, a 1982 G5 which I've tarted up as a cafe racer and a 1994 Ducati 900 Monster.
I'm a chauffeur, cook, cleaner, gardener, painter and decorator, Mr Fixit, errand runner, childrens entertainer and general dogsbody when I'm at home. The rest of the time - truck driver.

Oh Hey...Mclaren....Ni ce cars
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick_of_time on October 06, 2006, 07:48:45 PM
Nick Thomas
Livin' in San Francisco
Software technical writer.  Was just purchased by Oracle Software.  Probably won't last.
47 years old
Married to a BMW rider for 10 years.  It's OK, she's Canadian.

Hobbies - currently taking my 2nd motorcycle mechanics class (I ride a Guzzi after all); making muzzle loading firearms, which leads to hunting, which leads to cooking; cheese making, which doesn't lead to anything except weight gain.  Abalone diving, which brings us back to cooking.

Current stable: 
'04 Stone
'00 Harley FXDX (for sale; the poor thing just couldn't compete)
'79 Honda NA 50 (49ccs of raw power, and DAM it's cute)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 07:51:32 PM
Software technical writer.  Was just purchased by Oracle Software.  Probably won't last.

Ain't these sofware companies heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?

(Oracle? Documentation? *snicker*)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hubini on October 06, 2006, 09:21:43 PM
Mark A Livorini
Poland, Ohio, a suburb of Youngstown
Mortgage Loan Originator for National City Mortgage Co
Been with my wife for 25 years, her and my father are my two best friends
No Children, however we have three dogs Sweetie, Mia, & Ringo, two rescues, and one adopted, I'd love to have a side car rig so that they could ride with us
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joliet Jim on October 06, 2006, 09:28:35 PM
hey I was just wondering if everyone would go back and add their social security numbers and credit ratings
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hotair on October 06, 2006, 09:41:45 PM
SURE!!! 1123451234 credit score 0000000000 Z you and SFR are on a tear tonight ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kent in Upstate NY on October 06, 2006, 09:48:04 PM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

Says one who has never spent a summer in Bakersfield.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 06, 2006, 09:50:17 PM
Live on the navel of the Earth.

Atlanta is the rectum of the earthi.

Says one who has never spent a summer in Bakersfield.

I have. It's a pile.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Offcamber1 on October 06, 2006, 10:29:19 PM
"I was born a poor black child..."
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spadapatina on October 06, 2006, 11:45:32 PM
Marcus Parris 35

 former welder/fabricator, wheelchair mechanic, composite fabricator, boatyard rat
currently sales rep for durable medical equipment and really missing the Zen meditation of the TIG Torch and the Perfect Bead
 1.3 kids, 1 wife, 2 dogs, a morgage in the Hudson Valley NY
 '78 1000SP    '84 Cal II
 Hobbies are bikes; photography; splitting wood; taco exploration (Mexican food, you dirty git); home repair and yardwork avoidance
 Politics are well left of center with leaning , sympathy, and go get 'em for Libertarians and Greens (you figure it out, I cant)
 All time Favorite food is black roasted arabica beans, ground fine, served as liquid delivered under high pressure into a small cup; leafy greens served dry and brown, rolled in a tube and served in packs of twenty; whole grains and leafy greens fermented at room temperature with lager yeast and served chilled in a 12 oz "Anchor Steam" bottle; and if I get hungry, a handtfull of East Oakland or Central Valley taco truck Al Pastor tacos with lime juice, hot sauce, and garnished with sliced radishes and scallions. The perfect meal is a taco made with two (preferably handmade) tortillas, fresh protein, cillantro,  and raw onion., If you're stressed about taco truck food quality, the one thats crowded and has folding chairs stuffed with cops and day laborers at lunchtime is always safe and food quality absolutely guarranteed three star.The saddest day will be when haute cuisine/pop culture recognizes and embraces the true taco truck, probably  leading a Hollywood actor owning a chain of of them.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dee g on October 06, 2006, 11:49:48 PM

Says one who has never spent a summer in Bakersfield.

I have.  Used to live in Cal City. Reserved for KCSO, spent WAY too much time on the roads between Boron and BFL/Lerdo.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Riding Free on October 07, 2006, 06:23:51 AM
that's wonderful.

I remember when I was passing by the walkboard on my Lambretta and the girl in the bikini waved at me with a hot-dog.  I immediately parallel-parked the Civic at the town square and walked to the department store for a cheese danish.  Man! that oil was expensive; but I took it like a man and ordered the Calvin Klein 34-B.  When I got home I emptied the fish pond, lit the grill and threw the sheets in the garage.

Makes a lot of sense.

   If some is bad more is better ??? Could be all the effort to resist reading is such a strain as one ages.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: john in vt on October 07, 2006, 06:38:01 AM
John Stewart


51 years old, married a long time to great lady

restore antique autos

am into snowboarding, 70s italian motorcycles, women

also restoring an airplane (sanity check)

74 sf750
77 900sd
78 900ss
79 cx100
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: centauro on October 07, 2006, 07:15:30 AM
Valerio Barone, 52, General Aviation A &P mechanic; Mary Esther, Florida
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziknight on October 08, 2006, 09:06:55 AM
Hi All,

I'm Yaniv Adir. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have a 98 EV and an 06 Concours. I've been on the MGCL for years, but just got onto Wild Guzzi. I am a helicopter Pilot for Atlanta Police.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 08, 2006, 09:13:14 AM
Hi All,

I'm Yaniv Adir. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have a 98 EV and an 06 Concours. I've been on the MGCL for years, but just got onto Wild Guzzi. I am a helicopter Pilot for Atlanta Police.


I would like to report a vandal who lives somewhere near the Garage Mahalo... he places nails under the wheels of Bill Hagan's motorcycles.... please put out an APB... sorry no physical description... just look for the guy with a sack full of nails!

Welcome to the board!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SantaFeRider on October 08, 2006, 09:26:24 AM
Sean, the NSA can do mo' betta

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moltoguzzi on October 08, 2006, 09:41:05 AM
Spadapatina, "execuse me while I whip this out" but if you havent you must see "Blazing Saddles" the movie, the campfire scene will bring tears to your eyes and the rest of the movie isnt bad.

Ciao, Molto
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gini Fata on October 08, 2006, 10:25:21 AM
Gini Fata, 51 and a paperworker from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I love women, good food and motorcycles and everything in between. Any day I can ride is a good day..Winters are too long up here. I had 2k Jackal and a 87 lemans and now ride 2k v11sport and an 05Fjr and a 650sv.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redmond on October 08, 2006, 02:25:28 PM
John J. Redmond
57-Married to Lori
83 LeMans III - soon to be running again after modifications - carb change to Mikuini's and modified maifold, new rings for speedo and tachs.
Kailua Kona , HI
Industria sewing machine mechanic, construction- spectialy work, auto and heavy equipment mechanic, inventor of many things for mankind and bikers, Distributor for Strong Arm Sprays, Poet
Motorcycles, weight lifting, airplanes-owned 2, snorkeling, Long distance high speed paper punching.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziknight on October 08, 2006, 05:21:12 PM
Hi All,

I'm Yaniv Adir. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have a 98 EV and an 06 Concours. I've been on the MGCL for years, but just got onto Wild Guzzi. I am a helicopter Pilot for Atlanta Police.


I would like to report a vandal who lives somewhere near the Garage Mahalo... he places nails under the wheels of Bill Hagan's motorcycles.... please put out an APB... sorry no physical description... just look for the guy with a sack full of nails!

Welcome to the board!

LOL, good one Sean. I fly over Bill's house all the time. Other than Bill and Wayne, i haven't seen any suspicious people hanging out dropping nails. But, I'll keep looking!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 08, 2006, 05:28:28 PM
Hi All,

I'm Yaniv Adir. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have a 98 EV and an 06 Concours. I've been on the MGCL for years, but just got onto Wild Guzzi. I am a helicopter Pilot for Atlanta Police.


I would like to report a vandal who lives somewhere near the Garage Mahalo... he places nails under the wheels of Bill Hagan's motorcycles.... please put out an APB... sorry no physical description... just look for the guy with a sack full of nails!

Welcome to the board!

LOL, good one Sean. I fly over Bill's house all the time. Other than Bill and Wayne, i haven't seen any suspicious people hanging out dropping nails. But, I'll keep looking!


Maybe they're dropping from an MD500?   

Just kidding.

Ciao and welcome to the board.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RocketCaptain on October 08, 2006, 05:33:27 PM
I've just finished reading the entire thread.

I used to be Todd, a normal, somewhat happy guy.  I have a couple kids and a couple pets and a couple motorcycles and a couple bills and a couple irrational phobias.

But after reading the thread, I don't want to be Todd anymore.
I'm looking to buy (or rent) a better profile.  Or, if you'd just like to sell off part of your bio, I could start collecting bits and pieces of your lives, and create a real winner for myself.  If it's real good, maybe I could enter it in shows.  That would really enhance my self worth.

I think it was Pete Roper that said he didn't like anything promoted as a "lifestyle accessory".  Well, I do.  I want any lifestyle accessory you people want to get rid of.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe on October 08, 2006, 06:30:42 PM
Joe Matthews

32 years old for 5 days now, and single

I am now living in Raleigh NC. I recently started a new job working at a company that builds packaging machinery that installs shrink wrap labels and safety seal bands on products. I was living in New Orleans until Katrina came, working as a oil field commercial diver for 10 years. I had been wanting to move back to my home town (Raleigh) for a while, and Katrina moved my plans up for me. I am interested in most anything that runs on gasoline, and I have never bought a running motorcycle before. I currently own a 98 Centauro, a 97 Suzuki Bandit, and a 75 Honda CB500T that was my dad's first motorcycle back then. He sold it to my uncle after a short time who rode it briefly and then for some reason parked it in a field for 25 years or so. He gave it to me and I managed to get it running again. It is my latest on going project. Besides bikes, I am also interested in wine making, surfing, guns, music, scuba diving, genealogy, and real estate.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 08, 2006, 06:37:42 PM
<ship> I have never bought a running motorcycle before. I currently own a 98 Centauro <snip>

Hi Joe,

I enjoyed reading your post....   And it struck me as even more insightful than you might understand.  :-)

They're good when you get them sorted out though...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on October 08, 2006, 08:54:00 PM
   I have never bought a running motorcycle before.

Wanna buy a Quota ?   (http://s3.amazonaws.com/advrider/deal.gif)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe on October 08, 2006, 10:31:43 PM
It behaves a whole lot better now that it has your chip installed, Will.... Thanks!!! :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Britcheflee on October 08, 2006, 11:52:24 PM
Notice that we are all pretty much bloody old farts?   And 90% of us are some kind of advanced engineers...guess thats what you need to be to own a guzzi?!!!

Lee Holifield
Chef -
Ex FCO Cairo, London Vienna
International Brat - Africa, Middle East and many other places overseas,.
Er.....48 - However I was told you are only as old as the woman you feel.....my wife is 47  :-[
Lover of Staffie Bull Terriers
850T KZ650 and a sweeet V11 Ballabio.
Oh, I live in N CA Placerville.
Envy every other biker on the road whilst I am driving my car.
2 Kids 10 and 7 - I plan to pretend to have advanced Alzthiemers by the time they are teenagers so I can act more crazy than they do!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joliet Jim on October 09, 2006, 06:18:30 AM
Notice that we are all pretty much bloody old farts?   And 90% of us are some kind of advanced engineers...guess thats what you need to be to own a guzzi?!!!

you noticed that too, makes me what a simple beancounter is doing amongst the elite. :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LaMojo on October 09, 2006, 08:48:57 AM
Jack Green - 58 (Damn - 58, is that right?)
Married to Jeanie for 32 years. A local girl employed with the local school system as a grant writer and technology specialist.  I'm working for the USACE (Army Corps of Engineers) at Fort Polk, La filling the Mech. engineer's slot. We have two daughters - one married, living in Austin, TX - One starting collee in pre-vet studies at Louisiana. Tech.
Pets - two horses, two dogs and one cat.  (Our kids left them for us to enjoy.)
Living in same house for 31 years. (My grandmother's big old home located about four blocks from where I was born.)  I'm sort of a pack rat and have accumulated a lot of stuff that I need to get rid of.

Love to travel and explore back roads, enjoy camping, dabble in electronics/computers, repair old mechanical devices, train nut and collect Lionel electric trains and, of course, motorcycling and attending rallies. Got my Ham Radio license a couple of years ago and currently working on my private pilot's license.  Fishing and water skiing when I have time.  Working on the family geneaology and meeting distant relatives I never knew before is my latest interest. 
Motorcycles include a Quota, EV, a project Eldo and convert.  Kawasaki F9 (Big Horn), and a '68 Honda 305 scrambler fill out the garage.  My college car, a 1968 Mercury Cyclone, (yellow) is parked there also.
That's about it.     
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: radguzzi on October 09, 2006, 09:51:17 AM
Robert Dentico


Married for 33 years
Parent for 30
Grandpa for three... calls me B-Pa... :)

Reliability & Maintainability Engineering Technician for a major defense contractor (Navy, ships...)

Live on the Coast in Maine

Hobbies include the family,
motorcycles; both riding and restoration (Triumphs and Guzzis),
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Alabama on October 09, 2006, 10:35:17 AM
Richard C l a u s (Santa's my younger brother)
Age 67
made drivers license for motorcycles Dec 2004
Bought a brandnew California EV Touring Jan 2005
rode it 15000km so far
am hapy with it so far
My nick name ist because I'm running a city partnership with Mobile, Al
Anybody from Alabama here??
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TwoEds on October 09, 2006, 12:14:41 PM
Ed Bretthauer


Auto Technician/Shop Foreman

Married 27 years ( She is not crazy about motorcycles )

1998 EV
2001 HD Electra Glide

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: paragod on October 09, 2006, 01:44:59 PM
Mike Mason

Age 60

Director - Federal Executive Board, Houston
Dept. of Homeland Security - 32 yrs Federal Service

Hobbies - firearms and motorcycles - owned 25 bikes to date

Current bike inventory - 03 California EV and 96 Ducati 900 SS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pebra on October 09, 2006, 03:02:10 PM

Per Brastad, 56, from Oslo area, Norway.

I try to have a look at this forum about daily. Much good advice, and good entertainment value too!
I hope more Scandinavians introduce themselves here. I saw Holst posting, but believe there are more!

I have a degree in economics, but have degenerated into (surprise!) management. Currently I’m a partner in a consultancy advising companies about pension plans, and managing their plans.

I haven’t got facilities to do anything much with my bikes myself. Nor do I have the wits, frankly. I love to ride though. Other spare time I like to read, travel, go hiking or skiing. I like single malts and Belgian beers, too. And wine, although no connoisseur. And food to go with the wine. Limburger is fine with me. Or Soignon, the camembert made from unpasteurised goat’s milk. Come to think of it, Scotch goes well with cheeses! And I love football.

Been married for 26 years, have daughters at 23 and 18. Wife is about 5’11”, and found riding as a passenger on a previous smallish Yamaha Virago very uncomfortable. I got the California hoping that would improve things, but she’s just not enthusiastic about motorcycling. Looks like the California will have to go. I love my Guzzi roadster though - hope we’ll never part, although she can be a temperamental lady.

I had a fine ride yesterday, but it was nearly freezing this morning. Sadly, the season will soon come to a close.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 09, 2006, 03:25:10 PM
hey I was just wondering if everyone would go back and add their social security numbers and credit ratings

Only if I owe you something from a PayPal commitment!   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 09, 2006, 03:26:26 PM
Notice that we are all pretty much bloody old farts?   And 90% of us are some kind of advanced engineers...guess thats what you need to be to own a guzzi?!!!

Lee Holifield
Chef -
Ex FCO Cairo, London Vienna
International Brat - Africa, Middle East and many other places overseas,.
Er.....48 - However I was told you are only as old as the woman you feel.....my wife is 47  :-[
Lover of Staffie Bull Terriers
850T KZ650 and a sweeet V11 Ballabio.
Oh, I live in N CA Placerville.
Envy every other biker on the road whilst I am driving my car.
2 Kids 10 and 7 - I plan to pretend to have advanced Alzthiemers by the time they are teenagers so I can act more crazy than they do!


DAMN! The lonely outsider again...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick on October 09, 2006, 03:28:32 PM

although she can be a temperamental lady.

the bike?? ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pebra on October 09, 2006, 03:43:53 PM

although she can be a temperamental lady.

the bike?? ;D

No! Eh, yes!  Actually .....   ???
Same goes for never parting!!    ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 09, 2006, 03:50:11 PM
I've just finished reading the entire thread.

I used to be Todd, a normal, somewhat happy guy.  I have a couple kids and a couple pets and a couple motorcycles and a couple bills and a couple irrational phobias.

But after reading the thread, I don't want to be Todd anymore.
I'm looking to buy (or rent) a better profile.  Or, if you'd just like to sell off part of your bio, I could start collecting bits and pieces of your lives, and create a real winner for myself.  If it's real good, maybe I could enter it in shows.  That would really enhance my self worth.

I think it was Pete Roper that said he didn't like anything promoted as a "lifestyle accessory".  Well, I do.  I want any lifestyle accessory you people want to get rid of.

Go ahead and take miine. I'm not using it.  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: john hooper on October 09, 2006, 04:08:06 PM
john hooper, age 47 been riding 27 years, about 225000 miles member of motoguzzi club gb, riding a cali ev an 82 spada and a honda varadero. Hobbys include teaching people to ride, been an voluntary instructor for 25 years, fishing, keeping tropical fish and travel, have been to australia,new zealand, the usa and most of europe.

john hooper
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 09, 2006, 04:17:47 PM
john hooper, age 47 been riding 27 years, about 225000 miles member of motoguzzi club gb, riding a cali ev an 82 spada and a honda varadero. Hobbys include teaching people to ride, been an voluntary instructor for 25 years, fishing, keeping tropical fish and travel, have been to australia,new zealand, the usa and most of europe.

john hooper

Varadero? Bastard. Okay not bastard....provided you ship me an Africa Twin by friday.  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dan Beaman on October 09, 2006, 08:08:38 PM
Go ahead and take miine. I'm not using it.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I'm an entomologist.  Probably the only one here. (?)

Hah!  I'm a gemologist!  Probably the only one here (?)  (although my spell check doesn't recognize it either!)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twovalve on October 09, 2006, 09:04:34 PM

Upper East Tennessee

51 years

Part time missionary

Looking forward to another warm, dry, sunny Pipestem, West Virginia MG rally next October and staying off the Blue Ridge Parkway after dark while riding a motorcycle! 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ronkom on October 09, 2006, 10:39:57 PM

Ron Komoroski
60 (yikes!-it feels wierd to see that number pop up on the screen)
Retired R&D Technician, Motorcycle wrench & Guzzi restorer
Lynchburg, VA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Maka In Oz on October 09, 2006, 10:48:44 PM
Maka McMahon (Air Force nicknames last forever!)

Ride:  Y2k Jackal.  By myself is best, but for group rides I like the Ulysses 'Usual Suspects' (ride every Wednesday, 40 yo to be a junior, 50 yo to be a full member - Ulysses has 25,000+ members Australia wide), or Fat Bastards (minimum weight 90 kg/200 lb).  Both are probably illegal under our anti-discrimination laws!

Live:  Australia's bush capital, Canberra (about 25 minutes of winding road to Mr Roper's!)

Domestics: Wife of 23 years, and three billy lids: M20, M15 and F12

Job:  MD of Defence acquisition/information security consultancy company

Past:  Air Force Nav:  4,000 + hours, 15 types.  Fast jet (fastest I've been is M2.2) to helicopters and heavies.  Flew with RAF (lived in Lincolnshire for 14 months) and USAF (lived in Texas for 27 months). Managed quite a few hours first pilot day/night solo on jets before the Air Force decided I really should be a Nav.

Hobbies:  After three years + of heavy gardening (after 2003 bushfires trashed most of our neighbourhood, a fair chunk of the house and all of the garden), I'm actually starting to enjoy it.  Music (vicariously these days - eldest is a jazz double bassist, middle one is a lead guitarist/vocalist with a couple of high school garage bands) keeps me interested as a part time roadie/manager for the kids and radio model planes to keep the aviation connection.

Best way to spend a day is still on a back road on the Black Jackal

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: QuattroValvole on October 09, 2006, 11:14:33 PM
Marty Burks

Age-48 (Holy sh!t, how'd that happen?)

Work-Ex heavy equipment mechanic, current travelling salesman

Live-airplanes, hotel rooms and rental cars

Keep my stuff-Livermore, CA

Was happily married for 5 years, apparently 5 out of 9 isn't a very good average, now divorced.

Bikes-every one I've bought since 1974, (hey I sell stuff for a living not a hobbie) 18 total from the 1937 Chief to the MGS-01, 5 Guzzis in all. All running, licensed and insured except the 3 vintage MXers

Use most of my money for-bikes, boats, whiskey, guns and girls, the rest I spend foolishly
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eldoroddo on October 10, 2006, 12:10:53 AM
Rodd Whiston, 42

Lake Forest, CA

Married to Maria for 8 years

Bought an Eldo after not being on a bike since 1991--Having a blast!

Also play around with my 67 Mustang fastback.

Love old cars, bikes, airplanes

Learned to fly in a 1946 Globe Swift with a fuel injected  Lycoming 180 (Solo at 17 ;D)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on October 10, 2006, 12:31:40 AM
Better put in the Kiwi Connection

Muzz, aka Murray Turley

35 years married to the Princess (Lucy)

2 kids, one of each.
3 grandkids.
Pet free, so we can ride more.

Hobbies vary as to time of year, but throw in Guzzing, mountain biking, wind surfing, small game hunting, fishing, snorkelling and living life to the full.

We have a most fabulous country here, and it encourages one to "get out and do it".

Currently after being an industrial chemist, carpenter, quantity surveyor, property manager, school teacher and workshop supervisor, I am now a shop manager in a small town out in the boonies.

Life is good.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 10, 2006, 12:46:15 AM
Age: Old. But not so old I wont bust you into kindling
Location: Close enought to Moto International that I buy over the counter. Far enough away that Bigfoot is renting the spare room
Occupation: Cricket bat Samurai
Hobbies: Re-enacting 3 Stooges films in my living room

So Zer.......... is really .  FWIW, now I know.

Did I give you permission to post personal information about me? 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BigDave in PA on October 10, 2006, 01:23:59 AM
Dave Whitehead
54 years old
Paradise, PA USA
Maried 36 years to wife Betty. (she also has a couple Guzzis)
guzzi rider since '72
Self employed home repairman and self employed mobile & club dj.
1 son
My hobbies are: Guzzis, guns, music, outdoors.
Presently involved in a research project on torque values for drain plugs & valve caps and the premature failure of
crush washers.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Texas Turnip on October 10, 2006, 07:49:08 AM
Dave Whitehead
Presently involved in a research project on torque values for drain plugs & valve caps and the premature failure of
crush washers.

Thanks Dave,
My coffee got blowed all over the computer and screen after reading about your "research" project.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eldoroddo on October 10, 2006, 03:01:54 PM
Lots of disingenuous riddles and attempts at notoriety in this topic.
I've been here briefly, and based on casual observations, am likely to soon be gone.
There are some nice people here, and some educated and entertaining people as well...
Blessings upon you all.

My Introduction:
I am nearing 40, and have owned, ridden, and restored bikes at a rate of about 2.3 per year since getting a license to drive at 17.
Nearly 1/3 of the bikes I've sampled were Guzzis, and of them all, these were the ones I chose to ride from ocean to ocean.
I've managed many but modest achievements with even more modest of means... This was once called being self made.
I appreciate most things as esoteric and sublime, but most of the time I wish people would just get to the point or stop talking.
and now it is my turn...

Peace upon you my brothers.


Nice to know ya...have a nice trip. ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: norCal Randy on October 10, 2006, 04:02:40 PM
Dave Whitehead
Presently involved in a research project on torque values for drain plugs & valve caps and the premature failure of
crush washers.

Thanks Dave,
My coffee got blowed all over the computer and screen after reading about your "research" project.

You know what they say, Turnip, Dave,.......... you never can be too carefull.   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 10, 2006, 04:50:38 PM
The joke post was fun... but here goes.

turned 36 last month.

Married for 7 years to a recently Guzzi indoctrinated woman, who camped for the first time in her life at the VA Rally this summer.

After getting kicked out of my dad's apartment my senior year in high school, I nearly dropped out of high school to work on sport fishing boats in southern California -- I already had the job and was doing it on weekends.  Ended up graduating, barely... then moving North and doing a season of salmon, striped bass and rock cod fishing out of SF Bay... that was a long, cold, wet spring and summer.  Got out of that gig and went back south to do construction... typical construction job... boss ended up owing me money during every pay period... never paid me what exactly what I was owed, but he had plenty of money to take his wife and kids on trips to Mexico... so after a year of doing that I moved back to SF and decided to go to college... worked 2 jobs supporting myself (retail sales and as an English tutor)... continued working a couple jobs when I transfered to UCSB to finish my degree... ended up getting pretty decent grades and went to law school.  Reason I went to law school was to be a District Attorney (so I could help put the bad guys behind bars)... clerked at my local DA's office and HATED it... got into taxation and trusts & estates through a visiting professor at my law school (Thanks IRA!) and haven't looked back!

Wife is a native of Alexandria, VA and that is where we have lived now since 1999.

2 dogs:  bulldog (Beef) and mini Schnauzer (Otto).

No kids.

Hobbies:  fishing, beer, riding, fine wines, (eating) Italian food and B.S.ing with friends.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tackett on October 10, 2006, 05:36:45 PM
I just hit 40 and am currently working as a fabricator in a Special Effects shop in North Hollywood. I get to design, build and destroy things for a living (although most of the job is less glamorous than it sounds).

Bikes have been in the family since the 50's, and I started riding at 8 and racing at 10. I took a few decades off from riding, but then picked up a Kawi KLR 650. My bug for an Italian v-twin led me to a 850 T5.

I still have the KLR and Guzzi as well as a few project bikes (Yamaha XS650 50's style bobber and an XS Street tracker).

I dodged the wedding bullet a few months before the wedding almost 20 years ago and never looked back. No kids. No wife. No pets. No asking permission. It's not perfect, but it works well for me.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theecricket on October 10, 2006, 06:52:22 PM
The joke post was fun... but here goes.

turned 36 last month.

Married for 7 years to a recently Guzzi indoctrinated woman, who camped for the first time in her life at the VA Rally this summer.

After getting kicked out of my dad's apartment my senior year in high school, I nearly dropped out of high school to work on sport fishing boats in southern California -- I already had the job and was doing it on weekends.  Ended up graduating, barely... then moving North and doing a season of salmon, striped bass and rock cod fishing out of SF Bay... that was a long, cold, wet spring and summer.  Got out of that gig and went back south to do construction... typical construction job... boss ended up owing me money during every pay period... never paid me what exactly what I was owed, but he had plenty of money to take his wife and kids on trips to Mexico... so after a year of doing that I moved back to SF and decided to go to college... worked 2 jobs supporting myself (retail sales and as an English tutor)... continued working a couple jobs when I transfered to UCSB to finish my degree... ended up getting pretty decent grades and went to law school.  Reason I went to law school was to be a District Attorney (so I could help put the bad guys behind bars)... clerked at my local DA's office and HATED it... got into taxation and trusts & estates through a visiting professor at my law school (Thanks IRA!) and haven't looked back!

Wife is a native of Alexandria, VA and that is where we have lived now since 1999.

2 dogs:  bulldog (Beef) and mini Schnauzer (Otto).

No kids.

Hobbies:  fishing, beer, riding, fine wines, (eating) Italian food and B.S.ing with friends.

Sounds like the construction boss was a tooter...  I had similar experiences Sean.

I was a crazy lost person when I was younger.  Now I see why Alanon is so popular... but my parents truly love me and did the best they could.  I am older and wiser and thankful for the chance to live through my life the way I have.  I have experienced things that many people never will.  I am lucky to have learned to love and accept people for the way they are because of it too.  If I, like yourself can do my small part to make life work better for people I'm happy.  I don't share the fishing hobby though unless the beer or fine wine hobby is included.   ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on October 10, 2006, 07:00:53 PM
Sounds like the construction boss was a tooter...  I had similar experiences Sean.

I was a crazy lost person when I was younger.  Now I see why Alanon is so popular... but my parents truly love me and did the best they could.  I am older and wiser and thankful for the chance to live through my life the way I have.  I have experienced things that many people never will.  I am lucky to have learned to love and accept people for the way they are because of it too.  If I, like yourself can do my small part to make life work better for people I'm happy.  I don't share the fishing hobby though unless the beer or fine wine hobby is included.   ;)


Right on, Tom-
Yeah - Im betting if we sit down for some (more!) beers one of these days, we'll probably have a pretty similar story.

Hey -- I know you are a music guy.
have you ever seen/ heard of The Upper Crust... absolutely phenomenal (in a humorous way) live band... they were just in your neck of the woods too.
I saw them when I was visiting my cousin in LA.
check 'em out -- tell me what you think.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matt2 on October 11, 2006, 11:08:34 AM
Hey all, I'm Matt from North Dakota and this is my first post!

I'm 42 and live a couple miles from Canada (Manitoba) and a couple miles from Minnesota.

Just finished school for a career change into respiratory therapy after working in manufacturing for 10 years building busses and luxury tour coaches.

After riding the heck out of mini bikes as a kid, I got back into motorcycles ten years ago by buying an old shovelhead (before everybody and their cousin bought an HD).  A couple years ago I picked up a naked CBR 600 done up in streetfighter style with motocross handlebars mounted and most of the plastic torn off.  Back in August I finally purchased a Moto Guzzi, an '87 SPII to use as my bagger for touring with the girlfriend of 6 years.  Now all I need is a dirt bike or dual sport and I will be set!

Never married, no kids, one mutt dog.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 11, 2006, 11:18:12 AM
Hey all, I'm Matt from North Dakota and this is my first post!

I'm 42 and live a couple miles from Canada (Manitoba) and a couple miles from Minnesota.

Just finished school for a career change into respiratory therapy after working in manufacturing for 10 years building busses and luxury tour coaches.

After riding the heck out of mini bikes as a kid, I got back into motorcycles ten years ago by buying an old shovelhead (before everybody and their cousin bought an HD).  A couple years ago I picked up a naked CBR 600 done up in streetfighter style with motocross handlebars mounted and most of the plastic torn off.  Back in August I finally purchased a Moto Guzzi, an '87 SPII to use as my bagger for touring with the girlfriend of 6 years.  Now all I need is a dirt bike or dual sport and I will be set!

Never married, no kids, one mutt dog.

Welcome Matt. Nice to see someone else who likes old raggedy bikes too ;D

I would consider DS and Dirtbikes as separate things. For a dual sport on the cheap I would suggest a KLR or older DR650.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sanders on October 11, 2006, 12:27:37 PM
Sanders Walker
age 57
Wuerzburg Germany
Originally from Texas
Have been, Ranch Manager, Machinist, Tool and Cutter Grinder,Machine Shop Supervisor, VP & Director of Operations Airborne Pipeline Leak Detectio Co. and now Supply Technician for Wuerzburg American HS.
Wanted a Moto Guzzi for10 years bummed rides on other peoples, bought a 2004 EV new last year in December with the Cam updates. Did 2000 miles in 10 days on the B roads in Germany, Austria and France with my wife on back and our friends from Texas on my PC800 in June of this year.
Mileage wise would not be much in the States, but when you run B roads and no Autobanh in Europe your lucky if you can average 40 mph.
The Guzzi is without a doubt everything I expect and want in a motorcycle. I just need to add an 850 Griso or V11 sport to go with the EV for solo stuff.
Reading and Motorcycles only Hobby. My wife says the motorcycles are an obsession.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on October 11, 2006, 12:45:51 PM
Steve Kames                                                                                                    53yrs                                                                                                                Auburn, GA -10mi from Hog Mtn                                                                                                       Married                                                                                                             Lumber Dept/ Home Depot                                                                                 Motorcycle Bum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dlapierre on October 11, 2006, 04:57:43 PM
Dennis Lapierre
Retired city cop, now a farmer and I manage a job search centre in Salmon Arm BC (the salary lets me keep the farm)
Live near Falkland, BC
Married, three teenage sons, one of which has become a decent bike rider. Maybe we can tour together once my new hip is 100%.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RocketCaptain on October 11, 2006, 09:09:36 PM
Dennis, you say the new hip isn't 100%?
Why not list the model number, and tell us what it's doing?  We can probably get it straightened out.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Alberto on October 12, 2006, 12:24:13 AM
I'm Alberto Franchi

I was born in italy the May 9th, 1965

I ride my second Guzzi, a California Special Sport, the first one has been a V65C.

I'm separated, i have a son and i have the most beatiful girlfriend in the world.

I'm a freelance in information technology and i'm a founder and councellor of one of the biggest italian guzzi fan club, www.moto-guzzi.it.

Feel free to ask.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on October 12, 2006, 12:35:53 AM
I'm Alberto Franchi

I was born in italy the May 9th, 1965

I ride my second Guzzi, a California Special Sport, the first one has been a V65C.

I'm separated, i have a son and i have the most beatiful girlfriend in the world.

I'm a freelance in information technology and i'm a founder and councellor of one of the biggest italian guzzi fan club, www.moto-guzzi.it.

Feel free to ask.


AL, It would sure be nice if your club website was in English too. Sorry I don't speak Italian.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dee g on October 12, 2006, 12:44:06 AM

Learned to fly in a 1946 Globe Swift with a fuel injected  Lycoming 180 (Solo at 17 ;D)

Sweet plane....


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Alberto on October 12, 2006, 06:03:06 AM

AL, It would sure be nice if your club website was in English too. Sorry I don't speak Italian.

Don't hurry! :)

I'm working on it. A brand new website at www.moto-guzzi.us will be available in few weeks.
At the moment you can find our 'workshop' in it. Full of manuals of almost every kind of guzzi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick on October 12, 2006, 06:52:35 AM
I'm Alberto Franchi

I was born in italy the May 9th, 1965

I ride my second Guzzi, a California Special Sport, the first one has been a V65C.

I'm separated, i have a son and i have the most beatiful girlfriend in the world.

I'm a freelance in information technology and i'm a founder and councellor of one of the biggest italian guzzi fan club, www.moto-guzzi.it.

Feel free to ask.



I just registered in moto-guzzi.it. The site looks very nice and full of information.

My compliments to you for a great job.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on October 12, 2006, 08:42:57 AM
Alberto, I'd like to buy one of your club T-shirts. Is that possible?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motoduck on October 12, 2006, 09:55:22 AM
Jeff Bottrell
36 - Detroit Michigan
Moto Guzzi dealer (Aprilia, KTM, Vespa, Piaggio, & misc)
Wife Jackie
Son Brendan 3years
Son TBD minus 2 months and counting
Lots of debt

Current bikes:
75 850T/Sport
78 850 Lemans (restoration project)
69 Ambo (restoration project)
78 Lemans Racebike
71 Ducati 450 Desmo
55 Handlebar Vespa (restoration project) sensing a theme here....
02 Vespa ET4 (project - putting a dustbin fairing on it..why?....because!)
05 MZ Baghira (adventure tourer)
05 KTM 525SMR Supermoto racebike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SISU Printer on October 12, 2006, 10:47:48 AM
Jeff Bottrell
36 - Detroit Michigan
Moto Guzzi dealer (Aprilia, KTM, Vespa, Piaggio, & misc)
Wife Jackie
Son Brendan 3years
Son TBD minus 2 months and counting
Lots of debt

Current bikes:
75 850T/Sport
78 850 Lemans (restoration project)
69 Ambo (restoration project)
78 Lemans Racebike
71 Ducati 450 Desmo
55 Handlebar Vespa (restoration project) sensing a theme here....
02 Vespa ET4 (project - putting a dustbin fairing on it..why?....because!)
05 MZ Baghira (adventure tourer)
05 KTM 525SMR Supermoto racebike

You know they have meetings for that kind of sickness.... :o
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 12, 2006, 11:32:56 AM
I'm Alberto Franchi

I was born in italy the May 9th, 1965

I ride my second Guzzi, a California Special Sport, the first one has been a V65C.

I'm separated, i have a son and i have the most beatiful girlfriend in the world.

I'm a freelance in information technology and i'm a founder and councellor of one of the biggest italian guzzi fan club, www.moto-guzzi.it.

Feel free to ask.


Ciao Alberto,

Nice to see you on this board...   I enjoyed my time with the moto-guzzi.it group a few years ago in Mandello and later on at a club outing!  Nice people.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dlapierre on October 12, 2006, 01:51:36 PM
Dennis, you say the new hip isn't 100%?
Why not list the model number, and tell us what it's doing?  We can probably get it straightened out.

It's a Zimmer, a model designed for people still intending to work, bend, carry weight and, I think, ride bikes, though they weren't explicit on that point. What it's doing is healing. Just had it installed Aug 12. I'm walking normally already. Should be good to ride come spring.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: slug on October 12, 2006, 02:44:04 PM
Howdy All,

Name: Greg
Age: 33
Sign: Yield.
Location: Seattle
Occupation: Programmer for a logistics company.
Marital Status: She hasn't left me after four years (there's still time...).
Offspring: None that I know about.
Hobbies: Metalsmithing, fly fishing, biking, making stuff.
Bike: '03 V11 Sport.
Current project: Building molds of V11 bodywork (seat cowl, tank pad, tail section) so I can make new ones from carbon fiber (and hopefully will sell parts, too)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eldoroddo on October 12, 2006, 03:06:19 PM

Learned to fly in a 1946 Globe Swift with a fuel injected  Lycoming 180 (Solo at 17 ;D)

Sweet plane....


Yes they are, and fully aerobatic too (except for intentional spins). A real kick in the pants when they have bigger motors installed in them.

One wierd drawback is that the landing gear knob is shaped like a flap and the flap knob is shaped like a round gear. :o
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gary on October 12, 2006, 05:23:24 PM
Gary Tilson - Atlanta

Semi Retired Architect - Now have a Kitchen & Bath showroom - design & sell fine cabinetry

Age: 59 going on 32

Wife: Married 36 years (to the same person) with 2 grown gainfully employed college graduates - yeehaw

Hobbies: Hedonism - like fine wine, cooking (& eating), traveling, riding, hiking, boating

First bike: '62 HD Sportster acquired wrecked for a significant discount. The owner didn't need it anymore.

Now: '03 Cali Special Sport

Soon: Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mphcycles on October 12, 2006, 06:50:49 PM

You know they have meetings for that kind of sickness.... :o
Hell  Jeff's almost well. The new baby may just cure him.
I'm Mike Haven,corner office guy at MPH cycles in Houston.
Lived in Houston since 1976. Been getting hands in or on motorised machinery ever since.
Started on a Honda SL90, that i rented all summer from a buddy ,then bought my first bike from Atlas cycles just before we moved here from Tulsa, a CB 350 K2. Had plans to travel and conquer the world on that big road warrior. Instead mostly just cruising around the
outlying farmlands, wasting gas and polluting the air. A summer job at a motorcycle shop may have had some influence on my lack of development. A few Hondas later I went to work at a Honda car dealership where the money was much better in the late 70's.
Then off to the Porsche dealer for a time. Then a Ferrari shop. Ended up opening my own little repair shop 1983 , just temporarily till I could find a decent job. Still havent found one. BMW K100rs seemed like the right bike for a guy who fixes BMW cars all day.
It was , but it lacked someting. A Norton Commando provided that something. Involvement!
But those Guzzis I saw back at Atlas made a lasting impression on my addled 16 year old mind. I never knew anyone who owned one, but when Harpers had those 1987 LM4 SE  for a very reasonable price I figured why not? Super Bowl weekend I drove up to the Harper farm and picked up a bike in a box, that I had never seen, never heard run, with no warranty of any kind. All the way home I was looking at this big box in the back of my truck thinking"what the hell is wrong with me?"
Thats is open to debate, but I still have and ride that bike regularly.
Met my bride Kim at the Guzzi national in 1992. ( tip, girls you meet at rallies are generally bike friendly)
Todd and I started MPH cycles in 2000 as a trial to see if we could get anywhere in the bike business. All the staff rode already, why not?
a Bike loving  wife allows me to gather up an assortment of bikes that I always wanted.
The Lemans SE was my first Guzzi.
   2x V7 Sports     
        Lemans 3
      Daytona RS
     Laverda SFC
American Eagle 750 s
    Duc Gt 750
    Duc GT 500
Norton Fastback Combat 750
 Benelli 250
 Benelli 350
MZ Ts 150
MZ ts 250
Mz RT125
BMW r90s
BMW r 75/'5
BMW r26
BMW r 50
BMW r 60/2 x2
BMW R1100 gs
Krauser MKM 1000
KTM rxc 400
Honda xr 500r
honda xl125
honda XR75
Honda trx 400
plus a bunch more I cant think of right now
Yes these are all personal bikes not shop stock.
Jeff you got some work to do!
Hobbies are riding, music, blues and folksy singer song writers,  playing with guns, playing farmer/homesite developer,searching for the perfect india pale ale,learning as much as I can about motor vehicle technology.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: johnk on October 12, 2006, 07:00:44 PM
John Koester

43 years old

Happily married 10 years

Senior modeler at Tippett Studios where we do VFX work for movies and commercials.

I've been a daily rider since I started in '82. Bought my first Guzzi (V50 monza racebike) in 86. Can't seem to get enough time to go riding much beyond commuting these days. That really stinks.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Will Creedon on October 12, 2006, 07:06:38 PM
when Harpers had those 1987 LM4 SE  for a very reasonable price I figured why not? Super Bowl weekend I drove up to the Harper farm and picked up a bike in a box, that I had never seen, never heard run, with no warranty of any kind. All the way home I was looking at this big box in the back of my truck thinking"what the hell is wrong with me?"

$5000 out the door was what Pro Italia wanted for one...    <edit - Or was it $3000?>   I almost bit, but was too broke at that time - just out of college.   What corrosion damage?   I couldn't see any.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motoduck on October 12, 2006, 07:08:42 PM
Geez Mike...those are all current bikes?  I resist new temptations on an almost weekly basis.  It is painfull but I really don't have enough room or time until I finish some of the bikes I have now.   My wife is eyeing my 74 BMW 2002 like she wants it gone which kinda concerns me (of course...I could park 4 bikes where the car is).  I had alot more a few years ago and then decided that I would sell off most of it and just focus on vintage Moto Guzzi's.  That worked for a while until another Ducati single came along and the first exception was made.  Now I've got scooters and all kinds of stuff sneaking in to the garage.  Oh well...still cheaper than a therapist!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jake on October 12, 2006, 09:38:16 PM
Hi - Jon Fouts
Granville, Ohio

Been riding since 1975 - Jap bikes, then a BMW, then Jap - now have found MG
restored an 850T - great bike

Married, 2 kids - daughter about ready for her first ride

Work in mental health and hospice - play some guitar - make some wine - ride some horses

Been reading this site/board since I got into Guzzi 4 years ago - finally decided to join
thanks for all the tips over the past couple of years.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 12, 2006, 09:39:54 PM

The Lemans SE was my first Guzzi.
   2x V7 Sports     
        Lemans 3
      Daytona RS
     Laverda SFC
American Eagle 750 s
    Duc Gt 750
    Duc GT 500
Norton Fastback Combat 750
 Benelli 250
 Benelli 350
MZ Ts 150
MZ ts 250
Mz RT125
BMW r90s
BMW r 75/'5
BMW r26
BMW r 50
BMW r 60/2 x2
BMW R1100 gs
Krauser MKM 1000
KTM rxc 400
Honda xr 500r
honda xl125
honda XR75
Honda trx 400
plus a bunch more I cant think of right now


You win.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Greg Field on October 12, 2006, 10:07:12 PM

Hobbies are . . .searching for the perfect india pale ale . . .

Shi-ite, Mike, you shoulda told me. Seattle's IPA City. Diamond Knot is the insider's choice, but you coulda tried about 25 different IPAs on tap over at the Beveridge Pub, in Steak's 'hood, which is now holding its "Hoptoberfest."
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JPea on October 12, 2006, 10:15:04 PM
My wife is eyeing my 74 BMW 2002 like she wants it gone which kinda concerns me (of course...I could park 4 bikes where the car is).

I let my '74 go a few years ago and still cry myself to sleep at night.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mphcycles on October 13, 2006, 10:32:54 AM

Hobbies are . . .searching for the perfect india pale ale . . .

Shi-ite, Mike, you shoulda told me. Seattle's IPA City. Diamond Knot is the insider's choice, but you coulda tried about 25 different IPAs on tap over at the Beveridge Pub, in Steak's 'hood, which is now holding its "Hoptoberfest."
Well, I wasnt comfortable enough with your bike to suggest a beer testing expedition. Especially at the speed required to keep you in sight. And the hotel had a decent selection, the Alaska amber ale was tested extensively the night before, perhaps too extensively...
After I left your place Saturday I pretty much had hit the wall and went for an early evening. Next time, we go !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stephen on October 13, 2006, 04:11:54 PM
Stephen Colao
Early 40s
Dallas Texas
Aircraft Maintenance Tech nician for Major Airline

Hobbies: Motorcycles, All Things Italian, including cooking, music, cooking, Bocce Ball, eating what I cooked. Calabria, where my family originated.

What goes good with Garlic?.....Everything

Past MC: Home built Triumph 650 chopper, 1986 Sportster, 1987 Electra Glide.

Current MC: 2003 Aluminum Guzzi, 1971 Ammbasador (project)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sasquatch Jim on October 13, 2006, 10:16:02 PM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.

 Okay, here I figuratively stand in front of all of you and confess.
  I am Sasquatch Jim and I am a cyclaholic.
   It is true, I have abused my own dear bank account many times for the sake of just one more bike, that I really did'nt need and could'nt afford. I have gone without food for periods of time to satisfy this powerfull addiction.
 I have sold other more practical vehicles to unscrupulous buyers to obtain money to front to purveyers of two wheeled satisfaction.
 Whenever I think that I have finally obtained the ultimate high in motorcycle ownership, along comes something more responsive, or lighter, or faster, or just neater.
 I am a life long slave to this addiction, There is no hope for redemption whatsoever.

 Sasquatch Jim
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zerhackermann on October 13, 2006, 10:17:45 PM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.

 Okay, here I figuratively stand in front of all of you and confess.
  I am Sasquatch Jim and I am a cyclaholic.
   It is true, I have abused my own dear bank account many times for the sake of just one more bike, that I really did'nt need and could'nt afford. I have gone without food for periods of time to satisfy this powerfull addiction.
 I have sold other more practical vehicles to unscrupulous buyers to obtain money to front to purveyers of two wheeled satisfaction.
 Whenever I think that I have finally obtained the ultimate high in motorcycle ownership, along comes something more responsive, or lighter, or faster, or just neater.
 I am a life long slave to this addiction, There is no hope for redemption whatsoever.

 Sasquatch Jim

And you can actually get something resembling music to come out of an accordion. A herculean feat, as far as i am concerned
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motowfo on October 14, 2006, 06:38:54 AM
Hello Guzzists!

I'm Rick Mathis

19...er... (okay, really 55)

Nashville, TN area

I get to play on computers for a living!!

I purchased my first Guzzi in 2000 ... a brand new LeMans!  It was a great bike but... we never seemed to gel so away it went...

Next thing I knew I had to have another Guzzi so... into the stable crept a really nice 59 Falcone (see avatar)...

Then a funny thing happened... Another Guzzi, a 73 Police Bike showed up and let me take it apart, put it back together and even let me ride it up to the Kentucky rally this fall!! 

I have also been in heat over a Centauro (East of the Mississippi) which I have subsequently purchased and brought into the now crowded garage.... what a bike!!

I do occasionally play or other brands of Italian bikes and have even closed a blind eye to the fact that my KTM is Austrian (Wasn't that Italians and Germans getting together??  ::)  ) (Flame off, please)...

I am married to my lovely high school sweetheart and both of our two children and grown and gone!! 

This is a great forum and I look forward to some great info, discussions, and the occasional bit of humor/bs that this board promotes!!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gary martin on October 14, 2006, 06:46:16 AM
Hello Guzzists!

I'm Rick Mathis

19...er... (okay, really 55)

Nashville, TN area

welcome to the monkey house, Rick!  do you know any of them nashville cats? ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzilady on October 14, 2006, 08:23:04 AM
Hey all, I'm Matt from North Dakota and this is my first post!

I'm 42 and live a couple miles from Canada (Manitoba) and a couple miles from Minnesota.

Welcome Matt! I thought I would introduce myself since I'm probably the closest Guzzi rider to you. Are you in Pembina?
Eric and I live in Moorhead, MN. Not too many Guzzis in this part of the country.  :D
We make it up your way a couple of times a year, but only on the way to Winnipeg. Being Canadian, Eric needs his fix of Tim Hortons coffee.  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motowfo on October 14, 2006, 03:23:56 PM

welcome to the monkey house, Rick!  do you know any of them nashville cats? ;D

Hey... I are one..!!  You mean folks like Andy and Docc?  (Never heard of 'em!!)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: N2-UK on October 14, 2006, 03:51:06 PM

I'm Nigel and I'm an al.....  oops, sorry, wrong forum

er, I'm Nigel  & I ride a '99 Cali Special in perfect pearl white. And it's loaded with extras.

I also own a Honda Deauville (pronounced Dullsville by those jealous of the bike's ability to do all sorts of stuff rather than just ride out & back on a Sunday).
My wife of 27 years, Kate,  rides a Honda Varadero 125 & my 18 year old son, Adam rides a Shadow 125 although both of them have promised to get their full licenses this autumn.

They'd better, next time we go back to Spain I don't want to be carrying pillion.

I carry out safety inspections on lifts (elevators), escalators & anything else that lifts (and some stuff that won't ). Been doing it for over 27 years.

I'm an ex-GB National Squad Air Pistol & Free Pistol shooter although I now generally spend my time coaching Olympic pistol/rifle disciplines rather than competing.

I also like fly-fishing, diving, snorkelling & mountain boarding & similar stuff that prevents me from growing up any more than I have to.

So why do I also have an interest in early Romano British history? I dunno, but I do.

I'm hoping & praying now that there's a merger/takeover on the offing that'll get me the redundancy terms I want to spend more time doing all of the above.

Work really gets in the way of living, doesn't it?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom Hansen on October 14, 2006, 05:26:33 PM
Tom Hansen

Retired HS Principal.  24 years on the line.  51 years working at one job or another. Sure as hell not a "newbie"!  Lurk mostly, don't have much to say but really get a kick out of the rest of you.

Carlsbad, NM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jackaldriver on October 14, 2006, 06:09:33 PM
Hi All,

Chris Byars


Civil Engineer

2000 Jackal is my first bike.  Just learned to ride in April 2006

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on October 14, 2006, 07:50:55 PM
Hi All,

Chris Byars


Civil Engineer

2000 Jackal is my first bike.  Just learned to ride in April 2006

Great way to get started; on a Moto Guzzi.  Way to go!   :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mipiacevino on December 04, 2006, 02:37:23 PM
Dan Landolfi
Age : 23
Occupation : Meat Cutter (not as dirty as it may sound)
Here in the sunniest, most beautiful, hot, humid, sticky Florida

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Aldo on December 04, 2006, 02:59:58 PM

Age: 26 (riding old Guzzi's since 18)
Occupation: Military
Married to a very Italian wife, I have a daughter (4 yrs old) and a dog...
I move around a bit, but now in the UK...
My passion for vintage and classic Italian motorcycles came from my father, also a Guzzi owner and on this forum...

Not to new to the forum nor new to Guzzi's, see some of my bikes below:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bob Wegman on December 04, 2006, 03:11:50 PM
Bob Wegman,  55, Rochester, NY
Retired from Rochester Fire Dept. 32.5 yrs
Married 28 yrs to my wife, whom is way too good for me.
Two daughters 27 and 26, both living in NYC.
Hobbies; Motorcycles,  Especially Guzzis, Going to rallys, meeting new friends. Hunting ( although I must be a lousy shot),
Thinking about going back to school for some updated motorcycle and auto training. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jsciullo on December 04, 2006, 03:20:44 PM
Hey All-
Jim Sciullo (45 act like Im 2 - ask my wife)

Dublin,OH (former Pittsburgher - Go Steelers)

Occupation: Account Mgr - Cisco Systems

Two teenagers, married 20 years.  Live in America's most boring city.

If you like your roads straight - no hills and lots of corn... this is your place.

2000- V11 Sport (she's killin me)
2002 - Cal Spec Sport (best bike I've ever owned)
2005 - BMW L1200LT (the wife bike)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on December 04, 2006, 04:19:44 PM
Hey all, I'm Matt from North Dakota and this is my first post!

I'm 42 and live a couple miles from Canada (Manitoba) and a couple miles from Minnesota.

Welcome Matt! I thought I would introduce myself since I'm probably the closest Guzzi rider to you. Are you in Pembina?
Eric and I live in Moorhead, MN. Not too many Guzzis in this part of the country.  :D
We make it up your way a couple of times a year, but only on the way to Winnipeg. Being Canadian, Eric needs his fix of Tim Hortons coffee.  ;D

I've been to Canada quite a few times - Sault Ste. Marie, Sudburry, Parry Sound and a few others along the way.  Gotta have my Tim Hortons coffee when I'm on the Canadian side of the border. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: egn6 on December 05, 2006, 07:12:50 AM
Ernie Nappi
61, Italian/Hunky blend
South Park, PA (a little south of Pittsburgh)
Small Office Equipment Business Owner
Married 1st-17 years, 2nd-15 years
Wife-Cathy (will not ride in a sidecar...yeeesh!)
7 year old female Bichon, Sammie-loves motorcycles
Motto:  Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jim mac on December 06, 2006, 06:27:38 AM

Jim from Edinburgh in Scotland  (53) - some of the best biking roads in UK
Married with 4 kids, 21,19 , 8,6   -  don't belive your wife when she says she wants a last kid before she gets to old - it turns into two !!
Manager for a copyright organisation
own a Convert - greatest bike ever produced by Guzzi !  and a Cali 1100i that is bleeding me dry by one small fault at a time - currnetly is in dismantled state to change the gear shift return spring
Hobbies include earning enough money to keep my kids out of state schools - that doesn't leave enough time for anything else

I ride my bike(s) all year round to work etc - only ice keeps me off the road
I am always amazed when I see how many of you guys own 3 or more bikes, and how cheap they are compared to UK where everything is a rip off - petrol is currently $9.00 a gallon. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motoscotto on December 06, 2006, 08:59:20 AM
Hi eveyone,
Scott Orville
Lake Nebagamon, Wi
52 yrs old
2 children
2 grandchildren
Hobbies are  motorcycles, archery, hunting, tounament pool, something to do in the winter.
1999 Black Bassa
1987 Heritage Softail
2000 Zohgshen 125GY
1982 Honda 200 ATC
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mikebui on December 24, 2006, 02:07:14 PM
Hello Guzzists,

I'm Mike Bui
Born in Saigon, Vietnam in 1964 now resigned in Katy, TX
2 boy’s 7 and 10 yrs old and 1 dog.
I get to play on computers for a living!
Now back into riding after 25 yrs off the saddle.

Hobbies include the family, motorcycles, photography, music, martial art, downhill skiing, golf, camping, cooking and love to travel all over the world.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swalker on December 24, 2006, 02:29:50 PM
Steve Walker
MGNOC Arkansas Rep
Joined the club in 83....
51 years old
Married 32 years....
Journeyman Lineman
Wore Out...but still able to ride....
Bikes Too!!!!
Wants to Retire..and continue Riding....
Enjoys Vintage Coin Operated Machines....
and other things Too................ ................... .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matteo on December 24, 2006, 10:25:12 PM
Greetings to all, Matt Manfredi here of Anchorage Alaska, born in Bari Italy, raised in NYC, Moved to Alaska in 1980 and did 20 years in the US Coast Guard (mostly Kodiak Island) as a Helo Crewman/Mechanic. I am In the air ambulance buisness now , so if you get medvaced out of here you might cross my path.I had bikes as a teenager and got back into them when I retired from thr CG. Always wanted a Guzzi and started adopting strays that I found. An 82 V50III, an 83 and 84 1000SP and when the local dealer showd me a shiny black 2000 Jackal I couldnt resist. Joined MGNOC last year, or was it this year?  After logging a couple of trips on the Alcan I figured a little more protection and fuel range would be just the ticket, ABS would be nice to have when those Moose decide to get a closer look. So when Greg field announced the arrival of a Red Norge in Seattle I decided that was it. So I am waiting till May to pick it up. I have been entertained and informed by this forum for a few years now but somehow never got around to joining. Anyway.
Salute to all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matteo on December 24, 2006, 11:30:14 PM
Hi Larry, yes it will. I see you have a V7. Did you see the Dutch tour post?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: donn on December 25, 2006, 01:23:47 PM
That dutchman is making a great go of it!  My  beater V7 is more of a rolling experiment than anything else. Junkyard on wheels ;D

Donn Cave, Seattle.  I had one just like it almost 30 years ago, white 1974 El Dorado, and was idly thinking about riding it to Brazil.  I remember reading that there's no road through Panama to Colombia, have to ferry.  Don't remember if there are real roads from Venezuela to Brazil, I think that may be open to question.  Anyway, this V7 wouldn't have been the bike for that trip.  Eventually the transmission ground itself up, and I sold the bike for parts and went back to bicycling.

Now I have a white California II that appears to be in better shape, I wear a lot better riding gear, the local Moto Guzzi dealer is a whole different universe of better than what we had in the late '70s, and Moto Guzzi is looking pretty sharp with the new models.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matteo on December 25, 2006, 03:30:04 PM
Donn, have a look at this.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ChuckH on December 26, 2006, 06:58:53 AM
Chuck Hoefflin

73 years of age, married 48 years, two grown children, three grandchildren

Twice retired as a Mechanical Engineer; first from Cummins Engine Co after quite a few years (three at a Technical Center in Germany), second from Waukesha Engine after nine years.  Now working (don't laugh, someone has to do it) at a local golf course so I can play for free.

Located in Columbus, Indiana (the Athens of the Prairie, home of Cummins Engine Co and Tony Stewart, if you are NASCAR inclined)

Cycling (Long distance touring and rides to cycle rallies.  Current ride is a Kawa Voyager, expect to move to 1st Guzzi, Breva or Norge in a year), Golfing (almost shot my age last year, this year will be easier since I'm older and wiser), Teaching Sunday School Class for my age group and working around the house and yard.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mike LaB. on December 26, 2006, 02:41:10 PM
Hello All,
I'm Mike LaBozzetta. Been a Forum member and MGNOC member since October of 2002. I don't log on very much but I do enjoy reading these posts and putting my two cents in on occasion.
I'm 59 yo, and married to the same woman for almost thirty six years. She's my favorite passenger and we enjoy weekend rides together.
I'm a carpenter working for the county school system, hopefully with only two and a half years to retirement.
I live in southeast Florida a bit west of Ft. Lauderdale, closer to the 'glades than the ocean.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistaracing on December 26, 2006, 05:20:47 PM
Name: Audun Tveito
Age: 35(36 in a few days)
Lives in Norway
Occupation: salesperson at a hardwhare shop. Ex. car mekanic.
( I still have not got home with the whole pay check as it is too much tools to be bought! "I just need that for this job that I am going to do on this bike please darling let me buy it!!Please!")
hobbies: Guzzi, classic motorcycles, hunting, beer, tuning of my motorcycles(a neverending procect, How to get 50
bhp out of an old 500cc single guzzi!) ;D
All this in between my kids, Charlotte, age 13, Signe, age 3 and last Sondov, age 3months!
Member of the Moto Uniche group. A group of scandinavian "Guzzista" that has a "need" to modify their Guzzis!http://www.motouniche.dk/
And this is me in my shop!(http://www.motouniche.dk/Gruppen/Audun/A1.JPG)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzidad on December 26, 2006, 08:33:44 PM
   Steve Wagner
   Spring Hill, FL (35 miles north of Tampa)
   Mechanic/electrician in the corrugated box industry
   2 grown sons, 2 grand kids, one Ex-wife
   Current bikes
     96 1100 Sport (Gina) 101,400 miles
     04 Triumph Tiger  54,500 miles
   Been riding Guzzis since 1983. Used to live in Wisconsin. 15,000 miles a year was a good year. Moved to Florida 5 years ago and am now averaging 40,000 a year. (Hey, I work 6 days a week). Much better. If I ever get to retire maybe I can ride as much as I want.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on December 26, 2006, 09:40:03 PM
   Steve Wagner
   Spring Hill, FL (35 miles north of Tampa)
   Mechanic/electrician in the corrugated box industry
   2 grown sons, 2 grand kids, one Ex-wife
   Current bikes
     96 1100 Sport (Gina) 101,400 miles
     04 Triumph Tiger  54,500 miles
   Been riding Guzzis since 1983. Used to live in Wisconsin. 15,000 miles a year was a good year. Moved to Florida 5 years ago and am now averaging 40,000 a year. (Hey, I work 6 days a week). Much better. If I ever get to retire maybe I can ride as much as I want.

Don't you miss our nice weather?   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on December 27, 2006, 06:33:36 AM
   Steve Wagner
   Spring Hill, FL (35 miles north of Tampa)
   Mechanic/electrician in the corrugated box industry
   2 grown sons, 2 grand kids, one Ex-wife
   Current bikes
     96 1100 Sport (Gina) 101,400 miles
     04 Triumph Tiger  54,500 miles
   Been riding Guzzis since 1983. Used to live in Wisconsin. 15,000 miles a year was a good year. Moved to Florida 5 years ago and am now averaging 40,000 a year. (Hey, I work 6 days a week). Much better. If I ever get to retire maybe I can ride as much as I want.

You are lucky you live that far North of Tampa, but probably still get a bunch of the traffic. When I lived down there I wondered how anyone could ride in that mess. Half of the people can't drive and the other half can't see but they're all behind the wheel.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: centauro on December 27, 2006, 07:08:11 AM
Valerio Barone
Age: 52
Born and raised in Italy- came to the US in 1970
Live and work in Northwest Florida (Fort Walton Beach)
Occupation: Full-time General Aviation A & P mechanic - 30% retired
Happily married to a wonderful woman for 30 years. Both of our kids are married, one grand daughter and another on the way.
My son Aldo recently joined the board, himself a Guzzi rider with 2 bikes.
Bikes: 1984 SP 1000 and 1985 Vespa PX 150E
Hobbies: Wrenching on anything mechanical, cooking, listening to classical and instrumental music, phylosophy, armchair-economist and statesman, and generally addicted to knowledge.
Dislikes: Yardwork, consumerism, newfangled techno-garbage, and anything that does not improve the human condition
Now you know me,


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ptrkbeam on December 27, 2006, 07:59:22 AM
Hello, everyone.

I'm Patrick Beaman.
Third generation Houstonian now living in Katy with my bride, Stella.
Graphic designer.
Hobbies are riding and learning about my '02 LeMans ( owned for 10 days - thanks MPH! ), riding, fishing, reading, travel...

Happy New Year.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VA Sean on January 17, 2007, 04:04:49 PM

Noticed we had lots of new members over the past few weeks.

Don't be shy guys.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MG_Rocket on January 17, 2007, 04:30:08 PM

Marty Tully,
almost 50,
in northeast PA area.

No bike yet, but soon, very very soon.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on January 17, 2007, 06:24:38 PM
What are you looking for?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: double.d on January 17, 2007, 10:19:21 PM
David Deambrogio
Brisbane AUS. Where it used to rain.
45 yo
sort of married ???
Aluminium sales rep
Sports. The Griso
Relax.    The LM4
Hobby.   Woodwork
Drink.   Anything from Mr Walker
Goal.   To own as many Guzzi's as some of you guys
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwikid on January 18, 2007, 02:37:52 AM
Matt Whale
Ohakune, Noth Island, New Zealand (Where are all the kiwis? )
33 years old
Occupation: Fitter and Turner at a pulp mill
Not married yet but soon, no children but soon. Have a loving partner and she doesnt love bikes. So I go to rallys on my own, YEHAAAAAA.
Bikes: 1 rooted 1000s stripping the gear box at the moment ( very important must be done right now cant be put on hold)
Hobbies: Guzzis, hunting, fishing and boozing with my mates.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SalinasDave on January 18, 2007, 08:55:54 PM
David Kimberly
Gave up practicing law to teach special education
live in Monterey County, CA
2 daughters
Both in college, 1 married (to an Austrian).
'04 Breva
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Frank Smith on January 18, 2007, 09:15:21 PM
I thought I already did this once or twice.  Check back through the thread.

I'm Frank. ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: toddhaven on January 18, 2007, 09:19:30 PM
I thought I already did this once or twice.  Check back through the thread.

I'm Frank. ;)

Hi Frank!!

We're here for you!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Frank Smith on January 18, 2007, 09:36:22 PM
I thought I already did this once or twice.  Check back through the thread.

I'm Frank. ;)

Hi Frank!!

We're here for you!!

I don't have to stand up and tell you everything I've done wrong to anybody in my life tonight, do I?

It's getting late and I have work tomorrow.   :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stephen on January 19, 2007, 07:34:33 AM
What a bunch of nice folks! I looked at Guzzis for years, I guess partly because of my Italian heritage, and partly because they are beutiful bikes.
I rode Harleys for 14 plus years starting in 1985, they were just coming up from the AMF mess, and recently formed HOG. It was fun riding and hanging out with like minded folks. But as the years went on and Harley got greedy and stuck on itself, I noticed the cliental started to change. Yes we all rode Harleys but I found it harder to find anyone to talk about the bikes and touring the people changed, could not talk about what tires, oil, roads, camping gear or anything , even the HOG Rallies seemed to cater to a group that just meets and parks rather than rides.
All this to say this is a fine group, I noticed alot of Mechanics, Technicians, Engineers and the like. People who enjoy the machine. Even when there are "problems" with Moto Guzzi , atleast everyone can talk about problems, solutions, and ideas.

Great group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless and Let's have a great 2007

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sbaker on January 19, 2007, 12:08:00 PM


My name is Sam

I'm a Guzziholic

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on January 19, 2007, 03:03:48 PM


My name is Sam

I'm a Guzziholic

You poor man.  We have a treatment program for you here!   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: norflog76 on January 19, 2007, 05:19:26 PM
Randy Ullery - OFBG
Retired Elect Engr Aerospace
Silver City, New Mexico
Hobbies - old motorcycles, new motorcycles, ride motorcyles, read about motorcycles, fix motorcycles, take pictures of motorcycles, talk about motorcycles,  visit motorcycle people,
go to motorcycle rallies

56 Norton ES2
64 Norton Featherlastic 850
65 DKW 50cc
66 Norton Atlas - current project
69 Norton Fastback
71 Norton basket case
71 B50T
71 B50SS project
73 Triumph Trident project-in-waiting
73 Montessa trials project-in-waiting
73 Honda XL175   hey how did that get in there?
74 Norton Commando owned since new
75 Norton Commando that I  wore out and needs rebuilt
76 Triumph Bonneville project-in-waiting
73 Eldorado last plated in 1978, recently brought back to life, current project
94 Ducati Monster, stolen, wrecked and returned to me
95 Guzzi California
Want to get:  Adventure Touring machine

I have a 10 acre parcel just  outside of town.  Guzzi riders welcome to stop and pitch a tent if you're passing through this area.  Also a couple of great twisty roads in the area.

I bought  a bunch of old bike projects and saved them for retirement.  Now I got a lot of stuff to do!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sbaker on January 19, 2007, 05:34:39 PM


My name is Sam

I'm a Guzziholic

You poor man. We have a treatment program for you here! ;D

How many steps????
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mike Craven on April 28, 2007, 06:36:23 PM
My lurking days are over...
Mike Craven, 50, electrical engineer (Yellowjacket)
Atlanta, GA, USA
1983 Cali II which I bought in '93 after getting the OK from the late John Hoffman.  John was the local highly regarded Guzzi dealer-mechanic (and parts/mechanic shop for any Italian machines).  I also had called Harper's to see what they had to say.  Almost always take vacation with my wife on the back and have been through a lot of N.America... Nova Scotia and Victoria BC are the farthest points.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I often have burgers and beer with the Atlanta GA gaggle. And even did an Alps tour with a rental from Alis and Peter.  That was inspired by and overlapped with Bill Hagan and Kathy for a couple of days.  Still owe Bill for his hospitality and counsel on that trip. 
Planning on the US National Rally in MN this year.
MGNOC L-715 (wife, Sue, is L-716), 2 married kids, 2 grandkids, dog, '74 Lotus Europa, '83 Jag XJ6 (wife's everyday driver)
    - Mike -
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rjamesohio on December 19, 2007, 04:11:50 PM
Ron James
53 - married, two sons, 2 cats and 1 Border Collie
Central Region Manager, Datamax
Hobbies - cars, restoring motorcycles, music, travel, making anything
favorite movie - Rain Man
'I'm an excellent rider'

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spud on December 19, 2007, 07:44:19 PM
Bob Hague

53 years old (but still immature)

Head of a small manufacturing company

Columbus, Ohio
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: radan2 on December 19, 2007, 07:48:33 PM
Jim Wayne
63, single
Jacksonville, NC
retired middle school teacher and part-time coordinator of academic competitions for Onslow County Schools.  Yes, I am smarter than a fifth grader.
Active in the PGR, enjoy writing
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Maka In Oz on December 19, 2007, 08:13:08 PM
Maka in Oz - just down the road from Mr Roper
49 yo (honest!)
Wife (of a couple of dozen years) + 3 kids (all still at home) + cocker spaniel.
Ex RAAF navigator (21+ years), now Information Security/Defence Acquisition consultant
Riding since '75, Guzzi since Y2k
Other interests:  RC planes, blues harp, kids' bands various (roadie/manager/sound engineer).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FGO on December 19, 2007, 08:48:08 PM
Hi, Jon Margrave in So Cal, 52yo, Aerospace Engineer/Director.  MX racer in early 70's (Jawa, CZ, Penton and Ossa), current pariah on WG, frequently Pete Roper west coast minder.  love guzzi's, currently supporting a 72 Eldo, 73 cop eldo project, 2002 crashed Lemans, 2002 SS, 07 Griso and a few odd ricers.  rode older ducs and brit bikes in the 70's - early 80's, switched to modern jap sport bikes for a few years until my reflexes and drivers license points could not handle them....
Conviced the missus to live close to the Santa Monica mountains above Malibu and near the LA mountains for many of the best MC roads around....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on December 19, 2007, 09:44:47 PM
Well, this is an interesting bunch.  :o Lots of gearheads, of course. No wonder that Guzzi rallys are so much fun..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WFORIDER on December 19, 2007, 10:51:44 PM
Joe Meyers.....living in Sacramento Ca.....Current BMW Motorcycle salesman for the last 3 years.

Past life Neon Artist for 18 years....Been riding since I was 8...have had about 30 motorcycles....was a expert racer...now just track days...

Lost my right leg to a staph infection from a 70'S surgery from a bike accident ....layed dormant for 24 years and came back to screw with me about 5 years ago...still ride dirt and do track days....like tattoos   and dogs and married to a great lady who endures it all.

age 54 ::) Also his a picture of my right riding boot...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi_sean on December 19, 2007, 11:03:56 PM

Hello all, I'm a newbie to the forum, but I've been riding goose for some time

Name:  Sean
Age:  33
Location:  Central Mass.
Occupation:  Scientist
Bike:  00 Moto Guzzi Quota, my one and only :'(
Married, two kids
Interests:  Motorcycles, Dog Training, Wine, Islay Malts
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 1 Jackal Rider on December 19, 2007, 11:11:53 PM
Name: Tom Prescott

Age: 46 yrs.

Location: Fayetteville, NC.

Occupation: we don't need no stinckin' occupation

Bikes: 84' Le Mans III, 00' Jackal, 06' Victory 8 Ball and 08 Kawi KLR

Interests: Girls,Guns,Bikes and Bluegrass

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scra99tch on December 20, 2007, 12:27:53 AM
Name: Jim Knight

Age: 27 years.

Location: Wilton, NH.

Occupation: Lead Machinist, Make lead screws.

Bikes: 2001 Jackal

Interests: Skiing, Traveling, Beer (the corked kind), Tinkering.

Not yet married but soon real soon.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pfaff! on December 20, 2007, 12:37:31 AM

Noticed we had lots of new members over the past few weeks.

Don't be shy guys.



-you nearly got me. Pimp!  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guido Valvole on December 20, 2007, 12:01:35 PM

Might as well de-lurk...

Carey Russ
55. Look 40, feel like 150 in the morning. All the more reason to wake up after noon.
I live in Martinez, CA, where motorcycle is spelled H A R...
I'm a freelance automotive jounalist. But bikes are more interesting than cars, at least modern cars.
The flock in the garage is a V50II (Topo Gigio, not sexy but ready and willing to run at any time), a Monza (which some day will be back together after the gearbox exploded), and an 86 Le Mans IV, The Beast.

Thanks to NorCal Randy for the LM seat, a vast improvement. And to Mark W for the plug cap. (explanation: the LM went into mourning the day Pavarotti died. Started, ran fine at speed, wouldn't idle. Plug cap mentioned in Guzziology, just try to find one around here. I met Mark at the Alfa Club Italian day, he had a spare. That helped but didn't quite solve the problem. Which turned out to be a weak battery - 12 volts doesn't mean much if there aren't amps behind it. New battery made it all better again. Well, except for the carburetion "adjustments" to fix the electrical problem...)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: christoph on December 20, 2007, 12:24:42 PM
Hey, Chris McGrath
53 years old
Located in Decatur Al but will be moving back to Oregon when I retire in '08
Mechanical engineer in the pulp/paper industry, I make the steam and pulp
Married with 3 daughters, all in college
2001 Ducati ST4 (with 60 k miles), '78 R100/7 (for sale), 1980 CX 100 (in parts on the garage floor)
Been riding since high school and bought my first Guzzi this year, great bike and great forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe Arena on December 20, 2007, 05:28:04 PM
Joe Arena
51yrs of age
Perth Western Australia
Ride the one and only Yellow Griso in Perth
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzista_Joe on December 20, 2007, 05:53:33 PM
Jose Mourino
38 years old
live in Rochester, Kent, UK with my wife, 3 kids, and two cats

Slowly and gradually breaking away from the day (and night) job to do my own thing:- web design, Spanish-English-Spanish translation, and I'm also setting up a Inventory Agency for the Lettings industry.

In my spare time I set up Squadra Guzzista, an online community for guzzisti. I enjoy history and art but I happiest when I'm doing absolutely nothing, or when I'm riding my bike.

I'm down to just the one Guzzi now, a 2001 Cali Jackal.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill929 on December 20, 2007, 06:10:37 PM
Bill Finger - 46
Jacksonville, FL
West Jefferson, NC (motorcycle heaven or at least very close to it)
Married, no kids, except for our three dogs and three cats
Environmental Attorney - I help clients recycle environmentally impacted commercial property (a/k/a Brownfields Redevelopment)
Current Bikes:  2007 California Vintage, 2006 BMW F650GS
Past Guzzis:  1985 V65 Lario, 2001 EV, 2001 V11 Sport, 2003 California Titanium
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jhardy on December 21, 2007, 02:29:28 PM
John Hardy
Ramona, CA (San Diego)
Married: Contestant #2
Children: 2 sons, ages 22 and 24
Pets: 1 dog, "Preferred Discussion Partner"
Occupation: Retired Military - US Navy, Naval Aircrewman
                  Current: Defense Contractor
Bikes: 1989 Ducati 750 Sport
         1997 Moto Guzzi 1100 Sport
Other: 1959 Austin Healey Sprite (undergoing marathon restoration)
Other Interests: Pheasant hunting, reading history, trying to understand the logic of Democrats......

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: norCal Randy on December 21, 2007, 02:42:57 PM
John Hardy
Ramona, CA (San Diego)
Married: Contestant #2
Children: 2 sons, ages 22 and 24
Pets: 1 dog, "Preferred Discussion Partner"
Occupation: Retired Military - US Navy, Naval Aircrewman
                  Current: Defense Contractor
Bikes: 1989 Ducati 750 Sport
         1997 Moto Guzzi 1100 Sport
Other: 1959 Austin Healey Sprite (undergoing marathon restoration)
Other Interests: Pheasant hunting, reading history, trying to understand the logic of Democrats......

Hey John,  hope you folks survived another Ramona fire ?   ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jhardy on December 21, 2007, 02:50:06 PM
John Hardy
Ramona, CA (San Diego)
Married: Contestant #2
Children: 2 sons, ages 22 and 24
Pets: 1 dog, "Preferred Discussion Partner"
Occupation: Retired Military - US Navy, Naval Aircrewman
                  Current: Defense Contractor
Bikes: 1989 Ducati 750 Sport
         1997 Moto Guzzi 1100 Sport
Other: 1959 Austin Healey Sprite (undergoing marathon restoration)
Other Interests: Pheasant hunting, reading history, trying to understand the logic of Democrats......

Hey John,  hope you folks survived another Ramona fire ?   ???

Yeah, dodged the bullet again this year, closest damage to us was about a mile away. Old Julian Highway is a mess as well as a lot of the other East County roads.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zeta on December 21, 2007, 03:08:58 PM
Mike Adams

52, hey that's 25 if you're dyslexic

Math Teacher

Manitou Springs, Co

1 Dog (Diesel), 1 wife, 3 kids (one of each), 3 grandkids (one of each)--not necessarily in order of importance ::)

Turn-offs - the ones that lead to the twisties

Turn-ons - hippie chicks that smell like patchouli and Italian stuff.

Bikes:  Norge, 2 08) KLR's, 250 ninja, pitster

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: norCal Randy on December 21, 2007, 03:35:15 PM

Might as well de-lurk...

Carey Russ
55. Look 40, feel like 150 in the morning. All the more reason to wake up after noon.
I live in Martinez, CA, where motorcycle is spelled H A R...
I'm a freelance automotive jounalist. But bikes are more interesting than cars, at least modern cars.
The flock in the garage is a V50II (Topo Gigio, not sexy but ready and willing to run at any time), a Monza (which some day will be back together after the gearbox exploded), and an 86 Le Mans IV, The Beast.

Thanks to NorCal Randy for the LM seat, a vast improvement. And to Mark W for the plug cap. (explanation: the LM went into mourning the day Pavarotti died. Started, ran fine at speed, wouldn't idle. Plug cap mentioned in Guzziology, just try to find one around here. I met Mark at the Alfa Club Italian day, he had a spare. That helped but didn't quite solve the problem. Which turned out to be a weak battery - 12 volts doesn't mean much if there aren't amps behind it. New battery made it all better again. Well, except for the carburetion "adjustments" to fix the electrical problem...)

Welcome to the Zoo, Carey.....well you've been lurking so you  probably already know that.   :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guido Valvole on December 21, 2007, 07:16:08 PM
Thanks Randy. Yeah, this place is quite the entertaining and educational zoo.  ;D

And it's not like I meet Guzzi riders much around here. I've even gotten the "do they still make those?" comment.

See you up in Winters some time when a) something's running and b) I'm not going out of town the next day.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trev in albion par on December 21, 2007, 07:23:31 PM
Hi :)
Trev 51
Fitter and turner
Albion Park Australia
Guzzi EV
surfing, black powder guns,photography,bush walking, oh and my wife Anne ::)
Merry christmas all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motowfo on July 16, 2008, 02:48:14 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on July 16, 2008, 03:26:02 PM

(this must be the guy who voted " 'They' are looking for me ... Unsafe ..."   on the "...CLOSET"  thread !!   )  :D ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rboe on July 16, 2008, 03:44:36 PM
Victor Kennedy
English professor

You know it's a small world when you join a new forum and only guy you know is from Slovenia, half a world away - and from another forum.

Ron Boe
Computer Tech
Married - no kids, three dogs, two cats and no bikes - yet. Makes me a poser for now.

Woodworking, astronomy, pistol shooting and if it would only snow - X-country skiing, looking at getting back into riding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AWBILLO on July 16, 2008, 03:48:30 PM
Bill Brunetti, 63, retired, married, Torrance, Cal., '04 Cal EVT, '78 Vespa P200E, R1150GS

Happiness & Health
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motowfo on July 16, 2008, 05:55:44 PM
Rick Mathis
I live in a binary world (Financial management systems)
Franklin, TN
Indentured, Children and Associated offspring residing outside of my domicile

Motorcycling, Dog Agility Coach (in training), AOS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: prof_stack on July 16, 2008, 07:10:16 PM
Norm Hardy, in Seattle,  57 (seems to be popular "decayed" on this forum)
HS math teacher,  Wife and son
Been riding since I was 16, on 7 motorcycles (but not at one time).
Scary accident 06/2007 but now mostly mended.
Other hobbies:  bicycling, acoustic guitar, cheesemaking, coffee roasting
Favorite number:  33
Current ride:  between bikes, but I'm looking.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BoBo on July 16, 2008, 07:34:04 PM
Eh, here goes.

Robert Oler (BoBo is for Bob O)
26 years old
Cedar Rapids, IA
OTR Truck driver
Single, no kids, no debt, mildly insane
Former collector of "youngest rider" plaques at Guzzi rallies  8)
Love comedy, hate censorship.

Grew up on a hog farm here in Iowa (IOWA the corn state not the potato state) been into Guzzi since Ned's started selling them in '96 or so.  Been riding since the Honda Minitrail days of my youth.  I love the three "G's" which is guitars, guns, and Guzzi's.  I've really enjoyed browsing through the forum here.  Lot of interesting folks which is part of what got me into Guzzi in the first place.  Fun fact:  girlfriend broke up with me in High School because I refused to get a limo for prom and instead rode my dad's 1996 California and spent most of the night riding around in my tux pretending I was James Bond.  I also am happy to still be riding after having a serious accident on my 1998 EV in 2003.  Took a year to get back up and riding but I haven't looked back since.  I play guitar, drums, banjo, and sometimes think I can sing.  Other than that I'm an old Guzzi rider in training.

Anything else y'all want to know you can ask.  See you at the Wisconsin Rally in August.  Look for the gray/black sport.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: philp on July 16, 2008, 08:33:19 PM
Eh, here goes.

Robert Oler (BoBo is for Bob O)
26 years old


BoBo.  Either you intro'd on the wrong forum or there is a typo up there...  26 years old?  I think there is an over 50 rule to riding guzzi's.    :D :D :D
Actually, at 43 I thought I was one of the babies, although I'm pretty sure there are a few folks here a couple years younger than me.  ;)

Seriously, welcome.  I just couldn't keep from noting you are one of the younger guzzi riders to post to this thread.

Enjoy and once again, welcome.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lyns57 on July 16, 2008, 09:34:42 PM
Lynette, in Kansas City area
Age 51...yes, me too, in the 50s
Business Manager
Enjoying my first Guzzi, a Norge named Andor.  He's a keeper!
I read the Guzzi forums to learn from others.  Small community, but spread across the globe.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: timbone on July 16, 2008, 09:40:28 PM
Tim Williams, 48 years old, from Cumming GA
Civil/Construction Engineer for a large national contractor working on the constant expansion of Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta Intl Airport.
Married with no kids, two dogs and a cat.
Current bike is a black 2000 Bassa. Hobbies include lurking, swapping relays, torquing bolts, filing gas caps and installing hose clamps. Oh yeah, I also enjoy riding, camping and frisbee golf.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on July 17, 2008, 01:57:19 AM
OK, guess I'll jump in here: 

Grew up in south Louisiana, attended LSU now and again while working as a parts clerk, warehouseman, truck driver, apprentice electrician, gas pump jockey, tech writer, industrial maintenance planner, computer salesman, lab technician, programmer, and software instructor.  Longer "careers" included twelve years in industrial instrumentation, and fifteen in my own real property appraisal business.  Volunteer gigs included several stints as a Boy Scout leader, soccer coach, weight trainer for teen athletes, guitar teacher, and an interim minister (now that’s a 4 sixpack story!) 
I finally discovered my “calling”  and headed back to Grad. School at Tulane, in my 40's. 

Thirty-one total years of marriage (two loong strikes, then a home run.)  Six kids, many dogs. 
Major Relocation in 1999 from God Nose to God’s Country, beautiful northern Idaho -- a state with more than 6000 named mountains, wonderful riding roads, and an almost charming way of being out of step with the "real world."

I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was 15, more on than off, and have owned maybe 18 bikes across the years. 
My Jackal, Oso, is my first Moto Guzzi.  It will likely be among my last bikes, too,
but may well get a stable-mate before Last Call. 

I’m 63 in countable years,
   and range from the age of 16 -- when next to a Harley at a stoplight --
   to maybe 85 -- each morning, before my first mug of Louisiana coffee. 

Family genetics point to at least another 40 years for me; “my people” tend to hang in there until they finally Get It Right. 

My wonderful wife Barb and I live near Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with our quiet cat and two terrific dogs. 
We have a couple of grandchildren already, and several more promised soon. 

We ride our bicycles and hike, take the dogs ‘waaaaaaay out in the deep forest to run in the mountain streams, and camp every chance we get.  Our mutual passions are our family and our animals.  Every now and again, I pick up one my favorite guitars and let my fingers remember what my head has long since forgotten.  Like my riding, it's a trip through my life's time. 

Barb and I are both clinical psychotherapists; we co-own a small mental health clinic in Coeur d’Alene. 
Barb’s clients mostly refer to her as “wonderful.”
Mine mostly refer to me as the “psycho  therapist.” 

Now you know another reason why I ride . . . 

(right-click on my Avatar pic; select "View Image".  The little one's a FatBoy, in the twisties . . .  ) 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cave on July 17, 2008, 08:39:45 AM
Cave Luther  - Teeth are 62, mind is juvenile, knees/hips are older than dirt.
On a long, steep gravel road
Nedrow, NY (Near Syracuse)

Married 27 years (this time).  Two kids, two grandsons.  Two dogs.

I manage a campus grocery store for S.U. 
In addition to motorcycling I enjoy “wet” hiking (When Celebrex kicks in).  “Wet” as in tromping through creeks and climbing waterfalls.  Snowshoeing.  Unwinding in my two-story treehouse.

2004 Stone (With Windjammer III)
1964 Honda 305 Dream – in boxes and crates, waiting for me to retire

Former bikes
1973 Honda CB350
1974 Honda CB750-4 (With Windjammer II)
____ Honda 400 twin
____ Honda CX500 (Another one with a ‘Jammer)
1978 Honda CB750-SS
1984 Yamaha Virago 700
1997 Yamaha Virago 1100S

Some of my former cages
(just the ones I wish I had back)
1920 Ford Model “T” – ground-up restoration – (It was my Dad’s car but I did all the work on it [he paid the bills]).  I touched every nut and bolt...  poured the Babbitt, rewound the mag, recored the radiator, rebuilt the tranny..., etc.
1951 Crosley
1960 Renault 4CV
1954 Chevy
1969 Datsun 510 wagon  (Bolt for bolt, the best built car I’ve ever owned)
1953 Stude Commander
1970 VW bus (Twin carbs and Hurst - no kidding - shifter!)
1957 MGA – ground-up restoration – Anyone know any British wiring jokes?  They ain’t jokes!

Current tractor – 1953 Ford NAA w/front snow blade and 3-pt salt/sander

Former tractors
1953 Farmall Cub – ground-up restoration – trophy winner
1953 Oliver 880 row crop – baling wire and JB weld restoration  ::) – hard worker
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Barker45 on July 17, 2008, 10:21:57 AM
Barker Stein
Union Occupied Northern Virginia
Army Vet (former helicopter pilot- UH-60s)
job= LEO
Married with no kids (yet) and no pets
I have a few Guzzis and love them all
Other passions include; shooting sports, history, vintage bicycles, and reading
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: skibum on July 17, 2008, 12:39:40 PM
Larry Belasco
53 years of living a dissolute lifestyle
Married to a tattooed red-headed goddess
Public Interest Attorney - represent children in abuse and neglect proceedings
Obsessive motorcyclist and snow skier
First motorcycle @ 13 - Hodaka Ace 100
Living in Reno, Nevada - but consider myself a chauvinistic Manhattanite
Animal lover (not literally)
Unrepentant liberal
Masochist - as witnessed by Guzzi, Triumph & BSA ownership  8)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gus on July 17, 2008, 01:20:33 PM
Paul "Gus" Davis
Small Business Owner
St. Peter, MN
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JJ on July 17, 2008, 01:40:18 PM

John J. Cerilli ("JJ")

53 - Leo

Vice President Global Sales and Marketing, AXT, Inc.
Fremont, CA

Married, no kids, two cats

Motorcycles, sport touring, motorcycle memoribilia, wrist watches, (old and new), vintage motorcycles, www.vintagemotorcyc lesonline.com, antiques, pocketknives, guns, cars, (old and new), traveling, camping, enjoying life!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wileefox on July 17, 2008, 02:31:33 PM
Jeff Fox
Age 49
Minot ND
Information Security Specialist for ING http://www.ing-usa.com

Current Bike 98 EV
Former bike '77 Benelli SEI
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stone4jerry on July 17, 2008, 06:11:10 PM

Jerry Ledbetter
age 57, retired but I volunteer as a computer class instructor a couple days a week.
Married and living near the grandchildren in North Charleston, South Carolina.
I've been riding motorcycles since 1971.  Currently own two Stones, 2002 and 2004.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Howard R on July 17, 2008, 07:42:38 PM
I seem to have somehow missed this thread the first fourteen or so times it apparently popped up, so I'll jump in now.

Howard Rhinehart
electrical engineer, at a (much too) small biotech company
Laurel, Maryland
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dharma Bum on July 17, 2008, 10:58:39 PM
Mike Poeckes
Colorado Springs
Age 61
Utility Supervisor
One wifeof 33 years, two adult children, two grandaughters, two dogs, two cats
but only one Guzzi (96 Cali), Suzuki VX 800, and an SR500 frame hanging on the wall and boxes of parts.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shakey on July 17, 2008, 11:39:59 PM
We're supposed to have identities? OK

Steve Cox
Retired Navy Submarine Service
Semi Retired Computer Repair Business Owner
Married to a very patient lady,  have 3 adult kids... physically at least  ;D, and one grandson who will someday ride a motorcycle (or so he says when sitting on the Guzzi).
57 going on 39, for the 19th time.
'03 California EV Touring
'08 Triumph 675 Street Triple (talk about a different ride)
Been riding since 1968, still feels great to be in the saddle.
Hobbies: Enjoy photography (B&W film... yes it still exists) and target shooting. Varmint hunt when I can find the time.
Pets: '88 Jaguar XJ-SC V12 and two male Schnauzers Fritz und Schatz. The brothers from another planet.
Now aren't we all supposed to gather in a circle and sing Kumbaya, or something?
Reside in Kitsap County, Washington, but originally from the Bay Area down in the People's Republic of California.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mtwillyman on July 18, 2008, 12:51:30 AM
 ;D Don Wilson, 44, Rigger/Truck driver, Port Ludlow,WA.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 5757prevo on July 18, 2008, 07:38:37 AM
Bon Jour     Norm Prevost  married 30 years to my best friend,together 35. Two great kids #1 daughter-school teacher    son in law -law enforcement. #1 son Mrechant Marine-engine         50 years old  self employed janitor   own rental properties

  Interest:fishing, boating ,coach competition rifle,member local school board
  1934 wooden sailboat         1976 850 LeMans
  1968 Cadillac Sedan de Ville   1979 Donzi X18                                        Beinvenue                                                                                       
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hockeynut on July 18, 2008, 08:56:30 AM
Love this forum - need it as the nearest competent dealer (IMHO) is 4 hrs away.

Dave LaBelle
Westby, WI
Age - 47
Manufacturing Manager for a large printing operation

Recently divorced after 25 yrs.   
5 kids - 3  grown and out of the house - the last 2 are still with me.  Four girls and a boy.  All played hockey. Yes, girls play hockey.  I'm actually going through withdrawl as #4 decided to give it up after 3 yrs of playing on a Tier 1 national level team.  Running the youngest for Softball now and am getting used to sitting in the warm sunshine.

Started riding in the early 70's when I saved up my newspaper route earnings for my first mini bike.  The 70's were great for that - Rupps, mini trails and then all the nice dirt bikes they were coming out with.  Got my first road bike (Yamaha RD125) at 16, actually took my drivers license test on my bike and not in a car.  Drove for a few more years, then got married and started having kids.  Didn't own a bike again until age 40 - it was long overdue.   Had a couple Asian cruisers and decided I needed something different.  I tell people riding and the $ for the new Norge is my divorce therapy. 

My kids sports
Old Mercedes diesels 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Revlis on July 18, 2008, 03:24:43 PM

Age: 36

Occupation:  Art Director

Location:  Just North of Seattle Washington

Bikes:  Been riding on the street for 14 years, all sport bikes until the Griso. 15 years or so of dirt experiance as kid on top of that.

1994 GSX-R 750 Only transportation for a few years.

2000 Honda CBR 1100 XX  Decided I wanted something more comfortable...  Still my only transportation.

2002 Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa  Decided I wanted something Evil and Black.  Love this Bike, finally have a car of my own.

2007 Moto Guzzi Griso, Decided it was time to grow up... But only a little tiny bit.   :)   This bike has put the fun back into riding.  Reminds me of why I started riding again. 


Riding, Driving, Photography, Art, Shooting, Work...   

Happily married for the last 14 years or so, Prior Military, Prior Government, Currently employed in the Motor sports industry.

I'm loving the Pacific Northwest and The Griso...   

This Guy.  Me with both the Griso and my Busa.  A buddy of mine was up from Tampa and she was riding the Busa.   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: The Professor on July 18, 2008, 04:18:00 PM
Jim Guest
Professor - Laboratory Diagnosis, Clinical Nutrition
Former Police officer (Patrol, Traffic, Detective (Burglary Division), SWAT team member, Police Academy Instructor (Defensive tactics and related topics)
Age 63
Unable to ride anything for the past three weeks due to a herniated disk (not bike related).  I typically ride every day so not riding is quite difficult.  I should be able to ride again next week.
Hobbies: Motorcycles, Martial arts - Shotokan karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kojasho, American Kenpo (Ed Parker's system), Krav Maga, and a bit of Aikido.
I was formerly owned by a 2000 Jackal that now owns Beaver
Currently owned by a BMW R1200RT
I love the RT and miss the Jackal every day, but I know it has an excellent home
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vghp on July 18, 2008, 06:04:35 PM
My name is Vaughn

Drank way too much grappa, wine, and beer at the rally. Met lots of great people. Somehow made it back to Salt Lake City

42 years been riding for 34 of them.

2007 California Vintage
2007 Ducati GT 1000
1975 BMW R90/6

Look forward to next years rally.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on November 19, 2008, 12:47:08 PM
'S been too long with this Thread leaning against the back wall.
We've had quite a few Newbies since the last post here, so I'll toss it to the top: 


OK -- tell us about yourselves !


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pfaff! on November 19, 2008, 12:49:49 PM
I did not find......Ohh - there you was.....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Luap McKeever on November 19, 2008, 07:18:36 PM
Luap McKeever
Computer/Network engineer
Extreme SW corner of Missouri on top of the Ozark Mountains...Lookup Mountain, MO
Happily (re)married with 4 kids (2 at home)
6 year Air Force/Gulf War vet (1989 - 1995) with AMMO (Explosive Ordnance)
Currently have a 73 Eldo and 98 EV...May pick up a Stelvio soon.  Over 100K logged on Guzzis since 1997.
Hobbies: Riding, Hunting, Fishing.  The perfect vacation for me includes a Guzzi, my wife, a 7MM Remington Mag for plinking, and a fishing pole to catch dinner. Alaska maybe?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doug Doolin on November 19, 2008, 07:29:48 PM
Doug Doolin
Hell of a guy..
Retired from Illinois Department Of Corrections.
hobbies: Motorcycles,quads,watching any type of racing except NASCAR.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldyaler on November 19, 2008, 07:31:55 PM
Russell Reeves (Rusty)


Temporarily unemployed.

Currently working as caregiver for my father.

4 time grandpa :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SidecarMike on November 19, 2008, 08:34:47 PM
I guess I never filled this out.

Mike Laubenstein
Menomonie, Wisconsin
Not Menominee or Menomonee Falls but those are other towns in Wisconsin.
As a good friend likes to say, I have 37 years of experience being 21.

Started out my working life as a Jaguar mechanic, retired with bad knees, worked as a motorcycle mechanic, then reschooled as a Computer Network Administrator.  Downsized.  Now I live on a lake and make a living selling your stuff on the Internet and teaching you how to do it yourself.  Did you know there's an online auction site for circus equipment?
Twice married but 32 years this time, Three kids, 5 grandkids.
I've had lots of bikes, started with Harley, eventually switched to Goldwings and now to Guzzi.
This is my first Guzzi and about my eighth sidecar.
Interests include kayaks, target shooting, sidecars, grandchildren, and fly fishing for anything but trout.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Murray on November 19, 2008, 08:43:16 PM
Paul Murray
Storrs, CT
High School English teacher, still dressing up as Sophocles  and Shakespeare to give background lectures
59 years old
Happily Married 27 years
One kid, an engineer, likes cars and bikes- pedal type
I enjoy building things, riding bikes, sailing, rowing, surfing
2001 Jackal- new to it
1965 Porsche 356 Coupe
and my cool barn!!!!! almost done building it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nmwildog on November 19, 2008, 09:50:16 PM
Name: Steve Farris
Age: 63
Occupation: Trail Contractor
Hobbies: Riding, Hiking, Eating.
Rode my first mini-bike in 1954; US Army Ranger 1964-1971; Got my first Guzzi, a V7, while stationed in Belgium in 1969; Never grew up, too late now, prolly die soon anyhow; 26 yrs with my Kiwi girlfriend; No known kids; My momma told me to go to school or I'd end up digging ditches. After the Army, I went.  Paid my way through school working for a wildcat miner; Taught elementary school, hated it and quit; Taught secondary school, hated it and quit; Taught college, hated it and quit;  Became a museum curator, got bored and quit; 22 yrs ago I packed two weeks worth of food and gear on my back,  hiked 18 miles into the wilderness, and got a job working on the trail.  Been at it since then (Look Ma, I'm a ditch digger!).  Every year I go into the woods for 6-8 months and build trails.  Rest of the year I ride and enjoy living in New Mexico.  I don't hate anything anymore and I'm never bored.
I like this site but I mostly lurk, also I'm wireless for at least half of every year.  I currently have
7 guzzi's. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: apex1397 on November 19, 2008, 10:17:57 PM
Jim McDonald
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: apex1397 on November 19, 2008, 10:24:07 PM
Jim McDonald
Latrobe Pa.
motorcycle mechanic last 5 years (before that worked as a mechanic on everything from Cadillacs to gas turbines)
married 23 years
Longtime lurker on this board,a lot of good information here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: notsure on November 20, 2008, 04:10:56 AM
Raphael Kogan (AKA Raph)
Litchfield County, CT
I'm in Broadcast Engineering so by right my surroundings are unconventional (near a decade of IT and some Military Satcom before that in a prior life) I do a little traveling work alot of strange hours but at the end/beginning of the day I like to think it's worth it
Happily not married but have a great girlfriend that rides dirt (and eventually street) with me and is very supportive of my addiction and my sacrifices.
3yo German Shepherd which is smarter and better company than most people I know.
I learned to ride on a bucket of a theft recovered DR350 that I spent more time wrenching on than riding.  Got a 03 WR450 in my 20s and have ridden as far north as Canada and as far south as the Hatfield McCoy trails in WV.
I've taken at least one week off a year just for riding vacations ever since.  In the time being I've sat on nearly every bike that wasn't made in Milwaukee for the next 4 years trying to find that perfect fit for my transition to street.  Rode Stars, 919’s, VFRs, all lovely but nothing seemed to click. Moved away from the “City”  Found a local dealership that had Guzzi on the floor and found what I was looking for.  Took delivery of my 07 Griso barely a month ago, I've been unable to wipe off the perma-grin since.
I think that previous statement may have pigeon holed me as Kev's definition of a " Guzzi Poseur."  :D   I just don't want to appear as something for appearance's sake. I certainly don't want to appear to be a dentist or lawyer or associated with that ilk.
I don't want a pickle...

Hobbies: Riding, Skiing, Cooking, AV club (J/K), and Camping.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sanman60 on November 20, 2008, 11:31:31 AM
Mike Whitlock
43, married forever, 2 Rottweilers at home
Retired USN, presently aerial survey helicopter pilot
Fishing, gunpowder, kempo karate
3 Guzzis, R75/5, Triumph 500, Norton 850
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: larrys on November 20, 2008, 01:38:59 PM
Larry Stannard
55 years young.
Salem, CT
Married 21 years, daughter in college, 1 dog, 6 cats.
Former building contractor, 13 years now as a building inspector. Been building and wrenching on motors of all kinds since I hopped up my minibike engine when I was 10. My affair with motorcycles began in '73 when I bought a Bonneville chopper. Ran Limeys for 20 years. Thought all bikes needed engine teardowns and chassis rebuilds every two years. Bought my first Guzzi in 1981, a '76 Convert with a California Sidecar from a dead guy's estate. I've owned a number of Guzzis since then, I presently ride a '95 California that I bought as a salvage. Have been really messed up on boats (racing sailboats) for the last ten years, haven't ridden much, but getting back into it in recent years.
Hobbies: Sailing, fishing, competitive shooting, antique outboards.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redrider on November 20, 2008, 02:21:22 PM
Joe Dawes in Columbia, SC. I currently work for the University of South Carolina as an emergency generator tech and whatever else no one wants any part of. Married to a most wonderful Redhead with two cats and a dog. One son, now deceased. One awesome grand-daughter. I am also in the process of getting the service department going in a new motorcycle shop in town. I also teach the MSF courses.  Motorcycling is my major hobby but Kite flying and firearms fit in as well. And there is always time for a good recipe and a cold one.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jkerb on November 20, 2008, 05:25:12 PM
Jack Kerbert
52 yrs. old
Lunenburg, MA
Support Engineer Database Security
Married 32 yrs. (same redhead)
2 grown sons
1 Greyhound (+1 arriving Saturday)
Back to riding after 25yr layoff
Enjoying my (new to me) Breva 750
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on December 05, 2008, 09:41:17 PM
We've had a run of "Newbies" lately -- it's about time to pony up guys (and "girl"  :D :D ) :
Who y'all are ?   Where y'at ?  What'cha doin' when you're not ridin' ?
We want to know, you betcha !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dsenn on December 05, 2008, 11:15:53 PM
dale senn
knocking on 64
cocoa Fl. (ND native)
retired mechanic (from small eng. to tractor-trailer, HD factory trained when the school was still at the juneau plant ('76)
happily divorced
1 daughter-3 grandkids
enjoy building, fabricating things - always have a project going
new to Guzzi (7months) now have 3

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: delrod on December 06, 2008, 08:19:14 AM
Doug Elrod
49 yrs old
sprinkler fitter

4 years ago my wife said "when I get a new house you can have another motorcycle".
I have been on my 03 EV for three yrs now. If any of you get close PM me maybe we can meet.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: smoky on December 06, 2008, 08:25:54 AM

Frank yau, 48 , Live in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Married. Just pick up a left over Cali Vantage  ;D. Don't know anything about Moto Guzzi, been riding since 1981.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on December 06, 2008, 08:37:53 AM
Dean Rose
Roanoke, Virginia

I an a sixty six year old delinquent and am retired, use to be a Construction Engineer. I am also a Guzziholic. I live in maybe the most wonderful place (between the Blueridge and Appalachian mountains) to ride a motorcycle. Wish I had discovered Moto Guzzis years ago.

I've had the joy of being married to the same wonderful lady for the past thirty years. Why she puts up with me I don't know.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Motogogo on December 06, 2008, 11:14:25 AM

 J T
Welch Minnesota
just about 50 y.o. OMG!

Have done lineman work and maintenance work at oil refineries, these days
I paint homes and do lapidary work (polishing gemstones) also gem mining and sales.
Have been riding a V7 for almost 30 years it has been bulletproof!

Very interested in the new V7 cafe or a Quota someday.......

 J T
http://www.varockhounder.com/uploads/2008112508437460.JPG (http://www.varockhounder.com/uploads/2008112508437460.JPG)
Yup I like rocks.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: YBFAST on December 06, 2008, 07:52:34 PM
Adrian Rick
50 going on 35
Married 30 yrs. (3 grown boys moved out, both dads moved in)
1st Guzzi is my 06 Griso... next stablemate a Norge? Mainly a Jap bike owner over the last 35 years
St Cloud MN

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mg940 on December 07, 2008, 06:01:07 AM
Well been watching this site for 4 or 5 years finally decided to join

Mark Squires

age   43 yrs

occupation  Currently plant operator  previously parts interpreter for Cummins engine company , truck driver

Bike history   Yamaha SR250, Suzuki GSX250, Kwaka GPZ500S , Moto Guzzi 650 Lario, BMW 650 Funduro & finally Moto Guzzi Bellagio 940

2 kids 1 of each m6 f9 the other half Tracey rides a Peugot 125 jetforce scooter now wants a v7 classic

Having watched this site for a long time I was convinced that Mr Roper was the man to look after my new bike & I met  him for the first time at the NSW Moto Guzzi clubs Ragged Fringe Rally recently where he was in full regalia (fez , glow in the dark alien braces,Beer in hand & numerous under belt)

Fortunately he is not about to change into a Yamaha Corporate type service manager Just wouldn't be right.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matthew on December 07, 2008, 01:48:00 PM
Hey Y'all

My name is Matt Shively.  I am pushing near 40 years old soon.  A few months ago I fulfilled a somewhat childhood dream.  After previously riding a nighthawk, Kawi ZX-7, Goldwing then a Vrod, I got myself a 1994 Moto Guzzi California.  I bought it from Peer before I left Holland.  (Check out his website http://www.guzzipalace.nl/ ) 
I been married nearly 18 years and have 2 great kids - 1 boy 16 and a girl of 11.  We have a 10 year Bouvier des Flandres, named Stormy.  My wife is more wonderful and beautiful than I deserve. 
Work has primarily been with the defense department, 13 years in the US Navy, contracting in Afghanistan, five years working for the Army in Europe, and currently working with the marines in the western desert of Iraq.  Usually I have been doing satellite communications, but this trip I went outside the comfort zone and found myself working on elevated infrared sensor systems.  I love the job, especially working with some of the best young people in the world. 
I already have the Guzziology book and found Harpers to have some incredible customer service.  My windshield was broken during shipment back home.  That would now be Georgia.  The CSRA where I personally believe they have the best BBQ in the world. 

Thanks for reading my ramblings!!
Spero che ci vediamo sulla strada piu presto.

Cioa ciao

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gusanito on December 07, 2008, 03:58:23 PM

George B., 55, retired from New England to the Tallahassee, Fl. area. I've been riding for 38 years, all kinds of brands. I owned and restored a '81 V50 Monza and a '77 Lemans in the '90s. Currently there's a '98 V11EV in the garage. I recently picked up a '74 Jawa Velorex hack which will be mounted to the Guzzi after the restoration. I've been lurking here for a while and I can't thank you guys enough for all the technical information you post.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TeeHee on December 07, 2008, 05:06:39 PM
Hi there.
I'm Mike Davis, from Bridgend, South Wales, UK and am a retired Police Sergeant. Have been lurking for sometime now, although have replied to a thread recently.
I'm 64yrs, happily married for 44yrs, with two very grown up daughters and 4 grandchildren. ( 21yrs - 9 yrs )
My hobbies include all motorsports, especially motorcycling.
My motorcycles are:
1956 BSA B33 500cc single.
1960 BSA 650cc Super Rocket.
!977 Moto Guzzi T3 ( All original! )
1993 Moto Guzzi Targa 750cc. (Getting a little too sporty for me now! )
I enjoy reading all Moto Guzzi threads.
Cheers Mike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: steamdriven NZ on December 08, 2008, 12:25:28 AM
Since you asked so nicely...

Steamdriven is Kev Botman, 42 year old aircraft engineer living in Christchurch, New Zealand. Ex Kiwi Air Force (yes we have one) now with the national airline doing heavy maintenance.

Married 1st time around this time last year to a lovely lady who says we need a bigger shed so we can have more mechanical toys. Yes there is a God! We have two dogs and four cats, the biggest bunch of nutters I've ever known. We love 'em.

Bike history, started riding in 1984 on a Honda CB250N twin, then a Yamaha SR500, then an 1973 850 GT Guzzi (Eldo in your world) then bought my '84 V50 Monza in 1988. Still have it 20 years later, just re-engined it with a Nevada engine and gearbox, going to wire wheel it once I find an NTX front hub... (insert fishing symbol here...)

So I've never owned a bike with more than two cylinders!

Other interests include a river running jet boat (have a look at www.nzjetboating.co m to see what it's all about if interested), cycling (mountain bikes) vintage aircraft (helping with another restoration...) writing, drawing, making stuff for around the house and fixing lots of stuff for friends and family. Recently acquired a Massey Ferguson 65 tractor (familiar technology, what!) that is also receiving attention... Exercising the dogs and enjoying time with friends and family and of course my dear darling wife, with work filling out the rest of the time!

Life is good, a reward for clean living I suspect.

Cheers Kev.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on December 08, 2008, 02:27:42 AM
Hope to see the Monzada next Swap Meet Kev! ;D

Good to catch up,  hopefully for a bit longer next time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DucatiSSsp on December 08, 2008, 02:36:22 AM
Bryce Senff
Bellevue, WA
Merchandising Mgr-Quality Food Centers.......alway s tell the kids at work to "pay attention in school or else you'll end up working in a grocery store when you get to be my age!" ::)
43, Single, no kids that I know of.......Dad always told me to "Have sex like a basketball guard....pull up and shoot!"  Been good advice so far! :D
Besides motorcycles, I try and spend lots of time out on the golf course.
Just recently picked up a '97 Sport 1100i and am looking for a used EV or a new Cal-Vin for more leisurely rides.  Also feel the need for another Ducati 900SS.
Have a FJR1300 and a WR426f residing in the garage as well.
Happy riding!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 1oldcarguy on December 10, 2008, 07:17:43 PM
Rich Mathiason     Bloomington MN
 52 yrs,,,sheeesh !  that seems old
 automotive type mechanic ,until I figure out what I want to do when I grow up,,Bought my first bike, a1973 V7 sport, from Leo's ,,,,,then a whole bunch of bikes,,,,had a series of water buffaloes,,,had a couple of those alpabet racer things, (ya know, those yamakasuki yfrzx611-9 , kinda bikes) discovered mortality and had to by a beemer,,(it was sold ,1 week later,,,it was s l o w ),,,,,,
Then,,gave up motorcycles for 20 years,,,,,,and ,I figgered I would go back to the beginning,,,,,and bought a 07 norge from Leo's
 uhhh,,I guess kinda a turn back in time ,,sort of,,,,maybe sideways,,, sorta

When I turn my computer on,,this forum is the first thing I look at,,,I really enjoy it
Rich ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lee Bruns on December 10, 2008, 07:24:05 PM
Lee Bruns (thats Bruns, not Burns . .hhm-kay)
Watertown South Dakota
Married, two children
Machinist, auctioneer, inventor.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzitaco on December 10, 2008, 07:39:02 PM
Ramon Delgado
36 yrs old
Married, 4 kids
Looking to go back to Florida (Lighthouse Point)

Live in Argentina, Finance Director.  Moving to Hamburg, Germany in March 2009

Hobbies: Fishing, bikes, hunting and running
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cvcaelen on December 11, 2008, 01:59:58 AM
Christiaan from Belgium,

45 years old,
Married, 2 kids
been riding 20-something years on bikes,
but my V7 Classic is the first Guzzi I own

Hobbies: geocachen, riding my bike and taking pictures (sometimes all combined :)  )

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JonC on December 11, 2008, 06:58:23 AM
Jon Crim
Gilbertsville, NY
55 years old
Manufacturing Engineer Aerospace Company
Most of my time is spent restoring old bikes and cars and working on a 200 year old house I live in.
Funny short story being a horrable kid I use to spend my youth flogging my Dads 70 Guzzi when my XLCH used to blow up on a regular basis, never could hurt that bike, who would have thought almost 40 years later I would buy my own a 95 Sport.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kurt_W on December 12, 2008, 11:24:58 AM
Kurt W
Marietta, Ohio
27 years old (do I have to sell my Guzzi now because I'm too young!?)
Reserves Engineer

Recently acquired a Norge in preparation for a semi-cross county trip I'm planning to take next summer which I didn't think my Kawi ZRX would be that well suited for. The Norge is my 3rd bike; I started on a CBR 600 F3 back in 2000 but didn't care much for it. Sold it around '02. Went bikeless for a few years and tripped across a friend-of-a-friend selling his '01 ZRX 1200R and picked it up. I decided a couple months back that I wanted to do some travelling and the ZRX didn't seem like the bike I wanted to do it on so after looking through just about every sport touring bike I could think of it came down to the Norge, FJR1300 and the R1200RT. I didn't really like the RT and the FJR lost due to a desire to own a Guzzi that was brought on by a memory of a lime green V11 that I ran across when I was younger.

Other info: Single, two cats (crazy cat engineer guy,) tendency toward older Japanese and British cars (CRX's, 240Z's, misc; in many cases the odder the better.)

Oddball fact: I had never seen a running MG prior to going to look at the Norge I purchased. Even the previously mentioned V11 was being trailered when I saw it.

I'm usually more of a lurker then a poster so i probably won't have much to say but so far I've enjoyed reading the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rc135s on December 12, 2008, 01:36:27 PM
Anthony Norton
Gray, TN  - near Bristol Motor Speedway
Information Systems Auditor and  Adjunct Faculty at local Technical Community College

Spinal disability due to Air Force incident on Shemya in the Aleutian Islands.

1989 Cali III is up for sale due to upcoming fourth surgery to put things back together after being t-boned
by a teenage driver last weekend, luckily while in the car, and it's left in me such a state that riding won't be possible any longer.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BoBo on December 12, 2008, 04:09:33 PM
Kurt W
Marietta, Ohio
27 years old (do I have to sell my Guzzi now because I'm too young!?)

No.  I'm 26.  Bought my first Goose when I was 18.  Enjoy your Norge.  BTW, the V11 Sport is an awesome bike so you know.  Even the non-green ones like mine.   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CanadaGuzzi on December 12, 2008, 07:45:12 PM
Hello All,
Brock in Edmonton Alberta, 32 yrs old.
Landman, new to riding but have been a Moto Guzzi fiend for years.  Hoping to find some folks up north into Guzzis, you certainly don't see alot up here...  Also enjoy bowhunting, sailing and hockey.  Currently sitting at home with a broken leg watching it snow- (side effect from hockey) I hate crutches so much...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ragnar on December 13, 2008, 05:20:28 AM
Patrick Waylett, 64, metering instalations inspector,
 retire in 19 weeks and 4 days, not that I am counting.

Motorcycling, fishing, camping, beer, wine and history. Used to play darts, have won about 40 trophies, played once in an international match South London v Sweden, retired from competative games 4 years ago.

Current Bikes;

2001 Jackal
2001 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet.
Hoping to add a Griso or Norge next year, if the finances work out.

I live in SE England, Chatham, between London & Dover

Needs an update, 67 in February, retired in 2007, the Enfield is gone, just the Jackal now.
The finances still haven't worked out, %^$" banks.

More or less full time ralliest now with 15 last year, in 6 different countries.
Generally having the time of my life. I reckon every year of retirement is worth at least 5 of work.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pmillar on December 13, 2008, 08:20:10 AM
Newbie first poster here - despite owning my '73 Eldo for eight years now (restored w/ major help from Cycle Garden back when I lived in socal)

Pete Millar, Ann Arbor, MI  wife, two kids, dog and two cats
Work in commercial finance - travel throughout the midwest  (spent a few years in quality system consulting/auditing)
interesting past bikes include my first ever, a '72 Kawi H2, R100RS with a few japanese bikes in between. Still own a '97 TL1000S and picked up a street legal TTR250 this spring.

Hobbies - bikes, sailing, UM football and increasingly mountain biking w/ my son.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: johno on December 13, 2008, 08:34:26 AM
John Adams
37 years old
Lift (Elevator) Engineer
Dorset UK
Proud owner of a Red 97 sport injection
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: papasloan on December 13, 2008, 09:21:29 AM
Price Sloan
So Calif
I play with Computer stuff during the day and make Guzzi exh parts in my spare time.
Guzzi's rock.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziman61 on December 13, 2008, 10:37:05 AM
Hello all

Eric W. Root


Technical Director for production company

Brookfield, Illinois

Interest Motorcycles, Cars, camping, hiking ETC.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: demills on December 13, 2008, 11:03:10 AM
Dennis Mills
Independence Missouri
Happily divorced for 8 years, son 28 & daughter 20.

I'm a high school Custodian in KC, my co-workers get upset when the kids call us janitors, but I don't care.

I've been riding motorcycles since I was 17 except for a 12 year period from 92 to 04 due to financial problems, the ex was much better at spending money than making it. After getting the debts payed off & my credit rating restored started thinking about getting a M/C again, I knew I wanted something with shaft drive, I had had Beemers before, a 74 R90/6 (totaled in a rear end collision) and a 77 R75/7, I didn't like the seating position on the Japanese cruisers and couldn't afford a BMW so looked at Guzzi, I had known some Guzzi riders back in the 70's and one of the teachers (retired) at my school had a couple of Guzzis so I was sorta familiar with them, I had also met Mike & Alice Harper many years ago, so when I looked in the Yellow pages and saw Harpers listed decided to take a drive and see what they had, got lost but finally found it, a Motorcycle dealer on a farm who would of thunk it :D. Well anyways ended up buying the only Breva 750 they've ever sold, now have 28,300 miles on it and still loving it ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zeta on December 14, 2008, 12:18:40 PM
Mike Adams (53) or (35 if dyslexic)
Manitou Springs Colorado
Math Teacher
Retired Navy
3 kids, one of each :D
3 grand kids
Hobbies: sailing (no more as Katrina took my boat, Nonsuch26, and moved me to god awful Colorado ;D)
Motor Toys (2-08 KLR's, willing to trade one for a Quota, 1-07 Norge,  1-06 Ninja 250, 1-05 Pitster, 1-04 Honda ex400 quad, 1-63 Honda ct200
Travel (trips this year, Nationals(west coast loop)--Norge, Mazatlan--Norge, West Fest--KLR), planned--Nationals/Montreal summer of 09.

If you are coming to Colorado give me a shout, great riding awaits.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzipalace on December 30, 2008, 02:47:53 AM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.

Hello Guzzisti!
My name is Peer Janssen from the Netherlands; almost 54 years young, 4 grown up kids and I own a private Moto Guzzi museum. Please check out my website http://www.guzzipalace.nl  My occupation: senior trainer and consultant in a European leisure company. Since 1985 I collect and restore old Guzzis....at this very moment I own about 35 Guzzi motorcycles.....if you visit my website and click under "collectie museum" you will find pics..... I will translate my website also in English in the near future by the way....
This summer I sold a 1994 Moto Guzzi California to Matt Shively who was working as a army officer (communications) in the Netherlands and he returned to the States a couple of months ago. On December 07, 2008 he introduced himself on the site.... I hope to get in contact with him...so... please Matt respond!! I hope you are still satisfied with the California bike??
Wish you all guys(and girls..) a very very happy newyear... Please let me know what you think about my website..... Ciao, Peer
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bsnell on December 30, 2008, 11:05:24 AM
Barry Snell
Age 63 (64 next week!)
Trial Lawyer
San Antonio, Texas

Married, 3 sons, 3 stepchildren, 3 grandchildren
Iron Butt Rider (on 1998 Cal)
2002 MG EV80
2003 BMW R1200CL
2002 Triumph Bonny
1994 Honda Aero "Captain America" chopper

Wife, Melissa, rides 2006 Honda Shadow 800
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Edo on December 30, 2008, 02:55:30 PM
Ed Mason
age 64
retired printing/graphic arts teacher

Living in the woods of southern Delaware, at a place called Mandelawario (says so on the driveway sign)
'00 V11 Sport (green)
'83 1000SP
'81 KZ/GPZ 550  (that I stopped riding about 2 years ago and need to get of)
LM III (gone)
Two grandchildren

Hobbies: motorcycles, food, wine, beer, Italian (language), traveling in Italy, darts, woodworking sometimes, and feeding the wood stove

cin cin,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sluggo on December 30, 2008, 04:11:28 PM
Somehow I haven't done this yet.

AJ Johnson

35 yrs old - high school history teacher / football coach

Married to a wonderful (and younger) woman who rides a 2001 California Special.

1/2 child -  We are foster parents hoping to adopt the 2yr old we have been taking care of for 5 months.

Hobbies:  Motorcycles (duh), old cars (1954 Dodge Coronet), sports, general tinkering in the garage.  I tend to buy non-running motorcycles, fix them & sell them to buy more non-running motorcyles.   ???

We live in Corpus Christi, TX and enjoy the weather.  Born in TX, but grew up in Colorado, the wife wanted to go somewhere warm & couldn't afford to live in San Diego, CA (and didn't want to be known as a Californian).  We miss the mountains, but not the snow.  We go back every summer.  We recently bought my father-in-law a bike which allows me to ride up there too.   ;D   

If you are ever in South Texas give us a shout.  Just a few months until Spring Break.  :-\


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim King on December 30, 2008, 07:11:54 PM
Jim King.  A lot like my sigh-on name. 
Live in NW Arkansas near Gentry. 
Pushing 62.  Social Security--here I come. 
Married-- forever. 
Three Kids-- Two are still married. 
Two Grandkids.
Not sure what I do. 
In the past, I have been Aircraft Mechanic--North Island Naval Air Station. 
2 years Army. 
Tried farming in New Mexico.  That also seemed like forever. 
Longhaul truck driver. 
The last eight years-- Auto and some motorcycle rebuilding. 
Now I am helping a friend build a shop. 
Mechanics and welding always mixed in there. 
I am also looking for a good Mail Scam where people just send me money. 
Most hobbies involve hammering, welding, grinding, rusty parts, motors, old cars and some electronics. 
Oh, yeah.  Moto Guzzis. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andrewdonald1 on December 31, 2008, 08:08:48 PM
Andrew Donald
Puyallup, WA
Manage commercial mechanical construction (HVAC, plumbing, piping, fire protection).

Riding 20+ years, everything from dirt bikes, ATC's, sport bikes, Harley Road King, to finally a Guzzi V11.
In the last two years, I finished up two restoration projects (and learned a lot!)
1986 GSXR 1100 frame up: (engine from a 2002 Bandit 1200, big bored, ported heads etc, 17" wheels, upgraded forks etc) - a real beast!
1975 Honda CB550K1 for the wife - I loved this little bike.

Finally decided to downsize to one do it all bike.
Had to be air cooled, minimal maintenance and had to be Italian - left only Moto Guzzi.

Love it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Phil/TX on December 31, 2008, 09:45:19 PM
Wow, found this thread late:

Phil Grundy
Semi Retired
Air conditioning and Heating Contractor (now the wife's Co.)
Age 64
Hobbies: Riding, Golf, Fly fishing, Ham radio, and so on and so forth.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mudwasp on January 01, 2009, 12:14:32 AM
married w/kids 1 teen 1 out of the house
V11 scura,Kawasakis-ex650f,klx300r,Gas Gas txt2000 and a tarted up klx110pit bike(most dangerous bike in the garage).
interests-my family,work, italian motorcycles,other motorcycles,art,cooking,friends,pets,trail riding,reading

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Humbug on January 01, 2009, 04:03:14 AM
guzzipalace: nice collection!

Name: Alex

Current location: London, England

Occupation: Buyer, petrochemical engineering company.

Current bikes:

Honda Bros (Hawk GT647) with 126,000km on the clock, and the most reliable bike I've ever owned, having taken me reliably over Europe, and to work for the last 12 years.

Guzzi 850 T5 with 60,000 miles on the clock, which has been less than ideally reliable, but which I am kicking into reliability. Most frustrating aspect has been an electrical system that refuses to stay charged. Still comfy, adequate handling, and fun to ride.

Past memorable bikes:

Yamaha SRX400:
Fun single in classic Brit cafe racer style. Lots of fun from 27hp.

Honda VFR400 NC30
Best handling bike I've ever owned, but hideously uncomfortable until 45mph, when the wind takes the weight off your wrists. Entertaining V-four motor with gear driven cams. Useless as a pillion carrier.

V50 Mk II
The only bike ever to set itself alight while I was sat on it. The rebuild took two years, but it eventually left my possession a fair bit more reliable than when I obtained it. Fun in small doses on back roads when it would bounce hilariously on its Koni shocks. It took me to Scotland a handful of times, and was good fun touring around the lochs. It also taught me what little I know about bike mechanicals.

I would like to trace either of the people that encouraged me into Guzzi's all those years ago, Chris (left), or Martin (right).


Thank you,


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: charlie b on January 06, 2009, 10:35:50 PM
Well, it's about time I did this.

I finally chose a bike.  Will be seeing a 1984 850 T5 in about three weeks.  Being shipped from WI to NM.  Got it from the MGNOC ads.  Am looking forward to getting it.

My last bike was a 1971 Honda 500-4 that I rode/commuted on for about 12 years (79-91).  I decided to get back to riding again and a MG was on my short list of bikes I always wanted.  I didn't want a high HP sport bike so started looking a few months ago, with a lot of assistance from folks in here and in the V11 forum.

Name: Charlie Bice
Occupation 1-retired Army
                2-large defense contractor/engineer
                3-manufacturer of model airplane kits
Age: 55
Married for 33 years
Current Location: Tijeras, NM (mountains just East of Albuquerque)
Past Locations: Grew up in Phoenix, Army time in NY (West Point), KY (Ft Knox), Germany (near Ansbach), NM (White Sands Missile Range)
Other vehicles:  Toyota Tundra (mine)
                      Mini Cooper Clubman S (wife's)

Am glad I found this forum.  Great bunch of people.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: braunsan on January 19, 2009, 06:22:14 PM
Former Iowa Farmboy, 32
Recently married
grad student (high school science teacher someday - military service slowing school down)
weather officer, MN air national guard

I've had lots of interesting jobs, oil refineries and family farming being most interesting (and rewarding)

live in Des Moines, IA

'68 CB160
'73 CB350
'72 R75/5
'04 Stone!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Freeburd on January 19, 2009, 09:08:27 PM
  Hello Everyone!

  Jeff Burd
  Age 55
  Ocupation:Sole proprietor Residential remodeling business 25 years
  two children, son 27 yrs & daughter 24 yrs-son in law 24 yrs
  Freeport, Illinois
  Hobbies: motorcycles, skiing , bicycling, Rc airplanes, & closet banjo picker on
  stage a few times.

  Motorcycles owned past & present: Honda 69 125, Honda 71 CB450 DOHC,
  87 Honda helix 250, 94 Suzuki 850, present 98 moto guzzi EV, 73 850 Eldo.

  Comments: Guzzi Rallies are the best!! Have been attending midwest rallies for
  last 10 yrs. Really Great People! Good Food & spirits. Guilty of lurking.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cjbwfd on January 22, 2009, 09:52:48 PM
Charlie Bull
Firefighter (3 more years and done, then life on the bike)
Westfield, Ma
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: supernav on January 23, 2009, 08:08:18 AM
Hi Guys,

Nick Brook from Haslingden, Lancashire, England UK

2007 California Vintage (traded my 1976 T3 in for it)

2005 Buell Firebolt Yee ha!!!!!!!!!!! (Traded my 1998 Ducati ST2 in for it)

Run my own IT company producing debt recovery software (well someone has to be in the right place at the right time!)

53 years old, widowed in 2007 but picking up the pieces and living again now

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zipster on January 23, 2009, 08:26:16 AM
Rob Glynn, 46, Newton NC
Engineer, now designing supply chain systems for home improvement retailer, former Navy Flight Officer.
Busy dad with 3 kids 15, 12, 7.  Married for 18 years.
Rider of all things 2-wheeled...Current moto is 07 Norge bought used with 5K miles and now sorted out, highly enjoyable for my 80-mile/day commute to work through hills of northwest NC.  Sold an 03 Stone Touring last year with 18K miles after struggling to find dealer in reasonable distance to do cam/valve recall.  History with older Hondas (69-73 CBs) and shared ownership of a BSA in college.  Do some bicycle racing including 24-hour mountain bike races with my team Assnelbows.
Small side business roasting coffee.  Also brew beer, garden and spend a lot of time outdoors with the kids: canoe, camp, backpack, beach, travel.  Great place to live for all that.
Would love to head to a rally this year and do some longer trips; Time is scarcest resource.  Also want to get into an older MG project at some point, good work to share with kids.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on January 23, 2009, 10:04:09 AM
Rob Glynn, 46, Newton NC
Engineer, now designing supply chain systems for home improvement retailer, former Navy Flight Officer.
Busy dad with 3 kids 15, 12, 7.  Married for 18 years.
Rider of all things 2-wheeled...Current moto is 07 Norge bought used with 5K miles and now sorted out, highly enjoyable for my 80-mile/day commute to work through hills of northwest NC.  Sold an 03 Stone Touring last year with 18K miles after struggling to find dealer in reasonable distance to do cam/valve recall.  History with older Hondas (69-73 CBs) and shared ownership of a BSA in college.  Do some bicycle racing including 24-hour mountain bike races with my team Assnelbows.
Small side business roasting coffee.  Also brew beer, garden and spend a lot of time outdoors with the kids: canoe, camp, backpack, beach, travel.  Great place to live for all that.
Would love to head to a rally this year and do some longer trips; Time is scarcest resource.  Also want to get into an older MG project at some point, good work to share with kids.

Come to Guzzi's in the Blue Ridge and the Virginia rally.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gregory Holt on February 05, 2009, 08:30:21 AM
I'll be in the Blue Ridge mountains in mid June. Do you know the dates of the Guzzi rally in Virginia? Love riding that part of the country.
Greg Holt, Tallahassee
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on February 05, 2009, 08:45:30 AM
I'll be in the Blue Ridge mountains in mid June. Do you know the dates of the Guzzi rally in Virginia? Love riding that part of the country.
Greg Holt, Tallahassee

2009 VMGOC Virginia State Moto Guzzi Rally
June 26,27, & 28, 2009
Glen Maury Park, Buena Vista, Virginia

North Carolina Moto Guzzis in the Blue Ridge
Jul 31 to Aug 2, 2009
Moto Guzzi campout at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground, Cruso, North Carolina. Ten minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway, north on Highway 276. Full facility campground with campsites, hot showers, laundry, and chalets. Full service restaurant. Awards for Guzzi riders. No registration fee for rally. Call campground to reserve chalet: 828-235-8350. Blue Ridge Campground, 59 Motorcycle Drive, Canton, North Carolina 28716. http://www.blueridgemotorcyclecamp.com/.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dextertan on February 05, 2009, 10:16:10 AM

My name's Dexter, living in Singapore (anyone heard of us? ::))
Occupation: Medical Rep. (Stiefel Lab). Come-back rider after 20 years.. Owned a '07 Norge GTL, used to ride VT250 and XR400 in the 80's. 46 now, married with a daughter. Small country, so I ride in neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Thailand mostly. Hope to learn more about my bike in this great forum!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbolivar46 on February 05, 2009, 02:29:11 PM

Jim Bolivar
Eugene, Oregon
Special Ed Teacher
2 children, 3 stepchildren
Vintage race anything
Current rides are:
64 Ford Short bed F100 429/C6
87 Guzzi Le Mans
77 BMW R100S
73 Raleigh International 10spd
53 Rudge Aero Fixed Gear

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on February 19, 2009, 12:35:44 PM
Too many Newbies here who haven't taken the chance to tell us a bit about themselves. 
This long-suffering Thread fades from time to time, but I personally find it a handy place to go when I forget the who-what-where of some of our WB posters. 

( ... except for the ones I try very hard to forget.  You know who you are.   :D   )

Sooooooooo >>>   BUMP  !!

Jump in, guys -- and don't forget the "where."   
And while you're at it, why not a pic, like these "
http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=23363.msg354074#msg354074 (http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=23363.msg354074#msg354074)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hogdogs on February 19, 2009, 05:55:44 PM
Don't hate me cuz you ain't me...
I didn't see this when I made threads 'bout myself so I will link them here...
About hogdogs

Hogdogs chapter 2

Any hotrodder thread...

My old Ambo
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: whitey on February 19, 2009, 07:19:39 PM
steve (whitey) gates. 49 yrs old. home kiowa ks. occupation self employed farmer. DIVORCED. two children hailey 24 son clint 19. i own two guzzis 1999 white bassa and a 2001 silver jackal. interests are hunting and motorcycles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hogdogs on February 19, 2009, 07:36:53 PM
I am Brent in the far wetern panhandle of Fla.
I am another unable to work the 60-80 hours my carreers have demanded. I do what I can though. Since I do not go solo, I am still able to run the dogs on hogs with others around to help.
I am a rabid 2nd amendment supporter. I am a meat predator in a big way. Love bikes and riding but more important to me is wrenching... not to cobble up junkers but rather for improvements and routine maint. Couldn't stand my 90 springer softail as it was rather boring... Loved my Ambo I had previous and my 1980 80 inch 5 speed shovel head. Built the snot out of that motor! ;D I am 40 now and my son is the age at which I was ripping the pavement off the streets of central florida... 19 and my baby girl is 17. Now that the kids are up and growin' good I am getting the itch to run a bike hard again.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lazydog on February 19, 2009, 07:59:05 PM
Fred Sanford
Bull Valley, IL

Junk Dealer

Hobbies- ballet, classical music & sand blasting lousy Itailan chrome off old bike parts
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ratguzzi on February 19, 2009, 08:28:23 PM
Fred Sanford
Bull Valley, IL

Junk Dealer

Hobbies- ballet, classical music & sand blasting lousy Itailan chrome off old bike parts

Bull Valley,  like near McHenry, IL?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzmann on February 19, 2009, 08:41:44 PM
Brian, age 49, high school teacher, married with three grown daughters and a six year-old son.  I live in southeastern Vermont
I have three Loops ('67 V700, '69 Ambo, '73 Eldo), a 1977 850 Lemans (just purchased (by me, I know what I want) for my upcoming 50th and making its way from New Mexico up to Vermont), and a 2003 V11 LeMans.  Also a 1972 BMW R75/5. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swalker on February 20, 2009, 06:37:22 AM
Steve Walker
Age 53
Bentonville, Arkansas
Journeyman Lineman (Digger Derrick Operator)
MGNOC Arkansas Reps since 1988
Married to Leila 35 years this July...
Special Interests   God, Guns and Guzzi's
Retiring one of these days!!!
Hobby  Antique Coin Operated Machines

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jblk9695 on February 20, 2009, 11:16:30 AM
Gerald Blake (Jerry)
San Bernardino, Ca.
Prototype machinist, CNC & conventional machining
63 years, but not old
Owned a bunch of bikes, but never a Guzzi(maybe in the next couple of years)
Currently ride an 01 Kawasaki Concours
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on February 20, 2009, 11:27:54 AM
Gerald Blake (Jerry)
San Bernardino, Ca.
Prototype machinist, CNC & conventional machining
63 years, but not old
Owned a bunch of bikes, but never a Guzzi(maybe in the next couple of years)
Currently ride an 01 Kawasaki Concours

You need to ride one that has been set up be a dealer that has been recommended by these guys. Take it out for a little 200 mile spin.


Bring your checkbook!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ponti_33609 on February 20, 2009, 11:28:18 AM
I do not think I ever posted here.............

Bob Ponticelli
45 Years Boston
3+ Years Tampa

Previous - Director of Client Services (Boston Gas)
Current - Billing Manager for Colocation Provider (Switch and Data)

Rode between 10-20 years old (Honda CT70, Kawasaki 400 Triple)
No Bike again till I was 46!!
Married - Linda (Computer Programmer for Boston Financial Firm)
Have learned enough about keeping my bike running from everyone here that I have yet to need professional servicing!  



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ronkom on February 20, 2009, 12:00:17 PM
I was happily reading the whole thread when I came upon the the entry I'd done in 2006. Had forgotton all about it (a hazard of sneaking up on age 63 & having chemically abused my brain in the 60's & 70's). Reading all the interesting posts encouraged expanding on mine:
Ron Komoroski
age 62+
Married (it seems), all my life, 20 years to wife #!, 19 to my "fighting partner" Alice (that's fighting back-to-back against the world)
I have: 3 Sons, 2 granddaughters, 3 greatgrand kids-2 girls, one boy.(first wife).  Alice has(by previous marriage) a son & a daughter, 3 granddaughters, a greatgranddaughter & (soon) a greatgrand son. Al & I figured we'd already more than replaced ourselves & avoided having  kids of our own
Pet, French Hotot-Standard rabbit ("hop-along")(French connection, I used to own a stable of Renault's)
Working Life: Assorted odd jobs, 2 years Steel worker, 8 years owner-manager ladies dress shop. 27 years Sr. Technician, Advanced Materials R&D (ceramics & composits) early retirement when labs closed. Motorcycle rider/wrench since age 20, MX racer (400-501 Maico), part owner racebike shop, motorcycle distributor rep (Benelli), motorcycle accessory sales + Moto Morini Rep (road whore). Since "retirement" in 2003, full time bike repair/restoration at home. Working on my 5Th full frame-up Guzzi restoration.
Guns: I moved from Va Beach "to the country" in the mountains of Va. in 1975 expecting the imminent collapse of the economic "House of Cards". Was ready then, am ready now. recent purchase, case of 7.62x39mm poppers.
Long guns 22-250 (reach out & touch) SKS (closer) 12 ga. pump (closer still) lever action .22 varmint control. Handguns,( up close & personal) .25 auto, .380 auto .357Mag revolver.
Politics: Fiscal Conservative (should never have quit the gold standard), Social Progressive ( Govt should help those less fortunate, affordable health care & higher education opportunity for all a  must. Obscenely greedy few should NOT be allowed to accumulate all the Nation's wealth).
Hobbies: GUZZIS, Va MGNOC Rep since '92, VMGOC member/director/Va Guzzi rally since '84 Va Rally master (w/Alice) 1999-2007, Rally Master, Guzzi "Millennium National Rally" Y2K. Riding, Wrenching, Rallying. VW Westfalia's (we own an '87 Vanagon), Reading, (latest, "Around the World on a Motorcycle 1928-1936", I recommend highly) Sci-Fi, Science, History (especially WWII aircraft, War of Northern Aggression), Fantasy, anything by Clive Cussler, Dan Brown, John Ringo, Robert Jordan. General tinkering, Too much time on the compuker (a love-hate relationship) & The Steelers! Played football myself in High School & Collage, became a "Stillers" fan in the '50s & '60's when they were the league doormat, have enjoyed their rise to be the best, 6 times. In the fall I bleed Black & Gold.
Stable: (running) '74 Eldo Police Custom "Strider", '98 EV "Lovely Rita-the redhead".(projects,) a G5, A "Tuttentaro" 125 Guzzi Enduro, a Cal II, plus a "pile" of T & T3 stuff (a whole bike may be "in there")
Location: Lynchburg, VA, VA Guzzi Rider website "www.vaguzzi.com"  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Goosecoop on February 20, 2009, 12:40:15 PM
Mike Busch
I am an adjunct faculty for Jones International University and do management/leadership coaching for local and regional companies though it looks/feels like semi-retirement.
Located in Hudsonville, Michigan
Own 2 Guzzis : '89 Cal III and '74 civilian Eldo
I do all my own wrenching
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spandau traitor on February 21, 2009, 08:36:08 PM
Bill Pack
age 53
married 32 years
3 kids, 3 grandkids
30 years in auto industry, hoping to do better
Ofallon, Mo. 30 miles west of St. Louis
current rides 82 Moto Guzzi 1000SP
                  01 Kawasaki ZRX1200
Jesus, lot of three's in this info. does that mean something besides the obvious odd factor?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jdgretz on April 01, 2009, 09:18:08 PM
Los Angeles, CA

Thinking seriously about a Norge - have owned and ridden mostly standard bikes since 1964 (yes, they had motorcycles back then  ;) ).  Rebuilt and old V7 once upon a time.  Looking for something in the Sport Touring kind of thing.  I think my short list is R1200RT and Norge.

Oh yes, I run an IT Consulting company, and am a semiprofessional photographer.  Also retired Army Major who still flies helicopters when I can find someone else to foot the bill.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Terry on April 02, 2009, 08:44:19 AM
Terry Shrable
37 years old
Occupation - Deputy Sheriff
Have owned - Suzuki TL1000R, Yamaha Venture, ZX-7, CBR1100XX
Still Have - Ducati 996 and a Silver 07 Norge
No children, one German Short Hair Pointer who loves to hunt
Probably work too much but I love my job   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzimundi on April 02, 2009, 09:00:05 AM
Terry Shrable
37 years old
Occupation - Deputy Sheriff
Have owned - Suzuki TL1000R, Yamaha Venture, ZX-7, CBR1100XX
Still Have - Ducati 996 and a Silver 07 Norge
No children, one German Short Hair Pointer who loves to hunt
Probably work too much but I love my job   

Welcome! You be treating us nice now....  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Louis on April 02, 2009, 09:31:41 AM
Hi all

Louis Smeulders
Breda, The Netherlands
2 daughters and 4 grandsons
Retired Militairy
MGCN, MGEOC and MGNOC member
Own several Guzzi's and are waiting for my Stelvio TT
Would love to make some trips in the States in the coming years.
Could use help for that !

My old de-registrated V-35 with towingbar, in use for great fun at Rallies !
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-292E_49D4CE9C.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-292E_49D4CE9C.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ragnar on April 02, 2009, 10:29:37 AM
Hi all

Louis Smeulders
Breda, The Netherlands
2 daughters and 4 grandsons
Retired Militairy
MGCN, MGEOC and MGNOC member
Own several Guzzi's and are waiting for my Stelvio TT
Would love to make some trips in the States in the coming years.
Could use help for that !

My old de-registrated V-35 with towingbar, in use for great fun at Rallies !
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-292E_49D4CE9C.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-292E_49D4CE9C.html)

High Louis
I recognise the badge on the cut off. "Californieri" right? There are a few member in the UK too.
How's Rene? I ain't seen him for a while.
If you are at Boxmere I will see you there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JBU on April 02, 2009, 10:54:54 AM
hello everyone,

Joël Urruty
Hickory NC (moved here 2 years ago)
occupation: sculptor/artist
Children: one 3 year old girl and another kid on the way (actually any day now!)
age: 40
59 lodola (which I am currently restoring)
74 eldo
89 honda gb500

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: charlie b on April 02, 2009, 11:04:33 AM
Hi all

Louis Smeulders

Would love to make some trips in the States in the coming years.
Could use help for that !

My old de-registrated V-35 with towingbar, in use for great fun at Rallies !

Need a thread on your little V35 project bike.  Cool looking seat.

When it comes time to travel post a note.  Many of us would give you a place to stay.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: m13 on April 02, 2009, 12:41:53 PM
Hi folks
John Boyles (m13 was my ID when a MC courier in DC long ago and actually was m11 but that's another story)
Registered Nurse currently with local Heath Department
Married with 2 boys 15 and 17
57 yo (me)
Have owned : Triumph Trophy 500 197?, Eldorado '73, Gl1000 first production year I really can't remember what that was?
Now own:2007 Vespa 250 GTSie, '68 Honda Dream
SERIOUSLY entertaining letting the Vespa and Dream go for a V7 Classic (can't justify adding another bike...wife you know..)
Loved the Eldo until the chrome cylinders decided to revolt. And I DO where a helmet when I drive! Pics of Then ( '74ish and somewhat recent '07 rides )(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-C2F3_49D4F858.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-C2F3_49D4F858.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: marc on April 02, 2009, 03:49:26 PM
hi there
My name is marc cafarella,59 yrs young,control room operator at coal mine i tahmoor australia,bike 07 n0rge red,with unigo trailer,hobbies:motorcycling,cycling,water skiing,snow skiing.do own maitenance
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wild Bill Guzzi on April 02, 2009, 07:50:52 PM
William C. Myers
Age: 50
Married - 21 years (I love my wife)
One dog (hers)
One bird (hers)
Money (hers)
Currenlty ride a Harley (mine), but I do not dress up like a pirate.
Will have a Guzzi soon
Like to move to Sherwood, Arkansas within 5 years
Hoppies:  God, family, guns, guns, guns, and more guns, hunting, shooting, guns, running, playing gutar, guns, motorcylces, guns

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim King on April 02, 2009, 11:20:14 PM
Sherwood?  Man go a little further NorthWest!  Much better for Guns and Bikes and all that other stuff.  Let me know when you get there. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Flay on April 03, 2009, 12:24:22 AM
Why Not...

Christopher Stewart
42 years old (WTF! How DID that happen...?).
Occupation - Visual Effects TD/Supervisor (Stargate, Smallville etc..).
Have owned - 82 Seca 400, 1996 Ninja 500 etc..
Still Have - 1969 Suzuki T-500 "Titan", Breva 750.

Rode a friend's 919. Then a triple, then... Went looking for a bike that felt like one...

Have Mistral pipes to install, Hard bags, Givi screen and some engine guards. Love it.

It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Louis on April 03, 2009, 06:38:34 AM
High Louis
I recognise the badge on the cut off. "Californieri" right? There are a few member in the UK too.
How's Rene? I ain't seen him for a while.
If you are at Boxmere I will see you there.

Hello Patrick
Yes, you are right. I am one of the "Californieri" like some fellows from the UK are.  One Scottish "Californieri" past away in february.
How's Rene ?  I don't know at this moment, but i think he is fine.  If all goes well Rene has to do his turn in Afghanistan and will go there in Mai i think.  I quit as Boxmeer-organizer after 11 years to have more time for myself.
I don't know if i am in Boxmeer this year, because i praktically bought a Calli-III in Arkansas and might fly over to registrate it and make a nice tour as well.  But it might even later this year that i go to Arkansas, must find a cheap flight to get over.
Ciao........Califor nieri Brother-Louis
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Louis on April 03, 2009, 06:52:28 AM
When it comes time to travel post a note.  Many of us would give you a place to stay.

Hi Charlie
Well, that post will come very soon. If all goes as i think, i take over a friends Cal in Arkansas. I have to fly to Arkansas to register the bike and get an insurance on it.  After registering i also will make a tour. After that tour i also need storage space untill the next tour.
I will make a post for help in different ways.
The V-35 is an old one and not road worthy but the engine and gearbox runs well and it is great fun to play with it outside public roads.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mandoguzzi on April 07, 2009, 09:03:32 PM
Dave Leporati
Tallahassee Florida
age 59
my first Guzzi (ex ducati)
mandolin picker/beer/2 years left as a lowly elementary school art teacher/fly fisherman/beer
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: troyhamilton on April 08, 2009, 09:39:56 AM
troy hamilton 45 have a guzzi, it was suposed to be a 850 t , it turned out to be a t3, with a posible 1000 mill? I am also buying my old t back from jim king. got most of the money,
living on disability due to a motorcycle crash 10 years ago, and a brain hemorage.
love bikes, think guzzis are the best thing going.
little pyscotic, little crazy. compleatly honest.
live in alma, ar, crawford county, dixie.
you northern people are good people too, just differnt from us.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: regularguy on April 09, 2009, 04:50:58 PM

Craig Toth


Self employed  machine shop  anything for a buck

fascinated by all machines, wheeled or not

'87 SPII
'03 BMW R1150R
Bits of other bikes
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pieterinsausalito on April 10, 2009, 08:08:21 PM
Hello all, my name is Pieter, age 30, location: Northern California, occupation: wanderer (that doesn't pay but it sure occupies)...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on April 10, 2009, 08:16:26 PM
Hello all, my name is Pieter, age 30, location: Northern California, occupation: wanderer (that doesn't pay but it sure occupies)...


Nice work if you can get it. Had to quit my job doing that when I got married to Cindy thirty years ago.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sgtbrown on April 10, 2009, 09:18:04 PM
Tom Brown

Age 60

Retard (retired) Police Sgt.

Hobbies are motorcycles and collecting WWII gear, US and British.

Work part-time in a pawn shop. Funny, I get to meet the same kind of people I did at my old job!

Don't own a Guzzi - yet!


(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-827F_49DFFD5B.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-827F_49DFFD5B.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 11, 2009, 04:55:24 PM
"Now that's a knife!"  Crocodile Dundee.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: garydye on April 11, 2009, 09:01:57 PM
Gary Dye truck driver st joe mo. 2003 ev and wife lori has a 1999 bossa
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: thomas on April 24, 2009, 10:57:36 AM
The name is Thomas and I live in Durban, South Africa - I seem to be the only african on this group if I look at the members' map. I've been riding Guzzis since 1985; currently I ride a much-modified 1981 SP1000 and a rebuilt Guzzi Lemans 850 MkII (looks like a Mk 1 from a distance). I also have a bunch of other bikes, all of them old. The youngest is a 12-year-old Yamaha YZF750SP.

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-E91C_49F1E0A9.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-E91C_49F1E0A9.html) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-CCC1_49F1E0A9.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick_W on April 24, 2009, 12:58:32 PM
Nick Webb
55 (age, not preferred speed limit)
Lincoln, Nebraska (the state with no bends)
2004 Breva 750
Likes: sleeping, riding, what else is there?
Dislikes: chrome, chains, anything with more than two cylinders
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 24, 2009, 03:20:29 PM
Nick Webb
55 (age, not preferred speed limit)
Lincoln, Nebraska (the state with no bends)
2004 Breva 750
Likes: sleeping, riding, what else is there?
Dislikes: chrome, chains, anything with more than two cylinders

Come on Nick.  You dislike chrome and have a SILVER Breva!   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RoMoMoTo on April 25, 2009, 01:37:10 PM
Bob Herman, age 59
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Owner, Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Tours

Interests: besides old motorcycles, middle-aged motorcycles, a few newish ones
Lots of other interests...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RoadPirate on April 26, 2009, 12:10:15 AM
Figure this is natural place for my first post  :)
37 years old
Dallas, TX (Never thought I'd be a Texan; but I'll have been here 15 years this summer: longer than any place else!)
Consultant/Trainer for legal practice solutions company
Married to Holly 8+ years
No kids; but we have a 12 year old lab-mix (took us a while to get around to getting married).  Used to be like having a kid, getting to be more like having an elderly grandparent living with us. 
Hobbies - motorcycles, scooters, photography.  Travel a lot for work so little time for much else.
Current rides:
Me - 2004 Breva v750ie.  I'll post more on the "Show us Your Guzzi's" thread, 1988 (yes, "88") BMW 325i
Wife - 2004 MINI Cooper
Past Rides (Two-wheelers only for brevity):
Me - 2005 Harley-Davidson XL883C, 2003 Derbi GP1, 1970 Vespa Sprint Veloce (in that order)
Wife - 2005 Yamaha V-star Classic, 2005 Vespa ET4

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-3FB2_49F3EC57.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-3FB2_49F3EC57.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: izzug otom on April 28, 2009, 10:44:50 AM
Hi, I`m Martin from the UK. I`ve just got my first Guzzi , a Nevada Club 02 model.

I have some issue with cold and hot starting and fluctuating tickover speed, so I will no doubt be starting a thread hoping for some help from some experienced Guzzi folk. ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: anklodge on June 03, 2009, 08:09:04 PM

Don't own a Guzzi - yet!

I heard you did have a Guzzi!!!!
Andrea Ank
Tom Brown

Age 60

Retard (retired) Police Sgt.

Hobbies are motorcycles and collecting WWII gear, US and British.

Work part-time in a pawn shop. Funny, I get to meet the same kind of people I did at my old job!

Don't own a Guzzi - yet!


(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-827F_49DFFD5B.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-827F_49DFFD5B.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BryanReid on June 17, 2009, 03:21:04 PM
Hi Bryan here. New to this forum and still can't see how to post... I'll work on that. I am heading into Alaska from Canada next week. A companion has a new Motto Guzzi which will need servicing and likley new tires sometime in Alaska. Does anyone on the forum know of and Motto Guzzi dealers/service operation in Alaska. No end of Googling has found anyone.
Appreciate you help.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: deweyvicknair on June 17, 2009, 03:51:35 PM
Dewey Vicknair

Lititz, PA

Self-employed gunsmith  (www.vicknairrestora tions.com)

Age: 41

Married, 3 children, 3dogs, 0 cats

Hobbies: riding motorcycles, restoring motorcycles, wooden airplanes, wooden boats

Current Bike:1986 LeMans IV

Former Bikes: Aprilia Caponord
                    Husqvarna 510 supermoto

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: g®eg on June 18, 2009, 07:33:01 AM
I guess I should post up over here too.

Greg Jarvis, 48.
I live in Bristol, RI, but I am a Canadian by birth & a British subject by virtue of my parents.

I have a 2008 Norge, a 1996 Triumph Sprint and a 2004 Honda XR 650-L

I sell sailcloth for a living, and used to be a sailmaker (still am I guess).

I also teach the MSF rider course many weekends in Massachusetts.

stuff I do: http://www.naisp.net/gjarvis/ (http://www.naisp.net/gjarvis/)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rusty goose on June 18, 2009, 05:18:28 PM
Hello all-

Another new guy here, Rusty Newman, originally from Colorado  (the state I claim),  now residing in Chesapeake, MD.
39 yrs, married 14, two boys.

Hobbies include restoring bikes and cars/trucks, shooting, anything outdoors.

I'm a G-man, Firearms Instructor for one of the many Federal acronyms.

I've been riding 34 yrs, had many machines, but my G5 is the first Guzzi for me.(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-DBCD_4A3ABD2A.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-DBCD_4A3ABD2A.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrTricky on June 18, 2009, 05:56:08 PM
What the hell

Brisbane Australia

Sometime IT person

1 missus
6 daughters
1 dog
1 cat
1 '96 Black Sport 1100
1 '91 RGV 250 (It is still a twin)
1 Bianchi 928L push bike
1 Fender guitar
1 surfboard
Just put me down for 1 of anything really I think
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dave1068 on June 18, 2009, 06:19:41 PM

-40 yrs old
-Investigator (background and security clearances)
-Soon to be Breva 1200 Sport owner

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: azguzzirep on June 18, 2009, 07:00:42 PM
Tom Short
Phoenix born and raised.

Just turned 50, waaah! Arizona MGNOC Rep.

Bought my first Guzzi from the Arizona Hiway Patrol in 1980, a 1974 Eldorado. Been on Guzzi ever since

Hobbies are much like everyone else's, guns, booze, bikes, broads. Never married, no kids.

I've been to Mandello and loved it! Been to a Guzzi rally in Germany, too!

Grazie, Carlo! Multi Grazie!! Mille Grazie!!!!!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nosail on June 18, 2009, 07:19:04 PM
Why not. Born and live in Vancouver, BC. I own a small non ferrous foundry and machine shop. Our own product line is fire fighting equipment. Been married 32 years. Have 3 kids and 1 grandson as of last month  :). Road raced bikes in the PNW from 1972-1985. The last 7 years as passenger on a sidecar rig. Haven't ridden much since 1985 and decided it was time for something different (thus the Guzzi). I've called a fellow I used to race against who has a V11 LeMans and rides the odd Sunday with 6-8 other Guzzis and plan on riding with them. So far I love this bike and as others have said it is fun to ride at any speed.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gordon on June 26, 2009, 06:30:39 PM

Grew up in Houston and have been in Tulsa since 1981.  (My wife was from Oklahoma and convinced me it was a tropical paradise--I'm less gullible now)
65 years old, 64 good ones, last year off the bike for chemo and surgery
Physician, now part time
Married 31 years, 2 grown children
Hobbies include playing the cello, chamber music, golf, cooking.  Enjoy riding eastern OK and western Arkansas.

Norge 2007, red (traded in the Nevada 750)
Ducati S2R 800, also 2007, also red
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ROBOTMAN on June 26, 2009, 07:32:34 PM

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Architect, recently laid off.  Formerly a robot-combat promoter, before that a molecular Biologist, before that a professional musician. 

recently married, 40 Years old

Like to sketch, Cyberpunk fiction, building things. 

Current owner of a 1968 Fender Jaguar, a 1993 MG 1000s, a neat little Lincoln Wire-feed welder, some lovely Deco furniture from the 20's (birdseye maple veneer).  All the other stuff I own is essentially crap, and completely disposable. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rdbandkab on June 26, 2009, 08:45:52 PM

West Virginia (northern panhandle)
1 black 06 Breva 1100

Sometime IT person too!

1 missus of 20 something years
1 dog
2 birds
2 cats
1 05 Gas Gas ec300
1 2000 Xr650r (street legal)
1 02 aprilia Futura (flame red)
1 Cannondale Jekyll
1 Cannondale Prophet
I like to ride with said missus (kab)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-6F00_4A4579BA.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-6F00_4A4579BA.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bloodweiser on June 27, 2009, 07:48:33 AM
Raj - 24 - upstate NY
perpetually in college, aspiring teacher.
Looper for 2 years, Looper for life.
Someday I'll have a le mans!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: n2f on June 28, 2009, 12:18:03 PM

Hi, I'm Lisa.  My main hobbies are motorcycling and scuba diving.  This is a pix of my Guzzi:

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-2B6F_4A47D30C.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-2B6F_4A47D30C.html)
2002 Guzzi V11 Le Mans

I'm the second owner.  Bought it with 9,500 miles back in March of this year - took it in for it's 12K service yesterday.  It's my first Guzzi and I love it!  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TassieMike on July 05, 2009, 08:53:16 PM
Hey y'all.
TassieMike here.
I'm 49, an Emergency Physician, and live in Tasmania, AUS, home of the best biking roads in the galaxy.
I am in the process of cleaning up a V50 ('78 model), with a few mods to make it a bit more "personal".
It's my second Guzzi; the first was  a V65TT about 20 years ago.  Wish I still had that one.
If I could have any other Guzzi, it would be either a V7 Sport or a V11 Sport Scura.  Although the new 750 Classic is tempting.
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-9807_4A5159B2.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-9807_4A5159B2.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: QCGoose on July 05, 2009, 09:55:12 PM
Name's Chris. I'm 24 from Davenport, IA. I'm a Union Pipefitter/Welder and just started my 4th year of a 5-year apprenticeship. My current Guzzi is a '98 V11-EV with 31,xxx miles on it (I've put a bit over 2K on it since I got it 2 months ago). I absolutely love this bike and plan on adding at least one more within the next few years.

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-69A6_4A51676B.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-69A6_4A51676B.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-E089_4A51676B.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-E089_4A51676B.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on July 06, 2009, 12:24:42 AM

Hi, I'm Lisa.  My main hobbies are motorcycling and scuba diving.  This is a pix of my Guzzi:

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-2B6F_4A47D30C.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-2B6F_4A47D30C.html)
2002 Guzzi V11 Le Mans

I'm the second owner.  Bought it with 9,500 miles back in March of this year - took it in for it's 12K service yesterday.  It's my first Guzzi and I love it!  

Welcome!  Nice bike.  I'm kinda partial to the spine-frame bikes, myself.

A good set of tires and a weekend in the Ozarks, and you'll never want another bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sundancer on July 06, 2009, 11:11:10 AM
Steve Quigley
soon to be 52..
married - 2nd time is the charm
2 grown Daughters (currently in Orlando and Cary, NC)
App Analyst for http://www.amerigroupcorp.com/Pages/Home.aspx (http://www.amerigroupcorp.com/Pages/Home.aspx)
dog and cat.. city pound rescues
1 bike - Christine (only a 1 car garage..)
fishing, boating and the obvious.. 

Virginia Beach, VA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Thunderbox on July 06, 2009, 12:25:47 PM
Dave Lindhorst 53 for now.
Foreman Police garage, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Retired from the military after 20 year of playing soldier.  Was a great thing to do but when it's time it's time.

Just new to the site and ride a newly purchased 04 V11 Sport with just over 1100 miles on it.  Nice bike, the catch word here is fun.  Always wanted a Guzzi so I finally decided it was time.  Other bike is an 06 Buell Ulysses.  Another fun bike.

I am a V twin guy as evidenced by my past bike purchases.  never owned an I4 and never really wanted one either.  They can have them.

Hobbies, Music, motorcycles, movies, boats, traveling and I was once an on air radio host.

If you are ever past here let me know.  I have a spare bed, tools, access to a garage and a kick ass BBQ.  Not to mention beer and a hot tub too.  Sometimes that's nice after a long ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: larrys on July 06, 2009, 12:38:01 PM
Larry Stannard, soon to be 56. Building Inspector for 15 years in SE CT. Riding and wrenching since 1969. Mostly Limey stuff til 1980, bought my first Guzzi, a '76 Convert sidecar rig. Have owned a '70 Ambassador, '83 SP, LM IV, V50 II, presently love my '95 Cal 1100 that I bought wrecked in '02. Married 23 years, daughter in college, one dog, 6 cats. Am messed up on power boats and racing sailboats, too.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on July 06, 2009, 01:30:58 PM
I thought you were okay till I read the last line on the boats. ::) Boats will mess you up.  Good thing you have a bike to ride to keep you balanced. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 988940 on July 27, 2009, 12:02:14 AM
My name is Ross, 38 Y.O., from NY.

Haven't street ridden much over the past 5-10.
All my friends ride Harleys these days.
I had an FXDX-T last year.  Got rid of it QUICKLY, after 1k mi or so.
Very ill-handling bike.  Death wobble.  Poor chassis design.

So now... Guzzi time.
Just picked up a clean '04 EV11 Touring.
6,400 mi on the odo.
Paid a lot for it, but hot bikes and hot chicks ain't cheap, are they?

Not a lot of street riding time in my schedule,
but did manage to ride 150 miles in the past week  ;D

-torque curve

-rear brake pedal (WTF??) (and no cheap fix either  ??? )
-linked brakes (WTF again)
-heel-toe shifter (which I 'kinda' seem to be getting used to, but still, WTF)
-Mickey Mouse mirrors (who sells lower profile ones?)
-Vibration felt in hand controls kinda sucks.
-Seat is shitty.  Too low, and shape is a little too cupped.

Misc thoughts;

Everyone who sees the bike compliments the styling.

I'm not too thrilled about the fairing style
nor the turbulence it created (I already took it off).

The lower fairing thingies cause motor heat to roast my feet (took them off too).

I need tires! Previous owner wore the center of the Mich Macadam tires
from too much straight-line riding.
The bike is not handling acceptably at the moment due to this.
What tires are good??
Also- can I put radials?
The way bias tires follow grooves and cracks is weird and creepy.

In general, my impressions are kinda in-line with the reviews I've read online.

The only other person I know that has a Guzzi is my uncle in Italy.
I'm not keen on models, but it is really old, it is all red, and I think it's a single cylinder.

So then-
so far, I haven't been struck by any kind of thunderbolt of passion for the bike.
(Like the thunderbolt that my '92 Duc 900SS struck me with  :o )

I like the new offerings like the Griso, Stelvio and the Vintage (much cooler bags than mine).

I dunno- the style of these Guzzis gets me going pretty good,
but their function is a question mark so far.
(what's up with these valvole idraulico's)

I know it's different,,
it's not a UJM.
Will it be a keeper?

Time will tell!  Looking forward to finding out...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: r11rider on July 27, 2009, 11:19:20 AM
Hi...can't believe I haven't posted to this thread before!

John Van Deren, 63
Montpelier, VT.
Married (twice), four kids total (hers and mine), 1st grandchild due Oct 1.
Grant writer for a local non-profit family center.
Got back into motorcycles in the 90s after divorce (great therapy), had a few BMWs (R75/6, R100CS, R1100RS) before finding my V7 Sport...loved the Sport for 8 years and sold last summer to finance my "new"  Italian love...2004 Aprilia Futura (a poor financial decision to trade an appreciating asset for a depreciating one, but the Fut stirs the juices like no other ST bike I've ridden!).

Hobbies other than bikes: woodworking, movies
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on July 27, 2009, 03:08:15 PM
My name is Ross, 38 Y.O., from NY.

Haven't street ridden much over the past 5-10.
All my friends ride Harleys these days.
I had an FXDX-T last year.  Got rid of it QUICKLY, after 1k mi or so.
Very ill-handling bike.  Death wobble.  Poor chassis design.

So now... Guzzi time.
Just picked up a clean '04 EV11 Touring.
6,400 mi on the odo.
Paid a lot for it, but hot bikes and hot chicks ain't cheap, are they?

Not a lot of street riding time in my schedule,
but did manage to ride 150 miles in the past week  ;D

-torque curve

-rear brake pedal (WTF??) (and no cheap fix either  ??? )
-linked brakes (WTF again)
-heel-toe shifter (which I 'kinda' seem to be getting used to, but still, WTF)
-Mickey Mouse mirrors (who sells lower profile ones?)
-Vibration felt in hand controls kinda sucks.
-Seat is shitty.  Too low, and shape is a little too cupped.

Misc thoughts;

Everyone who sees the bike compliments the styling.

I'm not too thrilled about the fairing style
nor the turbulence it created (I already took it off).

The lower fairing thingies cause motor heat to roast my feet (took them off too).

I need tires! Previous owner wore the center of the Mich Macadam tires
from too much straight-line riding.
The bike is not handling acceptably at the moment due to this.
What tires are good??
Also- can I put radials?
The way bias tires follow grooves and cracks is weird and creepy.

In general, my impressions are kinda in-line with the reviews I've read online.

The only other person I know that has a Guzzi is my uncle in Italy.
I'm not keen on models, but it is really old, it is all red, and I think it's a single cylinder.

So then-
so far, I haven't been struck by any kind of thunderbolt of passion for the bike.
(Like the thunderbolt that my '92 Duc 900SS struck me with  :o )

I like the new offerings like the Griso, Stelvio and the Vintage (much cooler bags than mine).

I dunno- the style of these Guzzis gets me going pretty good,
but their function is a question mark so far.
(what's up with these valvole idraulico's)

I know it's different,,
it's not a UJM.
Will it be a keeper?

Time will tell!  Looking forward to finding out...

Keep the rpm's up shift at 5K.  Cruise between 4K and 5K.  For the heel toe shifter.  Think of your left foot pivoting at the ankle and rock your foot that way.  When shifting make it a definite positive push on the lever.  No finesse style like shifting like riding a UJM.  Foot braking.  Use the little nub for your heel instead of leaving it on the floor board.  Just some minor foot adjustments.  It'll make sense to you after riding around for awhile then you can stretch out for the highway on the boards.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gentlemanjim on July 28, 2009, 02:01:11 AM

I've been rattling around here for a while and thought I'd make my intro formal.  I have owned 23 bikes over the years My present daily ride is a BMW k75 standard.   I just purchased my first Guzzi and I'm doing a restomod of a V50 III as a tribute bike to the US unavailable V7 Cafe. Her's my progress so far.



Here's my BMW

I have to say this is the most active, informative and fun group and glad to be a member.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 988940 on July 30, 2009, 07:47:31 AM

Keep the rpm's up shift at 5K.  Cruise between 4K and 5K.  For the heel toe shifter.  Think of you left foot pivoting at the ankle and rock your food that way.  When shifting make it a definite positive push on the lever.  No finesse style like shifting like riding a UJM.  Foot braking.  Use the little nub for your heel instead of leaving it on the floor board.  Just some minor foot adjustments.  It'll make sense to you after riding around for awhile then you can stretch out for the highway on the boards.
Ha ha, you said "minor"...  :D
Thanks for the input.

Seriously though-  love the bike.  Can't wait for some better weather 'round here.
Viva Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on July 30, 2009, 12:33:48 PM
Easier and cheaper to adapt to the bike than adapting the bike to your tastes or you could sell it. :o :D Spelling corrections made to previous post. :P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mountain Bob on August 22, 2009, 02:10:05 PM


This one's for Shrike -- and all the other Newbies who slipped in among us, hoping to remain private. 
When you're on a Moto Guzzi, you can NOT slip by unnoticed !!

(Vacationing dentist, yesterday, curbside in Coeur d'Alene: " 'Moto Guzzi' -- who makes that?"

... some things never change.  ;)  )
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marek on August 22, 2009, 07:54:19 PM
Marek Odoner 59 (from home of HD (never had one)
IT at local school system
Just got 2004 baby Breva (and someone run into me on first ride, I am ok, bike has few scratches)

2004 Breva 750, 1986 Honda Nighthawk 450, Suzuki DR 350
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sluggo on August 22, 2009, 07:58:33 PM
Marek Odoner 59 (from home of HD (never had one)
IT at local school system
Just got 2004 baby Breva (and someone run into me on first ride, I am ok, bike has few scratches)

2004 Breva 750, 1986 Honda Nighthawk 450, Suzuki DR 350

Sorry to hear about the accident, glad you & the bike aren't too dinged up.  The small block Breva is a neat bike that never got the attention it deserved. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wcguzzi on August 23, 2009, 12:40:35 AM
Dennis Hoagland, mid 50's
Walnut Creek, CA
Wonderful wife and daughter, and a pretty terrific german shepherd who loves me when others are pissed off.
2002 LeMans, Champagne of course
'81 G5 Cafe Project in pieces on the garage floor
Chemical Engineer (Projects), Shell Oil Company  
Trail runner, half-assed jazz guitarist, and terrible cellist. Picked up the Guzzi after 30 yr hiatus from bikes (wife is a physical therapist which may explain). Ride as time allows, wrench when I can't

Enjoy the community and appreciate someone resurfacing this thread.  (http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-B493_4A90D635.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-B493_4A90D635.html)
(http://s4.postimage.org/dzrd9xic/Guzzi_done.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/dzrd9xic/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbirdv11ev on August 23, 2009, 08:44:21 PM
 Jay Salisbury   Half a century old,  married 25 years to Ronda, Central Michigan. Union Plumber/Pipefitter for 20 years, My 1st Guzzi was a 1981 convert, sold it and got a New 1999 EV, purchased a 1974 basket case 850 t last year. Someday I will get started on it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 220 on August 23, 2009, 09:42:44 PM
hi am 220 org from glasgow scotland rasied in so cal am a mess heres my el doe clover celtic pride bike i own a auto body shop(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-5A37_4A91FE1F.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-5A37_4A91FE1F.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-8C3C_4A91FE1F.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-8C3C_4A91FE1F.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-80D5_4A91FE1F.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-80D5_4A91FE1F.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on August 23, 2009, 10:17:15 PM

Good looking bike!
Title: Welcome new users. Official Introductions Please!
Post by: Luap McKeever on August 24, 2009, 07:06:51 PM
First, welcome aboard.  We're glad to have you and hope you'll find this site both entertaining and educating.

Now, on a more serious note...
Sometimes, I receive at least 10 nasty emails per week regarding why their account has not been activated.  Some on a Monday morning, and some, only a few hours after they signed up.  Some, not even in the U.S.A., much less the same timezone.

So, I wanted to reiterate the fact that account approvals are not automatic.  Nor, are they guaranteed.  Some have tried with questionable usernames as well...and failed.

Since manually approving accounts and requiring a 'site intention' email before Chet or I approve an account, I have avoided probably 99% of potential spammers and spam-bots.  So, after signing up, please send me a message (or reply to your welcome message) and tell me to let you in.  Nothing elaborate, just so I know you're real and not a spammer.

I am tickled that some 15-20 people sign up daily.  It has to be good news for Moto Guzzi (I hope).  If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would have a board with this many members on it, I'd have called you nuts. ;D

Anyhow, I want to invite new users, and those who want to become new users, or even existing users to Check out the FAQ's (http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?board=2.0).

Also, Please refrain from posting Political, Religion, Pornography (unless their naked bikes ;D) and other senseless drivel.  This includes pictures, captions, cartoons, etc.  If you have a beef with another member, use the Private messaging system, phone call, email or face to face instead of starting a lengthy debated topic that everyone can see.

Most of all, enjoy the forum.  I built it in the hopes it would be like a virtual, and family friendly campfire.  Once again...welcome aboard!

If you registered and sent me your "human verification" email, and 24 hours pass by and your account is not yet approved, send me another one because the original could have been removed as spam.

At any given time, there are 10-20 unapproved accounts because I have not received an email from you.  If 2 days go by without me receiving said email, I delete and reject the account and chalk it up as "a spammer".  It's nothing personal...just trying to keep the board free from spammers.

Second, Introduce Yourself.  The premise of the boards existence is that of a virtual campfire.  Imaging if you will, that you are sitting around a campfire talking to your buddies and someone runs up and says "hey, I have such and such for sale", then they run off.  That sort of thing would be frowned upon.  Please avoid getting off on the wrong foot and introduce yourself here.

Your input is valuable to the forum, and the Moto Guzzi community.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mariowink on August 26, 2009, 06:16:02 PM
Thank you to the admins for allowing me to participate on this forum. My name is Mario and I am a motorcycle addict. I have been riding for over 40 years and still take cross country trips of 12 thousand miles at a time. I also have an off road bike for the logging/mountain roads and don't mind getting dirty. I enjoy riding in all weather but try to stay off of the ice. (At least on my road bike.) I look forward to sharing what I have learned and learning what you all might share.

Enjoy every mile.   :)  Mario
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-281E_4A95C212.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-281E_4A95C212.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duck-9 on November 08, 2009, 11:00:04 PM
Tom Sturm
McLeansboro, IL
Married to the same lady for 44 years

I am a really OLD sportbike type (900ss,748,675,ST4,1098) who by chance got a wrecked 06, 1100 Breva. It is as far down the Harley path (slow air cooled V twin) as I can stand to go, but to my surprise I have enjoyed it greatly. Because of that, a week ago I bought a Norge on Ebay, & just returned from a  1500+ mile trip to East TN, & NC. Yes I did the Dragon, no knee touched the ground. I also can no longer dunk. Yesterday morning when we left the motel, it was 38 degrees in Sweetwater, TN, 420 miles later in Southern IL it was 78. I hope to learn more about the good & bad of the Norge from the forum. Thanks, Tom
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BravoBravo on December 17, 2009, 05:45:41 PM
Hello everyone. I am new to this board. I've been riding for forty years and have had an assortment of motorcycles over the years (Triumphs, BMW, Harley, Yamaha, Can-Am Spyder) but purchased a 2009 Moto Guzzi Stelvio a little over a month ago. I am really loving this bike. It seems like a great all-round motorcycle. I live in London, Ontario, Canada, so there isn't much riding going on right now - too much snow and ice (even worse, lots of salt on the road!) so I am looking forward to spring and some great riding with the Stelvio.
Cheers, Bruce
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-4F93_4B2AC242.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-4F93_4B2AC242.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kitze2 on December 18, 2009, 12:04:30 AM
Well, I've been around for a few weeks and just stumbled onto this thread.

My name is Damien DiPace. I live in San Lorenzo California. My wife and I have been together for 16 years and just married this past June. We also just bought our first house. I'm a Project Manager at a shipyard here in SF bay. I specialize in inspected vessels but work on anything that comes up in the drydock. My wife is a biochemist at Genetech.
I just bought my 1st Guzzi a couple of weeks ago. Actually my brother and I both bought Norges on the same day. We made the salesman very happy.
I've always had bikes since I was 17 years old, I'm 43, except for that 31 day period in the late 80s when some creep stole my bike and I couldn't afford a new one until the insurance paid me after 30 days. I've had street bikes, dirt bikes, enduros, cruisers, racers, four strokes, two strokes and even a few rat bikes. With the Norge I've owned every major brand except Harley and KTM. I've bought the same bike more than once (3 SVs, 3 Xt600s, 4 CB1s) and I'm not ashamed of it, although I should be.
I'm an avid track day rider. I try to get at least 8-10 days a season.
Other than bikes...
We try to ski as often as we can.
The wife and I are avid gardeners. One of the big draws to our house when we first saw it was the yard with 8 different types of fruit trees. And lot's of room for veggie beds.
I love black powder cartridge shooting. Although these days I only hunt paper. There's just something about the smoke and boom I love.

I'm proud of the fact that the last network TV I saw was some show with Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepard. Survivor? Of what?

Ok now I'm all self conscious like...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roundbarrel on December 18, 2009, 02:27:28 PM
While the introductions are going around I'm Miles from New Zealand, been lurking here for a few weeks just seeing what goes on. I've been riding about thirty years, the last fifteen on my long-suffering '77 Lemans that puts up with a continuous cycle of modification, hard use and neglect with little complaint.
Also have enough projects in the garage to ensure I'm always broke and none of them ever get finished  ;D

Oh yeah, I test turboprop aircraft engines for a living, you can't argue with 5000 horsepower  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GUZZISTAS on January 11, 2010, 11:23:45 AM
Hello everybody!
I am Fanis from Greece, I am 37 years old, owner of a BREVA 1100 and member of Hellenic Moto Guzzi Club.
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-0D07_4B4B5F89.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-0D07_4B4B5F89.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nick949 on January 11, 2010, 12:05:47 PM
Hello Folks,

Nick Adams - 58, newbie to the list and, after a 30 year hiatus, reborn motorbike fanatic and Eldo rider, currently cursing Canadian winters and the dent it puts in being in the saddle.
Occupation - archaeological consultant (sounds far more glamorous than it really is).
Married, 3 older kids (15, 20, 22)
Inverary, Ontario Canada  (eastern end of Lake Ontario)

I have a few bike related tales on line at http://www.wanderpigs.com/Authors/NickAdams.html (http://www.wanderpigs.com/Authors/NickAdams.html) if anyone has a few moments to kill. One describes a manic trip on the Eldo to the Chic Chocs in eastern Quebec. The other describes early motorcycle adventures on a 1950 P & M Panther 600 when I was in my teens.

Love this list - the membership is articulate, funny, respectful of the opinions of other. Long may it remain that way.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on January 11, 2010, 10:49:33 PM
While the introductions are going around I'm Miles from New Zealand, been lurking here for a few weeks just seeing what goes on. I've been riding about thirty years, the last fifteen on my long-suffering '77 Lemans that puts up with a continuous cycle of modification, hard use and neglect with little complaint.
Also have enough projects in the garage to ensure I'm always broke and none of them ever get finished  ;D

Oh yeah, I test turboprop aircraft engines for a living, you can't argue with 5000 horsepower  ;-T


You live in Picton and you test jet engines  ???

Welcome to the wild world of WildGuzzi.

Love the Queen Charlotte on a warm summers day.  Come out in Picton with face ache from the grin factor. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGuzziGuy on January 11, 2010, 11:16:52 PM

  Anthony, New Jersey

  Self Employed

  Been riding since I was very young.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ambarado on January 11, 2010, 11:48:55 PM
I'm a real new goose here, but have totally enjoyed all the info, humor, and insanity!  Keep it up.

Craig Sheldrick
58 years old, like another here, I act 12, my mind is 28, summer 25, winter 105.
Benton City, Washington State.

Been riding, all street,  since about 78.  Have ridden small yamahas, TR6C trumpet for awhile, bought my first used Guzzi in 1990.  It was a converted convert, proceded to put 170k on it.  I haven't had really any interest in wanting another brand.  

Had a 2001 Bassa, put 38k on that one while I was building my Ambarado.
Sold the Bassa.

My daily ride now is the Ambarado.  I've got about 50k on it.  (very modified 1970 Ambassador police)
On shelves are;
                    My friends 74 Eldo police, and his nephews 68 V700.
                    My 73 1/2 Eldo California 4-shoe
                         73 July Eldo police 4-shoe
And probably enough stuff to do another loop and a tonti.

My interests are 99% Guzzi.
I play a 68 Rogers drum kit.
Would like to learn bass.

As far as work, I was a journeyman sheet metal worker for 12 years.  Now I have a government job, I'm a Governmental Monetary Dispersial Tech. ::)

Have an awesome girl friend who loves to ride.

I hope to see as many of you Guzzi people at the National ralley in John Day Oregon this coming June.

Awesome forum here.

Ambarado  aka - Craig

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: muz61 on January 12, 2010, 12:57:17 AM
Wow, I'm part of a big World family it seems!
Murray Maunder, age 55
Tauranga, New Zealand
TV Cameraman/Producer/Director Freelance (incl motorsport TV)

Current bikes Aprilia RSV1000R (2000), Moto Guzzi Griso 1100 (2006)

Bought this very tasty black Griso 2V 1100 before Christmas and now I ride much more often - it's so user friendly!
Plan to outfit the bike with easily detached saddlebags before hopefully travelling to New Zealand's South Island at Easter with some mates to attend a Warbirds show with all the great old WWII stuff.

I've ridden bikes since 1971-78 Suzukis, 1979-83 RD and RZ Yamahas racing production classes, before settling briefly into a Suzuki RG500 Gamma. A break to build my media company and have a family life (stupid me!) meant I rode bikes from my mate's shop (Suzukis, then Aprilias and Guzzis) in exchange with helping his race team. I got to respect, then be intrigued by Moto Guzzis. A V1100 Sport was the revelation that these slightly awkward looking Italians were (are) the real deal - a rider's machine with tons of real-world character.

I bought the Aprilia RSV1000R 3 years ago and in that time put 15,000km on it, riding mainly day trips to our twisty road areas (Coromandel, Rotorua Lakes if you know NZ at all). Trouble with these bikes (like all pure sport bikes) is the presence of the law enforcement, high speeds necessary to enjoy them, and lack of comfort, pillion provision. In other words they are bloody impractical!

Every time I head up my driveway on the Griso I already have a grin on my dial - whether it's a trip to the cafe or a ride over the ranges to another city. I hope I still love this bike this much in a years time. Of the Suzuki T250 and GT750 and RG500, the Yamaha two strokes, the Kawasaki H1, and the Aprilia, I think this bike has a special place. The all round fun bike to ride anywhere, whatever the pace.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roundbarrel on January 12, 2010, 10:57:54 PM

You live in Picton and you test jet engines  ???

Welcome to the wild world of WildGuzzi.

Love the Queen Charlotte on a warm summers day.  Come out in Picton with face ache from the grin factor. ;-T

I live in Picton but work over the hill in Blenheim, the engine test facility is out the back of the airport there.

The Queen Charlotte is about five minutes from my front door  ;D  I usually avoid it this time of year though, it tends to be choked up with road magots (caravans,camper vans and idiots towing boats).
Let me know if you'd like to catch up over here some time.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JPL on January 13, 2010, 09:53:34 PM
Another Minneapolis Guzzier piping up.
J. Paul Liebenow, Tricenarian (30)
Audio guy & Musician

My 1980 V50II
Note the anti-theft paint scheme. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bugs on January 15, 2010, 10:34:15 PM
Howdy - I'm Bugs, I'm in southern Vermont. I'm the Night Shift foreman on the Snowmaking crew at Mt. Snow. Been making snow for 29 winters now. I currently own an 02 V11 Le Mans (for sale) I'm lookin to buy a late model California. I've had many bikes over the years, I usually own em for a couple of years & then try something different. I can't afford to own more than one at a time, so that's my reason. I wanna play on a buncha different toys before I slide off this tarmac into the next world!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: john.l.ford on January 15, 2010, 10:55:23 PM
John Ford
AGE 41
MARRIED 22 years
2003 California Stone Metal
Citrus Heights, Ca
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Green1000S on January 16, 2010, 11:10:34 AM

Lauri Virkkunen, 51
Judging from the places I have lived, I am a travelling gypsy.
Wife and 2 daughters + retarded English bulldog, T-bone (aka bonehead)

I live in Pennsylvania, middle of Lancaster Amish country.

I've been riding on and off, mostly jap bikes and Harleys. Last year I got a Guzzi 1000S.
Certified gearhead, I like anything that spins and makes lots of noise. Old, new, does not matter. Including guns.
I wrech just about everything on my bikes and cars, being a watchmaker I like taking things apart. Occationally I even get them back together! ;D

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-F352_4B51F2A6.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-F352_4B51F2A6.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-2AD8_4B51F2A6.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-2AD8_4B51F2A6.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Randown on January 17, 2010, 09:33:47 AM
Greetings! I'm a fair weather Sunday rider & a Guzzi noob.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on January 17, 2010, 10:14:28 AM
Never seen this thread. Never did an intro.

Name: Brian
Age: 54
Location: 40km north of Copenhagen (Europe, Denmark)
Occupation: Nordic IT Service Delivery Manager at a large US Corp. company.
Started riding anything with an engine at the age of 8 I think
My first real bikes above 50cc an NSU Super Fox, NSU Super Max and a Lambretta 150cc scooter.
My first street legal bike: Honda CB72

Hobby: Geese, Guzzi and small blocks ;o)
Why: They are unique, they have spirit and soul, they are simple, and they are a hoot to ride and most people really like them.
My favorite ride - my red lady Targa. No need for pics, you've seen her before.
My main project for the time being, rebuilding a 1986 red Lario.
My pasion - making a 750cc 8valve small block mill stable for upgrading my Targa. The engine originally ment for her before the factory binned it.

I find this forum entertaining, helpfull and for most parts freindly. I enjoy its somwhat global profile.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fpicabia on January 17, 2010, 01:23:05 PM
jeff taylor


furniture builder, with a taste for the arts.

motorcycles, telemark skiing, flyfishing, climbing, surfing, travel, lots of reading.

springs, long island/brooklyn, ny.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brownk on January 17, 2010, 02:41:17 PM
Kevin Brown  48 yrs. Been around Guzzi since 1989.  Couldn't get one til 2002. Kids and all you know. Now i own 2,  a 90 cal lll and  an 07 norge.  I live in Elwood, Ks.  2 woods that don't float Natalie and Elwood.  Anyway I'm new to this computer stuff so have fun with me and be safe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: matt in aust on January 18, 2010, 04:54:03 AM
Greetings from a lurking luddite (never posted anything before, so bear with me).

Matt, 52, currently farming in southern New South Wales (that's a State in Aust) between a couple of insignficant places called Tarcutta and Adelong (sheep, cattle, native grass seed, 4000 acres) married with one professional student daughter. Employees - me, wife and 4 Kelpies (sheep dog breed) - I'm very much at the bottom of the pecking order with wife and dogs fighting it out at the top. Done a few things at the same time as farming - journalist, technical writer, farrier, horsebreaker, showjumping trainer, mechanic, professional student (took me a looooong time to get a couple of degrees) shearer, environmental revegetation, etc.

Currently run a Guzzi Lemon 1000 which is gradually being reduced to its component bits as I delve into the 'bargain' I bought a few years ago.

Lovely things Guzzis, nearly as primitive as a shovel but prettier.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tobit on January 20, 2010, 03:22:35 PM



Director of Engineering at a PBS station

Married, (used to not be fat and balding) to a beautiful Kentuckian (filly, not a horse) 10 years my junior.  (I'm not stupid).  Kentucky women are the best.  They like to fight and are never wrong.  She balances our checkbook, homeschools our offspring, is a print journalist and puts up with a lot.  She also holds a higher degree and a greater earning potential than I do.  (I'm not stupid)

We're Catholic (she converted, I came back)

Two beautiful kids, girl & boy, 10 & 9, born in Memphis.  Love blues.  Older the better.

Officer in the Knights of Columbus (Told you I was Catholic)

Faith, family and then all the rest: Guitars, Guns, Motorcycles, old books (what I should have read in school rather than Cycle and Chilton's), old music.

Like to tinker with and rebuild old guitar amplifiers, love my Les Paul, Tele, Martin as much as my Guzzi and all of them more than "Smokey" my 93 year old Colt 1911.  Love the outdoors, I can see it from my deck or when the garage door is open.  Guess that makes me an expert in forestry policy.

Love Memphis.  Hated leaving but so goes life.  I can smoke some mean-assed ribs when John Lee Hooker is on the turntable.  Son prefers Steppenwolf but he's 9.  What does he know.

Hard Core Luddite which makes my communications career an interesting way to spend my life.  A conflicted soul, I'm a Gemini.  Twitter is for birds, Facebook is what happens when I read in bed at night, don't want to text when there are 373 emails in my Outlook inbox.  

Love to cook, I'm of Spanish descent so food is life.  If it has olives and saffron.

Onion, Garlic and Bell Peppers are the Holy Trinity.

Started riding at 12 in '70 on a cousin's Yamaha JT1.  Never stopped until we started a family then the LeMans and Cali got parked for about 5 years so I could be home for that critical early time.  Except that I bought a few early '70s Montesa Cotas (247s, 348s) and spent ALL my time in the garage restoring then riding AHRMA and regional Vintage Trials events.  Gorgeous bikes, wish I still had the Rathmell 348s.  

First noticed Guzzis while a teen living in Panama.  Saw my first burgundy Ambo or Eldo and never forgot it.  Fell in love with the '83 LeMans III but ended up buying my LeMans IV.

Motorcycles owned?  Not many.  Between '72 and today, pretty much in order '72 Hodaka 125 Wombat (kid), '73 Yamaha RT3 360 (teen), '76 Suzuki GT500 (college), '84 Kawasaki GPz750 (twenty something dumbass), '86 LeMans IV (almost 30), '81 V50 Monza (for girlfriend, still have), '89 BMW R100RT (bought in '93 while in Michigan), '93(?) Guzzi Cal III Touring (Givi bags, trunk, full fairing, bought in '95).  

Still have the LeMans and the Monza.

Guess that covers it.

Oh, yea, Long winded.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ponti_33609 on January 20, 2010, 03:47:16 PM
for girlfriend, still have

Hi Tobit,

Nice intro .... one question.......your wife let's you keep the girlfriend?

 :D :D :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tobit on January 20, 2010, 03:59:52 PM
Almost.  GF was XGF for 3 years and the week before I married the XGF called out of the blue.  Quite a trick since I'd moved to different states, twice.  XGF heard I was getting married, don't know how and knew who future wife was.  All ok but hairy at the time.  XGF was nice, wife is better.  Monza is souvenir.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PJQ on January 20, 2010, 08:49:21 PM
G'day from Melbourne in Oz.

Acquired a friend's 72 ex-copper Eldo after he bought a house and decided nine bikes wouldn't fit the shed or the new budget constraints.

What a sweet ride!
I've fallen in love with her - as you do - especially when she's dripping wet....

Oh yeah,  Peter Quick
just threw a leg over 50  (cripes what job that is).

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: double.d on January 20, 2010, 09:18:33 PM
Greetings from a lurking luddite (never posted anything before, so bear with me).

Matt, 52, currently farming in southern New South Wales (that's a State in Aust) between a couple of insignficant places called Tarcutta and Adelong (sheep, cattle, native grass seed, 4000 acres) married with one professional student daughter. Employees - me, wife and 4 Kelpies (sheep dog breed) - I'm very much at the bottom of the pecking order with wife and dogs fighting it out at the top. Done a few things at the same time as farming - journalist, technical writer, farrier, horsebreaker, showjumping trainer, mechanic, professional student (took me a looooong time to get a couple of degrees) shearer, environmental revegetation, etc.

Currently run a Guzzi Lemon 1000 which is gradually being reduced to its component bits as I delve into the 'bargain' I bought a few years ago.

Lovely things Guzzis, nearly as primitive as a shovel but prettier.

Hi Matt, i grew up not that far from you in Griffith.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wirebiter on January 21, 2010, 02:45:26 PM

Brian Roth living in Taunton, Massachusetts

39 (for the 4th time)

Electrical engineer for the Boston grid (now) after 20 years of absorbing neutons in Aircraft carriers for the Navy.

Married (to a wife who is wonderfully supporting of my need for motorcycling) with three kids.

I've been riding since I was 11 but always on Japanese bikes until I finally succumbed to lust for an Italian V-Twin and as of last September, now have an 08 1200 Sport.

Travel (especially of the adventurous kind on motorcyle) is my #1 hobby.  My crowning ride thus far has been a 4 month, 16,000some mile sojourn to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and back.

see:   http://anotheradventure39.spaces.live.com

I'm looking to ride the James Bay, QC road this summer which will complete my goal of visiting all the provinces and territories of Canada (as Hudson Bay is Nunavut).

The stable:

92 Kawi Concours
97 Kawi KLR650
05 Suzuki DL1000 VStrom
08 MG 1200 Sport

Thanks to all on this forum that I've been gleaning info and ideas from! (http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-5E99_4B58BC74.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-5E99_4B58BC74.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-B955_4B58BC74.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-B955_4B58BC74.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-7D7B_4B58BC74.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-7D7B_4B58BC74.html)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-980F_4B58BC74.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-980F_4B58BC74.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: isleter55 on February 16, 2010, 07:26:44 PM
A first gen boomer started the life at the same time as the Panhead.

Fascinated by the CB450’s racing DOHC when it came out, but the poor performance in Mile High city’s lean air and the lack of enjoyable low end torque lead to the departure from riding for a third of a century until a recent re-entry.  

Joined the board to look for solutions to remedy minor oil leakages and intake/exhaust leak from the right cylinder manifold/header during warm-up, the 1980 850T3 shows her age and wobbles somehow like her owner, hopefully a planned mid-life update will bring her liveliness back.

She’s getting the factory seat replaced by an old solo saddle to uncover her beautiful rear (shinny fender), removing the now inapposite rear grab bar requires loosening two bolts that secure the fender to the frame extensions, and putting them back without dropping the two Bakelite panniers out of alignment, not at all an easy task for a lone pensioner to wrench.(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-44F2_4B7B445F.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-44F2_4B7B445F.html)<divclass="msgbox">Nofilesuploaded!</div>

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wes Stephens on February 16, 2010, 08:30:25 PM
Wes Stephens, 67 years young, retired but used to be an electronics tech, Washburn, MO

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: punkrod on February 23, 2010, 01:29:11 PM
Another Wildgoose newb.
My name's Pieter, I live in San Diego. Been riding since the ripe age of 5. I have and had lotsa bikes over the years, mostly Harley's but also a few euro machines, (BMW, Triumph, Norton, Ducati). By day, I'm an electromechanical engineer and I wrench on bikes in the evenings and weekends.
I recently aquired this '72 Eldo. It does run but needs tuning / transmission / clutch work.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzimundi on February 23, 2010, 01:33:10 PM

Welcome! Looks like you're gonna have some fun with that rebuild. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on February 23, 2010, 08:12:35 PM
I live in Elwood, Ks.  2 woods that don't float Natalie and Elwood.

I'll have to remember that one. I'm near Elwood, In.  :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince in Milwaukee on February 28, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Another Wildgoose newb.
My name's Pieter, I live in San Diego. Been riding since the ripe age of 5. I have and had lotsa bikes over the years, mostly Harley's but also a few euro machines, (BMW, Triumph, Norton, Ducati). By day, I'm an electromechanical engineer and I wrench on bikes in the evenings and weekends.
I recently aquired this '72 Eldo. It does run but needs tuning / transmission / clutch work.

This machine looks to be in more than capable hands.  Welcome to the madness. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TT650 on April 21, 2010, 02:21:34 PM
I live in Elwood, Ks.  2 woods that don't float Natalie and Elwood.

I'll have to remember that one. I'm near Elwood, In.  :D

Just goes to show you that you should pay attention in school, I was under the impression that Elwood means an errection in spanish :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ambassador dreamer on April 21, 2010, 02:47:30 PM
James Garcia
back in college for Diagnostic Medical Sonography,and out of work
Married to a wonderful wife!
have an awesome son-5yrs. old
Guitarist,played in a few bands- "Broomhellda" and when I was a kid played in a band in N.Y.C. called "Antidote"(hardcore/punk),and Shang HiFi, played tons of shows in the North East Coast- but didn't add up to much- except for having great times. Now, just glad my wife can deal w/me and enjoying watching and playing w/my son. Hopefully, graduate from college and get some work-then get a Guzzi of my dream.-(There are so many Guzzi's I love!) How's that for a short take!-LOL!
P.S.- I love this forum! Yes, I'm a Newbie(or maybe a "Wannabe"), but it has been so helpful in my learning about motorcycles and true therapy- when I get to see and hear all your stories and bikes. Thank you- everyone!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TT650 on April 21, 2010, 04:33:28 PM
Ohhps already posted and did not introduce myself.

Name: Rudy Muller
Location: Cary, IL but lived in a few different places (Switzerland untill 21, Canada, Quebec and Ontario untill 29, New York, New Jersey and now in Illionis since 1994.
Age: 45
Never married but got custody of my son (almost 9 years old) and do have one of those things that sit in the car next to you and make a lot of noise..... ummmmm yeah Girlfriend. (she gets made when I tell her that to :) )
Occupation: Machinist, tool and die maker, but in the last 2o some years all I did was install and repair machines in the packaging industry and sit on my rear in an office too much.

Hobbies: things I can do with my son, like BMX, Tae Kwon Do, love any kind of racingif it got wheels and makes noise I will watch. Camping especially at Road America.

My first "accident" on a motorcycle came about at the age of 4 month, my dad took me and mom for a ride in the sidecar and of course it was time to show of his driving skills to his first born. He popped the sidecar up in the air and mom was strangeling me. At 7 I got a little moped looking thingi that had a running motor, then a 50 cc bike with 10 and soon I borrowed some bikes from Dad when he was not home. He found out most of the time and he was a beliver that if you do wrong you get your butt spanked, as soon as my rear healed we tried again :)
The first bike I owned was a Zundapp 125 six days edition boy what a screamer that one was. Honda XL 125 and then had some Yamahas XT 600 and 660's, Yamaha FZR 600 in 91 my first new bike. When I moved to the US I sold that and soon after got myself a Ducati 900SS. Sold it 3 years ago and now will get a few older bikes from my dad, Guzzi TT650, a 72 Ducati 250 this is acctualy my sons bike. A Benelli 250 don't know the year all I know it hardly ever runs and when it does it goes really really fast. This will be a project for me and junior, we modify it to take to the track. And last but not least my dad's modified Universal with sidecar this is the bike he used to race with some 50 years ago.

Long story sorry.

Having a blast on here and look forward to get to know some of you better over the years :)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-DD67_4BCF6F17.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-DD67_4BCF6F17.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ambassador dreamer on April 21, 2010, 06:14:57 PM
Ohhps already posted and did not introduce myself.

Name: Rudy Muller
Location: Cary, IL but lived in a few different places (Switzerland untill 21, Canada, Quebec and Ontario untill 29, New York, New Jersey and now in Illionis since 1994.
Age: 45
Never married but got custody of my son (almost 9 years old) and do have one of those things that sit in the car next to you and make a lot of noise..... ummmmm yeah Girlfriend. (she gets made when I tell her that to :) )
Occupation: Machinist, tool and die maker, but in the last 2o some years all I did was install and repair machines in the packaging industry and sit on my rear in an office too much.

Hobbies: things I can do with my son, like BMX, Tae Kwon Do, love any kind of racingif it got wheels and makes noise I will watch. Camping especially at Road America.

My first "accident" on a motorcycle came about at the age of 4 month, my dad took me and mom for a ride in the sidecar and of course it was time to show of his driving skills to his first born. He popped the sidecar up in the air and mom was strangeling me. At 7 I got a little moped looking thingi that had a running motor, then a 50 cc bike with 10 and soon I borrowed some bikes from Dad when he was not home. He found out most of the time and he was a beliver that if you do wrong you get your butt spanked, as soon as my rear healed we tried again :)
The first bike I owned was a Zundapp 125 six days edition boy what a screamer that one was. Honda XL 125 and then had some Yamahas XT 600 and 660's, Yamaha FZR 600 in 91 my first new bike. When I moved to the US I sold that and soon after got myself a Ducati 900SS. Sold it 3 years ago and now will get a few older bikes from my dad, Guzzi TT650, a 72 Ducati 250 this is acctualy my sons bike. A Benelli 250 don't know the year all I know it hardly ever runs and when it does it goes really really fast. This will be a project for me and junior, we modify it to take to the track. And last but not least my dad's modified Universal with sidecar this is the bike he used to race with some 50 years ago.

Long story sorry.

Having a blast on here and look forward to get to know some of you better over the years :)(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-DD67_4BCF6F17.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-DD67_4BCF6F17.html)

Sorry Rudy- I'm not much of a computer tech,I had to quote you.  I have to compliment your bike in the picture you posted! WOW!!! A beautiful example of great design!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sack on April 21, 2010, 07:04:49 PM
Hi everyone!

I've been riding for 45 of my 56 years and I just can't shake it! Not that I want to. Was looking for a new bike, hadn't initially thought of a Guzzi but somehow happened upon them. After hearing of the prices of NOS and taking a test ride the hook was set.

I'm enjoying my Norge very much and have brought the wife back into riding with me some. While the kids were home it was too dangerous of an activity for her. But with the encouragement of riding couples we know she's getting more used to the idea. Hoping to plan some weekend ride-aways when time allows.

I work at a hospital here in the Seattle area and have found this board very helpful in getting to know my Guzzi better.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stone(r) on April 21, 2010, 07:09:47 PM
What's hapnin everyone?    T. Jay here... 33, Pipefitter, Hoboken NJ (Birthplace of Frank Sinatra and Baseball)  Also, I ride a 2003 Cali Stone
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lucretia on April 22, 2010, 01:11:44 AM
Lorne Paidel, Regina Saskatchewan.
59 yrs and retired. I'm on my second Guzzi.  First was  "Lucretia", 2000 Cali Sp. I fell in love with it at first sight, in February, in the middle of a winter storm.  Bought it then and there. Alas, we parted ways, literally, on a large patch of spilled oil.  I recovered, she didn't.  I found a 2007 Cal Vin with 15000 kms in Toronto and had it shipped here last October. I miss the valve sounds of the Cali Sp but love the updated engine on Cal Vin. This, by the way was the only Cal Vin registered in Saskatchewan! I am glad to see I'm not the only person to go crazy over Guzzi.(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-B3F6_4BCFE6AC.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-B3F6_4BCFE6AC.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wildebube on April 22, 2010, 04:47:49 PM
I’ve been here for a while but never wrote an intro – so here goes:

Lee Norman – 54 – computer geek.  I like to say Wills Point, TX because that’s the closest town, but I’m really somewhere southeast of Elmo.

I started riding in the summer of 1970 on a brand spanking new  Kawasaki Bushmaster 90, other known as a G3TR.  It wasn’t mine, but it might as well have been.  From there I went to a borrowed Bultaco Pursang 125.  My first bike was a Maico 360 that I bought in Germany in the spring of ’74.  It was there in Germany that I first became interested in Moto Guzzi and BMW.  I moved back to the States in ’74 and started riding on the street on a ’72 Honda CB350.  I went through several Japanese bikes while I was dropping in and out of college, but finally decided to go euro once I graduated and had a real job.  At that time I was looking at a BMW R65LS and a V50 Lemans.  I ended up with the BMW.  I liked the V50, but had never seen one in the flesh.  The R65LS was sitting on the showroom floor calling to me.  That got me into the BMW thing. 

The R65LS gave way to an R80ST, then an R100GS/PD, then an R1100RS.  I liked the RS, but somewhere along the way, motorcycling had stopped being fun.  I thought long and hard about giving up riding.  I wasn’t enjoying it and I really wasn’t riding much at all.  I finally sat myself down and gave myself a good talking to.  I tried to think about what it was that had made it fun in the past and why it wasn’t fun now.  I came to the conclusion that I just had more fun on bikes that were smaller, lighter, and simpler.  So I sold the RS and started looking.

I looked at a lot of bikes, but when all was said and done, my choice came down to a BMW F650CS and a Breva – the 750 was the only one at the time.  The BMW was butt ugly, but exceptionally practical for commuting and riding around the local area.  One cylinder, light, clean, and simple belt drive, ABS, great mileage, cheap to insure, and being a BMW, familiar.  The Breva, to my eyes, was absolutely gorgeous and sounded great.  The test rides were short and didn’t convince me either way, so it ended up being a head vs. heart decision.  Back then Moto Guzzi had only been going out of business for 80 years, and just before being acquired by Aprilia, they were on the ropes again.  I loved the Breva, but decided that the BMW was the smarter choice.

Mechanically, I liked the F650, but the fugly looks never grew on me.  I kept it for not quite two years and traded it on an F650GS Dakar.  In many ways the Dakar was the best bike I’ve ever owned, but last summer I found myself looking again.  The Dakar was tall enough that I was beginning to have trouble swinging my creaky leg over it and was really uncomfortable stopping on unlevel ground.  I wanted something more comfortable and capable in west Texas where the speed limit is 80mph and the prevailing speed is faster than that.

A quick glance at the BMW lineup, and I decided that the next bike would definitely be a Guzzi.  Then it was just the small block vs. big block decision.  My previous experience with BMW made me think that the V7C was probably what I would like the best, but I was simply in love with the 1200 Sport.  Since this is already so long, I won’t go into the whole process.  I just decided to go with the one that was tugging on my heart strings.  I still wonder if I wouldn’t have been just as happy, or even happier with the V7C .  But I love the 1200 Sport.  What I really need is enough space and money for the 1200 Sport AND a V7C.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wildebube on April 22, 2010, 04:50:45 PM
Oh yeah, there's something else I should mention.  My brother-in-law liked my Guzzi so much that he went Guzzi shopping too.  He traded his '08 KLR 650 and bought a NOS '07 Griso.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jklotz on April 23, 2010, 05:36:30 PM
Very interesting thread! That's one of the things I love about bikes - the diversity of the people who they seem to bring together.

James Klotz
Atlanta, GA
Single, but long term GF

I'm a professional architectural photographer www.jamesklotz.com. I also teach photography ay a local college.

Been into bikes for all of my adult life (father hates them, or I would have had them as a kid too). Owned upwards of 20+ bikes in my time, but never a Guzzi. I am currently in the process of buying a Stelvio, hopefully by next week. My other bikes are an 08' KTM Superduke, 08' BMW K1200S and an 08' KTM 990 ADV (which I'll be selling shortly to finance the Guzzi ;)  ) I try to keep the stable at 3, although it's not always easy...

Biggest accomplishment on a bike: riding from Atlanta to Terra del Fuego (the end of South America) solo. Awesome trip! 16K miles on a GS.

I've got a greyhound who is a rescue from the race tracks. He's a good boy.

Other hobbies include brewing beer, guns (although I've never pointed a gun at another living being in my life), photography (obviously) and travel. Past hobbies have included caving, racing bicycles (road), mountain biking, playing guitar and music recording.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Texpatriate on April 27, 2010, 12:15:16 AM
Joshua Michael Cheek
propmaster in West Hollywood
I work on a great show for ABC called Castle, which means that I have very little free time. I live with my wonderful girlfriend and our dog, Tony, and cat, Lulu. I own a Vespa GTS250 & and a '06 MINI Cooper JCW. I'm about to have two months off between seasons, so I'm planning on buying my first real motorcycle, which happens to be a V7 Cafe Classic. So, I'll be using you guys for advice real soon.  ;-T  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on April 27, 2010, 01:04:40 AM
Welcome on board, Joshua!

The V7C belongs to a class of Guzzi's that will put a smile on your face, hard to get rid of ;-T
Search the site, and you'll know. We have quite a few enthused V7C owners on the board.
This bike is a true head turner too :o

Isn't she beautiful ::)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ambassador dreamer on April 29, 2010, 02:55:23 PM
Hey Iceblue! That bike looks Hot!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on April 30, 2010, 01:13:50 AM
Unfortunately not mine - I wish it was though :-\

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: old head on April 30, 2010, 07:47:07 AM
I haven't see this thread before either so.....

Glen Johnson
age       53
likes      fishing, hunting, guns, genealogy, and travel

I worked for Louisiana Department of Transportation as a draftsman and lab tech for about a year, then worked at Howard Brothers for 10 years in store management before they went bankrupt, then 2 years as receiving manager for Super Saver Wholesale (bankrupt), then to Old America Stores for 10 years in management before they went bankrupt, a couple of years with Office Max, then quit, their management operation was not for me, retail was changing.

landed a job at a chemical plant here in Louisiana.  Wife went back to LSU to get her degree in '98, BS and then Masters, daughter started LSU in '00, got her BS and Master's, son started in '01 and got his BS. Me, I had about 60 hours of college credit, 2 years of trade school as draftsman, and a job that I didn't care for, and work experience in a field that I come to despise.  Somewhere along the way I decided I need to get a degree, so in '02 I started LSU part-time and began working night shifts at the plant.  Now, 8 years later, l am scheduled to graduate this May.....

First two wheeler was a Briggs and Stratton mini bike that got abused and wrecked many, many times.  At 17 bought a one year old '73 Kawasaki 175 enduro, then moved on to an assortment of two stroke dirt bikes from 90cc-250cc all Japanese.  

1978 bought my first street bike, new '78 Honda 400 Hawk, kept 2 years
1980 bought new another 400 Honda Hawk, sold too many problems
1982 bought a new leftover '80 Honda Ft 500 single, kept this one for 12 years.  My favorite up to now

Had two kids, and decided that it was time to do family stuff, so sold the FT and didn't return until '07 when I bought the Breva.  Both kids had graduated and left the nest, although the boy kept coming back.  Anyway, I had started a motorcycle fund several years back, and I would work an extra shift from time to time and put that money in the fund.  

Then one day, and a new shop opened up, they sold Vespa's, Aprilla's, and Moto Guzzi's.  So I stop in to see.  I had seen a Guzzi years ago (73-74) in a shop and really liked the look of them, but way out of my reach during my early years.  There it sat, a red Breva 750, only Guzzi they had.  I threw a leg over it, and I knew this is what I wanted, but bigger.

So, I found this site, called a few shops and MPH had a black 1100 leftover.  Called Mike @ MPH on a Friday, talked to wife when she got home, called Mike back on Saturday and gave him deposit.  Picked up bike on December 8 or so, day after finals at LSU.  

Even though I have concerns about the long term viability of Moto Guzzi, shaft drive and the electonics on the Breva, when the motor starts all the concerns leave.  It is like I am transported to a place where it is just me and bike, no other problems can intrude.  I will probably have this one for a long, long time.

Old Head

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on May 01, 2010, 01:36:11 AM

It is like I am transported to a place where it is just me and bike, no other problems can intrude.  I will probably have this one for a long, long time.

Old Head

You know it Old Head ;-T ;-T ;-T

Good to get to know you ;)
We share a few interests - Guzzi, Genealogy and travel. (Just home from Egypt - with 4 additional days extension to the trip - Volcano in Iceland)
I spent "2 years" in central Florida from '77 to '79 (not too far from Louisiana)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: old head on May 01, 2010, 10:05:57 AM

I have only been to Spain, Mexico, and Italy so far.  I have been to most of the states except Oregon, the Northeastern states.  We have been thinking of going to South Africa this summer, but it probably won't happen as I really need to go back to work in my new profession.

My Dodge needs a new paint job, and new carpet and such, its 18 years old and 230k, it needs some cosmetic attention.  Same for the boat, needs new carpet, and seats.  Lots of little projects that have been put on hold the last 2 years due to school.

I really haven't done much on my family history in awhile, too busy.  I have had some information published in a book by a noted genealogist in Alabama, Floyd Johnson's JOHNSON Family History.  It seems my genealogy had a start somewhere in Norway at some point, many many years ago before coming to Scotland.  I haven't found any direct links yet, but the information seems to indicate this, probably never know for sure in this lifetime.

Old Head
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: booger on May 01, 2010, 10:15:21 AM



(dont all come asking me for help all at once now, guzzi addictions are for life, not something you can taper down with a therpeutic intervention)

Unmarried and wondering

wandering like a gypsy whenever i can and eating food and drinking libations as I ride the wave while the surfs up on the rollercoaster ride through the universe as we know it
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on May 01, 2010, 10:26:35 AM

I have only been to Spain, Mexico, and Italy so far.  I have been to most of the states except Oregon, the Northeastern states.  We have been thinking of going to South Africa this summer, but it probably won't happen as I really need to go back to work in my new profession.

My Dodge needs a new paint job, and new carpet and such, its 18 years old and 230k, it needs some cosmetic attention.  Same for the boat, needs new carpet, and seats.  Lots of little projects that have been put on hold the last 2 years due to school.

I really haven't done much on my family history in awhile, too busy.  I have had some information published in a book by a noted genealogist in Alabama, Floyd Johnson's JOHNSON Family History.  It seems my genealogy had a start somewhere in Norway at some point, many many years ago before coming to Scotland.  I haven't found any direct links yet, but the information seems to indicate this, probably never know for sure in this lifetime.

Old Head

I have a few generations in place by now, among others my fathers German lines. My wife is a pure bread viking, without the red hair though, she's still somewhat blond, no greys - in spite of our age. I'm almost total silver ;D, but genealogy is a life time occupation as I'm sure you know  ;)  


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: old head on May 01, 2010, 10:39:21 AM

I started this discovery of family history about 20 years ago, and it is amazing how much information there is out there once you start searching for it.  I was lucky that my family lived here in southern Louisiana, as the Catholic Church kept very good records for many years, albeit a lot of it in french.  My dad's side has a paper trail to England till about 1600, as that is when my ancestor (he was from N. Scotland) joined the British Army and was sent to Nova Scotia and lived the rest of his life there.

My mom's side seems to come from Switzerland, then France after leaving the troubling times of the french aristocracy.  

It seems many people were interested in our family history and the amount of information people have is amazing once they realize someone is interested in it.

Old Head
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tiger02 on May 02, 2010, 02:45:55 AM
Hi all-

Didn't want to get too far ahead of myself over the last week, but can't wait any longer!  Ebay auction  (http://"http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230466396325&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_500wt_924")just ended for my first motorcycle, a 1974 850T.  The timing was perfect; my girl's going to ride it for the next month while we get ready to ride the Delhi - Leh loop in India at the beginning of June.  Meantime I'm riding around and just starting to learn to work on a Honda CB 125 knockoff.  SO

Tom, age 30, work in economic development in Afghanistan.  Never had wife, kids, house, or much of anything else permanent.  Figure it's about time to grow up and take a stand so got a tattoo and a bike that I'm not going to want to give up.  The world's newest Guzzi Girl is shy about introducing herself right now, but she's in LA so we'll be looking for suggestions for a good shop and good rides in SoCal.  

Fokken excited to join the club!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on May 02, 2010, 06:04:13 AM
Hi all-

Didn't want to get too far ahead of myself over the last week, but can't wait any longer!  Ebay auction  (http://"http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230466396325&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_500wt_924")just ended for my first motorcycle, a 1974 850T.  The timing was perfect; my girl's going to ride it for the next month while we get ready to ride the Delhi - Leh loop in India at the beginning of June.  Meantime I'm riding around and just starting to learn to work on a Honda CB 125 knockoff.  SO

Tom, age 30, work in economic development in Afghanistan.  Never had wife, kids, house, or much of anything else permanent.  Figure it's about time to grow up and take a stand so got a tattoo and a bike that I'm not going to want to give up.  The world's newest Guzzi Girl is shy about introducing herself right now, but she's in LA so we'll be looking for suggestions for a good shop and good rides in SoCal.  

Wow! And welcome. In the LA area, Moto Guzzi Classics. The SoCal hooligans hang out here..
Wonderful riding around there once you get out of the LA basin.

Fokken excited to join the club!


Wow! And welcome. In the LA area, Moto Guzzi Classics. The SoCal hooligans hang out here..
Wonderful riding around there once you get out of the LA basin.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmanjob on May 02, 2010, 06:15:22 AM
Welcome to the world of Guzzi tiger02, be safe in Afghanistan.  ;-T My son just got back from a all expense tour of the mountains Curtice of the 10th Mountain Division. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KaptainKen on May 02, 2010, 11:50:33 AM
Greeting Guzzi Pilots!

Newbie here with a "new to me" 2000 Jackal ... just picked it up an hour ago. Very excited you can be sure. I had been looking for a California of about the same vintage to use as a touring bike, but this one turned up here in Fort Pierce, Florida at a price that I couldn't refuse. Did I do good? Who can tell me about the Jackal? Any issues I should be aware of?

One of the reasons I got it so cheap is because a final drive seal is leaking. According to the previous owner the "small" seal was replaced but the "large" seal is the one leaking. Who knew there are two seals? I'm a fair mechanic and have messed around with car, bike and boat engines for most of my 65 years. Is this a replacement that I can handle? Where can I get parts? Over the net, preferably 'cause MG dealers are rare to the point of being non-existent here in Florida ... or perhaps I have been mis-informed.

Will need a repair manual and a windshield, too. Hopefully one of you gents can steer me in the right direction.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tiger02 on May 03, 2010, 12:30:35 PM
Thanks gents--sent a line over to Todd about the guzzitech garage as well.  Will post a new thread about the bike...

Glad your kid made it home safe, oldmanjob.  This is the first time I'm nuts enough to be here voluntarily!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmanjob on May 03, 2010, 12:39:57 PM
welcome aboard the forum Kap, and if everything goes right you should have more info than you will ever need :o ;-T :BEER: :BEER:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom Mangini on May 03, 2010, 06:27:29 PM
 :PCS!:(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-B7DA_4BDF5AC9.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-B7DA_4BDF5AC9.html)
Hi, I'm Tom Mangini from Tucson, Az by way of California and New Jersey. I'm a landscape contractor. Not getting as many miles on as I'd like, but I do what I can. Just came back from Prescott Rally. I ride a 98 HDM. I've been lurking for years but I just decided to start posting. I'm a hunt and peck, two finger guy. Right now my wife is typing this for me.  ;) Maybe this will improve my typing. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wet Coast Griso on May 03, 2010, 09:28:03 PM
Better late than never, 17 posts in and I just discovered this thread!

Michael Moss Age 52 Semi Retired - Worked in TV Post Production now doing the freelance thing. Born in Vancouver BC Canada, and now live in Tsawwassen which is a suburb of Vancouver.

Have ridden for 20 years but just bought my first Guzzi last month a "new" 2007 Griso. Still getting used to it, I find it a different animal than my '90 VFR.

(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-E583_4BDF84A9.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-E583_4BDF84A9.html)

Here it is just days after I imported it from the US, at the inspection station (note the lack of plate).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Creepinogie on May 28, 2010, 12:43:23 PM
Hi, I'm Lyle Landstrom in Moorhead MN. Just joined. I've got a 79 SP1000 (with a recently blown transmission,) a 74 Eldorado porject and an 81 SP 1000 project. I've been into bikes for a good 30 years, Mainly Indians and HD's but I also own a Ural and a modern Triumph. It was suggested to me to join this group so here I am.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kitze2 on May 28, 2010, 01:48:15 PM
Greetings, Lyle and Michael. Welcome
You must start by telling us what the best oil is.  :D :D
Just kidding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MG850T on May 28, 2010, 09:51:51 PM
Paul Lancaster
48 years old
Married 15 years to a girl I met in Austria while riding through the Alps with Edelweiss Bike Travel (4 Kids).
Own a 1975 850T and a 1992 BMW R100GS (the one I was riding when I met my wife)
Flight instructor for German airline pilots and German military transport pilots at Lufthansa Airline Training Center Arizona.
The BMW is a great bike, but Guzzis are more visceral and make riding more than a form of transportation.

...and the best oil is Olive Oil, of course.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JPL on May 28, 2010, 10:55:46 PM
Hi, I'm Lyle Landstrom in Moorhead MN. Just joined. I've got a 79 SP1000 (with a recently blown transmission,) a 74 Eldorado porject and an 81 SP 1000 project. I've been into bikes for a good 30 years, Mainly Indians and HD's but I also own a Ural and a modern Triumph. It was suggested to me to join this group so here I am.

Great! More MN Guzzis!

I clicked onto your website. Holy smokes!! Incredible stuf!!  8) ;-T ;-T  I have so many questions...

Welcome Lyle!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FastGoose on June 28, 2010, 09:59:19 AM
"Faz" here, San Rafael, Ca. LEO  P:) for 33 years (investigations, I don't do traffic stops so hold your comments,  ;D!) rider for about 15. Always wanted a Guzzi. I have fond memories of my neighbor, a motor officer with SFPD riding his El-DO (Ambo?) home from work and leaving it in the driveway, leaned way over on that big ol' kickstand. Got the Guzzi bug right then and there. Had about 15 bikes of many stripes, got my first Guzzi in 2001, a "new" '99 Pearl White Bassa. Put about 50K on it with little to no problems to speak of. Never left me stranded (except the two times I ran out of gas!), never gave me any reason to second guess taking it on a trip anywhere. The few parts it ever needed, when not available from Guzzi I either found at the local hardware store or from...yes, the local H-D dealer.
Sold it a month ago because I have a 2006 Ultra and didn't ride the Goose that much. Now I miss the hell out of it and I'm in the process of buying an '07 Calvin and selling the Ultra! 
Anyway, nice to be here, thanks to Luap for setting this board up. I'll be happy to be back in the Guzzi fold!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on June 28, 2010, 10:49:10 AM
Welcome to the asylum. Didn't you know - the Guzzi bug is a life long decease, only curable by death. Your condition may improve but you'll always fall back into the original condition caused by the bug  ;D :D ;)

Ciao from one real bad case ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: flangeman_70 on August 01, 2010, 04:09:19 AM

I am Adam. I am 40, live in Copenhagen Denmark with my Danish wife and I am Australian.
I am an Electron Microscope engineer and was formerly a Licensed Avionics Engineer.
I have just these past weeks finally paid the import taxes for my 90 SP III I bought last year in
the Netherlands and now I am coming to terms with my very first motorbike. I love the bloody
thing!  ;-T The feel, sound, look, simplicity and the ingenuity it is born from  ;D I have a few
minor issues to sort out this winter; leaking fork seals and the selector drum needs shimming.
Yes, it has more than 1 neutral and it can really sound like 'a brick being dropped into a bucket'
when changing gears. It has an aluminium flywheel dual clutch assy and I am almost certain the
carby springs are of a lighter variety. I have a complete second set of fairings which I will slowly
refurbish and paint a red colour I feel. I have gleaned information from various sites and forums
regarding Guzzi and it has been a great experience to use these tips with excellent results.
I had to replace the engine rear main seal a month or so back and balanced the carbs after using
the home made manometer. It runs so much better!   ;D
(http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-EF6C_4C5539AB.jpg) (http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-EF6C_4C5539AB.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dgodin on August 11, 2010, 05:56:32 PM
another person who just found this topic

I am new to the Guzzi.  My wife and I bought Norges after seeing them at a Motorcycle show in NYC a couple of years ago.  My wife loved the bike immediately (except for the saddlebags) because she was able to sit on it almost flatfooted.

anyway...we've driven metrics since returning to riding back in 93..

We recently sold a Suzuki Volusia but haven't parted with the Vulcan yet..we also have a 78 Yamaha 1100 (which is for sale).

I work for a company that makes electron devices, mostly for the military.  Good fit for me as I have been in the Air Force for 22 yrs (10 active, 12 ANG) and I understand the mentality.

Currently I am in charge of Implementing Lean at our facility.  As a result I've had to put many miles on the Guzzi this summer (9K so far) to relieve stress. The other option is drinking heavily.......so many choices, so little time....

I am also an MSF ridercoach and really enjoy helping new riders...I've been getting a lot of questions this year about the guzzi.

When I first logged on to this forum it seemed that a guzzi owner needed a large toolbox and a masochistic streak.  It seems now that the bikes run well after getting through the bugs.  If only the Guzzi factory would give some thought to quality control.  We've had a few issues.  My wife has asked out loud whether we made a mistake buying these bikes but she never feels that way after riding the bike.  I've had my own concerns.  We bought the bikes so we could countinue our long distance rides trouble free and in comfort.  I hope gambling on this brand pays off.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sollep on August 11, 2010, 06:23:29 PM
Another new Guzzi owner:
Legal aid business
Wife and two kids, 5 and 2
Current ride: Griso 1200 8V Special Edition
Previous rides:
Honda VTR 1000
12 years of walking
IŽ Planeta 5, 350cm3, one cylinder two-stroke
Jawa 350cm3, two cylinder two-stroke
Elektron, 148 cm3 soviet scooter
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Testarossa on August 11, 2010, 06:47:06 PM
Righto, just found the topic.

Started riding scooters at 14 or 15. First legal bike was a beat-up Harley (Aermacchi) Sprint 350. Miserable piece of shit threw mud or slush all over the carb so the throttle cable could stick or freeze at nasty moments. Moved to Manhattan in '73 and bought a used CB500-4 and did the whole Dunstall rig with an early set of mag wheels. Rode it into the ground, and also raced a Yamaha TA125 with modest results (I never finished better than fourth, and never worse than eighth, and never last). Then rebuilt a wrecked Laverda 750S. Traded that in 84 for a 74 MG 850T and still have it, after two dumps and three fits of restoration/rewiring. Turned the TA into an electric bike, and picked up a 67 Triumph Bonneville as a rebuild project. The other toy is a 1959 Piper Comanche 250.

Spent 20 years as technical editor of SKI Magazine, and then designed skis for K2 for a bit. Now run a magazine covering solar energy. Have taught skiing for 27 years, at Squaw Valley and Vail, and managed to ski all over the world. Hope to retire soon and ski and ride and fly full time.  Wheee.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gwb_mg on August 11, 2010, 07:10:24 PM
Hi Mike - The Cali II "Auto" is runnning great thanks to all you folks for all the work you did. Including the mileage for the the trip (5,200+) I have added another 2,600 miles. That's 7,800 since 7/7/10. George
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Lars on August 13, 2010, 01:19:39 PM
Hi there. I'm 46,and live in Marslev,Denmark,with my girlfreind and her daugther. I've only been riding for 4 years now.
The first 6 month on a 650 single Suzuki Savage,then a freind intoduced me to Guzzi ;-T
I found a 4 year old Nevada with 1800km on the clock.Great bike but after a year I wanted more power.

So everything was sold and a 2004 Black V11 Le Mans was purchased. It's a fantastic bike 8) The steering,the brakes,the hydraulic cloutch,the torque,my alltime favourit. But......... :-\ we wanted a house .....so it had to go last summer ???
Well I was (and still is )bit by the Guzzi Bug,so had to go back to basics. The 1970, V7 Ambassador,was found i Germany and I'm still amazed by it's driveablity . 40 years old and still kicking... I've made some mods, or maybe a little more :D It's now a Cafe Racer /Hot Rod stylish style.... most of it home/hand made like,Battery tray ,cockpit,exhaust system,etc....      
(http://s2.postimage.org/vlCaS.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=TsvlCaS)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on August 14, 2010, 12:49:33 AM
Hello Lars
Nice to see another fellow viking here at the goose asylum.

Lots of nice people here with a lot of good stuff to share.
Friendly like all geesers world wide.
Have you bought your suspenders yet  ;D :D ;)
The color of choice here seems to be red, a corn cop pipe may come in handy too - if you smoke that is.... :o ;D
The place is great since it's somewhat international - and still in English.
Cultural diversity - yes - but that mostly adds to the fun ;D   although not everyone seems to agree to that one, however, if one like to expand horizons and get educated, one has to see opportunities, where some just sees limitations or problems.

Ciao from Hillerød ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Lars on August 24, 2010, 10:15:25 AM
Hi there fellow Dane  :)
There is something rodden in Denmark  ;D There's nothing going on in the Guzzi related forums
in oure home country  :(  
  Cultural diversity...Yes but we are all addicts....mostly to Guzzi's  ;D
I like the diversity,life would be boring without it. I've been writing on another "international" Guzzi forum
(Squadra Guzzista) for a while and found that,like here,you learn just as much about people,as about Guzzi's ;D ;)
 Are you comming to Bella Italia in Nyborg on the 11 sept. ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on August 24, 2010, 12:02:12 PM
Hi there fellow Dane  :)
There is something rodden in Denmark  ;D There's nothing going on in the Guzzi related forums
in oure home country  :(  
Are you comming to Bella Italia in Nyborg on the 11 sept. ???

Yep - silence is very loud in MGKDK  ;D
I may drop in at Nyborg, but it's close to a bussiness trip I need to go on, so I'm not sure.

Hope you like it here ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Huck369 on August 24, 2010, 12:24:44 PM
I'm Huck, form Somerset, Kentucky, I'm 45, and a Structural Draftsman for an industrial Steel Fabrication company.

I've currently got a Y2K Jackal, and I'm the former owner of a 750 Breva....

Glad to be here, seems to be lots of info, and helpful Members!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: falconess on December 02, 2010, 03:32:28 PM
Hi, I am Falcone SS , live in Amerongen, in the middle of Holland .Age 60 .Married with 3 children, 1 still at home. I own a little metalshop.
Bikes : N Falcone cafe with the old (TV) engine in it
        N Falcone cafe  with Eaton M45 blower
        G5  1982
        Nibbio 50 cc
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmanjob on December 02, 2010, 03:59:28 PM
Welcome Falcone SS to the forum, where small blocks rule :D ;D ;-T :BEER: :BEER: :PICS!: :PICS!:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PeteT on December 02, 2010, 04:46:09 PM
Howdy, I'm Pete.  I'm I'm a 56 year old ex-logger from Northern California, now residing in Las Vegas and working as an aircraft mechanic keeping a 600+ plane fleet of Boeing 737's moving.  Current rolling stock includes an '80 Yamaha 175, an '05 Ural Gear Up, and a 2010 V7C (with a '75 vintage Vetter Windjammer III).  I'm married to a Russian gal (my fatrher-in-law is a retired Red Army colonel :o)... don't have any kids- just a bunch of stray cats.  My hobbies include machine shop work/welding fabrication, travel, camping, fishing, hunting, target shooting (mostly long range rifle), and of course motorcycling!  I've been riding since the early 1970's- mostly street/road bikes with a few enduro types along the way.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dilligaf on December 02, 2010, 04:58:44 PM
Matthew Vacher
Been riding since 1959
Bonneau Beach, SC
1 wife, 2 kids, 5 grandkids and 2 great grandkids.
Had a BMW/Moto Guzzi dealership in North Charleston, SC
I currently run the sailing program at Short Stay a military recreational area
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tianmck on December 02, 2010, 05:35:44 PM
Hi, we're Trish and Tim from Ottawa, Ontario. We have recently traded in our '05 Multi 1000 S and '07 Scrambler for a new '08 1200 Sport. I let Trish name Her.  I'd like you to meet Aquila Rossa:


As winter settles in, our season is just about over, but we look forward to getting out and meeting other Guzzi riders next year.  We've thinned the herd somewhat, but the Beezer is getting along just fine with her new garage mate.  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bella on December 02, 2010, 10:03:56 PM
Name is Scott, bought a new 08 Norge 1200 in August and her name is Bella.  Started riding in 1970 and restarted riding in 2009.  I'm 61, a commercial insurance broker, working on my custom motorcycle seat retirement business, rebuilding 3 seats this winter.  Have 3 kids,  (2 in college) and a bike hating Spouse.  Oh well, she doesn't like skiing much either.  My riding Buds and I are planning a 9 day trip down the Appalachains to the Boone, NC area in early June.  Have been enjoying you guys and this site.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gsf12man on December 04, 2010, 09:22:52 PM

I'm Tom Kee from Phoenix, AZ since 1985; North Dakota before that and soon to be again. I miss the unthinkably horrendous winters and short riding season there (apparently). A long string of Suzukis between ND and AZ; then a Honda to go touring with my very indulgent wife. Fortunately, she really likes the looks of Guzzis as well, so now I'm studying the forums between thrashes on the Breva. Love that sound.

I was a factory Jaguar Land Rover and occasionally Aston Martin test driver for 20 years; my 20th year at it and being "downsized" arrived together. That, and wife with a real job, has left more time for riding. Just joined MGNOC. Other interests are extremely amateur photography, film and digital; doing graphics stuff in Photoshop Elements.

(http://s2.postimage.org/2kfedlktg/07_Breva.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2kfedlktg/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kitze2 on December 05, 2010, 06:25:36 PM
hi there,

my name is Jan, i am from germany and 42 years old at the moment,
do ride for 26 years now, started with old Vespa Scooters, like a 150
Sprint, 200 Rally and 160 GS4, then some rigid HD, flathead, panhead,
evo, then some guzzi, V65 and LM II,then quite a few ducati, SS900,
SS900 i.e., SS1000 DS, and lately, the return to moto guzzi, with a
850T4, that i am about to sell now, to keep the green 850T that i
aquired lately.

it has the 950cc engine from the T4 now, some more work will be
carried out this winter, i.e. powder coating the frame, swingarm and
tripples, and a new seat cover maybe.

kind regards from germany
Jan  :)

(http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/3046/dscf2921e.jpg) (http://img696.imageshack.us/i/dscf2921e.jpg/)

Greetings Jan.
Where in Germany are you.
My wife is from Spaichingen and we visit often.
She also goes to Basel on business 3 or 4 times a year.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kitze2 on December 05, 2010, 06:52:08 PM

i am a hamburger so to say.

Hamburg huh.
You sure your name is Jan?
It's not Alister or Billy is it?  :D
Oh my, that's a bad pun! Sorry I couldn't help myself.  :-[

By the way...nice bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cal2guzzi on December 05, 2010, 07:52:41 PM
Hello all,
Not new to Guzzi but saddened by the return of winter and miss riding and talking Guzzi so want to introduce myself. My name is Craig Eppich from Cincinnati area Ohio. Been married many years and have 3 beautiful girls.  Been riding Guzzi since 1996 and just last year got my first fuel injected - 1998 EV. I work for HP enterprise services. Call it computer support. Plus my wife and I own Country Barrel Restaurant in Okeana, Ohio. www.countrybarrelre staurant.com. In the area come out and see us. The pic is from this fall - myself and 2 work buddies. One on an ST1300 and the other bike is a Victory (Yeah - strange group) on route 16 which connects Eastern Kentucky and Western Virginia. We liked the road so much we changed the next days route just to go back over it!

(http://s4.postimage.org/2rpwpeqzo/IMG_0204.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2rpwpeqzo/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on December 06, 2010, 02:01:07 AM
Hi Damien,

Spaichingen is on the opposite side of the country,
i live in the north, in a beautiful city called Hamburg,
i am a hamburger so to say.

Ciao Muschi in Hamburg.
Welcome to the board. I'm your neighbor in Denmark north of Copenhagen  ;)
Nice bike ;-T  I understand why you are in love  ;)

Give me a heads up if you decide to visit Copenhagen.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dackbwing on December 06, 2010, 01:26:39 PM
Hi all from Arizona,
Grew Up in NJ then moved out to AZ
English/ Pre-law Major
Law School hopeful

Love old movies, star wars, Nissan VQ's (IE infiniti G35) and most of all GUZZI Motorcycles (and triumph and maybe even bmw's)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wildebube on December 06, 2010, 02:29:03 PM
Muschi - what a screen name.  lmao.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Huck369 on December 08, 2010, 04:45:59 PM
Hello all,
Not new to Guzzi but saddened by the return of winter and miss riding and talking Guzzi so want to introduce myself. My name is Craig Eppich from Cincinnati area Ohio. Been married many years and have 3 beautiful girls.  Been riding Guzzi since 1996 and just last year got my first fuel injected - 1998 EV. I work for HP enterprise services. Call it computer support. Plus my wife and I own Country Barrel Restaurant in Okeana, Ohio. www.countrybarrelre staurant.com. In the area come out and see us. The pic is from this fall - myself and 2 work buddies. One on an ST1300 and the other bike is a Victory (Yeah - strange group) on route 16 which connects Eastern Kentucky and Western Virginia. We liked the road so much we changed the next days route just to go back over it!

(http://s4.postimage.org/2rpwpeqzo/IMG_0204.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2rpwpeqzo/)

Howdy Craig,
I was born in Cinci, but have lived down here in Somerset, KY most of my life..
I also have 3 daughters, one of which lives in Covington, so Im in your area fairly often, maybe I'll get to check out the Country Barrel Restaurant one day.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EdSidders on December 09, 2010, 12:24:48 AM
Howdy Y'all
Ed Sidders here..Live outside of Ore City , TEXAS on Lake-O-The-Pines.with my Wife/Best friend and our dog...I've been medically retired for about 5 years from a heat stroke,I was in heavy industrial electrical maint.for 40 years ...Two years ago I found a Dr. that for all practical purposes cured my Vertigo ..I couldn't afford another airplane so I got back into motorcycles..Curren t favorite bike is a 79 Triumph Bonneville 750 that is a survivor that had 3K miles on it when I got it last spring...


Our current trip bike is a 79 Kawasaki KZ1000ST with all the Vetter/Kawasaki fairing and bags..Please excuse the crappy pictures :o



Picked up Moto Guzzi project in a trade a few weeks ago and I am learning a lot about this breed... :) :)

Current project is a 73 Moto Guzzi 850 Eldorado (California?) Think it is a California model as it has police dash,footboards,key on left under seat,spotlights,4 shoe front brake,chrome fenders,twist off gas cap,cop bars...Doesn't look like it ever had siren mount..Has nice aftermarket seat..Guy I got it from said that the guy he got it from had a big bore kit installed...I don't know how to tell without pulling the head and measuring bore & stroke..Got the engine running a few days ago ,absolutely no smoke after the penetrating oil cleaned out of the cylinders and exhaust...Just went thru the carbies so tank nitemare is next.... :o I'll be looking for a sidehack when I get this one on the road.......

I had a pacemaker put in Last Monday so it will be a few weeks before I can do anything else to the Guzzi ...Looking fwd. to meeting Y'all here on the net and in person when possible....Ed

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Avvocato on December 09, 2010, 01:40:52 PM
Charlie, 46, Philadelphia area, attorney.  Married, three kids and 2 Portuguese Water Dogs.

2010 Griso 8V and 2007 MV Agusta F4.

Unapologetic lover of motorcycles, wine, women and song (not necessarily in that order, depending upon my mood) ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Catweasel on December 10, 2010, 02:25:49 AM
wow...loads of new peeps but nary a single one living in Austria. Grrr...I demand now that 5% (I think that's reasonable) move to either Vienna (my current location) or Budapest (my new home from next month)  ;D

Anyhoo, welcome all...and I wonder if "muschi" means the same thing there as it does here  :P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Huck369 on December 10, 2010, 06:17:44 AM
wow...loads of new peeps but nary a single one living in Austria. Grrr...I demand now that 5% (I think that's reasonable) move to either Vienna (my current location) or Budapest (my new home from next month)  ;D

Anyhoo, welcome all...and I wonder if "muschi" means the same thing there as it does here  :P
I'm not from Austria, but we have a girl from Austria coming to stay with us as an exchange student, starting next month, she is from Salzburg....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wildebube on December 10, 2010, 06:27:59 AM
.and I wonder if "muschi" means the same thing there as it does here  :P

I believe it does.  That's why I was laughing.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rabidsnipe on December 23, 2010, 01:55:15 PM
Chase, 26, Edmond, Oklahoma.  Been riding since 2003.  Currently ride a 2003 Yamaha FZ1.  Have had my eye on a twin for about a year now.  Test rode a V7 Classic back in October and fell in love with it.  Currently saving my pennies to buy a white one sometime summer of 2011.  It will be replacing the FZ1.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on December 23, 2010, 05:35:00 PM
Hi all from Arizona,
Grew Up in NJ then moved out to AZ
English/ Pre-law Major
Law School hopeful

Love old movies, star wars, Nissan VQ's (IE infiniti G35) and most of all GUZZI Motorcycles (and triumph and maybe even bmw's)

Hi Dackwing, we are similar.  I'm a law school graduate, and fan of Nissan sports sedans and Guzzis.  I recently left my second Maxima and got a Infiniti G35 too.  Nissan has been good about giving their sedans powerful engines and manual transmissions; something for car enthusiasts. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: radan2 on December 23, 2010, 05:51:16 PM
I can't believe I never introduced myself.  I guess it is another sign of creeping senility.

Jim Wayne
Jacksonville, NC
66 years old, but look older and feel younger (except when I feel older)
retired schoolteacher
really enjoy riding the Red Menace
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tailspin74 on December 25, 2010, 02:09:07 PM
Hello Gents,

Fellow rider up here in the northern burbs of Chicago.  I've been riding riding for 18 yrs now and currently am riding a 1200GS and M1100.  Last week I saw a picture of a Griso SE and wanted it.  As luck would have it, the SE will be available here in the states in February.  After 10 minutes on the web, it was apparent not to waste time with any other dealer then Jim Barron up (and I do mean WAY up) Rose Farm.  What a great guy. Two days later ordered the SE. ETA is mid-Feb.

I look forward to meeting local Guzzi riders this spring.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on December 25, 2010, 03:15:15 PM
Hello Gents,

Fellow rider up here in the northern burbs of Chicago.  I've been riding riding for 18 yrs now and currently am riding a 1200GS and M1100.  Last week I saw a picture of a Griso SE and wanted it.  As luck would have it, the SE will be available here in the states in February.  After 10 minutes on the web, it was apparent not to waste time with any other dealer then Jim Barron up (and I do mean WAY up) Rose Farm.  What a great guy. Two days later ordered the SE. ETA is mid-Feb.

I look forward to meeting local Guzzi riders this spring.
Congrats and welcome!  ;D That Chicago crowd is a pretty rough bunch..

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frank73x89 on January 03, 2011, 06:24:04 PM
Hy to all.
I'm 46
A financial analyst,
got a Norge (08) new in January 09,
and I reside in Ottawa, Canada.

... Oh and can't wait for the next summer from September to April (guess I'm not the only one!)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jared on January 03, 2011, 09:26:02 PM

Operations analyst for DHSMV (I have no idea, either...)
Florida panhandle

Guzzis? Oh, yes, please:
LeMans III
750S clone in the making

in the past:
LeMans 1000
a couple of Ducati 900SSs
Aprilia Falco.
Aermacchis, Hondas, Yamahas, BMWs
Pretty much everything but a Voxan, and I'll have one of those too, eventually  8)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guru on January 09, 2011, 11:39:50 PM
Well, a quick intro is in order,

My name is Tony,
and I'm addicted to motorcycles.

I just bought a 2004 LeMans, with only 2,200 miles. It has a PC3 and the crossover pipe, all else is stock. I will be looking for any input that will enhance this bike. With less than 500 miles on it since I purchased it, this bike seems to be a fun ride.

(http://s1.postimage.org/2zm9qve9w/lemans51465341.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/2zm9qve9w/)

I also have a 1983 LeMans III that I have just finished getting back on the road......a great old bike, tons of flywheel weight make this a strong bike

(http://s2.postimage.org/1a220oqxw/0427000853.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a220oqxw/)

Also living in the garage is a 1997 Ducati 916

(http://s2.postimage.org/1a2qtqyck/0610091707.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a2qtqyck/)

A group of Triumphs
2000 Sprint RS
(http://s2.postimage.org/1a3klf78k/2000_Triumph_Sprint_RS.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a3klf78k/)
2006 Daytona 675 track bike
(http://s2.postimage.org/1a3r7kl7o/072609_1305_00.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a3r7kl7o/)
1978 Bonneville
(http://s2.postimage.org/1a42sc0o4/0427000903.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a42sc0o4/)
2009 Harley XR1200
(http://s2.postimage.org/1a4ho6544/050209_1820_00.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/1a4ho6544/)
also a 2001 BMW K1200LT, 2005 Suzuki SV650, 2 Triumph Bonneville's awaiting restoration, 2 Maserati BiTurbo's awaiting an upgrade, USAF (retired) M35A2
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on January 10, 2011, 02:48:25 AM
My goodness :o

A bike for every day of the week - way to go  ;-T

Nice stable.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: badge502 on January 10, 2011, 06:52:29 AM
My name is Jeff, I live in Central Texas... Bought my first bike in 1973, and have been going non stop since, mostly BMW's and Ducati's, mainly sport bike types. Ive had a couple of Guzzi's though, and currently own an '02 LeMans.  It suits me pretty good in all areas. There are a few bikes Ive sold that I wish I could get back, but, that is part of the process I guess. I'd post a picture of my LeMans, but it looks like Tony's below. I DO need to do the crossover pipe, PCIII and cans, so if you have a set laying around the garage, let me know...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guru on January 10, 2011, 08:57:12 AM
Thanks Iceblue.....I will post an album and show some of the bikes that I have sold in the last few years, the "collection" is ever evolving, right now there are 9 running, legal streetbikes to choose from, as well as the track bike (prepped and ready to go to the track, possibly this weekend, temps should be in the 70's.

Badge.....I am very happy with the stock look of this bike, like you, I would lkike to open the exhaust just a little bit, I am looking for a slightly louder exhaust note, and still keep the drivability of the stock bike. The PCIII helps smooth out the rougher transitions in the stock maps, I haven't ridden this bike without the PCIII, but I have ridden many other FI bikes, and have found all of them to have drivability issues, usually at moderate throttle openings, and cruising at steady speeds. My '04 is as smooth as silk running at any steady RPM's. I rode for many miles at 4k and never a hint of a surge or sputter, smooth acceleration.....ve ry nice.

If anyone has any experience drilling the stock cans, let me know, I would drill, get the sound right, and then re-program the PCIII.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dredman on January 11, 2011, 07:40:13 PM
Hi Everyone

David Redman
Hollister, CA
age 45

2000 Jackal  1st bike!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: radan2 on January 11, 2011, 07:55:47 PM
Hi Everyone

David Redman
Hollister, CA
age 45

2000 Jackal  1st bike!!

Now that is getting started RIGHT!

..............but we need  :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmanjob on January 11, 2011, 08:10:16 PM
Welcome to the mad house :o ;-T :BEER: :BEER:

Title: FNG thought I'd say hello
Post by: cyclone ranger on February 06, 2011, 02:39:46 PM
    Thinking hard about buying a California Vintage. I'm selling my Suzuki C90T on ebay and have decided I want something lighter for my wife and I to travel together on. The C90T has been a great traveling companion, but the older I get the more I think something a little lighter would be better. I'm keeping my 06 Z1000 Kawasaki for those moments when you truly feel the need for speed and my wifes 09 Bonneville for her and (me!) because it is so much fun to ride. Anyway may be asking some questions and will do a search first before I ask the same old questions everyone has already asked, but the only stupid questions are the ones nobody asked right? Thanks
Title: Forgot the Basics! Screwing up Already!
Post by: cyclone ranger on February 06, 2011, 02:42:40 PM
Justin Anderson

56 yrs and holding

Bull Shoals Arkansas

Logistics Coordinator (Offshore in the Gulf of Mexico)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on February 07, 2011, 12:54:02 AM
Welcome ;-T
What model (water) goose/geese do you ride  ;D ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Boabiegringo on February 07, 2011, 04:41:22 AM
Howaya lads n lassies, have been living in the West of Ireland for the last 13 yrs(Co. Mayo). Before that i'm from the West end of Glasgow, Scotland. Do a wee bit of farming & work for an Irish company called Carraig Donn. Ireland is a great country & the people here are the best in the world! A lot of emm saying it politely-unusual characters, especially in the wilds of the West. Which is good.
 I have a 07' B750 which is very addictive & is perfect for the winding wee roads here. No motorways etc close by. Aged 39 & as daft as a brush.
That's me folks. Anybody from the Wesssht or Glesgae or anywhere else for that matter feel free to add me or PM me.
Cheers Mick
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sack on February 09, 2011, 07:24:12 PM
Hi Mick,

I developed a vision in my mind of the place you live in from your brief description. Sounds wonderful! Welcome!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 07, 2011, 06:36:11 PM

Lets hear it from those new members. ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davidaus on April 07, 2011, 09:19:47 PM
australian guitarist.trumpeter .uke player.moto guzzi rider,collingwood football club fan,barrister, australian.citizen of the world.
norge 06 and cali03
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carl Allison on April 07, 2011, 09:48:56 PM
Howaya lads n lassies, have been living in the West of Ireland for the last 13 yrs(Co. Mayo). Before that i'm from the West end of Glasgow, Scotland. Do a wee bit of farming & work for an Irish company called Carraig Donn. Ireland is a great country & the people here are the best in the world! A lot of emm saying it politely-unusual characters, especially in the wilds of the West. Which is good.
 I have a 07' B750 which is very addictive & is perfect for the winding wee roads here. No motorways etc close by. Aged 39 & as daft as a brush.
That's me folks. Anybody from the Wesssht or Glesgae or anywhere else for that matter feel free to add me or PM me.
Cheers Mick

I only spent 5 days in your lovely country but I am particularly enamored of the intensely green countryside around Waterford. If I were to abandon the USA, that would be in the top 5 of my places to relocate to list.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 07, 2011, 11:21:43 PM
Howaya lads n lassies, have been living in the West of Ireland for the last 13 yrs(Co. Mayo). Before that i'm from the West end of Glasgow, Scotland. Do a wee bit of farming & work for an Irish company called Carraig Donn. Ireland is a great country & the people here are the best in the world! A lot of emm saying it politely-unusual characters, especially in the wilds of the West. Which is good.
 I have a 07' B750 which is very addictive & is perfect for the winding wee roads here. No motorways etc close by. Aged 39 & as daft as a brush.
That's me folks. Anybody from the Wesssht or Glesgae or anywhere else for that matter feel free to add me or PM me.
Cheers Mick

Love that Baby B! ;-T Welcome to the assylum. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nilknarf on April 08, 2011, 07:31:12 AM
 **C Not that new, but I'll introduce myself. Age 62 and trying to hold. Spent 6yrs. in the Marines and 16 in the Navy. Currently working as an Avionics Inspector for CSC Allied Technologies. Live pretty much square in the middle of very flat western Okla., where the wind really does come "sweeping down the plain". Have a 2009 V7C (Black) which I am coming to absolutely adore. Should anyone blow by this way give a holler.

                                             **CDave ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: clutchman01 on April 10, 2011, 09:16:29 AM
Hello all, I have just gotten my first Guzzi about 4 months ago, a '77 850 T3.  I have completely stripped it to the to the frame, as all the wiring was becoming brittle.  I have removed the heads and all appears well in the cylinders.  The bike came to me in reasonable shape with most everything in place, not running though due to a bad starter.  I have been studying this forum and reading every piece of literature that I can get my hands on.  I will post some pics of my progress.  Now a little about me,  I was the clutchman and chief fabricator on Clay Millican's top fuel team, and in my tenure we won 6 World Championships , so I believe I can handle the mechanicals and any fab that may have to be done, but I may need to pick you alls obviously more experienced Guzii thinking brains.  I am really excited about this project, and am looking for a direction for the finished bike. I have considered putting a later model Cal fuel tank and fenders on, as according to the frame blueprints that I have, this should be almost a bolt on affair, maybe a tab here or there.  My question is would this be heracy?  I really like the teardrop tanks on the later models, the engine and drivetrain would remain the same obviously.  Any and all help, responses, and random cussings, would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 10, 2011, 12:15:54 PM
Keep the oem stuff for retro fitment if you change you mind later on.  Not heresay.  Your ride.  Your funds.  You could trade with someone.  ;-T

Welcome to the forum and go luck with the restore/build.  Please show some pix before and after.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carl Allison on April 10, 2011, 12:19:43 PM
http://www.thisoldtractor.com/guzzi007/schematics/1980_T3_Europe.gif (http://www.thisoldtractor.com/guzzi007/schematics/1980_T3_Europe.gif)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bark on May 08, 2011, 07:33:19 PM
Hi. I'm Mark in rural Idaho (ID13).  I have an old Mutt Guzzi that I need to go through one of these days and it seems like this is a great place to be when I am not in the garage.  So I'll be around.  But I just wanted to start by saying hi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on May 08, 2011, 07:40:22 PM
Welcome, Bark..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davidaus on May 09, 2011, 01:12:13 AM
anyone  traveling to Australia  we have a couple of guzzis in the shed and would love to show off this beautiful area  called gippsland  .email me at  ewart55(with the symbol)(hot,mail.com

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on May 09, 2011, 01:41:27 AM

no wife.

no kids.

no debt.

not gainfully employed.  I ride motorcycles.


Ha!  Those were good times!   :BEER:



Michael T.
44 years old.
Transportation Coordinator for a Third Party Logistics Company.
Currently inactive Real Estate Agent & full-fledged Guzziholic.
Living in The Hills of Northwest Arkansas for the past fifteen years.

Enjoys challenging Spine Frame prejudices wherever they may be found, by setting 2-up/trailering records each time we drag out the most unlikely of tugs:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crosspug on May 09, 2011, 03:06:00 AM
Hi All,

Jono from Sydney Australia. 29yrs and dare I say a Risk Manager. More importantly I'm just about to take ownership of a V65sp from 1983 and to say I'm chuffed with it is a bit of an understatement compared to my old 1981 SR250 thumper... ;-T

Have a facination with Moto Guzzi thanks to my father in law who owns a Cali III


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crosspug on May 09, 2011, 05:45:42 AM
Thanks Muschi, the previous owner added to the bike with flat bars, bar end mirrors, pods and a nice set of conti pipes. Certainly adds to the "character" of the bike!

I'll look into the lower steering head, is there a specific issue with them failing?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carl Allison on May 09, 2011, 06:36:00 AM
Thanks Muschi, the previous owner added to the bike with flat bars, bar end mirrors, pods and a nice set of conti pipes. Certainly adds to the "character" of the bike!

I'll look into the lower steering head, is there a specific issue with them failing?


Smallblock Steering Head Tapered Roller Bearing Conversion Adapters     (http://www.guzzitech.com/store/Smallblockbearing.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tony in Oz on May 09, 2011, 07:08:18 PM
Hi All,

Jono from Sydney Australia. 29yrs and dare I say a Risk Manager. More importantly I'm just about to take ownership of a V65sp from 1983 and to say I'm chuffed with it is a bit of an understatement compared to my old 1981 SR250 thumper... ;-T

Have a facination with Moto Guzzi thanks to my father in law who owns a Cali III


Hi Jono

Welcome!  Am I right in thinking you bought the red V65 from Motociclo?  If so, I was looking at it on the weekend (my V50 was in for some suspension renewal work).  It looked good!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crosspug on May 10, 2011, 05:49:18 AM
Hi Jono

Welcome!  Am I right in thinking you bought the red V65 from Motociclo?  If so, I was looking at it on the weekend (my V50 was in for some suspension renewal work).  It looked good!



Hi Tony,

That's the one. A couple of little things I will look at (purely cosmetic) but overall a very nice bike. I'm lucky that my FIL had asked John to look for a nice LAMS guzzi for me. As soon a I knew of it I was there to see it then test ride.

The blue v50? Very nice, my wife and I both liked it alot as we had a look around the various bikes sitting around the shop.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tony in Oz on May 10, 2011, 05:30:47 PM
Hi Tony,

That's the one. A couple of little things I will look at (purely cosmetic) but overall a very nice bike. I'm lucky that my FIL had asked John to look for a nice LAMS guzzi for me. As soon a I knew of it I was there to see it then test ride.

The blue v50? Very nice, my wife and I both liked it alot as we had a look around the various bikes sitting around the shop.


Yes, mine is the blue V50 - thanks for the kind comments.  I love it dearly.  And congrats on the new bike, I'm sure you'll love it too.  Did John tell you that the POs of your bike and mine were friends, and so our bikes were regular riding partners?  He was telling me that it was nice that they were getting together for one last time to say goodbye to each other  8).  Perhaps it doesn't need to be so? 



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dr Evil on May 16, 2011, 08:20:56 PM
Resident physician, ex-Coasty
Washington, PA (near Pittsburgh)

From San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco bay area, last lived in Hershey, PA

Other interests: Guitars, 914 Porsches, etc

74 BMW R90/6
68 Honda 305 Dream
76 Moto Guzzi T3

Previously owned:
76 BMW R75/6
82 Honda Magna 750
94 Honda Magna 750
87 BMW K75
96 BMW K1100RS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wyno on May 24, 2011, 08:02:49 AM
Hi all.
Michael Wynd A.K.A. Wyno
Canberra Australia
I think I'm the only one who WORKS (not resides) in a psychiatric ward.
2011 750 Breva
Hobbies;- Large format photography using an 8x10 camera, reading, table teniis, tennis, and riding.
I had a long layoff between bikes. My previous bike was a 1973 Honda 350 Four that I bought in 1974 and trashed in 1975. I bought the Breva in April this year on my partner's advice that it would be easier to get around Canberra (new to me) than driving a car. So the car will be sold next month hopefully. Rode to work the other day in minus 7 degrees celcius and decided that I need a new jacket. And Jenni thought I was only gonna ride in good weather!
It's nice to be here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roadmistress on May 24, 2011, 02:43:35 PM
Hmmm...I don't think I ever did this!

Auto Industry
The V7 is my first Guzzi.  Sure has been an adventure so far after Yamaha and H-D.

My interests:
rescuing Bully breed dogs.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 24, 2011, 04:11:12 PM
You ever bump into Ed Milich?  He's at Toyota and lives in Torrance. He and Todd run Guzzitech.com.   Goose did short time there too.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Enrico on May 28, 2011, 05:03:55 AM
Hello every1,

my name is Enrico Pajola,

i live in Rome, Italy(bananaland)

i work as airplane tecnician

i own a Cali3 89' and im litterally in love with:D
(ill post some pics as soon as the beast gets out of the garage)

Cu around!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Avvocato on May 28, 2011, 06:04:31 AM
Benvenuto, Enrico
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jharback on August 27, 2011, 02:56:59 AM
Jim Harback
Piove di Sacco, Italy
Retired Military
Been ridin' for 45 years.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Smoke on August 27, 2011, 01:47:11 PM
Ken Johnson
Twice married(both failed the warranties), 3 great kids
Just about to move back to Huddersfield, Yorkshire, UK
Ride a Breva 1200
Also like soccer,baseball,history,cask conditioned beer, camping and France which is where I'm taking the Guzzi next month,
And is also where I'll be retiring as soon as finances permit
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Semper-guzzi on August 27, 2011, 02:21:02 PM
Names Kevin

Active duty Marine stationed in Chicago for now. Got into riding from my friends dirtbikes and gsxr 750. My first bike is my current, 2003 Cali aluminum. Hepco Becker 40l bags and a small windshield (came on it when I got it)

Semper Fi!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: backnblack on August 27, 2011, 08:02:04 PM
Hi, Bill Colgan here.
53 years old, I live in Fort Worth, tx, dispatch airplanes for American Airlines.
Married 17yrs, one son who just turned 16.
hobbies guitar, sailing, bicycles (have a Volae recumbent) photography.
Just got my first Guzzi, a 2011 Norge. Man what a ride!! It's my 5th bike, and maybe my last.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: saguaro_squeezer on August 27, 2011, 08:42:55 PM
Hi Rod Wagoner.  57 yrs, sunny Tucson, AZ.  Project Manager for Siemens.
With my only wife 33 yrs now.
Band director in my first life, so music is a main hobby (Tuba, String Bass, Concertina, Harp).  Also flying and now motorcycling.
Have had a number of different brands from BMW to Harley to Ural to Royal Enfield.  Always wanted a Guzzi but never found the right one ... until now, I think.  A 2003 Stone Touring.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Low Down on August 28, 2011, 12:05:55 PM
How about that... two members from the Old Pueblo - posting back to back!  :P

My name is Paul, most people call me 'Pauly'.
I'm 35 years old, and I'm a native Tucsonan.
I am a Trainman for the Union Pacific Railroad.
I have a lot of interests, but the one that usually gets fed the most is riding my motorcycles.   ;-T

Currently I have a 1998 V11 EV and a 2009 Triumph Speed Triple.  I need to figure out a way to improve the ergonomics on the EV... I won't go into all that here, but that's the reason I joined up.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: INSPECTOR on August 28, 2011, 07:51:50 PM
Wanted to say hi. i am a motorcycle freak! currently have a vrod, fatboy and a buell. i am a fan of the guzzi. joined up so i could learn more about them.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: custimguitarman on August 28, 2011, 08:22:25 PM
Not sure if this is an update or a first time post for me on this thread but...............

Mike Stephens


Professional mechanic for Toyota industrial

Bought first Guzzi ( a T3 ) last year, restored it and then bought a Quota

(http://s2.postimage.org/r9z6slt0/Guzzi_047.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/r9z6slt0/)

That's me at Virginia this year consuming too much beer ( as usual) and handing out free advice that I have no business handing out because I know nothing............ ...let's remember that!

Disclaimer: never listen to a word I say!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: saguaro_squeezer on August 28, 2011, 09:43:07 PM
Cool, Paul.  We'll have to hook up.  My good friend John (also in Tucson)  has an 84 Cal II and has been after me to get a Guzzi for a long time.  I think there are quite a few Guzzis in town but they stay under the radar.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dgrothe on August 29, 2011, 08:37:42 PM
David Grothe
age 50
Oklahoma City
Work as a computer system architect, play a bass trombone (not very good  ;D )  1 wife of 22 years and counting, 2 kids and a dog.    Grew up on dirt bikes but quit all riding about 15 years ago.   Just out of the blue got interested this summer and went and got a 2011 Norge GT8V.  Love the bike!    I do tend to seek out the unique,  my first car was a rotary engine Mazda and second was an Alfa Alfetta GT and currently drive a diesel VW so the Guzzi is just perfect for me.   

(Ok, can someone add  Guzzi and Norge to the dictionary please  :)  )

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nilknarf on August 30, 2011, 07:09:41 AM
David Grothe
age 50
Oklahoma City
Work as a computer system architect, play a bass trombone (not very good  ;D )  1 wife of 22 years and counting, 2 kids and a dog.    Grew up on dirt bikes but quit all riding about 15 years ago.   Just out of the blue got interested this summer and went and got a 2011 Norge GT8V.  Love the bike!    I do tend to seek out the unique,  my first car was a rotary engine Mazda and second was an Alfa Alfetta GT and currently drive a diesel VW so the Guzzi is just perfect for me.   

(Ok, can someone add  Guzzi and Norge to the dictionary please  :)  )


 **C David, welcome to the small but friendly Oklahoma Guzzi bunch. I'm sure Michael Dethrow will be getting in touch, he's the local MGNOC rep. We usually have a lunch ride once a month at various locations. Looking forward to seeing you at one of these. Ride safe.

                                                                                         **C Dave  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blackbuell on August 31, 2011, 03:50:15 PM

Keep us posted on Otto's progress.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vibr8r on October 03, 2011, 08:41:31 PM
Foster Campbell aka vibr8r


Marietta, Georgia

I retired in 2011 after 30 years as a letter carrier.  I've been lurking here a few days and found this thread.  I recently bought a 2004 California EV 1100 Touring in burgundy and black, bone stock except a Stucci crossover.  I'm the lucky one with two dealers within 60 miles of the house.  I've already met guzzisteve, who gave me some pointers and told me "just ride it".  I hope to meet the rest of the local community soon.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roach Carver on October 03, 2011, 09:54:40 PM
Brad Green


Fayetteville Arkansas

1 wife, 1 daughter, 3 dogs, and the wife has two cats.

Just got a 71 ambasador
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roderick on October 03, 2011, 11:06:33 PM

- Roddy Malcolm
- Age 56
- Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Keremeos, British Columbia, Canada
- Chartered Surveyor (professional appraiser)
- Licensed motorcycle rider for 34 years
- Just bought my first Guzzi, a 2007 Breva 1100
- Bikes over the past 15 years include: Triumph Bonneville, Triumph America, Triumph Tiger, V-Strom 996, Honda VFR.
- I hope to hook-up with Guzzista in Alberta & British Columbia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nilknarf on October 04, 2011, 07:23:47 AM
 **C Roddy- Welcome to the group, and to the Guzzista clan in general. I'm sure you will find many friends here as well as a wealth of information. We sometime discuss (argue) over various things and express our varying views, but overall we are a bunch who share a common thread and that is a passion for the marque. Again welcome.

                                            **C Dave  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: -alan- on January 09, 2012, 04:14:09 AM
Hello everybody.

I'm Alan. I live in Dublin, Ireland and am part way through recommissioning/rebuilding my old V50Mk2. Part way through the rebuild I decided to go for the full cafe look. Currently struggling with the 'where do i put the battery' question to get that clean mid section the bike needs - hence how I found WildGuzzi. Impressive site.

Long time biker - first bike was an air-cooled RD250 to give you an idea of how long in the tooth I am. After that, ever onwards and upwards until I ended up in a big V-twin phase (couple of Ducatis an Ironhead Sportster) and ended up with the little Guzzi which has been languishing in my garage for the last 15 years unloved. Hope with a bit of motivation and inspiration from here that I'll manage to get her back bend-swinging on the roads round here for the Summer.  :)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kballowe on January 09, 2012, 07:00:16 AM
I'm Kevin and I live in a rural area of East Central Missouri.

Farm raised with nine siblings.

Ran off and joined the U.S. Marines at a young age - and later joined the U.S. Navy.

Married with three children.

Bought the first Guzzi in 1977 while living in Southern Spain.  #2 in 2004.....  #3 just a week ago.

We've managed to make 30,000+ motorcycle miles each year for the past ten years or so.  Before that - it was a stretch to get to 15,000.
Owned more that 50 bikes of all makes and manufacturers over the years.  Never met a motorcycle that I didn't like.

The Missus is my co-pilot.  She makes a fine navigator. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: onerne on January 09, 2012, 03:19:15 PM
Robert Eberly
age 62
married 26 years
one son

biological systems engineer first career      past 12 years-baker
first guzzi 79sp ready for mechanical resto

others,2008 1200 sport and honda ct90
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chas H on January 09, 2012, 03:48:34 PM
Chas H

retired owner of repair and manufacturing business which started as a race car prepare and build shop.
reside in Bucks County, PA

Recently bought my first Guzzi, a V50II, to restore.
Last bike was a Suzuki X6 Hustler, sold in '75.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: greyghost on January 09, 2012, 09:33:29 PM
Greetings, cult members.
Ken Hudson
Lighting Director for a famous old radio show
Nashville, TN
V7 ll Stone (for sale) and a new V9 Roamer
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lunar on January 09, 2012, 11:48:07 PM
Nicely timed thread.  I just joined two days ago.
Also live on the navel of the Earth.
1 wife of 20 years
4 kids
1 dog
2 fish
Started riding again last year after 19 year hiatus.
Currently have:
1992 Yamaha Seca (daily rider)
1986 Suzuki Savage (made into bobber, shares daily rider duties)
1963 Lambretta Li 125 Series 3 (actually a gift to my wife, box of parts awaiting attention)
2007 Guzzi 750 Breva.
Obviously it is the later that brought me here looking for info.  I'm in need of an engine for the Breva, literally, there is nothing forward of the trany.  Other than that the bike is in great shape.  I had to save it from a date with the junk man.  Any info would be great.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: manxkipper on January 10, 2012, 03:57:07 AM
Cape Town, ZA

1969 Norton 650 Mercury
1980 MG LM2
2008 Aprilia Tuono

One kid one wife - enough said.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gooze on January 10, 2012, 05:56:02 AM
Here it goes...

Born and raised in Finland (real first name Tero), however,  the last 12 years lived in the states and ongoing.

I guess I'm still relatively "new to guzzies" given it's been a total of 5 of them by now, I didn't really start extensively riding until we got relocated to US (I'm in electrical engineering, was an internal transfer with the same company).

Family situation is married (feels like forever) and with two teenagers whom most of the time seem more matured than their father, hmm.....  and a german shepherd.

There's something about Guzzies, and especially something about the Jackal, one of these days I can put my finger on it what it is...  For reasons I don't anymore understand I got away from the Guzzi forums, MGNOC, etc, about 3 years ago, I did my Guzzi thing on my own but "isolated", now just recently rejoined, well, our family had lots of stuff going on I guess.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BigRooster on January 12, 2012, 02:00:02 PM
Hello all,  :BEER:

Pittsburgh, PA
2yr old son
Commodity Manager

Recommended to the forum by fellow Sportster forum buddy, "Bone"....er I mean "Kev M"  (at least I think that's him).

A bit of a lurker until I can hopefully join the Guzzi family pending  purchase of a low mileage 07 Griso I found in Ohio.  Hopefully it will fall into my tight price budget (very close as advertised) AND pass my, admittedly, ill-informed, inspection process.   Dealer has it advertised but knows nothing about it and I can’t go see it until it returns from a local Guzzi dealer for what was referred to as “a problem with the idle timing.”  a least that’s what I was told by a salesperson not entirely invested in speaking with me.  I don’t know if that is a huge red flag or not.  :-\ Perfectly nice guy but I was completely driving the conversation and he knew little about the bike.

Reading all I find about the Griso here and elsewhere but I’ll accept any guidance on anything, specific to the Griso or MG, that I should review with the dealer or inspect.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Thunderbox on January 17, 2012, 02:51:37 PM
Jim Harback
Piove di Sacco, Italy
Retired Military
Been ridin' for 45 years.

Are you the Jim Harback who was stationed in Germany in the eighties?  Red haired Jim Harback?  Canadian Forces Jim Harback
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: flemsmith on January 18, 2012, 03:22:04 AM
Roy Smith
Apache Junction & Strawberry, Az
78 T3 Project
2000 Cagiva Gran Canyon
Wife rides too, so
Two 2005 BMW R1200GS's
2003 Suzuki DL650
2003 BMW F650GS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ChuckH on January 18, 2012, 05:41:04 AM
Good Morning, I'm Chuck Hoefflin, a long-retired Mechanical Engineer.  I spent most of my life in the diesel and gaseous fuel engine industries for a couple of the major companies.  My wife and I retired to a location a bit south of Indianapolis so I'm in the Great Middle but close to a lot of good riding.

My current ride is an '09 Wee-Strom, set-up for long distance touring and camping trips.  I expecting/hoping to replace it with a '12 Stelvio later this year (Oct/Nov time frame) and use next winter to get it ready for the '13 riding season.

I sent my MGNOC application form in yesterday, so I guess that makes me an "Official Member".  My riding calendar for this year has several of the rallies listed and I'm looking forward to meeting many of you.

Ride safe.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on January 18, 2012, 09:12:40 AM
Good Morning, I'm Chuck Hoefflin, a long-retired Mechanical Engineer.  I spent most of my life in the diesel and gaseous fuel engine industries for a couple of the major companies.  My wife and I retired to a location a bit south of Indianapolis so I'm in the Great Middle but close to a lot of good riding.

My current ride is an '09 Wee-Strom, set-up for long distance touring and camping trips.  I expecting/hoping to replace it with a '12 Stelvio later this year (Oct/Nov time frame) and use next winter to get it ready for the '13 riding season.

I sent my MGNOC application form in yesterday, so I guess that makes me an "Official Member".  My riding calendar for this year has several of the rallies listed and I'm looking forward to meeting many of you.

Ride safe.


First Sunday of every month, Danville In, Mayberry Cafe, right on the courthouse square, 1PM. Unless nobody shows up.. ;D
Good to see another Indiana poster.. handyandy don't count.. ;) :BEER:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ChuckH on January 18, 2012, 12:38:27 PM
First Sunday of every month, Danville In, Mayberry Cafe, right on the courthouse square, 1PM. Unless nobody shows up.. ;

Good to know Chuck.  Thanks for the info.  I'll try and make them if I'm in town.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davevv on January 18, 2012, 01:08:00 PM
David Van Vooren

Retired from 30+ years of repairing electronic test equipment, a trade learned in the Air Force back in the '60s.
I now run a small quilting business to keep me out of trouble and fund my motorcycle vice.

I've been riding with a license since January of 1961.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jdelv on January 19, 2012, 10:15:50 AM
Jon DelVecchio
Rochester, NY

I've recently joined the Moto Guzzi fraternity with the purchase of a 2007 Griso.  I'm wondering what took me so long to get into these bikes!  I teach high school business education subjects full-time.  Part-time I teach driver ed to teens and NYS pre-licensing courses.  About 6 years ago I also became an MSF coach.  All these experiences have led me to create my own skill-building resource titled "Motorcycling streetSkills cards" (www.streetSkills.NET (http://www.streetSkills.NET)).  The idea is flashcards used to build good riding habits and skills.

I'm looking forward to submersing myself into the Guzzi world.  Look me up if you're ever in Western NY.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hidn45 on January 19, 2012, 11:30:45 AM
This might be a good place to interject that the Moto Guzzi National Owners Club website has listings of rallies, meetings, area rep.'s, etc. that are very useful to the newbie.  There's no better place (except here) to get to know your Guzzi brethren than around a rally campfire.

     I believe it's mgnoc.com
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: doug2943 on January 19, 2012, 05:06:47 PM

(http://s15.postimage.org/e8rjfn41z/CIMG0191.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/e8rjfn41z/)

(http://s17.postimage.org/uj1049657/07_Black_Nevada.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/uj1049657/)

Doug Krogh
retiring after 27 years with federal law enforcement
have a new great wife who now rides a 07 Nevada
I have a 04 Cali with sidecar

Wife LOVES riding her MG (after her did the state bike school) :+=copcar
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tixen on February 15, 2012, 09:38:35 AM
I missed this thread the first time 'round. :)

Soleil Golden
Web Developer
San Jose, CA

2008 Moto Guzzi Norge 1200 GTS - "Amy"

1990 Kawasaki Concours - "Saki"

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eddie850 on February 15, 2012, 12:43:27 PM
Eddie Cox,
I'm in the UK,
35 years old,
Ex Triumph and BMW technician now changed career,
Married with 4 year old twin girls, Sasha and Caliegh named after one of my bikes,
Bikes include,
Moto Guzzi Lemans 3,
Moto Guzzi V65 Monza,
Moto guzzi California 3,
Moto Guzzi Spada NT,
Laverda Jota 120,
MZ 250 sidecar outfit,
Mz 251 Saxon tour,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duc on February 15, 2012, 08:23:29 PM
Mell Paul
auto body repair shop owner
Norcross Ga Near Atlanta
Riding guzzis since 1997
Riding forever
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi fan on February 15, 2012, 08:27:09 PM
Tom Prescott, 50, Merchandiser, Fayetteville, NC.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: B-rad on February 15, 2012, 10:09:30 PM
Hello all!!! My name is Brad, and I am 35yr old manchild who has been divorced twice and have found that the only real truth in my life is that I can love a bike more than I can a woman. I was a devoted Ducati maniac who lived off all things from the Panigale district till one day I was walking through a Harley dealer and saw a 2004 Breva 750 that needed to come home to a garage where the native tongue was italian. My Vespa made it feel right at home. I currently live in Huntsville AL, and can usually be seen riding up and down the parkway on one of my pasta rockets. Currently looking for a V7 or Duc GT1000 to round out the family. With the Monster gone it just feels like something is missing. Maybe a nice young lady with a heated garage and a love of italian iron is still out there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ad B on March 02, 2012, 04:59:48 AM
I'm "Ad B", living in Holland (the Netherlands), Europe.
I'm playing at this world for some 53 years now.
Driving motorcycle from my 18th.
I had a lot, the most survived my riding style, 4 are killed by going over the edge.
The last 20 years I drove a Harley, a special build Harley.
It was time for a change, to wake up my "Joe Bar" feeling. ;D
I fel in love with a Guzzi, a Griso.
So for 1,5 year I'm enjoying a Griso 1200 8V. :drool
More of this bike in the Picture topic...

Ad B
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mychaelruiz on March 19, 2012, 12:49:40 PM
Hello to all.

I have been riding for almost 40 years and have now purchased my first Moto Guzzi. (04 Cafe Sport).

I live in northern California. For the most part I love twin motorcycles,(with the exception of Laverda triples).My other bikes are :
1995 Ducati 916 Superbike
2001 Aprilia Falco
2004 Triumph Thruxton
1982 Laverda 1200 Mirage TS

I am a Healthcare Executive.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 19, 2012, 01:53:15 PM
Welkommen!  So do your co-workers try to give you heat for riding a motorcycle?  :pop
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kitze2 on March 19, 2012, 02:10:34 PM
Hello to all.

I have been riding for almost 40 years and have now purchased my first Moto Guzzi. (04 Cafe Sport).

I live in northern California. For the most part I love twin motorcycles,(with the exception of Laverda triples).My other bikes are :
1995 Ducati 916 Superbike
2001 Aprilia Falco
2004 Triumph Thruxton
1982 Laverda 1200 Mirage TS

I am a Healthcare Executive.
Where in NorCal you at?
There is a loose knit Guzzi group here abouts.
We meet the 1st Monday on each month. Also do a few informal rides occasionally.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: beena on March 19, 2012, 02:28:08 PM
I missed this thread when I joined.

I'm Beena.
From the UK.
40yrs old in three day's time.
Relatively new to bikes having passed my test in 2008.
Started off on a Kawasaki 550 Zephyr, moved on to a Triumph Bonneville Scrambler, then on to a Triumph Street Triple and now have a V7 Classic, which is much more my style than the Street Triple. Picked her up just over a week ago and loving every minute of it.

Here's the new love of my life:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mychaelruiz on March 19, 2012, 03:00:45 PM
Kitze2, I am in Walnut Creek. I would love to join some rides. My usual roads take me up around Corners, lake Berryessa, Calistoga, Middletown and so on. Although I am open to all areas.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: quotaduck on April 27, 2012, 12:46:13 AM
Hey y'all. I promise to do my best to be a active participant. But, truth be told, my wife is much better at keeping up with day to day posts.

She rides a Griso 1100, but I look better on it.


Errr...Actually, she looks better on the Griso than I do. But that's only from behind!

...ok, she just looks better.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spadoman on June 04, 2012, 05:01:00 PM
Hello. I'm 63 years old. I just bought my first Moto Guzzi. A 2005 Nevada Classic 750. I also ride a 2008 Triumph Scrambler that I have set up as a dual sport bike. I have been riding for a long time, over 40 years. I don't work for wages, I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran. I live in River Falls, WI, about 50 miles from Minneapolis, MN. I have been married to the same woman for 41 years. I am not bald. I have lost some of my sight, some of my hearing, some of my teeth, have had 7 heart attacks, 2 bypass surgeries and have a pacemaker installed. I like to think I will live until I die, not just be alive. So, I ride motorcycles. Oh, and I am also a full blood Italian and I finally am the proud owner of an Italian bike. Let's ride!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: auto on July 08, 2012, 04:08:08 PM
I'm another one that missed this thread when I signed up.

My name is Steve.
I'm 49 yrs.old
I live a bit east of Cincinnati,Ohio

I work at a transmission manufacturing plant (Ford).I've been there 21yrs. earned a Journeyman's card in Machine Repair and am currently working in a lab.

Last bike brought me here,2012 Griso SE.I'm really enjoying it
I have several others.....

1983 Kaw. GPZ1100 (for sale)
1995 Kaw.ZX-11 (for sale)
2004 HD Road King
2007 HD DynaGlide
1980 HD FLT
2010 HD Road Glide
1983 FXRT (last yr. Shovelhead,first yr.FXRT)

I enjoy all things motorcycle (obviously),firearms,and the outdoors.

Just me,no wife,no children.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dropinparts on July 08, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
My name is Stuart.
I'm 57 years old and live in Tuxedo, NC.
Been a General Contractor in Florida most of my adult life.

My 2012 Griso is my first Guzzi and I'm lovin it!

Being its my 83rd motorcycle (and I promised my last), that's saying a lot.
Glad to be on board with the Guzzi tribe.  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SS Twin on July 09, 2012, 06:02:48 PM
Bonjourno!  My name is Steve and I am a life long rider, just now getting my first Guzzi. Long time BMW rider who also love all bikes, especially twins. BTW, im an identical twin and Frank and I still ride, hang out, and talk as much as ever.

Current rides are my Honda Valkyrie Tourer, HD Ultra Classic bagger, Ducati Monster 900ie (another sexy Italian), and my around Swiss army knife, a BMW R1200GS. Decisions, decisions, what type of MG should I get?

At my age (60+, that's all I'm saying), I thought it would be a Breva or Norge......then I looked at a really cool Centauro (owned by Brad in Clerawater, not sure of his screen name). Wow!  What a beautiful beast......., but he also has a Griso.  Well that was that.  It was to be a Griso, I knew.

Looked at 2 (black and red) and was able to decide on the red one which is in Idaho!  Not exactly "in the hood", but through some digging and some serious dialog, it was a go.

My bike is being loaded on an Allied transport rig tomorrow and is scheduled to be here in NE Florida on 7/23. Ouch, 2 more weeks to wait, and I haven't even seen it in person or ridden any other Griso.  Faith!  But I am impressed with it's stewardship.  She was purchased new in 2008 by Ed (triumph68) in St George, Utah, and very recently sold to Michael (caffeineo) in Idaho.  Turns out he really wanted more of a dual sport ride, so he posted it for sale on advrider.com. I saw it there and fell in love. So now it is on it's way to Florida and an excited new guzzi rider.

No pics yet, will post more when she is "home".


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldspice on July 09, 2012, 07:40:43 PM
Hi all,

Long time lurker here, current Aprilia and future Guzzi owner, hopefully within the next year.  I've been smitten by the Stelvio ever since I first laid eyes on it and with the introduction of the NTX to the States, I'm 100% sold.  Now, I only hope there's one left by the time I get my new-motorbike-buying-ducks in a row!

Thanks for the continued wealth of info and fun!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: QCGoose on July 09, 2012, 07:48:27 PM
Hi all,

Long time lurker here, current Aprilia and future Guzzi owner, hopefully within the next year.  I've been smitten by the Stelvio ever since I first laid eyes on it and with the introduction of the NTX to the States, I'm 100% sold.  Now, I only hope there's one left by the time I get my new-motorbike-buying-ducks in a row!

Thanks for the continued wealth of info and fun!

Not only another Iowan, but a semi-local one at that! Doesn't happen too often on here lol.

Speaking of IA City, we were just there earlier today (and are there quite often, usually for the football games).

Also, not to push you towards a different model, but a reminder that there's a gorgeous black '06 Breva 1100 at Ned's in Riverside for only $5300/$5400 (I forget which), and it's certainly worth checking out.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jeeron on July 10, 2012, 05:02:39 AM
Today I came across this site again, and appearantly I registered myself in the past buth ave done nothing with it. So here goes!

My name is Jeroen and I`m from the Netherlands. I`m 25 and I've been driving motorcycles (Guzzi) thanks to my dad since I was legally able to do so, which is 7 years and counting.

My first bike was a V35 III.
After two years (I had a limited drivers license; 25kw) my father and I bought a Sport 1100 '95 carb which we still have.
And soon after that I bought myself a Guzzi V50 Nato 1984 former Dutch army police bike. (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-S8ViTjadWY4/T_nZLjr0HOI/AAAAAAAAAEw/FLoPsXU-wmQ/s720/DSCN0782.JPG)
(The above image was taken last year when my dad and I drove to the south of Portugal and back which was a bout 3700 miles in total)

And some roadside repair during that holiday: http://moguz.nl/misc/roadside/index_eng.html (http://moguz.nl/misc/roadside/index_eng.html) (fast translation into english)

Now what comming up: 23 july I'll be going with my little nato and my girlfriend to Mandello. Will be a fun week but probably not for her butt  :bike

Our shed has:
Moto Guzzi California 3 with 2 person EML sidecar (this is wat started it all for me when I was 6 years old)
Moto Guzzi Sport 1100 carb
Moto Guzzi V50 nato
Norton Commando 850 MK3
Yamaha XV750 (chopped by my dad)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fat albert on July 10, 2012, 06:31:37 AM
Hi All
My name is Jack. I got my new Norge the end of April and it just turn 5000 mi yesterday. Really like the bike. I am 69 and retired and live in Crossville Tn
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on July 10, 2012, 06:59:11 AM
Welcome Jeeron, glad to see someone who appreciates the smallblock.  I've always thought of trying to add a Nato kickstart to one of the modern 750s, but finding surplus kickstart levers is impossible, at least in the USA.

Good to have you on board!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on July 13, 2012, 01:54:08 AM
The Nato is an interesting bike. The mill is slightly modified - it has lower Hp and more linier tourque. Done by lowering compression slightly. The piston has a larger combustion carve out, than the regular V50/III. I actually have a Nato mill sitting on the shelf as a spare for my V50/III with spanking new cylinders and pistons.

Welcome to you and your bikes Jeeron  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jeeron on July 13, 2012, 02:46:22 PM
Thank you guys for the welcome. Small blocks are great fun to ride, and I use it year round and ride about 1242 miles (2000km) per month but the nato has one downside and that is it's fuel consumption. Compared to the civil versions where 47mpg (5L - 100km) is possible my nato is around 36mpg (6,5L - 100km). And offcourse it's top speed which is according to my garmin about 86 mph (139km/h). But then again it has 25kw power, and recentely someone put on a dyno bench and got 24bhp on the rear wheel.

The Nato does indeed have a larger combustion carve out, but also uses V35 cilinder heads and valves.

Sign 216, are you only looking for a lever or for a complete gearbox? There is/was not sure if he still excists a motorcycle scrapper that had brand new boxed nato engines and gearboxes. I could call him and see what he has. Feel free to pm me, or mail me which is probably faster :P.

Just keep in mind that in order for the lever to fit the Balance pipe ( H piece in the exhaust system) can't be to close to the carter or it won't fit because of the axle that sticks out. Mine is without a lever because I`m using a V35 III exhaust system. I`m guessing there should be at least 3 inches (horizontal) between the carter and the H piece.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 13, 2012, 03:00:34 PM

Thank you guys for the welcome.

The gloom and doom guys keep saying that we old guys will all die off and no one will be left to ride Guzzis!   How do they explain the 20-somethings like you who are enthusiastic about this sport?   

And with a MkIII Commando Interstate too!    Best of the old Brit roadburners ....

Thanks for sharing your bikes with us.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sheepdog on July 13, 2012, 04:09:40 PM
I've been a member of this board for five years, yet I've somehow neglected to participate in this thread.  My name is Keith Bagley and I live in Waldheim, LA (just North of New Orleans).  I'm retired from the US Government in 2008, where I was in the national security business (NNSA).  I'm married, I have two grown kids, I'm an Army veteran, and I'm 56 years old.  In addition to motorcycles, I enjoy cycling, canoeing, fishing, and hunting...outdoor stuff.  I entertain myself by playing guitar and going to see live music.  I've been riding constantly since 1969.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 13, 2012, 04:15:46 PM

  I've been riding constantly since 1969.

Wow!   Talk about butt-burn ... I can only do about 3 hours at a time.    :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gini Fata on July 13, 2012, 04:34:49 PM
Gini Fata
2000 jackal sold to friend
1987 lemans sold
2000 v11sport missed dearly..crashed
yamaha fjr  for sale
2012 norge cant wait
and others
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sheepdog on July 13, 2012, 07:32:57 PM
Wow!   Talk about butt-burn ... I can only do about 3 hours at a time.    :D
...the tire changes were hell!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GOAT on July 13, 2012, 09:52:28 PM
Howdy new here but not to motorcycles. Rode Harley's for 20+ years switched to Guzzi's in 1999
bought my !st motorcycle in 1973 a Honda CT90 "Trail 90" still own

rest off line is 1999 Moto Guzzi Bassa V11 bought new in 1999
                    2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750ie bought new in 2005

have been watch as a guest and found a lot of useful information the people on this site thanks for having me
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on July 14, 2012, 11:15:14 AM
Wow!   Talk about butt-burn ... I can only do about 3 hours at a time.    :D

 :D :D :D ;-T ;-T ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zee on July 16, 2012, 03:08:10 PM
hey everybody,

my name is Zorawar but having a difficult name everyone has shortened it to ZEE, its easier and i still get to be a little unique. i'm 40 and just onb the verge of getting my first Moto Guzzi. i live in North Bergen, NJ and do real estate for as living in Manhattan.

the extra bit. im 5'9" and have a 30 inseam so ive been looking for a bike that's not too high on the seat height. i'm contemplating between a 2007 griso and a 2010 V7 Cafe Classic. since im new to the forum and to this brand i have tons of questions and was hoping someone would be kind enough to help with those questions.

nice meeting you all.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GT3 Techno on July 16, 2012, 04:16:01 PM
New here and to Guzzi which I didn't know existed before the past 6 weeks. I am 50 years old and live in Canada. Lot of useful information on this forum. Thanks.

I bought a 2012 V7 Racer after having seen one in Florida in June. Completely impulsive decision. I had no clue if I would like the ride but felt in love with the overall look of the bike. I had other bikes before (Harley Street Bob Dyna, Night Train Soft Tail and Road King) which I sold because I couldn't find time to ride. Whenever I needed to go somewhere, there was always a good reason to take my car...

I just think Moto Guzzi twin bikes are cool. Now I will probably add a Griso to the V7... but most of my spare time is spent in Car Club racing.

(http://s11.postimage.org/80gqcj0i7/V7_Racer_1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/80gqcj0i7/)

(http://s10.postimage.org/f7zvon9n9/V7_Racer_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/f7zvon9n9/)

(http://s16.postimage.org/ejusxg0v5/GT3_Cup_1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/ejusxg0v5/)

(http://s13.postimage.org/mvn786yyb/GT3_Cup_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/mvn786yyb/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zee on July 16, 2012, 04:23:51 PM
I missed this thread when I joined.

I'm Beena.
From the UK.
40yrs old in three day's time.
Relatively new to bikes having passed my test in 2008.
Started off on a Kawasaki 550 Zephyr, moved on to a Triumph Bonneville Scrambler, then on to a Triumph Street Triple and now have a V7 Classic, which is much more my style than the Street Triple. Picked her up just over a week ago and loving every minute of it.

Here's the new love of my life:

thats a beauty beena - i was contemplating to get this too but i just love that green color on the v7 cafe....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: StaysCrunchy on July 16, 2012, 04:42:44 PM
Name's James, I live in Bothell Washington which is about 20 miles North of Seattle.

My first vehicle (motorcycle or otherwise) was a 1974 850T. It was a pile of parts sitting under a tarp in somebody's back yard when I got it at age 15. I completely reassembled that thing using nothing but my own two hands and the money I made working at McDonalds. When I was done it was about 85% Guzzi and 15% whatever I could scrap together. I took my motorcycle endorsement test on it the weekend after my 16th birthday. I didn't own a car until I was almost 20. Unfortunately I fell on hard times financially in my late-20s and had to sell it.

Currently I have a 2009 Triumph Bonneville that I absolutely love, and I just picked up a wrecked 2002 Cali Stone that I'm in the process of rebuilding. I guess that's about it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Luther54 on July 16, 2012, 06:04:39 PM
TF Luther

Age - 58

Married - 32 years (It's been great but am still waiting on the dowery)

Officially an empty-nester on July 19th except for 2 rescue dogs

Work - Still rowing the boat as a sales rep for a manufacturer of waterproofing systems for commercial buildings.

Bikes - 2000 V11 Sport (green), 1972 Triumph T100 (restored)

Hobbies - Riding in the Sierra foot hills; Good red wine; Making pizzas in my wood fired oven; Books; More good red wine

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: justinian77 on July 26, 2012, 10:03:11 AM
My name is Justin, I"m 35, I am in the USAF, I live in Fairborn, OH...I ride a 1970 Ambassador that my grandfather restored...I'm the third generation to ride her, she is my beautiful 42 year old Italian lady...

The Roman Emperor handle is my nickname from high school...

(http://s10.postimage.org/h3tp0m9mt/177784_1626852840787021_564605092_o.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/h3tp0m9mt/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 26, 2012, 10:26:40 AM
I"m 35, I am in the USAF, I live in Fairborn, OH...I ride a 1970 Ambassador that my grandfather restored...I'm the third generation to ride her, she is my beautiful 42 year old Italian lady...

Now needed:

1) Photo of Ambo

2) Why a Roman emperor?    ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on July 26, 2012, 04:27:47 PM
Greetings Guzzi Gearheads! My Name is John Schurke, I'm from Springfield Mo. and I'm 50 yrs. old.
I have a '80 cx 100 I have been riding since 1989 (I think) also a V11 Scura (#599) and a Triumph Tiger, two Bultaco Sherpas and a Gas Gas TX280. Reciently rode to Guzzi National in Va, (loved the Blueridge Pkw.) and The Tail of the Dragon. Since I'm in SW Mo. I do alot of Arkansas riding. Give me a halla if ur in the area!

Keep your knees in the breeze and between the trees!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BravoBravo on July 26, 2012, 04:35:45 PM
Greetings Guzzi Gearheads! My Name is John Schurke, I'm from Springfield Mo. and I'm 50 yrs. old.
I have a '80 cx 100 I have been riding since 1989 (I think) also a V11 Scura (#599) and a Triumph Tiger, two Bultaco Sherpas and a Gas Gas TX280. Reciently rode to Guzzi National in Va, (loved the Blueridge Pkw.) and The Tail of the Dragon. Since I'm in SW Mo. I do alot of Arkansas riding. Give me a halla if ur in the area!

Keep your knees in the breeze and between the trees!


Hi John. Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a very nice collection of ridin' iron!  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: v7classic on September 04, 2012, 12:06:23 AM
I just found this thread, so here i am.  Steve Swan, Fort Collins, Colorado, now 60, riding continuously since 14, owned/ridden/restored/rebuilt over 70 motorcyles in my time, a newcomer to Moto Guzzi as of 2009, but wasted no time, now have 4, '00 Greenie, '06 B11, '09 CalVin and a '11 V7R.  I don't see another brand in my future.  Picture taken 2010, on the Port Townsend ferry, Laura and i.  

(http://s12.postimage.org/fbyw0bhpl/R1_08533_003_A.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/fbyw0bhpl/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BravoBravo on September 04, 2012, 08:57:41 AM
I just found this thread, so here i am.  Steve Swan, Fort Collins, Colorado, now 60, riding continuously since 14, owned/ridden/restored/rebuilt over 70 motorcyles in my time, a newcomer to Moto Guzzi as of 2009, but wasted no time, now have 4, '00 Greenie, '06 B11, '09 CalVin and a '11 V7R.  I don't see another brand in my future.  Picture taken 2010, on the Port Townsend ferry, Laura and i.  

(http://s12.postimage.org/fbyw0bhpl/R1_08533_003_A.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/fbyw0bhpl/)

Welcome, Steve! Seeing what a nice gaggle you have gives me Guzzi envy!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allister on September 05, 2012, 02:54:30 AM
I'm Allister from New Zealand. I have a '97 sport 1100i and its a ground up restoration. I bought her in 2009 and it's been a labor of love ever since. I had one ride on her before the tear down began. The gearbox sounded like it was trying to eat itself and the fuel cap was rusted to the tank (it hadn't been looked after for a few years). Lots of rust and corrosion but the motor ran well. Have made some progress but seem to end up doing things twice.
Here's a picture of the bike when I bought it.
(http://s10.postimage.org/e9fxmfed1/P1000009.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/e9fxmfed1/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: QCGoose on September 05, 2012, 09:49:30 AM
I'm Allister from New Zealand. I have a '97 sport 1100i and its a ground up restoration. I bought her in 2009 and it's been a labor of love ever since. I had one ride on her before the tear down began. The gearbox sounded like it was trying to eat itself and the fuel cap was rusted to the tank (it hadn't been looked after for a few years). Lots of rust and corrosion but the motor ran well. Have made some progress but seem to end up doing things twice.
Here's a picture of the bike when I bought it.
(http://s10.postimage.org/e9fxmfed1/P1000009.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/e9fxmfed1/)

Welcome! Nice to see another yellow Sporti in the mix. It's sad to hear that she's had a rough life, but good on you for giving her the attention she needs and bringing her back.  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dawdish on September 05, 2012, 01:16:29 PM
Hi all, I'm Dave from Colorado. Though I've been building "ASIAN" Cafe Racers for a while, the Guzzi has just intrigued me since I was  kid. So this weekend I took the dive and picked up a 1981 G5. Its a bit rough and I dont think all the parts on it are "G5". So my plan is to Cafe it.
(http://s8.postimage.org/nb221bxpd/DSCF9342.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/nb221bxpd/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allister on September 06, 2012, 02:29:29 AM
Hi QCGoose,
Thanks for the welcome.I always wonted a yellow sporti and always intended to keep it yellow. But I spotted a V7 at the 2011 Phillip Island MotoGP, in the classic race that left me inspired.
(http://s18.postimage.org/em76zijzp/P1010130.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/em76zijzp/)

(http://s15.postimage.org/4izxjv1jb/P1010131.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/4izxjv1jb/)

(http://s9.postimage.org/5uc3dtr9n/P1010134.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/5uc3dtr9n/)

(http://s18.postimage.org/sjyjwawtx/P1010138.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/sjyjwawtx/)

(http://s8.postimage.org/da2mrk6v5/P1010100.jpg) (http://postimage.org/image/da2mrk6v5/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dirtymartini on September 06, 2012, 08:54:11 AM
Paul Casterlin  (motorcycle addict at large)
Harveys Lake PA (Largest Natural lake in PA)

Electrician for PA Dept of Corrections

I belonged to this forum about 10-12 years ago when I had my V11 Sport, my handle then was "twstm"
I had a bad experience with my V11 Sport and the dealer, I was without the bike for about 6 months and when I got it back decided to sell it. But once having an Italian bike, it get in your blood. I was shopping for an Adventure type bike and thought I wanted the Triumph Adventure....that is until I looked at the Stelvio NTX :drool Last thursday I pulled the trigger and brought her home. I have about 400 miles on it so far and love it!

I have been riding since I was about 11 (dirt bikes) and have been an MSF Instructor (or Rider Coach, whatever the PC name is now) since 1992. I think the count of bikes I have owned is over 50 now...I know, I have a problem, I just wish I had kept most of them. Right now I have the 2012 Stelvio NTX, a 1969 Norton 750 Commando "S", a 1975 Norton 850 Commando Mark III and a 1975 Penton Mint 400. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: QCGoose on September 06, 2012, 01:34:39 PM
I always wonted a yellow sporti and always intended to keep it yellow. But I spotted a V7 at the 2011 Phillip Island MotoGP, in the classic race that left me inspired.

No arguing with that. That thing's gonna look awesome when finished! Please keep us posted. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: highgear on November 27, 2012, 10:18:02 PM
I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hello.  My name is Dave and I'm from Gilroy, California.  I come from a background of strictly Japanese bikes. I, like I expect many others, have been absolutely floored by the new V7 Racer.  So much so that I just sold my bike last night and I'm planning on picking up a V7 Racer in the next week or so.  I sell commercial trucks in San Jose, CA and I'm 46 years old.  Looking forward to that first ride on an Italian bike! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dawdish on November 27, 2012, 10:31:22 PM
Hey Dave, Dave here, in Colorado, I have been building Honda Cafe's. I just got the Guzzi bug and am building a V1000 Cafe. Welcome, and have fun on that V7!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kiwi on November 28, 2012, 12:37:43 AM
John Conder ,69yrs, retired, new Moto Guzzi Califoria Vintage, live in New Zealand north island ,also  1975 morris mini
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mauriceetjeannine on November 28, 2012, 02:46:52 AM

I live in the north of France. I ride guzzi since 1993. My first one was a 1000CaliforniaIII carbs, after a V65 with agostini fairing, a V75 Targa, A cafe racer V75 4V, parts to rebuild a v65gt but i will make a scrambler with them, and finaly last month a V7 classic.
I am a member of the french motoclub "la scuderia guzzi". Finally i am the owner of http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/ (http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Aggiefiddler on December 24, 2012, 11:18:33 AM

My name is Daniel, I'm in Austin, Texas, and I'm the new owner of a 2004 California EV.

A thank you to Mike at MPH Cycles in Houston!  And Mike, after 3 hours yesterday afternoon with the steel wool you gave me, the chrome looks GREAT!  Now all I have left to do is a little work with a toothbrush in the fins and a few other crevices, and she'll be all detailed and ready to go.

For the other non motorcycle details...  I have a wife who's a little wary of me buying a motorcycle, and a kid who hopefully will like going riding with dad when she's big enough.  I'm a programmer for an audio video company.  Most of my programming is with home automation systems.  I enjoy outdoor activities (camping, hiking, etc.) and hopefully the bike will be a nice way to get outside more.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on December 24, 2012, 11:55:37 AM

I live in the north of France. I ride guzzi since 1993. My first one was a 1000CaliforniaIII carbs, after a V65 with agostini fairing, a V75 Targa, A cafe racer V75 4V, parts to rebuild a v65gt but i will make a scrambler with them, and finaly last month a V7 classic.
I am a member of the french motoclub "la scuderia guzzi". Finally i am the owner of http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/ (http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/)


Had missed this. Which part of the north of France are you from? Our daughter lived in Sallanche for1.1/2 years. They now reside in Singapore but this year is the second year in a row that she has taken the family back there on their holiday. We visited there when she was living there and thoroughly enjoyed our time in France.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eddie850 on December 24, 2012, 12:35:27 PM
Hi. My name is Eddie I am from the UK, I am 36 years old. I am a maintenance supervisor and an ex BMW and Triumph motorcycle technician. I have been riding a bikes since I was 16 and got my first Guzzi a Lemans 3 when I was 18 which I still have. Since I was 18 I have added a few bikes to my garage, a Cali 3, a V65 engine based Monza, a laverda jota 120 and since july this year a Griso SE plus 2 MZ ETZ250 1 fitted with a chair, all of these I still have. I have had a few in fact quite a few more but these are the one's I have kept.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on December 24, 2012, 12:39:34 PM
Nice garage there Eddie. ;-T

I personally LOVE the look of the Jota. ;-T ;-T ;-T :drool
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eddie850 on December 24, 2012, 12:45:49 PM
Thanks but it's a shame I had to get rid for what I did, I just ran out of room, A 1100 sport, an Yamaha RD 250 DX another 12 MZ's, a Morini 125, a standard V50 Monza and a Montessa cota 247. Still next year I will have to build a new shed.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cyclocrossfool on January 01, 2013, 06:10:40 PM
bought about a month ago a 1975 850t. (replaces a 1975 laverda sf2 that i bought/raced in the 80's). also have a road legal 81 honda cb650 a 79 yam xs400, a running 1978kaw 750b. and a project 81 kz550ltd. been riding since a sen. in high school(1979)(http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh589/cyclocrossfool/Picture_668.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on January 04, 2013, 01:08:46 AM

I live in the north of France. I ride guzzi since 1993. My first one was a 1000CaliforniaIII carbs, after a V65 with agostini fairing, a V75 Targa, A cafe racer V75 4V, parts to rebuild a v65gt but i will make a scrambler with them, and finaly last month a V7 classic.
I am a member of the french motoclub "la scuderia guzzi". Finally i am the owner of http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/ (http://smalltwins.pagesperso-orange.fr/)


Another SB guy ;-T

Welcome, I'm very familiar with your internet site ;-T ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gregory on January 04, 2013, 06:01:04 AM
65 going on 17,
no kids, except for me,
Mississauga,Ontario,Canada,North America,Planet Earth,somewhere in the Milky Way.
Retired, thank God,
Former Air Canada pilot, that was fun,

Like to fish, enjoy the cottage, fix things,cook the fish, shoot skeet, ride the Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: heartRobotic on January 13, 2013, 10:51:08 PM
This saturday, i purchased my third bike and it is my first Moto Guzzi.  Having put about 30 miles on the 2007 Breva 750, I'm pretty in love.  Completely different than my '87 BMW R65 and the 97 Bandit 600 (different in a way that i think i'll be selling those shortly).  I currently live in Mountain View, CA (home of google) and work just up the road developing systems for Stanford University.
If anyone has any advice on my little Breva, I'd love to hear it (like how you check the oil without a center stand?!).  Expect to hear a lot of me in the forums.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on January 14, 2013, 07:16:43 AM
This saturday, i purchased my third bike and it is my first Moto Guzzi.  Having put about 30 miles on the 2007 Breva 750, I'm pretty in love.  Completely different than my '87 BMW R65 and the 97 Bandit 600 (different in a way that i think i'll be selling those shortly).  I currently live in Mountain View, CA (home of google) and work just up the road developing systems for Stanford University.
If anyone has any advice on my little Breva, I'd love to hear it (like how you check the oil without a center stand?!).  Expect to hear a lot of me in the forums.

Welcome to WG, and Guzzi in general. Not everyone "gets" it.  ;D What I would do is on the next oil/filter change, is put in exactly how much it needs, start it and let it run for a few seconds, then mark the dipstick. That would be my new full mark.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pcoumbe on January 14, 2013, 08:17:56 AM
Peter Coumbe
53 year old Australian
Married with 2 kids
Plant Manager for a contract mining company in Zambia
Home is Legazpi City, Philippines
Hobbies are motorcycles and sport fishing
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tonUPRacer on January 14, 2013, 09:09:05 AM
Andy Maracini
Married w/ 1 yr old baby!
GIS Tech in Local Govt.
Appleton, WI
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: flatop on January 19, 2013, 06:52:34 PM
Al Eng
55 Yrs Old
Field Engineer for Philips Healthcare
Married for 32 + yrs, Have 2 Adult Boys 1 Currently Married and the other Next Mar of 2014
Middletown N.J.
Just bought an 2013 V7 Stone in Matte Blk last month, Dec of 2012
Also Have an 2002 Harely Electra Glide, love all the V twin Engines, been riding since I was 17 yrs old..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziboy on January 20, 2013, 09:24:59 PM
Hi all,

My name is Steve Young and I am 60, a new Goose, and am riding a 2000 Jackal that I bought in December from a good partner.  I'm a  retired roofing contractor and for the past 4 1/2 years I have lived in Marin county just north of San Francisco.  I "work" as a residential caretaker at a Buddhist Meditation Retreat Center in Woodacre, CA. My other obsessions are and have been surfing since I was 10 and I started playing bass guitar in a band when I was 46. I'm divorced, have two sons and four grandkids and a wonderful woman in my life.  Am a friend of Jimmy K's for the past 27 years also...ride clean, ride peaceful and ...do no harm :bow
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 11, 2013, 03:07:07 PM
Want to know about "AmazonGoddess" and the other new members .                                                                   Dusty

Someone naming themselves "AmazonGoddess" on a board like this is either:

1) A very bold and ready-for-anything woman, challenging the men on this board and possibly fun to know and ride with.   (.005% chance)

2) A reincarnation of muschi, enzo, or londonbill (2.0% chance)

3) A young, acne-faced, greasy, long-haired Croatian scammer working from an IBM-AT in his parents' basement with a pirated DSL connection, hoping to find an "opening" in a post somewhere to make a little money (Big chance).

Now, someone fess up!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 12, 2013, 08:25:16 AM
Be nice , she is some ones' daughter or significant other . Plus she works in a bike shop .

And you know this ... how?    ;D

I alternately propose that this member (I would say poster but there's no posts yet) is a burly 6'4" 300 pound Botswanan, with a bad limp, a cast in one eye, and missing three fingers from a machete fight over a girl when he was 16.    :o

By the same criteria, I could be a 14-year-old blond Icelandic girl named Helga.   Some people know different, but without evidence how would one know?   ???

It's the INTERNET!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pizza Guzzi on February 13, 2013, 02:20:49 AM
Well since this thread has been revived it seems as good a place as any to post my "story".

Glenn Darragh

59 and a bit years old from Lithgow NSW ( Australia).
Ex train driver and now signaller - tbh for as long as I can remember railways have been my passion , particularly the historical aspect of railways in Australia and the UK and all things related to steam traction.

I've been a motorcyclist since the age of 17 and a member here for 3 years but have never posted much because I haven't ever owned a Guzzi and felt like a bit of an imposter really. ! I've long felt i was destined to own a Guzzi one day and today turned out to be that day !

Visited my ( not so ) local dealer today and signed up for a sparkly new 1200 Sport 4V, I can hardly believe I'm finally joining the Guzzi family.

I feel really lucky because I'm only half a days ride from Pete Ropers workshop and only an hour away from  Guzzi workshop that Pete has recommended to me ( Moto Italia at Emu Plains ).

Anyway looking forward to becoming more involved in the forum and maybe eventually being able contribute to the considerable collective wisdom of other forum members.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: echbes on February 13, 2013, 07:16:15 AM
I am Martin Weiss, born in 1965
a Swiss guy moved to Orlando Florida, because I couldn't stand the cold long winters anymore.
I love, ride and work on Moto Guzzi's since many years already. Fix, restore, tune Guzzi's.
I build Cafe Racers, ride them myself. I race with a V7 Sport, 1972
What else could I tell you? 
I am just one of this crazy guys with the Guzzi-virus
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mike E on February 13, 2013, 08:04:05 AM
Michael Ehrhardt 57 y/o. Lisle Illinois, Maintenance Engineer at Edward Hospital in Naperville.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alguzzi1 on February 13, 2013, 01:28:18 PM
My name is Al Champagne I live in Massachusetts My age is 47 I have been riding on the road for 30 years.Currently ride a Breva But have owned in the past A 86 Le Mans purchased brand new and also a 93 Strada and several other makes includind BMW Ducati and Triumph.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on February 13, 2013, 02:43:03 PM
My name is Al Champagne I live in Massachusetts My age is 47 I have been riding on the road for 30 years.Currently ride a Breva But have owned in the past A 86 Le Mans purchased brand new and also a 93 Strada and several other makes includind BMW Ducati and Triumph.

Hi Al.  I live in Eastern Mass (South of Boston).  Welcome to the fray!

Is your Breva the 750?  I ride a V7C, myself.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 13, 2013, 06:33:33 PM
Can you get someone to attest to the truth of you not being a 14 yr old Icelandic girl? 

You're going to get people's hopes up.   Come to a rally or a lunch or breakfast ride .... !

Hell , I could be a Transylvanian Transvestite and an ex member of the Stasi .

This is NO place to brag about your past history  ...  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trip.wire on February 21, 2013, 10:48:20 AM
Hello to All. 

Nothing but the facts...
Name: Wes Paro
Age: 57
Occupation: Network & Desktop Support Technician
Location: Burlington, VT

A few details to add relevance to my interest in this forum: 
I've been a rider since high school. Started with Harleys and moved to BMWs back in the early 80's when I decided I'd had enough of the "lifestyle" and just wanted to ride.  I just sold my 1991 K100RS and I'm shopping for a new ride.  BMW has changed direction since my last purchase and I don't see anything of interest to me in their showroom.  I can't bring myself to ingest the UJM koolaid so here I am.  My current work schedule fills most of my days but I'm hoping to find time in the near future for a ride to check out dealers in the area.  The nearest are about 3 hours away, Seacoast Sport in Manchester, NH or AJ Cycles in Gill, MA.  The Norge looks like a good possibility because it appears to be similar to the K Bike I had but the California carries a certain appeal as well.  The ride will decide.

Looking forward to talking with you all.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 21, 2013, 11:06:53 AM
Hello to All. 

Nothing but the facts...
Name: Wes Paro
Age: 57
Occupation: Network & Desktop Support Technician
Location: Burlington, VT

A few details to add relevance to my interest in this forum: 
I've been a rider since high school. Started with Harleys and moved to BMWs back in the early 80's when I decided I'd had enough of the "lifestyle" and just wanted to ride.  I just sold my 1991 K100RS and I'm shopping for a new ride.  BMW has changed direction since my last purchase and I don't see anything of interest to me in their showroom.  I can't bring myself to ingest the UJM koolaid so here I am. ......


You are DEFINITELY in the right place ... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on February 21, 2013, 11:15:26 AM

Hello to All.  

Nothing but the facts...
Name: Wes Paro
Age: 57
Occupation: Network & Desktop Support Technician
Location: Burlington, VT

A few details to add relevance to my interest in this forum:  
I've been a rider since high school. Started with Harleys and moved to BMWs back in the early 80's when I decided I'd had enough of the "lifestyle" and just wanted to ride.  I just sold my 1991 K100RS and I'm shopping for a new ride.  BMW has changed direction since my last purchase and I don't see anything of interest to me in their showroom.  I can't bring myself to ingest the UJM koolaid so here I am.  My current work schedule fills most of my days but I'm hoping to find time in the near future for a ride to check out dealers in the area.  The nearest are about 3 hours away, Seacoast Sport in Manchester, NH or AJ Cycles in Gill, MA.  The Norge looks like a good possibility because it appears to be similar to the K Bike I had but the California carries a certain appeal as well.  The ride will decide.

Looking forward to talking with you all.

You are DEFINITELY in the right place ... !


Whoa, Lannis.  Not so fast.  See his occupation.  Don't we need to see where Wes stands on that Apple v. Windows thing first?   ;D

And, Wes, a number of us here have resolved the Norge v. Cali conundrum by buying both.  'Course, then it'll be a Griso or Stelvio or ...  If married, prepare your wife.  ;)



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 21, 2013, 11:20:39 AM
Whoa, Lannis.  Not so fast.  See his occupation.  Don't we need to see where Wes stands on that Apple v. Windows thing first?   ;D



I'll bet he works for whoever is paying money to have it done .... !

And the "multiple bike" thing will ... just happen!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trip.wire on February 21, 2013, 03:03:03 PM
Thanks Bill & Lannis,

Re: the Windows/Mac thing.  Sorry Bill, Lannis wins.  Cash trumps all. 

And yes, I have a wife.  She's very supportive of my motor-psychosis.  She likes to ride as a passenger and as a child/young adult her family's only motorized transport was a tired old Dnepr sidecar rig back in the "Old Country" (Armenia).

As far as the multiple bike experience goes we'll have to give that some time. I have way too many projects around the house that need my attention before I can follow that trail of breadcrumbs. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 21, 2013, 03:05:39 PM
Thanks Bill & Lannis,

Re: the Windows/Mac thing.  Sorry Bill, Lannis wins.  Cash trumps all. 

And yes, I have a wife.  She's very supportive of my motor-psychosis.  She likes to ride as a passenger and as a child/young adult her family's only motorized transport was a tired old Dnepr sidecar rig back in the "Old Country" (Armenia).

As far as the multiple bike experience goes we'll have to give that some time. I have way too many projects around the house that need my attention before I can follow that trail of breadcrumbs. 

I'll bet there's some interesting Dnepr stories from the old country ... Don't be hesitant to post pictures if you and your wife go someplace interesting ... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trip.wire on February 21, 2013, 03:32:09 PM
Yes, I'm sure we'll have photos when the time comes.  And, I'll see if I can obtain a few sidehack memories for you. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: telphoto on February 21, 2013, 06:29:19 PM
Trevor Collens, 50 years old from Perth, Australia. Living in NYC after moving to US nearly five years ago. Work as a press photographer. Been riding since getting a QA50 mini-bike for my tenth birthday, mostly off-road but had to give up dirt bikes about 7 or 8 years ago after a nasty crash when a tree jumped out and bit me. Inexplicably, always had a thing about Italian motorcycles and British sports cars.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tazio on February 21, 2013, 06:54:40 PM
Trevor Collens, 50 years old from Perth, Australia. Living in NYC after moving to US nearly five years ago. Work as a press photographer. Been riding since getting a QA50 mini-bike for my tenth birthday, mostly off-road but had to give up dirt bikes about 7 or 8 years ago after a nasty crash when a tree jumped out and bit me. Inexplicably, always had a thing about Italian motorcycles and British sports cars.
Welcome, fellow "young pup" ;)
It seems around here 50years old is "just getting warmed up"!! ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dirk S. on February 22, 2013, 06:56:39 AM
in case someone is interisted in it

name: Dirk
age: 51 (today)
occupation: father, husband, engineer, the stuff in my garage
location: Northeast of Germany (Europe)
language: german, better than english
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tazio on February 22, 2013, 08:11:57 AM
in case someone is interisted in it

name: Dirk
age: 51 (today)
occupation: father, husband, engineer, the stuff in my garage
location: Northeast of Germany (Europe)
language: german, better than english
This place seems to be ate up with engineers of one form or another, you'll fit right in ;-T
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! (assumption on my part, as you may be 51 tomarrow too ;D)
Tell us about that "stuff" in the garage :drool
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swmckinley54 on February 22, 2013, 03:41:17 PM
Steve McKinley, Cycleholic, Printer, 59, Austin, Texas, '12 Stelvio NTX
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dirk S. on February 22, 2013, 03:49:25 PM
This place seems to be ate up with engineers of one form or another, you'll fit right in ;-T
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! (assumption on my part, as you may be 51 tomarrow too ;D)
Tell us about that "stuff" in the garage :drool
tomorrow 51, day after as well, and so on. 11th of august 2013 -> 52.
the bloody stuff in my garage ... guzzis and other dirty metal - pics will come later.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TRICH911 on March 06, 2013, 11:27:58 AM
First post, so fitting it's an intro..
IT Director

Just picked up 13' V7 racer. Coming from a triumph street triple r.

I am more of a lurker than a poster but will chime in if I have something relevant to say.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 06, 2013, 12:15:14 PM
First post, so fitting it's an intro..
IT Director

Just picked up 13' V7 racer. Coming from a triumph street triple r.

I am more of a lurker than a poster but will chime in if I have something relevant to say.


"Relevance" is setting the bar a bit high, no?

As for your Guzzi, best wishes for miles of smiles.

Snow's piled high here, but I grin just thinking about mine, covered down in the garage, but ready for that "Boots & Saddles" call.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TRICH911 on March 06, 2013, 02:08:35 PM
I would never set a bar too high....I like to reach my drinks without a stool :BEER:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziboyva on March 06, 2013, 07:09:46 PM
Pete Ortiz
Richmond VA 58 years young Construction prj mgr 1 daughter 2 grandsons 15 motorcycles I have owned 2 Guzzi v11 sport Rosso Mandello number 68 Just completed restoration 74 Eldorado Other bikes BMW vintage -Norton 850 Triumph 1200 and a 76 gl1000  life is good favorite ride is Blue Ridge PKW on a vintage bike on a spring day !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: quota2000 on March 06, 2013, 09:17:42 PM
Okay, I've been lurking long enough and you all seem to be a pretty good group! so...

Jeff Mullen

Bellingham, WA

age: 45 (in a week)

married 20 years

two boys, age 19 and 13 (both very active, high-average, tournament bowlers, previous National, State and Local doubles champions!)

occupation: purchasing agent for a manufacturer of custom food-processing machinery

hobbies: Giant-Scale R/C aviation

motorcycling resume: used to ride in my early twenties, just purchased my first bike in 20 years, a beautiful, black 2000 Quota  ;-T

Glad I found you all here, you have already been full of useful information!!!  :bow


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: arveno on March 07, 2013, 08:33:48 AM

Hello everyone !
I've been lurking for a while , I thought it's time to come out of the closet  :)
My name is Marco, 37 y.o. , i ride a 1980 1000SP ( modified cafer ) , live outside NY , i love wrenching old bikes .
thanks for reading ,
Have a nice day


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: s_ellinson on March 10, 2013, 04:04:32 PM
Hi all.
the name's stewart ellinson - I'm based in the UK and dun a series of Le mans IIs and a small block bikes. i've also got a 125 Turismo ("the worst guzzi ever made" according to the late mick walker) and have been heavily invovled with the Guzzi / Benelli two strokes and parallell twins and fours.... Y'know, the ones that look like yamahas or Hondas!

Nice to meet you all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: s_ellinson on March 10, 2013, 05:18:25 PM
All guarenteed guzzi or benelli though!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: YnotGuzzi on March 12, 2013, 09:19:51 PM
 :+=copcar Retired LEO living in Forest Hill MD USA. Some of the best roads in my state right at the end of my driveway! New to the Guzzi scene but a long time rider nonetheless. Inactive helicopter pilot, avid kayaker, multi dog and multi bike owner. To paraphrase Mr S. McQueen "Riding is life, everything else is just waiting". Hoping someday to se another Guzzi on the road. Posted a pic of my Cali EV Touring in the gallery. Enjoy. Frank Drecchio ( yep, a true Italian) ! :+=copcar

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nsumax on March 12, 2013, 10:57:15 PM
Long overdue, so here I go.
Frank Nagy
Northern Indiana
I'll be 55 on July 11
I recently left the Machinist trade after 37 years and went to work in a locol Kawasaki/KTM dealership at the moment spinning wrenches.
I've been riding 45 years, I ride on the street, ride dirt bikes, collect antique motorcycles and scooters and am making a serious yet some slow and feeble attempt at returning to off road racing on vintage bikes.
and I've bee an MSF certified rider coach with ABATE of Indiana for the last seven years.
After years of wanting a Guzzi I finally got my 76 Convert from a friend in 2003. In 2009 it was baddly damaged in a freak crash that left me pretty baddly damaged also. But in form true to me (or so my ever patiant wife of 33 years tells me) I bought the sad remains back from the insurance company to restore. I'm just waiting on a few small details and the Convert will be done. I will post pictures when she's all done.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 14, 2013, 12:54:32 PM
:+=copcar Retired LEO living in Forest Hill MD USA. Some of the best roads in my state right at the end of my driveway! New to the Guzzi scene but a long time rider nonetheless. Inactive helicopter pilot, avid kayaker, multi dog and multi bike owner. To paraphrase Mr S. McQueen "Riding is life, everything else is just waiting". Hoping someday to se another Guzzi on the road. Posted a pic of my Cali EV Touring in the gallery. Enjoy. Frank Drecchio ( yep, a true Italian) ! :+=copcar

Welcome, Frank.

I tend to think that the best roads in Maryland are more west, but then recalled getting lost on my Norge in your area on my first trip north with it while taking a "long cut" around Baltimore.

Had forgotten the details, so I just looked on a map to refresh my recollection.  I was on Rocks Road and at Rocks State Park before I figured out exactly where I was.  Have pix somewhere.  Yes, yours is a nice part of the planet.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hardcoreharryjr on March 16, 2013, 12:07:14 PM
Gday All,

Hayden, 25, Mechanical Engineer.
Moved to the US 2 years years ago.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jo Bastings on March 17, 2013, 01:43:47 PM

My name is Jo(e) Bastings, age 52,  live in Holland and own a 2005 California EV Touring, a Ural 650 and a Ural M72 build 1944
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: injundave on March 17, 2013, 05:41:15 PM
Dave Blackwell
62 yrs
Prison Officer
New Zealand

More motorcycles
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pizza Guzzi on March 18, 2013, 06:59:48 PM
I've often thought being a prison officer must be a hell of a tough job.
I reckon you must really earn your money and enjoy your saddle time more than most  :bike

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: YnotGuzzi on March 18, 2013, 08:52:22 PM
Welcome, Frank.

I tend to think that the best roads in Maryland are more west, but then recalled getting lost on my Norge in your area on my first trip north with it while taking a "long cut" around Baltimore.

Had forgotten the details, so I just looked on a map to refresh my recollection.  I was on Rocks Road and at Rocks State Park before I figured out exactly where I was.  Have pix somewhere.  Yes, yours is a nice part of the planet.


Did you wave when you rode past my house?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hardcoreharryjr on March 19, 2013, 09:35:54 PM
Language giving you any trouble . Welcome .                                                                                   Dusty

haha the only trouble is for the people who have to try and understand what I am saying.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: M0T0Geezer on March 21, 2013, 08:37:04 PM
Dan Martin
Longmont, Colorado  USA

Retired sys admin, DBA,  Road Rider, Scooterist, Ancient of Aged one.
Current rides: A 2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750cc & 2007 Yamaha Majesty 400cc


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmxdog61u on March 22, 2013, 01:56:01 PM
old mxdog61u finally on the board.

as you might guess, been racing mx since I was 13, first bike was a step thru honda 55 trail.  Now 55, quit last year as my body is suggesting strongly that I move on. Raced everything from 125 elsinores, yz's to 490 maicos and my favorite was my cz400 that after I did a frame up restoration with all the bells and whistles, sold it (lower back creamed again.. dang short suspension, damn age) showed up on display at the AHRMA calender.
I still run trails on a 85 honda xr600 with my trail/exploring buddies, putz around the farm roads on the greatly misnamed and possible winner of the worlds maxi-oxymoron "bullet" 500 (2000) I brought back from the dead resulting from a trade off of one of my diminsihing herd of old mx bikes. Wife refuses to ride on it as its not the Harley I sold some years back.
Always had at least one road bike since I was 15, first "car" was a honda 400f which I took my first drivers test on as I recall. Then followed a string of BMWs, starting with a r90, a r100 then a toaster r75 I restored from 25 boxes shipped from a friend in Japan. I have had several UJM's which peaked at the kawasaki zx10 (gps 194, wife 0, insurance 1).  My last "big" road bike was a FXRS, which my wife likes to remind me I should have never sold.  I recently went looking at another bigger bike, but I like vintage as thats just me at this point. The new bikes just do nothing for me.
I happened to look at a sale forum on the MGNOC site and saw the bike of my dreams as a youngster, that is a Lemans 1000, 1985. Same day saw there was MG club and the arizona contact was none other than my Intel buddy in the late 70's J Cerilli. WHen we rode together I had a boxer, and he had a big Yamaha in black (night train?). Whatever, he sold it and bought a 850 Mark 1 Lemans, which truth be told is the bike I always wanted, but the 1000 seems like an obvious choice to me now looking at the features, ...and price.  Once again fortune has smiled on me as I have reconnected thru the MG connection with my old friend JC, and look forward to going on the upcoming NAR ride to happy jack this spring here in arizona. I also made a great freind when buying the bike from Mr Comorowski in virginia who has been sterling and most helpful thruout the purchasing process. I hope that my new to me bike will be here by the end of next week so I can go for a ride. Meanwhile, great forum.
We have a small horse ranch in the middle of the desert, too many horses, a healthy pack of dogs, more birds than I can count, and 4 cats. No little nippers.  I also belong to a vintage motocross club, carriage driving society (whew! thats sounds uppity), and as a QAP volunteer about 500 hours a year with  Sheriff Joe.
I was an electrical engineer for about 25 years, then went into intellectual property (took the patent bar) then finally bailed on the semiconductor scene about 10 years ago and manage a small business making high end water purification solutions for various industries.
There, I said too much. I would have shut up hours ago if my new bike was here as I would be out riding and staring at her.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blacktruck on March 23, 2013, 09:36:40 PM
Hello all:
New guy on the forum. Been riding for about 40 years plus....Wow that makes me feel old. Spent most of my formative years on Japanese bikes like everyone else did back if they weren't lucky enough to have an HD or some other exclusive nameplate. Kept riding through the years but had a few years off the scooters when raising kids and careers were the hot topic. Now I turn around and here I am. 55 years old, working in Afghanistan managing a repair shop and commuting a few times a year. Been an HD owner for many years and wouldn't think of ever getting rid of it but now I found out about Moto Guzzis. I'm in the process of buying my first one. Hope to be able to pick it up  :bike on the way home for R&R. Not sure of the draw or lure of the Guzzi, if it's the styling or the mystique of the Italian nameplate but I want one. Is this an addiction or just lusting after the badge? Either way I'm hoping to learn a bit about them on here. I'm getting a Norge and tend to do some IBA type rides on occasion. Need opinions, is this a good candidate for that?
Stay safe out there...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on March 24, 2013, 03:43:42 AM
Guzzi's are an incurable virus. No antidote. It seems like you already are a casualty.
Have fun - Guzzi's are a lifestyle, and you will likely end up with more than one  ;-T
This is one bug you cannor beat  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blacktruck on March 24, 2013, 04:36:58 AM
Guzzi's are an incurable virus. No antidote. It seems like you already are a casualty.
Have fun - Guzzi's are a lifestyle, and you will likely end up with more than one  ;-T
This is one bug you cannor beat  ;)


I'm getting a Norge now but one of these days when I'm done with this, I already have the urge to get a Californian also. Love the looks of them. Had HDs for many years and only rarely ever wore anything proclaiming that to the world. I don't have my first one yet and I'm getting the urge to get a t-shirt...  What is up with that?
Maybe that's it. It's the lifestyle. A few years ago while riding US 50 through Maryland I think, I ran across a guy on an old Guzzi ( I think he said it was a 72 or somewhere close to that)of some kind. No pretentions of being someone else or BS, just a guy out enjoying his old bike. Not sure why but it was just a neat meeting. I'm hoping to try to capture that.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on March 24, 2013, 09:36:17 AM

No pretentions of being someone else or BS, just a guy out enjoying his old bike. Not sure why but it was just a neat meeting. I'm hoping to try to capture that.

Bulls eye ;-T  This is what it's all about. Guzzita isn't pretenders. It's all about the unique great bike, and the enjoyment of riding something special and rare. Beyond that, you'll find all kind of people here in this looney bin, but with the love for geese in comon  :D ;D :o ::) ;D :BEER:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Esofconnor on March 25, 2013, 11:40:08 AM
Well, it's official. I'm about to join the Guzzi family. My V7 Stone is currently on its way from Canada and should be here sometime soon. My name's Emily O'Connor. I'm an MFA student at Oklahoma State. Got into bikes with an '82 Suzuki GN125 I bought for some pocket change and restored with my father. Tiny bike, but I couldn't do much harm to myself or anyone else on it. Most recent bike is a '75 Honda CB360 that I've had for about a year.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on March 25, 2013, 01:29:17 PM
Welcome to you and your Guzzi ;-T  You know - small blocks are the real Guzzi's  ;)  Now I run for hiding  :o ;D ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Geno on March 26, 2013, 10:40:35 PM
Gene Thayer, Stockton California
68, U.S. Navy Tailhook squadron 'Nam vet, married 48 years
Retired Medical Imaging Field Service Engineer
Been riding since 1960, still learning
Scuba/freediver, woodworker, audiofool, tequila & scotch consumer
Still don't know what I want to be if I ever grow up.
Been lusting after something Italian for a long time, ever since Gina & Sophia.  Settling for a Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on March 27, 2013, 05:17:57 AM
Welcome Gene
So what goose did you settle on?
Don't worry about growing up, it's too much fun being a kid!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IceBlue on March 27, 2013, 06:24:57 AM
Don't worry about growing up, it's too much fun being a kid!

 ;-T 8) :+=copcar
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: padixo3225 on March 27, 2013, 07:00:32 PM
paul dixon

2007 norge

fort worth tx

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Geno on March 28, 2013, 10:08:05 PM
Got a '07 Breva with 86 miles on it, 2 year warrantee.  Put 200 miles on her on the way home, what a rush!  My FJR is twice as fast & much smoother, but doesn't have the soul of this Italian.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 04, 2013, 03:28:26 AM
Got a '07 Breva with 86 miles on it, 2 year warrantee.  Put 200 miles on her on the way home, what a rush!  My FJR is twice as fast & much smoother, but doesn't have the soul of this Italian.

Sounds like you are addicted already. ;D ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe699 on April 07, 2013, 05:00:21 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm in New Zealand, 40, recently single and my first new girl looks like she'll be a 1000s. I have a couple other bikes that are kind of cafe'd out but this will be my first Guzzi. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: neverquit on April 08, 2013, 09:01:56 PM
Here I am, Gene, new to the forum.  I recently purchased a 2007 Nevada Classic and found this great forum.  I'm an old retired guy who loved to ride bikes in the late fifties and through the sixties.  Back then I owned a few European bikes but loved the British twins.  I admired the Moto Guzzi V twins when they first came out and now I finally have one. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jdeanp on April 10, 2013, 12:42:43 AM

This should be interesting...

My name is Josh, I live in SE Tennessee, and I've never rode a motorcycle, but I've been wanting one. I found a 74 850 Eldorado through craigslist and payed $400 for her. I'll pick the bike up tomorrow evening.

The journey from signing up for a safety course all the way to finishing work on the bike itself will be laid out for everyone to watch, and hopefully participate in.

I have absolutely no qualms about admitting I know virtually nothing about what I'm doing. I have a couple of friends that are knowledgeable bike folks, a mechanically and electronically inclined brother, my own ingenuity, and an internet connection. I'll hear out any advice anyone would be willing to offer. I'm hear to learn and share/document my experience.

Until I can get some of my own pictures up,  here's the original CL post with a couple of pictures. The guy said its an Eldorado,  but I can't positively ID it as such. So much has been changed, but it is the original frame, engine, and front forks, but the tank may be another model (I can't ID it for certain.) Any insight would be welcome.  http://chattanooga.craigslist.org/bar/3729623602.html
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sjohniom on April 10, 2013, 01:38:10 AM
Hello, I'm Steve John.

I'm 49 and work as a software developer in Seattle.   Married 24 years and have a son (13) and daughter (10).

I've been riding for 33 years.   I was a road racer for 12 years, and competed in the Isle of Man TT from '97 to '03.   I had a big accident in 2006, so stopped racing and started getting back into street riding.   I bought a Yamaha SRX-6 and used it for commuting and short trips, then sold it last summer to help pay for my new hobby (target shooting). 

I started getting the itch to ride again a few months later, so I purchased a 2013 V7R in December, but only after nearly boring Dave at MotoI to death with my endless attempts to decide between the Stone and the Racer.   I've been trying to soak up information from sources like this site while breaking in the V7 between bouts of rain and ice.   I'm really enjoying getting the bike set up the way I want it, and hopefully will be taking a road trip to San Francisco in June.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mprsns on April 10, 2013, 06:39:40 PM
Hi All,

I'm Mike.  53 y/o.  Live in Hampton Roads area of Southeast Virginia.  Longtime rider.  Retired from the Coast Guard, still with them in civil service.  I'm an all weather rider. Basically, ride like it was my job.  I picked up a White (fastest color btw) 2013 Norge GT 8V beginning of March.  About 1400 miles on it now.  Love the bike. Everything I had hoped it would be, during my 4 month wait for it.  Fun, unique, quick, rare, powerful, nimble, quirky, moves like a big cat, keeps the weather off me, starts instant conversations everywhere.  This is a truly great bike and I'm not talking about the spec sheet.  The guys put up a sign at work that says, "Stormtrooper Parking Only".  I had to laugh, but explained that the Norge is "much cooler" to ride than any old Star Wars Speeder.  Today I was quite late getting back from lunch (I live 5 mins from work, but temp was in the 80s). I just smiled and said, "I can't explain it, I was doing 90 mph the entire time".  There's a whole very cool life experience that comes with owning a Norge. 

Love the forum.  Been reading it for couple of weeks.

Best, Mike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 11, 2013, 12:47:54 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm in New Zealand, 40, recently single and my first new girl looks like she'll be a 1000s. I have a couple other bikes that are kind of cafe'd out but this will be my first Guzzi. ;-T

Hey Joe
Which area are you from?
Christchurch here. A couple of others on the site from the shaky part as well. Getting to be quite a few Kiwis here. Don't know where you get your bits from but Pete Kelly of Motokiwi on Waiheke Is is good to deal with and has very competitive pricing. You will find that Guzzis sometimes make you want to tear your hair out, but they have soul and are vey addictive. No known cure at this stage.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guffman on April 12, 2013, 12:08:34 AM
James, 24, Australia
I'm a Sailor in the Royal Australian Navy
I have a Moto Guzzi V7 Classic and am looking at getting a Griso 8v
Don't know why I like Guzzis so much..I think maybe it's the Monza my uncle had sitting in his shed when I was growing up. Always intrigued me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AbuDaoud on April 13, 2013, 09:15:40 AM
Hello, I'm a new Guzzi owner (it's still in a crate at customs) as I just bought a 2011 V7 Classic from England and had it shipped to me here in the Middle East.

I teach English in Saudi Arabia and this is my third career.

I'm 60 years old and started riding when I was 21 on a 1970 Harley Sportster.

I moved to Australia and started riding European bikes with a 1997 BMW R100R, then a 1972 K100RS and finally a 2003 K1200 RS.

I started teaching English in Algeria in 2007 and married an Algerian. She is a doctor and we both now work in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

I'm already worried about the very small sump and oil capacity on my small block and I haven't even rode it yet.


Out of the crate

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: revo117 on April 13, 2013, 05:25:57 PM
Hi I'm Ralph. I am 62. I own an electrical contracting company for 37 years. I live in Smithtown, Long Island,NY.
I have a 69 Ambasador, 76 Sporster and a 2007 Yamaha Warrior. I like taking bikes and other things apart and rebuilding them. I'm no expert but I have fun. The moto Guzzi is 50% apart.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wyno on April 14, 2013, 12:29:53 AM
Hi Abu Daoud,
Congrats on getting your V7 Classic, I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed my 750 Breva. I got my mechanic (Pete Roper) to order me a sump extender from www.guzzipower.com in the States and it helps just for the peace of mind. You might want to get some Ikon shocks and front springs for your bike as well as they really improve the handling. Look up Proven Products on google, they're based in Albury in New South Wales. They should be able to ship them to you if there is no local dealer. Good luck with your ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 14, 2013, 03:46:41 AM
Welcome AbuDaoud. Obviously a reader of The Dune series!

I too own a Breva like Wyno. The smallblocks really are an addictive ride. Not over imbued with power but a really flexible motor and the bike is very "flickable" for want of a better term.

I have not bothered with the sump extender as we live in a temperate climate here, but with only 1.8 lits of oil on board there means that there is a bit more to come and go on. The smallblocks do run relatively hot and the extender may lower the temp of the oil a bit simply by there being a longer period of time when it is not in contact with the hot bits inside the engine.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AbuDaoud on April 14, 2013, 10:08:10 AM
Thanks wyno and Muzz. I have read the Dune series but Abu Daoud is my Kunyah. This is a name based on my son's name and it means "father of Daoud". For women their Kunyah is Umm and if their firstborn was named Daoud she would be Umm Daoud. I took a last ride through Canberra on the K1200RS before I left Australia in 2007. From the Gold Coast to Canberra and then to the coast up to Sydney and back to the Gold Coast. One beautiful week and over 2000 memorable kilometers. I might be back and bring this bike with me from the prices I see there.

I have heard about the sump extender and being in the Saharah it would be a good idea. I just have to have it sent here like everything else.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Phil Ammendolia on April 14, 2013, 08:41:27 PM
Hi all. Been here before, but lost track of the site.

Phil Ammendolia, 54
VP for LS2 Helmets U.S.
Near Sacramento, CA

2013 Stelvio NTX
2009 H-D Road Glide
2003 Kawasaki KLR 650
2009 CRF230 Honda
2003 XR100 Honda
1992 XT225 Yamaha
1971 Hodaka Dirt Squrt

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tasbrus on April 21, 2013, 08:18:21 AM
  Hello, I'm Steve from upstate NY.  My last Guzzi was a '75 850T about 25 years ago but if all goes well tomorrow I will be the new owner of a  75th Anniversary edition California.  My main bike right now is a '79 Harley FLH and I also have a '72 FLH that I picked up last fall that needs a total redo. Anything special about the '97 that could be an issue that I should check over closely?                                                                                                 Thanks, Steve
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LDB on April 21, 2013, 08:57:29 AM
New guy from Houston currently bikeless but thinking about remedying that soon. I've never had a MG but have always thought of them along with BMW as elite bikes. My dad and I used to ride together and spend a lot of time looking at bikes. We both liked MG's (both 2 and 4 wheel as in 2 wheel Moto Guzzi and 4 wheel MG autos) but never got around to one. I'm thinking maybe now is the time for one. Hoping to learn a lot here. Thanks for the access.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MincerRay on April 21, 2013, 09:36:52 AM
Hello.  I'm Steve and I"m a motorcycle addict.

I really meant to stay away from motorcycles.  Really.  I am an old car guy, mainly European sports cars.  The damn vintage Vespa ('77 Rally 200)  I bought 4 years ago was just a gateway drug.  From there I bought another old Vespa ('62 GS160).  A local '72 Eldorado was offered on CL and I thought it was a beautiful bike for a good price, so I bought it.  It was a blast to ride for a 40 year old bike.  I even met Patrick Hayes soon after who was kind enough to look it over and let me know if it was going to kill me.  It was a slippery slope from there. 

I"m a 48 year old Electrical Engineer in Sunnyvale, CA, and live in Nevada City, CA on the weekends.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redrider on April 22, 2013, 08:35:06 PM
Actually, a re-introduction. I have been riding a 2007 Benelli Cafe Racer for a couple of years and have strayed from the Guzzi Fold. How have things been?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mo2Guz2 on April 22, 2013, 11:24:41 PM
Michael, 34, Business Analyst, Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tazio on April 23, 2013, 08:02:21 AM
Michael, 34, Business Analyst, Canada
Welcome to you!
Elaborate on your biking experiences if you would  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GenghisTron132 on April 25, 2013, 11:15:51 AM
Hello all, the name is Ben and I call Michigan home though work puts me all over the country. New to the street side of the 2wheel game I grew up riding dirt bikes and mountain bikes. Soon I will be the proud owner of a new 2012 V7 Racer that I am picking up on my next trip home and am looking forward to riding and joining in on the guzzi way of life.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: axepsy on April 28, 2013, 11:54:37 PM
Operations Manager with FedEx
Breva 1100

Been riding for about 10 years. First bike was a Royal enfield 500, second an RD 350, third 2001 Yamaha R1 now a Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KBuck on April 29, 2013, 03:27:47 PM
Name: KBuck
Age: 54
Occupation: Program Manager
Location: Yorktown, VA

 - -   Future MG
1986 Harley Davidson FLST (current)
1979 Harley Davidson FLHC (sold)
1981 Suzuki GS850 (sold)
1977 Kawasaki KZ650 (sold)
1976 Kawasaki KZ400 (sold)
1966 Honda CB305 Superhawk (sold)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LDB on April 29, 2013, 07:57:14 PM
Hi Akshay, I'm an IC with Custom Critical. No bike at the moment but thinking about a V7. Which center do you manage?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: axepsy on April 30, 2013, 02:25:39 AM

I manager the centre here in Vancouver BC. Good to see a colleague here :)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jordan325ic on May 02, 2013, 09:13:24 PM
My name is Jordan, living in Austin, TX, USA.

At least on paper, old Guzzi's seem to fit the bill for my perfect motorcycle. Simple, reliable, plenty of character, look great, parts available, centerstand and just the right size. Just found myself a rusty 1970 Ambassador and I can't wait to get her running.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doolin on May 03, 2013, 05:54:17 AM
I am Doug.
I have been a member here before.
Some will remember me some will not.
I am thinking seriously about getting back to riding motorcycles and when this happens I am convinced it will be on another Moto Guzzi.

Doug Doolin
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: norman on May 04, 2013, 11:51:19 AM
Andreas Norman, Uppsala Sweden

IT consultant

my old Guzzi, photography
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tyrreld on May 05, 2013, 07:06:31 PM
New Guzzi owner from London Ontario, Canada.

50+ year-old veterinarian with Guzzi riding added to hobbies of fly-fishing, renovating our century home, traveling, and looking for next adventure!

Good to meet the group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vbares on May 06, 2013, 05:56:33 PM
Vittorio here

2000 V11 Sport coming with all of 1800mi on her in Black.

Currently into rally racing and have a heavily modified 1987 Audi 4000 competing against the new metal Subaru's. So, I'm already all about the old technology - just loved the torque curve on that sport - hum'nah, hum'nah!

Used to own Ninja 900's, put many k's on one in Europe especially between Belgium and Italy, lived on lake Como for a while as well. The second I sold to buy my first rally car in 2000...

Now in NH and looking for something that is not as desperately hands-on as the rally car - my wife used to ride a Kawa 450, and probably looking to get her into a 750 ie - if she's still game - my prediction is a couple of rides two up and she'll be wanting  ;D

Look forward to hitting some twisties and hangin' with some Guzzisti  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: going greyt on May 07, 2013, 08:13:20 PM
Geoff Le Raye
Sydney, Australia

2012 Stelvio NTX. I've owned a long list of Japanese bikes, but this is my first "exotic" European. Looking forward to it! Just had its first service and now Ready to Rumble...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on May 10, 2013, 05:12:04 PM
Howdy from central Texas.  Old guy that rode Guzzi's back in the '70's.  Riding a '92 BMW K75RT & a '75 Ducati 860GT now.  Just retired and thought another Guzzi would make a fine project now that my Ducati is up and running again.  I'm a bit of a ludite and two cylinders or less with points and plugs and carbs and no computer is just right for me, but I'm open for anything that snags my eye.  Been lurking a bit and this looks like a very nice forum.  Something I've wondered about for decades and maybe you can answer for me, are the single cylinder Guzzi's with external flywheels more properly referred to as bologna or salami slicers?..........Jack.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rnqubain on May 12, 2013, 02:20:45 PM

My names is Ramsey Q. I am from amman Jordan and have been researching the Guzzi brand since last year trying to decide on the best bike. After much research and hesitation, Guzzi finally came up with he ultimate model: the all new California 1400 Custom! Which I bought last week.

Age 36
Amman, Jordan

The California is my first bike ever
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barenekd on May 12, 2013, 05:21:43 PM
I'm Bare.
I've been riding for over 50 years and have owned about 50 motorcycles in that time, most of them new. I raced dirt for twenty-five years, so a good percentage of my bikes were dirt bikes. After the dirt bike days, I started out doing sport bikes and enjoying the all the mountains around the LA basin. I used to go to riding schools and track days on the supersport stuff, Honda CBR900Rs and Yamaha ThunderAces, etc, and acquired a license from Willow Springs. Never did get around to using it, though. But my overwhelming interest is in Cafe Racers, old school or new. I recently crashed my Royal Enfield that was converted into a Cafe Racer, and  have been waiting for the new factory one, but I got tired of waiting and have just purchased a V7 Racer. I pick it up probably Tuesday. I still have a Honda GB500 that I need to spend a few hours on putting it back together for the street.
Speed is not my thing much any more, I've found that it's more fun to ride a slow bike fast then a fast bike slow! Cheaper, too!
I worked in a Triumph, BSA, Norton shop for about 5 years in the 70s and still do most of my own maintenance, and I've worked for many years as an A&P/IA mechanic on GA aircraft. I'm a commercial Pilot, etc.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 1911MotoChick on May 13, 2013, 11:01:53 AM

My name is Eileen, new rider and new Guzzi owner.  Got a used (basically brand new tho) 2010 V7 Classic.  I love it! 

I've been riding dirt since 2004 and got my M1 in 2011, finally got my bike. 

I am self employed and live in California. 

My baby is all black with the semi hard black saddlebags that are mounted.  Want to try to remove them so I can wash the bike! I'm pretty ocd when it comes to cleaning my bikes....

Anyways, love being around like minded motorcycle/Guzzi lovers!! 


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barenekd on May 13, 2013, 11:22:03 AM
Bologna, since that's more or less where they come from!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tomz on May 13, 2013, 12:27:40 PM

Tom Zaccaria

age 49

Dallas,Oregon. Born and raised in southern Italy


Interests: motorcycles,cycling,cooking

 08 Ducati Monster 695
 08 Guzzi Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nice a guzzi on May 13, 2013, 04:18:54 PM
Jim Hixon

Age 55

North Canton, OH

Retired Owner/Operator Trucker, Tinkerer, Farmer

My father rode a Cleveland, Harleys, Hendersons & Indians during the 1930s & 1940s.  He took me riding on his 1966 Honda 300 CB77 when I was a kid & I've been riding ever since.  Dad would ask to ride every motorcycle I owned until he reached his late 80s when he didn't feel steady enough to ride anymore.   I've owned over 50 bikes over the years but never rode or owned a Guzzi until 2012.  I like their performance, sound & handling.  My Sport isn't very comfortable but it's a blast to ride.  The Bassa is more comfortable but has some bugs that I'm hoping to work out this year. 
00 V11 Sport
00 Bassa
05 Harley Sportster Custom
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hoser on May 16, 2013, 08:35:28 AM
Hello all.

Age 59
Semi retired

Wandering into the Italian bike thing - head first with a 93 Daytona. Now back to searching the forum...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tiger_one on May 17, 2013, 08:15:21 AM
67, riding since I was 14.  Cushman Hilander.

Retired ATC
Viet Nam Vet Army

Golf, Motorcycles, Traditional bow hunting

Took the Super Tenere to Alaska June last year, 21 days, 11 camping, 10,000+ miles, about $2100 in gas and food/camping/rooms.
MX in the 70s on TM suzuki TM250 and TM400.

Some of my past bikes.
99 FXDX HD 95ci T37 cams, short block Charlie modied/ported heads.
07 K1200GT
07 Tiger 1050
08 Versys
10 Multistrada 1200 base
12 Super Tenere
12 Triumph Street Triple R
13 HyperStrada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ozarksguzzi on May 17, 2013, 08:31:30 AM
I finally had my arm twisted enough to join.
Tim Pierce
Age 65
Living in the Ozarks
My garage includes stuff I rode as a kid [Japanese], plus 3 Guzzi's.
I bought my first Guzzi [V7 Special] in 1976 and continue to enjoy it.
140,000 miles on the 3 Guzzi's as of May 2013.
I bought this 76 LeMans wrecked in 1985 and spent 2 winters putting it together. I tend to hang on to stuff a while. Hoarding? Maybe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 993twin on May 17, 2013, 01:56:01 PM
Hi All,

Bill Keros, Age 45, entrepreneur (and former Ducati dealer principal!). Usually ride and race Ducati's, but picked up the 1100 Sport I always wanted (and almost bought new).

Here's a non-typical Guzzi story if there ever was one (that's saying alot in this crowd, I imagine):

About 15 years ago, Yamaha introduced the R1. I remember thinking that if they ever produced a 1000 in the same sort of electric blue that they made the then current YZF600, then I would prolly buy it. Lo and behold, a dealer friend of mine told me that Yamaha was introducing a brand new 1000 to replace the powerful but bloated YZF1000, and it would be blue! Sweet! I told him to put my name on one.

A couple of months later, right before the R1 was to be delivered, I happened to take my '72 Bonne in to the local Triumph shop for some work...and there it was on the podium in the window...a Daytona...red with white frame and white wheels (which I'm a sucker for). Not even remotely thinking about a Moto Guzzi (ha! are you kidding me? who would want one of those clumsy agricultural things?!?), I asked the salesman "WTF is THAT?" Oh..that's a Daytona. Come over here, check this bike out." Not there to buy a bike, and not wanting to waste his or my time, I agreed and walked over to a sparkling new 1100i sport, complete with aftermarket exhaust already installed. " Take a seat" I was advised.

That's when I made the mistake that haunted me until two years ago. What mistake was that, you might ask? Well, after having turned the key, I innocently hit the little button next to the throttle. "VRARRRRRRRKAAABOOOO OMMM!!" the thing roared, exploding beneath me! "Holy Shite!" came out of my mouth at about the same volume. I knew I had a problem, as I was all set to take delivery of that R1 in a bit, and here was, in most unlikely fashion, a complicating factor. Even working in a Ducati shop some 7-8 years earlier, I hadn't heard such a Basso Profundo, angry 60's dragster bellow like that come out of something on two wheels. Although I knew that compared to the R1, this thing would be a heavy toad, I still couldn't get over the sound! And yes, besides the dorky square headlight, it did look pretty cool. The bike was low but long; the bodywork kinda like a fiberglass Rollie Free stretched out over the chassis.

What to do?!  I suddenly had before me a dilemma of a most unusual sort. I mean, really...who seriously would narrow their new bike purchase down to an R1 vs a MotoGuzzi?!? Although a typical conundrum for myself, I laughed out loud at the prospect.   

In the end, as I was starting road racing, I figured that I better take the R1, so I did, leaving the Guzzi to dazzle the next buyer. However, the very second of that 1100 Sport's moment of ignition, and the corresponding explosive bellow that resulted, had left an indelible imprint on my mind.

So I rode the hell out of that R1 for a couple of years, but always had that kinda wonky Guzzi in the back of my mind. Of course I had to amuse my racing buddies with the absurdity of that dilemma, but nonetheless I still defended why I thought it was cool.

And then Ebay porn entered my life.

There I was, besides looking for engraved Ludwig Black Beauty snare drums, or whatever, I would often find myself looking for "1997 Moto Guzzi 1100i Sport" in the listings. occasionally one would surface. Some of them were beat, some pristine, some in Seattle. It didn't really matter, because I wasn't looking to buy one. Then, still having that R1 (miraculously still in pristine condition), I decided that I needed something actually comfortable to ride. I checked out the usual Ducati's, all which were cool, but not especially uncommon. So I went back to eBay again (this time at 2 am on a Friday night, after coming home from the bar! haha). There it was! An exc. condition '97 Sport, average miles, full Staintune exhaust, recent scheduled maintenance...in Red! The auction was ending in 12 hours, and it was still at the right price. Then the "moment of truth" epiphany struck me like a bolt of lightening: it's time to "shite or 'git off the pot!" I called a buddy of mine who advised me to "either buy the thing, or stop looking, because this is the one."  So I sent an email to the seller in Atlanta and asked a number of questions. I spoke with him by phone that am with more questions.

Three days later I was in Atlanta with a pickup truck and an envelope of cash....

...and THAT is my Guzzi story!

(Postscript - since that day, I ride the Booming Guzzi five miles for every one mile I suffer on the R1!)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on May 17, 2013, 03:17:29 PM
 ;-T. it is an addiction, as you know by the sounds of it. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: paulosa on May 19, 2013, 03:18:53 AM

My name is Paul, just turned 40 and I just started a new career at Australia Post. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I owned a Motor Guzzi Lemans Mk4 around 10 years ago. I had that for four years and a Triumph Daytona lured me away. I purchased another Mk4 before Xmas and loving being back on a Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on May 19, 2013, 09:29:13 PM
Hope your arm's OK Tim, welcome aboard! There are some guys on this forum who really know thier shit, I just don't happen to be one of them!
I finally had my arm twisted enough to join.
Tim Pierce
Age 65
Living in the Ozarks
My garage includes stuff I rode as a kid [Japanese], plus 3 Guzzi's.
I bought my first Guzzi [V7 Special] in 1976 and continue to enjoy it.
140,000 miles on the 3 Guzzi's as of May 2013.
I bought this 76 LeMans wrecked in 1985 and spent 2 winters putting it together. I tend to hang on to stuff a while. Hoarding? Maybe.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kgriff on May 20, 2013, 11:25:07 AM
Keith, big fat guy. Seattle WA. Exhibit Fabricator and Designer. First real bike and it's a new Stelvio. Went from Burgman to Mana to the Stelvio. Don't like shifting - but i'm coming around. I know that is sacralidge to a lot of riders. But hey, I'm in it to only have a good time and not really conform to what others feel it should be for me.

Hello everyone. Rubber side down!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cpcsystems on May 20, 2013, 11:54:18 PM
Corrie Coetzee
Age 44
Stelvio NTX
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nbsdave on May 23, 2013, 02:18:00 PM
Hello all, Dave here from Sarasota, FL
don't own one yet but have lusted after one for a long time.
Found a 75 (?) Eldorado that a Triumph independent shop owner has (he owns two), will see it next week. Also found a 98 V11 with under 8000 miles-this one makes my palms sweaty.
Will be asking questions about both as soon as I figure out where. Just googles V 11 and they don't look like what I'm looking at, but it does say V 11 on the side cover? now confused
I have owned 2 Harleys, 2 Valkyries, A Triumph America, a BMW R1200C, and now have a DL650, wee strom.
Am semi-retired and 14 weeks out of a triple by-pass. Soon to be back working and, I hope, playing with a new toy.
Looking forward to being here and learning.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 23, 2013, 05:26:40 PM
When you google V-11 it shows a sport bike right, and the V11 your looking at is a cruiser type, correct.  What you are looking at is probably a V11EV.  Great bike.  The sporty V11's are V11 SPORTS. Both great bikes, different tools for different jobs. Welcome to the nut hut of WG! ;-T  When you pick your new baby up... :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nbsdave on May 23, 2013, 07:55:54 PM
pics will come for sure when I get one.
Where is the best place here to ask about value, maintenance issues, (fuel inj. on the V 11 is a bit clogged) and get info on what to look  for before I commit?
will have to make a decision on it by late next week
don't want to take up this thread with that stuff
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 23, 2013, 09:37:49 PM
1) Post your question here as a new thread. ;-T Search they say is your friend, but I rarely have luck with it here.  :'(
2) Go to V11Lemans.com and register/search/lurk over there if you have a V11 Sport bike ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: poli on May 25, 2013, 06:43:51 AM
I'm Randy.  60 years old and live in Woodville, Tx.  Worked in an oil refinery for the last 33 years and looking forward to retirement soon.  Have been riding for 42 years.  First Guzzi was a '75 850T.  Had a sidecar on it part time.  Next was a '98 EV1100 (still own with 75,000+ miles on it and still running strong).  Next was an '02 Lemans.  And just got a '13 Stelvio Ntx last week.  Have also owned Suzuki's, Honda's, Yamaha's, Kawasaki's, Bultaco's, CanAm's and a Penton.

Current inventory:
'13 Stelvio
'98 EV1100
'07 Ural Patrol
'11 Suzuki DR650
'01 BMW F650 Dakar
'85 Yamaha TY350 (trials)
'77 CanAm MX175
'05 Yamaha TT125
Honda XR50 and Polini 50 for grandkids use
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LinzWolf on May 25, 2013, 03:42:36 PM
Lindsey, 23, Editor, Indiana near Chicago  :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 25, 2013, 05:33:21 PM
Welcom poli and linzwolf. ;-T  Linz, could ya maybe flesh out your post a little more?  What ya riding, etc etc? Welcome ya'll to the best forum in the interworld. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LinzWolf on May 26, 2013, 12:04:11 AM
Welcom poli and linzwolf. ;-T  Linz, could ya maybe flesh out your post a little more?  What ya riding, etc etc? Welcome ya'll to the best forum in the interworld. ;-T

Sure :) I'm Unkept's wife. I just passed the Basic Rider's Course this week, and will have my endorsement officially on Tuesday, so I'm a total newbie when it comes to riding bikes (not as a passenger). Unkept and I are trying to get a Breva 750 for me to ride at the moment. ;D I met a few members at the Illinois Rally last weekend, which was fun. :)  I definitely have the riding bug, and can't wait to hop on a bike again!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 26, 2013, 02:44:53 PM
Sure :) I'm Unkept's wife.

He told us you weren't keeping him.....  ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LinzWolf on May 26, 2013, 03:36:01 PM
Sorry Lannis, he is definitely "kept" now, even if he won't change his name.  ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 26, 2013, 04:24:28 PM
Sure :) I'm Unkept's wife. I just passed the Basic Rider's Course this week, and will have my endorsement officially on Tuesday, so I'm a total newbie when it comes to riding bikes (not as a passenger). Unkept and I are trying to get a Breva 750 for me to ride at the moment. ;D I met a few members at the Illinois Rally last weekend, which was fun. :)  I definitely have the riding bug, and can't wait to hop on a bike again!

A Breva 750 is a great bike.   Or a newer V7 - I followed one up hill and down dale for hours yesterday and it's perfectly at home on any road ...

One good thing about not being a 250 pound plus guy (and I know I'm stepping into a potential minefield with that statement but I'm an eternal optimist) is that the range of bikes that you can buy and get a LOT of performance out of is much larger that what us "big active guys" have access to ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 26, 2013, 07:11:21 PM
Sorry Lannis, he is definitely "kept" on a short leash now, even if he won't change his name.  ;)

There, fixed it for you.  ;) :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LinzWolf on May 26, 2013, 07:38:46 PM
A Breva 750 is a great bike.   Or a newer V7 - I followed one up hill and down dale for hours yesterday and it's perfectly at home on any road ...

One good thing about not being a 250 pound plus guy (and I know I'm stepping into a potential minefield with that statement but I'm an eternal optimist) is that the range of bikes that you can buy and get a LOT of performance out of is much larger that what us "big active guys" have access to ....


Yeah I think the 750 has more than enough power for me, Lannis. It's also one of the few bikes out there that I can actually lower to fit my height ;)

LOL Stormtruck, he's not on any leash. He's just not available for anyone else to keep   ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 26, 2013, 08:16:57 PM
LOL Stormtruck, he's not on any leash. He's just not available for anyone else to keep   ;-T

And that's the way it should be.   But don't forget the awesome and critical responsibility that puts on YOU .....  :o  :o   :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on May 28, 2013, 01:38:16 PM
And that's the way it should be.   But don't forget the awesome and critical responsibility that puts on YOU .....  :o  :o   :D


 :+1  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grokked on May 29, 2013, 09:22:05 AM
Ben R.
IT Guy in Cleveland, OH
Taking Delivery of my V7 Stone on June 1st.
This will be my first Guzzi and first "New" bike.
Also, thanks to Forum Member and Pride of Cleveland employee Loftness for helping me with my purchase.  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 29, 2013, 05:57:10 PM
Welcome aboard!!  Great first bike!  Ride often, post often, always post pics!!! :PICS!: :PICS!: ;-T P:) ;D
Title: Hello from Indiana
Post by: rcb on May 30, 2013, 02:34:37 PM
Hello from Indiana!

I do not own a Moto Guzzi currently, however I've been seriously considering trying to get one of my dream bikes; a Centauro. Currently I ride an ST1100 and maintain my wife's XL600R (she's wanting to get rid of it to get a sport bike... which is a shame because It's a great bike too). While a great, capable bike (the ST), I've been feeling the itch to get something fun. The Centauro's at the top of that list. I've spent the past year reading up on the maintenance ins and outs as I maintain all my own motorcycles. Anyhow, I tried to join a while back but was unable. So I decided to try again and got in this time! I'm hoping one of these days to find one for sale close enough to actually look at in person, as I have never seen one other than in photos or video.

I'm also on the COG forums and look forward to learning more here.

Thanks for having me!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 30, 2013, 02:42:38 PM
Where are you from in Indiana?  If you are ever out on your ST on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday feel free to drop by my place and you can ride a Centy and look one over. :bike  Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rcb on May 30, 2013, 03:18:21 PM
I live about 45 minutes south east of Bloomington Indiana. Thanks for the offer! Iowa would make a solid road trip indeed! Where in Iowa are you?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 30, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
60 miles west of Clintion on highway 30, 25 miles east of Cedar Rapids on highway 30.  I'm easy to find.  Even have overnight accomadations if needed, feel free to bring your better, or naughty half if you wish.  :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 96ssportsp on May 30, 2013, 06:48:52 PM
New member here from eastern Oregon. Bought a used Quota a few weeks ago and trying  to educate myself on Guzzi's. Have had Ducati's the last 10 years. Ride safe, Scott.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on May 30, 2013, 07:06:13 PM
Welcome 96ssportsp. ;-T  You'll love that QUota, one of the best handling Guzzis out there.  :bike BTW  :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 30, 2013, 07:06:47 PM
New member here from eastern Oregon. Bought a used Quota a few weeks ago and trying  to educate myself on Guzzi's. Have had Ducati's the last 10 years. Ride safe, Scott.

We'd be interested in hearing a comparison between the Multistrada and the Quota once you've got a little seat time in .....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 96ssportsp on June 01, 2013, 01:21:23 AM
We'd be interested in hearing a comparison between the Multistrada and the Quota once you've got a little seat time in .....

Will do... ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzitron on June 02, 2013, 12:07:07 PM
Hello Motoguzzista's!
I am new to Guzzi and this forum, but not new to motorcycles.  My last rides have been 2 BMW oilheads and one (the most recent)  airhead; an R75/5 with rare 5spd tranny and other "sporting" mods.
 I loved the airhead most of all, but although the drive train is bullet proof, everything else is not. I am a mature rider, not a squid.  Also, I need a bit more relaxed ergo's, and the traditional European riding position is a challenging for longer rides.  I am 5' 10", 30 inch inseam
My wrenching ability consists of being able to do tune-ups and oil changes, minor  electrical repairs.  Major engine rebuilds,etc, are not my forte.

But lets get down the crunch.  There is a 2002 California Special with only 15K original miles on the clock offered by a multi-marque dealer.  The bike was a trade in for a new purchase.  The dealer wants $6K.  Motor Cycle Consumer News in the Spring issue puts the value at about $4100 (average).  KBB Wholesale is $3100, retail is $4500.

I have gone through previous threads on this forum and discovered things like gluing the shock covers, putting a hose clamp on the oil filter, replacing the sump pump gasket, using marine glue on chrome parts, and double checking the foot peg bolts.

My big concern are: 1.) the bike may have been a garage queen and I could be facing dried out seals, gaskets, and hoses.  2.) Ethanol damage to the fuel system.  I plan on looking at the bike in about a week due to distance involved.

Your thoughts?  What else should I be aware of?
Any S. WI or Northern Ill members?  Ride safe!

Now it is a given that dealer support around this area sucks.  Just because a place sells Vespa's and has a Motoguzzi sign, that does not make them Guz wrenches.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wild Bill Guzzi on June 02, 2013, 12:37:31 PM

Welcome to the fourm.  Suggestion, post your topic on the regular fourm (start a new topic), you will get more eyes on your question.  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rotate on June 06, 2013, 08:57:10 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm Jason, work in the startup world in NYC.  Living in Williamsburg Brooklyn.

I've been a huge car nut since I was aware of being a sentient being, and that soon evolved into a love of motorcycles as well.  A long time obsession led to me finally getting my first bike, a Ducati Monster 796 abs.  Had a good time with the bike, but insurance and practical matters dictated a change of pace.  Keeping it Italian, I got myself onto a Vespa LX 150.  I ride it with my stereotypical Ducatista Dianese full leathers, gloves, boots, and full face aggressive helmet and genreally make a fool of myself everywhere I go.  I recently got a garage spot for my car and managed to get a nook for a bike which means it's time to get back onto a propor motorcycle as I sorely miss a clutch lever, as endearing as the little Vespa has proven to be.

I'm typically more attracted to the hardcore sportbikes and the nakeds, however riding around at low speeds through Brooklyn made me yearn for something that will have character a 0 MPH and put a smile on my face while sitting in traffic.  After riding a BMW S1000RR on a hot summer day in saturday afternoon Manhattan traffic I decided I'd get myself a 1199 Panigale as a track/perfect sunday toy one day and a Guzzi that I can really enjoy in my riding conditions (not to mention afford to insure) in the meantime.

I joined the forum hoping to gain some insight on the v7 special vs the racer.  I'm immediately attracted to the racer but I'd need to do the 2 seater conversion kit, which I was told largely ruins the look of the bike by the dealer and that I'd be better off going with a special.  I can't shake wanting the racer and am inclined to do it anyway...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wild Bill Guzzi on June 06, 2013, 11:56:54 PM
Jason,  Suggestion, post your topic on the regular fourm (start a new topic), you will get more eyes on your question concering a V7.  Welcome to the nuthouse!   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sknapp351 on June 07, 2013, 09:58:17 PM

I am buying my first Guzzi this week, so I wanted to find a place I could bounce questions around and look for things to buy. This looks like the right place! I am buying a 2000 California Jackal with a sidecar from my cousin. I love the bike and cant wait to take some decent road trips this summer.

My wife and I are co-owners of a small web and design firm based in Tampa, FL, but we live in Roanoke, VA.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on June 08, 2013, 06:15:06 AM

I am buying my first Guzzi this week, so I wanted to find a place I could bounce questions around and look for things to buy. This looks like the right place! I am buying a 2000 California Jackal with a sidecar from my cousin. I love the bike and cant wait to take some decent road trips this summer.

My wife and I are co-owners of a small web and design firm based in Tampa, FL, but we live in Roanoke, VA.


Welcome, I used to live in Roanoke until we moved up here to Hot Springs. Lived in Tampa in the mid eighties up in Carolwood area.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sknapp351 on June 09, 2013, 07:49:57 PM
Thanks for the welcome Dean! I've been riding for most of the weekend and am already in love with the bike. Thankfully my wife gets to claim the sidecar, so I don't think she'll get too jealous. In fact, I think she's shopping for riding gear and Guzzi clothing now....

Maybe it would've been cheaper to just have her jealous of a motorcycle...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cbeaner007 on June 11, 2013, 09:25:43 PM
Hello All,
My name is "CW" and I live in Portsmouth, NH.  Just bought a new V7 Stone and loving it.  It's my first Guzzi.  Many bikes in the past to include Harleys, Kawasakis, Hondas, etc.  I'm a plastic surgeon and now in private practice after many years in the US Army.  I'm enjoying the forum and appreciate all the Guzzi info.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on June 11, 2013, 09:59:01 PM
Welcome CW, best wishes for many happy Guzzi miles in the future! you should make plans to attend a Guzzi rally soon. Experience the "culture" ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 96ssportsp on June 12, 2013, 09:08:57 PM
We'd be interested in hearing a comparison between the Multistrada and the Quota once you've got a little seat time in .....

Ok, here goes. First of all I am 6'1 with a 36 inseam, neither bike is an issue to flat foot with knees bent. Have had both a knee & hip replacement so comfort matters. Quota offers more leg room.
I bought the Q as my 2nd bike and it compliments the Multi well. The Q is really laid back and comfortable and really doesn't like to run over 85. The MTS just begs for stupidity, wheelie across parking lot, front wheel 2 feet in the air halfway across the intersection, etc, you get the drift. Much lighter, in fact it feels much lighter than it actually is, though it steers much heavier than the Q with its narrower tires.
The Quota has blown away any expectations I DID not have for off pavement travel. I had considered it a pavement ride only. After riding it on good gravel roads, I am now starting to seek them out, 55 mph standing up is a cakewalk, add a few rpms to get in the power and spin it up!!! Fun!! In my more exuberant years I could see myself foot out and powersliding 600 lbs and probably paying the price! :D
I could probably ramble on more, but you get the idea. Love both bikes, different tools for the same job, except off pavement. The multi is a corner carver of the old man type.

Thanks, Scott.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 13, 2013, 01:12:27 AM
Ok, here goes. First of all I am 6'1 with a 36 inseam, neither bike is an issue to flat foot with knees bent. Have had both a knee & hip replacement so comfort matters. Quota offers more leg room.
I bought the Q as my 2nd bike and it compliments the Multi well. The Q is really laid back and comfortable and really doesn't like to run over 85. The MTS just begs for stupidity, wheelie across parking lot, front wheel 2 feet in the air halfway across the intersection, etc, you get the drift. Much lighter, in fact it feels much lighter than it actually is, though it steers much heavier than the Q with its narrower tires.
The Quota has blown away any expectations I DID not have for off pavement travel. I had considered it a pavement ride only. After riding it on good gravel roads, I am now starting to seek them out, 55 mph standing up is a cakewalk, add a few rpms to get in the power and spin it up!!! Fun!! In my more exuberant years I could see myself foot out and powersliding 600 lbs and probably paying the price! :D
I could probably ramble on more, but you get the idea. Love both bikes, different tools for the same job, except off pavement. The multi is a corner carver of the old man type.

Thanks, Scott.

Thanks!   I know what you mean ... having a Stelvio has cured me of wanting to powerslide 580 pounds around gravel corners in the toolies .....

Sounds like you've got a ride for every occasion ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ejs on June 13, 2013, 05:40:07 PM

Hi to all.
I am from Norway,living in a town named Kristiansand .
Work as an NDT Inspector
Last week I bought an California EV 1999 mod.
It need to be worked with (TPS,valves,etc.) It runs,but very unstable at 3500- 4500 rpm.(I suspect the TPS)
time will tell.
Questions is coming in the future ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: goldscott on June 13, 2013, 07:22:25 PM
Hi All,

Bought a V7R last weekend and I'm absolutely in love with this machine.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on June 13, 2013, 07:54:05 PM

Hi to all.
I am from Norway,living in a town named Kristiansand .
Work as an NDT Inspector
Last week I bought an California EV 1999 mod.
It need to be worked with (TPS,valves,etc.) It runs,but very unstable at 3500- 4500 rpm.(I suspect the TPS)
time will tell.
Questions is coming in the future ;D



Hi All,

Bought a V7R last weekend and I'm absolutely in love with this machine.



Stunning! The chrome would probably blind me, but it will turn heads! ;)

Welcome both of you, hope to see you posting on the forum.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cave_dweller on June 13, 2013, 08:36:12 PM
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Location: Half Moon Bay, CA
Mode of Existence: Loner (single, never married)
Motorcycles: Moto Guzzi Griso 8V SE (current), Ducati Monster 695 (past), Kawasaki 100, Suzuki 125
Riding Experience: Started on Vespa at age 14. Got up to 125 CC by age 23. Hiatus from 2000 to 2007. Active on Ducati Monster from 2007 to late-2011. Hiatus from late-2011 to current. Mid-2013 entered the world of Moto Guzzi.
Interests: Motorcycle Riding, Reading, Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, Sailing, Photography, East Indian and Eastern Philosophy
Motorcycle Technical Knowledge: Preliminary. Limited to riding. No repair knowledge. But can learn. I learn pretty fast by observing rather than reading.
Worthy Accomplishments: None
Currently important objective in life: lose 25 lbs
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fossil on June 15, 2013, 02:30:38 AM

I am Thorsten, I live in Northern Germany in the 1050 years old town Lüneburg, I myself am a bit younger than that with 58 years. I am a product engineer and develop fire detection systems and control systems for fire fighting systems for maritime use in a small company in my town.

I rode bikes from time to time, especially the Norton Commando 750 and the Yamaha SR 500 from friends were bikes of a sort I really appreciate. So I looked for something classic and new at the same time. There are of course 6 bikes: the Kawasaki W 800, the Triumph Bonneville/Thruxton, the Honda CB 1100, the Royal Enfield, the Harley Sportster, and of course, the Moto Guzzi V7 Stone. Of those the first 3 are Retro Bikes, they look like old one, but are brand new constructions. They even sound like modern bikes! The other 3 are old constructions, of course modernised with fuel injection and so on, which I appreciate. The Enfield has a chain drive- no go!

Remain the Harley and the Guzzi. Both bikes look stunning (the sportster is still available as Roadster in Germany). Both are real classic bikes. Both cost the same. And I like both for many years now!

Albeit- I am not able to sit comfortably on the small Harley. Remains the Guzzi. The V7 Classic had nearly all I like with the exception of the plastic tank, the look of the small block cylinders, and the paint work. So- problem.

And then the Stone arrived! It has the pure black/white look I like, metal tank, enhanced torque, nice looking smooth round cylinders---- I ordered it. In white. With luggage rail, rubber tank pads and the small original windshield. It looks marvellous! The LaFranconis sound phantastic (not too loud, but distinctive)! And it rides- great! Like an old english bike with modern suspension and brakes. It is a 40 year old dream come true.

I hopefully will drive this nice little bike many years from now on. Driving my not-to-bad car at once is no fun at all. Driving the bike lets me feel young and alive. Thank you Moto Guzzi!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 15, 2013, 07:12:14 PM
Thorsten -

That's a great description of the path you took that led to Moto Guzzi.   Many of us had similar experiences, maybe with different bikes being considered, but getting to the same place.

Same age as me -  I know how that feels!

Ride safe.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: C5Performance on June 16, 2013, 09:39:00 AM
Name: Paul Crowe


Status: Married 25 years with 3 awesome kids

Occupation: recently quit 25 yr career at motorcycle dealer and started C5 Performance Inc. We dedign and sell optically triggered multi spark ignitions for vintage cars and motorcycles.

Lives: Appleton, Wisconsin, USA

Passions: Family, Motorcycles, Classic cars/trucks, firearms, self sufficiency.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bkonken1 on June 17, 2013, 09:16:40 PM
Brian Onken
45 years old
Mechanical Engineer
Hobbies:  Bicycling, Hiking, Motorcycles
Gilbert, AZ (Just outside of Phoenix)

Current Guzzis:
1976 850 T3
2008 Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Testarossa on June 18, 2013, 09:23:31 AM
I'm going to reintroduce myself because I was terse first time around and because much has changed in two years.

I'm now a widower, the kid has grown up and gone off to college, the pets have all died and I sold the plane. That leaves me a ton more time to play with the '74 850T, which I acquired in 1983. I put on a new Gilardoni kit and had the valves done this spring. Couple of years back I finally upgraded the alternator to a 280 watt T3 model, and rewired the bike to take out a lot of the "frill" circuits; also running a T3 fork. New tires this week.

Instead of retiring as planned this summer, I got promoted to executive director. Running the whole show is a new experience and I'm enjoying it. Long hours, and the T is a wonderful stress-reliever. I may do this for another 18 months. When I turn 66, I'm outta there and will go skiing full time. I teach skiing out of the Vail Village ski school -- locker room is full of ancient veterans like me, but management throws a couple of 19-year-old cuties in every year to keep us interested.

Also rebuilding a '70 Triumph TR6R (long process -- taking my time).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tiger_one on June 18, 2013, 11:04:51 AM
David Hanson, 67, ex Air Traffic Controller, Viet Nam vet with USARMY.  Play golf, used to hunt with long bow, now I am back riding Motorcycles.

Interested in 2012 Griso SE Tenni or Stelvio.  Looking at 2011, which I could out fit with bags myself.  Just sold Super Tenere.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: deBard on June 18, 2013, 12:25:08 PM
Dave Bardell
Older than dirt.
McAlisterville, PA

Juniata County Planning Director

2007 Norge

Scorpa Trials
2011 V Strom650
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mickyvee on June 18, 2013, 02:44:31 PM
 :) Hi there! My name is Mick, I am 56, and I live in the UK. I have had dozens of bikes including 6 Guzzis. I have a new 2013 1200 Sport Corsa, and will post pics when I figure out how! I work as a maintenance fitter in a textile mill and I am married to Fran, who rides a Triumph Thunderbird.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vamp on June 22, 2013, 08:53:50 AM
Hey all , newbie here....
53 (young)
Adelaide, Australia...
Currently riding a victory hardball , migrated from 25 years of harleys, After reading about the new 1400 guzzi , have major lust..owned a couple of italian bikes over the years (ducati's) and loved them..
so joined up here to get as much info and learn about your beautiful moto guzzi's..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wyno on June 24, 2013, 06:58:14 AM
Glen, retired at 53? I reckon I'm going to have to work till I'm 80. Welcome anyway.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 24, 2013, 09:02:21 AM
Dave Bardell
Older than dirt.
McAlisterville, PA

Juniata County Planning Director

2007 Norge

Scorpa Trials
2011 V Strom650

Oh, come now, 69 isn't older than dirt, it isn't even older than about half of our crew here ....


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikey650 on June 25, 2013, 12:09:24 PM
Greetings all!
Mike, in Boston Massachusetts 40yrs young.
Just found the website, while fishing around for some finishing doodads, for my little red brat; my 1986 V65 Lario (17k miles)

My other Bikes, to have come and gone:
2001 Triumph Bonneville (sold)
2004 Triumph America (sold)
1997 Triumph Thunderbird (wrecked.. I had a broken collarbone as a keepsake)

My other toys include:
1979 Ibanez Iceman and an angry tubed Orange amp.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on June 25, 2013, 12:25:07 PM
Greetings all!
Mike, in Boston Massachusetts
Just found the website, while fishing around for some finishing doodads, for my little red brat; my 1986 V65 Lario (17k miles)

My other Bikes, to have come and gone:
2001 Triumph Bonneville (sold)
2004 Triumph America (sold)
1997 Triumph Thunderbird (wrecked.. I had a broken collarbone as a keepsake)

Cool bike! Just rode one and saw it in the flesh, wouldn't mind a Lario myself.  ;D

I wonder, have you read about the valve issues with the Lario? IceBlue is our resident expert.  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikey650 on June 25, 2013, 12:30:55 PM
Yes, yes
the valves have been attended to, and mended too.
her idle is labored when she'd cold.. but once she warms up, she likes to hunt Ducatis.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pazzo Gatto on June 25, 2013, 03:35:39 PM
Howdy, name is Jay from the Hampton Roads area of VA.  57 years on the odo.  Retired Foreign Service Officer.  Have a 2013 Stelvio being prepped.  1st Guzzi ever for me.  Ciao
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 25, 2013, 06:52:04 PM
Howdy, name is Jay from the Hampton Roads area of VA.  57 years on the odo.  Retired Foreign Service Officer.  Have a 2013 Stelvio being prepped.  1st Guzzi ever for me.  Ciao

Hey, how come you get to retire at 57 and the rest of us are slaving away with our gray, balding heads and lumbago?   ;)   

Wonder how many people have a Stelvio as their first Guzzi?   Not many, I'll wager.    Hope Redline is taking care of you .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pazzo Gatto on June 26, 2013, 08:23:15 PM
Hey, how come you get to retire at 57 and the rest of us are slaving away with our gray, balding heads and lumbago?   ;)   

Wonder how many people have a Stelvio as their first Guzzi?   Not many, I'll wager.    Hope Redline is taking care of you .....


I'm still a worker bee in the form of an independent contractor for the Gov't.  I gotta work to afford my toys.  BTW, Redline is the best!  Snagged the '13 Stelvio at their recently discounted price of 13,168.  Lowest price anywhere and they are only 15 miles away.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EricGuzziLM1 on June 27, 2013, 05:36:53 PM
Hello all, I figured I would introduce myself instead of just stalking the forums for information :)

Software Lead for a video game company
San Francisco

1977 MG LM1 (pretty built up: big bore 949, Lafs Comp, jetting, rearsets, suspension, lots of little Tarozzi and Tommaselli things, etc)
1975 CB400f

1973 CB350f
1988 FZR400
1980 MG V50II
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swampass on June 28, 2013, 04:24:35 PM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.

07 griso, Scot, VA.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brixtoncat on June 29, 2013, 01:38:05 PM
Urs Baumann

Webaster & E-Business Consultant
Single, too much work...
Hobbies: Bikes, Bicycles, Travelling, Computers, Cooking, City life

Zurich, Switzerland

2011 Moto Guzzi Norge (2V), 2004 Guzzi Breva 750
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 30, 2013, 12:13:36 PM

07 griso, Scot, VA.

Got the 07 Griso part ... but is your occupation that of being a Scot (kilts, etc) or is that where you live (I live in Virginia too, generally), but don't know any place called Scot.    Scott County and Scottsville I know ....

At any rate, it's an enjoyable place for a Griso!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rangercanuck on July 02, 2013, 12:33:59 PM
Greetings All from (the Pac. Coast of the Great White North) Victoria, BC CA;  I am an older decrepit rider (X) whose body just won't take it anymore -- however I still love bikes and those (mostly) who also Love/Live to ride.  My purpose today is to 'PICK' your collective knowledge: I have an 'OLDER and even more decrepit friend who has spent quite a number of years rebuilding a 'Guzzi' ... sadly it hurts him to look at the bike and know he will never ride it again and has decided to part with it -- TO A GOOD HOME -- he/we, however have NO idea what it should be worth and the best place to post it FOR SALE ... so that we can be as honest as possible with the POSTING INFO  we need to verify just what it truly is -- OK -- so we know it is a '72 Moto Guzzi ... it does hgave 21639 KMS showing on the OD and has been completely (and lovingly) rebuilt -- it was purchased 'in a basket' -- the Frame and Engine #'s match but we cannot verify the exact model!  The Frame #is 50779 and the engine # is the same BUT with a VP prefix ... can anyone help us ... figure it all out  ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nick949 on July 02, 2013, 07:06:40 PM
Hello Rangercanuck,

  There are indeed people here who can and will help.  I would suggest starting a new thread titled something like: 'help wanted with 72 Guzzi' or something like that.  Your message may get a bit lost in the introductions thread.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on July 07, 2013, 06:46:06 PM
Why does this feel like a twelve step group?
Why is there a flashing icon suggesting you review your arrest record at the bottom? This isn't a Laverda board.

My name is Michael Adams
I am picking up a 2007 Griso 1100 from Cal Coast Motorsports on Sat the 13th
I already have a 1984 V65 for my 5'2" wife.

I used to work with Sean Fader at Moto Italiano in 2000 and he is the guy that gave me the nickname "DungeonMaster" cuz he thought I looked like I was a D&D geek in high school. Which was true.
I currently live in the High Desert (Victorville metropolitan area) and I love to bag on this place but it's cheap to get housing here.
I spend most of my online time on af1 apriliaforum so if anyone here spends time there you already know me (SF2Diehard)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Captainjos on July 08, 2013, 07:49:31 AM
Nevada 2007 currently 1500 miles on it

Jos Muffels
just turned 60
Senior Construction Planner for Bechtel, working as needed.
Shuffling between Arlington, VA and Merritt, NC (where bike is located)
great forum, thanks for all the info
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rangercanuck on July 08, 2013, 01:22:34 PM
Thanks for your welcome advice Nick ... If I can figure out how to start a new thread ... I shall do just that!  Thanks again ... RIK
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swampass on July 08, 2013, 04:05:50 PM
Got the 07 Griso part ... but is your occupation that of being a Scot (kilts, etc) or is that where you live (I live in Virginia too, generally), but don't know any place called Scot.    Scott County and Scottsville I know ....

At any rate, it's an enjoyable place for a Griso!


07 is where I live, my name is griso, and I ride a Scot.   You were totally wrong! 

I live in stafford.  I'm German and welsh.  My occupation is super secret.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: coco52 on July 08, 2013, 06:39:38 PM
This is my first Guzzi, and I am loving it.
Hopefully a pic will appear underneath here of a 1200 sport.
I'm 49 yrs old and have had a ton of bikes over the last 33yrs, but this has the most smiles per miles, by far.
Scotland is my stomping ground  ;D

(http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll20/g-panzer/Guzzi/IMG_1533.jpg) (http://s284.photobucket.com/user/g-panzer/media/Guzzi/IMG_1533.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rough Edge racing on July 10, 2013, 07:30:19 AM
 Tony Pascarella  Age 66
 Western NY state
 Retired electrical contractor
 Married,grandchildren that drive cars and drink legally.
  I build vintage Triumph cycles in my hillbilly shop...Built the current 650 cc modified production ECTA record holder ridden by a younger friend/money man.
 Looking for a Guzzi  to run the 1000 cc pushrod LSR racing
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WNCMark on July 10, 2013, 04:24:24 PM
Mark Applegate, 50, Furniture Designer and Maker, Marshall, NC USA.

Currently riding a Moto Guzzi Quota
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on July 11, 2013, 09:47:56 AM
Greetings all!
Mike, in Boston Massachusetts 40yrs young.
Just found the website, while fishing around for some finishing doodads, for my little red brat; my 1986 V65 Lario (17k miles)

My other Bikes, to have come and gone:
2001 Triumph Bonneville (sold)
2004 Triumph America (sold)
1997 Triumph Thunderbird (wrecked.. I had a broken collarbone as a keepsake)

My other toys include:
1979 Ibanez Iceman and an angry tubed Orange amp.

I missed your first post, so here's my late replay.  I'm from Mass too, and a determined smallbock rider. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !threefenders
Post by: threefenders on July 14, 2013, 02:50:43 PM
Hello to guzzi world. I'm new to Moto Guzzi owner. I just bought a V7 Special.
So far, I think the Goose is going to be a great bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mnrenfro on July 14, 2013, 07:13:22 PM
Brand new to the group.  Just got a 69 Ambassador.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoRon on July 14, 2013, 07:56:13 PM

 Hi new guy? here...maybe. Have my eye on an "03" California Special Sport. What should I know about them?

 This one has 12000 miles, just serviced ,newer tires. Two w/shields & leather? bags.

 Been riding BMW's for years, still have two, a R1150R naked bike, and a K1200LT project bike. Have owned other brands over the years. Hd's,Kaws,Yamaha's , Norton etc. Never owned a Guzzi,...thought now might be the time?

 If I make the deal,...I'll be around lookin' for advice etc.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on July 14, 2013, 08:00:13 PM
Where are you at?  I may know that bike. Then again I may not! :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrDanS on July 14, 2013, 11:38:13 PM
Dan S.
Systems Administrator

Hobbies : Ham Radio, Video Games, Computer Programming, Tinkering

I originally got into bikes because of my dad. I remember riding with him on his ol' Guzzi when I was really young, and then on his BMW till I was older.
When I got old enough, he helped my younger brother and I me get into a motorcycle safety course, then got us our "first" smaller bike, a Honda Twinstar CM200T. Fun little bike. :)

Currently, one of his final gifts to me was his newer Guzzi, a 2001 California EV.
I'm here to hang out with you dudes (and any dudetts that may be here), and learn how to keep her running properly.
I very much look forward to learning from the group.  :pop
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzziguzzi on July 17, 2013, 06:46:23 PM
Name Bruno Rony
Age 55
First Guzzi ever 2003 California bought July 2013
Also own a 2001 Bonneville and a 2009  Kawasaki Versys
Previous bikes (by order of appearance):
Honda Shadow 650
Kawasaki KLR650
Suzuki SV650
Suzuki Vstrom 650
Yamaha FZ1
Suzuki Vstrom 1K

Based in SoCal
Married, two boys sons ( I had to...see post below;-)
Addicted to riding the local canyons roads
Other hobbies: guitar, books, hiking

That's it for today:-)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 17, 2013, 06:55:00 PM

Based in SoCal
Married two boys
Addicted to riding the local canyons roads
Other hobbies: guitar, books, hiking

That's it for today:-)

That's California for you; they won't let you marry even ONE boy anywhere else ...  :o

Sorry!  Just had to.   :D

I've got two sons myself - I really quit riding while they were 0 - 15 years old, got back into it big time after that - one of them rides now (a Versys!), the other has no interest.   I've ridden his Versys and it's really a great do-anything bike ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MMasz on July 19, 2013, 01:51:10 PM
Mike Masztal
Melbourne Beach, FL
Currently employed as HS teacher. Former Army and LEO
Married 33 years, 4 kids, 13 and under
Rider since 14;  BMW 1100RS (stolen), Suzuki 1100 Katana, Suzuki GS1000, Yamaha XS750 (totaled by a Gama Goat when I was in the Army), Bridgestone M2 (200 cc smoker), Honda Trail 50

Looking at M-G as I want a bike with “character", but don’t know of any decent dealers in FL.  PM me if you know of any.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzziguzzi on July 20, 2013, 12:17:46 AM
Indeed the Versys is fantastic, nimble like a bicycle and all the usable power to twist and swing anywhere! Got to sell mine unfortunately. Cant have more than 2 bikes in the garage...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: badwolf on July 20, 2013, 07:22:31 AM
Hello. My name is Joe. I live in the Northwest 'burbs of Chicago and work for a giant, soulless corporation that treats its customers like garbage and its employees even worse. I'm currently 37 and I've only been riding for about 10 years. I own an Aprilia Futura (which I hope to keep forever), along with a Ducati Monster 620 and Triumph Speed Four - both of which I'm trying to sell in order to make room in the garage and the budget for a Guzzi. Ideally, I'm looking for a Breva 1200 Sport outfitted with the factory panniers, but I could also see myself on a 2v Grisso or one of the many V11 variants.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 20, 2013, 09:43:02 AM
Hello. My name is Joe. I live in the Northwest 'burbs of Chicago and work for a giant, soulless corporation that treats its customers like garbage and its employees even worse. I'm currently 37 and I've only been riding for about 10 years. I own an Aprilia Futura (which I hope to keep forever), along with a Ducati Monster 620 and Triumph Speed Four - both of which I'm trying to sell in order to make room in the garage and the budget for a Guzzi. Ideally, I'm looking for a Breva 1200 Sport outfitted with the factory panniers, but I could also see myself on a 2v Grisso or one of the many V11 variants.

As popular as Aprilia Futuras are, I'm really surprised that they quit making make and haven't made any since.    Sounds like you've got the European bug and some nice bikes to go with it.

Young man like you ought not be working somewhere that you hate ... if you don't like the people that you're working for, work somewhere else .... there's lots of opportunities out there AND some good companies.   Man can't be miserable each day at work and still enjoy life or his motorcycles!

Hope you get the Guzzi you want.    They really are nice bikes even though you're coming off of some other really nice ones ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: punkrod on July 22, 2013, 11:46:18 AM
It's been a few years, so I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
After further inspection of the documents, it turns out the Eldo is a '73.
I just put her back on the road last weekend.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crappazappa on July 22, 2013, 01:15:05 PM
Jonathan, 33, engineer, charleston sc
2013 griso, a little bit better then the thruxton :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: profaen on July 23, 2013, 06:51:30 AM
I'm Laurie
I live in Sydney, Australia.
61 y/o, 3 kids, 1 granddaughter.

Used to have a MG Mach 1 Le Mans that was a beautiful problematic relationship, then 20 years on a Ducati M900, and now a V7 Racer (still running in but I think we'll be together a long time) and occasional rides on my girls Honda CT110.
I'll keep the V7R stock for a while, then start to mess with it a bit.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lbronson on July 23, 2013, 02:50:32 PM
 New owner of a Norge. Loving it
Larry Bronson
48 living in Bothell Wa
10th motorcyle, first Guzzi but always like them.
riding since 1976
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on July 23, 2013, 05:51:53 PM
Welcome to the forum guys,  ;-T have fun!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dmsh on July 24, 2013, 11:32:17 AM
Dimitri, 39, Staten Island, NY
Embedded software/hardware engineer
New owner of MG V65 Lario 1986
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MIGuzzi on July 24, 2013, 05:44:24 PM
Greetings folks... I'm Orion from Annapolis, MD.  I joined the group due to the purchase of my 2013 V7 Racer.  Enjoying the bike and it accompanies a 1971 Bridgestone, RS 200 Mach II, which is also a fun little two stroke.  Thanks, Orion
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Matt on July 24, 2013, 10:23:13 PM

Now that is a thing of understated beauty. I *like* Loops but most aren't my thing, that bike is my thing.


Welcome, now go start a thread to tell me about it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Asher1877 on July 25, 2013, 05:07:35 PM
Greetings to one and all,
I'm a former harley davidson motorcyclist. I met a member of these boards (kevin) on the sportster forums and I myself have been seeking not necessarily something different, but I'm tired of the same old same old so I came here to educate myself on guzzi. I reside in the Austin, Tx area. Guzzis have always intrigued me but as we are all aware they do not seem to be take seriously by the motorcycle press so they are not reviewed much beyond the "first ride".

From what I've seen just browsing the pictures the california appears to be the model for me. For my riding style, I sometimes ride 2 up with my wife in the texas hill country I commute about twenty miles each way from work and occassionally do 400 mile days with my spouse. I really don't know what else to type so it is what it is.

Thank you for the time in reading this.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 25, 2013, 05:40:12 PM
Greetings to one and all,
I'm a former harley davidson motorcyclist. I met a member of these boards (kevin) on the sportster forums and I myself have been seeking not necessarily something different, but I'm tired of the same old same old so I came here to educate myself on guzzi. I reside in the Austin, Tx area. Guzzis have always intrigued me but as we are all aware they do not seem to be take seriously by the motorcycle press so they are not reviewed much beyond the "first ride".

From what I've seen just browsing the pictures the california appears to be the model for me. For my riding style, I sometimes ride 2 up with my wife in the texas hill country I commute about twenty miles each way from work and occassionally do 400 mile days with my spouse. I really don't know what else to type so it is what it is.

Thank you for the time in reading this.

Thanks for taking the time to write!   One thing you need to keep in mind is that (like any Internet forum) you hear a lot more of the "problem" issues than you hear about specific good stuff.   I think that's partly because most everyone here basically loves Guzzis and already knows all the good stuff, so not much bandwidth is spent on praising them and talking about how much we like them.   Most of it's spent on solving problems, so it can tend to sound negative.

A Guzzi California or EV touring model sounds about like what you want.  Everyone's different, though - my wife and I have a Stelvio for two-up touring, it's just the way we're made.   Any Guzzi can take you anywhere you want to go for hundreds of thousands of miles .....

This is a great forum, and I hope you'll be able to participate.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rael on July 26, 2013, 02:39:31 PM
Ross Elliott
San Antonio

I lusted after the Griso since I first saw one in a magazine.  When I had an opportunity at one I had to take it.  More than a year later and I treat it with respect-- I don't let it sit in the garage and I use the entire tire and tachometer!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gootsi on July 27, 2013, 05:43:28 PM
Now that I have my first Guzzi, I think I'll add to this thread. :)

I'm in San Antonio and last week I finally got rid of my old SV650 for something a bit fancier that I can actually be proud of: a 2012 Griso 8V SE, in the stunning Tenni green.


I bought it from AF1 Racing in New Braunfels thanks to some striking serendipity. I was up in Austin randomly one weekend, just to hang out and shop and stuff with the GF, and decided to swing by their Vespa/Guzzi/Aprilia dealership and look at their stuff. I knew they wouldn't have the Tenni Griso I had my heart set on, but it would be a fun way to kill some time. One of the owners greeted me, we chatted for a bit, and I mentioned I was looking for the hard-to-find Tenni Griso. Lo and behold, just that morning, someone traded one in! A week later and I was the proud owner of a like-new 2012 8V, with around 2500 easy miles on it. I was thrilled to have found one just 30 minutes from my house, so I wouldn't have to deal with sight unseen buying and shipping from across the country. I didn't think that would happen again soon, so I snatched it up before it even hit his sales floor.

I love the bike so far. AF1 set up the suspension for me so no complaints there. I may need to lower the pegs an inch or so, but I'm going to see if I can get used to it first.

I just can't help staring at it. It's so pretty.  :drool
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tash566 on July 27, 2013, 07:15:42 PM
Tim Ashton, 50 yrs old and a first time Guzzi owner (this makes my 14th bike total though)
I have a V7 stone that I love that replaced the 2007 SV650 that had 40k miles on it. The one before that was a R90S that had 145k miles on it so needless to say I do a bit of riding.
I've added quite a bit to it and I'll post pictures here in a week or so!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Big Kahuna on July 28, 2013, 12:23:23 AM
Hello from Central California.

I have owned many motorcycles in the past, lots of dirt bikes, and dual sports, and streetbikes from a 1975 CB400F to an R6 and my last bike was a Ducati 900SS. On my "bucket list" has always been a Moto Guzzi Daytona 1000. That bike has always held a special place in my heart... That is until I saw a 2013 V7 Racer at my local dealer. I have been lusting after that bike ever since! If everything stays on track, I should be picking one up next week. I have been feverishly doing my research for the last week, and I am financially almost there.
I can't wait to get that baby home!
Keep your fingers crossed, that I join the Guzzi family very soon!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dp1100s on July 28, 2013, 09:12:08 AM
David polovich from Biloxi Ms. 57 yrs.  I'm looking to buy a new Stelvio.And any pros and consare very welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on July 28, 2013, 10:12:06 AM
Welcome David. The Stelvio is a great bike that has gotten better, IMHO. Cons: Tall, like any adventure bike. Once on it's ok for me. 32/33 inseam. Not really a con but there are some threads about the aux lights shorting out. Easy to deal with pre-emptively. Also adding a relay into the start circuit to supply direct voltage to the starter solenoid is something many Stelvio/Griso/Norge/Breva/1200 Sport owners consider. Again, very easy to deal with.

Pros: Very good range on a tank of fuel. Long suspension travel soaks up bumps well and keeps the bike under composure. The wheels are tubeless, just so you know. The NTX comes very well equipped. Over all it is a great package.

Do a search on Stelvio and you can find lots of answers. Don't be afraid to ask more. 

Mine is an '09. I like it a lot and would do it again.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dp1100s on July 28, 2013, 01:00:45 PM
Why does it need a relay installation?  Its a new bike?  Explain please. Also how is it done.  This is odd to me.  ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 28, 2013, 01:08:15 PM
Why does it need a relay installation?  Its a new bike?  Explain please. Also how is it done.  This is odd to me.  ???

The Stelvio was designed like most other similar Guzzis - no proper relay for the starter, and no relay for the headlights - all the current goes right through the switch, and it will burn up at some point.

Just one of those little things that make Guzzis lovable, and ensure that only well-'ard rocker enthusiasts stick with them.

I have a 2009 like Zoom Zooms, and I like it very much.   Once sorted, they'll go forever.   Some people don't like the "once sorted" part.

If you use the list Search Function, and type in "Stelvio" alone or with any other feature you like, you'll find 5 years worth of excellent information on the goods, bads, highs, lows.   Just remember that most of us already know and appreciate the good parts, so we don't write much about that - we spend our time talking about the parts we need to fix ....

But that's no different than any other brand-specific forum.   

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dp1100s on July 28, 2013, 03:12:47 PM
Thank you
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on July 28, 2013, 04:45:41 PM
Why does it need a relay installation?  Its a new bike?  Explain please. Also how is it done.  This is odd to me.  ???

Actually it probably will not for a while. Mine is two years old. An '09 bought new in '11. I have accrued 21,000 on it. A few hundred miles ago, I had some weird electrical issues. One was an ECU Error that prevented the bike from starting. I have since replaced the battery and have not had that issue since. I have since become aware that a low or bad battery will do that. I have spoken to others that had it happen to them. I would argue that a two year old battery should not be faulty, but I don't know if it was properly activated or exactly when it had been activated. (Proper procedure for filling, letting set and charging for the first time.) Anyway, along with that was a click when I hit the starter button. That was a week after I replaced the battery, which prompted me to finally add the relay to my bike. It is pretty easy really. Here is how I did mine: I ran two wires from the starter solenoid. One which I plugged back into the solenoid with a female spade end and the other with a male end that I plugged into the trigger wire I removed off the solenoid. I simply got these up to a location I determined would be suitable for a relay. (Under the left side cover under the seat.) I then brought two more wires from the + and - of the battery to the same location. The relay is a 40 amp job common at nearly any auto parts store. (Probably could do it with a lower amp relay but the one I got has a metal mounting tab rather than the molded plastic tab found on the cheaper relay. It is still only 8 bucks.) Then plug all the ends onto the proper terminals of the relay and you're done. I soldered all my ends and shrink wrapped them. I spent much more time prepping everything than actually connecting it all up. Oh yeah, I also soldered in an inline fuse holder, which I put a 15 amp fuse into after everything was connected.

Nothing I did was permanent. With just moving one wire, I could be back to completely stock without any damage to the factory wiring. When under load, some here have noted as much as a 6vdc drop in voltage at the solenoid. I have maybe 10 bucks and a couple hours in that job. Since doing that, the bike has started flawlessly, every single time. Of course only time will tell, but so far so good.

John Henry
Title: Back to Wildguzzi
Post by: Marina on July 28, 2013, 08:21:56 PM
Hi all,

I am making my return to the Guzzi community. My job here has eaten up all of my time for the past years, and since I walk to work, I hadn't been riding. Just returned from a ride out to Albuquerque, and I am ready to make riding regularly part of my life again.

Hi to all my old friends. Chet - glad to see Rusty is still in the stable. Bill H. - I envy you the Griso.

Title: Re: Back to Wildguzzi
Post by: Muzz on July 29, 2013, 03:31:29 AM
Hi all,

I am making my return to the Guzzi community. My job here has eaten up all of my time for the past years, and since I walk to work, I hadn't been riding. Just returned from a ride out to Albuquerque, and I am ready to make riding regularly part of my life again.

Hi to all my old friends. Chet - glad to see Rusty is still in the stable. Bill H. - I envy you the Griso.


Welcome back Marina.

The Guzzi addiction is still strong; number on the forum far larger than it used to be earlier on.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dp1100s on July 29, 2013, 04:45:16 PM
Hi all I would like to know how much are people paying for a new Stelvio out the Door. How much ?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: The Reg on July 30, 2013, 07:25:23 AM
G'day All;

Just Registered tonight.

From Traralgon in Victoria - Australia

Soon to own two Guzzi's - and someone who, until early this year had never owned one.

Should be fun!

Cheers  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marina on July 30, 2013, 03:00:22 PM
Thanks, Muzz. Things appear to be pretty much the same around here, aside from the greater numbers. Glad to see it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mandoguzzi on July 31, 2013, 03:01:43 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MartinMan on August 01, 2013, 03:42:29 PM

Adel Iowa

1969 Ambassador

Work for a marketing/printing company.

Hobbys: Bikes, Junk, And More Junk, but not junk Bikes LOL
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 01, 2013, 05:45:23 PM

We're sort of close.  I fly model airplanes, picked the banjo over the guitar but never learned to play it, and nobody tells me how much I can ride ....


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: John C on August 03, 2013, 10:46:45 AM
I'm John, 30 years old

Just bought my first motorcycle, a Breva 750, '04

Live in southeast Michigan, Detroit metro area

Work as a mechanical engineer, powertrain testing

(http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6417/md5g.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/md5g.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on August 03, 2013, 11:50:00 AM
Great looking bike.  You'll love her. ;-T  Welcome to the nut hut. Now, get thee to a rally!! ;-T :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on August 03, 2013, 12:01:28 PM
I'm John, 30 years old

Just bought my first motorcycle, a Breva 750, '04

Live in southeast Michigan, Detroit metro area

Work as a mechanical engineer, powertrain testing

(http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6417/md5g.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/md5g.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Welcome John!

Did you buy the bike from Joe. D in Dearborn? My wife and I purchased his (wife's) other Breva, an 04 in red.

He was a really nice guy to work with, our Breva is in great shape.

Hope you enjoy your Guzzi!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marina on August 04, 2013, 02:39:14 PM
I'm John, 30 years old

Just bought my first motorcycle, a Breva 750, '04

Live in southeast Michigan, Detroit metro area

Work as a mechanical engineer, powertrain testing

(http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6417/md5g.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/md5g.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

You're going to love the Breva!  Oh wait, look at that grin - you already do.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chet Rugg on August 04, 2013, 05:37:59 PM
Marina  great to here riding is back in your life. Yep Rusty is still ticking out the miles. Hope to see ya again down the road somewhere!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Anvas on August 04, 2013, 06:50:13 PM

I am Andreas from Athens, Greece
A former Ducatisti, but an optimist Guzzisti, also a happy owner of a 1200 sport ABS.

Nice to meet you guys ! :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JackReilly on August 04, 2013, 09:00:39 PM
Jack Reilly.

22 years old.

Plano, Texas

I have worked as a (most recent to earliest) waiter, bartender, Hostel manager, farm hand, groundskeeper, retailer and a shop rat for now closed Japanese bike shop.  Now however I'm simply a student having recently re-enrolled in college. 

I started riding when I was 8 and fell in love with Guzzis one day at a Guzzi fest in Italy, Texas when I was 15 or 16. 

My interests include reading, movies, science, travel and, of course, motorcycles. 

99 Ducati Monster 750 - My first street bike.  Regretfully sold it while I was traveling abroad because I needed the cash.
2004 Yamaha TW200 - Getting a general tune-up so my girlfriend has something to ride.  Ugly looking.  Awesome bike. 
2003 Honda CBR600RR - Given to me by my father because he was no longer interested in fixing it up.  He lost all interest in the supposed track bike after he was bit by the vintage MV Agusta bug.  Bought at track after it was laid down; she has all her new parts laying around or on her, just need to put in the time.  Plan to sell her after.
1980 Yamaha XS850 -  Bought it cheap off of a couple that tore it apart then neglected it for a year or two. Cafe Racer project that doesn't get attention due to the Guzzi.
1975 Moto Guzzi T3 - This.  This is my baby.  She needs a modicum of work.  Mostly just maintenance and electrical work.  Bought her in Austin and rode her home. 

I feel like I just filled out an online dating profile...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on August 05, 2013, 06:34:45 AM
Jack Reilly.

22 years old.

Plano, Texas

I have worked as a (most recent to earliest) waiter, bartender, Hostel manager, farm hand, groundskeeper, retailer and a shop rat for now closed Japanese bike shop.  Now however I'm simply a student having recently re-enrolled in college. 

I started riding when I was 8 and fell in love with Guzzis one day at a Guzzi fest in Italy, Texas when I was 15 or 16. 

My interests include reading, movies, science, travel and, of course, motorcycles. 

99 Ducati Monster 750 - My first street bike.  Regretfully sold it while I was traveling abroad because I needed the cash.
2004 Yamaha TW200 - Getting a general tune-up so my girlfriend has something to ride.  Ugly looking.  Awesome bike. 
2003 Honda CBR600RR - Given to me by my father because he was no longer interested in fixing it up.  He lost all interest in the supposed track bike after he was bit by the vintage MV Agusta bug.  Bought at track after it was laid down; she has all her new parts laying around or on her, just need to put in the time.  Plan to sell her after.
1980 Yamaha XS850 -  Bought it cheap off of a couple that tore it apart then neglected it for a year or two. Cafe Racer project that doesn't get attention due to the Guzzi.
1975 Moto Guzzi T3 - This.  This is my baby.  She needs a modicum of work.  Mostly just maintenance and electrical work.  Bought her in Austin and rode her home. 

I feel like I just filled out an online dating profile...

Yep, now you have a Mistress. Hope your girlfriend doesn't mind.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: John C on August 05, 2013, 08:46:19 AM
Welcome John!

Did you buy the bike from Joe. D in Dearborn? My wife and I purchased his (wife's) other Breva, an 04 in red.

He was a really nice guy to work with, our Breva is in great shape.

Hope you enjoy your Guzzi!


Yep, I got the bike from Joe.  He kept it in excellent shape.  I put 100 miles on it this weekend, it's great fun!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eeyore on August 05, 2013, 09:23:45 AM
Hi All,

Traci.  NZer living in Australia.

Currently on my 3rd bike in 8 months! A '10 Breva 750.  Looking forward to doing some longer range touring on it to get to know the country better.

Also looking forward to getting to know the bike better. She certainly has personality.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: omega1 on August 05, 2013, 11:11:49 AM
Hello all

I am Armando from Johannesburg, South Africa.

I am an accountant by profession and a certified bike (and car) nut.

51y/o started riding in 1978, bought my first Guzzi, a V50 Monza, in 1982. Followed that with a Le Mans 3 and a 1000SP. Due to product not being available here I switched to Harleys in 1997. Went through two Road Kings, a Dyna, a Softail Springer Classic and two Ultra Classics, the last of which was a 2012 Ultra Limited. Also went through 3 BMW's, 4 Ducati's a a variety of Honda's and KTM's. Enjoyed every one but when Guzzi announced its return to the South African market I just had to have one again; and so I did, a California 1400! Feels great to be back on a Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fotopat on August 06, 2013, 09:50:32 AM
Pat Corrigan
Cemetery Manager in Cleveland, OH
Former MSF RiderCoach / 6 years in Ohio
Former College Photography Instructor (pre-digital)
friend of Zoom Zoom
currently bikes: 2002 HD Road King Classic, 2004 R1150 GS BMW, 2012 Triumph Scrambler
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: MichMotoRider on August 06, 2013, 06:54:49 PM

Name: Remo
Age: 23
Occupation: College student (supply chain management major)
Location: Novi, Michigan

2004 Yamaha YZF-R1 (my bike)
2009 Moto Guzzi California Vintage (my dad's bike)

I have been riding on the street for about 5 years now, I rode on the dirt for a couple years before.  As far as streetbikes go I've had several: (3) Yamaha's, (1) Honda, (1) Kawasaki and (1) Buell.  I'm currently riding an 04 R1 which I am planning to keep for a while at the moment.  I am here because my dad went through a mid-life crisis a couple years back ;D and decided to get into motorcycles as well.  He has a 2009 Moto Guzzi California vintage, it's a nice bike but we've had a few problems with it.  I am looking for some resources as far as troubleshooting, working on it, and mainly to find other resources for parts outside of our local dealership.  I will put up a thread about the current issue later this evening or tomorrow.  I promise I am not here to bash, just here to seek some wisdom as not many know about these unique motorcycles. 

I look forward to some good conversation and possibly seeing some of you out on the road. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 06, 2013, 06:55:02 PM
Pat Corrigan
Cemetery Manager in Cleveland, OH
Former MSF RiderCoach / 6 years in Ohio
Former College Photography Instructor (pre-digital)
friend of Zoom Zoom
currently bikes: 2002 HD Road King Classic, 2004 R1150 GS BMW, 2012 Triumph Scrambler

Things pretty quiet at work?  

Couldn't help it, Zoom Zoom started it.   Considering a Guzzi?   A California, a Stelvio, and a V7 Classic would JUST fit in the niches your current bikes fill ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: steveford on August 08, 2013, 08:38:18 PM
Hi Marina, Nice to see you're back!!! ;-T ;-T ;-T ;D ;D ;D ;-T ;-T ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marina on August 09, 2013, 04:20:02 PM
Jack Reilly.

 I'm simply a student having recently re-enrolled in colleg

I started riding when I was 8 and fell in love with Guzzis one day at a Guzzi fest in Italy, Texas when I was 15 or 16. 

Italy, Texas is a great rally!  Where are you going to college, Jack?  And what do you study?  I went to UT Arlington for Biology.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JTBakay on August 10, 2013, 03:41:29 PM
Hey everyone!

Jared Bakay, tender age of 25.
Live in Calgary AB Canada, work for the moto guzzi dealer (blackfoot motosports) at the parts counter
Currently I own a 09 Honda VFR 800 and my father owns a 13 Griso SE.

Found the site will looking for a good bike for dad and wanted some owners opinions. Been posting as we had an issue with his bike and he isn't the best with computers. I've been riding on his since 5, on my own since 15. I love the Guzzi bikes, and this place seemed like a great forum (and it has been) for any help and nice people. If anyone is in need of parts in the area, come see me at the counter!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmxdog61u on August 10, 2013, 08:16:51 PM
Welcome! Have fun! Membership here is fun. Ride safe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lost on August 10, 2013, 11:10:06 PM
Just bought my first Guzzi. Also have 09 Yamaha FZ1, 88 Yamaha Venture. Age 66 still working in Plastics in Cleveland, Ohio. Haven't been on a 2 cylinder bike since 77, will take some getting used to.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: abhishekit on August 19, 2013, 12:38:00 AM
Abhi from LA. Bought a Griso 8V today.

I grew up in India and rode Yamaha 150cc models and Enfield 250cc. Suzuki Katana 750 was my first bike in U.S. Bought in 2005. In 2006 bought a Triumph Daytona 675. That's what I traded today for the Griso. I love it. Between the time I bought it (5:30 PM) and right now (10:37 PM), I was riding for all but 15 minutes...


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 19, 2013, 01:00:20 AM
Abhi from LA. Bought a Griso 8V today.

I grew up in India and rode Yamaha 150cc models and Enfield 250cc. Suzuki Katana 750 was my first bike in U.S. Bought in 2005. In 2006 bought a Triumph Daytona 675. That's what I traded today for the Griso. I love it. Between the time I bought it (5:30 PM) and right now (10:37 PM), I was riding for all but 15 minutes...



Sounds like you're doing the "progression" right!   Hope you have many happy miles on that Griso.  If you read up on this board, there are many who consider it Guzzi's best all-rounder ever ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OzYoda on August 19, 2013, 05:58:25 AM
Hello from downunder.

Sydney actually.

I am a recent convert from Beemerdom to Gussista with a 2012 Norge now filling the only spot my other half allows me in the garage.  There was a recent recall where only 13 Norge's were listed by the national importer.  Hmmm, I love being a little rare!

I've named her Nikki.  Nikki the Norge  ;D and I think she's beautiful!  One of the first things I did was search out the right tankpad, and found the Keiti Guardian Angel!  She's an awesome match for the Black Norge!  Of course there are a few other small enhancements on the way.

Anyway, I've already found the information here useful and thought it only polite to introduce myself, even though I'm not exactly a heavy forum user.

I do have a quick question for you all.  The clutch has a very small friction zone.  At first it seemed almost off/on but I've gotten a bit more used to it now (shes got just 1000km on her).  The dealer said it would wear in over time and though that sounds likely I'd surely like some confirmation from you experts ... is this something that will change or do I need to exercise my left hand more?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DarthMonolith on August 20, 2013, 12:19:41 PM

Charles Schramm
Age:  44
Occupation:  Logitics Analyst for the Swiss Air Force
Location:  Great Mills, MD
Current Ride:
2013 Victory Vision
When my father-in-law passed away, he passed his bike on to his son.  He doesn't have to time to ride, so asked if I would be interested in taking possession of a '98 EV 1100.  So I am here to learn about the brand.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cipollino on August 21, 2013, 02:12:21 AM
Hello everyone!
Daniele, age 47, from Italy.
I am a happy owner of a "nasty" Guzzi v35 imola II.
The bike is currently under restoring and I need as much
information and experiences as I can. I think this is the right
place where to look for.
Would you excuse my bad english but it is not my  native language....
best regards
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stick on August 21, 2013, 03:44:30 PM
Howdy all:
My nickname has been "Stick" since grade school, and so goes the handle here (and on www.Ducati.ms). Real name is Michael.  
Live in Greater Worcester, MA.
Been riding since I was 14 years young, and a few decades have passed since then...  
Started with Honda, then my first Italian was a Ducati 500SL Pantah.  Bought it used in about 1984.  My GF at the time (then spouse) needed her own bike, and that's the 1st  'Guzzi that we owned - a 1981 Monza 500.  What a joy to own and ride.  Wish I never sold it, but she gave up riding after having our 1st child.  

Anyway, one of my favorite bikes now is a Ducati ST4s. What a comfortable rocketship!  Found I was putting too many miles on her, so I "needed" a comparable machine to use casually.  Along came a 1996 Sport 1100.  Turns out, it also to nice to rack up tons of miles.  So I found a 2002 Lemans, with about 53K mi., and she's my moto-mule now.  Had a 'bout with a Harley Ultra Classic for a bit over a year--always ran great, cruise cont. stereo, etc., but never totally in love with a 800+ pound touring bike (but I was much happier with it, than say a Gold Wing--something about a nice vee-twin to give it character).

So about a month ago, I arranged a test drive with a Stelvio with one of the dealers here in the Northeast.  Told them I needed to try it, AND I'd be bringing a possible trade.  "The deal" was close enough in my head to pull the trigger, so I came home with the Stelvio.  Amost at the 9xx mile "break-in / service".   Thanks to this forum, I see that there is a potential recall in the rear suspension link (Griso and Norge models also!).  Looked closely at this piece yesterday, and don't see any defect/fatiguing.  Dealer says I'm not affected, but I beg to differ...

Also, I've owned two 1978 BMW's...a R100S, and a R100RS Motorsport.  Old boxers are great, but the engine note sides to boredom. That said, I did put close to 100,000 miles on these two machines. What can I say, I guess I love my Italian ladies with 90 degree vee's.  And these 'Guzzi women seem to really like to drink!


PS: the previous post--Daniele, you've got little to worry about your English.  It seems even better than the natives over here!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MGD on August 21, 2013, 05:27:51 PM
Hello fellow Guzzi owners!  I purchased a Selvio NTX this year after owning several other bikes since 1995.  I hope I can add to the discussion!

Washington State, USA
Stelvio NTX - tentative name Donatella, but it hasn't stuck yet...  I do know "she" doesn't like my wife (many stories there for another time).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jet987 on August 21, 2013, 10:28:19 PM

41yrs old

airline operations

Chicago, IL USA

just joined this forum today, the 1200 Sport interests me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cimbian on August 22, 2013, 01:57:39 PM
My name is Steve and I run a small company in the UK from a town called Bognor Regis on the south coast.

Recently upgraded from a 650 Honda TransAlp to a 2006 Breva 1100. :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: airhead on August 23, 2013, 11:09:07 AM
Arthur Richardson, Vancouver BC
Freelance web designer and programmer for 20 years
Motorcycle rider for 27 years
Currently MG 2007 Breva 1100
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on August 24, 2013, 08:21:47 AM
Howdy all:
My nickname has been "Stick" since grade school, and so goes the handle here (and on www.Ducati.ms). Real name is Michael.  
Live in Greater Worcester, MA.

Hmmm, be careful about joining AF1 apriliaforum.
There is already a guy known as "Stick" there.
yes, I was wondering if you were that guy but I decided you are not.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: meccanicab on August 25, 2013, 09:12:53 AM
Hi there,

The name is James, I'm the owner of a 1100 Griso and live near Cambridge, England.
Iv'e owned the bike since new, about 6yrs, love it to pieces.
The two of us have covered over 25k around the UK and Europe.
Thought it was time I started to improve the bike,but been finding it difficult to obtain advice in the UK.
So, thought I would join and start picking your brains!
Looking forward to learning how to improve the old girl!!   ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on August 25, 2013, 06:38:20 PM
Welcome to the madness James.

A wide selection of people on this forum, and plenty of expertise to help you out.

I for one would have been in deep doodoo without the help and assistance from various members on this site. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: meccanicab on August 26, 2013, 02:00:18 PM
Thanks Muzz...may the madness begin!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cronx1 on August 26, 2013, 04:48:58 PM
 hello all. intro/short bio. long time lurker just purchased a 1976 convert. life time rider of american and Japanese bikes. this is my first foray into guzzis.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on August 27, 2013, 08:03:48 PM
hello all. intro/short bio. long time lurker just purchased a 1976 convert. life time rider of american and Japanese bikes. this is my first foray into guzzis.

Welcome. I'll put in a shameless plug for Zanesville this coming weekend. The State MGNOC rally. Come on over and spend some time around the (non virtual) fire. If your Vert cannot make it, come on anything, we don't care. No camping gear? We have beds available in the dorms. (No bedding, but there is a mattress.) Bring your family if you wish.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: roadhamr on August 28, 2013, 11:53:12 AM
Roadhamr, 42 years old and really getting interested in owning a Guzzi and I just want to be totally familiar with the product. I live in Canada in Central Ontario.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cronx1 on August 28, 2013, 12:03:53 PM
thanks for invite john i already looked it up. less than 2 hrs from my house.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiPhil on August 30, 2013, 03:20:29 AM
Hi all,

I'm Phil from quake city (Christchurch) New Zealand.
60 summers have passed and I'm a life time motorcyclist (who said these things are dangerous  ;D)
Gainfully employed for many of those summers as a bike mechanic on all the usual suspects but now into engineering and currently a production manager for an electronics company.
I have never owned a Guzzi but spent 3 years at a Harley shop that sold them as well, so I am familiar with them warts and all. I do love their simplicity and I am considering getting either a Breva 1100, Bellagio 940c or a V7 variant, all will suit me I'm sure.

Looking forward to joining in the discussions.  :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sakurama on August 30, 2013, 07:56:08 AM
Gregor Halenda, 47, photographer www.gregorhalenda.com (http://www.gregorhalenda.com), Portland, OR

In 1990 I was just out of college looking for my first real street bike. I didn't know much about Guzzi's but I saw an ex race LeMans IV at a dealer and was in love. I sat on it, started it and was terrified at how loud and raw it was. I wanted it soooo badly. But I knew it was too much bike for me and that I'd meet an untimely end if I were to get it. I ended up with an old R90S and cut my teeth on that. I took schools, learned to race, got fast, won races and eventually turned the bike into a rather nice cafe. One that has inspired a lot of imitations.



At one point I met a friend with a seriously nice Manfred Hecht built Guzzi and I was fascinated with the stories I heard of Manfred and his shop in Brooklyn. Sadly, I never got to meet him. Regardless my friend Tom's bike drove the need for a Guzzi much deeper and his bike was a huge inspiration to my boxer. Our bikes were featured together in Classic Bike. I'll see if I can find the article and I'll post it in the cafe thread.

We bought a house recently and I've sold three bikes to keep the remodel going and I aim to replace them with projects as building bikes is as fun and fulfilling as riding them so every once in a while I'll look in CL for Guzzi's or Ducatis even though I can't really afford them at the moment. Well, the perfect bike came up and I couldn't help myself. An 85 LeMans IV with a full RaceCo engine and a rather rough body turned out to be the catnip I could not resist. I'll pick it up in a month.  

When I get to building it I'll post it up here but I have learned a lot and have a nicely equipped shop so I aim to make this bike a very special cafe racer. In the mean time I'll lurk and learn.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on August 31, 2013, 05:52:43 PM
Hi all,

I'm Phil from quake city (Christchurch) New Zealand.
60 summers have passed and I'm a life time motorcyclist (who said these things are dangerous  ;D)
Gainfully employed for many of those summers as a bike mechanic on all the usual suspects but now into engineering and currently a production manager for an electronics company.
I have never owned a Guzzi but spent 3 years at a Harley shop that sold them as well, so I am familiar with them warts and all. I do love their simplicity and I am considering getting either a Breva 1100, Bellagio 940c or a V7 variant, all will suit me I'm sure.

Looking forward to joining in the discussions.  :)

Welcome Phil; good to see another rock 'n roller. ;D

I take it you worked  at Eric Woods? I bought our Breva off him in 2004 when he was still the Guzzi agent. At least a couple of others from Christchurch here. I take mine off the road for 6 months over Winter; roll on 27th October when it gets back on the road. All this great weather we are having at the moment too!! Currently running in a new hip so can't do much anyway. :'(
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sporticus on September 01, 2013, 09:21:56 AM

New guy here

Name: Scott
Age: 43
Occupation: Frustrated lawyer wishing I could live forever because there are so many other occupations I want to try.
Location: Western Massachusetts
Bikes: 1975 850T, Harley shovelhead mutt, 1941 Harley WLD (also a mutt), 1965 Harley/Aermacchi M50, ghosts of many a project bike from the past.

I've owned a lot of old bikes. I was about 20 when I saw a kid on a LeMans I at the Larz Anderson museum European Motorcycle Day revving his bike. I began obsessing that day. The shovelhead is beginning to bore me after many years of modifying and fixing. I found a stone stock 850T for a good price. It belonged to an old guy who passed last year and the bike showed it (Wixom fairing, Bates bags, etc.). It hadn't run in a long, long time but wasn't hard to get going. I'm planning some mods to make it look like something closer to the LeMans in my memories, though I'm not going for an absolute replica.

I've got some electrical gremlins that are baffling me first to contend with. I'll be on here with a lot of tech questions, if you don't mind.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 01, 2013, 10:18:11 AM
Do you have pictures of the "shovelhead mutt"?   I was just thinking last night that it might be fun to build up something like a 70's Superglide bobber, with some modern upgrades (like we do with any older bike) .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zojirushi on September 01, 2013, 01:37:32 PM
Hey Folks,

Just picked up a '10 V7 Classic.  I've owned many bikes, but they were all dual sports.  Which has me thinking she'd make a fine scrambler/street tracker   ~; 

Mistral exhaust is on the way along with the Ben's tail tidy, clubman bars, and some maintenance items.  Anyone use H&B side racks with a tail tidy?  I'm not sure it can be done, and it's hard to tell the mounting points on the pictures I've seen.  If not, I'll just have the fender and racks on stand by for touring.  I've been eyeing some TKC 80s too...

Look forward to learning from all you fine folks.  Cheers.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: A.K. on September 01, 2013, 04:38:07 PM
Hi All,

Name: Attila Kovacs
Age: 45
Occupation: tool designer
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm in love. California 1400 black touring.

This Saturday went to Corsa Meccanica in Vaughan, ON to drool over one. George (the owner) is a very cool guy. He let me borrow his custom to take it out for a spin. Now I'm definitely in love. I need to get one. Soon(er then later).

Test rode the Kawasaki Vaquero 1700 a few weeks ago. 300cc more, but it seemed gutless compared to the California.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGuzziNut on September 04, 2013, 11:41:47 AM
Hello everyone.

Name:  Mike Wimpy
Age: 62
Occupation:  Financial Services
Location:  Kansas City, MO, USA

My first Moto Guzzi Griso purchase (2012 Griso SE 8V) was short-lived. 

Purchased at the end of April (2013) and totaled on Mother's Day (5/12/13) - run over by a drunk driver on my first "walkabout" while traveling thru Arkansas on my way to Memphis.  Unfortunately, my Griso did not survive the wreck, but, fortunately, I am hear to tell the tale.

I was just cleared by my Neurologist a couple of weeks ago (severe concussion symptoms held on for about three months) to get on  with my life.

My "new" 09 Griso arrived at my front door this time last week.  As they say, I'm back in the saddle again.  Glad to be riding again and happy to be a part of this Guzzi site.

Cheers mates.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kiteguy on September 05, 2013, 01:20:38 AM
Dave from Huntington Beach, CA. Own a kite business on the pier. Just had my first Guzzi delivered from Kansas, a 2000 Jackal. Had it a day, love it. Has no luggage of any kind, would love a good tail bag recommendation or affordable saddlebag suggestion, not a throwover though. Thanks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on September 05, 2013, 07:25:05 AM
Dave from Huntington Beach, CA. Own a kite business on the pier. Just had my first Guzzi delivered from Kansas, a 2000 Jackal. Had it a day, love it. Has no luggage of any kind, would love a good tail bag recommendation or affordable saddlebag suggestion, not a throwover though. Thanks.


Your best bet for that bike is Hepco/Becker racks and bags.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kiteguy on September 07, 2013, 01:07:56 AM
thank you Dean
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: boscoman on September 08, 2013, 11:25:27 AM
New Guzzi rider, Stelvio NTX
age: Old
Leesburg, VA
Glad to be aboard.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spgott on September 09, 2013, 12:36:29 PM
I'm Steve.  I'm 47 and a work with reptiles at the zoo here in Jacksonville, Florida, though I am originally from Richmond, VA.

Picked up my 2007 California Vintage in January after wanting one for the last five years.  Started off in 2007 with a Honda Shadow Aero and moved up to the VTX 1300R but after seeing the Cal Vin in a magazine, I worked to pay off the Honda so I could get one.  It was the best looking bike I had ever seen.

Unfortunately, its spent more time in the shop than under me so I'll probably be posting some questions here.  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Key Lime Pie on September 10, 2013, 10:04:07 AM

Telecom Hobo
Cherry Hill, NJ

New member here from South Jersey.  I have been living here in the shadows for a while and decided to join in.  After too many years in airports, hotels and rental cars I finally burned my suitcase and have an office.  So much more riding will commence.  I have a Tenni Griso that I will be enjoying a lot more.   Cheers. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vonhatch on September 10, 2013, 11:30:21 AM
    Here's my intro.   I'm steve hatcher, living in Florida, originally from michigan.  It's been a life of motorcycles starting with a honda s65 in 1965, and there have been many other bikes since.  Currently in the Guzzi family, I have two.  A rusty 73 El Dorado that is up and functioning, and also a 1972 v7 sport.  The v7 sport was a barn find...semi-disassembled, but almost complete. Low serial number and no u.s. vin tag.  VK1203x on both neck and motor. The hard to find parts are there, except for the mufflers, of course!  It was parked years ago with a broken shifter spring.  I got it home and fixed that, and now am going through the topend.  Havent decided about new cylinders yet.  There is no flaking, so it's a tough choice.
  Here's a pic of the Eldo......Glad to be here, and sure I'm going to need some tips along the way.....hatch

(http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f20/vonhatch/20130722_131910.jpg) (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/vonhatch/media/20130722_131910.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 10, 2013, 08:45:15 PM
Havent decided about new cylinders yet.  There is no flaking, so it's a tough choice.
(http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f20/vonhatch/20130722_131910.jpg) (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/vonhatch/media/20130722_131910.jpg.html)

Charlie M., vonhatch sounds like a nice guy and has a lovely bike.   PLEASE set him on the road to success about those chrome bores before something terrible happens .....   ;-T

Lannis (I'm not the expert but I know a bunch of them ... !)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vonhatch on September 11, 2013, 07:15:27 AM
Since both bikes are recent purchases, and both have orig cylinders, I cant decide which bike to get serious about first.  I want to ride the eldo, but the v7 sport excites me!!    Current wallet condition can do one bike at a time.  Both bikes need all that barn finds require, tires,cylinders.....etc etc.   Ive been in both motors, and no sign of any delamination in either.   How risky is it?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spgott on September 11, 2013, 10:41:45 AM
Steve - you anywhere near the northeast corner of the state?  Would be great to meet up with another Guzzi rider.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ritratto on September 11, 2013, 11:33:57 AM
Ted Brown here. 59  Artist, carpenter and self-employed person since 1981.
Native Texan and have owned five Guzzi in my time. Started with a '98 Centauro (new) and then a '93 1000S. Then I rebuilt a '78 G5 that met a bad end and replaced by a '03 LeMans and am now rebuilding another round fin custom. Love the Guzzi and still have three.

Title: New Guzzi owner
Post by: skromfols on September 13, 2013, 10:25:19 AM
I'm Stan Kromfols, a long time motorcycle rider.  My first bike was a new Honda 305 Superhawk, and I've been riding ever since.  I presently have a 1998 Honda Valkyrie set up for touring and a 2008 Triumph America with many modifications.  I live in Northern Kalifornia right at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and have great motorcycle roads in every direction from my front door.  My latest purchase is a 2004 Moto Guzzi Nevada.  I've added a windshield and package rack and will be adding saddle bags soon.  I'm looking forward to learning more about my Guzzi from those at this forum and hope to meet other Guzzi riders in my area.

As an aside, can anyone tell me how to post a new topic?  I've spent 45 minutes trying to figure that out with no success.  Also, how do you post a pic?  I have a pic of my new Guzzi be can't seem to post it here.

Title: Re: New Guzzi owner
Post by: Stormtruck2 on September 13, 2013, 10:58:05 AM
I'm Stan Kromfols, a long time motorcycle rider.  My first bike was a new Honda 305 Superhawk, and I've been riding ever since.  I presently have a 1998 Honda Valkyrie set up for touring and a 2008 Triumph America with many modifications.  I live in Northern Kalifornia right at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and have great motorcycle roads in every direction from my front door.  My latest purchase is a 2004 Moto Guzzi Nevada.  I've added a windshield and package rack and will be adding saddle bags soon.  I'm looking forward to learning more about my Guzzi from those at this forum and hope to meet other Guzzi riders in my area.

As an aside, can anyone tell me how to post a new topic?  I've spent 45 minutes trying to figure that out with no success.  Also, how do you post a pic?  I have a pic of my new Guzzi be can't seem to post it here.

To post a new topic, you simply click on the post new topic tab at the top right border of the thread listings.  Not at the top of the page but top of the thread listings.  To post a pic you need to host it at a photo hosting website.  I use photobucket.com for mine.  Then you link from that site and post the link in your post.  PB makes it a 2 click affair.  Click on the link on PB to copy the link, then click to paste the link in your post.  Welcom aboard, we love pics!!! :PICS!: :PICS!:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: business_casual on September 13, 2013, 04:05:52 PM
Hi, Eric here - from Atlanta.

I started out on a Honda 50 first time I rode, then a Combat Wombat later on; first time on my own street bike was a Yamaha SE 500 ER.  I eventually moved on to 600 Bandit, YZF-R6 and my last one was a GSXR-750.

Now that I'm old, I need something a little easier on the joints and bones, so I'm thinking Cafe Racer or Stone.  I hope to learn a lot about Guzzis here and decide soon.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on September 13, 2013, 05:07:08 PM
Either one will make your face cramp from grinning like a fool.  :D  Welcome aboard, ;-T and post lots of  :PICS!: :PICS!: :PICS!:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on September 13, 2013, 05:11:14 PM
Welcome Eric. Have to agree with Stormtruck: the smallblock Guzzi's are not particularly powerful but they have a smooth even power delivery and flickability through the corners that will leave you with facial rictus from all the grinning.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Michael H on September 14, 2013, 10:57:16 AM
Hi from Cambodia. Been on site for a bit but never did this intro thing.
Originally from UK and been into 2 wheeled vehicles for decades.
First thing I crashed was a Vespa 50 in 1982. Put me in hospital with bust leg and provided me with a plate and screws as a memento for a couple of years.  Had a Vespa 90 and a 1962 Lambretta Li 125 series 3. Had a Lambretta TV 175 frame. Got rid of the Vespa quick but kept the Lambretta for years. Sorry I sold it but outgrew it in more ways than one. Gave the TV frame away as we were won't to back in the 80s.
Been running around on a trusty old Suzuki Dr250 for past 5 years here in Phnom Penh. Driving here is like being in a video game. Extremely dangerous. Lots of idiots. Coming at you from 360 degrees. Like motorized ballet. Dropped it a couple of times in the mud and been knocked off it by a speeding  idiot overtaking on my left as I was turning left. Been all over the country on it. Old but handles great.
Picked up a Guzzi NTX650 couple years ago. First Guzzi. Great bike. Comfortable, stable, eager. Great acceleration for what it is. When it's working. Huge 30 litre fuel tank. Think it's 1992 and ex UNTAC. Been off road for over a year and hope to get it back out soon. Couple of other NTX 650s in same Nato olive drab colour scheme were spirited off to Vietnam and don't know what became of them.
Have caught the Guzzi bug and just imported a 1986 Cali II from France. Only one in the country if not the region.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: saladin on September 14, 2013, 11:55:31 PM
Jason, 39, Melbourne Australia.

Turning 40 soon. Next bike aiming to be a "keeper" ie - still have it in 30 years - so it must be one or more of a bit classical, special, unique etc. Not sure on timeframe ( read: finances!!  :D) but a couple of Guzzis on the potentials list.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BadMonk on September 15, 2013, 05:30:29 PM
Hi Folks,

Name: John
Age: 57
Occupation: Right now...Driver and Motorcycle Scrapper
Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: danketchpel on September 16, 2013, 03:18:47 PM
Hi all,

I'm a new Guzzi owner as of last June. This 2013 Stelvio NTX is my first Guzzi and I think it will stay in the garage for along time. I have always wanted to own a Guzzi ever since riding a friend's 850 T3 back in the early '80s. Things finally came together for me with the Stelvio and I pulled the trigger on it, and I'm so happy I did.

Here's a photo of me with the bike during our recent trip to Colorado, the bike performed perfectly. My wife and I are looking forward to many more road trips on it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: segesta on September 17, 2013, 12:50:57 PM
Not a Guzzi owner yet, but returning to riding after many years away. I forgot that I was no longer 28 when I purchased a Ducati sportbike this spring, and though I love riding it, my back can't take that anymore. But the Moto Guzzi Eldorados and Ambassadors have long been my Holy Grail bike. Even a non-pristine one like Vonhatch's pictured above makes me jealous.

Therefore... I recently test rode a California 1400 and really liked it--big, smooth, powerful and comfortable. I'm right in the Road King/Softail Deluxe demographic--ugh, right?--but no way will I get a me-too Harley. I've joined the forum to look for advice (including what people don't like) about the new big Guzzi.

If I buy the California, I look forward to being a contributor to this forum and not just a lurker/asker. This is a really good resource.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: recycler on September 18, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
Hello all!
Im Brad Green. I live in NW Arkansas and I am an operator at a power plant. I've got several bikes but only one Guzzi, a 68 v700.  I got it non running after a 15 year storage. I got the cyls rechromed and am planning on buttoning the engine back up Monday. I hope to have it ready for a test ride in a few weeks.
 Jim King from this board lives just a few miles from me and has been a big help with used parts and information.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: airheadmike on September 18, 2013, 09:34:52 PM
Mike Boyles
61 Married
Industrial air systems tech.
Hobbies - anything mechanical
'02 Calif. Special Sport
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Slitch on September 19, 2013, 03:15:17 PM
Been lurking here for a month or two while reviving and then titling/tagging my new Guzzi. Now that it's road legal and seemingly running fine I reckon it's time I say Hi and introduce myself.

Been riding a 2003 Suzuki GSF600S (Bandit) - 51,000 miles, 4-cylinders, carburator, tall and heavy.

Recently I purchased, from a friend, a 2004 Guzzi Breva 750 IE with 1,400 miles on it.

The Breva had been in a parking garage for 5 years, and was serviced 2 years ago. In those 5 years, there were zero miles put on it. Fearful that everything would be seized up, I spent a month replacing hoses, fuel and oil, battery, air filter, removed the evap can (kinda had to since the gas vapors deteriorated the tank breather hose and pressure valve), checked the plugs, electrics, disassembled and looked over the in-tank fuel pump, and lubed the pistons.  Only then did I attempt to turn it over.

It's been a great learning experience and I finally feel like I have a handle on this Italian beast! Coming from a 4-banger with carbs, I have no idea how this thing is supposed to run, but it seems to be running well. I've got some concerns about how it starts and behaves when cold, but if I can't get that resolved in the next few weeks I'll probably post something here for help. I'm optimistic that it's just old fuel still burning off.

Nice to be here, glad to have an online source for Guzzi's, considering my nearest Guzzi mechanic is 1.5 hours away. :)

-- Ken
-- Newark, DE
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dstantstar on September 19, 2013, 06:55:40 PM
Bob here, been coming on the site now for a few days trying to get my feet wet
Moved from NYC to Albuquerque NM, guess I'm a Southern boy now. Howdy Y'all
Age: too old for my own good
Hobbies: Travel, Flying, Skiing, Sailing, Martial Arts, Shooting, Piano, HiFi, watching my Tomatoes not grow
Mistakes: Buying unreliable cars, Sunbeam, Fiat, Renault to name a few (a morgan was offered to me, I refused. Guess I suffered enough)
Bikes: Just picked up a Centauro
          75 Kawasaki Z1B
          76 Kawaskai KZ900
Job: I'm glad to have one
Wife: A great cook and classical pianist. She makes me laugh.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NewGoose939 on September 19, 2013, 09:50:29 PM
Kevin Nelson
Birmingham, AL
52 year old fan of Kentucky & Louisville hoops and Auburn Football

First-time Guzzi owner. Picked it up when I was going to buy a Triumph
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tat2guy on September 20, 2013, 10:33:43 PM
Greetings, Everyone!
My name is Donno, I go by Tat2guy on most internet forums, as I have been a professional tattooer for 15 years, and I recently inherited a 1972 Ambassador. It belonged to the man who taught me to tattoo, and has been in storage ever since he died, 12 years ago. Recently his family decided it was time to empty out the storage facility with all his stuff in it, and asked if I wanted it... What am I, an idiot? Heck yeah, I wanted it! Very long story short, it was transported from NJ to Philadelphia, then from Philly to Western North Carolina, where I just bought a farm, and where I and a good friend will be restoring it.
It was never properly prepared for long term storage, so the tank is full of rust and shellac, so after ordering a Chilton manual, the first order of business was taken care of today- I ordered a POR-15 cycle tank repair kit, and I joined this forum. Spent most of the day browsing it, too...

So my buddy is an excellent mechanic, and I have very little experience in this department, but I am a quick learner, and have assisted on many kinda similar projects, like rebuilding a transmission on a Triumph Spitfire, so I'm certainly not shy about getting grease under my fingernails. I've owned two bikes before this one, a 1982 Yamaha Virago XV920 J, and a 1976 Yamaha XS650, but, honestly, don't have a tremendous amount of road time on them. Now that I live in the mountains, however, instead of Philadelphia, riding is a whole different proposition, and once the Guzzi is up and running, I imagine it will be hard to get me off it...

Anyway, thanks for adding me to the forum, and I thank you in advance for any and all insights I'm sure you will provide me on this project.

That Guy,

Here she is the day my friend Vinnie rescued her from the storage unit:

And at his garage:

I don't think that's street legal:

And here I am, wishing she was running:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TribeFan on September 22, 2013, 09:40:38 AM
Hi...My name is Tom Weirs, 43 from Akron Ohio.  I am an account manager for Chicago Tube and Iron in beautiful Northeast Ohio!  I am in the market for a 2012 MG Norge and look forward to being a member.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nose2wind on September 23, 2013, 11:06:32 AM
David Viosca, 58, Frisco, TX.  09 Stelvio (Bruce Brown old bike), 2000 V11S
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: delboy on September 24, 2013, 09:28:34 PM
Derek Sennett, 52,
Alberta, Canada
2007 California Vintage - had it about 3 weeks now.
Have always liked Guzzi's with that engine sticking out of the side but never quite got around to buying one. Saw a Vintage and decided it was the best looking bike I had ever seen. Have always ridden crotch rockets so its a bit of a change to say the least. Its a hell of a lot of fun and definitely a keeper.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ace100 on September 25, 2013, 01:01:51 AM
Beale Dabbs, 51.  Realtor and musician (guitar and electronics).  I split time between Fullerton, CA and Landers (near Joshua Tree)

I've been riding since my dad bought me a Yamaha Mini Enduro for my 9th birthday.  I grew up around desert racing during the golden age of California desert racing in the 1970's, although I didn't race myself.  Rode dirt until 16, and then mopeds, scooters and small bikes on the street until my mid 20's before quitting altogether. 

I came back to riding 10 years ago with a purchase of a KLR650 that I built up into the ultimate KLR (minus the 705 kit that I never got around to installing).  Developed Motorcycle Acquisition Syndrome and sold it off to buy a 650 V-Strom.  I never made a connection with that bike.  Too ugly, big and boring.  Never buy a motorcycle that you don't look back at after you've parked it. 

Got up to 4 bikes (a plated XR400, 77' GL1000, Yamaha AT1, scooters and such) but didn't really have the bike that fit my requirements of vintage-ish, good long distance tourer but not a moto-sofa, relatively light and easy to work on.  I like to solo tour 2000-2500 miles trips a couple of times a year.  I usually bootleg camp off the highway and up dirt roads.  Whatever I bought I had to be able to pick up myself.

There was an ad in craigslist that kept calling to me for a 1983 California II that had knobbies installed for it's former duty as a sidecar tug.  Love. at. first. sight.  The ad stayed up long enough for me to finally break down and buy it:


More here:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/78842104@N00/sets/72157635127577084/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/78842104@N00/sets/72157635127577084/)

The more I work on it, the more I love it and am sure that I have hit upon the right bike for how I ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JohnLClark on September 27, 2013, 01:11:24 AM
Joe Cardinale 46

SW Pa.
Cook or Chef depending on who you ask.

Been riding off and on for about 10 years.  Always wanted a Guzzi since I saw a Daytona up close when it first came out. 
Looking for something I can fix this winter, then enjoy next spring. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mayor_of_BBQ on September 27, 2013, 08:21:16 AM
Hi All!

New Guzzi owner here!

I have been lurking for a while and have already gotten some great info from the site.  I'm enrolled now and hopefully more great stuff to come.

I live in beautiful Asheville, NC~~ one of the best places on earth! I've lived and worked all over NC, MT, VA, & Costa Rica.

I am a 36yr old chef. Work in contract food service now (Hospital/healthcare) but my background is all luxury resorts, hotels, and indy resturants.  I'm a big BBQ guy (obviously).

My riding background was a number of dirtbikes, gocarts, & mopeds as a kid; my dad is also a Harley nut.
Just decided to get a street bike and check it out... Loving it so far!

I additionaly used to race bicycles (road & Mtn) and was service manager and wrench in bike shops around NC back in the early 2000's

My bike is a 1984 V65sp that I bought "95%" restored and customized. I am piddling with the remaining issues now...  It's perfect; enough issues to keep me busy with projects, but rideable and enjoyable now :-)


It's got a 'C' tank and seat, Lario pipes, custom Alum side panels...  Other than that pretty much stock.

it's a lot of fun , if I could just staunch the oil leaks I'd be golden!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Remy on September 28, 2013, 05:39:54 AM
Hi folks, I am from the UK and just ordered my first Guzzi - a V7 Stone in black.  My previous bike, a Suzuki Gladius, sadly met her maker while crossing a slippery ford, depositing me on a rock then falling on my leg for good measure, breaking my tib and fib.  She was written off much to my dismay but the lure of biking soon got me hobbling on crutches to the showrooms!  I looked at many but the one that really stood out to me was this bike.  I'm not even a classic fan but something about the style of this has caught my eye!  I haven't even had a test ride, just sat on it with the engine running  ;D.  I have some time to peruse Guzzi sites and decide what accessories I need (or can afford!).  Hope it's not long before I can get in the saddle again, I have to have it lowered as I'm a short @rse (only 5'3" with short legs to match  ::) ) so am having a seat sculpted out and replacement shocks.

I expect I will be asking lots of questions and advice!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trisonic on September 29, 2013, 09:05:02 AM
Hi, I'm Pete.

I'm an English musician living within the New York Metroplex. Used to ride 25 (or more) years ago in England now 61 and thought I needed some more thrills.

Have to get my M/C  endorsement in NJ.... Looking at Moto Guzzi, California Custom (the one without all the gubbins on).

Also need to get the wind in my hair, yes, I actually still have hair.

Will swap bike information for guitar/amp information!

Best, Pete.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tarless on September 29, 2013, 07:35:22 PM
Hi Anthony, only 17 but don't look a day over 50  ::)
NY state outside of the city a half hour. Currently ride a BWM adventure bike, looking to move on a Griso. Need some actual owner feedback. This bike literally calls me like a siren (not the ones we hear when we speed :)), but there's allot of question marks.

Look forward to some interesting discussion.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NCAmother on October 03, 2013, 01:41:52 PM
Nathan Appel âge 40  contract photographer and camera builder.   Eldorado '73 Police in process of converting into a 70s style street tracker/superbike    :+=copcar
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: khuff1 on October 03, 2013, 02:33:32 PM
     Having just retired this year I bought a 2001 California Special and thought I would reconnect with those that love this make. Spend my free time as Commander of the local VFW. Served two years with the 82nd ABN ten with the Indiana Army Guard and twelve with Indianas Air Guard. With my wife of 40 years we travel nationaly and internationaly on her terms Air and a five star hotel. Thought it time to get back to what I love long twisty roads and enjoying the smells in the air( she says she'll meet me when I get there). Made 2012 Rally late just as they were leaving. Would have liked to have met everyone. Those that hadn't blown away say these rallys are well worth it. Spent 40 years as a line,shop mechanic in a Delmonte plant in Plymouth In. On motorcycles My first was a 73' KAW 500 triple I've since gotten treatment. Dropped down on adrenalin with a 82 650 Yamaha special. In early 90' found the love of my life in a 74' civilian police Eldorado. Still have her and am getting close to starting a restoration of her.    Kevin Huff
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on October 03, 2013, 03:42:24 PM
Quote from: Key Lime Pie
New member here from South Jersey.

I'm a little jealous.  I love the beach towns east of you, and spent many summers in and around OC when I was young.  Also the best corn I've ever eaten was purchased along route 40 on the way there or home from there.  Last time, I started eating an ear in the car, and everyone else thought I was crazy to eat raw corn.  After giving out a few bites, they all were eating raw corn.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CPRMan on October 06, 2013, 09:45:26 PM
Hi, Chris Price, 51, engineer. From UK but recently moved to Denver for business. Couldn't take my Beemer with me when i moved, so I was bikeless for the first time in 30+ years. Saw a 2007 California Vintage and fell in love. Now back on two wheels, loving every minute and can't keep the smile off my face.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 07, 2013, 08:52:47 AM
Hi, Chris Price, 51, engineer. From UK but recently moved to Denver for business. Couldn't take my Beemer with me when i moved, so I was bikeless for the first time in 30+ years. Saw a 2007 California Vintage and fell in love. Now back on two wheels, loving every minute and can't keep the smile off my face.

Just did that myself this year.   Moved to Denver on business, couldn't bring my bike with me, bought one to use while I was there, and sold it when I left.   Wasn't a Guzzi, but you have to have SOMETHING to ride in those mountains!    You've got someplace new to go and great sights to see all the time, long as it isn't snowing!

Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: monks_point on October 08, 2013, 08:33:14 PM



Los Angeles

Current Bonnie owner looking at possibly purchasing the new Griso.

I've given myself until next summer to make the decision.  If I still want the Griso in a few more months, I'll sell the Bonnie and get the Griso.  In the mean time, I'm here to find out as much as I can about it specifically, and Moto Guzzi generally.

I got into biking in 2008 when I purchased a new Triumph Bonneville.  It became my daily driver very quickly and replaced my car as my most used form of transport.  I love the bike, and had no plans of changing it for another.  In fact since 2008, I've not once been tempted by any bike.  I saw the new California Custom a few days ago, while browsing YouTube for customization ideas.  The bike intrigued me enough to head over to the Guzzi site.  And then I saw it.  Silver on black paint.  Tasteful chrome highlights.  Those curves.  The teardrop tank cradled by the muscular frame.  The Griso.


It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on October 09, 2013, 11:30:48 PM
Hi All - Kevin here

Going on 66 proud owner of a lovely 1997 Cali 110 I for 3 months now, have always dreamed of having a Guzzi since riding my bro Kiwi Roy's V11 up in Vancouver a year or so back. One son in L.A. with a new V7 Stone - just been up there & had a short spin on that - like my Cali better though, bit of a heavy old girl but once she starts rolling down the road - ahh Bliss  :)

Living in Auckland, New Zealand first bike was an NSU Supermax 250, then a Matchless 500cc  a Triton - wicked Norton / Triumph combo that I managed not to kill myself on luckily. Latterly a 650 Suzuki Savage for the past ten years or so- I have seen the light now, Roy did warn me not to test ride a Cali or I'd fall in love with her.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TalkingGriso on October 10, 2013, 04:38:04 PM
I'm Paul Willis, 52, business consulting analyst for a healthcare firm, living in Burbank, California.  Longtime dirtbiker, former (slow) motocross racer, got back into street bikes in 2008 on a Kawasaki Versys, which was basically a big dirtbike for the street.  Great fun while it lasted, but as my comfort on the street grew, and my love of the California canyon roads blossomed, I wanted more power and better handling.   I've always been drawn to Italian design, so I started my search looking at Ducati Monsters.  Little did I know I would soon end up owning a REAL monster.   

Contrary to what I've recently read on this site, it only took a short test ride on the Griso for me to fall for it.   Truth be told, the bike started talking to me as soon as we accelerated onto the freeway... it let me know it wasn't particularly impressed the with pace I chose, but was okay with it nonetheless.  I got back to the dealership completely smitten.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steve.in.atlanta on October 11, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
Howdy from Atlanta. I'm on my 3rd motorcycle in as many years. Been riding on two wheels for about 20+ years but when I met my wife I was dicking around on vintage Vespas and the like. Getting a motorcycle took a few years of convincing. A couple of weekends ago, I traded a neglected scooter for an '82 V50 Mk3. It wasn't running but about 45 minutes later my friend had found the loose wire on the ignition and it fired right up. So now I'm on here looking for ideas and parts. Tomorrow I'm driving to Barber for the races and to look for stuff at the swap meet.

Where I started.

Where I'm at now.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: V7 Vixen on October 11, 2013, 09:22:09 PM
Savannah GA
Gulfstream GV Maintenance Instructor for FlightSafety International
2013 V7 Racer

(http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy318/uh60dr/image_zpsc634f93b.jpg) (http://s803.photobucket.com/user/uh60dr/media/image_zpsc634f93b.jpg.html)

Previous bikes: R6/GSXR 750 & 1000

New to twins especially new to Moto Guzzi's. Rode my 1st Guzzi on the way home from the dealership (which was 300 miles). Looking at the Agostini Mandello or LaFranconi Competizione. Need to lose the stock mirrors for bar end style & a rear fender eliminator kit. If anyone has any insight, thoughts, comments or concerns, please voice it.


V7 Vixen
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PedalPowerGirl on October 13, 2013, 06:15:06 AM
PedalPowerGirl, 55
2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750
Hobbies: Bicycles, Motorcycles, Archery, Hiking, Lounging
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: A440 on October 13, 2013, 04:17:24 PM
Hi I'm Alison, 55, and I teach math in the Washington, DC area.  I've been riding a little over a year, though I rode pillion with my dad in my 20s.  I've been looking to move up from a Rebel, and have just about decided to purchase a V7 Stone.  Interestingly, my dad has also fallen in love with the V7, and although he doesn't ride anymore, he can't wait for me to close the deal!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 13, 2013, 04:17:40 PM
PedalPowerGirl, 55
2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750
Hobbies: Bicycles, Motorcycles, Archery, Hiking, Lounging

Good!  We're always having to hear "I'd like a new bike but my wife won't let me ...." etc.   I'll bet you don't have any "My husband won't let me ...." stories!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sparrowhawwk on October 13, 2013, 05:52:28 PM
Hi folks.  I've been here a while and posted on a couple threads but I don't remember ever posting an introduction.  Of course I don't remember much since oldtimers set in.  ;D  Started riding about 1964.   Rode mostly Hondas until I found my first Eldo sitting neglected in the back of a little used bike shop.  Took a bit to get it running to test ride but rough as it was I didn't want to stop.  First bike I felt at home on from the git go.  Still have one Eldo and a couple of Converts.

Got into sidecars about 40yrs back.  Worked for a couple sidecar manufacturers and helped found one of the biggest.  Still doing the sidecar thing today.  Only a few States and Provinces I haven't been to yet.  Anyway, the old Convert with sidecar has a little over 100,000 miles on it so I just swapped out the engine so it can still be ridden while I rebuild the original.  Dog would be upset if we couldn't get the occasional ride in.  ::)

Looking forward to getting to know people here and discussing something we all love.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CaliJo on October 14, 2013, 11:15:45 AM
Hi Folks

I'm reading since a while but thought I better introduce myself finally.

I ride since 20 years a 1982 California II and also since about 6 years a 1958 Galletto 192 (fun to ride, but only when the sun shines).

We, my wife and I, Live since 3 years in Western Maryland and enjoy the country side with all the wildlife.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobbcj on October 15, 2013, 08:03:03 AM
Bob Powers
Compliance Officer
2010 V7 after a 15 year break from riding
Past mc,s 1967 BSA 441, 1968 BSA 650, 19?? Triumph 500, 250 bultaco, 19?? Suzuki TM400, Suzuki RM370, 650 Yamaha, 750 Suzuki, 1984 honda v65 saber.
Having a great time!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on October 15, 2013, 11:29:25 AM
Hi All - Kevin here

Going on 66 proud owner of a lovely 1997 Cali 110 I for 3 months now, have always dreamed of having a Guzzi since riding my bro Kiwi Roy's V11 up in Vancouver a year or so back. One son in L.A. with a new V7 Stone - just been up there & had a short spin on that - like my Cali better though, bit of a heavy old girl but once she starts rolling down the road - ahh Bliss  :)

Living in Auckland, New Zealand first bike was an NSU Supermax 250, then a Matchless 500cc  a Triton - wicked Norton / Triumph combo that I managed not to kill myself on luckily. Latterly a 650 Suzuki Savage for the past ten years or so- I have seen the light now, Roy did warn me not to test ride a Cali or I'd fall in love with her.




Hi Kevin,
               Welcome to the madhouse.
It's high time you posted.

Now how about  :PICS!: :PICS!:

If you load onto photobucket or similar then just attach a link.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on October 19, 2013, 11:08:45 PM
Getting a motorcycle took a few years of convincing.

Who? Yourself, I hope.

A440, where in the DC area?  I lived most of my life there.  My son is a huge math fan.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SBB on October 20, 2013, 06:35:07 PM

Hi everyone.

New to the site but not new to riding.
I have ridden most everything on two wheels and the mileage log is a few miles over 600K.
I have a few Harleys but the Stelvio is calling my name.
I'm not sure where to put this question but I was wondering what model years the Stelvio was/is made.
Is there a 2013 model? The dealer close to me has the orange and black one but I'm not sure if it's a 12 or 13 or whatever.
The best I can tell the Moto Guzzi website doesn't list model years just models.
So for me it's hard to tell if it's a 12, 13 or maybe a 14.
Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: essexboydave on October 22, 2013, 12:18:38 AM
My name's Dave and I come from Essex in England, 56 years old and work in engineering. I've had bikes since I was 16 and usually owned 3 or 4 at a time so I've had quiet a few bikes of British, European and Japanese origin over the years. I've just bought a 1990 California EV that had been left unloved under a sheet outdoors for the last couple of years but hope to have it running ok soon :) As well as that I have a 79 Spada that I've owned for 23 years but it has been in bits for far too long so that needs putting back together and I have a 1980 XS650 Yamaha that I'm currently rebuilding. I do have one bike that is all up and running though-a Suzuki GSX1400, all I need now is some decent weather to ride it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DCWCALI on October 23, 2013, 12:53:02 AM
Dana Weeks
Gov't Service
NORCAL  (45 min north of Sacramento)

Motorcycles are like French fries; never meet one I didn't like!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: winwahoo on October 23, 2013, 11:35:22 AM
Hi, folks!  Matt here, from Akron, Ohio.  I'm currently a Triumph Bonneville owner, but am considering a Guzzi.  So...I thought I'd 'troll' a bit, and hopefully get some feedback on another thread comparing the Bonnie to the Norge.  Thanks!

Akron, OH
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: toolittletime on October 24, 2013, 05:49:07 PM
Hi Guzzi lovers,
  My name is Tim and I live in far North Idaho....about 35 miles from the Canadian border. Over the years I've had about one of everything, except a Moto Guzzi. That changed yesterday, when I picked up a 1999 Bassa...pearl white, with 37,000 on the clock. I took it out for a spin today and I think it's a keeper. Almost time here to put the bikes away for the winter, so the ride today was a treat. I'm a building contractor, MSF Instructor and Idaho STAR Instructor, so you can see that I stay busy in the summer.
 Looking forward to all of the tricks and tips that boards such as these have available to the members.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom Gardin on October 26, 2013, 08:18:09 PM
Hi All
Tom Gardin here
59 years old
Technical Advisor for Dow Chemical Co.
   Mountain Biking
Currently own a 1997 California 1100i 75th year anniversery model
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Psychopasta on October 27, 2013, 04:25:27 PM
Hi, Mark Nicholson here from Seattle WA. Intrepid V50 Monza restorer, also rides a Triumph Tiger 800 and Triumph Thunderbird 1700.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mattyguzzi on October 28, 2013, 07:18:54 AM
Hi all... Another newbie here!

Living in the UK at the moment and am interested in buying a California 1400 Custom. Took one out for a test ride recently and it was love at first ride! :) Visited the Guzzi factory at Mandello while riding around Europe in the summer and caught the Guzzi bug. Looks like a good forum here, so looking forward to finding out more about all things Guzzi!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 77gears on October 28, 2013, 08:47:55 AM
Hello all.
Pete Stevenson
age 52

Interested in euro bikes. Working on Ghezzi Brian Super Twin
Title: New in Folsom - Not a Moto Guzzi owner (yet)
Post by: Scott R Nelson on October 28, 2013, 12:56:06 PM
I'm seriously considering buying a V7 Racer and thought it might be a good idea to join this forum to learn a bit more about the bike BEFORE becoming an owner.

I've owned 22 motorcycles so far, including at least three of each of the major Japanese brands, four Ducatis, and one KTM.  I currently have a KTM 990 Adventure and a Honda XR650L.  I've gone back and forth between dual sports, pure dirt bikes, and pure street bikes during my decades of riding.

I've always thought the V11 bikes from about 2000 until whenever they stopped making them looked very interesting.  I'm thinking that the current V7 may meet my needs.  The V7 Racer is such a beautiful bike, but has the one major drawback that the footpeg position puts my knee right into the crease of the tank, while the other V7 models don't do that.  Hopefully I'll figure out what needs to be done to the bike to make it best meet my needs.

I found out the flaws of the big KTM after becoming an owner, as was also the case with several Ducatis that I've owned.  I would like to avoid that part if I become a Moto Guzzi owner.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 8VPEARL on October 31, 2013, 06:57:30 PM
Greetings to all,
My Names Hunter and I recently purchased my first Moto Guzzi. I guess you could say I'm new to the brand but I have done alot of research. I first test drove the 2013 8v Griso at my local dealer and immidiately fell in love about 3 months ago. Ever since, I have been on the hunt and recently purchased a 2009 8v Griso, pearl white in color, with 2k miles on the dash.(I'll post some pics soon) Now I'm looking to meet other Guzzi heads in my area to meet up and go ride. I live in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. So anyone out there just send me a message.
Ride Safe,  :bike

Other Bike:
2005 Suzuki Boulevard S83 1400
(No Comparison)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cafetbird on November 02, 2013, 09:51:00 PM
Scot Dail
Holly Springs, NC
Mech Engineer

Just picked up a 75 850T

Interesting serial number - VC93941 - frame and  tag match. It seems like a high number from what I've seen posted. Mfg date Nov 74.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nobleswood on November 05, 2013, 08:13:08 PM
Hi All,

Tim, I'm in Columbus, Ohio. Returning to riding after 25 years away & loving it! Bought a 2004 V11 last year after dreaming about Mk 2 or 3 Le Mans' but couldn't justify the cost. Working my way through fixing a broken ITI speedo at the moment but still riding while the weathers reasonable. I used to ride in England so the weathers great here  by comparison! Furniture maker by training but thinking I should learn some machining skills to keep my girl running sweetly.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Azzha on November 07, 2013, 09:31:41 PM
Mesa, Arizona


I picked up a V7 Stone (white) about 2 months ago and a 2003 V11 LeMans (black/grey) last Saturday. I've been commuting with both bikes and have taken a breakfast ride of about 200 miles every Sunday since I got the Stone. I love both bikes for different reason.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KENF on November 08, 2013, 07:11:12 PM

64 years and counting (backwards)

Retired--8 years Mo State Trooper, 32 years American Honda

Reside in Farmington, mo.--80 miles S of St Louis---Best riding roads in state

Addictions:  Motorcycles and sports cars (for when it is raining)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Azzha on November 08, 2013, 07:53:02 PM
64 years and counting (backwards)
Greetings KENF!
Your internal chronometer must have been made by ITI (My V11's odometer is running backwards as well)
Title: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hellgate on November 10, 2013, 09:36:13 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm Pete and have been a Guzzi fan since I first saw a LeMons at the Ft. Collins Honda dealer back in '84 or so.

I recently picked up a '13 Stelvio that is perhaps the funnest bike I've ever ridden.

For work I'm a training manager for Access Midstream in Oklahoma City, an oil and gas pipeline company.  We're hiring BTW.

It nice to be here and I'm looking forward to meeting people and learning more about Guzzis.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RinkRat II on November 11, 2013, 11:23:23 AM
Greetings Guzzitistas!!
  Paul here , I am the proud owner of Frank Dugo's {cocoafrank} V11 Sport. My first Guzzi  and for a fabricator/tinkerer it's right up my alley. I live at Lake Powell Arizona  and have been enjoying motorcycling for almost 50 years. I am a life member of the AMA  and truly enjoy all forms of motor racing. My stable includes 1987 K75 S, original owner, KLR650, ATC 70 Highly Modified. And now the V11 Sport. Luckily I can ride all year round with mild winters . I am grateful to all of you knowledgeable  members for the info, tips and tricks that has so far saved me time and money. In the future I will try to pass on things that I have learned to help others.
      Thanks To All The Service People Out There For Allowing This Great Country We Live In To Be Free!
       R.I.P Frank Dugo, Godspeed

      Regards, Paul B.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: willowstreetguzziguy on November 12, 2013, 08:27:22 PM
Jeff Shultz


Faux Finisher / Artist

Willow Street, PA (5 mi S of Lancaster)

Been riding since 1971... Suzuki's (380 & 550), BMW R90S, BMW K75C, BMW K75S ... Wanted to get back to the feel that I had with the 900cc R90S and determined the 1200 Sport was the best choice after riding a V7 special, Griso, and a Norge. Found a 2008 1200 Sport in Oklahoma, took bus out and rode it 1,400 miles back to PA from Nov. 7-9 in temps 34-61 degrees. FUN
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DaleG on November 13, 2013, 06:23:05 PM
 Hi all. I have 07 norge and my brother has a 73 eldo that my uncle has had sence new
 I an a retired autobody tech.   Dale
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on November 14, 2013, 07:48:05 AM
Jeff Shultz


Faux Finisher / Artist

Willow Street, PA (5 mi S of Lancaster)

Been riding since 1971... Suzuki's (380 & 550), BMW R90S, BMW K75C, BMW K75S ... Wanted to get back to the feel that I had with the 900cc R90S and determined the 1200 Sport was the best choice after riding a V7 special, Griso, and a Norge. Found a 2008 1200 Sport in Oklahoma, took bus out and rode it 1,400 miles back to PA from Nov. 7-9 in temps 34-61 degrees. FUN

Were those the bus temps?   ;D

You had to want that S12 pretty badly.  Seriously, nothing like a LD bus to go back in time in all sorts of ways.  And, in my experience on those time machines, thy were always HOT, whatever the season.

Enjoy your Guzzi.  You live in great riding country.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: daviscr5 on November 15, 2013, 08:16:45 PM
Chris Davis
Orlando, FL
Construction P.M. (but more importantly to me, former Jarhead)
07' Griso and 06' Speed Triple
Married with 1 kiddo
Motorcycle fanatic and pop-up camper aficionado
Have owned: Kawasaki 550LTD, Triumph Sprint RS, Yamaha Road Star, Yamaha FZ1, Triumph Tiger, Harley Sportster, Kawasaki Versys, Triumph Scrambler.....I think I've kept my Griso the longest! ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Waltr on November 15, 2013, 09:34:45 PM
Walt Roman
60 Been riding since 1976 with a hiatus in the 90's when I decided to give up on a self destructive life style.
Been a massage therapist for the last 20 years.
Spent the last 10 years riding two wheeled land yacht's. I was looking at a Norge last year when I bought a Kawasaki C14, Bad mistake. Found a buyer for the Kaw and  purchased a new 2012 White Norge  two weeks ago.  I love this bike!
I hope to hook up with local MG riders in my area come warmer weather.
near Gettysburg, PA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: willowstreetguzziguy on November 16, 2013, 10:06:56 AM
Daytime temps ranged from 50-57 and I had NO RAIN. I watched the temps drop from a high of 57 and plummet down through the 40's and by 7:30 pm in Marion, VA it was 34 degrees.  The following items were essential in helping me survive the cold...

1.) Eclipse electric vest, 2.) Aerostitch 1-piece riding suit, 3.) snowmobile mittens, 4.) Laminar speed shield (5.5" increased height) and one last thing...  since I have long legs and was wearing my padded riding suit, the bend in my legs felt crunched! So I bought a fleece blanket & duct tape at Walmart and for under $10, elevating my seating position by 4", gave my legs a much easier position for riding.  And that ugly duct taped gray blanket was sooooo comfortable to sit on for 10 hour days!   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick on November 17, 2013, 09:05:36 AM
So I bought a fleece blanket & duct tape at Walmart and for under $10, elevating my seating position by 4", gave my legs a much easier position for riding.  And that ugly duct taped gray blanket was sooooo comfortable to sit on for 10 hour days!   
You'll blend right in with this group  ;D
Welcome aboard  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Falko on November 19, 2013, 07:25:40 AM
Hello all. Just picked up a 2008 1200 Sport.
Rid myself of an FJR a couple months ago and have been on the look out for something with a little character and doesn't sound like a jet engine. I think the MG will work out just fine. Had an Aprilia prior to the FJR, that was a wonderful bike. Looking forward to getting some riding in come spring, it's going to be a long winter.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ItsForrest on November 21, 2013, 09:17:58 AM
It's time for another Guzzi!

I have been riding for over 30 years and about 15 motorcycles have come and gone from the garage. Of those a few have been Guzzis and it's time for another one. Looking for a bike with enough power and comfort for two-up without being more akin to a battleship, I have settled on a shiny black Norge. The other bikes staying in the stable are a Triumph Scrambler and the girlfriend's 200 Scarabeo.

I see a couple familiar names already on the forums here, Hi Greg!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tim R on November 21, 2013, 12:11:03 PM
Hi all. 
I'm Tim and am a new rider (except for a short stint 20+ years ago).  I've been riding a Vespa GTS 300 since moving to SoCal (last 18 months or so).  Was thinking about a something bigger (something that doesn't leave me white-knuckled from freeway driving on small tires, has more range for longer exploring, and is better for two-up).  I saw a Calif 1400, fell in love with it and am considering a purchase before the end of the year.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: diggers on November 22, 2013, 02:59:11 AM
I've got an 86 Mk4 Le Mans.  P.O. put upside forks and an 18in wheel on the front.  Had it about 2 years now. Didn't have the instruments on it when I got it, so got the speedo mounted and put a small fairing on the front.  I just love the big torquey motor and the exhaust note!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 24, 2013, 03:36:01 AM
Hi Guzzi Fans

Rob, 54 live to ride a Guzzi.

Long legged and easy to live with.

Don't own a car, ride all year around.
Bike since 1993 is a 1974 750S.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: azguzzirep on November 24, 2013, 05:24:48 AM
Tom Short
Phoenix born and raised.

Just turned 50, waaah! Arizona MGNOC Rep.

Bought my first Guzzi from the Arizona Hiway Patrol in 1980, a 1974 Eldorado. Been on Guzzi ever since

Hobbies are much like everyone else's, guns, booze, bikes, broads. Never married, no kids.

I've been to Mandello and loved it! Been to a Guzzi rally in Germany, too!

Grazie, Carlo! Multi Grazie!! Mille Grazie!!!!!!


Now 54, married, living in SW Germany and have a 1998 EV California 1100.  Married a gal I met in 2007 at a Guzzi rally in Germany. Too cool!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 24, 2013, 02:20:45 PM
Hi Guzzi Fans

Rob, 54 live to ride a Guzzi.

Long legged and easy to live with.

Don't own a car, ride all year around.
Bike since 1993 is a 1974 750S.


Neat bike, and good on yer for choosing a lifestyle that allows you to just ride a bike and not own a car.   Wish I could have the best of both worlds, but I've made other choices .... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on November 24, 2013, 04:56:25 PM
Welcome Rob! let's see some pics of you and you're 750 back in jolly old England! Always nice to see a old Guzzi doing it's job! :bow
Hi Guzzi Fans

Rob, 54 live to ride a Guzzi.

Long legged and easy to live with.

Don't own a car, ride all year around.
Bike since 1993 is a 1974 750S.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FODFA on November 27, 2013, 04:22:32 AM
Hi, Name is Andrew from South Australia.

43 years young and I make 4wd accessories for a living, rock sliders, dual wheel carriers etc.

After 20 years without a bike I picked up a Cali EV the other day, so far very happy with the choice  ;D

(http://s9.postimg.org/qqbfvk057/Guzzi_California_EV_1.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/qqbfvk057/) (http://s24.postimg.org/7gptorych/Guzzi_California_EV_4.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/7gptorych/)

I had to ride it home 800kms (500 miles) and pretty quickly worked out I wanted some highway pegs, research for them led me here. 

Hopefully I can learn a lot and maybe add a little as well.

Cheers Andrew
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 27, 2013, 05:13:15 AM
Neat bike, and good on yer for choosing a lifestyle that allows you to just ride a bike and not own a car.   Wish I could have the best of both worlds, but I've made other choices .... !


Hi Lannis

Life is all about choices.
Mind you November in the UK there aren't many bikes on the road.
Had to fit my electrically heated inner gloves last week end.
One thing I cannot stand is cold fingers.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 27, 2013, 05:21:05 AM
Welcome Rob! let's see some pics of you and you're 750 back in jolly old England! Always nice to see a old Guzzi doing it's job! :bow

Hi John

Have been trying to post photos at Wild Guzzi using photobucket, IMG, etc.
Without success so far as you can tell by my profile pic that isn't there?
Will post photos as soon as I am able, promise.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on November 27, 2013, 06:35:56 AM
Cool Rob, it took me a a while to figure it out too. PM me if you have a question, I may be able to help
(http://i1332.photobucket.com/albums/w605/guzzistajohn1/ride003_zpsebf59825.jpg) (http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/guzzistajohn1/media/ride003_zpsebf59825.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 27, 2013, 10:31:42 AM
Hi Lannis

Life is all about choices.
Mind you November in the UK there aren't many bikes on the road.
Had to fit my electrically heated inner gloves last week end.
One thing I cannot stand is cold fingers.



The human frame can stand almost anything when your hands and feet are warm and dry ... !!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 28, 2013, 04:26:20 AM
Cool Rob, it took me a a while to figure it out too. PM me if you have a question, I may be able to help
(http://i1332.photobucket.com/albums/w605/guzzistajohn1/ride003_zpsebf59825.jpg) (http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/guzzistajohn1/media/ride003_zpsebf59825.jpg.html)

Thanks John, see you use photobucket. Just compare your URL with the one I have been trying to upload?

Very clean looking Mk3 Le Mans.

The 750S is looking very dirty now but no time to clean as have an MOT tomorrow and I don't clean without waxing and greasing which all takes hours especially with spoked Borranis.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 28, 2013, 04:35:29 AM
The human frame can stand almost anything when your hands and feet are warm and dry ... !!

Lannis your'e so right.
But this year I wired up the inner warmers prior to my hands getting painfully cold a couple of times first to remind me that I need to wire them up.
Maybe I am starting to feel the cold more or just more seasonally aware as the years pass by!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LItalien on November 29, 2013, 11:11:57 AM
Hello Forum,

My name is Bruce L'Italien.  I'm in my mid-fifties and am a Mechanical Engineer.  I own a Griso 8V which was purchased in August of this year.  I also own a Ducati and an Aprilia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on November 30, 2013, 02:27:06 AM
Welcome Rob! let's see some pics of you and you're 750 back in jolly old England! Always nice to see a old Guzzi doing it's job!

Here you go John.

(http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af249/burningtorch/side_zps379fada7.jpg) (http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/burningtorch/media/side_zps379fada7.jpg.html)

(http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af249/burningtorch/DSCF0792_2_zps0f02d981.jpg) (http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/burningtorch/media/DSCF0792_2_zps0f02d981.jpg.html)

As you can see not exactly standard but all mods are intended for everyday and every season use!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on November 30, 2013, 09:07:02 AM
Rob, nice scoot for sure! got the photo thing whipped! Keep 'em coming us Yanks love to look at pictures, you would think we were all from Japan ???
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: triumphtwin on November 30, 2013, 09:43:42 AM
  Mark;  Age 51

 Parsippany, NJ

Wife; no kids (Wife says with me round; we don't need anymore! :D); 4 agility dogs & 2 parrots.

Work as a Biomedical Equipt Tech at a hospital.

Hobbies: Motorcycles & Cars; Mtn Biking; Road Cycling; Long Boarding; Guitars; RC Rock Crawling; Target Shooting and whatever else interests me at the time!  :D

Current bikes: 1972  Honda CL350 Scrambler (partially restored; but presently off road due to major oil leak)
                    2003 Triumph Bonnie Centennial Edt. (my favorite all round bike)
                    2007 Moto Guzzi Breva V1100 (my 1st Guzzi; owned since 2011. Love it; but still sorting it out.  ;D)
                    2012 Honda CBR250R (my work commuter & back roads blaster)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Edfw on December 01, 2013, 03:53:54 PM
Hi,  Ed here.   Retired machinist.  Living in Fl / NY
      Presently riding 2008 Moto  Guzzi Nevada
      Looking to upgrade to 2013 Norge

      Any comments Good OR Bad will be appreciated
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TROTAMUN2 on December 09, 2013, 05:02:00 AM
Hi everyone!! Edgar here, just another one here who chokes the Guzz..i, hummmm, what I meant is that loves the GUZZi!! I am the proud owner of a 1997 V10 centauro! I am hoping I meet some of the great people here @ rides and meetings!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: diabloloco on December 10, 2013, 11:02:32 AM
Nice site and hello.  I've got a sport 11.  Couldn't not be on probably the biggest guzzi site in the world.
Been lurking a bit and I like.  Troll free sorta but some really experienced people that know their stuff.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scoot4Life on December 10, 2013, 10:23:04 PM
Hello fellow Guzzistas!

Paul, 53 years young and enjoying the ride!
I live in a rural community N/W of Toronto.
Work in investment and private equities.
Ride an Aprilia, Piaggio (scooters) and a Triumph Thruxton SE (WOW! and for sale) and a Griso SE 8V (WOW!). My wife (WOW!) rides a Vespa.

Excellent site with great information and seemingly great people. Looking forward to reading more and posting some to.
Looking to buy some red suspenders (when I can find some!)

Will post pix of my Griso soon.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Britishbangers on December 12, 2013, 03:12:12 AM
(http://C:\Users\joji.kurian\Desktop\MG 131213)Hello Group,

I am Joji Kurian.

I am an Indian, presently in UAE/ Dubai.

I will be 43 years old tomorrow (13/12/13).

I am a Civil Engineer and work for a French company building water and waste-water treatment plants.

I have purchased an ex-dealer 2012 - Moto Guzzi V7 Classic in red and white on 11/12/13.

I had a few British motorcycles in the past, however, there was a friend/ mentor called Mr Lannis in Virginia US of A who had a Moto Guzzi.

In India and especially in the circumstances that I grew up in, if was well neigh impossible to dream or even own a Guzzi.

However, Mr Lannis ignited the spark in 2002 and nearly 12 years down the line, I finally have a small block Guzzi.

Here in the UAE, there are about 5 Guzzis (3nos Grisos, 1no V7 Classic & 1no Racer).

I will need all the help I could possibly get.

I am on the look out for the following;

1. Center Stand,

2. Engine crash guards,

All pointers/ leads will be gladly accepted.

Take care and stay well.


Joji Kurian - aka - Britishbangers
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wyno on December 13, 2013, 01:34:40 AM
Hi Andrew,
welcome to the forum. Lots of great info here and some real experts who will give you advice when you need it. The best we've got is Pete Roper in Bungendore near Canberra. He goes by the name of Vasco DG.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fikuscz on December 14, 2013, 03:05:44 AM
My name is Miroslav Fischer
45 years
I'm from Czech Republic
My interests: family, old motorcycles, RC models, traveling, cycling
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 14, 2013, 11:22:09 AM
(http://C:\Users\joji.kurian\Desktop\MG 131213)Hello Group,

I am Joji Kurian.

I am an Indian, presently in UAE/ Dubai.

I will be 43 years old tomorrow (13/12/13).

I am a Civil Engineer and work for a French company building water and waste-water treatment plants.

I have purchased an ex-dealer 2012 - Moto Guzzi V7 Classic in red and white on 11/12/13.

I had a few British motorcycles in the past, however, there was a friend/ mentor called Mr Lannis in Virginia US of A who had a Moto Guzzi.

In India and especially in the circumstances that I grew up in, if was well neigh impossible to dream or even own a Guzzi.

However, Mr Lannis ignited the spark in 2002 and nearly 12 years down the line, I finally have a small block Guzzi.

Here in the UAE, there are about 5 Guzzis (3nos Grisos, 1no V7 Classic & 1no Racer).

I will need all the help I could possibly get.

I am on the look out for the following;

1. Center Stand,

2. Engine crash guards,

All pointers/ leads will be gladly accepted.

Take care and stay well.


Joji Kurian - aka - Britishbangers


Good to see your typeface here; I was just thinking about you, wondering where a Christmas card would get to you!   Sounds like the job’s going well … hope Sini and Naomi are well.   Naomi must be a young lady by now.  

I work for a French company myself now … thank goodness for the French taxpayer and utility customer, I think about them every time I get a paycheck!  

There sure are a lot of similarities between Britbikes and Guzzis, and there’s a lot of similarities between the people too.    We have some real Smallblock fans on the list who will be able to help you with parts or working on the bike, I know they’ll be anxious to answer any question you might have.

Don’t feel too far from “support” there in the Emirates – your Guzzi dealer is probably closer than mine!!   The life expectancy of a Guzzi dealer in the USA is about the same as a Maxim gunner in the Ypres trenches …. I’ve seen six of them come and go here in Virginia in the last 5 years ….

So take advantage of the expertise of your fellow Guzzisti!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mecano on December 14, 2013, 03:58:39 PM
Luis caballero
age 55
Mechanical Contractor
 Hialeah fl
yamaha radian 600
honda shado
kawi  mean street
susuki vstrom
thriumph tiger 1050
I am Cuban came to US 22 years ago on a raft, the most difficult part was the languish so please bear with me. 
Iam  hoping to get a new stelvio nxt and all the help I can get. like to do every thing in my bikes, and some of them need the dealers's computers I do ac and refrigeration
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FODFA on December 14, 2013, 07:59:47 PM
Hi Andrew,
welcome to the forum. Lots of great info here and some real experts who will give you advice when you need it. The best we've got is Pete Roper in Bungendore near Canberra. He goes by the name of Vasco DG.

I notice a few Aussies around here, I'll keep an eye out for Vasco.

I've got a few bits and pieces coming for the Cali, and a couple of custom jobs on the go that hopefully I can share with everyone in the new year.

Cheers Andrew
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Britishbangers on December 14, 2013, 09:37:53 PM
Dear Mr Lannis,

Yes! this is Joji indeed!

The project has wound up and infact, I am looking at a new opening in the Emirates.

I will call on you tonight to catch up with old times.

The Guzzi dealer is infact a lady!

She knew that I am a classic bike fan and she offered me the Guzzi on installaments!

I will PM you soon.

Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome.

Take care and stay well.


Joji Kurian
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Johncolleary on December 15, 2013, 09:14:59 AM
John Colleary General Contractor Long Beach Ca.
Just purchased my first Motoguzzi 2013 Setlvio NTX
Also have a 2001 Aprilia Falco
riding since 1974
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JBBenson on December 16, 2013, 09:40:52 AM
Jesse Benson
Film Production Designer
This V11 is my 3rd Moto Guzzi.....I would like a Stelvio someday

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f209/JesseBruceBenson/Mobile%20Uploads/mg_12.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/JesseBruceBenson/media/Mobile%20Uploads/mg_12.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Queensland Ken on December 18, 2013, 03:49:44 PM
Hi, Ken from Toowoomba here.
Just bought a near new Stelvio NTX, love it, my first Guzzi !


Just ordered a few service items for it as well as a a adaptor for a Givi top box, so I can swap between bikes and a Rostra cruise control.
I'm hoping to do most of the service work myself.
Just waiting on some filter cup wrenches and a set of OBD leads to finish off it's first service.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CooperD on December 19, 2013, 09:27:42 AM
Doug Cooper, 41, married, 2 kids

I work at DreamWorks Animation (18 years - quite a run in this business) as a Visual Effects Supervisor.

My introduction to Guzzi is my new 2013 V7 Stone (black), and I couldn't be happier with it.  Not only is it my first Guzzi, it's my first bike. 

A buddy invited me to take the MSF course with him through the local Harley dealership.  I wasn't sure if I was going to get a bike, but wanted to support him.  That all changed the first day on the range when we started up the demo bikes, and the vibration, sounds and smells were intoxicating.  I knew I had to do this.  (A mere 500 miles later, and I wish I'd done this 10 years go - but not 20, I would have killed myself then   ::) )

Before getting the Guzzi, I've been a car enthusiast for many years.  I own a supercharged 1994 Miata and "1961" Austin Mini.  I do most of my own work on the cars (the Mini's currently up on stands in the garage patiently waiting for me to put new wheel bearings in). 

I'm looking forward to learning more about Guzzi's, bikes in general, and riding safe and fun. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on December 20, 2013, 01:35:33 AM
("A mere 500 miles later, and I wish I'd done this 10 years go - but not 20, I would have killed myself then " ::)

Hi Doug, it's cool you've found 2 wheels.
Know what you mean.
I started riding when I was 17. How I survived the first couple of years is anybodies guess?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kildareman on December 20, 2013, 08:22:12 AM
Kildareman saying Hi.  Presently riding a Triumph Tiger 800 but am starting to look at either the V7 Stone or the Griso 8v. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: the balding bunyip on December 22, 2013, 03:06:20 AM
G'day Fellas

My name is Michael and I have just purchased my first Guzzi, sight unseen in the States, with the intention of riding it coast to coast early next year.

It is a 2007 Breva 1100 with 3200 miles on it.  Cannot wait to see it and ride it.... only 93 sleeps to go,   :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lazmo on December 23, 2013, 07:35:08 AM

My name is Larry

I’m 56

I work as a Network Architect for an ICT multinational

I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

My interests are motorcycles, mountain bikes, guitars, drums, family… not necessarily in that order.

The reason why I am here is that my good riding buddy recently bought me a 1971 Moto Guzzi V7 Special… it’s not a freeby, I am paying for it… but he forced me into it, so he could have me back as a riding companion. My current bike is tiny (Honda SS50) and won’t really carry pillions, or do big distances… so he has forced the issue of a rangier, bigger, pillion friendly bike, by simply buying one for me.

I have had many many motorcycles in my 56 years on the planet… lots of trail bikes on the farm growing up, but the road bikes being mainly early Triumphs, Honda 4’s and Ducatis, of which I have owned eight. I did a have a BMW phase, but we can ignore that.

Anyway, the Guzzi is all original, one owner, has not been started in 20 years, with only 43,000 kms on the clock. It needs a good wash and polish, seat recover, battery, tyres and re-lube… but I’m gonna pop the heads off to see the state of the chrome bores before I crank it into life.

Regards Lazmo

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mattblum on December 23, 2013, 01:19:12 PM
Hello, my name is Matt Blum. 43, living in Porltand, OR.
My amazing wife just surprised me with a 2013 V7 Racer with Record Kit.
Love the bike!! It's just incredible.

My other bike is a 1976 BMW R75/6 (which my wife surprised me with eight years ago).

Not 100% sold on the seat from the record kit, so I've put the original back on.
Here's a pic:


Matt Blum
Portland, OR
2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Racer
1976 BMW R75/6
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jas67 on December 23, 2013, 06:07:06 PM
Hello, my name is Matt Blum. 43, living in Porltand, OR.
My amazing wife just surprised me with a 2013 V7 Racer with Record Kit.
Love the bike!! It's just incredible.

My other bike is a 1976 BMW R75/6 (which my wife surprised me with eight years ago).

You're wife is an incredible woman -- definitely a keeper!    ;-T
Treat her well (I'm sure you do, or she wouldn't be this good to you).   :BEER:

As for the bike -- congratulations!    Now I want the record kit for my V7R too.   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eric2186 on December 24, 2013, 12:56:58 PM
Hi I'm Eric, currently living in the Los Angeles / Orange County area. I'm 27, learned to ride in my native Taiwan about three years ago and haven't looked back since. I bought a Griso 1100 about a year ago to replace my Monster as a daily rider and long distance touring bike (odd choice, I know). Here she is:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: schadeam on December 26, 2013, 10:18:43 AM
Hola. New moto guzzi owner. Purchased a Breva 750 a while ago. In Blue. Looking forward to interacting with you all. http://imgur.com/a/ReYCS (http://imgur.com/a/ReYCS)  (http://i.imgur.com/jquRH4f.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/sA7td7t.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on December 26, 2013, 10:46:04 AM
Let us know when you make your trip, plenty of American hospitality to help you along the way!
G'day Fellas

My name is Michael and I have just purchased my first Guzzi, sight unseen in the States, with the intention of riding it coast to coast early next year.

It is a 2007 Breva 1100 with 3200 miles on it.  Cannot wait to see it and ride it.... only 93 sleeps to go,   :bike

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on December 27, 2013, 01:04:25 AM
"My name is Michael and I have just purchased my first Guzzi, sight unseen in the States, with the intention of riding it coast to coast early next year."

That'll be one hell of a ride!
It is even bigger than Oz.
Rode from Alaska to Southern Chile in 1991 but not on a Guzzi an XT350.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: normzone on December 27, 2013, 03:15:12 PM
Hello all -

Norman in San Diego here - back in 1979 I found a '72 Eldorado 850 crashed and forgotten under a pool liner in a storage yard  in Sausalito - the owner asked $350 for it, and I made payments  :)

One battery and the usual tinkering put it back on the road for 115K miles over the next 12 years, at which point I was spending more time riding horses and I swapped it for a 45-70.

Of course in hindsight now that I want another Guzzi it turns out that they're going for real money now...I'm looking for something between $1 - $2,500 dollars and we'll see what that brings in out of the woodwork.

Thanks all for your invaluable support and fun stories.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Captain Clive on December 27, 2013, 08:00:50 PM
Old fart from Queensland Australia. Just bought myself a V7 Special after being bike less for the past 15 years.  My wife said I could buy another bike once I had my hip replaced. That happened 2 years ago. My main problem is getting my leg over (a bike that is) so I was looking for one low enough. The V7 caught my eye and it was another Italian love affair for me, the other being my coffee machine. I'm still getting used to riding again and a little apprehensive. My wife keeps reminding me I'll be 65 next month. I've booked in to do a refresher course in February. Oh it's my first Guzzi having had several Jap bikes and a BMWR100RT in the past.

Cheers Clive
Title: Re:
Post by: r3bauer on December 28, 2013, 12:46:28 AM
Husband and Dad
Stay at home dad
Army Vet.
Stormtruck2's oldest son.
Bike inventory:
78 Sportster
82 Suzuki gl1100gs
78 honda sl100
Hope to soon have a Moto Guzzi California.
Stormtruck2 got me into Guzzis after loaning me his California.  What a great bike! Smooth acceleration, great handling, and smooth braking I love the way I can ride for miles and stay comfortable.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DennisH on December 28, 2013, 05:21:03 PM
Dennis, FL, USA. On my 4th Guzzi in last 3 years. Had a 750 Nevada in restoration which never finished then passed it on to next happy restorer! Next a 1200 Breva Sport but in my late 60s was too much on the wrists - but FAST! The past 1.5 years on a Nevada which is too small for me, peppy, but too small. Now in process of restoring 1999 Bassa with only 6K miles on it. Wish me success!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 65_dreamer on December 29, 2013, 07:42:22 PM
Hello everyone!  Fairly new to riding (about 1 year on my 1965 Honda Dream 305) and new to the Moto Guzzi world - less than 1 week! I just purchased a 2010 V7 Classic and spent Christmas Eve morning at the DMV to get it registered. Not what most people would want to do over the holiday, but I was excited (and a bit nervous) to be there.  ;D

The Moto Guzzi is (obviously) very different from the Dream, but great fun so far. I've taken it out in the parking lot twice, did a 60 mile on familiar roads, and did a group ride today of about 150 miles.  It'll still take some getting used to, but I'm loving the bike so far!

(http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/11636955234_4f4210a57b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/100975240@N06/11636955234/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on December 29, 2013, 10:38:57 PM
Hey Adam how's it going? what prompted a young feller like you to come hang with the red suspender brigade? Iowa cabin fever? You'll have to attend the flat track races with us next labor day, hey I'll get you some cotton candy!  

John S  

Husband and Dad
Stay at home dad
Army Vet.
Stormtruck2's oldest son.
Bike inventory:
78 Sportster
82 Suzuki gl1100gs
78 honda sl100
Hope to soon have a Moto Guzzi California.
Stormtruck2 got me into Guzzis after loaning me his California.  What a great bike! Smooth acceleration, great handling, and smooth braking I love the way I can ride for miles and stay comfortable.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: r3bauer on December 29, 2013, 11:13:57 PM
Hey Adam how's it going? what prompted a young feller like you to come hang with the red suspender brigade? Iowa cabin fever? You'll have to attend the flat track races with us next labor day, hey I'll get you some cotton candy!  

John S  
HA HA HA! My Pop is stormtruck2 and when iwas having issues with my 78 sporty he let me borrow his 96 California. I fell in love with straight away. He kept tellimg me about this site but just finally got around to signing up. Looking to buy a California seems a lot more wallet friendly than the big American boys. All my bikes I have still could not pay for the street glide I would like. I like almost all bikes not a specific brand. From Harleys, Indians, Nortons, BSA, Triumph and Guzzi If its a good bike its a good bike, some bikes are just beautiful works of art and others not so much. Manufacturers have had a bad idea make it to the road more than a few times.
As far as cotton candy I prefer mine Jameson flavored! Lol
I try and follow the Harley and Triumph flat trackers they are amazing riders!
Thanks for the welcome.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 30, 2013, 12:51:32 AM
Adam , we promise not to hold the fact that Matt is your pop against you . Well , not much anyway . Grinning here.

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 30, 2013, 12:54:59 AM
Hello everyone!  Fairly new to riding (about 1 year on my 1965 Honda Dream 305) and new to the Moto Guzzi world - less than 1 week! I just purchased a 2010 V7 Classic and spent Christmas Eve morning at the DMV to get it registered. Not what most people would want to do over the holiday, but I was excited (and a bit nervous) to be there.  ;D

The Moto Guzzi is (obviously) very different from the Dream, but great fun so far. I've taken it out in the parking lot twice, did a 60 mile on familiar roads, and did a group ride today of about 150 miles.  It'll still take some getting used to, but I'm loving the bike so far!

(http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/11636955234_4f4210a57b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/100975240@N06/11636955234/)

Location of pic please , like the jacket .

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Title: Re: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: r3bauer on December 30, 2013, 01:20:23 AM
Adam , we promise not to hold the fact that Matt is your pop against you . Well , not much anyway . Grinning here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)
I' d expect nothing less :D

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 30, 2013, 04:52:41 AM
Hello everyone!  Fairly new to riding (about 1 year on my 1965 Honda Dream 305) and new to the Moto Guzzi world - less than 1 week! I just purchased a 2010 V7 Classic and spent Christmas Eve morning at the DMV to get it registered. Not what most people would want to do over the holiday, but I was excited (and a bit nervous) to be there.  ;D

The Moto Guzzi is (obviously) very different from the Dream, but great fun so far. I've taken it out in the parking lot twice, did a 60 mile on familiar roads, and did a group ride today of about 150 miles.  It'll still take some getting used to, but I'm loving the bike so far!

(http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5475/11636955234_4f4210a57b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/100975240@N06/11636955234/)


Location of pic please , like the jacket .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

From all the pix in the associated flickr account, apparently Bay Area.

Worth thumbing through those pix.  What a grand collection of vintage bikes.  Lordy.  Especially drawn to that Yam 125 Scrambler, but so many, so many.  Great pix -- and welcome -- Akiko. 

As you already well know, the V7 is quite a different experience than that (impressively clean) Honda Dream.  FWIW, there was, as I recall, in a recent issue of Motorcycle Classics a multi-page spread on the Dream.   Didn't see it on-line here, http://www.motorcycleclassics.com/, but, if interested, find a paper version.


P.S.  Dusty, the jacket is you.   :D

Title: Re:
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 30, 2013, 04:54:53 AM
Husband and Dad
Stay at home dad
Army Vet.
Stormtruck2's oldest son.
Bike inventory:
78 Sportster
82 Suzuki gl1100gs
78 honda sl100
Hope to soon have a Moto Guzzi California.
Stormtruck2 got me into Guzzis after loaning me his California.  What a great bike! Smooth acceleration, great handling, and smooth braking I love the way I can ride for miles and stay comfortable.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk

The thought of Matt having cloned himself makes folks tremble half a continent away.   ;D

Welcome, Adam.  Will be out that way again in March; hope to see you and the clan again.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on December 30, 2013, 11:41:59 AM
Worth thumbing through those pix.  What a grand collection of vintage bikes.  Lordy.  Especially drawn to that Yam 125 Scrambler, but so many, so many.  Great pix -- and welcome -- Akiko. 

The Zundapp is awesome! wow what a bike show!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 30, 2013, 01:46:11 PM
Hey Bill , black is more my color , brings out the white in my hair . Grinning here .

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dulcenea on December 30, 2013, 05:24:15 PM
Welcome, Dreamer! Nice to see other women around here!

And Dusty, I think her jacket is the Icon 1000 Federalist - I was strongly considering getting one before I decided on the Roland Sands Maven instead.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 30, 2013, 05:30:08 PM
Dulcenea , yes to the female members and riders .

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 65_dreamer on December 30, 2013, 07:51:16 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome! 

I should have followed the intro format....

SF Bay Area (San Mateo area)
Newer rider trying to learn as much as I can!

As you can see, I love the vintage bikes and it's nice that there are several vintage motorcycle and car events in the Bay Area.

Bill - Thanks to the link to the Dream article.  Mine is far from original, but it's a rider.  I put close to 5,000 weekend miles on it as my first bike.

Dulcenea and Dusty - I looked at the Icon 1000 Federal jacket about this time last year, but when I received it, it wasn't quite what I was looking for.  I got my jacket made at Johnson Leather in SF.  I had a specific idea of what I wanted and they made it for me.  It turned out better than I imagined!  It's fully armored with Forcefield shoulder and elbow pads - I have a separate back protector.  I love the Roland Sands jacket, but that one wasn't available when I was looking.

I am looking forward to spending more time here.   ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 30, 2013, 08:16:28 PM
65 D , we normally get along a bit better than recent posts would suggest . Grinning here . Must be really cold up North . Yes , welcome , maybe you girls can remind us to act like gentlemen , yeah sure .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on December 30, 2013, 08:30:10 PM
Right on 65_dreamer! welcome aboard! looking foreword to hearing from you, the more :PICS!:the better! we all like seeing what others are doing around the country/globe. If any of these old geezers give you any trouble, you just call thier bluff, they'll back down! You're welcome here! ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on December 30, 2013, 09:20:31 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome! 

I agree with the rest here. Nice jacket, and a nice bike! You have good taste.

This board needs a good injection of lady riders. My wife Lindsey doesn't post much, but she has a red Breva 750 which is very similar to your V7. There's just something about most of the WildGuzzi folk just doesn't seem to mesh with her.  ;D  ;)

I hope you enjoy your Guzzi for a long time to come, please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any issues or ideas regarding your Guzzi. This board contains a wealth of knowledge, and more...  :D


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzialfa on January 05, 2014, 12:16:06 PM
Hello i am new here , my namr Ton drive Guzzi since 1986 a le mans 2 , had a v11 lemans and centauro 

 still have daytona and a breva 1100
 am 51years old married 

 ride since 1981

 greetings ton
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Droner999 on January 05, 2014, 02:36:17 PM
Austin Rojas
I.T. - Database Admin for airline industry
Sunny Arizona

I have been riding and wrenching on bikes since the mid-80s. Been lurking on this forum for some time now and I have learned a lot of all of you and your posts, and inspired by your passion for Guzzis!

   Motorbikes, Flamenco guitar, wine(o), wrenching in the Man Cave, cooking

Current Motorbikes:
   Ducati 999
   Ducati Diavel
        I hope to soon have a 1100 Sport or LM3.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guffman on January 08, 2014, 03:00:39 AM
Sydney, Australia

Motorbikes owned:
Moto Guzzi V7 Classic
Moto Guzzi Griso 8v
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ratbags on January 08, 2014, 08:40:25 PM
Hi, I'm Randy. I'm 60 and have been riding all kinds of bikes for about 47 years. Just got a new V7 Stone (1st MG) and am looking here to help learn all about them. I'm in the business technology industry and live in San Antonio Texas.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: creaky99 on January 09, 2014, 11:34:27 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm Bill in SE Indiana USA, retired. I've been riding since 1953, have never owned, sat on or ridden a Guzzi unil now, recently bought a '98 EV11. Hope to learn here about Guzzis and share experiences. If the weather is decent, I'll be riding to FL early March, anyone interested, send me a PM.

Current bikes:

'98 EV11
'98 BMW F650
'85 Honda VF600F
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bovastudio on January 10, 2014, 03:03:40 PM
Joe Bova, 72 yo
ceramic artist, retired (2x) art professor (LSU.Ohio U)
Santa Fe, NM
04 Breva 750
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mibofoto on January 11, 2014, 01:40:11 AM
Mikael Borgström, 50 years old
South of Sweden

I have ride a lot of diferent bikes. I always got back to the Guzzi or BMW. Like wrenching.

Hobbies: Play guitar, Photo, wrenching and riding

BMW R75/5-1971
BMW R80g/s -1981
Moto Guzzi Lemans 1000 1987
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on January 11, 2014, 07:09:48 AM
WOW that's 7 in a week! Welcome everybody!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on January 11, 2014, 04:00:26 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm Bill in SE Indiana USA, retired. I've been riding since 1953, have never owned, sat on or ridden a Guzzi unil now, recently bought a '98 EV11. Hope to learn here about Guzzis and share experiences. If the weather is decent, I'll be riding to FL early March, anyone interested, send me a PM.

Current bikes:

'98 EV11
'98 BMW F650
'85 Honda VF600F


Do you own one of the elite "Hotdog & Mustard" EV's of '98 ... or a lesser color?    ;)

Mine has brought me 100K miles of joy.  OK, maybe a few hours of bonding by the side of the road, too, but mostly miles of smiles.  :D



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Texasl on January 20, 2014, 09:43:01 PM
"Texas" Larry Walker
Port Orchard, WA
2007 Norge  (60K miles)

I will be picking electrical brains in a separate thread.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Charro on January 21, 2014, 08:10:49 AM
Hello to all, my name is:
Andy De La O
La Mesa, New Mexico
58 yoa
Reitred K9 Cop
This is my first Guzzi a 2007 California Vintage

Other bikes are,
Triumph Bonneville
Triumph Scrambler
Triumph Speed Four
Triumph Sprint RS
Royal Enfield Continental GT(on order)
Vespa GTS 300

Hoping to learn much from you all,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Queasyrider on January 22, 2014, 08:36:21 PM
Hi all,

Englishman living in New Zealand here. New to the forum, new to Guzzis, almost new to biking (feels like it after a ten year hiatus). Just bought a 2001 California Sport Special... very different to the Jap bikes I've ridden. The distance of my ass to the ground has often been remarked upon, albeit in an indirect way. Suddenly my new steed is pointing out this failing in a very direct way; the Sport Special is so wide with that seat and the side panels that I am very tippy toed... disconcertingly for a someone who's been off bikes a decade and never ridden quarter of a metric tonne of vibrating, shuddering steel.

I was trying to start a new thread about alternative side panels for this model but don't seem to have the New Thread tab on my screen!

In brief, I've noticed those big side panels with the fake chrome pipe have a lot of airspace behind them and removing them improves my ability to reach the ground. Was wondering if anyone has made up alternative covers... if so how and from what. My seat rocks too, and I don't mean it in an admiring way. It wobbles from side to side. I've tracked this down to the seat release mechanism being set on the highest point of the slotted bracket that holds it. Unfortunately the two allen screws won't budge for anything and are impervious to soakings with easing fluids. Somehow I feel this great beast in the garage is refusing my offerings of care and sugar lumps and is telling me she doesn't like me. May have to break out some glam rock boots at this rate or run on flat tyres.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on January 23, 2014, 01:30:56 AM
Welcome Queasyrider.

"Unfortunately the two allen screws won't budge for anything and are impervious to soakings with easing fluids."

Have you tried an impact driver with the correct allen key bit inserted?
You will probably have to detach the seat from the frame first?




Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Queasyrider on January 23, 2014, 02:29:42 AM
Thanks Rob. An impact driver crossed my mind, though a 4mm hex bolt didn't seem like something an impact driver was made for! Horrible gnarly Philips headed screws, yes, but a weeny bolt with a hex head, blimey! May have to go down that route though, so thanks for the suggestion. With the seat release mechanism my three-seater sofa bum-pad sits snuggly on the frame. So, someone before me adjusted the seat release to the wrong position them screwed the fasteners tighter than Scrooge's fist! Vibration paranoia? Oh the joys of 'pre-loved' machinery.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tolstoy on January 23, 2014, 12:37:20 PM
Hello all,

New Guzzi owner in the Bay Area. My first Guzzi after a long line of other bikes.

I am the owner of a black with red accent 2005 Nevada 750ie.

A bit of history on the bike: It was bought 9 years ago by a couple who purchased 2 bikes and 2 scooters. The scooters proved to be an irresistible draw, and as such, the bikes languished in a temperature and humidity controlled garage, and were taken out on occasion to cover roughly 30 miles per year. A few months ago, they brought them back to the dealer and invested several thousand dollars on the 600 mile services; new tires, battery, fuel lines, fluids, and anything else that was needed. A month after that they traded both bikes in on new scooters. So I have a 2005 MG Nevada with color matched factory luggage, pulsing front light, LED rear light upgrade, 600 mile service completed and new consumables...deale r serviced. I bought it at 326 miles a week ago...it has 860 miles now.

It is an awesome bike, really enjoying it.

I would like to change a few things:
1. Centerstand (anyone have one for sale or know of what fits this bike?)
2. Better seat. The seat is fine for comfort, but I find I want to sit 'back' more, which puts me on the hump part and is not comfortable over time. Thinking of having it reshaped, but wanted a seat to use while this seat is modified. Will other V750 seats fit (Breva, Jackal, Classic?). There is a Breva 750 seat on eBay.
3. (Down the road) ceramic coat the headers and put peashooters or aftermarket Italian exhaust on it, but want to see/hear options in person before I purchase. Hoping to run into an MG club around here, or other MG's at car shows and the like.

So, hello everyone and looking forward to exchanging ideas and how-to's with you for years to come.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 23, 2014, 01:07:49 PM
Hello all,

New Guzzi owner in the Bay Area. My first Guzzi after a long line of other bikes.

I am the owner of a black with red accent 2005 Nevada 750ie.

A bit of history on the bike: It was bought 9 years ago by a couple who purchased 2 bikes and 2 scooters. The scooters proved to be an irresistible draw, and as such, the bikes languished in a temperature and humidity controlled garage, and were taken out on occasion to cover roughly 30 miles per year. A few months ago, they brought them back to the dealer and invested several thousand dollars on the 600 mile services; new tires, battery, fuel lines, fluids, and anything else that was needed. A month after that they traded both bikes in on new scooters. So I have a 2005 MG Nevada with color matched factory luggage, pulsing front light, LED rear light upgrade, 600 mile service completed and new consumables...deale r serviced. I bought it at 326 miles a week ago...it has 860 miles now.

It is an awesome bike, really enjoying it.

I would like to change a few things:
1. Centerstand (anyone have one for sale or know of what fits this bike?)
2. Better seat. The seat is fine for comfort, but I find I want to sit 'back' more, which puts me on the hump part and is not comfortable over time. Thinking of having it reshaped, but wanted a seat to use while this seat is modified. Will other V750 seats fit (Breva, Jackal, Classic?). There is a Breva 750 seat on eBay.
3. (Down the road) ceramic coat the headers and put peashooters or aftermarket Italian exhaust on it, but want to see/hear options in person before I purchase. Hoping to run into an MG club around here, or other MG's at car shows and the like.

So, hello everyone and looking forward to exchanging ideas and how-to's with you for years to come.

Sounds like a great bike with a known history; I LOVE "OC" POs (obsessive-compulsive previous owners)!

If you plan on riding the bike a lot (and I hope you do), I would get a custom seat made for it shaped to YOU, not some universal mold.   Russell Day-Long is a good one, but there are others.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: iMark on January 23, 2014, 07:09:04 PM
Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location

Mark Lamprecht, 42, financial services, (metro-Atlanta) Marietta, GA.

I just inherited a 1990 California III.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blackrabbit on January 23, 2014, 09:32:17 PM
Larry (Larz)
age 68
Retired Aircraft mech.
Kauai HI
I love sailing, fishing, most outdoor activities, love music and books but most times I'm wrenching on something. Fisrt Guzzi... '97 Cali needs plenty wrenching.
97 Harley FatBoy in storage getting ready 4th trip Sturgis from Portland OR.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on January 24, 2014, 02:20:32 PM
Hello - JC

Old enough to know better & too old to care.

Retired military

Gaithersburg, MD

1990 Mille GT
1975 Norton Interstate
1946 Whizzer
2013 Harley Road Glide (my stationwagon)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on January 24, 2014, 02:36:03 PM
I lived in Bethesda for about 45 years, but moved to rural NC to get away from the city.  At least you're a little closer to nice riding country than Bethesda is.  Plus you have Growler's brew pub.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: doktorwlodek on January 26, 2014, 08:14:42 PM
Hallo from Warsaw, Poland (European Union) !
I'm 40 y.o. medical doctor. I ride motobike last 28 years. I'm one of founders and members of Moto Guzzi Club Poland. Todays I spend app. 10.000 km per year on bike. At the past it was more than 30.000 per year :)
 I use Moto Guzzi California last 4 years. My first was 95' 1100 Cali (injection). Half year ago I've bought new Vintage 90 Anniversary (brown-white limited) from MG dealer.
 I have two Suzuki: 94' Hayabusa and GS500e and 2 historic 2 stroke bikes (polish WFM 125 ccm and 250 ccm hungarian Pannonia, also. Sometimes I use my girlfriend's 50 ccm Zipp - chinese scooter :)
 At the past I used east german MZ, 88' Honda CBR 1000 F ("red soap-box" :) and Kawasaki ZX9R Ninja.

Sorry - my english is still "under construction". :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on January 27, 2014, 01:38:59 AM
Hallo from Warsaw, Poland (European Union) !
I'm 40 y.o. medical doctor. I ride motobike last 28 years. I'm one of founders and members of Moto Guzzi Club Poland. Todays I spend app. 10.000 km per year on bike. At the past it was more than 30.000 per year :)
 I use Moto Guzzi California last 4 years. My first was 95' 1100 Cali (injection). Half year ago I've bought new Vintage 90 Anniversary (brown-white limited) from MG dealer.
 I have two Suzuki: 94' Hayabusa and GS500e and 2 historic 2 stroke bikes (polish WFM 125 ccm and 250 ccm hungarian Pannonia, also. Sometimes I use my girlfriend's 50 ccm Zipp - chinese scooter :)
 At the past I used east german MZ, 88' Honda CBR 1000 F ("red soap-box" :) and Kawasaki ZX9R Ninja.

Sorry - my english is still "under construction". :)

Hi Doc,

Welcome to Wild Guzzi.
That certainly is an incredible collection of 2 wheelers.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 27, 2014, 08:31:37 AM
Hallo from Warsaw, Poland (European Union) !
I'm 40 y.o. medical doctor. I ride motobike last 28 years. I'm one of founders and members of Moto Guzzi Club Poland. Todays I spend app. 10.000 km per year on bike. At the past it was more than 30.000 per year :)
 I use Moto Guzzi California last 4 years. My first was 95' 1100 Cali (injection). Half year ago I've bought new Vintage 90 Anniversary (brown-white limited) from MG dealer.
 I have two Suzuki: 94' Hayabusa and GS500e and 2 historic 2 stroke bikes (polish WFM 125 ccm and 250 ccm hungarian Pannonia, also. Sometimes I use my girlfriend's 50 ccm Zipp - chinese scooter :)
 At the past I used east german MZ, 88' Honda CBR 1000 F ("red soap-box" :) and Kawasaki ZX9R Ninja.

Sorry - my english is still "under construction". :)

Maybe you can hook up with our own John Boettcher when he is on a trip to Poland to install industrial furnaces!   

My son and I rode a pair of old MZs on the Isle of Man a couple years ago.    Nice bikes.    Be careful on that Hayabusa and that ZX9R!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on January 27, 2014, 03:41:22 PM
I lived in Bethesda for about 45 years, but moved to rural NC to get away from the city.  At least you're a little closer to nice riding country than Bethesda is.  Plus you have Growler's brew pub.

Triple Jim - I've lived in Gaithersburg for 30+ years ( except for military "extended vacations" to various worldly garden spots) after growing up in Bethesda.  Moved out here when it was still rural on 3 sides.  Civilization has encroached on me, but I can still get out to some nice rural riding by going west or north.  I'm looking at central/western NC for retirement myself.  Gotta get away from "the California of the East" (i.e. Maryland).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on January 27, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
Welcome Doc! I'm sure I can speak for the rest of the people here and tell you we would enjoy seeing pictures of the places you ride. Don't be a stranger! John in Missouri
Hallo from Warsaw, Poland (European Union) !
I'm 40 y.o. medical doctor. I ride motobike last 28 years. I'm one of founders and members of Moto Guzzi Club Poland. Todays I spend app. 10.000 km per year on bike. At the past it was more than 30.000 per year :)
 I use Moto Guzzi California last 4 years. My first was 95' 1100 Cali (injection). Half year ago I've bought new Vintage 90 Anniversary (brown-white limited) from MG dealer.
 I have two Suzuki: 94' Hayabusa and GS500e and 2 historic 2 stroke bikes (polish WFM 125 ccm and 250 ccm hungarian Pannonia, also. Sometimes I use my girlfriend's 50 ccm Zipp - chinese scooter :)
 At the past I used east german MZ, 88' Honda CBR 1000 F ("red soap-box" :) and Kawasaki ZX9R Ninja.

Sorry - my english is still "under construction". :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: V7Sport73 on January 29, 2014, 02:48:26 PM
My name is Anthony Riselenger.  I live in El Paso Texas USA.  I've been a member on this forum since early 2009.  I've only posted about 5 times or so.  I didn't want to clutter up the board.  I've been riding Moto Guzzi's since 1988.  I currently own several Moto Guzzi's.  I've been working on these bikes as a hobby for about 20 years.  A few years ago I attended Guzzi rally's in different parts of the US.  I haven't been doing as much cross country riding these days as my job seems to be requiring more of my time.  I hope to be able to retire soon and get in more time in the saddle.  So in the mean time I'll try to hang out here more often.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 29, 2014, 02:57:26 PM
.... I didn't want to clutter up the board....  

As you may have noticed, the standard for 'cluttering up the board' 'round here is pretty high (or low).   Not only would 5 posts since 2009 not clutter it up, neither would 500 or 5000!!

Get retired and bring it on!   ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on January 29, 2014, 03:04:01 PM
I'm looking at central/western NC for retirement myself.  Gotta get away from "the California of the East" (i.e. Maryland).

I picked this area because of Kerr Reservoir.  I put a few photos in this recent thread:  http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=67284.0 (http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=67284.0)

Obviously the western part of the state is better if you like riding in the mountains more than playing in water.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on January 29, 2014, 06:02:51 PM
As you may have noticed, the standard for 'cluttering up the board' 'round here is pretty high (or low).   Not only would 5 posts since 2009 not clutter it up, neither would 500 or 5000!!

Get retired and bring it on!   ;-T


 ;-T don't think clutter is a problem!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on January 30, 2014, 10:20:45 PM
I picked this area because of Kerr Reservoir.  I put a few photos in this recent thread:  http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=67284.0 (http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=67284.0)

Obviously the western part of the state is better if you like riding in the mountains more than playing in water.

Nice pictures & looks like a nice area to live.  I was a "water baby" from junior high school days through college - lifeguarding helped pay for college & the beach was only 2.5-3 hrs away.  As traffic to the beach got worse & worse, I turned my focus more to the west & the mountains.  That's where I tend to do most of my riding anymore.  Deep Creek lake in western MD is the best of both worlds, with water & hilly riding to boot, and the 3 hr ride out there is as much fun as the destination itself!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DDCNY on February 01, 2014, 08:56:48 AM
Scipio Center,NY
retired hs science teacher
hobbies/activities--motorcycles, downhill skiing,golf,snowshoeing,kayaking,mowing my property(seemingly nonstop come spring/ summer)
self appointed film critic
current bikes--2008 HD Fat Bob,2001 Triumph Bonneville, KTM250, Moto Guzzi Griso(soon to pick up once the snow melts)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on February 02, 2014, 04:54:08 PM
Hi All - Kevin here

Going on 66 proud owner of a lovely 1997 Cali 110 I for 3 months now, have always dreamed of having a Guzzi since riding my bro Kiwi Roy's V11 up in Vancouver a year or so back. One son in L.A. with a new V7 Stone - just been up there & had a short spin on that - like my Cali better though, bit of a heavy old girl but once she starts rolling down the road - ahh Bliss  :)

Living in Auckland, New Zealand first bike was an NSU Supermax 250, then a Matchless 500cc  a Triton - wicked Norton / Triumph combo that I managed not to kill myself on luckily. Latterly a 650 Suzuki Savage for the past ten years or so- I have seen the light now, Roy did warn me not to test ride a Cali or I'd fall in love with her.




Hey Kev,
            When are you going to post a picture.
Have you done the Gentle Annie Yet?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Graham4031 on February 06, 2014, 11:23:34 AM
Hello all

My name is Graham currently I live between UK, Singapore, Sweden and Russia.

Age 49 (50 in Nov)

Now some sort of Management / Project Consultant for Finance things, basically what a Bean Counter ends up doing when thy are too old to dirt their hands with experience anymore ;)

Recently added a 1100 Sport Corsa Injection to the stable in UK.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on February 06, 2014, 04:14:10 PM
Scipio Center,NY
retired hs science teacher
hobbies/activities--motorcycles, downhill skiing,golf,snowshoeing,kayaking,mowing my property(seemingly nonstop come spring/ summer)
self appointed film critic
current bikes--2008 HD Fat Bob,2001 Triumph Bonneville, KTM250, Moto Guzzi Griso(soon to pick up once the snow melts)


You live in a nice part of the world for riding.  Especially on a Griso, as opposed to that lawn mower.   ;)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 06, 2014, 05:43:37 PM
Hello all

My name is Graham currently I live between UK, Singapore, Sweden and Russia.

Oh good, it's like one of those "Spot the Ball" puzzles.

Northern Afghanistan?   What do I win?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: throttle jockey on February 06, 2014, 07:01:04 PM
married 37 years. ride any motorcycle I can get a good deal on from 50cc vintage Hondas to Suzuki hayabusa's. have owned two sp1000's, two 850t's, one cx100, and an Eldorado.
what brings me here is a whim purchase of a 04 750 breva with 2000 miles on it in showroom condition.
hell, haven't even had a chance to ride it yet way too cold and six inches of snow on the ground. don't know what i'm gonna do with it yet. sold a couple of solid old airheads recently and have a hankerin' for some sp, v5, or automatic love. maybe I can trade someone here.
well finally got it home today:
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/billpack/750_zps747fd0b4.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/billpack/media/750_zps747fd0b4.jpg.html)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/billpack/breva_zpsb570cc8b.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/billpack/media/breva_zpsb570cc8b.jpg.html)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/billpack/odom_zpsf4cbe793.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/billpack/media/odom_zpsf4cbe793.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave1100 on February 11, 2014, 02:17:54 AM
Hi All
David hear from South Wales UK

Been Riding a long time , Now riding a Stelvio 2011 45,000 miles and a Norge 2007 with a few miles on it.

My wife and I love touring Europe from Italy to Norway and all bits in middle, This year Croatia and Sweden on the agenda. Event we have taken Part in Are the Elephant Treffen in Geramny, Dragon Rally North Wales, Guzzi Enduro North and south europe serch Guzzi Enduro Italy and Wales etc, and Guzzi Valais Switzerland grest guys, that a few events we attend regular.
Of course for european Stelvio riders Ridden the Stelvio Pass many times.

Ride Safe David
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 11, 2014, 07:51:20 AM
Hi All
David hear from South Wales UK

Been Riding a long time , Now riding a Stelvio 2011 45,000 miles and a Norge 2007 with a few miles on it.

My wife and I love touring Europe from Italy to Norway and all bits in middle, This year Croatia and Sweden on the agenda.

Dave - 20 years ago, I spent 7 months traveling in Bosnia and Croatia, & I constantly was wishing I had a motorcycle rather than a truck.  One question, though.  In those days, border crossings between Croatia, Bosnia & Hungary were somewhat of an ordeal due to regular monumental backups (several hours).  Since the political situation in Bosnia hasn't really changed a lot since those days, do you know if the border-crossing situation has improved much? 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: azguzzirep on February 11, 2014, 11:45:34 AM
Hi All
David hear from South Wales UK

Been Riding a long time , Now riding a Stelvio 2011 45,000 miles and a Norge 2007 with a few miles on it.

My wife and I love touring Europe from Italy to Norway and all bits in middle,

Ride Safe David


I'm in SW Germany, near Stuttgart. If you and your wife ever pass thru, hollar! We can ride the Swabian Alp. My wife Sue, is very familiar with the area.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on February 17, 2014, 03:42:43 PM
Hi folks!

Curt & Debbie 50 somethings
Vintage Japanese Biker Hoarders
LaGrange KY

Have a nice collection of Vintage Japanese bikes, Deb loves the old 1978 CX500's (guzzie wanna be's  ;D).

She has always wanted a Guzzi so we just purchased a 2014 Black and Orange V7 Special from Cleveland Moto, going to pick it up March 1st!!  

Can't wait to get educated via the forum, thanks to the administrators and all the knowledgeable ones!

Our current stable;
1968 Yamaha YAS1C Blue
1971 Honda CT90 Trail 90 Red
1972 Yamaha DS7 Gold and Black
1977 Honda XL100 Red
1977 Honda CB750K SOHC Excel Black
1978 Honda CX500 Black
1978 Honda CX500 Candy Presto Red
1981 Honda CB750K DOHC Candy Muse Red
1981 Honda C70 Cub Red
1982 Honda CB750K DOHC Candy Imperial Blue
1995 Yamaha XV1100 Virago Teel/White
2013 Honda Cb1100 Candy Red
2014 Yamaha Bolt R-Spec Green
2014 Moto Guzzi V7 Special Black and Orange

(http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp219/Mstarvideo/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/cx500trio_zps8fe321b7.jpg) (http://s413.photobucket.com/user/Mstarvideo/media/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/cx500trio_zps8fe321b7.jpg.html)

(http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp219/Mstarvideo/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/VHHGarage_zpsd4cbe99b.jpg) (http://s413.photobucket.com/user/Mstarvideo/media/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/VHHGarage_zpsd4cbe99b.jpg.html)

Thanks for having us !
(http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp219/Mstarvideo/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/VintageHondaHoarders_zps23ee9b40.jpg) (http://s413.photobucket.com/user/Mstarvideo/media/Our%20Vintage%20Bike%20Collection/VintageHondaHoarders_zps23ee9b40.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MikeW on February 17, 2014, 08:12:19 PM
Hi Guys and Girls!

It's been around 5 years since my last Guzzi but I'm enjoying being back. I've owned a bunch of different models since the seventies including:
-750 S3
-Le Mans 2

My new Guzzi is a 1990 Le Mans 1000 (mark 5) which is in good used nick for its age. The only mods appear to be a braced swing arm and a heavy duty battery plate. I've had to replace wheel bearings, swing arm bearings,  steering head bearings, fork seals and the rear bevel seal so far. It's had a few things re painted and repaired but the frame appears straight and true. The only things left on my to do list is getting the right front disc ground and replacing the bevel cover gaskets to stop a minor oil leak.

The engine is strong and the bike runs and idles very nicely. So far it's been a blast reliving that old school handling. My other bike is an 2006 Benelli TnT so it's quite a change jumping off one onto the other  :o

Melbourne Australia.




My Benelli TnT

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ralffour on February 18, 2014, 02:53:22 PM
Hi All

Ralf her from the Middle of Germany.

I´m 53 years old and buy my first Guzzi in 1980. It was a LeMans 3. Now and many Guzzi later I drive a T3. At the moment I'm trying to restore a 750 S.

I have a couple of questions, because the S is quite a wreck.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 18, 2014, 05:50:30 PM
I'm not usually much of a café racer fan, but I have to admit that a member of the Nations Capital Norton Owners group (MD, DC, northern VA members primarily) has a CX500 that he's done a BEAUTIFUL job of turning into a café racer.  It actually fits right in visually with the Nortons, BMW airheads, Guzzis (a couple) & other assorted 60s & 70s bikes that show up for our regular meetings.  Too bad I don't have a picture or 2 for you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on February 19, 2014, 12:24:49 AM
Hi All

Ralf her from the Middle of Germany.

I´m 53 years old and buy my first Guzzi in 1980. It was a LeMans 3. Now and many Guzzi later I drive a T3. At the moment I'm trying to restore a 750 S.

I have a couple of questions, because the S is quite a wreck.


Hi Ralf, welcome to Wild Guzzi.
Also own a 750S. There is a great thread concerning rebuilding one here.


Or is there a specific question someone here might be able to help with?



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: revrandy on February 20, 2014, 07:36:08 AM
Greetings All,

I have been riding for a number of years and after drooling over the Norge for the past few, I have decided to explore making one my own.

Currently ride a Kawasaki Versys, have previously owned a Tiger 955i, V-Strom, R6 and GS500.  As my riding tends to be about 80% touring now, thought it was the time to get a bike to reflect that.

At present I live in Southwestern Ontario, but am in the process of moving to the U.S. once my Spousal Green Card is approved (married a yank in December).

Oh yeah, I am also an ordained minister - know of any churches in the warm states that need a progressive, open-minded, slightly irreverent, beer drinking minister?   :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 20, 2014, 08:59:31 AM
Greetings All,

I have been riding for a number of years and after drooling over the Norge for the past few, I have decided to explore making one my own.

Currently ride a Kawasaki Versys, have previously owned a Tiger 955i, V-Strom, R6 and GS500.  As my riding tends to be about 80% touring now, thought it was the time to get a bike to reflect that.

At present I live in Southwestern Ontario, but am in the process of moving to the U.S. once my Spousal Green Card is approved (married a yank in December).

Oh yeah, I am also an ordained minister - know of any churches in the warm states that need a progressive, open-minded, slightly irreverent, beer drinking minister?   :D

"Minister" .... "you keep using that word.   I do not think it means what you think it means!"    ;)

Those sound like bikes I'd like.   Light, good riding positions ... My son has a Versys and it's a great bike, sort of like an easier-to-muscle-around Stelvio.   

The US is pretty big ... where are you moving to?    Over the years, we've established that there are good roads WHEREVER you go, including the sand hills of Florida, the swamps of Louisiana, and the plains of Kansas ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stetomp75 on February 21, 2014, 11:48:09 AM
Hi All,

I am Stephen!



Medical research

Current bikes:

Suzuki Bandit 400 (daily)
Guzzi Le Mans
Yamaha TY
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fjj on February 21, 2014, 02:12:41 PM
Franc, 46 year, marine engineer, chateauneuf de Grasse, France
Currently driving a victory hammer, Kawasaki kz750 (1981) cafe racer and the reason for joining is that I recently acquired a Guzzi NTX 650 clicker which needs a lot of love and attention.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on February 22, 2014, 07:35:08 AM
Franc, 46 year, marine engineer, chateauneuf de Grasse, France
Currently driving a victory hammer, Kawasaki kz750 (1981) cafe racer and the reason for joining is that I recently acquired a Guzzi NTX 650 clicker which needs a lot of love and attention.

Welcome, Franc.

As you already well know, you live in an incredibly beautiful part of the planet.  Too bad there are no good motorcycle roads near you.  ;)

Good luck getting that NTX into concours condition.  Maybe a marine engineer can take it along on sea voyages and work on it when off duty?  ;D


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mpwvp on February 23, 2014, 02:44:38 PM
I'm sorry I should have posted this here on this thread.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dink55 on February 25, 2014, 03:56:37 PM
Mark Langworthy

Age 59

Medina, OH

Inherited a 98 California EV11 from my brother. Haven't been on a bike in 30 years. Plan on having a blast!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scott84 on February 25, 2014, 11:38:58 PM
Hi all
Scott Ratliff 20 years old
College student (mechanical engineering)
University of Wyoming in Laramie Wyoming
List of bikes:
1980 cb650 (budget bike)
1993 gas gas 250 trials bike
2002 Suzuki sv650 (getting sold to fund the next two this spring)
1964 Norton n15 ( yes it came in 3 different boxes no I'll probably never finish it but I still own a vintage Norton  ;D )
1975 Moto Guzzi 850T bored out to 1000 cc's

When I'm not in the library you can usually find me in the garage or on one of bikes.  :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on February 26, 2014, 01:33:25 AM
Hi Scott,

Classic bikes at 20.  :bow

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: armourben on February 26, 2014, 08:50:35 PM
Hi All!

I've just joined the club and bought myself a 2009 V7 classic with about 20,000 miles. I got it for a song from a guy that had to move abroad suddenly. The bike itself is in outstanding condition, it just has a few things I want to clean up to make it mine. I've spent several months looking through the forums and it looks like I couldn't be in better company. I'm a medical student and though I don't have a lot of time to work on my bike, every moment I get I'm out there riding it around and tweaking things.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FL_Breva750 on February 26, 2014, 09:32:49 PM
Hello folks,

Just this past Friday I bought a 2004 Breva 750 that I had my eye on for all of about 2 weeks lol! I'm a cruiser guy. Have been for a long time. Still have my 2000 Road Star 1600 and plan on riding that plenty, but I wanted something a bit different and boy did I find it in this bike! This is a whole new world for me. I bought my first street bike in 1987 and have been riding ever since, but never anything like this. I'm really enjoying it but still feel like I have a lot to learn about this type of riding. Anyway, for a bike with 32k miles and not a ton of horsepower she sure does have some quicks!

(http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l50/ropewalk_2006/breva_zpsa4481e15.jpg) (http://s93.photobucket.com/user/ropewalk_2006/media/breva_zpsa4481e15.jpg.html)

Oh, anyone know of a reasonably priced aftermarket windshield that will fit the 750? I'm spoiled that way and I hate not having one. Thanks!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scott84 on February 27, 2014, 12:40:13 AM
Hi Scott,

Classic bikes at 20.  :bow


 I also have a line on a 60s or 70s 650 BSA that I will own someday.... Its owned buy a guy that lives down the street that hoards motorcycles. I'm thinking about talking him into trade some work  for it. He got 5-6 bikes that's need work.... If only.  :P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on February 27, 2014, 12:51:45 AM
I also have a line on a 60s or 70s 650 BSA that I will own someday.... Its owned buy a guy that lives down the street that hoards motorcycles. I'm thinking about talking him into trade some work  for it. He got 5-6 bikes that's need work.... If only.  :P

I got mine from a man who hoarded Italian bikes but he let one slip.
He'd ride a British bike to Italy and then swop it for an Italian one and ride it back.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bob07 on February 27, 2014, 03:32:17 AM
Hello all
Bob 43 from Newcastle Australia. First moto guzzi I have had.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bigsunburst on February 27, 2014, 10:59:52 AM
Hello Everybody
I'm Mark from Yorkshire, England.
58, retired automotive market intelligence specialist. Did a lot of work for Ford Motor Company, Jaguars, Mazda etc.
Hobbies: classic motor-cycles, classic cars (Jaguars), fine wine, carp and pike fishing, trekking (Himalayas), jazz guitar (Gibson 335s), investing, military history, exploring the world, lumber-jacking, doing up old houses....
Born again nervous biker having a late mid-life crisis. At least/last its happened. In my youth had various Hondas, Kawasakis, Suzuki, Laverdas, Ducatis but the most fun I had on any bike was a Bultaco Frontera which I used to "race" in enduros. Found a sharp T3 which looks after me very nicely:

(http://i1038.photobucket.com/albums/a468/bigsunburstgibson/DSC_0673_zpsfb329753.jpg) (http://s1038.photobucket.com/user/bigsunburstgibson/media/DSC_0673_zpsfb329753.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kai on March 02, 2014, 05:56:01 AM

I'm Kai from Detmold, Germany, 52 years old.  Coming from 2- stroke Suzukis in the 80's, a XS 650 in the 90's, finally lost my hart 14 years ago to a 1000 S . It has meanwhile 130.000 km on the clock. This winter engine, gear box and rear drive got an overhaul. The second Guzzi in the garage is a 87' Le Mans 1000 which serves as track bike – and keeps me busy since 3 years :-)

The 1000 S:
http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2014/03/02/0/image-214703-8eced036.jpg (http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2014/03/02/0/image-214703-8eced036.jpg)

The LM 1000:
http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2013/05/21/0/image-157366-f9bd9ebc.jpg (http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2013/05/21/0/image-157366-f9bd9ebc.jpg)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on March 02, 2014, 10:36:13 AM

I'm Kai from Detmold, Germany, 52 years old.  Coming from 2- stroke Suzukis in the 80's, a XS 650 in the 90's, finally lost my hart 14 years ago to a 1000 S . It has meanwhile 130.000 km on the clock. This winter engine, gear box and rear drive got an overhaul. The second Guzzi in the garage is a 87' Le Mans 1000 which serves as track bike – and keeps me busy since 3 years :-)

The 1000 S:
http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2014/03/02/0/image-214703-8eced036.jpg (http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2014/03/02/0/image-214703-8eced036.jpg)

The LM 1000:
http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2013/05/21/0/image-157366-f9bd9ebc.jpg (http://www.shapeloft.com/imageupload/2013/05/21/0/image-157366-f9bd9ebc.jpg)


Welcome!!  Great photos of your bikes.  I really love the track one, great looking bike, congratulations on it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: joecbr on March 03, 2014, 02:52:45 PM
Hi All.  My name is Joe and I'm located in Northern VA.  I'm 67 and still working full time as an engineer in the environmental field. I generally commute to work in DC on a motorcycle 9 months a year.  Sold 3 bikes over the last 18 months - Hayabusa, M109R2, DR650SE.  Currently riding a 2011 GSX1250FA and  2014 Thruxton.  Plan to buy a 2013 or 2014 Griso this weekend.   After this purchase I will not buy any bikes until I retire in a few years - at least that's what I told my wonderful wife. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gjc325 on March 03, 2014, 03:45:41 PM
Hi , Gord from Toronto , Canada .
I'm 51 , a firefighter and my bike is an '08 , 1200 sport . I traded my GS 650 Beemer for this one just before the winter and haven't really ridden it yet . Wanted a Guzzi since the late 70's when I lived in the UK and my sister's friend was on a Le Mans . I had a clapped out RD Yamaha back then .

My new bike has the Lafranconi Step 1 racing kit and I was wondering if anyone else has found any pannier mounts that will fit with this ? Apparently the stock one can't . The high pipes use one of the bracket mounts I believe .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on March 03, 2014, 04:23:11 PM
  Plan to buy a 2013 or 2014 Griso this weekend.   After this purchase I will not buy any bikes until I retire in a few years - at least that's what I told my wonderful wife. 

Hi Joe - I'm just recently retired from a job in Bailey's Crossroads & live in Gaithersburg.  I'm curious about where you're going to buy the new Griso?  Maybe you know of a local MG dealer that I'm not familiar with...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 04, 2014, 07:42:10 AM

Hi All.  My name is Joe and I'm located in Northern VA.  I'm 67 and still working full time as an engineer in the environmental field. I generally commute to work in DC on a motorcycle 9 months a year.  Sold 3 bikes over the last 18 months - Hayabusa, M109R2, DR650SE.  Currently riding a 2011 GSX1250FA and  2014 Thruxton.  Plan to buy a 2013 or 2014 Griso this weekend.   After this purchase I will not buy any bikes until I retire in a few years - at least that's what I told my wonderful wife. 

It's not really a lie ... as I keep telling lying to myself.    ;D

Oh, and welcome, Joe.  Not sure where you are in NOVA (and, as you well know, traffic can make a few miles seem a million), but, if you do not already know about it, here's the announcement from the MGNOC newsletter about the local Guzzi gathering every month:

"VIRGINIA (NORTHERN AREA) DINNER. 2nd Thursday   of each month, 7:30 P .M., at    Tony’s New York   Pizza, 9108 Mathis Avenue, Manassas. 703-330-8109. Tony’s is located in strip mall directly across from the Honda shop in Manassas. Contact: Andrew Culpepper, 540-809-7557. Email: biga@crosslink.net."

A bit out of my range, but might work for you.  And, heck, they may have a support group for wives.  ;D

Best from "the real northern Virginia,"


Hi Joe - I'm just recently retired from a job in Bailey's Crossroads & live in Gaithersburg.  I'm curious about where you're going to buy the new Griso?  Maybe you know of a local MG dealer that I'm not familiar with...

Winchester Motosports? 

http://www.winchestermotosports.com/ (http://www.winchestermotosports.com/)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kckershovel on March 04, 2014, 12:48:22 PM


Wabash IN 46992

I like bikes
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Late to the party on March 04, 2014, 04:56:38 PM

1987 1000 SP2. Yeah, that's not the stock fairing... but I like it.

New to Guzzis. Enduring the learning curve. In love with my new/old Italian girlfriend.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGuzMike on March 04, 2014, 06:09:48 PM
Hi from Sunny but cold Maine.
I am currently a Piaggio BV 250 rider.  It's a great machine but when me and my wife and gear for a weekend camping or outing trip takes place, the BV is really earning it's keep.
I ride all year -even though in Maine, so the BV is what you'd call my Daily Rider.

We both think it's time to go up one, and frankly I'm quite taken with the new V7 Stone - which we are going to look at in the next two weeks.

However, many of my friends and acquaintances are warning me off the Guzzis because of breakdown on the road and no parts for a month fear, as well as lack of service-proficient-people out there.

I'm old enough to have come from the hot rod era and have rebuilt and adjusted and changed enough parts and engines to feel confident in maintaining a machine, but I do want to learn about and hear people-who-are-there's opinion.

I'd also like to get a feel for what to learn quickly, learn about and what to add-to-now items you'd recommend.

Let's call me a blank slate.
Hope this helps you and helps me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zedXmick on March 05, 2014, 05:04:15 PM
Michael from Wisconsin says hello. 51 years old and retired January 3rd 2014. I've had a soft spot for Moto Guzzi's for many years,just never pulled the trigger on one. Been riding motorcycles since I was ten years old....once hooked always hooked. 8)  My current ride is a 2010 Honda VFR 1200F DCT. I am looking at and researching Moto Guzzi's as my next ride or adding one to make a stable of two bikes.  ;D  Looking at the V11's, sport, Le Mans, and even the GT's. This site looks like a great place to gather information. Hope to have a Guzzi in my future. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 05, 2014, 07:28:50 PM
Hi from Sunny but cold Maine.


I ride all year -even though in Maine, so the BV is what you'd call my Daily Rider.



Welcome ... and  :bow


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on March 06, 2014, 12:42:24 AM
Hi from Sunny but cold Maine.
I am currently a Piaggio BV 250 rider.  It's a great machine but when me and my wife and gear for a weekend camping or outing trip takes place, the BV is really earning it's keep.
I ride all year -even though in Maine, so the BV is what you'd call my Daily Rider.

We both think it's time to go up one, and frankly I'm quite taken with the new V7 Stone - which we are going to look at in the next two weeks.

However, many of my friends and acquaintances are warning me off the Guzzis because of breakdown on the road and no parts for a month fear, as well as lack of service-proficient-people out there.

I'm old enough to have come from the hot rod era and have rebuilt and adjusted and changed enough parts and engines to feel confident in maintaining a machine, but I do want to learn about and hear people-who-are-there's opinion.

I'd also like to get a feel for what to learn quickly, learn about and what to add-to-now items you'd recommend.

Let's call me a blank slate.
Hope this helps you and helps me.

Welcome Mike, there are also one or two others who ride all the year round but power to you for Maine I understand can get severely cold in the winter months.  :bow
There are many experts here who can help you quickly learn and as you appear to have a hands on approach this will surely help.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tonUPRacer on March 06, 2014, 02:55:07 PM
Michael from Wisconsin says hello. 51 years old and retired January 3rd 2014. I've had a soft spot for Moto Guzzi's for many years,just never pulled the trigger on one. Been riding motorcycles since I was ten years old....once hooked always hooked. 8)  My current ride is a 2010 Honda VFR 1200F DCT. I am looking at and researching Moto Guzzi's as my next ride or adding one to make a stable of two bikes.  ;D  Looking at the V11's, sport, Le Mans, and even the GT's. This site looks like a great place to gather information. Hope to have a Guzzi in my future. ;-T

Welcome Michael, there are a few of us Wisconsinites on this forum. Like you I had a soft spot for Guzzi's for years and the Racer finally made me pull the trigger. Lot's of knowledge in the forum, you're in the right place!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brotherau on March 06, 2014, 04:09:30 PM
New Guzzi owner in Nashville, TN.  Ben; 38; Landscape Architect. I purchased a 2013 Griso last week and am quickly familiarizing myself with it it's quirks/charms.  Unfortunately, I'm a one bike house so I traded in my 2011 Triumph Street Triple.  Before that I had a Honda 599 for several years.  Looking forward to learning the insights and more (or less) of the board.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lucian on March 07, 2014, 05:08:25 PM
this is a test post
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 09, 2014, 04:08:11 PM
this is a test post

this is a test reply
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: broondan on March 09, 2014, 07:44:15 PM
Greetings; my name is Brendan. I'm 30. I brew beer and tend bar for a living here in San Francisco. I'm new to riding, and a few months ago I bought my first bike, a 1981 Monza.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mkent on March 09, 2014, 09:47:37 PM
63 yr old retired school administrator.  Proud owner of 07 breva 1100 and triumph sprint 1050.  My wife is a very competent ridert of an 09 Bonneville.  We do about 5k per year primarily in Arkansas, smoky mnts-blue ridge, or Tx hill country.  Every 3 yrs or so we do a trip out west.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ForFun on March 10, 2014, 08:26:19 AM
Hello, Fernando from Spain. Currently owning a BMW F650.
Looking for a loopframe to do light touring and an occasional trip.
I have been visitng the forum for some months and finnally decided to join.
I am also interested in steel racing bicycles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on March 11, 2014, 02:22:40 AM
Buenos dia Fernando.
Bienvenido a Wildgoose.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sturgeon on March 11, 2014, 03:57:45 PM
Been lurking here for a few months, sucking up info, and I just put a deposit on a 2014 V7 Special. The bad news is I'm in Canada and the snowbanks in my driveway are higher than my head with another 15-20 cm forecast for tonight and tomorrow. So it'll be a few weeks before I actually take possession. Now to decide which of the other members of the herd to thin out to make room for this new one. The garage is overflowing. I know, first-world problem.  ::)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrBluster on March 11, 2014, 04:33:38 PM
Hope to buy a post-2008 Griso, preferably Tenni green or white. Live in Madison, Wisconsin USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 11, 2014, 07:11:11 PM
Hope to buy a post-2008 Griso, preferably Tenni green or white. Live in Madison, Wisconsin USA


Hope you find your Griso.

Gotta say, tho, that a red one looks quite fine on Wisconsin roads up your way ...  :D




Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Steveski on March 12, 2014, 05:13:42 AM
Hello to All the Guzzi Brethren! My name is Steve... 57 year old motorcyclist living in Palmyra, NJ (right across the Delaware River from Philly). I'm one of those guys who has always wanted to ride motorcycles.... I never really took to sports....baseball. etc... but bikes, oh yeah.... I've had a bunch too.... started with a 1974 250 Kawasaki Enduro (street/dirt). Installed a Hooker expansion chamber...sounded like a full-blown motocross bike! Took a bike hiatus after the 250 until Triumph came back in mid-s... I bought the Thunderbird model & since then, have been thru about 13 more bikes from BMW RT1150's to a Honda CBR600, to a 2000 Indian Chief, to my last bike, a Harley Street Glide. I sold the Street Glide in January of 2013 so I've been without a bike for over 1 year. I am seriously looking at the Moto Guzzi V7.... it is really a nice looking bike. I've read all the reviews & went to see the bike at Fast by Ferracci last weekend....

So.... I am going to post a new thread inquiring as to the plus's, minus's, & general performance of the bike!

Glad to be here & nice to meet everyone!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: groundhog on March 16, 2014, 04:23:31 PM
Hello All
      Bob Johnson here.  I have just purchased a Lemans 5 and should get delivery in the next week. I am in Winchester, Ca and the bike is coming from Iowa. I am new to Guzzi ownership but have been looking for some time. Looking forward to learning more about these great bikes.  I have ridden a Lemans 4 and ridden with the friend that owned it and was always impressed how well these bikes handled and cornered and accelerated for a relatively lower powered bike. I have been riding for 45 years on several makes HD, BMW, Aprilia, Yamaha plus a bunch of dirt bikes.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on March 16, 2014, 04:56:01 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on March 16, 2014, 05:53:13 PM
Hello All
      Bob Johnson here.  I have just purchased a Lemans 5 and should get delivery in the next week. I am in Winchester, Ca and the bike is coming from Iowa. I am new to Guzzi ownership but have been looking for some time. Looking forward to learning more about these great bikes.  I have ridden a Lemans 4 and ridden with the friend that owned it and was always impressed how well these bikes handled and cornered and accelerated for a relatively lower powered bike. I have been riding for 45 years on several makes HD, BMW, Aprilia, Yamaha plus a bunch of dirt bikes.   

You buy the Marlboro Lemans from Maquokata Iowa?? You beat me out by mere minutes on the baby!! :D  Congratulations!! Enjoy her!!  Hope to see her and you at the Naional this July in Elkader Iowa.  First Scotch and Cigar is on me!! :BEER: :bike ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: derylt on March 17, 2014, 05:40:00 PM
Hi!  Just joined and also pretty new to Moto Guzzi.  I am 64, and I've been a licensed riding instructor for 35 years.  My 2008 1200 Sport (aka "Bello") is my first Guzzi in a long list of bikes, beginning with a Lambretta 175. In the 9-5 world, I'm a financial advisor.  Home is Edmonton, Alberta where we are very, very eagerly awaiting the arrival of bare pavement.
Hobbies -- serious winemaker, and just beginning to learn to fly gliders (sailplanes).  Want excitement, challenge and a lot to learn?  Take up soaring!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Randown on March 17, 2014, 07:47:10 PM
Hello All
      Bob Johnson here.  I have just purchased a Lemans 5 and should get delivery in the next week. I am in Winchester, Ca and the bike is coming from Iowa. I am new to Guzzi ownership but have been looking for some time. Looking forward to learning more about these great bikes.  I have ridden a Lemans 4 and ridden with the friend that owned it and was always impressed how well these bikes handled and cornered and accelerated for a relatively lower powered bike. I have been riding for 45 years on several makes HD, BMW, Aprilia, Yamaha plus a bunch of dirt bikes.   

Hey Bob you just missed a group ride Sunday that practically went past your house! Maybe next time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EvanM on March 17, 2014, 11:20:31 PM
Hi!  Just joined and also pretty new to Moto Guzzi.  I am 64, and I've been a licensed riding instructor for 35 years.  My 2008 1200 Sport (aka "Bello") is my first Guzzi in a long list of bikes, beginning with a Lambretta 175. In the 9-5 world, I'm a financial advisor.  Home is Edmonton, Alberta where we are very, very eagerly awaiting the arrival of bare pavement.
Hobbies -- serious winemaker, and just beginning to learn to fly gliders (sailplanes).  Want excitement, challenge and a lot to learn?  Take up soaring!

Deryl, glad to see you decided to register here! Welcome!
I'll second the eagerness for the bare pavement as well.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hughtwg on March 18, 2014, 03:53:44 PM
Hi, I'm Hugh, I'm 48 years old (for another day) and live in Norther Virginia. Been riding for almost 30 years and currently own 3 bikes in the states (Yamaha WR250X, Victory Vegas, Kawsaki Versys) and a 03 Breva 750 in Ireland which I haven't ridden yet. I plan on using the Guzzi for a 2 month 10k mile ride around Northern Europe. I'll be lurking and occasionally posting in the next few months as I get ready for my trip.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shunpiker on March 18, 2014, 08:09:12 PM
Dan, 50 yrs, construction, Wendell,NC. Just bought a 1998 1100EV.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on March 19, 2014, 02:03:54 AM
"Hi, I'm Hugh, I'm 48 years old (for another day) and live in Norther Virginia."

Welcome to Wildguzzi, so does that make it happy birthday today Hugh?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 19, 2014, 09:46:30 AM
Dan, 50 yrs, construction, Wendell,NC. Just bought a 1998 1100EV.

Welcome ... and great choice.

Is yours a hotdog & mustard one or one of the slower versions?   ;D

Seriously, all the EV livery choices were attractive.  Mine is just short of 100K miles.  Love it.  Could never sell it.



Edited a few days later to add that I looked up that "shunpiker" handle.  New to me.  Interesting.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunpiking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunpiking)

Thanks for education.

I am certainly a shunslabber, whether toll or free.   :D


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rick T. on March 19, 2014, 02:35:49 PM

Hello...  My name is Rick.  I'm from California - between Sacramento and San Francisco.  I'm and avid cyclist and motorcyclist and have been riding now for over 30 years.  I'm retired Air Force and still serve in my capacity as a DoD civilian.  I curently work in healthcare marketing for a military hospital. I'm a long time Ducati and Aprilia guy, but have always admired Moto Guzzi and am pleased to say I recently aquired a '13 V7 Stone.  I LOVE this bike!  It's simple, fun, and capable.  It draws admiring nods and stares everywhere I go.  It's simply a joy to ride.  With that said, the first of a series of functional upgrades are coming.  If there were one thing to nitpick about this bike, it's the suspension.  Great for A to B, but when the pace starts to pick up - as I like to ride spiritedly on any machine I'm on - it's shortcomings become quite apparent.  With Marzocchi forks going away with the '13-up bikes, I'm left with a new kit from Mupo Italy which is a drop-in, no fuss, no ghetto fitting option for the Kaipa (gasp) forks.  Then the rear shocks to follow either in custom Ikons or Wilbers.  Many more fun miles and years to come.  ;-T

I look forward to learning as much as I can from the community and being a positive contributor.  Thanks all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hughtwg on March 19, 2014, 02:47:18 PM

Welcome to Wildguzzi, so does that make it happy birthday today Hugh?



Yes it does and only 107 days till I get to test ride my Guzzi!  :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssscruz on March 19, 2014, 09:35:06 PM
About to acquire an '86 650 Lario as a project bike.  It has been garaged for 12 years (owned by a friend) and has some electrical issues and ran a bit rough the last time it ran.  I am an experienced bicycle mechanic, and have some experience working on my BMW R1100 GS.  Hoping to dig in and have some fun while appreciating the mechanical beauty...

Am I making a mistake? I see some posts about working on these that seem similar to many other type projects, and no complaints about extreme issues working on them, or getting parts...

Looking forward to talking with you all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssscruz on March 19, 2014, 11:51:34 PM
By the way, my name is Scott, I live in Santa Cruz, CA.  Love road trips on two wheels, both human and petroleum powered. 

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bluecab on March 20, 2014, 10:17:32 AM
Hi, David here.
Have had my Eldo since '89 and Daytona since '97
Former MGNOC member
On the Massachusetts/Rhode island border.
Both bikes have been semi dormant for a year or two
Trying to revive the Eldo first as it is my favorite, It's a former side hack rig with a 16" rear wheel and a 1000cc kit...
Glad to find the forum!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on March 20, 2014, 10:22:15 AM
Hi Scott,

Classic bikes at 20.  :bow


I had a classic bike when I was 20 too.  It just took me until I was about 50 for it to become a classic.  Luckily I never sold that H2.

Greeting Scott, from another ME.  Good luck with your studies.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jason416 on March 20, 2014, 08:30:18 PM
Hey all,

I'm Jason and I'm from Toronto up in Canada.  I got into bikes after learning how to ride my grandfather's moped and a cousin's scooter in Italy during a summer family trip to visit relatives in the mid 90s.  The moped was a 1980s Peugeot peddle start and the Vespa was a huge (from what I remember) late 70s/ early 80s kick start manual transmission in white.  I didn't discover Moto Guzzi until about 2004 when they came back to Canada.  My desktop picture on my work computer was a Breva 1100 for a while.

I'll be heading into my third season of riding with a 2013 V7 Stone that I'll be picking up in a week or two.  I think I'm really going to miss my first "learner" bike and the adventures but I honestly can't wait to get on the V7.

I just turned 35 and work in the hospitality industry so travelling is in the blood.  Add a motorcycle to some amazing roads in Ontario down to upstate NY and PA and to me, it's the stuff great summers are made of.  

It's been really fun and helpful reading all the posts from experienced owners and riders in the US and worldwide.  Looking forward to being a part of it.

Other adventure stuff that I'm enjoying:  skiing, kite surfing (trying), cars and just plain old road trips and travel.

Pics of my first and only Moto Guzzi item so far and my first bike, a 2011 Ninja 400r, just sold.  Looking forward to sharing a pic of the V7.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: groundhog105 on March 20, 2014, 10:16:17 PM
You buy the Marlboro Lemans from Maquokata Iowa?? You beat me out by mere minutes on the baby!! :D  Congratulations!! Enjoy her!!  Hope to see her and you at the Naional this July in Elkader Iowa.  First Scotch and Cigar is on me!! :BEER: :bike ;-T

HI Storm
     Yea,  I know that it could have been sold a dozen times over and felt lucky to get it.  I live in southern Ca so I probably won't make it to that national but who knows. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: groundhog105 on March 20, 2014, 10:19:20 PM

Hey Bob you just missed a group ride Sunday that practically went past your house! Maybe next time.

I would like to have ridden with you guys but was on my way back from Florida.  Rode out to attend bike week at Daytona and the AMA races.  Have always wanted to go there but would not do it again.  what a grind coming back.  I will watch out for the next ride.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: slowpoke69 on March 23, 2014, 10:08:16 AM
Hey y'all, thought I'd finally introduce myself, being that I bought my 06 Breva 1100 on Valentines day.
My wife must at the very least like me, as we spent the looong day driving from S. Jersey to Weirton,  W.V. to pick her up. MISERABLE day too, w/the obvious exception.
Left at 4:30 am, home for dinner by 6:30, just another day at the office.
I say that because I'm a truck driver, actually I drive for US Foods, anyone in the industry knows food service delivery is a ballbuster!
 Anywho, I'm 47, don't usually own up to THAT, have 3 grown (somewhat) kids, 2 dogs, and a wife.
 So far I'm LOVIN' this bike, a bit odd at 1st, the whole rocking to the side when you hit the gas, VERY COOL though!
 It's such a blast to ride, I still have trouble keeping the front end down leaving from a rolling stop, so much torque right from the start.
 I'll post pix once my kids can help me figure out how, she's black on black,  side cases,  Givi screen,  just for a mental pic.
Title: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MjrWraith on March 23, 2014, 04:42:14 PM
Hey all not exactly new here but my previously busy schedule kept me away for awhile. So I figured I'd reintroduce myself:

Name: Seth

Age: 31

Location: Amarillo, Tx

Occupation: Water Treatment Plant Operator for City of Amarillo, and motorcycle mechanic

Bikes: '75 Moto Guzzi 850 T-3, '99 BMW R1100RT, and an '84 Harley FLT

Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe G on March 24, 2014, 02:26:26 AM
Hello. Joe, Quilcene WA, retired.

Nice simple forum.

Purchased a 2013 V7 Stone recently. 127 trouble free miles, so far.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: trumps on March 24, 2014, 09:09:28 AM
G'day all,
 Thanks for accepting me onto the forum, looks like a great bunch of people, and a wealth of knowledge!
I Finally got my first Guzzi, been wanting one for a long time now but life and other projects got in the way. I don't how the cafe'ing scene rubs with most of you guys, some don't like people messing with what the factory created, but i have always loved cafe racers, and last year rebuilt my old H1 Kwaka
(http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h442/trumps1973/Kermit/1398678_575507615838484_743340653_o_zps660d8480.jpg) (http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/trumps1973/media/Kermit/1398678_575507615838484_743340653_o_zps660d8480.jpg.html)

After a fair bit of searching i have bought an 84 1000SP, she runs and rides beautifully, but is very ratty, the plan is to strip her down and give her the full teatment, After putting a couple of hundred km's on her i am wrapped with the Characteristics of the bike and its long legged gait, it will be the perfect counterpart to the Kwaka, and far more suited to the longer runs.
 The first requirements will include one of those sexy long Imola style tanks, and sorting out what will be needed to convert her to spoked wheels, once i have these sorted the job will be on ;) Looking forward to getting underway!
(http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h442/trumps1973/10006449_10202340642529726_1097286078_n_zps8092ab96.jpg) (http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/trumps1973/media/10006449_10202340642529726_1097286078_n_zps8092ab96.jpg.html)

Title: Re:
Post by: VSK on March 24, 2014, 10:42:54 AM
New member here.....first post.....

Vishal in New York, NY
age: 34, can try and make my profession sound glamorous but am really just a simple accountant.

Accidentally stumbled across the Norge a few months ago and it was love at first sight. My multistrada and I were not getting along (was me not her) and found a good deal with a dealer up in CT who offered a reasonable trade in. Just picked her up a month ago and waiting for the weather to break to start piling on the miles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziJim6 on March 26, 2014, 11:54:43 AM
This is Jim May. I am 64 years young, and am a retired police sergeant with 30 years service. I live in North Carolina near Charlotte. I have owned and ridden Guzzi's since 1975. I have owned a 850T, SP1000, LeMans 111, California EV, Breva 1100, and now I am restoring a 71 Ambassadore. I work for a Guzzi dealer in Matthews, NC. I will probably be buying soon a 1400 California Custom.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Railroad Bob on March 26, 2014, 02:01:31 PM
Hello Mr. May:   ^^^

Welcome aboard.  Nice list of machines you have had there!  Some of us have the modern
Cali Vintages, which are "kind of" a police-based Moto Guzzi.  Its forerunner was used
by LAPD in the early 70s.  Have fun over here and glad you have joined up.  Some of us
are below 60, but not me.   ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzigrl on March 26, 2014, 03:18:03 PM
HELLO! Thought it would be proper to chime in and introduce myself  :)
I'm a new owner of a 2013 V7 Stone in pure white. My first Guzzi and I absolutely love this bike <3. Im enamored by the beauty of this moto and how easy it is to ride.  I can't wait to do some mods to make it my Guzzi.
I'm a rider of 12 years now and currently owning an '05 Ducati S2R 800 as well.
I've done some track days but most of my riding these days is out in my local twisties with awesome riding buddies  ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trinorman on March 27, 2014, 01:49:50 PM

I just joined the group after buying my first Moto Guzzi a couple weeks ago, a 1984 V65SP.  I've been riding close to 50 years and currently own 6 bikes.  The bike is in pretty good shape, looks better in the photo than in person, but I'm working on that.  Second photo is one of my other bikes, same year actually, a 1984 Honda Ascot VT500 that I remade into a cafe racer.  Fun bike.  Looking forward to participating in the group!



[URL=http://s85.photobucket.com/user/trinorman/media/Honda%20Ascot%20Cafe%20Racer/AscotFinalVersion048.jpg.html](http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k55/trinorman/Honda%20Ascot%20Cafe%20Racer/AscotFinalVersion048.jpg) (http://s85.photobucket.com/user/trinorman/media/Moto%20Guzzi%20V65SP/MotoGuzziV65SP3-7-14014.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Randown on March 27, 2014, 04:49:47 PM
wOw! A lOt of cOOl bikes! :drool
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sonicboom on March 28, 2014, 10:52:49 PM
Hi to all....I'm a long time motorcycle rider with over 45 years on 2 wheels. I'm living in the Sacramento area which gives me a long riding season with great roads. Born in Mass. South Coast by Cape Cod, New Bedford and Dartmouth, Mass. Spent 10 years in the Navy, Norfolk Va., Mayport, Florida, and San Diego, Cal. Retired a few years ago and have time to enjoy the ride......yikes!!!! Own an 07 Triumph Bonneville with over 27,000 trouble free miles. I'm waiting for a real estate deal to close and my first purchase for fun will be a Guzzi v7. Test drove one today and fell in love with the bike, one word....NICE. Looking forward to picking the bike up in the next couple months and doing a coast to coast ride. I like the fact the bike is easy to maintain and that the valve adjustment is soooooo simple. Any advice on what to tweek on the bike is welcome, like after market support, parts source, set up recommendations for making it easy to do 500 mile days is welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on March 29, 2014, 12:27:53 AM
HELLO! Thought it would be proper to chime in and introduce myself  :)
I'm a new owner of a 2013 V7 Stone in pure white. My first Guzzi and I absolutely love this bike <3. Im enamored by the beauty of this moto and how easy it is to ride.  I can't wait to do some mods to make it my Guzzi.
I'm a rider of 12 years now and currently owning an '05 Ducati S2R 800 as well.
I've done some track days but most of my riding these days is out in my local twisties with awesome riding buddies  ;D

Greetings guzzigirl.
I tried to convince my wife to get a V7 but she got a 650 Gladius Suzuki instead.
She already has an older smallblock (V65) so........ I guess.
Years ago I did a small group ride out of San Fran to Pope Valley Rd and around Lake Berryessa. Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007 Griso 1100
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: v7john on March 30, 2014, 10:47:26 AM
Another new member here.

I'm John a 56 year old Englishman living in Wales, UK.

I'm interested in classic bikes in general but own two Guzzis. I bought the first, a 1972 V7Sport, in March 1978 and for many years this was my only transport. All these years later it is about to become the subject of a complete rebuild after I crashed it heavily a few years ago. The other bike is a 750S3 I bought dismantled. Due to my accident on the other bike it was quickly made roadworthy and has been my rider ever since. It's a mix of S3, T3 engine, and some V7Sport parts but goes well.

I am retired due to ill health so things take me about three times as long to do as they really should but I've built myself a new workshop and am ready to get started. I've also decided to write a blog which can be found at http://racingrhino.wordpress.com/
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on March 31, 2014, 01:41:51 AM
"I bought the first, a 1972 V7Sport, in March 1978 and for many years this was my only transport."

A man after my own heart, welcome to Wild Guzzi John.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on March 31, 2014, 11:56:47 AM
Welcome, we need more John's 'roud here! nice blog BTW
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi1973 on April 04, 2014, 06:39:30 AM
Hi ime Dave,an Englishman living in Holland 61yrs old,Pipe-fitter. I own two Guzzis 1973 v850 cali,1974 850t and half a special and sidecar with my girl who is Dutch.I started riding in 71 and went from a Honda 175 up to Bsa Norton Triumph Suzuki,I realise now i should have bought a Guzzi back then,but they were a bit more expensive than the Brit bikes,my v850 cali was bought in 75 by my brother and he sold it to me 2003 i feel very lucky to have it as i know its history,i changed the uj and clutch for him in 77 and was impressed by the design,i could go on and on because i just love them.Here in Holland the roads are very good and 2 wheel friendly but dont go over the speed limit,50kms over the speed limit and your licence is taken away on the spot and you walk home,but a friend can pick it up for you and ride it back as your insurance covers anyone to ride it,all the best,Dave
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Luka_Toronto on April 04, 2014, 02:00:10 PM
Hello all Luke here from Toronto; I work on a trading floor and am 37 years old.

Long time on a scooter, looking to move up to something better for the commute this year.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on April 04, 2014, 02:04:29 PM
Welcome Luka!  What do you trade?? Stocks, Bonds, Futures, Commodities? Lots of things to trade in this world.  Some on here have a bit of interest in investing and trading. You are amongst friends here, Guzzi lovers and investors.  ;-T :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WayneJ on April 04, 2014, 05:00:06 PM
Just picked up a new V7 Stone. Hope to do some local rides and longer touring. Just installed a set of crash bars (had to modify) and working on a center-stand and windshield. Luggage and GPS is also on the list.  Any ideas for a solo seat out there?

Retired (for now) in southwest Florida.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ROV on April 06, 2014, 07:10:25 AM
I 'm an engineer, working/ living in France. My real home is the northwest corner CT, USA.
07 Griso
Title: Re: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Luka_Toronto on April 06, 2014, 09:30:47 PM
Welcome Luka!  What do you trade?? Stocks, Bonds, Futures, Commodities? Lots of things to trade in this world.  Some on here have a bit of interest in investing and trading. You are amongst friends here, Guzzi lovers and investors.  ;-T :bike

Thanks Stormtruck2 for the kind welcome. I work in equities trading in Canada - spent a lot of time with electronic trading over the last few years. But these days only one investment concerns me - my first bike.

Have been researching the V7 and the CB1100 (Bonnies fit me funny - at 5'10 I look like a circus bear on a tricycle).  The Guzzi has blown me away aesthetically, and I am on the cusp of pulling the trigger and buying one. It will be my commuter as I move on from my mid-sized scooter.

This forum has been a great resource and I am grateful to everyone for sharing their experiences - really helped me get over the few concerns I had about size and reliability.

Don't ask me for investment advice until I post that I have bought a Moto Guzzi California Touring since that will mean I made some good picks and am not commuting to an office in the city anymore! Until then the v7 will do nicely.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JohnnyF on April 08, 2014, 03:38:31 PM
Just joined the forum! I'm another John and I just bought a new California 1400. Great bike and excited to have it so early in the season. My son got me into the hobby last year and I've been bitten pretty bad. I'm an attorney here in NYC . I like to ride MCs , horses, hunt , shoot and get into the outdoors ( is that a contradiction!?!?) whenever I can. My mom's not too happy I took up riding so late in life, or at all for that matter ! My wife of 33 yrs is tolerant if not intrigued/ amused .  Met up with a long time buddy last Sept down around Atlanta and rode " Blood Mountain" and that was when I got bitten by the Guzzi bug. In fact it 's his bike that I have now.  Looking forward to putting some miles on and getting out to some tree lined roadways.  JohnnyF
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on April 08, 2014, 04:26:25 PM
Just joined the forum! I'm another John and I just bought a new California 1400. Great bike and excited to have it so early in the season. My son got me into the hobby last year and I've been bitten pretty bad. I'm an attorney here in NYC . I like to ride MCs , horses, hunt , shoot and get into the outdoors ( is that a contradiction!?!?) whenever I can. My mom's not too happy I took up riding so late in life, or at all for that matter ! My wife of 33 yrs is tolerant if not intrigued/ amused .  Met up with a long time buddy last Sept down around Atlanta and rode " Blood Mountain" and that was when I got bitten by the Guzzi bug. In fact it 's his bike that I have now.  Looking forward to putting some miles on and getting out to some tree lined roadways.  JohnnyF

Welcome ... tho we have pretty well used up our quota of lawyers here, so you got in just under the wire.   :D

And, "tolerant" wives are a blessing; mine is, too, tho I think I often stretch her tolerance tensile strength.   ;)

So, why did your buddy sell his C14? 


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JohnnyF on April 09, 2014, 06:33:33 AM
He sold the C1400 because he really leans towards the Adventure type bikes. He has several different type bikes and he seems to like to purchase , ride and move onto something else. He's has a few cruisers and now he doesn't !! Although he really liked the Guzzi he seems to have developed into a real speed junkie and that's where he's going now. So, the good news is that I get to reap the benefits of his wicked and fickle ways!! The bike had 1633 miles when I got it. 400plus of those I got to put on during my visit with him last year. I had a lot of saddle time and really got to wring that baby out. I also had the opportunity to put in a bunch of time on a Harley RoadKing which I also liked quite a bit, and frankly much more than I wanted to!!!!!! But comparatively speaking, the Guzzi was so much more responsive, smooth and seamless not to mention the styling, that I was smitten from the day I saw it. Riding it sealed the deal for me.
As to the whole attorney thing I'm so glad that I was able to get in " under the wire". That's been happening a lot lately. Thankfully by the time anyone gets to know me the limit has been reached and it's too late to revoke my membership!  :BEER:JohnnyF
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zokn on April 11, 2014, 11:39:15 AM
Hello All.  I'm Stephen, in Nova Scotia, Canada. I'll be picking up my 2013 V7 Stone from the nearest dealer, who is over three hours' drive away, in a week or so.
I'll be ordering H&B 30 litre Junior panniers, with black racks, and the H&B black top rack. I'll install heated grips and maybe a small screen, but I'll wait on the screen to get a bit more familiarity with the bike.

My wife and I typically take one day rides and long-weekend camping trips around Nova Scotia, with the occasional longer tour of a week or more. Our previous tourer is a 1975 BMW R90/6 with a Hannigan fairing that will go on sale shortly and is being replaced by the V7. The bike will be my first choice commuter and errand running transportation when I don't need the capacity of a car or truck for all the months that it is practical to do so, roughly late April to some time in November. The Guzzi will be my only bike - can't afford more!!

In the past I've owned and rebuilt BSAs and BMWs, and one Ducati. This will be the first brand new bike (and likely the last) for me. I have always liked smaller, lighter bikes; an '85 BMW K100RT and an '06 Ducati Multistrada were nice machines, which I did appreciate, but they were just too much for me, and I only owned each for short times.

Thanks to all who make this site so valuable, entertaining, and welcoming.      ------Anyone planning to ride to Nova Scotia?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: K-townAndy on April 11, 2014, 07:41:23 PM
Andy Goddard
Machinist, metal fabricator
Knoxville, TN

I picked up my fist Moto Guzzi V7 Stone "2013" last September, plan on doing some fab work and machining some stuff for it. I plan on posting some pics of the progress.

New to the Forum world, thank you for letting me join.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 11, 2014, 11:28:30 PM
Hello All.  I'm Stephen, in Nova Scotia, Canada. I'll be picking up my 2013 V7 Stone from the nearest dealer, who is over three hours' drive away, in a week or so.
I'll be ordering H&B 30 litre Junior panniers, with black racks, and the H&B black top rack. I'll install heated grips and maybe a small screen, but I'll wait on the screen to get a bit more familiarity with the bike.

My wife and I typically take one day rides and long-weekend camping trips around Nova Scotia, with the occasional longer tour of a week or more. Our previous tourer is a 1975 BMW R90/6 with a Hannigan fairing that will go on sale shortly and is being replaced by the V7. The bike will be my first choice commuter and errand running transportation when I don't need the capacity of a car or truck for all the months that it is practical to do so, roughly late April to some time in November. The Guzzi will be my only bike - can't afford more!!

In the past I've owned and rebuilt BSAs and BMWs, and one Ducati. This will be the first brand new bike (and likely the last) for me. I have always liked smaller, lighter bikes; an '85 BMW K100RT and an '06 BMW Ducati Multistrada were nice machines, which I did appreciate, but they were just too much for me, and I only owned each for short times.

Thanks to all who make this site so valuable, entertaining, and welcoming.      ------Anyone planning to ride to Nova Scotia?

Best regards,


My wife and I rode our Stelvio to Nova Scotia last year, and really enjoyed the trip.   There's an amazing amount of empty space in the middle, and a lot of scenery around the edges!   Some really nice places to eat, and to stay.    Breathtaking views.    Looks to me like a great place to own a Moto Guzzi!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: roam on April 12, 2014, 07:14:24 PM
Good day all! My name is Jake and just recently acquired my first Guzzi - '13 V7 Stone. I am in my late 20s and work in the Baltimore/DC area as a auto damage adjuster. Looking forward to becoming a part of the flock!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cadimack on April 12, 2014, 08:40:45 PM
Hello, today I was approached by Josh (BlueBoarHound) in regard to my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T. We had a long conversation about the bike and he suggested that I create an account on WildGuzzi and get to know some of the local Guzzi owners. My name is Scott Williams, 21, machinist for Mack Trucks and I live in Central PA. I look forward to hearing from you all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 12, 2014, 10:26:21 PM
Hello, today I was approached by Josh (BlueBoarHound) in regard to my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T. We had a long conversation about the bike and he suggested that I create an account on WildGuzzi and get to know some of the local Guzzi owners. My name is Scott Williams, 21, machinist for Mack Trucks and I live in Central PA. I look forward to hearing from you all!

Welcome!  I'm a fairly new group member, too, & have learned a lot in the past few months from reading the various postings - + getting some good advice on a couple of issues, too.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blueboarhound on April 13, 2014, 12:12:35 AM
Hello, today I was approached by Josh (BlueBoarHound) in regard to my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T. We had a long conversation about the bike and he suggested that I create an account on WildGuzzi and get to know some of the local Guzzi owners. My name is Scott Williams, 21, machinist for Mack Trucks and I live in Central PA. I look forward to hearing from you all!

Welcome aboard Scott!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: malabreva on April 13, 2014, 07:27:26 AM
Hi there!
My name is Assen, 40 y.o., surgeon (strange, isn't it   ;) ), live in Bulgaria, that's in Europe, proud new owner of a 03 Breva 750. Apart from that sailing, red wine, books, whenever I have the time....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 13, 2014, 05:12:51 PM
Hi there!
My name is Assen, 40 y.o., surgeon (strange, isn't it   ;) ), live in Bulgaria, that's in Europe, proud new owner of a 03 Breva 750. Apart from that sailing, red wine, books, whenever I have the time....

Good call on specifying that Bulgaria is in Europe.   Last time we had someone join from the country of Austria, the list asked whether kangaroos were a problem on the roads.   

We don't get many ride reports from Bulgaria.   Send pictures from a ride when you get a chance!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 13, 2014, 05:22:31 PM
Good call on specifying that Bulgaria is in Europe.   Last time we had someone join from the country of Austria, the list asked whether kangaroos were a problem on the roads.   

We don't get many ride reports from Bulgaria.   Send pictures from a ride when you get a chance!


I spent 5 months in Bosnia, with numerous trips into Croatia & Hungary, but never got to Bulgaria.  So....I had to look up Bulgaria in Wikipedia to familiarize myself with your country.  Sounds like lots of interesting places to ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 13, 2014, 05:31:20 PM
Hello, today I was approached by Josh (BlueBoarHound) in regard to my 1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T. We had a long conversation about the bike and he suggested that I create an account on WildGuzzi and get to know some of the local Guzzi owners. My name is Scott Williams, 21, machinist for Mack Trucks and I live in Central PA. I look forward to hearing from you all!

How'd you decide to get into machine work?   The world is running short on good machinists, I keep advising young folks who are "searching" for what they want to do to try it, but few do.

We have a guy in our local group here who's a machinist and rides a Breva 750, he's about 28 though, so an old man compared to you!

Welcome!   You're on one of the best all-purpose motorcycles ever ..

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldandslow on April 13, 2014, 05:31:35 PM
Geoff Garrod, 58 years old
Conyers, Ga.
Firefighter, Retired

Been riding and racin' 45 years but this is my first Guzzi.  I was looking for a new bike that looks like the motorcycles I remember from when I started riding. It came down to the New Bonnie, Honda's new CB1100 or the V7.  For various reasons I choose the a new 2012 black V7 that I found at a dealership in NC.  
So far so good.

Current bikes:
2005 HD Road King Classic
1973 Yamaha RD250
1972 Suzuki T250
1969 Honda CM91 - second owner
1975 Kawasaki KX-400 bought it new in '74
And of course the new V7

Previous bike - too many
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: realgone on April 13, 2014, 10:54:07 PM
Hi, I'm Joel.
35yo, firefighter by trade.
Pretty new to Guzzis but definitely hooked.
Own a 1970 Ambassador that I bought last fall.
Opened it up to see if it had chrome cylinder linings and now I'm probably going to pull the motor and do the whole damn thing.
I also picked up a Cali II that I plan on molesting and modifying into a stripped down roadster.
I've been lurking and posting but didn't get around to the intro. Great site.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on April 13, 2014, 11:59:57 PM
How'd you decide to get into machine work?   The world is running short on good machinists, I keep advising young folks who are "searching" for what they want to do to try it, but few do.

We have a guy in our local group here who's a machinist and rides a Breva 750, he's about 28 though, so an old man compared to you!

Welcome!   You're on one of the best all-purpose motorcycles ever ..


I worked as a manual mill/lathe and also CNC mill and set-up guy for ten years.
I currently work for a communication utility.
My current jobs pays higher than machining..
Since I can set-up and program I keep hounding my wife about getting a 110 volt CNC for my garage and run that as a side home business.
I'm tired of watching homegrown machine work migrate to China.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on April 14, 2014, 01:22:52 AM
DM am also a trained as CNC programmer/jig maker/operator, but like you gave it up as the money was not good.
Worked in wood, mostly with multi head routers. IMHO the country to earn as an engineer is Germany where such people are valued.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gahellinger on April 14, 2014, 04:25:40 PM
George Hellinger
Delaware, OH 43015

Change Management & Process Improvement Manager; Vice-Mayor and At-Large City Council Rep

I just purchases a 2014 Norge (Brown); it shares garage space with a '91 ST1100, '71 CL100, '46 Indian Chief.

I am an MSF RiderCoach and instruct for Motorcycle Ohio.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on April 14, 2014, 09:05:38 PM
That is quite an interesting medley of machines!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 14, 2014, 10:01:33 PM
George Hellinger
Delaware, OH 43015

Change Management & Process Improvement Manager; Vice-Mayor and At-Large City Council Rep

I just purchases a 2014 Norge (Brown); it shares garage space with a '91 ST1100, '71 CL100, '46 Indian Chief.

I am an MSF RiderCoach and instruct for Motorcycle Ohio.

We'd like pictures of those bikes.  As mentioned, a pretty eclectic mix!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on April 15, 2014, 07:23:45 AM
We'd like pictures of those bikes.  As mentioned, a pretty eclectic mix!


Yes,  :PICS!:, especially that new-to-me at least brown Norge.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JQL on April 15, 2014, 12:52:12 PM

I'm a long time rider of Hondas, over 30 years. I currently ride a Deauville (NT700 in the US) which I have had for 3 years or so. I am starting the process of looking for a new bike and , as Honda aren't producing the Deauville any longer and the new replacements for the Deauville and Pan European are the CTX, which, IMO, look terrible, I'm looking at other Marques.

I am rather taken with the Norge and am researching common problems and gotchas she may have.

A little about me: I am a Systems Analyst (well someone has to be  ;D) retired. I am currently living in France and teaching English to nurses (no it's not as interesting as it sounds). I have an RV which I am using to travel Europe.

Many thanks
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 15, 2014, 07:37:52 PM
I am currently living in France and teaching English to nurses (no it's not as interesting as it sounds). I have an RV which I am using to travel Europe.

Many thanks

Sounds like a dream job to me.  I don't see how it could NOT be interesting!!  ooh la la.   What kind of RV's does one use in Europe?  Surely not things like the giant Winnebagos here? 

Hope the Norge works out.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cadimack on April 15, 2014, 10:39:56 PM
How'd you decide to get into machine work?   The world is running short on good machinists, I keep advising young folks who are "searching" for what they want to do to try it, but few do.

We have a guy in our local group here who's a machinist and rides a Breva 750, he's about 28 though, so an old man compared to you!

Welcome!   You're on one of the best all-purpose motorcycles ever ..

It was suggested to me by dad, who also worked at Mack, when I was in middle school. He explained to me the field was running thin and I'd just about be guaranteed a job if I were to pursue it. So I decided take it up at our local Vo-Tech. I was 1 of only 3 students in the metalworking shop of a pretty decent sized high school, and this was after they crunched the machine shop, metal fabricating and welding shop all into one "Precision Metalworking" shop, due to lack of interest. I have even heard that they are considering discontinuing the course altogether now...

Anyhow, Thanks for the welcome! I feel as if I will learn a lot from this forum!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: right_slide on April 16, 2014, 09:58:02 AM
Eric K.

26 y.o.

Well Engineer Tech

Pittsburgh, PA

'13 Guzzi V7 Stone
'05 BMW R1150R
'10 Husaberg FE450
'01 Gasgas 280TXT
'Something ATK 406
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JQL on April 18, 2014, 12:16:07 PM
Sounds like a dream job to me.  I don't see how it could NOT be interesting!!  ooh la la.   What kind of RV's does one use in Europe?  Surely not things like the giant Winnebagos here? 

Hope the Norge works out.

I have a 30' RV so it is one of the smaller ones. It is possible to get up to 36' RVs in Europe.

The question is... should I buy a white Norge or a brown Norge?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CaptRick on April 18, 2014, 09:12:56 PM
Age 59
Live in Santa Fe NM USA
Executive Director of Facilities @ Buffalo Thunder Resort and Casino
1972 Ambassador

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BugMagnet on April 18, 2014, 09:51:21 PM
Hi all.

Age 54
Vancouver BC Canada
Programmer, former bar owner
Scuba diver, drummer, loves mowing the lawn, wood chipping and doing dishes. ;)

Current ride is 2004 Suzuki DL1000
Honda Shadow ACE 750
Honda 450 standard
Yamaha XT250 used in First Blood movie (ridden by Sylvester Stallone).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: El Pescador on April 19, 2014, 09:40:48 PM

Jack McKown. I currently don't have a Guzzi, but my wife really wants one. I'm hoping to learn more about them.
I'm an Electrical Engineer and I live in Houston.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Waterbottle on April 20, 2014, 08:08:56 PM
 Ron Hartwig , 53, Light Aircraft Engineer,
Queensland Australia.
Hello everyone, What a fantastic forum.

2009 Griso 8V
GT 750 Suzuki
VTR 250 Honda
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on April 21, 2014, 01:39:04 AM

Jack McKown. I currently don't have a Guzzi, but my wife really wants one. I'm hoping to learn more about them.
I'm an Electrical Engineer and I live in Houston.

Lucky man, best way is to get one and hang around here.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on April 21, 2014, 07:50:44 AM

Jack McKown. I currently don't have a Guzzi, but my wife really wants one. I'm hoping to learn more about them.
I'm an Electrical Engineer and I live in Houston.

Have you drifted into AF1 yet??   ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Big_Jim59 on April 21, 2014, 10:10:43 PM
Age 55
Dallas, TX
Work freelance marketing since my last "real" gig went south in 2001.
I have been mad for motorcycle since I was 12. I have owned just about every type and brand of bike except Harley. I just figured there were too many people into those already. They didn't need me. I am currently Guzziless. I have a Y2K Honda VFR in Yellow and a Norton with yellow frame and black tank. (I dig yellow and black). I do have the hots for a Griso but it is still beyond my means. To get one I would have to sell the Norton and it is more like a pet. I ride my VFR quite a bit and have been taking mostly weekend trips. I have the requisite Sergent's seat, Heli bars and some cavernous Chase Harper soft bags.


It has been a while but during my last two years in college, and a bit after graduation, I was a mechanic at a Norton, Triumph and BMW shop. Later we picked up the Guzzi dealership after Cal passed away. He was the long tome Guzzi dealer in Oklahoma City but I don't think he actually sold any. In any even I found myself doing the Guzzi service. I fell in love with 'em. I was riding a BMW R90/6 at the time and the Guzzi just felt more solid. I got a chance to sample a new, white, Le Mans III and that thing went around corners like it was on rails. I did manage to get my T3 (sport) and I put lots of miles on our shop's full dress Guzzi Convert. I was the only one who would ride it. It was sky blue with scenes of Jesus from the bible air brushed all over it. It was well done just not to most people's taste. Converts are not for everyone.


I miss Moto Guzzis and the people that ride them.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ryanbfast on April 22, 2014, 06:45:52 PM

new so cal member here, Ryan 31 T-3 and possibly a v7 special by this weekend. (pic to come)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: saxontaylor on April 22, 2014, 07:10:52 PM
Hello all.  New guzzi rider here in Charlotte, NC.  I bought an 84 California II from forum member "tonyduc" & brought it home last weekend.  
I'm 55 and do pricing for marble and granite fabrication and installation.  Other old rides are 1974 BMW 2002tii and a Richard Sachs bicycle from 1979.

Got hooked on Guzzis by my former neighbor, who is also on this forum as "rocketcaptain", he used to let me ride his Bassa. Well....he moved away last fall and took his motorcycles with him!

So i'm looking forward to getting back on the road.

(http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff247/saxontaylor/Guzzi/GuzzipickedupTonyBattino4-19-14CraryvilleNY.jpg) (http://s237.photobucket.com/user/saxontaylor/media/Guzzi/GuzzipickedupTonyBattino4-19-14CraryvilleNY.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lsrxc on April 24, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
Hello everyone. My name is Bob,and I'm a Guzziholic. Actually just picked up my first Guzzi, 2014 white Norge. Previously rode a Vulcan 750, and most recently a VStrom 1000. Approaching my 50th so the Norge is my early birthday gift. Love the ride so far during break in.
I'm work in Supply Chain for a power tool company. Looking forward to learning more about the marque, and can contribute when I can.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on April 25, 2014, 10:23:11 AM
You had a 750 Vulcan?
I rode one of those once and I hated the way it understeered.

The Guzzi is VASTLY superior.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fredly on April 25, 2014, 08:11:03 PM
Oh, ok, if I must.
I usually have my social secretary handle theses things so protocol will be missing.

I have to call myself Fredly here coz apparently some barstard has stolen my real name (Fred) on here, now I've already forgotten what I'm supposed to write here, I have a wife you know, I call her Horrie (short for horrible Helen) but if anyone else calls her that both Horrie and I will smack ya down.

I used to be a motocycle mechanic and I am one again now, maybe for only a little while longer when I get sick of whining motorcyclists.

I have 35 motorcycles, they are mostly in bits (for easy storage), 2 are Guzzis, 1 black & gold MK V that is a bit sick from some fool running over it while my son in law was riding it, it all turned out all right and I never had to kill or torture anyone. The other is an SE Griso that was the first into the country coz I was the one who hounded and generally made a pain in the arse of myself till John sample told me he was bringing 6 in, now there's heaps of them and I stopped counting after 18, right now the SE is in bits coz the followers failed didn't they, and I'm at the end of a long que with me hand out to receive my free crap that may last 50 K like these did.

I'm not going to tell ya how old I am coz it ain't any of your business, I was born in 1958 so only those with a modicum of intelligence can work it out.

There's 2 race bikes in my shed, the best is a '55 500 Goldie that took me around 20 years of failures and blowups to turn into a reasonably reliable race bike that has the chance to win the national title if only I had the balls to take her to the limit, don't ask to borrow it.
The other is a 1962 Benelli Barracouta that I bought from a less than honest bloke who had been racing it for 30 years, in order to save the Goldie from the disaster that would have eventually happened from racing on the stupid little tracks available in SE Queensland, in 3 years of ownership I have never completed a race meeting on it, suffering a major failure each time, I think I'm onto it now though.

I joined this forum because I was at the end of my tether with a mystery noise that was emanating from the clutch/gearbox area of the Griso, but I found out what it was before I posted the questions here, of course it was that 1 little follower that has failed, completely loosing all it's coating and beginning to wreck its corresponding cam lobe, I pulled the engine and gearbox completely to bits looking for the source, and when I'd run out of ideas, joined Guzzitech and then this site, but found on the other site a lot of complaints about the followers and cams, so more out of curiosity I disassembled the top end and found the beginnings of disaster which turned out to be the cause of my mystery noise to my surprise.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzler on April 27, 2014, 08:48:54 AM
Windell Stiefer, 64
Austin, Texas
1977 850 T-3 pretty much stock
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WhiskeyNeat on April 28, 2014, 06:25:24 PM
My name is Fern, I'm 30 years old, and I live in Baltimore. I do operations and policy analysis in the criminal justice community here in the city. A few months ago I bought a 2013 V7 Stone midlife-crisis style; it was brand new, and I had never actually commandeered a motorcycle myself. Now, having been licensed a whopping ten days, I consider it among my better decisions in life. ;)

This board is so great! I've been on here for 15 minutes and I already learned that my bike's tendency to struggle shifting into second gear early in the morning is normal. :) I can't wait to learn all of the ins and outs of my machine from folks who know what they're talking about!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DungeonMaster on April 28, 2014, 08:37:06 PM
A V7 is one of the best ways to have a mid life crisis.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CPTBorg on April 29, 2014, 03:44:44 PM
I just bought a 2014 Stelvio I'm 46, I work as a VSO (Veteran service officer) and I have a couple house apes that are 2 and 4 that prevent me from riding as much as I would like. but they love ATV's and snowmobiles so it wont be long until they can touch the riding pegs...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: raul on April 29, 2014, 04:37:13 PM
I'm John, and my regular user name was taken.   :(  Oh, well, this will do.

I just bought a V7 Stone in white.  It's in Wichita.  I go pick it up on May 6.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bettinad on April 30, 2014, 09:51:14 PM
Hello, I was wondering if you have any pictures of your friends bike? Or could obtain some. Manfred hecht was my father and I'm just trying to put a little something together if you could help that would be amazing thank you!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on May 01, 2014, 01:10:18 AM
"Manfred hecht was my father and I'm just trying to put a little something together if you could help that would be amazing thank you!"

The film maker?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on May 01, 2014, 04:30:34 AM
I'm John, and my regular user name was taken.   :(  Oh, well, this will do.

I just bought a V7 Stone in white.  It's in Wichita.  I go pick it up on May 6.
Welcome John! I'm just south of you in Springfield, come down here where the roads are better and we'll go ride :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Railroad Bob on May 01, 2014, 12:08:05 PM
Sounds like a pretty interesting gaggle of new members above-- multiple welcomes to all.
I'd like to browse through Fredly's collection someday, but I would be absolutely sure not to call his
wife H----e if I went down to their place.   :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: edlerguzzi on May 03, 2014, 03:29:18 PM
Let me introduce myself.  I live in central NJ.
I got a new 2013 V7 Stone about 2 weeks ago.
I'm 57 and rode a Honda 450 for a few years in the late 1970s.
Then was the long dry period, which ended last year when I started riding a BMW R75/6.
A truly wonderful bike, but it has a few issues, like any 37 year old bike would.
I'm mostly into commuting (25 miles and 50 minutes each way)
and don't really want a hobby bike, I just want to ride to work without too much fuss.
But I like a "classic" style, and finally settled on the V7.
So far it's been great!  I've got about 450 miles so far.
I put on the OEM crash bars and am about to put on the OEM/Stuchhi? tail rack.
Other than that, I like a pretty naked look, so no side bags or top box for me!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JayDMan on May 03, 2014, 07:26:02 PM
Hello all...I'm Josh from Corning, NY and am a recent Guzzi purchaser. Having owned many bikes, I'm looking forward to learning about my 2003 Stone Touring.  It's in great shape, I stumbled on it and bought it!  Definitely very unique...

I'm a Director for a Silicon Carbide ceramics company, have two young kiddos (4 and 6) a wonderful wife and am knocking on 40 yrs old.

Thanks in advance for answering what are likely going to be very elementary questions!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: emel 800 on May 05, 2014, 03:20:04 PM
hi I'm mark just bought my first guzzi 2014 stone in black .I live in cornwall in the southwest of the uk .I am 58 but on a good day I can pass for 57.for the last two decades I have been riding bmw airheads and I thought I would try something similar! the bikes have a lot in common but ride completely differently so it looks like I have got a lot to learn about my new toy and I hope you guys and ladies won't mind me asking stupid questions like why does my sump have two drain plugs?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: waterlaw on May 05, 2014, 06:14:37 PM
Carbondale, CO
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob Morton on May 06, 2014, 01:47:04 AM
hi I'm mark just bought my first guzzi 2014 stone in black .I live in cornwall in the southwest of the uk .I am 58 but on a good day I can pass for 57.for the last two decades I have been riding bmw airheads and I thought I would try something similar! the bikes have a lot in common but ride completely differently so it looks like I have got a lot to learn about my new toy and I hope you guys and ladies won't mind me asking stupid questions like why does my sump have two drain plugs?

Ditto Mark.
Not many Guzzi's down here.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: powerhaze on May 06, 2014, 07:50:50 AM
Hi, my name is Dave. I live in California and have been riding motorcycles for 50 years. Can't really remember when I didn't have one even though I have never owned a Motoguzzi. The reason I am here is I was doing some research on a guy I bought a company from many years ago, Bill Blake. One of the things that popped up when I did a search was the valve covers he casted and sold. I am no longer in that business but do still have the sand cast patterns for the covers and some other stuff I kept for nostalgic reasons. Looks like an interesting group here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gsf12man on May 06, 2014, 11:17:10 PM
I have a 30' RV so it is one of the smaller ones. It is possible to get up to 36' RVs in Europe.

The question is... should I buy a white Norge or a brown Norge?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: craigsfiero2007 on May 07, 2014, 08:16:58 PM
Hello Everyone! My name is Craig. I am 25 years old. I am Active Duty Army stationed at Fort Eustis, VA. I am a Machinist/Welder for the Army. I am currently looking at purchasing a Moto Guzzi so I joined on here to learn and get some advice on Moto Guzzi's. I have been riding for a little over a year now and I have owned 2 bikes already, 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300 and a 1999 Honda Magna. I am not a fan of the Ninja 300, so its now the wife's bike and I sold my 99 Magna for a Fiero (my other hobby). Looking forward to meeting everyone on here and learning about these unique motorcycles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sono on May 08, 2014, 12:07:54 PM
Hey! Steven from Seattle. 45 years old and have been riding all my life. Grew up in Hawaii riding dirt bikes and have had just about every type and size of bike.

Here's the latest!

(http://i610.photobucket.com/albums/tt190/stevenono/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00J0J_luiq3nbc7Bs_600x450_zps20af9974.jpg) (http://s610.photobucket.com/user/stevenono/media/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00J0J_luiq3nbc7Bs_600x450_zps20af9974.jpg.html)(http://i610.photobucket.com/albums/tt190/stevenono/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00z0z_bMnlxYqC0s2_600x450_zpseb7beec5.jpg) (http://s610.photobucket.com/user/stevenono/media/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00z0z_bMnlxYqC0s2_600x450_zpseb7beec5.jpg.html)(http://i610.photobucket.com/albums/tt190/stevenono/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00101_3DEPcRTYWBq_600x450_zpsdfb078ea.jpg) (http://s610.photobucket.com/user/stevenono/media/2008%20Moto%20Guzzi%20Breva%201200%20Sport/00101_3DEPcRTYWBq_600x450_zpsdfb078ea.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zzrwood on May 08, 2014, 04:13:39 PM
Hi All

Robert from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

After 11 BMWs, 5 Hondas and 3 Ducatis I have bought my first Guzzi - a 2014 V7 Stone in "Rosso Corposo" that should be delivered on the 23rd May - which is also my 57th birthday.


Can't wait - it is a great little back road bike...

Looking forward to being a part of the community and learning about all things Guzzi!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wyno on May 09, 2014, 05:23:37 AM
Welcome to the forum Robert. Lots of good advice to be found here, especially from Vasco D G who lives near Canberra. A veritable fountain of wisdom and knowledge, and a great bloke too.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Snowtigeress on May 10, 2014, 12:25:52 AM

40 y/o

Care Assistant.....and motorcycle demolition(when I get a free day or 2)I do put them back together again just takes longer

United Kingdom
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ModestJesse on May 11, 2014, 12:30:43 PM
Hello! Name is Jesse live just outside of San Francisco but originally from New Jersey. Recently purchased a '13 V7 Stone and commute to the city every day on it. I'm a Customer Service Manager (among other things) at a small company that specializes on custom cell phone cases.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shh_150 on May 12, 2014, 10:08:46 PM
Steve,  50,  Connecticut USA,  Banker.  Will be performing the 600 mile service this weekend on my 2013 v7 Classic.  Really enjoying it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motomike on May 13, 2014, 01:40:46 PM
Hi all.
Mike Matthews
Retired at 50, ex murder squad detective with 25 years service. Before that, a lab tech.
Widowed, unfortunately.
Biker, hiker, drinker, eater, motorhomer.
Live in East Yorkshire, north England. And in North Yorkshire. And County Durham. Restless.
V7 Classic. Cali 1400 Touring. 2 Beemers. Mobylette.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: juliensic on May 13, 2014, 07:33:55 PM
Julien Sicuro

2014 V7 stone
1998 shadow VT750 ACE
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: juliensic on May 13, 2014, 07:56:50 PM
Julien Sicuro

2014 v7 stone
1998 shadow vt 750 ace
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redpinkstone on May 15, 2014, 04:31:16 AM
Mackay Queensland Australia
Locomotive driver
lurking for a year

2013 V7 special

Ducati monster
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trickyrabbit on May 15, 2014, 12:35:30 PM
Cheers all!
My name is Angela Plitsch
I've survived 49 on big blue and currently live in the Kansas City Area
Working as a Mechanical Designer for a conveyor mfg.

I'm touring on a 2008 Suzuki V-Strom that is really aspiring to be a 2014 Norge 1200

Thanks for opening the door....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paulstr on May 16, 2014, 12:58:19 PM
Great site!

Paul in Chicago

Recently bought a '75 850T and absolutely love it. Riding it almost daily, while my modern bike is collecting dust (although I do love the R12R).

'75 850T
'12 BMW R1200R
'72 BMW R75/5 Toaster
'84? Honda V45 Magna
'82? Yamaha Vision College beater
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: robfnq on May 16, 2014, 06:57:27 PM

Hi all ,
by way of introduction My name is Rob (robfnq) i'm 49 and I am a dog trainer from far north Queensland Australia. My current ride is a 96 sport 1100, bought my first Guzzi in 2000 and have loved them ever since. The thing I like about Guzzi's apart from that beautiful sound is that they mark their owners as independent thinkers and not cattle.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tioli on May 18, 2014, 01:16:04 AM

I'm Tioli from Captain Cook on Hawaii Island, the big island. My main bike is a 93 Yamaha XJ600 Seca II which I love, mainly because I rebuilt it and made it my own. I've been riding for 42 years and can't seem to kick the habit. I recently picked up a 2004 Breva with 12K miles on it from a guy leaving the islands. I paid $400 for it. I think it was a good deal. It has some of the standard electrical quirks to work out but is solid and definitely worth 400.00.

I'm an ER Nurse at our local hospital...54 years old.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redbeard on May 20, 2014, 04:32:27 AM
Hello, I'm Nick from just north-west of London, England.   I've just started riding again after 20 odd years of not having a bike.  Bought myself a 2013 model V7 Special which I'm going to be converting into something scrambler-ish over the next few months.  Got lots of questions I need to ask first...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MikexG on May 22, 2014, 12:00:16 AM
VP at a Utility
2001 V11 Sport
Also have a 2010 K1300 GT and 2012 Ducati Monster 796
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Robare on May 26, 2014, 05:07:24 PM
Hello, I'm Robert from Appleton WI.  I've been searching for my next ride and after riding a California a couple of days ago I think I may have found it.  Joined so I could learn more and answer some of the questions I have. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: keithr59 on May 29, 2014, 12:24:13 PM
My name is Keith Reaves. I live in Oklahoma City, Ok. I am 55 years old. I manage multiple car dealerships. Motorcycle riding, fishing & shooting.

75 Norton 850 Commando
75 Kawasaki H2 750
76 Kawasaki KZ 900 LTD Turbo
78 Kawasaki Z1R Turbo
79 Honda CBX
83 Kawasaki KZ1000R Eddie Lawson Replica
83 Honda CB1100F
84 Kawasaki 750 GPZ Turbo
85 Moto Guzzi Lemans
93 Moto Guzzi Daytona
95 Ducati 900SS
07 Honda ST1300
07 Harley XR1200
10 BMW K1300GT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: r3bauer on May 29, 2014, 02:21:25 PM
Welcome to the forums everyone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kjdunno on May 30, 2014, 04:27:14 AM
Keith Dunlop, 51, print finisher/digital printer, Gold Coast Australia
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trogladyte on May 31, 2014, 04:27:26 PM
Good evening

My name is Gareth Thomas, although friends call me Trog. I like to spell Trogladyte incorrectly, so don't bother to tell me. I have my reasons. I'm in London in the UK, where I work in government. I'm into bikes and music, have had many Guzzis, and currently have a Griso 8v. I also run Trog Racing, which is basically me (spanners and money) and my 16 year old son (he rides the bike). We are currently running an Aprilia RRV450GP in the Thundersport Aprilia Challenge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shep on June 01, 2014, 02:55:08 PM
My name is Jamie and I just joined the forum today. I am a Guzzi "wanna be." I'm 53, been riding since age 6, owned lots of Beemers and Ducs, but no Guzzi. Considering adding one to the garage and thought this might be the place to start learning.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Donkey on June 02, 2014, 07:30:04 AM
I everyone, my name is Brett and I just bought a V7 about a month ago. I live in Rockville, MD, and im loving this bike. I already installed the clip ons!


Yesterday was so nice, a few friends and I finally got out  together.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: skaelmore on June 02, 2014, 12:23:12 PM
I bought a white 1400 Touring in December (my second bike).  Bought a 2012 Triumph America half way through 2013 (my first bike, also a nice bike).  I live in Arroyo Grande, Ca. if anyone in the area would like to set up a ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tobydmv on June 03, 2014, 08:48:41 PM
Hey, i'm Toby and live in the Charlotte, NC area.  Owner of a 2002 V11 Lemans. This is my 3rd Guzzi.  Its been a struggle since day one with this bike when it had air pods. I had an old Eldorado and a v50 in the 90's.  Also have a Benelli Barracuda and 4 Moto Morini's.  I've been trying to fix a bad idle problem at stop lights. When the bike is hot it will try to die at stop lights or stumble when pulling up to stops.  Anyone else in the Charlotte area?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Yeti on June 04, 2014, 09:39:34 AM
Hello, Real name Chris but have been known as Yeti since I was 20, live in southern England. I've had my T4 since 1997, a 950 kit 36mm PHFs and an SS2 cam make it a bit livelier, this is my daily transport. I also have a Lemans 3 I was given a few years ago as a non runner that I'm putting back on the road at the moment.
Title: Howdy
Post by: Craig in Alabama on June 04, 2014, 03:55:06 PM
Hi Folks,

I recently rescued a '98 V11EV (HD&M version). I had been wanting another one since shortly after I stupidly sold my last one. This one had some issues, but I got it anyway and am happy to have it. In addition to my previous V11, I also had a LMIII and a '95 1100 Sport (my favorite bike ever, it was killed by a jeep).
The V11 shares the garage with a Buell Ulysses and an '84 R100RS.
So far the V11 has had new tires, battery, brake pads, fuel lines, fuel filter and a voltage regulator. I hope it's happy for a while so I can get a sport screen soon. I'm looking forward to putting some miles on it and have enjoyed reading this forum.
I'd post a picture but I haven't figured that part out yet. I'll work on that.
Craig (in Alabama)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: snuffcityrider on June 05, 2014, 06:41:12 PM
Hello from Texas! No Guzzi yet, but I'm working on it. Sat on the Griso last weekend and fell in lust. Currently have two Yami's, FZ1 and the Tenere. Also have a Goldwing for two up touring duties but want something that stand's apart from the typical scoot. I've owned three Triumph's in the past, the America, Rocket lll classic and the Speed Four. Time to try something Italian...
Just gonna hang out and see what I can learn.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BillW on June 06, 2014, 08:13:30 AM
My name is Bill. Soon to be a first time Guzzi owner. I'll be headed down to AF1 in Austin to collect my black California Touring. I have ridden for several years and have owned several great bikes. As of now the California will share shop space with my Ducati Diavel and Yamaha Super Tenere. I'll post pics from the ride home.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BillW on June 06, 2014, 08:13:31 AM
My name is Bill. Soon to be a first time Guzzi owner. I'll be headed down to AF1 in Austin to collect my black California Touring. I have ridden for several years and have owned several great bikes. As of now the California will share shop space with my Ducati Diavel and Yamaha Super Tenere. I'll post pics from the ride home.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: illini80 on June 08, 2014, 12:01:01 PM
social work
Quad Cities, IA

Have a Triumph Bonneville and am interested in the Moto Guzzi's (they sure are great looking bikes).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: folsomphipps on June 08, 2014, 02:31:22 PM
Hi, just bought my first Moto Guzzi, a black 2007 Griso. Looking forward to reviewing all the experiences and advise from existing owners.

John Phipps
Power System Operator
Folsom, CA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldmotoguy on June 09, 2014, 08:59:06 AM
Hi..Name is Brent...07 Guzzi Norge 1200 owner for two weeks now...also ride Suzi GSX1100g.  Retired Mech Engr, Cal Poly SLO grad '71, previously import car and tractor mech and corporate accountant (really).
Vietnam Vet - 1st Inf Div '66-'67
Now recovering from 4 RCA Stents and CABG open heart surgery last March.  Back in the saddle EOM! 

Look forward to learning from other's experiences and goof-ups..we all have them, huh? I know I do...riding a '42 Cushman from Lancaster, CA to Las Vegas in '59 at 14 years of age? Yep. Did that.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guttzi on June 09, 2014, 02:23:15 PM
HI Guys
Cardiff United Kingdom
Married four freaking times and still have my own hair
determined to get my cal 3 950 working
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ludlow on June 09, 2014, 02:38:50 PM
Bob Santelik, Indianapolis IN.  
Computer Security Analyst for a regional insurance company.
Age 48
Just purchased an 01 California EV.  Also have an '81 BMW R100RT sidecar project that is in several pieces.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AndyS on June 11, 2014, 03:30:13 AM
Hi to all
Andy from Western Australia, just about to purchase the bike I always wanted, Series 1 Le Mans 850 :)
Oh happy days............
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: B24LongRangers on June 11, 2014, 05:51:53 AM
58 years
never chained
no progeny (that I'm aware of)
no job
no debt
no Guzzi ::(
drooling daily on the keyboard, someday I'll have my own
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Abominable on June 14, 2014, 09:05:02 AM
Finance manager at an auto dealership in Idaho.
I found this site while researching the 00 Quota I just purchased.

Title: Hello
Post by: canuguzzi on June 15, 2014, 05:32:37 PM
I wanted to say hi and intro myself. Here are some vitals:

Age - over 50 not close to 60
Occupation: Looking at a Norge to buy. It is becoming a full time thing.
Location: Northern California. Yes, I know that is like saying Northern World.

I've owned about 35 different motorcycles, never a Guzzi but that may soon change. When I was younger, it seemed a new motorcycle was in the cards every six months. Here are some of the more memorable bikes:

Scorpion mini 172cc. Basically one of those lawnmower engined things except it had a real torque converter, disk brakes and telescopic suspension. It was a blast.

Honda CB200
Kawasaki 250 Triple
Honda 350 Four
Suzuki 550
Kawasaki 750 (the four cyl)
Kawasaki 750 (twin)
Honda 750F
Honda CX500
Yamaha XS500
Yamaha Vision 82
Yamaha Vision 83
Honda VF700s
Honda V65 Sabre 84 (I had two of these through the years)
Aprilia Pegaso 650 Cube
Triumph Trophy 1200 (96 - sport fairing)
Suzuki DL 1000 V-Strom (2006 model)
Triumph Trophy 1200 (2000-Touring fairing)

There were lots of others like the Yamaha RD400 that like riding a two by four  but they didn't make the short list. Now I'm about to pull the trigger on a 2013 Norge. Actually it is a toss up between that and a '14 Caponord, a '14 1000 V-Strom or the new Trophy. It isn't about the money nor about going off road because the first is lined up and the second I simply don't do.

I'm leaning way over to get a Norge and figured since they recently updated the design perhaps it wouldn't be dated real soon. I read there might be a new model on the way but that probably applies to everything being made these days.

So thats me and I'll post over on the other thread for some questions I have.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: canuguzzi on June 15, 2014, 05:33:32 PM
I wanted to say hi and intro myself. Here are some vitals:

Age - over 50 not close to 60
Occupation: Looking at a Norge to buy. It is becoming a full time thing.
Location: Northern California. Yes, I know that is like saying Northern World.

I've owned about 35 different motorcycles, never a Guzzi but that may soon change. When I was younger, it seemed a new motorcycle was in the cards every six months. Here are some of the more memorable bikes:

Scorpion mini 172cc. Basically one of those lawnmower engined things except it had a real torque converter, disk brakes and telescopic suspension. It was a blast.

Honda CB200
Kawasaki 250 Triple
Honda 350 Four
Suzuki 550
Kawasaki 750 (the four cyl)
Kawasaki 750 (twin)
Honda 750F
Honda CX500
Yamaha XS500
Yamaha Vision 82
Yamaha Vision 83
Honda VF700s
Honda V65 Sabre 84 (I had two of these through the years)
Aprilia Pegaso 650 Cube
Triumph Trophy 1200 (96 - sport fairing)
Suzuki DL 1000 V-Strom (2006 model)
Triumph Trophy 1200 (2000-Touring fairing)

There were lots of others like the Yamaha RD400 that like riding a two by four  but they didn't make the short list. Now I'm about to pull the trigger on a 2013 Norge. Actually it is a toss up between that and a '14 Caponord, a '14 1000 V-Strom or the new Trophy. It isn't about the money nor about going off road because the first is lined up and the second I simply don't do.

I'm leaning way over to get a Norge and figured since they recently updated the design perhaps it wouldn't be dated real soon. I read there might be a new model on the way but that probably applies to everything being made these days.

So thats me and I'll post over on the other thread for some questions I have.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: reidy on June 19, 2014, 05:39:50 AM
My name is Steve

I come from the land down under, QLD Australia.
I have had my Guzzi Nevada for about 13 years and have made a number of changes.

What else do you put here. I like long walks on the beach, motorbikes and tinkering in the shed.

Most people know me as Reidy.

Thanks for the good read on the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe90 on June 19, 2014, 07:55:23 PM
Dublin Ireland
Le Mans IV owner
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe90 on June 19, 2014, 08:01:40 PM
Dublin, Ireland
Le Mans IV
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jptripp on June 20, 2014, 08:11:45 PM
Hi there all!

I'm John, 41 from Richmond, California, near San Francisco. Self-employed entrepreneur type, working in the technology business, with an emphasis on "green" stuff.

I got my M1 on a lark a few years ago and then had to put off purchasing my first bike after my ex and I separated. I've been hunting around for a while and would pick up a Guzzi, but I'm thinking I should probably get an older beater to practice on first.

Anyway, that's me!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: farmall on June 20, 2014, 10:13:54 PM
Age - 55
Occupation - USAF Retired
Location - SC

'74 850 (stored since ~1985).

Experienced on OV-10s, F-4s and F-16s, cars, trucks, and other bikes but this is my first Guzzi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mainerider on June 21, 2014, 07:18:45 PM
Hello folks,

 mainerider here, you will never guess where I'm from  ;) 
I have been riding for 45 years trail, dirt, street I have owned too many bikes to list Russian, Jap, Brit, US, China, Spain, Swedan, but oddly enough never a Guzzi or BMW
My current rides are 2011 Ural Gobi Gear-up (year round commuter), 1995 Honda GL1500 SE Anniverary Addition, 2013 Yamaha TW200.
As I age, I find myself looking to form a collection of different or more unique motorcycles. I am not looking for power and speed, just the sheer beauty of something out of the norm. I just enjoy riding, and riding pretty much anything on 2 or 3 wheels.
Now I am looking at the purchase of a V7 Stine in the spring of 2015.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: valevale on June 23, 2014, 07:41:50 AM
Hello, I'm new here.

My name is Valentina, I'm 25 and I come from Milan - Italy.

I wanted to share with you the joy I feel every morning when I lift the gate of my garage and find my motorbike waiting to be turned on in order to release all its inimitable and engaging sound.
My Guzzi Nevada has a soul. It shines with its own light. It’s a steed that makes me proud of the fact that Guzzi is an Italian motorcycle admired throughout the world.
A Guzzi doesn’t work, it lives. It lives like a biker, who rides a Guzzi.

Do you agree with me?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: valevale on June 23, 2014, 07:44:09 AM
Hello, I'm new here.

My name is Valentina, I'm 25 and I come from Milan - Italy.

I wanted to share with you the joy I feel every morning when I lift the gate of my garage and find my motorbike waiting to be turned on in order to release all its inimitable and engaging sound.
My Guzzi Nevada has a soul. It shines with its own light. It’s a steed that makes me proud of the fact that Guzzi is an Italian motorcycle admired throughout the world.
A Guzzi doesn’t work, it lives. It lives like a biker, who rides a Guzzi.

Do you agree with me?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Touringman on June 27, 2014, 02:09:55 PM
Kirk Stephens


Operations Supervisor - Republic Services

Red Oak Texas - Dallas southern suburb

Proud new owner - 2014 California 1400 Touring (sixth bike/first Guzzi)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jcb72 on June 28, 2014, 02:20:57 AM
Head of ops -save the children
Melbourne Australia

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jtsteiert on June 29, 2014, 12:14:25 PM
My name is John and I am the new owner of a 2012 Stelvio NTX.
I bought it brand new 2 months ago and have since put 4,300 km on her.
I love this bike and have wanted a Guzzi for as long as i can remember, I turned 50 in Jan so that's a long time now!
I have done a little off roading on her and a lot of highway riding here in the Vancouver area of BC.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pariah on June 29, 2014, 02:10:12 PM

Richard S


Structural Engineer

UK National but worked overseas for many years

MG 850 Le Mans Mk2 converted to a 'Mock 1'
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Danav7 on June 30, 2014, 04:07:23 PM
Dana 'Doc' Williams
2013 V7 Stone.  First Guzzi.

58 yo.  Data processing

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 71Blackbird on June 30, 2014, 04:20:35 PM
Hello my name is Brent
47 years old
Live in South Jordan, Utah
Own a construction business

Oh yea. Just picked up my first Guzzi. 2014 V7r
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pitbull on July 04, 2014, 03:47:41 PM

Name is Brett and I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario.

I'm currently riding a 01 ducati monster 900 cromo and a 01 ducati ST4

I'm looking to sell the ST4 I tour on now and slow down a little into a cruiser style.

The only cruisers that interest me are the guzzi California models and 10-15 year old California stone models. Ideally I'd like to find a stone metal model to compliment the monster cromo, but a number of different California models appeal to me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kojak00000 on July 07, 2014, 12:20:23 PM
Born and raised in Germany
Now since 10 years in the USA
Syracuse, KS
When I was young:LM I, LM III, later Cali II and Cali III, now 30 years and 50 pounds later 99 Cali 1100 EV.
Work as Deputy Sheriff.  :+=copcar
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hatchb4ck on July 08, 2014, 12:43:05 PM

Name: Joe
Age: 40+
Occupation:  Sys Admin
Location:  OP, KS

Bought my first Guzzi last year and rode it until it got too icy out.  Didn't want to stop as it is such a great motorcycle.  I refer to it as a mutt because it is part v1000 convert, part 850-t3, and part SP.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bradman on July 09, 2014, 10:18:50 AM
Name: Brad
Age: 53
Occupation:  Auto Equipment Sales
Location:  Niagara Area Ontario
Lots of dirt and street bikes in the past, still a member of the Ducati Owners club.  Just sold my KTM 640 Adventure, and my Yamaha TY250 Vintage trials bike.
Currently still have a 2013 Husqvarna WR250 and am now a happy owner of an 07 California Vintage.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vincez on July 09, 2014, 04:41:44 PM
Vince Zalenski, age over a certain age, retired Fed, currently a beautiful 2001 V11 Sport (in the proper green) and a 1973 cafed Aermacchi SX-350 (the project from hell), Columbia, MD - other bikes included a Harley Softail, 1990 Ducati 900ss, 1974 Laverda SF2 (why did I ever sell that???)  1975 Ducati 860, Hondas and Suzukis, oh and there is a 1977 MGB in the garage
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on July 09, 2014, 07:07:00 PM
A Guzzi doesn’t work, it lives. It lives like a biker, who rides a Guzzi.

Do you agree with me?

Yes we do, Valentina.. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Daxamundo on July 09, 2014, 10:58:10 PM
Dax, 43, software support, currently in Austin, TX, but soon to be in SW Arlington, TX

I don't ride a Guzzi, but I've had my squirrel-powered mind on them since I owned my first street bike (1987 Suzuki Savage 650).  I'm now on my 2nd Honda VFR800, and while it is a great bike for me, it's a bit small for taking the wife on rides.  My wife is a tall, beautiful blonde, who said she knew she was in trouble after her first ride with me.  Since she loves to ride with me, I'm looking for something more comfortable for 2-up riding.

I'm going to try to find a good post to ask some questions about the Stelvio, as I *think* that could be my next bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vtgguzzi on July 15, 2014, 02:52:37 AM
Ken  54 yrs. young.
Married super fun wife, and a 11 yr old daughter going on 20!.
So Cal.
Owner Fab shop/machine shop Manufacture performance parts for Vintage bikes, motorsports,  Build cool stuff, carve a lot of aluminum! 
I like all aspects of motorcycles, building, restoring. racing, Vintage collecting
Like to take a 4-8week trip around the states every other year.  Will travel for fun activities, watch ya got??.  I ride serious Enduro in the western states.
Other interests are Snowboarding, wakeboarding, things that burn fossil fuels. Currently completing a 1969 Nova SS pro-touring street machine, calculated 10.2-3 sec. 1/4 mile. Should be fun! Collecting Vintage Bows, surfing, hang gliding, shifter karts, diving, playing guitar, and a lot of other stuff I shouldn't mention. 
Own a lot of motorcycles, I have (2) 1972 Guzzis I restored for  myself, one with a side car.  Really Love my 72 1000cc kitted 850 Eldo cop bike in Sea Foam Green. Found it under some stairs at an apartment complex in San Fran.  300 bucks and a bill of sale from the apt. manager.  I will never sell it, I have had it for 25 yrs.  still my favorite ride out of all of them, feels like a nice soft worn in pair of chonies.  Over 130,000 miles since restored!  Its been to the tip of Mexico to Alaska, Fl to maine, several times..  It has never left me stranded or dead on the road!  Hell, its never ran out of gas, but I have coasted into a station or two.  I've Hit a turkey on it in upper Wisconsin, grazed a deer in Colorado,  towed another motorcyclist 45 miles in Montana, Drag Raced it, took it to a track day at Willow springs,  had it air born 2-3 ft.  scraped the floorboards, and kick stands to the point of replacement, ridden 4 people on it  on new years eve in 93, rode next to Fonda a at a love ride, shot pistols from the saddle, had many a beautiful girl on the back, and front, (if you know what I mean), replaced the seat twice, repainted it once, rebuilt the shifter a couple times, 3 set of points, and 2 rotors and caps!  Wheel bearings, and the typical misc bullshit.  Tis baby has heart and soul!  Its been great travel through time...just like my 1969 Volkswagen Bus........but that's another story! 
I am currently looking for a 2010-11 Stelvio, rode a friends, and find it necessary to own one.  I have had a Lemans, and a Ballibio, should have kept that one.  Looking forward to getting to a Moto Guzzi Ralley in the near future. 
C-ya there  Ken
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lostinthemarket on July 16, 2014, 07:56:38 AM
New Guzzi Owner here. I just picked this up for a decent price:

The previous owner put some seriously dumb looking "cafe" bars on it with ebay grips. I'm looking into fixing that right now. . .

Structural engineer. 35 years old
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BassPlayerDave on July 16, 2014, 10:29:34 AM
Hello everyone,

My name is Dave
Age 60
GE (locomotive division) retiree as of Nov 30, 2011 after nearly 39 years of service
I live in NW PA
Currently do not own a Guzzi, but am extremely interested in the new California Touring, and will have lots of questions concerning it.

I have been riding since 1972, and have owned 6 Japanese bikes in that time:
   '72 Kawasaki 350 Triple
   '73 Suzuki GT750 Water Buffalo
   '74 Kaw Z-1 900
   '77 Suzuki GS750
   '78 Suzuki GS1000E
   '96 Honda Gold Wing SE
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tcm60a1 on July 18, 2014, 09:46:53 AM
Hello to all
My name is Jim and I'm from New Jersey.  I have been riding since 1966, taken a hiatus and now back on the road.  I have a number of bikes all older than 1980,but  I just purchased a 2005 moto Guzzi Nevada.
I retired in 2003 and since I've restored the following:
1972 Ducati mark IV
1966 BSA
1980 Honda CX500
2 - Triumphs
1980 BMW 1000rs
In progress 1969 Moto Guzzi Ambo, 1976 aeromacchi , 1980 yamaha maxim.
Looking forward to sharing and learning from the forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jurgen on July 22, 2014, 10:31:09 AM
My name is Jurgen, I live in Santa Fe, NM and have been a MC rider since the early 50's.  I've owned 2 unregistered Indians (37.5 cu.in. and 74 cu. in.) as a teenager, since then several BMW airheads, and one pseudo BMW F650GS.  I've always wanted a Guzzi, am now actively looking for a Breva 750.

I'm a retired mechanical engineer and have a home shop where I make parts for my motorcycle and airplane.  When not flying or gardening, I go on MC camping tours (tent and sleeping bag). 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: freedom on July 23, 2014, 11:42:57 AM
My name is Farid, 40, live in Chicago and I own a '13 V7 Stone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on July 24, 2014, 03:36:59 PM
Welcome!  Glad to have you here.   :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ukguyinlv on July 26, 2014, 01:36:45 AM
Alan Whetton

Las Vegas, NEVADA .

59 Years old

First time Guzzi Owner

V7 Racer #741
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chandlerslaughter on July 28, 2014, 10:44:00 AM
Looks like I forgot to do this a few months back!

My name is Chandler Slaughter, I'm 19 and a barista in Daytona Beach Florida.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: billybd on July 28, 2014, 09:39:53 PM
introduction new member

Bill Siddons-66-no i graduated in 65!
07 Griso
BMW RT1200

surf, ski, swim, twisties, long road trips,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: billybd on July 28, 2014, 09:39:54 PM
introduction new member

Bill Siddons-66-no i graduated in 65!
07 Griso
BMW RT1200

surf, ski, swim, twisties, long road trips,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: billybd on July 28, 2014, 09:44:03 PM
introduction new member

Bill Siddons-66-no i graduated in 65!
07 Griso
BMW RT1200

surf, ski, swim, twisties, long road trips,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: billybd on July 28, 2014, 09:44:03 PM
introduction new member

Bill Siddons-66-no i graduated in 65!
07 Griso
BMW RT1200

surf, ski, swim, twisties, long road trips,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: STANLEYCAT on July 29, 2014, 05:49:26 AM
Ron Fairbrother
48 yrs young
retired (ex RAF Pilot)
Now just building bikes and chilling after a very hectic last 28 yrs.
Currently living out in the sticks in Norfolk UK

Have owned:
FZR1000 RU
Ducati 888
Ducati 748R
MV Agusta F4
Vrsca (Now a custom cafe racer/drag bike and still owned)
OW02 R7 (wish I still had it)
Zephyr 1100 (Now a rebuilt show custom and very rideable)
1200 custom Bobber (every day ride)

But now have a Mille GT that is stripped and being rebuilt into a track/show bike.
So, where on this site would you like me to post the rebuild along with step by step build photos please (once I work out how to do the host site image thing, any ideas on a host site) ?????

Many thanks


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chaoselephant23 on July 29, 2014, 03:34:49 PM
introduction new member

Kristian Balinski, 32 year old Taurus who engineers software,

2003 California Stone Touring

Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Backpacking, Hiking, Camping, Music
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: raoul on July 31, 2014, 11:13:13 AM
Paul Durrant, 42, Financial Analyst.  Married, with Children.

Currently riding a Yamaha cruiser, my first "big" bike after learning on and riding a 250 for a couple years.  Thinking about buying a Norge, so I'm lurking on here to learn what I can.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MIOMOTO on August 01, 2014, 03:38:28 AM
New owner of a 2003 California Special Sport.

I'm just about 50 years old.

Have been riding a Triumph Tiger 800xc here in Western Montana.

Looking for another unique ride.  Enjoying the MG so far.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motrhead on August 01, 2014, 05:30:21 PM
Hmm...didn't do this when I joined, but I have been lurking for a couple of years now while I searched for my Guzzi and enjoyed some other fun bikes.
 I finally found her...'03 V11 LeMans with 16k km, mint, upgraded forks, exhaust and Power Commander. I am smitten!
 Everything else, except for my '77 XLCR Harley Cafe Racer, is collecting dust.
My details: Dean, 49, BC Canada, lots of Yamahas...lol
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Griso Gringo on August 03, 2014, 03:35:15 PM
Ed Shank
Mechanical engineer
Berea, Ohio
2013 Griso 8V SE, my first Guzzi and I love it! ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Eddose on August 04, 2014, 11:59:14 AM
Ed from Utah here.  Newbie.  Riden since I was 6yo (I am now 49)  Started out riding Honda,  went to Triumphs and now just got a Moto Guzzi V7 Racer. 
Not very happy with the salesman that sold it to me..... told me there was a seat under the cowling... also messed around with the deal to get the bike.  Not very happy with them.
I needed a bike that had a Unique look, sporty, ...  I sell real estate in Utah and I drive more than 200 miles a day sometimes.  Needed something that looked somewhat professional but fun for me to ride.   The bigger tank helps, the classic look gives me a "not a biker" look, it's unique enough to break the ice with folks, and all I need to say is that it's an Italian bike.
Give folks a more relaxed feel when I ride up to greet them on a bike.

How do I add an image in this?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi_man on August 05, 2014, 12:09:20 AM
Tom Mutz
Retired Federal Employee
Omaha, Nebraska

Bike:  2000 Jackal
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: argyllwinger on August 06, 2014, 04:00:04 PM
George Bruce
Age 56
Electrical Contractor
Married (34 years)!
Argyll, Scotland.
1993 Honda Goldwing GL1500 Aspencade - ex California
1998 Honda CBR 900 RRW Fireblade

Looking out for a Norge!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jwitt on August 07, 2014, 08:18:04 AM
I'm Jim from the Florida Panhandle, originally from Ohio. I'm turning 62 in September and have recently retired.
I just bought my second Guzzi, an 07 Norge. My first was an 84 850T that I had back in the eighties.
I also have a 2001 Sportster, 2 R65 BMWs, 1969 SL90 Honda, and several mini bikes.

As you can see it has the optional Weber top case.

(http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss253/thosewitts/Guzzi/001_zpsf957ac08.jpg) (http://s581.photobucket.com/user/thosewitts/media/Guzzi/001_zpsf957ac08.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DeThomaso on August 09, 2014, 03:55:30 AM
My name is Thomas Nyvell, I am 52 years of age. I´m making a living as a busdriver. I live in Sweden( northern Europe), are a member of the swedish Moto Guzzi club and I have been riding motorcykles since I was 18 years old. My first encounter with Moto Guzzi was back in 1987 when I saw a California 2 Converter standing outside my local Guzzidealer who also was the Swedish importer at that time. 1988 I was stuck in the swedish guzziswamp  :bow and had my first California 3 delivered that spring. For the next tvelve years or so I had 2 California 3, one V65 Custom and finally one old 850 T-1975. Ive done my share of tinkering with guzzi over the years and by the beginning of the new century I had to have a pause from it all. It lasted until a month ago or so when I did the mistake of popping in and saying hello to old friends on The swedish Guzziclub homepage and forum. It all ended with me buying a V65 Lario - 1985, in very good condition, 2 weeks ago  ::)   ;D I got it really cheep! So....I knew, since I have been on this forum before (as a guest) that if I wanted to do a good job of restoring this bike I could get some well needed advice from you all. I know about the valveproblems and all but I think its best to have all the right input before I get on with the job.

Thank you for letting me join the campfire  :pop

Best regards
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twowheeladdict on August 10, 2014, 08:57:05 AM
Hello All.

After 30 years of strictly Japanese motorcycles, I just picked up my first Moto Guzzi.

Found a 2010 Café Classic with only 764 miles on it. 

Motorcycle Addict

The Café Classic is bike number 7 in my stable.

The rest are Kawasaki bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gwyll on August 11, 2014, 08:56:10 AM
Thanks for the add.  My name is Guillermo and I live in the Denver area.  I have my first Guzzi now for about three years.  A 1100 California Titanium.  It's been a great runner for me but quit last Thursday.  Still haven't figured out if it's the fuel pump, the filter or clogged injectors. 

My wife has a 550 Kaw Vulcan and she likes pleasure riding on the weekends.  I tend to use mine more for commuting and I can't have it cutting out on me on 6th avenue.  Any help would be much appreciated. 

I'm an insurance agent by day and a harmonica player at night. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dugr on August 11, 2014, 05:35:15 PM
I don't know if I should say "Hello!", "Help!" or, "My name is Doug and I'm ..."

Pasadena, CA
2000 Bassa

Sanity left me recently when I got Guzzi fever.  Now, I'm owned by a beautiful 2000 Bassa.  Not my first rodeo but, my first Guzzi.

I choose to blame Dean Rose (I'm insane, so I can) and his EV with Centauro bars, for my complete loss deductive reasoning skills. 

I've reach an understanding of a whole new level of unconsciousness.

BTW: Great forum!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rallon on August 12, 2014, 04:58:47 AM

I am Roger, I teach high school Design & Technology, Engineering studies etc.

I own an 86 model Lemans Mk IV 16" front wheel, with a rear sets, clip on`s and an Agostini fairing.

I live in Hunter Valley in Newcastle, NSW Australia.

I love the meld of Guzzi simplicity with functionality, low down torque and its ability to go fast!

I was born in 1959 and have ridden bikes on and off (literally) since i was 18. ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hegger on August 12, 2014, 07:49:46 AM
Hey everyone,

Names Phil
I'm a strappin' young lad at a mere 22 years of age
I'm from Minnesota - land of 2 seasons (winter and riding season)
Currently live in St. Paul, MN
I'm a senior in college, working full time as a Media Relations Associate for a non-profit veterans organization that's based out of Washington, DC.

Previously I have only owned sport bikes, but I found a 1975 Moto Guzzi 850t (bored out to 950) that I couldn't pass up. Looking at a long term full restoration/customization full of fun, frustration, and lots of questions.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bazza on August 15, 2014, 01:14:09 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm Baz, I live in Sydney, Australia, and I'm in IT. I have a deposit on a 2013 Sport 1200 at my local dealer and am upgrading from a 99 Ducati ST2.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on August 15, 2014, 01:29:11 PM
Hi Ron - I see that you have a Mille GT that you are customizing.  I don't suppose that you are changing/upgrading the instrumentation and would be willing to sell the stock plastic console?  They aren't made by the factory any more, as far as I can tell, & they are hard to come by used.  I have a 1990 Mille that I'm trying to keep as stock as possible, & the console I have now is slowly disintegrating.

John C
Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on August 15, 2014, 05:25:47 PM
I don't know if I should say "Hello!", "Help!" or, "My name is Doug and I'm ..."

Pasadena, CA
2000 Bassa

Sanity left me recently when I got Guzzi fever.  Now, I'm owned by a beautiful 2000 Bassa.  Not my first rodeo but, my first Guzzi.

I choose to blame Dean Rose (I'm insane, so I can) and his EV with Centauro bars, for my complete loss deductive reasoning skills. 

I've reach an understanding of a whole new level of unconsciousness.

BTW: Great forum!

That's it blame me, I did it.

I really can't take credit for the idea Chicago Mark had the idea first on his blue Bassa. I sat on Lannis' Centauro at a Guzzi lunch on day and liked the feel of the Centauro bars and that was it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzirider26 on August 15, 2014, 05:51:04 PM
My name is Nino.
Currently Kansas city, Missouri
Tattoo machine designer
1998 EV

This is my first Guzzi and kicking myself for not getting one sooner, always had sport bikes. Have been modifying it since I got it. Ride it everday unless I'm pullint it apart. Glad to be apart of this :bike

When I first got it:  https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-sY7zRUASIdM/U--c6H2whlI/AAAAAAAAFaU/EIi8lRdRMhs/w600-h337-no/00E0E_in5EnvzVQ0S_600x450.jpg
What Ive done so far:  https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IECsNf_Yuqg/U_AsJOozrCI/AAAAAAAAFeA/pIFj_k8BmDs/w737-h553-no/14%2B-%2B1

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 356sc on August 15, 2014, 06:45:00 PM
Mike Grant

Austin TX


Semiconductor equipment sales

Title: New to Wildgoose
Post by: kirkkw on August 16, 2014, 04:29:17 AM
I don't own a Guzzi but can't stop thinking about a Norge. Guess I should also consider the Stelvio.  Come to think of it the 1400 Cali Tour would satisfy the Victory Cross Country Tour craving I also have.

Recent history current bikes 1996 K11RS, 1976 CB750A (needs work) and 2010? Suzuki 125 scooter.

Past bikes: 1998? Suzuki Bandit 650, 1995 R100RT, 1983 R80RT, Honda Helix

Working in Corporate Business Ethics Office - age 56, retiring in less than 3 years if all plans work.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bmacneil2008 on August 16, 2014, 05:42:37 AM
Hi all,

Robert here from Charleston, SC. Converted my Kawa VS to more of a ADV bike but found a new 09 Stelvio still in the crate last week for a very good price. Picking up this Wednesday.The Versys is great but wanted a larger ride for longer runs.

Have a great weekend :)

https://www.flickr.com/photos/71375941@N02/sets/72157645227238673/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71375941@N02/sets/72157645227238673/)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/71375941@N02/sets/72157629200591028/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71375941@N02/sets/72157629200591028/)

Title: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joeker8V on August 16, 2014, 08:19:04 PM
My name is Brandon and I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I recently fell in love with the griso and decided it was time to retire the Buell. I am definitely interested in meeting up with some fellow Guzzi riders and getting to know more about these beautiful machines.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joeker8V on August 16, 2014, 08:25:15 PM
Kirk Stephens


Operations Supervisor - Republic Services

Red Oak Texas - Dallas southern suburb

Proud new owner - 2014 California 1400 Touring (sixth bike/first Guzzi)
Hey there. My name is Brandon and I am also in the DFW area. Do you know if there is a group of Guzzi riders in the area that gets together?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzer on August 17, 2014, 07:55:06 PM
Ned Miller
Retired educator & Educational Consultant & Presenter
Love sailing our MacGregor 26X
Live in the hills of Mid-Missouri
Refurbishing my first motorcycle, an Eldorado. I have never seen or heard a Guzzi run & have never driven a street bike!  This should be interesting!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hammick on August 17, 2014, 10:23:11 PM
Brian.  47 yr old Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri.
Title: Re:
Post by: petitchat on August 18, 2014, 09:16:10 AM
Hi everyone,

My name is Hugo, 22, student in mechanical engineering. Just bought my first guzzi, V7 stone 2013 in white!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on August 18, 2014, 04:46:48 PM
I just wanted to extend my welcome to the new members that have posted here.


John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on August 18, 2014, 10:31:33 PM
Brian.  47 yr old Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri.

I need to get your number in case I get nicked in Missouri.  Do you handle felonious speeding cases??  :bike :+=copcar :+=copcar   ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on August 18, 2014, 10:33:57 PM
To all the new members here I just want to extend a hale and hardy hello and welcome.  You have joined the best forum on the innerneck about any subject.  Great people, great help, and great times.  Do yourself a favor, get to the nearest Guzzi rally as soon as you can.  Then you will get to meet many of the people on here and really get a sense of the Guzzi world. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Normsthename on August 19, 2014, 02:43:09 AM
My name is Andy and I'am 52 years young, I live in Leicester, UK
Had a Guzzi Itch since I was 17 after I first saw the Guzzi Lemans MK1 :)
Finally got my hands on one, a 2009 Norge with 9400 Miles on the clock.
Looking forward to collecting it on Friday :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on August 19, 2014, 09:39:40 AM
Jumpin' in with both feet.

Sales rep

Just picked up a 2000 Jackal in ridiculously good condition. Needs absolutely nothin', (but that won't stop me)

I'll have LOTS of questions for you lads over the coming months.

She's got:
a floorboard kit (appears to be HD)
Rich Maund Seat
MG seatback and rack
MG windshield
Highway pegs
(last two not currently installed)
And just generally meticulously maintained, and ready to go

Planning to pull the floorboard kit and put the pegs back. I've got the pegs, but not the peg mounts. If anyone has a set or can point me in that direction, lemme know.
I'm fortunate to have an experienced mechanic/Guzzi owner in the family and nearbye (the enabler), will be doing lots of riding and tinkering with him over the coming months.

without further ado

(http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l58/tiokimo/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg) (http://s93.photobucket.com/user/tiokimo/media/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg.html)

I'll have lots of more better pics as I delve into this, but this is just as an introduction.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on August 19, 2014, 10:44:05 AM
Jumpin' in with both feet.

Sales rep

Just picked up a 2000 Jackal in ridiculously good condition. Needs absolutely nothin', (but that won't stop me)

I'll have LOTS of questions for you lads over the coming months.

She's got:
a floorboard kit (appears to be HD)
Rich Maund Seat


without further ado

(http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l58/tiokimo/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg) (http://s93.photobucket.com/user/tiokimo/media/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg.html)

I'll have lots of more better pics as I delve into this, but this is just as an introduction.


No help with your pegs quest, but yours is a very nice Jackal, especially as it is in the proper color for an Italian motorcycle.   ;)

Always loved the simplicity of that model.

I like the stock saddle better, but hard to beat RM quality, and that red piping looks super.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on August 19, 2014, 10:58:10 AM
No help with your pegs quest, but yours is a very nice Jackal, especially as it is in the proper color for an Italian motorcycle.   ;)
Always loved the simplicity of that model.
I like the stock saddle better, but hard to beat RM quality, and that red piping looks super.

Thanks Bill. I originally eyeballed a gray or black one, but this one is just pristine, so the color suddenly has new appeal.
I too like the look of the original seat. Fortunately I received the original in the deal, so I can try it out. What I've read here however is that the stock seat leaves a LOT to be desired. I'll give a first..er...hand report after a ride or two. I can tell this seat is well made, firm, and high. I know I can find a home for it if I choose to go back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on August 19, 2014, 11:15:51 AM

Thanks Bill. I originally eyeballed a gray or black one, but this one is just pristine, so the color suddenly has new appeal.
I too like the look of the original seat. Fortunately I received the original in the deal, so I can try it out. What I've read here however is that the stock seat leaves a LOT to be desired. I'll give a first..er...hand report after a ride or two. I can tell this seat is well made, firm, and high. I know I can find a home for it if I choose to go back.

The black and gray are nice, too, but, ah, red.   :D

As for saddle, don't go by me.  I think after several years in the Guzzi world that I am about the ONLY person who likes the stock EV and similar saddles.  Maybe I have no nerves on my bottom end  ::), but I do not care for cushy rides, but prefer the firmer saddles that came with the machines. 

Besides, if function were not enough, at least IMO, the stock saddles look perfect on the Calis.  After all, with due deference to Rich Maund -- who is a genius with his hands in such things -- the Italians who designed the stock one knew what they were doing to combine form and function into moto-art.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 190 Octane on August 20, 2014, 04:28:44 PM

Planning to pull the floorboard kit and put the pegs back. I've got the pegs, but not the peg mounts. If anyone has a set or can point me in that direction, lemme know.
without further ado

(http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l58/tiokimo/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg) (http://s93.photobucket.com/user/tiokimo/media/Jackal/NCM_0010_zpsb19366e5.jpg.html)

That is one clean Jackal.  The floor board kit looks like the one from MG Cycle. (http://www.mgcycle.com/product_info.php?products_id=1087)

I'm guessing its not much different than Harper's kit ,which retains the original peg mounts. 

One of the peg mounts is used for the pivot on the shifter, its that little silver piece in your picture. 

The one on the brakes side doesn't really do anything, but is likely still there.  You can see the bolt head capping it off here.

Here's the instructions for Harper's kit. (http://www.harpermoto.com/pm65/instructionfloorboard.pdf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on August 22, 2014, 08:24:24 AM
Very cool 190, thanks for that info. The bike is an hour away waiting for plates. I'll take a look at that tomorrow when I go to make it legal. That would be a nice surprise. It would make sense that those are MG boards, as every other aftermarket item seems to be (windshield, backrest). It was a Harley guy that assumed/recalled they looked "exactly" like a set he had.....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 190 Octane on August 22, 2014, 10:37:36 AM
The floor boards themselves may be the same as on Harleys, it's the custom mount that adapts them to the stock peg location.  I believe even the OEM Guzzi floorboards interchange with Harleys.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on August 22, 2014, 04:25:19 PM
Jumpin' in with both feet.

Planning to pull the floorboard kit and put the pegs back. I've got the pegs, but not the peg mounts. If anyone has a set or can point me in that direction, lemme know.

I wasn't going to say anything, but the floorboard comments keep on flying in so I decided to add my 2 cents:  IMO, don't be too quick to toss the floorboards, depending on what kind of riding you plan on doing or you have a compulsion to take the bike back to completely stock appearance.  If you do much riding longer than local commutes &/or errands, the floorboards & heel/toe shifter can actually be a nice modification.  Again, depending on how you ride, they may not significantly limit cornering for the more sporting rides either.  I'd recommend leaving them on for awhile just to see what you think.  Judging by the pictures, they don't seem to detract from the bike's appearance, especially since it is styled as a "cruiser" otherwise.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on August 22, 2014, 05:40:02 PM
Good council, and I'm not taking a wrench to it quite yet. I'll put some miles on her tomorrow with the boards. The luxury here is I have options without dropping a dime, and I intend to take advantage of that. In other news, the seller located the peg mounts, so I've got everything I need to be fickle and indecisive, all, at no extra cost. Win!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mulehill on August 24, 2014, 11:48:51 AM
Hello Guzzi folks. I am happy to join the group. Joe, 49 in Milwaukee, WI working as an IT consultant. After 30 years of BMWs I recently traded my R1200GSA for a 2014 V7 Stone. I'm having the time of my live riding it and have no regrets in passing on the GS. A couple years ago I shed 80 lbs, and have wanted a smaller bike ever since. So two weeks ago I shed maybe 150 lbs and 50 HP with my motorcycle. Below are pics of the V7 prior to de-stickering it and the mods I made to lower the foot pegs.



Eccentric folding foot pieces to go with the lowered foot pegs from Guzzi Tech. https://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=08-7899A (https://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=08-7899A)


Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BigKev on August 24, 2014, 01:42:11 PM
Kevin Mullens


42 years old, 4 kids


Hobbies: (when I'm not utterly tied up and broke from all the kids) motorcycles, shooting, fishing, outdoor goodies, watching crap British car shows on tv.

Current bike: '72 BMW R75/5

Prior bikes:
1992 BMW K75RT
1980 Guzzi v50
1989 BMW R80GSPD
Suzuki RGV500
Suzuki GSXR1100
Suzuki GSX550ESD
Suzuki GN250
Suzuki TS250
Yamaha DT250

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blue on August 26, 2014, 08:13:10 AM

Ian - 50 - UK - Been known to shout at some car drivers.
Like summer eves, smell of fresh cut grass, bonfires, sun on my back, fresh spring mornings, empty twisty roads, optimism, Smell of 2-stroke racing oil, decent films, books, meat/steaks, roast potatoes, fresh cool clear water, smell of a pine forest, seafood, Peroni, snorkling, mountain biking [ though i cannot locate a mountain near me, nor could i get up it on a bike ]

Just got this :
(http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt135/ZXR750blob/Griso888.jpg) (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/ZXR750blob/media/Griso888.jpg.html)

(http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt135/ZXR750blob/Griso890.jpg) (http://s605.photobucket.com/user/ZXR750blob/media/Griso890.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bmacneil2008 on August 26, 2014, 12:47:50 PM
Very nice! I really like the 'cleaner' front end headlight assembly on the Griso as compared to my Stelvio. I assume I could recreate but you know how mods can go, the weekend project becomes my cycle shops next service payday :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jturquette on August 26, 2014, 03:35:27 PM
Hello All.

Jonathan Turquette in Houston, TX. I'm an Engineer working for Mustang Engineering (or Wood Group Mustang).  Just purchased a red 2007 Breva 1100.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CMD on August 27, 2014, 07:40:39 PM
Hi everyone
Christian here and a recent Triumph Tiger 1050 convert.  Got the MG Norge 1200 8VGT for touring. 
Based in Toronto, Canada and just returned from a tour of the Allegheny National Park in PA.

Toured a lot in Europe (England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc) as well as in Colorado, Arkansas and the Blue Ridge Parkway - so any questions please ask and I will try and help.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on August 28, 2014, 09:35:34 AM
Hey, Kevin.  Welcome to the forum.  I'm just down the road a bit in Georgetown.  My daily driver is a '92 K75RT.  Working (slowly) on bringing a '78 G5 back to life.  4 kids??  Where do you get the strength to ride a bike?  Cheers.........Jack .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dionysius on August 28, 2014, 09:01:57 PM
Greetings from San Diego. Been a lurker for a long time, but I bought a 2013 V7 Stone today, white. Pick it up tomorrow. Rode a Convert in the late 70s, the one with the 2 speed auto tranny. Lots of nice roads here in San Diego County and beyond.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on August 29, 2014, 09:56:23 AM
Very nice! I really like the 'cleaner' front end headlight assembly on the Griso as compared to my Stelvio. I assume I could recreate but you know how mods can go, the weekend project becomes my cycle shops next service payday :)

That is really funny.   ;D

But it makes me tear a bit at the truth of it.   :'(  ;)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dionysius on August 29, 2014, 05:22:30 PM
Got my V7 Stone home safe and sound. It's been a while since I've ridden on two wheels, felt great. Tomorrow de-sticker bike and RTFM.




Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CMD on August 30, 2014, 10:01:36 AM
HI everyone
recent Triumph convert with a 2013 Norge 1200 GT8V.  Located in Toronto, ON and looking forward to some touring. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stormtruck2 on August 30, 2014, 10:19:58 AM
Welcome!! The Norge 8V are great touring bikes, and really put the sport in sport touring. ENJOY!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brozza on September 01, 2014, 08:13:35 AM
Hi all, I'm Bryan Farrow, 55 of Burnie, Tasmania.
I'm an armature winder and have been winding and redesigning AC and DC motors, generators and transformers from frac. H.P. up to 8,000 H.P and 11,000 volts, since 1975.
Been into m/c's since I was 16 and have had a few dirt and road bikes in that time including a couple of Guzzi 850 Le Mans'. There's a list on a separate post.
I've also got to consider myself very fortunate living in, what a lot of fellow Aussies consider, motorcycling nirvana - Tasmania!
My main interests, apart from the missus, are m/c's, music, science fiction and West Ham United FC.
I'm also a reasonably dab amateur hand at Guzzi mechanicals, having done all my own servicing work on both Guzzi's and a total rebuild from alternator to drive-box on my Mk3 Le Mans, which my brother now owns and which has so far has proven to be reliable in the 8 or 9 years that he's had it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BigBlock on September 02, 2014, 03:37:36 PM
Hello everyone, Dave from southern British Columbia, Canada. Been riding since 1970, some singles, twins but mostly inline 4's. Purchased my first Guzzi last year, a 2012 Norge. Love it.
Been lurking on the forum for a while, finally thought I should get on board. Lots of great people and info.
A few pics of bike.

(http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n238/Bigblockzuki/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/af294ef7-f5b6-4380-82b4-05c0eb869bea_zpsb77cc3ae.jpg) (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Bigblockzuki/media/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/af294ef7-f5b6-4380-82b4-05c0eb869bea_zpsb77cc3ae.jpg.html)

(http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n238/Bigblockzuki/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/IMG_0920_zpse45e19ae.jpg) (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Bigblockzuki/media/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/IMG_0920_zpse45e19ae.jpg.html)

(http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n238/Bigblockzuki/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/IMG_0921_zpsa4b0d4e3.jpg) (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Bigblockzuki/media/Moto%20Guzzi%20and%20Hayabusa/IMG_0921_zpsa4b0d4e3.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Eddose on September 05, 2014, 03:20:04 PM

Ed, From Utah here.   Hi to all.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spuddy on September 06, 2014, 01:53:03 PM

Clean machine. Welcome

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spuddy on September 06, 2014, 01:59:49 PM

Love the Norge. I'll give ya $1,500 [US] sight unseen...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spuddy on September 06, 2014, 02:01:20 PM

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: deadhead on September 07, 2014, 09:16:18 PM
Hello all,
Daniel Colonna from Rockwall TX
41 two children 4, 9
Used Car dealer (somebody has to)
Fell in love with the Eldorado ten years ago, almost fully restored.  This close to a new V7 need to make room in the Garage.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on September 09, 2014, 01:28:41 AM
Great to see all these new Guzzista. ;-T

You will find that there are times you will want to tear your hair out (if you have any  ;D) but you will find Guzzis TOTALLY addictive (for better or for worse :D)

This really is a great site with some really great addicts on it ;-T.

Welcome.  :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dieter Langhart on September 11, 2014, 02:06:06 PM
Hello to everyone

I'm Dieter from Switzerland, 58.

I had been riding a white California II ('83) for fifteen years before she broke down at the age of 160'000 kilometres (half of them with me on the saddle). Had to get a ' new' one ('85), black though, and I'm happy again.
On my bike I've been to most European countries, mostly on my own and mainly in the Balkans, the Pyrenees and French and Italian Alps.

I used to be a teacher, now I'm a journalist and work as an editor for a local newspaper.
I'm much into photography, travelling, hiking, I read a lot (books rather than newspapers).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on September 11, 2014, 02:48:32 PM
Hello Deter!   Ooooo, I'm jealous!  About 10 years ago I spent 7 months in Bosnia & Croatia, with a little time in Hungary, too.  I drove a military SUV (no, not a Hmmwv) about 10k miles in that time, and about 98% of the time I was wishing I was on 2 wheels instead of 4.

Welcome to the group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sgl0226 on September 14, 2014, 09:33:03 AM
I just ordered a 2014 white Norge.  I'm told the dealer should have it in 1-2 weeks.  It will join my 2014 Harley Ultra in the garage.  I used to have a BMW RT and decided I wanted a sport tourer again, but this time without giving up my Harley.  I test drove everything but always wanted a Moto Guzzi.  The Norge seemed perfect.  I will have tons of questions once I get the bike, but for now just a few simple ones.  Which gas?  Regular, mid grade, or premium?  Anyone know where I can get covers for the rear brake pedal and shifter to make them a little bigger (that's the problem of being used to a Harley)?  I know there are some on here who have designed and built their own risers, are there any commercially available for the 2014  (besides Helio bars)?
I'll be back again looking for lots of advice.  In the meantime, can't wait for the bike to get here. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dezmundo on September 18, 2014, 05:33:49 PM
Hello all

I'm Daryl Moughanni living in Beirut, Lebanon.

Rode a '97 Harley Heritage Springer for about 8 years, gave it up in 2005.

At the beginning of this year I saw a second hand 2012 Stelvio NTX for sale and bought it on a whim because it was so pretty and now I can't get off!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gfritzmeier on September 19, 2014, 12:09:51 AM

 I'm Gary Fritzmeier.  Live in Rochester, MN    I'll be 70 in three weeks and love riding just as much today as I did when I was 15.
Present ride is 2003 MG Aluminum that I've owned just over a year. My first Guzzi and I love it.
Past rides are 1958 Alstate, 196? 350 Honda Dream(for 2 weeks): 1962 Triumph Bonneville : 1966 Triumph Bonneville: 1984 Yamaha Virago:
1988 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500: 1998 Triumph Thunderbird & my Guzzi
I'm retired.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: opc on September 22, 2014, 03:00:07 PM
Hello, I'm Jose Gomez.  I'm out of Phoenix AZ and I'm in my mid-40's and earn my leisure time funding by doing engineering stuff.

I'm riding a 2014 GRiSO 8V 1200SE which I picked up in June.  Haven't ridden very much because of the summer heat here, but as the weather continues to cool off I'm looking forward to more saddle time.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bib on September 23, 2014, 06:27:39 AM
Hi wildguzzi,
bib from NSW in OZ
2012 Norge 8v - recent acquisition
Riding mo-bikes since 1978
Have owned Honda 250T - first bike in OZ, large 250, comfortable but could not keep up with friends Yahama RD250
400T - larger version of Hawk 250T - could keep up with friends Yammy RD400 - not while accelerating though.
750F1 - big heavy 750, lots of torque in mid-range, not an enjoyable as CX500
CX500 - memorable bike, smooth power up top, nice pulse in low/mid, great fuel range, as fast as the 750 with better comfort. Never rode it to find handling limitations as others have criticised, loved riding it.
250S - lawn mower sound, quick off the lights and happy at 100kmph - was commute hack for awhile.
BMW R100RS - original 1976 rebuilt (not by me)- non-working steering damper resulted in most vicious head shake at 60kmph - felt like I was to end up wearing an oncoming grill. Was enjoyable when running well, this was very brief before it went back to running bad.
Kawasaki GPZ1100- wow! smooth tractor that became a (mis)guided missile. The engine note once past 7000 was addictive. The only bike I had that made cars in mirrors mere flyspecks in blink of an eye. Would have one again.
GPZ600 - needed 7000 before it got going, once going it was gone. Tiresome in traffic, fun once away from traffic. VERY easy to ride fast.
ST1100 - smooth, strong, long range and comfortable, was a good commuter with strong mid-range, this bike always made me feel safe, this bike I dropped whilst pushing, standing still many times. Heavy and ungainly when not moving. One of my favorites.
VStrom - Did everything the ST did, and did it with a bit of character- pulsing twin 2300-4000, then playful powerhouse. Fastest accelerating bike in traffic I have ever ridden, any revs above 3500 in any gear except 6th...did not use 6th in traffic anyway. Light and powerful, responsive, stock suspension more comfortable than ST- great headlights. More comfortable than ST for two up. A riders bike for all roads, all weather all day.
Current 2012 Norge-  finally realised what I have been missing in bike riding - soul! A tangible sense of being 'together', little things like the "chuff" and shudder when switched off, the soft shimmy at idle, the feelings of 60kmph baritone pulse sending a tingle of enjoyment, the 'oh-shit' moment on opening the throttle at 85kmph to overtake and finding myself at 130kmph a blink later approaching a 80kmph sweeper... the go-fast boys can use the fast lane, would like to keep the secret, on a MG life is GREAT in the slow lane. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allflatblack on September 24, 2014, 01:45:49 PM
John Waverka

Garwood NJ, 35
Building bikes for the last 15 years, racing with AHRMA, metal work.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MamaKV on September 24, 2014, 11:13:47 PM

Kathie Varney in Seattle, WA with a 2004 Breva 750. Bought the bike a few weeks back and took it to Moto International for the 10,000 service. Risers installed, shocks to lower a bit and the fit is perfect. Best ride ever even in rush hour traffic!! LOVE the bike and the awesome new friends at Moto Int.

As a woman rider I have to say 99% of my experience at motorcycle shops and stores is awkward and miserable. NOT HERE. I will be telling EVERY FEMALE rider I meet. Also a BIG shout out to Chris at Harpers Moto, great treatment there as well. Best online resource and service to be sure.

So Saturday morning heading out with my husband for our 24th Anniversary Cruise - The 3 pass blast over the Cascades!  :drool I'll be on the Breva and my DH on a '04 Honda ST1300.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Unkept on September 25, 2014, 06:18:25 AM

Kathie Varney in Seattle, WA with a 2004 Breva 750. Bought the bike a few weeks back and took it to Moto International for the 10,000 service. Risers installed, shocks to lower a bit and the fit is perfect. Best ride ever even in rush hour traffic!! LOVE the bike and the awesome new friends at Moto Int.

As a woman rider I have to say 99% of my experience at motorcycle shops and stores is awkward and miserable. NOT HERE. I will be telling EVERY FEMALE rider I meet. Also a BIG shout out to Chris at Harpers Moto, great treatment there as well. Best online resource and service to be sure.

So Saturday morning heading out with my husband for our 24th Anniversary Cruise - The 3 pass blast over the Cascades!  :drool I'll be on the Breva and my DH on a '04 Honda ST1300.

:) Welcome! My wife and I will be headed out for out second marriage anniversary this weekend as well. Congrats.

Also, my wife's Breva 750 is a great bike... and Moto International are good folks in my experience as well. Sometimes a bit slow on orders, with a hiccup or two in their ordering system... but good folks with a well of Guzzi knowlege.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuckster78 on September 25, 2014, 10:23:55 AM
Hello everyone,

Chuck from Harrisburg Pa.

Happy owner of a new Stone that is still in the break in phase.  I'm loving it.

I work for Comcast business, and my vices include, airplanes, guitars, vintage stuff of all sorts, golf, hiking, and way too many other hobbies.

My first change on my bike has to be the mirrors, I can only see my shoulders, so bar ends or extensions of some sort........suggest ions welcome!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on September 25, 2014, 07:44:49 PM
Hello, I'm Jose Gomez.  I'm out of Phoenix AZ and I'm in my mid-40's and earn my leisure time funding by doing engineering stuff.

I'm riding a 2014 GRiSO 8V 1200SE which I picked up in June.  Haven't ridden very much because of the summer heat here, but as the weather continues to cool off I'm looking forward to more saddle time.


Hey, Jose.  I grew up in Phoenix and lived in Glendale after I got out of the service.  Living in Texas, now.  The thing I remember about that Phoenix heat was that it didn't cool off at night, still in the 90's, whew.  Used to do the Wickenburg, Yarnell Hill, Prescott loop pretty regular.  Your Griso should be perfect for that.  This is a great forum with anything Guzzi you might want to know.  Welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: opc on September 28, 2014, 05:48:08 PM
Hey, Jose.  I grew up in Phoenix and lived in Glendale after I got out of the service.  Living in Texas, now.  The thing I remember about that Phoenix heat was that it didn't cool off at night, still in the 90's, whew.  Used to do the Wickenburg, Yarnell Hill, Prescott loop pretty regular.  Your Griso should be perfect for that.  This is a great forum with anything Guzzi you might want to know.  Welcome.
Thanks, jbell!  The weather patterns haven't changed.  :-\ But I do look forward to taking a shot at those roads on the GRiSO this fall.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: silverbullet on September 30, 2014, 12:45:33 PM

I am silverbullet or Martin, I am 55 years old and live in Coventry UK. I bought my Moto Guzzi Breva 1100 early on this year. My bike looks like a 1200 sports with the nose fairing and seat cowling, it is red and white in colour. My hobbies are: my Guzzi obviously, exercise, photography and computers. I work as a support worker for people with mental health problems
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: thevin70 on October 01, 2014, 08:27:56 PM
West MI.
Gas Utility Co.

I recently picked up a 84 1000SP Cafe Racer, it's been stripped of fairing and gauges, guy needed money for other things. Been looking for a Guzzi for a while to turn into a cafe project since.

2010 Road King
1984 1000 SP
1965,67,68, 250 Ducati's
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TheWarbuckle on October 05, 2014, 10:58:17 AM
Alan Bendele, 40, Married, Web Development Manager . . .

Just bought a 2003 California EV, my first bike!  LOVE it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brightblade on October 05, 2014, 02:07:01 PM
Hi all, ran  across this site when I was looking for answers about my newly acquired 04 moto guzzi california ev.  Lot of good information here. 

We'll I'm not very good at introductions so I'll just say good to meet all of you.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zef on October 06, 2014, 02:44:18 PM
my names Jonas and I am a medstudent from Czech Republic.

I am new to MG world and to motorcycle world overall, so I hope you will have patience with my newbie questions :-)

Looking forward to friendly and educative discussions about MG bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jordaf on October 06, 2014, 02:49:05 PM
Hi folks
Francois or Frank the crank for my english speaking pals.
Currently riding (separately) Cali 89,electra89,softail 96 all rats AND my new baby Bellagio14.
Soon 55, 5 kids, 4 grand kids and more to come I am afraid.....
I am made in France cor the best and the worst and live in the Alps.
Tks for takin me on board
If you see a message of mine along the same lines, it aint coz of my huge ego but coz I screwed up the 1st time
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dougsdrive on October 13, 2014, 12:29:52 PM
New here.

Doug Schneider

Central Illinois
2013 Moto Guzzi Norge

IBA #45013

Would enjoy contacting local fellow Moto Guzzi owners.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Thundergoose on October 13, 2014, 05:07:32 PM
My name is John Jutzy. I have had my 1996 Moto Guzzi California 1100i since about 2002. I bought it from the PO that treated it like his child. It had just over 2,000 miles on it. Today it is approaching 8,000 miles. It has been a great, relatively trouble free bike. I am joining the forum in hopes of being able to find solutions to problems and also to offer assistance to others. I like to take and post pictures of my work.

A bit more about me. I am currently studying for my Bachelors in Global Business Administration and working on an MBA at Thunderbird School of Global Business Management. Yes, that is the reason for my handle, Thundergoose. I am pretty proud of my school and I love my goose. I quit my job in Chile and moved to Surprise, Arizona with my wife and daughters 9 y/o and 2 y/o to get my MBA. I have travelled quite a bit, including 6 weeks exploring North Western India on a Royal Enfield with my brother. That trip was a blast. I am an expert on car care products, worked as product manager for Chile for Meguiar's. Would be happy to assist anyone with inquiries about making your bike shine again! I love riding, camping, and amateur gold prospecting. I could go on. Just happy to be here. Hope to get to know some of the Arizona folks as soon as I get my bike running again.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jamie_h on October 13, 2014, 05:21:27 PM
Hey guys, Jamie from Louisiana here. Just got back from the Barber Vintage Festival, will post pics soon. Never have owned a motorcycle, but am looking forward to purchasing something soon (I hope). Love the Guzzis I have seen so far. Thanks for the  invite!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ilya on October 15, 2014, 10:39:31 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm Ilya from Los Angeles. I've recently bought a 2013 V7 Stone and I really like it so far (except for off-idle cold stumble issue.) One day I decided to list all the features which I was looking for in my next motorcycle and wound up with the following:

- standard UJM styling
- lighter weight and more narrow than the R1200GS I had at the time
- fuel tank with at least 5 gallon capacity and no plastic tank expansion headaches of Ducati
- preferably shaft drive to skip chain maintenance
- moderate power, definitely less than 1000cc engine
- availability of touring accessories, e.g. luggage rack, center stand
- cast wheels with tubeless tires

After thorough research it turned out, much to my surprise, that only 2013+ V7 fit all of those requirements! Then the search for the right used specimen has started and now I'm here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scribbles on October 19, 2014, 12:18:39 PM
Andrea Augello from Tonawanda, NY (halfway between Buffalo and Niagara Falls).  43 Years old, Noob to the world of Moto Guzzi.  Just bought a project Eldorado and hoping I'm not in over my head.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grumpy1 on October 21, 2014, 04:45:40 PM
howya. Ger Daly from Kinsale Ireland here. into guzzis and bikes and shit.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OlderSlower on October 22, 2014, 07:08:36 AM
Bob Scheuneman, Psychiatric Nurse, Central Ohio.  Just bought my first Guzzi (09 Norge) after having lots of bikes over the years. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: philip on October 26, 2014, 10:52:25 AM
Philip Schreck
Rider for 62 years
At present I have 6 cycles. 1940 BSA. 1963 Norton. 1986 Yamaha, 2003 Aprillia, 2011 Honda, 2013 Moto Guzzi.
I am retired and ride just about every day.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grantsjeep on October 31, 2014, 01:53:46 PM
For the last few years I have been rebuilding 1968 Moto Guzzi V700.  Just got the bike running, but still need some tuning. 

I have 4 kids and am a police officer, so it has taken me several years to get my project to this point.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shadyapex on November 04, 2014, 04:59:18 PM
Hey everybody, Steve here with a "new" '77 T3 dressed up as a Le Mans. I'm in Bishop CA and have wanted a Le Mans for years but should have bought one back when they were affordable. So I picked up this bike just the other day and its great aside from some tuning problems that I'm sure I'll have some questions about. I'll try to post in the appropriate place.
Looking forward to chatting with everyone. Cheers,,,,,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Viker on November 05, 2014, 04:45:29 AM
Hi folks :-)

I've been lurking around these pages for a few months, soaking up impressions and knowledge about Guzzis and what it's like to own them.

Right now I’m on the fence about buying a Moto Guzzi Stelvio (a beautiful name for a beautiful bike) or a KTM 1190 Adventure (an ugly name for a high-tech bike).

I’m a professional pixel-wrangler in south-east Australia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scud on November 06, 2014, 05:40:42 PM
Greetings. I just picked up my first Guzzi last week - a V11 Scura.

I live in Carlsbad, CA in San Diego County - home to some of the best motorcycle roads (and year-round riding weather) in the world.

I am partner in a training business. www.corestrengths.c om
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scuba on November 09, 2014, 09:57:25 AM
hi All
just joined the forum today 55 year old miner from tipperary ireland,ride a 2001 v11 sport
my work finishs early next year as our mine will be mined out
and that is my reason to do then what i have wanted to do for years
...a road trip in the states on a guzzi
never been to america ..so looking forward to it
only in the very early stages of  planing the trip
can not find any where to rent a guzzi....prefer a cali
so thinking of buying one...then either ship it home or sell it there
route i am looking at is the east coast.....end in florida...but not sure
where i will start
any tips would be appreciated
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dan S. on November 09, 2014, 08:34:50 PM

My name is Daniel. 

I've been from Nova Scotia, CA, to Wyoming, USA on my 2008 Kawasaki ER6F. 

I am very interested in replacing my motorcycle with a Moto Guzzi, and wish to expand my knowledge from experienced Guzzi riders, before purchasing one myself.

Thanks in advance for answering my ignorant questions!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on November 09, 2014, 10:22:46 PM
Hi Scuba - I'm sure you will get lots of tips & suggestions from people on this forum, but let me be one of the first.  We need to know what time of year you're thinking about, as well as how long you will have in the US for your ride.  If you're coming in May or June, you might want to rethink your plan & start in Florida & finish in the northern part of New England.  Florida can be less than pleasant in the middle of the summer, & New England can be chilly even as late as June.  Your plan is very doable, but reversing the direction might simplify your clothing needs a bit.  If you're planning on a Fall trip, of course the best direction would be north to south.

There are lots of interesting roads & places in almost every state in the eastern US, so I don't envy your task in planning.  If you have the time, I'd suggest trying to avoid the interstates (roads with "I-xx" as the number designation) as much as practical and instead take "US-xx" designated routes and more local roads - except maybe when passing close to major cities.  In researching, a very informative web site is "tripadvisor.com", which compiles reviews of both attractions and places to stay submitted by regular people rather than travel professionals.  Another interesting source of ideas is "tourofhonor.com," which is a site that lists war memorials/monuments and similar sites in nearly every state in the US, and which changes every year (new ones issued on April 1).  You may not be too interested in the monuments themselves, but they quite often are located in small towns requiring getting off the main highways, giving you the opportunity to see more of the US than sticking to the main highways would.  I'd suggest planning a general route, then checking this site to see if there are any listed monuments fairly close to your route.  My wife & I did that last month on a long trip to Birmingham, AL from Washington, DC, & we visited 5 sites in places we'd normally never have gone, & it only added a few hours total to our trip.

Ask this forum again once you have your plans more developed, & I'm sure you'll get more information than you can possibly use.   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bobbyfromnc on November 11, 2014, 10:17:33 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Bobby. After a rather lengthy hiatus from motorcycling I started riding again back in 2011. I returned on a metric bike to re wet my feet and rediscovered the joy and relaxation of motorcycling. In 2012... I purchased a lifetime want, a new Harley and have very much enjoyed that experience. I really do like my Wide Glide and enjoy it immensely. Mostly I ride alone. I work the early morning shift (3rd) which works well for me... I enjoy riding mid mornings through mid afternoons just tooling along mostly secondary roads riding somewhere for a bite to eat once or twice a week. I along with many friends from work get together and go riding in the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia several times a year. One of those friends rides a Moto Guzzi Stelvio. I remember being thoroughly impressed with his bike. Well time passed and one day while surfing the web I thought I would take some time and research Moto Guzzi. Wow an impressive history to say the least. But then I saw it... and was totally smitten :) a Griso, so much so I drove two hundred miles round trip to Charlotte NC to see one, GULP... I am now suffering from MAS (motorcycle acquisition syndrome). Unfortunately no Griso to test ride but did ride a Norge and I liked it. Needless to say I am a patient man and have plans to acquire a Griso in the spring. I am looking forward to dropping by here to learn even more about the Moto Guzzi experience and perhaps make some new friends along the way. Thanks and good day, BK

Now the requested info:

Bobby Kiger

55 years of age

Quality Technician @ Eurofins / Lancaster Labs

Forsyth County, North Carolina, USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: colm321 on November 12, 2014, 12:28:31 PM
Hi, I am  Colm Mc Cann 54 and I am a craftsman living and working in Ireland and a big Moto guzzi fan !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wikaby on November 18, 2014, 03:57:43 PM
Hello  Dieter Lowry from the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Age 57. I'm a new Guzzi rider ... V7 special.  Still a dairy and pig farmer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PIFOUGUZZI on November 19, 2014, 03:04:29 AM
Hello from France,

I'm PIFOUGUZZI, I'm 40 and I bought my moto guzzi V7 SPECIAL black/orange 2014 in september and I'm just sad that the ABS version only comes in 2015 with traction control included because I wanted it.

But I'm happy to have my V7, I installed original guzzi rear pack mount and soon a HB side mount, I installed a TPMS too because I had a flat tire some week ago and I only noticed it only when I was almost loosing control from the rear wheel, I installed a tank cover black/orange as the original paint of my bike and an alarm because I want to keep it a long time ^^

Because no ABS I will install TCB-II system http://www.tcbbrakesystems.com/technical-tcb.html , and banjo bolt is M10x1.00 (and not M10x1.25 as read on some wrong documentation).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joaozz on November 20, 2014, 03:35:03 AM
Hello all !
My name is Samuel,  57, born in Argentina  living in Israel – Member of the Israel Moto Guzzi Fellowship.
I am the proud owner of 1985 G5, a 1987 Lario assembled with the first V7 Hunter prototype engine,  and a 1954 65cc Guzzino.
Please visit my restoration pages :
www.targa750.blogsp ot.com

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: laecp123 on November 21, 2014, 12:47:00 PM
Hi, my name is Paul Sacramone.  I am from Orange, CT (near New Haven).  I am a manager at a Landscape Company.  I am 53 years old.  I am looking to purchase an Eldorado or Ambassador and came across this board.  It is a treasure of information and quite entertaining.  I currently ride a 2005 Bonneville T100 with some minor mods. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on and have been looking for a Guzzi for a while now.  I once road a LeMans (I believe) back in the late 70's or early 80's and it was a thrill.  Thanks again to all the posters who I have been learning from for the past two weeks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kenvil1 on November 22, 2014, 09:28:42 AM
Hi, my name is Mitchell. I am 51 years old, and I am an electric motor technician in Eastern Ontario, Canada.

After learning to ride on a 1971 Honda SL175 at age 13, I bought a 1968 Triumph at age 19, and a 1985 BMW K100RT at age 29. After an absence of about ten years, I returned to motorcycling with a 1989 Honda Transalp which I currently ride.

The older I get, the more I can appreciate the simple things in life, so the V7 is certainly a motorcycle that appeals to me. I think it's nice that we can still buy an authentic steel-framed motorcycle with an air-cooled, two valve, pushrod engine at this date, and I hope that MG will continue to retain this basic format (Heron head and Cardan shaft, included) even as other historic motorcycle manufacturers abandon their own examples in favour of the displacement wars.

I am mostly unfamiliar with the Moto Guzzi marque, but I have been studying its history, and I will be following with interest the ongoing refinements made to the brand's motorcycles as the company nears its century mark and as the V7 nears its 50th anniversary.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gfischer on November 22, 2014, 02:43:58 PM
Greg Fischer
Anchorage, Alaska
Mostly retired but flying fuel to the bush for a cargo outfit in Alaska part time
Have 2 Le Mans I's ('76 & '77), one of which has been in the family since new
also have 3 BMWs and a Triumph
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 56Pan on November 22, 2014, 04:25:16 PM
Garrett Fulton
Retired airline avionics tech.
Two sons grown and on their own finally, thank you JESUS. 
Hobbies, disassembled 56 HD FL and the Norge I'm preparing to buy.
45 miles NE of Charlotte, NC.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Biker Simon on November 22, 2014, 05:07:51 PM
Hi. I'm Simon. I'm 50 and I sell cars. From Sheffield, UK. Riding a California Custom.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Migs on November 23, 2014, 09:28:38 PM
Miguel Balaguero
I take care of a piece of property in NW CT, USA.
Fire Fighter
69 Ambassador
A few Bultacos
Ninja 250
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BELISA8@BIGPOND.COM on November 24, 2014, 07:32:50 AM
Hi All,
It's Bill here from Perth, down-under.
Mechanical Engineer
Had a BSA, Bonnie and Guzzi 750S in the 70s.... sort of got more kids and less bikes over the years.

These days I have 6 kids and three Guzzi V7 Sports:
# 1972 V7 Sport - Stock standard original Plum coloured survivor with original tank and toolboxes and a second fresh painted set. Good weekly ride.
# 1973 V7 Sport - Work in progress - a spiced up ride; big bore, cam, lightened flywheel, different drive ratios, bigger carbs, flowed heads.
# 1974 V7 Sport - Barn find restored after 27 years in a shed.  Rebuilt with lightened flywheel. Just completed runs like new and ready for registering. Have restored it like the green stripe 1974 model I had 40 years back, but have V7 tank and tool boxes to switch back if I wish.

Other interests; WW1 aircraft; rocking horses;

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Migs on November 24, 2014, 09:50:10 PM
Howdy Bill from down under.
I'm envious of the 3 V7 sports.  Had a chance to buy a '73 here in the states but someone had replaced the front forks with a asian bike (honda, kawi, yama, suzuki) and the price was a little steep....plus the guy didn't want me to look at the bike up close so had to say no thanks.

keep the shiny side up down there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on November 25, 2014, 09:43:17 PM
What an interesting bunch of intros ... tho two Bills from "down under" on the same day are a bit suspicious.   ;D

I need to take some time and reread back over the past several months.

Welcome to all.

Bill ... up yonder  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doppelgaenger on November 25, 2014, 10:05:18 PM
Hi everyone. Demian here from Tacoma, WA. Previously from California and originally from Chile, I've been in the states going on 11 years now. 36 years old for a few more months.

I just bought a red Breva 1100 after a little more than 2 years without a bike (previous bike was an SV650). I decided I wanted one about a year ago and I wanted one even more after test riding one up at M.I. I scoured craigslist for a long time before the time and price were right. Not that seattle at the beginning of december is the right time to start riding again...

Man these engine sounds glorious when you open them up wide...

But anyway, the legendary friendliness of the Guzzi community was one of the big reasons I decided to go with a Guzzi. Just like the sight of complete strangers waving at eachother when they passed was one of the reasons I got interested in bikes in the first place. It's good to up the ante again.

My other interests include Rock climbing, Cars, Camping (and now moto camping), Airplanes of all kinds and pretty much anything with an engine. Love exploring wines and beers.

Hope to meet many of you out there on the road!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 26, 2014, 09:14:04 AM
Hi everyone. Demian here from Tacoma, WA. Previously from California and originally from Chile, I've been in the states going on 11 years now. 36 years old for a few more months.

I just bought a red Breva 1100 after a little more than 2 years without a bike (previous bike was an SV650). I decided I wanted one about a year ago and I wanted one even more after test riding one up at M.I. I scoured craigslist for a long time before the time and price were right. Not that seattle at the beginning of december is the right time to start riding again...

Man these engine sounds glorious when you open them up wide...

But anyway, the legendary friendliness of the Guzzi community was one of the big reasons I decided to go with a Guzzi. Just like the sight of complete strangers waving at eachother when they passed was one of the reasons I got interested in bikes in the first place. It's good to up the ante again.

My other interests include Rock climbing, Cars, Camping (and now moto camping), Airplanes of all kinds and pretty much anything with an engine. Love exploring wines and beers.

Hope to meet many of you out there on the road!

I swear I met a guy JUST like you the other day ....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick on November 26, 2014, 06:36:01 PM
Hi, my name is Paul Sacramone.  I am from Orange, CT (near New Haven).  I am a manager at a Landscape Company.  I am 53 years old.  I am looking to purchase an Eldorado or Ambassador and came across this board.  It is a treasure of information and quite entertaining.  I currently ride a 2005 Bonneville T100 with some minor mods. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on and have been looking for a Guzzi for a while now.  I once road a LeMans (I believe) back in the late 70's or early 80's and it was a thrill.  Thanks again to all the posters who I have been learning from for the past two weeks.
Hey Paul,
welcome aboard.
Here are a couple of yahoo groups that may also be useful to you:

The loop frame group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Loopframe_Guzzi/conversations/messages

and the New England yahoo group https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/NEMotoGuzzi/conversations/messages

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sgtstinky on November 30, 2014, 02:27:37 PM
Hi, new 1999 Bassa owners in Georgia. Military and sports broadcasting, we like to ride south of the metro, destinations include nowhere and southern BBQ.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mach1mustang351 on November 30, 2014, 02:29:55 PM



Anchorage, AK

I have been riding since I was a kid.  My bike for the last 8 Years has been a 650 V Strom.  While it has been a good touring bike and a good companion over the years, on a ride last summer I decided that I need something that is more fun.  I was looking at options and got bit with the Guzzi bug.  I looked around and eventually came across a 1979 1000SP.  I am working on it and hopefully it will be ready to go come spring time.  
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: swenner on November 30, 2014, 02:49:31 PM
Robert "Scooter" Wenner
55, Pastor
Beaumont, TX
Hobbies/interests: golf, scuba, traveling, grandkids

No motorbike, at the moment......
Looking for a used Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: expat42451 on November 30, 2014, 09:27:43 PM
Expat 42451

Carr McCormack III
currently in Huanchaco Peru, Alabama native, been traveling in South America backpacking for the last 2 1/2 years- still surf and climb a bit
Occasional contract IT work (networks mainly)
63 years old
Returning rider after having sold the last bike in 1994 and--

want a Guzzi for the next one

Cheers and great to be here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JProdun on November 30, 2014, 10:49:47 PM
Hi all,

Name is Joe


Living in New York, but originally from Ukraine.

Had first riding lesson when i was 10 or 11, back in Ukraine. My uncle used to own, you could say, something similar to the Urals known in US. Had a rig too and was called IZH.

Had my motorcycle license for the past 8 years, but haven't been riding until recently. Bought a bike about two years ago and sold it today.

Looking for my next machine and out of everything i'm considering - V7 always comes out on top of my list. The only things that are holding me back right now are: 1) if there's a warranty problem with the bike, based on some comments i've read (a lot), it could take a while for it to be solved if at all: 2)the upgraded V7 II should be coming (anybody knows when?!) and it may not be a good idea buying the '15 at full price now.

Other than these - i would get the bike tomorrow, but these two are bothering me too much.

Unfortunately for me the bike will be a recreational vehicle as I cannot commute (medical technician with own equipment) on it for work related reasons, but one of the reasons i'm really interested in the V7 (omitting many many others at this point) is because I want a bike that is a do-it-all type and something i won't want to chop up and sell in a year or two.

Will create e separate thread to discuss my concerns (yes, i've read through many threads by now and a lot of questions have been answered) as it is a great community with a lot of knowledge put out on these pages.

Great to be a part of the community!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mnrenfro on December 01, 2014, 10:28:41 AM

My name is Marshall Renfro.  My dad was given two Guzzis, one of which he gave to me.  We started fixing them up and have started riding them.  His is a 76 850 T3 and mine is a 1970 Ambassador.  He is kinda old school and doesn't really mess around on computers much so I am representing the both of us out here on this forum.

He lives in Dallas, TX and I am a couple hours south in Belton. TX.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on December 02, 2014, 12:20:37 PM
Welcome Marshall to you and your father.  I'm just down the road apiece from you in Georgetown.  I'm currently working on a '78 G5.  Maybe we can meet up someday at Bill's (I think that's the name) BBQ and Steakhouse in Salado just west of IH35.  I used to own a '70 Ambassador, way back in '70......Jack.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OlderSlower on December 03, 2014, 10:04:41 PM
Hi all -
Bob here (aka Olderslower)' 63 and been riding a long time and as my name implies I am not as fast as I used to be but...  Anyway, I just bought a 2009 Norge and am in the process of modifying it to fit me.  I also have a 2008 Triumph Bonneville that now fits me like a glove and is a great do everything bike.  I bought the Norge for touring (and more horsepower) and I have always loved Guzzi's, but this is my first one.  Love twins, torque and light weight.  I'm looking forward to modifying the Norge to handle better and be more comfortable for me.  This forum has already been a great resource.  And of course being an older rider I have plenty of opinions about bikes and most other things.  Looking forward to the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: junior on December 05, 2014, 11:01:58 AM
Hi!  My Name is Dave Anderson, and I'm a Guzzi salesman at Blackfoot Motosports in Calgary, Canada.  I am currently riding an '08 Guzzi Norge (not mine, it belongs to the shop), but I've spent time with many others ('09 V7 Classic, '03 California EV, '04 Le Mans, '13 Griso, etc).  I started a little Calgary meetup group on Facebook last summer, and we did a couple of rides this season.  I'm hoping to do quite a lot more with the Calgary Guzzi owners next year, so I've gotta leave a plug for my group, if any of you are in Southern Alberta.  https://www.facebook.com/calgaryguzzisti?fref=ts

I'll be on the forum, especially during the off season, and I'm looking forward to participating!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sunwise on December 06, 2014, 11:04:31 AM
Hi All: Kerry here, been riding since 1981 when I was in the Navy.  Engineer living in Humboldt (northern California way up there in the redwoods!) the past 7 years and I've been mapping out the ultimate California road trip ever since - The Sunwise Turn.  Just purchased the 2014 Moto Guzzi Stelvio and after riding back two days from Sacramento in the rain already in love - well balance and brings back a true sense and feel of motorcycling.

2014 Motto Guzzi Stelvio
2011 Honda CB1000R

2004 Honda VTX1300C
1981 Honda CB750C

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dynamo on December 06, 2014, 01:45:01 PM
I am fifty years old, and I live in Corsican in France with my family.
I drive with red Stelvio and and this motorcycle m' brings a lot of pleasure.

I practise the hike(ride), the photo, the ski
I hope I can exchange a lot of idea here with the other bikers.

I do not speak correctly English , sorry  :-\

I quickly take off thrown(launched) my subject first on compatibility ecu ducati IAW5AM for ecu Guzzi 5AM

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 06, 2014, 02:37:35 PM
I am fifty years old, and I live in Corsican in France with my family.
I drive with red Stelvio and and this motorcycle m' brings a lot of pleasure.

I practise the hike(ride), the photo, the ski
I hope I can exchange a lot of idea here with the other bikers.

I do not speak correctly English , sorry  :-\

I quickly take off thrown(launched) my subject first on compatibility ecu ducati IAW5AM for ecu Guzzi 5AM

Your English is fine and very understandable.

Sometimes "non-correct" English will express your thoughts better, and make it clearer to native English-speakers than "correct" English will!   ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dynamo on December 06, 2014, 03:20:46 PM
Your English is fine and very understandable.


Oh ! good it's ok,  I am going to be able to communicate with everybody.
Super chouette !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 06, 2014, 04:37:30 PM
Oh ! good it's ok,  I am going to be able to communicate with everybody.
Super chouette !

Well, I'm glad I learned a new word to use with my French colleagues at work .... "C'est chouette!"

Although "une chouette" is normally THIS guy?

(http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i130/LannisSelz/Great-Horned-Owl_zps2f10bde7.jpg) (http://s71.photobucket.com/user/LannisSelz/media/Great-Horned-Owl_zps2f10bde7.jpg.html)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mark33563 on December 06, 2014, 08:52:32 PM
Not my first post but it should have been.  Particulars:  46, been ridding street bikes since '97 (rode dirt bikes in previous years).  Civil/Structural Engineer.  Live near Tampa, FL but make frequent trips to north Georgia and North Carolina

I obtained a black 2009 Stelvio a few years ago.  It is great running the logging and jeep trails in western NC.  It even handles great on-road.  I really need to get some better off-road tires for it.  It is that rear tire that is so damn wide which limits the options...

Yesterday I bought a white 2012 Norge.  Looking forward to running it up and down the mountains in the future.  No, I did not trade in the Stelvio because my wife made the mistake of telling me that I did not have to.  :)  Love her for that.

I have always liked the way a Moto Guzzi looked, mainly because they got the engine orientation right.  Test drove one in 1997 and loved how it handled but did not buy it because it felt too small.  The dealer at the time did not have but one model (sorry, don't remember which one but I recall it looking something like the current V7).  That was my mistake, in my opinion.  I should have researched the brand a little more at that time.

Anyway, love my bikes.  Plus, my two kids like to ride along.

--Mark R.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbntx on December 06, 2014, 10:03:04 PM
Hi, my name is Jerry Brown (no relation to the current governor of California). I live in McKinney, Texas, with my wife, 3 dogs, 6 chickens, and about half a million bees (I'm a hobby/sideliner beekeeper). Oh, and a 2000 V11 Sport, a 1993 BMW K75, and a 1994 BMW K75S. I purchased the Guzzi this summer after falling in love with it at first sight. I am  currently going through it, updating rubber bits, wires, filters, adding Roper slop plate, etc. I've also owned a BMW K1200LT and a Ural.

Sounds like there are a few North Texas group members, looking forward to meeting some of you in person.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jphpaterson on December 07, 2014, 06:53:57 AM
Jim Paterson, Argyll, Scotland. 70 mile daily commute on my 2000 Jackal through some of the most beautiful countryside. Been riding bikes since 1979 (52 now) and ride in all weather. Me and Mrs P rode to Italy last year. 2015 it's going to be Croatia. This is my first Guzzi and I love the fact that everything is relatively easy to get to.. Not forgetting the noise  ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on December 07, 2014, 07:25:10 AM
Me and Mrs P rode to Italy last year. 2015 it's going to be Croatia.

Hi Jim.  I don't know if you'll have the time, but if you haven't been to that area before, try to get down to Dubrovnik, preferably riding along the coast.  If you can get into Bosnia, going thru Mostar up to Sarajevo before turning NE to get back home would be a great way to go home.  Fifteen years ago I spent seven months in those areas, driving an old car, & it drove me crazy not to have a motorcycle.  A lot of people speak English, and if you speak some German, too, you should have an easy time communicating almost anywhere in Bosnia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mhirst121 on December 07, 2014, 06:03:40 PM
Hello all, Martin Hirst here. I am new to the group. I have recently sold my V50 and bought a Breva750. I hope I can contribute a little and help others where possible.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mandeloman on December 08, 2014, 11:55:24 AM
Hello Mandeloman here, call me Ash if you please

I'm from Melbourne Australia, 56 yo.
I work at Sika Aust. As an underground technical consultant
I own a '08 1200 sport and a '12 Bellagio - love em both
Motorcycles are definitely my thing much to my wife's dismay.
Look forward to getting the most out of this forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on December 08, 2014, 05:03:08 PM
Hi, my name is Jerry Brown (no relation to the current governor of California). I live in McKinney, Texas, with my wife, 3 dogs, 6 chickens, and about half a million bees (I'm a hobby/sideliner beekeeper). Oh, and a 2000 V11 Sport, a 1993 BMW K75, and a 1994 BMW K75S. I purchased the Guzzi this summer after falling in love with it at first sight. I am  currently going through it, updating rubber bits, wires, filters, adding Roper slop plate, etc. I've also owned a BMW K1200LT and a Ural.

Sounds like there are a few North Texas group members, looking forward to meeting some of you in person.


JB, howdy from another JB just down IH35 a bit in Georgetown.  Welcome to the forum.  This is a great resource for redoing your V11 and populated by a dang nice bunch of folks.  I don't get up to North Texas very often, but when I do, it's on a K75RT..........Jack .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scoops on December 11, 2014, 02:38:12 AM
Tony Walters
Relationship Manager, Financial Services
Braintree, Essex, UK

2013 V7 Stone
1963 VW Karmann Ghia
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Canyon Carver on December 11, 2014, 08:03:51 PM
Hi all, New to Guzzi with a used '12 Griso Tenni se.
I'm a long time rider of any brand. Have owned most since graduated High School in 1968.
Guzzi was the bucket list brand for me!

Retired photographer, event promotor

still ride 3-4 days a week.

own a HD 1993, FXLR and alternate with the Griso.

looking forward to more adventures! ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbntx on December 11, 2014, 09:17:06 PM
JB, howdy from another JB just down IH35 a bit in Georgetown.  Welcome to the forum.  This is a great resource for redoing your V11 and populated by a dang nice bunch of folks.  I don't get up to North Texas very often, but when I do, it's on a K75RT..........Jack .
Sounds like we have just about the same fleets in our garages, Jack.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: paulbr on December 12, 2014, 09:22:48 AM
Hi all. Paul here from Albury, Australia. I've just bought a V7 Stone after 20 years off motorised bikes.

Just hit 1000km, enjoying everything except the shocks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Schnabeltier on December 13, 2014, 11:35:55 AM
Hey. I'm new to Guzzis and to the board. Just coming up to speed on these very interesting machines. I've been restoring bikes -- mostly Brits -- for decades. Other than that, I'm currently living in Minnesota, I'm older than dirt, I'm a refugee from corporate America, and I really should know better, but I don't.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on December 13, 2014, 12:03:10 PM
Hello all, Martin Hirst here. I am new to the group. I have recently sold my V50 and bought a Breva750. I hope I can contribute a little and help others where possible.

Welcome Martin. I have a 2003 Breva in the fast red colour. Puts a grin on my face every time I get on. ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 13, 2014, 12:56:19 PM
Hey. I'm new to Guzzis and to the board. Just coming up to speed on these very interesting machines. I've been restoring bikes -- mostly Brits -- for decades. Other than that, I'm currently living in Minnesota, I'm older than dirt, I'm a refugee from corporate America, and I really should know better, but I don't.


Well, then, it seems you fit the profile.   ;D



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Schnabeltier on December 13, 2014, 03:56:43 PM
Well, then, it seems you fit the profile.   ;D



Thanks for that. Seems I've found a home.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 13, 2014, 08:44:44 PM
Hey. I'm new to Guzzis and to the board. Just coming up to speed on these very interesting machines. I've been restoring bikes -- mostly Brits -- for decades. Other than that, I'm currently living in Minnesota, I'm older than dirt, I'm a refugee from corporate America, and I really should know better, but I don't.


Same for me.  Guzzis are a natural follow-on to Britbikes, not sure why ....

And you'd have to be pretty old to be older than SOME of our members   !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bobinok on December 13, 2014, 11:26:14 PM
Hello-- I'm Robert from Oklahoma. Back in April I bought a used Suzuki TU250 for a short daily commute. I quickly developed a serious case of bike/wander lust. Much as I love the TU, I've been looking for another light weight standard that has a bit more power so as to be capable of longer trips. Cue the Moto Guzzi V7. I want to obtain one as soon as I pay off the TU, though now I find myself waiting even longer for the V7II or maybe even the Ducati Scrambler.

I joined this forum not only to find technical information about the V7, but also because I've found the TU250 people over at their forum very congenial, and an important part of owning that bike. I notice the Guzzi fans seem to be similarly welcoming and helpful.

I'm 45, married w/whipper snappers. I teach writing at the local college.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 15, 2014, 07:50:56 AM
Hello-- I'm Robert from Oklahoma. Back in April I bought a used Suzuki TU250 for a short daily commute. I quickly developed a serious case of bike/wander lust. Much as I love the TU, I've been looking for another light weight standard that has a bit more power so as to be capable of longer trips. Cue the Moto Guzzi V7. I want to obtain one as soon as I pay off the TU, though now I find myself waiting even longer for the V7II or maybe even the Ducati Scrambler.

I joined this forum not only to find technical information about the V7, but also because I've found the TU250 people over at their forum very congenial, and an important part of owning that bike. I notice the Guzzi fans seem to be similarly welcoming and helpful.

I'm 45, married w/whipper snappers. I teach writing at the local college.

Shouldn't "whipper-snappers" be hyphenated?   

Sorry, now that we know what you do, we'll be grading your posts.   ;) :D

Lots of TU-250 fans here as you'll see if you search around a bit.  More and more people are ignoring the marketing hype for huge or powerful bikes, and recognizing the advantages of lighter motorcycles ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Schnabeltier on December 15, 2014, 11:01:14 AM
Yeah, and wanderlust and lightweight are both one word in this context.  ;D

Sorry, Robert, I couldn't resist (been earning my bread as a writer for 35 years).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 15, 2014, 02:00:42 PM
Hello-- I'm Robert from Oklahoma. Back in April I bought a used Suzuki TU250 for a short daily commute. I quickly developed a serious case of bike/wander lust. Much as I love the TU, I've been looking for another light weight standard that has a bit more power so as to be capable of longer trips. Cue the Moto Guzzi V7. I want to obtain one as soon as I pay off the TU, though now I find myself waiting even longer for the V7II or maybe even the Ducati Scrambler.

I joined this forum not only to find technical information about the V7, but also because I've found the TU250 people over at their forum very congenial, and an important part of owning that bike. I notice the Guzzi fans seem to be similarly welcoming and helpful.

I'm 45, married w/whipper snappers. I teach writing at the local college.

Shouldn't "whipper-snappers" be hyphenated?   

Sorry, now that we know what you do, we'll be grading your posts.   ;) :D



No hyphen, you whippersnapper; it is one word, not two.  See, e.g., http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whippersnapper   ;D

Yeah, and wanderlust and lightweight are both one word in this context.  ;D

Sorry, Robert, I couldn't resist (been earning my bread as a writer for 35 years).

Concur re "lightweight," but less sure about "wanderlust," at least as the OP used it.

While, of course, "wanderlust" is one word, to break it as the OP did makes some sense given his use in conjunction with "bike."  "Besides we know the key here is -- as in so many other aspects of Guzzidom -- "lust."  ;)

Wonder if Robert thinks he may have been mistaken about Guzzisti here being "welcoming and helpful."   :D


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bobinok on December 15, 2014, 02:52:37 PM
No sweat! All in good fun, I'm sure.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on December 15, 2014, 06:30:19 PM
No sweat! All in good fun, I'm sure.

At least until somebody loses an eye.....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: earemike on December 17, 2014, 12:53:15 AM
Hi all,

as a long time lurker (seems safer to keep one's head down) I thought I'd say hi before posting some questions about my V7 Sport (be gentle, I just don't want to to any more damage than I have to).

I've had different V11's over the last decade and my current favourite is the Scura. That's for sale though to fund a possible lemans acquisition, of course I regret passing on  one that wasn't quite right for me as in retrospect I was being very picky, was in generally excellent condition.

Otherwise there's a special Daytona Racing (#1) that I take for the occasional run but every time I ride it I wonder if it shouldn't be in a museum.

Apart from riding my life is pretty simple!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Feliz on December 17, 2014, 05:39:59 PM
HI! Long time lurker, former 95 Breva owner, looking to pickup a V7, will probably wait for the 2015s whenever they arrive.
Retired, 74 years old, reside in Vancouver Canada.

Have a few bikes including:
1966 BSA 650 Lightning
2012 Royal Enfield
2015 Yamaha FZ-07
2013 Yamaha XT259
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 23, 2014, 08:23:46 AM
HI! Long time lurker, former 95 Breva owner, looking to pickup a V7, will probably wait for the 2015s whenever they arrive.
Retired, 74 years old, reside in Vancouver Canada.

Have a few bikes including:
1966 BSA 650 Lightning
2012 Royal Enfield
2015 Yamaha FZ-07
2013 Yamaha XT259

Welcome.  Nice stable.

I am biding my time for a V7, too. 

What is a "'95 Breva?"  ???


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on December 24, 2014, 05:38:47 AM
Welcome.  Nice stable.

I am biding my time for a V7, too. 

What is a "'95 Breva?"  ???


I would say a 750 Breva, Bill.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on December 24, 2014, 11:14:19 AM
HI! Long time lurker, former 95 Breva owner, looking to pickup a V7, will probably wait for the 2015s whenever they arrive.
Retired, 74 years old, reside in Vancouver Canada.

Have a few bikes including:
1966 BSA 650 Lightning
2012 Royal Enfield
2015 Yamaha FZ-07
2013 Yamaha XT259

Welcome.  Nice stable.

I am biding my time for a V7, too. 

What is a "'95 Breva?"  ???


I would say a 750 Breva, Bill.


Of course!  D'oh.  Grazie, Dean.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alatamoc on December 24, 2014, 03:19:57 PM
Good Evening and happy Christmas Eve from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.
My name is Al Griffin and I've been a long time Guzzi fan .....currently running a 1997 California 1100i...as an antidote to my HD softail custom.( My Beloved is a Harley fan....my plan is to wean her off these and then sell the thing... so far its going well . With luck I' ll then add a Cali Vintage to the fleet )
I'm 62 and a semi retired psychotherapist, now with a small private practice after a lifetime with a children's charity here in UK...
Always been a biker these last 40 or so years and ride about  10 k miles a year.
Thought it was about time I registered here as its just about the best resource I've come across in years.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on December 25, 2014, 05:38:36 PM
57 years young
Kansas City Area USA

Title: New here from New Smyrna Beach FL
Post by: bikenut65 on December 26, 2014, 10:49:26 AM
Hi there guys. I live in New Smyrna Beach Florida and do not own a Moto Guzzi, yet! I have a Triumph Bonneville T100, Suzuki dl650 v-strom, BMW R60/5...
I am looking at a 2007 Breva 1100 from a dealer in Sanford, with about 21k miles on it. Cold startup was a little struggle, the LCD display does not come on. Overall the Breva looks good and when I pilled the clutch, clattering noises, but when looking this up online I see this is a common thing with the dry clutch. Price is just under $5k.
I would like to set a bike like this up for travelling trips. It has no top or side cases. I did no go and look for it but when I saw it was drawn to it!
What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Thistlewillow on December 26, 2014, 10:15:34 PM
Currently: Philosopher & Teacher of Philosophy (two very different things), Write and Author (2 very different things).
Previously: Singer (OHW), Orchestral musician
Young wife. No children. 1 Dog, 2 cats.
Living the dream. Always have.
Thank you to all those that have gone before to establish this sight.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Impulsive_Duc on December 29, 2014, 05:33:09 AM
Hi! I go by Impulsive_Duc, aged a little over the hill. I am a tinkerer and freelance engineering consultant in sunny California.
Although I am a trained Mechanical Engineer, lately I find myself doing a lot of programming!

I help out a few open-source projects (both software and hardware) and do Ducati work as a bit of a hobby on the side.
I dropped by to say hello to our Guzzi brothers who are making all the wonderful tools we get to play with!

Hopefully I can contribute something back to you all, and learn from the wisdom of the veretans here.  ;-T
Edit: I am also a nasty revisionist. ;) If a post isn't revised at least 3 times, it wasn't me!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: the beast on January 04, 2015, 10:35:28 AM
Hm...the beast is a referention to my once to be finished project so dont worry...i'm a nice guy  :P
due to a not so good health a project of many years but one day it will be ready !
48 now
3 bikes...project one....daily driver went project  two and a norge 1200 2008.

Hope to enjoy myself here :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sl0rider on January 06, 2015, 11:17:34 PM
Hi, my name's Paul, and I'm from Adelaide in South Australia.

I currently ride a Suzuki gsx750f which is getting up there in kilometres and when anything major goes wrong with it next, won't be worth fixing. That will be my excuse to buy a new (well, different, anyway) bike, and so the long process of planning and dreaming has been in stream for some time. The Suzi doesn't really suit me, and I have convinced myself that I would really love a Guzzi. Given the funds, a V7 Stone would be in the driveway tomorrow. Given reality, I think a 750 Breva is likely to be the replacement for my Suzuki and my introduction to Moto Guzzi ownership.

I'm 42, have a wife and three kids, a small business, and use my bike for commuting plus work travel plus fun plus general stress relief. I look forward to joining in a few discussions rather than the lurking I've been doing for quite a while - not that I'll have much knowledge to contribute!

Cheers! ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redhawk47 on January 07, 2015, 12:11:45 AM
RedHawk 47 - Bought a Stelvio in June and put 8000 miles on it - so far.
67, Berthoud, Colorado
Retired mechanical/manufacturing engineer and small business owner - Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Services
Having fun as an Artist Blacksmith and riding motorcycles.
2013 Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX
2009 BMW F800GS - for sale
1999 Kawasaki KLR 650
1983 Kawasaki KL250 bought this fall with 3005 miles, clean
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rebochi on January 07, 2015, 08:03:08 AM
59 Y/O
Marine Engineer and part time Electrican
Lives in Tucson
Current Guzzis. 1100 Griso and a 1200 Sport
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on January 07, 2015, 12:10:57 PM
Hey Rebochi,

Interested in your editorial over the differences between the Griso and the 1200.

Pics are always welcome and so are you.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: theinvisiblecity on January 07, 2015, 08:13:12 PM

Michael, 38, Cleveland Ohio. I work in audio for live music touring, and wrench on bikes when I'm not on the road. Bikes include 3 BSA A65's, a Hinckley Triumph, lots of random parts, and recently came into possession of a friends '73 MG Eldorado. Wife, no kids, no pets, only bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: btommy3 on January 08, 2015, 09:18:50 AM
my name is bacal tommy, i live in israel , i'm an orthopedic surgeon, 52 years old, married with 4 children.
i purchased a 2015 california touring and am about to receive it by the end of the month and so, become a member of the guzzi society.
hope to learn and contribute to the forum. :bike
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dropout on January 11, 2015, 09:26:53 PM
Hi all. Jeff here from upstate New York.
62 years old and work for Habitat for Humanity as a construction site manager.
I have owned many bikes but the one I regret selling the most was my Lemans 3.
Many bikes later I just bought a 2004 cafe sport which will look nice next to my BMW r1100rsl.
I am enjoying this site and being a guzzista once again.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on January 11, 2015, 11:03:15 PM
Retired mechanical/manufacturing engineer and small business owner - Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Services

Maybe put an approximate location in your profile when you get a minute.  If you're near me, I might be able to use your water jet cutting service.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stickwelder on January 12, 2015, 01:28:13 AM
Hello, I'm Tom age 60 from Grants Pass, Oregon. Currently I own a 1969 Moto Guzzi and 1972. This would be the 4th Guzzi I've owned since my very first one (Loop) in 1995. I don't believe I will ever buy anything else. I don't ride much as the bikes I find always need work. But it's what I like about them. Simple and easy to work on.  Presently, I'm doing a clutch on the 1972. But the rear transmission/engine mounting bolt is really stuck. Won't move, spin, turn, or budge. Maybe that job deserves it own post.  Anyway... Hello.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JWG102 on January 13, 2015, 06:11:54 PM
Hi Folks, My name is James. I live in So. Cal. a recent transplant from 21 years in NYC. I'm in the market for a V7Sport. I thought I had one, but the deal soured. i've been wanting one since the first time I saw and heard one. I've had bikes previously. A Honda and Suzuki. I joined the forum to learn. Thank you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Neck on January 16, 2015, 06:26:26 AM
Ronald Westerduin
County Zeeland
The Netherlands

I am a dredger  ::)

I am busy to buy a Guzzi  :o
The bikes i ride now:well lets say,they are german made.......
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Neck on January 16, 2015, 06:32:50 AM
Ronald Westerduin
County Zeeland
The Netherlands

I am a dredger

My bikes are German made..... ::) But don,t worry,I am busy to buy a Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BBoh21 on January 16, 2015, 11:37:58 AM
Hey everyone! I'm Brandon, 24 years old. I live in Des Moines, IA. Don't have a Moto Guzzi to call my own yet, but I'm looking to get my hands on a V7 Stone here in the coming months. Thought I'd join the forum and soak up all the information I can before I dive in! Any other Central Iowans around here?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joe R on January 20, 2015, 01:38:06 PM
Hi Guzzisti, I'm Joe, retired in Illinois on the cold Wisconsin border.
I am probably one of the older participants at 74 years old.
The plus is that I've bought many of the Guzzis new or almost new and kept them.
1954 and '58 Falcones, two '73 Eldorado, one with a Watsonian sidecar  (for when my legs go bad)
1973 V-7 Sport, '74 Eldorado and a 1400 California Custom. All licensed and ready to ride.
My wife is also a rider. Nice to live with someone who understands!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on January 20, 2015, 02:48:44 PM
ditto what he said!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RogerGuzzi on January 20, 2015, 07:18:11 PM
Hello all!

Roger here. I just today bought a 1977 Moto Guzzi V1000 Convert. My second ever bike back in the early 80s was a Moto Guzzi Spada Royale, so it's a big thrill for me to have another Guzzi, especially a big V-twin 1000!

The Convert runs well, with 20K miles on the clock, but is in need of some cosmetic TLC, so I am planning on doing a partial restoration, maybe a few mods as well.

I am freelance writer, a year or two north of 50 and live in Raleigh NC.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Aussie Paul on January 22, 2015, 11:08:37 AM
Hi everyone, I'm Paul from Lawrence KS U.S.A originally from Sydney Australia 42 years. Profession, Carpenter.
I used to ride vintage Husqvarnas and a BMW R65 back home. Now that I am here in the U.S I have a '75 Moto Guzzi T3 that is a rolling restoration and I just recommissioned a '73 Honda CB350F for my wife.
I have always loved the early Tonti frame Guzzi's and it is great to have the opportunity to ride one here in the U.S. Also great to be a part of this international group.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on January 22, 2015, 11:28:16 AM
Welcome All!

Hey Aussie Paul, I'm just 30 miles east of you.
Give a wave when buzzing down K10.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zombiehifi on January 22, 2015, 12:16:39 PM
First post here. Restoring my first Guzzi.

Stephen, 42 and retired but have a shop that I powder coat motorcycle parts for the custom shops and dealers. I'm in Montgomery Alabama.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gade247 on January 23, 2015, 04:15:38 PM
Hello!! The name is Tim I am a welder im 28 (29 in feb) and live in Pembroke New Hampshire, USA. I just only two days ago bought my first guzzi!! I picked up a 08 Breva 750. I WANT a griso 1200 but the breva was hard to pass up with only 1300 miles on the clock. Ill use this as a intro to guzzi while I stay on the hunt for a griso.

Tim P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wacholek on January 23, 2015, 05:18:55 PM
Hallo everyone!!
My name is Chris and I live in Poland.
I've recently bought a second hand Stelvio 4V.
At the first I was looking for an interesting forum about the ECU tunning (since I'm an electronics engineer), however after a wile I decided to share some concerns about some parts of my MG.
Best regards!!!
P.S. Please forgive me my bad English.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gade247 on January 24, 2015, 06:57:38 PM
59 Y/O
Marine Engineer and part time Electrican
Lives in Tucson
Current Guzzis. 1100 Griso and a 1200 Sport

How can you compare the griso vs the sport? I am a conservative rider not one for going fast? I have ridden a griso 1200 and tye power was more then id need for a long while. Which do YOU think is a more comfortable ride?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on January 25, 2015, 08:32:55 AM

How can you compare the griso vs the sport? I am a conservative rider not one for going fast? I have ridden a griso 1200 and tye power was more then id need for a long while. Which do YOU think is a more comfortable ride?


Think that there may be several threads here on that general subject.  Searching will find them.

[Edited to add: You might consider posting your question as a separate thread, as not everyone sees substantive questions posted in the intro section.]

The short version from someone who has a Norge (very similar to the U.S. 1200 Sport) and a Griso is that they are very different beats, each with its own charm.

While I have been very surprised at how decent the Griso can be as a multi-day tourer (have done several), there is not, IMO, any comparison in comfort: the 1200 Sport (and Breva 1100 and Norge) gets the roses.  YMMV, but I suspect not.

Wait a minute; you aren't even 30 yet and probably don't even take Motrin on rides.  What difference does it make?   ;D

Seriously, when the bazillion -- OK, a few hundred -- Guzzis get to Swanzey in June, you can, if a dealer shows, probably get in a demo, at least on a Griso or Norge.  If not, take my Norge for a spin.  In a hurry?  Visit us at the top of Virginia and demo both, with a ride on the inimitable HDM EV thrown in as a bonus.  :D


P.S.  The Breva 750 is a fine mount, and I wish I had something like it for some of the tight little paved cowpaths around us.  I rode mojohand's several years ago for a few miles in central Virginia and pronounced it mighty fine.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: papatom on January 25, 2015, 01:25:12 PM
HI I'm Tom.  I live in Carthage. MO.  I run equipment for the local county road system.  I've been a lifelong dirtbiker but the knees are now pretty much shot.  .I'm 53 years old and have never owned a Guzzi but I have always wanted one.  So I am here to gain some info before I take the plunge.  Current bikes are a 71 Honda CL 350, a 71 Maico 400, an 82 Yamaha IT250, and my sons DR125.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 25, 2015, 01:41:28 PM
HI I'm Tom.  I live in Carthage. MO.  I run equipment for the local county road system.  I've been a lifelong dirtbiker but the knees are now pretty much shot.  .I'm 53 years old and have never owned a Guzzi but I have always wanted one.  So I am here to gain some info before I take the plunge.  Current bikes are a 71 Honda CL 350, a 71 Maico 400, an 82 Yamaha IT250, and my sons DR125.

And I'll bet you earned the honorific "papa" in front of your name courtesy of a grandchild?   (That's how ALL us old dudes get them .... !) 


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on January 25, 2015, 02:59:36 PM
Welcome papatom!

I'm in KC and "might" have a 750 Breva coming up for sale. :~)

I know, shameless right?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: w123driver on January 25, 2015, 10:04:52 PM
Good Evening and God Bless Everybody!

I am Zaza, I am a guy, I am in South Jersey, near Atlantic City and I am 48 years old. (although every time I don my Dainese jacket and fire up my motorcycle I feel 20 years younger ;D).
I am happy owner of BMW R1200RT which I use for my daily commute and ride to various jobs sites. There are few things I enjoy more than riding along ocean cost at sunset in summer. For this I wanted naked roadster. I never ridden Guzzi, but looks and sound of these bikes are intoxicating to me.

I just pulled a trigger on 2007 Breva 1100 from insurance auction for peanuts. All I know at the moment that the bike has 1200 miles on a clock, the instrument cluster turns on with ignition on and the engine starts but dies. I am hoping to make the bike fully operational. I never worked on bikes but have some mechanical skills (replaced clutches and did some serious work on suspension when I had Jeep). So I am hoping for some advice and help from you guys!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cricket1 on January 26, 2015, 07:25:35 PM

I'm Brian Norris, 45 yrs old and live in Sylvania, OH.

I've been riding about 15 years, and currently have an '03 Triumph Sprint ST.  Been considering getting a new bike this Spring, and thought a Gootsie might be worth considering.  ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 26, 2015, 08:19:01 PM

I'm Brian Norris, 45 yrs old and live in Sylvania, OH.

I've been riding about 15 years, and currently have an '03 Triumph Sprint ST.  Been considering getting a new bike this Spring, and thought a Gootsie might be worth considering.  ;D

If you like the Triumph Sprint, you might very well like a Guzzi.   Seems to be lots of crossover between the two.   If I didn't own Guzzis, I'd have a Triumph triple .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on January 27, 2015, 09:14:11 AM
Good Evening and God Bless Everybody!

I am Zaza, I am a guy, I am in South Jersey, near Atlantic City and I am 48 years old. (although every time I don my Dainese jacket and fire up my motorcycle I feel 20 years younger ;D).
I am happy owner of BMW R1200RT which I use for my daily commute and ride to various jobs sites. There are few things I enjoy more than riding along ocean cost at sunset in summer. For this I wanted naked roadster. I never ridden Guzzi, but looks and sound of these bikes are intoxicating to me.

I just pulled a trigger on 2007 Breva 1100 from insurance auction for peanuts. All I know at the moment that the bike has 1200 miles on a clock, the instrument cluster turns on with ignition on and the engine starts but dies. I am hoping to make the bike fully operational. I never worked on bikes but have some mechanical skills (replaced clutches and did some serious work on suspension when I had Jeep). So I am hoping for some advice and help from you guys!


As for your Breva, congratulations.  You may find it useful to post your question, above, in a new, separate post in the general discussion section, i.e., not this intro where far fewer folks may see it.

The Breva 110 is a great Guzzi with few known issues.  Perhaps the most expensive involves problematic electronic in the dashes, tho what you describe about the engine dying may have nothing to do with that.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jacks the lad on January 28, 2015, 04:23:40 PM
Greeting from the UK, I have a pair of Guzzi machines, a Nuovo Falcone and a Ex police V50. The V50 is giving me all sorts of grief just now, but hopefully this is the place to get advises

(http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b633/johnlay1/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg) (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/johnlay1/media/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 28, 2015, 06:25:43 PM
That's a couple of nice machines, and the V50 is REALLY purty in that paint job and the small panniers!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on January 28, 2015, 06:35:38 PM
Greeting from the UK, I have a pair of Guzzi machines, a Nuovo Falcone and a Ex police V50. The V50 is giving me all sorts of grief just now, but hopefully this is the place to get advises

(http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b633/johnlay1/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg) (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/johnlay1/media/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg.html)

I also think the V50 looks neat.  I had a blast on a V50 for a weekend a couple of years ago.  Not so much on the freeway - thought I might explode the engine keeping up with my friends - but wonderful on the twisties in the hill country, even with the extra weight of my wife on the back.  That experience s what led me to buy my Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twforeman on January 29, 2015, 01:43:39 PM
My name is Tim. I'm 52 years old and live in Minneapolis, MN. The riding season is short here due to living in Minne-snowta.

I've been riding motorcycles for more than 30 years and I just bought my first Guzzi - a 1998 V11EV with a Hannigan sidecar attached. This is the second sidecar rig I've owned but just driving it home has shown me that this Guzzi powered one is going to be great fun!

(http://i.imgur.com/AsqSHRol.jpg) (http://imgur.com/AsqSHRo)

Edited to add: Forgot I was supposed to post my occupation. I'm a full-time IT professional and part time wrench and woodworker.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inditx on January 29, 2015, 05:46:06 PM
Sweet set up and welcome!


Down by KC way
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dera on February 01, 2015, 11:54:03 AM
Hello!This is Michael - from Poland.
My current MG is Quota 1100ES.
I like 1100 engines - this is my third MG with this engine - I suppose next will be Stelvio - but now I'm waiting for the summer.......
I'm IT guy working with Oracle database :-)

Take care!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on February 01, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
Hello!This is Michael - from Poland.
My current MG is Quota 1100ES.
I like 1100 engines - this is my third MG with this engine - I suppose next will be Stelvio - but now I'm waiting for the summer.......
I'm IT guy working with Oracle database :-)

Take care!

Zapraszamy do wildguzzi stronie internetowej!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chris_Netherlands on February 02, 2015, 07:25:23 AM
Hi there,
Chris from the Netherlands here at age 43. New to Moto Guzzi and new to this community.
I recently bought a (according to paperwork) 1982 MG 850 T3 Cali with a sidecar. Sidecar is a Duna (complete aluminium) tub on a homemade chassis. Chassis and tub are not yet a configuration. Bike is far from original including leading links forks and 15" spoked wheels with Michelin 145-15 XZX tyres all around. (Wondering if I cut the side- and centerstandlugs of at some time since it's just ballast on a 3 wheeler)
Would have posted a picture but.... well, I have to read into the "how to" section of this forum.


Kind regards from "tulip and wooden shoes country" better known as the extra square kilometers around Amsterdam.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 02, 2015, 08:43:56 AM
Welcome, Chris.  VERY interesting looking machine!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cricket1 on February 03, 2015, 08:41:26 PM

Yeah that's what I've been thinking.  I know a Guzzi won't have the overall power as the Sprint, but that's ok.  It's very rare that I really wring the Triumphs necks.  (Very easy to be looking down and see 120mph+)

Gonna have to keep on the hunt!  :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lorazepam on February 04, 2015, 03:43:30 PM
Hello!  My name is Gale, (guy) and I am 57yoa, and I live in Ohio, in Amish country. I have been riding for 40 years, and finally bought my first Guzzi, a V7 Stone.  I was told by the salesman that this is a great place to get knowledge on the bikes, and information on where to find the best farkles for the Guzzi. I spent many years on BMW motorcycles, and I am hoping the Stone will give me the pleasure of an airhead, with a modern bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on February 06, 2015, 04:44:06 PM
Greeting from the UK, I have a pair of Guzzi machines, a Nuovo Falcone and a Ex police V50. The V50 is giving me all sorts of grief just now, but hopefully this is the place to get advises

(http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b633/johnlay1/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg) (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/johnlay1/media/V50_zpsae635cac.jpg.html)

Brother Jack,

Welcome aboard.  Not to worry, when you get your V50 sorted out, we'll happily make up your grief deficit.   :BEER:   

TTFN, Jack in Texas.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 06, 2015, 05:59:42 PM
  I was told by the salesman that this is a great place to get knowledge on the bikes, and information on where to find the best farkles for the Guzzi.

Smart salesman!!  Many of them don't know about Wildgoose Chase Moto Guzzi.   Stick with that shop, I'd say ....

Farkles?  We don't need no steenking farkles!!  ;)   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motogearhead on February 08, 2015, 07:41:08 PM
Greetings all!  

Randy (Motogearhead)

Retired Logistics Engineer

Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Moto interests include long distance, adventure and vintage...and anything else 2 wheeled related

Several scoots including BMWs, KTMs and others...but no Guzzi...yet!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: onip on February 09, 2015, 04:25:31 PM

I'm a 45 y old guy from Quebec, Canada. New owner of a '15 MG Stelvio. I'm a traveler. I've done all Americas on a VStrom 650 in 2009-2010...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JeffOlson on February 09, 2015, 09:34:03 PM
Hello, I'm Jeff from Lake Oswego, Oregon. I don't yet have a Moto Guzzi, but I'm hoping to buy one very soon!

I'm currently riding a new Triumph Thruxton (currently for sale to facilitate my next purchase) and an old Ducati ST2. The Thruxton is my fun-in-the-sun around town bike. The Ducati is my rain and high-speed bike. Where I live, because of the rain, the Ducati gets ridden a lot more than the Thruxton.

I am a self-employed lawyer, but that just pays the bills. I love motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, and music (playing and listening). My wife also rides: a new Vespa Sprint, and a new Triumph Bonneville. We love getting away to our old family beach cabin (Olympia, Washington) when the weather is nice and playing with our chocolate labs in the water.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cmr58 on February 15, 2015, 04:49:36 PM
Hello all my name is Chris Morrison, born in England, living in the Netherlands. 48 years old on Wednesday :) and I work for a food/industrial powders contracting company. Anyway I have just purchased a 1100 Breva after riding Japanese bikes since I was 16... I bought the guzzi so my wife can go on the back,  after she would not ride on the back of my last Fireblade ! So we are planning some nice trips this year... My other love is racing my R6 Yamaha, but this year will limited to track days at Assen and Zolder. Don't think I will taking my guzzi on the track, my wife would kill me !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on February 17, 2015, 10:44:29 AM
Hello all my name is Chris Morrison, born in England, living in the Netherlands. 48 years old on Wednesday :) and I work for a food/industrial powders contracting company. Anyway I have just purchased a 1100 Breva after riding Japanese bikes since I was 16... I bought the guzzi so my wife can go on the back,  after she would not ride on the back of my last Fireblade ! So we are planning some nice trips this year... My other love is racing my R6 Yamaha, but this year will limited to track days at Assen and Zolder. Don't think I will taking my guzzi on the track, my wife would kill me !!

Welcome ... and Buon Compleanno!   :D

Your wife has similar views to mine.  Happy to ride pillion on the Norge and EV, but Griso?  No, thanks.  :wife:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Asylum on February 17, 2015, 06:23:44 PM
Hey guys

Patrick, 36

Elevator Mechanic (Schindler Elevators)

From Montreal, Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: knucks on February 19, 2015, 02:57:41 PM
New here. Live in Ann Arbor, MI.
Considering a Guzzi as an additional bike, perhaps an older one.
They seem hard to find :(
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hwy61 on February 19, 2015, 03:17:08 PM
Hello all! In the great rotation of two wheels in my life, it looks as though I'm heading back to Guzzi (after many German years). Had a V 1000, with hack, years ago and feel as though a vintage Goose would be the way to go again. Ideally I'd love to find an old Loop, as it would fit my older, more relaxed riding style these days! ;D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bonafide Bob on February 21, 2015, 07:53:46 AM
Hey folks, My name is Bob, I live in South Louisiana. I have been riding for 60 years. I have owned more motorcycles than I can remember, but never a Moto Guzzi, hopefully that will change soon as I am trying to buy a 2013 Stelvio.  I am a semi retired Safety Director. My current bikes are a 1970 Harley Shovelhead, 1977 BMW R100/7 and a 2006 Harley Street Bob.
 Thanks for allowing me to join the group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wpak on February 23, 2015, 06:55:17 PM
Hi, I am a life long Alaskan that has owned a few bikes, Kawis and Hondas, sold long ago.
At a barbeque the summer before last I was in Fairbanks building a bridge, (put beans on the table for 39 years, this summer doing this) . Off in the corner I spied little black bike so I moseyed over to it, I haven't saw many Guzzis here in the north.
I was impressed with the design. So looked on Ebay and thought that they were reasonable priced, but there was no support in Ak.
Anyway last summer I was doing another bridge and I  kept driving by a BMW 75/6 sitting on the edge of the road in the rain. I had to stop, it went home with me. The hook was set again.
Now the 75/6 has a friend, 100gspd. Soon maybe another, Dana fxdx, possibly taken in trade for a boat.
Still no Guzzi.
I was trolling, found this forum and here I found some Alaskans with Guzzis. So I thought I will hang around and see how they do it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: katoosh on February 25, 2015, 09:21:31 PM
Richard Stanley
San Francisco
2009 Griso 8V: GTR exhaust with PCV/Autotune and open top intake with BMC filter. Bike purchased after my KTM 950 was stolen. So far, so good.

Love the guzzidiag for noobs thread. Much needed.

Previous MG? Oh, yeah. T-3, Le Mans IV, SPII.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: drbone641 on February 26, 2015, 09:46:55 AM
Well Hello there,
Don Bowen 57, Airplane Pilot for 36 years. Fighters long ago, now Boeing bus driver.
Been riding dirt since late 60s, street since 1976. For the last 9 years I have been riding Ducs
and have been peeking over the fence at MG for about a year. I have a trip planned in late April
with my son and my friend and his son to show the kids the BRP for the first time on bike.
Thinking of doing it on a Guzzi as my air cooled Multistrada makes me go too fast and has very
little protection from wind etc. I love the Duc, but getting ready to shift gears.
Live south of Atl down in Newnan. I'm here to learn and pick some brains.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jfree on March 01, 2015, 05:57:27 PM
Jeff P from Indy
Pushin Forty
I do what I want
I have a serious moto addiction
I have an 850T and a
field fresh Eldo project.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doppelgaenger on March 10, 2015, 07:23:40 AM
Well Hello there,
Don Bowen 57, Airplane Pilot for 36 years. Fighters long ago, now Boeing bus driver.
Been riding dirt since late 60s, street since 1976. For the last 9 years I have been riding Ducs
and have been peeking over the fence at MG for about a year. I have a trip planned in late April
with my son and my friend and his son to show the kids the BRP for the first time on bike.
Thinking of doing it on a Guzzi as my air cooled Multistrada makes me go too fast and has very
little protection from wind etc. I love the Duc, but getting ready to shift gears.
Live south of Atl down in Newnan. I'm here to learn and pick some brains.

Welcome! Have a look at the Norge. especially the 07-08s with the 1100 engine, they are geared tall so while they'll still go fast, they're not as prone to making you go TOO fast if you don't try harder.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on March 10, 2015, 09:49:20 AM
Welcome! Have a look at the Norge. especially the 07-08s with the 1100 engine, they are geared tall so while they'll still go fast, they're not as prone to making you go TOO fast if you don't try harder.

They're 1200s.  Just with 2 valves per cylinder.

Don't  buy a big block Guzzi to go slower.  You will find the speedo needle loves 80mph.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crooner on March 11, 2015, 08:05:32 PM
I've been on and off this forum, but now am a 3-Guzzi owner and love the advice and community.

IT for 30+ years but prefer to work with my hands in the garage. Hit the half-century mark a couple years back and am generally in Annapolis, MD, Athens, GA or Tombstone, AZ. Bike count at 7, 4-BMW, 3-Guzzis.

Building a '75 cafe from an 850T barn find. Currently stripped down as far as I could get it. Frame blasted and primed, parts  sourced (except for exhaust and few bits). Engine is on the bench, 59k on the clock and ran ok, but I've been convinced to tear it down...so the fun has begun.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NorthernProducer on March 14, 2015, 09:42:49 PM

Finishing my 6th decade next year

Retired and own a small farm in

Middle Tennessee

Been riding for 50+ years which includes on and off road.

Have a new 2015 Griso and enjoy riding with my wife on her V7 Special.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davedogg on March 15, 2015, 08:11:33 AM
Hello. I'll try to keep it factual. I'm 27 and have been riding for a couple years. Love old bikes especially two strokes and rebuilt a 1973 Yamaha RD350. I got my father back into riding after about a 30 year hiatus. We both said if we were to get a new bike it would be a Moto Guzzi. Found a used 2012 V7 Classic for my dad a couple months ago and love it! I will be trying to do most the work myself but shamefully admit that new bikes have me puzzled especially with fuel injection, shaft drive, and sensors. I'm used to carbs and no valves  :BEER:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: C908 on March 15, 2015, 11:32:53 AM
Chuck Leftwich (C908) Age 60, Retired, Sedalia,Mo   I've been riding since 1974, current bike 2010 Harley Ultra Classic. I am interested in the new Guzzi California Tourer, trying to learn all I can about it. My other consideration is a Triumph Rocket Tourer. I live in a small town and the nearest Guzzi dealer is about 80 miles away. Once the weather gets nice I hope to go try out a California Tourer. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trialsman on March 15, 2015, 01:48:26 PM
Hi my name is Al Klug.  I am a retired science teacher (63) and have been riding dirt and road since 1968.  I have ridden most brands of bikes but always liked the two Guzzis I had (V50III and SP1000).  After many years off the brand I recently flew from Pgh to Charlotte to buy a new Norge.  I remembered why I always liked the Guzzi, unfortunately there were electrical problems on the way back that stranded me in the back woods of WV.  The bike is now in Wooster getting fixed.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 56Pan on March 15, 2015, 04:38:53 PM
Hi my name is Al Klug.  I am a retired science teacher (63) and have been riding dirt and road since 1968.  I have ridden most brands of bikes but always liked the two Guzzis I had (V50III and SP1000).  After many years off the brand I recently flew from Pgh to Charlotte to buy a new Norge.  I remembered why I always liked the Guzzi, unfortunately there were electrical problems on the way back that stranded me in the back woods of WV.  The bike is now in Wooster getting fixed.

Just curious, Al.  Did the dealer in Charlotte give you a full tank of gas on the new bike?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: C908 on March 15, 2015, 09:53:10 PM
 Chuck Leftwich , age 60, retired, live in Sedalia, Mo.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 15, 2015, 10:06:32 PM
Chuck Leftwich , age 60, retired, live in Sedalia, Mo.

 Hello Chuck , check out our Cedar Vale Kansas thread . Come on down , lots of Guzzi Gurus to answer questions .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trialsman on March 15, 2015, 10:24:05 PM
No, I stopped at the gas station next to the shop to fill up.  I didn't mind that, it was more the whole waiting in a stranger's house for four hours while my friends came to get me when it quit thing that was annoying.  I am sure the dealer had nothing to do with that.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SDC on March 16, 2015, 01:16:01 AM
Hi, Steven Currie, 42. Accountant. Have ridden on and off-road since I was a kid. I live in NSW, Australia.  Other hobbies include cycling, beach.  Latest addition to the garage is a 1997 Cali EV.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: coastdude on March 16, 2015, 02:31:51 AM
G'day I realise I should have done this a while ago. My name is Andy and I live in North Eastern NSW Australia, I'm 56 and a Horticulturist. I've just bought my first guzzi, a V7 Special II after many years of being ducatsi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 56Pan on March 16, 2015, 08:05:19 AM
No, I stopped at the gas station next to the shop to fill up.  I didn't mind that, it was more the whole waiting in a stranger's house for four hours while my friends came to get me when it quit thing that was annoying.  I am sure the dealer had nothing to do with that.

Okay, thanks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wkndwanderer on March 18, 2015, 08:08:24 PM
heber davis. kitchener ontario. just purchased a 2012 norge with 0km. absolutely new to moto guzzi so anything u guys have to share please do. some of my interests are canoes, guns, kayak, motorcycles and camping. did i mention that i like shooting? 60 years old, millwright and auto mechanic by trade. LOVE HAND TOOLS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: atavar on March 20, 2015, 08:48:05 AM
I'm baa-aack..  After a too long hiatus (a couple years) i am back.  I have moved from ND to Sioux Falls SD and brought the Guzzi's with me.  Now I need to find some two legged riding buddies down here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Faab on March 20, 2015, 05:37:23 PM
Hey all, I'm Fabian but please call me Faab. ;-T

I'll probably be one of the youngest on this forum at 23 of which I've spent the last 8 driving whatever is at hand. At the moment I'm driving a Zephyr 550 until  my Guzzi is finished. I am restoring a V65 that used to be from the Spanish police.
I am finishing my automotive studies this year (hopefully :P), but I'm already looking for a job.
I live in Belgium, so I get to eat the best fries  :pop and drink the best beer in the world :BEER:

I have been on a few forums before and I am excited to see whet this forum brings. I'll definitely be asking smallblock questions, first of which:
Is a smallblock really that much of a girls bike to you?

(Last thing I did was litter this post with emoticons)  :P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 20, 2015, 05:42:02 PM
 SBs are only girl's bikes in North America , we have , er , masculinity issues  ::) :D Welcome  Faab, another Belgian , you guys have a strong presence on WG  ;-T

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Faab on March 20, 2015, 06:08:03 PM
Hey Dusty, thanks for the warm welcome!

Nice to know there are other Belgians on here 8)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: atavar on March 20, 2015, 06:23:38 PM
SBs are only girl's bikes in North America , we have , er , masculinity issues  ::) :D Welcome  Faab, another Belgian , you guys have a strong presence on WG  ;-T

I dunno, I love riding my wife's Breva in the city..  it is so flickable and easy.  Problem is she won't let me cuz i scrape the bottom of the pegs off..  lol
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: manny113 on March 21, 2015, 09:50:16 AM
Hi my name is Manny Morris I live in Tiverton,Ontario,Canada.I have been riding motocycles for fifty years and MotoGuzzi for the last 20 years.I own an SP 1000 and also an 850T3 that is being built as a café racer.I am retired construction electrician.Thankyo u for allowing me to join.....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: atavar on March 21, 2015, 11:52:24 AM
Welcome Manny.  How is life in the cold? 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Johncolleary on March 21, 2015, 01:32:27 PM
John Colleary
59 years old
General Contractor
Long Beach, Ca.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 21, 2015, 01:43:30 PM
Hey all, I'm Fabian but please call me Faab. ;-T

I'll probably be one of the youngest on this forum at 23 of which I've spent the last 8 driving whatever is at hand. At the moment I'm driving a Zephyr 550 until  my Guzzi is finished. I am restoring a V65 that used to be from the Spanish police.
I am finishing my automotive studies this year (hopefully :P), but I'm already looking for a job.
I live in Belgium, so I get to eat the best fries  :pop and drink the best beer in the world :BEER:

I have been on a few forums before and I am excited to see whet this forum brings. I'll definitely be asking smallblock questions, first of which:
Is a smallblock really that much of a girls bike to you?

(Last thing I did was litter this post with emoticons)  :P


As for the SB's being for girls, suppose if that's so, I'll have to start wearing pink when I get one in a year or so.   ;D

No, I don't that is the case at all, and if anyone does think so, I wouldn't care.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 21, 2015, 04:33:25 PM

As for the SB's being for girls, suppose if that's so, I'll have to start wearing pink when I get one in a year or so.   ;D

No, I don't that is the case at all, and if anyone does think so, I wouldn't care.


 I promise to never show the pic Bill  ~;

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wayne.maki on March 21, 2015, 06:06:10 PM
Wayne Maki
Detroit, Michigan

Hi all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Faab on March 22, 2015, 06:35:12 AM

As for the SB's being for girls, suppose if that's so, I'll have to start wearing pink when I get one in a year or so.   ;D

No, I don't that is the case at all, and if anyone does think so, I wouldn't care.


You could start wearing pink now, as practice  :P
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 22, 2015, 07:32:40 AM

As for the SB's being for girls, suppose if that's so, I'll have to start wearing pink when I get one in a year or so.   ;D

No, I don't that is the case at all, and if anyone does think so, I wouldn't care.


You could start wearing pink now, as practice  :P

We are not amused.   >:(

Well, OK, maybe we are.   ;D

Actually, I do have a couple of pink dress shirts.  Look just fine with the right coat and tie.

Was a dealer yesterday and sat on a V7.  Confirmed my view that I need to add one to my harem.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 22, 2015, 09:28:22 AM
You could start wearing pink now, as practice  :P

Men do NOT wear "pink" clothes.

Men wear "salmon" colored clothes .....  :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 22, 2015, 09:30:16 AM
Men do NOT wear "pink" clothes.

Men wear "salmon" colored clothes .....  :D


Thanks, Lannis.

That's what I meant to say, of course.  Darn auto-text.   ;)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DougDoolin on March 23, 2015, 10:22:12 AM
Doug Doolin here.
Been awhile since I have been on here.
Some will remember me and some will not.
I had the white stone that used to belong to sasquatch.
I am going to be involved in the sale of a few older Guzzis soon.
I have to go to where they are stored,document what they are, and get some pictures.
My sister in law's father had them and a couple other brand motorcycles.
He passed away recently and they are going to be sold.
I know they all have titles.
I am told he has numerous spare parts also.
I will post what there is exactly once I document everything.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TheSubmachine on March 24, 2015, 08:02:25 AM
Riki Day, Psyciatric Nurse also make custom guitar pedals,
Kingston upon Hull, UK
48 years old
owned a California Ev 1997 for 4 years
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 25, 2015, 12:30:31 AM
Riki Day, Psyciatric Nurse also make custom guitar pedals,
Kingston upon Hull, UK
48 years old
owned a California Ev 1997 for 4 years

 Riki , you may find WG to be a bit of a busman's holiday for someone in your profession .


Sent from a submarine in Oklahoma .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vstevens on March 25, 2015, 08:25:22 AM
Hello all, I'm Vince Stevens, 54, and a public high school science teacher... biology and chemistry, mostly, and a high school olympic archery club coach in San Diego.  I haven't had a bike of any sort for several years and the bug is starting to bite...hard.  My last bike was an ET4 Vespa with a tricked out 190 motor.  my wife and I rode all over Southern California on that baby.  It would hit 70 mph downhill! I like the retro look of the V7 and the fact it is not a speed demon.  But I want a bike that can do 75 mph, 2 up, all day with a little left if needed... the Vespa had nothing left at 60 except a good tail- wind.  A local dealer has a new 2013 for 7000... seems like a good deal, a good bike, your thoughts? (past bikes include 80's BMW K1000, '73 Harley Sportster, '81 suzuki 550, suzuki 650 thumper... I tend to lean toward the lighter bikes.)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tonUPRacer on March 25, 2015, 10:52:05 AM
Hi Vince, welcome. 7K for a new Stone is a good deal IMO. The V7 will run happily all day at 70-75. Above that and things do get a little buzzy. Personally, I wouldn't do 2up all day riding on my Racer (I do have the 2up seat) but I really don't care for 2up riding anyway. The v7 is a great bike, take the bike for a test ride and see for yourself. Some caveats: suspension is lacking, don't expect to do the standard (chip, airflow, exhaust mods) to gain HP, it ain't gonna happen. You can make the bike sound better and lose weight but don't expect big HP gains. If you search the threads that will become apparent. Best bang for the buck is upgrading suspension, especially if you're going to be doing 2up riding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vstevens on March 25, 2015, 10:55:04 PM
Hi Vince, welcome. 7K for a new Stone is a good deal IMO. The V7 will run happily all day at 70-75. Above that and things do get a little buzzy. Personally, I wouldn't do 2up all day riding on my Racer (I do have the 2up seat) but I really don't care for 2up riding anyway. The v7 is a great bike, take the bike for a test ride and see for yourself. Some caveats: suspension is lacking, don't expect to do the standard (chip, airflow, exhaust mods) to gain HP, it ain't gonna happen. You can make the bike sound better and lose weight but don't expect big HP gains. If you search the threads that will become apparent. Best bang for the buck is upgrading suspension, especially if you're going to be doing 2up riding.
Thanks for the reply.  Seems the V7 is plenty fast enough for my tastes, so the buzziness past 80 shouldn't be much of a problem.   This weekend I intend to take a black and yellow special for a test ride... been looking forward to it all week.  YouTube reviews and videos fault the suspension, but rave about the 'character'... That hard to define visceral quality that stirs up emotion...something the Italians seem to be quite good at.
Title: Re: Hi from UK
Post by: guzzibear on March 26, 2015, 07:05:25 PM
Hi Guzzi-Bear (Ken) from Leicestershire in the UK I have had Guzzis for over 25 yrs owning a V1000 G5 much modified I have done most jobs on it I also run a 2002 V11 Le Mans The V1000 is now 39 with almost 300k miles up on it rarely has it ever stopped on road only being towed for punctures. ....I am a mod on the www.guzziriders.org I have posted help and advice on many issues there Hope to add a few more guzzisti

 My Wife runs a 535 Virago, as being petite (4ft9" and Uk ladies Sz8 anything else is too big a Guzzi Florida or Nevada is too tall with NO seat on it!!!

I also hope to learn more and help tech issues... We are both mambers of a local Bike club who reside at The Rockbar in nearby Burton Upon Trent check them out on Facebook .....

 I love finding alternative parts like recently the RPM/TDC sensor started leaking oil on the V11 found the part is a Marelli one also fitted to many Fiat,Lancia and Alpha cars a look on E-bay and the Guzzi part £139 the car part is IDENTICAL fits right in and connects to the Guzzi connector £25.99 Result I think Recently I found a Marine engineer who supplied a NEW Bosch rectifier for £40 that is nigh on what parts suppliers here want for a used one! this is a German made part and as the guy said NEVER ever had one fail in over 30 yrs....info on these parts are on the Guzziriders website

I also found a local supplier who can make Tee shirts ect to members wishes ...hope to be of use here too ...We have family over in the USA in Sarasota and Chicago IF any Guzzisti are ever in the UK  send me an e-mail we are in a Village 8 miles from Leicester where today the mortal remains of King Richard 3rd were re interred, nearby is of course Nottingham, The Sherwood Forest tamworth and Warwick Castles one of the few Bell Foundries in the World....

Have fun stay safe
Ken & Annie
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fredward on March 27, 2015, 02:40:50 AM
Hey everyone.  My name is Fred. I am 28 and recently started my new career as a nurse at barnes jewish hospital in st Louis missouri. I am planning on buying a v7 soon. It will be my first bike. Have been wanting to get a bike for years but can finally afford one. I love forums and all they add to different hobbies. Hope to use this one many times in the near future.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re:
Post by: Kev m on March 27, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
Hey Fred, a Murse eh? Best of luck with the career. An honest, hard working choice!

And great choice on a bike. A daresay you'll love it. Ride safe!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: heaubeau on March 27, 2015, 05:01:06 PM
Hey Everybody!

I'm Michael. I'm 32 and live in Kenmore, WA.

I just bought my first goose on Wednesday. It's a '75 850 T3 Police edition and I can't wait to get to know it better. Prior to this I've ridden Ducatis and BMWs, but I've never really had an older bike or a project bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGoosy on March 27, 2015, 05:33:49 PM
Hi Geese,

Bill Rose here

San Diego, California

69 (Look 40, act 25 and feel 35)

Retired, Accounting practice, last real job was Controller at Sony

'02 CA EV11
'09 Kawa Versys
'99 Harley Hugger
'05 Kawa Mean Streak

And two Chihuahuas to boot!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 27, 2015, 06:06:20 PM

And two Chihuahuas to boot!!

That can get you in trouble with the ASPCA in some areas .....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jstew on March 31, 2015, 12:06:59 AM
Jamie Stewart
Married, 2 pre-teens

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Osprey70 on March 31, 2015, 02:50:35 PM
Hi there, just joined the Forum. I'm called Simon and am now living in Switzerland. Started riding 3 years at 42 yrs old. Driving test and first year with a used Honda CBF 600 NA, then quickly bought 2012 BMW R1200GS. Put 20 000  kms on it and I am loving it!
The Honda has basically been sitting in the garage for the last 2 years.... I am now seriously contemplating trading in the Honda for a Griso. I believe I will enjoy the combination of GS for commuting and longer two up trips; and Griso for weekend day trips in the Alps :)

So far have test ridden a Griso - feels real fun, maybe a bit small for me? I am 6'3 with 33" inside leg. Must go for a longer test drive to see if it's not too cramped.
look forward to reading up on all the info available here on WildGuzzi.

In the meantime here is a pic of my GS (http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q567/Osprey70/image.jpg2_zpsuqo57p6z.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kris on April 02, 2015, 04:34:12 PM


Pest control

Orange County, California USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Americano on April 03, 2015, 04:29:01 PM
Name: Gil
Age: 55
Years riding: since 1971
Motorcycles owned: too many to list
Guzzi currently owned: 1977 V50
Experience with Guzzis: Cousin had a white 1982 Le Mans III that I used to ride. He put a lot of money into it with a race front end and engine work.
Same cousin now has a 2002 Ghezzi Brian Folgore that I have ridden.
Currently involved in an interesting Guzzi related engine development project that I'll post more about.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: old as dirt 2 on April 03, 2015, 07:24:46 PM
Hello all you Guzzi folk. Just scored my first Guzzi. a 2013 Norge. I have been riding m/c's for over 45 yrs. the last few yrs been riding the other Piaggio products. A MP3 500 also have a Aprilia sport city 250. gonna keep the MP3 but the sport city will go on the market real soon. No pics of the bike yet as I did the deal over the phone with the dealer today and will fly there next Fri to pick it up and ride it home. Get to play in the smokies on the way home, Darn the bad luck. Hope to meet a few of ya'll on the road. I pass thru Deals gap often, stay over at Blue ridge m/c campgrounds a few times a year, also frequent TWO of Suches.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: johnlanguab on April 05, 2015, 12:21:11 PM
John Lang
Cullman, Alabama

I'm a toy junkie and I like thinks a little out of the ordinary, which brings me to Moto Guzzi...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pat80flh on April 05, 2015, 12:44:06 PM

 57 years, had a bike before a car at 16

Harleys since 1990, 69 kick only Xlch, and an 80 FLH

 Flat rate GM technician

  After 20 years on my Shovel, I took it down, needs a primary drive rebuild, and paint. Bought a 76 Bmw R/90 to see me through the rebuild, which I absolutely love. Shopping for a new ride for the girl, she came with a 91 Virago. She is absolutely enamored of the idea of owning a Guzzi, as am I. Looking at cheap V-11s, and soaking up knowledge here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: High Octane on April 07, 2015, 09:49:43 PM
Leigh, Estelline SD
Honda CB900C with aChampion Escort Sidecar
Looking for my first Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Trknomo on April 10, 2015, 04:39:35 PM
Hi, I'm Wayne a 53 year old salesman from Delran NJ. Purchased my first Goose just last month and haven't been as excited about a new bike since my first 750K in 1979. Well almost as when I bought my K1200R in 06, but that went down the drain real quick with all the troubles I had with that one. Have to admit I was a bit skeptical after reading about all the fueling issues and surges with the Griso's, but they either updated the map in the factory or I got lucky as this bike runs really good. Been a blast to ride and hopefully if all goes to plan I'll be heading to the gathering of Nortons next Sunday.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mradtke on April 12, 2015, 02:48:41 AM
Hi Everybody!!

My name is Michael Radtke, I live in Republic, Missouri. I have had all sorts of motorcycles from a 1987 Honda Goldwing to a Honda Reflex. Currently riding a 2007 Suzuki Burgman 650. The other day I stopped by my local shop Performance Cycle and he had a 2001 California EV on consignment. For some reason I was drawn to it and I am here to learn about Moto Guzzi's and see if it will be my next motorcycle.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DudenLA on April 13, 2015, 01:53:17 AM
Hello forum members
My name is Greg and I live in Los Angeles.  I've been riding for a few years and have had several motorcycles and am currently without one but I do have a Vespa GTS 250 that I use for my daily commute.  I'm eager to have another motorcycle and have caught the MG bug, along with several other strains of bugs.  I'm here to broaden my knowledge of the Guzzi experience from riders themselves.  I will read written posts with interest and hopefully post a few questions here and find time for a test ride or two, of course.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hlmiskelly on April 14, 2015, 01:30:28 PM
Hermann Miskelly, 57, located in northern Alabama outside of Huntsville. 

After more than a year of lusting at a distance, I finally bought myself a 2015 MG Griso from Sloan Cycles up in Murfreesburg, TN.  My other bike is a 2011 Yamaha FZ8, lightly modified for short range sport-touring. 

Looking forward to ideas on customizing and modifying the Griso.  I've already removed the rear reflector, which hung off the license plate holder like a rouge dingleberry, and added a Dart flyscreen.  Also have a FEK on order from AF1 in Texas.

Glad to be a member of this small but dedicated band.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Buckturgidson on April 16, 2015, 06:22:01 AM
I had a somewhat interesting life musically. At 12 I was Chichester Psalms soloist for Lenny himself. In my 20s it was Bach, Palestrina, Poulenc, etc. in many major european cities. When I reached the proper age I had a piddling opera career, mostly minor roles like Morales or the Officer, but once had a Schaunard in La Boheme. Now I am grinding out my day gig as a pacu RN.

Favorite author: George Eliot
Married: nah
Special: girls
And I like Wagner as long as I'm not the one singing it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on April 16, 2015, 07:23:05 AM
I had a somewhat interesting life musically. At 12 I was Chichester Psalms soloist for Lenny himself. In my 20s it was Bach, Palestrina, Poulenc, etc. in many major european cities. When I reached the proper age I had a piddling opera career, mostly minor roles like Morales or the Officer, but once had a Schaunard in La Boheme. Now I am grinding out my day gig as a pacu RN.

Favorite author: George Eliot
Married: nah
Special: girls
And I like Wagner as long as I'm not the one singing it.

I think you mentioned some of that in previous posts, but I had not made the connection between your Norge's name and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7nKVj-BqIA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7nKVj-BqIA).   ;)

Your intro reminded me of when I lived in Italy years ago.  Nearby Breganze -- of Laverda fame -- had a small movie theater named "Teatro Giuseppe Verdi."  [I just googled it and see it's still there.] 

Anyway, as I pedalled by (as in ... gasp ... I was a minor jock back in that day and belonged to Veloce Club Thiene!  :D) I used to think that only in Italian would "Joe Green's Movie House" sound so romantic.   ;D

Bravi on your musical attainments.  I was a drummer for years, i.e., not really a musician, but (and probably because) I stlll admire those with talent.

P.S.  As for George Eliot, gave her up after Miss Clements's 10th grade torture sessions. Girls generally, tho, I continued to pursue (but stopped, Kathi, I swear!).  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Buckturgidson on April 16, 2015, 03:06:11 PM
Glad to hear you spent some time in the old world and love the Verdi reference. My uncle Tony was from Napoli and he always said Joe Green was his favorite.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Yukonica on April 18, 2015, 04:01:25 PM
Riki , you may find WG to be a bit of a busman's holiday for someone in your profession .


Sent from a submarine in Oklahoma .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jwinwi on April 19, 2015, 08:50:54 AM
Hello All,

John Wendt in Wisconsin
48 years young; Guzzi fanatic since 1987 when I bought an 850T.
Sales Engineer
So many bikes, so little time to enjoy them...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Calijackalbob on April 19, 2015, 10:51:54 PM
Peter here.
An Aussie in Singapore.
52years old.
Own and run a Martial Arts Studio in Singapore. ZDK Elite Fitness Studio @ ww.zdkelite.com where  I teach Muay Thai, Karate, Wrestling etc........

I've owned over 100 bikes before I got my Italian lover, a 2001 Jackal. 100 bikes too late. I LOVE IT! I bought it intending to make a cafe racer out of it, but the bike is awesome as it is, so I guess I'll just have to get me a V7 or anything I can get my hands on in Singapore. My bike is one of only 2 jackals in Singapore, a country the size of a postage stamp which has maybe 20 Guzzis in total and about 2 million other bikes. (Mainly scooters.)
Here's the Jackal in good company.  (http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk57/drfunk62192003/My%20Bikes/025_2.jpg)

Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: slater on April 20, 2015, 11:43:30 AM
Hello all! I'm Slater, a film director/editor who works in advertising in Minneapolis. Just got a new V7 Stone and just parted with a 76' Bonneville. In the process of mod'ing up the v7 to make it my own. Running into many ?'s and I hope the experience of you all will come in handy. Trying to get most of this done before our baby shoes up in a few months!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: StillOnTheRoad on April 22, 2015, 07:52:15 AM
Bill Craig
   Somehow 57
   Way married.
   Vermont, writer, jazz musician (stand-up bass) and professor
   I like to travel and write about the connections between what we see now and what happened back when... yankeecomehome.com (http://yankeecomehome.com)
   Favorite Moto Guzzi sighting: the Nevada ridden by the Cuban cop who pulled me over on the road to Daiquiri.
   I've owned a (strange?) assortment of bikes, and I'm looking to buy the one that'll see me through to the end of my riding days.
   I think it might be the V7 II Stone, and I'm thinking of buying one just about the minute they're available here. It'll be my first Guzzi. I welcome all advice! And I appreciate all I'm already learning from this forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ClassicV7 on April 22, 2015, 11:22:48 AM
Elliot Abraham - Columbia County NY. 2012 V7 Classic & 2009 R1200RT - (http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/abrel01/Guzzi/bikes_zpsrepnllai.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Snakebit on April 23, 2015, 07:40:16 PM
Hi, Name is Norm, I live in Southwest New Mexico, USA.  I've owned several bikes over the past 45 years.  Current ride is a 2009 Star Roadliner S in candy red.  One of the best I've owned by far.  Recently in a visit to neighboring El Paso, TX, I visited a few dealerships and was blown away by a pearl white Moto Guzzi California Touring.  The styling is terrific, with the tank molded around the cylinder heads, the beautiful and functional bags, the cool factory windshield, the stylish seat, and many other items.  I've read a few reviews online and while it may not be quite the 1900cc powerhouse I'm currently riding, it has really grabbed my interest.  I registered on the site to find more information from Cal Touring riders, and I look forward to reading through the posts I've found here.     
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Twinpot on April 24, 2015, 03:46:49 AM
Hello from NornIron (Northern Ireland)

Mark (Moss)
Semi Retired
Motorcycles, Cars, boats, guitars, a bit of painting (but quite frankly I'm an awful artist) - and of course The Spaniel 'Ozzy.'

Both my girlfriend and I have bikes: Me - HD Streetbob 2011
                                                             BMW R1200GS 2009
                                                             XT660Z Tenere Yamaha 2013

                                                     Karen - HD Sportster 1200 Low 2007

I am currently trying to buy a Guzzi to replace the one I should never (isn't it always the case) have sold. My first Guzzi was bought in 1996 and myself and a Guzzi friend (now deceased) at the time were regularly asked about the bikes (when parked) by passers by. Both 1995 1100i Californias. Although I had a Heritage 1340 at the time also, I loved the California and attended some great camps and a memorable 1998 Guzzi meet where I  learned that you really can't over-stuff a leather Guzzi pannier when it sits on a stock' exhaust! Fantastic memories and confusion by the same degree.

The memories of the bike are what causes the confusion. I would really love a California - but I sort of have that with the Street-Bob. I love the look of the Griso and the physical gesture of the V12Sport - but I hate the thought of parting with any of the others to finance this, so may look at older models. Yes of course it's a nice problem to have - but it's taken a lot of hard work and focus.

To me, bikes aren't something I just flip in and out of. I've pursued them all my life. Reading through a lot of the posts on here I see there are a lot of folks who are similar. It's a rare thing in life that you get to enjoy something this much through all your years. I'm as happy biking now as I was at 17.

I've looked around the site and just thought I'd say hello. I'll post photos of the bike when it comes and I'll continue to follow the daily postings on here.

Be safe and enjoy.



I can't get photoshop to play ball just now but the California can be seen here - http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=890129&page=7

under 'Batman'
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on April 24, 2015, 06:31:24 AM
Hello from NornIron (Northern Ireland)

Mark (Moss)
Semi Retired
Motorcycles, Cars, boats, guitars, a bit of painting (but quite frankly I'm an awful artist) - and of course The Spaniel 'Ozzy.'

Both my girlfriend and I have bikes: Me - HD Streetbob 2011
                                                             BMW R1200GS 2009
                                                             XT660Z Tenere Yamaha 2013

                                                     Karen - HD Sportster 1200 Low 2007


Welcome, Moss (& Karen).

Great travel pix and narrative in your blog.

That Morgan is covetable ... not that I'd ever commit such a sin.   ::) ;)

Best wishes in your "hunt" for the right Guzzi.


P.S. Like that "NornIron" thing.  May steal it for us, as we live at the top of Virginia, but to most folks, "Northern Virginia" means the great Washington, D.C., metroblob.  So, there is some charm in "NornVa."   :D

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Twinpot on April 24, 2015, 06:52:38 AM

Many thanks for the welcome. 'Norva' sounds good to me. Many years ago there was a Norvin motorcycle in uk. Wish I could claim that one!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blind Lemon Ade on April 24, 2015, 10:03:33 AM
Hiya, I'm Ade, from the county of Kent in the UK.

I have a Breva 1100, and I came here to find out how to use GuzziDiag, so expect a lot of stupid questions!

I had a Breva 750 for a short while, and long ago, a V50 Monza (back when they were new).

In between, I got distracted by the dark side (D****i), and spend ten years racing the things.

If I'm not fiddling with the bike, I'm playing guitars, either teaching, rehearsing or (rarely) gigging, which is where my Username came from...

Now, where's the "Dumb questions from GuzziDiag noobs" thread?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on April 24, 2015, 10:55:01 AM
Hiya, I'm Ade, from the county of Kent in the UK.

I have a Breva 1100, and I came here to find out how to use GuzziDiag, so expect a lot of stupid questions!

I had a Breva 750 for a short while, and long ago, a V50 Monza (back when they were new).

In between, I got distracted by the dark side (D****i), and spend ten years racing the things.

If I'm not fiddling with the bike, I'm playing guitars, either teaching, rehearsing or (rarely) gigging, which is where my Username came from...

Now, where's the "Dumb questions from GuzziDiag noobs" thread?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 24, 2015, 11:09:53 AM

Hiya, I'm Ade, from the county of Kent in the UK.

Ade, Kent is one of my favorite places in the world, I've walked and ridden all over it.   Whereabouts in Kent you from?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blind Lemon Ade on April 24, 2015, 02:38:15 PM
Thanks for the link, Dean!

Lannis, I'm just outside Sevenoaks, not far from Brands Hatch racetrack... at the foot of the North Downs.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tony H. on April 24, 2015, 03:11:09 PM
Tony Heimerman 60 years old I ride a 2001 Bassa. Had a great time at cedar vale last weekend.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 24, 2015, 06:36:20 PM
Thanks for the link, Dean!

Lannis, I'm just outside Sevenoaks, not far from Brands Hatch racetrack... at the foot of the North Downs.

One of my favorite rides on an old sidevalve BSA is from there, down through the countryside to the Romney Marsh, stop at the old Red Lion at Snargate, and then to Dymchurch and have fish and chips on a raw, blowy beach .... I really like that part of the world!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pieta on April 25, 2015, 12:31:54 PM
I am Pietà, I live in Scotland, I'm 1962 vintage (so currently 52)  I'm a statistician, I own a Suzuki VL650 and what was a 2003 California Aluminium Special Sport. The California is in need of much tlc as it appears to have spent much of its life sitting outside in Scottish winters before I got it, which is sad considering it also appears to be an grey italian import used to sunshine.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 25, 2015, 05:03:47 PM
Tony Heimerman 60 years old I ride a 2001 Bassa. Had a great time at cedar vale last weekend.

 It's about time you joined here my large friend  :) Yeah , we had a good time .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mosney on April 25, 2015, 05:18:20 PM
Hey group, what's up? I'm Jonathan Mosney. 37 years old, web developer by day. Bought my first Guzzi back in November 2014 - a 2015 v7 Stone in black. Loving it so far!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blind Lemon Ade on April 26, 2015, 06:35:10 AM
One of my favorite rides on an old sidevalve BSA is from there, down through the countryside to the Romney Marsh, stop at the old Red Lion at Snargate, and then to Dymchurch and have fish and chips on a raw, blowy beach .... I really like that part of the world!


Yes, Romney Marsh and Dungeness are something special - I love going to the cafe at the old lighthouse on Dungeness, near the steam railway and the nuclear power plant... 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AGRO! on April 26, 2015, 07:18:37 AM
Hi all my name is Jeff.
I'm 58
Bikes are 2009 Super Duke plus Black V7II Stone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moss on April 26, 2015, 08:48:39 AM
Hi guys,

I'm Charles, 27 years old, just got my 2015 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone in matte green yesterday. I'm in Pennsylvania, about 45 minutes from Philadelphia. Nice to meet you all.
Title: Re: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kev m on April 26, 2015, 09:00:43 AM
Hi guys,

I'm Charles, 27 years old, just got my 2015 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone in matte green yesterday. I'm in Pennsylvania, about 45 minutes from Philadelphia. Nice to meet you all.
Which direction from Philly?

We were in Kennett Square till last summer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moss on April 26, 2015, 09:12:07 AM
I'm in the burbs, north of philly, near Doylestown
Title: Re:
Post by: Kev m on April 26, 2015, 09:52:03 AM
Good location, you can get to Coopersburg Eurosports easily. You may want to check them out if you're going to have anyone else work on your bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 26, 2015, 12:59:28 PM
Yes, Romney Marsh and Dungeness are something special - I love going to the cafe at the old lighthouse on Dungeness, near the steam railway and the nuclear power plant... 

That little steam railway is fun, a proper railroad with schedules and stations and all.   

My company was bidding on a big job involving Dungeness and I was hoping we'd win it and I could work there a year or two, but it didn't work out ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: philip15 on April 26, 2015, 02:34:24 PM
Hi I'm Phil
From Wales UK
My New Ride Bellagio 940
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Elliott on April 27, 2015, 02:32:40 PM
Elliott, 37, also from Wales (sut mae Phil). Picked up a 2013 Stone last autumn. Third bike for me but first MG.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tinsign on April 27, 2015, 04:19:35 PM
I'm the new guy to the site - I'm looking to find the old cool bikes that my buddies used to ride and race during the 70's

I'm really searching for a 1978 lemans in red and black just like my buddy Dave rode back in 78 - very cool bike - tho out of my price range then - hopefully not now

I've found one that sounds good on paper -the Vin number is in the right range - the tag near the triple tree looks right - issue is that the motor has no numbers stamped on - could be a service replacement back in the day that the dealer forgot to stamp  or who knows -

Does anyone have any ideas on this or have the heard of something similar happening back in the day


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lonerockz on April 27, 2015, 05:50:42 PM
Howdy folks. New to the site. Not a Guzzi owner yet. Have a Triumph Explorer 1200, BMW K1200R and a Kawasaki Versys. Thinking of ditching the K1200R and Versys and getting a V7. Want a light weight touring bike to take to the 4 corners of the earth. As the V7 is the only sub 400 lbs shaft driven bike made right now its the only thing on my list. Just worried about reliability and parts availability.

Live in USA, CA - SF Bay area.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cshoe on April 28, 2015, 04:06:36 PM
Hey Guzzi People
My Name is Craig Schumacher
I live in San Diego California
Favorite televised sport is F1
I'm in the building industry
60 years young
Current ride is a BMW K1600GT

Looking to add the new V7 2 to the stable
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Looter on April 28, 2015, 08:34:32 PM
My name Lute Mullenix, occupation industrial maintenance, age pushing the big 60, living in Nebraska. Got on the forum cuz I recently picked up 1984 850 T5 and I want to learn all I can bout the care and feeding of it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Winder on May 05, 2015, 04:26:03 PM
Hello Folks,   just saying I am new here ... and really enjoying the site. The 2014/25 Stelvio is on my short list of new bikes,  and thought I would join this site in the course of my research.  (the other is the 2014 tenere)

This coming Friday I test drive the tenere and the fz09-for fun  ... and need to queue up the Stelvio afterwords ....

I have a MG relatively close and a Yamaha closer.... both are solid dealerships .... so we'll see.

Anyway,  thanks for the interesting site, and your real world experience...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bluesboy on May 06, 2015, 03:15:43 PM
Hey all. I have been lurking around since I bought my CalVin 2 years ago. I love my Guzzi, but I am thinking of changing to a Norge. It was on my short list when I got the Buell. I chose the Buell because at the time I thought that it would have better dealer support. Hmmm, 6 months later Buell is shut down. Moto Guzzi is better than ever. Shout out to Fotoguzzi. It seems like we have a lot in common. I follow your posts here and on Big Bad and Dirty.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Winnipeguzzi on May 07, 2015, 04:08:27 PM
Hi, I'm Neil and I'm 50 and live north of San Francisco in Mill Valley.

I'm a writer and I have a 77 LeMans 850 that I've owned for 10 years and ride regularly.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Yukonica on May 08, 2015, 09:01:36 AM
Howdy folks. New to the site. Not a Guzzi owner yet. Have a Triumph Explorer 1200, BMW K1200R and a Kawasaki Versys. Thinking of ditching the K1200R and Versys and getting a V7. Want a light weight touring bike to take to the 4 corners of the earth. As the V7 is the only sub 400 lbs shaft driven bike made right now its the only thing on my list. Just worried about reliability and parts availability.

Hello, welcome. I use a 2013 V7s as my choice of do-all touring bike. The only reliability problems I've encountered have been self induced. If you leave it basically stock, dip every nut and bolt in Locktite, it will take you anywhere a street oriented bike will need to go; including fire roads at a rational pace. I'm seriously considering buying a set of Stone wheels so I can run tubeless when I go further than a 1000km from home (aka outside of go grab the trailer distance).
Availability of parts will vary widely.  ;D
My experience has been to identify key items and build a stock on hand. Tires in Canada seemed to be a problem at the start of last summer... for example. I have a complete service kit in the shop; plugs, oils, gaskets, tires, etc.
If you go the V7 route; upgrade the suspension and add a centre stand.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Twinpot on May 08, 2015, 02:48:52 PM
Hello from NornIron (Northern Ireland)

Mark (Moss)
Semi Retired
Motorcycles, Cars, boats, guitars, a bit of painting (but quite frankly I'm an awful artist) - and of course The Spaniel 'Ozzy.'

Both my girlfriend and I have bikes: Me - HD Streetbob 2011
                                                             BMW R1200GS 2009
                                                             XT660Z Tenere Yamaha 2013

                                                     Karen - HD Sportster 1200 Low 2007

I am currently trying to buy a Guzzi to replace the one I should never (isn't it always the case) have sold. My first Guzzi was bought in 1996 and myself and a Guzzi friend (now deceased) at the time were regularly asked about the bikes (when parked) by passers by. Both 1995 1100i Californias. ................... ...

QUICK UPDATE:     http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=21281.1360



I can't get photoshop to play ball just now but the California can be seen here - http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=890129&page=7

under 'Batman'
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: smallers on May 10, 2015, 03:14:11 PM
Hello from Portugal

Andy Smallwood
49 years old
Cycling tour guide

I also own a holiday apartment here in the Algarve in the south of Portugal.  I bought my first ever Guzzi last week, a 2001 Cali EV with just 4,400km on the clock.  Glad to finally be a Guzzi owner and to join this great forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: invisibro on May 11, 2015, 02:56:51 PM
Hey guys - I'm Jay. A new owner of a used 2013 V7 Stone - purchased from forum member flatop, who is a really nice guy and took great care of it.

I'm 32, work at an ad tech start-up in NYC, and live in Brooklyn.

Here's a pic right before my first ride:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Solojoe on May 11, 2015, 04:00:20 PM
Joseph Austin
Edmonton, AB Canada
May 11/15
My first Guzzi - 2007 Norge with 10K kms (6200 miles) on the clock.
The previous owner was just that an owner! I plan to ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Noguzznoglory on May 13, 2015, 11:31:59 AM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ed.bremner on May 13, 2015, 01:30:02 PM
Well I have been lurking for a while and reckon it is about time I introduced myself....

I am Ed and I live over in the UK, in Cornwall and ride a 1977 850T3 California.  It's ur....how can I say this....RED!


I am 57 and work most of the time in Plymouth University as a Learning Technologist.  Used to be a photographer, you can see my website at www.bremweb.co.uk or an instagram feed at:  http://www.instagram.com/ed_bremner/

Can I get away with such a short intro....No?  Well I guess not, but please feel free to ignore if you prefer :-)

OK,  I got my first bike back at 17 in the 70s, a nice little Yam DT125.  I fell off that a lot till I got a bit more confident, passed my test and bought a Ducati 350Mk3.  That was a sweet little bike, although I still managed to fall off a few more times. The handling was so good it just lured you on and on to go faster and faster with more and more lean until suddenly, with little warning, you were kissing tarmac.  Would of kept that I guess, but my dad gave me his Honda 400/4, which was sweet enough and quite a bit faster.   I even managed to pretty much stay upright on that one! 

The 400/4 was stolen (bastards) and my brother feeling sorry for me leant me a Suzuki GS1000.  Great fun, but way to big for me to drive around town through the winter.  I drove like a maniac the whole summer, then in the autumn bought a Yam RD250 for the winter and got immediately ticketed for speeding.  It was nowhere near as fast as the GS1000, I rode much slower, but was a complete magnet for attention from our boys in blue, so decided to get another big Suzi.  I found a GS650 and ran it for a year or so, but it was without doubt the most boring and soulless bike I ever owned.

It was at this stage (1978) that I found myself working for a photographer in London, by the name of Jake Wallis, (Son of Barnes Wallis - Bouncing bomb and all that) and he used to let me borrow his bike to run errands around town.  It was a 1978 850T3 Cali.  I was totally smitten.  This bike was just the best possible choice for getting around town.  Big enough to be secure, but with the weight nice and low, really flickable.  I had to have one.  It took me a while, as my budget was rather limited, but I found my 850T3 Cali locally, for the reasonable sum of £750.  Only problem was it was totally knackered.  All the chrome was shot, there was rust everywhere, the exhausts innerds rattled, the seat was covered in tape, the brakes were seized, the clocks didn't budge, but it ran OK, but hey, it was mine!  Amazingly (and due to lack of family/work/committments etc it was only in my brother's workshop for 6 months or so before it was out and ready to roll.  (For what it worth, I bought a DT175MX, whilst Guzzi was in garage, fun....but silly).

My Cali came out of the workshop a very different animal. I had no garage at the time and the Guzzi would have to live outside, so all bolts were changed to stainless.  The chrome was shot, so this was stripped and replaced with Red powdercoating, the frame and all chassis (EVERYTHING) was then painted to match in red, even down to a new red seat. It was red....very red.  I though it pretty cool, but I had nothing but ribbing from friends who asked me why I was riding a ex-fire department bike (yeah, funny guys).  I was also getting some flack about the bike being 'old fashioned' and unable to keep up with their new GSX-whatever-R's.  But hey, I  wasn't worried, the bike suited me and I am still riding it 28 years later.

It was then my main transport around London for 10 or so years and in that time, it gave sterling service, but had a toughish town-life. It was dropped lightly a few times...and all corners bumped by cars or bikes. It was regularly serviced, but ran just fine.  When I moved to Bristol, it wasn't used for work and became a plaything. It came out the garage for w/end trips, around Wales, and over to France and up to London, etc....well until Millenium Eve and I was just returning home on bike in evening, when someone did a 'Sorry, I never saw you mate' and pulled out in front of me.

Bugga.....I had had my share of bumps and falls over the years, but this one scared me.  I was fine, if a little bruised and shaken.  But somehow I felt my riding wasn't what it was when I was riding every day in town.  I just felt I should of known that car was going to pull out.  My sixth sense would of told me.....but this time....nadda. 

Mmmmm....The Cali you ask?  What about the GUZZI! Ah, well I almost cried as I looked at it on the ground, but to be honest, I was just happy it was the bike that was bent and not me.  Amazingly there was no argument from the insurers and they offered the money for the  full repair value.  Well, that was good, but there was no way I was letting anyone else work on my Cali, so I had to re-negotiate a new settlement for cash.  That was possible, but not such a good deal, but hey, it worked for me as I was able to put in a bit more money and take the opportunity to do some other work, like replacing all the break lines etc.  Once I had the money it was only a few days work and 95% of it was done in a month or so.....but then.....what can I say....I got married, had kids, got a new job, got heavily into re-building old boats, and that last couple of hours of work kept the Cali in the back of my workshop gathering dust for 14 long years.

So.....why?  Biking friends said I had lost my nerve, so I rebuilt an old Montesa 247 for the fun of it.....others pointed out I should of just got it fixed by a garage as Insurers wanted. Can't say really, just didn't feel like the right time.  The Cali and I were just waiting.

Last year a friend wanted to borrow some space in the workshop for his SV-1000 and suggested if I wasn't going to put it back on the Road, I should sell it.  I mumbled that I was stuck on how to lead the new brake lines....and the rectifier/regulator was fried (again)....   He said:  "OK, lets do it....at least it will make some room"   So now 8 months later, the Guzzi is out the workshop and the SV1000 has been in for weeks, so there is still no bloody room.

And I am back on the road, regularly riding to work, a 40mile round trip into Plymouth. I am thrilled and it is great to be using the bike again, rather than as a 'plaything'.  I need a purpose for a ride, I can't just 'go for a fun-ride'.

I am riding a whole bunch slower and more defensively these days and I was just amazed by how long it took me to build up my riding ability again and more importantly my nerve. The first few days were spent totally terrified that every corner would be hiding a diesel slick and every van was going to cut across me, but I am getting there.

The old Cali is looking pretty tired now.   Red, but tired.  The prang and previous drops mean that all the bolted on bits are not quite square anymore.  The seat has got a couple of tears and there are about 4 shades of different reds in the paintwork.  Mechanically she is OK, but suffering badly from 'brick-in-bucket' gear changes, I also think the clutch is slipping a bit. Oh and there is a little knock, which although it has been there for years does worry me a bit.  What is the mileage?  No idea, had at least 3 clocks, one was a swap, and I don't think the one that came with it was original.  Not immense, maybe 40-50 thousand whilst I have had it.  The Cali just kinda fits.

I am enjoying riding again, and do wonder about getting something more modern, but find it hard to rationalise why I would want to. I'm pretty broke and I have the Guzzi.....its working.....I need to get to work.....lets ride.

So there you have it.  If anyone got this far in my introduction....wel l done! :-)

I look forwards to joining in. 

Thanks to the moderators up front, I know what it takes, as moderate two other fora....

see ya on the forum.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on May 13, 2015, 07:51:53 PM
Yup, we call that Red on this side of the Atlantic as well.  Welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Bell on May 14, 2015, 06:46:21 AM
Dave Bell, new to this site.  I've bought a 2013 V7 Stone that I will be picking up in late June and riding the Blue Ridge Parkway on, then home to Texas.  I'm 66 years old, and am a psychologist living just East of Dallas, Texas.  I've wanted a Guzzi for several years.  My main hobby is restoring 70's BMW R bikes.  Currently have '80 RT that is being converted to S (sort of).  Also have a 75 R75/6 and a 71 R65 which is going to be a cafe racer. I have a beautiful 77 R100/7 that I bought already restored.  I also have a Ural that I've traveled around New Mexico and Arizona and Utah on with a friend from Ruidoso, NM. 

My greatest motorcycling trips have been riding the continental divide from Canada to Mexico on the "Big Dog" routes and going to Copper Canyon and Galeana N.L. Mexico three times.

I've had BMW RT, BMW GS800, KLR 650, Honda PC800, Yamaha WR250, and several dirt bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hymes Inc. on May 17, 2015, 09:33:32 PM
Chris Hymes, 30, Machine shop operator, Ft. Madison, Iowa
1984 V65C
(http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy254/Hymes_Inc/Moto%20guzzi/IMG_20150516_141431.jpg) (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/Hymes_Inc/media/Moto%20guzzi/IMG_20150516_141431.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SmokyBC on May 18, 2015, 12:42:13 AM
Hi,  I'm Don Schmok from Salmon Arm BC.

My wife and I put lots of miles on our BMW GTL, I also have a KLR for knocking around on back roads.

I'm retired, and putz around in my shop.

I just acquired a '73 Eldorado, with Wixom fairing and Velorex sidecar. It's been stored for most of its 43 years. I'm currently replacing the barrels and pistons. Looking forward to getting this on the road.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SmokyBC on May 18, 2015, 02:58:09 PM
A couple of pics of my new Guzzi.

(http://smoky.smugmug.com/Guzzi/i-5kjxkKp/0/M/IMG_3630-M.jpg) (http://smoky.smugmug.com/Guzzi/i-5kjxkKp/A)

(http://smoky.smugmug.com/Guzzi/i-3NPmgd9/0/M/IMG_0619-M.jpg) (http://smoky.smugmug.com/Guzzi/i-3NPmgd9/A)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JProdun on May 18, 2015, 03:36:09 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Green1 on May 20, 2015, 11:24:15 PM
New to Moto Guzzi,a Guzzi race bike has been my backgroung on my computer for 2 years though.Just bought a 13 leftover Stelvio and love it so far.I live @ 1hr north of the 49th parallel in NB Canada ,teach a motocycle safety course all summer and have been blessed with the motorcycle disease since 12.Hope to soak up some knowledge from this board.If you're in the area I can tour guide..Paul
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Siggy Javotnik on May 23, 2015, 09:18:07 AM
Rich Oberdorfer, 41 years old, motor vehicle code lawyer, in Portland, Oregon. Here's me and the Saint Elvio: (http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee92/rickykarate/Guzzi%20Stelvio.jpg) (http://s232.photobucket.com/user/rickykarate/media/Guzzi%20Stelvio.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jibbs on May 28, 2015, 08:51:47 AM
Software Engineer

Not actually a Guzzi owner yet, but my V7 II Stone is supposed to be here on a truck any day now.  I've been a sportier bike guy but my piriformis syndrome has left me unable to deal with the sporty riding position, so I'm trading the ZX6R for something more comfortable!

My bike history:
1996 Kawasaki Ninja 250R
2012 Honda CBR250R
2013 Honda CBR500R
2013 Triumph Street Triple
2013 Kawasaki ZX6R
2015 Moto Guzzi V7 II Stone (hopefully)

Hobbies include computers, video games, fishing, backpacking, disc golf, pretty much every other outdoor activity, motorcycles, cars
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lenz9753 on May 28, 2015, 06:53:45 PM
Hi All

I'm now the proud 2nd owner of a 2010 Griso 8V 1200 in Central Queensland, Australia. (650km from Guzzi tech help) The bike has only 23,000km runtime, black / silver and runs a GR8V Termignoni muffler - a BEAUTIFUL machine !

The low speed (< 3500rpm) fuelling is rough with the occasional cough / spit much like an overly lean pilot jet / on a carbie. Muzzydiag may have solutions for me but I look forward to becoming part of the global Guzzi Community and sharing the benefits of our experiences.

Lenz  Rockhampton QLD Australia

.... not panicking just problem solving VERY quickly ... 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck-D on May 29, 2015, 07:51:19 AM
Hey all,

Chuck-D here, 39, Brooklyn, about to take delivery on a V7 II Stone.  Really looking forward to it.

It'll be my first shaft drive, kinda wondering what the normal routine/daily maintenance will be like.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 29, 2015, 08:37:37 AM
Hey all,

Chuck-D here, 39, Brooklyn, about to take delivery on a V7 II Stone.  Really looking forward to it.

It'll be my first shaft drive, kinda wondering what the normal routine/daily maintenance will be like.

Just like any other bike, minus the weekly chain oiling, monthly chain tension checking & the regular wiping of oil/grime off of the rear wheel & spokes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on May 29, 2015, 08:49:10 AM
Chris Hymes, 30, Machine shop operator, Ft. Madison, Iowa
1984 V65C
(http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy254/Hymes_Inc/Moto%20guzzi/IMG_20150516_141431.jpg) (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/Hymes_Inc/media/Moto%20guzzi/IMG_20150516_141431.jpg.html)

Chris, did you make the tank and other bodywork?  I can't say I would have chosen that shape, but it's very unique and appears to be done with skill.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hymes Inc. on May 29, 2015, 09:24:37 PM
Chris, did you make the tank and other bodywork?  I can't say I would have chosen that shape, but it's very unique and appears to be done with skill.
I did Jim. The front fender is the only factory piece left. I didn't have a plan on the tank, just started welding bits together. It's ok, probably going to build another one now that I have some experience. And it looks pretty good in that picture, just don't come see it in person.  ;-T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mkerr3001 on June 08, 2015, 10:32:56 AM
Hey Guys,

Michael Kerr from Johnson City, TN and own a 1998 EV11 California and a 2004 750 Breva.

Am 47 years young love to ride as much as I can. Also learning with from a friend who is experienced working on Asian bikes how to work on mine ...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blunt on June 09, 2015, 04:14:14 PM
I'm a 1974 Eldorado owner with cast iron sleeves and 90900 on the mile counter. I RUN MOLLY!! IN every component that "churns".  The sucker will do 75+ mph at 8000+ rpm in 2ND gear. Molly and cast iron is better than no molly and chrome!!!  Of course, thats my opinion..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Francis on June 09, 2015, 07:17:07 PM
My name is Frank AKA Francis
from Alberta ,canuckland
ex military
heavy equip. op
been riding since 75
I do most of my wrenching,so far

I figure I should educate myself before/or not, pulling the trigger on a new 1400 touring guzzi
hence the reason why I'm here ,thanks in advance for letting me roam around!  :smiley:

I own

750 four Honda
and soon hopefully a 1400 touring
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: father guzzi obrian on June 09, 2015, 07:57:33 PM
I'm Father Guzzi Obrian, I used to be Eldo Jon, then I sold my Eldo to Ed Milich, I have been on the board for over a decade, I would now like you to call me Caitlyn.
Thank you,
Caitlyn :evil:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on June 09, 2015, 08:37:28 PM
You're about the ugliest Caitlyn I've ever seen.. :evil: :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on June 09, 2015, 09:00:12 PM
My name is Frank AKA Francis
from Alberta ,canuckland
ex military
heavy equip. op
been riding since 75
I do most of my wrenching,so far

I figure I should educate myself before/or not, pulling the trigger on a new 1400 touring guzzi
hence the reason why I'm here ,thanks in advance for letting me roam around!  :smiley:

I own

750 four Honda
and soon hopefully a 1400 touring

Spent three weeks on a bike (of the pedaling kind!   :azn:) in Alberta back in ... oh, never mind.  :rolleyes:

Anyway, recalling that -- especially the vast distances -- and borrowing my brother's Touring, I think you will really like that machine.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Toecutter on June 10, 2015, 11:28:15 AM

Name's Rod, I'm a 42 year old Inventory and Supply Manager for oilfield camps, and I live in Alberta, Canada.

First bike when I was 8/9 , and I've been wrenching and riding since. Big SOHC CB750 enthusiast, have one that was a daily rider up until last Thursday, plus three other projects. I also own a 72 Cb350, which is being rebuilt by my wife, and '67 CL90 with 2100 original miles on the clock, been with Honda since my first XL80S, until now. I purchased a 2014 V7 Special, and this is my first dip into the Moto Guzzi world.

I am 100% smitten with this bike, and I'm here to ensure that it is a long and wonderful relationship. Picked it up late last Thursday, spent Friday doing 200 km of in-city break in, did a 700 km round trip with my wife on the back on Saturday/ Sunday, and doing my first service tonight when I get home.

I do all my own service, but working on this bike is different than working an my old inline 4... so I'm bound to have a lot of questions. Please be patient with me.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 10, 2015, 01:07:47 PM

Name's Rod, I'm a 42 year old Inventory and Supply Manager for oilfield camps, and I live in Alberta, Canada.

First bike when I was 8/9 , and I've been wrenching and riding since. Big SOHC CB750 enthusiast, have one that was a daily rider up until last Thursday, plus three other projects. I also own a 72 Cb350, which is being rebuilt by my wife, and '67 CL90 with 2100 original miles on the clock, been with Honda since my first XL80S, until now. I purchased a 2014 V7 Special, and this is my first dip into the Moto Guzzi world.

I am 100% smitten with this bike, and I'm here to ensure that it is a long and wonderful relationship. Picked it up late last Thursday, spent Friday doing 200 km of in-city break in, did a 700 km round trip with my wife on the back on Saturday/ Sunday, and doing my first service tonight when I get home.

I do all my own service, but working on this bike is different than working an my old inline 4... so I'm bound to have a lot of questions. Please be patient with me.

We'd love to know your impressions of just HOW this Guzzi is different than working on the inline Fours you are familiar with.   I'm sure some parts will be MORE frustrating (servicing the clutch, for example) and some much LESS (checking and adjusting valve lash).

The final drive may be a long-term trade-off - the chain and sprockets require servicing at shorter intervals but even a complete replacement is a minor job - the shaft doesn't need anything but oil changes until it goes bad, then there's wailing and gnashing of teeth ....

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Toecutter on June 16, 2015, 09:44:50 AM

Well, after doing the 1000km service, I will say this...

holy crap that's the easiest valve adjustment I've ever done.

Found the fluid change to be a bit of the PITA. Not difficult, but definitely messy. Also have discovered that the "shop manuals" are pretty confusing.

I'm used to listening to every little noise when I ride, too, and I'm coming to realize that the Guzzi is just... noisy. Sounds that would send me running to the garage with the CB750 seem to be just... normal... with this bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 16, 2015, 11:37:33 AM

Well, after doing the 1000km service, I will say this...

holy crap that's the easiest valve adjustment I've ever done.

Found the fluid change to be a bit of the PITA. Not difficult, but definitely messy. Also have discovered that the "shop manuals" are pretty confusing.

I'm used to listening to every little noise when I ride, too, and I'm coming to realize that the Guzzi is just... noisy. Sounds that would send me running to the garage with the CB750 seem to be just... normal... with this bike.

I love my Stelvio every time I

1)  Check the valve lash

2)  Change a rear tire

Easiest bike in the world for those things.

I hate any Guzzi compared to an inline 4 every time I have to work on the clutch, though .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wannaGuzzi on June 17, 2015, 12:54:53 PM
My name is Arndt, age 51, 6'5", from Los Angeles.  I'm a Financial Analyst.

Current bike: DL 650 V-Strom (Suzuki)
Next bike: some Guzzi.  I'm here to learn about MG bikes before I buy one.

Dream come true bike: the new Audace!!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wannaGuzzi on June 17, 2015, 01:00:43 PM
My name is Arndt, age 51, 6'5", from Los Angeles.  I'm a Financial Analyst.

Current bike: DL 650 V-Strom (Suzuki)
Next bike: some Guzzi.  I'm here to learn about MG bikes before I buy one.

Dream come true bike: the new Audace!!!

Oh!  And hello everybody!  Thanks for having me.    :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 17, 2015, 02:43:57 PM
Oh!  And hello everybody!  Thanks for having me.    :thumb:

 Well dangit , you're welcome  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ecavoli on June 18, 2015, 12:21:44 PM
Hi all,
I'm Eric, 42, in Wethersfield, CT
I'm an ad writer, please forgive me.
I've been riding a BMW F650 but always wanted a classic. Always wanted a Guzzi.
Got both in a 75 850T
Board has been a great resource, thanks!

(http://<a href="http://s296.photobucket.com/user/ecavoli/media/IMAG2126_zpss6qhqsur.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/ecavoli/IMAG2126_zpss6qhqsur.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG2126_zpss6qhqsur.jpg"/></a>)

(http://<a href="http://s296.photobucket.com/user/ecavoli/media/IMAG2130_zps5z0ucefe.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/ecavoli/IMAG2130_zps5z0ucefe.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG2130_zps5z0ucefe.jpg"/></a>)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ecavoli on June 18, 2015, 12:25:18 PM
sorry, still figuring out the image posting...


Title: Hello from Norway
Post by: Bjorn Are Stolen on June 19, 2015, 01:20:02 AM
Hello, I'm a 40 year old, have owned Guzzis since I was 17, only 3. The first one was a v50 that I had a lot of fun with, putting on a clip-on. Then I bought a Lario when I was 20 years old. It have been extensively used, and -yes, I've had the obligatoric crash of the engine, but I believe it was caused by the gearbox jumping out of 5th gear. Then last autumn, I stumbeled across a 1100 Sport Corsa, and bought it on impulse, starting to try and sell the Lario. It has proven very hard, it does have a bad reputation  :sad: -So now I've decided to strip it down, and make a café-racer out of it in stead.

I have never been tinkering much on my Guzzi's, I had an uncle that used to be a MC-mechanic, so all major problems I had him take care of. But now he has sadly passed away, so this will be the first time I actually pick a guzzi apart.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duncan on June 19, 2015, 06:29:31 AM
Hello all, been reading along for a while and finally convinced Luap to allow me to sign up ;)

Rolled into the guzzi world a good decade ago and have not looked back. Started out by getting a V7 850GT, but now have a collection of various big and smallblocks, loops and tonti's and getting into single cylinders. Takes up most of my free time keeping them all running, but that's all fine with me, I can think of worse ways to spend time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikkilicious on June 19, 2015, 12:48:40 PM
Hello all, new guzzi owner from the Kansas City, Mo area.
My name is Mikki, im 33, and this is my first motorcycle. Grew up on the back of Harleys, but when i saw this one i fell in love.
Its a 2004 Breva 750.
Im stoked.
Finished the safety class this week, ordered new tires that will be here next week, then gonna change all the fluids and get to riding.
Look forward to eaves dropping on all your conversations in the future.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: thechief86 on June 20, 2015, 07:39:58 AM
Hi! I'm Eric, and this winter I bought a low mileage Breva 750! I've had several bikes, most faster than this one by a lot,
but the Breva remains my favorite bike I've ever owned. I have Hepco & Becker hard bags on it, bar end mirrors, and although I have 2 different windshields for it, I run without one because I guess I'm too tall to avoid the buffeting I get from the wind coming over the top.
So far I've ridden this bike about 500-600 miles a week on average, and now that I'm close to 8k miles, the final drive is leaking between the wheel and swingarm. It only leaks when I ride faster than 75mph for an extended period, and only puts a few drops on the wheel and a thin film on the hub, and only when the temp is above 90* F. (The vent is not clogged)
This is my primary means of transportation, so I need to fix that asap.
Anyway, here are a few pics of my bike:
(http://i957.photobucket.com/albums/ae52/grandpajeep/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150602_195300_zpsgtgwuy4u.jpg) (http://s957.photobucket.com/user/grandpajeep/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150602_195300_zpsgtgwuy4u.jpg.html)

(http://i957.photobucket.com/albums/ae52/grandpajeep/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150602_195318_zpsc3gyz8jl.jpg) (http://s957.photobucket.com/user/grandpajeep/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/20150602_195318_zpsc3gyz8jl.jpg.html)

(http://i957.photobucket.com/albums/ae52/grandpajeep/20150420_110358_zpstzphe0fp.jpg) (http://s957.photobucket.com/user/grandpajeep/media/20150420_110358_zpstzphe0fp.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on June 20, 2015, 07:22:31 PM
More Baby B's! :thumb: :thumb:

Yes, there are more powerful bikes but they are a very enjoyable ride and guaranteed to put a smile on your dial.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: HardAspie on June 20, 2015, 08:57:51 PM
I remember those days. Dang, there I am realizing my age again!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BELISA8@BIGPOND.COM on June 20, 2015, 10:42:14 PM
Hi all,
Bill Marshall
Mech Engineer
Perth Australia
Sort of hooked on V7 Sports

71 V7 Sport
72 V7 Sport
73 V7 Sport
74 V7 Sport
Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 11201ny on June 21, 2015, 12:12:02 PM
I'm brand spanking new to this forum. Just about to drop some $$ on a V7 ii Stone ABS.

From Brooklyn, NY
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wazonga on June 22, 2015, 03:10:19 PM
Good evening All,

Calling in from the Netherlands, where I have been the happy owner of a V75/4 for about 14 years.

Bought the bike with a broken left exhaust valve, but hey, it only cost a few hundred Euros, and the battery and both tyres were new, so, I thought, how could this possibly be a bad deal? :)  It had run about 20,000 km's at the time.

Spent around a year repairing & improving the bike: found myself a fresh cylinder & piston, repaired the head, fitted new valves, different springs, built myself a 14 mm camshaft with an oil passage, added oil-cooling to the heads, built a microcontroller-based replacement for the motoplat boxes, re-jetted the carbs with the aid of a lambda-sensor in the exhaust, fitted an upgraded oil pump, and happily run the bike everywhere since then. Took it to Portugal once (I am based in the Netherlands), and to Mandello Dell Lario. The bike has been absolute fun to drive, and I have grown somewhat attached to it. Never missed a beat, and for a long time I thought I had the 4-valve problem 'solved', until last week, that is, when, with just over 85,000 km's on the odo, and without much warning, I find myself looking for a new piston once again.... :)

Read a lot of the enthousiastic posts on this forum from Lario and V75/4 owners, So I thought this must be the place to meet others similarly afflicted. :)


Arnoud, Vught, The Netherlands.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MG McANICK on June 22, 2015, 04:44:37 PM
First, I'd like to say that this forum seems to offer much more than the other Moto Guzzi forum I found.  Over here, there are dozens, if not hundreds of new posts daily.

My internet handle, MG McAnick,  is in reference to my 48 year affair with the MG automobile, not Moto Guzzis.  (What's the plural of Guzzi anyway?)  I guess that makes me officially old. I can take most of my MGA apart, and reassemble it,  without referencing a book. It has broken that many times over the years.

I'm new to Moto Guzzi and have a lot to learn.  I've had several BMWs (two now)  but none on them are as gorgeous as an Italian movie  star like the 2007 California Vintage 1100 I got a few weeks ago.

I am in Kansas, a state now without a Moto Guzzi dealer, although at least one of the former dealer's techs is at another shop.

 I'll post more about the bike's woes in a technical thread.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Haze on June 23, 2015, 09:40:00 AM
Long thread!

User Name Haze
I'm a lawyer, 46, I have new V7 Stone, and I live outside of Philadelphia
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carmine on June 24, 2015, 04:52:51 PM
    Have been following the forum since ownership of a California 1400 late 2013. Retired from the NYC fire department a year after 9-11 and decided to satisfy my dream of riding a motorcycle. Started with a 2006 Victory Hammer, then after maturing at the age 62 decided to change my image. Learned a lot about Moto Guzzi and the people who own them, all good!   :thumb:   Live by one of the exits in New Jersey!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikkilicious on June 24, 2015, 10:44:01 PM
Hey Erik! Looks great, almost exactly like mine!!! I just haven't mastered the whole post a picture thing yet. I'm slacking.  Let's try this
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duc13 on June 27, 2015, 06:04:41 AM
OK, so time to say G'day. Have been lurking for a while so thought it about time.
New to Guzzi but not Italian twins, I have a soft spot for another Iti marque also  :wink:.

Bought a sport 11 a little while back and love it, couple of mates have some of the more
modern Guzzi's but I still haven't ridden one.
Have to say the older stuff appeals to me more now days.
Anyway here's the sport and thanks for what seems to be a great forum.

(http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/MuschFromTheBush/009_zpsdae9rsav.jpg) (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/MuschFromTheBush/media/009_zpsdae9rsav.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bonafide Bob on June 27, 2015, 07:16:43 AM
OK, so time to say G'day. Have been lurking for a while so thought it about time.
New to Guzzi but not Italian twins, I have a soft spot for another Iti marque also  :wink:.

Bought a sport 11 a little while back and love it, couple of mates have some of the more
modern Guzzi's but I still haven't ridden one.
Have to say the older stuff appeals to me more now days.
Anyway here's the sport and thanks for what seems to be a great forum.

(http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/MuschFromTheBush/009_zpsdae9rsav.jpg) (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/MuschFromTheBush/media/009_zpsdae9rsav.jpg.html)

Welcome to the forum, your Sport is beautiful.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WP1962 on June 27, 2015, 08:42:19 AM
Hi There,

My name is Wim, I'm from Alkmaar, the Netherlands and 53 years of age. I work in the dredging industry currently on a project in Kuwait which doesn't sound good at the moment. But the rotation is good and gives me plenty time to drive around. I'm the proud owner of a '72 V7 Sport which is in a more or less project state and a '93 Quota 1000. Below my Quota near the beach where I live and the Sport when I bought her 3 years ago.

Look forward to browse the forum now I'm a member and cheers to you all.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barbarosa on June 27, 2015, 04:12:01 PM
new guzzi guy- 36 years of riding, prior DS was a 88 R100 GS, still have my 99 R1100S BMW sport tour and am in love with this guzzi. Mugai~OrAnge is a 2014 Stelvio in orange of course.

i average 400-500 mile a week on a bike and am just getting my first 1000  miles on the bella guzzi.

live in northern colorado front range and more than ten years of going to Paonia rally i was often seen in a kilt. am an IT Systems analyst consultant type.

putting a gpr on the guzzi as i like to hear my bikes. look forward to finding more things to know about the beast and see you on the road.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duc13 on June 29, 2015, 04:02:42 AM
Welcome to the forum, your Sport is beautiful.

Cheer's Bob  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MGPilot on June 29, 2015, 10:21:30 AM
New Guzzi owner -- a '16 Stone II. Have ridden on and off since '83. '82 Honda CBX, then a '91 BMW R100R & then an '05 R1200RT.

Wanted an older bike, but I have so many projects that if it became a project, it might a year in the queue before it would be on the road.

Compared to the smooth, capable road bikes I've had, the V7 is much more engaging, flickable and overall, perfect for the many short rides I have the time for. I live on an island with a winding (sweepers to hairpins) road around the edge of the island. The relatively light weight 750 is the perfect tool for the job--and still capable on the freeways to get to other areas.

First Ride/Tire Pressure Caution
One minor note of caution to other V7 riders. Mine, at least, is sensitive to tire pressure. Got the bike from the dealer who (based on their experience with other models) ignored the factory recommendation of 36/36 tire pressure and put in something like 34f/38r.

On tight turns, the bike wanted to fall into the turn rather than hold a line. On some straight stretches (30mph/very slightly worn surface), the back tire would start to oscillate (move) side to side with increasing strength. I stopped to see if I was getting a flat, but whacking both tires--they sounded ok. Didn't experience this so much at higher speeds. But the bike just didn't feel as sharp as the demonstrator.

Got it back to my garage. Equalized the tire pressures (compensating for the warmer tire temps) and took it for a second ride. It was a new bike. Sharp. Held its line in corners. No oscillations. Whew.

IMHO, the factory isn't kidding about the tire pressures. Your mileage may vary.....but I'm using 36/36.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: muxo00 on June 30, 2015, 08:37:51 AM
Hi guys! Im muxo00 from Spain, proud owner of a 74' MG 850 T just a few months ago-it was my uncle's bike, well one of them, but unfortunately he died on year ago-. It needed some deep restoration, which is still on course, but I hope in a few weeks I will be able to get it home to the Canary islands, where I live.

One of the problems I have now is thta I cant find pictures of the original 74' seat of a guzzi 850 T; I need it cause mine had to be re-done again. The result is great, just like the old one...but it has no MOTO GUZZI written on it! And Im looking for pictures of original 85' T seats, but I cant find any...

The letters are quite unique, as MOTO GUZZI after this model (T II and T III) changed the pattern. Anyone around can give me a hand?

Thanks very much!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lcarlson on June 30, 2015, 03:56:25 PM
Hello to the group.  I'm a retired lawyer and longtime New Yorker now living in Connecticut.  I've had quite a few bikes over quite a few years, but have never owned a Guzzi until now.  I recently traded a BMW K1200 GT and a Ducati Diavel for my new Cali.  I was inspired by a week-long tour in southern/central Utah earlier this month on a rented Road King, which reminded me why I enjoy cruiser styled motorcycles. I had admired the Cali 1400s since they first came out, but at about that time my local MG dealer closed his shop. While on the Utah trip I googled MG dealers and discovered that there was now a new one FIVE MILES AWAY! Well, the stars were obviously aligned, so after a test ride, I pulled the trigger, and am now enjoying my new ride immensely.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Swaler on June 30, 2015, 06:17:44 PM
Greetings one and all. My name is Bill...just traded in my Ducati 749 and Suzuki V strom for a Stelvio...kind of a combining of the touring and the Italian spice...I live in Ontario and am currently working as  an aerospace physician for our Federal Government. I have no doubt I will have lots of silly questions as I climb my learning cliff. Bill
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: El Pescador on July 02, 2015, 08:24:35 AM

Jack McKown. I currently don't have a Guzzi, but my wife really wants one. I'm hoping to learn more about them.
I'm an Electrical Engineer and I live in Houston.

A year and some change later I have these two wonderful bikes in the garage.  The V7 is my wifes...

(http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy52/jackmckown/20141125_164834.jpg) (http://s777.photobucket.com/user/jackmckown/media/20141125_164834.jpg.html)

(http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/yy52/jackmckown/IMG_5821.jpeg) (http://s777.photobucket.com/user/jackmckown/media/IMG_5821.jpeg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hagaik on July 02, 2015, 12:00:05 PM
Hello everybody, and greetings from sunny Tel Aviv.
I'm the proud owner of a new V7II Stone. Been riding on and off (mainly off) for the last 25 years.
Just got the Guzzi last month, and still in the process of figuring out what I want to do with it...

Not many Guzzi's here in Israel - so this forum is a great resource for me - many thanks to the people here.
Hagai K.

(http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q640/Hagai_Kaufman/IMG_4796_zpsslicqg8l.jpg) (http://s1167.photobucket.com/user/Hagai_Kaufman/media/IMG_4796_zpsslicqg8l.jpg.html)π
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jacksonman on July 06, 2015, 12:02:41 PM
Paul Jackson here, a 50 year old from suburban Minneapolis, MN.  I bought my first bike about 6-7 years ago.  That was a Yamaha VStar 650.  After realizing motorcycling is for me, I upgraded to a Yamaha Roadstar 1700 a year later.  Then 2-3 years later and about 15,000 miles later, I bought a 1998 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic.  After a year and realizing I liked the Harley better than the Roadstar, I sold the Roadstar and Harley and bought a 2011 Harley Ultra CVO last September.  This spring I thought a sport touring bike would be fun, and after a lot of reading decided on the Moto Guzzi Norge.  In June 2015, I made a deal with Dave from Moto International in Seattle and bought a 2008 black - near perfect condition.  My wife and I flew out to Seattle, Dave met us at SeaTac with the bike, and after a short orientation I was off.  He took my wife while I road the first dozen or so miles to the Moto Guzzi club brunch where we met a few Guzzi owners and had a nice brunch.  Then we embarked on our 2,350 mile journey home.  Highlights were Lolo, Beartooth, Bighorns, and the Black Hills.  I was amazed at how many people stopped to talk about the Guzzi.  We had a fantastic time and met lots of great people.  Now I have options.  Lots of crosswind on a relatively straight stretch or it's time to rumble along with a passenger - I'll take the Harley.  Solo along some twisty roads - Guzzi.  And for everything in between, it might be whatever is easiest to get out of my garage.

I don't see how to upload pictures  :gotpics:, but I'd like to!

Great forum, great community.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BrownieRK on July 10, 2015, 06:38:45 AM
hi, my name is Russ, i live in Hastings, England and my ride is a very noisy 1986 V65 with aftermarket 'silencers'. it's my first Guzzi and i've owned it about a year. i was warned that Guzzis would get under yer skin, just like my Lambrettas which are my usual thing......and he was right. i love it's growl and thump. pictures to follow once i work out how to.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: maximmsm on July 11, 2015, 12:00:40 PM
Hello, my name is Mark work for Toyota Manufacturing for the past 17 years.  Looking at getting my first motorcycle trying decide which one and type.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grigio Motociclista on July 11, 2015, 05:47:53 PM
New guy from NE Arkansas.  My name is Keith. I'm 50 & a Pharmacist, with way more Grigio hair than
I'd prefer, but also the color of my new bike.   (2016 V7 II Stone) So I thought the User Name was fitting.
Been riding for about 10 years, off & on.     Hope to learn a lot.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on July 11, 2015, 11:39:03 PM
Hello, my name is Mark work for Toyota Manufacturing for the past 17 years.  Looking at getting my first motorcycle trying decide which one and type.

1.  Take a beginners motorcycle riders course - aside from getting you a discount on your insurance from many (most?) companies, it gives you some experience on a 250cc or so bike & the opportunity to ask LOTS of questions.

2.  If, after the course, you find that a 250cc bike is too small for you as a starter bike, I'd strongly recommend starting with no bigger than a 500-750cc bike, preferably used so you don't cry too much if you scratch or bang it up a bit.  That's big enough to be safe on highways and interstates, if you're a relatively normal sized person, & small & light enough to be forgiving of the inevitable boneheaded moves that beginning (and not so beginning) bikers make.  Since you're on this site, might I suggest looking at a MG V7?

3.  Ask 3 other people for their opinions on the above, & you'll most likely get 3 different opinions.  The bottom line is that it is cheaper & smarter to start relatively small, get some experience, & then trade up to what you REALLY want than it is to go straight to what you THINK you really want & then find out that it's not what you thought & have to take a big loss on getting rid of the bike you're not riding because it's just sitting in the garage/carport/etc. taking up space.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 12, 2015, 10:43:59 AM
New guy from NE Arkansas.  My name is Keith. I'm 50 & a Pharmacist, with way more Grigio hair than
I'd prefer, but also the color of my new bike.   (2016 V7 II Stone) So I thought the User Name was fitting.
Been riding for about 10 years, off & on.     Hope to learn a lot.

 Blytheville ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pipementor on July 12, 2015, 10:57:07 AM
Hello Group
Thinking of owning a Motoguzzi in the future and just poking around the forum. Motorcycle rider off and on since a dirtbike riding teen. Currently own a modern Triumph 2007 Bonneville and a couple classic bikes. Live in WA State.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VeeRay56 on July 14, 2015, 02:08:00 PM
Vern Hall
Richmond, VA
Special Programs Administrator

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mojohand on July 14, 2015, 06:33:11 PM
Vern Hall
Richmond, VA
Special Programs Administrator

Welcome, Vern! I'm in RVA as well (and a customer of Scoot as well). Glad to hook up.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tapkoote on July 14, 2015, 07:32:42 PM
Hello folks
I must say that was some fast action on the moderaters part.
I'm up in Seattle- what used to be 20 minutes from Daves shop.
Those were the good ol days.
Got a bit of a prob with the 2002 stone- will be lurking around
see if I can dig up the answer.--Pat
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Z13 on July 14, 2015, 11:46:59 PM
Zach, 31, Mechanical engineer at Stanley Consultants in Iowa. 
2004 Breva 750 inherited/bought from wife's grandpa who convinced himself to quit riding at 88 ♡.
1 little boy on the way, named after grandpa... Miles. Due August 2015 (couple weeks from now).

I love this bike and guzzi is a good machine. But I'm 6'4" so it's like when I was a teen, racing BMX. .. i feel like a giraffe on most bikes.

Love to ride: ANY day where:
temperature is above 37F
winds are less than 15 mph
no torrential rain Forecast

Dream bikes:
Zero DS (electric) (why not)
BMW GS1200 ...or KLR650 ...so clearly I'm a kind of ADV guy...so I'd certainly enjoy a Stelvio.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BAT 11 on July 17, 2015, 06:53:58 PM
BAT 11      Hello fellow members,   Finally registered today after lurking on WG for 18 months.   Own a 2011 Norge, very happy with it.  Makes me want to ride longer each time  I go out.  63 years young, previous bikes TY175, SR 500, BSA XB 31, gas gas 250 , Honda cx500, where I bitten by the V bug. Live in Adelaide Sth Australia.  I have to thank you all for the valuable tech info passed on in this site.   Looking forward to chatting.  Cheers Ian
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cbilly22 on July 18, 2015, 02:10:32 AM
Greetings from England

Darren, 41, Toyota Parts Manager.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gunnar on July 19, 2015, 06:47:42 AM
Thanks for the add.

Very recently got myself a MG V7 II Stone
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grigio Motociclista on July 19, 2015, 10:34:20 AM
Blytheville ?


Hi Dusty,

Got side tracked for a few days.

I grew up in the Blytheville area but I've been in Pocahontas for the last 20 years.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Oldrat on July 21, 2015, 11:54:46 PM
Hiya, I'm Brian from Harrow, on the outskirts of London, England. Been browsing a few years so it's about time I pulled up a chair.

Proud owner of a slightly tatty but well running Le Mans 2.  It was original a black and gold scheme "Coburn and Hughes" bike, but has been rattled mostly black with silver wheels now.

Coburn and Hughes were an English MG dealer who bought up about 200 Mk2 bikes and had them painted as a dealer special edition in black and gold by Dream Machine in Birmingham.  The cool full page advert at the time had a picture of the bike with the banner "show your bank manager this". It runs brilliantly.

When I get time I'm aiming to restore it back to its complete black and gold livery.  The reason that I don't have any time is because I'm a tad busy working on my project, a T3 based cafe racer.

I'm still doing the dry build before anything gets painted, the parts are all bought and slowly being fitted. I've got a friendly engineer who makes things to my design and is very patient when I get something not quite right, such as the mounting holes for the front calliper adaptors. Doh!
You can buy similar, but not the right size for my set up.

Engine is now a nut and bolt rebuild with a double plugged 950 with ram clutch, and PHF36s
Short, hand made OSPipe stainless steel exhausts
320mm discs and Brembo callipers all,from a ducati 916
Original 35 mm fork tubes with Suzuki GSXR internals shoehorned inside by an outfit called MCT in Suffolk
Motogadget motoscope pro sunk into the headlamp nacelle
Motogadget wiring throughout
John Williams (The tank shop) Ally tank
Home made fibreglass seat. And covered by someone who knows what they are doing, not me!
Beautiful rear sets from Simon Barley of Barleycorn engineering.
And rounded off with those lovely polished wire wheels from the T3

To do,
Finish getting the chassis rolling
First fit of electrics to make sure there is no more welding to do
Powder coat the frame etc
Bits to plating and anodising shops
Headlamp and fork legs to paint shop
Put it all back together and ride ride ride.

Meanwhile I bimble about on my BMW R1200GSA twin cam. (You need to own one of these once in your life-awesome machines)
That's all for now

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: solarsea on July 24, 2015, 12:01:44 PM
Hi Folks,
I just bought a new V7 II Stone, wanting a Guzzi since I first saw one :) I'm happy to find an active community for the bikes.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Woody72275 on July 24, 2015, 04:05:42 PM

Robert Wood  I'm 40

I work for Windstram phone company in Elkins Ar

Live in Gentry Ar

I love my MOTO GUZZI'S

Currently have a 1969 V700 2 1972 Eldo's A 1981 & 1985 G5 and my wonderful loving wife of 19 years just bought me a 1996 California.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: madcap on July 24, 2015, 06:35:31 PM
Hello Guzzi guys and gals,
I'm Jarl and live in Hagerstown MD.  I have a 1984 850 LeMans III and a 1981 V50 III.  I joined here today and have already gotten some helpful info, so thanks for the awesome resource.
I also have Morinis and a Parilla that I Land Speed Race at Maxton in the past, and Ohio Mile and Bonneville.  But now I am racing a 1976 Honda CB400F in AHRMA Roadracing.  Having a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antietam Classic Cycle on July 24, 2015, 11:16:20 PM
Welcome Jarl!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on July 26, 2015, 05:11:22 PM
Robert Wood  I'm 40

I work for Windstram phone company in Elkins Ar

Live in Gentry Ar

I love my MOTO GUZZI'S

Currently have a 1969 V700 2 1972 Eldo's A 1981 & 1985 G5 and my wonderful loving wife of 19 years just bought me a 1996 California.

Hello Woody. I'm assuming a misprint on your company of employment. I too work for Windstream, although in NE Ohio. Small  world.

Welcome to all the newcomers.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: finimits on July 27, 2015, 09:18:09 AM
Hi Everyone!
Vivek Bhaskar
Charlotte, NC
Parker Hannifin..
Rides a MG V7 Stone 2013
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spikemcfinn on July 27, 2015, 10:33:42 AM
Hi there friends ( Kia ora ehoa )
Called Spike
I am a New Zealander living in Germany
Wrong side of 50
Lots of bike over the years since my first - an RD350 in the 70s
Mainly Vespas over the past 10 years until my 14 Stone in green - new love ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 27, 2015, 04:12:36 PM
Wrong side of 50

Just a child in your 30s or 40s then?   :wink:

Vespas and RD350s are in many of our histories now that we have achieved Guzzidom .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 3rdbike on July 28, 2015, 11:59:05 PM
'Bout time I jump in here...  I'm Stephan Byarlay, 61, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I'm celebrating 48 years in the saddle as of June.  (I'm still alive!! :grin:)

My first Guzzi was a new '79 V50II.  Over the years I've had a '79 SP 1000, an '80 SP1000, '00 V11 Sport, '81 V50 Monza, '76 850 T3, '74 Nuovo Falcone, '00 V11 Sport, and just added an '02 Cal EV.  Still have the 850 T3.  You may think I'm slipping as there are some duplicates in the list.  I really did have 2 different SP's and 2 different V11s.  Just a number of years in between them.  I also have an '83 Le Mans III in the garage, but that's a story for later.

Thanks for adding me here, I look forward to camaraderie and education with you members!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JJC1957 on July 31, 2015, 09:08:48 AM
Hi my name is Joe and I purchased a 2008 Moto Guzzi Norge with 9,000 miles on her, bucket list thing. I am 58 years young and I run a building company in New Bedford, MA but live in Rehoboth, MA. I have been riding motorcycles since 1978 and this is my first Moto Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bowie2k3 on August 01, 2015, 07:47:55 AM
Hello All.  I'm AJ, I am a new rider and I chose a '13 v7 Special in Black & yellow as my first ride.  I'm really enjoying the sport and the bike.  I'm located in central New Jersey.

I'm happy to have found this community.  I bought the bike with 800 miles on it and no service records so I'm hoping to learn about maintenance or get some tips on good local mechanics.  I've heard good things about Sun Cycle in Manasquan so I may try them out for a first service and full inspection.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stomatomoto on August 01, 2015, 11:10:16 AM
Hi, here's me:

Tech support engineer for a PAAS startup (tech nonsense)
Napa Valley, California

I'm a new rider and my first bike ever is the Moto Guzzi V7 Stone 2 ABS, 2016, which I picked up 2 weeks ago and have been loving every second of owning!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: argyllwinger on August 01, 2015, 12:15:16 PM
George Bruce 57 yrs, self employed electrical contractor , live in Argyllshire near Loch Lomond, Scotland. Married, 2 grown up 'kids' and 4 grand children. Biker in my younger days then a 27 year gap before returning to Hondas Pan Euro, Goldwing, and Fireblade. Now loving my Norge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: solar380 on August 01, 2015, 01:13:01 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just joined this forum because I purchased a 2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Racer. This is my fourth bike, I have three other larger bikes; 2002 BMW 1200LT, 1997 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, and a 2004 Honda NRX1800 Rune. I love this cafe racer, it is small and nimble, unlike my other bikes. I am going to learn from all of you regarding this Italian beauty. Hopefully, I can also contribute some of my personal experiences as well.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: unclepete on August 06, 2015, 11:36:41 PM
Hi , my name is Peter , I'm 67 and retired , live in No. California , and  recently bought my first Guzzi , a 1976  850 T3 . 
I have always enjoyed working on my own bikes and had many through the years that would be considered classics , but they were just old bikes when I had them . My good bike is a '87 BMW R80 , and the 850 T3 is a project , and I'm looking forward to learning from all of you .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rocker59 on August 07, 2015, 09:36:57 PM
Welcome everyone!   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 08, 2015, 03:14:44 PM
Welcome everyone!   :thumb:

 Yes . Had the pleasure of meeting Woody 72275 and his lovely wife last Sunday .


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Swedemoto on August 09, 2015, 08:42:29 PM
Chris 55
Looking forward to a vintage Guzzi. Trying to learn as much as I can while I look.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: decotriumph on August 10, 2015, 09:37:21 AM
Hello Guzzi people!

I am Alan Mayes, 65 years old, managing editor/VP of two custom car & hot rod magazines (Ol' Skool Rodz and Car Kulture DeLuxe). I live in Tullahoma, Tennessee (about 70 miles south of Nashville; same distance to Chattanooga or to Huntsville, AL). I am picking up a new 2014 Stelvio in the next couple days, depending on weather, trading in a Harley Road King.

Several years ago (1998-2000), I was a Moto Guzzi dealer in Indianapolis; we also carried Triumph, Ducati, and Laverda. My last Guzzi was a 2000 Jackal, which I had sold to my brother when the dealership was still open. Since then, I've had two BMWs, a couple Buells, two Excelsior Hendersons, two Triumph Tigers, and the Road King.

I was happy to find this forum. It looks like a good one and I appreciate its being created and thoughtfully moderated.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tkelly on August 10, 2015, 01:41:59 PM
Tom and Deb Kelly Lawyer and Nurse,Spring Green WI.Stelvio and V7 classic.Guzzi people always welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 10, 2015, 02:48:59 PM
Hello Guzzi people!

I am Alan Mayes, 65 years old, managing editor/VP of two custom car & hot rod magazines (Ol' Skool Rodz and Car Kulture DeLuxe). I live in Tullahoma, Tennessee (about 70 miles south of Nashville; same distance to Chattanooga or to Huntsville, AL). I am picking up a new 2014 Stelvio in the next couple days, depending on weather, trading in a Harley Road King.

Several years ago (1998-2000), I was a Moto Guzzi dealer in Indianapolis; we also carried Triumph, Ducati, and Laverda. My last Guzzi was a 2000 Jackal, which I had sold to my brother when the dealership was still open. Since then, I've had two BMWs, a couple Buells, two Excelsior Hendersons, two Triumph Tigers, and the Road King.

I was happy to find this forum. It looks like a good one and I appreciate its being created and thoughtfully moderated.

 Hey , I read both of those , fun stuff  :laugh: Welcome .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: decotriumph on August 10, 2015, 04:24:22 PM
Thanks, Dusty. Keep buying those magazines! I may need to buy accessories!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 10, 2015, 04:48:05 PM
Thanks, Dusty. Keep buying those magazines! I may need to buy accessories!

 Buy them ? You are certainly new to the Guzzi world  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cheekieduckie on August 10, 2015, 10:11:04 PM
I'm Ken from WV.  Just brought home a new-to-me 07 Breva v1100.  I think I'm starting to figure out the charm of these engines.  Fun, fun ... looking forward to learning and perhaps sharing a bit when I can.  Took her on a 500 mile test-ride this past weekend, looks like maybe a taller seat and/or some way to increase ground clearance might be in order.  Funny how the chrome-brigade seem more generous with the waves while I'm on the Breva  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on August 11, 2015, 07:55:52 AM
I'm Ken from WV.  Just brought home a new-to-me 07 Breva v1100.  I think I'm starting to figure out the charm of these engines.  Fun, fun ... looking forward to learning and perhaps sharing a bit when I can.  Took her on a 500 mile test-ride this past weekend, looks like maybe a taller seat and/or some way to increase ground clearance might be in order.  Funny how the chrome-brigade seem more generous with the waves while I'm on the Breva  :grin:


A Breva 1100 is a great Guzzi and especially well suited to the great roads in your part of the world.  Where, btw, in W.V.?

As you know, of course, it's "almost heaven" there because it is next to the Old Dominion.   :wink:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cliffyg on August 11, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
 :grin: Hi newbie here cliffyg !
Joined the forum eons ago but lost my contact details until now  :embarrassed:
I live on the Isle of Man
Work on Aircraft as an Airframe / Engine Technician
I have a 2010 V7 Classic and a 2012 Nevada
My wife has a 2006 750 Breva
The Nevada is my 7th Guzzi
I downsized from a B1100 in 2010 due to a shoulder injury  :sad:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: decotriumph on August 11, 2015, 01:58:53 PM
Buy them ? You are certainly new to the Guzzi world  :laugh:


Oh, believe me, I know. I was a Guzzi dealer, remember?  :wink:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: perter on August 11, 2015, 03:07:03 PM
Hello, I'm Per from Denmark. I'm 47yrs old, married since 2005 and the proud father of 3 boys and a lovely daughter. I work in industrial engineering and live in the country side on a small farm with a few sheep and occassionally a cattle to feed.

i like to spend the limited time left from work, family and house with my motorboat, fishing, camping and old motors and similar boy things. I have a 50 rigid harley bobber but would like something more rideable without loosing the V2 torque and sound, so I'm in the market for a well owned LM2, 850T3/4 or SP1000 with round cylinders. My search so far has not been succesful but I hope the approaching end of the riding season here will bring some good offers to surface.

Looking forward to explore the site and hopefully contribute once I get more experience with these fabulous machines
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 11, 2015, 04:42:24 PM
Hello, I'm Per from Denmark. I'm 47yrs old, married since 2005 and the proud father of 3 boys and a lovely daughter. I work in industrial engineering and live in the country side on a small farm with a few sheep and occassionally a cattle to feed.

i like to spend the limited time left from work, family and house with my motorboat, fishing, camping and old motors and similar boy things. I have a 50 rigid harley bobber but would like something more rideable without loosing the V2 torque and sound, so I'm in the market for a well owned LM2, 850T3/4 or SP1000 with round cylinders. My search so far has not been succesful but I hope the approaching end of the riding season here will bring some good offers to surface.

Looking forward to explore the site and hopefully contribute once I get more experience with these fabulous machines

Sounds like a good life, but be careful!!!

Although a Guzzi is a Vtwin, it runs NOTHING like a Harley Davidson - the Harley likes to "chug" and pull at 2500 RPM or so (as you know); the Guzzi will be ruined doing that.   It likes to cruise at 4000 RPM or higher - as a matter of fact, my 1200cc Stelvio gets its best fuel mileage running at a steady 4500 RPM.

Just wanted to make sure you knew!   Hope it all works out for you .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jGuz on August 12, 2015, 07:08:32 AM
Hi, my name is Jason.  I'm 27 years old and I'm an electrical engineer in Southern Maryland.

As for interests...I have a problem.  I've had these bikes in the span of 3 years:

2003 Suzuki SV650: sold (shouldn't have !)
2008 Suzuki M50: wrecked 3 days after I sold the SV650
2007 Kawasaki Ninja 250: bought after I wrecked the M50 to get back in the saddle, sold
2004 Yamaha FZ6: sold after I got tired of the nasty vibrations
1998 Honda Blackbird: bought because I heard it was very smooth; still have it, want to sell
2009 Ducati Monster 696: loved it, wrecked it :cry:
2012 Triumph Bonnneville: still have it
2008 Moto Guzzi Norge: just got it!

So hopefully I'll be satisfied with the current stable.  Buying/selling takes time away from riding!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tonUPRacer on August 12, 2015, 03:53:33 PM
Welcome JGuz. I used to live/work/ride in SoMD as well. Some great riding both for bicycles and motorcycles. I lived in Loveville, what a great name and place! It's been years since I moved away. At that time NAVAIR had just located its HQ there and traffic in and out of LexPk was beginning to be a bear, how is it now?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scud on August 12, 2015, 11:55:15 PM
Hi, my name is Jason.  I'm 27 years old and I'm an electrical engineer in Southern Maryland.

2008 Moto Guzzi Norge: just got it!

There's something poetic about an electrical engineer owning a Moto Guzzi...  :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jGuz on August 13, 2015, 07:38:47 AM
Welcome JGuz. I used to live/work/ride in SoMD as well. Some great riding both for bicycles and motorcycles. I lived in Loveville, what a great name and place! It's been years since I moved away. At that time NAVAIR had just located its HQ there and traffic in and out of LexPk was beginning to be a bear, how is it now?

It's congested every day, but not in levels that would rival the Capital Beltway.  But yeah, Southern Maryland is a great place for riding.

There's something poetic about an electrical engineer owning a Moto Guzzi...  :laugh:

It's funny that you mention that, since I've had a misadventure with motorcycle electronics...one of the previous owners of my Yamaha decided to replace the stock wiring with a tumbleweed of randomly colored wires.  The guy even used audio wire for one of the turn signals! That one was a doozy. 

I already checked the electronics bay under the Norge's seat and so far, I haven't seen anything crazy.  Though I did blow a fuse the first day I got her.     
Title: Introducing...
Post by: BoulderBreck on August 13, 2015, 08:11:35 AM
Proud 'caretaker' of this recently purchased (from a WildGuzzi member) 1989 Mille GT. 

And new member...    Hope the pic posts...

Title: Introducing...
Post by: BoulderBreck on August 13, 2015, 08:24:19 AM
Let's try this..only slightly tech challenged, didn't want to wake up my teenager to help.

https://flic.kr/p/x1p4Js (https://flic.kr/p/x1p4Js)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Eadnams on August 13, 2015, 03:02:21 PM
Hello! First Guzzi, loving it.

Evan, 33 I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Freelance Online Marketing/Ad/SEO stuff.

Title: Re: Introducing...
Post by: nick949 on August 13, 2015, 03:41:39 PM
Let's try this..only slightly tech challenged, didn't want to wake up my teenager to help.

https://flic.kr/p/x1p4Js (https://flic.kr/p/x1p4Js)

Welcome.  Nice Mille.  Nice tour of your house and Colorado too   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: doc995 on August 14, 2015, 01:01:19 PM
I .. I'm Matt from Seattle;

New to Moto Guzzi's .. now the proud parent of a 2003 California Stone Touring.

Currently also ride a BMW R1200RT and have had a string of BMW's over the years with nearly 300K miles on them collectively.  Guess you could say I like to ride!

Love my Moto Guzzi so palnning to drop a dime or two and get it the way I want it. 

I'm interested in Making the Seat higher for myself and my girlfriend, adding floorboards and a back rest and small rack.  I noticed the rack and little backrest on the 03-04 EV touring and looks like it bolts right on to my stock MB bags and handrail mounts?

Anyone have rack/backrest for sale?

Anyone know if Kuryakyn after market mounts/footboards will work ..and if so what adapter?

Recommendations for more coverage faring than the 'sport' shield that came stock.  National Cycle Heavy Duty?  Memphis Shades Batwing?

Cool weather and absent traffic riding wishes to all.

2003 Cali Stone Touring
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: et998 on August 14, 2015, 06:25:21 PM
Eric Tolton

BMW Master tech w/27 years experience

Motorcycle enthusiast - several brands - currently an anti-Harley Harley rider

Great forum -been lurking for several years

Got wood for a Guzzi-
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tarsky68 on August 15, 2015, 02:19:35 PM
Brett Dunn
Lancaster, PA

Sell, support and train SolidWorks (3D CAD software)


2013 MG Griso 1200 - set up Mad Maxx Style...you know, for when the zombies come
2012 Ducati Multistrada 1200 - for sale - anyone???
2014 MG Stelvio - being shipped as we speak!
Many other bikes in the past

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bwarebear on August 19, 2015, 09:23:40 PM
Hey there,

My name is Ben Ware, I'm 28, live in Nashville, TN and work for an IT company. Lots of off-road riding but zero street/road experience. Road with a friend on his Guzzi V7 Stone in Italy a few months ago and was blown away. I've got the itch, the wife's approval, and about a thousand questions!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 19, 2015, 10:17:57 PM
Hey there,

My name is Ben Ware, I'm 28, live in Nashville, TN and work for an IT company. Lots of off-road riding but zero street/road experience. Road with a friend on his Guzzi V7 Stone in Italy a few months ago and was blown away. I've got the itch, the wife's approval, and about a thousand questions!



Off-road riding is one of the best ways to start out well in street riding; it's how many of us learned ......

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ToniMacaroni on August 22, 2015, 06:18:56 AM

I'm Toni,I am 54 yrs old.
Living in the Netherlands.
After illness I sold my Harley, because it became to heavy for me to handle.
But once the virus gets in your blood, you can't really do without a motorcycle.
So bought myself a Moto Guzzi v65 lario last April.
It had a broken clutch. And had been severely commuted.
I tryed to turn it in to a caferacer. And heaving fun while doing it.
Sorry for my sometimes poor English.
http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn25/tonskatetva/?action=view&current=IMG_0552_zps77f2d2eb.jpg (http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn25/tonskatetva/?action=view&current=IMG_0552_zps77f2d2eb.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 22, 2015, 09:19:57 AM

I'm Toni,I am 54 yrs old.
Living in the Netherlands.
After illness I sold my Harley, because it became to heavy for me to handle.
But once the virus gets in your blood, you can't really do without a motorcycle.
So bought myself a Moto Guzzi v65 lario last April.
It had a broken clutch. And had been severely commuted.
I tryed to turn it in to a caferacer. And heaving fun while doing it.
Sorry for my sometimes poor English.
http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn25/tonskatetva/?action=view&current=IMG_0552_zps77f2d2eb.jpg (http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn25/tonskatetva/?action=view&current=IMG_0552_zps77f2d2eb.jpg)

Nice clean purposeful-looking bike.

If your first experience with a Guzzi is tackling a clutch job, then you're ready for anything now!    Your English is fine, better than some Americans I know .... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mikecosentino on August 22, 2015, 12:52:23 PM
Hi everyone.

I'm Mike, 35. I've been riding a Vespa (150 and then 300) since 2010 and will be getting a blue V7 II Special in early September. I'm really excited.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ToniMacaroni on August 22, 2015, 01:34:52 PM
Nice clean purposeful-looking bike.

If your first experience with a Guzzi is tackling a clutch job, then you're ready for anything now!    Your English is fine, better than some Americans I know .... !

Thanks Lannis,

I really love wrenching  on the Guzzi ,because it's so easy.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on August 22, 2015, 05:55:15 PM
Thanks Lannis,

I really love wrenching  on the Guzzi ,because it's so easy.  :thumb:

Yep. Small blocks (and Earth girls) are easy..  :laugh: Nice job on the cafe.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ToniMacaroni on August 23, 2015, 02:58:08 AM
Yep. Small blocks (and Earth girls) are easy..  :laugh: Nice job on the cafe.  :thumb:
Thanks Chuck,

I have been reading your topic,on te rehab off the Lario.
great job and write up! :bow:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on August 24, 2015, 04:44:29 PM
Thanks Chuck,

I have been reading your topic,on te rehab off the Lario.
great job and write up! :bow:

<Elvis/1> Thankya thankya <Elvis/0>  :smiley:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Toystoretom on August 26, 2015, 09:18:12 PM
Howdy! I'm Tom from the Kansas City area.. 62, married, ASE master tech doing Nissans for the last 23 years. I've got a boatload of bikes but have never had a Guzzi until I bought a 2001 California Special at Baxter's rally about a week ago. Apparently I'm about 2 miles away from Harper's Moto Guzzi but I've never been there (I can't find the place, he must be in the woods or something). I'll see you guys around!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 27, 2015, 08:10:28 AM
Howdy! I'm Tom from the Kansas City area.. 62, married, ASE master tech doing Nissans for the last 23 years. I've got a boatload of bikes but have never had a Guzzi until I bought a 2001 California Special at Baxter's rally about a week ago. Apparently I'm about 2 miles away from Harper's Moto Guzzi but I've never been there (I can't find the place, he must be in the woods or something). I'll see you guys around!


I remember you from Y2K Night!

You were working in your garage on 12/31/1999, and at the stroke of midnight, white-hot demons straight from Perdition came pouring up out of the floor drain.    Your Pekingese dog saved the world by attacking them and herding them all back into the drain ....

If that was another ToystoreTom, then just forget I mentioned it .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: V7Guzzi_Girl on August 27, 2015, 12:04:32 PM
Unemployed (quit yesterday)
San Diego but Texas bound!! (moving on Saturday, Bike follows me in September)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 27, 2015, 12:14:19 PM
Unemployed (quit yesterday)
San Diego but Texas bound!! (moving on Saturday, Bike follows me in September)

 Where in Texas Natalie ? We have some events coming up out here in Texas and Southern Oklahoma , would love to have you attend .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 27, 2015, 01:56:48 PM
Unemployed (quit yesterday)
San Diego but Texas bound!! (moving on Saturday, Bike follows me in September)

"Unemployed" can be a very free-ing condition, but as I'm sure you know ... looking for a job IS a full time job, it just doesn't pay anything.

Good luck with the move and the job future!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fuzzy on August 27, 2015, 02:50:08 PM
Kent Harris
A son
Madison, WI /Valencia, España
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: V7Guzzi_Girl on August 27, 2015, 04:11:42 PM
"Unemployed" can be a very free-ing condition, but as I'm sure you know ... looking for a job IS a full time job, it just doesn't pay anything.

Good luck with the move and the job future!


Thanks Lannis!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vntgmx on August 27, 2015, 04:18:08 PM
Just picked up a new leftover V7 special black/orange at a steal of a price due to the aggressive rebates the factory is offering. First Guzzi but hardly my first bike   :grin:
Looking forward to the ride & the help that this site offers as I get into Guzzi life.
56 so lots of good riding years ahead  :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tarsky68 on August 27, 2015, 06:49:08 PM
Brett Dunn
Lancaster, PA

Sell, support and train SolidWorks (3D CAD software)


2013 MG Griso 1200 - set up Mad Maxx Style...you know, for when the zombies come
2012 Ducati Multistrada 1200 - for sale - anyone???
Many other bikes in the past

Just got my 2nd Guzzi in the stable, a 2014 Stelvio in Orange.  Love it so far...goodbye Ducati!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Toystoretom on August 27, 2015, 08:30:56 PM
I remember you from Y2K Night!

You were working in your garage on 12/31/1999, and at the stroke of midnight, white-hot demons straight from Perdition came pouring up out of the floor drain.    Your Pekingese dog saved the world by attacking them and herding them all back into the drain ....

If that was another ToystoreTom, then just forget I mentioned it .....

Hey Lannis!
That was me... and Otis. He was kind of a land going piranha. He thrived for quite a few years on a steady diet of small children but finally passed, no one lives forever. He has a worthy replacement... Ozzy Osbone, so we are all safe from floor drain demons for awhile. It's good to hear from you!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rick4003 on August 27, 2015, 09:00:13 PM

education: Marine Engineer, Currently working as a Mechanic Field Engineer building cementplants.


Had two Yamahas as my first bikes, but have always wanted a guzzi, just ever could afford it. So after finishing as a Marine Engineer, I promptly went out to buy an old guzzi.  :grin:

It is currently a project, but I posted a picture in the Custom guzzi rant thread. The bike is currently in pieces and is waiting for me to assemble it onto a new frame. I will be posting more about the project in its own thread.

Have been lurking here for a long time just to suck up as much information as possible  :grin:

See you all on the board! And the roads if  any of you might be in Europe or Denmark

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: novaboy on August 29, 2015, 07:36:15 PM

Hey Folks,

First Guzzi at the ripe ol' age of 46. Picked up a leftover 2014 V7 Stone. Love it. Have never become this passionate about a motorcycle ever. I've owned a few. Everything from a Honda Z50 as a kid, to a Suzuki Vstrom 1000.

Living on the east coast of Canada in New Brunswick (it's next door to Maine) I fly a corporate jet for a wealthy family business. In my spare time I dabble in art, videography, editing, and blogging.

That's it, plan on being a life long Guzzi owner now.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Poncho on August 30, 2015, 08:06:05 AM
Poncho, cuz that's what they call me. Hey I didn't get to choose.
She says I'm 6 on the inside, 60 on the outside, Thats worth at least 66, I should retire soon?
Dab smack in the heart of Tejas, riding don't get any better. But yet somehow it does!
I sell stuff. Lots of it. Mostly hvac controls. Hey some folks need this stuff.
I got a new Califonia v14 goose. It's my 4th and best yet.
Had a v7 stone play bike, v11 griso and v11 lemans.
Them are just my gooses, or are they geesesters?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vntgmx on August 30, 2015, 07:49:43 PM
Here's a pic from my maiden voyage on the leftover 2014 V7 Special I picked up on thursday.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: xander18 on August 31, 2015, 07:21:09 PM
Hey guys,

I put a little intro in my first thread with questions but I'll go here too.

I'm a mechanical engineer in the Detroit area. Been a gearhead and motorhead for my whole life but actually never owned a Guzzi. My dad has had them for many years so I've been exposed. He's got 3 Eldos, 2 V11s (a Quota and a Jackal), and 1 V50 (that I will probably buy soonish).

We just talked a family member into picking up a 1974 police bike that I found for sale in the Detroit area. So it's at my shop for the next month or so, giving me some time to wrench on it before it gets shipped out to California. Really terrific motorcycle, I'll be sad to see it go.

I also have old Saab 900s, did the Alfa thing for a bit (GTV6), my first car is still around and was a 1972 Duster, and a 12v Cummins serves as fleet support.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bellalucy on September 01, 2015, 05:57:15 PM
Tom here from a very damp Florida "suncoast". Bought a leftover 2013 v7 special (black and yellow) about 2 weeks ago from Adventure Motorsports of NW Florida. Retired plumbing contractor 67 yrs old. Also have a 2003 BMW 1150rs. Love the light weight and handling of the v7.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on September 01, 2015, 07:28:44 PM
Here's a pic from my maiden voyage on the leftover 2014 V7 Special I picked up on thursday.

I likes it. Welcome to WG..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on September 01, 2015, 07:40:10 PM
Tom here from a very damp Florida "suncoast". Bought a leftover 2013 v7 special (black and yellow) about 2 weeks ago from Adventure Motorsports of NW Florida. Retired plumbing contractor 67 yrs old. Also have a 2003 BMW 1150rs. Love the light weight and handling of the v7.

Welcome and I'm jealous.  Was seriously thinking about doing what you just did but couldn't quite pull the trigger.  Great color choice.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shaka on September 02, 2015, 08:53:03 PM
Good evening, fellow Guzzisti,
My name's Tony, an "elderly retired gentleman" living in Northern Delaware, known as "the first state."
After a lapse of 29 years and many happy hours on BMW /2s & /5s, and a Norton Fastback in between, I'm about to acquire my very first Moto Guzzi.
I have one of two in mind--a Convert of uncertain year and mileage that's currently being expertly restored, or an unmolested 1998 EV1100 Cali with <15K on the clock, fuel injection, electronic ignition, tubeless rims.
I'd be forever grateful for any and all opinions, reactions, harsh criticisms and sound advice about which bike might be preferable. My riding style is alternately long-distance touring and leisurely afternoon twisties on the back roads of Delaware and PA.
My wife does refuse to ride any bike for reasons of safety. I myself have a bucket list that includes a motorcycle trip from Delaware to New Mexico, where I'd rather be anyway. I lived there from 1970 to 1986, and it's been beckoning me to return since I left.
So, can anyone give me guidance in my choice-making? I thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 03, 2015, 10:27:13 AM
Good evening, fellow Guzzisti,
My name's Tony, an "elderly retired gentleman" living in Northern Delaware, known as "the first state."
After a lapse of 29 years and many happy hours on BMW /2s & /5s, and a Norton Fastback in between, I'm about to acquire my very first Moto Guzzi.
I have one of two in mind--a Convert of uncertain year and mileage that's currently being expertly restored, or an unmolested 1998 EV1100 Cali with <15K on the clock, fuel injection, electronic ignition, tubeless rims.
I'd be forever grateful for any and all opinions, reactions, harsh criticisms and sound advice about which bike might be preferable. My riding style is alternately long-distance touring and leisurely afternoon twisties on the back roads of Delaware and PA.
My wife does refuse to ride any bike for reasons of safety. I myself have a bucket list that includes a motorcycle trip from Delaware to New Mexico, where I'd rather be anyway. I lived there from 1970 to 1986, and it's been beckoning me to return since I left.
So, can anyone give me guidance in my choice-making? I thank you for your time.


Both of those bikes will do anything you want to do.    The Convert is sometimes an "acquired taste", since with its torque converter it "feels" very different from a transmission bike.    You give it lots of throttle from a stop to keep up with traffic, and the engine sounds like it's running way faster than it needs to, but "faster" is the sweet spot for a Guzzi engine and they are great both in town (where you don't have to paddle along shifting back and forth from first to neutral in stop-and-go traffic to keep from overheating the clutch) and on the highway, where they just cruise happily all day long.

The '98 has 20-year-later suspension and brakes, and a lot of people think it's the "best of breed" for the EV touring bikes.

If you can, ride them both and see which one "speaks" to you.   If you can't, then flip a coin; you can't lose!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ajwood on September 04, 2015, 01:16:46 AM
gave up transit bus driving - bought a bike - wanna hit the road next week. (V7 Stone).

The suspension is still so tight I want to call it police suspension.
This is the cleanest it'll be because it's 4200 miles round trip Tucson AZ > Venango County PA and that doesn't include
side trip to Kennywood Park or Flight 93 memorial or anywhere else.... like Montauk Point NY.
I wanted to start at Fulton Beach in San Fransisco and stay on I-80 to Long Island NY but that's dreamin' big time.
The GoPro will clamp to the left side of handlebars or maybe left turn-signal mount arm.

Been talking to Laminar Lip in Santa Ana, CA and considering it to get air flow layered over me to extend virtual height of windshield effectiveness.
I had a lip installed onto my BV350 windshield a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it - miss that scooter.
Rather than buy a stock lip over the phone they insist on a custom fit in person. That's only 850 more miles to the trip (ugg).
Now that the V7 has been "first-serviced" it wants to pull some state lines to the rear.

Rizoma glare resistant mirrors:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____
Guzzi accessory windshield:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____
Techmount cellphone holder and DC panel jack:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on September 04, 2015, 06:11:16 AM
gave up transit bus driving - bought a bike - wanna hit the road next week. (V7 Stone).

The suspension is still so tight I want to call it police suspension.
This is the cleanest it'll be because it's 4200 miles round trip Tucson AZ > Venango County PA and that doesn't include
side trip to Kennywood Park or Flight 93 memorial or anywhere else.... like Montauk Point NY.
I wanted to start at Fulton Beach in San Fransisco and stay on I-80 to Long Island NY but that's dreamin' big time.
The GoPro will clamp to the left side of handlebars or maybe left turn-signal mount arm.


Congrats on the new Guzzi ... and retirement.

Some funny lines in  your post.   :grin:

Have fun on the trip, tho I-80 coast to coast is my idea of a nightmare, not a pleasant dream.  IMO, the V7 is a charmer on the back roads, but out its element droning for days on the slab.  But, obviously, YMMV.

The roads in and around Venango County are worthy of a ride from anywhere. Best wishes for a fine ride to, around and back from there.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shaka on September 04, 2015, 03:31:11 PM

Both of those bikes will do anything you want to do.    The Convert is sometimes an "acquired taste", since with its torque converter it "feels" very different from a transmission bike.    You give it lots of throttle from a stop to keep up with traffic, and the engine sounds like it's running way faster than it needs to, but "faster" is the sweet spot for a Guzzi engine and they are great both in town (where you don't have to paddle along shifting back and forth from first to neutral in stop-and-go traffic to keep from overheating the clutch) and on the highway, where they just cruise happily all day long.

The '98 has 20-year-later suspension and brakes, and a lot of people think it's the "best of breed" for the EV touring bikes.

If you can, ride them both and see which one "speaks" to you.   If you can't, then flip a coin; you can't lose!!


Thank you for the welcome and for your opinion on my Guzzi choice question. I didn't consider that the suspension/brake technology would of course be improved on the newer model.Thank you for providing that insight; I think that it might influence my decision. I haven't appraised the Convert yet, but the 1998 EV looks and sounds virtually new. I  haven't ridden it, so I'll see how that goes.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on September 04, 2015, 06:54:35 PM

Both of those bikes will do anything you want to do.    The Convert is sometimes an "acquired taste", since with its torque converter it "feels" very different from a transmission bike.    You give it lots of throttle from a stop to keep up with traffic, and the engine sounds like it's running way faster than it needs to, but "faster" is the sweet spot for a Guzzi engine and they are great both in town (where you don't have to paddle along shifting back and forth from first to neutral in stop-and-go traffic to keep from overheating the clutch) and on the highway, where they just cruise happily all day long.

The '98 has 20-year-later suspension and brakes, and a lot of people think it's the "best of breed" for the EV touring bikes.

If you can, ride them both and see which one "speaks" to you.   If you can't, then flip a coin; you can't lose!!


+1 to Lannis' response.  As an "approaching elderly" rider myself, though, I will throw in one more piece to the equation.  While you won't be likely to encounter many of any flavor of Guzzi on the road, except at or near a Guzzi rally, I always enjoy the feeling that I will encounter probably NO other bike just like mine on a ride in the neighborhood or going across the country.  I can't be the smartest, the best looking, the richest, or the most skillful rider on the road, but I can still be one of the most unique.  For that reason alone, in your shoes I'd lean towards the Convert.  I borrowed a 72 (I think) Ambassador for a 3-day weekend ride early this summer & found the riding position & suspension to be fine for "gentlemanly" riding even on very curvy roads so, unless you still harbor some boy-racer tendencies, I think the suspension shouldn't be an issue unless you plan to do a significant amount of 2-up riding.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 04, 2015, 07:16:17 PM

..... I always enjoy the feeling that I will encounter probably NO other bike just like mine on a ride in the neighborhood or going across the country.  I can't be the smartest, the best looking, the richest, or the most skillful rider on the road, but I can still be one of the most unique. 

This is very true for me too (I was going to say "sad but true" but it's not really sad, it's just the way things are).   It's why, when I'm on the road, I'm always riding something that there's almost NO CHANCE that I'll see coming in the other direction.

Some people are influenced by other bikes and riders to be as much the SAME as possible as they are, hence the thousands of apehangers, batwing fairings, and OCC styling cues, so that they will be identified with all those others.   

I'm influenced by other bikes to be DIFFERENT THAN they are (not riders so much, my gear is 100% practical, 0% style.  I think.).    So I ride a Guzzi or a Norton or a BSA, and every time I stop, or if I'm sitting at a light, someone is usually saying "What is THAT over there ... "?

Silly, I know, but it's all part of life.   Some people SAY they aren't influenced at ALL in their choice of bike by what other riders have or what their friends are riding, but I never believe them.   Either negatively or positively, conscious or unconsciously, we're all influenced in some way .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scud on September 05, 2015, 04:03:10 PM
While you won't be likely to encounter many of any flavor of Guzzi on the road, except at or near a Guzzi rally, I always enjoy the feeling that I will encounter probably NO other bike just like mine on a ride in the neighborhood or going across the country.

Just having a Moto Guzzi puts us in the "unusual" category. For any serious distance, I'd lean toward a newer bike with more modern brakes and suspension.

Recently, while passing through Prescott, AZ on my LeMans I actually saw another V11 Sport headed the other way - a lovely Greenie. And I've been seeing more V7s on the road lately.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on September 05, 2015, 05:47:02 PM
Just having a Moto Guzzi puts us in the "unusual" category. For any serious distance, I'd lean toward a newer bike with more modern brakes and suspension.

Until this past June, I'd have agreed wholeheartedly.  However, in June I met a couple from New Zealand in Prince George, British Columbia,who were riding their 1960s something BMW two-up from Vancouver to somewhere around Ft. Nelson. I passed them on the road about 4 times, but they'd catch up & pass me every time I took a gas/food/or pee break.  I guess, with 1960s level technology it is more your tolerance for the possibilities for needing roadside repairs (not that likely if your bike is properly prepared for the trip) & the need for packing really light if you have a passenger than it is a matter of more modern suspension, etc.  My tolerance (& my wife's) isn't that high, so we were NOT on my Guzzi.  On many of the roads up there, however, I wished I was.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scud on September 05, 2015, 06:52:26 PM
Excellent points Jumpmaster.

A restored (or well-maintained) older bike will go across country today just as well as it did when it was new. And if something breaks, you won't need a computer to fix it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joep7 on September 07, 2015, 11:56:38 AM
Hello all!
Joe from west Michigan.
Currently ride a 2007 Breva
Engineer for a company that makes motorcycle parts Harley, Indian and a few after market companies.
Looking at purchasing a early 70s 850 T
Spent a lot of time in Italy and fell in love with the guzzi history and then learned to really appreciate the bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TobyJug on September 09, 2015, 02:59:08 PM
Toby Jackson, 58, Kamloops, BC, Canada.
Used to live in England until 1997.
Former Electrical/Software Engineer.  Currently the TV at the local hospital.
Rode a V50 in the late 70's/early 80's.

Currently ride a 2014 Norge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DavidEJM on September 10, 2015, 04:04:43 PM
Hi everyone

Just signed up!

I'm David Martell, 48 and living in a village just outside Oxford in the UK.

Been riding a Ducati Monster for some years and have been building and restoring cars as a hobby. One of my biker friends mentioned that he knew someone that was selling a sad looking and much beaten up Guzzi SP2 that he bought as a project to turn into a cafe racer. I was told it has a LeMans engine (yet to be confirmed though the carbs are PHM40s) and that it went well but most of it was rough, dirty and in need of restoring. I started pulling it apart and will be fulfilling the cafe style rebuild.

I will, no doubt, have lots of questions that I will be asking to try to learn about these characterful machines.

Thanks David
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andy350gts on September 18, 2015, 01:40:09 PM
Hi I bought an unseen 350gts for my sins...must have been mad!.....I have now got it running!!!!....and now no charge....melted wires in the handle bars...duff light switches...and it goes on.....but strangely enjoying it...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on September 18, 2015, 03:35:34 PM
You'll fit right in..  :smiley: :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Graham UK on September 18, 2015, 04:07:17 PM
Apologies for not getting round to posting on this thread when I joined the forum last year.

I'm Graham Heath, aged 55, and married with two grown-up children.  I've been a Baptist minister since 1986, serving as pastor of Ashby Baptist Church since 2009 - that's in Ashby de la Zouch, near Leicester, United Kingdom.

After a gap of many years, I took the opportunity to return to motorcycling in 2008 with a BMW 850, which I traded in for a 2004 California in 2011; I was hooked, but when it needed more attention than I could really afford in 2013, my dealer let me trade it in instead for a low mileage 2005 Breva 1100; however, by June 2014 funds had recovered enough for me to seize the opportunity to buy a  low mileage 1999 Cali as a second bike.  Motorcycling and being part of the Guzzi family are privileges I never cease to be grateful for.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mooney78865 on September 21, 2015, 09:12:26 PM
Dan Burns
Clovis California
Asst Director Physical Operations
Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino
Adventure riding
Slalom Skiing
F3A Precision Aerobatics (Pattern)
I'm new to the forum and currently riding a KTM 990 adventure.  3 years and 45,000 miles, 30-35%off road.  Have done all but one of the BDR routes and multiple combination trips.
I'm going for a test ride on a new Stelvio this week, armed with much information from the folks on this site!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mach1mustang351 on September 22, 2015, 02:00:38 AM
Dan Burns
Clovis California
Asst Director Physical Operations
Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino
Adventure riding
Slalom Skiing
F3A Precision Aerobatics (Pattern)
I'm new to the forum and currently riding a KTM 990 adventure.  3 years and 45,000 miles, 30-35%off road.  Have done all but one of the BDR routes and multiple combination trips.
I'm going for a test ride on a new Stelvio this week, armed with much information from the folks on this site!

I just picked up my Stelvio on Thursday. It has 1200 miles on the clock and I couldn't be happier. I was close to buying a 990 Adventure in 2007 and got my V strom instead. The sales guy at the dealer (who sold ktm and Suzuki) said "get the v strom, its not twice as good as the KTM."  As it turned out, I loved adventure riding and immediately regretted not getting the KTM. Now 8 years later, I think the Guzzi will make me forget the mistake of not getting that KTM. Enjoy the test ride, and welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 22, 2015, 09:21:52 AM
Hi, I'm Kim. I'm 46 and a music librarian in Philadelphia PA USA. My husband and I just upgraded from our Ninja 250 'starter bikes' -- he got a Thruxton and I was considering a Bonneville, but I test rode the V7 and instantly fell in love. I got it on August 28th and I've already put 1100 miles on it. Glad to be a new member of the family.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Walter on September 22, 2015, 09:27:56 AM
Good day! As you can ell from my user name, my name is Walter. I live in Chilliwack BC with my wife of many years. I'm closer to 60  than 50! My real job is paramedic and I am a drummer/bass player for fun.
My two previous bikes have been Wings, the last of which I sold a couple of years ago. Wasn't intending on riding again but I started looking around and saw this little Breva 750 and the rest is history! I would have liked to get back into a bigger bike but our government insurance company sets premiums by displacement and as you get over 750 and then again over 1100 the rates get crazy.
Anyway, good to be here!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on September 22, 2015, 10:57:41 AM
Hi, I'm Kim. I'm 46 and a music librarian in Philadelphia PA USA. My husband and I just upgraded from our Ninja 250 'starter bikes' -- he got a Thruxton and I was considering a Bonneville, but I test rode the V7 and instantly fell in love. I got it on August 28th and I've already put 1100 miles on it. Glad to be a new member of the family.

 Good choice Kim  :thumb: A music librarian , that sounds interesting .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 22, 2015, 02:05:01 PM
Good choice Kim  :thumb: A music librarian , that sounds interesting .


Thanks, Dusty. I loved my little Ninja, but our relationship was a means to an end. I'm definitely in it for the long haul with the V7. Over the next few weeks it'll get a Dart flyscreen, crash bars, Pazzo levers (my hands are small) and Mistral "Cygar" slip-ons. I can hardly wait.

And yes, the job is interesting. Another long term affair. I'm very fortunate.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on September 22, 2015, 03:09:35 PM
Thanks, Dusty. I loved my little Ninja, but our relationship was a means to an end. I'm definitely in it for the long haul with the V7. Over the next few weeks it'll get a Dart flyscreen, crash bars, Pazzo levers (my hands are small) and Mistral "Cygar" slip-ons. I can hardly wait.

And yes, the job is interesting. Another long term affair. I'm very fortunate.

 Very funny nom de plume  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 22, 2015, 03:18:39 PM
Very funny nom de plume  :laugh:


It has several layers of meaning, all involving irony and/or sarcasm. My Chilean spouse is to blame. :wink:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on September 22, 2015, 03:30:07 PM
It has several layers of meaning, all involving irony and/or sarcasm. My Chilean spouse is to blame. :wink:

 You are gonna fit in really well here  :laugh: Don't let the sometimes overly psuedo-macho tone on WG cause problems , we really love our female members  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cognosticator on September 22, 2015, 05:07:55 PM
Hello all, I just bought my first Guzzi this past Saturday from Riders Hiil in Dahlonega GA  1 new 2013 Stelvio then put 550 miles on it on the way home in Savannah

66 years young and loving the bike. I currently have a 2011 Triumph Speed triple and a 2003 Harley Heritage Classic.

I am looking forward to meeting fellow riders. I would love to get to Suches this weekend for the rally but I can't make it. Went there for the last 3 weekends though.

Here I am at the top of the Dragon
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 22, 2015, 05:08:35 PM
You are gonna fit in really well here  :laugh: Don't let the sometimes overly psuedo-macho tone on WG cause problems , we really love our female members  :grin:


 :laugh: I'm accustomed to not-so-pseudo-macho, so it's all good. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 22, 2015, 06:45:15 PM
It has several layers of meaning, all involving irony and/or sarcasm. My Chilean spouse is to blame. :wink:

We might better get a Spanish lesson for some training in the vernacular, because those of us with nothing but Spanish dictionaries and no context think it means "not having a rump".

Not that there's anything wrong with that; as Dusty says, we are very .... non-macho around here ... most of the time.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 23, 2015, 08:29:20 AM
We might better get a Spanish lesson for some training in the vernacular, because those of us with nothing but Spanish dictionaries and no context think it means "not having a rump".

Not that there's anything wrong with that; as Dusty says, we are very .... non-macho around here ... most of the time.


Hi, Lannis.

Sin means without; that's more or less universal.

Colita is the diminutive of cola, which literally means tail, as in the tail of an animal. In Chilean vernacular it most commonly means not rump, but another anatomical item which males have and I, being female, do not (nor have I ever, for the record; nor do I have an actual tail, sadly). I'm no linguist, but I would swear that Chileans have more words for this particular anatomical item than the Inuit have for snow.

Colita in many vernaculars, including American English slang, also means marijuana cigarette (said in the voice of Nancy Reagan); reference the first verse of 'Hotel California'.

There you have it. Now I have to go pull the library's vinyl copy of 'Too Tough To Die' for Pope Francis. That guy is full of surprises.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 23, 2015, 08:40:29 AM
Hi, Lannis.

Sin means without; that's more or less universal.

Colita is the diminutive of cola, which literally means tail, as in the tail of an animal. In Chilean vernacular it most commonly means not rump, but another anatomical item which males have and I, being female, do not (nor have I ever, for the record; nor do I have an actual tail, sadly). I'm no linguist, but I would swear that Chileans have more words for this particular anatomical item than the Inuit have for snow.

Colita in many vernaculars, including American English slang, also means marijuana cigarette (said in the voice of Nancy Reagan); reference the first verse of 'Hotel California'.

There you have it. Now I have to go pull the library's vinyl copy of 'Too Tough To Die' for Pope Francis. That guy is full of surprises.

I appreciate the explanation.   Having said that, I'm almost sorry I asked ... sometimes you get too much insight into what's important in a culture!   :wink:

And, as always - "Someone who has a passion for their job will never work a day in their life ...."

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 23, 2015, 09:25:03 AM
"Someone who has a passion for their job will never work a day in their life ...."

Hear, hear!  :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: romanoaf on September 23, 2015, 11:40:45 AM
Roman R

28, Southwestern Ontario, Engineering

Just bought my first bike:

I wrench on everything I own.
Past: BMW M3, Porsche 911, Multiple SAABs,
Current: Audi Allroad, BMW 328xi wagon(wife), Moto Guzzi V7 Stone
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Revan on September 24, 2015, 12:08:12 AM
Hello, everyone.

New Guzzi owner here.

My online name is Revan (real name is Derek).

I just moved to Oklahoma City, where I work as a Domino admin.

I'm a bit of tech-geek and an introvert, but I have a great passion for motorcycling (been riding for about 20 years). So, when I'm not engrossed in a good video game, or reading up on something tech related, I'm usually out riding.

I just bought my first Guzzi....a 2009 Norge GT. I've always liked twins, especially air-cooled twins, so when I saw the sale price on this bike, I had to grab it (it was just too good to pass up).

The bike is great, but could use a little TLC. It looks as if the previous owner bought it on impulse, drove it for a little bit, got bored and just parked it.....it only had 5200 miles on it.

It is still fully stock (even has the original tires) so I'm already looking for ways to spend money on it that I don't have.

I know that coming up here in the near future, I'm going to have to do the valve adjustments...which I can probably handle on my own....but I am thinking of taking it somewhere to have the rest of the bike checked out (things like the fuel filter, the secondary spark plugs, etc...). I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel doing them myself at this point.

Also, I'm not sure where to take it around here. I know the nearest dealer is over in Tulsa, but I have no way of dropping it off and leaving it there, so any work that I may need would all have to be done in one day....unless I could get a loaner.

Other than that, everything is about perfect on the bike. It handles great, and the ergos fit me well. So, my main goal is to just get a few odds and ends for it, maybe get an aftermarket pipe and definitely update the fuel map....it is running REALLY rough and lean (hard starting, snatchy throttle, massive decel pop, etc...)

Thanks for the forum invite, and any help/advice anyone has is much appreciated.

I promise to not start any oil-threads :tongue:.....and I am looking forward to having a Guzzi in my garage for a long time. 


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 24, 2015, 09:04:38 AM

I know that coming up here in the near future, I'm going to have to do the valve adjustments...which I can probably handle on my own....but I am thinking of taking it somewhere to have the rest of the bike checked out (things like the fuel filter, the secondary spark plugs, etc...). I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel doing them myself at this point.

The Norge is a bit more work than a Stelvio, for example, because it has to shed some plastic before you can get to it, but these bikes are surprisingly easy to work on.    My Stelvio manual is very complete and has good pictures, OR you can start a "tech-session" thread here, where folks will be glad to step you through a process like changing a fuel filter with pictures and all.   

Also, I'm not sure where to take it around here. I know the nearest dealer is over in Tulsa, but I have no way of dropping it off and leaving it there, so any work that I may need would all have to be done in one day....unless I could get a loaner.



I'm sure that some of our Okla-Homies will be able to let you know a good dealer.   Loaners aren't very common, as far as I know, so you may have to do some fancy footwork and bike-swapping to avoid being out-of-wheels if there's something that takes more than a day, especially if the bike has to be cold when it's worked on.   But these are the sorts of things we ALL fight through  .... !

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: akhileshb@hotmail.com on September 24, 2015, 12:44:27 PM
HI Everyone,
Name: Akilesh
Age: 48, male
Indian origin,lived in states more than half my life.
Live in Tulsa, OK.
Just bought my first motorcycle!

Guzzi v7, 2014 stone.

Breaking it in slowly,  and getting used to driving it.
Loving it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Revan on September 24, 2015, 05:57:06 PM
Quote from: Lannis on Today at 09:04:38 AM (http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=7285.msg1244107#msg1244107)
The Norge is a bit more work than a Stelvio, for example, because it has to shed some plastic before you can get to it, but these bikes are surprisingly easy to work on.    My Stelvio manual is very complete and has good pictures, OR you can start a "tech-session" thread here, where folks will be glad to step you through a process like changing a fuel filter with pictures and all.   

I'm sure that some of our Okla-Homies will be able to let you know a good dealer.   Loaners aren't very common, as far as I know, so you may have to do some fancy footwork and bike-swapping to avoid being out-of-wheels if there's something that takes more than a day, especially if the bike has to be cold when it's worked on.   But these are the sorts of things we ALL fight through  .... !

Good luck!


Thanks, Lannis...I appreciate it. It is good to hear that I can get a walk-through if I need it.

Yeah, that is one of the reasons why I love the Stelvio, though......everyth ing is right there with very little covering it up.
Getting one of them is definitely one of my long-term goals.....that and another Ducati :cool:   I just have to get rid of the Harley, first.

Thanks, again.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MGrego on September 28, 2015, 09:23:45 AM
Greeting from Texas !

Name : Mark Gregory

DOB : 1970

Location : Dallas Texas

Current Bikes :

1982 Honda V45 Sabre
1996 California
2003 V11 LeMans
2004 Cali Hydro EV
2004 Triumph Bonneville T-100
2006 Harley-Davidson Superglide
2012 Norge GT8V

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scud on September 28, 2015, 07:14:43 PM
Greeting from Texas !

Name : Mark Gregory

2003 V11 LeMans

Welcome. If you have not done so already, you may want to take a look at www.V11LeMans.com, where you will find a model-specific forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kev m on September 29, 2015, 11:49:16 AM
Hi, I'm Kim. I'm 46 and a music librarian in Philadelphia PA USA. My husband and I just upgraded from our Ninja 250 'starter bikes' -- he got a Thruxton and I was considering a Bonneville, but I test rode the V7 and instantly fell in love. I got it on August 28th and I've already put 1100 miles on it. Glad to be a new member of the family.

I missed this intro first time through.

But Cam should be by soon to tell you to check out the NJ MGNOC website:

http://mgnocnj.forumcircle.com/index.php and/or watch here for our monthly breakfast/lunch rides.

It's funny, but for a NJ group we wind up in PA pretty often (Washington's Crossing for the Gathering of the Nortons or some other bike show, or Bowman's Tavern in that same area south of New Hope for Lunch).

Another V7 would be great to have along, and there's nothing wrong with Hubby's Thruxton. You guys should join us sometime.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 29, 2015, 01:23:06 PM
I missed this intro first time through.

But Cam should be by soon to tell you to check out the NJ MGNOC website:

http://mgnocnj.forumcircle.com/index.php and/or watch here for our monthly breakfast/lunch rides.

It's funny, but for a NJ group we wind up in PA pretty often (Washington's Crossing for the Gathering of the Nortons or some other bike show, or Bowman's Tavern in that same area south of New Hope for Lunch).

Another V7 would be great to have along, and there's nothing wrong with Hubby's Thruxton. You guys should join us sometime.


Thanks for the info and invite, Kev. We ride in Upper Bucks Co a lot and always cross the river for coffee in Frenchtown. It would be great to know some more nice roads on the Jersey side. I'm not fast on more technical roads (yet; practice, practice, practice is my mantra) but if you stick me in the back of the group I can always catch up even if I can't keep up. :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cam3512 on September 30, 2015, 08:08:40 AM
Like Kev said, join our NJ website and come on out and participate!  Only a small creek seperating us, and lots of bridges!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sincolita on September 30, 2015, 10:00:23 AM
Like Kev said, join our NJ website and come on out and participate!  Only a small creek seperating us, and lots of bridges!


Done. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ROv7C on October 01, 2015, 02:56:47 PM
Daniel, 32 years old, living in Bucharest, Romania(yeah, I know, kind of unusual for this forum), on the way of owning a V7C 2012. Working as a Project Manager for some time, with a solid IT backround in general. Two wheels fan, running a lot, liking the twisty roads like everybody here. Glad to Chat with you and why not, someday also meet one of you. Cheers and thousands revs!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dubtac on October 02, 2015, 10:30:09 PM
Frank Nuzzo
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dubtac on October 02, 2015, 11:00:18 PM

Frank Nuzzo

26 Years old
New Orleans LA
Fixing everything

Bought an 06 Breva 1100 in 08 for a good deal. Riding it around since I was 18 as my 1st bike, been working on it since I was 19, even changing tires by hand. Discovered a forum that is just for Guzzitalk.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dubtac on October 02, 2015, 11:12:12 PM
Well hello Frank  :laugh:


  Nice to meet you Dusty
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cwolfe on October 03, 2015, 08:35:10 AM
My name is Chris Wolfe
My age is 59
I am a Technology Education teacher at a public high school in Berlin, CT.
I live in CT.
My main hobbies are playing bass guitar in a blues band and riding my motorcycle

My current bike is a 1968 BMW R50/2
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 03, 2015, 08:45:46 AM
My name is Chris Wolfe
My age is 59
I am a Technology Education teacher at a public high school in Berlin, CT.
I live in CT.
My main hobbies are playing bass guitar in a blues band and riding my motorcycle

My current bike is a 1968 BMW R50/2

I'll be glad when you post a picture of it, I love those old Beemers!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzitucky on October 05, 2015, 04:22:30 PM
Al Newland

41 years old

Louisville, Kentucky

Currently upgrading '03 California to dual-plate clutch..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zimbo on October 07, 2015, 01:23:27 PM
 Hi,  I live in western France, an hour inland from La Rochelle.  My passion is touring the 3 great mountain ranges in France

bought my first ever Guzzi this summer, a new V7.  Been used to mainly big Jap 4s in the past, but my last bike was a Tiger 800.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PDX V7 on October 07, 2015, 04:37:06 PM
Grant C.

56 years old

Health Care Administration

Portland, Oregon

Guitars and motorcylces

Just bought my first Guzzi, a '14 V7 Racer. Coming from Triumphs the last 20 years.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CapitalGoose on October 08, 2015, 08:23:47 AM
Morning all!

Name: Asanga, but everyone calls me "Crash" (Nope, nothing do do with my prowess as a rider...my nephews gave me that one after seeing me ski)

Age: late 30's

Occupation: Attorney

Location: DC Area (VA)

Bike: 2016 V7ii Stone

Lurked around on here for a while. You gents were instrumental in my decision to buy a V7ii! Thank you all for your knowledge and experience. Not that it matters, or that there is anything wrong with it, but [I hope] I'm not the typical attorney-type with a motorcycle (read: older, soft, Harley). I love to be outdoors; my wife and I are into hiking and kayaking and other fitness-y stuff. But I bought this bike because I've always wanted one and I can finally afford to have one! It may be a little under-powered for some folks, but it fits my needs perfectly: I can commute, putz around town, and even take it out to Shenandoah & beyond (after its broken in!). I'd post a pic but I haven't quite managed to figure that out yet!

I look forward to meeting at least the local guys, if not more, and wrenching & riding with y'all!

Cheers,  :boozing:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on October 08, 2015, 04:11:32 PM


Not that it matters, or that there is anything wrong with it, but [I hope] I'm not the typical attorney-type with a motorcycle (read: older, soft, Harley).


I resemble that remark.  :boxing:

No, wait a minute.  I don't have a Harley ... tho I wouldn't mind one, actually, as long as I don't have to wear any of the regalia.   :wink:

Very nice Guzzi, Crash.  I saw one of those in the flesh recently and thought it especially good-looking.

If you get past the Shenandoah sometime, stop off at the Moto Grappa in Cross Junction.  I'll have a beer and you can have a tofu smoothie and we can chat Guzzis.   :grin:

Seriously, welcome and best wishes for miles of smiles.

Kentucky Bar #27800

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shapemaster on October 09, 2015, 04:48:16 AM
Ken Cooley

Saint Joseph, Illinois

New to Guzzi


Riding 100,000 miles in 9 years, began riding at age 45

Motorcycle junkie / 26 bikes in these 9 years with Harley as main recent squeeze but having own most every brand.

Huge fan of dual sports

Enjoy short rides however have completed many 2 to 5k mile trips

Designer/ president and CEO of ShapeMaster, Inc.

I am here because I plan to purchase a new Guzzi v7 within the next few days and have been looking for best forum to join and learn.  I'll need help because our dealer network is so spread out and nearest to me is 85 miles and two hours away.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CapitalGoose on October 09, 2015, 07:53:45 AM
I resemble that remark.  :boxing:

No, wait a minute.  I don't have a Harley ... tho I wouldn't mind one, actually, as long as I don't have to wear any of the regalia.   :wink:

Very nice Guzzi, Crash.  I saw one of those in the flesh recently and thought it especially good-looking.

If you get past the Shenandoah sometime, stop off at the Moto Grappa in Cross Junction.  I'll have a beer and you can have a tofu smoothie and we can chat Guzzis.   :grin:

Seriously, welcome and best wishes for miles of smiles.

Kentucky Bar #27800

HA! My apologies, Sir Bill! I meant no offense. Honestly, I was thinking about a Harley myself (Sportster in the 1948 trim) before getting the Stone.

I might just take you up on that offer to join you in Cross Junction in the spring, if it still stands. However, I will skip the tofu and join you and a tasty brewed beverage and maybe a cheeseburger (for health reasons).

Thanks for the welcome!  I'm looking forward to a long happy friendship with my new baby! I've decided to name her "Lucy".


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rox on October 11, 2015, 02:26:40 AM
I noticed I never introduced myself.
My name is Rich . Im 39 going on 21. My current Guzzi is a 02 v11 Lemans . Love the shit out of it. Other rides are a 14 Honda CTX 1300 ( the grocery getter), a 12 Triumph Street Triple R( white tuxedo) and a 07 Yamaha r6( for when I wanna scare myself).
Originally from Orange County, NY but carpetbagged over to Southern California because I don't like to winterize ... Past bikes are a 76 CB750 caffe, a 06 Triumph Speedfour, (2) Triumph Thruxtons, a Triumph bobber and A Triumph Rocket 3 which I had for 12 hours after the rear wheel locked and almost killed me severing my long relationship with Hinckley Triumphs. New to Guzzis but of what Ive been learning about them and the riders I meet I am now fond of them and their riders. Great folks ride Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: veltro_nero on October 12, 2015, 12:14:46 PM
Hi, I'm Dominic from NJ.

Just picked up a 1967 V700 project that I'm going to be putting together while I put my 1957 BMW project on the backburner (it's getting way too $$$). I actually planned on fixing the Guzzi up and flipping it, but I'm kinda falling in love with it and am going to permanently add it to my stable.

The bike's a bit of a time capsule. It had a lot of work done to it in the 70's and then apparently just sat in a shop while the owner planned on restoring it. The chrome cylinders are in excellent shape (though I'll likely be getting them Nikasil plated) as are the pistons, it had top end work done, and is very complete, though the condition of the rear splines (or lack thereof) makes me doubt the odometer reading of approximately 19k miles. For that reason, I'll be opening it up and checking the condition of the sludge trap. I'm documenting the process on my blog @ symphonyofshrapnel. blogspot.com

Other bikes I own:
- 1975 BMW R90/6 cafe - my daily ride (all year round)
- 1967 Aermacchi 250 SS - special bike I built for my daughter to own when she gets older, featured in Italian Motor Magazine issue 6
- 1957 BMW R60 - building up from a bare frame and empty case, just about there, but need to get the crank rebuilt, then I can assemble it and get the paint work done.

I'll likely post questions here and there so please be patient, I'm finding that although I'm intimately familiar with BMWs, Moto Guzzis are very similar in a lot of espects, but completely foreign in others.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 12, 2015, 12:48:53 PM
 Hello Dom , and welcome . But let's be honest here , that Aermacchi , well , that wasn't built for your daughter  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: veltro_nero on October 12, 2015, 02:15:38 PM
Hello Dom , and welcome . But let's be honest here , that Aermacchi , well , that wasn't built for your daughter  :grin:


Well that excuse definitely helped sell the idea to the wife!

In all honesty, I bought it for her on her 2nd birthday so that she can learn to turn a wrench and work on stuff as she gets older (it's pretty maintenance intensive), learn to ride on it since it's so well handling and for lack of a better word, slow, and then when she turns 18 she can decide to keep it or sell it back to me. I just keep it running and maintained in the meantime  :grin:

Next year, my son will be 2, so I'll have to get the Guzzi finished to be able to justify something for him.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Devildog on October 12, 2015, 04:46:58 PM
Bill Dickinson
Urbanna VA

We run a bed and breakfast in this quaint harbor town, www.atherstonhall.c om, we are motorcycle (and dog) friendly.
We have had BMW's and HD's visiting  also one Hyabusa (on a trailer) but  as yet no Guzzi's.

Bikes, inc dirt bikes, sailing and gardening are my hobbies
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGuzziMiami on October 12, 2015, 07:00:13 PM
 Hey Moto Guzzi Friends!!

Bryan Morales
23 Years old
Own a 2007 Moto Guzzi Breva 1100 with just 5000 miles on it.  I'm second owner.
 I also have a 97' Honda Magna 750 with 8000 miles on it.  My pops got it brand new.
And recently got a 05 Triumph 7000 miles on it.

Excited to be here!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: archwaykid on October 13, 2015, 07:49:00 AM
Hello all
Jay Serrao
London, England
Moto Guzzi V7 Stone
Previous bike - Honda Shadow Black Spirit (or Phantom as it is in the US)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antietam Classic Cycle on October 16, 2015, 11:15:51 AM
Hi, I'm Dominic from NJ.

Just picked up a 1967 V700 project that I'm going to be putting together while I put my 1957 BMW project on the backburner (it's getting way too $$$). I actually planned on fixing the Guzzi up and flipping it, but I'm kinda falling in love with it and am going to permanently add it to my stable.

The bike's a bit of a time capsule. It had a lot of work done to it in the 70's and then apparently just sat in a shop while the owner planned on restoring it. The chrome cylinders are in excellent shape (though I'll likely be getting them Nikasil plated) as are the pistons, it had top end work done, and is very complete, though the condition of the rear splines (or lack thereof) makes me doubt the odometer reading of approximately 19k miles. For that reason, I'll be opening it up and checking the condition of the sludge trap. I'm documenting the process on my blog @ symphonyofshrapnel. blogspot.com

Hi Dominic,

Great blog and V700 project you've got started there! Two resources you might find helpful, if you haven't already found them: 1) Greg Bender's This Old Tractor website: http://www.thisoldtractor.com/moto_guzzi_loopframe.html and the Loopframe Guzzi Yahoo Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Loopframe_Guzzi/info

I look forward to following your progress.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: veltro_nero on October 17, 2015, 05:25:39 AM
Hi Dominic,

Great blog and V700 project you've got started there! Two resources you might find helpful, if you haven't already found them: 1) Greg Bender's This Old Tractor website: http://www.thisoldtractor.com/moto_guzzi_loopframe.html and the Loopframe Guzzi Yahoo Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Loopframe_Guzzi/info

I look forward to following your progress.

Hey Charlie,
     Thanks! I was actually referred to Greg Bender's site and what a fantastic resource that is. Besides having the factory manual and parts book, I think I'm going to pick up Guzziology as well. Besides digging into the engine, I'm also going to have to replace the rear drive splines and the splines on the hub and the factory manual doesn't go into any detail about that - I assume it's an interference fit, but I guess I'll see when I start taking things apart.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoZA on October 17, 2015, 06:28:21 AM
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

William, 40, Mechanical Design Engineer, South Africa.

Bought a Stelvio, absolutely adored it until it broke  :cry: :cry: :cry:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sporty88 on October 19, 2015, 10:16:40 PM
G'day from the land of Oz.

IT Support
Sydney, Australia

A few months ago I bought an 850 T3 (ex-LAPD bike). It is largely complete and running, but was pretty rough when I got it - the main areas that need attention are the brakes, exhaust and electricals. Also, the previous owners taste in bodywork left a lot to be desired - tall (factory police type) handlebars, footboards, Harley-style barn-door windshield, aftermarket hard panniers, lots of black paint and pitted/rusty chrome. I haven't yet figured out how to attach pictures here, but considering the way it looks at the moment, that's probably a good thing.

Since then I have been collecting parts to convert it to a more sporting appearance - V7 Sport tank, low bars, Tarozzi rearsets - and to resolve the electrical and brake issues.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 19, 2015, 10:45:40 PM
G'day from the land of Oz.

IT Support
Sydney, Australia

A few months ago I bought an 850 T3 (ex-LAPD bike). It is largely complete and running, but was pretty rough when I got it - the main areas that need attention are the brakes, exhaust and electricals. Also, the previous owners taste in bodywork left a lot to be desired - tall (factory police type) handlebars, footboards, Harley-style barn-door windshield, aftermarket hard panniers, lots of black paint and pitted/rusty chrome. I haven't yet figured out how to attach pictures here, but considering the way it looks at the moment, that's probably a good thing.

Since then I have been collecting parts to convert it to a more sporting appearance - V7 Sport tank, low bars, Tarozzi rearsets - and to resolve the electrical and brake issues.

 Welcome Brad , has anyone mentioned the chrome bore issue to you ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sporty88 on October 20, 2015, 12:16:49 AM
Welcome Brad , has anyone mentioned the chrome bore issue to you ?


I've seen mention of it, but I'm not worried - there are plenty of chrome-bore bikes out there still running around perfectly fine.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redballabio1 on October 22, 2015, 02:30:42 PM
Mike Powell




I ride in the mountains of North GA,play guitar and sing in a local blues rock band.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 22, 2015, 10:31:42 PM
Mike Powell




I ride in the mountains of North GA,play guitar and sing in a local blues rock band.

 Kind of a Peter Egan of the South  :bow:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PeanutButter on November 02, 2015, 08:14:41 AM
Hello all!

I'm Phil, I'm 29, I live in the Boston area, and I just picked up a 2007 Nevada 750. It is an absolute blast to ride and I can't wait to spend a full season on it next year, but I plan to get the most out of the fall in the meantime.

I have some mostly cosmetic changes in mind, but nothing that makes me want to tear into it right away. I do, however, have a problem with the sidestand. The stand is very, very stiff and takes a lot of effort to get up and down. The previous owner said he hit it with some lithium but it didn't do much. Any tips?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on November 02, 2015, 07:41:40 PM

Hey, I'm a fellow smallblock rider, and I'm in Massachusetts too!  As for the sidestand, some are stiff, and it's also possible that a prior owner put in an aftermarket stronger spring.  That's a common "fix" to prevent the stand safety switch for kicking on while riding (it happens, really). 


P.S.  Lubrication does help, and at least one fellow added a bolt to the stand boot-peg, to give his foot something to grasp.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jlewis3323 on November 05, 2015, 09:27:26 AM
Bike Nut
Have ridden bikes for past 50 years
Used to race Enduro's back in the day
Have a passion for riding and bringing back "survivors"
Located in Punta Gorda Florida
Current bikes:
- 78 Moto Guzzi T3 (In process of restoring, and is my very first Guzzi)
- 71 BSA BT25
-72 BMW R75/5
- 88 Ducati 750 Passo
- 2000 Vespa ET4
- 12 Ducati Multistrada 1200S
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DrD on November 07, 2015, 02:03:15 PM
Hi all
New here. Got a LeMans II a few months back.
Its been regularly started but not used on the road since 1999 bar the previous owner who bought it intending to pass it on to me after a play.
Gradually going through it while keeping it on the road - so far about 400 miles and several weekends of servicing.
This weekend it was new UJ, carrier etc. and associated fun.
A week or so ago it looked like this:
Standard fairing etc are in one of the multiple boxes that came with it (and needing some repair) so I have kitted out with flyscreen etc.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cool Runnings on November 10, 2015, 05:29:25 PM

Just picked up a new 2014 Norge from Scooterville this last weekend. Just took some pic's for Russel@ All-day (need taller saddle).

Here's one!


Here's my last sport-touring bike from 2003.

Been riding a cruiser for the last 10 years.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cool Runnings on November 10, 2015, 08:12:27 PM
Well, I said HI anyways.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 10, 2015, 08:43:56 PM
Well, I said HI anyways.

 Well hello CR , and welcome .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Orangem on November 13, 2015, 09:11:38 PM
Looking to buy a V7R. My friend just referred me to this board.Hopefully will be part of this family soon.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 13, 2015, 09:24:13 PM
Looking to buy a V7R. My friend just referred me to this board.Hopefully will be part of this family soon.

 You are already a part of the family , but do hurry up and get that V7R  :bike-037:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Korsar on November 19, 2015, 10:00:35 AM
Hi Guys, Stelvio owner here. Finally found almost perfect bike for me :)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 19, 2015, 10:08:50 AM
Hi Guys, Stelvio owner here. Finally found almost perfect bike for me :)


 Great shot  :thumb: Location please .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Korsar on November 19, 2015, 10:23:06 AM
Great shot  :thumb: Location please .


It's campground in Tionesta, Pennsylvania. I spotted the place when I was riding on Hwy 62. It's behind Eagle Rock motel. The campground was closed but owner allowed me to stay just for 5$. It's the nicest place I've ever stayed.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 19, 2015, 10:27:46 AM
It's campground in Tionesta, Pennsylvania. I spotted the place when I was riding on Hwy 62. It's behind some motel. The campground was closed but owner allowed me to stay just for 5$. It's the nicest place I've ever stayed.

 Thought it might be PA . Yes , that looks like a great spot to camp , water , tress , some low Mtns , nice  :thumb:

  Oh , welcome to WG  :bike-037:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ErictheBastard on November 19, 2015, 07:52:17 PM
New guy here!
ErictheBastard, 49 years old, San Fernando Valley, CA.
After spending most of my adult life obsessing over and restoring/driving British sports cars ('66 Jaguar E-type, '05 Lotus Elise), I've finally given into then inevitable, and taken up motorcycling.
Being somewhat stubbornly anachronistic, I wanted something that gave up little to the modern world.  Kawasake W650s and Triumph Bonneville T100s were at the top of the list.  Knowing that I'd be putting big miles on, the W650 was disqualified as I really needed a new bike.  I was a bit disappointed with the weight and bulk of the T100s though.  Then a friend of mine who owned a Honda shop turned me on to the V7.  It was the right balance of old thinking and uniqueness (weirdness?), and unlike the Triumph, it felt as if somebody had taken my measurements and built the bike around me.

Last March I was able to pick up a brand new 2013 model for only $6900 from GP Motorcycles in San Diego.  I sat on it in my garage for a month before I finally took my new rider course and was licensed on 4/28.

Since then I've put 9300 miles on the bike.  I've been to lake Tahoe, Death Valley, The Sequoias, San Luis Obispo and all points in between.  I love the ease of maintenance (valve adjustments are a breeze).  I'm surprised how comfortable it is too ride in full kit, even in hot weather.  I'm even more surprised how cold it gets!

I could go on about it forever, but I'll just start with this picture of the bike in Acton this afternoon with a Union Pacific intermodal freigh passing by in the background.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on November 22, 2015, 01:55:44 PM
Eric, welcome aboard and great moniker.  Good looking bike, I particularly liked that colour scheme as well as the orange and white......Jack. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: borgmann on November 25, 2015, 03:24:17 AM
Hello fellow Guzzysti
just a quick intro .I m Max
live in Australia
Ride a Bellagio 940.
like to do my own maintenance.
interests; water sports ,climbing ,exploring , motorcycling & keeping a low profile
employment .life safety activities.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ivan77 on December 01, 2015, 02:16:04 AM
Ivan Ellis
38 years old (as of tomorrow)
West malling,Kent ,UK
Sales manager
Interests-Motorcycles,Tottenham Hotspur Football club,Boxing,Travelling,WW1,Italy and for the last few years a strange obsession with Moto Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: quasigentrified on December 06, 2015, 12:51:49 PM
new guzzi rider from seattle!


2016 v7 ii stone demo bike, bought from dave and crew at moto international in seattle. it cheerfully resides in my garage alongside a pair of triumphs -- a tiger 800xc and a moderately-tweaked thunderbird storm. i've been through a fair few bikes since i got back into riding four years ago on an aprilia mana. (pete was giving my n00b ass sound advice on the af1 forums back then! since then, i've been on a bmw f800st (snore), a bonnie america, a street triple r, and a tuono v4 (tickets and lawyers, ouch). thanks for lettin' me in the clubhouse, folks!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cafe_Joe on December 08, 2015, 05:27:19 AM
Hi everyone,

Joe, 27, I run a design consultancy, London, UK

I'm interested in motorbikes, whisky and cigars.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: janusz on December 10, 2015, 06:40:51 PM

I'm Janusz, 61 years old from Toronto Ontario Canada. Still working, IT software development consultancy. Want to buy MG, currently have Vespa GTV 300. Very new to motorbikes, just got my M2 about 7 months ago (May 2015). I :drool: over Audace and California 1400 custom, not sure which one I should buy. Good news is my better half approve the purchase, now I just need to pick the bike. Unfortunately buying both is out of question, have to pick just one  :thewife:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LBC Tenni on December 11, 2015, 10:46:08 PM
Hi all. I'm Don in Long Beach CA. I have a 2011 Griso in Tenni green for about two years now. Favorite bike ever, despite the BS with flat tappets.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motodoc43 on December 17, 2015, 08:17:50 AM
Hi all, I'm Rand, physician in west Texas. Got into Guzzis via my wife who is my riding partner.
1982 convert,
1997 Centauro
2002 Lemans (sold)
2009 California vintage with sidecar
2012 Griso (sold)
2013 V7 special (sold)
2013 Norge
2014 California
2016 Eldorado
Our shop, AF1 Racing in Austin Texas, where they treat us like royalty, do great work, can get me anything I want- for a batch of my wife's cookies! Lol!
We love our Guzzis! Our kids drool but ride Kawasakis until they can afford their own Guzzis- gotta have a goal!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 17, 2015, 09:12:55 AM
 A big welcome to all of the new members .

 Rand , what part of West Texas , that is a very large area .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KillerX on December 23, 2015, 10:58:43 PM
Hello everyone, bought a leftover 2012 Norge in early August. Have 6400mi on it now. Very fun bike. Looking for some mods to make, mostly comfort, but more power/less weight would be cool.

About me:
55yrs old
Machinist until three months ago, now am an Estimator.
Started riding and modifying motorized two wheelers in 1970.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JakeH on December 26, 2015, 10:52:46 AM
Corbett, OR

Title: New Guy
Post by: awicpa on December 27, 2015, 12:14:56 PM

I'm a newbie here. My name is ANthony Imbimbo. I'm 56 years old and own two bikes: a 2002 Ducati 998 and a pearl white, 2009 Moto Guzzi, California Vintage.

I'm a self employed CPA who lives in San Diego, CA. I enjoy riding my Duc in the canyons on the twisties and when I want to cruise, I take out the MG.

Thank you for letting me join your group.

You can reach me via email at anthony@awicpa.com


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: met99 on December 31, 2015, 06:09:36 PM
new member

met from sydney australia....
hoping to learn more about my two
newly acquired guzzis...
75 850 t3 and 73 eldo.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: omega1987 on January 01, 2016, 02:11:21 PM

I've been a all year/weather motorcyclist since I was 16 (12 years now). Just brought my first Guzzi (a 2005 Breva 750). I've owned bikes with displacements from 50cc to 2.3 liters but have decided to replace my Honda CBF125/Triumph Rocket 3 duo with a bike I feel to be a good compromise between the simplicity/economy of the Honda and the Power/comfort of the Triumph.

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from you guys.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gsp0702 on January 03, 2016, 06:42:02 PM
Hi, Just joined up here, I have a V11 Rosso Mandello (one of the later unnumbered) which I have been riding for the last 7 years,  been riding for 20 off years and now 46 still enjoy the V11 and will be keeping for sometime to come. I live and work in Wellington NZ and have  been visiting the site as a guest for a few weeks and enjoyed some of the conversations.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on January 03, 2016, 11:08:56 PM

I've been a all year/weather motorcyclist since I was 16 (12 years now). Just brought my first Guzzi (a 2005 Breva 750). I've owned bikes with displacements from 50cc to 2.3 liters but have decided to replace my Honda CBF125/Triumph Rocket 3 duo with a bike I feel to be a good compromise between the simplicity/economy of the Honda and the Power/comfort of the Triumph.

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from you guys.

The Breva certainly does not have the power of the Rocket3 but it certainly does put a smile on the dial, especially in the twisties.

Welcome aboard, this really is a great site to be on.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: omega1987 on January 06, 2016, 02:42:57 AM
Welcome aboard, this really is a great site to be on.  :thumb:

Thanks for the welcome Muzz, you're absolutely right but I must admit that I found the absolute power of the Triumph corrupted me absolutely haha plus I need a bike that can do more than the Triumphs 38 MPG (imp).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: v65tt on January 09, 2016, 10:44:45 AM
well... Im Iain from UK

Have a long history of Guzz's since i was 17 ( many moons ago  :thewife:)

Started with a 1980 V50 MK2 , a Monza, another V50 mk2, then a Mk1 850-T5 complete with 16" wheels (I  survived the 16" think for 5 years   :Beating_A_Dead_Hors e_by_liviu  )

Moved on to a Mk1 V35 with a tuned Monza engine but kept V35 primary gears .... very fast to 70mph and hit red!

Now i'm lucky enough to have a pair of V65TT's and work for a local Moto Guzzi dealer part time :-)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rm1869 on January 11, 2016, 10:48:13 PM

my name is Randy, 48 years of age, box plant estimator, living in Schererville Indiana, interests are playing guitar/music, getting my two boys/young men into jobs and out of my wallet!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: russell t on January 12, 2016, 02:27:50 PM
good morning to you all. My name is russell
occupation   builder
location  Cardiff --Wales---uk
age  53 yrs young
 motorcycles- a habit i have never wanted to kick
i have been lucky to have owned triumph t140 and tr7, way back when, couple of harleys, ended up back on t140 for years,  then 3 yrs ago i bought the bike i couldnt  buy because i was to young in 1976 and it was too expensive (£2000) wow the  guzzi lemans mk11, got her for the right price and have been treating her as  rolling restoration  , is she the best bike ive ever had? without a doubt  a fantastic machine and it has the  MGF (massive grin factor). I f you dont mind ill pick you brains for tips as i seek perfection-   
                                                          kindest regards  russell t       
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 12, 2016, 04:00:05 PM
 Russel t , I see we have another Python fan  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nicoman on January 14, 2016, 07:13:02 AM
Hi there! ...new here.

I run by the name Nico. I recently experienced a motorcycle-ridin' relapse (haven't rode one since my teens when I learned motorbiking on a Honda xl 600) Well, as i was saying i had this relapse and couldn't help but buy me this cute little 2015 MG V7 Racer as my 40th birthday gift. Originally I was looking for a Triumph Boneville t100 but this thing caught my eye and now am in the Moto Guzzi family I'm afraid ;)

So, back to learn how to mount a bike again!

Wish me luck and have a nice one!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: keener on January 17, 2016, 10:45:09 PM
Hi Keener here
long time Guzzi fan , current ride 2005 1100 Griso love it and dream of owning a 1000s as well
looking forward to contributing to the site and learning from others about Guzzi.
Live in Calgary, Alberta , Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Skarsaune on January 18, 2016, 10:50:09 AM
Yup, another new guy

Live in the east TN mountains
Been riding for transportation and entertainment for over 30 years
New to me '98 V11 EV joins the stable Friday, acquiring it since my wife has expressed an interest in being a passenger again after years of riding her own.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MarkPell on January 22, 2016, 06:02:32 PM

Mark Pelletier
President of small construction company

Present bike inventory:
2011 Harley Streetglide
2006 Yamaha FJR1300
2000 Kawasaki KLR650
1971 Bultaco Alpina
1971 Rupp Roadster

Potential Addition:
1976 Guzzi 850 T3?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TJ81CX100 on January 24, 2016, 05:07:12 PM
TJ Stack, 59, Program Director, Aeronautical Engineer, Retired from the USAF.

Interest: Flying, skiing, hiking

I bought my 1981 CX100 LeMans II new and put it in storage in 1988 when I went to the Philippines for the Air Force.  I now want to get it back on the road and suspect I will need some help from this group. 

It is a 1981 CX100, s/n 111491, Bub exhaust and sump with external filter, higher lift cam, Koni shocks, ported but still with the original 30mm carbs (looking to upgrade and open to suggestions).

First step is to rebuild brakes as all the fluid is gone from front and rear systems.

I look forward to getting on the road again!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldlegs on January 26, 2016, 02:53:12 PM
Hi folks, my 1st post, I'm Steve, a 66 year Yorkshire man (England) still working part time . I've been downsizing and in August 15 got a couple of test rides on a V7 11 Stone and bought a new one. It's got 4'600 miles on it now and it's just so easy to live with, I can't keep off it. Though saying that while there is salt on the roads I use my winter bike a 2003 Beta Motard, but whenever conditions are right I'm back on the Stone.
                                         Stay safe, Steve.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Italian pain on January 27, 2016, 01:32:12 PM
Tom here. 
Multiple bike owner
Cement Mason by trade.
Riding on/off road since I was 9.
Building a Gentlemans cafe, using my 86' SP1000
Title: New Goose in Pittsburgh!
Post by: thepittsburghguzzi on January 29, 2016, 07:28:00 AM
Hey guys! New Guzzi appreciator here, based in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm fairly new to riding (only started this past summer) and it's seriously taken over my life; I can't get enough! My current rider is a 1979 Kawasaki KZ750, and it's been absolutely brilliant. Rescued it from a shed in my dad's backyard, nobody had touched it in almost ten years.
While watching Long Way Down on Netflix, the episode where they visit the Moto Guzzi factory, I couldn't believe how beautiful the Italian bikes and hand-assembled engines were, how much care and authenticity went into their machines. I told my uncle, an avid motorcyclist for decades, that I really wanted to find a Moto Guzzi and he endorsed that.

So I've gone and done it! Here is a shot of my new baby, hopefully coming home to Pittsburgh very soon.

(https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1476/24059725824_20911c3f3a_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/CE5og3)

2012 V7 Classic. The dealer used it as a demo model, it has less than 800 miles on it, and it's got a few nice bits - slashcut exhaust (which makes it sound just a bit more fierce without being ridiculous), they remapped the ECU to crank about 15% more power out of it, and the lowered comfort Gel seat (perfect for my short 5'6" frame). The clipons you see in the photo will be coming off, as I intend to do some serious touring miles on this bike and don't want my wrists to be killing me after a few hundred miles  :)

Anyway, thanks so much for welcoming me to the clan. I'm 24, and I work at a Cycle Gear here in Pittsburgh, also a small textiles specialty shop, and am soon to be apprenticing at a vintage motorcycle repair shop! I've really enjoyed finding some of your guys' photos, these are beautiful bikes. I think it'll be perfect for me. To that end, any other V7 classic guys in here? If so,  :got pics: ? :) Let's see it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DangWangi on January 29, 2016, 04:32:46 PM
Hi All!
Mike from Chicago and a proud owner of a new (to me) 2013 Griso with only 400 miles on it!. 
40 y/o
Quality Assurance / Education/Project Manager
Other bike: 2006 Honda 599 (Hornet)
Mechanical Chops: 2 out of 5 but hope to learn more from all you knowledgeable folks on the forum!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tux62 on January 31, 2016, 07:26:39 PM
I,m Glenn
Live near Capalaba In Brisbane with Karen
1992 Quota
1989 Leamon 4
2007 Brutale
1999 Varadero
1980 Rd250LC x 2
1977 XL 350
1991 VN 1500 Kwaka
1981 CB 750
etc etc
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OkJohn on February 01, 2016, 07:31:01 AM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
G'morning all!
My name is John, I'm 60 now (sheesh!) I am literally a basement dwelling paper shuffler ( I work for a state agency).
Home is Central Oklahoma!
Glad to be back as I am currently winder shopping for another bike - currently bikeless   :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I have had several Guzzis in the past, and may again!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TodkaVonic on February 03, 2016, 07:43:21 PM
hello everyone.
I'm Nate from Minnesota, currently living and working in western Wisconsin. I'm 43 and I'm a surgeon. My Moto Guzzi adventure began this past July when I spotted a Craigslist ad for a fairly neglected 1970 Ambassador with an equally fairly neglected sidecar.  And to be honest, it wasn't the bike but the sidecar which got my attention. You see, I enjoy riding immensely and do so every chance I get, but my wife doesn't share this interest. We have a daughter though and I've often starred enviously at the daddy/daughter duos at various bike meets. So thinking that perhaps a sidecar would be my daughters ticket to maybe experiencing some of the seedy underbelly that is a proper bike rally with her dad, I bought the rig. The ride home (holy crap, it shifts the wrong way!) was punctuated by three unanticipated stops for what I'll euphemistically call engine irregularities, but I made it. And undeterred, I spent the next 6 or so months restoring it.

So now...how to post a photo?

I'll work on that.

I look forward to contributing in whatever way I can to the group.

Nate (10blade)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TodkaVonic on February 03, 2016, 09:04:38 PM

There we go.
And from the other side...


Straight on...


And last, an artsy close-up

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on February 04, 2016, 06:49:15 AM
Welcome Nate, nice rig, didn't know I had relatives up there.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on February 04, 2016, 07:10:51 AM
Nate that is Gorgeous. Welcome to WG
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Semper-guzzi on February 04, 2016, 06:57:08 PM
Beautiful hack. Looks classic. Timeless. Welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TodkaVonic on February 04, 2016, 07:18:50 PM
Thanks dean, semper-g, and kidsmoke! It's been really fun working on it these past months. I envisioned it as a winter project but finished a few months early...just in time for a foot of snow this past weekend. Oh well. It'll melt. It'll very very slowly melt.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: thepittsburghguzzi on February 05, 2016, 07:36:20 AM
Nate, everything about that is beautiful. The little hood that surrounds the headlight, is that original, or did you rig that from something else? I like it - and now I want a sidecar even more!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TodkaVonic on February 05, 2016, 01:25:41 PM
Thanks Pittsburghguzzi. The 7" headlamp peak is an easy to install item I bought from here:


It fits in under the chrome headlamp ring, no modifications or drilling or anything permanent.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sst on February 07, 2016, 10:45:55 AM
Hello I'm new to The Guzzi brand. noticed them a while back and liked them.  so I'm doing some research to see if they're  right for me.  looking to buy before spring.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on February 08, 2016, 03:29:19 AM
Hello I'm new to The Guzzi brand. noticed them a while back and liked them.  so I'm doing some research to see if they're  right for me.  looking to buy before spring.

Welcome SST. If you decide to bite the bullet you may find them to be very addictive, not perfect but addictive.

I am still on my first one , which I have had for the last 12 years and counting. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jeff Abgrund on February 09, 2016, 12:39:10 AM
Howdy, I'm new to the group here but have been into Guzzi's for a long time now.  I have a ratty old unrestored Ambassador, but when I moved up to Portland, OR I decided to spend the money on buying a newer model before restoring the Ambo.

So now I have a bone stock 2001 EV1100, which I am very excited about, except for the seat...looking forward to exploring Oregon this year as soon as I get that sorted.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tango2 on February 10, 2016, 04:19:00 PM
Hi All

58 yrs old, airline pilot, live in Scotland (great for roads, scenery, lack of traffic, not so good for weather).

Been riding since 1973. Always fancied a Guzzi and got my first today (2011 Griso SE).

Looking forward to salt free roads and higher temperatures.

Thanks for having me  in the forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seventy One on February 11, 2016, 09:39:31 PM
Greetings all.

My name is John. I have an '09 DR650 which I bought new. This was my first bike. It now has 28k miles. In '13 I bought a new Tiger 800XC. This one now has 39k miles. Needless to say I love touring.

I own a farm in south eastern Minnesota not far from Money Creek where a number of Guzzi and BMW rallies have been held.

I'm here due to my interest in Moto Guzzi motorcycles. Hopefully I don't ask too many dumb questions.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stranderd on February 13, 2016, 04:54:38 AM
Hi all,

I'm Andrea, 32, Italian from Milan living in London, working in digital marketing. I've been reading the forum for months and it's time to say hallo!

I'm bikeless, but on my way to get a bike. Had one years ago (not a guzzi) for a short while, and now it's time to get back on two wheels.

Guzzi has been a part of the family history: my grandfather was a "carabiniere" and in my living room there's always a photo of him on what I think is an Alce 500 :)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mabie99 on February 15, 2016, 09:30:35 AM
Hi! I'm Patrick in East Tennessee and SW Virginia, a 65+ year old accountant. just bought a new to me  Convert with a Vetter fairing that I intend to use for scenic rides with my wife. The R1200RT seems top heavy with a rider so I thought this would be fun and less drama. Looking forward to cleaning the old Convert and hitting the road when it warms up.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mo573 on February 17, 2016, 09:06:07 AM
Howdy from Texas!

I just got my first Moto Guzzi, 2003 California EV, on the road. Previous owner had it sitting for 5 years, but still has low miles, <8K.

I only had to replace most of the fuel system components... Injectors look clean, but bike still feels/sounds like it is not 100%... Suggestions?

I also found out that my uncle used to race MG in Italy back in the 50/60's.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rslezak on February 18, 2016, 11:54:45 PM

Robert S.

From:           Rhode Island
Age:             55
Occupation:  Corrections Officer
Bike:            California 1400 Touring

Previous Bikes:

Honda -     SL350
Honda -     CB450
Yamaha -   XS650 (2)
Harley -     Superglide (2)
Harley -     Tour Glide
Kawa -       ZRX 1100

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: donp71 on February 19, 2016, 06:44:13 PM
G'day all,

Don here from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Have had a MK5 Lemans 1000 and Griso 8V in the past, plus lots of different Japanese bikes.
Got the bug again and just about to pick up a Second Hand Breva 1200 in the coming weeks.
Thanks for the great forum, I'm learning a lot and getting great assistance and encouragement from forum members on my soon to be return to the Guzzi fold.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bravo Sierra on February 19, 2016, 11:45:28 PM
Hi All,
Well my name is Bob Smith
In what seems like a life time or so ago I was an US Air Force weather forecaster/briefer and to identify our selves we used our initials using the phonetic alphabet hence B = Bravo and S = Sierra so I'm Bravo Sierra or BS,  yes many pilots truly enjoyed my initials. 
I'm 60, work as an Electronic Engineer but not for all that much longer as I'm a few days away from retiring. Currently live in Utah but will move to Washington State after retiring and selling my house.

Been riding for many years starting with mini bikes back in the 60s. Between my wife and I we own 10 bikes. The two that bring me to this group are a 2006 Breva 1100 and a 2013 V7 Special and the desire to get another trailer puller that could be a 1100 California.

I have been lurking here for some time and see that there is a wide range of opinions and knowledge. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 20, 2016, 06:30:09 AM

 Currently live in Utah but will move to Washington State after retiring and selling my house.

Welcome, BS.  Your handle reflects a lot of what is said in this group - but said in a good way, mostly!  Not to get too personal, what's motivating you to move from Utah to Washington State?  I'm an East Coast guy who's retired & often thinking about where to move to get away from the congestion & mental midgets who populate the roads & space in general around here.  Personally, I'd rank Utah over Washington State as a place to live but maybe I'm overlooking bad in Utah & good in Washington?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bravo Sierra on February 20, 2016, 11:00:06 AM
Why do I want to leave UT? Let me count the ways... OK I'll hit the highlights. The Wasatch Front, where Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo are is no longer a pleasant urban rural mix like it was some 30+ years ago when I PCSed here. It is now a somewhat dense urban area and with the winter inversions the air has become quite nasty. I'm not from here and not part of the LDS church, this is the Mormon land of Zion. I'm tired of putting up with them and they are tired of putting up with me. Lastly I have COPD and I live at 4500 feet MSL, the altitude is killing me and I mean that quite literately. I need to get down closer to sea level I figure I can put off dragging around a oxygen  tank for 10 years or so.

If you want to have a conversation about places in the west I think would be interesting to live we could do that.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 20, 2016, 05:33:22 PM

If you want to have a conversation about places in the west I think would be interesting to live we could do that.


Maybe we can start a new thread, but right now I'm typing w/one hand 'cuz I sliced a finger badly a couple of hours ago so I'm not up for much conversation right now.  Watch for new thread in a few days, pls.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sidmonsters on February 20, 2016, 09:46:35 PM
New to group and MGs (20+ yrs since I was a regular rider)--
Now glad to be back riding--enjoying it even more with one of my kids or my extremely patient wife in back!!  Bought a V7 Special in August and love it; realizing it has limitations as a two-up I did the only logical thing (right?) and added a 2013 Stelvio to the stable.  A veterinarian/surgeon with much to learn about motorcycle mechanics.  Mostly happy to leave the complex stuff to the experts and maximize time on the road and seeing new places.  In Northeast Ohio and would love to hear from MG enthusiasts in this neck of the woods..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PanMan on February 22, 2016, 05:34:20 PM
Hello all from the Desert Southwest of Arizona. Recently picked up a beautiful white 2013 V7 Stone and enjoy the uniqueness of the ride. They don't make character like that anymore :-) I have had a couple Yamaha and Honda shaft drives in the past (loved them) and the shaft is one reason for the Guzzi being added to the garage to go along with my Harley and Triumph. Thanks to all for the contributions of their knowledge here on the forum.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kfz on February 25, 2016, 10:35:42 AM
old member but not posted in some years due to kids, money yadda yadda

Anyway I'm back.  Milli GT on the road (nearly) and LemansV under restoration....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SGT-B on February 25, 2016, 02:28:39 PM
Hello...I just signed up here because I'm doing research on buying a MG V7 II...probably will go ahead and buy one soon.

I learned how to ride a motorcycle when I was 5 years old...well before I could ride a bicycle...and I rode the motorbike for several years, but then went on to go-karts, 3-wheelers, 4-wheeler ATV's, etc.  Then I rode a mountain bike pretty much every day for seven years while in school because I didn't want to have to buy a parking permit :), so at least I got some 2-wheel practice in there...I know it's not the same though...anyway, I took the motorcycle safety course last summer and have my M license now.  I rode a Suzuki GZ250 for the course (not really my choice) and handled it fine with no problems.

I am in Texas and am a somewhat height-challenged female, so it's been difficult to find a bike that I can ride comfortably.  I sat on a friend's Bonneville SE and it seemed potentially manageable...I prefer the features of the V7 II (ABS, no chain, etc.) though so that's why I'm strongly considering it instead of the Triumph.  Right now I ride a Honda CT70 with 125cc engine.  Works pretty well around town...looking at the MG just for a larger bike for something different and maybe slightly longer trips.  The CT70 is a lot of fun though...

There is no dealer in my area, so I will have to go to Austin or Houston to try one out.  If anyone has any thoughts or recommendations, please PM me...I am pretty sure I would get the low-profile gel seat and am hoping it might lower the seat height an inch or so...I am more concerned about the width causing it to seem higher than it is.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BugSpatteredJacket on February 25, 2016, 02:48:06 PM

My name is Mario Corbin (aka BugSpatteredJacket), I am 39 and work as a college/university professor. I am presently teaching a course titled Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Studies. I am the proud owner of a Moto Guzzi V7 Racer. This is in fact my second Guzzi, the first being a Nevada back when I was still living in Europe.

Ride Safe! :bike-037:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scottv8 on February 28, 2016, 03:57:36 PM
Hello and thank you for letting me in  :grin:

I live on the Isle of Wight, in the UK.
I have had a bike in my life everyday since I was 16. Now almost at 43, I currently own my first ever Guzzi which is a Stelvio, also a KTM 640 and Suzuki Hayabusa, all with their own uses, commuter, mud plugger and just for when i feel like scaring myself......just a little :evil:

I am also wildly into anything V8, having owned many many V8 powered cars over the years, most recently a Jensen Interceptor, a 55' Oldsmobile 88 and my 'everyday' car, a V8 Landrover Discovery.

I use my Stelvio every day as an island run around and commuter (some might say a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut), but I absolutely love it, looks great, goes great and there aren't many about, which is nice as i like to be different.
As far as im aware, there are only 2 Stelvio's here on the island.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: giusto on March 03, 2016, 06:26:07 PM
Howdy from Texas!

I just got my first Moto Guzzi, 2003 California EV, on the road. Previous owner had it sitting for 5 years, but still has low miles, <8K.

I only had to replace most of the fuel system components... Injectors look clean, but bike still feels/sounds like it is not 100%... Suggestions?

I also found out that my uncle used to race MG in Italy back in the 50/60's.

Very Cool...you should see if you can find some pics of your uncle and post them here....That would be very cool
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RBabcock on March 04, 2016, 06:09:19 PM
Howdy all

RBabcock, retired and spending a few months riding in Bozeman Mt, winters in Chandler Az and Kailua, Oahu Hawaii.  It sucks to be me!    :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twtex85 on March 07, 2016, 07:32:13 AM
Hey just wanted to introduce myself as I have been a lurker on this site for a while and finally made the decision to make a post. I live  in the northeast Texas area and also frequent the Guzzi Riders in Texas (GRIT) Facebook page.  Have had a California 1400 touring for about a year now and love the bike.
Looking forward to conversing with some more Guzzi riders. :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dofin on March 08, 2016, 08:51:20 AM
Hi forum!  A new memeber, just bought a gently used 2015 V7 Stone.  Been riding for years, vintage Yamaha RD400s, Suzuki GT500 and a Honda PC800.  Been drooling over the V7 for a few years and finally got one.  Never even road one before I bought it!!  It handles just like my Suzzi andRDs but bit more precise and with much more power on tap!! 

So far this is a great place to get maintenance tips!!! and instructions! 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: IndianRider on March 09, 2016, 08:25:10 PM
Hello, Namaste and greetings from San Ramon (San Francisco Bay Area ) and originally from India

Just picked up a nice red 2004 v11 ballibao earlier today after lusting for a guzzi ever since the coppa Italia was introduced about 10 years ago .. Was lucky to find a mint ballabio with 18k on the clock and MIVV exhausts and well take care of by a genteleman seller

Had a lovely ride back home and looking forward to a great relationship with the machine gun feeling v11

I officially completed the first personal modification by immediately rotating the handlebar position half an inch close to myself :thumb:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: giusto on March 10, 2016, 06:18:44 AM
Florida I'm sure you'll absolutely enjoy your new Guzzi.
This board is rather amazing and you will find a wealth of knowledge and information as well as hearts and souls of some very good people.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ledcloud on March 11, 2016, 02:35:38 PM
Hallo friends,
i'm Claudio and i wrote from Italy
fine to find some Guzzi friends
wish you thousend miles on our Eagles

 :boozing: :boozing: :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 11, 2016, 03:01:29 PM
Hallo friends,
i'm Claudio and i wrote from Italy
fine to find some Guzzi friends
wish you thousend miles on our Eagles

 :boozing: :boozing: :boozing:

 Cool , another member from the motherland  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nikef123 on March 11, 2016, 03:33:10 PM
Hi guys,

new member here from Athens Greece,
my name is Nick or Nikos in my language,
age 51,
three kids,
work in the accounting department of a big rent-a-car company,
love motorcycles, fishing and technology.
My latest bike is a 2010 Nevada 750 Aquila Nera.

I wish you peasant and safe rides!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: giusto on March 11, 2016, 11:29:41 PM
Hallo friends,
i'm Claudio and i wrote from Italy
fine to find some Guzzi friends
wish you thousend miles on our Eagles

 :boozing: :boozing: :boozing:

Benvenuti Claudio

Comè stai?

Dove cita habito?

My italian needs work :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Papa Lazarou on March 20, 2016, 12:34:05 PM
oops-introduced myself in a separate thread.  :embarrassed:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: worgoose on March 23, 2016, 10:24:45 PM
I have not been here in awhile. I've been on the dark side riding a Barvarian brand  :evil: but I'm feeling the draw of the new Cali.  What have I been missing in the last ten years since my V11 Sport
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lukee on March 29, 2016, 03:22:51 AM
Hi there!

I am new here. I fell in love to MG Stelvio recently and I am about to buy one soon ('09 White with ABS). The reason for registerring into this forum is that I would like to discuss technical stuff with local fellows.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzibrat on April 06, 2016, 04:41:23 AM
Hello and thank you for letting me in  :grin:

I live on the Isle of Wight, in the UK.
I have had a bike in my life everyday since I was 16. Now almost at 43, I currently own my first ever Guzzi which is a Stelvio, also a KTM 640 and Suzuki Hayabusa, all with their own uses, commuter, mud plugger and just for when i feel like scaring myself......just a little :evil:

I am also wildly into anything V8, having owned many many V8 powered cars over the years, most recently a Jensen Interceptor, a 55' Oldsmobile 88 and my 'everyday' car, a V8 Landrover Discovery.

I use my Stelvio every day as an island run around and commuter (some might say a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut), but I absolutely love it, looks great, goes great and there aren't many about, which is nice as i like to be different.
As far as im aware, there are only 2 Stelvio's here on the island.
Hi there.
I've visited the IoW a few times to visit my son (rugby coach and adopted islander).
I'll give you a nudge next time I'm down there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BB43215 on April 06, 2016, 06:51:43 AM
Hi and thanks for letting me join the group. I finally bought my first bike as an adult — a new '13 V7 Racer. I test rode it in October and rode it home that day. I've put nearly 3000 miles on it since and absolutely love it!


Blair Beavers
graphic designer / artist / espresso snob / bourbon aficionado / cyclist / guzzista
Columbus, OH
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 06, 2016, 09:32:58 AM
Hi and thanks for letting me join the group. I finally bought my first bike as an adult � a new '13 V7 Racer. I test rode it in October and rode it home that day. I've put nearly 3000 miles on it since and absolutely love it!


Blair Beavers
graphic designer / artist / espresso snob / bourbon aficionado / cyclist / guzzista
Columbus, OH

 Blair , there is an active Ohio group , usually a breakfast event posted in the stickies . Even though I live in OK some of these guys are familiar , and are much nicer than their reputation indicates  :shocked: :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Big John on April 06, 2016, 04:16:40 PM
Hi all.
Happy to be part of this new community. Bought my first Guzzi a couple weeks ago. I picked up a 71 Guzzi ambassador that I have been drooling over for years. Happy the previous owner passed it on to me to care for.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on April 06, 2016, 04:19:42 PM
Hi all.
Happy to be part of this new community. Bought my first Guzzi a couple weeks ago. I picked up a 71 Guzzi ambassador that I have been drooling over for years. Happy the previous owner passed it on to me to care for.

Welcome Big John. Sorry but this demands photos!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Big John on April 06, 2016, 04:36:46 PM
Sure. I like photos.
If I could figure out how to put them on here with my phone anyways.

This might do it
(http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy283/angrywrenchmotorsports/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpstj0tfml8.jpeg) (http://s800.photobucket.com/user/angrywrenchmotorsports/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpstj0tfml8.jpeg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on April 06, 2016, 05:02:46 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on April 08, 2016, 04:30:58 AM
Hi and thanks for letting me join the group. I finally bought my first bike as an adult � a new '13 V7 Racer. I test rode it in October and rode it home that day. I've put nearly 3000 miles on it since and absolutely love it!


Blair Beavers
graphic designer / artist / espresso snob / bourbon aficionado / cyclist / guzzista
Columbus, OH

I just wanted to add my welcome as well. There are actually a couple of Guzzi breakfast here in Ohio. The one in Kent is actually coming up this Sunday. There is another in the SW part of the state the first weekend of the month I believe. That may be closer to you, IDK. Anyway, the first one I mentioned is always the second Sunday of the month, 9:00AM. Rain or shine, ride or drive. The only exception is Mothers Day. We bump it out a week to the third Sunday. Usually a decent turn out of folks.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Alchymyst on April 09, 2016, 09:23:53 AM
Hello from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

My name is Tim, and since I was 18 I always knew that one day I would have a white Moto Guzzi. Took awhile. Acquired a pristine 2013 V7 Stone last December (in the driving sleet, no less) with only 691 miles - first service just done.  Am now in the process of getting it to fit me - got my lowered pegs (Knight Design) and waiting on new handlebar from Guzzitech.  Just briefly browsing this forum tells me there is a ton of knowledge here. I look forward to learning from you all.  Also maybe see you at the Guzzi gathering in Elkader, Iowa later this Summer.

Test Technician
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kurtis on April 10, 2016, 10:01:38 PM
Pushing 50
Laser cutting/Metal fab
Dumb as a bag of hammers
Ask me questions at your own risk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 10, 2016, 10:09:34 PM
Pushing 50
Laser cutting/Metal fab
Dumb as a bag of hammers
Ask me questions at your own risk

 What is the meaning of life ? LOL

 Welcome to WG Kurtis

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ccoli on April 10, 2016, 10:24:58 PM
Kurtis , just don't interrupt us.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kurtis on April 10, 2016, 11:21:08 PM
Interrupt is my middle name.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on April 12, 2016, 05:23:03 AM
Well, obviously you'll fit right in, Kurtis.. :smiley:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allfat on April 12, 2016, 04:37:46 PM
Hello there. Been lurking around here for a few months, enjoying reading about the world of Guzzi. Bought a 1997 Moto Guzzi California 1100 last November from a guy who wrecked it, and am currently rebuilding it.

No mechanical damage, only cosmetic. Front and rear fender dented, tank dented, one side cover had a tab broken off, dash totally broken to bits. Other than that it is in good shape. Currently starting to do body work and get ready for a new coat of paint. Really looking forward to getting it back together and riding the piss out of it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: d-dog on April 14, 2016, 02:47:42 PM
Greetings Guzzi enthusiasts.  I'm new to the board but have own Guzzis for the past dozen years or so.  I look forward to reading and learning many things from you all throughout this board.

Ride safe, everyone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Beerman on April 15, 2016, 10:57:08 AM
Beerman (it is what it says on the tin!

55 but looks XXX

Averagely bad: cyclist, golfer, tennis player

Lives: Wolverhampton, England; from Edinburgh, Scotland
Married, children x2, horse x1, dog x1, cat x1, rabbit x1

Just bought a v711
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jeepjohn on April 16, 2016, 07:24:00 AM
John Dean
Professional geologist
I like jeeps, motorcycles and cooking Chinese food.

I had a "special sport" about 10 yrs ago and had to sell it. I recently picked up a black eagle and I have a question about it. Can I post a video to ask the question?

Hello everyone 😊
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 16, 2016, 09:40:26 AM
John Dean
Professional geologist
I like jeeps, motorcycles and cooking Chinese food.

I had a "special sport" about 10 yrs ago and had to sell it. I recently picked up a black eagle and I have a question about it. Can I post a video to ask the question?

Hello everyone 😊

 Hello John ,

 Yes , post a video , we like videos  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Johan on April 19, 2016, 12:15:44 PM


hobbies: camping, motorcycling, watching Formula1

76 Le Mans
92 Daytona
93 Cali III
98 Cali "EV" with sidecar
13 Cali 1400
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 19, 2016, 12:29:44 PM


hobbies: camping, motorcycling, watching Formula1

76 Le Mans
92 Daytona
93 Cali III
98 Cali "EV" with sidecar
13 Cali 1400

 Welcome , are you located in Europe ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MontGuzzi on April 19, 2016, 10:45:15 PM


Had an eldo sitting n my garage for nearly 20 years and just got it going.

Musician and environmental planner

Missoula, MT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: marc-s on April 21, 2016, 02:11:32 PM
Marc, 33, Switzerland, photographer.

New to me 1973 v7 gt 850 cali with 4LS drum brakes
1934 V, doing some maintenance, replacing some parts and gears and fixing the front fork
1946 Super Alce, currently in boxes, will be my next bigger restauration project after I've restored my 1969 Honda CB250 (=350 twin in the US).
some other non-Guzzi bikes

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: n9iz on April 22, 2016, 08:01:48 AM
Don't know if anyone is still reading these, but here goes...

My name is Jeff and I live in Central Indiana.  I bought a 2007 Norge 1200 last summer but didn't get to ride it much due to a lot of road construction.  I think it's a nice-looking bike and with very low miles for it's age (<2000).  Hope to learn some tips and tricks that'll make enjoying it a bunch of fun.

I also enjoy amateur radio (hence my username).  I'm a family man and work a lot as a production maintenance team leader.

All the best to the members of this group.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ohiorider on April 22, 2016, 08:12:45 AM
Welcome, Jeff!

The two valve big block Guzzis are really nice bikes.  I've put over 62,000 on my 1200 Sport, which is essentially a Norge with less bodywork (or a Breva 1100 with more bodywork!) 

I do recall reading on Wild Guzzi that some of the earlier Norges (certain serial number range) had issues with oil pump rotors breaking.  I find it easier to search using Google than the WG search function ....... if your question is Guzzi-related, Google will generally lead you to Wild Guzzi.  Google  2007 norge oil pump for information on this issue.  Hate to start off your Guzzi ownership with a negative, but best you know it now vs not being aware of the potential issue.  Yours is such a low mileage bike, I would question whether the original owner had time to check on the problem.

Ask on the general forum.  There's several 2 valve Norge owners who should be able to provide you with more information.


Title: New to MG, and forum...
Post by: Duc-Duc-Goose on April 22, 2016, 05:24:30 PM
Hi all,

>> Barry, age 62 (going on 40), Cincinnati

New Norge today from Cadre Cycles, Cincinnati. Great group of guys!

Shout out to local Cincy riders Kirby, for sharing his Norge(s) experiences, and John (whom I met today!).

Forgot to add... Current stable of two Ducatis and now a new Norge (thus my screen name of Duc-Duc-Goose)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dk on April 25, 2016, 10:46:04 AM
Hi all, should've joined years ago!

Donovan Kirkwood, 45, Cape Town, South Africa

Conservation scientist/ecologist, still a keen photographer after working freelance many years ago. Enthusiastic veg gardener and indigenous plant grower and general workshop tinkerer. My aged father has a large collection of vintage Brit iron, I like old bikes, but prefer mine to have working brakes and be reasonably oil tight and reliable.

'71 Guzzi V7 Special that I've had since my early 20s, bought from an old fitter/turner out in the countryside.
'80 Guzzi SP1000, bought recently as disassembled parts but with only 24,000 km on the clock for around US$500 when the owner thankfully abandoned their idea of doing a Morgan 3-wheeler conversion before doing any harm to any bits. Everything present and I'll be putting it together as a very lightly customised daily runner.
Recently sold a lovely low mileage original paint '75 Honda GL1000 to free up garage space and cash to work on the other bikes.
'74 Ducati GT750 recently gifted to me by my dad after standing in his garage for around 20 years unused. Also low mileage, but needs a complete rebuild to deal with corrosion etc.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziGoneWild on April 27, 2016, 11:07:55 PM
Glenn Yingst
55 year young
3 great kids
We all ride , someof more than others.
Contracted to a Property maintenance company as there ops manager.
Hobbies... Motorcycles, old cars.

Riding since 1980. Owned too many bikes of all makes and styles to remember them all.

Presntly riding a 2016 Stelvio NTX.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kf4ulo on April 28, 2016, 08:25:03 AM
Name:  Ken
Ham Callsign:  kf4ulo
Age:  62
Career:  High School Teacher
Location:  South Florida

After 42 years of owning nothing but BMWs, just gave up my R100RT to go with a V7 Stone.  Wish I had made the transition a long time ago.  Love the light weight, handling, and having a great commuter that can tour anywhere, anytime.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: n9iz on April 28, 2016, 09:31:26 AM
Welcome to the board Ken.  I'm also a ham...although work keeps me from doing much hamming or biking it seems.  I'm pretty new here but I've found this group to be most informative and helpful.  73.

Title: NC coast with sidecar
Post by: OldBMWMaster on May 02, 2016, 08:53:23 AM
I bought a 1998 Guzzi California with a Hannigan sidecar from a friend.  He is moving and did not want the expense of shipping the bike.-

I live on Pleasure Island, NC; just South and off the coast of Wilmington, NC.

Give me a shout if you are in the area.


PS...I am another old fart.  Over a million miles in the seat and 71 years on earth.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jimmy B on May 02, 2016, 11:55:50 AM
I am NEW to Moto Guzzi's.  Bought a 2014 Norge in Madra Pearl form a dealer in NC. Only 2,000 miles with many toys added.

 I did not think it would need a thing. This all started on 3/17 when the bike arrived to me via a hauling service.

 First ride lasted all of 20 minutes. Red triangle + oil can warning. Code ending in 08 just under 5 miles from home. Rode the last 5 miles home as easy as I could. Engine is toast. Failed oil pump is the final determination. No way 5 minutes did all that damage my mechanic says. :violent1:

 New engine in and back to me on 4/15. Mechanic says ride 300 to 500 miles & come back for inspection. So I do all that on Saturday 4/16. Every time I stop we
get 8 to 10 drops of oil dripping out of the left side of engine. I keep it as clean as I can and take the bike to him on Tuesday 4/19.  Does not drip any oil when running. He finds a cracked from the factory breather hose doing the dripping. So that is fixed, and he re-tourq's the heads & resets the valves. MG covered the failed motor but wanted him to put the oil on the replacement motor back in after he drained it for inspection. I said that's OK I can cover the new oil cost. The air temp sensor is failed, but waiting on a new one so I had to look at the " SERVICE " message all the time on the dash. I just keep a sharp eye out for the oil can symbol.  Mechanic clears the bike and I pick it up on 4/23 for my long weekend trip coming up. I then pack on 1,900 miles between 4/26 and 5/1.
 Bike is running fine. No leaks, no drips. Flogged it hard, mechanic has the rev limiter set at 6,000. Solid power and no need to really rev it that high anyway. Bike returns mid to high 40's for MPG. Cruises just fine at anywhere from 77 to 85 MPH.  90 MPH has it at just a needle width over 5K on the tach. Was super happy that the oil level NEVER moved from the initial check when hot.
  Rode the back of the Dragon in VA, the Snake in TN, lots of roads in between then back home in SE Wisconsin.

It's been a rough start with the new ride, but it IS making a recovery.

 Good to meet all of you!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: atavar on May 02, 2016, 12:57:14 PM
Some time it is best to find the problems right away and get through the frustrations so you can ride with confidence knowing it is all well and sorted. 
Enjoy the ride!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BertoGuzzi17 on May 06, 2016, 12:56:45 PM

Alberto Tirri


Regional Sales Manager

New York, New York

A New Rider
Just bought my first motorcycle
A V7 II Special

Many friends are riders none Guzzi riders, So I was getting persuaded to many other bikes but after looking at the Guzzi V7II  and taking a ride I sealed the deal.


Futbol Fan, American Football, Sports, Engines, Music - Audio
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DucDucGuzz on May 06, 2016, 03:32:46 PM
Hello. Rick here. I'm 49... Started riding motorcycles 32 years ago.  I'm a 24-year U.S. Air Force veteran and currently the Marketing Director for a large Medical Center in Northern California.

I enjoy all forms or motorsports, most especially WSBK, MotoGP, F1, WRC, Dakar, Baja, etc.  I LOVE motorcycles - all kinds.  I currently have a couple of Ducatis and my favorite bike, a Guzzi V7 Stone which has undergone significant updates.  I'm also a Porsche fan and hope to find another 911 in my garage before I turn 50 next year.  The daily drivers are my MKIV VW Bora (Jetta Turbo) and my challenging, but endearing '00 Land Rover Discovery II.

Here to enjoy the community and contribute when I can.  Been here before.  Thanks...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stevet on May 06, 2016, 08:09:13 PM
Marc, 33, Switzerland, photographer.


Oh, my!!!  I want one!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grahamfirestorm on May 09, 2016, 03:07:07 PM
Hi everyone,my name is Graham from across the pond in Wakefield,England.I ride a 1991 lemans 1000 mkv c1 and it reminds me of my mk1 850 proddie racer of 36yrs ago.Im 65 now and retired {and still fast},and still enjoy the lemans which is like a fine wine getting better by age.The bike is standard with 15500 mls on her apart from dynatech ignition and lightweight dellorto springs and im using avon roadrider tyres which im finding very,very good.Will try and get some pics through soon,cheers. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ccridr on May 09, 2016, 09:03:03 PM
 Colby M Cousineau  aka ccridr
(http://thumb.ibb.co/eqcQaa/Red_Ryder.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eqcQaa)

 69 yrs. young


 motorcycles, hot rods fishing and  hunting
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzigirl22 on May 10, 2016, 07:57:50 AM
Hi Wild Guzzi World -  My name is Tracy and I am from Queensland, Australia. I ride a 1977 V50 and a 2003 Nevada.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 10, 2016, 08:07:23 AM
Hi Wild Guzzi World -  My name is Tracy and I am from Queensland, Australia. I ride a 1977 V50 and a 2003 Nevada.

 G'day Tracy  :bike-037:

 Lots of interesting new members , welcome to all of you . Post some tales , true or not  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ton Up on May 10, 2016, 01:54:36 PM
Hello wildguzzi-members, my name is Matti and I am from Helsinki, Finland. I ride a 2014 V7 Special. I have done some modifications to my Guzzi: Agostini mufflers, cafe racer -saddle, tail light and blinkers (Baak Motorcyclettes), bar end mirrors and fork gaiters (Baak).

(http://thumb.ibb.co/j3Ecov/image.jpg) (http://ibb.co/j3Ecov)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ion66 on May 13, 2016, 12:05:38 AM
Hey there! My name is Dave, I'm an artist/sculptor from Port Perry, Ontario, Canada. 49, married with no kids and one dog. Just bought a low (3700) km's 2008 Breva Sport. It's black, and runs well, Right after buying it, the red dash light started flashing when the bike is off (that's new) and on the trip to get it safetied (passed!), the computer function of the dash shut off, but worked the next time it was started. Oh, and it may have an oil leak by the left cylinder. I'm assuming that all of this is what is called "character'??  :grin: Hopefully I'm in the right place for wisdom and good advice!

I've been riding for 35 years. I raced for 10 of those in the late 80's and early 90's. Worked in the bike business for a number of years. Dealerships and bike salvage shops. I've had around 30 bikes. I had an 82, LeMans 1000 for about a week, back in the early 90's. Without the Internet and a Canadian importer, I ended up letting that bike go as it was in good shape, but a non runner, and I needed working wheels. I've been wanting a Guzzi since then, The Breva Sport is just like the Lemans, except it runs, it's way wider, taller, heavier, and the bars are so far forward, when I reach for the grips, I feel like a 3 year old, trying to steal cookies off the counter. There's another thing I'll need wisdom about! Anyhow, that's about it. The bikes done more sitting, than riding in the past 8 years, and I'm hoping a good going over of the connections will sort some of the electrical gremlins.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DH8a on May 14, 2016, 04:36:39 PM
Justin Gordon
47 (possibly in mid-life crisis)
Aircraft pilot
Cairns,  Australia

Got back into road riding a year ago after many years off. Picked up a lovely Guzzi after a friend recommended them to me....I am very happy. Ride most days. Must stop visiting the car port of an evening just to ogle.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OldBMWMaster on May 15, 2016, 05:18:44 AM
Hey there! My name is Dave, I'm an artist/sculptor from Port Perry, Ontario, Canada. 49, married with no kids and one dog. Just bought a low (3700) km's 2008 Breva Sport. It's black, and runs well, Right after buying it, the red dash light started flashing when the bike is off (that's new) and on the trip to get it safetied (passed!), the computer function of the dash shut off, but worked the next time it was started. Oh, and it may have an oil leak by the left cylinder. I'm assuming that all of this is what is called "character'??  :grin: Hopefully I'm in the right place for wisdom and good advice!

I've been riding for 35 years. I raced for 10 of those in the late 80's and early 90's. Worked in the bike business for a number of years. Dealerships and bike salvage shops. I've had around 30 bikes. I had an 82, LeMans 1000 for about a week, back in the early 90's. Without the Internet and a Canadian importer, I ended up letting that bike go as it was in good shape, but a non runner, and I needed working wheels. I've been wanting a Guzzi since then, The Breva Sport is just like the Lemans, except it runs, it's way wider, taller, heavier, and the bars are so far forward, when I reach for the grips, I feel like a 3 year old, trying to steal cookies off the counter. There's another thing I'll need wisdom about! Anyhow, that's about it. The bikes done more sitting, than riding in the past 8 years, and I'm hoping a good going over of the connections will sort some of the electrical gremlins.

I guess everyone has a Guzzi wiring story Dave.  Mine was nothing but a web of mismatched wires and lousy connections; all a result of the former owner.  I am getting it all sorted out now.  Have fun.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Peter J on May 16, 2016, 01:56:50 PM
I'm a 1962 Model,
6'-3", 220 lbs
Been struck by lightning once.
Currently riding a 2012 I've rolled 69,000 miles on since new
Live in Upstate New York.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/nkVLaa/20150803_081246.jpg) (http://ibb.co/nkVLaa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 16, 2016, 02:25:12 PM
I'm a 1962 Model,
6'-3", 220 lbs
Been struck by lightning once.
Currently riding a 2012 I've rolled 69,000 miles on since new
Live in Upstate New York.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/nkVLaa/20150803_081246.jpg) (http://ibb.co/nkVLaa)

 Only once ??? :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Peter J on May 16, 2016, 03:40:23 PM
Yup once, but I had to hike 4 1/2 miles off the mountain which gave me time to think I don't want to do that again.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 16, 2016, 04:03:52 PM
Yup once, but I had to hike 4 1/2 miles off the mountain which gave me time to think I don't want to do that again.

 Nothing like a long walk to contemplate life's little "hey , wake up there" moments . Great story , might we have a bit more of the tale in general discussion ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wnjohnson1 on May 18, 2016, 06:45:56 PM
Hi- happy to be aboard and looking forward to the WOTL.

Wayne Johnson, retired, Venice, FL
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: geemann on May 20, 2016, 10:14:27 AM
Hello All!

I am brand new to this Guzzi world and I am really looking forward to hanging around!

male, project manager, SC USA
interests: motorcycles, cars, bicycles, beer, bourbon, tinkering

I have always loved mechanical "toys", but I got into motorcycles in 2010 when I bought a 1992 Honda Nighthawk 750 for $500.  I rebuilt the top end in the parking lot of my apartment and ~12k mi later I have not had to do anything but maintenance since.  I love this bike, it is so very well rounded, but I NEED something to keep my hands/brain busy.  (Too much TV turns the brain to mush...)  So, I just picked up a 1978 MG v50.  It is a non runner rust bucket who needs A LOT of love.  Pics and story will be in the build thread that will soon be started. 

I have been There seems to be a lot of great knowledge around here that I hope to be able to repay!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BoatDoc on May 22, 2016, 12:08:57 AM

I've been lurking on the forum for about a year, but picked up my V7II Stornello a couple weeks ago so thought I should introduce myself.

Paul Miller, 53, ship design engineer

My wife and I have admired MG for a long time and visited the factory in 2013 but have had a series of BMWs since 85. Over the summers of 2012-2015 we rode our 12gs and 650 X-Country around the world. One of many things I learned on the trip is that the 12gs is really too big for me to have maximum fun, so the Stornello meets my criteria better. I've only ridden her for about a hundred miles on a Sunday afternoon but everything seems right and I hope we have more great adventures ahead of us!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Filipe on May 23, 2016, 06:13:15 AM
Hello everyone.

My name is Filipe, I'm Portuguese living in Lisbon, 39yo, Married with a beautifull woman, and I've just bought a 2000 Moto Guzzi 1100 Sport with only 9000km  :bow:

I LOOOOvee this motorcycle, my wife does not....she said that her butt refuses to sit on that micro hard seat :grin: :grin: :grin:

I've founded this forum by chance, but i'm glad, there's seem to be a lot of Guzzi "experts" in here.

Love to you all.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JohnA.Griso on May 23, 2016, 03:57:41 PM
Greetings from JohnA -new member this month

John Atwell
Katy, TX (Houston suburb)
Director, Sales - Emerson Process Management
2014 Griso -since new - first Gutsi, Gootsie ..... (6K miles)
First bike since 1983

other rides back in the day; 74 Honda CL450, 78 Honda CB750 and 1981 Honda CB900 (shaft drive).

Best Regards to all

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 23, 2016, 04:34:57 PM
Greetings from JohnA -new member this month

John Atwell
Katy, TX (Houston suburb)
Director, Sales - Emerson Process Management
2014 Griso -since new - first Gutsi, Gootsie ..... (6K miles)
First bike since 1983

other rides back in the day; 74 Honda CL450, 78 Honda CB750 and 1981 Honda CB900 (shaft drive).

Best Regards to all

 Another Texan  :rolleyes: :grin: Greetings from Oklahoma , lots of Houston area WGer's .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ironmark on May 30, 2016, 08:42:13 PM
My first post here!

Mark V from Dryden NY in the Finger Lake region
Water plant operator at Cornell University
57 year old body (17year old brain according to my wife)

Have owned several motorcycles since age 11, just bought my first Guzzi 2 weeks ago, a left over 2015 V7 Stone. Absolutely in love with this bike so far!!!

Looking forward to meeting more Guzzi riders!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 30, 2016, 09:28:21 PM
 ironmark , let me introduce you to Lucian (Dave) . Maybe you can weigh in on his road trip thread  :thumb: Oh , welcome to WG .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: X3mist on June 01, 2016, 12:35:36 AM
Leroy Lobo, 36 years of age. Finance Accountant currently located in Dubai, originally from Goa, India.

I bought my 2012 V7 Special Euro Spec Guzzi off a forum member and couldnt be happier with the machine.

I have owned a lot of Jap sports bikes, cruisers and dirt bikes. Off late (after 2012) all the tech (ABS , TCS) and other rider support has turned me off them.....my last bike was a 2012 ZX10R that was fast as stink but boring as hell .

Its great to be on a bike that has real feel, shines out class and requires rider input at all times, have just covered a few 100 kms in the past two weeks, and i am enjoying every moment of it. easiest bike to wrench and service IMO.

thanks for the add, ride hard and ride safe!

Leroy (X3mist)
(http://thumb.ibb.co/mPfBWF/5e335458_57dc_4ec8_9883_25cf4cf1481b.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mPfBWF)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on June 01, 2016, 10:46:25 AM
Welcome to WG, LeRoy.. obviously you "get it."  :smiley:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guykate on June 03, 2016, 02:07:50 PM
Hiya all....my names Kate...am from Staffordshire in the UK.....and between my husband and me....we have a few Guzzis...including 3 Loops....one of which came from Colorado....and is called...the 'Beetle'....
(http://thumb.ibb.co/hZ9S5a/20150516_145436.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hZ9S5a)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cohQrF/20151231_124450.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cohQrF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: v7john on June 03, 2016, 02:56:26 PM
Well hello Kate. Fancy seeing you here!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ChrisNAla on June 12, 2016, 02:56:42 PM
Hi All,

I've been lurking for a while.  Found some very useful tidbits of info and generally enjoy the forum.

Location: Harvest, AL
Hobbies: Guitar, Fishing, Riding the Breva.  Not necessarily in that order.

2004 Breva 750

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mark Harpell on June 14, 2016, 06:52:42 PM
I am Mark....coastal Maine USA...60 yrs on me.....riding fo 45 years....never owned a Guzzi until last week...RAD Guzzi sold me his Jackal....100 miles or so, so far...liking it...pretty sure I 'get it'......
This is bike number 26.for me...  Currently have a couple  vintage Yamahas in the shed...
Enjoying the tech and stories...hope to be able to contribute at some point.....thanks for having me....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mark Harpell on June 14, 2016, 06:55:24 PM
(http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii224/stripah/2016-06/32462C3D-E826-41DD-AAD6-2E2D5B290B76.jpg) (http://s265.photobucket.com/user/stripah/media/2016-06/32462C3D-E826-41DD-AAD6-2E2D5B290B76.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lesman on June 15, 2016, 01:15:31 PM
Les Halpern 59 Houston,Tx I started the posting thing before the introduction.
I have a Quota and an Ambassador. The Ambo is really a non running parts bike on the brink of rebirth.
I've owned a bunch of bikes in the last 45+ years mostly Japanese with a Triumph Bonnie, a BMW GSPD and a few Harleys over the years. I've been a Guzzista about 5 years. Right now trying to figure the path for the Ambo.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jwink on June 17, 2016, 08:23:29 AM
Good morning

Jay Winkelmann


Denver, Colorado

2011 Norge

This summer's adventure is up through Wyoming into Montana and Glacier National Park, over to the PNW then
back home through Oregon Idaho and Utah.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: River Rat on June 18, 2016, 03:12:59 AM
John, South Australia, old....

Considering a 2011-12 Stelvio 8V NTX to replace my recently sold Cagiva Elefant, never owned a Guzzi before but think they may have the character I'm looking for in the replacement but with some mod cons such as ABS to give me that little bit extra up my sleeve for those close encounters

In reading some of the forum content (particularly in regard to cams and tappets on this model) part of me questions if I am mad for desiring this machine, however perhaps that question has already been answered by 9 years of Cagiva ownership......

Particulary enjoying the technical discussion, there's a wealth of knowledge on display and you guys certainly have a passion for your bikes

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antiquar on June 23, 2016, 10:46:38 PM
Hello all.

Some of you may know me from the V11Lemans or advrider boards. I'm sure I'm not the youngest guy on this forum, but I bet I'm close at 29. Oh, and I'm from Los Angeles and work as a software engineer.

I ride a 2000 V11 Sport. I've also got a Tiger 800XC and an old XT550. I secretly hope the Tiger will keel over so I have an excuse to get a Stelvio. These Guzzis are addictive.  :bike-037:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mWLFrF/guzzi.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mWLFrF)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Doublethree on June 24, 2016, 11:39:47 AM
Hello fellow Guzzi enthusiasts.

My name is Graham, I'm 55 and I work as a Software Engineer for American Express. I live in Lewes, East Sussex, UK.

I had a T3 for a couple of years back in '83 followed later in the eighties by another, better, T3 for about seven years until the kids came along.
They're grown now so I got a Nevada a couple of years ago and now I've finally moved up to a California, just the 1100 not the new 1400.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/g5ktdv/Guzzi_California_EV.jpg) (http://ibb.co/g5ktdv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dunders on June 24, 2016, 03:35:28 PM
Hi!  I'm Paul - I live in the Isle of Man.

I ran a '74 850T and an '89 LM5 from '97 till a local farmer tried to kill me in '08.  Back on the saddle now (Ducati ST4, SV650S), and I bought a '95 Cali 1100i last week.  Needs some fuel issues sorting, but otherwise lovely.

I'm new to EFI, and I'll be asking questions soon...  http://wildguzzi.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 24, 2016, 07:18:58 PM
Hi!  I'm Paul - I live in the Isle of Man.

I ran a '74 850T and an '89 LM5 from '97 till a local farmer tried to kill me in '08.  Back on the saddle now (Ducati ST4, SV650S), and I bought a '95 Cali 1100i last week.  Needs some fuel issues sorting, but otherwise lovely.

I'm new to EFI, and I'll be asking questions soon...  http://wildguzzi.com/forum/Smileys/default/grin.gif


 So Paul , how many spare bedrooms do you have , just in case we ever come for the races ? :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dunders on June 25, 2016, 03:19:20 PM
The spare has been taken for 21 years now by an ex-MGP rider and his son. John is 81 now, and sadly his son, Jonathan, died earlier this year.  Still, John keeps coming, so the room is booked.  Hopefully for many years to come:-)

We *may* have some contacts, though:-)


ps, I've got a reasonably sized field.......
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gittbox on June 27, 2016, 02:02:15 AM
Hello, I'm Billy, I live in Washington state.

I'm originally from Maine, candymaker by trade. I like cooking, good whiskey, and tinkering of all kinds. I got myself a Guzzi because my landlord had a couple in his garage and I thought they looked pretty fine.  I noticed he had most of the parts to build an Ambassador, and figured I might as well build one. Now my pal and I are talking about riding to Alaska...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rick in WNY on June 27, 2016, 01:55:38 PM
Hello all, Rick here.

I live in Western new York, in the beautiful Finger Lakes region.

I'm currently not a Guzzi owner... joined here to get more info because I might become one someday.

See you all around,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jackthebiker on June 27, 2016, 02:25:25 PM
64 year old retired manufacturing manager. 38 motorcycles purchased between my wife and I, 10 different brands. Looking to buy number 39 tomorrow, a 2013 V7. I ride a 2015 Indian Chieftain, and she rides a 2014 Vstar 950 Tourer. We will take turns with the Goose.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: miticoromi on June 28, 2016, 02:41:03 AM
Hello everybody is Max here from Italy new to this forum and 2 years old Guzzi owner with a fantastic V7 Racer pleased to stay here with you.....
(http://thumb.ibb.co/kP65rF/guz.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kP65rF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wirespokes on July 01, 2016, 01:33:43 AM
Terry Vrla - born in 1950 (you crunch the numbers!) - Portland Oregon - retired with not enough to live on so work fixing speedometers for BMW airheads. I've done all sorts of different things this life, following my passions rather than the money. Been fixing airhead gauges close to ten years now and loving it. Too bad a lot of the work I did this life wasn't as much fun. Been riding most of my life since 1966 with a few periods of a year or two when I didn't have a bike. In 1989 I figured it wasn't practical to have a bike in Portland Oregon with the rain and miserable weather so sold the Virago. But in 1990 when a friend wanted to swap his1976 R90/6 for my 1966 122 Volvo Station Wagon I was back into bikes. I'd taken a few trips on bikes before then, but that's when the real traveling began. But even before I'd gotten the beemer, I'd been interested in Guzzis. I'd wanted a shaft drive - the reason I got the Virago. I've had airheads since that first one (still have it) and have a problem letting any of them go. I've got just about every model airhead made and love em all. I know them inside and out and do all the work myself.

But I've had the urge for a Guzzi for at least the last ten years. Two years ago I managed to be the first to respond to a Craigslist Ad for a T3 basket case 300 miles north in Washington near the Olympics. I hadn't checked the adds for a month or two, but somehow I'd picked the exact right moment. I got the bike and collected parts for it, but the missing title became the big issue and progress stalled. And then a bike showed up locally last fall - another 1976 T3 with SS exhaust and a LeMans tank. To make a long story short, I made it mine a few weeks ago.

You know, I wish I hadn't taken so long getting this bike. I wish I'd gotten it 25 years ago! Or maybe 35 years ago. It's got so much soul, good looks, handles like a dream, and sings like the fat lady never could. She's a keeper!

I was married for 20 years (what a mistake) and won't ever sell the R90S that broke it up. (She thinks she ended it running off with a mattress salesman). Good riddance!!!

Passions? Bikes - making them right, fixing what needs fixing, repairing gauges, amateur machinist (don't know how I managed to live my whole life without a lathe), and spiritual advancement.

Just this last week I was offered a 97 1100 California for a grand and couldn't pass it up. It's cosmetically challenged but a good runner. Rode it home from the National in John Day. I'm not a cruiser kind of guy, but that was a very pleasurable trip home. That thing gobbles up the miles like you wouldn't believe. I want to put a LeMans IV tank on it and a seat to match, so you know which direction I'm headed with it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MorenoB on July 04, 2016, 08:38:34 AM
Hi Folks!

I'm Moreno (in Italy "Moreno" is a first name...)

36 years old, married

I'm a university senior researcher and I live in Northern Italy (Yes, close to Lake Como and Mandello del Lario :-) )

I have a V7 Stone MY2014

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on July 04, 2016, 08:40:15 AM
The spare has been taken for 21 years now by an ex-MGP rider and his son. John is 81 now, and sadly his son, Jonathan, died earlier this year.  Still, John keeps coming, so the room is booked.  Hopefully for many years to come:-)

We *may* have some contacts, though:-)


ps, I've got a reasonably sized field.......

Paul, field is good👌🏽 how about a pond😀
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jabo911 on July 04, 2016, 02:14:18 PM
Hello all,

Been lurking for some time, not a big social guy. Bought my first MG last year, a 2014 Cali Touring. Before that I rode a Triumph Thunderbird triple. Was a great bike but like so many owners, I had a problem with the cooling system and just never trusted it. Traveled with it and it never failed on me but was I was always just waiting.

Test rode the Cali in 2014 and just fell in love. It was everything I wanted. When I asked the dealer how long I could ride, he said try to bring it back before we close but if not we have your car here, you'll be back sometime. You have to like a dealer that doesn't limit you to the short 10 mile ride.

Any way, been retired from the fire service for five years, doing a little part-time work and enjoying life.

Thanks to all of you that do post regularly. It's always good reading and as one of the new guys, there is always something to learn.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: drburt on July 05, 2016, 10:58:44 PM
Hey! My name is Brent. I'm not a doctor. Long story.
Just bought my first Guzzi today as some of you know.
2001 EV

My history -
My wife of 4 years rides a 2002 HD Road King. She brought it into the family.
Her Father and Mother both ride Harleys.
All her friends ride Harleys.
She, her mom and dad, and others are in a motorcycle prison ministry called The Reconcilers.
99.9% HD owners.

I never wanted a motorcycle. My parents never let me ride while I was growing up (I'm 55 now). Of course I snuck some rides on my best friends motocross bike but never really got the bug.

I was goofing around on the internet one day and stumbled upon a picture of a California Custom 1400 and said to myself, "I want that!". I've never been the same since.

I've been all over the place wanting different models of Guzzis. First I wanted a  California Custom, then the California Touring 1400, then the ElDorado 1400, then a CalVin (those are beautiful), then back full circle to the Custom. The Centauros are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L pieces of machinery. 1100 Sport(i). Sheesh, I want them all.
I'll settle for the 01 EV first.

Here in Amarillo I have never seen a Guzzi on the road. I don't think I've ever seen on in its natural habitat anywhere come to think of it.

I bought my first motorcycle in September of 2015. I called it my sacrificial/disposable model just in case I dropped it or didn't like riding (have license and taken course).
It's a 1998 Yamaha XV1100 Virago. I really enjoy this bike and don't know if I'll get rid of it yet. I really like riding it around in the city. I don't know if the EV is much of a city bike.

Anyway...this is me.
Thank you all for being here and being such a helpful support group.
Hope I can contribute some day.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gscrasher on July 06, 2016, 02:01:16 PM
Hi folks, my name is Bill.

Retired geologist.  Have owned mostly Euro bikes: BMW, Triumphs, Ducatis and KTMs in that order of quantity.

I am a new Guzzi owner, but I don't actually have it yet.  It is being shipped from Illinois to my home in New Mexico.

I bought this beauty last month on my 73rd birthday.  Now I remember exactly what it was like as a youngster waiting for Christmas!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Navy Boy on July 06, 2016, 02:49:18 PM
Morning All

I've just bought my first Guzzi - A new 1200 Sport.

My name is Lee and I'm way out here in New Zealand where I work in Auckland during the week (I'm in the Royal New Zealand Navy) and live in Blenheim on the South Island on the weekends.

I've been thinking about getting a Guzzi for some time but finally took the plunge with this little beauty.  I look forward to hearing plenty of interesting tales with some wisdom thrown in for good measure.  I'm something of a bike addict with a Victory, an Indian, 3 Triumphs, a Suzi DR and  Kwaka KLX in the stable at present.  Some say I need help...  They may be right!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: anotheroldtrailrider on July 07, 2016, 04:27:09 PM
Hi - Art Astle from Claremore, OK here - I'm lucky to have a nice mix of bikes, and am bringing a LeMans IV out for a new lease on life.  I've owned this particular bike since new, and have an old SP1000, too, but my daily ride is a BMW R1200S or a KTM 500XCW in street trim.  The LeMans should crowd its way into the line up before long -

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 07, 2016, 06:10:35 PM
Hi - Art Astle from Claremore, OK here - I'm lucky to have a nice mix of bikes, and am bringing a LeMans IV out for a new lease on life.  I've owned this particular bike since new, and have an old SP1000, too, but my daily ride is a BMW R1200S or a KTM 500XCW in street trim.  The LeMans should crowd its way into the line up before long -

 Oh hell , another Okie  :shocked:

 PS , I'm in Muskogee  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BadAce on July 07, 2016, 06:50:47 PM
Hi, I`m Ben Askey. BadAce is a name I use in some online games,
I`m a Vietnam era veteran, though I didn`t  have to go "In Country"
I was a radar tech in the Air Force, Minnesota, Alaska, and Cape Cod. Were my main duty stations.
Bought a new 72, 750 Honda while in minnesota, had numerous Triumphs And a couple Liberty edition sportsters, Took road test on a 1978 Sporty, Anniversary Edition (78)
 I got The 1970 Ambassador from my Nephew "Tazio" Last year and rode t back to New York. The Blue Ridge Parkway was foggy, so I promised myself to ride it some time when it wasn`t.
 I made a run from North Tonawanda, NY, to Fairfax Va.To visit my kid and her Hubby and watch their cats a few days, Then down to start of Blue Ridge Parkway, overnighted in Willville, while Virginia Guzzi rally was going on,(I didn`t know about it), met some fine people there, continued to Blue Ridge MC campgrounds, then to Cherokee, to finish off the Blue Ridge. Went to Nephews In Georgia, where I was treated like gold, stayed a few days and went to Cross, South Carolina, to see an old Air Force buddy, then Back up to Willville, for an overnight before heading home.
The !970 Ambo got quite some attention along the way, Only things went wrong were a needed cable replacement and  set of points come loose, decreasing spark as it loosened. In the lot of a mini mart, I fixed it, no parts needed. I`ll eventually do something to keep that from happening, but now that I know it, not a big issue. ( helpful people along the way kept telling me it had to be the carbs.) I met some nice BMW riders on the way back at Willville too, previous Guzzi riders they were also. Many riders, after seeing my bike, were saying how much they wanted to restore theirs, my nephew, Tazio could tell people here more about it, but then some riders at the Virgiania Rally already knew the bikes history. Hi all you Guzzi Riders!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tazio on July 08, 2016, 01:08:56 PM
Welcome, Uncle BadAce !!!!
Keep us abreast of future escapades !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dunders on July 08, 2016, 03:16:02 PM
Paul, field is good👌🏽 how about a pond😀

No pond  :sad: .  You'll have to shower like the rest of us!   :tongue:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KraZ440 on July 08, 2016, 07:14:55 PM
Greetings all.

Name's Brian. I live about 30 minutes from Moto International. I've been lurking for a while, ever since I started thinking about upgrading my bike.

I currently have an '82 Kawasaki KZ440. It was my first bike and has treated me well (I've had it for about 8 years). Unfortunately, during the last couple of years, I've been spending more time troubleshooting and replacing old, worn-out parts then actually riding (I don't mind doing my own mechanical work, but there are lots of other activities I'd rather spend time doing).

I'm expecting to get my first Guzzi soon.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: River Rat on July 09, 2016, 02:55:50 AM
Considering a 2011-12 Stelvio 8V NTX to replace my recently sold Cagiva Elefant, never owned a Guzzi before but think they may have the character I'm looking for in the replacement but with some mod cons such as ABS to give me that little bit extra up my sleeve for those close encounters

Meet Stella (as named by the PO), I am in love..... :grin:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/knjLaa/P1050236.jpg) (http://ibb.co/knjLaa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BadAce on July 15, 2016, 09:11:19 PM
Welcome, Uncle BadAce !!!!
Keep us abreast of future escapades !!
Pretty sure I`m gonna take a ride to see Tom and his Band in Michigan, on the bike Joe and a few others may go there too. Cow Jam Festival in Mendon Michigan the 20th of July, Looks like something going on In Grand Rapids 50 Miles to the north on the 22/23 Guzzi Michigan Rally, I may try that also, as long as I`m in the vicinity.
Luv Ya, NepewTazio!
 P.S. Love the new Goggles too!
(http://thumb.ibb.co/gwv1Fa/me_and_Guzzi.jpg) (http://ibb.co/gwv1Fa)

Dang, I just read the Michigan Rally was cancelled.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bonaventure on July 16, 2016, 09:49:41 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Craig.  Live in Evansville Indiana USA.  Work as a supervisor of detectives, career law enforcement for 28 yrs now.  I'm 53, widowed 4 yrs ago but recently got engaged to be married again.  She likes to ride pillion but is adjusting to wearing a helmet since in her previous marriage they rode but never wore any protective gear. I am not full gear full time but always at least boots, gloves, helmet and long pants. 

My current motorcycle is a 2016 Ducati Multistrada "DVT" 1200 S with touring hard bags. Before that I had a 2013 Multistrada 1200 S but I hit a deer with it late last year-- very minor damage to me (full gear w/ armored over-pants at the time), not so minor damage to bike. 

I've registered here to educate myself on Moto Guzzi's, specifically the Norge GT 8V sport tourer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: highway on July 19, 2016, 08:47:33 PM
I live in northern Colorado and have been bikeless for more than 10 years, last one was a shadow. Just got a 2012 stelvio.  Don't know why I didn't get one sooner.  Looking forward to making it mine and doing some exploring.  I'm a civil engineer and my name is Matt.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: robT8 on July 20, 2016, 11:47:29 PM
Hi All

Bought my Norge new in December last year put 4000 miles on it so far  :grin: last bike was a Triumph Tiger 800.
Looking forward to learning much from the site.

I'm from Birmingham, UK.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antiquar on July 21, 2016, 01:38:31 PM
Hi All

Bought my Norge new in December last year put 4000 miles on it so far  :grin: last bike was a Triumph Tiger 800.
Looking forward to learning much from the site.

I'm from Birmingham, UK.


Hi Rob. How do you like the Norge compared to your old Tiger? I've been considering selling my Tiger800XC for a Stelvio or Norge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DanD on July 22, 2016, 12:16:46 AM
Hi, DanD USPS Mechanic and bike nut. Been riding over 40 years now and have been moving more into the off-road scene.

Proud parent of new 2016 Stelvio.

(http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t275/DanDmellow69/20160708_123918.jpg) (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/DanDmellow69/media/20160708_123918.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 22, 2016, 12:43:19 AM
Hi, DanD USPS Mechanic and bike nut. Been riding over 40 years now and have been moving more into the off-road scene.

Proud parent of new 2016 Stelvio.

(http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t275/DanDmellow69/20160708_123918.jpg) (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/DanDmellow69/media/20160708_123918.jpg.html)

 Great pic , Rockies maybe ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DanD on July 22, 2016, 11:17:56 AM
FSR (Forest Service Road) 123/County Road 4 from US 34 @ Grand Lake, CO to State Highway 125.

The Stelvio handled the loose/rocky switchbacks (2 up) better than any 650+ pound scoot has a right to.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 22, 2016, 11:28:11 AM
FSR (Forest Service Road) 123/County Road 4 from US 34 @ Grand Lake, CO to State Highway 125.

The Stelvio handled the loose/rocky switchbacks (2 up) better than any 650+ pound scoot has a right to.  :thumb:

 Thought it looked familiar  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gstock on July 25, 2016, 10:45:17 PM
Hi all,

My name is Grenville and I bought a leftover '14 Stelvio 2 weeks ago. It is my second Goose. I owned a Ballabio before this one. Had to pull over on my way home from the dealership and shoo this turtle off the road. I live in Acton, MA.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 25, 2016, 11:08:11 PM
Hi all,

My name is Grenville and I bought a leftover '14 Stelvio 2 weeks ago. It is my second Goose. I owned a Ballabio before this one. Had to pull over on my way home from the dealership and shoo this turtle off the road. I live in Acton, MA.


 We appreciate turtle shooers , welcome  :bike-037:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: derek533 on July 26, 2016, 09:19:54 AM
Hey everyone, Derek from Edmond, Oklahoma and a new (new to me at least) Guzzi owner here.  Previous bikes were in order from first to latest, 98 Suzuki Marauder, 06 Yamaha Fz6, Vulcan 900C, and now the Breva. 

Had a Vulcan 900 that I absolutely loathed after 5 miles of extremely uncomfortable riding and traded that sucker off.  I didn't want to trade it off knowing I would lose some money but I had it on CL for about 4 months with no success and it just sat in my garage barely being ridden due to how uncomfortable it was on my tailbone.    Seems that UJM cruisers are a dime a dozen and nothing is selling right now. 

Anywho, went to our local Euro dealership here in OKC to look at 2 bikes.  A 2006 Breva 1100 with 8400 miles and a 08 FZ1 with 17K both about the same price.  Yes, the FZ1 is a faster bike, but it had no character other than being ridiculously fast and insurance companies seem to know that as well.   

The instant the dealer fired up the Guzzi and I saw the shake, pulled the clutch in and heard the sound of dry clutch rattle, I was hooked.  I don't know what it is, but this bike just has character.  I knew I made the right decision when I pulled into my garage about 25 miles from the dealer with zero pain in my posterior compared to the aching I had when I rode my Vulcan to trade it off to the dealer.  Plus, I got two waves on the way home from cagers who recognized what I was riding.  It's just awesome to have a bike that not everyone else has. 

I look forward to your knowledge as I learn to wrench on this bike.  The only thing really annoying me right now, is the previous owner must have used some sort of chemical on the instrument cluster because there is haze on the acryllic that I can't seem to get rid of. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 26, 2016, 10:35:51 AM
 Oh hell , another Okie , and from Edmond no less  :laugh: PM sent .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Free Rider on July 27, 2016, 02:24:05 PM
Hi all - I am 30 years old and just started riding last year.  Bought a Suzuki S40 to learn on the past year, but definitely knew I would end up graduating to something else - the S40 struggled to carry my 6'2" 215lbs, nevermind adding on my girlfriend.

At my old apartment building garage, this dude had his V7 Racer parked near my car/S40, and I would look at his bike lustfully as I walked over to my S40.  He fired it up a few times and I really liked the sound as well.  Did some research, looked at various cafe style bikes, and concluded the V7 II was for me.

Went to a nearby Guzzi dealer and bought the red 2016 V7 II Special.  Love the scrambler seat size, throaty exhaust, comfortable seating position, and the relative simplicity.  I mostly ride to work and back in the DC area, so I don't need a touring cruiser, but I definitely like the V7's huge 5.8 gal gas tank, compared to my S40's meager 2.8gal. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 27, 2016, 09:13:28 PM

Had a Vulcan 900 that I absolutely loathed after 5 miles of extremely uncomfortable riding and traded that sucker off.  I didn't want to trade it off knowing I would lose some money but I had it on CL for about 4 months with no success and it just sat in my garage barely being ridden due to how uncomfortable it was on my tailbone.    Seems that UJM cruisers are a dime a dozen and nothing is selling right now. 

A friend lent me her Vulcan 900 once, to ride while the Guzzi was down for a clutch.   Even with the tires up to pressure and the suspension adjusted, it was the evilest handling device I'd ever ridden.   

Guzzis had spoiled me!!   Hope you enjoy yours for years to come.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on July 28, 2016, 05:15:31 AM
as well.   

The instant the dealer fired up the Guzzi and I saw the shake, pulled the clutch in and heard the sound of dry clutch rattle, I was hooked.  I don't know what it is, but this bike just has character.
I look forward to your knowledge as I learn to wrench on this bike. 

Oh boy, you've been bitten by the Guzzi bug.

Welcome to the madness. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Free Rider on July 28, 2016, 09:52:34 AM
Had a Vulcan 900 that I absolutely loathed after 5 miles of extremely uncomfortable riding and traded that sucker off.  I didn't want to trade it off knowing I would lose some money but I had it on CL for about 4 months with no success and it just sat in my garage barely being ridden due to how uncomfortable it was on my tailbone.    Seems that UJM cruisers are a dime a dozen and nothing is selling right now.   

Had considered getting a Vulcan 900 custom, so this info makes me glad that I did not.  I am taller (6' 2") so I thought it might fit better than a typical cruiser.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: derek533 on July 28, 2016, 05:14:53 PM
Had considered getting a Vulcan 900 custom, so this info makes me glad that I did not.  I am taller (6' 2") so I thought it might fit better than a typical cruiser.

It's a great, reliable, if not boring cruiser that has plenty of power and is still relatively speaking, fairly good handling for a cruiser.  I'm right at 6'0 so you've got 2" on me, but it was still a torture device.  Now, some of that may have been the fact that the prior owner put a lowering kit on it taking away suspension travel to absorb the bumps, but even then, the stock seat and even the Saddleman I had for it, didn't really help either.  It was just painful and the idea of any sort of iron butt ride makes me want to throw up.  Even 10 mile quick rides were to the point that I didn't even want to ride it.  I'm not a fatty either. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wheeling on July 31, 2016, 03:20:27 AM
Hello, I'm Lars from the Netherlands. Had a v50 monza in the past and after numerous bikes from Honda, Harley, Triupmh, Yamaha, KTM ended up at the brand from Mandello again. Own a '13 Stelvio NTX and a '83 Le Mans. Work as rotating equipment engineer for an IOC. Love it to ride one of the bikes but equally like it to spend time improving them. Via the forum I hope I can learn from - and share learnings with others.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bradtxag96 on July 31, 2016, 01:21:35 PM
Howdy,. My name is Brad.  I'll be 42 in one week.  I'm married with two sons.  I live outside of San Diego, California.

I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on a 2004 Breva 750.


The seller seems a bit shady.  Only had the bike for one week and already selling.  No history.  Knows nothing about it.  It still looks like a great bike that's worth a little work to keep around.

It'll be my first motorcycle, let alone Moto Guzzi.

There is some corrosion on the fork pistons, so I'll probably replace those pretty quickly.

Look forward to learning from your collective wisdom.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on July 31, 2016, 06:53:01 PM
Howdy,. My name is Brad.  I'll be 42 in one week.  I'm married with two sons.  I live outside of San Diego, California.

I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on a 2004 Breva 750.


The seller seems a bit shady.  Only had the bike for one week and already selling.  No history.  Knows nothing about it.  It still looks like a great bike that's worth a little work to keep around.

It'll be my first motorcycle, let alone Moto Guzzi.

There is some corrosion on the fork pistons, so I'll probably replace those pretty quickly.

Look forward to learning from your collective wisdom.

"Danger, Will Robinson!"  In addition, to quote a friend of mine in the motorcycle business - "there are a lot of scumbags in the motorcycle community."  This may well be a legitimate deal, but hopefully others have already told you to check the serial numbers on the motor & frame carefully & to be suspicious if the quality of the serial no. stampings looks suspicious.  Don't forget to cross-check them against the title itself - I've forgotten that little detail a few times.  If there's something like Carfax for motorcycles, it might be worth paying the fee for a vehicle history check.  Ideally, if you have a LEO buddy/buddette, he/she can be persuaded to run the numbers for you.  This doesn't even get into the possible mechanical issues that the current owner "knows nothing" about - I'd walk away from the deal unless he'll let you take it to a local shop for at least a quick look - unless you're prepared to become a Guzzi mechanic if hidden issues pop up.

Just sayin'........
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 01, 2016, 07:42:16 AM
Howdy,. My name is Brad.  I'll be 42 in one week.  I'm married with two sons.  I live outside of San Diego, California.

I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on a 2004 Breva 750.


The seller seems a bit shady.  Only had the bike for one week and already selling.  No history.  Knows nothing about it.  It still looks like a great bike that's worth a little work to keep around.

It'll be my first motorcycle, let alone Moto Guzzi.

There is some corrosion on the fork pistons, so I'll probably replace those pretty quickly.

Look forward to learning from your collective wisdom.

Not sure that my input would qualify as "wisdom" on the subject, but I can tell you how I do it, and I have a 83% success rate with it.

All of my 6 Guzzis have been bought from guys I know, guys in the MGNOC club.   I just don't want to put up with the hassle of dealing with people I don't know and who might be out to get me.   

They've helped me get the bike to my house, gone over the issues (if any), and I've felt like I could always go back to them with any questions.   I will say that I bought one from who I believe was an honest, well-intentioned guy, a former MGNOC state representative, but who however had a warped idea about wiring a bike, and three of us spent a year getting it right.

With that as the exception, I'd recommend getting to know some of the guys here and maybe seeing who has what for sale.    But "vetting" a bike through the list is the next best way, so you'll probably do OK on your first one ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: changohot on August 01, 2016, 10:33:24 AM
New 2015 V7 Special, from Boise, Id and Portland, Or.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/iCEBWF/IMG_1092.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iCEBWF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mermoto on August 02, 2016, 07:25:13 AM
Yo fellow Guzzi ists,

From sunny East Anglia, England and had my V7ii  year and half now after loads of other bikes.  Loving everything Guzzi and made a few mods to fit my needs.  Been a member of many forums over the years and looking forward to playing here too. :whip2:  Great site and members from what I have read so far.  :boozing:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Auris on August 02, 2016, 09:50:20 AM
Hi everyone,

I am Auris. 33 years old. I am a software developer in Amsterdam. I got my Moto Guzzi v65 just 5 months ago but already did a road trip from The Netherlands to Spain (and around) (~2500 km) with my wife. In the short time I've owned a guzzi my motorcycle maintenance skills sky-rocketed (previously I owned Suzuki and Honda). I like playing guitar, piano and making music in general. Great to meet you all!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/h0kh5a/moto_Guzzi_Beach.jpg) (http://ibb.co/h0kh5a)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 02, 2016, 02:33:21 PM
Hi everyone,

I am Auris. 33 years old. I am a software developer in Amsterdam. I got my Moto Guzzi v65 just 5 months ago but already did a road trip from The Netherlands to Spain (and around) (~2500 km) with my wife. In the short time I've owned a guzzi my motorcycle maintenance skills sky-rocketed (previously I owned Suzuki and Honda). I like playing guitar, piano and making music in general. Great to meet you all!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/h0kh5a/moto_Guzzi_Beach.jpg) (http://ibb.co/h0kh5a)

Looks like a great bike and you've given it a good test.   Hope the "skills acquisition" wasn't too painful ... that should really be a low-maintenance motorcycle.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pisano on August 04, 2016, 10:47:09 PM
Hello Everyone,
My name is Norm and I'm 43 yrs old.  After a 15yr hiatus from riding I'm looking to get back into it.  My first and only bike was a Guzzi Cal II and I really appreciated the Guzzi people who cared and shared their knowledge of this beautiful machine.  I was lucky enough to have Daniel Kalal and Ron Garcia show me the ropes when I lived in Kansas starting out.
Even though I'm a fan of Flat track and MotoGp, I think my riding would be more laid back ,short trip tours with lots of camping.

Anyway, cheers for now .  Looking forward to hanging out here once and a while to help get me started up again and enjoy the community
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on August 06, 2016, 05:14:22 AM
Welcome Norm. You have certainly come to the right place for all things Guzzi. Since you left motorcycling the smallblock Guzzis have really come in to their own. Lots of nice bikes to choose from. :drool:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Yard Sale on August 09, 2016, 12:31:26 PM
Hello I just purchased my first Guzzi. I've been riding since 1987, mostly Japanese, and swore I'd never own another European after my experiences with KTM and Aprilia.

I have a few years experience roadracing, a few years off-road (enduro, hare scrambles), and a few years doing track days. I've also done a lot of sport riding all around California (Trinity alps to Death Valley). I commute five days a week. My current commuter is a 2006 Kawi ZX-10R, street fightered. My Breva 750 will be replacing it, for fuel economy and ease of maintenance.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: x0020764 on August 09, 2016, 04:35:30 PM
Hello everyone my name is Terry Badgett, I live in Denison,Tx and work at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Tx for 47 years and counting.  I've been riding over 50 years, currently have 2009 Heritage softail, 2009 BMW R1200R, 2000 Red Jackal and 2000 Green V11 Sport all are in pristine condition. The Guzzi's are my favorite. I've had them for 5 years. Never been to a Guzzi Rally, been to Sturis and Daytonna Beach and the ROT rally in Austin and the rally in Galveston. Excited about becoming a member.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 09, 2016, 04:52:11 PM
Hello everyone my name is Terry Badgett, I live in Denison,Tx and work at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Tx for 47 years and counting.  I've been riding over 50 years, currently have 2009 Heritage softail, 2009 BMW R1200R, 2000 Red Jackal and 2000 Green V11 Sport all are in pristine condition. The Guzzi's are my favorite. I've had them for 5 years. Never been to a Guzzi Rally, been to Sturis and Daytonna Beach and the ROT rally in Austin and the rally in Galveston. Excited about becoming a member.

 Well , we have two Guzzi rallies coming up for you , the GRIT rally in Lindale TX , and the JN Smyth Memorial Okie camp out . Details on the forum . We would love to meet you  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jihelle on August 13, 2016, 09:37:08 AM
My name is Jean and I own several motorcycles including five Guzzi. They're part of a "collection" that I started some 30 years ago with a friend and that never ceased expanding...
We ride them regularly so it's not some junk covered with dust in a barn. Most of them are in France where I was born but three are here with me in the United States where I live and work for the time being. I live in Maryland and would gladly participate in some meetings in the East though I often work on weekends and use my vacation time to go back to France so it's not really convenient most of the time.
I have sometimes technical questions (I have one right now that I will post in the general discussion forum) and I hope you won't mind me using your collective knowledge from time to time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jerdo1 on August 16, 2016, 04:52:31 PM
Hi, I'm Jerry, from Glasgow, Scotland – and ‘shit happened’…

Around a year ago, I found myself – 54, single, job and mortgage-free – and in need of a change. Having shaken off the yolk of responsibility, I headed off to selfishly pursue a dream. That dream, or part of it anyway, was to explore Europe – from within it’s heart. For me not to do so whilst I had the time, health, wealth and energy seemed insane – and it’s not as if all that I want and miss at home won’t be there when (if) I go back?.  I intended my time away to be a means to recapture the health and fitness that has ebbed away over the years, whilst recharging my batteries and renewing my outlook on life!

So, on the 30 March 2015, I set off from my home town with my ten year old Renault Clio, my slightly younger (but at that time, intact) Moto Guzzi Stelvio 1200 NTX ABS, and very little else – to see what life was like out there, and moved to Puy L'Eveque in France.

Whether I achieved any or all of these are for others to decide, but my attempts are catalogued in a blog that I started when I first moved to there. It was to become a diary / travelog / medical record /photo album and postcard of my adventures. I made it clear that I couldn’t promise to update it every day, or for that matter say anything profound or interesting, but I did my best. It seems that it uncovered a new side of me – where I found the ability to tell a tale – some (considerably) taller than others…

That particular trip finished at the end of September 2015 , for reasons best explained in the blog, without fully living up to it’s hype or promise. That’s not to say I didn’t have a ‘blast’, discovering things about myself and others that no other experience would have allowed. Such was the fun I had had, and the promise of more to come, I elected to return for the 2016 season in the hope that I can complete some of that ‘unfinished business’.

In the meantime I returned to real life, rain, rent and employment. I split my time between delivering new vans for a Ford Dealership and working in a Childrens Home in Helensburgh. Both equally satisfying for different reasons.

And so this time, with my motorcycle repaired, and a new car to pull it all the way to France, I set off on 29 April 2016 to do it all again.

Why Puy L’Eveque ? Why not?.

Over the last 20 or so years I have been fortunate enough to see a great deal of Europe by plane, train and auto-mobile as well as, more recently, by motorbike. Throughout those trips and stays I always found France to be the most welcoming, beautiful and varied. The southern part of the country also had the added appeal of practically all-year sunshine as well as incredible unspoilt towns, villages, roads and trails to explore on foot, bike, motorcycle or car.

‘And so, I more or less stuck a pin in a map and ended up renting a three-bedroomed property in Puy L’Eveque (PLV) – a small village which nestles on the banks of the meandering River Lot in the Midi-Pyrenees  region of south west France. It’s location, in one of it’s most unspoilt and beautiful areas, make it an ideal base to explore nearby and further afield – being only a few hours drive, or ride, from Andorra, Austria, Germany, Italy, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.

The house itself provides all the comforts of home, whilst being situated in a region known for its climate, scenery and produce – liquid, edible and practical. The fact that it has an outdoor swimming pool, bbq and terrace made no difference whatever in my decision to choose it over any other!

Read my Blog - it's not all about motorcycling, but about my life out here in France at "jerrygrogan.com"


BMW GS650                                2008 - 2009       First after a 30 year break
BMW GS800                                2009 - 2010       Great fun touring Europe until it got stolen in Amsterdam
Honda 650 NTV Deauville            2010 - 2014        Replacement for the stolen BMW - great fun, took me around Europe in reliable comfort
MG Stelvio NTX                           2014 - Present    Big, powerful beast that can go anywhere

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Caedmon on August 22, 2016, 12:31:21 AM
Hello from New Zealand.

My name is John, i'm a contstruction estimator, 47 yrs old and ride a Griso 1100.

Below is my Griso alonside my mates 1000s  :thumb:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/iriEka/IMG_2406.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iriEka)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: simonome on August 22, 2016, 02:05:10 AM
Simone Del Bigio
Italy - Milano
Just purchased a V75 PA

(http://thumb.ibb.co/df4LQa/IMG_9751.jpg) (http://ibb.co/df4LQa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 22, 2016, 02:35:44 PM
Simone Del Bigio
Italy - Milano
Just purchased a V75 PA

(http://thumb.ibb.co/df4LQa/IMG_9751.jpg) (http://ibb.co/df4LQa)

We in the USA have likely never had the privilege of seeing one of those bikes.   Very pretty and very rideable looking.

Seeing it out on the road, or a couple of photos on a trip report, would be widely read and much appreciated once you get to riding it a lot!

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: The Moth on August 22, 2016, 08:40:58 PM
Hello from Sydney, Australia.

Married, four kids, civil engineer.

I recently bought my 4th Guzzi that barely ran (a '98 Cali EV) which also happened to be my 28th motorcycle. But don't take that as me knowing that much about motorcycles, I think I will be forever learning what these beautiful machines have to teach me.

I joined up to say  :bow:'thanks' :bow: for helping me get my bike up and running. The bike would run for 5 minutes before displaying all the symptoms of fuel starvation. I went over the bike and finally found the fuel pump replay wasn't holding current, replaced and now runs how it's suppose to.

All the best,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rubberbroker on August 25, 2016, 08:18:32 PM
Cannonball...right into the Guzzi end!

Representing the Piedmont region of NC and tons of great riding, I am a GS dude for years.  At 52 I've been riding since I was 10...have owned several bikes over the years, and my height and affection for off road riding have kept me on an Adventure for the past 10 years.  About 4 yrs ago I came across the new Griso at a dealer in Roanoke Va.  Rode that thing and felt dirty after getting back on my GS!  So the years have gone by and I've been secretly "scanning" for a nice example of the 8v Griso.  Last week I landed a 12 Black Devil with 15k on the clock!  Took it out for a good 250 loop last Sunday and just wanted to keep going!  I told a buddy...it sounds like John Force and Pavarotti had a baby and this is what it sounds like!  Love that motor...sounds like a V8!
Got home with it and found a splattering of oil off the left side....and thought..uh oh.  Pulled the tank off only to find the crankcase breather tube split and spitting.  So I've got new hoses both sides on order and she will be like new.  I wanted to look under her dress anyway...so a great excuse!
Looking forward to reading and learning more about the bikes.  MG has always stirred my interest...now I know why. 



12 Griso
07 WR450
71 Honda Mini Trail

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allmnt on August 26, 2016, 04:54:31 AM
Almants. 35 years old (young?). Living in Latvia (that's somewhere in EU). Software developer.

Having MG 1200 sport, just for 2 years now.

Also BMW K75 is on inventory.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Allmnt on August 26, 2016, 05:09:33 AM
in addition. quick snap from yesterdays night ride.

(http://www.bildites.lv/images/yf71k0pk2wlv3fmkyhmk.jpg) (http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=yf71k0pk2wlv3fmkyhmk.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 26, 2016, 10:01:17 AM
Almants. 35 years old (young?). Living in Latvia (that's somewhere in EU). Software developer.

Having MG 1200 sport, just for 2 years now.

Also BMW K75 is on inventory.

 Latvia , you may be our first member from Latvia . Might we please have some daytime pics .
Welcome to WG .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: yellowheader on August 26, 2016, 09:44:16 PM
Hi, I'm Royal, 52, a new Guzzisto (is that a word? Guzzisti sounds like a plural) in Edmonton, Alberta. I work in IT, married with 3 grown kids, but not quite an empty nest yet. Got back onto a bike 4 years ago after a 20 year hiatus, and haven't looked back. Started back on a Suzuki Boulevard S50 for a couple of years, then upgraded to an Intruder 1400. A month ago I picked up an '04 California Stone, my first ever non-Japanese bike, and I'm loving it. Looking forward to being part of the Guzzi community.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Uss on August 27, 2016, 03:17:24 PM
G'Day Everyone. Just getting back into riding after a break of about 25 years. Work and work related travel overseas didn't leave enough time to put my heart and soul back into riding. Work for myself....Plastics. 57, Married. Two kids..both married. Based in Melbourne Australia but mostly traveling like right now. My last ride was a Honda CB 750. Just bought a new Eldorado..Red..whic h is waiting for me to take delivery back in Melbourne. My first Guzzi....have a lot to learn from all the collective experience on the forum  :bow:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MorenoB on August 29, 2016, 07:03:47 AM
Hi, I'm Royal, 52, a new Guzzisto (is that a word? Guzzisti sounds like a plural) in Edmonton, Alberta.

Hi Royal, the correct word sounds "GuzzistA". Some singular nouns in Italy end with an -a ;-)  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: darkstar1269 on September 02, 2016, 02:12:50 PM
Matt Kritzstein, 46

Phoenix, Arizona

Recently bought a V7 special after admiring it for years and am happy I did. Looking forward to many miles on the saddle ahead. For my adrenaline side I also own an MV Agusta Dragster, but that will now get much less use for sure. My girlfriend is also the owner of a 2013 V7 Racer and is a big Guzzi fan. We are always interested in finding folks to ride with, if you're in Phoenix reach out and lets ride!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Penderic on September 03, 2016, 12:22:27 PM
OK, now which one of youse unfortunates resemble Jay?


Nice Racer!  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jeffles on September 04, 2016, 03:36:21 AM
Good morning from North East England. Invited here by my mate ScepticalScotty.

Jeff from Washington (the original one, where George's folks came from...  :wink: )

53, occupational safety and health advisor, ridden since I was 17 and still immortal (well, so far...)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/eG41GF/IMAG0983.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eG41GF)

1995 California 1100i and a 2010 Norge 1200GT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Travln Man on September 04, 2016, 07:08:58 AM
Jerome Brown
Cedar Rapids Iowa
2013 V7 Stone & 1985 Cal II Auto

Here is my winter project:
Getting this Cal II Auto in good running condition after 10 years of storage, attaching a sidecar and Vetter fairing.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/jZWRiv/guzzi_with_fairing.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jZWRiv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dofin on September 04, 2016, 08:22:39 AM
Up date from a Newbie, got 10K miles on my new to me (got it at 5.2K) 2015 V7 Stone had it on the road for 4 months.  Looking forward to bike camping at Barbers Vintage then going on to do some camping at Deals Gap and riding around the Dragon area in October.  The forum has been very helpful and friendly.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/ne9kbF/IMG_20160903_072716_Medium.jpg) (http://ibb.co/ne9kbF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jgrebe on September 06, 2016, 09:55:12 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for letting me in.  Jenny, 31, Mercersburg, PA.  New rider, new Guzzi owner.  I just obtained my license in April and bought Vinny on July 2nd.  I've got about 1700 miles on him and many more to go. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 06, 2016, 03:53:29 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ArizonaPaul on September 06, 2016, 08:31:40 PM
I'm Paul from Surprise, Arizona and a 5 week owner of a new, old stock, 2013 Stelvio.  Having been a rider for 47 years this is my first Guzzi.  Like many, I joined this forum to learn more about my new bike and find this forum to be of great help.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/dGTBGF/DSCF0625.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dGTBGF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 06, 2016, 08:44:15 PM
You just missed the NM state rally.  Matt gave away a Moto Guzzi as a door prize.  Next Moto Guzzi rally is in Dayton, NV east of Carson City.  More knuckleheads you can meet that own Guzzis.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: webmost on September 10, 2016, 03:18:14 PM
Rode the train from Delaware to Rutland Vermont Wednesday. Rode back on a 2000 Jackal Thursday. Thinking I may name her Goldenbitch, because the Jackal species canis aureus = "golden dog", from which you may gather that I am too often scholarly.


Growing up in SoCal, where there are no seasons, I never learned there was such a thing as a riding season. Never even heard the term until I crossed country, and still puzzled by the phrase. Consequently I am a year round daily rider. I may miss half a dozen days over a typical Winter, when there's ice on the road, or when temp dips below 5, cause below 5 your murdersickle battery has trouble turning over the engine ... but that rarely happens here. Otherwise, way I figure, they make jackets for that.

Initial impressions from 350 mostly freeway miles home on a 90 degree day are:

Idles lumpy as a Hardly Ableson paint shaker. Almost didn't go thru with the deal cause I thought something must be dreadfully unbalanced deep in the guts; but then I called my friend with a Norge, and she confirmed that's the way a Guzzi is. No, that is not how it has to be with a V twin. Had a bunch over the years. Have an Indian Scout in the garage now. No, that is not how it has to be with a transverse twin. Have had a number of beemer boxers. Have an R1200CLC in the garage now. No, that's not how a transverse V has to be. Have owned a Honda CX500. All the above were balanced at idle. I even own a thumper POS KLR650 in the garage now that's far better balanced than this.

OTOH: Spins up smooth as that big boulder that you perch on below the waterfall. Foaming water rushing by on either side while you sit atop solid placidity.

First is tall. Too tall for an hour and a half of stop and go traffic on the Garden State. Fifth is perfect for eighty plus. Found myself downshifting around 65 or 70. Once we got past all the rush hour stop and go, and turned our backs on the sports complex, everyone wound it up, and we were holding eighty-five and ninety down the Jersey Turnpike. Goldenbitch loves that. Mane flying, legs stretched, tongue lolling, like that Golden Retriever racing across the lawn for a frisbee.

Runs cool as November twilight. Always admired that about the transverse V.

This shaft drive has no perceptible lash. Well done MG. My beemers have all had a noticeable kalunk. My Honda V65 had a rubbery falunk. My CX minor klunk; but not enough to make it a factor. This, virtually nuttin.

Pegs mounted too high for me. Old knees like more stretch --- forward like Sopowa my Scout or downward like Biffy Bullfrog my KLR. These pegs are more like Annie my R12CLC. With the way the foot controls are, I'm not sure that there's anything I can do about it. I may look for floorboards.

Or, I may mount some buckhorns so as to sit more upright. That may do the trick. The way her wires are bundled and her brake hose and clutch cable are routed, I suspect that the black handlebars may not be stock. Someone wanted a more forward leaning posture. Not for me. I don't care for the dog position outside the bedroom. An early owner apparently went for a blacked-out appearance, when he anodized the headers, header flanges, etc. There's plenty of riders who do not properly appreciate blued headers. He may have bought shorter handlebars. I intend to try some oven cleaner to remove that anodize, and see if I can find some suitable buckhorns. That right there may improve the folded up ergos. I have slack enough in the wires and cables.

Several poor electrical connections. I fixed some temporarily, enough to get thru inspection, I hope. Will overhaul the rest of the harness over the Winter.

Brake hose looking old. Prolly could stand some braided stainless, Spiegler or Russell.

Seat nice and hard. I like that. Wider than it needs to be; but sculpted comfy for my butt. Gimme a hard seat, silk undies, and some Gold Bond, and I am ready for a long ride on a hot day. Soft seats get hot.

Sweet little solid rack.  Solo seat. Nice setup.

Bit of a crink each side of the rear fender reveals she might have been hit from the back. That might also be when she got that aftermarket tombstone taillight. Bit of a scuff on the starboard valve cover. Hope to score a new one. Minor leak will require a new sump gasket. Could not get better than 35mpg on any tank fillup; from which I gather I ought to check the air cleaner and tired intake runners and such.

Just a few tweaks and some TLC, she'll be good as new.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 11, 2016, 02:32:02 PM
Welkommen!  Sounds like you're having fun.  Don't be afraid to rev' it shift at 20,40,60 with what you found for 5th gear.  You might have to synch. the injectors.  Enjoy the vibes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lti_57 on September 12, 2016, 05:32:47 PM
So I might be back in the Fold, I was here a few years ago.  Then  my own health issues made me rethinking riding. Then some serious issues with my wife has me rethinking  whats important in life.
out side of her and my passioin for riding been doing it about 38-39 years
So I bought  a nice ST-1100 I bought for 1000   been on it 2 years but now i saw this ,dang you craigslist    https://spokane.craigslist.org/mcy/5755669476.html
I want  not sure if the price is good have not even talked to him.
I know Moutain Bob in Idaho, Hope the Old boy is still around. meet Tom from Hawaii
I am in Spokane,WA.

Glad to be back

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 12, 2016, 07:21:22 PM
Aloha Lance!

Looks like a good bike. :thumb:  Mtn. Bob is still in the Coeur d 'alene area.  He sold his Jackal.  Health reasons.  My friend John in Sagle bought it.  It's living a little south of Sandpoint.  John's enjoying the heck out of it.  Last MG he owned was an older Eldorado.  He said he missed the engine.  Good luck on the proposed buy.  :cheesy:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lti_57 on September 12, 2016, 07:33:00 PM
Aloha Tom thanks for the welcome
I just barley got rid of that Old Tank bag you gave me in John Day
however long ago that was
I have meet  John from Sagle,ID. a few years ago
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 12, 2016, 09:16:01 PM
4 years, I think.  John says the big R1150GS with the 10gallon tank is getting too top heavy for him to ride all the time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OlDogface on September 24, 2016, 11:37:09 AM
Hi all, Jon here. Former US Army, hence the nickname, and current accountant (did if for the money). I live just north of Gettysburg PA. I purchased a 2013 V7 Stone with only 350 miles on the clock and no damage last weekend. She's now a bit overdue for her first service and my appointment is on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 24, 2016, 01:19:02 PM
Congrats on the bike and Welkommen to WildGoose.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 24, 2016, 06:37:59 PM
Hi all, Jon here. Former US Army, hence the nickname, and current accountant (did if for the money). I live just north of Gettysburg PA. I purchased a 2013 V7 Stone with only 350 miles on the clock and no damage last weekend. She's now a bit overdue for her first service and my appointment is on Tuesday.

350 miles is a low-mileage bike.   I put more than 350 miles on my Guzzi just riding it home from the shop where I bought it ... Is this a demo from a shop, or did someone "sour" on the idea of a Guzzi really really quick somewhere ... ?

Happy riding!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stew on September 28, 2016, 12:36:34 PM
How do guzzisti!  Stew from Sheffield, UK.
I have an '04 V11 Bliballblio that I duckin love dearly.
She's running somewhat hot after the new mivv silencers were put on.  Got a vag cable and links to the guzzidiag stuff but i'll likely need help as one is not wise in the ways of diagnostics.
I was recommended to join here due to the exhaustive (arf!) debating on the subject.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stew on September 28, 2016, 12:37:45 PM
 :grin:And here she is:
(http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo14/stewgnu/image_5.jpeg) (http://s357.photobucket.com/user/stewgnu/media/image_5.jpeg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 28, 2016, 01:42:28 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AaronH on September 28, 2016, 09:05:12 PM

I'm Aaron, 40, living in San Diego, and came across this site while looking for info on the 1400 Eldorado, V7 and V50, one of which I will eventually buy.  My current motorcycle is a 2008 KTM Superduke R, and I previously owned a 2007 S2R800 Monster and 1976 Honda GL1000.  I'm looking forward to learning and eventually contributing here.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: britman on September 29, 2016, 05:14:43 AM
At age 68 I have decided it is time to try a "Goose", can't really explain it to myself much less the Wife.  Tried about every brand out there, just never had the Guzzi experience. Been doing some research and looking seriously at a 2007 Vintage or 2000 Bassa.  I certainly will gleaming information from you guys and looking forward to contributing.  Attaching a shot of my current herd, the yellow TBS is gone however, due to the riding position and my ever increasing friendship with arthritics.

(http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s310/britman1/DSC02912_zpskss70mcs.jpg) (http://s155.photobucket.com/user/britman1/media/DSC02912_zpskss70mcs.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 29, 2016, 05:21:04 PM
Welcome to the madness!  :thumb:  Soooo it that a Rocket III tour or basic?  The Honda brings back some memories.  Capable bike for around town with limited touring abilities.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: britman on September 30, 2016, 04:50:16 AM

The R3 is the Classic, not the Touring.  Had few wrench spins here & there since buying new in 2005 to add to the "Go Fast".  The Honda was a project that sat in the weeds abandoned for nearly 40 years that I brought back to life.  I am a bigger guy and look like a monkey riding a football on it, but anything that wants to live that bad I just can't get rid of.  The 64 TR6R was wrecked and again abandoned when it came through the garage door a few years back.  I truly enjoy the process of breathing life back into vintage machines, regardless of the brand.  Thanks for the welcome, looking forward to sitting on fence and taking notes for the time being.....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on September 30, 2016, 01:16:51 PM
You have nice looking bikes.  :thumb:   Rocket III awesome engine.  :thumb:  I had so much fun a few years back demo riding one at Americade, I went back for a 2nd helping.  :grin: :grin:  Looked at some new ones at  Power Sports in Chandler, AZ.  They had a full blown inventory of all the Triumphs.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EV11Jack on September 30, 2016, 02:52:51 PM
Well, I made it to Guzzi land after years of being without a bike! I rode when I was a kid (I'm 63 now) and after getting married and starting a family there was just no time for bikes etc.
Well, my youngest is off to college and my wife gave me $ last Christmas to buy a used bike (isn't she wonderful!?) Anyhow, the last bike I had, I bought new in 1983. It was a Honda CX500 (you know, kinda like a mini Moto Guzzi with the transverse mounted motor). Well, the IRS and I had a disagreement over my 2012 taxes and I had to give them most of my bike money to stay out of the pokey! I had $1000 left and bought another CX500 Honda on E-bay, site unseen. Well, THAT was a mistake. The previous owner said the carbs needed cleaning and that's the reason it's running so poorly. Put it on a trailer and took it home to Long Island, New York. Well, I've managed about 7 miles on it and started to tear it apart in the garage. The bike began crying and within two days emptied the crankcase onto the garage floor. I'm guessing it needs more that a carb cleaning...I don't have the capacity to pull the motor, so it sits. Disappointed I started looking on E-bay again, not really knowing what I was searching for. A friend took me to a "on street" car show in Oyster Bay, NY. Across the street happens to be 20th Century Cycles (you know, Billy Joel's shop). So I stop in to look around and I see that the majority of bikes are MG's! What a surprise. I don't know what I was expecting, but that took me back! So, back to E-bay I go with an interest in MG's. I eventually find a 1998 California EV11 less than 10 miles from home. I go to see and and love it. I don't have any $ but I trade my hunting rifles and a shotgun for it!
Quite an advendure on the way home though. I don't know if I kicked it, or if it wasn't in properly, but the damn dipstick leaves the bike and it starts spewing oil all over my boot, pant leg and the bike. I eventually start to loose power and pull over and learn what's happened. Get a quart of oil from a gas station, fashion a "plug" to keep it in and limp the last 2 miles to home. I've ordered a new dipstick from MG Cycles and expect it tomorrow.
My questions is, what if any damage did I do running the bike until it started loosing power? I never saw the oil lite come on, so I'm hopeful. I've started it the last day or so (didn't keep it running long) and it seems okay, but this whole Italian bike thing is new to me. Anyone care to weigh in?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pazzmore on October 04, 2016, 07:56:10 PM
I'm Aaron in Tucson, Az.

Grew up riding mini bikes and small dirt bikes around a cotton farm in west Texas, but am new to the world of larger, street motorcycles.

Decided to go with a 2016 V7II Stone as my first bike. I just fell for it hook, line and sinker. It has not disappointed me.

I've been ripping all around the desert and the mountains around here as much as possible. Killer bike.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 04, 2016, 09:07:38 PM
Congrats!  Mistral exhaust system and remap the ecu.  You'll love the sound and the improved performance.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pazzmore on October 05, 2016, 12:33:47 AM
got the Mistral pipes on there, haven't remapped yet. Need to, but have worries about how to do it. I'll read up on here.

Congrats!  Mistral exhaust system and remap the ecu.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 05, 2016, 06:59:32 PM
Your bike should nice and healthy. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: triple3 on October 06, 2016, 01:38:16 PM
Hello from Scotland, i'm a member of several Guzzi forums the more the merrier i think, always good to to get advice,solutions or just some laughs. Used to own a 2006. breva 1100, now got a 2012 1200 sport 4valve. also got a second bike that i've owned now for 14 years,a Triumph 900 from 1996. Any questions?  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 06, 2016, 02:07:51 PM
Failte.....uh...wha tever.  :boozing:  So you like haggis?  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: triple3 on October 06, 2016, 02:34:13 PM
Love it! washed down with a bottle of irn bru! canna beat it.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 06, 2016, 02:36:45 PM
I never assume that the dishes from a country appeal to all from that country.  :food:  For you.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: triple3 on October 09, 2016, 11:12:13 AM
Can you buy this in the states? Little known fact, Scotland is one of the very few countries in the world where coca-cola is not the no1 seller. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=irn+bru+pictures&biw=1280&bih=918&tbm=isch&imgil=b-oa3EzYGSMhzM%253A%253BOULG_e2ils2F0M%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.designweek.co.uk%25252Fissues%25252F2-8-may-2016%25252Ffizzy-drink-irn-bru-gets-sparkling-new-branding-and-packaging-design%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=b-oa3EzYGSMhzM%253A%252COULG_e2ils2F0M%252C_&usg=__d8ubvoQnO07V7X43HA_Lggkzhes%3D&dpr=1&ved=0ahUKEwjEmMfXjc7PAhWIAcAKHYTQDlwQyjcINQ&ei=gmv6V8TPBYiDgAaEobvgBQ#imgrc=b-oa3EzYGSMhzM%3A

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 09, 2016, 10:30:41 PM
I haven't seen it for sale in the U.S. but I haven't been everywhere in U.S. :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 10, 2016, 03:00:00 PM
I haven't seen it for sale in the U.S. but I haven't been everywhere in U.S. :embarrassed:

National tastes and habits differ.  All the little stores (and the big ones) around here now carry the soft drinks that are popular in Mexico, although at a stiff price.

I keep trying them, hoping I'll find one I like, but no luck so far!   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 10, 2016, 03:08:11 PM
We're getting more of the Mexican soft drinks here too.  Mexican Coca Cola products also made with pure cane sugar vs the HFC stuff.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 10, 2016, 07:01:05 PM
We're getting more of the Mexican soft drinks here too.  Mexican Coca Cola products also made with pure cane sugar vs the HFC stuff.

"Jarritos" is the brand I always see, they come in lots of fruit flavors ... but they are SO sweet they make your mouth feel sticky after you finish, they're not much of a thirst-quencher.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 10, 2016, 07:35:46 PM
Same here.  Maybe over ice and let it melt to dilute.  Just a suggestion.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rockburner on October 11, 2016, 10:25:13 AM
err - Hello, new registrant from the UK.

Joined up because i'm hoping to get my mother's old V50Mk2 into my garage for a clean up and re-commission as a weekend bike.

I have some fond memories of it as it was my first 'big' bike and I rode it a fair bit for the first year or two after I passed my bike licence tests.

Currently it's fitted with Lanfranconi exhausts, K&N filters, and a bigger jet in the carbs ;) (oh and a shonky after-market headlight because I nicked the original for my second bike: a Ducati TL600... )
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 11, 2016, 02:30:21 PM
Welkommen.  So if I read correctly,  this is your mum's motorcycle that you learn to ride on but you took the headlight nacelle to recondition your Ducati?  :tongue:  Did your mom know?  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rockburner on October 12, 2016, 07:33:36 AM
Welkommen.  So if I read correctly,  this is your mum's motorcycle that you learn to ride on but you took the headlight nacelle to recondition your Ducati?  :tongue:  Did your mom know?  :grin:

Not sure to be honest - she had moved on to a 550 Zephyr by then (another bike I later 'appropriated'), and I DID put another headlamp on the Guzzi. ;)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 12, 2016, 01:07:21 PM
Does she still ride? :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gootsy collins on October 13, 2016, 03:59:37 PM
Hi all,

I joined this forum because I am selling my V7...just being honest. I thought someone here might be interested in this beauty. I have to let her go unfortunately. It's a primo ride. Check it out: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=86461.0

I have a newborn now and since I won't have the Guzzi anymore, I'll spare you the boring intro about me since I wont be doing forum talk anymore really. Keepin' it real, but hey if you want to buy my bike, please check the link out. Thanks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rockburner on October 14, 2016, 08:22:06 AM
Does she still ride? :thumb:

Yup.  She's retired from her job, but still has a Vespa scooter and a CBR500.  the CBR500 isn't sporty enough for her though.... she wants another CBR400RRSP.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 14, 2016, 02:32:08 PM
SV650 Suzuki.  She'd like a V7II. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mr Pootle on October 16, 2016, 08:20:08 AM
Alan from Leeds, UK. 69 years old. When I was 14 my dad bought a Moto Guzzi Zigolo, and told me it would be mine when I was 16. When I was 15 he sold it and bought a NSU Quickly. I got myself a Vespa to compensate.
Over the years I're had Triumphs, Nortons, a Velocette and a Yamaha. At last, with my dad's money, I've bought myself a Moto Guzzi, a V7ll Special in blue. And I love it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 16, 2016, 12:59:51 PM
Welcome and Aloha! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sambsam on October 16, 2016, 01:04:49 PM
From Brighton, England

Just got back from a few years abroad (South Sudan, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Saudi, UAE) - have dug the Cali out of the Garage - now have to dig deeper and get the T3
(http://thumb.ibb.co/iNpYfa/Guzzi_850_T3_ish_Chop.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iNpYfa)
Chop going as well
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 16, 2016, 01:17:03 PM
Welcome!  Did you build your bike?  and is that a battery box on the lower rear frame rail. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sambsam on October 16, 2016, 03:18:54 PM
No - i bought it some time after the original build - see the attached magazine article

I have had to re-build it a couple of times

The small box on the right is a tool box - the battery box is much larger and on the left.

I have changed a few things - but mainly cosmetic and fine tuning - The original frame got stress cracks in the downtubes and the frame was repaired by a magician engineer called Chris Knibbs.  I moved the speedo and tacho together and they fill the gap between the seat and tank. Only instrument on the bars is the high beam light which is drilled into the triple tree bolt. I really want to get a slimmer tank to show off the engine.....

It is an 850 T3 but running 36mm pumpers and open pipes - if that isn't loud enough; the horns are fiamm air-horns off an old police car and the only place meaty enough to carry the horn compressor is on top of the gearbox.

I can put my hand flat on the ground whilst sitting on it - and it is very impractical - but I still love it - got the Cali for day to day and longer trips - both bikes have
(http://thumb.ibb.co/mhBJDv/Bike_Magazine_Page_1.png) (http://ibb.co/mhBJDv)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mV2fRF/Bike_Magazine_Page_2.png) (http://ibb.co/mV2fRF)
 been mothballed for a few years - so a top end rebuild is on the cards before I put it back on the road.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lucydad2 on October 16, 2016, 07:49:53 PM

Poodles now on geriatric food

Still have the 2012 V7R

Still waiting for cooler weather
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Charles in Lake Charles on October 17, 2016, 04:43:34 AM
Welcome back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lwbdriver on October 18, 2016, 03:37:43 PM
Greetings from Utah. I am the proud owner of a Red 2000 Quota as of day before yesterday. Bought it locally here near Salt Lake City and it seems like a good one. 29,000 miles and several upgrades and bags. Only question mark is me....I have a 30" inseam and I can't get anywhere near flat footing it. Of course, I can't flat foot most motorcycles. Been riding since 1970 and have had probably 30 motorcycles in that time, all Japanese with a few BMW's thrown in. This is my first Goose, but I have always wanted one. Looking forward to many years of fun with this thing.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 18, 2016, 04:08:05 PM
Welcome!  The Quota is a good touring bike for dirt roads and street.  Your bike wasn't in Park City was it?  If it was I have some info history for you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: epb on October 20, 2016, 05:51:17 PM
Just a brief intro. I've been riding off and on since the 70s, all Hondas (CB400T, Hawk GT, CBR600RR, CB400T again). I've been wanting to try a vintage tourer (rather than a cruiser) and was looking at the Honda GL1000, 70s BMW R90, or a Guzzi 850T. I wound up buying an 850T yesterday from Pennsylvania.


The bike is in great running condition, recent not-great paint in a non-factory color (not a fan of red, so good for me). I plan to spend about a year getting familiar with the bike and making sure it's in top shape - the only changes I'll make now are removing the ammo cases, which I don't care for, and maybe the pipe wrap depending on the condition underneath. I'll also need to find a tool kit, which seem scarce. Took it off the truck today after getting it registered - good lord this thing is heavy. It appears to have some mods already; it's got Borrani high shoulder wheels (or were those stock back then?), cone filters, and some cheapie mirrors. The PO apparently rode it from PA to the west coast last summer so toddling around country roads here in KY should be a doddle.

Long term? I'd like mine to look like this one. (https://www.hemmings.com/magazine/hmn/2008/08/Moto-Guzzi-850-T3/1676344.html) Like the solo seat and rack look on these.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: atavar on October 20, 2016, 06:18:43 PM
Just one thing, I don't think those are ammo cases. They look like Pelican cases and if they are they are high dollar strong watertight cases.  If you really don't want them send them to me!  ;)
Great find on the bike though, yur gonna love it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: epb on October 20, 2016, 07:00:18 PM
The brand on the cases is Plano, who make ammo and gun cases (www.planomolding.co m). They do seem watertight and lockable. Unfortunately, someone in my family already called dibs. :-)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tasdisr on October 21, 2016, 04:55:55 PM
Greetings from SW Ohio. I have been away from biking for around 15 years and looking to get back to it.

Right now I am trying to decide between a 2017 Guzzi V9 Roamer or a 2016 Triumph Speedmaster. The Triumph has a lower seat height at 27.2 vs 29.5 for the V9 which is good for me as I am only about 5ft 6 inches tall.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 21, 2016, 04:58:43 PM
Welkommen!  You have a bike conundrum.  Maybe a demo ride would convince you which one you should buy.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tasdisr on October 21, 2016, 05:24:42 PM
Welkommen!  You have a bike conundrum.  Maybe a demo ride would convince you which one you should buy.

Hoping to go look at both tomorrow. Speedmaster is nice with the low seat height, just not sure about the foot control positions since it is a cruiser and the T100 sits too high for me.

The Guzzi dealer said he could lower the V9 about an inch which would be nice, also like the fact that it has ABS and Traction control which the Triumph does not have.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on October 21, 2016, 06:59:03 PM
Welkommen!  You have a bike conundrum.  Maybe a demo ride would convince you which one you should buy.

I think we met at Cadre's this week.  Can't wait to see which way you go, but you know I lean Guzzi!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tasdisr on October 21, 2016, 07:20:00 PM
I think we met at Cadre's this week.  Can't wait to see which way you go, but you know I lean Guzzi!


We did meet at Cadre's the other day. Seems like a great dealer and Enzo knows his product.
Hoping to visit both dealers tomorrow to at least look again. I like the Triumph, but the Guzzi keeps calling me back.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on October 21, 2016, 07:35:14 PM
We did meet at Cadre's the other day. Seems like a great dealer and Enzo knows his product.
Hoping to visit both dealers tomorrow to at least look again. I like the Triumph, but the Guzzi keeps calling me back.


Good luck and have fun doing it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: valval on October 25, 2016, 04:21:00 PM
rocky, retired prison guard (don't hold that against me), 62 years old and soon to be 63, in California (where the beautiful people live haha- don't hold that against me, just bought a 2013 v7 stone with 3000 miles. Always had a bike in the garage but the biggest was 350cc. Have a xt225 and a vespa 250 so I thought I would get something bigger before I see the bright light. Like the bike but not the seat. Got a air hawk R but still haven't got it dialed in. Sooner or later a bike owner will need a forum. Glad to be here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on October 26, 2016, 12:50:46 AM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 26, 2016, 08:05:03 AM
rocky, retired prison guard (don't hold that against me), 62 years old and soon to be 63, in California (where the beautiful people live haha- don't hold that against me, just bought a 2013 v7 stone with 3000 miles. Always had a bike in the garage but the biggest was 350cc. Have a xt225 and a vespa 250 so I thought I would get something bigger before I see the bright light. Like the bike but not the seat. Got a air hawk R but still haven't got it dialed in. Sooner or later a bike owner will need a forum. Glad to be here.

You'll be the fourth current or retired prison guard on the board so no need to fear it being held against you; believe it or not, most of the members here are "outside"!

I've owned both the XT-225 and the Vespa that you have, and the only thing that has me owning bigger bikes is the amount of two-up riding that my wife and I do.   Aside from that, a 400 or 650 is all the bike I'd ever need .....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SaskMick on October 29, 2016, 01:01:58 AM
My name is Mick, I'm 61 years old.    I come from England but now live in Saskatchewan Canada, I came here 13 years ago.   I was a bricklayer for 5 years, and a breeder of birds for 35 years(https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14907187_1700555500261847_4405154663106054677_n.jpg?oh=97440c538426ff742e881b9d3a6c62b1&oe=58949E31) but called it a day when it became a job.    ... I then built Sten guns and pissed off the RCMP in the process, (https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14590336_1700555633595167_6970350487344819833_n.jpg?oh=a0e24b68120fd568ddc14351a8b4eaee&oe=58D4D2BF)   but found making guns easy and needed something to stimulate they grey matter so I retired and learn't hypnosis.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gluykZOYboo    I have always like bikes and have owned quite a few over the years, but like proper ones best.


This is my latest project, but it will have a Moto Guzzi engine...


That's about the lot so far anyway.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 29, 2016, 11:01:51 AM
My name is Mick, I'm 61 years old.    I come from England but now live in Saskatchewan Canada, I came here 13 years ago.   I was a bricklayer for 5 years, and a breeder of birds for 35 years but called it a day when it became a job.    ... I then built Sten guns and pissed off the RCMP in the process,   but found making guns easy and needed something to stimulate they grey matter so I retired and learn't hypnosis.      I have always like bikes and have owned quite a few over the years, but like proper ones best.

This is my latest project, but it will have a Moto Guzzi engine...

That's about the lot so far anyway.

Pretty gripping introduction!   That bird breeding thing is WAY more work and commitment in time than it looks to be at first glance, my wife looked at getting into it .... it was like dairy farming, you couldn't take a day off anytime ...

You think the RCMP will get after you, you just wait till the Virginia State Police and the BATF find out you're into making homemade automatic weapons .... !   Used to be that you could buy a complete Sten gun kit minus the receiver in one place, buy a receiver tube with a template for the ports to be milled out in another place, and be in business ... I don't know about now.

Enjoyed your hypnosis video; subject to actual real world experience, I don't think you could do me that way.   Not that I don't believe it's "possible", but ......

Will enjoy keeping up with your Morgan/Guzzi Trike project, keep us up to date on it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SaskMick on October 29, 2016, 11:48:02 AM
Pretty gripping introduction!   That bird breeding thing is WAY more work and commitment in time than it looks to be at first glance, my wife looked at getting into it .... it was like dairy farming, you couldn't take a day off anytime ...

You think the RCMP will get after you, you just wait till the Virginia State Police and the BATF find out you're into making homemade automatic weapons .... !   Used to be that you could buy a complete Sten gun kit minus the receiver in one place, buy a receiver tube with a template for the ports to be milled out in another place, and be in business ... I don't know about now.

Enjoyed your hypnosis video; subject to actual real world experience, I don't think you could do me that way.   Not that I don't believe it's "possible", but ......

Will enjoy keeping up with your Morgan/Guzzi Trike project, keep us up to date on it!


You are right about breeding birds of prey, there is no time off whatsoever, it's practically the one and only thing you do.  It was the falconry that kept me at it for so long, I kept at it until I could go no further, then it was boring.

In Canada you can build guns as long as they comply with the firearm laws, the RCMP said mine did not as they could easily make them full auto. I took them to court with my wife as my assistant and won, it was one of the most memorable days of my life.

As for the hypnosis what makes you think I could not do it to you ? :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 29, 2016, 11:58:55 AM
You are right about breeding birds of prey, there is no time off whatsoever, it's practically the one and only thing you do.  It was the falconry that kept me at it for so long, I kept at it until I could go no further, then it was boring.

In Canada you can build guns as long as they comply with the firearm laws, the RCMP said mine did not as they could easily make them full auto. I took them to court with my wife as my assistant and won, it was one of the most memorable days of my life.

As for the hypnosis what makes you think I could not do it to you ? :grin:

Well, for one thing I can't (just from my life experience, nothing scientific) imagine the "mechanism" that would allow you to get into my head like that, and with a few words and a touch or two from someone I've never met, "force" my body and mind to act in ways that are completely outside my conscious control.

If we ever get together, I suppose I'll have to try it and see, but I've never seen it work "in front of me" (always on TV or video) on someone I know and trust to be a rational person ...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SaskMick on October 29, 2016, 12:32:23 PM
Well, for one thing I can't (just from my life experience, nothing scientific) imagine the "mechanism" that would allow you to get into my head like that, and with a few words and a touch or two from someone I've never met, "force" my body and mind to act in ways that are completely outside my conscious control.

If we ever get together, I suppose I'll have to try it and see, but I've never seen it work "in front of me" (always on TV or video) on someone I know and trust to be a rational person ...


As it happens I could not do it to you, all hypnosis is self hypnosis, you have to do it yourself, all I could do is talk you through it. 

  The video clip shows the procedure of the induction I used on that person. I had already  tested  her reactions before the induction and was sure she would be a great subject, and she was, she had a fantastic imagination.

Here's another one where I was not so sure about the volunteer, I used a different and longer induction because of my doubts but she turned out to be fine.   I screwed up big time in more ways than one, and sent her on her way without giving her the number 6 back. I hope she did not work in a shop or bank.


PS, A lot of people think only stupid people can be hypnotised but it's the other way around, they are generally the hardest of all, stupid people don't usually have a good imagination whereas intelligent people do.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mytfour on October 31, 2016, 05:55:33 PM
Hello to everyone! I'm Shawn from South Carolina, and yes, I do have a genuine Southern accent that makes people ask where I'm from.  Born nearby in Western NC, way back in 1960, and grew up in a textile mill village in a small foothills town. I am lucky enough to be in a day's ride of some of the best roads in the entire Southeast.

Just bought my second Guzzi - a 2012 Norge with only 5k miles (well it did have 5k miles... :wink:). Previously I have one of the lovely V11 Sport models with the red frame and green paintwork. Wish I had kept that one forever! I have had the privilege of owning some really cool bikes in my life, and I can proudly say that every street bike has been European. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SundayRider on November 09, 2016, 01:25:30 PM
Hi Everyone!

New member here.  Let's see, I'm a recent convert to Guzzi-dom - bought a Norge last year and love it.  Photo below.

I live near Philly.  Have been a mostly Triumph rider up til now. 

Nice to be here!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on November 09, 2016, 01:59:48 PM
Welkommen!  There a number of the Guzzi "idiots" out your way.   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EV11Jack on November 09, 2016, 06:16:35 PM
Hi, I really don't know if I'm doing this the right way, but if no one replies to me, I'll assume I did something wrong, or incomplete. I'm trying to introduce myself to the group. I'm EV11Jack. Just bought a 1998 EV11 California. Unfortunately it broke down on my first ride to work :embarrassed: Ended up trailering it to a local shop (20 miles, but from what I understand, 20 miles for an MG shop is "close"). Anyhow they've diagnosed it as a bad regulator and alternator. Parts confirmation has been difficult, but they tell me they're making progress. Hope to get it back before I need to put snow chains on it!
Ok, back to me. I'm 63, live on Long Island, NY. Stopped riding 25-30 years ago with family obligations. The kids are grown and in school so I thought I stick my toe in the water once again. I have no aspirations of long road trips, just short jaunts and going to work.
Looking forward to "meeting" more of you all here on the forum. I know these things are invaluable. If anyone is on LI, I'd love to hear from you.
Keep the shiny side up and rubber side down.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/d8Z5RF/EV_11.jpg) (http://ibb.co/d8Z5RF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 09, 2016, 06:57:00 PM
 You're doing fine Jack , and welcome to our family  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on November 09, 2016, 06:58:26 PM
Where on LI are you?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ywgbandit on November 10, 2016, 08:04:28 PM
Hi Guys & Gals. A bit about myself:
I am 61 yrs
I am retired
I live in Creston, BC, Canada 6 miles from the BC/Idaho Border
I have been riding motorcycles since 1974
Where I live now has some of the very best M/C riding in North America.
I presently own a 2008 Suzuki GSF1250 S Bandit set up for touring.
I have done almost every mod possible to the Bandit, suspension, brakes, TFI ECU, exhaust, etc, etc.
I am very interested in getting a Moto Guzzi Norge.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/kuBifa/P1030795.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kuBifa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 10, 2016, 08:07:47 PM
 Oh no ...another Canuck  :grin:

 Just kidding , welcome , good hunting .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 10, 2016, 08:25:22 PM
Hi Guys & Gals. A bit about myself:
I am 61 yrs
I am retired
I live in Creston, BC, Canada 6 miles from the BC/Idaho Border
I have been riding motorcycles since 1974
Where I live now has some of the very best M/C riding in North America.
I presently own a 2008 Suzuki GSF1250 S Bandit set up for touring.
I have done almost every mod possible to the Bandit, suspension, brakes, TFI ECU, exhaust, etc, etc.
I am very interested in getting a Moto Guzzi Norge.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/kuBifa/P1030795.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kuBifa)

Many of us (well, one of us that I'm absolutely sure of) would like to hear your impression of the Norge vs. the Bandit once you get a ride on a Norge.   I have friends that have touring-equipped Bandits like yours and they like them very much; a great touring bike at half the price of a new purpose-built one ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on November 11, 2016, 12:59:37 PM
Hi, I really don't know if I'm doing this the right way, but if no one replies to me, I'll assume I did something wrong, or incomplete. I'm trying to introduce myself to the group. I'm EV11Jack. Just bought a 1998 EV11 California. Unfortunately it broke down on my first ride to work :embarrassed: Ended up trailering it to a local shop (20 miles, but from what I understand, 20 miles for an MG shop is "close"). Anyhow they've diagnosed it as a bad regulator and alternator. Parts confirmation has been difficult, but they tell me they're making progress. Hope to get it back before I need to put snow chains on it!
Ok, back to me. I'm 63, live on Long Island, NY. Stopped riding 25-30 years ago with family obligations. The kids are grown and in school so I thought I stick my toe in the water once again. I have no aspirations of long road trips, just short jaunts and going to work.
Looking forward to "meeting" more of you all here on the forum. I know these things are invaluable. If anyone is on LI, I'd love to hear from you.
Keep the shiny side up and rubber side down.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/d8Z5RF/EV_11.jpg) (http://ibb.co/d8Z5RF)

Welcome Jack.. I see you have one of the highly sought after "hotdog and mustard" EVs. Good for you.  :smiley: More than likely, there was a bad ground to the regulator, and it burnt up. That's the most likely scenario. Once you get the new one on, run a dedicated ground wire from the regulator case to a timing chest bolt.
Edit: To test the alternator, check between the yellow wires when it's running. Should show around 40-50 volts AC.
Easy Peasy. The shop shouldn't have a problem diagnosing it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ZumWohl on November 12, 2016, 01:58:42 AM
Ciao, the few Ladies and mostly Gentlemen on the board... my name is Don.  I'm from the Philly suburbs, just hit age 60 (damn), and although recently retired, currently work at Sikorsky Helicopter in charming Coatesville, PA.

The name ZumWohl is a tip of the hat to my years in West Germany (before the wall came down) as a lad in Army Aviation.  Very impressionable; Germany was (and still is!) beautiful, but their heavenly bier transfused my blood for the duration there.  I had German friend say something that sticks with me through today... I told him I rode, and he said "you may ride a motorcycle, but I ride a Moto Guzzi".  And since then, I became determined to ride one too.

I was fortunate to purchase my first Guzzi two weeks ago, a basically stock 2015 GRiSO with 5700 miles.  I have been looking at Guzzi's for over two years, the main focus on a Stelvio, which would have been a natural segue from my V-Strom DL1000.  But I came to realize that I'm no longer 'adventure riding', likely not going to do long trips to faraway places and camp for days on end.  No, I recently figured it's time to get a bike I can take out for a day and just enjoy the ride (as well as the raw sexiness of the GRiSO).  I'll commute on it, and enjoy the weekends as well.

I realize the GRiSO has been around for a while, and may not be that exciting to many here, but it's my first Guzzi and I have a ton of questions regarding this girl that I'm sure the collective here can answer.  I'll post them in a separate thread.  Sorry for no pics, but she looks like every other stock Red Devil at the moment... I hope to make her mine in the next year.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ohiorider on November 12, 2016, 11:47:29 AM
Welcome to Wild Guzzi!  I owned a 2012 Griso 8vSE for 3 years.  Beautiful bikes ..... mine was in Tenni Green with the brown saddle and black wire wheels.  Sold in 2015, but memories of that lovely 8 valve engine linger on.  Should probably have hung onto it, but was facing having the bike rollerized and having the front and rear suspension made more compliant.  I just wasn't in the mood at the time to dig into it. 

As you'll see in my signature, I still own and ride my 2008 2v 1200 Sport, another lovely Guzzi product.  She just turned 64,000 miles.

There's certainly forum members better equipped to answer your questions, but I may be able to point you in the right direction on simpler issues, so feel free to drop me a pm. 

Wild Guzzi has provided a wonderful virtual family for me as a Guzzi owner.  I'm confident you'll have the same experience.

Welcome aboard!

Bob (Ohiorider)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 12, 2016, 02:45:38 PM
Ciao, the few Ladies and mostly Gentlemen on the board... my name is Don.  I'm from the Philly suburbs, just hit age 60 (damn), and although recently retired, currently work at Sikorsky Helicopter in charming Coatesville, PA.

Best regards,

We'll enjoy seeing how you "personalize" your Guzzi as you go ... I personalize mine but it tends to be stuff you can't see like ergonomics and suspension height ..... so post a few pics when you get a chance.

And I hit 60 myself a ways back.   I didn't append a "damn" to it, because I'd a whole lot rather hit 60 years old 720 months after I was born than to NOT hit 60 at that time ..... !    :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 83 Sicillian on November 13, 2016, 08:57:27 AM
Hey there! I joined a while ago but haven't been on much at all.

I just bought a new V9 Bobber and I love it. I have twi early 80's V65SP's, one perfectly restored and the other is very low miles and needing some restoration.

I expect to be here quite often now as I go about repairing the one early bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ywgbandit on November 13, 2016, 02:27:33 PM
Many of us (well, one of us that I'm absolutely sure of) would like to hear your impression of the Norge vs. the Bandit once you get a ride on a Norge.   I have friends that have touring-equipped Bandits like yours and they like them very much; a great touring bike at half the price of a new purpose-built one ....

I have done an official Iron Butt and many non official ones. Out of the box the Bandit has some major issues. Suspension being the big one, but all fixable. It's actually a very capable sport/touring bike. I got my 2008 as NOS in fall of 2010 for $5500.00. Of course I put almost that much back in as accessories...LOL!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blacktruck on November 13, 2016, 06:14:18 PM
Hi Everyone!

New member here.  Let's see, I'm a recent convert to Guzzi-dom - bought a Norge last year and love it.  Photo below.

I live near Philly.  Have been a mostly Triumph rider up til now. 

Nice to be here!

Hello Sunday Rider..
Nice to see another Norge here in the faster black color. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. Great riding in that area as I recall. Ride safe man and enjoy.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mauricedonini on November 14, 2016, 07:24:58 PM
Hi Gang,

Maurice here from Connecticut.  Age - 55.  Profession - IT geek in banking world. 

Just purchased a 1999 California V1100 EV. 

I'm the mechanic on this bike, so I will be asking lots of questions. 

Thanks in advance for your help.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DSL on December 01, 2016, 12:17:47 PM
Greetings to you all From Vermont.

I am an old time BMW air head rider,  with a long time passion to get into a Guzzi.
Well that has happened,  New to me is a 86 Lemans 1000.  In its previous life there was an attempt to change it into a cafe looking type of bike.
So with that said, I will be asking for some advice here in the appropriate areas.  If of course Y'all are willing.

Cheers,  Mike
(http://thumb.ibb.co/jveELa/IMG_9500.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jveELa)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cpVzmF/IMG_9499.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cpVzmF)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 01, 2016, 12:28:55 PM
 DSL , some of these guys will have hurt feelings if you don't ask questions  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DSL on December 01, 2016, 01:32:56 PM
No worries, I have questions!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on December 01, 2016, 02:00:42 PM
Hi Gang,

Maurice here from Connecticut.  Age - 55.  Profession - IT geek in banking world. 

Just purchased a 1999 California V1100 EV. 

I'm the mechanic on this bike, so I will be asking lots of questions. 

Thanks in advance for your help.


Where in Ct are you located?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motobianca on December 01, 2016, 02:25:29 PM
Hello all,
New to forums in general - this one in particular, so if I goof, let me know. . .  The name is Jack, age 55, from hot and sticky Florida.  I've worked through several careers, so as they say "jack of all trades, master of none" is fitting.  Had a fleet of dirt bikes in the 70's and bought my first Guzzi, a '75 850 T in '77.  It suffered from poor maintenance and had been run without lube to the top end.  I stripped it to a bare frame and rebuilt the motor, then spent breaks during my last two years in high school riding it solo around the US and Canada to the tune of about 20,000 miles. When I left for college I traded the bike for an MGB and have been sorry ever since. 

My wife and I both ride, and this year we had the good fortune to find her an '09 V7c in showroom condition with 6k miles on the clock.  It runs super lean so I'm interested in adding some fuel in the right places.  I've been data logging and remapping my Buell XB9 with a home-brew bluetooth dongle and a smart phone for several years now.  I also added a wide band O2 sensor and AFR gauge, the improvements in performance and "rideability" were dramatic.  The EFI on the V7 is a more sophisticated system, so I have lots of questions. . .

Best regards to all, and thanks in advance for your patience as I learn my way around the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 01, 2016, 02:54:24 PM
 Motoblanca , search for "beetlemaps" here on WG . He will fix you up .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motobianca on December 01, 2016, 05:08:29 PM
Thanks, I'll do that
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on December 03, 2016, 11:21:35 PM
Tim Powers

Former Midwesterner (both Cheesehead and FIB) now in Central Texas
Married a great woman who rides a 2013 V7 Special
Blessed with zero children
Business development for B2B analytics software

Miss my Griso and want another Goose
Have some Aprilias that I love, a scooter, some bicycles, and a skateboard I can't ride yet
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 04, 2016, 09:16:18 AM
 Hello Tim , we have a couple of other members in Austin . Hope you find your goose  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on December 04, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
Thanks for the welcome, Dusty!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 04, 2016, 06:40:31 PM
Thanks for the welcome, Dusty!

 I live in that foreign country just North of the Red River , so when the poking fun at Texas thing starts , remember the nice welcome  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on December 04, 2016, 08:43:30 PM
Ha! I wonder if you were part of a group I ran into about a year ago when I had my Griso up at the Taligent scenic byway.  There was some sort of forum get together (this one?) and I met some nice folks, albeit briefly.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 04, 2016, 08:49:35 PM
Ha! I wonder if you were part of a group I ran into about a year ago when I had my Griso up at the Taligent scenic byway.  There was some sort of forum get together (this one?) and I met some nice folks, albeit briefly.

 Yes, the JN Smyth Memorial Okie campout , that was probably two years ago . You were with a buddy riding an Aprillia ? Rode over to the 259 junction on the Talimena DR with us ?
 Oh , just to clarify , Oct of last year .


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on December 04, 2016, 08:53:29 PM
That's it! That was me on my Aprilia and my cousin on my Griso.  I sold both of those bikes shortly after the trip and miss them. I'm itching for another Goose.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 04, 2016, 08:56:45 PM
That's it! That was me on my Aprilia and my cousin on my Griso.  I sold both of those bikes shortly after the trip and miss them. I'm itching for another Goose.

 Watch the general discussion , I'll post up a pic of you from the JN Smyth thread . Glad you joined us, seems like we talked about WG that day  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Byrdock on December 05, 2016, 08:48:48 PM
Hello from a Guzzi newbie in NC. My name's Jim and I recently picked up a 2007 Breva 1100 with 9900 miles. I got it so the boss would have something besides a cruiser to ride since she likes riding in the mountains now. AND I've been wanting one since I saw one up close! It fits in nicely with my Buell. Thanks for all the valuable info here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kenmoore on December 06, 2016, 02:11:33 AM
Hi All,

My name is Ken.

I am 59


Like surfing and motorcycles. I am a tragic for both. A bit of a contradiction I know.

I live on the South Coast of New South Wales Australia very near to some famous mountain roads.

I am here for a friend who has a California Aluminium Sport Special.

His bike is in a sad state with over 100,000 miles on it. I helped him do the gearbox and clutch on it about 8,000 miles ago and was impressed at how solidly this bike was engineered. It amazed me as to how well it goes as it hasn't been loved and has seen the Tarmac on more than one occasion and looks rugged.

Still goes like stink which helps. It gives my modded VTR a run up to 220, after that it's adios amigo !

I am researching what to do with it to make it into something special for him. I ride with him on a regular basis and he has owned the bike for as long as I can remember. The bike has been modified somewhat and is not a slouch on the road.

It shines in rough road conditions and I can only put that down to the 18" front wheel .It handles the undulations and pot holes better than my bike.

I like resurrecting bikes with modifications that suit the genre. I am stumped with this machine and will be seeking plenty of help from forum members.

Maybe some new paint , some new pipes, engine tuning, a bit of work on the rear end as the shocks are knackered. The bike wallows in corners and my mates answer to it is to get on the gas and ride through it.

Just about everything I look at is very worn and tatty in appearance.

When the bike comes into my Man Cave it will keep some interesting machinery company.

Here are some of them.

I don't own all of them but work on them to keep them going and to be enjoyed by their owners.

I am a V Twin tragic .

This is mine, sorry it's not Italian but I like it

(http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af129/kbarr2/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-11/857037B8-95E3-407D-B35C-BBE16B0FD4B7_zpsaomfeqef.jpg) (http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/kbarr2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-11/857037B8-95E3-407D-B35C-BBE16B0FD4B7_zpsaomfeqef.jpg.html)

Here is a Bimota Db1!fitted with a 900SS motor and 17" wheels that I am restoring for a friend.

(http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af129/kbarr2/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-11/A6FF634A-ACF9-4D46-840B-10E56C1B5C61_zpsqr6dcpmo.jpg) (http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/kbarr2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-11/A6FF634A-ACF9-4D46-840B-10E56C1B5C61_zpsqr6dcpmo.jpg.html)

I have rebuilt the motor with new Pistons, rings, slipper clutch , Dellorto PHM40s, new valve guides, reseated valves, stem seals etc as well as painted the swingarm and fork legs. There is still a bit to do but after 4 months it is almost finished. A lot of new wiring, wheel bearings, fork service and after numerous other things she is almost ready to go.

The 848 you see in the picture has been a constant companion for the last 4 years.

Regular visitors include a couple of Apes

(http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af129/kbarr2/F196ED7B-7B32-4932-A971-2FB2C2CC5D20_zpsmk6yeisq.jpg) (http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/kbarr2/media/F196ED7B-7B32-4932-A971-2FB2C2CC5D20_zpsmk6yeisq.jpg.html)

(http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af129/kbarr2/0CC70C37-41B9-49AE-B190-606D26329139_zpspxezlfjv.jpg) (http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/kbarr2/media/0CC70C37-41B9-49AE-B190-606D26329139_zpspxezlfjv.jpg.html)

And there is an X75 that I am restoring for a mate.

(http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af129/kbarr2/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-04/84DA119F-A380-4B34-9F32-B96BB656E76C_zps19y7uoox.jpg) (http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/kbarr2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-04/84DA119F-A380-4B34-9F32-B96BB656E76C_zps19y7uoox.jpg.html)

So as you can see motorcycles are a big part of my life and after restoring / refurbishing many motorcycles as well as having owned 43 bikes myself I feel able to do a makeover for my friend in the new year.

I will start a post when I get going and assure you that any help, suggestions or advice will be appreciated as I have never worked on a Guzzi before.

I can also assure you that I will also participate in this forum and hope to make some new connections

For now I will be a bit of a lurker until I get the Guzzi in the Cave and be assured there will be plenty of questions when this happens, particularly in relation to parts procurement.

I can also paint, weld , wrench , and have a mate with a lathe and milling machine that is happy to help.

Cheers for Now from Down Under.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on December 07, 2016, 06:20:02 PM
Awesome bikes and introduction, Ken!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JACoH on December 09, 2016, 02:36:32 PM
Hi kids,  Looking seriously at getting a new V7 III classic when available here in the Pacific Northwet, Oregon, USA.  I currently have a 2016 Indian Scout and a 2015 Piaggio BV350.  Bought the Scout this year instead of a V7, should have got the V7, but at least the improvements to the new III will make the wait worthwhile.  I don't like the feet forward riding position, but my wife preferred the Indian looks! I have been riding for 52 years, the new MG will be bike # 35 for me. I wish the classic was red but the blue is nice. Hope to get lots of tips here.
Title: Just bought my first Moto Guzzi - a 2011 GT 8v Norge
Post by: TimFrazier on December 15, 2016, 08:28:42 PM
Hello everyone.  I'm a long time Triumph Rocket III Classic owner and two weeks ago purchased a used Norge GT 8v to add to my garage.  I haven't had a chance to really get out and ride it beyond the test ride because I sent it straight to the shop to have the cam follower replacement/upgrade done.  I hope to be on the road enjoying it within the next three weeks.

I own a dog training business, http://www.grapevinek9.com (http://www.grapevinek9.com) in Grapevine, Texas.  I've been training dogs for 30 years.  I've also had previous careers as a police K9 officer and an IT service delivery manager for two IT outsourcing corporations.

My favorite rides are the Talimena Scenic Byway in Oklahoma and Arkansas and the Three Twisted Sisters in the Texas Hill Country.

My daily commute is on the Triumph Rocket III Classic, but that's going to change to the Norge as soon as I get her home from the shop.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 15, 2016, 08:49:13 PM
 Oh hell another Texan  :laugh: Welcome Tim , I think you mean the Talimena drive .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: skimbrie on December 16, 2016, 04:23:33 PM
Hi All,

My searches for Guzzi info kept landing here so I figured I should be good citizen and join in the odd chance I have some answers and not just questions.

Currently have 2 Guzzis: a '69 V7 and a '14 Stelvio 1200 8v.

I never walk or drive when I can ride.

Look forward to meeting y'all.

-Scott K.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/frXqAa/20160626_145417.jpg) (http://ibb.co/frXqAa)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mJ6Hqa/20140921_174543.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mJ6Hqa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antietam Classic Cycle on December 27, 2016, 12:29:12 PM
Hi All,

My searches for Guzzi info kept landing here so I figured I should be good citizen and join in the odd chance I have some answers and not just questions.

Currently have 2 Guzzis: a '69 V7 and a '14 Stelvio 1200 8v.

I never walk or drive when I can ride.

Look forward to meeting y'all.

-Scott K.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/frXqAa/20160626_145417.jpg) (http://ibb.co/frXqAa)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mJ6Hqa/20140921_174543.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mJ6Hqa)

Welcome Scott. Your V700 looks familiar, like one I worked on years ago for a local guy who had it "on loan" from Velocity Motorcycles of Richmond, VA.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: skimbrie on December 27, 2016, 05:56:12 PM
@Antietam Classic Cycles,

Bingo. Same bike. I bought it from Velocity.

-Scott K.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Antietam Classic Cycle on December 27, 2016, 08:18:28 PM
@Antietam Classic Cycles,

Bingo. Same bike. I bought it from Velocity.

-Scott K.

Cool. Wondered what ever happened to it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redhawk47 on December 28, 2016, 11:21:41 PM
RedHawk 47 - Bought a Stelvio in June and put 8000 miles on it - so far.
67, Berthoud, Colorado
Retired mechanical/manufacturing engineer and small business owner - Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Services
Having fun as an Artist Blacksmith and riding motorcycles.
2013 Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX
2009 BMW F800GS - for sale
1999 Kawasaki KLR 650
1983 Kawasaki KL250 bought this fall with 3005 miles, clean

Update: I put 16,000 miles on the Stelvio and really enjoyed it. It was great on the highway and in the twisties. But I like to ride off pavement too (when I see an interesting road I like to be able to ride it) and I was afraid on dropping it and not being able to pick it up (I often travel alone). I have fallen in love with Moto Guzzis, so I down sized, or right sized, trading the Stelvio in on a V7II Stone. I am very pleased with it, and am kitting it for touring. I probably will have to have the seat modified to raise it so my knees are not bent as much.
The F800GS and KL250 are gone, and replaced by a CSC RX3 and a CSC TT250.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zebraranger on January 02, 2017, 12:55:27 PM
Hello Everyone,
My name is Rick and I live on the on the West Gulf coast of Florida and I'm a new member here, but also a long time rider. I've always loved the classic looks of the Guzzi's, but never owned one until about a month ago. Five of my last seven bikes were Triumphs. But, I stopped by the local Guzzi dealer, sat on a California, then saw the Griso and I was hit with the Guzzi bug. Its not a classic yet, but I think its destined to be. After buying and riding this 2016 Griso for the last month, I'm a Guzzi believer. I did a lot of reading here before joining the forum and before buying. Thank you all for the information, and thanks for having me here.

My recently purchased Guzzi. I've added the tool/saddlebags with some brackets that I made up, a Dart flyscreen and a stainless steel oil cooler cover that I painted satin black.
(http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/zebraranger/Guzzi%20Guiso/20161231_153605_zps77hrt8kr.jpg) (http://s204.photobucket.com/user/zebraranger/media/Guzzi%20Guiso/20161231_153605_zps77hrt8kr.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 02, 2017, 04:35:39 PM
 Welcome Rick , bike looks like a rider to me  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pisano on January 04, 2017, 09:17:49 AM
Welcome to the forum Rick. 

That's a great looking bike and I love the tool / saddle bags you have there.  Can you please share what you made for the brackets to hold them?  It would be appreciated as I was thinking on doing the same on my Griso  ( when I get it ). 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 04, 2017, 10:30:59 AM
Update: I put 16,000 miles on the Stelvio and really enjoyed it. It was great on the highway and in the twisties. But I like to ride off pavement too (when I see an interesting road I like to be able to ride it) and I was afraid on dropping it and not being able to pick it up (I often travel alone).

That's certainly a reasonable concern.   I really don't like to point my Stelvio up a steep track where I don't know if/how it ends ... you have to stop that thing on a side hill, and it goes over, you're not getting back up until you can train a bear to help you, depending on how it's laying.

The Stelvio is strictly for the highway for me, and something in the 400 pound or less range will get the call when the trail gets rough and steep ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zebraranger on January 04, 2017, 07:36:04 PM
Welcome to the forum Rick. 

That's a great looking bike and I love the tool / saddle bags you have there.  Can you please share what you made for the brackets to hold them?  It would be appreciated as I was thinking on doing the same on my Griso  ( when I get it ). 


Hi Norm,
I Got the tool bags at the local Cycle Gear store. They were on sale for $20 bucks a piece. They have two sizes, 8" and 12", I used the 12" bags. They're tool bags designed to mount to the front forks of cruisers, so they have two reinforced slits and straps on each bag that are used to attach to the forks. I just went to the local hardware store and purchased four 4" L shaped brackets, I painted them flat black (last step after bending and elongating the bolt holes). I slightly bent the brackets outward by about 5 or 6 degrees and slid them into the two slits on each bag, I also slightly bent them to angle towards the mounting bolt holes since they are further apart than the slits on the back of each bag. I then bolted each bracket to the bag towards the bottom (thru the rigid back panel on the inside of bag). I used a larger flat washer on the inside of the bag and a lock washer on the nut side. Prior to attaching the L-shaped brackets, I elongated the bolt holes in the rear of the brackets so that once I attached them to the bungee cord bolts under the fender, I could adjust them to where I wanted the bags before tightening them down. I used the bungee cord knobs and bolts as the fastener point.

This is a photo of the right side bag before bolting to the bungee cord bolts underneath the fender on the right side. In this top view photo of the bag sitting on a black seat, you can see the bolts at the bottom of the bag on the bottom of each bracket. The slits hold the bag tightly to the bracket at the top. You'll also notice that I elongated the bolt holes at the rear of the brackets more than the front bracket bolt hole. This is because the rear end of the GRiSO tapers inwards at the rear, I wanted to be able to compensate for this angle and pull the bag out a little at the rear (just looks better). Once bolted in place, they're solid as a rock and look the same on both sides. The straps can be removed and really don't do anything to hold the bags in place. The whole thing cost about $48 bucks both bags installed, pretty cheap project.
(http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/zebraranger/Guzzi%20Guiso/20161224_122207_zpslmjxcsbd.jpg) (http://s204.photobucket.com/user/zebraranger/media/Guzzi%20Guiso/20161224_122207_zpslmjxcsbd.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pisano on January 05, 2017, 09:11:47 AM
thanks for the details Rick.  Nice work!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andandy on January 05, 2017, 11:50:26 AM
Hi All,
Andy - 37 - Seattle, WA (displaced Texan)
We moved to WA in May when it was beautiful, and the rug got pulled out from my riding time with this crappy ice and rain that doesn't seem to stop.  So... lots of shop time.

The wrenching obsession has infiltrated my life and when people ask about my motorcycle (singular), my wife rolls her eyes.  I've managed to slowly swap all my Japanese bikes for Italians, with the exception of my /5 daily.  My first Guzzi was/is a Stornello 125 single.

I brought a couple of Italians back from Texas after Xmas this year - a 77 Moto Morini 3 1/2 and a Guzzi Ambassador with a full Wixom kit and dashboard.  I have a couple questions about the Ambo - will post in a new thread.  The dash has all the gauges; tach, speedo, oil and amps, and I can already tell there will be some "custom" wiring retrofitting.

Looking forward to getting this big guy back on the road.
Title: New group member from Vancouver BC saying hello!
Post by: gadelson on January 07, 2017, 12:50:19 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm 62 and have been riding Harley's for most of my riding life, but am ready to try something else for what will most likely be my last bike purchase. I've been leaning toward a BMW R1200RT... until I saw a Norge GT8V at my local dealer! I've been attempting to do my due diligence in reading up on both, but there are far fewer sites and forums related to Moto Guzzi and the Norge in particular.

Just wondering what the pros and cons are of the Norge in the opinion of those who own them?


Title: Re: New group member from Vancouver BC saying hello!
Post by: Dean Rose on January 08, 2017, 10:25:31 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm 62 and have been riding Harley's for most of my riding life, but am ready to try something else for what will most likely be my last bike purchase. I've been leaning toward a BMW R1200RT... until I saw a Norge GT8V at my local dealer! I've been attempting to do my due diligence in reading up on both, but there are far fewer sites and forums related to Moto Guzzi and the Norge in particular.

Just wondering what the pros and cons are of the Norge in the opinion of those who own them?


A test ride on a Moto Guzzi should last at a least 50 - 100 miles. They don't get broken in until 10,000 miles.
I have a Breva 1100 which is a Norge without the fairing, great bike. Maybe someone in your area will swap bikes with you on a ride so that you can experience what we mean, that once you ride one it's the brand of bike to own. You'll probably buy another one.

Title: Hi from new member from Las Vegas
Post by: Markinlv on January 09, 2017, 08:55:36 AM
Hi everyone,

My name is Mark and I am a 47 college student and brand new to riding.  I just got an endorsement last month and tried to start on a Honda Rebel 250.  That lasted approximately three weeks before I went out and bought a Moto Guzzi V7 II Stone.  I had actually went to the dealership to test ride a BMW F800 and instead took a V7 for a 50 mile test ride and fell in love.  Thanks to this forum I have already picked up luggage and am now scouring the posts to find a suitable windscreen. 
Title: Re: Hi from new member from Las Vegas
Post by: oldbike54 on January 09, 2017, 12:07:11 PM
Hi everyone,

My name is Mark and I am a 47 college student and brand new to riding.  I just got an endorsement last month and tried to start on a Honda Rebel 250.  That lasted approximately three weeks before I went out and bought a Moto Guzzi V7 II Stone.  I had actually went to the dealership to test ride a BMW F800 and instead took a V7 for a 50 mile test ride and fell in love.  Thanks to this forum I have already picked up luggage and am now scouring the posts to find a suitable windscreen.

 Are you a 47 year old college student , that is pretty cool . Anyway welcome to the board  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Psychler62 on January 09, 2017, 08:26:31 PM
I own a 2011 Aguila Nera California Classic 1100, modified.

I love my Aguila Nera.
My Aguila Nera does not always love me.
You may be tempted to say this is much like marriage.
But I can shut off the motorcycle and lock it in the garage for days
So, there's that ...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dirk Mangartz on January 10, 2017, 07:19:42 AM
I‘m Dirk, 52, journalist from Germany and crazy about Moto Guzzi.
My "special subject" is the Corpo Corazzieri models. Thats why I own three original V7/700 Corazzieri.

Other current motorcycles:
Moto Guzzi Airone
Moto Guzzi GTV
Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone
Moto Guzzi V7
Moto Guzzi Ambassador
Moto Guzzi 750S
Moto Guzzi Le Mans III
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Psychler62 on January 10, 2017, 10:08:12 AM
Geoff Mohan
Los Angeles area
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PappyV7 on January 10, 2017, 08:05:32 PM
Randall Booth
Tools and Equipment Dealer
Kechi, Kansas

current fleet:
03 Honda XR50R
81 Montesa Cota 349
71 AJS 410 Stormer
68 BSA 441 Shooting Star
04 Suzuki DR650SE
15 Moto Guzzi V7 Special
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 10, 2017, 08:19:07 PM
 Welcome Pappy , you should consider coming to our Cedar Vale Kansas Knotanational Knotarally . Details on the board .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EncoreJoe on January 10, 2017, 10:05:41 PM
Joe Fabrygel

Maintenance Director

55 years young on the gulf coast of Texas

I started riding at 43 and own a 2012 Stelvio NTX and Yamaha WR250R

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Darmie on January 11, 2017, 10:52:39 AM
Good day everyone. It's my pleasure to be here.
My name is Darmie. I'm in Clearlake Texas. (South Houston) Born in 64 and having a blast on 2 wheels since I was 6 with a trail 70.  I have been eyeing the V7 classic (white in color) back in the early 2000. From then, there has been many bikes but today I introduce my V7 II Stone.


Very glad that I waited.  I was looking for a good replacement for the Suzuki TU 250. What I found was an amazing bike that has plenty of character that will keep me smiling for many years. On the Texas secondary back roads where 70 is the norm, the TU needed a little bit more power.  I think with the V7 II I found a great replacement.

Big Red does not look too happy, but I'm sure they will get along just fine.


My wife Karen and I enjoy taking the wing out for a day and hooking up the trailer for those extended weekend getaways. There are many days I also enjoy just hopping on something small and carving up what roads I can find.

A short walk around video and the first ride at the Dallas RPM dealer.


And a short video riding the TU in the area as well. Love that bike but it has to go. Anyone need a good starter bike?

The cool action shot at 00:37

Thank you all.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PappyV7 on January 11, 2017, 09:21:10 PM
Randall Booth
age 63
Tools and Equipment Dealer
Near Wichita Kansas America

current fleet:
03 Honda XR50R (grandkids)
81 Montersa Cota 349
71 AJS 410 Stormer
68 BSA 441 Shooting Star
04 Suzuki DR650SE
15 Moto Guzzi V7 Special
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on January 17, 2017, 12:48:39 AM
Randall Booth
age 63
Tools and Equipment Dealer
Near Wichita Kansas America

current fleet:
03 Honda XR50R (grandkids)
81 Montersa Cota 349
71 AJS 410 Stormer
68 BSA 441 Shooting Star
04 Suzuki DR650SE
15 Moto Guzzi V7 Special

Some interesting bikes there Pappy. Not too many of those Stormers still running around, especially a 410. Most of the ones that came here were the 250 variant.

The 441 easy to start?? :grin:
Title: Introduction, compliments and info
Post by: Ronzo_volvo_guy on January 17, 2017, 09:46:38 AM
I'm just visiting from the vintage Volvo world.  In researching our Bosch Starter and Solenoid, as apparently also used on Guzzis, I happened upon this informative thread in the forum:  http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=82859.0  ...and had to sign up so that I could chime in and contribute (I'm actually a Beemer Boxer owner, but don't hold that against me!).  Kiwi_Roy has it right...as he says:  "There's a lot going on when you press the start button."  In the vintage Volvo application there is no relay or fuse is series with the Sol current to be a source of voltage drops...we have only the Ignition Switch and associated connections, so we don't have a common "Startus Interruptus" issue, but we have our own unique issues (see:  http://www.sw-em.com/ignition_switch_key_breakage_tech_article.htm  ) and as a hands-on guy and electrical specialist, I just had to post some hopefully useful info...   
First, compliments to Kiwi_Roy on excellent explanation of the function of Solenoid, and his work supporting your community.  It is up to guys like us, who evaluate and get to the root-cause of issues which come up after years of use and wear, and who offer technically correct explanations and working solutions.  I would agree that in the Guzzi application, the Start-Switch, Fuseblock and Eurofuse (also used on vintage Volvos and known to be a long-term weakness, see:  http://www.sw-em.com/gastight.htm ), wiring, and associated connections are marginal to begin with for carrying currents approaching 40A (that's asking a lot!), and they are certainly not going to get better with age and corrosion.  Voltage drops are the enemy, and they can occur at anyplace cross-sectional conductor area is decreased by poor contact...in vintage vehicles that is often cause by corrosion, particularly on motorcycles, where everything (including the rider) is out there in the elements.  Keeping connections clean and tight is the answer, and keeping them that way long-term is the goal.  To help with this, I have a suggestion tried and proven over many miles and by many users.  Here is a copy of info I sent to a Guzzi rider recently (Greg B., another supporter of vintage scooters who should be complimented for his Bosch Solenoid documentation:  http://www.thisoldtractor.com/moto_guzzi_loopframe_starter_and_solenoid_repair_-bosch-.html   ), and wanted to make others aware of it also:
I am a electrical specialist and hands-on rigger guy with a passion for vintage Volvos, much like yourself with Guzzis.  I invite you to peruse my Swedish Embassy vintage Volvo site  ( www.sw-em.com  ), and would particularly like to make you aware of Anti-Corrosive Zinc Paste for electrical connections.  Everybody and their brother, including factories recommend "Dielectric Grease" for protecting electrical connections...but just because it has the word "electric" in it, doesn't make it good for protecting connections...diele ctric actually means insulator...so while offering some protection and benefit in the form of encapsulation when surrounding a contact, if that's the only thing you put on connections and it gets between contacts,  it can also increase the resistance of the connection because it is non-conducting.  Another down-side is that it will also lock IN any contamination.  ACZP on the other hand also encapsulates, but also neutralizes contamination right at the metal contact because of the zinc content.  I was turned on to it twenty years ago, and haven't looked back...I have been using it on every vehicular electrical connection (except Ignition Hi-V) for that entire time, I send it out with all my kits, and highly recommend it for all vintage vehicle connections...inclu ding motorcycles (which I expect would be of interest to you), where everything (including the rider) can become soaked.  As such, I have been on a one-man-campaign to convert all owners of vintage vehicles, starting with my Volvo friends...to use this on their vehicles.  I invite you to read about it here:  http://www.sw-em.com/anti_corrosive_paste.htm

I welcome any feedback, preferably per e-mail by way of the sw-em site, as I don't know how often I'll be visiting here.
In case any ones interested, here's my info on the Bosch Starter/Sol as used on the vintage Volvos:  http://www.sw-em.com/starter.htm

Regards from Connecticut, and keep the oldies running and reliable!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 17, 2017, 10:01:44 AM
 Yeah Ronzo , we are pretty proud of Kiwi Roy also . Oh , and most of our experts have disabused us of the idea that dialectric grease should ever get anywhere near any motorbike .

 Stick around , you never know what might happen ...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sonny on January 18, 2017, 02:31:52 PM
Hi all , just signed in .
I have had a v1000 for some years also a couple of small blocks . I am living in France now and frustrates the hell out of me that I can't register them here to ride legally. I have recently started to revive a Targa750 that's been sitting in the back of my shed for a number of years .
I am now retired so more time on my hands to do the fettling.
Other bikes are :- Yamaha 1000 gts , aprilia 1000 falco, BMW r1200rtp
Ride safe
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 19, 2017, 12:17:08 PM
 Welcome Sonny , interesting stable of bikes there  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bangalowbob on January 21, 2017, 10:44:29 PM
Hi all. First post. :smiley:

Me: Bob from Sydney, Australia. 47 years old. Married with two kids. Firefighter by profession. Been riding a 2 stroke Vespa PX 200 for years but wanted something to safely ride on longer trips out of the city. A Guzzi was the natural choice.

My bike: 2010 V7 Café Classic. First registered in 2013, I'm the 3rd owner. 14,000km on the clock. Previous owner made a few cosmetic changes - removed the rear guard and added a tail tidy LED light, new mirrors and an Agostini exhaust. I added a V7 Racer shorter front guard and a Dart screen. Absolutely love the look and sound and it's so much fun to ride.

Looking forward to tips and advice from the experts on here. I'm not overly mechanical but do all the repairs and maintenance on the Vespa and haven't come across a problem yet I couldn't fix. My mate is a Guzzi dealer / mechanic so I probably won't tinker too much - more time to enjoy riding. :thumb:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/nmUqTv/WP_20161116_12_05_58_Pro.jpg) (http://ibb.co/nmUqTv)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hc42aa/WP_20161116_12_14_28_Pro.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hc42aa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kondour on January 24, 2017, 12:39:34 PM
I'm Derek from Northern California. Just purchased my 16' v7 racer on saturday.

Profession: Pilot and A &P mechanic.

Interests: fishing, tinkering with everything and of course riding the guzzi.
Current bikes
2016 v7 race
2006 Kawasaki ZX6R 636

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cLANQa/20170121_172031.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cLANQa)

upload image (http://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rayjv on January 25, 2017, 07:38:53 AM
Ray Viale

Location : Boston , Massachusetts

Past occupation: electronic technician (33yrs.) contractor & part time womanizer......I wish .

 Interest: motorcycles , women , guns (any) traveling , drinking (anything) not necessarily in that order .

Bikes : 96' Harley FLTCU/I
           Ducati ST3 (forgot year)
           95' Moto Guzzi cal.
           96' Moto Guzzi cal.
           97' Moto Guzzi cal.  ( go figure )
           13' Moto Guzzi Norge
           Ducati 1000 GT (sold)
           97' dashound , finally housebroken .

Expectation : not to resume room tempeture....... at 65+ and still vertical (for now) I expect to learn something new on this sight that I'm new at ......and maybe contribute something from my experience of 50+ yrs. of aimousley riding around this planet............ just saying .
(http://thumb.ibb.co/hXRXrF/IMG_0451.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hXRXrF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzinut on January 28, 2017, 06:14:12 PM
Mike from NZ
Had 20 or so since '89
2 x Daytonas
2004 Cali stone touring
1978 850 LM
1979 850 LM
1980 850 LM x 2
1975 T-3
1975 Auto
350 Imola
500 MonZa x 2
Mk3 & 4 & 5 LM
1980 T-3 Cali
2006 Griso
This was one of my faves, T with LM 1000
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on January 29, 2017, 09:04:08 PM
Welcome Mike. Good to see another Kiwi on board. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: changohot on January 29, 2017, 10:12:21 PM
Hello I picked up a 2015 V7 Special this fall  fun bike

(http://thumb.ibb.co/jH4DFa/IMG_0008.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jH4DFa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Crosspug on January 30, 2017, 06:01:21 AM

Jono Cross
34, Building Services Engineer
In Australia...

Moved to a 1983 V65SP as my daily commuter (staintunes, k&ns, flatbars, ikon shocks) from a very worn SR250 Yami just after getting my licence.

Now 6 years later I still have the lovely old small block (a forever keeper) but just acquired my new love... A "2014 build" 1200 Sport 8V ABS to commute and occasionally blat around on.

Hopefully we'll spend our time talking nice rides and not "ugh I've an issue..." Ha!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bbolesaz on January 31, 2017, 05:58:50 PM
Hi, bbolesaz here.  From east Mesa, AZ.

Recently purchased a 2002 V11 Sport Scura to add to my fleet, which includes mostly tourers and ADV bikes.  Mostly BMW's.


Having a lot of fun with a big V-twin engine in a sport bike chassis.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PJPR01 on January 31, 2017, 09:29:00 PM
Hi, bbolesaz here.  From east Mesa, AZ.

Recently purchased a 2002 V11 Sport Scura to add to my fleet, which includes mostly tourers and ADV bikes.  Mostly BMW's.


Having a lot of fun with a big V-twin engine in a sport bike chassis.

Cool! Another Scura... what number is yours?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bbolesaz on February 01, 2017, 08:52:55 AM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: El Faziz on February 02, 2017, 12:04:24 PM
Hi Folks,

Jumping back into motoing after a long absence.

V-twin lover, and always wanted a Guzzi after riding my friend"s LeMans III in the early 80's.

Always wanted a V11 since they first come out, but while finally searching for one to buy, had my heart stolen by a used 2012 Tenni Green Griso.

It's on its way from Maine to me in Vacaville, CA. Poor thing, living in rain and snow, finally gonna see some sunshine. Pristine shape with 1300 miles.

I'm 61, retired. I worked at a University as an environmental specialist. Now I live on a small ranch my wife considers a farm and I believe is a wildlife refuge.

I love nature, wildlife, ecology, weapons, books, mountaineering, riding horses, art, and anything mechanical that is finely made.

One of those way-out-there dudes but with a fine life-induced sense of dirty reality. Here's my new baby getting on the truck on the Maine seacoast:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mH6z5a/Green_Griso.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mH6z5a)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 02, 2017, 12:07:16 PM
 Well E F  , you should fit in just fine here  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dean Rose on February 03, 2017, 05:51:24 PM
Has it been rollerized?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Angel on February 05, 2017, 10:43:37 PM
New here.  Currently ride a Harley but looking at the Guzzi's as a second bike.  Have ridden the Norge but not sure about it yet.  Rode it when the wind was howling like crazy so gonna try it again and see how it rides. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Socalrob on February 06, 2017, 01:18:42 AM
59 married Land Surveyor with 3 grown kids.  Live within a mile of the bottom of Angelel Crest Highway, so over the years have made a lot of rides up and down to Newcomb's Ranch. My adult son now rides a Daytona 675, but I have no hopes of keeping up with him.

Currently own a 2007 BMW GSA, a KTM 690 Enduro.  I am looking at the MG V7iii Anniverario, maybe because I had a Hodaka with a chrome gas tank as a kid.  The light weight and nice size gas tank appeal to me for both commuting and running the Crest, and 50 horses seems about right.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: erich on February 06, 2017, 07:55:59 AM
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 06, 2017, 08:40:00 AM
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...

 Hello Erich , don't worry when some of these guys confuse Austria with Australia  :laugh: Welcome  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PJPR01 on February 06, 2017, 12:29:10 PM
I just signed in.
Male, age 58, married, one son, one granddaughter. Work in billing for Telekom Austria. Forty years ago I had a Vespa 160. Longest ride was Villach/Austria to Siena/Italy.
Later built an E-bicycle in red with a Guzzi eagle on the false tank.
Then last November I learned that my brother-in-law reduces his collection. I went straight to this forum and am now the proud owner of a silver 1979 V1000 G5 in a quite original state.
Rode only some 100 meters before putting it away for the winter, so not much to tell yet ...

Villach!  Nice!  I've spent a bunch of time in Klagenfurt over the last 30 years on many trips, nice ride around the Worther See!! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: erich on February 07, 2017, 09:00:43 AM
Villach or rather Faak is also renowned for the bike week (de facto Harley week) in September. Their homepage say they expect 70.000 bikes. I can testify that they are an awful lot, and brave.
There is no mountain path too steep and narrow they do not infiltrate. And the sound is like a 1000 B-24 all over Carinthia. But - given the image that Harley seems to have in Europe - I would feel old on an HD. Always fancied something Italien, and the G5 suits me perfectly: I can always deliver a sinister appearance  (Lafranconi without endpiece), but I do not have to.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TONE THE BONE on February 07, 2017, 01:12:26 PM
66 years young retired & living near Hastings England. Currently rebuilding a 1979 T3 (slowly) Also own a 1936 Ariel 600 & a 1962 Norton Dommi 88. Great countryside around here for riding. Always had bikes since the 1960's. Always something to learn.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 07, 2017, 01:57:35 PM
66 years young retired & living near Hastings England. Currently rebuilding a 1979 T3 (slowly) Also own a 1936 Ariel 600 & a 1962 Norton Dommi 88. Great countryside around here for riding. Always had bikes since the 1960's. Always something to learn.

 Retired trombone player ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tennmoto on February 08, 2017, 05:49:24 AM
2002 California Stone Orange owner
Building trades
Knoxville Tn
63 yrs young
Long list of ownership including SP1000, 2 BMWs , several HDs, Victory, SV650,Vstrom, 2 Triumph Bonnie's 69, 2013. And others
Steve Huber
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grey_guzzi on February 09, 2017, 04:54:01 PM
Nick Lange
36 years old
Artillery Officer (soon to be Acquisitions Officer)
I enjoy traveling, outdoors, motorcycles
Fort Irwin, CA (soon to be Madison, NJ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on February 09, 2017, 10:23:43 PM
Nick Lange
36 years old
Artillery Officer (soon to be Acquisitions Officer)
I enjoy traveling, outdoors, motorcycles
Fort Irwin, CA (soon to be Madison, NJ)

Be careful as an Acquisitions Officer!  The Navy has had some real problems in that career field the past few years (re: "Fat Albert" in Asia) & I had a Major friend who got entangled with a civilian one in Iraq & ended up serving her last 3 years in the Army in jail, before being booted out & losing her retirement eligibility & any VA benefits.   :sad:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wile E Coyote on February 11, 2017, 07:24:13 AM
Hi everyone,

Wile from Athens Greece, owner of a V7 Special II (essetre), 48y.o. lots of miles on touring bikes, thought its about time to settle and relax.
Quite satisfied with the V7 so far (2016 model) although it needs that warmup period, the front springs are not what I expected and the ride is stone age compared to what I was used to.
But that's what the V7 is, so this is what I wanted.
Ride Safe
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brock on February 12, 2017, 05:52:04 AM
Hi all Guzzisti,

I live in the middle of the south coast of (old) England. I'm currently rebuilding a sad wreck of a 1976 Convert into the bike which I hope to take me all around Europe during the many years of my impending retirement. It's going pretty well so far, but I may need some help and advice along the way... (with the rebuilding, that is!).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TheBru on February 12, 2017, 06:36:18 PM
Bruce. Self employed. 60yo. Have owned my 73 CHP Eldorado since 1975. Bought it from the Hollywood Division for $701.00 with 42k miles on it. It now has 145k miles on it. Last time I opened the engine was about 40 years ago. I am now in the middle of all new gaskets and seals and might be asking a few questions. This bike and I are one. Like ET and Eliott. Ying and Yang. It is more than a bike to me.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/iKjLTv/Guzzi_2.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iKjLTv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jrshcf on February 12, 2017, 10:44:32 PM
My name is Jordan. I'm a 31 years old computer programmer living in St. Louis, MO.

I just bought a 2016 Moto Guzzi V7 II Stornello!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 12, 2017, 11:06:38 PM
 Welcome fellas .

 Jordan , don't let these old guys scare you off.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: _HellCrusher_ on February 13, 2017, 12:41:46 PM
Hi, my name is Peter, 37yo from London.
Last week I become happy owner of V7II Stornello.

Thank you for adding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RoyRogers on February 14, 2017, 04:07:23 AM
Godday fromNorway.My name is Roy. Working with (human :azn:) transportation.

Last year I bought my LM4 back. I bought its new i -86 an sold it -91.  Have done minor work over the winter.

It looked like this -91

(https://static.imgzeit.com/medium/3d6243c5cc854dfd/Moto%20Guzzi%20hjemme.jpeg) (https://static.imgzeit.com/reduced/3d6243c5cc854dfd/Moto%20Guzzi%20hjemme.jpeg)

...and today
(https://static.imgzeit.com/medium/83993d386257426b/2017-01-21%2011.49.30.jpg) (https://static.imgzeit.com/reduced/83993d386257426b/2017-01-21%2011.49.30.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: g5guzzi on February 17, 2017, 03:35:18 PM
Hello everyone
Malcolm Stones
semi retired (i enjoy working)
G5(I bought new in 1981)
Lincolnshire in the UK
and access to XL1200L

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tomi on February 17, 2017, 03:46:21 PM
Tara, age 45, ICU nurse

Cleveland, Ohio

Just bought - but have not yet ridden - a 2016 V7 II Special.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sitbonzo on February 18, 2017, 09:18:07 AM
Hi. David 50 and have a 2013 V7 Special which is a total blast compared to my 2010 RT1200 exactly what I wanted. The 'crazy Contessa with a switchblade'. living in the south of England I have lots of really nice roads that can be ridden at comfortable speeds on the V7. Ive added crash bars, spots and changed the tyres to Pirelli scorpions as I like the more scrambler look. the end pipes were changed before I owned it and she sounds just superb. She's sat in the garage at the moment and Ive joind to get some advice on changing the rear mudguard.
Ride safe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SportsterDoc on February 19, 2017, 09:26:35 AM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/jvoFwF/7_June_03_883.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jvoFwF)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mVuoGF/18_Jan_05_right_1200_S.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mVuoGF)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/eJZAVa/Zion_23_March_2013.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eJZAVa)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/c0S8GF/2016_Moto_Guzzi_V7_II_Stone.jpg) (http://ibb.co/c0S8GF)

New owner of a V7 II Stone, as of 10 Feb.
Last 3 street bikes were
2003 H-D Sportster XLH883
2002 H-D Sportster 1200 Sport
2012 Triumph Bonneville

The M-G is M/C #15 since 1963

Age:  70, married 46 years, 4 children, 12 grand children, 1 great-grandchild expected in April

I participate on XLForum.net, mainly for electrical and carb issues, although I have not had a Sportster for quite some time.

Looking for readable schematics for the V7 II.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kev m on February 19, 2017, 05:59:42 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/jvoFwF/7_June_03_883.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jvoFwF)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mVuoGF/18_Jan_05_right_1200_S.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mVuoGF)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/eJZAVa/Zion_23_March_2013.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eJZAVa)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/c0S8GF/2016_Moto_Guzzi_V7_II_Stone.jpg) (http://ibb.co/c0S8GF)

New owner of a V7 II Stone, as of 10 Feb.
Last 3 street bikes were
2003 H-D Sportster XLH883
2002 H-D Sportster 1200 Sport
2012 Triumph Bonneville

The M-G is M/C #15 since 1963

Age:  70, married 46 years, 4 children, 12 grand children, 1 great-grandchild expected in April

I participate on XLForum.net, mainly for electrical and carb issues, although I have not had a Sportster for quite some time.

Looking for readable schematics for the V7 II.

Good to see ya!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: knowmaddd on February 20, 2017, 10:56:25 AM
Hello Everyone,

I'm a Canadian transplant living in Houston Texas.  I ride a V7 classic and have a Breva 1100 which is currently in pieces as a project bike.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/jKhLfa/IMG_0250.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jKhLfa)

I'm an urban cyclist who crossed over to the dark side of motorcycle riding in 2011.  I learned to ride a very long time ago on a Honda CT70. 

I share pictures on Instagram under the name knowmadd. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 93spada on February 23, 2017, 06:27:25 PM
Hi Folks
My Name is Paul.
I live in upstate NY near Saratoga (but recently found while touring that more people knew where
Schenectady NY is).
I am another older geezer, almost 60 ( must be it takes time to finally get to Guzzi's!!).
Went thru a Bultaco Mercurio and a few Beemers before my brother hooked me on the Goose.
Currently own a daily runner 93 SPIII with 77,000 miles and a 75 T-3 with 50K miles.
I had?? (my bro say's I sold it to him???) a 77 Lemans that is in boxes in his basement waiting its turn.
I have been a long time reader of the Goose Chase but did not register until I could not view without it.
I need to start a new post with an assembly ?? so that will follow soon.
Thanks to all involved for all your knowledge and comments. They have been very helpful.
Talk soon,
(http://thumb.ibb.co/mAHO0a/IMG_1128.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mAHO0a)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dirty dick on February 24, 2017, 08:22:58 AM
Hi Folks  !  Rick Martin , age 49, Trucker. I live in the Yorkshire moors.Northern England.Currently having a love hate relationship with an 1100 sport carb.I love showing the tourists the local roads he he! Cant wait for spring.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sitbonzo on February 26, 2017, 06:12:23 AM
got the tail tidy done and the bike goes faster now!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/erwiYv/guzzi1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/erwiYv)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/etFctv/guzzi2.jpg) (http://ibb.co/etFctv)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cs66mF/guzzi3.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cs66mF)

uploaded pictures (http://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sitbonzo on February 26, 2017, 08:10:14 AM
and, here she is.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hSP96F/guzzi4.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hSP96F)

upload picture (http://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 26, 2017, 03:30:47 PM
and, here she is.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hSP96F/guzzi4.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hSP96F)

upload picture (http://imgbb.com/)

Looks like MILES of fun to me ... Gonna be a good summer coming up!  :thumb:

Title: Re: introduction
Post by: indian on February 27, 2017, 08:46:45 AM
I'm Donnelly Hall age 73, motorcycle shop operator, of Keavy, Ky.   
Title: Re: introduction
Post by: Lannis on February 27, 2017, 05:42:52 PM
I'm Donnelly Hall age 73, motorcycle shop operator, of Keavy, Ky.

Sounds like a good gig ... a brand-related shop or independent?

My wife and I broke out an old 2003 "Roadrunner" magazine last year, and did one of their "Shamrock Tours", this one centered around the Cumberland Inn in Williamsburg.

The "north" leaf of the shamrock took us right through Keavy (we were staying off the main highways) and I'll bet we went right by your shop .... ?

We stopped at the main intersection in Keavy for a minute to evaluate which way the big thunderstorm that was chasing us would go, and stayed a few minutes ahead of it while heading for the barn.

A nice part of the country, I must say.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi_4me on February 28, 2017, 03:32:49 PM
Hi to Wildguzzi forum.

Am 67 years old.
Retired Power station operator, Vietnam Veteran.
Bikes: current guzzi is 2015 California 1400 Touring, wife has Nevada 750i classic (for sale), also have mint condition yamaha XJ900 diversion.
Previous bike: Guzzi 2001 California EV80 (#3 of 200 limited ed.)

Tow an alloy trailer on many long distance trips all over Australia.

Live in Victoria, Australia
Cheers to all,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 28, 2017, 06:07:40 PM
Hi to Wildguzzi forum.

Am 67 years old.
Retired Power station operator, Vietnam Veteran.
Bikes: current guzzi is 2015 California 1400 Touring, wife has Nevada 750i classic (for sale), also have mint condition yamaha XJ900 diversion.
Previous bike: Guzzi 2001 California EV80 (#3 of 200 limited ed.)

Tow an alloy trailer on many long distance trips all over Australia.

Live in Victoria, Australia
Cheers to all,

 Oh hell , another Ozzie  :laugh: Just kidding of course , just wanted to make you feel at home  :grin: Twas a bit confused as we have another long time member who goes by Guzzi4me . If you are as great a guy as him we are greatly increased by your presence .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vrdennisj on February 28, 2017, 10:01:04 PM
Hello Wild Goose members,

I'm Den, I retired last year at age 62 as a CAD operator and National Air Traffic System engineer.

I live in New Jersey, 15 miles SE of Philadelphia, married to a wonderful woman and together we are trying to guide our 12 year old daughter down a productive path in life.

My new ride is a 2014 California Touring which I love to ride, but I'm currently having issues with, awaiting Piaggio to honour their warranty agreement.

Still on the road: 1978 Suzuki GS 1000 (31,000 miles and still runs great), 1973 BMW R75/5 (100+K still runs great and I love this bike in the mountains or off road)

Favorite passtime is motorcycle camping. I also like open road cruising, riding into Canada when ever possible and jumping from one Microbrewery to another.
Other interests are: fishing, cooking, playing some guitar, Linux programming, tree climbing, snow skiing, meeting new people (especially those who ride), talking to "interesting" young people.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: thestepchild on March 01, 2017, 07:04:56 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/gwT98v/IMG_20170301_135312855.jpg) (http://ibb.co/gwT98v)
Hi all!  I introduced myself in the Larry Klein obituary thread a while back.  Paul is my cousin, and some of you may know and or rode with my grandparents.
I am sooooo happy and excited to announce that today I picked up my grandfather's 1975 Moto Guzzi.
Sometime around 1997 I rode my motorcycle to my grandparents for a visit and noticed grandpa's bike was gone.  I asked what happened to it, and Grandpa said 'I sold it' and wouldn't talk about it. I was extremely disappointed.  Well, it seems he had given it to Larry and Larry tucked it away.  20 years later, here it is!
Looks like I'll be around here for a while asking a bunch of questions to get grandpa's bike cleaned up and road worthy! :bike-037:
(http://thumb.ibb.co/iOgJ1F/IMG_20170301_135240188.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iOgJ1F)

I also have one of  the '78 Moto Guzzi Robins Grandpa bought new from Larry. About 400 miles it.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 01, 2017, 08:09:52 PM
(http://thumb.ibb.co/iOgJ1F/IMG_20170301_135240188.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iOgJ1F)

Sounds like some good times coming up, having a "family heirloom" like that to work on and enjoy!   Even at 40 years old, it could be just as much of a mile-eater on US highways as anything you can ride.

Hope you get it up and proudly going again, like it "used to"!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BikeMike on March 01, 2017, 09:52:03 PM
Hello all,

Mike Heenan, 59, Construction Manager,
Vernon, BC Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bkiser on March 08, 2017, 12:02:44 PM
Brian Kiser from Chattanooga, TN.  Work in IT (AIX for anyone who cares).  Just bought a V9 Bobber yesterday.  My last (and only other) bike was a 2004 Triumph Bonneville.  Originally went looking for a V7 closeout deal and actually preferred the V9.  Most will probably disagree with that assessment, but I am ok with that.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on March 08, 2017, 03:37:31 PM
Brian Kiser from Chattanooga, TN.  Work in IT (AIX for anyone who cares).  Just bought a V9 Bobber yesterday.  My last (and only other) bike was a 2004 Triumph Bonneville.  Originally went looking for a V7 closeout deal and actually preferred the V9.  Most will probably disagree with that assessment, but I am ok with that.

Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the Guzzi family.

Don't worry what someone else might think about the purchase of the V9 vs a close out on a V7.  What matters is what works best for you.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Hagan on March 08, 2017, 09:43:00 PM
Brian Kiser from Chattanooga, TN.  Work in IT (AIX for anyone who cares).  Just bought a V9 Bobber yesterday.  My last (and only other) bike was a 2004 Triumph Bonneville.  Originally went looking for a V7 closeout deal and actually preferred the V9.  Most will probably disagree with that assessment, but I am ok with that.

I'm with Gerry on that.  I don't care what anyone else thinks about which Guzzis I have.  OTOH, anyone with an HDM EV has to have a thick skin.   :grin:



P.S.  You are near enough to that Memorial Day weekend Kentucky mutton run to think about coming along.  You'd have the only V9 there, too.  See the (LONG) thread here: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=87883.0
Title: hello from singapore!
Post by: scubasimon on March 09, 2017, 01:22:46 AM
hello everyone!

name: simon
age: 49 (in 2017)
location: singapore
occupation: sales operations

it feels a little strange listing that down and now that i have listed it down, maybe a more traditional introduction  :grin:

i am based in sunny singapore, been living here since 1980. i have twin 16 year old boys who, at the moment, have zero interest in motorcycles. i started driving in 1997 but only started riding a motorcycle in 2009. since then, i have done a week long ride around malaysia with friends every year :wink:

i have had a few motorcycles so far...
1. yamaha tw200 - my first bike...rode around malaysia in 2010 with it. lots of fun. still have it today.
2. cagiva mito eddie lawson 7-speed - rode it a few months to scratch the sport bike itch. sold it quick as shoulders disagreed with the riding posture.
3. honda cb400 ver s - i rode this bike for a number of years before selling it when i bought my first adventure tourer. this bike went on 3 round malaysia trips!
4. honda varadero - my first adventure tourer. my staple touring bike. heavy as hell. stable and smooth. went on 4 round malaysia rides. unfortunately got into accident last month and in workshop now.
5. moto guzzi v7 special 2015 - my dream bike! bought about 3 years ago. love it to the max! completely stock and oh so sexy!

am toying with the idea of a stelvio ntx...if i can find one here with the big tank...and if my right arm heals up well enough for a heavier bike.

thats it for now. looking forward to learning and sharing...and meeting up should providence allow  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tririder48 on March 10, 2017, 11:21:17 AM

Glenn Martin



Lincoln, NE

Current ride is a 2013 Norge GT. The plan is to do the 4 corners of the US this summer. Need to know if anyone has put a Corbin saddle on the 8v Norge and if they are happy with it. So far my only problem has been finding a mouse nest in the air cleaner after it set in the garage last winter and the linkage on the throttle bodies had a little drag but cleaned up OK. Looking forward to a good riding season.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bucky on March 11, 2017, 03:21:14 PM
Todd Nordwig

Age 65

Retired Cerified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

Been riding since 1970. British iron initially, then BMW's and Goldwings.
Current bikes: 2012 HD Road Glide Ultra, 1998 BMW R1100GS
                      Just resurrected a barn queen 1973 Moto Guzzi Eldorado that sat for 35 years.
                      Bought it 17 years ago not running, hoping to teach myself Moto mechanics in
                      my retirement during the winter. Took me 2 winters to get it done. Finished last month.
         I have been lurking here, GuzziTech and MGNOC for many years. I have always loved Guzzi's
         My only regret is not getting into them sooner. I love them...
         Hope to meet many who post here and other Guzzi forums as I hit the road with the Eldo...
(http://thumb.ibb.co/nz4cDv/image.jpg) (http://ibb.co/nz4cDv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 11, 2017, 03:34:05 PM
 Cool bike Todd  :bow:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bucky on March 11, 2017, 04:30:33 PM
Cool bike Todd  :bow:


Thanks Dusty.

It was a fun project. Learned a lot. Much help from Greg Bender's site (total rewire with his relays), Gilardoni jugs and pistons, and much more.
Guzzi community is the best.....bar none.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: club_c on March 11, 2017, 11:28:02 PM
Hi folks, club_c here from Vancouver BC.  Picked up a non running 2001 V11 Sport and in the process of working that all out.  Looking forward to some excellent advise!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 12, 2017, 12:39:22 AM
Hi folks, club_c here from Vancouver BC.  Picked up a non running 2001 V11 Sport and in the process of working that all out.  Looking forward to some excellent advise!!!

 Good , let us know where you find it  :shocked:

 Seriously , welcome .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marty on March 12, 2017, 08:37:47 AM
Older rider in Portland ME. On my 3rd (probably last) Guzzi, a 2000 Jackal bought new.
Title: Re: hello from singapore!
Post by: Muzz on March 12, 2017, 06:50:23 PM
hello everyone!

name: simon
age: 49 (in 2017)
location: singapore
occupation: sales operations

it feels a little strange listing that down and now that i have listed it down, maybe a more traditional introduction  :grin:

i am based in sunny singapore, been living here since 1980. i have twin 16 year old boys who, at the moment, have zero interest in motorcycles. i started driving in 1997 but only started riding a motorcycle in 2009. since then, i have done a week long ride around malaysia with friends every year :wink:

i have had a few motorcycles so far...
1. yamaha tw200 - my first bike...rode around malaysia in 2010 with it. lots of fun. still have it today.
2. cagiva mito eddie lawson 7-speed - rode it a few months to scratch the sport bike itch. sold it quick as shoulders disagreed with the riding posture.
3. honda cb400 ver s - i rode this bike for a number of years before selling it when i bought my first adventure tourer. this bike went on 3 round malaysia trips!
4. honda varadero - my first adventure tourer. my staple touring bike. heavy as hell. stable and smooth. went on 4 round malaysia rides. unfortunately got into accident last month and in workshop now.
5. moto guzzi v7 special 2015 - my dream bike! bought about 3 years ago. love it to the max! completely stock and oh so sexy!

am toying with the idea of a stelvio ntx...if i can find one here with the big tank...and if my right arm heals up well enough for a heavier bike.

thats it for now. looking forward to learning and sharing...and meeting up should providence allow  :thumb:

Welcome Simon. There is another guy from Singapore, Phang, who is on the site. Has at least two Guzzis.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roadrunner on March 12, 2017, 09:17:33 PM
Name: Camille

Gender: Female

Age? I've been riding motorcycles since about 1975.... :smiley:


Occupation(s): Used to be a 911 Operator and Dispatcher, USFS Firefighter and Lookout, Worked for Digital Equipment Corporation for over 10 years, Intel, then was a teacher for 15 years (that was a quick summary and doesn't include jobs in college, or stint with US Naval Reserve as a CTO).

Retired from teaching about a year ago, and now reinventing myself for fun as an (older than average) Actor.

Motorcycles: Honda CB 360
                    Honda CB 200
                    Yamaha XT250

Sorry, no Guzzi's - yet. (Is that okay in here)?

I've only been riding DS for about 8-9 years....still love street riding, but also need dirt due to our unusual driveway.

Hobbies: Riding, Scuba Diving, competing with dogs in "Flyball" with national group, hiking, paleontology, traveling, and horses (as much as possible). Skiing too, though it's been a while.

Location: New Mexico, USA (south of Santa Fe)

I've also lived in Colorado, South Dakota, and Massachusetts - always tend to come back to NM.

Happy for the invitation to be here!  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 12, 2017, 09:20:43 PM
 Some background you have their Camille  :bow: Welcome to WG , no problem with not having a Guzzi , but the bug will bite  :bike-037:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scubasimon on March 12, 2017, 10:05:40 PM
Welcome Simon. There is another guy from Singapore, Phang, who is on the site. Has at least two Guzzis.

Thanks Muzz. I have been in touch with Phang. Awesome to be a part of the local and international community [emoji41]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 13, 2017, 08:24:09 AM

 Worked for Digital Equipment Corporation for over 10 years ...

Oh man, that "sets the date" more than "started riding in 1975 ...".    DEC, volumes of "DECUS Proceedings", Ken Olson, marked-up OS-8 manuals, transition from RT-11 to RSX-11 to 11M to M+ to - and the end of the road ... part of my life for 20 years ....


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bb49 on March 13, 2017, 07:01:13 PM
Hi Guys, Girls,

Name: Al

Home: Kamloops, BC, Canada

Age: Been riding since the late 60s!


Job:  Not anymore  :grin:

The Bike:  Just purchased a 2007 Norge, 14500 km.  But it's still sitting at the dealers near Vancouver.  That hurts.  And I'm watching the weather forecasts hourly as I've got some mountains to ride through when I bring it home.  And of course Mother Nature is being a b---ch and making life difficult for bikers.
In the meantime, I have my 1800 Gold Wing for sale, and the S.O. is bugging me about the money that's tied up in it.  She wants to travel with that money.  On her own. :sad:

Got to run.  Dinner is ready, but I'll be back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 14, 2017, 12:19:58 AM
 bb49 , you might be our first member from Kamloops . Welcome .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ARGuz on March 14, 2017, 10:13:13 PM
Hello...Mike (57) from Arkansas

Have 2 Guzzi's...1966 Stornello 125cc that I am restoring and just bought the 50 year newer anniversary 2016 Stornello.  These are my first Guzzi's.  Was planning on buying the new Triumph Street Scrambler but I love the look and feel of the Stornello.

Hobbies: Family, (marrried 35 years, 3 kids will have 4 the grandchild in April and my youngest daughter and child is getting married in May), motorcycles and restoring vintage bikes, fly fishing, wine.

Looking forward to meeting other Guzzi riders.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 14, 2017, 10:18:58 PM
 Mike , are you a member of the Ozark Vintage motorcycle club ? Some of us here have attended the annual event at Bella Vista .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 15, 2017, 09:02:55 AM

Hobbies: Family, (marrried 35 years, 3 kids will have 4 the grandchild in April and my youngest daughter and child is getting married in May), motorcycles and restoring vintage bikes, fly fishing, wine.

That's a great time of life, as many of us here can attest.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: asaleo on March 15, 2017, 12:44:09 PM
My name is Arne, living in Sweden.
Fell in love with a Moto Guzzi V7 II last year and bought one.
Replacing my BMW R75/5 which I have been running since 1970
My BMW is now resting in the garage, retired as I am.
Driving my Guzzi feels like in the young days. It´s a pleasure driving a V7 II

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cZLXVa/IMG_2051.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cZLXVa)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 15, 2017, 01:29:04 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ridgerider on March 16, 2017, 08:16:55 PM
Hi all!  My name's Peter and I am the proud owner of a new to me 2006 Breva 1100.  I live in Ridgefield, CT.  I am an English teacher. 61 years old.  Let me know if anyone wants to go for a ride.  I'm up for it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ARGuz on March 16, 2017, 08:26:52 PM
Mike , are you a member of the Ozark Vintage motorcycle club ? Some of us here have attended the annual event at Bella Vista .


I am not a member but plan to join.  I have gone to the Bella Vista event the past few years.  My buddy that I rebuild bikes with is a member and we take bikes to Bella Vista and also to the Vintage Bike Show at Bikes, Blues, and Barbecue.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 16, 2017, 08:33:16 PM
I am not a member but plan to join.  I have gone to the Bella Vista event the past few years.  My buddy that I rebuild bikes with is a member and we take bikes to Bella Vista and also to the Vintage Bike Show at Bikes, Blues, and Barbecue.


 Hmm , we may have met then  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: roadventure on March 17, 2017, 12:25:06 PM
David Heverin, 59, Mechanical Engineer, Bel Air, Maryland, USA

2014 Moto Guzzi California Touring
2009 Yamaha Raider
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Northern Bill on March 17, 2017, 06:23:49 PM
One day in 1978 I walked out of the front door of my apartment and saw a Le Mans. It was the most beautiful bike I had ever seen and from that day on I always wanted one.  With funds being limited (sometimes by buying British bikes) I never got around to buying a Guzzi until about ten years ago when I bought a Mark 4 with the small front wheel. After many dollars spent I turned that bike into a Mk1/cafe racer clone but insurance was so expensive I sold it.  Recently I decided to look for a real Le Mans 1 but was a little dismayed by recent prices. There are a few for sale but they are really expensive. With the realization that a bargain was unlikely, I bought a really nice 1976 T3 with the intention of creating a clone.  I have only had the bike about a month and already I have all the pieces to make the clone. Over the next month I should have it all together and painted.  It is really coming together nicely and the wire wheels give it a nice touch. To avoid any flack I have put 850T3 emblems on the side covers. If it is says T3 on the side I figure people can't accuse me of making a fake. To me it is the look of the bike that is important rather than the fact that it is a genuine MK 1.
Looking forward to joining
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 18, 2017, 08:22:18 AM
One day in 1978 I walked out of the front door of my apartment and saw a Le Mans. It was the most beautiful bike I had ever seen and from that day on I always wanted one.  With funds being limited (sometimes by buying British bikes) I never got around to buying a Guzzi until about ten years ago when I bought a Mark 4 with the small front wheel. After many dollars spent I turned that bike into a Mk1/cafe racer clone but insurance was so expensive I sold it.  Recently I decided to look for a real Le Mans 1 but was a little dismayed by recent prices. There are a few for sale but they are really expensive. With the realization that a bargain was unlikely, I bought a really nice 1976 T3 with the intention of creating a clone.  I have only had the bike about a month and already I have all the pieces to make the clone. Over the next month I should have it all together and painted.  It is really coming together nicely and the wire wheels give it a nice touch. To avoid any flack I have put 850T3 emblems on the side covers. If it is says T3 on the side I figure people can't accuse me of making a fake. To me it is the look of the bike that is important rather than the fact that it is a genuine MK 1.
Looking forward to joining

I agree 100% with that approach.  Me, I wouldn't even worry about the T3 emblem - you don't owe anyone any explanation for customizing a bike to look exactly like you want it.    As long as you're not trying to sell it under false pretences, who's going to give you any "flack" anyhow?    It's going to be a pretty bike, made according to YOUR needs; that's no one else's business.

Once I get some projects moved through/out of the shop (4 BSAs, 1 Matchless, 1 Triumph, 2 Guzzis), I'm thinking of building a DBD34 Gold Star that probably (thanks to ABSAF and B33 parts) won't have a single "Gold Star" part on it .... !   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on March 20, 2017, 07:30:02 PM
One day in 1978 I walked out of the front door of my apartment and saw a Le Mans. It was the most beautiful bike I had ever seen and from that day on I always wanted one.  With funds being limited (sometimes by buying British bikes) I never got around to buying a Guzzi until about ten years ago when I bought a Mark 4 with the small front wheel. After many dollars spent I turned that bike into a Mk1/cafe racer clone but insurance was so expensive I sold it.  Recently I decided to look for a real Le Mans 1 but was a little dismayed by recent prices. There are a few for sale but they are really expensive. With the realization that a bargain was unlikely, I bought a really nice 1976 T3 with the intention of creating a clone.  I have only had the bike about a month and already I have all the pieces to make the clone. Over the next month I should have it all together and painted.  It is really coming together nicely and the wire wheels give it a nice touch. To avoid any flack I have put 850T3 emblems on the side covers. If it is says T3 on the side I figure people can't accuse me of making a fake. To me it is the look of the bike that is important rather than the fact that it is a genuine MK 1.
Looking forward to joining

Welcome Bill. we don't care if you put a KZ1000 sticker on the thing!
(http://thumb.ibb.co/imq7yv/ST_pats_17_003.jpg) (http://ibb.co/imq7yv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BOAT on March 28, 2017, 08:15:18 AM
My first Guzzi bought from family estate, a 1995 Cal 1100i, last December.
It's been a challenge from the start, as it had not run in many years. You may wonder at my chosen site name "BOAT". That stands for "Break Out Another Thousand". This bike is like a mad love affair, and she took ALL my money. But everytime I ride her she makes me know she's "The One", and I forget the Bonneville that used to be my girl. I hope you understand.

Thanks to Bill, and all you guys who responded to my clutch noise problem (posted by Bill before I was able to sign up).
I think this could get interesting.

BTW I live partly in Eastern Virginia and South Shore Nova Scotia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 28, 2017, 09:46:55 AM
 So Mr Boat , which part of you lives where ? Isn't that a bit painful ? :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: konuso on April 06, 2017, 12:32:51 AM
Guess I should have posted here first. I went WOT and my first post was a technical one. 

I'll be 28 in hexadecimal reckoning in about 5 days
(I'll leave the translation to decimal reckoning as an exercise for the reader!)

Given the above statement, you can guess that I work on computers. I work on big ones. They compute fast but don't move fast, so I don't ride them, which makes them boring, but it does pay well, so I shouldn't complain about them.

What else?... My other ride is an 2008 Aprilia Tuono Factory, and I have two unloved Hondas: 1995 CBR 600 F3 (which is a track bike now which looks like the love child of the Jolly Green Giant and... well... a mid '90s ghetto crotch rocket), and a 1999 XR650L that need its engine rebuilt thanks to a piston seizure.

I'm stuck in the Land of Entrapment in a city I call "Santa Fecal" cause it annoys people that "simply love this place" when I call it that. I suppose it's beautiful, the sunsets are nice and the homes are overpriced.

I'll add a shot of my 2008 V7 Crassic (misspelling intentional) as it is now.  I've Guzzied it up a bit :-p

(http://thumb.ibb.co/dGtPYv/P1180182.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dGtPYv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 06, 2017, 07:37:39 AM
Guess I should have posted here first. I went WOT and my first post was a technical one. 

I'll be 28 in hexadecimal reckoning in about 5 days
(I'll leave the translation to decimal reckoning as an exercise for the reader!)

Given the above statement, you can guess that I work on computers. I work on big ones. They compute fast but don't move fast, so I don't ride them, which makes them boring, but it does pay well, so I shouldn't complain about them.

What else?... My other ride is an 2008 Aprilia Tuono Factory, and I have two unloved Hondas: 1995 CBR 600 F3 (which is a track bike now which looks like the love child of the Jolly Green Giant and... well... a mid '90s ghetto crotch rocket), and a 1999 XR650L that need its engine rebuilt thanks to a piston seizure.

I'm stuck in the Land of Entrapment in a city I call "Santa Fecal" cause it annoys people that "simply love this place" when I call it that. I suppose it's beautiful, the sunsets are nice and the homes are overpriced.

I'll add a shot of my 2008 V7 Crassic (misspelling intentional) as it is now.  I've Guzzied it up a bit :-p

(http://thumb.ibb.co/dGtPYv/P1180182.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dGtPYv)

I'll be turning over the big 111111 next year, so you can tell I used to work on computers a LONG time ago, before there was enough memory space to even NEED hexadecimal.

Why, we had to work in 8K of programming space, without even a hardware stack, and uphill both ways ... but tell kids that today and will they believe you?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ghargrove on April 06, 2017, 10:03:02 AM
Gary Hargrove, 70, retired Law Enforcement
El Paso TX

Returning to riding after 3yrs (Stroke and Broken Hip)

Riding for over 50yrs,  Motor cop and MSF Instructor

Love the old Guzzi police bike.  This '16 V7 is my 3rd MG. :police: :copcar:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jimijoe on April 06, 2017, 01:54:45 PM
Hi all , John Caruso,  here in San Diego,  nearly semi-retired from construction work, currently I own a California 1400 tour equipped w Todds fuelling system.  Previously owner of an 2003 V-11, my brother had an aluminum V-11 in the garage & a 125 Stornello,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Angel on April 06, 2017, 08:18:37 PM
Still haven't found the right guzzi yet.  But I am still looking.  Leaning more towards the Breva instead of the Norge.  They are hard to find so far. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rainrider on April 07, 2017, 06:18:14 PM
Eric Gibbs; 48; software tester; Portland, Oregon; year-round commuter; recovering ice hockey player.

Recently replaced my daily rider ('97 BMW R850R) with a slightly-used 2016 V7ii Stone. I also have a 1987 K75 which I've had for 13 years, and which I may just keep around indefinitely.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 07, 2017, 07:55:54 PM
 So how does one recover from being a hockey player ? :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FL-Mike on April 07, 2017, 08:15:44 PM
Mike, 55 yrs old, west coast of FL, occupation:  Engineer.  Riding for many years.  Love older bikes, have done some restorations.  Used to be mainly a 2 stroke guy, but lately have been mainly a Triumph guy.  Currently have a 2012 Thruxton & a 96 Trident 900 I've got for sale.  Have really liked the V7 since it came out.  Was all set up to buy one back in 2014, but the deal fell through.  Ended up buying my Thruxton, which has been a great bike.  But the itch to get a V7 has never gone away.  Saw some photos of the new V7-III (especially love the blue with orange stripe), loved the changes they've done to the bike.  So went to our local dealer to see if they had the 2017s yet.  Nope.  But took a nice test ride on a V7-II, wow, what an awesome bike, great character.  Plenty fast for me.  Then started looking at the V9 Roamer .... wow, that one is super nice too.  Seriously thinking now about selling the Thruxton and getting either a V7 or V9. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 07, 2017, 08:44:56 PM
Still haven't found the right guzzi yet.  But I am still looking.  Leaning more towards the Breva instead of the Norge.  They are hard to find so far.

 Start a thread , tell these guys what you are looking for .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rainrider on April 07, 2017, 10:06:04 PM
So how does one recover from being a hockey player ? :grin:


RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. I always forget what E is for. Existentialism, maybe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 07, 2017, 10:13:48 PM
RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. I always forget what E is for. Existentialism, maybe.

  :laugh: Not a word one normally associates with hockey  :shocked:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 07, 2017, 10:29:18 PM
RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. I always forget what E is for. Existentialism, maybe.

E is for Elevate.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rainrider on April 07, 2017, 10:43:51 PM
E is for Elevate.

That explains why the Enchiladas did nothing. Dangit.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 07, 2017, 11:13:58 PM
That explains why the Enchiladas did nothing. Dangit.

Well, often, if I eat enchiladas and later lie down, I have to elevate my butt a bit to allow the methane to escape.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jasper on April 08, 2017, 05:21:36 PM
Brian here. 47 year old machinist from San Jose CA. Picked up a California 1400 custom a few months back and couldn't be happier! I've ridden mostly sporty stuff for the last 30 plus years and I'm amazed at how well the Cali handles every time I get on it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: borgmann on April 10, 2017, 03:42:38 AM
Greetings fellow Guzzusti
 quick intro, ride a Bellagio , like the long distance trips enjoy Alpine roads,   fast corners [who doesn't]
greeting card sales man

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xcountry41 on April 12, 2017, 11:54:50 AM
I'm Gary, 55, Edmonton, Alberta region, Canada.
 motorcyclist since I was 13 racing motocross. First road going motorcycle was a KLR about 9 years ago. Avid cyclist and skier, Operations technician/ Power engineer for the last 27 yrs., notice how I listed my career AFTER my passions! Oh ya , also a recovering ice hockey player, goaltender no less!
Joined ADV.com in 2011 and listed the Stelvio NTX as one of my dream bikes in my profile about a year later.
 Bought a 2012 Triumph Tiger 800 XC in 2012 and really enjoy it, seemed like a natural progression,
Rode it to YT and Alaska in 2013.
Was in the dealership two weeks ago picking up parts for the Tiger and had an out of body experience! I'm now the proud owner of a new 2015 MG Stelvio NTX they had left over. All I can say is WOW, this is a nice motorcycle!! Riding it to Dawson city YT, Inuvik NWT, and Alaska in June this year. I'm pumped !!
Regards to all,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 13, 2017, 02:08:04 AM
Well Gary, it sounds like you have been bitten.

The experts say there is no known cure. :thumb: Welcome to the madness.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Speedball68 on April 17, 2017, 07:55:23 PM
Thank you for the ad.

I do not have a Motoguzzi but my retired computer less friend has a 1973 Eldorado 850 that failed an engine in 2003 (bad cylinder chrome??). The bike has been sitting with the drivetrain removed since then but my friend Tony "Speedball" often spoke about the bike and hoped to find a replacement engine someday.

 Last fall at a sale in TX I noticed the remains of a homemade motorcycle project, most of the chassis and all of the drive train was Motoguzzi. The bike was purchased with the hope it would do him good and hauled it back to IL.

The drive train ended up being a convert of unknown year; Tony likes unusual vehicles and gravitated to the idea of putting the whole convert drivetrain in his Eldorado.The engine and trans is physically in the Eldorado frame but nothing is fastened yet.

I typically help my friend with the mechanical work but I was moved to TX with work a year ago so he on his own with this one until I can make it back for a visit. We are assuming this is not a new idea and has been done before.

Can someone who has put a convert drivetrain in a looptail give me some advise to forward on what needs to be done?

Best Regards,
Marion, TX
(http://thumb.ibb.co/npsRY5/IMG_3148.jpg) (http://ibb.co/npsRY5)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: helmetbolt on April 18, 2017, 01:37:49 AM
Hi, My name is Mick.

I'm 57.

I live in County Durham, England.

I'm a semi retired Taxi Driver.

I've been riding bikes since the 70's, but have just purchased my first Guzzi.
It is a 2001 California Special, it has not seen a lot of use & has been sitting in the previous
owners garage for the last 10 years. It has just over 10k on the clock.

Below is a pic of it.

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Helmetbolt/s-l16010_zps9lwcfcmo.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Helmetbolt/media/s-l16010_zps9lwcfcmo.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Laker on April 18, 2017, 05:09:22 PM
Hi there Mick - nice bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoChuck250 on April 18, 2017, 06:10:41 PM
My name is obviously Chuck.  Was named Moto Chuck by a Ducati riding buddy many years ago.

I'm 61. No wife. No kids.

Live in Wichita, Ks.

I am currently unemployed due to health concerns but have spent about 30 yrs. in the steel fabrication industry.

Hobbies in addition to motorcycling are gardening, reading, hiking, music, and shooting.

MC I have owned include Honda, Kawasaki, Norton, Triumph, Ducati, in addition to a 1970 Guzzi Ambassador that I put a lot of miles on. My current road bike is a 2001 Kawasaki Concours 1000.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Triple Jim on April 18, 2017, 06:44:04 PM
Hello Chuck, it's good to meet you.  May your health concerns go away so you can enjoy the great weather coming up.   :smiley:

(You might consider putting a general location in your profile)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoChuck250 on April 18, 2017, 08:14:40 PM
Hello Chuck, it's good to meet you.  May your health concerns go away so you can enjoy the great weather coming up.   :smiley:

(You might consider putting a general location in your profile)

Thanks Jim,
I had Esophageal Cancer but have gone through treatment and surgery and now had two CT scans that say No Evidence of Disease.  N.e.d. is my friend!!  :grin: Right now I am trying to get my stamina back from the surgery.  Otherwise I am doing fairly well.

Haven't had time to play with my profile yet but will get to that one of these days.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 18, 2017, 09:22:32 PM
 Well hello Chuck , glad to see you here . Looking forward to meeting at Cedar Vale  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: newbedoo on April 22, 2017, 10:59:42 AM
Hi Nebedoo from Canada here. Am a BMW head head guy and am looking at a Guzzi convert.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DangerDan on April 23, 2017, 03:21:53 PM
Hi, im Dan.
27 --> Vancouver, Canada.
Into surfing/snowboarding those types of sports, I like the dicey situations.

During the day I design theme park rides (the water ones) and waterslides, im a mechanical engineer by education.. At night I direct a decent sized landscape company across the country that I started 11years ago and somehow still exists and funds me.

Ive got a 2013 MG V7 Classic (?) in red/white. Its my first bike and I have been enjoying it, seems to get tons of looks on the street which is fun for a not so pricey toy. In the first week, I tried to trade it for an R8 at a stop light, he almost bit. Landed on a Guzzi by chance and have not looked back.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on April 23, 2017, 06:14:49 PM
Well Gary, it sounds like you have been bitten.

The experts say there is no known cure. :thumb: Welcome to the madness.
There ain't no cure for love ❤️

As Leonard Cohen used to say

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: club_c on May 03, 2017, 01:04:38 AM
Hi, should have done this sooner, apologies.  Clubbie from the Fraser Valley of BC Canada, recently retired.  I've been riding since the '70's, and only purchased my first MG - 2001 V11 Sport Greenie - last fall as a winter project, as it needed some minor attention.   With the best of intentions to keep it, my wife of 35 years has asked me to reduce my "fleet" of bikes, so I fear I won't be with you all that long.  This is a great forum, good culture here! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 03, 2017, 07:51:57 AM
Hi, should have done this sooner, apologies.  Clubbie from the Fraser Valley of BC Canada, recently retired.  I've been riding since the '70's, and only purchased my first MG - 2001 V11 Sport Greenie - last fall as a winter project, as it needed some minor attention.   With the best of intentions to keep it, my wife of 35 years has asked me to reduce my "fleet" of bikes, so I fear I won't be with you all that long.  This is a great forum, good culture here!

 Sell one of the other bikes .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on May 03, 2017, 05:55:09 PM
Sell one of the other bikes .


 :1: :thumb:

Guzzis are addictive. :grin: The others aren't.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on May 06, 2017, 06:06:05 PM
Sell one of the other bikes .

As Dusty sez- or sell the wife [emoji13]

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sign216 on May 07, 2017, 07:40:10 AM

As Dusty sez- or sell the wife [emoji13]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've gotten rid of wives before.  In Western culture it's not cheap.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AJH69 on May 07, 2017, 09:06:56 AM
Anderson (Andy) Howat
Age 48
Northwest Lehigh County, PA
Technical writer / video director in automotive industry

I'm into custom bicycle framebuilding
organic farming
Resurrecting moto esoterica

72 Eldo
'06 Monster S2R
'67 TR6
'70 TR6
'63 Superhawk
'88 Saab 900
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kev m on May 08, 2017, 10:58:19 AM
Anderson (Andy) Howat
Age 48
Northwest Lehigh County, PA
Technical writer / video director in automotive industry

I'm into custom bicycle framebuilding
organic farming
Resurrecting moto esoterica

72 Eldo
'06 Monster S2R
'67 TR6
'70 TR6
'63 Superhawk
'88 Saab 900

Small world, former Chilton guy here who spent most of his life in Chester County PA.

Who do you work for? I'm trying to figure out if our paths have ever crossed.

Regardless, welcome to the board.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Goosetavo on May 08, 2017, 04:19:06 PM
Hello Guzzi World!

I am Gustavo Narez from Wichita, Kansas - born in raised in Fort Worth, Texas.

I picked up my first guzzi February 2017, she is a 2013 V7 special and it is a torque-y little fun one!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/gsi36Q/IMG_20170227_180628.jpg) (http://ibb.co/gsi36Q)

"First ride back home after buying bought on Feb 26, 2017."

I started motorcycling at the late age of 24, will be barely breaking 3 years  and 15k total miles of riding this year. My first and other bike is a Triumph Street Triple and have enjoyed a very short list of trips which include Colorado and Arkansas.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mHHufk/16465289_1782696911991758_6137899735073161216_n.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mHHufk)

best image host (http://imgbb.com/)

"There is always a 'first'."

I dropped in to my first guzzi event this weekend in Cedar Vale, KS Knotrally and I have to say it was a very pleasant experience to meet part of the guzzi community. I have to give special thanks to Dusty for accommodating me and my ride-or-die chick at the event, I appreciate the hospitality and introduction to the group members. Here are just a few pics from that weekend:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/kfOT6Q/4_IXZEmn1_DNs8_JGd8pxwz_STl15_Wt1_Qp5lczaw9_Pvtbkw_Wm_Fm2_Ef_Zyl_BJl_Ma_Uv_M_cb_VTQk4lz930_WIHt_VCl_Pqo_Ghje_Hi_DIk7o6_Zr_GBh_TGS9_CEZw_V7_Z7t_PEx9_Oy_U8h_W7h_Zi_Mu_CZk_Rw_w600_h315_p_k.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kfOT6Q)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hAKqLk/2_C3xe_XKEe_Tg_Yjr_Yu_YTr236rdy_xq_Iy_So_Nkmk_Gf_k81t_Ebq_R7h0_NWPODoj_Dt_Kw8_K4_n_Fi8_EBnp_To_DVQ63zhfd_Iw9q_UWD9al_mray84e_WMIo_Dn_RNwp_Xj_Tas_D6p_Rqozo2_Rq5l_SY_w600_h315_p_k.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hAKqLk)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/ngOjfk/1o_UWd_FXEsvh_VSg1yk_Hgs1_Nae7_U4_TBJ4emlre1_Zz_Ah_UDKDXz_RQMxa_YCpd_N873_Fx_Xxmf_Wu_Nq_Fy_Viyb_O0_DZa_Dw_MSx_Q4s0r_Kay_Ee_AZdjnrjj2_MWVYRloej6_Fyun_X1n_G8_Q_8g_SY9_TM0_w600_h315_p_k.jpg) (http://ibb.co/ngOjfk)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/kV1FmQ/g_Qr1_VS4_Uj_X8gn_Ccz_CHQA6m_Y76_Xnr_Bv_BL5_TN0h9a_Xu_Oa_TE31_H958_X7_Vil_OJcot_Ie_TYJs4c_CBklwt4m6c9_JDSYnmw8_Thd_PYh3j_Juh_CABPi_Ss_U_zcjn_RYlpdlbp_B2_Sy_Bui_Bxa_E7_Ibk_w600_h315_p_k.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kV1FmQ)

I am an engineer in the aerospace industry, possibly seeking some private pilot license soon... so planes are cool too. I look forward to seeing and following the activity of this community.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: teguzzi on May 09, 2017, 11:16:49 AM
Hi all, what a great community!  My name is Teg and I ride a 2016 V7 racer.  I work in software development and am 40.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoBug on May 14, 2017, 02:28:14 AM
Greetings from Australia! Thanks for the great site and it's wealth of passionate and knowledgeable members. Yes I've been lurking but I'm now a member so I'm looking forward to learning from and hopefully contributing to the collective brains trust of fellow Moto Guzzi appreciators. After 15 years off the bike my 4 day old 2016 V7II Special is turning out to be a fine fun machine.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on May 14, 2017, 03:09:17 PM
Greetings from Australia! Thanks for the great site and it's wealth of passionate and knowledgeable members. Yes I've been lurking but I'm now a member so I'm looking forward to learning from and hopefully contributing to the collective brains trust of fellow Moto Guzzi appreciators. After 15 years off the bike my 4 day old 2016 V7II Special is turning out to be a fine fun machine.


Cool [emoji41] there are a few Aussies here as you may have noticed, plus a couple or three Kiwis. Welcome

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cachnutz on May 15, 2017, 10:15:42 PM
 Hi Everyone, I am

Chilliwack, BC, Canada
47 years

Have a KLX250 and just traded my V-Star 1100 in for.....
  a 2011 Norge 1200 8v

The cruiser just wasnt doing it for me on the longer road trips with my wife aboard, and I am hoping I made the right decision in the Norge.
So I normally research the crap out of something before I buy it, but for some reason after an hour long test ride, I was making a deal and shaking hands at the Guzzi dealership. The bike had me in its spell I guess

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fulton_Cali on May 16, 2017, 08:33:04 PM
Well, hello there. . .

David from Fulton, MD. 41 years young, married, with one 6-year-old kiddo.

Just bought a 1997 Cali 75th edition--I have wanted a Cali for years. Sold my last bike, a 1994 Honda CB1000, 6 years ago so it's been a little while. I am picking up the machine this weekend and can't wait to hit the road.

I'm a statistician by trade, psychologist by training, and generally enjoy reading histories, biographies, etc., and a good scotch.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 16, 2017, 08:41:50 PM
 Welcome David from Fulton .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 16, 2017, 10:13:20 PM
David from Fulton, MD. 41 years young, married, with one 6-year-old kiddo.

Hi David - check out the MD/DC Guzzi 3rd Sunday Breakfast topic in "General Discussion".  Not too long a ride for you, & you can map out nice secondary roads to get there if you're up for leaving home at the crack of dawn!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SimiDave on May 17, 2017, 12:15:47 PM
Dave from Ventura county CA.
59 years old
Video technician and part time actor
Just bought my first Guzzi and getting used to riding it. Quite different from my '83 GPz 750.

2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Racer
1983 Kawasaki GPz 750 - needs work
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 17, 2017, 02:14:07 PM
Dave from Ventura county CA.
59 years old
Video technician and part time actor
Just bought my first Guzzi and getting used to riding it. Quite different from my '83 GPz 750.

2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Racer
1983 Kawasaki GPz 750 - needs work

Amazing to think that a 1983 GPz is 35 years old now.

When it was new, a 35-year-old model was a 1948 .... !

No wonder there's a big difference.   Hope you enjoy it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: huklbery on May 17, 2017, 03:07:19 PM
Hello, my name is Mark and my dog and I enjoy sidecars.  The last few years we are nearly daily riders on a Ural but the engine limitations on both freeway ability and reliability have been increasingly restrictive.  I have always preferd twins and singles over multies so when I saw a '84 SP 1000 with sidecar and trailer I purchased it. 

After riding it back from Texas to San Diego CA I can certainly see why Moto Guzzi folk are enthralled with them.  Fortunately while I made it back with out serious mechanical issue, last week the U Joint failed.  It's caused me to delve into the bike a bit deeper and sooner than I had anticipated but at least the worn out bearings and U Joint will be sorted.   
(http://thumb.ibb.co/dHMKY5/20170506_095232.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dHMKY5)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 17, 2017, 05:07:07 PM
John Chilcoin will rebuild at a reasonable cost.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sdcr on May 17, 2017, 05:23:17 PM
Like Club_C, I should have done this sooner. I'm John, and have been riding motorcycles for about 40 years....yeah, I'm as old as dirt! Live just north of Philly pa., in the USA.
  My very first bike was a Yamaha street scrambler 200, 1969 I think. Fun machine, and a good learning bike. Since then, I've owned about 45 different motorcycles, including nine Moto Guzzi's. My first goose was a 73 ElDorado, with factory Amal carbs. I acquired this at an estate auction for about $480 american dollars. Wish I never sold it! Currently have a BMW R1100RS, and a white 1983 Moto Guzzi Le Mans III. Very stock except for Lafranconi Competizione mufflers, pod filters and suspension upgrades.

 My screen name, SDCR came from having owned a terraplane sidecar on a standard Goldwing. ran this all over the east coast. Sold it with 150,000 miles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on May 17, 2017, 10:34:10 PM
True that John. Took you long enough. :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scousus maximus on May 24, 2017, 01:08:51 PM
Hi All,
I'm John from Stockton on Tees in North East UK. I'm 66, retired from Military and motor industry (only two jobs) and owner of a 2012 V7 Stone which I'm gradually converting from black to silver. I've had this bike since 2012 from new and it's been 100% reliable since MG replaced a lambda probe and a silencer in first few months. It's done a few up and down and sideways trips on my perfect little island and also a trip to Mandello for the 2015 meeting. Always gives a good account of itself even up and down an Alp or ten!
Previous bikes include a 250cc Matchless, Yamaha RD 250 and a Honda CX 500.
I'm looking forward to being amongst your good selves and enjoying the banter, advice, stories and pics.
(http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h374/J1950C/20170510_160429_zpsycmuq2gg.jpg) (http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/J1950C/media/20170510_160429_zpsycmuq2gg.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on May 25, 2017, 02:36:37 PM
Hi All,
I'm John from Stockton on Tees in North East UK. I'm 66, retired from Military and motor industry (only two jobs) and owner of a 2012 V7 Stone which I'm gradually converting from black to silver. I've had this bike since 2012 from new and it's been 100% reliable since MG replaced a lambda probe and a silencer in first few months. It's done a few up and down and sideways trips on my perfect little island and also a trip to Mandello for the 2015 meeting. Always gives a good account of itself even up and down an Alp or ten!
Previous bikes include a 250cc Matchless, Yamaha RD 250 and a Honda CX 500.
I'm looking forward to being amongst your good selves and enjoying the banter, advice, stories and pics.
(http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h374/J1950C/20170510_160429_zpsycmuq2gg.jpg) (http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/J1950C/media/20170510_160429_zpsycmuq2gg.jpg.html)
Hi John,

Welcome to the mayhem :-)

I had an old Matchy 500 back when I was a young and foolish. Pretty useless I thought then but probably my inability to ride / maintain it properly . Plus the fact it had a bald front tyre & bucked me off once.


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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pjontian on May 26, 2017, 04:52:04 AM

Ga. 39. Married. Have two kids

Interests - motorcycles, mtb

2000 Jackal
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stonelover on May 26, 2017, 11:17:11 AM
My name is Bill & I usually sign "Bill H." because there are so many of us out there.  Started riding in 1955 on a used HD model EL.  Since then I've had singles, twins & fours,both two stroke and four stroke.  I live in the Eastern Panhandle of WV and am retired from AT&T and the US Govt. Federal Technology Service.  Have liked Guzzis since I was a kid and now ride a 2016 Stone II with which I am very satisfied.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssmith996 on May 28, 2017, 09:09:01 AM


Mechanical engineer, 51 years old.

I have owned Italian cycles since 1992, starting with a 1992 Ducati 851.  I recently purchased a 2014 MG California Custom to go with my 851, 1999 Ducati 996 and 2015 Ducati Monster 1200S.  I have always been a Moto Guzzi fan, as my father has restored quite a few, including a V-7 Sport featured in the May/June 2014 Motorcycle Classics magazine.  After 39 years of riding motorcycles, the 2014 California is my first experience in the "cruiser" world, and I am lovin' it!  Thanks for the forum and I am looking forward to being an active participant!
(http://thumb.ibb.co/jZr8Xa/My_MG_calif.jpg) (http://ibb.co/jZr8Xa)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssmith996 on May 28, 2017, 10:58:59 AM
Brian here. 47 year old machinist from San Jose CA. Picked up a California 1400 custom a few months back and couldn't be happier! I've ridden mostly sporty stuff for the last 30 plus years and I'm amazed at how well the Cali handles every time I get on it!

I have a very similar experience.  After 30 years of sport bikes (Ducatis since 1992), I love the 2014 California Custom I purchased a few weeks back.  I completely agree with your analysis of its handling.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stokes on May 30, 2017, 06:25:20 PM
Started riding in 1971 at 15yrs old.Honda 175 for about 2 months,was able to trade that for a '66 BSA Rocket.Have had many bikes since then.Just got my first Guzzi,a V7 II Racer.Absolutely love it so far,but its been raining a lot since I picked it up,only have about 400 miles on it so far in about a month.Live upstate NY,Columbia county,originally from Bklyn NY,retired in '13,moved here in '15.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roadrunner on June 01, 2017, 07:01:58 PM
Oh man, that "sets the date" more than "started riding in 1975 ...".    DEC, volumes of "DECUS Proceedings", Ken Olson, marked-up OS-8 manuals, transition from RT-11 to RSX-11 to 11M to M+ to - and the end of the road ... part of my life for 20 years ....



That's great!

I started in ABQ, then was promoted and transferred to Mass. I spent my last 4-5 years in the AI Group in Littleton.

How about you?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Davidak on June 02, 2017, 01:15:45 AM
My name is David. I'm from Prague, Czech Republic. Bought Breva 1100 last year as my first Moto Guzzi and my first motorcycle after more than 15 years. I had only Jawa or CZ before so it's also my first experience with modern bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on June 02, 2017, 04:04:57 AM
My name is David. I'm from Prague, Czech Republic. Bought Breva 1100 last year as my first Moto Guzzi and my first motorcycle after more than 15 years. I had only Jawa or CZ before so it's also my first experience with modern bike.
Wow, bit of a step up from your previous bikes , hope you're enjoy the Breva.


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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziNZ on June 02, 2017, 06:10:01 AM
Steve from Nelson, New Zealand.

Fitter/turner engineer working for a company making Sequential car and pre unit motorcycle race boxes.

Just clocked 46000 Km on my 08, 1200 Sport. Third bike after a Breva 750 and Kawa W650 since I got back into riding because no one would help me clean the bloody boat.
First bike was a Mountain Goat ! Only people from outside New Zealand get a prize if you have heard of it before.

Think I need to add a T3 to the garage, can anyone help?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on June 02, 2017, 07:08:40 AM
Steve from Nelson, New Zealand.

Fitter/turner engineer working for a company making Sequential car and pre unit motorcycle race boxes.

Just clocked 46000 Km on my 08, 1200 Sport. Third bike after a Breva 750 and Kawa W650 since I got back into riding because no one would help me clean the bloody boat.
First bike was a Mountain Goat ! Only people from outside New Zealand get a prize if you have heard of it before.

Think I need to add a T3 to the garage, can anyone help?

Hi Steve,

Welcome aboard, being a kiwi I have seen and ridden a mountain goat. My bro in law had one on his farm way back when.



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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: club_c on June 04, 2017, 10:29:33 PM

Chilliwack, BC, Canada
47 years

Hi Chris, I'm Chilliwack too...  the local MG shop is a fine place...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on June 05, 2017, 12:20:34 AM
Hi Steve,

Welcome aboard, being a kiwi I have seen and ridden a mountain goat. My bro in law had one on his farm way back when.



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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on June 05, 2017, 04:55:59 PM
Steve from Nelson, New Zealand.

Fitter/turner engineer working for a company making Sequential car and pre unit motorcycle race boxes.

Just clocked 46000 Km on my 08, 1200 Sport. Third bike after a Breva 750 and Kawa W650 since I got back into riding because no one would help me clean the bloody boat.
First bike was a Mountain Goat ! Only people from outside New Zealand get a prize if you have heard of it before.

Think I need to add a T3 to the garage, can anyone help?

Welcome Steve. Born and bred in Takaka myself. I still have the 750 Breva that I got 2004. Love it on the Takaka hill! :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziNZ on June 06, 2017, 05:01:28 AM
Thanks Muzz.
From what I remember Kev my MK1 Mountain Goat wasn't that flash. In fact the wheels were half full of water like a old tractor, it had no front mud guard and if you hit a bump to hard the suspension would collapse locking the front wheel on the steering head.
Power come from a mighty Suzuki TC90 with 4 speed dual range box and flat out in low range I think I could run faster.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/djVk0v/e10057b_1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/djVk0v)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nyITguy on June 06, 2017, 01:16:09 PM
Hello, group. I'm Greg, handle nyITguy. As you might guess, I'm an IT guy from New York, IT Director for Columbia University Press, a book publisher.

55 years old, first started riding about 43 years ago, motocross on various hand-me-down bikes like a Yamaha enduro 175, Kawasaki 125, etc. Years later in my 30s I got a mid-80s Yamaha XJ700 Maxim, which I loved, but it didn't last too long because it slid out from under me on a slippery NYC exit ramp and I was done riding for a while. Fast forward 20 years (well, slow forward actually), and I now own a 1982 Suzuki GS850, which is undergoing some work, and a 2008 MG Breva 750, which seems like a great bike to get back into the swing of riding.

I'm glad to have found this group, see you around the forum.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GRGuzzi on June 12, 2017, 03:18:13 PM
Hi to all, my name is Antony, marine electronics engineer.
Owner of a Guzzi V7 ii 2015 (Europe).
I am from Greece, born 1960.
This bike is my first Guzzi, and I love it. Best relationship I had for years.
I sign up to the forum, because I see that is the most active Guzzi forum on the net,
with members that really  share the love and knowledge for Guzzi.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 12, 2017, 03:19:28 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on June 12, 2017, 03:57:50 PM
Hi to all, my name is Antony, marine electronics engineer.
Owner of a Guzzi V7 ii 2015 (Europe).
I am from Greece, born 1960.
This bike is my first Guzzi, and I love it. Best relationship I had for years.
I sign up to the forum, because I see that is the most active Guzzi forum on the net,
with members that really  share the love and knowledge for Guzzi.
Hi Antony,

Welcome from down under [emoji41]

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spokane2303 on June 14, 2017, 09:21:12 AM
Mike Regan "Spokane2303"
Vancouver, WA
Current bike: 2007 MG Breva 1100 "Black"
Previous rides: Victory Vegas, Harley Electra Glide, Harley Sportster, Yamaha 650, Honda 550, Suzuki 100, Hodaka Super Rat, Yamaha 125, Honda 50, generic mini bike

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mojoe on June 18, 2017, 01:24:41 PM
Hi All,
Joe here from UK Essex,
Originally from Glasgow Scotland.
back into bikes at 60 years young, after a few years out.
Bought a Yam Fazer fzs600 and quickly realised it was a bit too buzzy so bagged myself a Breva 1100 and now having the best fun of my long life.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GypsyMoth on June 18, 2017, 11:41:44 PM
Hello group!

I'm John, retired and live in the SF Bay Area, California...

I grew up on British twins and have been riding BMWs for years (currently own a GS-A Waterboxer and a F650GS Twin, as well as a 1959 Enfield Constellation).

I've been considering the purchase of a Guzzi for some time, and I've started to focus on a Stelvio.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ES1 on June 19, 2017, 12:10:58 PM
Hello, Nate from Knoxville TN here. 30 years of life, hopefully many more.

Been riding most of my life, gone through many bikes, lots of hondas, a bmw F650 that took me everywhere, and now a Quota to complement the Nevada we've had in the family since new. I'm also into vintage aluminum boats, VWs, additive manufacturing and general tinkering.

I'm guilty of my first post asking for help, sorry!

Thanks for having me!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on June 19, 2017, 10:08:37 PM
Hello group!

I'm John, retired and live in the SF Bay Area, California...

I grew up on British twins and have been riding BMWs for years (currently own a GS-A Waterboxer and a F650GS Twin, as well as a 1959 Enfield Constellation).

I've been considering the purchase of a Guzzi for some time, and I've started to focus on a Stelvio.

Hi John,

What's to consider, just buy one and you'll wish you had years ago [emoji3]


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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hugostiglitz on June 21, 2017, 06:57:23 AM
Greetings from Oregon. Just picked up a V7 III Special. This is my first Guzzi. Previous bikes include Aprilia RSV Mille, Multistrada, 1098, Hayabusa, etc. Other current bike is a '16 Tuono. Picked the Guzzi up because I just wanted a good motor bike. Something to ride around town and just enjoy. Probably not going to do any mods, kind of like the OEM look for my bikes. Looking forward to joining the discussion.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GypsyMoth on June 21, 2017, 02:59:19 PM
Hi John,

What's to consider, just buy one and you'll wish you had years ago [emoji3]


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I haven't had the space to park it, and will shortly :azn:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 21, 2017, 11:22:46 PM
 Welcome all , and enjoy the board .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SirIzak on June 23, 2017, 02:25:48 PM
Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be here, surrounded by what appears to be a wealth of information from many wonderful people, who happen to adore Moto Guzzi as much as I do!

My name is Izak, I live in Cincinnati Ohio, and last fall picked up a 2016 V7II Stone in black from Cadre Cycle in Blue Ash. Thus far it has been the best motorcycle purchase I've made, the bike is wonderful, the support forums are great, and all my dealership happenings have be spectacular. I hope this is a long and fruitful relationship, and if anyone is in the Cincinnati area I would love to meet up sometime, I don't have many motorcycling buddies.

Thank you, have a great day!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MarkPell on June 26, 2017, 11:35:16 AM
Hi all,

Decided to repost my introduction considering I finally pulled the trigger on an 83 Lemans.
The bike was owned and sold back and forth twice by two friends and has been well loved
and modded with big bore pistons, new cams, electronic ignition and more.

Second owner had it in his living room for 12 years.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/iOqpxk/20170624_115951.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iOqpxk)

First owner designed and built the pipes you see on it. This is truly one of the nicest sounding
bikes I have ever heard. This bike absolutely rips!! I am in love!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: iLuvOppai on June 27, 2017, 10:35:43 AM
Hi everybody!

Philip (most people just call me Phil)
27(28 in about 3 weeks)
Engineering Designer
Brooklyn, NY

Just bought a hardly used 1999 Cali EV11 (only 3k miles on the clock) as my first real bike.
Still gotta make space in the garage for her tho...
If you guys/gals have any tips or tricks on things I should look out for on the bike please do share the knowledge!
Nice to meet you all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 27, 2017, 12:19:58 PM
 Hi guys , good to see some younger folks join us , and what a lovely '83 Le Mans  :thumb:

 Phil , ask away , maybe start a thread in General discussion , these guys love to be experts  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paulsb on June 28, 2017, 05:24:07 PM
G'day folks, great being here and thanks for having me on.

I'm an Aussie lost/located in 'sunny' London UK.

Hobbies: Guzzies....errrm... .Guzzies

2016 Griso 1200 8v
1976 750 S3
2002 ZX7R (because I've loved them since they first came out)

V11 started the addiction and haven't looked back ever since.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoBug on June 28, 2017, 11:09:12 PM
I'm fairly new here myself but welcome aboard. I was in Oxford for a couple of years. It was great living there but I couldn't get used to that persistent grey sky.

Have a London Pride for me!

Cheers,  MotoBug
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GypsyMoth on June 29, 2017, 12:35:32 AM
Hello group!

I'm John, retired and live in the SF Bay Area, California...

I grew up on British twins and have been riding BMWs for years (currently own a GS-A Waterboxer and a F650GS Twin, as well as a 1959 Enfield Constellation).

I've been considering the purchase of a Guzzi for some time, and I've started to focus on a Stelvio.


I've been told my Stelvio is in transit, I should receive it in 3 weeks or so...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gusable on July 06, 2017, 08:52:02 PM
Hello my name is Gus. I live in Dallas Texas.  I'm 45 and am a master auto technician working on Japanese cars for about 25 years. I'm a newer rider of about 5 years with probably 10-12k miles under my belt.  This 98ev is my first guzzi and I'm not a cruiser guy but I thought what the heck! Let's try it!  I'm a solo rider and only do commuting and pleasure rides locally but want to tour a bit. If anyone in north Texas knows the big computer bikes I'd like to be your pal!  Thanks for all the warm welcomes and help!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on July 07, 2017, 05:56:34 PM
Welcome Gusable from down I35 a bit.  This forum is unbelievably helpful and supportive.  Guzzis are habit forming, so, beware.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shiloh on July 17, 2017, 05:56:45 PM
Hi all, new here and to Guzzi`s, though I`ve had a lust for them since forever. Im  56, semi retired, and just broke down and procured a 2000 v11s.
I live in the beautiful Georgian Bay region of Ontario Canada.
Any who, cool forum and I`m sure I`ll be needing help with this beast sooner or later.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/n3Sfs5/20170708_170804.jpg) (http://ibb.co/n3Sfs5)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GVZZI on July 17, 2017, 09:38:48 PM
Dan Meisner
Hospital Social Worker

I am interested in most things.
Exceptions include: Sports, Television, Guns, and Television.

Baltimore, Maryland

I have owned most of the bikes made between 1965 and 1985
I can make almost anything.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nortman54 on July 18, 2017, 09:41:35 AM
Hi Everyone,
My name is Chuck Bohn, am 63 years old and I run a lumber yard/hardware store in Reedley CA.  Fruit basket of the world, peaches, plums, nectarines.  I have been a Brit bike guy my whole life and currently have 3 Norton Commandos and a 1970 Triumph T100.  Last September I rode my modern bike a 2003 BMW RT to Seattle where I left it at Moto International and rode home on a new 2015 Norge.  I now have about 3000 miles on the Norge with no problems at all.  Love the relatively low tech aspect of the Norge and the bike fits me better than the Beemer.  Looking forward to the wealth of information on this forum.
Norman 54
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 18, 2017, 10:11:56 AM
 Welcome folks , try to make a rally or a food ride , we look forward to meeting our new members in person  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dinsdale on July 19, 2017, 08:55:03 AM
G'day blokes and blokesses, from the glorious Great Southern region in sou'western West Oz.  Fairly recently retired and looking at trading up to Gutz soon(ish).  Current beast is a Suzuki DR650.  Had at least 1 motorized 2 wheeler for 54 years this year.  Was exclusively Italian for about 20 years, with 3 Ducatis, 2 Benellis, 1 Laverda and 1 MV Agusta.  Always wanted a Gutz, and planning on fixing that with a new V7iii Special.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on July 19, 2017, 11:33:28 AM
G'day blokes and blokesses, from the glorious Great Southern region in sou'western West Oz.  Fairly recently retired and looking at trading up to Gutz soon(ish).  Current beast is a Suzuki DR650.  Had at least 1 motorized 2 wheeler for 54 years this year.  Was exclusively Italian for about 20 years, with 3 Ducatis, 2 Benellis, 1 Laverda and 1 MV Agusta.  Always wanted a Gutz, and planning on fixing that with a new V7iii Special.
Good on ya  cobber, a few good Aussies on this forum


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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Smithy on July 21, 2017, 05:29:50 PM
Hello, I've been looking at this forum for a few years and finally joined up. 2015 Cali Custom owner from Central Victoria, Australia.
Serial bike owner with a love for all bikes, I was very close to buying a new V11 LeMans (went with a VTR1000 but still love the V11s) but I never lost the want for a Guzzi. Late 2015 went to buy a GS1200 BMW but before handing over the cash I just had to satisfy my curiosity on how the new 1400s went. Dropped into A1, test ride on the Monday, picked mine up on the Saturday. I probably spend too much time polishing it, but with a bike this nice why not.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gramps_Guzzi on July 22, 2017, 07:15:10 AM
I am new to the group.

Name Mike Warner
Location Lancaster, PA USA

New owner of 2012 Norge.
Back into motorcycling after about 8 years absence.

Admired Moto Guzzi for a long time, now I own one.

1965 Ducati Scrambler, wish I still had it.
19?? Suzuki 185, dirt bike and to-from work transportation.
1982 Kawasaki KZ-1000, project bike. Bought it in pieces out of a barn and put it back on the road
2004? BMW R1150R, nice but sold it for some unknown reason.

Hoping to learn from and share information with the group.

Wishing all safe and happy motoring.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziGeezer on July 23, 2017, 01:24:41 AM
Hello All,

Wayne Davis, 66, newly retired, previously in drug development, Bend, OR, USA.

2014 V7

73 Honda 350
78 Honda, 750F
95 BMW R100R
98 BMW K75
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wrinkley on July 24, 2017, 01:38:14 AM

Steve Howell,


Yorkshire England,

Ridden all my life,

Semi-Retired, psychiatric nurse,

Love to go camping on my bike, skiing, re-loving unloved bikes.

Generation 2 Triumph Explorer.....very unloved 09 Stelvio (yes it's got cracked legs, well, one cracked leg.)

Ex Guzzi's.....  2014 Stelvio NTX.....2008 1200 sport 2 valve.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 24, 2017, 07:39:28 PM
 Welcome folks , now start posting , we are bored  :laugh: Show us pics , give us ride reports . Now damnit  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on August 14, 2017, 12:28:47 PM

You can call me GG.
I'm a 50 year old, stay at home mama, and moto-newb.
(I don't think the old Honda 250? I learned on, or the old clutch Lambretta I took my first spill off of in the mid 80's, count.)
Live in Phoenix, so I get the "dry heat" joke. 
I've just passed the MSF BRC, and received my motorcycle endorsement.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: decotriumph on August 14, 2017, 12:42:40 PM
Welcome, all new members. let's see some pictures of those rides!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on August 16, 2017, 12:09:06 PM
So you want a ride report, and pics huh?   :whip2:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/fw8cKv/19113548_10209678155531756_2305914048827722308_n.jpg) (http://ibb.co/fw8cKv)

Here are our little '16 Honda Metropolitans.  In June, my husband surprised me with the matched set for our upcoming 30th anniversary.  He didn't know the can of worms he was opening, poor thing! 

To say thank you, I purchased our gear (ATGATT all the way), and signed us up for the MSF course.  Once that was done, I started looking for more cc's for us, hence the "can of worms". 
Now to the ride report.
These little gems were updated for 2016, and remained unchanged for 2017.  The update included a new look, and thankfuly, more power.  The previous unit's speed was listed around 35 mph, whereas the current model maxes out at 42.  I can hit 42 mph, in 60ish seconds, going down hill, or in 90, on the flat. 

Commuting in stop and go traffic, at 35 mph, is it's sweet spot.  The power delivery is relaxed, but not so much as to be a problem coming off a light.  With tremendous engine breaking, you only have to use the linked brakes when coming to a complete stop.  When tooling the back roads, bumps are a touch harsh, but easily avoidable due to the scoots excellent maneuverability.   

As a whole, the Honda Metropolitan, with it's 22 liter (full face helmet size) storage, is the perfect errand runner, and a sweet Sunday brunch ride. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 16, 2017, 03:12:36 PM
So you want a ride report, and pics huh?   :whip2:

(http://thumb.ibb.co/fw8cKv/19113548_10209678155531756_2305914048827722308_n.jpg) (http://ibb.co/fw8cKv)

Hey, who's that guy with Annie Lennox in that picture?  Lucky dude, that ....  :bow:

Be all that as it may, I've got a '55 BSA M21 that has performance parameters that aren't much different than your Hondas there, maybe about +15 MPH to your numbers.

It's amazing how many roads you can ride safely on IF you pay attention to time and traffic flow and ride like you have 10 horsepower.   I'm considering riding mine from southern Virginia to northeast Ohio next year on the back roads, about a 10 hour trip over the mountains.

And thanks for the reminder, I've GOT to remember to sign up for an MSF course.   Riding for 45 years and still shock myself with the things I don't know.

Happy riding!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on August 16, 2017, 11:12:14 PM
Hey, who's that guy with Annie Lennox in that picture?  Lucky dude, that ....  :bow:

Ha, I'm honored, kind sir, to be worthy of such praise!  That poor sod is the man who puts up with my "mild" Guzzi obsession.  Little does he know, I'm in deep negations for my "big girl" ride, with Dave Richardson of Moto International.  However, the Lucky Dude doesn't have to foot the bill for my new toy, which should sooth him a touch.

I wish we had mellower roads nearby.  Even though the average posted limit is 35, flow of traffic is closer to 55/60.  Hence my interest in a bigger ride.   

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 17, 2017, 07:31:23 AM
Ha, I'm honored, kind sir, to be worthy of such praise!  That poor sod is the man who puts up with my "mild" Guzzi obsession.  Little does he know, I'm in deep negations for my "big girl" ride, with Dave Richardson of Moto International.  However, the Lucky Dude doesn't have to foot the bill for my new toy, which should sooth him a touch.

I wish we had mellower roads nearby.  Even though the average posted limit is 35, flow of traffic is closer to 55/60.  Hence my interest in a bigger ride.

Friend of mine here just bought an "Anniversario" --- and for a combination of looks and performance, you just can't beat it.   Gets attention like one of my old bikes does whenever he stops, and a smooth, strong ride.

Although when you equip a V7-III with full luggage, you've got something you can tour the world with.   Or anything in between.   Guzzi has hit a home run with these bikes, you CAN'T go wrong!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kirby1923 on August 17, 2017, 10:33:49 AM
M 21!
I ran into a guy a couple of years back just north of Nice Fr on a M21 while I was touring on a beemer. He had come all the way from Scotland and was camping along the way. Said the ferry was a bitch! Almost lost it on the wet ramp getting off. He was in his late 70's and a very happy camper.

I guess there is hope for we old guys yet!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 17, 2017, 11:01:00 AM
M 21!
I ran into a guy a couple of years back just north of Nice Fr on a M21 while I was touring on a beemer. He had come all the way from Scotland and was camping along the way. Said the ferry was a bitch! Almost lost it on the wet ramp getting off. He was in his late 70's and a very happy camper.

I guess there is hope for we old guys yet!

Rode this one from John Wells' place in PA, to Brimfield MA for the 2006 BSA International, then to Niagara Falls, then to Toronto OH and back to PA ....

(http://thumb.ibb.co/erOtBa/Image002.jpg) (http://ibb.co/erOtBa)

where can i upload photos (http://imgbb.com/)

I know this isn't the BSA forum or the Big Guys on Little Bikes board, but whenever I can, I try to buck the well-meaning but misinformed (?) tide of sentiment toward "Needs 10 or 15 More Horsepower" or "That's Not Enough Bike" and the like.

We used to go EVERYWHERE on bikes that many people today wouldn't even consider beginner bikes.   It doesn't have to be that way, and new riders need to appreciate that as they decide what it is they really like!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kirby1923 on August 17, 2017, 11:18:18 AM
I'm getting to really like the RE 350!( kick start and all, although no long trips...yet)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on August 17, 2017, 01:55:32 PM
Friend of mine here just bought an "Anniversario" --- and for a combination of looks and performance, you just can't beat it.   Gets attention like one of my old bikes does whenever he stops, and a smooth, strong ride.

Although when you equip a V7-III with full luggage, you've got something you can tour the world with.   Or anything in between.   Guzzi has hit a home run with these bikes, you CAN'T go wrong!


Aw shucks Lannis, you make a girl wanna buy a bike.   :kiss: 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: issyguzzi on August 18, 2017, 06:34:55 AM
Hello, I'm Josh, from Issaquah, Wa.. Just bought an Audace, it's my 3rd Guzzi.  The 1400's are amazing compared to the past Guzzi's I owned and ridden.
(http://thumb.ibb.co/cOqNp5/01249b5a6a1136a4d58efefe20047400fba12d7a35.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cOqNp5)

upload your photo (http://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blu guzz on August 18, 2017, 12:46:35 PM
Hello everyone.  Long time rider, first time Guzzi rider here.  I have had a Cali Custom for about a month now and really like it.  I previously had a BMW K1200RS and other BMW's, Harleys, Rice eaters and even a Victory.  I get away for a couple of medium-longish two wheel trips each year.

I look forward to discussing these fine steeds with you all.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grame99 on August 21, 2017, 04:32:55 PM

Grame here in London. Picking up a one-year old red Roamer this Wednesday after passing my test last week...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joshua on August 21, 2017, 06:14:18 PM
Hello all,  Joshua here.

 Just today I purchased my first Moto Guzzi! I have been ridding for many years and a few years back had the pleasure of ridding a few vintage Guzzi's while on vacation in Europe. This set my heart afire and after much searching for the right goose, I settled on one particular bike. Some of you may know her, she has been a topic of conversation on this forum before.

Say hello to Sophia!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/e8fC95/tumblr_ophst396k_U1wp6voao1_1280.jpg) (http://ibb.co/e8fC95)

Glad to meet you all and glad to be a forum member, I know I will have many questions, this has been a great source of answers in my browsing prior to purchase, please be gentle with me as I am somewhat new to the "forum" thing!

She is not in my possession just yet, shipping takes place in the next day or so. As I have not seen her in person before so I used the sellers image. Thanks Leo!

My heart is racing, not sure if I will survive the wait!!


Photo credit - Leo Nemirovsky

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Raven on August 22, 2017, 08:02:23 PM
Mike Stowe
Printer Northern Vt

Hobbies Skiing and motorcycling.  The Guzzi and forums new to me.  Looking forward to all the knowledge on this forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 23, 2017, 09:39:52 AM
Hello all,  Joshua here.

 Just today I purchased my first Moto Guzzi! I have been ridding for many years and a few years back had the pleasure of ridding a few vintage Guzzi's while on vacation in Europe. This set my heart afire and after much searching for the right goose, I settled on one particular bike. Some of you may know her, she has been a topic of conversation on this forum before.

Say hello to Sophia!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/e8fC95/tumblr_ophst396k_U1wp6voao1_1280.jpg) (http://ibb.co/e8fC95)

Glad to meet you all and glad to be a forum member, I know I will have many questions, this has been a great source of answers in my browsing prior to purchase, please be gentle with me as I am somewhat new to the "forum" thing!

She is not in my possession just yet, shipping takes place in the next day or so. As I have not seen her in person before so I used the sellers image. Thanks Leo!

My heart is racing, not sure if I will survive the wait!!


Photo credit - Leo Nemirovsky

Sophia is a beautiful and well-known lady around these parts, and really IS "all that", as they say.

Glad she's gone to a discerning guy!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MMRanch on August 24, 2017, 01:06:36 AM

I'm MMRanch
I live on MMRanch rd.  in South - Central , Tn.
Ive been ridding since I was 15 years ,and have been 42 years old now for 22 Years , And holding just fine.
I'm a CMAUSA member for years but have had only two jobs so far ... Chaplin and Road  Captain.
Currently have three bikes ,

      Suzuki LS650(2005) that is slightly modified , the "Me Bike" , 3.5 gal fuel tank , Floorboards , Soft Luggage , and a modified HD Wide-Glide Seat (very comfortable )   This is the "KEEPER" bike out of all of them.    Left side of picture.

      HD Sportster (2007), I call the "WE" bike but sometimes take it out with-out the wife , w/soft luggage

      Guzzi new V-7 Stone , not sure where this one fits in , Just  got it two weeks back and just now getting a windshield on it , but if the wife likes it more than the Sportster , then the Sportster might have to find a new home .

(http://thumb.ibb.co/ffucCQ/Debreeefing_1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/ffucCQ)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Leo on August 24, 2017, 08:25:48 AM
Hello all,  Joshua here.

 Just today I purchased my first Moto Guzzi! I have been ridding for many years and a few years back had the pleasure of ridding a few vintage Guzzi's while on vacation in Europe. This set my heart afire and after much searching for the right goose, I settled on one particular bike. Some of you may know her, she has been a topic of conversation on this forum before.

Say hello to Sophia!

(http://thumb.ibb.co/e8fC95/tumblr_ophst396k_U1wp6voao1_1280.jpg) (http://ibb.co/e8fC95)

Glad to meet you all and glad to be a forum member, I know I will have many questions, this has been a great source of answers in my browsing prior to purchase, please be gentle with me as I am somewhat new to the "forum" thing!

She is not in my possession just yet, shipping takes place in the next day or so. As I have not seen her in person before so I used the sellers image. Thanks Leo!

My heart is racing, not sure if I will survive the wait!!


I literally hugged the bike goodbye before I left her for shipping! I've gotten to know Joshua a bit during the sale process and he's going to be a great addition to the WG... family :)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BRG-BIRD on August 24, 2017, 09:15:42 PM
Mark Bartels
Heavy Duty Truck Sales
Menomonie, WI

Just committed to buy a 2009 Moto Guzzi Norge today!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 25, 2017, 07:52:28 AM
Mark Bartels
Heavy Duty Truck Sales
Menomonie, WI

Just committed to buy a 2009 Moto Guzzi Norge today!

Sat next to a truck seller on an airplane once.  Fascinating.   I had no idea how many hundreds of combinations of engines, transmission ratios, rear ends and all, that could be put together.   He would take orders for trucks for specific ROADS so it was always in the right gear ... !

Of course, nowadays we always ask ... Is the Norge you're getting an 8-valve?   And if it is, well, you know the question about the flat vs roller tappets!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mdemeure on August 25, 2017, 02:54:53 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mYDDnQ/IMG_4997.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mYDDnQ)

Hello all,
new to group.  I have a 2000 MG V11 sport.  We just moved to CA from AZ.  I went to DMV and was told I didn't have a federal emissions sticker and have to go to CHP.
A tech from LA dealer told me to check in with Piaggio office HQ in Costa Mesa and they were great.  They promised to provide me a letter to verify compliance and then
hopefully I can get my bike registered here in CA.
Also a shout out to Moto Guzzi Classics.  Josh there did a great job tuning up my bike and getting it all ready to ride because it had be sitting in garage for a while.  It is now running great.

Title: Whoops!
Post by: DavidR8 on August 25, 2017, 04:52:04 PM
Forgot some protocol here!
Hailing from Vancouver Island, currently riding an '06 Triumph Tiger 955i.
Looking to replace the Tiger likely in the New Year. Current candidates include: GSA, S10 and Stelvio.
Leaning toward S10 though I can't secure a ride locally. Likewise the Stelvio.
Argh! Pains me to live on an island sometimes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tj.tingley on August 26, 2017, 06:49:57 AM
Howdy, I'm TJ, from southeastern Illinois.
I'm a State Farm agent.
I'm into about anything outdoors. I love Jeeps and decided to follow my father in law into the Guzzi world.
My first motorcycle is a V7iii Anniversario. #809of1000 which is weird since all the literature said they were making 750. 
I love it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AlexL on August 26, 2017, 07:45:29 AM
Hi y'all! I'm from Gulf Shores, AL and now I have a Guzzi! Well, most of a Guzzi. I like old bikes I currently have a 1971 Honda CB750 cafe racer that's my keeper (ten years and counting) a 1995 Honda Nighthawk, and various dirt bikes and projects. I've stuck to Honda for most of my bikes but I've always wanted a Moto Guzzi. So I found a project for sale this week and bought it. It's a 1973 Eldorado and it's rougher than I was hoping. The original plan was a full resto, but that looks too costly so it may get a slight resto mod to avoid paying through the nose for some stuff. Here's an 'as found' pic and one after a light rinse...
(http://thumb.ibb.co/eTYSWk/IMG_0289.png) (http://ibb.co/eTYSWk)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/bHjCE5/IMG_0301.jpg) (http://ibb.co/bHjCE5)

I've got a lot of work ahead of me and I know little to nothing about these bikes. I'll be around lurking or asking questions if I can't find the answers I need in the archives. I'll start a build thread once I actually start working on her. For now I'll be collecting parts and knowledge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on August 26, 2017, 12:53:40 PM
Howdy, I'm TJ, from southeastern Illinois.
I'm a State Farm agent.
I'm into about anything outdoors. I love Jeeps and decided to follow my father in law into the Guzzi world.
My first motorcycle is a V7iii Anniversario. #809of1000 which is weird since all the literature said they were making 750. 
I love it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nice bike, lots of interest in those these days!

As a State Farm guy, don't be bothered too much by all the moaning we do about insurance companies on here.   If you don't want to ignore them (which is always the low-stress option), we'd LOVE to hear explanations by someone with boots on the ground in the insurance business about why so many apparently inexplicable things happen to us customers ....!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Labor on August 27, 2017, 09:03:57 AM
Hello all, St. Louis, MO here.  I'm currently riding a 99 Triumph Adventurer, looking to buy a 2012-2016 Norge in the next few months. 
(http://thumb.ibb.co/kNitNQ/IMG_0266.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kNitNQ)

good image hosting site (http://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stephen Hill on August 27, 2017, 12:47:26 PM
Hi.  I just joined this discussion group, hoping to learn about my 1976 LeMans Mark 1.  And to share anything useful I might discover along the way.  I live in Victoria, BC, Canada.  The Moto Guzzi is a departure for me, as up to now I have been into British bikes in a big way, primarily Norton Commandos, but also a Triumph Bonneville, Daytona, and Trident as well.  I bought the LeMans from the original owner, who was a motorcycle mechanic.  It's pretty original, and I plan on keeping it that way. 
I will probably be posting a question about frame and engine numbers, because while the bike is registered as a 1977, I am pretty sure it is a 1976.  I also curious about LaFranconi vs stock M1 mufflers, as the originals are done.  I do pretty much all my own work, using a small lathe, mill, TIG, etc.
I look forward to chatting with other early LeMans owners.

Stephen Hill
Victoria, BC
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on August 27, 2017, 02:19:38 PM
Hi.  I just joined this discussion group, hoping to learn about my 1976 LeMans Mark 1.  And to share anything useful I might discover along the way.  I live in Victoria, BC, Canada.  The Moto Guzzi is a departure for me, as up to now I have been into British bikes in a big way, primarily Norton Commandos, but also a Triumph Bonneville, Daytona, and Trident as well.  I bought the LeMans from the original owner, who was a motorcycle mechanic.  It's pretty original, and I plan on keeping it that way. 
I will probably be posting a question about frame and engine numbers, because while the bike is registered as a 1977, I am pretty sure it is a 1976.  I also curious about LaFranconi vs stock M1 mufflers, as the originals are done.  I do pretty much all my own work, using a small lathe, mill, TIG, etc.
I look forward to chatting with other early LeMans owners.

Stephen Hill
Victoria, BC
Welcome to the Guzzi world Stephen, lots of great advice to be had here and congrats on getting a real bike :-)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shaka on August 27, 2017, 10:23:26 PM
Hi.  I just joined this discussion group, hoping to learn about my 1976 LeMans Mark 1.  And to share anything useful I might discover along the way.  I live in Victoria, BC, Canada.  The Moto Guzzi is a departure for me, as up to now I have been into British bikes in a big way, primarily Norton Commandos, but also a Triumph Bonneville, Daytona, and Trident as well.  I bought the LeMans from the original owner, who was a motorcycle mechanic.  It's pretty original, and I plan on keeping it that way. 
I will probably be posting a question about frame and engine numbers, because while the bike is registered as a 1977, I am pretty sure it is a 1976.  I also curious about LaFranconi vs stock M1 mufflers, as the originals are done.  I do pretty much all my own work, using a small lathe, mill, TIG, etc.
I look forward to chatting with other early LeMans owners.

Stephen Hill
Victoria, BC

My wife and I stayed on Brentwood Bay, within walking distance of Butchart Gardens. We kayaked out on the water to watch the fireworks,  bicycled around Victoria and had an enjoyable, memorable vacation on your beautiful island. I almost forgot, welcome to the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stephen Hill on August 28, 2017, 11:47:44 AM
Thanks Shaka for the welcome.  I live not far from Butchart Gardens, and in the summer get to hear the sound of the fireworks quite clearly.  Unfortunately, not close enough to see them.  It's a great place to live, but I spend much of the winter trying to plan motorcycle rides around the rain.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ff73148 on August 30, 2017, 08:57:32 AM
Thanks for the add.

New to Moto Guzzi. Just purchased a new 2016 Eldorado leftover. I'm impressed.
Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tj.tingley on August 30, 2017, 05:35:36 PM
Nice bike, lots of interest in those these days!

As a State Farm guy, don't be bothered too much by all the moaning we do about insurance companies on here.   If you don't want to ignore them (which is always the low-stress option), we'd LOVE to hear explanations by someone with boots on the ground in the insurance business about why so many apparently inexplicable things happen to us customers ....!


Thanks! I just got my motorcycle license today. I am loving it! 
As far as insurance I have thick skin!  Happy to share my two cents.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JukeboxGothic on August 31, 2017, 01:08:19 AM
My name is Andrew. I used to post here a while back but started new when I got back on a Guzzi. Live in Sydney Australia near Maroubra beach. Been riding for 36 years on a lot of different bikes and scooters. Currently own an 850T, Velocette Venom and a Vespa PX200E. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fuzzymoto on August 31, 2017, 07:57:41 AM

Martyn Fallace
IT Program Manager
Winchester, UK

current & keeper: '75 LAPD Eldorado
Lost but not forgotten:
MG LeMans
Suzuki T500
Lost & forgotten:
Ducati 900 Dharma, 748SPS & 900SS
Suzuki GT250
Gilera 50 moped (we all had to start somewhere!)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: normannoemi on September 03, 2017, 08:54:58 PM
Norm Blades, 40 years old, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Hobbies are Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Motorcycles, Flying small aircraft.
2012 Moto Guzzi Griso 8V,

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on September 05, 2017, 01:50:27 PM
My first motorcycle is a V7iii Anniversario. #809of1000 which is weird since all the literature said they were making 750. 
Hi, and welcome to WG!  Everyone says, when asked about the number of units, "They changed their mind, and forgot to mention it". 

This is my Anni (220/1000), moments after rolling off the truck. 

(http://thumb.ibb.co/f45136/fullsizeoutput_2b0.jpg) (http://ibb.co/f45136)
Title: Introducation !
Post by: motormike131 on September 05, 2017, 04:57:02 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hjUJZF/Guz_1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hjUJZF)
  Good Day ... new guy to Guzzi twin. Many years ago I had a 34' 500 (ex military) I picked up while in the Army overseas. Shipped it home.. they lost it.
    Recently picked up this one owner 71' Ambassador. Estate auction. with purchase price, fees, tax, lic/pates.. I'm into it for nearly $1900.oo.
    First thing I did was install the proper seat. Last weekend had it serviced and headlight repaired. Wife and I did a 5 day weekend on the back roads in SW Wisconsin. Also did some interstate freeway. But.. while on a county road rolling along at 55-60.. we heard what sounded like breaking glass. Got to our destination and discovered the head light fell out. A visit to Ace hardware.. duct tape, auto head light we'r good to go. I can't fault the shop that did the work.. things happen.
Title: Re: Introducation !
Post by: Antietam Classic Cycle on September 05, 2017, 05:10:36 PM
Welcome. Nice old Ambo.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introducation !
Post by: pehayes on September 05, 2017, 06:24:44 PM
You had a Guzzi single and they lost it in shipment???  Worth 15K if running today.  Nice buy on the estate auction!  Looks to be a 4-speed Ambassador of 1917???   Spruce it up a little and it is worth 4X what you have into it now.  Since you are new to Guzzi and you now have a vintage "loopframe", you need to familiarize yourself with this site:
http://www.thisoldtractor.com/moto_guzzi_loopframe.html (http://www.thisoldtractor.com/moto_guzzi_loopframe.html)
Absolutely everything you need to know to maintain that machine.
Also, all the parts you might need are right nearby at:
http://mgcycle.com/ (http://mgcycle.com/)
or at
http://www.harpermoto.com/ (http://www.harpermoto.com/)
and come an join our email discussion forum at Yahoo Groups and search for "Loopframe_Guzzi" with the underscore.

Patrick Hayes
Fremont CA
Title: Re: Introducation !
Post by: fotoguzzi on September 05, 2017, 06:44:35 PM
nice score  !
I dig the highway pegs! and those 60's custom mirrors..
we have a local (Mpls) club meet, 3rd Sat of each month.. JU will probably get you on the mailing list when he reads your post.

Title: Re: Introducation !
Post by: motormike131 on September 05, 2017, 07:01:59 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/j0Vg4F/IMG_9990_1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/j0Vg4F)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hyoZPF/IMG_9989.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hyoZPF)
 This is my buddies Guzzi.... we both shipped one back from overseas.. his made it.  (that's my Peugeot, French M Police)
    I have been told I should have floor boards..?.... also the nice shade of barf blue has to go.... I'm lean'n towards stock red with matching fare'n and bags also in red....but other projects are ahead of it..so meanwhile I'll enjoy the bike as is.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blakbird on September 12, 2017, 06:51:35 AM

Fell head over heels for my Lemans (Mk1 Series II) in January 1980.  Went to Hyde M/C of Horsham to trade in my POC 78 Triumph Bonneville 750 for something more suited to 2-up touring.  The bike my wife venomously refers to as "your baby" is in my garage today.  Next to a '96 Sport 1100 (card) and only 2 slots away from my newest love a tuned and synched '14 California 1400.

Hobbies, Short, 150 - 200 mile loops through the N. GA USA mountains, Coffee with friends - just far enough from home to warm the engine oil. Tinkering with computers.  Occasional wrenching.

Born: Aug-1954
Married: Jun-1980
Occupation: Software Quality Assurance Lead.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on September 12, 2017, 02:53:13 PM

Fell head over heels for my Lemans (Mk1 Series II) in January 1980.  Went to Hyde M/C of Horsham to trade in my POC 78 Triumph Bonneville 750 for something more suited to 2-up touring.  The bike my wife venomously refers to as "your baby" is in my garage today.  Next to a '96 Sport 1100 (card) and only 2 slots away from my newest love a tuned and synched '14 California 1400.

Hobbies, Short, 150 - 200 mile loops through the N. GA USA mountains, Coffee with friends - just far enough from home to warm the engine oil. Tinkering with computers.  Occasional wrenching.

Born: Aug-1954
Married: Jun-1980
Occupation: Software Quality Assurance Lead.

'Ang on a mo' ... so you went to get a two up touring bike in 1980 but ended up with a LeMans.  Ok, fair enough, that happens, you still owe her one ... then the next bike is a Carb Sport from 16 YEARS later, which is by no one's definition a two up bike ....   :shocked:

... and then finally, 34 years after you promised your wife a nice two-up ride, you finally get a California?   :undecided:

I was born in 1954 too, but I wouldn't have lived until 2017 if I'D tried that .... !!   :wink:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tatclick on September 19, 2017, 05:37:41 PM
Hi, Tom West here, 61 years of age, Tacoma, WA, USA, still working as a communications lineman and heavy equipment operator.
 I have a background in motorcycle offroad racing, enduros, hare scrambles, and desert racing. Have a few KTM's and Yamaha dirt bikes. Limited experience with street bikes. Had a Yamaha DT1 enduro, then 3 Triumphs in the 70's and 80's. Took a break from the street until 3 years ago when I bought a 2008 Ducati Hyper Motard 1100. I've put about 6000 miles on it since then. I've been looking around for a more suitable and comfortable bike for 2 up riding with my wife. A 2000 Moto Guzzi Jackal found it's way to us at just the right time. My brother-in-law passed away (cancer) 2 years ago and my sister recently asked if I would like his bike. Rough way to get it but it sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I'm going to have it shipped up from Houston, then will have to go through it with a fine toothed comb. It has been stored in a warehouse without being started for 3, maybe 4 years. It made it through the hurricane but sitting for that long poses other problems I'm sure. I'm hoping to pick some brains on this site and become somewhat of a MG mechanic. After lurking here for a couple of weeks it looks like there is a wealth of knowledge and I'm looking forward to sifting through it. I enjoy my time in my shop and it looks like I've got a good winter project.

PS Not very computer literate

Tatclick (Tom at Click Network, my employer) 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzziriderjr on September 19, 2017, 06:58:04 PM
Shawn Hoagland
30 yrs old
Active duty US Coast Guard.

1996 Sport
2014 Cali custon
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on September 19, 2017, 07:07:39 PM
Shawn Hoagland
30 yrs old
Active duty US Coast Guard.

1996 Sport
2014 Cali custon

 Welcome all , Shawn , you might be our first AD Coastie , where are you stationed ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on September 20, 2017, 08:10:01 AM
'Ang on a mo' ... so you went to get a two up touring bike in 1980 but ended up with a LeMans.  Ok, fair enough, that happens, you still owe her one ... then the next bike is a Carb Sport from 16 YEARS later, which is by no one's definition a two up bike ....   :shocked:

... and then finally, 34 years after you promised your wife a nice two-up ride, you finally get a California?   :undecided:

I was born in 1954 too, but I wouldn't have lived until 2017 if I'D tried that .... !!   :wink:

Welcome aboard BlakBird,     How's the 14? You getting ready for the campout?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: insignia100 on September 26, 2017, 11:30:46 AM
Hey guys, wanted to introduce myself. I'm a new Moto Guzzi owner (never thought I'd say that!) from Tucson, AZ. I previously rode a 2007 Road Star 1700 but was tired of riding that barge of a bike around town. Ended up trading for this 2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone. This is my 9th bike in nearly as many years riding. If I'm as happy with this bike in 6 months as I am now, this will have been an excellent decision.

The bike has 14,230 miles. I'm planning on doing the 12,000 mile service since I don't know when it was serviced last. Anything specific I should be looking at?

(http://thumb.ibb.co/cdUOtk/21951047_10102770660401563_8402764995457366451_o.jpg) (http://ibb.co/cdUOtk)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on September 26, 2017, 12:07:03 PM
Welcome, friend of mine runs Rusty's bike shop in that town.
For maint just the usual , oils & filter, set valves, air filter, sync throttle bodies(if only 1TB disregard), reset TPS, fork oil.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: insignia100 on September 26, 2017, 12:21:01 PM
Welcome, friend of mine runs Rusty's bike shop in that town.
For maint just the usual , oils & filter, set valves, air filter, sync throttle bodies(if only 1TB disregard), reset TPS, fork oil.

He worked on my Road Star last year when it was fouling plugs. Did great work, found the broken emulsion tube in the carb after another shop missed it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GypsyMoth on September 27, 2017, 05:51:39 PM
Hello group!

I'm John, retired and live in the SF Bay Area, California...

I grew up on British twins and have been riding BMWs for years (currently own a GS-A Waterboxer and a F650GS Twin, as well as a 1959 Enfield Constellation).

I've been considering the purchase of a Guzzi for some time, and I've started to focus on a Stelvio.


Received my Stelvio late last week, working on running in miles now. Interesting Bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kirby1923 on September 27, 2017, 06:46:13 PM
Do ya chase bugs or is your handle from the DH? Great A/C..fun. I once considered using WACO but figured people would think I was 'LOCO".
Welcome to the asylum!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on September 28, 2017, 07:15:00 PM
Hey, Gypsy Moth..
This kind?
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4420/36772797540_5ae0731fe5_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/Y2ucyG)2017-09-11_01-53-00 (https://flic.kr/p/Y2ucyG) by Charles Stottlemyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/107188298@N06/), on Flickr
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: arnuld on October 05, 2017, 12:48:39 AM
Hi There,

This is ARNULD from Hyderabad (India).  Software Engineer. 37 years old.

Hobbies:. Motorcycling, Reading History, Linux, Health and Fitness and reading as much as I can about Moto Guzzi [emoji4]  . No, I don't own a Guzzi yet. There is 110% import tax and that make it out of my budget as of now. I own a standard motorcycle,  Bajaj CT100B, 100cc bike, 240 lbs, 160 mpg. And yes, bike registration number is 911 [emoji28]


Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 05, 2017, 09:32:27 AM
 Well hello Arnuld , nothing wrong with that Bajaj . You might be our first member from India , give us some pictures please .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 05, 2017, 01:54:26 PM
Hi There,

This is ARNULD from Hyderabad (India).  Software Engineer. 37 years old.

Hobbies:. Motorcycling, Reading History, Linux, Health and Fitness and reading as much as I can about Moto Guzzi [emoji4]  . No, I don't own a Guzzi yet. There is 110% import tax and that make it out of my budget as of now. I own a standard motorcycle,  Bajaj CT100B, 100cc bike, 240 lbs, 160 mpg. And yes, bike registration number is 911 [emoji28]


Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

Our second member from India - Joji Kurian ("britishbangers") is from Pune and has an "esoteric" collection of bikes ... !

Welcome - we'd love to hear about daily riding in Hyderabad ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: walstibsf on October 06, 2017, 07:54:11 AM
Hey Gooses and Goosettetes.....lon g time lurker....first time caller here....

Proud owner of a new Cali 1400 Touring SE.  We traded our R1100RT in in Sturgis and two-laned it back to New Mexico after touring the black hills for three days and getting an initial service done.

I LOVE this bike!!!  The new Goose confirms what I knew years ago:  should've traded off all the BMW's and enjoyed as many flavors of Goose as possible....oh well....never too late....

Anyway, sorry bout all the rambling and HELLO to everyone!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sporteous on October 06, 2017, 06:08:31 PM
Hi All,
Just picked up an "82 SP1000 pretending to be a Mk1 or 2 Le Mans.
My first Guzzi. Enjoying every second of it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: astricklin123 on October 13, 2017, 04:18:55 PM
Hi, Andrew here from the Dallas area. I am thinking about buying my brother's 74 eldorado and I am reading up on what things to look out for. I am still not 100% convinced that the vintage bike is right for me, but I have always eyed the Guuzis at the local Triumph dealer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 13, 2017, 07:37:29 PM
Hi, Andrew here from the Dallas area. I am thinking about buying my brother's 74 eldorado and I am reading up on what things to look out for. I am still not 100% convinced that the vintage bike is right for me, but I have always eyed the Guuzis at the local Triumph dealer.

 If a vintage bike is calling to you , an Eldo with a Nikasil cylinder conversion is hard to beat . Like airhead beemers , they will work in the modern world .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 2cylinderguy on October 15, 2017, 06:27:17 AM

Steve 52 from London England. Just bought an 1800 mile Red Devil Griso after two years of serious deliberation and two different directions. A modified Harley XR1200 (now sold) and a modified Kawasaki ZRX1200. I also run a BMW R1200S. It would appear that I like the larger engined motorcycle.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mapuda on October 15, 2017, 04:12:51 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/ebFTvm/IMG_20171007_114223.jpg) (http://ibb.co/ebFTvm)
Mike here! (mapuda)
Just traded in my 2009 F800GS w/97k+ miles for a new 2016 Stelvio NTX (Vulcano Rosso)
Software Integration Tech
Live in Las Vegas, NV
Other interests, Golf, Camping, Travel, NHL, MLB.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brubache on October 16, 2017, 05:51:43 PM

Brubache here in Vancouver.  Picked up a project v11 about a month ago now. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ramarren on October 18, 2017, 08:35:53 AM
Long time rider returning from a 12 year absence here. Although I've had other bikes as well, I've mostly ridden Ducatis and Moto Guzzis since 1976. My last two bikes before having to 'get off the bike' for health reasons were an '89 LeMans V and a personally-Sportified '75 850-T. I put a lot of miles on those bikes...I miss them, a lot.

When I test rode the 2017 V7III Racer, a deja vu moment hit me. The seating position and feel is identical to what I'd customized the 850-T to be for me; the six-speed gearbox gave it the lazy cruise feel of the LeMans, and power was right in between the two. It's obvious they built this bike for me: I bought it on the spot. I've had it a little less than two weeks now and love riding it more with every mile that rolls past.

I'm not going to modify the Racer much. I've fitted bar-end mirrors and a better headlight bulb so I can see. I've updated the ECU map so it runs to my satisfaction. I'll fit a set of the Agostini mufflers and adjust the map once more for them to get the richer sound. That's it ... beyond that, and a solution for luggage, I'm going to ride it a lot.

Being back on two wheels, and on a bike this great, makes me about as happy as a human being can get. :D
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 18, 2017, 12:44:16 PM
 Happy is always good Ram  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: morgano on October 18, 2017, 05:09:31 PM
Hello all Guzzi people!
I am new in this forum plannig to buy T3 guzzi .
So propably been asking some questions in this forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seba on October 19, 2017, 03:18:49 PM
Hello everyone,

Sebastian AKA Seba 54 years young Bloomingdale,Illinois riding Stelvio NXT 2015 Freight Forwarding & Commodity Trading.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lefty on October 21, 2017, 08:45:40 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/f1AZam/image.jpg) (http://ibb.co/f1AZam)
Lefty here. I'm an old dirt bike guy from way back. I purchased my first Moto Guzzi this summer and I'm really enjoying the bike and the community that surrounds the brand. I attended the KY River Rally this year and it was a great time. I live in SW Ohio so if anyone is interested in riding in my area please just let me know. Thanks for the forum. It seems like I've found the right place.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: arnuld on October 22, 2017, 07:32:39 AM
Well hello Arnuld , nothing wrong with that Bajaj . You might be our first member from India , give us some pictures please .

Hey Dusty,

Sorry for posting pics late. Was busy solving life's problems [emoji51] . Here are some pics:


Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: arnuld on October 22, 2017, 07:54:29 AM
Our second member from India - Joji Kurian ("britishbangers") is from Pune and has an "esoteric" collection of bikes ... !

Welcome - we'd love to hear about daily riding in Hyderabad ....

Hi Lannis,

Riding in Hyderabad is both fun and troublesome. I like riding on Sundays and Holidays when roads are empty. I am not a speed-demon, may be that's one reason I like Moto-Guzzi. Generally, the trend in from last 15 years is of sports bike. There is lot of development on that front. I like to relax and ride and like to enjoy the scenery. I even stop at places to look at the nature and people.

Most of the time on weekdays, riding is pretty bad experience. You can guess from this:  12 miles ride takes 1.5 hours and 90% of it is in 1st and 2nd gear at 10 MPH  with heavy pollution and vehicle coming from any direction, right, wrong, left, diagonal etc. So, no fun at all.

On weekends, mostly in 3rd and 4th gear. Bike is very flickable, lightest in 100cc segment, not much seat height either. It provides lot of control in such traffic. I plan to buy Bajaj Avenger Street 220 next time. The only cruiser made in India.

Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on October 24, 2017, 12:36:10 AM

with heavy pollution and vehicle coming from any direction, right, wrong, left, diagonal etc. So, no fun at all.

Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

We were in India some years ago Arnuld and for the life of me I could not work out your road rules, :shocked:, your description is very accurate. :rolleyes:

I thought the Bajaj was a very pretty little bike. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: StratfordJohn on October 24, 2017, 08:44:30 AM
Hi All,

About to buy my first proper bike, and can't get the Guzzis out of my head. So very likely there will be one in garage very soon. Good to find this forum, seems very friendly.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 25, 2017, 08:21:37 PM
We were in India some years ago Arnuld and for the life of me I could not work out your road rules, :shocked:, your description is very accurate. :rolleyes:

Like the Thunderdome MC said, ".... I know you won't break the rules.   There aren't any."   That's what I'd assume.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: arnuld on October 26, 2017, 01:12:06 AM
Like the Thunderdome MC said, ".... I know you won't break the rules.   There aren't any."   That's what I'd assume.

Hahaha .. [emoji24] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

That's very true Lannis. .

Just changed Engine Oil after 1500 miles . Bajaj Oil is good till that much only. Got its 3rd and last free service done at 5800 miles and now it's 7300 miles.  If I don't change it every 1300-1500 miles then for the same torque and power I have to twist the throttle more and more.  Engine kind of gets a new life breathed into it after oil change. Then chain is lubricated every 300 miles and cleaned every 1300-1500 miles. Bike feels so good. Are there any other things I should take care of ? (Brake pads are checked at every service of 3000 miles) (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171026/0ac6103026210a4efac01066d05ba640.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171026/bd2b4e84f009e3837e6b1269db34e283.jpg)

Sent from my InFocus M260 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TalbotMatra on October 27, 2017, 03:45:14 AM
Lars Bluma
from Germany
driving a V9 Bobber

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: willard on October 27, 2017, 01:04:42 PM

Name's Willard Turner.

I work at Reformation brewery in Woodstock, Georgia.

My new, to me, ride is a Breva 750ie with ONLY 30,000 miles on it.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: normannoemi on October 28, 2017, 01:17:53 PM
Hello everyone:

Norm Blades

Aircraft Structures Engineer (mechanic), and Pilot. I live in Alberta, Canada.
Just bought a used 2012 Griso, Tenni Green. So far I love it, and I've put on 2000km this summer.  I'm getting ready to rollerise it, and I have the Kit "A" at home on the workbench.  As soon as winter is here to stay I'll get started.  I'll probably grease the swingarm this winter too.

Thanks for all the contributions I've read so far. There's lots of good advice here.

Regards, Norm
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SP8CTRE on November 05, 2017, 10:40:36 AM
Hello Everyone. I am a new owner of a 1974 Moto Guzzi Eldorado 850. I just inherited the bike from my
Grandfather who bought it brand new. It has only 25K original miles.

It's been sitting in his barn in Ohio mostly not ridden for the last 17 years. It was started about two years ago.
My dad tried to fire it up but there is no spark coming from the coil.

I don't have the bike yet, it's still in Ohio and I'm out in California. It will be shipped in the next couple weeks.

Here is a picture.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lorengo70 on November 05, 2017, 11:06:04 AM
Luciano Orengo,
47 yrs old,
no kids,
Investment professional at insurance co.
Hobbies: motorcycling, travelling, scuba diving, being out in nature

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on November 05, 2017, 07:59:52 PM
Hello Everyone. I am a new owner of a 1974 Moto Guzzi Eldorado 850. I just inherited the bike from my
Grandfather who bought it brand new. It has only 25K original miles.

It's been sitting in his barn in Ohio mostly not ridden for the last 17 years. It was started about two years ago.
My dad tried to fire it up but there is no spark coming from the coil.

I don't have the bike yet, it's still in Ohio and I'm out in California. It will be shipped in the next couple weeks.

Here is a picture.

Lucky boy :-) I’m sure you’ll enjoy it & lots of help here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on November 05, 2017, 08:02:49 PM
Hello everyone:

Norm Blades

Aircraft Structures Engineer (mechanic), and Pilot. I live in Alberta, Canada.
Just bought a used 2012 Griso, Tenni Green. So far I love it, and I've put on 2000km this summer.  I'm getting ready to rollerise it, and I have the Kit "A" at home on the workbench.  As soon as winter is here to stay I'll get started.  I'll probably grease the swingarm this winter too.

Thanks for all the contributions I've read so far. There's lots of good advice here.

Regards, Norm
Don’t put it off too long, I understand the consequences are pretty dire if it packs up.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EV11Jack on November 05, 2017, 09:50:02 PM
Jack Schumann (aka EV11Jack)
64 years old
Works in electronic parts distribution
Huntington (Long Island), New York
Originally from Pittsburgh (go Steelers!)
Getting back onto a bike after raising my girls for the last 30 years
I wanted something different as I had plenty of UJM's when I was younger
Was looking for a Triumph when I stopped into Billy Joel's shop/museum. He had a lot of MG's so I thought if they're good enough for him I would give them a try. Bought a '98 EV11 (HDM). Not my color preference but the price was rugby.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: timmythecop on November 08, 2017, 08:56:28 PM

I am timmy. (who is, unfortunately, a cop in DC).  Good new is I ride at work, so that is a big bonus.
I have been a Sport touring guy my whole life and I have a love for Vee's.  My number one, go-to bike is my 2000 VFR and we all know how good those are:

The Guzzi love began in the 80's when I bought this:
First bike I ever dragged my knee with (God bless Perelli Phantoms)

A bunch of bikes ang Guzzis later, I got rid of my RC51 and picked up one of my dream bikes.....an SP. Its sorta the 70's version of my VFR.  I have to rewire the dash and decide on a seat, but I shall be putting miles on it soon.

Thanks for your attention, now bear with me as I ask a million questions.......... ......
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 08, 2017, 09:07:07 PM
 Hello Mr The Cop  :laugh:

 We have several LEO's here , so you should feel at home .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bad Karma on November 15, 2017, 12:14:18 PM
Hello group,

I'm Steve, no last name, no middle initial... 62 years old, I design and sell irrigation systems. I'm married, father of two, grandfather 4X and a great grandfather once ( :shocked:) I've ridden since the mid 60's and never owned a Moto Guzzi but I think that will change soon. I had thought to ride my Ulysses until it dies and then make the jump but honestly I don't want to watch it die... Thinking I may let it go while we're still on good terms. (I LOVE that Uly!) I hope I love a Norge as well!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tetarabra on November 16, 2017, 02:12:47 PM
Wrote a few words on the forum a few days ago. Discovered it was my firt post when I was sure to have been through presentation...    So here I am .
60 years old,french, retired, 2 children . Very pleased to see a real and deep love for old and lovely gooses over there.
Happy owner of a 1971 V7 Special since 1983 and presently doing a total overhaul on a 1972 850 GT.
Other bikes in the stable are 1980 Ducati SS black and gold ,1991 GS BMW and a 2006 "motorbike on 4 wheels" Caterham.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on November 18, 2017, 08:36:09 AM
Wrote a few words on the forum a few days ago. Discovered it was my firt post when I was sure to have been through presentation...    So here I am .
60 years old,french, retired, 2 children . Very pleased to see a real and deep love for old and lovely gooses over there.
Happy owner of a 1971 V7 Special since 1983 and presently doing a total overhaul on a 1972 850 GT.
Other bikes in the stable are 1980 Ducati SS black and gold ,1991 GS BMW and a 2006 "motorbike on 4 wheels" Caterham.

 Would that be a Caterham 7 ? Very nice .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tetarabra on November 18, 2017, 02:45:26 PM
You are right Dusty, Caterham superseven . So much fun and pleasure on twisty roads . Only negative point , the more you enjoy it , the less your bikes feel the breeze outside the garage.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 19, 2017, 07:03:02 AM
You are right Dusty, Caterham superseven . So much fun and pleasure on twisty roads . Only negative point , the more you enjoy it , the less your bikes feel the breeze outside the garage.

I wanted one of those some kind of bad ... still do, but realize that it is not to be.

My ... self .... won't fit between the door and the transmission tunnel.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tetarabra on November 19, 2017, 03:55:55 PM
There are 2 chassis.The narrow and original one, the S3 and a larger one , the SV .
You should try one and you could be very surprised by the available room when installed behind the wheel.
Have a look on the british Lotus Seven club forum (blatchat) . Plenty informations.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 19, 2017, 05:26:37 PM
There are 2 chassis.The narrow and original one, the S3 and a larger one , the SV .
You should try one and you could be very surprised by the available room when installed behind the wheel.
Have a look on the british Lotus Seven club forum (blatchat) . Plenty informations.

Thanks!   I hadn't realized there was a difference.   Too late for right now, though, I spent my car money on a Morgan 4/4 instead ....

Title: Introduce yourself to the group ! NEW MEMBER / DEALER
Post by: btelesz on November 20, 2017, 10:10:21 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have joined the the group and look forward to hearing from everyone here.
We are WIDE WORLD POWERSPORTS out of Wayne, NJ and we are New Jersey's Moto Guzzi Headquarters !
We currently have over 30 Moto Guzzi motorcycles in stock as well as a factory trained Moto Guzzi mechanic on staff who is ready to help out with any problems or maintenance needs you may have.
We have recently taken in a large number of Demo, magazine and display motorcycles. These bikes have  varying mileage and have all been run through our shop and inspected prior to being offered to sale at substantial savings. We have 2016 and 2017 models in stock including V7II's, V7III's, V9's, Audace's, California Touring, El Dorado, Stelvio models. We also have a limited number of RACER, ANNIVERSARY & STORNELLO models available for sale.

If you are as excited about this as we are stop by or give us a call. We want to be your Moto Guzzi Dealer.
WIDE WORLD POWERSPORTS  665 Rt. 23 South  Wayne, NJ  07470
973-832-7744 or visit us on Facebook at Wide World Powersports-Different horse customs or @Wideworldpowersports on Instagram
(http://thumb.ibb.co/mAKD2m/IMG_2578.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mAKD2m)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hRn0hm/IMG_2579.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hRn0hm)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on November 20, 2017, 11:24:05 AM
I use to work and live in West Orange.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: btelesz on November 21, 2017, 08:34:26 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have joined the the group and look forward to hearing from everyone here.
We are WIDE WORLD POWERSPORTS out of Wayne, NJ and we are New Jersey's Moto Guzzi Headquarters !
We currently have over 30 Moto Guzzi motorcycles in stock as well as a factory trained Moto Guzzi mechanic on staff who is ready to help out with any problems or maintenance needs you may have.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mAKD2m/IMG_2578.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mAKD2m)

We have recently taken in a large number of Demo, magazine and display motorcycles. These bikes have  varying mileage and have all been run through our shop and inspected prior to being offered to sale at substantial savings. We have 2016 and 2017 models in stock including V7II's, V7III's, V9's, Audace's, California Touring, El Dorado, Stelvio models. We also have a limited number of RACER, ANNIVERSARY & STORNELLO models available for sale.

If you are as excited about this as we are stop by or give us a call. We want to be your Moto Guzzi Dealer.
WIDE WORLD POWERSPORTS  665 Rt. 23 South  Wayne, NJ  07470
973-832-7744 or visit us on Facebook at Wide World Powersports-Different horse customs or @Wideworldpowersports on Instagram
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tetarabra on November 21, 2017, 01:34:30 PM
Thanks!   I hadn't realized there was a difference.   Too late for right now, though, I spent my car money on a Morgan 4/4 instead ....

A tastefull way of spending some money  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: btelesz on November 22, 2017, 02:30:08 PM
Good Day Everyone,

Here is a shot of a Stelvio we currently have at the dealership.
We are New Jersey's Moto Guzzi Headquarters and we want everyone who loves Guzzi's as much as we do to stop by and visit our showroom and see all the amazing motorcycles we have on hand.

Also, We just received a shipment of STORNELLO's ! If you or anyone you know is interested feel free to stop by or call. Great Prices, Great Service .... That's what we pride ourselves on.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/nvW0YR/IMG_2580.jpg) (http://ibb.co/nvW0YR)

private image sharing (http://imgbb.com/)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/dqDQ06/Moto_Guzzi_Stornello_web.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dqDQ06)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobbilljim on November 25, 2017, 12:02:01 AM
Robert James
Aircraft Mechanic
Phoenix AZ
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dragonknee on November 26, 2017, 11:18:54 AM
Jim Bolton
Olympic Peninsula, Wa.
Hospital RX
I like long rides on the beach and cooking over a roasting pipe. My interests are Motorcycles,Stereo's and food...and watching motorcycle stuff on the web.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 26, 2017, 02:15:32 PM
Jim Bolton
Olympic Peninsula, Wa.
Hospital RX
I like long rides on the beach and cooking over a roasting pipe....

That's a new one on me, and Google isn't much help.   We got a LOT of people interested in cooking, especially the outdoor and fire variety. 

We could use a tutorial and maybe a pic or two!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Garry on November 30, 2017, 05:38:17 PM
Garry Lill



Caves Beach, NSW, Australia

2012 Norge GT8V   Black

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: StelvioRob on December 08, 2017, 01:33:59 PM
Hello.  Rob Johnston, Novi Michigan.  2015 Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX 1200. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 73viking on December 10, 2017, 08:48:42 PM
hello billy here rochester ny I do boat repair for a living.I have 1999 bassa hack and a 1984 cali 2 cafe bike project 2 BMWs one triumph and a suzuki cavalcade
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ecsjr on December 23, 2017, 05:36:37 PM
Just joined,  Ed from Chicagoland. 

Have been riding for over 37 years, just bought first Guzzi...a 1973 Eldorado.

I am sure I will be asking questions.  Thanks in advance for the help.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/eYUGem/121617a_SM.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eYUGem)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on December 24, 2017, 01:25:18 PM
Merry Christmas! und welkommen der Moto Guzzi gruppe.  Remember on your bike that the drum brakes suck.  Engine braking is your friend.   :thumb: 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ecsjr on December 27, 2017, 03:21:54 PM
Merry Christmas! und welkommen der Moto Guzzi gruppe.  Remember on your bike that the drum brakes suck.  Engine braking is your friend.   :thumb:

Yes,  thanks for the advice.   I know already, I rode it after washing it !   :shocked:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on December 27, 2017, 03:26:25 PM
Yeah....the drum brakes, slow you down just before impact.   :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bucky on December 28, 2017, 08:54:10 AM
Yeah....the drum brakes, slow you down just before impact.   :grin:

Now that's funny! I am gonna use that one...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on December 28, 2017, 11:47:06 AM
It's amazing how the drive train is more advanced than the braking.   :tongue:  Panic stops are fun especially when the brake fade.  :shocked: :shocked:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Brooking on January 01, 2018, 02:35:42 AM
Paul Brooking, Adelaide South Australia
2012 Stelvio NTX
Returning to riding after 30 odd years
LeMans (1980?)
Honda CX500 loved it
Yamaha 425IT
Yamaha TT500
Kawasaki Z1R
Bultaco Sherpa
Honda CR250 Elsinore
Yamaha RD400

Only two I miss are the LeMans and the CX500, once I fitted it out with a fork brace, RD400 brakes and after market shock absorbers. Indestructible machine.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: marewil on January 01, 2018, 11:12:30 AM
Hello, I have been riding my Jackal now for over 10 years so I thought it was about time I register with Wildgoose.  I live in Oregon and am a member of the Owners Club here in the State.  One of the greatest group of men and women I have ever found.  Safe riding.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scagliog on January 03, 2018, 03:39:40 PM

Giuseppe from Sacramento California -1968 kid, software engineer by trade.

Just got my first Guzzi V7III Stone --black. Absolutely in love with the bike. I am just getting back into biking ... after growing up on Vespas, Cagivas and Suzuki DR650 in the streets of Rome and Naples .. 
I am sure I will have a lot of questions.


(http://thumb.ibb.co/kyvd6b/DSC0145.jpg) (http://ibb.co/kyvd6b)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: seventy1 on January 04, 2018, 02:53:18 PM
Hello all and Happy New Year!  I'm Fritz, a 58 yr old engineer living in Plymouth, MI with my wife, three kids and three dogs.  I recently acquired my first Moto Guzzi, a '74 850T that hasn't run in who knows how long.  I've had several old bikes over the years and enjoy learning about their particular idiosyncrasies, of which the Guzzi appears to have aplenty.  The most interesting so far is that it can't be used until the visually fine chrome bore cylinders are replaced with Nikasil jugs, new pistons, rings, etc..  Wait, I just exceeded the bikes value!  Oh well, I'm sure it will be worth the trip.  Where else can you find so much character on two wheels?  :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: milleGT on January 05, 2018, 11:24:12 AM
Hey, I´m Harald a 26yr old electromechanical engineer. I´ve restored a 1976 850 t3 california, I mostly drive a heavily modified mille GT and I take care of my dads V11 sport, V10 centauro, stelvio 8v ntx & california evolution.
I´ve found this place because I´m trouble shooting some problems in the stelvio and couldn´t wrap my head arround how to use tunerpro.
Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nwryder on January 07, 2018, 12:18:41 AM
Hello I’m Ray from Washington State. Just traded in my Tenere on Griso.  Love the character of the MG.  Like the forum. Good source for info. Take care. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi Gal on January 08, 2018, 02:14:10 PM
Wait, I just exceeded the bikes value!  Oh well, I'm sure it will be worth the trip.  Where else can you find so much character on two wheels?  :boozing:

 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fonzo on January 09, 2018, 07:17:51 AM
Hi, everyone.
I'm Steve, a 32-year-old mechanic from Wisconsin. I've spent most of my time with Harleys and older 750 Hondas (and an ongoing affair with a BMW K100), but just acquired a (supposedly) 1975 850 Guzzi basketcase.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 09, 2018, 11:25:14 AM
Hi, everyone.
I'm Steve, a 32-year-old mechanic from Wisconsin. I've spent most of my time with Harleys and older 750 Hondas (and an ongoing affair with a BMW K100), but just acquired a (supposedly) 1975 850 Guzzi basketcase.

 Show us a pic of the Guzzi , someone will likely be able to identify it . Welcome to WG .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TCBreva on January 11, 2018, 07:58:11 PM
Hello everyone, I'm an owner of a 2004 Breva 750 that I have had for about 5 years.  It has been an excellent little bike and this thing is little.  Here is a photo taken at the 2016 National Moto Guzzi rally in John Day, OR.

(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4613/27862803939_4086b8d8e3_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/Js99Tn)P1030532r1k (https://flic.kr/p/Js99Tn) by tac650 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/55974900@N07/), on Flickr
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zari on January 12, 2018, 07:41:21 AM
Ari  zydman

practical elektronic

live in  nahariyya  ISRAEL


GLAD  TO  STAY  WITH YOU :gotpics:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nwryder on January 12, 2018, 10:27:04 PM
Hello I’m Ray from Washington State. Just traded in my Tenere on Griso.  Love the character of the MG.  Like the forum. Good source for info. Take care. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Duugles on January 13, 2018, 11:00:09 AM
Hello Everyone!!

First time posting here?  Some interesting stuff here.  Was introduce to this site by a friend, who loves Guzzi's.  I think it has the sex name that he likes?

Name:  Dunndee

Work:  Self Employed

Age:   66

Profession:  Jack of all Trades and a Master of none.  Normal Job Title:  Chief Janitor

Interest:   All things and subjects.

Toys:     1987 Suzuki Cavalcade LX1400
             1997 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500A
             1998 Honda Goldwing 1500
             2001 Honda Goldwing 1800
             2008 Honda Goldwing 1800
             2012 Honda Goldwing 1800
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VeganJeff on January 17, 2018, 03:34:48 PM
Hi I’m Jeff. I’m 37 and live in Berkeley, CA. I’m a loan officer for a local credit union.

I am bikeless at the moment but have had an 05 H-D XL 1200R, an 09 Vespa S150, a 2015 Vespa GTs300 Super, and a 2015 Honda CBR500R.

I am getting a modern V7 and am currently trying to talk myself out of a 2010 Classic out of fear of the plaatic tank.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cardiff-Eldorado on January 17, 2018, 08:55:02 PM
57 years- in concept
North Country San Diego
2016 Eldorado

My love affair with Moto Guzzi started in 1973 when my cousin Darva, (his name is David but good old fashion Oklahoma love evolved it to Darva) road up on a 1972 Eldorado.  I was a motorcycle crazy 13 year old and was beyond memorized. My Dad said "Kevin, that's the best motorcycle in the world" I totally agreed.

My love of motorcycles was a family tradition, my Dad Charlie's first bike was a 1939 Indian he picked  up when he returned from 3 tours of duty for the Marines in the South Pacific, he loved to ride, a place to escape.  He was a timber faller who rode dirt and highway, I was behind him, my own bike on dirt, sitting behind him on the road.

My youth was filled with motorcycle camping on the Oregon coast, from my house was endless riding on logging roads and trails.  My bikes evolved from Tote goats, trail90, enduros, 2 stroke screamer and 4 stroke thumpers.

After college no time for a bike, focused on my career, mariage, 4 kids.

I secretly stalked Guzzi for the last 20 years. In concert with my youngest kid  headed off to college the saviors at Moto Guzzi re-introduce the Elorado 1400 with the classic lines and beauty of the 1972 Eldorado Darva rode up on.

She is part long lost childhood dreams and new lover.  Just lowered her voice with some Mistral pipes.  Having a blast


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cardiff-Eldorado on January 17, 2018, 09:01:25 PM
Lucky boy :-) I’m sure you’ll enjoy it & lots of help here.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bucky on January 23, 2018, 08:11:41 AM
57 years- in concept
North Country San Diego
2016 Eldorado

My love affair with Moto Guzzi started in 1973 when my cousin Darva, (his name is David but good old fashion Oklahoma love evolved it to Darva) road up on a 1972 Eldorado.  I was a motorcycle crazy 13 year old and was beyond memorized. My Dad said "Kevin, that's the best motorcycle in the world" I totally agreed.

My love of motorcycles was a family tradition, my Dad Charlie's first bike was a 1939 Indian he picked  up when he returned from 3 tours of duty for the Marines in the South Pacific, he loved to ride, a place to escape.  He was a timber faller who rode dirt and highway, I was behind him, my own bike on dirt, sitting behind him on the road.

My youth was filled with motorcycle camping on the Oregon coast, from my house was endless riding on logging roads and trails.  My bikes evolved from Tote goats, trail90, enduros, 2 stroke screamer and 4 stroke thumpers.

After college no time for a bike, focused on my career, mariage, 4 kids.

I secretly stalked Guzzi for the last 20 years. In concert with my youngest kid  headed off to college the saviors at Moto Guzzi re-introduce the Elorado 1400 with the classic lines and beauty of the 1972 Eldorado Darva rode up on.

She is part long lost childhood dreams and new lover.  Just lowered her voice with some Mistral pipes.  Having a blast


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Great story.....and I totally get being "struck" at a young age when you see your first Moto Guzzi.
Mine was 1970, I was 18, never heard of Guzzi and was just getting into riding. One slow rolled by me in a parking ramp, a beautiful Ambassador.  I was stunned.

Anyway, welcome to WG.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chris guzzi nevada on January 29, 2018, 08:16:47 AM
Chris Dean


Previously, up until 20 years ago, owned a T3 850 for 14 years. sold it due to kids.

thereafter a CX500 sold, Honda-VF750 sold, Suzuki Savage 650 and lastly 18 months ago the Nevada.

British, but based in The Netherlands
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: XU12 on January 31, 2018, 12:30:48 PM
Hi, new here in this forum. My Name is Holger, living in Germany, aged 54 Year.
Owning Guzzi since 1982, a 750 S3, my wife added her V50 Monza that times and we still driving that Bikes.
Over the years we added 2012 a Stelvio NTX, a V65, a V35 Imola and 2016 a1200 Griso Tenni.
This Winter i mainly worked on the newer Guzzi, respoked both Wheels of the Tenni with chromized, new spokes, changed Fork Oil  and inspected the Steering Bearing. Now i got a hint from Grisoghetto to this forum for a Video showing the steps for swingarm regreasing... but i can't find it on my first visit..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RRider on January 31, 2018, 01:16:48 PM
Hi there,

I've been lurking around many Guzzi forums for awhile, but found this to be the most active.

I'm from Finland. It's a Nordic country between Sweden and Russia....lot's of forest and small lakes, annoyingly long and cold winter for motorcycling.

I've never owned a Guzzi, but been thinking that mayby I should tick that box too. Have a Japanese bike at the moment. My interest towards V7 iii is the main reason I've been lurking around.

Middle aged male....been working in international engineering and industrial companies so far. I'm not really into tinkering with bikes anymore, nor to long distance riding - just like to have a lazy day trip once and awhile in good weather and ride around nearby villages.

Still not yet decided if I'll end up the Guzzi way, but this is a good place to gain momentum...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on February 01, 2018, 07:45:29 AM
Chris Dean


Previously, up until 20 years ago, owned a T3 850 for 14 years. sold it due to kids.

thereafter a CX500 sold, Honda-VF750 sold, Suzuki Savage 650 and lastly 18 months ago the Nevada.

British, but based in The Netherlands
Welcome Chris, I owned an LS650 for a number of years and thought it was an ok bike until I was bitten by the Guzzi bug.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fabius1961 on February 04, 2018, 09:03:04 AM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hbLQvc/IMG_0529.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hbLQvc)
Hallo I am Fabius from Italy, I am very happy that Moto Guzzi it's appreciated in the world. I drive a Breva 1100 '07.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 04, 2018, 01:04:32 PM

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hbLQvc/IMG_0529.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hbLQvc)
Hallo I am Fabius from Italy, I am very happy that Moto Guzzi it's appreciated in the world. I drive a Breva 1100 '07.


Fabius, stay around here much and you'll find that LOTS of things Italian are appreciated in the Wild Guzzi world .... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cbrider on February 07, 2018, 09:02:05 AM
Hello there,

I'm Clyde from central Texas. I've been riding since around 1970 and always had Hondas, Yamahas, Suzukis, and Kawasakis until 2014 when I purchased a new V7 Stone.

The V7 is really different than my previous bikes, and I'm really liking it. It has about 22,000 miles on it now, and been pretty trouble free so far.

Here's a photo of my bike...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Clive on February 07, 2018, 02:35:01 PM
Hi. My name is Clive and I am 52 years old, married with 4 kids and live in West Yorkshire, in the U.K. I have been riding motorcycles since I was about 8 years old.

I have recently bought a V7II having previously owned a V65 SP and a Centauro
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 07, 2018, 02:46:16 PM
Hi. My name is Clive and I am 52 years old, married with 4 kids and live in West Yorkshire, in the U.K. I have been riding motorcycles since I was about 8 years old.

I have recently bought a V7II having previously owned a V65 SP and a Centauro

 Is there any chance you are in Holmfirth mate ? Or Huddersfield ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BB43215 on February 11, 2018, 12:54:26 PM
Hi. My name is Blair Beavers, 52, creative director / graphic designer, Columbus, Ohio.

I have a 2013 V7 Racer that I bought new 10.15 — now has over 20000 miles on it.

and a 2007 Griso 1100 (13 miles on the clock) that I won at the Larry Klein estate
(http://thumb.ibb.co/i1onQn/23659175_10209446346867162_1175098465137588727_n.jpg) (http://ibb.co/i1onQn)

upload multiple pics (http://imgbb.com/)
auction last November.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on February 12, 2018, 04:22:14 AM
Welcome to the board Blair. There are a couple others in Columbus. Nobleswood on this board comes to mind. I'm not aware of any thing that goes on in your area but that does not mean there isn't. There is a Southwest Ohio Breakfast that would probably be closer to you that the one I attend in Kent. We also have a pretty decent rally by all accounts that we host in Zanesville on Labor Day.

Again, welcome to Wildguzzi.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on February 13, 2018, 07:29:31 PM
Just joined,  Ed from Chicagoland. 

Have been riding for over 37 years, just bought first Guzzi...a 1973 Eldorado.

I am sure I will be asking questions.  Thanks in advance for the help.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/eYUGem/121617a_SM.jpg) (http://ibb.co/eYUGem)

No substitute for an old loop
Welcome aboard

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: usedtobefast on February 15, 2018, 09:02:03 PM
Hello, my name is David.  I live in the San Francisco Bay area and just bought a 2017 V7 III Racer about a month ago.  Really enjoying the bike and looking at other models ... like maybe an older Guzzi ... maybe a 2018 Rough (like the looks, but kind of silly as it would be so similar to my Racer).

Anyway, looking forward to reading and catching up here.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: richpardo on February 16, 2018, 07:25:32 AM
My name is Rich and I live in Suffern, N.Y., about 30 minutes outside of NYC.  I've got a couple of Guzzi's right now: a '69 V700 and an '07 Griso.  I sold an '85 LeMans 1000.  Great site! 

(http://thumb.ibb.co/juxyo7/HPIM1475.jpg) (http://ibb.co/juxyo7)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/fmGNgS/img_20160218_140628_1.jpg) (http://ibb.co/fmGNgS)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/iMYUT7/Moto_Guzzi_002.jpg) (http://ibb.co/iMYUT7)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on February 18, 2018, 03:06:37 PM
Welcome aboard, 700's are sweet here's one of mine

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hHZhkn/V700_6.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hHZhkn)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BlueGoose on February 18, 2018, 04:46:23 PM
Hi, I'm Mike and live in Northwest Florida, am 61 and semi-retired. Been through a lot of bikes, but am really enjoying my 2015 Stelvio!
So far about 26,000 miles. A lot of good information on this forum, thanks to everyone. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scratchypants on February 25, 2018, 06:58:34 PM
Hello everyone.

46 years old
South western Quebec (close to Malone, NY)
Director of Security and IT.

I got my first dirt bike when I was 9. First road bike (1999 BMW F650ST) in 2001. I've had a Tiger 955i (girlie) and 2 years ago I picked up a 1974 Honda CB360G. I am half Italian (Tuscany) and always wanted a Moto Guzzi and could not pass up a deal on a NOS VII Special this past December.

Looking forward to hangin' out.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mean Mr. Mustard on February 26, 2018, 01:36:55 PM
Hey everybody out there in Moto Guzzi land!

My name is Mario Fiorentino. I am the offspring of a mixed marriage. My father is Italian and my mother is Sicilian lol!
I am a high school paraprofessional. I live in the lower east side of Milwaukee, WI with my beautiful wife Stacy and my son (he gets insulted if I call him a dog) Honeysuckle. I am in the process of purchasing a 2017 750 VIII Special from Seacoast Motorcycles of New Hampshire.

I look forward discussing Guzzi's and all things Italian with you!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grundstrom on March 02, 2018, 07:01:24 AM

New member here. Mainly all the great info on guzzidiag and tunerpro drove me to this forum.

Name: Emil Grundstrom
Location: Sweden
I work as a PLC/DCS programmer

Bought my first Guzzi, a California SP Aluminium, almost three years ago. Also my first bike in many years. Also happened to turn 40 the same year  :shocked:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 02, 2018, 07:51:07 AM

New member here. Mainly all the great info on guzzidiag and tunerpro drove me to this forum.

Name: Emil Grundstrom
Location: Sweden
I work as a PLC/DCS programmer

Bought my first Guzzi, a California SP Aluminium, almost three years ago. Also my first bike in many years. Also happened to turn 40 the same year  :shocked:

 Welcome , we seem to getting more members from Nordic countries lately , that is interesting . We need some pics from your local environs Emil .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grundstrom on March 02, 2018, 10:55:06 AM
Right now all you have to do is to stare at a blank sheet of white paper to get sense of the environs ;-)

But here's a picture from last fall. Lots of trees and a heavy sky. But a phone camera don't really make the view justice. (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180302/daeedcc13bd643ee681cda32496f2e54.jpg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tomalberta on March 06, 2018, 07:29:50 PM
Hi All-Tom from Calgary Alberta, up north in good Canada.
Ride a 2014/15 V7 special! That’s me!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 06, 2018, 08:30:47 PM
 Hi Tom  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dcardo021 on March 06, 2018, 10:26:15 PM
Dean Cardon
8 kids
6 bikes
12 grandkids
3 dogs
El Paso, Texas

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bikertrucker on March 07, 2018, 05:44:28 PM
Rich Lunetta, 61, Crane Operator, Woodbridge,NJ. Hobbies: motorcycles, guns, RV's. Current rides:17 Griso, 09 Harley CVO Roadglide
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rutgery on March 08, 2018, 04:55:57 AM
Hey! My name is Rutger.

I'm a 21 Year old student, but I've worked as an aircraft mechanic as well.
I live in the Netherlands, and love aircraft, guns, animals and, of course, motorcycles! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JFCHARRUA on March 09, 2018, 07:54:12 PM
Hi to everyone, I'm Juan from Uruguay, 33 year's old, and like all of you a motorcycle enthusiast, in this moment I have 72 a moto guzzi V7 special 750cc, and two Ariel red hunters from the 48.

Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 09, 2018, 08:25:35 PM
Hi to everyone, I'm Juan from Uruguay, 33 year's old, and like all of you a motorcycle enthusiast, in this moment I have 72 a moto guzzi V7 special 750cc, and two Ariel red hunters from the 48.

Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk

 Cool , start a thread with some pics of the bikes and your local area . Uruguay , I do believe you are our first member from there  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JFCHARRUA on March 09, 2018, 08:53:54 PM
Cool , start a thread with some pics of the bikes and your local area . Uruguay , I do believe you are our first member from there  :thumb:

Hi Dusty, if you Google "Punta del Este" that is were I live you can see some of our land scapes, Uruguay is a small country but very beautiful, know for his beaches and his countryside, many years ago was know as the Swiss of America, and that's why here you can find a lot of classic motorcycles and cars, that were bring to the country in his majority by europeans, here you can find , ariels, triumphs, panther, matchless, norton, ajs, bsa, bmw, Royal enfield, horex, zumbean , guzzi etc etc, the negative of this is that now a days it's more difficult to find the good ones because the majority are being sell internationally, well sorry for any grammatical error but English is not my best language.(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180310/f3567df73a059e2d7fd6143e820074c6.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180310/774e37124c2f39e11d2b2b868aefa41b.jpg)

Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 09, 2018, 09:39:51 PM
^^^ Don't worry about your English my friend , just keep those pics and reports coming . Lovely Loop Frame , and nice collection  :bow:

 Uruguay looks beautiful  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BrotherJim on March 13, 2018, 08:37:52 PM
Hi, my name is Jim Eichhorn. I live in East Central Indiana and operate a municipal recycling facility. I’m 45, and have recently purchased an ‘02 California Stone. Needs everything! I have a half dozen other bikes and enjoy a bit of dirt with my son and other family and friends as well as some spirited road riding whenever possible. Excited to get the Cali back on the road!
‘02 MG California Stone
‘09 Yamaha TTR125
‘98 Triumph Thunderbird Sport
‘97 Suzuki GSF1200 Bandit
‘96 Buell S2 Thunderbolt
‘87 Yamaha TW200
‘86 Suzuki FA50 Shuttle
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DavidF on March 17, 2018, 07:18:43 AM
Good morning.
David, middle aged school teacher who just got his first Moto Guzzi, a 1978 convert.
Previous rides include
1974 Kawasaki 90
1984 Jawa350 semi with side car
1969 Triumph Daytona 500
1957 HD K
1978 Honda Hawk 400
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 17, 2018, 08:04:59 AM
Good morning.
David, middle aged school teacher who just got his first Moto Guzzi, a 1978 convert.
Previous rides include
1974 Kawasaki 90
1984 Jawa350 semi with side car
1969 Triumph Daytona 500
1957 HD K
1978 Honda Hawk 400

 You're gonna fit right in here  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: convertaddict on March 20, 2018, 05:43:53 AM
Ciao Guzzisti!
New on the board.
I am Hans Barnar almost 72 years of age and living in The Netherlands.
Started my career on 2 wheels in 1965 on a Ducati 200 Elite and had several Ducati's till now.
The last one I bought is a 860GTS in 1976 still in my possession.
In 1987 I switched to the Guzzi and bought a 1976 Idroconvert. The 2nd Convert came on my way in 1978,
bought as a parts spender, but did a full restoration on this bike.
In 1998 I bought a California 1100i and having so many Convert parts I converted this bike 3 years ago into
a Caliconvert 1100i and riding this one with great pleasure.
Hope to contribute to the discussion board.
So far.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pressureangle on March 21, 2018, 04:40:33 PM
Erm. Been in here a while but I don't think I did this.

Eric LaCruze, 56

Mostly Retired

If it moves I've probably worked on one except for Helicopters and Jets.

Jensen Beach, FL

'97 1100 Sport i
'85 LM 1000
'92 Mille 1000
'74 Aermacchi/H-D 350 Sprint
'71 Norton Fastback Commando
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marduki on March 25, 2018, 09:17:36 PM
FNG Marduki!!!!  Railroad MOW Superintendent
Guzzi, BMW, Triumph old bike enthusiast.
1971 Ambo
1974 Eldorado
1974 Robyn
1991 Cali III
2000 jackal
1962 R-60/2 w sidecar
1967 R-50/2
1967 Triumph T-100
1976 Bonneville T-140V
2007 Dyna Low Rider

Want to say hello to all here!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: poppe on April 03, 2018, 02:57:02 PM
Hello all,

For some reason I thought I had joined the group a long time ago, but I realized I had not, so please accept my warmest hello. I look forward to talking with all the other Guzzi people out  there.

I have a 2015 V7 stone in a brilliant red. I have had the bike for two years but this last year's work slowed me down deeply, and so I the bike sits with 7K miles on it.

Here it is with the new exhaust I put on last year - https://streamable.com/h6nll. The bike has been a dream and an experience of it's own. I just got new Continental Road Attack 3s on it and boy did that change everything.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on April 03, 2018, 07:16:08 PM
Hello all,

For some reason I thought I had joined the group a long time ago, but I realized I had not, so please accept my warmest hello. I look forward to talking with all the other Guzzi people out  there.

I have a 2015 V7 stone in a brilliant red. I have had the bike for two years but this last year's work slowed me down deeply, and so I the bike sits with 7K miles on it.

Here it is with the new exhaust I put on last year - https://streamable.com/h6nll. The bike has been a dream and an experience of it's own. I just got new Continental Road Attack 3s on it and boy did that change everything.


Sweet bike.  Just gotta love that red.  Enjoy the ride.

Here's my 2015.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mrSKnH/red_v7.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mrSKnH)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pressureangle on April 03, 2018, 07:26:06 PM
Hi to everyone, I'm Juan from Uruguay, 33 year's old, and like all of you a motorcycle enthusiast, in this moment I have 72 a moto guzzi V7 special 750cc, and two Ariel red hunters from the 48.

Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk

Hi Juan,

I came to Uruguay 3 years ago for a couple weeks. I like it there very much, sorry I didn't have a motorcycle to tour with. I especially liked Minas and Taquarembo.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JFCHARRUA on April 03, 2018, 07:30:33 PM
Hi Juan,

I came to Uruguay 3 years ago for a couple weeks. I like it there very much, sorry I didn't have a motorcycle to tour with. I especially liked Minas and Taquarembo.
The next time give me a call and I will borrow you a guzzi ,[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106].

Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pressureangle on April 03, 2018, 07:44:50 PM
^^^ Don't worry about your English my friend , just keep those pics and reports coming . Lovely Loop Frame , and nice collection  :bow:

 Uruguay looks beautiful  :thumb:


In Rocha. Every little town (and both big ones lol) has cars like this just...being there.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/coydEx/Rocha_Renault.jpg) (http://ibb.co/coydEx)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: poppe on April 04, 2018, 04:39:29 PM
Sweet bike.  Just gotta love that red.  Enjoy the ride.

Here's my 2015.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/mrSKnH/red_v7.jpg) (http://ibb.co/mrSKnH)


Tha's really nice. I keep meaning to get the tank pands like that. Very nice looking. And wow on the gold/copper rims! I had been wondering how it'd look but didn't know of anyone doing it. Looks great.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on April 04, 2018, 07:01:40 PM
Tha's really nice. I keep meaning to get the tank pands like that. Very nice looking. And wow on the gold/copper rims! I had been wondering how it'd look but didn't know of anyone doing it. Looks great.

Thank you for the compliments.

The accessories are a mix from Moto Guzzi, GuziTech and  AF1 racing.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cttruetec on April 04, 2018, 11:54:00 PM
Tom Truelock 55
Santa Rosa California
Married love to hike backpack ride
Auto technician by day Guzzi tec by night 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on April 05, 2018, 03:02:12 PM
Tom Truelock 55
Santa Rosa California
Married love to hike backpack ride
Auto technician by day Guzzi tec by night

Welcome to the forum, Tom.  I have family in SR and they came within houses of being burned out.  Hope you fared well during the fires.
Do you currently have a Guzzi or just have Italian fever?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: midnite on April 06, 2018, 11:28:25 PM
Greetings from Petaluma, California!  I caught the Guzzi bug last year around this time and bought a 2016 V7ii that I cannot stop riding, modding, and reading about.  I've logged about 5K miles in the first year of ownership.  Mods include: GT hybrid fork kit, Racetech G3-S shocks, GT Stainless Valve Cover bolts, Dart Marlin screen, Tuono mirrors, GT 2:1 exhaust (asked Todd to weld in a baffle because it was a little too loud for me), remap, and a BMC filter... and one of those super-nifty Motodemic LED lights (not the adaptive one) on the way.  And some Agostini crash bars that I haven't gotten around to installing. Like I said, I can't stop! 

I'm married with a nearly-four-year old daughter, and work in education.  Enjoy hiking, skiing (alpine and backcountry), cycling and tinkering with and riding my V7 and FJ-09.

Cheers!  I look forward to lurking, learning, and to the extent I can, contributing.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/dx4Vzx/V7.jpg) (http://ibb.co/dx4Vzx)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick-cee on April 07, 2018, 10:21:19 AM
Hi everybody!
Nick (surprisingly, given user name) from Berkshire, UK. Now retired, 5 grand children, 1 Breva 750, and an SV650s, both 2004. Found this forum whilst searching "startus interruptus", now just got to follow the advice found in the threads, what a great resource! Hope that I can contribute in some way.

Love my Guzzi!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MGilbert on April 09, 2018, 10:11:55 AM
New guy, first post. SW Arkansas where the only curves are on the river roads. But close enough to the Ouachitas and Ozarks to get there in a hurry.  New owner of a �16 Stelvio and couldn�t be happier about it. One more airhead to finish then my T3 project goes on the lift. I�ll be mostly reading and learning until then but will surely post up for help once I get into it. In the meantime, just glad to be onboard.

(http://thumb.ibb.co/hyFfmc/E0173_BC8_0_C14_4_CA8_868_B_0_FD3_DA46_DE1_B.jpg) (http://ibb.co/hyFfmc)

(http://thumb.ibb.co/nyPvKx/9_FA0_D45_A_CA7_B_4_D93_9186_2_F6_DD25_E9_CE3.png) (http://ibb.co/nyPvKx)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: F-22 on April 10, 2018, 02:17:48 PM
I am a 20 year old mechanical engineering student from Slovenia. I've owned a lot of bikes, including a few Guzzis. It was my passion for a really long time now, and I do know a lot about motorcycles despite my age (or perhaps that is my advantage?). My father is also very interested in motorcycles for most of his life, and that is how I got into this...

My first was a 77' gray V35, a brilliant bike although with many faults. Here's a photo, next to my 73' CB360 and a 77' Morini 350.
Bought it at a scrap yard for really cheap three years ago, it had around 48000km, I fixed (basically just did the maintenance and inspected everything) it up and rode it until last year. At the same scrap yard at the same time, I also bought this V35II with 98000km for spares:
It actually fired right up and ran well, but had some ridiculous whining noise from the gearbox, probably bad bearings. I also did not need and spares so I just sold it after starting it up.
Next year I found this beautiful 78' V35 in Italy (on a swap-meet) with only 3000km on the clock. After inspecting it a bit, I am certain it really did have so little kilometers, everything was original.
Other bikes on this photo are not mine. Either way, around that time I was also considering selling the V35 I was riding, and I just sold both - 350cc is just not enough for the highway and for easy overtaking. I also had a V35 Imola (unfortunately, I do not have any better photo than this one, next to my CB450):
But it was not much different from the other 350's.
I also bought two V50III's and sorted them out last winter. These are great bikes, a lot better ignition and lots of power compared to the older models:
They turned out really nice. But at that point, I already had some larger bikes to ride so I sold them too.

Just this weekend I was at a motorcycle swap meet in Reggio nell Emilia. I was looking for another project, and found a V7 Special deal that I couldn't pass by. Just sorted out the import documents today, and I am now a proud owner of a 71' Guzzi.
The double-sided double leading shoe front brake is just awesome, looks like they took it off of a 60's GP bike to me. It runs great, but unfortunately the front rim is a low-quality copy of the original. I have not found the Borrani sign on it (it is on the rear), and there are lots of little cracks around the spoke holes. So I am afraid it it not really safe to ride currently. I also hope converting it to left side shifting is not too hard or expensive.

I've also had this 3-speed Guzzi beast for some time when I was a kid. Actually quite nice as far as small 50cc Italian mopeds go.

And here is my current project. It was actually owned by my father, he bought it a few years before I bought my first V35 but now he gave it to me.
First series T5. It was dissassembled into parts some 4 years ago and left like that. Engine ran well, but it had a clutch problem. I want to build it up into a T3-ish touring bike. The T5 engine is very nice, I believe it already has most of the important upgrades and can be very reliable. I've read the T5 handling is not that good due to the 16" wheels, but I think I will let myself be surprised (I do like how large the 16" tires seem), and I think the brakes must be a lot more effective if the wheel diameter is smaller. If I will replace the piston rings, I might even round off the cylinder and head edges on a grinder to make it look a bit more like the older engine, and use the old head covers if possible.

Here are some of my other bikes and restoration projects:
71' CB450
75' R90S

And I've worked on lots and lots of other bikes (with my father), from pre war to modern ones. He was always a BMW guy, but after working on a few, and then going to a Guzzi, I really feel like BMW was just milking money out of an outdated design, while Guzzi really wanted to improve it (and they did). I swear even the V7 Special feels more solid and agile to ride than my 90' R100RT.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ajpjive on April 10, 2018, 03:39:14 PM
Hello all!

Longtime lurker, finally registered. Been riding for 11 years now, and I'm loving every minute of it. A Guzzi Breva 750 was my third bike, and I absolutely adored it. Since then I've moved to a Kawasaki Versys 650 and a BMW R1150GS. Both are superb bikes (and better fitting for my tall frame), but I do sure miss the Guzzi!

I've been considering getting another Guzzi, as I've always been in love with the look of the 1100 Sport (still have some brochures I saved from the mid-90's). Looking forward to asking lots of questions about the 1100's and potentially rejoining the world of Guzzi!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 10, 2018, 03:53:53 PM
Welcome on board guys.   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CanadianVikingYYC on April 14, 2018, 11:36:38 AM
Hello all.

After years of owning Honda’s, Harley’s and BMW’s, I took a couple years off from riding (just too busy).  Decided to get back into it this year and just picked up a 2014 California 1400 Custom.  Really liked the Eldorado, but the deal on the Custom was just too good to pass up.  Still too much snow here now but looking forward to getting out on it in a few weeks.

As for the formal intro; Thomas Hansen, 49, director of facility management, Calgary Alberta Canada

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: k98shooter on April 15, 2018, 01:07:10 PM
Zaza Mchedlishvili in beautiful pine barrens of south Jersey (USA)

52 soon, surgical neurophysiologist (I test electrical circuits in human body in spine and brain surgeries).

Former owner of 07 Breva 1100, hoping to become a Guzzi rider soon again!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on April 18, 2018, 09:04:28 AM
Welcome to the new members.  F-22, a very impressive array of bikes you've had at such a young age.  We seldom see the smaller European bikes here because they just don't sell and I think there are many of us here on the forum that are jealous of you for having them available. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 18, 2018, 10:49:12 AM
Zaza Mchedlishvili in beautiful pine barrens of south Jersey (USA)

52 soon, surgical neurophysiologist (I test electrical circuits in human body in spine and brain surgeries).

Former owner of 07 Breva 1100, hoping to become a Guzzi rider soon again!

Having an uncommon name myself, I try to take some pains to make sure I know how to pronounce other people's names; I've seen too often the obvious attempts that people make to stutter over or mispronounce a name, in order to establish "You're different and I resent that; why isn't your name Jones or Brown or Jamerson or Miller?"   

Nriprendara Nath Chakravorty I spent some time getting - Rani Chandrashekar wasn't too hard - Nicolas Papanicolopoulous is rather poetic once you practice, and even though everyone else calls my surgeon "Dr. G.", I call him Dr. Guglielmetti.

Any phonetic hints on yours?   We'll end up at the same rally, see if we don't, and I want to be ready .... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill Dee on April 22, 2018, 04:45:11 PM
Bill Dee Nampa, Idaho USA 60 UPS Tractor Trailer Driver. I have been riding motorcycles since I was 10 years old and been a continuous owner since I was 14 years old.  I have owned over 40 different motorcycles.  Wish I still had them all. 

Current Rides (By Size)
2006 Triumph Rocket III 2300cc
2008 Moto Guzzi Breva 1200cc Sport
1998 Triumph 900cc Thunderbird Sport
1984 Kawasaki LTD 550cc Shaft
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PhilB on April 23, 2018, 11:32:40 PM
I do not currently own a Guzzi, but I like them and have ridden a few, and one is a shortlist contender for my next bike.

My last bike was a 1993 Ducati M900 Monster, which I bought new (at Sonny Angel's in San Diego -- he also sold Guzzis for many years).  I rode that Duc for 24 years and 265K miles, until we got taken out by a hit-and-run minivan last October.  I'm about fit to ride seriously again, and am looking to my next bike.  Something I would be wanting to turn over 250K on in about the year 2040.

I want to aim a bit more to sport-touring than the M900 was.  I could ride it 500-600 miles a day pretty easily, and rode it to 35 states plus parts of Canada and Mexico, but it wasn't really best suited for that.

My top contenders, of what I've tested so far, are: Ducati 939 SuperSport (the easy safe choice), Moto Guzzi Griso (grabs me every time I ride one, also the cheapest on my list), KTM 1290 SuperDuke (the gonzo choice), or Motus MST (the topshelf choice, but a bit of a risk).

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stubbie on April 30, 2018, 09:59:23 PM
Hi There
age 59
Microwave / Satellite link technician
750 Breva, Griso 8v, 998 Le Mans owner, riding since 1982. First Guzzi 1983 LeMans, white close ratio box. :grin:
Perth, Australia
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brineyjim on May 01, 2018, 08:15:37 AM
Jim Morgan
Retired from several jobs.
'07 California Vintage (Thunder chicken XIV)
Settled down to a life in the country with long time compadre, dogs, various barnyard fowl, and volunteer work to pay for surviving my early years.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 01, 2018, 08:32:02 AM
Jim Morgan
Retired from several jobs.
'07 California Vintage (Thunder chicken XIV)
Settled down to a life in the country with long time compadre, dogs, various barnyard fowl, and volunteer work to pay for surviving my early years.

And from the screen name we'd assume that at least one of these was a maritime job?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sheepdog on May 01, 2018, 02:16:17 PM
Welcome, Briney. Pull up a chair and have a look around. We’re a diverse group with experts in myriad fields...including Moto Guzzis. Andiamo, amico mio!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mayakovski on May 02, 2018, 05:33:23 PM
Just brought home my first Moto Guzzi, and first motorcycle in 22 years.

2017 Anniversario
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PandionExpress on May 02, 2018, 08:05:52 PM
Andrew, 32, environmental consultant in Baltimore area.

Been eyeing up Guzzis for a couple years now.  Randomly spotted an ad for one in the area and...now I am a brand new Guzzi owner. 

1999 V11 Bassa.   Can't wait to ride it all over the place (when not toting the baby around).  And look forward to help from the forum work out the idiosyncracies as they show up.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 02, 2018, 10:55:45 PM
Andrew, 32, environmental consultant in Baltimore area.

1999 V11 Bassa.   Can't wait to ride it all over the place (when not toting the baby around).  And look forward to help from the forum work out the idiosyncracies as they show up.

Now that the weather is getting better, you are a pleasant ride away from the MD monthly breakfast meetings - generally the 3rd Sunday morning of the month and generally in the west Frederick area.  Watch the general discussion page for the regular reminder about a week before.  A good, low-key fairly small group that has a wealth of knowledge available for mining when necessary.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: owlhunter on May 07, 2018, 01:08:03 AM

My name is Gabor Ivan, age 47. I am an electrical engineer, living in Hungary and am - since 2016 - a proud and happy owner of a 2001 Cali Stone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lexiyntax on May 07, 2018, 09:19:00 PM
Daniel, 40, Information Technology specializing in Linux and Big Data solutions in Central Pennsylvania, USA; bought a V9 Roamer last year from Europa Machina just before they closed up the Guzzi side of their shop. Had them put on a center stand to make it easier to work on it myself, which turned out to be a good decision since my closest dealer is now hours away.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: glassman on May 09, 2018, 06:42:57 AM
I'm new to group. Brent Bartley from Miamisburg Ohio. I have always been a fan of Moto Guzzi. Owned several over the years. I have recently started collecting small displacement Italian motorcycles. Currently working on a 1958 Moto Guzzi Cardellino
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PandionExpress on May 09, 2018, 01:58:32 PM
Now that the weather is getting better, you are a pleasant ride away from the MD monthly breakfast meetings - generally the 3rd Sunday morning of the month and generally in the west Frederick area.  Watch the general discussion page for the regular reminder about a week before.  A good, low-key fairly small group that has a wealth of knowledge available for mining when necessary.

Thats great.  I will keep my eye out.  I will definitely plan on attending, whenever i can manage.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: roadron on May 09, 2018, 09:38:17 PM
RON DETULLIO taos new mexico.68 yrs. still wrenching on vintage VWs and my friends bikes. Currently riding a 98 ducati SS and a 58 beemer conversion rig.Putting together from boxes an 83 lemans café bike. this will be my second guzzi café project.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on May 10, 2018, 05:38:41 PM
RON DETULLIO taos new mexico.68 yrs. still wrenching on vintage VWs and my friends bikes. Currently riding a 98 ducati SS and a 58 beemer conversion rig.Putting together from boxes an 83 lemans café bike. this will be my second guzzi café project.

Doesn't happen without  :gotpics: :gotpics: :gotpics: :thumb:

Welcome aboard Ron. There is a thread running which has a cafe racer theme.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ralphw on May 11, 2018, 11:54:14 PM
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Brooking on May 12, 2018, 03:00:01 AM
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:
Welcome from Adelaide

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiKev on May 12, 2018, 03:04:48 AM
hi my name is ralph. i own two guzzis. one is the v40 capri that is pictured on the page the site opens to if you google v40 capri & open the entry for wild goose. the other is a trentacinque gt both are late 80's. the v40 is a 4 valve head & in lovely condition. i think it was in someones collection in japan. it had done a little over 9000k's when i bought it. i live in cairns on the east coast of australia up in the tropics. the shop it came from is on the west coast. perth, a long way from cairns. i'd be happy to talk to any one about it as i'm proud of it &pleased to own it  :grin:
Huzo is currently riding around Oz and may bump into you so beware :-)

Welcome mate
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BrakemanBob on May 13, 2018, 06:02:03 AM
My name is Bob Luck and I have been into Guzzi's for nearly thirty years. I have three, of which only one is a runner and that is my 1990 Spada III which has 143,000 miles on the clock. The other two are a 1980 Monza (which was close to being back on the road until I managed to break one of the lugs for the clutch arm on the back of the gearbox - don't ask) and 1969 ex Italian army Neuvo Falcone which needs new valve seats.

Other bikes I have owned include a Honda GL500 Silverwing, a Honda TransAlp and a BMW 650 Funduro.

I live in Birmingham,  an industrial city in the UK and I work as CAM programmer.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 13, 2018, 07:18:23 AM
 ^^^ Hello Bob , are you from a railroad family ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: banditdude on May 13, 2018, 09:38:26 AM
Alberta, Canada

2013 V11 LeMans, 2015 BMW R1200RT

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BrakemanBob on May 13, 2018, 05:11:49 PM
^^^ Hello Bob , are you from a railroad family ?

Hello Dusty,

No, though I have a great passion for steam trains and machinery in general. My dad was a lorry (truck) driver whilst my grandfather built bicycles and motorcycles at the Arial works in Selly Oak.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rion on May 13, 2018, 10:33:12 PM
My name is Ryan, I'm Mid 30's, I talk motorcycles all day at Flying Tiger, and I'm in St. Louis MO.

I own a V7II Stornello 386/1000

(https://thumb.ibb.co/bxsFgJ/32350186_10156549147973487_3451906060934184960_o.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bxsFgJ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: F_Sahms on May 15, 2018, 01:24:39 PM
Fred Sahms
Age of consent
E. Tennessee
Guzzi illnesses galore!   :boozing:
Title: Beau1k - Huntington Beach - V7III Racer
Post by: Beau1k on May 20, 2018, 11:53:56 PM
Just picked up a new V7 III Racer. Keeps my Aprilia Tuono Factory company in the garage here in Huntington Beach. They complement each-other nicely. I got the V7 as an around towner and general utility bike. I wanted something more simple to jump on and go. The Tuono doesn't like to go under 30.

So far so good, I'm liking it a lot. It's just what I was looking for, and it's an incredibly beautiful bike to boot!

Of course I have to farkle it out a bit...here's a couple pics of her and my first mod besides ditching the spoke wheels and tubes.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oilleaker on May 22, 2018, 10:52:00 AM
Don Littlefield, DeLand FL - well and truly retired, 83 last week

Was here 1999 -2011 riding a V11EV and a V10 Centauro that I sold in 2011 due to health issues. Things are better now, so I thought I'd try learning the joy of loop frame ownership with two just acquired Ambassador 750s  ('71 & '72).

An 83 year old on nearly 50 year old Guzzis.  .  .  Run for cover!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 22, 2018, 05:02:50 PM
Don Littlefield, DeLand FL - well and truly retired, 83 last week

Was here 1999 -2011 riding a V11EV and a V10 Centauro that I sold in 2011 due to health issues. Things are better now, so I thought I'd try learning the joy of loop frame ownership with two just acquired Ambassador 750s  ('71 & '72).

An 83 year old on nearly 50 year old Guzzis.  .  .  Run for cover!

Always good news when your health is better at 83 than it is at 75!   Good luck with those Ambassadors and have a detailed plan in place when you want to stop from speed ....  :grin:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NOVA_Lee on May 25, 2018, 05:48:55 PM
Lee Garvey, 66
Small business owner @ www.click2mail.com
Arlington, VA

I've owned a 2001 V11 Sport since 2009, my wife rides a 2004 Breva. I joined up here in 2009 but ran out of time to ride or do anything other than run the business. I'm back and hope to ride more and be a better campfire companion here on WildGuzzi.

@oilleaker - now looking forward to trying some different bikes when I'm 83!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pizza Guzzi on May 25, 2018, 08:51:23 PM
A sort of reintroduction I suppose. I initially joined in 2012 I think and had a 1200 Sport at the time.
Unfortunately some mental health issues caused me to give up riding, sold my bike got rid of all my gear - gave up on a lot of stuff really.
Any way now 65 years old and the Guzzi bug has returned, have a new V7 111 Special ordered from Motociclo in Sydney and rebuilding the riding gear kit again.
Loved the 1200 Sport but time to go a bit smaller and lighter and love the small blocks too.
Thanks Luap for reactivating my membership.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 25, 2018, 10:39:44 PM
Lee Garvey, 66
Small business owner @ www.click2mail.com
Arlington, VA

I've owned a 2001 V11 Sport since 2009, my wife rides a 2004 Breva. I joined up here in 2009 but ran out of time to ride or do anything other than run the business. I'm back and hope to ride more and be a better campfire companion here on WildGuzzi.

@oilleaker - now looking forward to trying some different bikes when I'm 83!

Hi Lee - I live in Gaithersburg (about 35 miles from Arlington for those reading who aren't familiar w/the DC suburbs) but regularly go to Thomas Jefferson or Barcroft Community Centers to work out with friends.  You may occasionally see a red Mille GT parked at either center, or driving to or from them, if you are paying attention while driving/riding near those areas in the middle of the day.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alov on May 27, 2018, 12:37:18 PM
My name is Aldo and am from Malta. I just bought a Guzzi V7 Special and hope it'll give me some fun at the age of 63 :smiley:.
I am a pensioner and decided to go for something I desired for my whole life. Rather late in the day , right????  :smiley: Wish me luck !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kaliga on May 27, 2018, 02:28:11 PM
Hello.  I am Anthony May of Versailles Kentucky.  I am 50 and currently have 2015 California Tourer, 1973 Eldorado  and a 1981 Gl500i(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/98d35f71eef9011c81eb4372f387d568.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/1f45ea5ab7a3d7ee1b7e0839ec33431c.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/7ffccae68a0d7e347c2b30ab4a197802.jpg)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 27, 2018, 04:57:54 PM
Welcome Anthony, how about that EV or whatever the model sitting behind the new one?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kaliga on May 27, 2018, 08:50:57 PM
Welcome Anthony, how about that EV or whatever the model sitting behind the new one?
Hello Steve.  The Eldo and the Gl500i pictures were taken at the house.  The 1400 was taken at Cardre Cycles in Cincinnati.   So, the other bike is just one that was in the picture he day I had a little work done on the 1400.  They put on heated grips and a passenger backrest.  My kids still ride with me and I needed the backrest for them.  I look forward to sharing with other Guzzi riders. 

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on June 04, 2018, 02:45:59 PM
Don Littlefield, DeLand FL - well and truly retired, 83 last week

Was here 1999 -2011 riding a V11EV and a V10 Centauro that I sold in 2011 due to health issues. Things are better now, so I thought I'd try learning the joy of loop frame ownership with two just acquired Ambassador 750s  ('71 & '72).

An 83 year old on nearly 50 year old Guzzis.  .  .  Run for cover!

Hiya Don! Glad to see you're back.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on June 04, 2018, 03:00:04 PM
Hello.  I am Anthony May of Versailles Kentucky.  I am 50 and currently have 2015 California Tourer, 1973 Eldorado  and a 1981 Gl500i(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/98d35f71eef9011c81eb4372f387d568.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/1f45ea5ab7a3d7ee1b7e0839ec33431c.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/7ffccae68a0d7e347c2b30ab4a197802.jpg)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

Sweet rides, I like your style we need to meet! I'm in Lagrange.  If your on Facebook check out the Tri-State Moto Guzzi Riders page https://www.facebook.com/groups/tristateguzziriders/?ref=bookmarks (https://www.facebook.com/groups/tristateguzziriders/?ref=bookmarks)

(https://photos.smugmug.com/Our-Bikes-abd-Vintage-Collection/i-2mq77P6/0/c2ee2899/S/Garage%20cleaning%20015-S.jpg) (https://curtedwards.smugmug.com/Our-Bikes-abd-Vintage-Collection/i-2mq77P6/A)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kaliga on June 04, 2018, 09:58:06 PM
I don't do Facebook but would like to know more about your group.  I post to Instagram as Kaliga_guzzi.  When and where do meet?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on June 05, 2018, 09:18:39 AM
I don't do Facebook but would like to know more about your group.  I post to Instagram as Kaliga_guzzi.  When and where do meet?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

Probably most of us don't do facebook, either.. or any other kind of "social media."  :smiley: <snapping red suspenders>
If you look around on this site, maybe the first page.. you'll find rally information.
Kentucky has a really good one in the fall..
Edit: here ya go..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on June 06, 2018, 08:05:38 AM
I don't do Facebook but would like to know more about your group.  I post to Instagram as Kaliga_guzzi.  When and where do meet?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727A using Tapatalk

We don't on any scheduled basis, we use the page to post meet ups, tech meets, rallies, pics etc... as a regional gathering place on line.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blakestree on June 06, 2018, 08:48:43 AM
Hey fellows,

I'm about to turn 44. I work for a local television station down here in Savannah, GA. And, I just purchased my first Guzzi. I sold my last motorcycle, a DRZ400S, a couple of years ago. I found myself going back and forth to work on it far more than dual sporting. Two things I knew I wanted in my next bike, more power and more street-friendly. Even though I'm a big guy, at 6'1" and ~250, I'm hoping the V7 will turn out to be the perfect little suburban commuter for me.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 06, 2018, 03:15:40 PM
Hey fellows,

I'm about to turn 44. I work for a local television station down here in Savannah, GA. And, I just purchased my first Guzzi. I sold my last motorcycle, a DRZ400S, a couple of years ago. I found myself going back and forth to work on it far more than dual sporting. Two things I knew I wanted in my next bike, more power and more street-friendly. Even though I'm a big guy, at 6'1" and ~250, I'm hoping the V7 will turn out to be the perfect little suburban commuter for me.


 Hi Blake , we have more than one largish member who rides a V7 , it should be fine .

 Welcome to WG .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blakestree on June 07, 2018, 10:49:54 AM
Thanks for the reassurance and welcome, Dusty!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on June 07, 2018, 05:02:36 PM
Join us for the 2018 Georgia Guzzi Rally Sept 28, 20, 30   There is a few Guzzi's over there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: flat out on June 08, 2018, 08:38:43 AM
tony zaniolo
59, collision repairer.
Shelburne Ontario Canada.
Really enjoying the Stornello.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blakestree on June 08, 2018, 08:44:14 AM
Join us for the 2018 Georgia Guzzi Rally Sept 28, 20, 30   There is a few Guzzi's over there.

Is there a thread?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on June 08, 2018, 09:08:22 AM
No thread yet, we get a sticky on top here when it gets close. Last year I brought a bunch of beer for the campfires. Been around 12 of them now. Nice ride through the mtns.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jfpcan on June 11, 2018, 09:42:52 PM

Insurance industry 10 year
Construction worker 28 years

I ride a 1989 goldwing 1500

Looking for a new adventure in the Guzzi world
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 14, 2018, 07:44:27 PM

Insurance industry 10 year
Construction worker 28 years

I ride a 1989 goldwing 1500

Looking for a new adventure in the Guzzi world

 Then you have come to the right place David  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dlapers on June 15, 2018, 08:36:45 AM
Daniel Laperriere

Owner of a V7 II 2015

from Canada

IT specialist
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi7474 on June 16, 2018, 05:37:03 AM
Hello there, I'm in England I have two Guzzis a 2011 Stelvo and a 1977 850T that now looks like a 750S but has a 1000 Le Mans spec engine. The older bike has been in bits for over 15 years and is now in the process of rebirth! At last the engine is fixed (sheared crank) and is back in the frame. Still lots to do yet .........
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KenB on June 29, 2018, 02:21:38 PM
Hello, group!  My name is Ken Buck, and I live in New Orleans, LA.  I am a project manager and electrical engineer.  I am 53 and last year bought my first motorcycle: a 2014 MG V7 Stone.  It's perfect for me: classic style, enough power (but not too much), low maintenance (hope it stays that way), and very rare in this part of the country.  Thanks very much to the hosts/moderators for this forum!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: markelser on July 07, 2018, 03:56:18 AM
Hi there. My name is Mark. I live close to Frankfurt in Germany, driving an Eldorado 1400 and an Aprilia Tuono. I have 2 children, still married with the first wife. Working as a pilot for 25 years now. Planing to retire in 5....... :azn:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: asquaredgray on July 07, 2018, 10:12:09 PM

My name is Aaron. I’m a product manager / designer at a software company in Portland, Oregon.  I’m 46. Two kids (girls). One of them is interested in riding. [emoji106]

I’ve been riding since I was 10 (first bike was a CT70).  When I was 19, I rode an XT250 from Detroit to San Diego and back.  Longest stretch was Cozad, Nebraska to Ypsilanti, MIchigan (940 miles) in 23 hours.

Current ride is a 2000 Quota. It’s my first Moto Guzzi. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marmot on July 07, 2018, 10:25:34 PM
My first post (been a member for more than a year but spent all of that time reading with nothing productive to add, yet)

Brandon Badger
part-time Soldier / full-time student (until I run out of GI bill $$)
Indianapolis, IN, USA

currently riding '07 Norge, my first Guzzi.  I enjoyed it the first year or so that I owned it but then I got a slip-on and new map from Mark (beetle) :bow:, now I kinda love it and may even keep it for a while, as long as my body can handle it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 07, 2018, 11:29:54 PM
 Welcome everyone .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: knockerjoe on July 13, 2018, 08:52:42 PM
I’m and Aircraft Maintenance Technician
55.  Carrboro N.C.
Long time motorcycle enthusiast, rider, wrench
Just picked up my first Guzzi, a 2000 Jackal.
Needs some immediate attention.
Look forward to reading and learning.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: snobear on July 13, 2018, 09:45:27 PM
Industrial Mechanic/Maintenance Manager
Choiceland Saskatchewan Canada
Riding a Vstrom now with 100,000 and very seriously considering a Guzzi next, V85 if it comes anywhere near what we are presently seeing.
Was just at D2D and met KIWI ROY, we talked about Guzzi's and talked to a few others owners as well, one with a sidecar.  The more Moto Guzzi folks I talk to the more I think they are the next bike for me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: danketchpel on July 13, 2018, 11:52:25 PM
Hi fellow Guzzisti,

I "think" this may be a reintroduction as I'd signed up here before but it's been a few years and somehow I think I got "flushed" for not being active, imagine.....

So I'm back again and will try to be more active.

I'm on the wrong side of 55 (go away AARP, I'm not ready to admit that yet) and married with a great wife who rides with me. I have "a few" bikes (how many days are there???) one of which is a 2013 Stelvio that I am EXTREMELY pleased with and it is my wife's favorite bike to ride on. It's our long distance touring bike and frequent commuter when it gets it's turn making my ride back and forth to work the highlight of my day.

I work in plastics manufacturing.

We live in Camarillo, SoCal, which is about 1 hr north of the greater chaos they refer to as Los Angeles.

There's a good chance I might be looking to trade/sell off one of the bikes for another Guzzi. I'm really lusting after a Tonti bike to park next to the Stelvio.

I may "know" a few of you from other forums and hope to meet a few more on the road.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/dmkbwo/Day_5004.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dmkbwo)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 14, 2018, 09:24:38 AM

I'm on the wrong side of 55 (go away AARP, I'm not ready to admit that yet) and married with a great wife who rides with me. I have "a few" bikes (how many days are there???) one of which is a 2013 Stelvio that I am EXTREMELY pleased with and it is my wife's favorite bike to ride on. It's our long distance touring bike and frequent commuter when it gets it's turn making my ride back and forth to work the highlight of my day.

Same with my wife and I.   Our Stelvio has more room on it than any other bike we've ridden ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 15, 2018, 06:32:19 AM
  The more Moto Guzzi folks I talk to the more I think they are the next bike for me.

That's what got me into them!   A different breed, and good to be associated with.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lupin 3rd on July 15, 2018, 08:08:55 AM
Like Dan above I thought I had signed up here years ago but maybe it was just booze induced dream. Mostly post on ADVrider (as Lupin 3rd) and currently ride a Stelvio NTX, but that may change in the future since kid #2 is on his merry way and riding time now is mostly just commuting. Been a few interesting places though, so no complaining.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/db4qro/d.jpg) (https://ibb.co/db4qro)

(http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/31_colorado.jpg) (http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/31_colorado.jpg)

(http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/56_utah.jpg) (http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/56_utah.jpg)

(http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/144_sd.jpg) (http://codeherrings.com/images/2017/trip/144_sd.jpg)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: perolalars on July 15, 2018, 09:03:02 AM
Joining this forum though I am situated in G�teborg, Sweden! I sold my (old) Harley fxe -79 and bought myself a V7 II Racer -16 and I am very pleased with it! Not at all like riding the locomotive that an harley is!
(https://thumb.ibb.co/iLNP1o/Motostar_Bild_Guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/iLNP1o)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on July 16, 2018, 09:07:21 PM
Joining this forum though I am situated in G�teborg, Sweden! I sold my (old) Harley fxe -79 and bought myself a V7 II Racer -16 and I am very pleased with it! Not at all like riding the locomotive that an harley is!
(https://thumb.ibb.co/iLNP1o/Motostar_Bild_Guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/iLNP1o)

Welcome. I think you will find that Wildgoose Chase is a bit of an United Nations type of affair. Guzzi folk here come from all parts of the planet; I myself am situated on the backside of our planet down the bottom end. :grin:

Many helpful people here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JamesNFalconaut on July 17, 2018, 02:36:28 AM
Gday all
James here, 50, geo, based in Melbourne, Aussie.
Bought a Nuovo Falcone Carabinieri four years ago and love it, after a 25 yr apprenticeship on Guzzi twins (V50, T5, 1100 Spat carbie, Cali Sp Sport).
Have enjoyed this forum for a while, time I put in.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zebep on July 20, 2018, 05:48:20 PM
Rick P

61 years old

Excavating  contractor not far from Bean Town

2 ) 2001 California specials and also 2007 Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi relic on July 21, 2018, 08:13:18 PM
Like many others here I was a member but do more reading than posting.  Great group.
I bought my 1974 Eldo in pieces back in the fall of 2005. On the road doing hack duty since the spring of '06.
Last season my "solo" street bike was down for a month. (1972 Suzuki Hustler, inner crank seal ruptured; I did a full crankshaft rebuild). During this down time I was whining to my wife and she told me to quit complaining and take the sidecar off the Guzzi. This was supposed to be a temporary thing as we both enjoy the sidecar experience but I'm afraid I've really taken to the solo Eldo and am now hunting around for another rig. The Eldo will remain on two wheels.
I also had a 1980 1000SP for a couple of seasons, (2007 and 8 I think it was). It was a great bike but I the riding I was doing didn't suit the long legged Spada. Its a bike that just isn't happy under 70 mph and that's well over my area's posted limits.
Personally, I'm pushing hard on 60, (this October) and with no retirement in sight. I'm a licensed motorcycle tech at a Yamaha/Suzuki/KTM/Polaris/Mercury dealership in north eastern Ontario Canada. We are the largest motorcycle shop in our area but the majority of our business is ATV's, Side by sides, outboards and snowmobiles.
I take some ribbing for riding old bikes, (my newest is a 1976) but after a day of fuel injection, ECU's, laptop computers I'm happy to ride home relying on carbs and points and condensers!
Thanks to all who share their knowledge and experience here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scottydogg on July 29, 2018, 08:05:24 PM
Scott, here, from Bloomington Indiana.
Always wanted a Moto-Guzzi, so I spend the last year casually hunting one down. Last month, I put in a bid on an eBay listing and ended up getting my offer when the top bidder backed out.  Just picked it up this weekend and I've already put over 700 miles on it.  Looking forward to many trips on it, but I know I'm going to need a lot of advice to keep it in good running condition.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mateo on August 02, 2018, 04:41:06 PM
Matt- almost 50- VTC Manager- North Alabama.

Had an account here a few years back. 
Bought a V7 Guzzi this past weekend at Sloan's.
Bought the California 10 years ago in Holland from Peer.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/ih3KMK/bike.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ih3KMK)

running poem (https://poetandpoem.com/running)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Just Rambling on August 07, 2018, 08:13:49 PM
Hello all!

Bruce Reinhart aka Just Rambling
2015 v7 Stone
Northern Lehigh Valley Pa.

New to Moto Guzzi after 50 plus years of many other makes, prior 15 years on modern Triumph Bonneville's. ('03,'05,'09)
Loved the Triumphs but wanted something lighter in weight and easier to work on.
Semi retired. Ex fleet maintenance mechanic 25 years for local municipality then 14 years for school bus fleet
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jrisky on August 13, 2018, 10:04:47 PM
Hello from John Risk, Edmonton, Alberta, 61 years old. Just purchased a used V7 ii loving it so far might have to get rid of a Honda or two.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: treps on August 16, 2018, 04:17:31 PM

A newbie California Special rider. I look forward to learning more about all things Guzzi through this forum. Cheers
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mole on August 24, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Bought my second Guzzi (30 years apart).
Had a lot of bikes in between
Now down to just 2.
1942 Matchless 350 ex WD (family heirloom)
1200 sport 2008 last of the 2 valvers in red and white - love it!!!!
Work for a living and to allow me to ride for fun.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rabscuttle on August 26, 2018, 05:14:05 PM
My name is Steve I moved from So Cal to backwoods Texas about a year ago.
I bought a new 16 V7ii and put 26k on in one year.
I enjoy woodworking and playing guitar.
Im a truck driver for a biodiesel company.
If anyone is near Decatur TX hit me up.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 26, 2018, 05:35:13 PM
My name is Steve I moved from So Cal to backwoods Texas about a year ago.
I bought a new 16 V7ii and put 26k on in one year.
I enjoy woodworking and playing guitar.
Im a truck driver for a biodiesel company.
If anyone is near Decatur TX hit me up.

 Hello Steve , consider joining the GRIT FB page . Also , there are two rallies coming up not far from you , the GRIT rally near Lindale TX , and The Oklahoma camp out near Talihena OK . 1st and 2nd weekends in October . Come on and meet us .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Diablo_PL on September 06, 2018, 02:57:47 PM
Pawel Radomski
from Poland, Warsaw
39 yo
Engineering manager
V7 II Racer owner, this is my second bike...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mrv on September 12, 2018, 06:16:52 AM
Just picked up my 2012 Norge GT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Brooking on September 12, 2018, 07:30:39 PM
Just picked up my 2012 Norge GT

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: quietrider on September 18, 2018, 02:52:45 PM
Bob. 68. Single. White. Male. Retired. Born in Detroit, I lived 40 years in the Denver area. My profession was working backstage for live shows. Stage Hand/Electrics/Technical Direction/Stage Manager/Production Management/Lighting Design. I have been traveling and living abroad since December 2013. The US via RV, and Mexico and Central America in a Jeep. I spent last year fixing up and living on a small sailboat in Florida. I am now researching possibly doing a tour of the UK and the European mainland as my last adventure before settling down somewhere.

A late bloomer, I purchased my first bike at the age of 48. I have owned 2 BMW's, a KLR650, and a Honda ST1300 which I sold when I retired.
Taken together I clocked 150,000 miles on those, hitting 44 of the lower 48 states, the western states multiple times.  I am looking to buy my last bike, it will be a Moto Guzzi. I have always liked them, but I have never owned one.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/gEfnge/loaded_bmw_3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/gEfnge)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Elmelo on September 25, 2018, 01:48:52 PM
Canary Islands

Electronic Tecnician
MG California Special
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DougG on October 01, 2018, 05:00:09 PM

My name is Doug.  I live in Old Forge, NY and am fortunate enough to have a winter escape home in Asheville, NC.  After having experienced several bikes, Harley, BMW, Honda, CanAm, 'Zuki, I've finally seen the light... I own a 2015 Cali 1400 tour (in OF) and 2017 Cali 1400 Tour in (A'ville).

I'm 68 years old, retired educator (High School, University), I worked at Brookhaven National Labratory and to pay the mortgage, I swung a hammer and remodeled bathrooms and kitchens.  I hold a degree in Physics and a PHD in Test and Measurements...don't let that fool you, I'm really not a nerd...at least don't think so.

I'm always looking for someone to ride with in the Adirondacks or the Blue Ridge Mts.

Be well,

aspatuck@aol.com   (yup, my kids will have to pry my AOL account out of my cold dead hands).

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cliffrod on October 02, 2018, 08:30:16 AM
My name is Clint Button.  I bought my 73 V7 Sport in early '92, abandoned & in pieces with a stuck engine, for $200.00.  Many, many bikes have come and gone- ducati 2 stroke, bevel & belt drive, parilla 250's, R96S, the first Benelli Quattro imported into the states, Sandcast Honda 1000042, Kawasaki W2's, HD's, on and on..- but the Guzzi is still here.  Even got to ride it on TV in July, along with another Guzzi video if you scroll down...  https://www.wspa.com/news/hometown-spotlight-antique-bikes-on-main/1327802512 (https://www.wspa.com/news/hometown-spotlight-antique-bikes-on-main/1327802512)  I'm a full-time sculptor since 2000 and usually do more than lettering, but that's what was in studio when they did the video.    Visit my website or YouTube channel if you're interested.

Some pieces (souvenirs) on my V7 Sport came from Joe Tripoda of Moto Tripoda and Geno's House Of Triumph, both in New Orleans long ago when I was a chef.  An old friend in Knoxville built the V7 Sport bottom end for me back in the late 90's and it's still running great.   Giuliano Cecchinelli, one of my Master Sculptors, was thrilled when I first rode it to the studio in 2000 during my apprenticeship in VT, hence the favorite quote in my signature. 

I had been planning to do a custom tank and seat for the V7 Sport, because I wanted to and already had it.   Then in July, I lucked into a 1967 V700 lump for $200.00 with plans to grab the SSI carbs and pieces and then get rid of the rest.  Unloading it, I found the engine wasn't stuck so it's the next project & destined to be a period cafe bike, heavily influenced by Tonti's 1969 World Record bikes, to park next to my V7 Sport.   Added wheels & brakes, starting on tank & seat mock-ups and modifying a spare frame.  Probably will upgrade to new cylinders & heads along the way.  A new friend from up north who is building a more accurate replica Record bike is helping with info and even a modified triple tree & cover.  Very cool.

Need a few small bits and will post both wanted ads & then a build thread as things progress & fortunes ebb and flow....  looks like there needs to be a hosting service used when posting pics? 

 I like well-built but rider quality bikes that get used.  This one will be no different.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gustavo on October 02, 2018, 02:33:51 PM
Hello Guzzistas (is that a faux pas as it could refer to another Guzzi forum?  :huh:).

Gustavo from NW Oregon.  My last Guzzi was a V50III, 1983 vintage.  Sold it to get something sporty and fast (that was before I figured out fast had nothing to do with the bike, but I was young and didn't know any better...). It's been almost 30 years since I sold it and I'm back thinking about Guzzis (that new V85TT more specifically), so I am here to see what y'all have to say about these "modern" Guzzis.

See you guys on the road,


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tusong200 on October 05, 2018, 07:53:04 AM
Here I am again....wondering what happened to myself?? Was a member for many years (as well as a donor) but drifted off about 6 years ago.

Tried to log on but was told 'no usernames with that email address'. (I've had the same email for almost 20 years).

Can find references to myself on archived threads, but I'm listed as a 'guest'.

Wondering what happened.....??

Anyway, 69 years old, Southern WI, many Guzzi's over the years, Monzas, Eldos, Lario. Just picked up a V65SP for a winter project.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 06, 2018, 01:57:54 PM
 Tusong, what happened was that you didn't' log on for over two years and got caught in a purge.That is merely a function of the system, there were something like 5,000 User names purged about 2 years ago.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Double E on October 09, 2018, 10:51:09 PM
Eric, 59, Lab Supervisor, SW Ohio USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zomby Woof on October 11, 2018, 08:50:15 PM
Sup yo?

Curt Presson
Partner - Electronics Manufacturers Rep firm
62 years young
DFW area

I bought my first motorcycle when I turned 50 because I thought I should have one. Thought I'd get a Harley like a lot of guys my age, but the more people I talked to about the kind of riding I wanted to do (sport touring), everyone said, "get a BMW". As it happens, there's a BMW shop 5 miles from my house, so I dropped by one afternoon & a month later I bought a black 2002 K12RS... great bike. 2 years later I made the mistake of test riding a K1200S... I couldn't get to my wallet fast enough! Man, what a bike! 80K miles & it still blows me away.

In 2011 I got interested in Moto Guzzi's. My riding buddy had an '01 V11 Sport which was cool but when I saw the V11 LeMans, I had to have one. Found mine in WV & absolutely love it! It's so much fun to ride & is a great looking bike. A year later, I found a '74 Eldorado Police bike that I tore down to restore. That effort has been painfully slow & a long time, not really, work-in-progress. At some point, I hope to add the Griso & if I'm lucky enough to find one, a 1000S.

Anyway, glad to be here and hope to find some local expertise that can give me some restoration help & pointers getting my Eldorado back together & on the road. It's been collecting dust way too long!  :grin:
Title: Looking for my first Guzzi
Post by: iamunique127 on October 16, 2018, 09:24:05 AM
I'm Lyle and I'm retired in Manitoba, Canada.

My first bike was a 750 Norton in 1971. I've been hooked on twins ever since and I'm in search of my first Guzzi. I'm really liking the California Vintage.

My current bike is an '82 Yamaha XV920R that I built up from a parts bike into my own sport tourer. It's the newest bike I've owned and I like it fine but with it being 36 years old I never know when something or other will fail, which is fine for local riding but I'm hoping to do some touring so I want something newer with a more relaxed riding position. Anyone who has owned a Cal Vin seems to rave about them for all the right reasons.

I'm looking forward to having something to contribute here.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/fKEoFf/82-XV920-RJ-Hannigan.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fKEoFf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dcardo021 on October 19, 2018, 01:43:43 PM
I'm Lyle and I'm retired in Manitoba, Canada.

My first bike was a 750 Norton in 1971. I've been hooked on twins ever since and I'm in search of my first Guzzi. I'm really liking the California Vintage.

My current bike is an '82 Yamaha XV920R that I built up from a parts bike into my own sport tourer. It's the newest bike I've owned and I like it fine but with it being 36 years old I never know when something or other will fail, which is fine for local riding but I'm hoping to do some touring so I want something newer with a more relaxed riding position. Anyone who has owned a Cal Vin seems to rave about them for all the right reasons.

I'm looking forward to having something to contribute here.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/fKEoFf/82-XV920-RJ-Hannigan.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fKEoFf)

I loved that Yamaha put over 80,000 miles on it. Have gone almost full circle. Picked up a couple of Guzzi, Griso reminds me of 920!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tennmoto on October 22, 2018, 06:26:49 PM
Steve Huber
New Jersey refugee
65 yrs old
Building trades
Looking for my next Guzzi, doing some test rides, research ,
I like the Griso, V7, V11 or Cafe Sport, Breva
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on October 24, 2018, 04:38:53 AM
Plenty of test rides on your horizon Steve. :thumb: :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Testarossa on October 24, 2018, 04:24:08 PM
Reintroducing myself, because much has changed in five years.

I retired from the solar energy job and just turned 70. Happily remarried and living in an 1894 farmhouse just outside a tiny town on Colorado's west slope.

Regularly riding my Mille GT with an SP fairing; a BMW F650 Funduro; and the 1970 Triumph TR6R which, after a five-year restoration project now runs like new. I have my old 850T stripped down for new bearings and everything else, and all parts in hand for the rebuild, so what am I waiting for?

Still teaching skiing, this year at Snowmass after 20 winters at Vail. Life is pretty damn sweet.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/nMsTGV/Mille-Hotchkiss.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nMsTGV)

(https://thumb.ibb.co/k5Lb3A/barn2small.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k5Lb3A)

Oh, yes: Riding since 1964. My first real bike was the 350 Sprint, bought 1970.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: antoinemo on October 25, 2018, 03:30:57 PM
Hey everyone!

I am psyched to write my first message here as I just put down a deposit on a very neat 2016 V7 II Stone and join the Guzzi family!

I'm French originally and have been living in NYC for over a year now- it was time to get a bike  :drool:

Looking forward to chatting!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KJDub on October 28, 2018, 11:37:14 PM
Hi All,
My name is Ken, I'm 63, retired last year from a career as a mechanical engineer, married with two kids in the process of leaving the nest (after having soiled it!)  I live in Seattle.  I always planned on having a Guzzi when I was an old man, and now I'm getting there. Bought a 1970 Ambo that I found on a vacation to northern Michigan, researching family roots. It's complete, runs (poorly) with 10,000 on the odo.  Going to do a non-concours resto, getting all mechanicals, etc. up to snuff then going riding.  Next project will be a Tonti-framed Cali conversion to some sort of brutalist bobber. 
Other bikes (in various stages from in a box to ready-to-ride) include;
1973 Ducati RT-450 Desmo, currently in a box.  Motor being rebuilt, will end up as a hooligan bike
1985 and 1987 Cagiva 650 Elefants, to be combined into a 750 Paso-based fire road bomber
1994 Ducati 900 Elefant, fully restored and ready to ride, built motor, custom paint
2010 Kawasaki KLX250 with a 351 kit for trail riding in the mountains
2016 Aprilia Dorsoduro 750, my supermotard touring bike

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi771 on October 31, 2018, 12:23:57 PM
Howdy y'all , I'm Robert from Louisiana living in Austin Texas I own a 2017  V7 III and a 2016 Norge GT 8V
(https://thumb.ibb.co/ns0e50/22339515-10211844790169919-1374146465866091712-o.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ns0e50)

dark poems by famous poets (https://poetandpoem.com/dark)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzi1400AUS on November 04, 2018, 04:38:48 AM
Hi, I am Richard aged 44, self employed and from Melbourne, Australia.  Currently don't own a bike and sitting on the fence as to whether I should purchase a Moto Guzzi Eldorado, Custom or Audace OR purchase an Indian Scout but please don't hold that against me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: duanob on November 04, 2018, 09:35:40 PM

(https://thumb.ibb.co/cuZbdL/20181103-111823.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cuZbdL)

Hey All,
Name is Duane from Seattle. Just picked up a 2007 MG Breva 750 with 3500 miles on it. I paid $1800 for it, how could I not buy it? I've wanted a Guzzi for a while now, in fact I bought a cheap Honda CX500 because someone told me it was Honda's reaction to Guzzi. Not the same obviously! I've ridden a V7 before and liked it. I decided I wanted a nice touring bike to just maintain and ride. I've had and restored old Hondas in the past but old bikes are for wrenching and looking good at the local hang out. I'm hoping to do more longer road trips having a fairly newer and low miled ride. Happy to be part of the Italiano moto party!

BTW I do my own work so I'm looking farward to mingling on the board for info on working on Guzzis.

(https://thumb.ibb.co/niSOQ0/20181103-111831.jpg) (https://ibb.co/niSOQ0)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Artem_Gus on November 13, 2018, 02:02:31 AM
Hi everyone

I'm Artem, I'm 32 and I live in Kyiv, Ukraine (Eastern Europe). I've just bought my first ever bike, a bit damaged V7III from Copart, so while I'm trying to replace parts and repair it (we have no official MG dealer and service station in the country), many stupid questions arise, e.g. "why everyone says NGK caps fit the V7III, but they really don't?" and thousands other. :)

(https://thumb.ibb.co/nrL23V/mg3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nrL23V)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Brooking on November 13, 2018, 07:39:07 PM
Hi everyone

I'm Artem, I'm 32 and I live in Kyiv, Ukraine (Eastern Europe). I've just bought my first ever bike, a bit damaged V7III from Copart, so while I'm trying to replace parts and repair it (we have no official MG dealer and service station in the country), many stupid questions arise, e.g. "why everyone says NGK caps fit the V7III, but they really don't?" and thousands other. :)

(https://thumb.ibb.co/nrL23V/mg3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nrL23V)

Welcome Artem

just remember .... there is no such thing as a dumb question on this site ...  :azn:
Title: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pjgtech on November 23, 2018, 02:54:02 PM
Hi,  :laugh:    :thumb:
New here, hope to enjoy the forums.
Currently no bike, but always looking for my next ride, and it could possibly be a Guzzi.
Had several other bikes, Hondas, Kwakka's, Suzuki....

I'm a London lout, (UK) currently working as a Surveyor, and in my 50's (How did that happen!)

Also into lots of other hobbies, too many if I'm honest, including shooting (air rifles), fishing (fly), reading, anything (but mainly sci fi), console gaming (everything, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo, old and new), travel (like cruises), also like eating out in nice eateries, enjoy films and music (anything) and am a bit of an Airfix and Lego geek too! and of course cars and bikes.

Well, thats me... Glad to meet you all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 23, 2018, 05:36:23 PM
Hi,  :laugh:    :thumb:
New here, hope to enjoy the forums.
Currently no bike, but always looking for my next ride, and it could possibly be a Guzzi.
Had several other bikes, Hondas, Kwakka's, Suzuki....

I'm a London lout, (UK) currently working as a Surveyor, and in my 50's (How did that happen!)

Also into lots of other hobbies, too many if I'm honest, including shooting (air rifles), fishing (fly), reading, anything (but mainly sci fi), console gaming (everything, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo, old and new), travel (like cruises), also like eating out in nice eateries, enjoy films and music (anything) and am a bit of an Airfix and Lego geek too! and of course cars and bikes.

Well, thats me... Glad to meet you all

Kent's one of my favorite places to visit anywhere, I've ridden around in it and walked around in it, and if a thatched cottage in a little village didn't cost north of half a million, I might be living there too!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Indian2 on November 25, 2018, 07:56:24 PM
My name is Donnelly Hall of Keavy Ky. Male,75 years of age,and run a MC shop for a living. Never saw a MC I didn't   like. Been riding for 64 years but only got into Guzzi 19 years ago!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 27, 2018, 08:31:08 AM
My name is Donnelly Hall of Keavy Ky. Male,75 years of age,and run a MC shop for a living. Never saw a MC I didn't   like. Been riding for 64 years but only got into Guzzi 19 years ago!

My wife and I were doing a Roadrunner "Shamrock Tour" out of Williamsburg KY a couple years ago, got off the main road just east of Keavy, and thought I saw (or maybe someone told us about) a Hall's Cycle Center .... We were on a roll so didn't stop ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: indian on November 27, 2018, 12:31:45 PM
I past the Keavy gro store on morning back a year or two ago .  Saw a guzzi there.  Didnt stop to say hello as I was running a little late.  Sorry now that I did not.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: newguzzian569 on November 27, 2018, 08:41:04 PM
Hello all,
as my tag says, I am a newbie. Just got a 2015 V7 and I love it. It has the orange flare and some sweet looking rear bags that make it look like a real classic.

Riding here in California in the Monterey area and love it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paul Brooking on November 27, 2018, 08:46:23 PM
Hello all,
as my tag says, I am a newbie. Just got a 2015 V7 and I love it. It has the orange flare and some sweet looking rear bags that make it look like a real classic.

Riding here in California in the Monterey area and love it!

welcome  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssrealty on November 28, 2018, 09:19:10 PM
I just purchased my first Moto Guzzi.

I picked up my Azzurro Elettrico (blue) 2017 Moto Guzzi V7 III Stone earlier this month. Apparently, another dealer went out of business, and the manufacturer auctioned their inventory to dealers. I purchased my bike from AF1 Racing in Austin, Tx. They recently sold a 2015 and 2016 V7s, but still have three 2017 V7 III Stone bikes priced at $6490. Hard to find a brand new motorcycle at this price point with same features. Bike has a one year warranty.

I was looking for an entry level bike that my wife and or daughter could ride. This is my third motorcycle. I own a 2017 Ducati SuperSport S and a 2014 Ducati Multistrada.

I am 51 and have been riding about 15 years. Waited until kids were older. I live in Austin area (Leander) and mostly do hill country rides. I try to do a couple of track days a year for fun. Circuit of the Americas is an incredible track to ride, and we are lucky to have this in our back yard. Ridesmart is a Texas school that sponsors track days at multiple tracks in Texas.

I am in the real estate/property management business.

I have enjoyed the bike and look forward to putting more miles on it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiTones on December 01, 2018, 06:44:34 AM
Hi there! I'm Tony. I'm from New Zealand and have lived in London before moving to Madrid, where I currently live with my Spanish wife and 22 year-old daughter. I work in software development in the investment banking sector.

I've had a V9 Bobber since March 2018. I'm a not-so-young newbie motorcyclist, and this is my first bike. I've done 10,000km (6,000 miles) since I bought it, and am loving every moment.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on December 03, 2018, 10:33:41 AM
Welcome ssrealty.  I live in G'town and work at COTA.  I was real tempted with that Griso that AF1 had but just didn't pull the trigger.  This is a great, extraordinarily helpful forum.  Let me know your next RideSmart and I'll try and look you up in the paddock............ Jack.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssrealty on December 05, 2018, 09:46:15 PM
Hi jbell
I will probably sign up for the Sunday May 26th track day at COTA. I usually sign up with Ducati of Austin and park bike in their garage. I have a 2017 Ducati SuperSport that I use as track bike. I do 2-3 track days each year and love COTA.

I live in Leander off 1431 in Travisso. On way to Marble Falls and backyard Texas hill country roads. I purchased my Moto Guzzi as third motorcycle last month and have already put over 1,000 miles on bike. Scheduled my first service next week with AF1. I really enjoy bike. It is so easy and comfortable to ride. My Ducati's feel like riding a bull in comparison.

Let me know if you want to go on any rides. I try to ride as much as possible. We are lucky to have year round riding in central Texas.

Of course, MotoGP is only a few months away. April 12-14. I go every year.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi771 on December 06, 2018, 07:06:02 PM
I just purchased my first Moto Guzzi.

I picked up my Azzurro Elettrico (blue) 2017 Moto Guzzi V7 III Stone earlier this month. Apparently, another dealer went out of business, and the manufacturer auctioned their inventory to dealers. I purchased my bike from AF1 Racing in Austin, Tx. They recently sold a 2015 and 2016 V7s, but still have three 2017 V7 III Stone bikes priced at $6490. Hard to find a brand new motorcycle at this price point with same features. Bike has a one year warranty.

I was looking for an entry level bike that my wife and or daughter could ride. This is my third motorcycle. I own a 2017 Ducati SuperSport S and a 2014 Ducati Multistrada.

I am 51 and have been riding about 15 years. Waited until kids were older. I live in Austin area (Leander) and mostly do hill country rides. I try to do a couple of track days a year for fun. Circuit of the Americas is an incredible track to ride, and we are lucky to have this in our back yard. Ridesmart is a Texas school that sponsors track days at multiple tracks in Texas.

I am in the real estate/property management business.

I have enjoyed the bike and look forward to putting more miles on it.

I just purchased my first Moto Guzzi.

I picked up my Azzurro Elettrico (blue) 2017 Moto Guzzi V7 III Stone earlier this month. Apparently, another dealer went out of business, and the manufacturer auctioned their inventory to dealers. I purchased my bike from AF1 Racing in Austin, Tx. They recently sold a 2015 and 2016 V7s, but still have three 2017 V7 III Stone bikes priced at $6490. Hard to find a brand new motorcycle at this price point with same features. Bike has a one year warranty.

I was looking for an entry level bike that my wife and or daughter could ride. This is my third motorcycle. I own a 2017 Ducati SuperSport S and a 2014 Ducati Multistrada.

I am 51 and have been riding about 15 years. Waited until kids were older. I live in Austin area (Leander) and mostly do hill country rides. I try to do a couple of track days a year for fun. Circuit of the Americas is an incredible track to ride, and we are lucky to have this in our back yard. Ridesmart is a Texas school that sponsors track days at multiple tracks in Texas.

I am in the real estate/property management business.

I have enjoyed the bike and look forward to putting more miles on it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TFinch1990 on December 16, 2018, 07:12:13 PM
I’m new to the Guzzi world just bought my first it’s a 1996 sport 1100 red
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: snuffcityrider on December 17, 2018, 06:16:58 AM
Great forum and glad to be here. Picked up a 2016 Norge with only 3000 miles on it a few months ago from AF1 in Austin. Haven't got to ride it much do to work and the weather but really love the bike so far. Feels really light compared to the K1600 that I recently sold.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carlo Guzzi on December 29, 2018, 04:02:28 PM
Hello All,

Anthony here from Melbourne Australia.

Run a sourcing agency from Italy.

Bikes: Sport 1100 (carb), Lemans Mk1 & 750S3

Looking forward to chatting / discussing all things GUZZI.
Title: Hello
Post by: Acme Monza on December 29, 2018, 08:39:06 PM
First Guzzi.

1980 V50 Monza

Andy from Monterey,California

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Holdy on December 30, 2018, 03:56:38 PM
Hi Everyone

Tony Holdsworth


Melbourne Australia

Eldorado 1400, wife's bike but I get to work on it.   :grin:
(https://i.ibb.co/ggzV3h1/DSC-5416.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ggzV3h1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ringosdad on January 07, 2019, 06:53:51 PM
Hello to all! Ray here! Aka Ringosdad (Ringo is my Australian shepherd) and he is dads boy make no mistake! I'm gonna be purchasing a norge soon! I've owned a breva in the past.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on January 08, 2019, 03:43:59 PM
Hello to all! Ray here! Aka Ringosdad (Ringo is my Australian shepherd) and he is dads boy make no mistake! I'm gonna be purchasing a norge soon! I've owned a breva in the past.

Jack says hi!

(https://photos.smugmug.com/Jack/i-jWp6R5W/0/78644dfb/X3/DSC00903-X3.jpg) (https://lannisselz.smugmug.com/Jack/i-jWp6R5W/A)

He was reading your post over my shoulder and says that he has no problem socializing with his cousin the Australian Shepherd ...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ringosdad on January 08, 2019, 04:47:56 PM
He's a good looker! Thanks to jack!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stubbie on January 08, 2019, 06:31:51 PM
The Ozzi sheep dog..

(https://i.ibb.co/cvRgH13/IMG-0269.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cvRgH13)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ringosdad on January 09, 2019, 04:46:20 AM
The Ozzi sheep dog..

(https://i.ibb.co/cvRgH13/IMG-0269.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cvRgH13)

im always happy to run into dog lovers!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stubbie on January 09, 2019, 06:18:44 PM
My daughter has made him look like a bit of a clown but he is very intelligent and will do almost anything for a doggy biscuit.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nealwp on January 15, 2019, 04:29:56 AM
My name is Neal Pritchard. I'm 60 and am the owner of a 2000 V11 Bassa. I'm trying to learn how to work on Fuel Injection. I also own a 1948 Indian Cheif. I live in Corning New York.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on January 15, 2019, 08:34:24 AM
Welcome Neal, this may help you understand the system, even though you may have the 15M ecu. It is still the same.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Inshan on January 26, 2019, 09:55:42 PM
Inshan from Orlando, FL
02 V11 Sport Scura
New to Guzzis
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobic69 on January 31, 2019, 01:32:15 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/Y8sbtS0/IMG-20181119-105934.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Y8sbtS0)

Long time lurker now new member. I ride a V7 Café Classic. I've made quite a few mainly cosmetic mods to it. I know the V7 isn't a lot of people's favourite bike but it's perfect for me for quick jaunts out of the city and even touring.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twowheeladdict on January 31, 2019, 06:54:10 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/Y8sbtS0/IMG-20181119-105934.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Y8sbtS0)

Long time lurker now new member. I ride a V7 Café Classic. I've made quite a few mainly cosmetic mods to it. I know the V7 isn't a lot of people's favourite bike but it's perfect for me for quick jaunts out of the city and even touring.


I'm a little sad I let my '10 Café Classic go, but the V7III Carbon is a much more modern ride.

BTW:  I found a tin sign on Amazon, delivered from China that would look great hung behind your bike in the garage.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobic69 on January 31, 2019, 07:48:46 PM
I've never ridden a single throttle body but I've heard that they're a bit quicker. I don't think I could part with mine anyway. I'm not very good at breaking up. Besides, with all the mods, I've got it pretty much exactly how I want it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 31, 2019, 10:17:56 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/Y8sbtS0/IMG-20181119-105934.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Y8sbtS0)

Long time lurker now new member. I ride a V7 Café Classic. I've made quite a few mainly cosmetic mods to it. I know the V7 isn't a lot of people's favourite bike but it's perfect for me for quick jaunts out of the city and even touring.


 Actually the V7 is the favorite bike of many people . Welcome to the board  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mattdeme on February 01, 2019, 06:18:39 AM
Hi, I'm Matt. 54y.o. Software developer. Live in New Zealand. Had my beloved 1994 California 1100 since 2002 and done all the mechanics on it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twowheeladdict on February 01, 2019, 08:20:46 AM
Hi, I'm Matt. 54y.o. Software developer. Live in New Zealand. Had my beloved 1994 California 1100 since 2002 and done all the mechanics on it.

Welcome.  My son is a computer engineer in New Zealand.  Been there 2 1/2 years now. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on February 05, 2019, 01:53:47 PM
Hi, I'm Matt. 54y.o. Software developer. Live in New Zealand. Had my beloved 1994 California 1100 since 2002 and done all the mechanics on it.

Hi Matt. Welcome.  Where are you based?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Utahdesertfind on February 07, 2019, 01:19:24 PM
Hello my name is Jason from Utah I'm 20 years old I work at a college I recently bought a V1000 convert for around 300$ I didn't realize at the time it was used to be a Patrol motorcycle for LAPD. now that I've done some research I've decided to restore it to how it looked when it was a patrol bike 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzistajohn on February 07, 2019, 08:33:23 PM
Hello my name is Jason from Utah I'm 20 years old I work at a college I recently bought a V1000 convert for around 300$ I didn't realize at the time it was used to be a Patrol motorcycle for LAPD. now that I've done some research I've decided to restore it to how it looked when it was a patrol bike

Lucky dog you! We have some big time 'vert experts here. I'm more of a LeMans kinda guy myself. You live in a BEATIFUL State!
 Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dirk_S on February 10, 2019, 11:08:47 AM
Hi, I’m Dirk! Illustrator, roller derby referee, roommate of two cats, Petro and Ambassador Doombringer. Moved to Coastal New Hampshire from York, PA April of 2016.

Got into motorcycles in 2011. Previously owned a ‘77 Kawasaki KZ400, Honda CX500, Suzuki TU250X. Prefer air-cooled naked standards over anything else - I dig the versatility and simplicity.

Own a V7 II Stone that I bought January 2017. 16k miles on it so far. Try to ride throughout the year when ice and snow aren’t covering the road! Been to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Montreal, Quebec, and across Pennsylvania on the bike.

Did a 3-week moto trip through Andalusia, Spain in 2017, (on a BMW F650 GS); doing another 3-week trip through Turkey at the end of this summer.

(https://i.ibb.co/jRTJhcJ/6-E213984-EAC5-4-EEA-BE99-F11-BAC9-DE51-A.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jRTJhcJ)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: param2000 on February 11, 2019, 02:44:27 PM
Hi I am Param
Software engineer/Application security
United stated NE
1999 MG Bassa in process of restoration
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 2kquotasprint on February 20, 2019, 06:23:38 PM
Mike (Michael D. Makepeace)
66, retired school teacher
Currently residing in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southern Virginia

Still enjoy camping, outdoor activities in general, and of course, motorcycles.

Current bikes are a pretty diverse lot...
2k MG Quota, 97 Triumph Sprint Sport, 05 KLR 650
(https://i.ibb.co/QFZp5mL/2k-Quota-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QFZp5mL)

(https://i.ibb.co/fGS3CKZ/97-Sprint-Sport.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fGS3CKZ)

(https://i.ibb.co/qp8jB73/05-KLR650.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qp8jB73)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Yodastien on February 22, 2019, 07:57:09 AM
HI i am a Guzzi rider from Milwaukee!! I have a 14 v7 racer that i am thinking about modding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 1BADMGX on February 22, 2019, 10:58:26 AM

Hello Alex here, 62 years young, landscape contractor with a mechanical engineering background.
Have been riding since just a little kid on a mini bike, raced Motocross professionally in my twenties, did some road racing & track days later in life.
Never ever remember not having a motorcycle.
Current bikes,  Ktm 1290r,  Ktm 300 2 stroke,  2 Ducati Hypermotards,  3 Victorys, Yamaha RZ 350,  Suzuki gt750  2 stroke Water buffalo &  now my 1st Motoguzzi the 2017 (new)  Mgx-21 Flying fortress. I live in West Covina Ca. Im hoping to hook up with some of you Guzzi guys for a  ride soon.  :azn:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on February 22, 2019, 11:47:57 AM
There are some close local rallies you might like.  NM, AZ and Sandy Eggo.   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 22, 2019, 06:57:26 PM
 Welcome fellas , don't be shy .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TowPro on February 24, 2019, 08:33:47 AM
another new list member here.  47 years on motorized 2 wheels.
My first Guzzi was a used v65 maybe 15 years ago, than went through a several adventure bikes.
Just moved 1000 miles south of PA to the land of straight roads and bought another cruiser.
Blue 2017 V7 III Special.  I forgot how much cruisers were, can't stop smiling riding this thing.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Axel on March 03, 2019, 10:05:06 AM
Hey there,

Axel from Brussels, Belgium here. I'm 38 and already owned 6 motorycles including 4 Guzzi's.

I learned to ride on a V65 SP from 1986 which my dad gave me. I knew that motorcycle since my 6 years old and was amazed to own it! Then I moved to a Breva 750, before owning a Yamaha Bulldog BT1100. A few years later I bought a Griso 8v. I had to sell it for various reasons but I definitely miss it. A few years ago I bought a Triumph Rocket X because there was nothing in the Guzzi clan that fitted my needs at the time. A now I'm finally back to my beloved brand, with a MGX-21 :)
Title: First Time Guzzi owner
Post by: cycloneranger on March 03, 2019, 10:27:47 AM
Cyclone Ranger
New to me 2009 Norge purchased from Private Owner with 6,140 miles.
Location: Bull Shoals, AR home of some of the most beautiful mountain roads in the world.
Riding motorcycles since 1965

Interests motorcycles, cars, working out, yoga, kick boxing and women. Not neccesarily in that order.

(https://i.ibb.co/x19M4nK/8705060049-WIN-20190301-162812.jpg) (https://ibb.co/x19M4nK)

(https://i.ibb.co/718tYDh/8705060049-WIN-20190301-162538.jpg) (https://ibb.co/718tYDh)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 03, 2019, 12:38:35 PM
Bienvenue! Welcome aboard.   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tomasland on March 06, 2019, 07:56:22 AM
Hi everyone. I am new here!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 06, 2019, 08:24:00 AM
 Welcome folks .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on March 11, 2019, 11:25:35 AM
Hello all. I'm JC, located in Chanute, KS. I'm 33 and work as a welder with the Boilermaker's Union. I'm new to the forum, but not to Moto Guzzis. My dad bought a 74 Eldorado Police Model in 1976, and ran it for about 30 years. My mother had (I believe) an 80s model 850T with a sidecar, and my sister and I grew up touring all over the country with them, when we would take our family summer motorcycle trips. Some of my best memories are the open road and hitting all of the Moto Guzzi rallies we could. If any of you are in eastern KS, you may remember my dad's little shop in New Strawn, Sunflower Motorcycle. Anyways, after begging him never to get rid of it since I was 10 years old, he finally gave me his Eldorado, a couple of years ago. The first season was just getting it on the road (it had been in storage for about 10 years, so needed new fluids, battery, tires, etc.) and getting used to the bike. Last season, I did a bit of tuning and plenty of riding. Last weekend, I swapped out the old custom King/Queen double seat for a Cycle Garden solo seat and Harper's rear rack, added some new bags, and replaced the windshield top. Soon, I'll be retorquing the heads and a few other things, though that will wait until the next time my dad is around, so that he can guide me through it. I'll post more details and some pictures in the Restorations thread.

So there's my introduction. I hope everyone is having a good start to their week and look forward to some great discussions about these wonderful machines.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 11, 2019, 12:46:18 PM
Velkommen!  Single piece of advice.  "Rev' it!".  The engine doesn't like low rpm's.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on March 11, 2019, 04:40:49 PM
Velkommen!  Single piece of advice.  "Rev' it!".  The engine doesn't like low rpm's.

I learned this very quickly, when I first started riding her. It took a bit to get used to that and the slow, deliberate shifting these old Guzzis need. I had many a frustrating moment getting stuck between gears, before I figured out that you can't just rap up through the gears with quick clutching and shifting.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 11, 2019, 05:55:49 PM
 :thumb:  Y'all got it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ryan on March 11, 2019, 10:41:25 PM
Howdy. My name is Ryan, and I am a returning member. I have not been active here or the V11 LeMans forum since I was forced to sell my beloved Tenni in order to keep our house. After a decade (!) without a Guzzi, I have purchased a 2016 Stelvio. It took about a minute on the test drive to confirm that a Moto Guzzi speaks to me. So, I am back. I live on the slopes of Mt. Hood in Oregon, am now 55, and work from home in customer support for a software company in the automotive sector.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kevlevrone on March 13, 2019, 02:55:27 AM
Hi everybody. I am new to this forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on March 13, 2019, 03:29:34 AM
Hi everybody. I am new to this forum.

Welcome aboard,  where are you located? What are you riding?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Indypikes on March 14, 2019, 01:27:11 AM
Howdy. My name is Ryan, and I am a returning member. I have not been active here or the V11 LeMans forum since I was forced to sell my beloved Tenni in order to keep our house. After a decade (!) without a Guzzi, I have purchased a 2016 Stelvio. It took about a minute on the test drive to confirm that a Moto Guzzi speaks to me. So, I am back. I live on the slopes of Mt. Hood in Oregon, am now 55, and work from home in customer support for a software company in the automotive sector.

Hi Ryan and all. I am also a returning member that has been gone for a few years. I sold my 2007 Cal Vin in 2013 before moving back to Chicago and have missed it ever since. Glad to be back this Spring with a new 2016 Eldorado (Red) and can't wait to be back on a Guzzi. Enjoy the Stelvio Ryan and the great roads you have!

Scott (Chicago)
Sales Manager (Food Service Equipment and Supplies)
Age 56
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mads on March 16, 2019, 02:21:26 PM
Good evening.
I´m Mads from Copenhagen, Denmark, Scandinavia. 52 years old, married, kids, work at the Royal Danish Academy of fine arts as a workshop technician. Toured for 20 years on my 1946 Nimbus all over Europe an North Africa. Met some Britons on V7ns in 1995 in the north of Spain and swore that one day I would get one of those big beautiful machines. Couple of odd bikes later I bought one. ´71 Special turned Ambo. Had it for six years now and absolutely love it! (So does my comfy wife, that never really got to pillion any of my specials..) Leaving for Sardinia in three weeks time, if I can get my head around the gearbox and all the other odds and ends I need to finish up before I go..
Pic is from the Distinguished Gentleman´s Ride a couple of years ago,- hard to hold that pose for long..
Others are my specials.
Best Regards

(https://i.ibb.co/F8pYjJ0/gentlemans-ride-mads.jpg) (https://ibb.co/F8pYjJ0)

(https://i.ibb.co/ckpRp5Y/alma4.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ckpRp5Y)

(https://i.ibb.co/XYj60vQ/excxelsior-super-x-ohv.jpg) (https://ibb.co/XYj60vQ)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on March 18, 2019, 02:11:35 AM
Nimbus as well as Guzzi!!!  You must truly be one of a kind. :thumb:

Welcome Mads.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mads on March 18, 2019, 12:41:47 PM
Well, some motorcycles are an aquired taste..
And some companions as well..

(https://i.ibb.co/hZ986bc/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/hZ986bc)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Harryc on March 20, 2019, 08:20:24 AM
My name is Harry. Proud owner of a new-to-me V7ii. Coming back to riding after 30 years on four wheels.
Engineer in my fifties. Located in Brisbane Australia.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jjoking on March 24, 2019, 11:28:30 AM
Hey 👋
New member to group here
Jamie King
Age 68
Longtime Guzzi owner, several fine steeds owned
Over the past 40 yrs. Current Moto Guzzi owned
1976 Convert with 9,000 original miles
It’s been sitting in a museum for most of the past 40
Yrs. last registered/inspected in 1980.
My 2nd Convert, always regretted selling the first one back in 1985. Anyway, back to the gentlemanly Convert ride for me at my age of slowing things down!
Thanks for the opportunity to share on your forum
(https://i.ibb.co/3pRRkMR/2876-A180-3-D9-A-4-A8-A-BE0-C-B4-B20417-AE09.jpg) (https://ibb.co/3pRRkMR)

(https://i.ibb.co/XxpyMgX/64755-FF0-5-DDA-43-F1-B969-5994-C758-C0-F7.jpg) (https://ibb.co/XxpyMgX)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zoom Zoom on March 31, 2019, 09:41:23 AM
That is a nice looking Convert! Welcome to Wildguzzi.

John Henry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rui on March 31, 2019, 09:46:39 AM
Yesterday got a V7 iii stok with 1500km.
Looking forward. Firts impressions: Temperamental it "makes" you push it yet keeps it civilized if that makes any sense.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on March 31, 2019, 03:16:03 PM
Bem Vindo!  Bien Venue!  Welkommen!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Different Spokes TV on April 01, 2019, 08:54:20 AM
My name is Pat. I'm a teacher and YouTuber who just purchased a 2014 Stelvio NTX. YouTubed my first two rides here:



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=788v2akG2r8&t=586s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=788v2akG2r8&t=586s)

Come along for the ride. :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KiwiBiker on April 03, 2019, 03:50:42 PM
Hey all,

My name is Nick
56 from Rotorua NZ
General Manager of a roll forming machinery manufacturing company
Interests are Motorcycles (mainly Italian), Guitar and fitness.

Returned biker in 2006 from a young age.
Had a few bikes along the way but currently have
2003 Ducati ST4s from almost new (700km)
2003 Moto Guzzi V11 Cafe Sport just purchased.

Always wanted a guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 03, 2019, 06:34:44 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motormike131 on April 05, 2019, 12:41:24 PM
    Question ?     Started the bike for the first time and major oil leak. The PO installed aftermarket amp-oil guages The plastic line to the oil gauge broke.  I pulled the oil line sending unit and replaced it with a stock electrical unit but did not wire it in.  Changed the oil... next time I started the bike.. the oil light came on and reminds on.   ?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 05, 2019, 12:47:32 PM
It's a pressure switch.  Needs to hooked up electrically to kill the light.  Some else can explain.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: christof on April 05, 2019, 02:22:30 PM
Hi! Retired after 37 years with US Forest Service. Cancer survivor (4 years). Guzzi ride is a 2010 V7 Classic; other ride is a 2018 Indian Scout Bobber. 14 years volunteering with Trees Atlanta to plant, maintain, and conserve trees and green space in an urban setting. Married with three grown children, one grandchild, two Cocker spaniels, and four cats.

(https://i.ibb.co/9pxmyHY/Sabrina-in-the-aspens.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9pxmyHY)

(https://i.ibb.co/0C2RNKX/Scout.jpg) (https://ibb.co/0C2RNKX)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mhershon on April 07, 2019, 08:33:23 PM
Hi, my name is Maynard Hershon. I live in Denver. I'm 77. I write a column for Motorcycle Sport and Leisure magazine in the UK. I wrote for CityBike magazine out of San Francisco for 30-plus years until the paper edition folded, sorry to say. I am buying Cam Conklin's V7 Special. I'm flying to Philadelphia and taking a bus to Atlantic City, where Cam will pick me up and take me to his house and my new bike. After we take a look at the OE parts he's replaced on the bike to see if I want them, he'll show me where the ignition key goes and tell me how to wiggle my foot to change the gears. I'm going to ride the V7 back to Denver via Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway and perhaps the Cherohala Skyway and visit Bristol VA, where the earliest country music records were made. I plan to see friends in Ohio and Kansas on my way home. I bought my last Guzzi from Ed Brooks in San Jose in 1972, if memory serves. Probably time for another one, huh?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 07, 2019, 09:10:11 PM
 Lots of interesting new members  :thumb:

 Hey Maynard , when are you coming thru Kansas ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mhershon on April 09, 2019, 01:56:18 PM
Lots of interesting new members  :thumb:

 Hey Maynard , when are you coming thru Kansas ?


Dusty, I'm picking up my new bike on May third on the Jersey shore. I'm gonna ride two or maybe three famous parkways and scenic drives in the east, then I'm going to visit friends in Ohio and my family in Indianapolis. Gotta take maybe five days for the above. So I'll be leaving Indianapolis around the 8th or 9th, I think, and thinking about visiting my friends from the Four Stroke Singles Nat'l Owners Club in Hutchinson, KS. Where are you in KS? And, Dusty, thanks for asking!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on April 09, 2019, 10:18:52 PM
Dusty, I'm picking up my new bike on May third on the Jersey shore. I'm gonna ride two or maybe three famous parkways and scenic drives in the east, then I'm going to visit friends in Ohio and my family in Indianapolis. Gotta take maybe five days for the above. So I'll be leaving Indianapolis around the 8th or 9th, I think, and thinking about visiting my friends from the Four Stroke Singles Nat'l Owners Club in Hutchinson, KS. Where are you in KS? And, Dusty, thanks for asking!

Fly 'n Ride.  Gotta be good! :thumb:

Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 09, 2019, 10:53:56 PM
 You are welcome Maynard . Let us know what your plans are , sent you a PM .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seta on April 12, 2019, 09:57:31 PM
Hi Everyone!
Luap thanks for the Add!

Simon Arena
San Francisco Bay Area
Marketing Procurement Biopharma
Motorcycle: 2017 MGX-21
Hobbies?  :bike-037: Motorcycles, building my Rock Crawler Jeep, trails and more trails camping etc.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tmotorguzzi on April 13, 2019, 05:10:14 AM
3rd guzzi,and glad to get back on one,sure missed the feel of this exotic ride on my new mgx-21 flying fortress! Tom Guzzi from Vineland N.J. Also ride a 2017 Indian Springfield, Hi All!
(https://i.ibb.co/vJSyp22/040.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vJSyp22)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RichP8 on April 15, 2019, 11:19:53 AM
Hello all...!  Just picked up my first Guzzi...new 2016 Eldorado.  Just got the windscreen and crash bars on her yesterday...and have been able to get a few miles on her...very sweet and impressive, I must say.  I've been riding for quite a while and owned a lot of bikes, but something about this Eldorado is very unique and satisfying.  Hope to meet some of you on the road...I split my time between Central Virginia (Culpeper area) and a farm in the Tidewater area of NC...ride safe.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 15, 2019, 05:25:45 PM
Welcome!  Your bike is a good ride in the mtn.   :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cam3512 on April 16, 2019, 09:43:00 PM
3rd guzzi,and glad to get back on one,sure missed the feel of this exotic ride on my new mgx-21 flying fortress! Tom Guzzi from Vineland N.J. Also ride a 2017 Indian Springfield, Hi All!
(https://i.ibb.co/vJSyp22/040.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vJSyp22)

Hey Tom, check out our local Jersey forum.  Small but dedicated group.  Hope to see you out and about.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RichP8 on April 17, 2019, 11:49:06 AM
Welcome!  Your bike is a good ride in the mtn.   :thumb:

Thanks much!...so I've heard...I hope to find out for myself pretty soon...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on April 17, 2019, 01:11:13 PM
The 16" wheels and tires make the bike handle really well in hairpin mtn. passes.  Sweepers and straights will get boring.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: firstdegree on April 24, 2019, 09:41:51 PM
New member (although I’ve been lurking for a while). I live in Darwin which is in oz. Retired now and have owned about 15 different motorcycles since I first started riding when I was seventeen. My latest is a 2017 V7III Stone bought new in August last year and my first ever Guzzi.

Why a Guzzi? I guess because my boy-racer days are long gone and now I just want to smell the roses. Having said that, the V7 has impressed me immensely! Just back from a 12 day trip on the best motorcycle roads oz has to offer and she performed like a dream. A roads or B roads, rain or shine, she has taken everything this old bloke can throw at her and come back for more. The stock Pirellis have performed flawlessly wet or dry and heaved over in some really demanding conditions.

Only mods are the Dart fly-screen (love it) and Mistral pipes. I might also look at getting the in-tank fuel filter changed at the next service. My mate has a slightly customised 2017 Special (see pic below with ash grey tank and racer side covers) and had the dreaded she-no-go in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, he was able to get the blown filter replaced under warranty by Piaggio in oz.

(https://i.ibb.co/MPVLbzx/unnamed.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MPVLbzx)

(https://i.ibb.co/WHn12J9/at-the-bottom-of-the-oxley-highway.jpg) (https://ibb.co/WHn12J9)

(https://i.ibb.co/zbwPj6y/20190422-081429.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zbwPj6y)

Love your work, keep the forum rolling.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on May 01, 2019, 12:22:48 AM
Just found your forum so joined up to find out what's going on in the Guzzi world. I live in Alaska (Fairbanks) for forty years, so don't get outside much to interact with other like minded folks. There's three other Guzzi's (or Mogu's as they're listed on the registration) in town that I know of, but we've only managed one ride in the last five years or so. Anyways, I'm retired, live in a log cabin about fifteen miles from town, and train sled dogs in the winter. I started riding on a 500 BSA single at nineteen, then had a couple of 650's, and then a Triumph Bonneville, which I still have. Got an 850T almost thirty years ago and it changed my whole view of motorcycling. No longer do I spend more time working on the bike than riding, like I often had to do with the British bikes. Got a 650SP about fifteen years ago for the wife but she didn't like it. so it's my alternate ride. It's a lot more Triumph-like, so appeals to that side of my riding experience. There's lots of gravel roads around here and the 650 is way better for that. So that's me, I guess. Here's some photo's.
(https://i.ibb.co/YQbrwwz/mogu1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YQbrwwz)

(https://i.ibb.co/4Rq4psf/650sp.jpg) (https://ibb.co/4Rq4psf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 01, 2019, 04:46:02 PM
Welcome!  Do you know of the Thibideaux brothers?  I agree with the 650 filling like a Triumph.  I have a V50 with a SP 650 drivetrain transplant in it.  Dead now but it does have the feel of a Triumph.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on May 01, 2019, 06:34:15 PM
Thanks Tom. Don't know them but did know the Lomas brothers. They were Triumph/Harley riders and moved outside a while back. So get that v50/650 going. Too much fun to sit for long!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 01, 2019, 07:11:59 PM
The engine needs a crankshaft.  Not sure if I want to rebuild it.  I have other MG's that need to get on the road first. :shocked:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on May 01, 2019, 09:12:01 PM
Know what you mean, sounds like my old Triumph, waiting for the big restoration, but some other project always has priority. Maybe next year!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorcop on May 07, 2019, 09:23:55 AM
Hello all
 My name is Chuck. I am a motorcycle officer for a suburb of Detroit. Long time BMW GS owner and a fairly new Cali 1400 Touring owner.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 07, 2019, 01:48:08 PM
Welcome Chuck!   Would love to hear on your reasoning for getting the Cal 1400 Touring.  How is it?  A comparison to your GS etc.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: twowheeladdict on May 08, 2019, 07:16:17 AM
Alex, 35, Wilkes-Barre, PA
New rider, I've been thinking about it for a little while and found a great deal on a 2017 V7 iii stone and dove in.  Loving it so far!

Congrats, and welcome. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vince Klorto on May 08, 2019, 03:20:49 PM
Hi there,

I want to greet everyone here being the owner of a Breva V1100.  :thumb:


100000 km only since April '06. So far so good.

Tuned with :

- Mistral muffler and crossover
- Hyperpro fork springs (1200 Sport model)
- EMC (French brand) Sportshock 1 rear shock (with hydraulic prelod adjuster)
- Mandello Module (Magnumtuning module indeed)
- K&N Air filter
- Durite horn (0-642-17 model)
- NGK plug caps (TB05EM-R model) for fun !
- Pro Taper Contour Mini High Handlebar and 1200 Sport 2V risers

V.K. from France.  :wink:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorcop on May 08, 2019, 08:14:25 PM
Welcome Chuck!   Would love to hear on your reasoning for getting the Cal 1400 Touring.  How is it?  A comparison to your GS etc.

The GS Adventure is quite the motorcycle. It does everything well. I use it for commuting and touring with a couple of track days a year. The passenger seat to passenger pegs dimensions are not comfortable for any long distance for my wife. But it is extremely reliable and well built.

Being a huge fan of the Guzzi, especially of the the LAPD era, I first saw the Cali 14 down in Murfreesboro, TN on a bike trip. I just fell for the looks of the bike.  The flowing lines and the curves. The Guzzi is well built with a very nice build quality. But it is definitely a different animal. It can't be ridden as aggressive as the GS, as parts start dragging. The maintenance is easier to do on the Guzzi, except for rear tire changes and final drive oil. But passenger comfort is greatly improved. It is a very nice, smooth riding bike with lots of power. The only complaint I really have is separate keys for the ignition and the bags.

Being a motor officer, I am tempted to try the Guzzi thru the qualification course, as it turns lock to lock pretty easy without a lot of force. My duty bike is the BMW RT. Our dept started on the HD in the late 1990's but switched in 2008.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Milosh on May 09, 2019, 07:58:33 AM
Hello there!

My name is Michael and I am a bicycle mechanic in Durham, NC.

I just put a deposit down on a v9 Bobber from Enzo at Cadre Cycles. I'll be taking a trip with it up to see some historic Revolutionary War battlefields in NY, so I'll probably stop and get the first service done along the way. Any advice is welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on May 12, 2019, 07:22:21 PM
Hello there!

My name is Michael and I am a bicycle mechanic in Durham, NC.

I just put a deposit down on a v9 Bobber from Enzo at Cadre Cycles. I'll be taking a trip with it up to see some historic Revolutionary War battlefields in NY, so I'll probably stop and get the first service done along the way. Any advice is welcome.

Welcome, Michael! This board is an amazing resource for information, advice, technical tips, and meeting good Guzzi folk. I'll leave the tips and advice to someone else, since I dont know much of anything about your bike. I would also recommend posting in the general discussion section. That's where technical advice and tips questions are usually posted, and a posting there will get a lot more attention that it will, here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 12, 2019, 10:50:24 PM
Hello there!

My name is Michael and I am a bicycle mechanic in Durham, NC.

I just put a deposit down on a v9 Bobber from Enzo at Cadre Cycles. I'll be taking a trip with it up to see some historic Revolutionary War battlefields in NY, so I'll probably stop and get the first service done along the way. Any advice is welcome.

Welcome to the group.  I'd like to suggest that, if you have the time, swing south during your trip if you have any interest in Civil War history/battlegrounds as well as Revolutionary War ones.  Gettysburg, Manassas and Antietam are all within a couple of hours of each other and not far west of Washington, DC, and could be done without adding more than a couple of days to your trip.  Harpers Ferry, WV (of John Brown's raid prior to the start of the Civil War) is also in the general vicinity and is worth a visit, too, if you have the time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bruceride on May 15, 2019, 12:42:28 PM
Hi All,

Bruce Ridenour here from South East Ohio. 

Father, fisherman and motorcyclist. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on May 15, 2019, 01:25:36 PM
Hi All,

Bruce Ridenour here from South East Ohio. 

Father, fisherman and motorcyclist.

Welcome to the group, Bruce. We have a member, John Henry (Zoom Zoom,) who lives up that way. You two should touch base and see about getting together for some road time.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 15, 2019, 01:58:40 PM
John's over Cleveland way.  Amish country.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on May 15, 2019, 05:01:38 PM
John's over Cleveland way.  Amish country.

Ahhhhhh, that's right.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 15, 2019, 05:26:18 PM
However their breakfast meet might be something to shoot for.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Red on May 15, 2019, 06:14:22 PM
Harley Nemzer (yes, I am a 1951 Panhead!)
68 semi retired.  New York State Certified Motorcycle Instructor.
My hobby is wearing out motorcycle tires.

(https://i.ibb.co/DRKzGN1/20190509-142142.jpg) (https://ibb.co/DRKzGN1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 15, 2019, 08:35:02 PM
I like your hobby.  :thumb:  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: qman on May 16, 2019, 05:02:07 PM
  Hello All,   I've been riding Guzzis since I was 24. My first was a 78 T3 back in 1980. Remember 1980?  My present stable includes a 76 T3, A 90 Cali 3 full faring, a 04 Coppa pushing 103 ponies, and a 80 CM400 Hondamatic.  Its been a lousy spring here in New England and I've gotten in too little air time. Looking forward to better, drier weather as I'm sure we're all hoping for. I am looking forward to enjoying the posts and information exchanged on this forum. Bless everyone and have a safe, fast riding season.     Sincerely,  qman
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on May 16, 2019, 05:19:02 PM
  Hello All,   I've been riding Guzzis since I was 24. My first was a 78 T3 back in 1980. Remember 1980?  My present stable includes a 76 T3, A 90 Cali 3 full faring, a 04 Coppa pushing 103 ponies, and a 80 CM400 Hondamatic.  Its been a lousy spring here in New England and I've gotten in too little air time. Looking forward to better, drier weather as I'm sure we're all hoping for. I am looking forward to enjoying the posts and information exchanged on this forum. Bless everyone and have a safe, fast riding season.     Sincerely,  qman


Welcome from Guilford, CT.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mylovelyhorse on May 19, 2019, 02:30:21 AM
My name is Mike. I have a new to me 2007 Norge with 59k miles on the clock. I am an ‘IT Manager’ (that covers a multitude of sins) & I live near Portsmouth on the English south coast.

I am currently half way through (at least I hope I’m half way through) what started as curing an oil leak and now seems to be a major job...

(https://i.ibb.co/8cCC0tY/40-EC2438-7-CEC-4-C5-F-95-CD-20-F586-A65-B74.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8cCC0tY)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bcarnage on May 20, 2019, 11:43:42 PM
Hello I'm Brent, I have  a 2016 Audace and 2007 Triumph Speedmaster.  I have had my Audace since April last year. I bought it new as a left over. It's a fantastic machine.

Live in Portland, Oregon

Take Care.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: doctoriz on May 24, 2019, 03:45:01 PM
Hi everyone!

My name is Jon Izbicki.
What I ride: 2009 Moto Guzzi Griso.
Hobbies: motorcycles, playing guitar, Doctor Who, woodworking, and an avid DYI'r.

I will need some help with a problem that I am having with my guzzi, but I need to find out if there is already a thread started somewhere about exhaust problems, specifically, cherry red muffler baffle that just happened. Looking forward to some thoughts!

Jon (doctoriz)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 24, 2019, 09:15:23 PM
Sounds too lean.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chuck in Indiana on May 25, 2019, 03:35:11 PM
Sounds too rich.  :grin:
I'm betting unburned fuel has torched the catalytic converter.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wolfeguitars on May 25, 2019, 04:15:33 PM
Jay Wolfe, Jupiter, Florida USA
owner, operator Wolfe Guitars www.wolfeguitars.co m

1998 Triumph T-Bird Sport
2002 Guzzi California EV 100 80th Anniversary w/ Verlorex sidecar
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 25, 2019, 04:21:21 PM
Sounds too rich.  :grin:
I'm betting unburned fuel has torched the catalytic converter.

Yeah.....and I could be full of it.  :grin: :grin:  Real way to find out is to pull the plugs and take a look but he did say muffler baffle which is further down the line from the cat.   :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fra79 on May 27, 2019, 02:44:21 PM
I'm Francesco from Italy, I'm a proud owner of a Airone 250 turismo, now looking for a V7 III.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 27, 2019, 05:46:59 PM
I'm Francesco from Italy, I'm a proud owner of a Airone 250 turismo, now looking for a V7 III.

 Hello Francesco

 Start a picture and description thread in General Discussion featuring your motorbike . Thanks

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on May 27, 2019, 05:48:54 PM
Hi everyone!

My name is Jon Izbicki.
What I ride: 2009 Moto Guzzi Griso.
Hobbies: motorcycles, playing guitar, Doctor Who, woodworking, and an avid DYI'r.

I will need some help with a problem that I am having with my guzzi, but I need to find out if there is already a thread started somewhere about exhaust problems, specifically, cherry red muffler baffle that just happened. Looking forward to some thoughts!

Jon (doctoriz)

 Sounds like fuel burning in the cats .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzi-attle on June 02, 2019, 03:27:30 PM
Hey Y'all, My name is Drew and I live here in Seattle,WA. USA.
I am a Social Worker by trade and work as a Child and Adolescent Therapist.
I am married and have three teenaged children.
In the garage I have a 2017 V7iii Special (blu zaffiro) and a 1981 Suzuki GS450L. My Cages: 2014 Mazda CX9 and 2016 Nissan Leaf.
My hobbies include travel, golf, cooking, and reading.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cdn850T5NT on June 03, 2019, 10:23:54 PM
Hi I'm John, I live in Vancouver, BC Canada.  I have a 1985 850T5 NT (as you can see by my "handle").  (NT stands for "Nuovo Telaio" - new frame.... with the 210mm tall steering / fork head - if memory serves).  I have not had it on the road for some 10 or so years (I know, SHAME!).

Bought it new in the box, a brand new 1985 (literally, in the box, partially knocked-down) in October of 1993.  From a former importer of Guzzi's for Canada (in a suburb of Montreal).  He unfortunately ran afoul of Transport Canada (my bike is a Euro spec bike).

Was in wonderful condition (totally undamaged, corrosion-free) but there were many things to "fix" on the bike, including throttle, one of the carbs, clutch throw-out bearing (Torington-type bearing), etc, etc. In that era Guzzi did 90% of the engineering, and left the remaining 10% for the enterprising and patient owner.  Good job I like projects and things of a really mechanical nature.  'Lotsa fun!

Runs (or rather, RAN) quite well.  Visually, in pristine condition.  Only 6500 km.

T5's, as folks would know, were part of the DeTomaso era...  In Italian, it could be considered "bruttina" (a funny way of saying... a bit ugly, homely) - as the design aesthetics... all around, well, were questionable (and an 80's interpretation of sporty - by the Italians).

But she's mine, I love her, and I'll have her for life :) .

Wind protection is not as bad as one would think.  No buffetting.  Does tire one's shoulders, though.  Helmet totally in the windstream... but in clear wind.  With the 16" frt hoop, it demands the right tread pattern for especially the frt wheel...  but also the back.  I want to get Continental TKV 11 and 12.

(https://i.ibb.co/PNsqBCS/TKV-11-and-12.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PNsqBCS)

And now I have to go thru her, stem to gudgeon pin, to bring her back to life.  One strategic thing I did is I bought the unobtainium trapezoidal reservoir front master cylinder PS-12 piston / seals / spring kit... and, in fact also a whole new master with reservoir.  Of course, more or less NLA now.

(https://i.ibb.co/y6cyRqf/Moto-Guzzi-Editted-6.jpg) (https://ibb.co/y6cyRqf)

See pix, attached.  Please, no comments re the degree of security with which the helmet is being carried on the bike.  I was younger, then... and.....  Actually, nothing amiss occurred.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Neogas on June 04, 2019, 04:11:43 AM
Nice to meet you all!

I am James btw

Born in the UK but living in Switzerland and soon to be 48!! I work for a large American corporation as a commercial director.

I own a Guzzi V9 Roamer after owning Hondas in the 80’s and 90’s. Returned to biking last year after relocating to Switzerland where the roads and weather were demanding my return to two wheels.

(https://i.ibb.co/NrMqSFP/99-CD90-B7-226-E-4-D7-B-8-E97-BE8-F74-D267-F0.jpg) (https://ibb.co/NrMqSFP)

(https://i.ibb.co/NCth5tM/5-FF7-A634-BB1-C-414-E-A3-FE-DE5-EF7-E4-AE35.jpg) (https://ibb.co/NCth5tM)

Best regards!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: briguy33 on June 04, 2019, 09:52:06 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/TkZ3PfX/guzzi-first-day.jpg) (https://ibb.co/TkZ3PfX)

Hello Everyone!

I'm Brian and I am new...

New forum member
New rider
New 2015 (maybe 2014) Moto Guzzi V7 Stone owner

I am 47, live in Sacramento, California USA and I am the owner and Creative Director for a web and graphic design firm ( https://jointmedias.com )

Can't wait to dive into the archives here as I already have questions :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PELA on June 05, 2019, 12:30:44 PM
Hello from the north of Spain.
I just made a query and ...
I have not submitted.
Owner a NEVADA 750 IE of the year 2006. 50 years younger than me. I hope you do not throw me. :grin:
My English is so bad that I only dare to agree with the google translator.
I know something about CNC machines (FAGOR Controls) and very little about motorcycles.
My first Guzzi was a 65 cc with change in the deposit. The 70s  :rolleyes: and now I take them back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RipRoarin on June 06, 2019, 11:36:55 AM

My name is Pat Grandt

35 years old from Oakland, CA

Riding and Maintenance, Woodworking, Gardening, Sailing, DIY anything really

Recent owner of a 2000 MG Jackal that runs on one cylinder if I bring it up past 80 mph. Looking forward to you all helping me with that ;)

Somewhat longer owner of a 1981 Honda CB750c. Love my first bike but stoked about the upgrade :)

Medical Device Engineer because one needs a job.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 06, 2019, 02:26:39 PM

My name is Pat Grandt

35 years old from Oakland, CA

Riding and Maintenance, Woodworking, Gardening, Sailing, DIY anything really

Recent owner of a 2000 MG Jackal that runs on one cylinder if I bring it up past 80 mph. Looking forward to you all helping me with that ;)

Somewhat longer owner of a 1981 Honda CB750c. Love my first bike but stoked about the upgrade :)

Medical Device Engineer because one needs a job.

 Hi Pat .

Start a thread in general discussion re the problem , you'll receive lots of answers , and some of them will be right  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stimpoff on June 06, 2019, 05:30:24 PM

I am David, 40y old, married with one daugter and live in Czech Republic.
Riding brand new V7 III stone which is my 4th bike.
Working as inovation manager, I am hobbyist with proffesional technical background in DIY electronics, mechanics and home improvements.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on June 07, 2019, 01:06:22 AM

I am David, 40y old, married with one daugter and live in Czech Republic.
Riding brand new V7 III stone which is my 4th bike.
Working as inovation manager, I am hobbyist with proffesional technical background in DIY electronics, mechanics and home improvements.

Hi David,
I'm fairly new here myself, just wanted to say jak se mas, or however it's spelled, how are you. I'm a third generation Czech on my father's side. Grew up in a Czech neighborhood in Chicago, so almost a countryman. Living in Alaska now, have been riding Guzzi's for 30 years, but just found this forum. Lot's of good stuff here, so enjoy.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pescatore on June 07, 2019, 06:03:10 PM
Hello Guzzisti,
I have been lurking around a few forums for the last few months and I am really impressed with the information I was able to find on this forum.  So, I decided to join, also having been nudged
by a current member.
My nickname is Pescatore, originally from Fiumicino (Rome airport), and have been designing analog electronics for the last 30 years in the Boston area.
I have been following my father's adventures with his 1991 Sessantacinque GT from a distance.  It was a workhorse for him and drove it everywhere in Italy.   I inherited the bike and decided to
import it to the US of A ('Mereca, as written in some posts here).

My father did all the repairs himself, having worked on airplanes for Alitalia all his career.  So, I want to continue the tradition.
In the 70s I used to constantly modify my Gilera GR1 and lately I have dabbled with a 1980 CM400T (won't mention the "H" word), so I am not totally clueless, but I realize that I need to seriously
bone up on Guzzi knowledge.  My copy of Guzziology (version 9) is in the mail and I found a couple Italian books that seem interesting.

I have been working on the bike all winter, since it had been sitting for a few years.  Many cosmetic repairs, switches, blinkers, tail light, some cables.  New tires&bushings, battery, air&oil filters,
gearbox oil and cleaned out the sump and the gas tank (yuuuuk!).  I haven't changed the final drive oil, cuz I'm not sure what to use.  The manual calls for a mix with Moly and I am learning about
hypoid oils.
The bike has about 21k miles and has been in a couple of accidents, so there are some dings and rust that I will fix over time.
I got it running, registered it and I put about 100 'Mereca miles.  The speedometer kinda drives me crazy, but I'm getting used to the mental Km/Mile conversion.

I was very excited to have the bike ready just in time for summer, but unfortunately it developed two problems.
The first problem is that after it warms up, it idles at 4000 rpm.  The rpms go down if I apply a bit of choke.  I think the problem is a visibly cracked valve breather hose.  Waiting for the replacement.
The second and more serious problem is that the gearbox will not shift beyond 2nd gear.  Only 1st, 2nd or neutral.

I need to organize my garage and I hope to start a post on taking out the gearbox.  I don't have the guts to open it, nor the tools to crack the clutch nuts.  I am hoping to save
a few bucks by doing what I can and have the local dealer rebuild it.  The bike needs more work, but I don't want it to sit all summer.  So... I want to make it functional for now and next winter
take it apart again to do some painting and electrical work (the original electronic ignition is unplugged, seems my father went mechanical).

Sorry for the lengthy post and thanks for reading,

(https://i.ibb.co/M7C1HdK/V65GT.jpg) (https://ibb.co/M7C1HdK)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on June 08, 2019, 11:48:09 AM
Jay Wolfe, Jupiter, Florida USA
owner, operator Wolfe Guitars www.wolfeguitars.co m

1998 Triumph T-Bird Sport
2002 Guzzi California EV 100 80th Anniversary w/ Verlorex sidecar

Jay!! glad you found us. Same kidsmoke from the Heritage forum. Cheers. Beautiful bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tumuli stump jumper on June 11, 2019, 12:18:43 PM
Hi all. Glad to have access to this fantastic resource. I'm 62, living in rural Wisconsin. Grew up riding Honda's and still have a couple from back in the day. Bought my first Guzz in 2010, a 72 Eldorado that I put a lot of work into only to have it go up in flames a year later.  Loved that bike!
I bought my 2001 EV in 2011.

(https://i.ibb.co/bKX1m0v/IMG-1081.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bKX1m0v)

Steve in western Wisconsin
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 12, 2019, 03:17:36 PM
Congrats on surviving.  Looks like most of the bike could have been salvageable.  Bad fuel leak on the lines?  The EV is a great bike too.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tumuli stump jumper on June 14, 2019, 08:08:17 AM

Not sure but it might have fired while the intake valve was still open and that blew back into the carbs blowing a fuel line off or causing it to leak?... I just heard a pop and then a hiss and then flames between my legs. Yikes!  The carbs were completely melted and the gas tank and the whole front end got pretty well barbecued.  I'm still pondering trying to rebuild it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 14, 2019, 08:53:38 PM
Definitely looks like you'll need gauges and cables.  If you decide to sell all or parts, you'll be able to do if on the forum's Swap Meet.  You could also find parts from those selling.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cheshirelad on June 15, 2019, 03:50:48 AM
Hello to all, My name is Ted Robertson, from Cheshire county in north west England (UK). Retired police officer, mostly traffic related (bikes and cars). The wrong side of 70, but can't live without a bike. Just bought my first Guzzi, a 750 Breva 2003 vintage. only done 5900 miles from new, which is not always a good thing. Had problems with perished and leaking seals, so I'm trying to iron out the little niggles one by one.
                  Had a myriad of bikes over the years: BSA Bantam 150 & 175, C15 250, A50 Royal Star 500, A65 Thunderbolt 650, Triumph Tiger 90 350, Jawa 250(crap), Honda CB400/4, CX500, CB500X, Kawasaki Z500, BMW R80/7,RS1100, F800GT, Yamaha Fazer 600/4. Plus more I can't recall.
                 Married 49 years ( I don't like change), one daughter, had a son who sadly died in an accident at 21. Two grandsons 20 & 9. Hobbies, golf & more golf and my passion Manchester City FC.
                  Finally I'll get out on it more if it stops raining. TR.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on June 16, 2019, 10:31:47 AM
 You knew members make sure to post on Luap's thread in the stickies , and welcome to Wild Guzzi .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on June 19, 2019, 01:11:33 AM
Just bought my first Guzzi, a 750 Breva 2003 vintage. only done 5900 miles from new, which is not always a good thing. Had problems with perished and leaking seals, so I'm trying to iron out the little niggles one by one.

Welcome Ted. Same year as mine.  Had it from new; had some gearbox problems but other than that the breva has never missed a beat.  Tours just fine but also happy piddling about town.

Love it. :thumb: :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Red Jacket on June 19, 2019, 11:46:19 AM
Tim Mashford Brighton UK Acupuncturist
1977 850 California
1995 Ducati 916
1996 BMW R1100RS
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stickman92 on June 20, 2019, 10:27:59 AM
Hi Guys,

Leo, 26, Telesales Executive in Dublin, Ireland.

2009 Breva 750 that I just bought.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 20, 2019, 02:28:59 PM
Hi Guys,

Leo, 26, Telesales Executive in Dublin, Ireland.

2009 Breva 750 that I just bought.

Was there to be a picture with that?   In case there was, I can't see it.

In case there wasn't, welcome anyhow!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: coast range rider on June 22, 2019, 11:48:39 AM
My first Guzzi was a 1982 GL500 Interstate. Used as commuter from Santa Cruz Mountains to Silicon Valley.
Now 30 years later I'm on my second, a NOS 2017 Stelvio. I'm so happy they added FI and ABS. Retired to Southern California, at the foot of Palomar Mountain.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on June 22, 2019, 01:54:43 PM
My first Guzzi was a 1982 GL500 Interstate. Used as commuter from Santa Cruz Mountains to Silicon Valley.
Now 30 years later I'm on my second, a NOS 2017 Stelvio. I'm so happy they added FI and ABS. Retired to Southern California, at the foot of Palomar Mountain.

Welcome to the group.  Not to start you off on a critical note, but the GL500 Interstate was/is a Honda, not a Guzzi, right?  I've not ridden one, but I hear that the Stelvio is a fun bike.  You've probably already figured out that this forum is an outstanding, generally non-judgmental, source of information and entertainment. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Norge rider on June 25, 2019, 02:38:58 PM
Bob 55years old, Fergus Falls,Minnesota. I restore fabric covered aircraft for a living. About a year and a half ago I bought a 09 Norge with 21000 miles. Great bike, I couldn't be happier.Other bikes are a Honda Ascot FT500, Yamaha SR500, project 81 Yamaha DT175 and 61 Triumph TR5AR project.
(https://i.ibb.co/P5XPyGQ/DSC-1366.jpg) (https://ibb.co/P5XPyGQ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mitch hamler on June 26, 2019, 11:45:56 AM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
Mitch Hamler, 60, ex racer from Tallahassee Florida
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kingspearo73 on June 27, 2019, 02:17:22 AM


Marine Engineer

Auckland, New Zealand

74 Eldorado currently in pieces beneath the kids bikes..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Max1000sp on June 28, 2019, 03:29:34 PM
Born 1963
Bought a 1980 1000SP in 2003. Still have it.
Quickly restored it to Street-style.

(https://i.ibb.co/FJbnXyJ/5-DC5-AA46-9824-4-D61-9-F30-4-CF7-C95-F2005.jpg) (https://ibb.co/FJbnXyJ)

Mostly I just drive smaller trips in Denmark. And a few hundred km in Germany Or Sweden.
In 2005 I went to GMG in Mandello del Lario and 2018 I took a tour through some alp-passes, including Passo Spluga, Passo Gavia and Passo Stelvio. Fantastic journey.

(https://i.ibb.co/YPVF5BK/1-D1516-CE-C7-A5-4270-BFA9-C76-F1-C2909-EA.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YPVF5BK)

Latest project: I am rebuilding a LM3 engine with 2 plugs/head to mount hopefully this winter.
Keeping the roundfinned and rebuild that too.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 28, 2019, 05:52:48 PM
Fun ride for the SP.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ssolitarioo on June 30, 2019, 08:20:11 AM

Roberto (Bob), 64, retired. I write from Pavia, Lombardy - Italy. Many motorcycles since 1971. Now the Piaggio Vespa PX 150, the Piaggio Ciao 50 cc, the Motom 48 cc ..... and the 1983 Moto Guzzi California 2.
Sorry for Google translator.
Good life to everyone.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mcmuck on June 30, 2019, 10:00:31 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/0Ct96TP/20190419-151729-HDR.jpg) (https://ibb.co/0Ct96TP)
Hi There! Kelly Here in Medicine Hat Alberta Canada. Worked in the motorcycle industry all my life finished off the last 8 years doing custom machine work and restorations. Still have a small fleet I'm a Beemergeek but recently bought a Spada, (as I age the fairing is more attractive) putting it back to stock (ish) : ) hence joining here got some questions but thats another post. Still doing some specialty work for the Airhead community as I don't see that as a growth market and didn't want to leave them in the lurch.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PKScott1079 on July 07, 2019, 09:08:09 AM
Phil Scott, 53, retired Marine and retired police officer (Huntington Beach, CA), Richmond, Texas

2014 Norge 8VGT (First Moto Guzzi and I love it)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Phil G on July 11, 2019, 02:30:48 PM
Hello All,
4 guzzi's :cool:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: exc911ence on July 11, 2019, 03:48:07 PM
New owner here of a 2016 V7ii Racer.


My first Moto Guzzi although I have been lusting for a Racer ever since I saw my first one. That didn't stop me from owning both a Thruxton 900 and a RnineT Racer instead however... better late than never, I suppose. The Guzzi lives in my garage with three Suzukis... not sure if they'll have anything to talk about but I'm hopeful.  :thumb:

As for me, I'm a 49 year old aircraft mechanic currently living in Victoria BC Canada.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: klebersten on July 19, 2019, 08:17:55 AM



Married, 2 kids

Western suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts

R&D Manager

Sailing, Soaring, Motorcycles

2000 Quota 1100 ES
1979 BMW R65

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alacy01 on July 19, 2019, 10:18:16 PM
Adam L, 47, Rochester MI, Cybersecurity (IT and Vehicle).  I bought my first Guzzi Eldorado when I was 13.  Long story and restoration pending.  I recently picked up a 75 850T, but now pending a rebuild.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CavScout87 on July 22, 2019, 03:28:32 AM
Mike here, 49, Ford MoCo in Buffalo NY
Had more bikes than I can actually remember but currently on my first MG - always wanted to wrench on one!
2002 (or 3 - the jury is still out - may end up pulling the cam covers to look and know for sure) California SS Aluminum.
In the garage with my last project that, after I completed it, realized I wasn't comfortable on it (92 ST1100) and an 86 Helix w/factory stereo that actually works (I keep it just to make other's crazy lol) I'm sure I'll be picking the database here clean for information! :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Replica182 on July 23, 2019, 07:42:36 AM
Hi all
Chris 46
Darwin Australia

Long time First time owner
Cali 1100 EV
MuZ  .Replica
MuZ Traveller x2
MuZ Sport
MuZ Baggy
Triumph T100

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on July 23, 2019, 07:40:43 PM
Would like to hear your impressions of your EV vs. the rest of your bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SpadaScuro on July 24, 2019, 07:36:50 AM
Hi Folks

Alex B/  64.
Health Scientist (retired), Univ.Lecturer and Writer (Technical)
Dwelling in south Englandshire....
Long term Guzzisti (since 1983).
MG California Mk 1
MG V65 Lario
MG Sport 1200
MG V1000 Spada (in T3 clothes)
..and so on.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TCP Gris on July 28, 2019, 06:15:32 AM
Tom, 58, District Manager, North Carolina, USA.
Back into Moto Guzzi, this time with a 2017 GRiSO SE. I've had a Jackal and Le Mans III in the past.
Current mods.: Evap. canister removed and I have on order the GTM MEG Slip On, BMC Filter and Re Flash tool, can't what to what these do.

(https://i.ibb.co/W3DSZ4R/IMG-5811.jpg) (https://ibb.co/W3DSZ4R)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EmRach199 on July 28, 2019, 10:29:51 PM
Emily Rachel

38 turning 39 in a few months

San Jose, CA

Small business owner(online)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JC85 on July 29, 2019, 09:26:21 PM
Welcome, Emily! Glad to see some younger members like myself joining the board. Hopefully, you and your husband will be able to make some long distance trips to attend some of the Wild Guzzi events. You'll find that this board is an excellent resource for all things Guzzi, from general chat to technical advice, so don't be shy about posting.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Taso on July 30, 2019, 07:19:08 PM
Hi to all, I'm Taso from Somers CT. Just bought a new 2016 Audace,my first Moto Guzzi.
(https://i.ibb.co/qyrkPH1/20190728-185438.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qyrkPH1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on July 31, 2019, 05:38:54 AM
Hi to all, I'm Taso from Somers CT. Just bought a new 2016 Audace,my first Moto Guzzi.
(https://i.ibb.co/qyrkPH1/20190728-185438.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qyrkPH1)


Greetings from Guilford, CT

Congrats on on the bike.  did you get it from Hamlin Cycles as it looks like the one that was in the showroom?


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Taso on July 31, 2019, 08:44:02 AM
Thank's Gerry, I bought the audace from Seacoast Sport Cycle .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on July 31, 2019, 11:31:26 AM
Thank's Gerry, I bought the audace from Seacoast Sport Cycle .

If you're not already familiar here's a couple of events.

The Monthly Guzzi breakfast.

Third-Sunday-of-the-Month, Connecticut-Rhode Island MGNOC Breakfast (we also get guzzi riders from MA)
Sunday, August 18, 2019
8:00 AM -- ??:??

Britt Jam at Middle Haadam the same weekend. 


Hope to see you there.



Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: von smallhausen on August 07, 2019, 11:41:45 AM
Hello all

i am Jos
60 years
and i am building a rusted and leaking lario v78 8v to a sort off fast allroad .
With : mono shock , suspension front and rear 20cm , ktm handlebar with all the switches , home made exaust , completely adjustebel ignition , etc

if there is interest i post some pics .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BubaDragon on August 12, 2019, 08:40:17 AM
Greetings Earthlings!
Thanks for the approval, as Groucho Marx almost said "I question any club that would accept someone like me as a member!"
I'm one of those "new Guzzi" types who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new 2018 California 1400 Touring. The dealer is toying with my emotions, telling me it will get here one day and then pulling the rug out from under me! (To be fair, it was just last Saturday and the truck didn't show and they had not received back all the paperwork). But as a grumpy grey-bearded old man I reserve the right to be cranky and complain (hey you kids, get off my lawn).
I'm moving up from a 2001 Suzuki Intruder 800 Volusa, it's a nice bike, I just feel like a monkey on a football when I ride it (always regretted not getting the 1400 version). I will confess to a small amount of trepidation in making a jump like this in mass and displacement, hopefully a bit of empty parking lot work, followed some quiet urban riding, and a trip to the casino (an hour away) should smooth out the rough edges and raise my comfort level. Who knows, maybe I'll hit a jackpot and be able to pay off the bike! Hey a guy can hope right?
I live in North Texas (Dallas area) and am always looking for more people to ride with!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on August 12, 2019, 02:47:40 PM
Your bike should be ready for the GRIT in Lindale, TX.  Local rally with some misfits showing up from other areas of the country.  :grin: 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jetboy on August 13, 2019, 12:45:56 PM
I used to be a member here but either i forgot what username i used, or I got purged for not coming back for 5 years or so! 

So new account and new introduction:  Yesterday I plunged back into Guzzi space with a 2000 v11 sport that was priced very nicely:

(https://i.ibb.co/VTC22Cv/guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VTC22Cv)

Funny is that I went to see the bike in Fremont, CA (I am in oakland) and it was at a condo complex and the guy had said:  I put it outside so you can see it when you come by.  So I pull into the complex and trying to find number 383904 - and I can't make heads or tails over how the condos are organized.. it seems random and I cant even find that number on the map so I park and walk around.

and .. I see a v11 Lemans in Sliver parked outside a condo.  So I think:  ???  were the pictures in the ad wrong??  Or is that his other bike and hes selling the sport?  But either way, I figure I got the right spot.   what are the chances there would be 2 people with guzzi v11's parked outside in the same condo complex?

pretty good as it turns out.  Seller did not even know about the other Guzzi owner after I texted and finally found him.   I came home with a black sport and not a silver lemans.  I would not have minded the lemans!  but pretty stoked anyway. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: newtotheGuzzi on August 16, 2019, 05:17:42 PM
Jordan Blake Parker
I run a NonProfit that gets addicts into treatment at no cost to them or their families.
2017 V7 iii Anniversario
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Magnus on August 17, 2019, 01:50:49 PM
Hello all!

I´m Magnus, 36, social worker living in Stockholm, Sweden. Owning two Guzzis. An 2002 EV hydro and a 1988 California III.

Best regards
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bdmitche on August 20, 2019, 11:17:12 PM
I'm Bill, mid-60's, still working. Had the fortune of being able to move to Colorado from Texas about 5.5 years ago with a job change.
I have two Guzzis and a KLR650, '79 V1000 G5 & a '98 V11 EV. I'm a tax paying law abiding citizen. Love dogs, fishing, camping, riding motorcycles and an occasional cold "beverage." (wink, wink, nod, nod)
(https://i.ibb.co/2qMhhwy/IMG-4298.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2qMhhwy)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ozarquebus on August 21, 2019, 09:58:59 PM

 John, 60, Semi-Retired Tech, Joplin, Missouri central USA.

I have acquired my first Guzzi and hope someday to be a Guzzisti.

 Some of you may have seen it before.

(https://i.ibb.co/JKMkK8Z/s-l1600-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JKMkK8Z)

 Its an 81 V1000 G5. I have been riding it a little every day and the oil dripping out the bottom has almost quit in the few days its been mine. And yes, it still has oil in it.  :laugh:

Hope to attempt chain and tensioner replacement this winter and will be back here begging for advice even though it appears all the information needed is in the archives.

I may be brave (or foolhardy) enough to ride the 100 miles to Talihina, Oklahoma with noisy chain and meet some of you.

Likes: kayaking, back packing, model trains, vacuum tubes, target shooting, and film cameras.

Favorite place: Bottom of Grand Canyon.


(https://i.ibb.co/K2hHgvV/75115-10150320848830082-4293141-n-10150320848830082.jpg) (https://ibb.co/K2hHgvV)

(https://i.ibb.co/z4ZQr7M/175255-10150414649815082-6454827-o-10150414649815082.jpg) (https://ibb.co/z4ZQr7M)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BobA on August 22, 2019, 09:46:46 AM
Bob Allen   MGX-21
Business Owner (domestic slave))
St Augustine FL, formerly suburban DC area for past 40+ years
71, life long avid rider, well over .5 mil miles, still getting it done with speed and some style.

(https://i.ibb.co/N6wRN9y/Marcus-Pierson-Wheels-of-Life.jpg) (https://ibb.co/N6wRN9y)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rinkydink on August 22, 2019, 04:47:26 PM

Linc Gurley
Central Arkansas

Own only BMW presently. Interested in a V85TT.  No MG dealer within 270 miles.

Hobbies are scoots, antique guitars/basses.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on August 22, 2019, 07:28:39 PM
Nearest dealer to me is in San Diego.  2200 miles approx. from here.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Bell on August 24, 2019, 09:16:32 PM
Dave Bell--70 years old, live east of dFW near Wills Point Tx.  Psychologist in private practice.  I've had a V7 Stone in the past and have a Cali III now.  I've had a lot of motorcycles and ride nearly every day. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on August 24, 2019, 10:02:52 PM
Velkommen and Bienvinuti.  You're needed since Bob left.  There are a lot dysfunctional thinkers here including myself.   :grin: :grin:  If you hang out here long enough, you'll see what I mean.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on August 30, 2019, 11:38:39 AM
Hi, Karl Bishop here. I am 74 and retired but I work a couple of days a week leading a crew on an inserting machine at the local newspaper.

I live in Quincy Calif, I grew up in Connecticut and lived in Colorado for 17 years before moving to Ca.

I bought an Audace on July 11th from EuroCycle in Windsor Ca but their Reno store is closer, about 85 miles away. I have been riding since 1965 mainly on Airhead BMW's. I bought an R75/5 in 1970 but it was a hard choice between that and an Eldorado. After all those years I finally have my Guzzi.

My other interests include outboard boat racing, collecting antique and classic outboards and target shooting. I have just recently resumed my motorcycle camping trips which I enjoy immensely.

I end my posts with "kk".  It stands for Krazy Karl which I called myself on a boat racing forum after I started racing a 60 mph 13' sheet of plywood at the age of 62. I am taking a break from racing this year to pursue other activities mostly related to motorcycles. I am thrilled to have become a part of the Guzzi clan.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on August 30, 2019, 06:01:05 PM


Welcome to the Guzzi family.

Where in Ct did you grow up?

My formative years before the USAF (1966 - 1970) were spent in West Haven,


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on August 31, 2019, 02:59:00 PM
Hi, Karl Bishop here. I am 74 and retired but I work a couple of days a week leading a crew on an inserting machine at the local newspaper.

I live in Quincy Calif,

Hey Karl, do you know Phil F. or the Lomas brothers? They moved to Qunicy from Alaska years ago. Phil had a T3 and v65 last time I talked to him. They are all old time bikers from Fairbanks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on August 31, 2019, 08:29:37 PM

Welcome to the Guzzi family.

Where in Ct did you grow up?

My formative years before the USAF (1966 - 1970) were spent in West Haven,



I grew up in Mystic. I understand it is not the same as when I lived there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on August 31, 2019, 08:40:17 PM
Hey Karl, do you know Phil F. or the Lomas brothers? They moved to Qunicy from Alaska years ago. Phil had a T3 and v65 last time I talked to him. They are all old time bikers from Fairbanks.

I know Curtis but not very well. I know that there is another MG in town. I talked to the owner a few years ago but I don't remember his name. I have been trying to find out who it is. I may be Phil. Do you have a last name?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on August 31, 2019, 09:05:19 PM
I know Curtis but not very well. I know that there is another MG in town. I talked to the owner a few years ago but I don't remember his name. I have been trying to find out who it is. I may be Phil. Do you have a last name?

Sent you a pm with the info.  Jon
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ChopSauce on September 01, 2019, 08:33:14 AM


My name is Christophe and I can't help myself resto-modding (much too) damaged things, amongst which a 750-S3 (1976) ...

So here am I and I look foward to exchanging Guzzi related informations with other members of this forum,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fallguy on September 04, 2019, 02:04:53 PM
Married with 4 kids. I like Italian vehicles, and I like to go fast. Lived in Italy for a bit, and caught the bug. One Italian, one German, and one American vehicle. All three vehicles are over 500hp, one sub 4 second 0-6 and 2 just over 4 seconds. Not counting my new MGX-21. Bought this bike from Euro Cycle and had it shipped to me, as nobody around here had one, and it is what I wanted. An absolute TERRIBLE decision to buy from them, nothing but issues. Which is why I have posted on these forums to start with.

(https://i.ibb.co/Thdd66p/20190829-185854.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ys77ttG)

(https://i.ibb.co/VqS3T5y/20190829-185516.jpg) (https://ibb.co/d527Dx9)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DaveDCMG on September 07, 2019, 10:32:26 PM
I'm Dave.  I'm a tv writer who recently moved from Los Angles to Virginia.  I just got my first Moto Guzzi.  A used 2017 V7iii Special.  So far I'm loving it.  I was worried about doing maintenance on a modern bike because I've been teaching myself on an old Honda CB750, which are pretty straight forward.  The Guzzi basic maintenance seems pretty doable, which is great because my local MG dealer doesn't have the best yelp reviews.   I've already found a lot of helpful info on this forum, so thank you!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on September 08, 2019, 12:46:42 PM
Welcome to WG fellas .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BedMac on September 09, 2019, 09:52:26 AM

Bedford McIntosh
Monrovia, CA

Classic "had a motorcycle when I was younger and got back into it" story.  With Angeles Crest Highway 15 minutes from my home, and Mulholland Highway about 40 minutes away, I do plenty of canyon riding. I have done about 20 track days (retired from that now I think).  I'm now prone to 2-3 thousand mile rides on a Multistrada but ride a scooter around town. 

Since 2012 I have had the good fortune to work as a Technical Marshall for MotoGP, and occasionally World SBK.

My biking history:

1970 Honda Mini Trail 50 (Christmas gift in 1970; still have it)
1981 Yamaha XS400 Special (gone)
2007 Ducati ST3 (gone)
2003 Ducati 999 (gone)
2009 Ducati 1198S (gone)
2011 Ducati Hypermotard 1100 (gone)
1980 Yamaha XS400 "cafe conversion project" (gone)
2011 Suzuki DRZ400S (gone)
2009 Aprilia SR50 Factory scooter (current)
2016 Ducati Multistrada (current)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mjhinno on September 10, 2019, 04:17:07 AM
Mike Harris
Ridgefield CT
GM and Maint. Dir of print, pick/pack and fulfillment facility
Married, 2 college girls and a pooch
Riding, fishing, flying, boating, remote heli flying, reading, fixing other peoples stuff.
Just enough time, space, money, energy, and marital tolerance for one bike at a time.
Current '09 Harley FLHRC. Deposit on a 500 mile '16 Eldo
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NZPete on September 17, 2019, 05:55:18 AM
Hi, I’m Pete, 65, magazine editor, originally from NZ, now living north shore of Boston in the summer and northeast Florida over winter.

Just got back in to bikes after 18 years away, was after an airhead BMW but they were all over priced or junk, so bought an immaculate red 2006 Breva 1100 with 15,000 miles on her for short money. The beginning of what I hope will be a long love affair.

1966 Honda Benley 125
1965 Triumph Thunderbird 650
1969 Triumph Bonneville
1973 Triumph Tiger 750
1973 Suzuki T500
1971 Triumph Trident 750
1977 Suzuki GS750
1978 BMW R80
1977 Guzzi 850 T3
1980 BMW R100RS
1985 BMW R80RT
1981 Suzuki GS750
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: voeboe on September 17, 2019, 11:18:29 AM
Hi all,

I have been a Moto Guzzi fan without even having one, but I took the plunge in March this year and bought a new V7 III Racer.  I am loving every moment of it.
My previous (first) bike was a Honda VTR 250 (which I crashed back in 2013), and with this one I try to keep the shiny part up.

(https://i.ibb.co/7JMpYDw/IMG-8797.jpg) (https://ibb.co/7JMpYDw)


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wilmer on September 20, 2019, 05:03:25 PM
age: 70+
retired driver from
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: breva4ever on September 23, 2019, 06:39:38 AM
Dave from Adelaide - thats in South Australia !
Bikes -?  2005 1100 Breva - the long distance two up tourer , that roasts my ankles in Summer ( more on that later ) . T3 Cali 1000 bitsa project bike , Much modified 1972 ish V7 sport. had and sold a couple of V50 's , so have a healthy respect for them too .
The Breva was bought new by a very close friend who left us way too early and i have been its custodian sine 2010.
The Breva has just clocked up 30K  and I've just clocked up 60 in years -  Ive been doing all my own spannering since I was a lad. Have worked in 2 bike shops on Guzzis and british . I raced at Sellicks Beach in 2017/2019 on #35 ( a BSA ) first race i ever entered  what a blast .
I have only sent a bike to a shop for work 3 times in my life - ( 2 were jap - one was a jap 4 cyl ! ) Last time was more recently to get the Breva injectors / tps reset . that was 10000 k ago and now i have discovered I can do it myself ! The internet is a wonderful thing , but nothing beats riding a sweet running Guzzi thru the Adelaide hills !
If I can offer some useful info to fellow Guzzisti I'll be happy , must say tho round barrels are what I know best.
"Abite in Collies " is my motto.
Dave r
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fotopat on October 01, 2019, 12:00:31 PM
Pat Corrigan here, aka Fotopat, from Avon Lake, OH
68 / soon to be retired cemetery manager, former Ohio Motorcycle RiderCoach
currntly enjoying my new 2020 V85TT
interests include long distance touring, off pavement riding (not off road!), and photography
married, with children and grandchildren
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blaufeld66 on October 07, 2019, 03:33:25 AM
Hi, I'm Andrea from Italy, 53 yrs old and working as Warrant Officer in the ITAF since 1988.
My bikes were all Guzzi, started in 2005 with a 1984 V65C, then a 1985 850-T5, a V11 Sport Rosso Mandello Edition, a 1200 Stelvio and since September 2018 a 2003 California EV:
(https://i.ibb.co/YDqXtdb/Screenshot-20191007-102153-01.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YDqXtdb)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vintage Don on October 09, 2019, 10:59:26 AM
Hope this pops up in the right place.
Thanks for the admission
62 years old, own half a dozen bikes including of course a Guzzi. Into overland exploring, trans Africa, Asia, Europe. Next trip UK to India. Long time bike fanatic, engine builder and one time racer. Never had time to grow old.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tocino on October 10, 2019, 01:26:43 PM
  Steve from Silver Spring, MD (right on top of DC). 53. Computer programmer.
I'm a returning (lapsed) member. Have a '75 850-T that I'm putting back into service after several years of being ignored (it, not me!).
I also have a couple of Norton Commandos, a 95 Ducati 900SS and a KTM Super Duke (GT)
thanks for having me
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 10, 2019, 02:06:56 PM
  Steve from Silver Spring, MD (right on top of DC). 53. Computer programmer.
I'm a returning (lapsed) member. Have a '75 850-T that I'm putting back into service after several years of being ignored (it, not me!).
I also have a couple of Norton Commandos, a 95 Ducati 900SS and a KTM Super Duke (GT)
thanks for having me

Spent a lot of my younger life with my cousins in the triangle formed by University Blvd, Georgia Avenue, and Arcola Avenue.   :cool:

Hope your commute is bearable!!    :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on October 10, 2019, 03:18:00 PM
  Steve from Silver Spring, MD (right on top of DC). 53. Computer programmer.
I'm a returning (lapsed) member. Have a '75 850-T that I'm putting back into service after several years of being ignored (it, not me!).
I also have a couple of Norton Commandos, a 95 Ducati 900SS and a KTM Super Duke (GT)
thanks for having me

Welcome!  We have a loose group that usually meets on the 3rd Sunday morning of the month - lately it has been at Dempsey's Grill in Middletown, MD - watch the general discussion page for reminders.  A nice mix of newer and older Guzzis, & even a couple of "brand X" bikes, usually show up.  You could make it a nice back-roads ride from Silver Spring if you get up early enough!

Are you a member of the NCNOC (Norton Owners club) also?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tocino on October 11, 2019, 09:23:23 AM
Spent a lot of my younger life with my cousins in the triangle formed by University Blvd, Georgia Avenue, and Arcola Avenue.   :cool:

Hope your commute is bearable!!    :thumb:

Thanks! That's about a mile or two from my place. Luckily I can walk to work and avoid the horrible DC traffic (pretty much applies to every large metro area nowadays I suppose)

Welcome!  We have a loose group that usually meets on the 3rd Sunday morning of the month - lately it has been at Dempsey's Grill in Middletown, MD - watch the general discussion page for reminders.  A nice mix of newer and older Guzzis, & even a couple of "brand X" bikes, usually show up.  You could make it a nice back-roads ride from Silver Spring if you get up early enough!

Are you a member of the NCNOC (Norton Owners club) also?

Thanks - I'll keep an eye out. Yes, I am a member of the club; are you also a Norton guy?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on October 11, 2019, 06:22:17 PM

Thanks - I'll keep an eye out. Yes, I am a member of the club; are you also a Norton guy?

PM sent.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SIR REAL ED on October 12, 2019, 06:57:47 AM

I'm 60 years old... retired mechanical engineer.... spent first 28 years near Rochester, NY..... then moved to VA and never looked back.... live about 20 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway and even closer to great backroads..... owned about 50 bikes in the time since I was 10..... current stable is 2019 Beta EVO 250, 1999 Suzuki DR 650 with Pro-Cycle 790cc kit.... 2016 KTM Duke 690.... 2002 Gas Gas Pampera 280..... and a 2007 Moto Guzzi Nevada 750.

Guzzi's have alway intrigued me with their "agricultural" (bet you guys have never heard that adjective before...) charm, but I never intended to own one.  Then a neighbor (a Moto Guzzi addict) said in frustration "I've got too much going on, I need to get rid of some stuff, and offer to sell me his Nevada and a California very cheap.  The Nevada was too cheap to say no. 

Smart move or dumb move?  Too early to tell.  If It doesn't pan out, I'm not much of a cruiser guy, I figure I can get out for no money lost.

I appreciate all the advice, camaraderie, and humor here. 

As we say back home "Screw em if they can't take a joke!"  Riding a Guzzi is probably a great way to maintain humility.  Right?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sandaroo4me on October 13, 2019, 10:46:08 AM
Hello All!

Recently joined the Guzzi family, with my purchase of 2020 V7iii Racer.

8th grade math and science teacher.
45 yrs old
Rancho Cucamonga, CA


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GonzoB on October 18, 2019, 08:40:46 PM
Hi All.

My first Guzzi was a Guzzuki in 1979:


It was a Guzzi 50 with a Suzi A100 race kit engine. Fun to race!

I bought my second Guzzi this week:


Its an '07 Breva 750 which had only 2000km on the clock when I bought it. Riding it back to Sydney from Melbourne added approx 50% to that! It's essentially brand new. I found it via a contact in the Victorian Moto Guzzi Club.

Now I have to add some goodies....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on October 18, 2019, 09:08:05 PM
Hi All.

My first Guzzi was a Guzzuki in 1979:


It was a Guzzi 50 with a Suzi A100 race kit engine. Fun to race!

I bought my second Guzzi this week:


Its an '07 Breva 750 which had only 2000km on the clock when I bought it. Riding it back to Sydney from Melbourne added approx 50% to that! It's essentially brand new. I found it via a contact in the Victorian Moto Guzzi Club.

Now I have to add some goodies....


 Whoa , that little beastie had to be fun  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bexupnorth on October 21, 2019, 09:26:12 AM
Ade Beckham

Cyber Security Professional

Based North East UK

Rides a 2008 California Vintage called "Bella"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lowcountry on October 21, 2019, 08:22:04 PM
Hi all, I'm in the Charleston, South Carolina area, Wadmalaw Island to be exact. 50 year old graphic designer with 3 bikes currently. The most recent a '73 Eldorado that I purchased out of Florida. Would love to meet other enthusiasts in the area for rides and if possible draw from your knowledge on these great machines.

(https://i.ibb.co/31Tb55L/IMG-0071.jpg) (https://ibb.co/31Tb55L)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Admiral Beez on October 22, 2019, 07:17:35 AM
Hello, I'm in Toronto, Canada and after 12 years riding a 1969 Triumph T100S, I now ride a 1982 Suzuki GS650G.   

I chose the Suzuki because I wanted a classically styled, reliable, air cooled, under 800cc machine with shaft drive.  And that's what's driving me towards the Moto Guzzi V7.

Other than bikes, I work in pet supplies distribution and export sales.    I look forward to learning more about Guzzis.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blaufeld66 on October 23, 2019, 03:56:09 AM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LandyLou on October 25, 2019, 01:31:15 AM
Landy, 35, Minister, W. Washington. Just acquired a non-running '72 Eldorado project. Only been on here a day, already been a wealth of information and support  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davidbanham on November 07, 2019, 04:14:50 AM
Hi all, I’m Dave. 34, software developer in Sydney, Australia.

(https://i.ibb.co/j8117FZ/E710-A50-D-DF84-4-FF2-A55-F-EEC797-E18921.jpg) (https://ibb.co/j8117FZ)

I ride a 2013 V7.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lefty on November 18, 2019, 03:59:11 PM
Hello everyone,
I’d like to say I’m back after a most bitter divorce that nearly cost me my Guzzi. I was able to get my bike back after over a year of legal activity. It sat collecting dust the entire time. I’m very glad to say it’s back in tip top shape and I’m looking forward to riding with my wonderful new girlfriend this spring. I now know what it means when someone says they went through a bad divorce. It’s rough but if you persevere you will eventually come out the other side.

2001 California Special EV
“Black Beauty”
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wolfeguitars on November 21, 2019, 08:05:16 AM
Jay Wolfe, Jupiter, Florida
74 yrs. young
married 49 years (got the best one, sorry guys)
Owner, operator Wolfe Guitars www.wolfeguitars.co m

Motorcycling, reading, boating-fishing, Guitar plunking, messin'  round with grandkids

'02 MG Cali 1100EV 80th Anniversary w/ sidecar
'90 Ducati 851 ( I know, I know, it's crazy)
'98 Triumph T-Bird Sport (daily rider)
'92 Ducati 900 Supersport
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sazerac on December 06, 2019, 06:09:17 AM
I just made my second post and noticed the introductions thread, so I guess I can say I’m not really good at reading instructions!

My name is Gannon Gries. I’m a 44 year old architect in Fort Worth, Texas. I found an ‘83 1000 SP locally a little less than a year ago and have been bitten hard by the Guzzi bug. I also have a ‘78 BMW R100S that I’ve been nursing back to health.

I used to ride in college, but the wife made me give it up when we got married. When mid-life crisis time came I decided that motorcycles were less expensive and less dangerous than a girlfriend. ;)

Let me know if there are other folks in the DFW area who want to go for a ride or talk shop sometime!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 06, 2019, 05:21:27 PM
I just made my second post and noticed the introductions thread, so I guess I can say I’m not really good at reading instructions!

My name is Gannon Gries. I’m a 44 year old architect in Fort Worth, Texas. I found an ‘83 1000 SP locally a little less than a year ago and have been bitten hard by the Guzzi bug. I also have a ‘78 BMW R100S that I’ve been nursing back to health.

I used to ride in college, but the wife made me give it up when we got married. When mid-life crisis time came I decided that motorcycles were less expensive and less dangerous than a girlfriend. ;)

Let me know if there are other folks in the DFW area who want to go for a ride or talk shop sometime!

 OK you DFW folks , speak up .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rapier on December 08, 2019, 10:43:58 AM
Greetings from North Carolina.
I have been lurking on the site reading up on the wealth of information you have and since I went and got myself a early Christmas present I thought I would join the forum and say hi... HI!

Yesterday I picked up my first Moto Guzzi, a 2018 v7 Rough with 2 miles on the odometer (now it has just shy of 200).

I am a Systems Engineer in RTP, been riding for 20+ years, and spend my free time reading or riding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 08, 2019, 02:38:13 PM
 Welcome folks  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Goose on December 09, 2019, 01:54:49 AM
Hi all, I'm Al. Pretty new here and still figuring things out. I live in Jacksonville and have a 2017 V7. Happy to be here! Cheers.  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blaufeld66 on December 10, 2019, 10:03:21 AM
Welcome all!  :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 10, 2019, 01:24:45 PM
Hi all, I'm Al. Pretty new here and still figuring things out. I live in Jacksonville and have a 2017 V7. Happy to be here! Cheers.  :thumb:

Well, you've got something figured out if you snagged the screen-name "Goose" among 5000 screen names, many of which have some form of "goose" or "guzzi" in them .... !!   :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikey063 on December 17, 2019, 02:43:11 PM
Hello all from California.  I am a proud owner of a show room orphan 2017 MGX-21.  I honestly love the look of it, and wanted to replace my old and needing work 1995 Kawasaki Concours.  The price initially was $13,000, but the dealer has quite a lot of them still in stock and they really want to clear out the old stock.  So they offered me a price I could not refuse.  $9,000 plus tax etc.  Only 2 miles on the odometer.  With that offer, I was very skeptical (okay, whats the catch?  Is it a lemon?), well, I looked around and did some research online and I could not find any real evidence of it being a bad bike, except for the obvious minor stuff.  So I snatched it and so far I love it (I bought it last Friday (12/13/2019)).  This is my first bagger and it is a learning experience in riding it. 

  I am a 53 year old trauma nurse in California.  My love of motorcycles began in 1983 when I was in the USMC, I bought a Honda CB700.  After the Corps. I was a firefighter, paramedic then my current career of nursing.  Along the way I owned a Honda CBR600F, and the Concours. 

  So far I have not found any forum that has information on possible mods, or what accessories are worth getting.  Definitely smaller fan base compared to my Connie.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blaufeld66 on December 19, 2019, 08:20:02 AM
(...)$9,000 plus tax etc.  Only 2 miles on the odometer.(...)

I don't know if envy or hate you!!!
Here in Italy, to sell me a brand new Mgx-21 dealer asked me for my 2003 Cali EV AND 22.000 dollars...
BTW when I was interested in that bike, the first suggestion was to buy a luggage rack from a shop that specializes in non-original accessories like this:
https://shop.isotta-srl.com/it/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer%5B%5D=508&models%5B%5D=838 (https://shop.isotta-srl.com/it/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer%5B%5D=508&models%5B%5D=838)
(This is just a suggestion, don't know if they sell to USA...)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: josh77 on December 20, 2019, 05:10:35 AM
Hello to all you Guzzitistas,

My name is Joshua, i'm writing to you from India. I used to run a motorcycle store for the last 10 years, but now fly commercial airplanes. I still restore motorcycles in my free time, but not for customers and just for myself. I've worked with a lot of  BMW's, Triumphs, and Japanese motorcycles and of course a large number of Royal Enfields. I've just begun work on my first Moto Guzzi a V35 Imola, or what is left of it,  which led me to finding this forum. The motorcycle is a basket case but that has never stopped me before. Look forward to sharing my build here and getting all the valuable advice that everyone has to share. Here are a couple of the motorcycles i've restored over the past.

(https://i.ibb.co/1zWPVgn/IMG-FC91-C28-BA579-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1zWPVgn)

(https://i.ibb.co/vBGwK3v/IMG-146998-D6-E5-C8-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vBGwK3v)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 20, 2019, 07:44:30 PM

That's a very unique and attractive paint job on that R90 ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: josh77 on December 20, 2019, 09:08:11 PM
Thanks a ton  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikey063 on December 25, 2019, 04:05:58 PM
I don't know if envy or hate you!!!
Here in Italy, to sell me a brand new Mgx-21 dealer asked me for my 2003 Cali EV AND 22.000 dollars...
BTW when I was interested in that bike, the first suggestion was to buy a luggage rack from a shop that specializes in non-original accessories like this:
https://shop.isotta-srl.com/it/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer%5B%5D=508&models%5B%5D=838 (https://shop.isotta-srl.com/it/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer%5B%5D=508&models%5B%5D=838)
(This is just a suggestion, don't know if they sell to USA...)

LOL, thank you for the tip.  I plan on getting the tall windscreen first.  The only problem is that I have only found two options and nether give details on the size
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jose Lopez on December 25, 2019, 06:48:12 PM
Hi folks, this is Jose, 43, from Spain, where I have a Guzzi Convert 1000 from 1980.
(https://i.ibb.co/9rKfTv1/IMG-6990.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9rKfTv1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on December 25, 2019, 09:55:52 PM
Hi folks, this is Jose, 43, from Spain, where I have a Guzzi Convert 1000 from 1980.
(https://i.ibb.co/9rKfTv1/IMG-6990.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9rKfTv1)

 Clean motorbike Jose  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GeorgiaGuzzi on December 28, 2019, 08:38:34 AM
Hi, I’m Robert


Hazmat tanker driver


Carrollton GA, about 45 minutes west of ATL

Currently have an 03 Victory, adding a second bike that I am sincerely hoping is a Guzzi Quota!

I ride a lot, have done some real long distance tours and also shorter day trip as well as commuting.

I work nights, so my responses might be delayed/at weird hours.

I have a sense of humor, and little tolerance for those who don’t! Life’s too short not to laugh!

About to celebrate 8 years of sobriety

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mc Tes on January 06, 2020, 12:20:15 PM
Hello, I just bought a Guzzi V7 III Limited.
I am from Belgium and I am certainly not a mechanic minded persoon although I can bite in a problem till I found the sollution
I retired resently and decided to bike again.
I am very pleased with the Guzzi is still at the dealer till my extra gargage become available.
Married and live happy at the Belgian coast.

Happy new year to everybody!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Off @ 90 on January 06, 2020, 07:53:26 PM
Hello , Happy New Year
Duncan Atkinson 59
Helicopter engineer
 Nelson ,New Zealand.
Acquired a V7 Stornello  8 months ago after owning a Breva  750 ,MG  850 GT long ago in late 70s ,various Japanese bikes and a Jawa 350 twin.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: HaroldMcGruther on January 07, 2020, 11:23:55 PM
My name is Harold McGruther. I’m a middle-aged, self-employed motorcycle industrialist living in Southern California. My 2020 Moto Guzzi V88TT is the second European motorcycle I’ve purchased in the previous 14 months; a 2018 BMW RnineT was the first. I sold the BMW after my first ride on the V85TT; MG’s alleged all-terrain motorcycle is THAT good.

Plans this year include my third high-mileage motorcycle adventure, this time with enough gear and cash to stay on back roads and cheap hotels for at least three weeks.

Any tips?

I am the co-founder and product manager at Biltwell Inc., a small motorcycle parts and riding gear company dedicated to the blue-collar bikerider.

Current stable includes the aforementioned MG V85tt and a 2016 Suzuki DRZ400sm on 21/18 MX wheel package.

My other passions are bicycles: building them, flipping them on eBay, and of course riding them.

Ask me anything—I’m an open book
(https://i.ibb.co/ysbW65k/0-F167-BEB-D58-B-4-BE7-A62-A-A01-F319-EA2-D1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ysbW65k)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Edoardo on January 11, 2020, 12:59:50 AM

My name is Ed and I live on the western coast of Australia near Perth. On the map that's on the left side a bit up from the bottom.

Several years ago while on a holiday in Italy I visited the Moto Guzzi factory. That visit must have lit a slow-burning fuse because in the middle of last year I bought a V7 III Milano.

A bit of looking around on the internet lead me to this site.

I've been lurking for a while and I like what I've seen.

If I think I have something to contribute, I'll join in the conversation.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scottva62 on January 11, 2020, 09:10:21 AM
Im Scott from VA,getting back into  biking after a 20 year break, looking at the MG V7III. At 6.2 and 34 inch inseam it appears a little tight. Lots of good info so far I’m wondering if a two inch drop on the pegs will be too much. Off to more research.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jared p on January 14, 2020, 10:18:13 AM
Jared from Seattle area of Washington state, middle aged and slowing, work in healthcare and motorbikes
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rayray on January 14, 2020, 04:20:10 PM
Greetings, he said knowingly. My name is Ray, and I am a 56 year old male heterosexual, Christian, Father of four, registered pharmacist, resident of Wellington, New Zealand, and owner of a 1991 Moto Guzzi Targa 750, which is the latest addition to my garage, within which I enjoy tinkering on bikes and other things. Hows That !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AlexL95 on January 16, 2020, 07:47:32 PM
Alex, 25, Sales Rep, Dallas, TX
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 2Nr on January 16, 2020, 07:49:26 PM
Hey All.
 I am Stephen from the very Wet, West BC coast Canada!
 Thanks for the Add... life is grand til the plates came off...counting down days to new plates and riding season! :grin: :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 89quattro on January 19, 2020, 06:33:13 PM
Hello all,

New to the group.
Based in Staten Island, NY.
Old enough to collect social security, but still working in the pharmaceutical field.
Needed something to keep my 2004 1150 RT company.
I have a 2014 California Touring with 2.4K miles on it's way over from a HD dealer in southern California.
First Guzzi experience for me. Weaned a log time ago on the usual suspects...Norton's, Triumphs, BSA, and an occasional Yamaha and Honda that filled in the void's created by Master Lucus, prince of darkness, and the miscues created by machinist's who had 1 pint too many before their shifts assembling new Triumph's in England.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grog on January 21, 2020, 09:21:24 AM

Greg (Grog)

68, retired and enjoying life...

Perth, Australia

Apart from numerous other bikes have owned a Mk 3, presently fully restoring my Sport 1100ie which I have brought new and have travelled extensively around Australia on.

I don't own my Sport, she lives in my heart!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DesertPilot on January 24, 2020, 09:10:25 PM
Hello everyone,

My name's Paul and I'm an aging space physicist and hang glider pilot living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  After many years of riding small sport twins, followed by more years owning a triple, I decided that my beloved Tiger 800 wasn't quite working out for the kind of riding I liked.  Time and time again, I'd start down an interestingly 'rustic' road and think, "If I drop this beast -- all too likely how top-heavy it is and what's lying ahead -- I'm pretty much hosed."

This prompted a search for replacement.  It had to have a lower center of gravity, be substantial enough to shrug off long drives on the freeway, easy to maintain -- the thought of synchronising the throttle bodies on the Triumph was never cause for joy -- and another twin would be nice, but it couldn't be a BMW, because around here, I could see myself entirely unable to remember which of the 28 identical R1200GS's in that parking lot was mine.  It also had to make me smile. and pass the all-important 'go out at night to look at it in the garage' test.   Several friends back east had owned Guzzis in years gone by, one mentioned this phenomenon known as a V85 TT, I got to reading reviews, watching those insidious videos, thinking far too much... and...

Ye gods, what have I done!

But I must say, the 'it had to make me smile' part is working out better than I dreamed possible.  Every time I turn the key, I end up smiling from ear to ear :)

Thanks for letting me join this forum, and I'm looking forward to hearing stories and soliciting advice from wiser minds than my own,

(https://i.ibb.co/sqZ5VwP/IMG-2666-x20r60.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sqZ5VwP)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mma1778 on January 25, 2020, 11:58:39 PM
Michael M
63 yo
Technician and Director of Training @ Optimum Performance Motorsports
Kirkland, Wa

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 26, 2020, 03:56:17 AM
 Welcome folks .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrKiwi on January 27, 2020, 05:17:39 PM
Hi y'all, MrKiwi from downunder logging in for the first time.

I have previously owned a range of bikes, but never a Motto Guzzi. However, I have wanted to own one since first riding bikes in the 70's, and last week I pressed the go button.

I sold my 2016 Africa Twin (DCT version) and bought a V85TT, the red and white version. I optioned it with a centre stand, panniers and crash bars. I'm now running it in and am loving it. (Pic below - linked)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on January 27, 2020, 08:01:05 PM
 ^^^Welcome bud  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ahoward125 on February 04, 2020, 07:59:56 AM
Baltimore MD
I'm back on the website (could not remember my log in info, so new account) after a hiatus from riding due to elbow issues. Been thinking about getting a bike for a little fun riding.
Was going to "borrow" the Kawasaki W-650 I sold my brother a long time ago, then a 2002 black and chrome EV dropped into my lap. It was dropped a few years back, so it has some scuffs, and it needs some TLC. I've always loved the Cali EV's and I realize that it would have been a better fit for me than my first Gussi, a V11 Rosso Corsa.
I will be searching the archives for all the info on these bikes. (wonder if I will be able to find an "oil" thread) 

2002 California EV Black and Chrome (anyone have a good suggestion for dealing with the flaking paint around the fuel fill)
past Guzzi's
1980 Convert (my favorite bike ever!)
2008 (?) 1200 Sport 2 valve per head
2004 Rosso Corsa
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 13, 2020, 01:35:47 PM
 Hi Richard , you already have several friends here , the arm twisting finally worked  :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: troppo lento on February 15, 2020, 03:30:14 PM
Tim from the flatlands of East Dakota, retired, after 8 BMW GS's from an 88 Airhead to a 2014 'Waterboxer' I bought a 2014 Stelvio with lots of farkles and a fresh service including the fork rebuild and new Metzlers.
Still a foot of snow on the ground here so no early season rides but can't wait.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mr.Rodgers on February 15, 2020, 05:42:51 PM
 Introduce myself ... Hmmm..   OK, my name is David Rodgers, in March I turn 62, I started riding motorcycles when I was 16 I've probably got in excess of 300,000  Miles on bikes. Even though I am from Canada I live in miles. I've owned cruisers and touring bikes, crotch rockets need not apply…  however I did on a Harley the rod muscle for period of time, until I realized the tank was too darn small.  I'm X military and that comes with its own problems, after getting out I worked as a park ranger in the summer and a professional ski patroller in the winter, then started my own landscaping business.   I've been hit three times by people wanting my lane more than I did and written off three motorcycles. My wife doesn't like me riding anything with two wheels. My last bicycle crash netted me three broken ribs and a collapsed lung.   Darn bikes and more dangerous than my motorcycles. Now I am retired and looking for my 14th motorcycle… Possibly a MGX 21 but after reading the problems considering a timing chain ..  Enough said
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 18, 2020, 02:57:15 PM
  Now I am retired and looking for my 14th motorcycle… Possibly a MGX 21 but after reading the problems considering a timing chain ..  Enough said

This is a good time to be looking for motorcycles .... There are not only new ones, but 100+ years worth of old ones on the market, in every condition from as-new to old projects.

You ought to be able to find something you like from THAT selection!    Like many of us, maybe a favorite from the past that will bring back part of your long-ago youth .....  :thumb: ?
Title: Guzziless
Post by: berniebee on February 19, 2020, 04:02:57 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm Bernie, retired and living in Ottawa, Canada. It's well below freezing on this February afternoon and about three feet of snow covers the front yard.

I am without Guzzi presently, but I'm seriously thinking of purchasing a V7 Classic. I'd like to hear that 90 degree v-twin sound again and the Classic's looks remind me of good old Guzzis that I've lusted after in the past. (But never been able to afford!)
I've owned many bikes, but only one Italian, a '78 Ducati Darmah.
Right now I'm riding a '76 Yamaha XS500.

I'll be lurking around here, trying to pick up tips on finding parts and buying a used Guzzi, especially any thing I need to watch for in particular on the V7 Classic.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mselzler on February 19, 2020, 08:57:16 PM
Hello All.  My name is Mark and I'm new to the forum.  Although I have always admired the Guzzi line, an absence of dealerships here in the Inland Pacific Northwest, (Spokane, Wa./Couer d' alene ID. region for those of you east of the Rockies), and a couple other priority purchases have stalled my efforts to obtain a model that perked my interest...until now.   I will be picking up my almost new 2017 Red Guzzi California Touring machine early next week with a total of 1500 miles on the clock at a very, very good price. Going to Portland to pick it up and after inspection will bring it home to greet its' new stable mates.  I like a big cruiser, and I like a little exclusivity that goes along with owning this ride.
Been riding for 30 years and have yet to see a Guzzi in my neck of the woods....at least one that stood out.  I am a pretty fair garage wrench and have not visited a service bay in 20 years.  I know the Guzzi line can perhaps be a challenge, but this bike is by no means an everyday rider.  The Cali will likely be a keeper that still has some depreciation to accumulate but I am hoping that my soon to be middle-aged sons will carry on the pride of ownership legacy of this ride and a couple others I intend to pass down.

The information and knowledge I have obtained from this site and a couple others have proved an excellent primer for what I hope to be a robust experience.  With that said, I ride almost every day and have a very usable mix of two-wheels including a 2019 KAW Versys 300x (Idaho forest roads), 2018 Triumph Speedmaster (townie and rural ride), 2017 Suzuki V-Strom 650xt (back roads and tripp'n), 2012 Bonneville T-100 with plenty of mods (Sundays mostly), a shiny 2008 Anniversary Harley Super-Glide (whenever ride...except wet), and a raised-in-front and slammed-in-back 2001 Sportster 1200 that requires a permit for all that chrome (another waterless whenever ride). 

Garage is full and I am content for the moment.  There ya go, that's me in a nutshell.  I will share a pic of my Guzzi on the next post.  Would appreciate a nod from any Guzzi enthusiasts in the area for the opportunity to meet and greet and share some Guzzi lore, tips and tricks.  -Mark
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scout63 on February 19, 2020, 09:12:46 PM
Hello All. I am Ben, an attorney living in eastern Massachusetts USA. I’m 56 and have been riding since I was 14.  Present bikes include a ‘71 BMW R75/5, 1978 Yamaha SR500 and a fresh fully restored 1972 Norton Commando.  In the past several years I’ve become more interested in working on bikes although I still ride most days throughout the year.  About a year ago I purchased a 1979 MG V1000G5 as a favor to a client who was cleaning out his barn. It was original and complete with no alterations save for a Vetter fairing but pretty rusty. I paid him $200.00 and even at that I was hesitant.  I want to try my chops at a semi custom build - sort of an easy cruiser with floorboards and modeled after the Dover white /2 bmw’s.  I’ll start a build thread and post pictures.  My best to all.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: omguzzi on February 20, 2020, 10:13:14 AM
Hi everyone,

I am Andrea (M), Italian living in Spain.
36 yo, marketing consultant.

I've been reading this forum for years now, and since I finished the rehab after a crash this summer (good trip through the alps and pyrenees with my 2001 honda cb 500), it's now new bike time. And I am about to see a V7II, so fingers crossed!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on February 23, 2020, 04:40:37 AM
Three Kiwis on this page alone! :thumb:

Welcome to the madness guys. 

Off @ 90, were you at the Tattley Rappet at Mot on Labour Weekend?  Nice and close to home.  I was born and bred in Golden Bay, and spent a couple of years at Nelson College.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chrisfer on February 23, 2020, 09:44:13 AM
I'am Chrisfer from France near Toulouse (Albi), 50yo.
Riding Guzzi since 1995 with a Nevada 750, a V11, another V11 Rosso Corsa and now a return to small block with a very Pleasant 2019 V7 III Carbon.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 23, 2020, 05:47:36 PM
I'am Chrisfer from France near Toulouse (Albi), 50yo.
Riding Guzzi since 1995 with a Nevada 750, a V11, another V11 Rosso Corsa and now a return to small block with a very Pleasant 2019 V7 III Carbon.

We don't get much input from French members; if you're out riding and can post a few pictures, we'd love to know what it's like riding around where you live .... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chrisfer on February 27, 2020, 11:37:49 AM
We don't get much input from French members; if you're out riding and can post a few pictures, we'd love to know what it's like riding around where you live .... !

Here you can see my local little roads in my country : https://youtu.be/1T-9tXeNKqc &  https://youtu.be/tOU1u93Y1wk  :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mr.Rodgers on February 27, 2020, 01:02:31 PM
This is a good time to be looking for motorcycles.
You ought to be able to find something you like from THAT selection!    Like many of us, maybe a favorite from the past that will bring back part of your long-ago youth .....  :thumb: ?
Currently looking at an Audace Carbon..  Mmmmmm
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 27, 2020, 08:38:38 PM
Here you can see my local little roads in my country : https://youtu.be/1T-9tXeNKqc &  https://youtu.be/tOU1u93Y1wk  :bike-037:

Well, thanks for those.   Looks like beautiful riding country!    Hope I can make it over there some day ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on February 27, 2020, 08:40:05 PM
Currently looking at an Audace Carbon..  Mmmmmm

Well, for sure that won't look like anything from your past!   Onward!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on February 27, 2020, 10:28:43 PM
I love my Audace but they aren't for everybody. The best I can say is they aren't real good around town but out on the highway they shine.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TR5Trider on March 10, 2020, 04:56:26 PM
Hello all

Bert Waterson

Louisiana Hill Country

82 trying to pass for 62

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ltl1 on March 12, 2020, 11:00:18 PM
Hello all,

I may have intro'd three or four years ago, but I had to put off buying my first MG until now; so here I am again...but this time with a new-to-me V7ll :)

I started riding when I was about 5, sitting on the gas tank of my Dad's sunburst orange 1970's Honda CB750. When I was a teenager, my brother would throw me on the back of his cafe racers that he would occasionally road race. In my mid 30's I decided I needed to learn to drive myself; so I started with a used 250CC Virago (which fit my beginner 5'1" frame great). I had that about 5 years and then moved overseas to Taiwan and rode a Chinese standard around rural rice paddies and up into the mountains. Been back in the states for 3 or 4 years and finally got the MG I've been looking at for years. I really liked the standard position, possibility of being able to wrench it myself, and the fact that although it's a modern bike (with fuel injection  :wink:)- one could still tell you were essentially riding a machine...if that makes sense.

I teach Special Ed in North County San Diego, and have found this forum to be very helpful and informative- so thanks!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 13, 2020, 08:07:53 AM
Hello all,

 I really liked the standard position, possibility of being able to wrench it myself, and the fact that although it's a modern bike (with fuel injection  :wink:)- one could still tell you were essentially riding a machine...if that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense; you're in good company with THAT sentiment!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on March 13, 2020, 08:09:06 AM

82 trying to pass for 62

I've known a few guys who could actually get away with that!   Hope you're successful!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alanp on March 14, 2020, 12:21:12 PM
Hello all,

I may have intro'd three or four years ago, but I had to put off buying my first MG until now; so here I am again...but this time with a new-to-me V7ll :


Welcome, and congrats on your new bike.  I have one also, and it continues to grow on me.  Air cooled engine, ease of maintenance, shaft drive and beautiful lines make for a unique and wonderful machine.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pfestus1 on March 23, 2020, 07:47:39 AM
Hello Guzzi folks!  I am happy to be a part of this forum. I'm a BMW guy and have only had Boxer Beemers since 1974 when I bought my first moto, an older R60/2.  I have always admired Guzzis, especially the older Ambassadors, but never really thought much about owning a Guzzi. That was until Guzzi came out with the V85TT. I really liked the bike in pictures and decided to find one at a dealer to just check out and sit on. I found a slightly used 2020 V85TT at a Triumph dealership about 90 miles away. I was smitten by the Guzzi. It looks, to me, like a motorcycle should look, or like I remember them looking a few years ago. I really wasn't looking to buy, but after a test ride I began thinking about how I could get up the $$ to purchase it. So now I am a Guzzi owner, and loving the V85TT.

I'm 68, retired Firefighter/Paramedic. Live and ride in the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains in South-west Virginia.

Hank Pfister
Roanoke, VA
2020 V85TT, and a couple old Airhead Beemers

(https://i.ibb.co/p3h39ZX/20200313-145119.jpg) (https://ibb.co/p3h39ZX)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Anomaly on March 25, 2020, 07:36:04 AM
Hello all,

Seth here, 61, from Rhode Island. Just joined, reading like mad to catch up. Just acquired a new-to-me 2012 v7 Classic. THEN I flew to Italy to be with my wife during these challenging times...

Very excited about the v7-- have to sell off a 98 BMW F650 and a 78 Suzuki GS400 as I am trying to get down to one bike and the v7 seemed perfect for my needs/wants.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stornello465 on March 25, 2020, 02:13:04 PM
David, 34, Operations in Berkeley (work in San Francisco and ride around the bay area a lot)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziBurger on March 27, 2020, 12:26:02 PM

I'm Axel from New York. I'm 25 and work in the photo and film industry.
Just got my first Guzzi a couple days ago

(https://i.ibb.co/0spqzS7/20200322-182833.jpg) (https://ibb.co/0spqzS7)

It's a 2015 v7 Classic
I have many questions and I'm excited to start posting in this community.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Solorider73 on March 28, 2020, 06:19:03 PM
Hello All

Name: Ronnie
Occupation: Electrical Engineer (I hear this might be a good skill set for a Guzzi)
Location: Huntsville, AL USA

I've been riding street bikes for about 20 years.  I rode a 2001 Triumph Sprint ST for a long time and still regret selling it.  I recently purchased a 2019 V7 lll Stone, which is my first Guzzi.  My other bike at the moment is a Suzuki DR650.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LFC4EVER on March 29, 2020, 08:21:15 AM

Name - Jesse
Occupation - Sales Rep
Age - 29
Location - Grand Rapids, MI

Just purchased a 2012 V7 Racer with super low mileage. I'm a bike novice (first bike ever purchased) and am hoping to learn a lot through this forum. My goal is to do the majority of the work DIY.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: foxbat on March 30, 2020, 12:11:08 PM
Abraham from Canada  here. A newbie to Motoguzzi. Never owned one but wanted to buy one.
I have been riding since I was 11 but officially since 1976. I am 60 years and an aviation consultant. Now ride a Triumph Thunderbird.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 30, 2020, 01:50:16 PM
Abraham from Canada  here. A newbie to Motoguzzi. Never owned one but wanted to buy one.
I have been riding since I was 11 but officially since 1976. I am 60 years and an aviation consultant. Now ride a Triumph Thunderbird.

 Cool , a youngster  :laugh:

 Welcome to WG .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: foxbat on March 30, 2020, 02:37:08 PM
Cool , a youngster  :laugh:

 Welcome to WG .


Thank you very much Dusty. I am looking at a used California as it is not very common in Canada and the part where I live. It is Harley territory. For that matter neither is it common to see a Triumph here. What should I be looking for when I look to buy a California? How is the ride on a Mottoguzzi California ride different lets say compared to a Triumph Thunderbird?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on March 30, 2020, 02:48:03 PM
Thank you very much Dusty. I am looking at a used California as it is not very common in Canada and the part where I live. It is Harley territory. For that matter neither is it common to see a Triumph here. What should I be looking for when I look to buy a California? How is the ride on a Mottoguzzi California ride different lets say compared to a Triumph Thunderbird?

 Probably a good question for General Discussion , you'll get lots of comments . Fair enough ?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rawle B on March 30, 2020, 06:16:14 PM
      My name is Rawle, I live in Utah and I'm 35. I'm on my third Guzzi, 10th motor cycle. My first guzzi was an mgx 21, after 8 months and 15000 miles I was hit by a van in the middle of December. I loved my 1400 so much I replaced it then picked up a griso to go with it.(500 miles to the nearest dealer got to have one to ride if I have to work on the other). I met a few of you in person  on a ride in Utah in September 2018 and I've found this forum to be an excellent resource in maintaining the guzzi's . I look forward to getting advise on problems and maybe helping on some of yours.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brilig on March 31, 2020, 11:49:36 AM
Hello everyone, 
My name is Mark and I am an electrician in the Boston area.
I have a 1979 SP 1000 that I have owned for thirty five years.  The bike has been out back in the shed for almost twenty five years and now it is time to get it back on the road.  Look for me in "Rebuilds".  I will need everybody's help putting this back together.
(https://i.ibb.co/MG8nRJt/20191005-144857.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MG8nRJt)

(https://i.ibb.co/MMs79KT/20191201-094618.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MMs79KT)

(https://i.ibb.co/qx6KbFG/20200328-160009.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qx6KbFG)

(https://i.ibb.co/2yBHvCB/20200329-100748.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2yBHvCB)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aneufeld on April 06, 2020, 07:33:27 PM
I bought my first Moto Guzzi (2009 Norge, 24000 miles or so) about 2 months ago and have been deep n the project ever since.  Since I bought it out of state the DMV needed to see the VIN.  Which is of course under the tank.  And since I had to take that off, why not first check everything out (which I had wanted to do anyway)?  So after just a few miles of riding I dug in.  I found original air and fuel filters, so that at least was worth the task.  Getting the inner plugs out stopped me for a while until I discovered that a lawn mower plug wrench from Lowe's was easily modified.  Everything looked pretty good but by that time, the local DMV was closed and remains so.  I'm riding with a piece of paper in a zip lock bag taped to the plate holder.  Most recently, I've learned how to re-key the saddle bags that were purchased apart from the bike - now they all operate on one key.  Not really that hard to do - is this common knowledge?

I've spent the last 5 years or so keeping a 1992 BMW K75 on the road.  That's an admirable bike in many ways as you may know but for me, it lacked character.  I was never able to love riding it, so now it has to go.  I must say, I'm initially very impressed with the Guzzi.  The first thing I noticed was that the tool set had about half the number of pieces as the BMWs and I wondered, is the bike designed so that these few tools will suffice for emergencies?  That seems to be the case, and I like that.  I like the feel of it as well.  it's about 60 pounds heavier than the BMW K75 but feels very much lighter.  When the rain clears and I actually get a license plate, I'm looking forward to some long rides.   
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PDXMilano on April 07, 2020, 06:03:01 PM

Larry Pexton here posting as PDXMilano.

Started at a Honda/Norton shop in Ithaca, NY in 1971.  Had a repair shop '73-76, then switched to the audio industry in 1978.  Moved to Aspen, then to Portland, founded Triad Speakers, sold it in early 2017.  Now retired and enjoying my 2018 V7 Milano iii purchased new in 2019, which is my first owned bike since I sold the 1979 Guzzi SP 1000, with about 50k on the clock.  Loved it every day I owned.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrKiwi on April 08, 2020, 11:47:03 PM
Three Kiwis on this page alone! :thumb:

Welcome to the madness guys. 

Off @ 90, were you at the Tattley Rappet at Mot on Labour Weekend?  Nice and close to home.  I was born and bred in Golden Bay, and spent a couple of years at Nelson College.

Hi Muzz
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on April 09, 2020, 03:31:59 PM
      My name is Rawle, I live in Utah and I'm 35. I'm on my third Guzzi, 10th motor cycle. My first guzzi was an mgx 21, after 8 months and 15000 miles I was hit by a van in the middle of December. I loved my 1400 so much I replaced it then picked up a griso to go with it.(500 miles to the nearest dealer got to have one to ride if I have to work on the other). I met a few of you in person  on a ride in Utah in September 2018 and I've found this forum to be an excellent resource in maintaining the guzzi's . I look forward to getting advise on problems and maybe helping on some of yours.

Welcome Rawle!  Sorry about the crash.  Glad you are still going strong. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: John A on April 10, 2020, 07:31:32 PM
John A 
Hager City,  Wi - 2 miles east of Redwing,MN
Retired aviation mechanic
My hot rod Bassa is getting long in the tooth with 160K miles so I’m looking for a replacement that I can put a sidecar on.  Doesn’t have to be a Guzzi but I haven’t found anything I like as well.
My lovely wife has an ‘02 Stone and a V65C
I’ve learned a lot here, some of it might even be correct  :evil:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzighost on April 11, 2020, 05:32:48 PM
Hello All,
Hope everyone is doing well in these challenging times.

Asad, 32, Software Engineer, Connecticut.
Ride a 2010 v7 Cafe Classic.
Excited to be part of this group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Anton on April 14, 2020, 04:11:01 AM
Hey there, newbie from Chicago, 28 yo. I wanted to start looking for a new bike but in current world situations i will have to wait a bit I think xD
Greetings and stay healthy !!!

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: captainzman on April 15, 2020, 12:50:02 PM
Hello, my name is Mark and I am currently living on Pine Island in SWFL. I am 65, a retired marine engineer/merchant mariner, sometime charter boat operator. I just bought the first Guzzi ever in my life but I do credit Moto Guzzi for my lifelong (so far) passion for Italian motorcycles.  Over 40 years ago, I had my heart set on a new '77 850 LeMans at a dealership in Baltimore.  I returned a few days later only to find out that it had been sold!  I consoled myself by trading in my '75 Honda 400-4 for the new Ducati SD 900 Darmah that appeared in the same spot on the showroom floor soon afterwards. I've owned seven more Ducs since then and a bunch of other bikes and maxi-scooters. Oh right, so what did I buy? A 2017 V9 Roamer with a little over 200 miles on the clock. The story was that a typical old SWFL rich dude bought it and din't like like the torque steer and traded for a Triumph at Stu's,our local Triumph dealer. Both keys but no owners manual and no connection to the previous owner, but very well priced, probably due to the lack of MG dealers here and, mostly, to Covid19. To wit, I was the only non-employee in the fancy new building during the three hours that I was there. So I guess I will be perusing the forum for a download of the manual and other tips. All of my helmets and other gear are up in NC where I am moving so I've only ridden it 20 miles since I got it this morning but I love it.  Just flat out love it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TexMexStrada on April 18, 2020, 11:32:45 AM
Howdy Folks!
I'm Matt from sun-kissed deep South Texas (southern tip of the state, right on the Rio Grande). I've been part of the Guzzi life for the past 12 months & 10K miles. After H-D, BMW, and Ducati I wanted to experience more of the essence of motorcycling, so I ended up on a V7III Stone that I'm slowly but surely converting into a sports tourer with ambitions to crisscross the continent in the coming years after getting it dialed in crisscrossing Texas.

(https://i.ibb.co/5crgRk5/Guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/5crgRk5)

(https://i.ibb.co/3vL4Xx2/guzzi1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/3vL4Xx2)

I enjoy messing with accessories and fiddling with oem parts, so I hope to contribute insights on bike enhancements to the group. 

2018 V7III Stone
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tinus89 on April 21, 2020, 05:16:23 AM
Hello everyone!

I'm Martijn, 30yrs old and from the Netherlands.
My father got me the love for Italian bikes.
For daily driving I own an Aprilia Caponord (ETV1000) and I also have a lovely V11 Rosso Mandello (not limited edition) :gotpics:


For the V11 and Capo I usually stick to their specialty forums.

As a project, I've just purchased a V65 Florida with the idea of converting it into a cafe racer. As I will have some questions regarding that bike, I've reactivated my account here.
I've already made a topic here with a question: https://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=105374.0
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: centrite on April 22, 2020, 02:19:07 PM
Herb C, 69, retired mechanical contractor, Seattle WA.
Riding, boating, travelling with my wife.

13 Motoguzzi V7 Special
73 Triumph TR7RV
07 BMW G650X
11 Sazuki TU 250

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mathieuguzzi on April 22, 2020, 03:04:00 PM
Hi everybody !

i'm Mathieu from France , 36 years old , and riding guzzi since 36 years old  :grin:
born in my father's side car ... and since that i ride Guzzi ( ok i rode on some others bike like ducati or HD but still guzzi's in the garage)

to day i have :

2006 , 1100 Calif +Side car ( french Joke'r 2)
2004 , V11 Lemans (my wife's bike)
1997 , Daytona RS
1997 , Centauro
1983 , Lemans III
1976, 850 T3 California
1976, 750 S3 ( work in progress)
1948, 250 Airone (one of my father's guzzi ... but still in my garage because i like to use it everyday for work !)

(https://i.ibb.co/ZhsRBD8/ESC-4364-2-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ZhsRBD8)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aproud1 on April 22, 2020, 07:59:44 PM
Hi everybody!

Andy here from Cincinnati, OH. Just picked up the V7 Milano below after much research. I work in kidney dialysis. Been riding I guess 16 years. V7 is my 3rd bike. Once I rode it, there was no going back to anything else.

See you all around.

(https://i.ibb.co/YTyb92c/milano.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YTyb92c)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pancho on April 25, 2020, 06:29:38 PM
Frank Cutrone from guelph Ontario Canada. heating technician 51yrs young. Just bought new 2017 mgx-21 last  September.
Put 80km on it and it suddenly had a catastrophic electrical problem! At the dealer now. :sad:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stu on April 27, 2020, 10:24:57 AM
Hi all, Stu here from Wiltshire, UK. I'm a Mechanical Engineer in the rail industry, 62 last week, and riding 45 years now.

Had my first Italian bike in 1982 (a Ducati 900MHR) and my first Guzzi in 86 (a V65SP converted to Monza bodywork). That was also my only Guzzi till this week... just bought a very dodgy looking 76 850 T3. Haven't got it yet, so the full extent of its dodginess is yet to be revealed!

No doubt to be the subject of a long, drawn out project thread when it finally arrives. In the meantime, I'll dive into the FAQs and see what I need to know!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WinnipegRider on April 27, 2020, 07:32:54 PM
Hi everyone, I'm Ryan, a 41 year old electrician in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  I kind of stumbled into the Moto Guzzi family after coming across a new 2017 V7III Special last year at a multi-line dealer while looking for an upgrade from my CRF250L.  I found this forum while looking for info about ECM flashing for the bike, and now here I am!

(https://i.ibb.co/vcp7HtF/v7iii-special.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vcp7HtF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GreyGooseGuy on April 29, 2020, 06:23:14 PM
Greetings from the Western Denver suburbs. I've never owned a Guzzi -- my dad did, a 1970 Ambassador V750, if memory serves -- but I've always been fascinated with them, for reasons I don't fully understand. Against my better judgment, I'm thinking about a V7 III.

Forgive the length of this...

About me: I've already celebrated my 60th birthday. About 5'8", with a 31-inch inseam. I'm married. She will go for an occasional ride as pillion, when the weather is perfect; prefers overnight trips to be in the car. I'm on my 18th bike, a 2016 FJR1300es (and my third FJR). I enjoy riding Colorado's passes and Front-Range canyons at a brisk, but not frantic pace. I've done a number of long-distance rides, including several Iron Butt Association 1,000-in-24 rides, and a 1,500-in-24 Bun Burner Gold. I had a mid-pack finish in my first (and to-date, only) multi-day long-distance rally in 2014, which involved riding 3,750 miles across 13 states in five days.

Why I'm here: I'm thinking about selling the uber-competent FJR and buying a V7 III. Why? The FJR is HEAVY, and seems to carry a lot of its weight up high. I'm not getting any younger. Pushing it around, on any kind of an incline, is sure to prompt a cloud of profanities. And I cannot flat-foot the bike at a stop. The saddle isn't especially lofty, but the bike is wide. And I'd swear my legs have gotten maybe an inch shorter over the last few years.

I refuse to go back to a drive chain. Won't consider a bike that cannot accommodate a center stand. Won't buy a BMW. That would seem to leave me with a Guzzi or a 10 year-old Honda NT700V. I'm guessing the latter's integrated luggage isn't removable -- at least, not easily -- which means getting it into or out of my garage would be quite a dance.

So... the V7, which I would expect to be able to purchase from proceeds of the sale of the FJR. (No, I don't have either enough garage or enough disposable income for two bikes.) V7 advantages: lighter, lower. I should be able to do routine maintenance, including maybe valve adjustments, myself. Character. Disadvantages: insufficient alternator capacity for heated gear, a necessity for long-distance riding in Colorado. Probably insufficient power for those occasional two-up rides in the mountains. No cruise control. No heated grips. Cooked calves on hot days, I would think. "Character."

Advice is certainly welcome, but I may get no further without riding one. There's a low-mileage Milano that I would probably buy at a local dealer, but they don't seem interested in letting me take it out for a five-hour test ride... :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on April 30, 2020, 07:29:19 AM

Why? The FJR is HEAVY, and seems to carry a lot of its weight up high. I'm not getting any younger. Pushing it around, on any kind of an incline, is sure to prompt a cloud of profanities. And I cannot flat-foot the bike at a stop. The saddle isn't especially lofty, but the bike is wide. And I'd swear my legs have gotten maybe an inch shorter over the last few years.

That's happening with a LOT of us.   I have a couple of uber-competent touring bikes, but I'll never buy anything as heavy and as tall as they are again.   V7 is in the right direction for sure.

So... the V7, which I would expect to be able to purchase from proceeds of the sale of the FJR. (No, I don't have either enough garage or enough disposable income for two bikes.) V7 advantages: lighter, lower. I should be able to do routine maintenance, including maybe valve adjustments, myself. Character.

All correct.   Maintenance is the easiest of any modern bike.   Valve adjustments especially.

Disadvantages: insufficient alternator capacity for heated gear, a necessity for long-distance riding in Colorado. Probably insufficient power for those occasional two-up rides in the mountains. No cruise control. No heated grips. Cooked calves on hot days, I would think. "Character."

Advice is certainly welcome, but I may get no further without riding one.

First advice is certainly to ride one.   And the first thing to think of is the fact that this is a 750, like the ones from 40 - 50 years ago that were Big Touring Bikes like Guzzi Ambassadors, Honda CB-750s, and Suzuki GT-750.   It will go anywhere and do anything, just like those bikes would.

But when you give up the "High, Tall, Heavy, Hard to Push Around" bikes, you also give up the 130 HP motor jerking you and your load up the road with massive acceleration around a line of cars in the mountains.   You give up the 700 watt alternator that will pull two sets of heated gear and driving lights.  You give up a couple inches of seat space.

And if you want this easy-to-handle light bike, you HAVE to modify your expectations as to amenities, space, comfort, luggage capacity, and power.

To me, it's worth it to have a lighter bike that doesn't make me cringe when I have to stop on a gravelly, off-camber road, hoping I can hold it up ....

Good luck!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 30, 2020, 08:10:14 AM


  If you want this easy-to-handle light bike, you HAVE to modify your expectations as to amenities, space, comfort, luggage capacity, and power.

To me, it's worth it to have a lighter bike that doesn't make me cringe when I have to stop on a gravelly, off-camber road, hoping I can hold it up ....

Good luck!


 :thumb:   the key is to concentrate on and enjoy what you have gained rather than what you have lost.  You may even discover that a lighter bike will open up opportunities for experiences you never had the chance to enjoy when you were focused on a more frantic riding style.  As Lannis pointed out, a 750 cc to 1000 cc bike isn't really "small" in the motorcycle world, except as compared to the land yachts most people, including myself, tour on.  Since you mentioned that your wife is uninterested in even overnight trips on the bike, you really don't need a bike big enough to carry the kitchen sink and refrigerator on longer rides, so you haven't lost much, if any, in required carrying capacity. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GreyGooseGuy on April 30, 2020, 12:45:09 PM
:thumb:   the key is to concentrate on and enjoy what you have gained rather than what you have lost.  You may even discover that a lighter bike will open up opportunities for experiences you never had the chance to enjoy when you were focused on a more frantic riding style.  As Lannis pointed out, a 750 cc to 1000 cc bike isn't really "small" in the motorcycle world, except as compared to the land yachts most people, including myself, tour on.  Since you mentioned that your wife is uninterested in even overnight trips on the bike, you really don't need a bike big enough to carry the kitchen sink and refrigerator on longer rides, so you haven't lost much, if any, in required carrying capacity.

Thanks, Lannis and jumpmaster. I am concerned that I may not be able to arrange a long-enough test ride to really get any sense of the V7's capabilities in the twisties. I do like to ride at a 7/10 pace through the corners. I understand that there may be an issue with cornering clearance, but I'm not clear whether that would come into play for me, or only be an issue for a real hotshoe. It's been many years since I scraped any hard parts in a corner. Thoughts?

Waiting to hear back from Erico, the local dealer re: a test ride. The shop with the low-mileage Milano didn't really seem interested in working with me...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 30, 2020, 01:06:04 PM
Thanks, Lannis and jumpmaster. I am concerned that I may not be able to arrange a long-enough test ride to really get any sense of the V7's capabilities in the twisties. I do like to ride at a 7/10 pace through the corners. I understand that there may be an issue with cornering clearance, but I'm not clear whether that would come into play for me, or only be an issue for a real hotshoe. It's been many years since I scraped any hard parts in a corner. Thoughts?

An ideal solution would be to find someone in your area who has a fairly new V7 who'd be amenable to riding together for a few hours and switching bikes during the ride.  Maybe hang around the shop(s) that sell or work on Guzzis to see if a candidate appears.  Or, even better, find out when the closest Guzzi state group meets - a lot have monthly breakfast, lunch or dinner meetings.  A bit of a challenge while we're dealing with --19, but that should ease at least a bit in the next month or 2.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lovey on May 01, 2020, 06:06:41 AM
G'day all,
My name is Steve and I’m from Batemans Bay, which is on the beautiful south coast of NSW, Australia.  I’m 48, married with 2 children and I’m a public servant.
I’ve never owned a Moto Guzzi before, but there’s just something, I can’t put my finger on it, that I’ve always admired or liked about them.  Maybe it’s the engine configuration, maybe because it’s Italian (like my best mate), who knows?  Motorcycles aren’t supposed to be logical decisions, are they?
My current ride is an ‘06 VFR800 which I bought in ’18, after a long layoff from riding.  The last bike I owned before the VFR was a Suzuki 600 back in ’92.  Lot’s of things have changed since then, except for my love of riding.
I’ve been eyeing off an ‘08 Breva 1200, which I have some questions about, but will post in the appropriate section.
Thanks for having be aboard,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobic69 on May 01, 2020, 10:44:31 PM
G'day all,
My name is Steve and I’m from Batemans Bay, which is on the beautiful south coast of NSW, Australia.  I’m 48, married with 2 children and I’m a public servant.
I’ve never owned a Moto Guzzi before, but there’s just something, I can’t put my finger on it, that I’ve always admired or liked about them.  Maybe it’s the engine configuration, maybe because it’s Italian (like my best mate), who knows?  Motorcycles aren’t supposed to be logical decisions, are they?
My current ride is an ‘06 VFR800 which I bought in ’18, after a long layoff from riding.  The last bike I owned before the VFR was a Suzuki 600 back in ’92.  Lot’s of things have changed since then, except for my love of riding.
I’ve been eyeing off an ‘08 Breva 1200, which I have some questions about, but will post in the appropriate section.
Thanks for having be aboard,
G'day Steve. Great part of the world you're from. We  have a place in Narrawallee just up the coast. The Breva would be great down there. I'm on my second Guzzi now. Jump in - you'll love it.
Cheers. Bob
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lovey on May 01, 2020, 10:56:49 PM
G'day Steve. Great part of the world you're from. We  have a place in Narrawallee just up the coast. The Breva would be great down there. I'm on my second Guzzi now. Jump in - you'll love it.
Cheers. Bob
Thanks Bob,
it certainly is a great part of the world, and close to the Clyde mountain for a bit of twisty fun. 
Take it easy,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GreyGooseGuy on May 02, 2020, 03:32:15 PM
Follow-up post...

Rode a low-mileage used 2018 Milano over the shop's stingy 3-mile prescribed loop this morning, with rain threatening. Very clean bike, very light after the FJR, both feet flat at a stop. Nice. Not used to running out of steam at 6,000 RPM, but I'm sure I'll adapt. Idled nicely, shifted well. I left a deposit; I go back Tuesday (taking the day off from work) to finalize the deal and take delivery. Very excited to get to know this bike better. Maybe I'll call her Alyssa...

(https://i.ibb.co/mcHRH8r/MG.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mcHRH8r)

Know anybody that would like to buy a perfect 2016 FJR1300 ES?  https://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/d/denver-2016-yamaha-fjr1300-es-sport/7117560608.html (https://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/d/denver-2016-yamaha-fjr1300-es-sport/7117560608.html)

And now, to go look at windscreens and luggage options. And a throttle lock...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on May 02, 2020, 03:43:40 PM
Welcome to the forum GGG and nice choice on the Milano.  It is going to be quite an adjustment from that amazing FJR, but I think you will like the Milano a lot.   I am sure it is up to IBA work, but it wouldn't be my first choice.    I will be turning 66 soon, and have too many choices of what to ride.  My V7 is one of my favorites though.  It has really grown on me.  The V7IIIs are even better.  Good luck and start a post in the general section when the Milano comes home!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JoeB1974 on May 02, 2020, 11:56:42 PM
Joe here from Ireland
. Thanks for the add.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aproud1 on May 03, 2020, 12:25:24 PM
Follow-up post...

Rode a low-mileage used 2018 Milano over the shop's stingy 3-mile prescribed loop this morning, with rain threatening. Very clean bike, very light after the FJR, both feet flat at a stop. Nice. Not used to running out of steam at 6,000 RPM, but I'm sure I'll adapt. Idled nicely, shifted well. I left a deposit; I go back Tuesday (taking the day off from work) to finalize the deal and take delivery. Very excited to get to know this bike better. Maybe I'll call her Alyssa...

(https://i.ibb.co/mcHRH8r/MG.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mcHRH8r)

Know anybody that would like to buy a perfect 2016 FJR1300 ES?  https://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/d/denver-2016-yamaha-fjr1300-es-sport/7117560608.html (https://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/d/denver-2016-yamaha-fjr1300-es-sport/7117560608.html)

And now, to go look at windscreens and luggage options. And a throttle lock...

Nice! Love my Milano so far. Please let me know what you land on for luggage. I'm struggling to make a decision.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 03, 2020, 12:59:06 PM
Nice! Love my Milano so far. Please let me know what you land on for luggage. I'm struggling to make a decision.

I don't know if they make a kit for the Milano &/or V7III, but I have the Hepco-Becker
(https://i.ibb.co/pw0vPMm/MG-Mille-GT-a.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pw0vPMm)
luggage rack/pannier combo for my Mille GT & really like it.  The 30 Liter bags aren't huge but the set-up looks nice on my bike.  There's a company in England - Moto International, I think - that had the best prices I found after a lot of research a couple of years ago, even after factoring in shipping.  You might be able to find 30 &/or 40 L bags on ebay or Wildguzzi.com, but the rack & pannier frames are model-specific, so not as likely to find a used set at a better price than new ones.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GreyGooseGuy on May 03, 2020, 03:02:47 PM
I don't know if they make a kit for the Milano &/or V7III, but I have the Hepco-Becker
(https://i.ibb.co/pw0vPMm/MG-Mille-GT-a.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pw0vPMm)
luggage rack/pannier combo for my Mille GT & really like it.  The 30 Liter bags aren't huge but the set-up looks nice on my bike.  There's a company in England - Moto International, I think - that had the best prices I found after a lot of research a couple of years ago, even after factoring in shipping.  You might be able to find 30 &/or 40 L bags on ebay or Wildguzzi.com, but the rack & pannier frames are model-specific, so not as likely to find a used set at a better price than new ones.

That's a great-looking Mille. Bags look nice, too. I will investigate...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GreyGooseGuy on May 03, 2020, 06:28:24 PM
Nice! Love my Milano so far. Please let me know what you land on for luggage. I'm struggling to make a decision.

After seeing jumpmaster's solution and watching TexMexStrada's youtube video, I've decided to go with Hepco and Becker. Probably 40s on the sides, and a 40 out back. My usual luggage go-to, Givi, certainly has nothing I'd be eager to put on the bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aproud1 on May 04, 2020, 06:47:43 AM
After seeing jumpmaster's solution and watching TexMexStrada's youtube video, I've decided to go with Hepco and Becker. Probably 40s on the sides, and a 40 out back. My usual luggage go-to, Givi, certainly has nothing I'd be eager to put on the bike.

I've been going back and forth between the HB hard luggage and C Bow soft cases. Anything substantial Would get strapped to the seat. Would you be kind enough to post a pic of your Milano with whatever luggage you choose? I need to wait a bit to recover from my purchase.

I really like some Givi options but looks like we would need to remove the grab rail to install their mount.

I don't know if they make a kit for the Milano &/or V7III, but I have the Hepco-Becker
(https://i.ibb.co/pw0vPMm/MG-Mille-GT-a.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pw0vPMm)
luggage rack/pannier combo for my Mille GT & really like it.  The 30 Liter bags aren't huge but the set-up looks nice on my bike.  There's a company in England - Moto International, I think - that had the best prices I found after a lot of research a couple of years ago, even after factoring in shipping.  You might be able to find 30 &/or 40 L bags on ebay or Wildguzzi.com, but the rack & pannier frames are model-specific, so not as likely to find a used set at a better price than new ones.

That is a sweet bike! The bags look a lot better on than I thought they would.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grumpyguzzi on May 04, 2020, 06:15:06 PM
Well, here i am and here it is. IT is a 2011 Norge (didn't show the road rash side LOL). I've been wanting to get another bike for several years. Destroyed my 81 Suzuki GS1000G in a head-on collision with a Honda . . . . . . Civic driven by an 18 year old cutie back in April, 2009. Wasn't ready to turn loose of the cash to buy another one what with job uncertainty and promises made to she who must be obeyed. Then, about a month ago one of my younger brothers called out of the blue on a Saturday AM and said "I'm bringing thu Guzzi to you and signing the title over. Needs a clutch but other than that, it's ready to ride". So, I find myself the owner of a motorcycle I probably woulnd't have even thought of before. About to order an oil filter because it's been sitting for a year without an oil change. Still pondering going the clutch myself or taking it to the shop. It will move under its own power so I've cruised around the funeral home parking lot across the street a bit. Put a new battery in a week after I got it.
(https://i.ibb.co/jRTTgHb/Motto.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jRTTgHb)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on May 04, 2020, 07:17:59 PM
Well, here i am and here it is. IT is a 2011 Norge (didn't show the road rash side LOL). I've been wanting to get another bike for several years. Destroyed my 81 Suzuki GS1000G in a head-on collision with a Honda . . . . . . Civic driven by an 18 year old cutie back in April, 2009. Wasn't ready to turn loose of the cash to buy another one what with job uncertainty and promises made to she who must be obeyed. Then, about a month ago one of my younger brothers called out of the blue on a Saturday AM and said "I'm bringing thu Guzzi to you and signing the title over. Needs a clutch but other than that, it's ready to ride". So, I find myself the owner of a motorcycle I probably woulnd't have even thought of before. About to order an oil filter because it's been sitting for a year without an oil change. Still pondering going the clutch myself or taking it to the shop. It will move under its own power so I've cruised around the funeral home parking lot across the street a bit. Put a new battery in a week after I got it.
(https://i.ibb.co/jRTTgHb/Motto.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jRTTgHb)

A Guzzi clutch is a big job.   You'll know your bike well once you're done, but make sure you've got everything lined up, and stick with it and finish it once you start!

Sounds like this'll be a really good deal on a nice bike ....

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 06, 2020, 01:28:31 PM
It will need a Cali14 clutch, that is the update for Norge & Stelvio. Some do go bad. Just a beast motor. Welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoGzziClassics on May 08, 2020, 03:28:16 PM
Hello Everyone.. My name is Wyatt Hill and I am Mark Etheridge's nephew of Moto Guzzi Classics here in Signal Hill, Ca. Ive been helping Mark a few days a week with social media, internet sales, and anything technology related. For anyone that knows Mark...he's VERY old school. We are very much still in business and trying to spark some new life into the shop. We've gots lots of parts and bikes for sale. If you guys need anything, Ill be the one behind the computer doing my very best to answer all your questions. I can also send pictures of parts if need be.
(https://i.ibb.co/jhCNVYX/81-FC6-B34-6267-4-A36-9-D43-5-D6899-A492-AC.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jhCNVYX)
Looking forward to getting to know everyone on the page.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: elrealistico on May 08, 2020, 03:48:53 PM
Hello All,

Mr. Matt here from Northwest of Tampa, Florida. Bought an 18 V7III Special late last year, been putting some miles on it finally commuting on the nearly traffic free roads. Anyone in the area up for a ride or working on bikes (other one is a 78 Bonneville), let me know. Stay safe!

(https://i.ibb.co/2v5fc3c/20200314-135636.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2v5fc3c)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EMFC on May 11, 2020, 03:16:01 PM
Hey everyone!!!

I am a new owner of 2018 V7III Rough and absolutely love this motorcycle. I didn't think I would ever get into the motorcycle game again and then I found this one. I have zero regrets!!!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Buzz Lightyear on May 11, 2020, 04:57:09 PM
Hi from London,

Thank you for your great site which helped  me choose a rather smart V7 iii Stone Night Pack in Blu Pungente which will be my second Moto Guzzi.  The link below will show you a few pics of my first one which started life as a V9 Bobber and gradually morphed into an 850cc V7.  I sold it 18 months ago and recently got the bug for another one, this time the V7iii.


I am in my mid fifties and work for Land Rover as a business manager.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: banan on May 20, 2020, 05:16:21 AM
Hi everyone, I'm from Wroclaw, Poland and I'm the owner of one of the vehicles in attached picture (presumably less reliable one) for over a year and 10k km now.

(https://i.ibb.co/1M6btQp/indeks.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1M6btQp)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grumpyguzzi on May 21, 2020, 12:07:33 PM
It will need a Cali14 clutch, that is the update for Norge & Stelvio. Some do go bad. Just a beast motor. Welcome.
My name is Stephen Frazier & as of yesterday it's all mine. Got it registered, sticker on the plate. Hopefully. Austin will get title back to me promptly. Now I can run it down the road and see if that clutch is really bad. Not that I don't believe little brother but . . . . 😆
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Untamed850 on May 21, 2020, 05:27:36 PM
Jonah Hunter
Student (Biomedical Engineering)
West-Central Indiana
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gianpi_1011 on May 22, 2020, 05:51:02 PM
Gianpiero Aquilino

27 years until November 10th

Flight Instructor at www.goldeneagle.cl

Santiago, Chile

been loving Guzzis' on paper, and finally got my hands on a '10 Stelvio on november with 40.000km (25.000 miles) Don't panic, I just finished rollerizing it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CapitalGoose on May 24, 2020, 09:27:06 AM
My name is Stephen Frazier & as of yesterday it's all mine. Got it registered, sticker on the plate. Hopefully. Austin will get title back to me promptly. Now I can run it down the road and see if that clutch is really bad. Not that I don't believe little brother but . . . . 😆

Hey Steve,

Welcome to the forum and nice bike!

You don't happen to be from Louisiana do you? I grew up in Baton Rouge, and knew a guy named Stephen Frazier (Stevie back then). Was mid-late nineties... we had mutual friends, Greg and Steph...or was it Paul and Danielle?

Anyway, cheers!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dstorms on May 24, 2020, 08:39:27 PM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.


Daniel, Vancouver BC V7 iii Stone (Yellow) High School Teacher
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grumpyguzzi on May 25, 2020, 11:34:46 AM
Hey Steve,

Welcome to the forum and nice bike!

You don't happen to be from Louisiana do you? I grew up in Baton Rouge, and knew a guy named Stephen Frazier (Stevie back then). Was mid-late nineties... we had mutual friends, Greg and Steph...or was it Paul and Danielle?

Anyway, cheers!
Nope . Caddo Mills, Texas. Small town but, growing fast. Thanks for the compliment! It's got a little road rash from my brother laying it down and kinda dirty but other than that seems in good shape. We love going to Louisiana whenever we can. Good people there. I'm actually wearing at-shirt from the Shereveport water works museum this AM. Pretty rainy out right now so I'm just tinkering with it. Checking stuff out, getting acquainted with it I'm a mechanical designer/drafter. I'm about to turn 58 & I work for Commscope in Richardson, Tx.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NoSprk on May 26, 2020, 11:40:24 AM
Hi Im Don from Santa Rosa, Ca. im 34, been riding dirt since i was 5. been riding on the street since i was 15. been after a few guzzis in the last few years but they always get away too fast. i currently have a 91 bmw r100gspd, 73 bmw R75/5 and a cone shovel chopper
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Marquezdl on May 27, 2020, 10:01:30 PM
I live in Yakima Wa.  I have been a lurker here for awhile.  I really blew my big chance because Moto International was a stellar dealership, but gone and sorely missed.
Its about time to replace my experiment in adventure bikes, a 2016 Triumph Tiger 800 XrT...I keep looking at the V7lll stone night pack/milano/raccer, its classic beauty and mechanical simplicity.  I am retired and I plan to do as much maintenance/service as possible, and I do believe I can handle most of the V7 service.
At 70 this will be my final M/C, pretty sure about that.  I plan to go out in style!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brandon Hammer on May 28, 2020, 03:36:36 PM
 Hello Guzzi Group! I'm Brandon Hammer,47, I'm an Instrumentation, Electrical and Automation Technician at a Co-Generation power Station in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I recently bought a 2017 Moto Guzzi MGX-21 almost 2 months ago and couldn't be happier with it! I absolutely love the look and the ride.  I am starting to have concerns about this purchase though since getting parts and accessories for it has been a nightmare already! I bought it from the Eurocycle dealership here in Las Vegas without the saddle bags mounted since they didn't have the mounting kit for it and had to order to mounting kit from Piaggio in Italy! It's now been almost 2 months without bags! I was planning a road trip to Utah with a friend but have no bags GRRRR.  Obviously, I am getting frustrated with how long this is taking and I started looking online to find the mounting kit myself without any luck. I also was looking for the Carbon Fiber seat eliminator (COD. 2S000699) and was told that it has been discontinued! Really? SMMFH. I bought the bike brand new with 2 miles on it. If anyone knows where I can purchase the mounting kit for the bags and/or the seat eliminator I would really appreciate it. I've attached a picture of the seat eliminator and part number in case anyone has any leads for me. Thank you and I look forward to learning more about this beautiful bike with the help of this group. Thanks and safe riding to you all.
Brandon Hammer

(https://i.ibb.co/nfHprsS/carbon-fiber-seat-eliminator.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nfHprsS)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TiMGX21 on May 31, 2020, 11:38:55 AM
Tim Forrester
Portland, OR
LP Gas repair technician

on my 4th bike but this is my first Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ironox on June 01, 2020, 06:53:12 AM
Hello all. My name is Bob and I’m 66 yrs old. I remember when I first laid eyes on a motorcycle. It was maybe 1966. There was a Harley parked outside a grocery store. I thought that was the coolest thing that I ever saw. Being just a kid, it was only a dream. Years later a guy dating one of my older sisters-turned out later to be my brother in law, pulled up to the house on a BSA. I don’t remember the model, only that it reaffirmed my love for bikes. I knew when I became of age and could afford one, I’d buy one. Well then, school, Job, marriage, kids and years later - at the age of 42, I bought my first bike. It was a 1996 Harley Davidson Road King. I paid a premium over retail. I didn’t care...it was my first motorcycle!  I didn’t even know how to ride it. When I took delivery I asked the salesman to ride it up into the Uhaul van I showed up in. The look on his face was priceless, I’ll never forget it. I tell everyone that a Road King is a great beginner bike. It was for me, because it was the first of 17 bikes owned over the years. I’ve been as fast as 155 mph on a CBR1100XX(not the smartest thing that I’ve ever done), and traveled to many parts of the USA and Canada. I’ve been  to Sturgis-one of the best two weeks me and my wife ever experienced. Thankfully, I’ve never been in an accident. So, why am I here?  I’ve never owned a Guzzi and I’m thinking of buying one, maybe a V7. I’m a bit physically compromised, so a smaller, lighter bike is in order. Plus my wife is no longer interested in bikes, so I don’t need a touring bike. Anyway, don’t mind me folks. I’ll just hang out with you all and learn about Moto Guzzi’s! And maybe, sooner rather than later I buy one.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bigbikerrick on June 02, 2020, 01:11:56 PM
Welcome to the "Guzzi Family" Bob. This is a great place, the best MC forum anywhere, IMHO. Let me warn you, once you are bitten by the Guzzi bug, you will be forever changed.
  Guzzis are great bikes, but is the people who ride them that really make ownership special.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DesmoDog on June 07, 2020, 04:23:34 PM

My name's Craig. I'm 57, have been an engineer in the auto industry for way too long, and have now spent 20+ years in a SE Michigan town my wife and I thought we'd only stay in for a 2 or 3 years.

My username reflects two of my main interests these past years. Yes, I did name one of my dogs "Desmo". He was a golden retriever mix who lived to just shy of his 17th birthday. He was an awesome dog.

As you may have guessed, a guy with a dog named Desmo has a favorite brand of motorcycle. Don't hate me, not just yet anyway, but for around 25 years I was exclusive to the brand. Two years ago I bought an Aprilia RSV-R to use as a track toy until it could be a parts donor for a Ducati project, and that was apparently a crack in the armor. Now the V85 TT has caught my attention, and here I am. The only thing holding me back is I'd have to sell my Monster 1200S to free up the time/space/money for it. (The Aprilia is already listed). I considered a Desert Sled just to stay in the family as it were, but my thoughts keep creeping back to the Guzzi so I'm thinking that's the better choice. 

I really like the Monster, it's probably the best street bike I've evr owned, but retirement is nearing and I've been paring down the number of bikes I have. If I'm honest with myself, the V85 would serve me in my retirement better than the Monster will, but it's still a tough leap to take.

I don't have any dogs with Ducati related names anymore though, so I guess that helps...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grumpyguzzi on June 07, 2020, 06:33:25 PM
Got this yesterday. Have to find an appropriate place to display it.
(https://i.ibb.co/WWmxcd9/FB-IMG-1591571108795.jpg) (https://ibb.co/WWmxcd9)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moho66 on June 10, 2020, 05:06:46 PM
New Guzzi owner from Gilbert AZ USA    Jumped on the V85TT bandwagon for my first ever 'new' bike purchase. Also have a Honda VFR700F, BMW R100R and Triumph Street Triple 675 in the garage. Look forward to taking some scenic rides on and off road in the beautiful state that i live in, and beyond. Hope to get to know of few people and get some wrenching tips, as I prefer to do most of my own work on my bikes. Been wanting to add a Guzzi to the fleet for years. My grandfather had his '38 Guzzi (not sure of the model, no pictures exist) taken from him by some fascists in Zagreb in 1941; so it's a Goose coming home in a sense....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Micajah on June 11, 2020, 02:11:50 PM
Don here from Plymouth, Mass., USA

1970 Ambassador 750, sold
1991 Le Mans 1000 (V or FE)
2016 V7ii Stornello 750 abs
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Blue Mountains 57 on June 12, 2020, 08:32:21 AM
Hello my name is Rob from Springwood NSW Australia, I've been reading the forum for a while and thought I might as well register. I have a few Coopers, a couple of Montesas and three Guzzis. Bought my first 850T3 in 1984, it's funny how some bikes just fit in with how you think a bike should be and you never change your feeling for it. That's what a Moto Guzzi is to me.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TheHungarian on June 16, 2020, 11:20:40 AM
Hello everyone,

My name's Mike, 54,  and I'm from the East Coast of the U.S. My new bike is a '13 V7 stone, and its the first bike I've owned in 20 years, and in fact have barely ridden at all in that time period, other than an occasional scooter.
My previous bikes:
1976 Yamaha MX125 (I was quite a hooligan with that thing)
1985 Honda Nighthawk 700S
1993 Suzuki Katana 750
1996 Honda VFR 750 (a rolling Swiss watch!)

This is my first V twin and I look forward to every ride I can fit into my schedule.  :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shiffrod on June 17, 2020, 11:14:59 AM

My name is Nathan and I ride a 2017 MGX21 and just finished my 12.4k service.  Looking to do a cross country trip.  I am really hoping to get a better map for my fortress because I have had the baffling removed from the stock exhaust and it runs really lean.  Also considering getting an aftermarket set of pipes for the trip because my baby SCREAMS and I dont know if i can handle that for the 9000+ mile round trip.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kane on June 20, 2020, 11:44:04 AM
Greetings! This is my first post though I have been lurking for a while. Cliff Kane from southern California. I am semi-active on the awesome V11LeMans forum as my bike is an ‘01 V11 Sport (a Greenie!). I think this site is a great compliment as you’re geared for the whole Guzzi gestalt. My first real motorcycle, a long time ago, was an 850T, and though I later owned a few Triumphs, including a very nice ‘61 pre-unit Bonnie, and a nice HD FXR, Moto Guzzi always held a special place in my heart. I took a hiatus from riding for a number of years, but about a year ago I decided to get back in the saddle, and it had to be a Moto Guzzi. I found my V11 and it’s been a great journey and a pleasure.
I love all things Guzzi and have been jonesing to get into a carbed Tonti frame bike to keep the Green Goddess company. I’m happy to be here!
I hope all are well!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bajadera on June 23, 2020, 07:45:34 AM
 Hello everyone...
My name is Hrvoje.
45 years old...
I came from Zadar Croatia Europe
I am proud owner of a 2004 Breva 750 ie and I really like this bike
I hope that here I will find lots of information to keep my Breva strong and well maintained.
Thank you

P.S: Sorry about my poor english but I hope that you will understand me

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 23, 2020, 09:07:06 AM
Hello everyone...
My name is Hrvoje.
45 years old...
I came from Zadar Croatia Europe
I am proud owner of a 2004 Breva 750 ie and I really like this bike
I hope that here I will find lots of information to keep my Breva strong and well maintained.
Thank you

P.S: Sorry about my poor english but I hope that you will understand me

Your English is close to perfect, no problem.    There's a LOT of information here, and experts on, both the older (V50, V65) small-blocks and the newer (Breva, V7) small-blocks ... all you have to do is ask, no question is too simple or complicated!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobic69 on June 23, 2020, 06:39:56 PM
Hello everyone...
My name is Hrvoje.
45 years old...
I came from Zadar Croatia Europe
I am proud owner of a 2004 Breva 750 ie and I really like this bike
I hope that here I will find lots of information to keep my Breva strong and well maintained.
Thank you

P.S: Sorry about my poor english but I hope that you will understand me

Hi Hrvoje. My mother is from Zadar ( my father from Sinj). I've been there several times. Such a beautiful city. You're lucky to have the great Croatian roads to ride on. One day I want to do the coast and islands on a bike. Sve najbolje. Robert.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Existent80 on June 24, 2020, 01:53:21 PM
Hi folks!

About to close on a 1987 1000 SP II so figured I'd come join the collective wisdom here.

The beast in question:

Current bikes: BMW F800GS, 2013 Ural Tourist

30s, F, in NYC

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 25, 2020, 07:19:29 AM
Hi folks!

About to close on a 1987 1000 SP II so figured I'd come join the collective wisdom here.

The beast in question:

Current bikes: BMW F800GS, 2013 Ural Tourist

30s, F, in NYC

Many will say that the SPII has all the best features of Guzzi - simplicity, handling, weather protection, torque ... that looks like a great example!   Hope you enjoy it!

Title: Introducing Momo
Post by: Momo on June 28, 2020, 10:35:28 PM
Hello all, 

Larry Moulder
73 relatively good, healthy years
presently employed at Home Depot buy have had many other careers  including 14 years wrenching
heart of Amish Country -  Lancaster County, Pa
Own 6 bikes right now, have had as many as 13 at one time- possibly owned 50 or more over the years.  One ( which turned into a problem) is a 2008 low mileage Breva 750. 

More details to follow
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dwirfel on June 29, 2020, 01:44:53 PM
I hope that I'm starting off on the right foot here...  I'm not very familiar with forums... 

If I'm in the correct place...

My introduction information follows:

Dereck Wirfel
56 years old
Retired Air Force (34 years)
Riding since 1970
I own several bikes, and recently bought my son a 2007 Norge
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DiggerD on June 29, 2020, 05:26:40 PM
Denny Schon ~ 68 ~  Engineering Technician ~  Mid Wet Oregon (Corvallis area)

New to me 2002 MG LeMans
KTM 990 ADV, 690 Enduro, 990 SuperDukeR, 300 Smoker

Suzuki 2005 GSXR1000.

DiggerD on the ADVrider Forum.

DougFir on the SuperDuke.net forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Existent80 on June 29, 2020, 06:59:59 PM
Many will say that the SPII has all the best features of Guzzi - simplicity, handling, weather protection, torque ... that looks like a great example!   Hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for the welcome!
What a beast this V Twin is. Love the stance - perfect for my height.

Had a nice 85mi ride home but unfortunately stalled out in stop-and-go traffic and was fussy to restart - I think when the bike is good and hot it idles a bit low; I hope a minor adjustment.

Not sold on the fairings as the front-set sidestand is basically unusable - have to shimmy off and steady the bike and use the center stand so far - not quite an elegant move and given the weight of this sled, a set-up for dropping it.

That said, this was a well-ridden sport tourer (50k mi) that could use some TLC. Looking forward to it as a - project.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Momo on June 29, 2020, 10:57:41 PM
intro follow up

First bike was a basket case Harley Hummer purchased while stationed at Eglin AFB 1966-70, put together with guidance from fellow airman, Jim Qualls.  Being waaay too small it was sold and a 1969 Honda CB350 was purchased.  Subsequently a Yamaha DT-1.  I became addicted to dirt bikes, had Sachs, DKW, Ossa, Bultaco, Montesa, MZ, Hondas, etc. 

After discharge I went to a motorcycle mechanic school courtesy of VA bennies and then to work in the industry for 14 or so years.  Riff's Cycle Center, Devon Honda and Montgomeryville Cycle Center- from wrenching to service manager.  For a single guy pay back then pay was excellent.  Then to college and the photo industry, where I taught, managed a photo lab, owned a photo lab/studio.  Digital imaging killed that so I wound up at Home Depot, still working quite a bit at 73.

Got married and all motorcycling stopped :lipsrsealed:  After my wife passed away 13 years ago I got back into bikes.  Must have restored for myself and others at least 50 Japanese bikes during that time.

Presently own:
1965 Honda S90
1991 Suzuki Katana gs1100f
1991 Kawaski Ninja 600
1982 Yamaha Seca 400 dohc twin
1981 Kawasaki KZ1100 LTD
 and the problem child a 2008 Guzzi Breva 750, which I'll introduce forthwith.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on June 30, 2020, 07:44:22 AM
Thanks for the welcome!
What a beast this V Twin is. Love the stance - perfect for my height.

Had a nice 85mi ride home but unfortunately stalled out in stop-and-go traffic and was fussy to restart - I think when the bike is good and hot it idles a bit low; I hope a minor adjustment.

Not sold on the fairings as the front-set sidestand is basically unusable - have to shimmy off and steady the bike and use the center stand so far - not quite an elegant move and given the weight of this sled, a set-up for dropping it.

That said, this was a well-ridden sport tourer (50k mi) that could use some TLC. Looking forward to it as a - project.

The sidestands that come on those are horrible, always have been.   Designed to meet some lawyer-derived design, not safety or practicality.

There are ways to modify the bike to use the big, useful, functional Tonti-frame sidestand, and I had done it on one of mine.   Otherwise, as you say, you have to sort of hop sideways off the bike and put it on the centerstand, and eventually that method will goof at the expense of some plastic ... !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on June 30, 2020, 08:23:53 AM

Had a nice 85mi ride home but unfortunately stalled out in stop-and-go traffic and was fussy to restart - I think when the bike is good and hot it idles a bit low; I hope a minor adjustment.

That said, this was a well-ridden sport tourer (50k mi) that could use some TLC. Looking forward to it as a - project.

Before jumping into a lot of fiddling around to address the above-noted issues, just try cleaning the sparkplugs and riding it several times for a total of at least a couple of hundred miles.  When I bought my Eldorado, it ran a bit rough and temperamentally, but with regular use it smoothed right out.  I figure it was suffering from lack of use syndrome - sitting around for long periods and, when it was started, only very short periods of being run.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Existent80 on June 30, 2020, 12:24:26 PM
Before jumping into a lot of fiddling around to address the above-noted issues, just try cleaning the sparkplugs and riding it several times for a total of at least a couple of hundred miles.

A fair point, thanks - I'd always rather touch a plug than dual carbs for sure. I think there are spare spark plugs from original owner so it'll be just as easy to drop those in. It's a weird situation where the PO bought it and didn't really ride it from Fall till now, but the PPO knew it well and rode it and loved it (might have been first owner) - so I just have a big knowledge gap on how the bike actually behaves (or, behaved). I like the idea of "lack of use syndrome" being the culprit here. A few tanks of gas and some decently high revs through it may well sort it out.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 30, 2020, 02:15:52 PM
Add some carb cleaner additive to the gas too.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Luckyd on June 30, 2020, 06:50:03 PM
Lucky d
San Diego
Coast to coast to coast, cowboy camping my favorite rides.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kevincraig on July 06, 2020, 04:43:41 AM
Hi all,
 Kevin Craig here.
65 and just retired this year from too much travelling and corporate BS.
From a Cleveland Ohio suburb.
Hobbies/ Interests: Motorcycles ,Drum Circles (Hand drumming), Hiking, Grandkids of course.


1974 Honda 500 twin
1969 Bonnieville customized
1979 HD Low Rider
2013 Ural T
2017 Ural M70
2017 Guzzi California Touring- Taking delivery 7/17/20
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: agdrache on July 06, 2020, 10:22:24 AM
Ari G
Bicycle mechanic
Greater Boston, MA

Currently riding a Suzuki TU250X and looking into getting something bigger
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ivantheterrible on July 07, 2020, 06:43:09 AM
Hi all.
just got a 98 ev11 blue Guzzi. I've been told this is the place to go for all things Moto Guzzi so I've been reading through the site as time allows. lots of good info! look forward to the day when I can contribute to the knowledge base.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jhem68 on July 07, 2020, 07:11:29 AM
 John Hemenway 68 years old ( and adding at an alarming rate!) and retired. I Have been riding motorcycles since 1969.

If you have been at the Wisconsin Rally in the last five or so years I've probably had the pleasure of serving you a meal or two.

I've been lurking here for a year or two as I find very good perspective on issues and opinions about products and projects I've encountered during my guzzi caretaking times. So now I felt it's time to join and see if my experiences with the brand can be of benefit to someone else. Sorry about the Intro being a little delayed but I've had a busy holiday weekend.

Current stable,
2018 Milano
2007 Honda 919
2004 Breva 750 ie
1980 SP 1000
1975 850T
1969 Homemade (BMW/VW)

Long term guest,
1973 Eldorado
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Momo on July 07, 2020, 09:37:31 PM
John Hemenway 68 years old ( and adding at an alarming rate!) and retired. I Have been riding motorcycles since 1969.

If you have been at the Wisconsin Rally in the last five or so years I've probably had the pleasure of serving you a meal or two.

I've been lurking here for a year or two as I find very good perspective on issues and opinions about products and projects I've encountered during my guzzi caretaking times. So now I felt it's time to join and see if my experiences with the brand can be of benefit to someone else. Sorry about the Intro being a little delayed but I've had a busy holiday weekend.

Current stable,
2018 Milano
2007 Honda 919
2004 Breva 750 ie
1980 SP 1000
1975 850T
1969 Homemade (BMW/VW)

Long term guest,
1973 Eldorado

It'd be interesting to see some photos of your bmw/vw
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vwtee2 on July 08, 2020, 12:28:04 PM
Irish, 48 year old living in holland last 22 years, building a tonti frame
(https://i.ibb.co/kB04V8z/FB-IMG-1592236229134.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kB04V8z)
caferacer and drive a 1973 v7 sport (only frame and engine are original i think)
(https://i.ibb.co/SKwNF39/IMG-20200611-WA0006.jpg) (https://ibb.co/SKwNF39)
Title: New member from West Oz
Post by: SurferDave on July 09, 2020, 03:40:50 AM
Hello all,
just joined this forum.
Have owned my LM3 since 1985.
She's been under repair for a couple of years, leaking head gasket, got it off then had bad sailing injury and unable to work on her for about a year.
Now, I just took the sump pan off to replace filter and remove lost bits that fell in while the barrel was off, and I had a terrible incident, one of the two 10mm bolts near the rear was frozen in the thread and exploded! Oh no!

(https://i.ibb.co/VHvGgKK/050.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VHvGgKK)

servicesource org (https://nonprofitlight.com/va/oakton/servicesource-inc)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jhem68 on July 09, 2020, 06:01:38 AM

It'd be interesting to see some photos of your bmw/vw
    Maybe some day I'll get up to speed and learn how to post pictues. In the interim google BMW/VW conversion or perhaps VMW. There were I think at least 4 different enterprises doing this in the very late 60's but I believe the honda 4 and the advent of the superbike era became a more practical performance solution.

Versions of these come up for sale every now and then. Last one I saw was two maybe three years ago on CL around Cleveland. There used to be a Yahoo group dedicated to these conversions.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Momo on July 09, 2020, 06:24:49 AM
    Maybe some day I'll get up to speed and learn how to post pictues. In the interim google BMW/VW conversion or perhaps VMW. There were I think at least 4 different enterprises doing this in the very late 60's but I believe the honda 4 and the advent of the superbike era became a more practical performance solution.

Versions of these come up for sale every now and then. Last one I saw was two maybe three years ago on CL around Cleveland. There used to be a Yahoo group dedicated to these conversions.


Thanks John.  I did research images, some of the beemers looked factory with a well done conversion.  Larry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Snowman on July 09, 2020, 04:24:23 PM
Hello, Mike in Spencer IA, I am a Brit but moved to the US in 1989.Just purchased my first Guzzi having ridden BMW K bikes and airheads up to this point. I lost faith in the newer BMWs and wanted to go back to air cooled simpler technology. I am an engineer with a Japanese company servicing and repairing commercial printing presses. 57 years of age and was married 30+ years if you add them together! Looking forward to meeting you all at the rallies when they open back up.
Moto Guzzi Norge, 2009, 12K miles.

(https://i.ibb.co/9syGtd2/20200703-105925.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9syGtd2)

(https://i.ibb.co/PztZxGH/20200703-105945.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PztZxGH)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on July 10, 2020, 09:49:12 AM
Hello, Mike in Spencer IA, I am a Brit but moved to the US in 1989.Just purchased my first Guzzi having ridden BMW K bikes and airheads up to this point. I lost faith in the newer BMWs and wanted to go back to air cooled simpler technology. I am an engineer with a Japanese company servicing and repairing commercial printing presses. 57 years of age and was married 30+ years if you add them together! Looking forward to meeting you all at the rallies when they open back up.
Moto Guzzi Norge, 2009, 12K miles.

(https://i.ibb.co/9syGtd2/20200703-105925.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9syGtd2)

(https://i.ibb.co/PztZxGH/20200703-105945.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PztZxGH)

She's a beauty, welcome!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tonyblaze on July 13, 2020, 01:47:11 PM
Tony from the states, Cleveland Ohio suburb. Husband, Father, Firefighter, 53 years young. Just sold a 2015 Triumph Thunderbird Commander looking to fall in love with a California or Eldorado. I thought I could go bike-less for a period - I can't. I'm actually having withdrawal symptoms.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on July 13, 2020, 02:41:56 PM
Go to Cadre Cycles.  I hear there's a used Eldo 1400 for sale there. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dcdurst on July 13, 2020, 05:44:16 PM
David Durst
Sales guy
66' v700

(https://i.ibb.co/m5Cs3sh/IMG-4964.jpg) (https://ibb.co/m5Cs3sh)

gif pictures site (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 13, 2020, 09:03:58 PM
David Durst
Sales guy
66' v700

(https://i.ibb.co/m5Cs3sh/IMG-4964.jpg) (https://ibb.co/m5Cs3sh)

gif pictures site (https://imgbb.com/)

That's a golden oldie right there.   Not many Guzzi twins made before that one, I reckon ...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frozengoose on July 14, 2020, 04:59:23 PM
David Durst
Sales guy
66' v700

Hi and more pics please, Guzzi porn is always welcome!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zcassini on July 15, 2020, 10:06:06 AM

I am Zac.  Started riding about 2 years ago.  Started with a 1987 Rebel 450.  Last fall I got my hands on a 2016 Ural and rode it all winter. 
Just gave the Rebel to my father to get him into it.  I bought a 2009 Stelvio kitted up like a NTX ('cept that tank) with a stainless Mistral on it from a forum member here.
I'm in Middletown, Ohio right off 75 between Cincy and Dayton.

Loving the Stelvio but damn she is heavy.  Quite a jump up from the 450.
If anyone has a map they wanted to send my way I'd like to try some. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: pariah on July 16, 2020, 02:09:01 AM
Richard, 58. From Yorkshire in the UK originally, but lived and worked in the Middle East, the Caribbean and Hong Kong the last 20 years. Married a Fin and live in Helsinki these days. I'm a Chartered Structural Engineer.

Been into bikes since I was a young teen, riding field bikes on the pit hills. Owned around 20 in my time and have a soft spot for Italian bikes of my youth, which were unaffordable back then in my teens (and some still are now in my 50's).

I remember going down to Eddys M/C's on Kirkstall Road as a 15 year old and ogling the red Mk 1 Le Mans they had in the showroom. Made out of Unobtanium back then but started an itch that took thirty odd years to scratch
Past bikes include a Morini 3 1/2, Ducati 900 Final Edition, Aprilia 1000. Owned a a 1980 Guzzi LM Mock 1 for a few years now, a modern R9T Urban GS (fun bike) and just this week added a Guzzi GT 850 to the fleet.

Looks like a very knowledgeable crowd here :)

Here's some pics:

(https://i.ibb.co/g6h0JS6/Bev5.jpg) (https://ibb.co/g6h0JS6)

(https://i.ibb.co/fDVyQvL/FE.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fDVyQvL)

(https://i.ibb.co/ZXyMjF3/W.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ZXyMjF3)

(https://i.ibb.co/6rcB7Tq/52639f757a8dc8f4-large.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6rcB7Tq)

(https://i.ibb.co/G31njk3/328125-269497249775875-2024739388-o.jpg) (https://ibb.co/G31njk3)

(https://i.ibb.co/zsq23gX/333704-269497166442550-654871707-o.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zsq23gX)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wildroamer on July 24, 2020, 06:32:42 PM
Hey gang,
I'm Todd, and I kind of fell back into riding with the ridiculous deal on my new V7III Milano that I couldn't pass up! Bought it sight unseen, but knew she checked all the boxes in what I'm looking for as I return to riding after about a decade (I'm 53).
She's almost where she's going to be, maybe a tank bag and dry bag for "touring mode" but I think I'll hold off on the windscreen for now.
Here are a few pics with various luggage, or bare-nekkid!

(https://i.ibb.co/jW9qPqd/IMG-20200724-182154566.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jW9qPqd)

(https://i.ibb.co/s9mqbJz/IMG-20200724-182010277.jpg) (https://ibb.co/s9mqbJz)

(https://i.ibb.co/Qd1TY6x/IMG-20200724-181608150.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Qd1TY6x)

(https://i.ibb.co/bBFnyr1/IMG-20200724-181508402.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bBFnyr1)

(https://i.ibb.co/z8vyWXf/IMG-20200724-181633641.jpg) (https://ibb.co/z8vyWXf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on July 24, 2020, 07:26:54 PM
 Hello to all of our new members  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on July 24, 2020, 09:00:16 PM
Hey gang,
I'm Todd, and I kind of fell back into riding with the ridiculous deal on my new V7III Milano that I couldn't pass up! Bought it sight unseen, but knew she checked all the boxes in what I'm looking for as I return to riding after about a decade (I'm 53).
She's almost where she's going to be, maybe a tank bag and dry bag for "touring mode" but I think I'll hold off on the windscreen for now.

Congrats on your purchase and Welcome to the forum.

Where in New England are you located.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wildroamer on July 24, 2020, 11:06:48 PM
Hey Gerry,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ginettaman on July 29, 2020, 03:06:16 AM
Hello  I've joined as just bought a 2010 9000mile Guzzi V71.
I've had. V50 and always been a petrol head. Have around 7 bikes including a Ducati 748 but not a comfy ride!
Age 54 and live in Yorkshire near York UK. Often meet others at Fimber or Fridaythorpe cafes Friday lunch times
Into classic Ginetta cars and bikes and do all my own spannering.
Had an engine light on already as removed replaced leaking exhaust centre pipe but now fixed. Just fitted some cheap Chinese repackable shorter Cans to see if the bike will run ok and sound better without mapping. Two test rides so far but all seems fine with engine light staying off. My theory is to repack and tune the cans to sound good but they sound pretty good now. Total cost £46 for the two cans in Chrome. Can't afford £800 arrow exhaust?? Not sure how to post a picture just yet?
I've read posts about resetting the tps and ecu but can't find a post on how to do this? To reset my engine light I disconnected the battery overnight which seemed to work?
Never had a new bike and the V7 is 10 years old but modern and new to me as it doesn't need restoration.
Royal Enfield Bullet ASBO tuned-classic not standard.
Yam Virago
CX500 projects to build.
Ducati 748
Norton Cafe racer
Guzzi V7 black and gold
Pit bikes
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on July 30, 2020, 08:15:23 AM

Age 54 and live in Yorkshire near York UK. .....

Never had a new bike and the V7 is 10 years old but modern and new to me as it doesn't need restoration.

I've ridden in Yorkshire and Derbyshire ... beautiful country.   Inspired to see it from Kipling's "On Greenhow Hill".   Couldn't believe some of the 1 in 4 and even one 1 in 3 inclines on those back roads.

Like you, if a bike is less than 25 years old and doesn't need work, it's a "New" bike to me!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bitflip on August 03, 2020, 11:04:39 AM
Hey everyone, Mark from Cincinnati, OH here.

I recently linked up with the folks at Cadre Cycle here in Cincinnati to get my first bike - a 2016 V7 II Stone. I couldn't be happier with it and have jumped down the rabbit hole full steam.

Looking forward to getting to know more about my Guzzi and riding altogether.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stokerel on August 05, 2020, 09:31:57 AM
Hey everyone! New here and to the Guzzi world, hailing from Eastern Europe.
Owner of a new V85TT Travel, moving up from owning a Honda CBF600 with which I've toured all around Europe together with my wife. So far just passed the 1,5k km mark, booked the first service and absolutely loving the bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hermanzini on August 08, 2020, 04:27:18 AM

My name is Roar from Norway, 48 years old.
I am into Italian cars and bikes, currently I have 4 Fiat`s, 1 Lancia and 2 Moto Guzzi`s.

Previous bikes:

96 Ducati M600
98 Ducati M900
96 Ducati M600
77 Honda CB550
77 Yamaha RD400 Daytona

Current bikes:

97 Moto Guzzi 750 Nevada "Freccia Tricolore" Cafè
80 Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans "Bianco Latte"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: j.davis on August 08, 2020, 06:31:14 AM
John Davis
SEQ Australia
Disabled ex serviceman
looking at a V85tt
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jorg66 on August 08, 2020, 09:41:22 PM
Hi I'm Jorg ,born and raised in Niedersachsen Germany , moved to Manitoba /Cdn in '94 .
married 2nd time around . Work in AG ,Sales Agronomist. Age 54.
Interest are Old Iron ,Motorcycles and Travel ,some Sports. First Guzzi in '89 was a Nuovo Falcone and currently our 2019 California.
Glad to be here ! cheers !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Joseph Grangnelli on August 09, 2020, 04:04:50 PM
Joseph Grangnelli
Spokane WA

Hello everyone, I am not a motorcyle rider but I do have a Laverda Jarama 1000 in beautiful condition, for sale!
(https://i.ibb.co/qDkksc2/2-C3-EDA7-E-5799-42-CE-979-E-DFE5-B5-BC1882.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qDkksc2)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mega_R on August 13, 2020, 10:50:45 AM

I'm Ryan from East Tennessee

I just bought my first Moto Guzzi (2003 California EV) after lusting over them for some time. My current inventory of bikes are as follows.

2017 BMW F800GSA
1974 Harley Davidson XLCH
2003 Moto Guzzi California EV

I hope to get this bike running after it has been sitting for the better part of a decade... I will be posting help threads soon.

See you on the road
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mdimo on August 13, 2020, 05:08:56 PM
Hi Guys,
Im Mike and I live in White Rock,British Columbia.Born and raised in Toronto and lived in Edmonton Alberta prior to moving to BC.
Im 54 and retired.

I have a 2017 v7iii Anniversario

Also have a 1985 Yamaha Virago 1000
1969 Norton Commando
1967 BSA Lightning

Love the content on here !!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzikiwi on August 15, 2020, 03:53:12 PM
My names Ricky Stewart
I'm from Southland ,New Zealand
I'm Self employed
And I'm 46 Years old.
Here's a Pic of my Guzzi's so Far.(I have JohnR '02 Cali)
Thanks for letting me join the Group.

(https://i.ibb.co/Ctvm6Sz/Ambo-Wild-Guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Ctvm6Sz)

(https://i.ibb.co/9T05DQf/MKv-wild-Guzzi.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9T05DQf)

(https://i.ibb.co/qpcJrN1/Cali-first-ride.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qpcJrN1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BLU 8 FITTY on August 15, 2020, 06:51:40 PM

new to forum, with a new 2020 V85TT Adventure, Red/White aka #ItalianMistressNo4 , just got the 900mi service completed.

taking off next week for a moto-camping trip with my wife aka #ItalianMistressNo1 she will be on her 2016 V7ii Special, Red/White....(yup....we be matchymatchy) and me on the new V85. we are starting in los angeles, heading along to coast to norcal, oregon, cut over to idaho, loop thru idaho, drop into montana (yellowstone/glacier), down thru utah ....zion, arches moab, ect, nevada, the run the sierras down home.....3 weeks of joy and no doubt some suffering....i live for suffering!

getting the bikes all pulled together and prepped....lots of extra goodies on them.....putting on a tank bag on my v85 and looking for one for the v7, suggestions?

thanks yall!


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rich on August 23, 2020, 07:38:17 PM
Richard Lamm

Jet fuel delivery driver


Wife thought I needed a hobby so I found a '67 V700 with 3500 miles to tinker with.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on August 23, 2020, 11:58:46 PM
Richard Lamm

Jet fuel delivery driver


Wife thought I needed a hobby so I found a '67 V700 with 3500 miles to tinker with.

 Great wife .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RossB on August 24, 2020, 08:18:29 AM
Thanks for letting me in!  Here are some vital (and not so vital) statistics:

NAME:  Ross Bentz

OCCUPATION:  Inertial Guidance systems for navigation in space (Back to the Moon in 2024!!)

AGE:  48

LOCATION:  Adams, Massachusetts, USA

MOTO GUZZI:  2016 V7ii Stornello

OTHER BIKES:  BMW R1200 GSA, KTM 690 Enduro R, Harley Davidson Springer, Buell X1, Honda CM250

HOBBIES:  Machining, Welding, Fabrication, Carpentry, Cartography, Krumping, BASE Jumping, Growing Tomatoes, Interpretive Dance, Skateboarding, Reading and Writing Travelogues, and Juicing...

INTERESTS:  All things mechanical!  In particular, motorcycles of every shape and size, old Willys jeeps, fast cars, bi-planes, boats, pictures of your dog, tractors, travel, guns, HST quotes, and tools!

WHAT I HOPE MY OBITUARY MAY SOMEDAY SAY:  "He was a pillar of his community, an unrepentant gearhead, a devoted husband and father, an Army veteran, and a consummate professional, but to those who knew him best, he'll always be fondly remembered as an a$$4o7e." 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wild1_OR on August 25, 2020, 04:55:18 PM
Hello, I hail from Oregon and I'm searching for my first motorcycle. Moto Guzzi might be too much bike for a beginner, but it's what I'm here to find out. Even if turns out that it is, I certainly see one in my future. I actually created a thread asking the question, before I noticed this introduction thread.


I look forward to interacting and getting to know everyone. Thank you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on August 25, 2020, 06:00:50 PM
Hello, I hail from Oregon and I'm searching for my first motorcycle. Moto Guzzi might be too much bike for a beginner, but it's what I'm here to find out. Even if turns out that it is, I certainly see one in my future. I actually created a thread asking the question, before I noticed this introduction thread.


I look forward to interacting and getting to know everyone. Thank you.

Welcome to the group, & this is a good place to get lots of solicited (& unsolicited) advice on nearly any topic that doesn't involve politics or religion you can dream up.

Regarding advice on a Guzzi being/not being a good first bike, there are really too many variables to come up with a quick answer.  How big/small are you?  Do you live in a rural/suburban/urban area?  Do you want to ride paved roads only, dirt/off-road only, or a combination of both. What kind of financial limitations are you working with?  Are you experienced & comfortable on a bicycle?  Coordinated or a clutz?  Etc., etc., etc.  If there is one within reach of your home turf, the first step should be to find a beginners motorcycle rider training class - check local junior colleges, local govt recreation departments, local Harley dealers, & the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, for starters, on locations.  Most insurance cos. offer a discount for completing a course, & some DMVs may offer an expedited licensing process for those completing a course.

To get back to a specific bike recommendation, I'd suggest getting a cheap used 250 to 500 cc bike to start.  The classic "accident just waiting to happen" is the baby-boomer or gen-xer having a mid-life crisis and going out and buying a big Harley or equivalent and thinking they will be a "biker" or "motorcyclist" as soon as they can ride around the block without dropping the bike.  That may not fit your age and attitude demographic, but I hope you get my point.  A good used Guzzi V50 or V65 would be a good first bike, but I doubt that you'd find a good one that would also be cheap, so look for Honda Rebels or other brand equivalents.  Once you're ready to move up in size, you can probably sell one of these bikes for about what you paid for it - maybe even more if you take the time to detail it & haven't added any new dents or scrapes.  By that time, you should have a better idea of what kind of riding you want to do and have some motorcycle friends or contacts who will give you lots of advice on good &/or bad bike choices for you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Timothski on August 30, 2020, 09:03:48 PM
Tim Wright
South Australia

Luthier (stringed instrument maker and repairer

58 yrs

Guzzi Breva V750 IE
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: frodewagen on September 01, 2020, 05:21:20 AM
Frode Wågen
Haugesund, Norway
Guzzi Noob

47 yrs

Guzzi V7 III Carbon Dark
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dimitri_Harkov on September 15, 2020, 03:38:16 PM
Hello from Vienna, Austria!

I'm 40 and recently bought a slightly used V7III Stone NP and love it :)

I read a lot of posts here when I was deciding which bike to get - and that helped a lot!
Now I hope to return the favour, so to say, by contributing to this awesome forum.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jusado on September 17, 2020, 07:45:58 AM
Hello friends!!!

48 years old
Still single
Bus driver
Hobbies are Motorcycles, History, computers, read, guitar, rock music

V9 Bobber 2016
Suzuki RV125

My Loving V9 Bobber

(https://i.postimg.cc/021Hy7cz/Whats-App-Image-2020-09-07-at-16-39-28.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yWnTf3qK)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sleuth on September 25, 2020, 10:42:32 PM
Hi Everyone,

I’m Arthur from Massachusetts.  65 years old, married and retired.  I started riding five years ago and 70,000 miles later think I’m getting the hang of it.

Recently traded in my Yamaha Stryker for a (new) 2016 Audace.  The Stryker was a fine bike but owning it made me understand why some folks complain about Japanese cruisers.  In short, the bike was simply too refined and smooth (boring) for its own good.  The Audace has the rough edges (character) that keep the ride interesting.

Along with the Audace, I currently own a 2015 Honda CTX700, a 2017 Triumph Trophy SE, and a 2016 BMW S1000R.  The Honda was my first bike and, with its automatic dual clutch transmission, is the perfect motorcycle for beginners.  If my son decides to ride, it's the bike he'll learn on.  The Trophy is a great distance touring bike.  The S1000R combines tremendous power with excellent handling and electronics.

I’m very happy to have found a forum with so many knowledgeable MG owners.

Best regards,


(https://i.ibb.co/7Y5RHkC/Audace.jpg) (https://ibb.co/7Y5RHkC)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wildroamer on September 26, 2020, 11:07:18 AM
Beautiful black bikes you two! Both are absolutely gorgeous!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RD350c on September 29, 2020, 10:56:29 AM
Hi, My name is Tim and I"m from Pittsburgh, PA.  I'm a retired engineering professional and a Vietnam Era vet.  I've been riding since 1969 and have been rear-setting/bikini fairinging/superbike barring  every bike I've owned since my 1968 X6 Hustler.  I was alarmed in the 70/80's when cruisers and king&queen seats proliferated, but even more disturbed once EVERY sport bike became a totally fairinged piece of bad art - like a surfboard with handlebars!  YOU HAVE TO SEE THE ENGINE FER CHRISSAKES!!
My 2014 V7 Stone is the first European bike I've owned and it's rewarding me with all the drama, excitement, joy and tragedy I've been missing owning Jap bikes for 50 years. My bikes sing to me, and while my RD is like Punk Rock and the Hawk is King Crimson, my Stone is OPERA     
(https://i.ibb.co/YjsLpT4/7-26-Ride.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YjsLpT4)
(https://i.ibb.co/bFhMjbm/garage1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bFhMjbm)

(https://i.ibb.co/FwbVkvq/garage2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/FwbVkvq)

(https://i.ibb.co/hD8R3zH/garage3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/hD8R3zH)

(https://i.ibb.co/9hfyRBs/IMG-9015.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9hfyRBs)

(https://i.ibb.co/kxtGC4S/IMG-2625.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kxtGC4S)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bikensail on October 03, 2020, 08:38:33 AM
Hi, my name is Wally and I live in the upstate of SC in Greenville.  Having ridden for 50+ years I have had all types and brands of motorcycles.  I am mostly a lover of European ones and have had Triumph, BSA, Norton, BMW, Ducati and Moto Guzzi. My main ride now is a KTM 790 AdventureR that is my go anywhere bike.
I have not had a Guzzi since my Centauro and am now wanting something to complement the KTM, most likely a V7.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on October 03, 2020, 08:41:20 AM
Hi, my name is Wally and I live in the upstate of SC in Greenville.  Having ridden for 50+ years I have had all types and brands of motorcycles.  I am mostly a lover of European ones and have had Triumph, BSA, Norton, BMW, Ducati and Moto Guzzi. My main ride now is a KTM 790 AdventureR that is my go anywhere bike.
I have not had a Guzzi since my Centauro and am now wanting something to complement the KTM, most likely a V7.

Welcome to the forum!  A great place to be for us Guzzi lovers.

The V85 and the V7 are well liked.  I think you will enjoy either choice. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: alfaguzziguy on October 11, 2020, 10:40:49 AM
Jim Filice.  69 years young from Los Gatos CA.  Love Alfa Romeos and Moto Guzzis.  Have had double digits of both.
Now have 2017 V9 Roamer, 2016 Eldorado, 1975 Alfa Romeo Spider, and 1990 Spider.
Visited factory in 2002.  Live long and prosper and die old as young as possible.
(https://i.ibb.co/NFWMt6y/collection.jpg) (https://ibb.co/NFWMt6y)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bottler on October 11, 2020, 04:31:44 PM
Good morning/afternoon all,

I am a recently retired police officer, (30+ years),  living in Bungendore, NSW, Australia. I mostly ride a 2013 Stelvio NTX and also a 1979 Laverda Jota occasionally. Some years ago I frequented this forum and decided to rejoin now that I have a bit of time to spare. When not working around the house/garden or managing my son's rugby team I am a volunteer fire fighter. As you can see from my choice of bikes I love all things Italian and have been fortunate enough to visit Mandello del Lario and Breganze.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bobic69 on October 14, 2020, 11:37:38 PM
G'day Bottler and welcome from a fellow emergency services worker. I'm a firey in Sydney. Bungendore seems to be Oz's Guzzi capital. The Jota is an absolute beauty.
Cheers. Bob
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bottler on October 16, 2020, 06:36:00 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/k3ZSMsv/bike1-Sep20.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k3ZSMsv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bottler on October 16, 2020, 06:48:59 AM
hi Bob,

above is a shot of my Jota, 40 years old and going strong, but not as comfortable as the Stelvio.

All the best with the fires.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Arctic Fox on October 18, 2020, 01:22:27 AM

Just wanted to come say Hello to all of you.

I'm newbie here (just registered into this forum). I actually found this forum by accident (yesterday) as I was using google. I come from North Europe (first snow came down yesterday). I'm 22 years old girl.

I'm also newbie with motorcycles. Below is my bike. I have owned that since March 2020. So just the first riding season behind (or learning season). Survived alive; as you can evidence :bow:. Now the bike is already washed, polished and set into winter sleep (warm garage).

So please, if I have stupid questions, do not judge me too hard. First might concern tires ...

(https://i.ibb.co/bWMzj8b/IMG-0816-kopio.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bWMzj8b)

(https://i.ibb.co/Bqspzn4/IMG-0823-kopio.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Bqspzn4)

(https://i.ibb.co/tJVqS36/IMG-0825-kopio.jpg) (https://ibb.co/tJVqS36)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on October 18, 2020, 11:22:53 AM
Wow, that is a very nice Nevada you have!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lcjohnny on October 19, 2020, 02:23:53 AM
Hi I am new to the Forum - finally purchased a Griso
(https://i.ibb.co/Tqn0XPJ/bty.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Tqn0XPJ)

This is a result of not recovering from a long lasting Guzzi-habit in the last century Spada 1000, V50, Lario (remember those)
Thought i had recovered but here I am!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Navydad on October 23, 2020, 07:24:42 PM
Mike from Southern Ohio. 65 and retired for several years. I been riding since age 13 and have owned pretty much anything out there over the years. I was always partial to the sport touring bikes, but have had my share of big touring rigs. My wife and I have a Spyder RT that we tour on and my newest solo touring bike is a 2016 V7 II. I love this bike and plan on adding a lot of miles to the 12,000 I currently have on it.

(https://i.ibb.co/wSbH3m5/small-shield.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wSbH3m5)

autumn poems (https://poetandpoem.com/autumn)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: adamsmitt on October 29, 2020, 06:53:53 AM
Hi everyone, I am new also new here. My name is Adam, I am 33 and I am from Canada. How are you?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on October 29, 2020, 12:16:20 PM
Hi everyone, I am new also new here. My name is Adam, I am 33 and I am from Canada. How are you?

We're fine, thanks ... our river is a little high from all the tropical storm rain we got this morning, but blue skies are due soon and we'll be back on the road.

Are you a "from the past", "got one now (with picture)", or "maybe one of these days and here's what I'm thinking about" Guzzi enthusiast ... ? :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: chefWillArtley on November 03, 2020, 08:44:19 AM
Hello everyone-
thanks for adding me- My dad recently passed away and left me his beloved 1974 California. he was in the Army for 32 years and bought it new when he was stationed in Italy. I grew up on the back of this bike. I'm looking for some help finding some to help me get it running again. its very close- id like to have a shop finish it. any suggestions?  thanks in advance

1974 california
Roswell GA
(https://i.ibb.co/bbS9GQY/guzzi-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bbS9GQY)

upload pictures (https://imgbb.com/)

(https://i.ibb.co/Jmx9kSG/guzzi-2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Jmx9kSG)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on November 08, 2020, 09:21:19 AM
Got your PM.

Update:  Very rare bike. California model All black /white horizontal pin stripes. Euro police buddy seat, chrome radio case, aerodynamic factory bags & mounts. Bag rails & crashbars are all 1 piece, police dash, floorboards, chrome fenders, single hyd front brake, Amal carbs, police model from Italy. Looks like an old bike. It was imported here by his Dad.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Davida56 on November 11, 2020, 02:04:09 PM
David Ayling
Friendswood, Texas

Enjoying the new ride!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mr_pacman on November 13, 2020, 01:41:20 PM
James Dixon

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

46 years old

2 year old son and an 8 year old daughter.

I recently bought a 2014 V7 racer with 1,900 km's on it.  I haven't been on a motorcycle in 28 years (used to ride my friends Honda Hurricane 600) but my wife finally gave in to my constant begging to buy one.  When I was growing up, a cool dude down the street had a 70's Moto Guzzi that was black with orange stripes on the tank and I loved the way it looked and sounded. I really tried to find a 2014 V7 Special with the same paint scheme but they rarely come up for sale and this v7 racer came up for a good price as winter is coming.   My plan is to buy the required safety equipment over the winter, take lessons in March and hopefully have my license by spring.  I plan to ride occasionally on slower residential roads until I feel comfortable with being on a bike again. 

Looking forward to learning about these cool bikes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on November 14, 2020, 08:29:30 AM
James Dixon

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

46 years old

2 year old son and an 8 year old daughter.

I recently bought a 2014 V7 racer with 1,900 km's on it.  I haven't been on a motorcycle in 28 years (used to ride my friends Honda Hurricane 600) but my wife finally gave in to my constant begging to buy one.  When I was growing up, a cool dude down the street had a 70's Moto Guzzi that was black with orange stripes on the tank and I loved the way it looked and sounded. I really tried to find a 2014 V7 Special with the same paint scheme but they rarely come up for sale and this v7 racer came up for a good price as winter is coming.   My plan is to buy the required safety equipment over the winter, take lessons in March and hopefully have my license by spring.  I plan to ride occasionally on slower residential roads until I feel comfortable with being on a bike again. 

Looking forward to learning about these cool bikes.

You've got a lot going for you on your way to motorcycling Nirvana - a wife who supports you, a good idea of what you want, and a plan to do it safely.   I predict many happy Guzzi miles coming up !

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pdmartin on November 17, 2020, 07:28:04 AM
Paul Martin
Retired Design Engineer
2017 V9 Roamer
Chillicothe - the armpit of Ohio
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: scoopfiddle on November 18, 2020, 12:35:30 PM
Hi, Thanks for admitting me to the site. Paul Smith 63 retired and living in Glasgow with a Griso 1100, Centauro and Daytona. Cheers
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on November 22, 2020, 03:20:04 PM
Hi, Thanks for admitting me to the site. Paul Smith 63 retired and living in Glasgow with a Griso 1100, Centauro and Daytona. Cheers

Got some "interesting" bikes there scoop. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rabbix on November 23, 2020, 04:10:10 PM
Scott, 43, Electrical designer, Surrey BC, Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: moto_marco on November 24, 2020, 11:09:12 AM
Mark Johnson
Los Angeles, CA
Two '73 Eldorados
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Davros on December 01, 2020, 12:33:06 PM
Just saying hello!

I'm Davey from North East England.

Currently rebuilding a V50 Monza basket case. Been riding for nearly 40 years and always had an interest in Guzzis. Had a 1400 Cali Audace too briefly - long story...] a couple of years ago.

Use a BMW R1150R as my daily ride.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 01, 2020, 01:02:58 PM
Just saying hello!

I'm Davey from North East England.

Currently rebuilding a V50 Monza basket case. Been riding for nearly 40 years and always had an interest in Guzzis. Had a 1400 Cali Audace too briefly - long story...] a couple of years ago.

Use a BMW R1150R as my daily ride.



Some of the V50 Experts of the Universe frequent this place, so don't hesitate to share experiences or ask questions as the work proceeds ... !!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Davros on December 01, 2020, 02:16:05 PM
Some of the V50 Experts of the Universe frequent this place, so don't hesitate to share experiences or ask questions as the work proceeds ... !!


Many thanks!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gmrocks on December 03, 2020, 10:02:23 AM
Howdy! Garth here from Calgary, Canada
48 yrs young  :smiley:
marketing professional

Took the plunge and lifted a '18 MGX-21 back in August...technicall y second hand but with <200 kms that a dealer put on it until they went chapter 5. Had taken notice of the bike at a bike show a couple years ago then honestly forgot about it until I saw the listing. The price for the condition was way too good to pass up. So the first MG I've owned, and 2 late season road trips later, I gotta the 'Fortress is pretty d@mned cool.

Looking forward to learning more about the brand, the bike, and the most effective use of cash on mods to make it the bad a$$ long haul bike I've been after.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Motoark on December 03, 2020, 07:58:49 PM
Do I have to do this.....OK
Mark from up the street from the Junction'
Just signed up for Medicare.
Furloughed from the concert lighting gig due to pandemic.

Bad Chad twisted my arm to do this saying "What is the worst that can happen?"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on December 04, 2020, 10:09:54 AM
What's the worst? Well, you'll figure it out. Welcome Mark, don't buy a smallblock. This is Steve from up the road, I moved and got hitched. Hopefully the breakfast will survive the virus. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Motoark on December 04, 2020, 07:40:01 PM
Thanks Steve. Looks like tomorrow will be a no show at the Junction.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bad Chad on December 04, 2020, 11:06:47 PM
I can’t believe the powers that be let somebody like motomark in, place is really going down hill fast. :boozing: :boozing:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mmmoto on December 06, 2020, 08:26:26 AM
Hello, and thanks for the add.

My name is David. I’m getting back into riding after about 5 years away and I think the V7iii might suit me. I’m in central MA, which means, I think, that AJ’s and Seacoast are my dealer options. I’d welcome any thoughts on that subject.

And on this: Do people run electric clothing (gloves, jacket liner) on the V7? Not sure I’ll be riding as much in cold weather as I did in the past, but some heat on a naked might be nice just the same if the electrics are up to the task.

Previous rides:
‘04 BMW R1150RS (totaled when hit from behind at a light)
‘96 Kawasaki GPz 1100
‘92 Kawasaki Zephyr 750
‘81 Kawasaki GPz 550
‘76 Honda CB-500

Looking forward to getting acquainted with folks on the forum!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wildroamer on December 08, 2020, 09:39:34 AM
Welcome! I'm fairly new here myself, bought a V7III last Spring. I'm not familiar with AJ's, but I bought mine from Seacoast, sight unseen, and they delivered it to me in Vermont. They've been great to deal with, and I got an excellent deal on a new 2018 holdover.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tiki Joe on December 08, 2020, 08:21:52 PM
Hello!  I'm Joe from Missouri & 48 yrs old.  In my teens & 20s I had a lot of different bikes, mostly Japanese sport bikes and 1 Harley.  I took about a 15 year break from bikes after I got married and had 2 kids.  Once the kids were in high school I got the bug again as time was more available since I wasn't running to sports practices & games 5 nights a week and all weekend. 
In 2015 I bought a new Harley Road Glide that I still have and enjoy.  Over the last year I've been getting the bug to get a project bike.  I wasn't looking too hard but was thinking of a Ducati, older Harley, 2 stroke something....  Somehow I stumbled upon Iconic Motorbikes and it brought back the love of all the 90s sport bikes that I had decades ago. 
I always like the looks of the Sport 1100 but really didn't know anything about MG except for what I read in the magazines back in the day.  When I saw the pic of my Guzzi on Iconic, it called out to me.  It had to be saved!  I saw the Miami Vice teal paint and cringed.  This bike had to get a proper Guzzi paint scheme on it.  I'm planning on painting & powder coating over the winter and taking care of some maintenance items. 
Like I said, I'm totally new to Guzzi; so I'll have a lot of questions along the way.
(https://i.ibb.co/YNtLMzp/JB-right-side2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YNtLMzp)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on December 09, 2020, 08:51:05 AM
I saw that for sale around here in ATL I think, paint is in the eye of the owner I guess. Not what I would like.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tiki Joe on December 09, 2020, 09:01:01 AM
I saw that for sale around here in ATL I think, paint is in the eye of the owner I guess. Not what I would like.
It's actually out of Los Angeles.  I think it's been there since new...at least for the last 18 years as the guy that I bought it from is a prominent lawyer for the Hollywood types and owned it for the last 18 yrs.  He's selling his collection due to some medical issues. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Wildroamer on December 09, 2020, 09:55:12 AM
That is a good looking bike, but I'm not sure I could live with that color long-term.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 09, 2020, 11:19:42 AM
That is a good looking bike, but I'm not sure I could live with that color long-term.

I don't know.    The more I look at it, the easier it gets.   Not to mention that you'd have the only one in your town state country on earth ...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tonyj on December 09, 2020, 11:46:15 AM
Hi got my first Guzzi 1400 Touring today, so new to this marque, but I think we will get on fine together.

In the East of England the weather is not good at present but at least I'll have time to get to know her at my leisure.

I know I'll need assistance and guidance from the forum from time to time so you'll need to be patient :wink:


ST1100 97
ST1100 02
Varadero 09
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andrewhush on December 15, 2020, 04:28:58 PM
Hi, I'm Andrew, a retired civil engineer living in County Durham, northeast England. Down to one guzzi now, a 1998 cali ev which I bought specifically to have a go at sidecarring. 1 season later and I think I enjoy it! Couldn't get used to cali riding position and seat so I have reclothed it as a t3 a-like.

(https://i.ibb.co/GR5Mgch/thumbnail-Cali-ev-dundee-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/GR5Mgch)

(https://i.ibb.co/RQR6gQS/20201124-120817.jpg) (https://ibb.co/RQR6gQS)

(https://i.ibb.co/N1vvK8D/20201124-120859.jpg) (https://ibb.co/N1vvK8D)

Previous guzzis are a t3, v50, v65gt and a v65 custom (like a baby cali2)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: squish on December 16, 2020, 01:14:36 AM
I’m Squish, a former motorcycle designer, motorcycle demographic and safety researcher, motorcycle event planner and non profit campaign development professional.
I live in the harbor area of SoCal.

I ride a 70s bitsa  850t3 that looks like a V7sport and a LeManns mkI had a love child.
 Built by MG classics in Signal Hill. I’ve owned the bike since 2003.

Here’s a photo my friend Tink took of the bike.
(https://i.ibb.co/PTLbf0y/55-Century-08-049b900pix.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PTLbf0y)

It’s my first guzzi. Although the wife is sort of keen on the 2021 V7 with the new engine. And many of my friends have been riding guzzis and I’ve been around them and interested in them since I started street riding.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 16, 2020, 10:41:26 AM
I’m Squish, a former motorcycle designer, motorcycle demographic and safety researcher, motorcycle event planner and non profit campaign development professional.
I live in the harbor area of SoCal.

I ride a 70s bitsa  850t3 that looks like a V7sport and a LeManns mkI had a love child.
 Built by MG classics in Signal Hill. I’ve owned the bike since 2003.

Here’s a photo my friend Tink took of the bike.
(https://i.ibb.co/PTLbf0y/55-Century-08-049b900pix.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PTLbf0y)

From what we can see of the rider's-eye view, looks like a well-built road weapon.   More pics and a build story would be good!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: squish on December 16, 2020, 09:59:54 PM
From what we can see of the rider's-eye view, looks like a well-built road weapon.
More pics and a build story would be good!

Thanks it is a good looking bike if I do say so.

Here's a side view

(https://i.ibb.co/kcLtWDv/03-Century-08-049b900pix-jpg.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kcLtWDv)

It's as I said, a bitsa, fuel tank is a v7sport replica, as are side covers. I call it the johhny cash bike only I didn't build it one peice at a time some else did, I'm just the one who's going to finish it. I hope.
Anyway here's the rest of the low down.

Disc brake rear end,
Wire wheels with alum rims
Forks are Forcella Italia forks from the mid 80's pretty cool forks and they were fitted to a lot of high end sporty euro bikes of the day,
shocks are Koni's
The engine has been breathed on a little, IIRC it has a lightened fly wheel, up rated to 900ccs or so
It has an electronic ignition and has been converted to dual plugs.
Dellorto carbs with a screen bell mouth
Older Bub mufflers
Home made rear sets
Re-pop seat and rear fender
Japanese headlight and bucket,
Mix of japanese and home made switch gear.
There's a repop MkI Le Mans headlight fairing as well, but it was pretty jankly mounted so I took it off until I could figure some things out.

I didn't have Mark E. do the build, it was already built when I sort of fell in love with the bike.

As it had a lot of neat period bits, but wasn't too precious that I'd be worried every time I parked it, like I would with a V7sport or a MkI Lemon.

It needs some fettling, which I'm hoping to do soon.
The biggest issue is that the fueling isn't right, it surges a lot on steady throttle, but is fine under acceleration.
after that's fixed.
I need a new handlebar in place of the low clip-ons my age is catching up with me.
I'd like to make the headlight bucket, ears and fairing mount a little higher quality and better looking.
I got a new front braking system that waiting for me to put it on and I need to clean up the wiring, it's a rats nest of combined sections of wiring
and I need to figure out the rear brake, foot pegs, side cover
With possible a set of less aggressive rear sets.
I might source a new fork, the Forcella Italia have a very high "neat" factor, but they are impossible to find parts for
and If I could sell them off to someone who needs them for a restoration, I could get a set of better performing forks from some modern bike (But NOT USD forks, those wouldn't look right on the bike)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lannis on December 16, 2020, 10:20:25 PM
Wow, thanks.

Now off to the "Builds and Rebuilds" forum of WildGuzzi with you for progress reports as you make it exactly like you want it ....  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andrewhush on December 17, 2020, 03:05:27 PM
High Squish

Have a look at the footrests on my t3 a-like in the post just before your first one. They are standard t3 cast steel ones that I cut near the riders peg and shortened by about 40mm and rewelded. Used with lemans 1 or 2 gear and brake pedals they are almost exactly the same style and location as the original v7 sport ones. However the riders pegs are fixed unlike the v7 sport ones that were hinged.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ochuck01 on December 18, 2020, 05:38:39 PM
Happy to be in the group. My Guzzi ride is an 850t I purchased in 1997. I’m retired and enjoy  a variety of old machines.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barefootrider on December 21, 2020, 01:51:18 PM
It's been a few years since I did this and the results were interesting then...

Please introduce yourself to the group. Give your name, age, occupation and location.
Hello my name is Bruno - sounds Italian but alas, I was born in Uruguay after the founder of the capital, Montevideo, Bruno Mauricio de Zabala.

I have been riding since 1965 - so you know my age here is the list of Motorcycles owned and ridden
1968 Suzuki X6 Hustler
196? Honda CB125 10,000 rpm!!
197? Yamaha 305 Big Bear - rode 2-up across the Canadian prairies
197? Honda CB450 with torsion valve springs rode to Mexico up the West Coast
1975 BMW R90/6 rode to southern tip of South America in 1978 from Canada, still running today
1978 BMW R100/7 rode all over Europe, still waiting there for me
1978 BMW R100RS MotorSport - Sunday rider
2003 KLR 650 rode to Mexico, back and forth Canada to Florida countless times, mail fuel hauler for the airplane
2009 Buell Ulysses xb12x rode across the US several times - daily rider
2004 Moto Guzzi 750 BREVA purchased for my wife but I ended up riding it the most as its beauty!
2004 BMW R1150 powered Light Sport Trike flying overtook my riding - for a while.

Electrical Engineer, retired, trying to figure out why this Italian lady won't start for me.  :sad:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PBBurnham on December 21, 2020, 05:28:56 PM

Married, two kids out of the house. Retired.

7 operational Motorcycles of several brands and just bought a 2004 v11 California Stone.  Other than a rental, it's my first Guzzi.  The hydro valve issue appears to be resolved but bought it knowing it leaks piles of oil out of the bell housing. It's taken apart now. The Rear end is off, the transmission is removed and the engine is tipped down with the left side frame rail removed.  I'm not sure about the next step and will look over the forums. It may be the engine rear oil crank seal.  All the fuel lines need replacing and the brakes are shot.  By spring I should have her ready to go.  Cheers!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Paultergeist on January 01, 2021, 07:39:06 PM

Paul.....Lemon Grove, California........j ust bought a 2020 V85 TT......this is my first Guzzi (third motorcycle).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stretch on January 06, 2021, 09:18:52 AM
Tom here in central Maine.

I'm a IT Systems Analyst.

6 bikes right now- three of which actually run!   :grin:

Newest is my first Moto Guzzi - a 2017 California Touring.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: patrick b on January 06, 2021, 04:13:00 PM
Patrick Boova
Pottstown Pa
Age 65
New owner of 1962 Moto Guzzi Lodola 235, also have 1956 MV Agusta and 1966 Yamaha
Vintage race 1972 Alfa Romeo GTV

https://1drv.ms/u/s!Asfxv4bSsczzgfg1RRC IkZrndLvYaw
(https://i.ibb.co/m4TDwp5/62-guzzi-png.png) (https://ibb.co/m4TDwp5)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: andyals on January 09, 2021, 04:27:35 PM
Hi this is Andy from the UK
Just bought a California
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lad on January 16, 2021, 09:01:35 AM
Checking in from Ireland with a Cali 1100i, '00 :cheesy:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DominoDoggy on January 16, 2021, 12:23:01 PM
Just signed up. I have ridden bikes sporadically all through my life, starting with a little Honda Spree I got for $50 because it "wouldn't run" A little bit of tinkering revealed that the issue was a clogged gas tank! Removed/reinstalled and a little fresh gasoline and it fired right up! Imagine the look on the kid I bought it from's face when he sees me riding around the neighborhood two days later!

Current bike is a 2014 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone with barely 9600mi on the clock.

Good to be here, I'm looking forward to the years upon years of experience and know-how collected together on this forum and community!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tichman on January 16, 2021, 10:12:34 PM
Hi all, just joined from - free New Zealand, well in the public domain anyway.
Current bikes
2001 EV80 California #154
2003 S4R monster
1995 Ducati 916 SP
2004 Suzuki DRZ400E
Honda CRF150

Previous bikes
1975 Ducati GT750
1973 Eldorado
Yamaha XJ750 ex police bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: leroy_can on January 17, 2021, 10:39:12 AM
Hi, New member leroy_can here. 67 years old retired aircraft mechanic.
    Bikes 1987 LMIV currently being re-engined with 2014 1400 motor should be the lowest $ conversion ever
             2002 Buell M2 Cyclone
             1973 Cafe Sportster #1
             1973 Cafe Sportster #2
             1971 XB12S Buell motor in 1971 Sportster frame registered as 1971 Homemade
     All 5 bikes used last season and fully expect 1400 LMIV to run this year. I think I'm past 99% of the obstacles but you never know till it's done. Using as much as possible from LMIV: Carbs, Bosch alternator,front cover,5 speed, etc.
      I'll try to add photos but haven't figured that out yet. I was better with computers when I was still working and had young co-workers as my IT people
       The LMIV was bought new in 88 and has 180,000 kms roughly 112,000 miles not trouble free but never stranded me yet
(https://i.ibb.co/JjYcLDX/may-2020-fleet-of-5-039.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JjYcLDX)

(https://i.ibb.co/VML53C3/guzzi-intakes-005.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VML53C3)

(https://i.ibb.co/Lhq0WgM/guzzi-intakes-004.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Lhq0WgM)

(https://i.ibb.co/MBzZq3M/guzzi-intakes-001.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MBzZq3M)

(https://i.ibb.co/BgnWFYg/guzzi-intakes-006.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BgnWFYg)

(https://i.ibb.co/qWZwMNw/guzzi-intakes-007.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qWZwMNw)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bke on January 17, 2021, 01:07:30 PM
Hi all - new member here too. I’m a young 30-something (I think the term you may be more used to is “whippersnapper” :boozing:) new to Guzzis and still looking for my first one. Coming from an S40 I got for cheap and can’t wait for an upgrade. Excited to dive in to all the good knowledge here and live the Guzzi life!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on January 18, 2021, 01:01:27 PM
Hi all - new member here too. I’m a young 30-something (I think the term you may be more used to is “whippersnapper” :boozing:) new to Guzzis and still looking for my first one. Coming from an S40 I got for cheap and can’t wait for an upgrade. Excited to dive in to all the good knowledge here and live the Guzzi life!

Welcome to WG!  You will love the V7!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spencer on January 22, 2021, 01:03:42 AM
Greetings from the Left Coast. recovering Photojournalist. currently, Coffee monger. have rode/rented moto's in 15+ countries,

currently:2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750, am head over heals for the Mo

past lives, the highlights;
___________________ __________
1999 Ducati M900 Monster - like humping a monkey all over California, got old, got a MG
2009 Royal Enfield Bullet 500 Classic - Chennai to Tiruvannamalai India, and back. wish the Captain had let me bring it aboard!
1984 Honda Shadow 750 - San Francisco to Baja and back, ah to be single again...
1982 Kawasaki KZ 750 - 24hr egg-roll delivery vehicle, Gainesville Florida, many exciting adventures at 3am , collegiate whip
1966 Honda Sport 90. - broke my pals kneecap riding double at 11 yrs old. backcountry North Carolina
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DTNZ on January 23, 2021, 03:32:37 AM
Hi there, another from New Zealand. I bought a V85TT in August last year, Red/White, my 3rd Guzzi - just had to get back on one!
A few brief details:
Work in parts at a bike dealership - Yamaha/Can-Am/Polaris - in a farming area.
Ex farmer.
Wife, 3 children, 2 grandsons, not enough bikes . . .
Looking forward to searching through the forum - so much great reading & tips.
Thanks, happy to be on board.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Semitone on January 28, 2021, 11:23:16 PM
Paul Simonoff, 55, Gig Worker, Newburyport Massachusetts.

Hello folks. My main ride for last 25 years has been my untrustworthy Norton Commando 850. I picked up a 1975 850T 10 years ago as a second bike, and have ridden it occasionally. I like the bike, but compared to my Norton, it is a bit sluggish, except in top gear at high speed where I much prefer to be on top of the Guzzi. Nevertheless, I am sick and tired of wrenching the Norton to keep it nimble. I am seriously considering investing some money and time into making the 850T. Currentlty trying to figure out what my options are for performance upgrades. MAny questions to come. Happy to be a member!! -Pauk33333y
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on January 29, 2021, 08:07:08 AM
Paul,        That's why I bought my T in 76'. Triumph Bonnie needed tune-up every 1200mi, T was 5000mi tune. All I needed was the oval K&N's, Dunstalls and rejetting.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on January 29, 2021, 01:57:42 PM
Paul Simonoff, 55, Gig Worker, Newburyport Massachusetts.

Hello folks. My main ride for last 25 years has been my untrustworthy Norton Commando 850. I picked up a 1975 850T 10 years ago as a second bike, and have ridden it occasionally. I like the bike, but compared to my Norton, it is a bit sluggish, except in top gear at high speed where I much prefer to be on top of the Guzzi. Nevertheless, I am sick and tired of wrenching the Norton to keep it nimble. I am seriously considering investing some money and time into making the 850T. Currentlty trying to figure out what my options are for performance upgrades. MAny questions to come. Happy to be a member!! -Pauk33333y

Paul, I originally bought my 1990 Mille GT for the same reason - a backup to my 75 Norton that I'd been struggling to keep on the road for decent intervals since 1979.  I got tired of showing up at Norton Club meetings on my Harley Road Glide because the Norton was "down" again for whatever reason.  The Mille is "sluggish" (your apt description) compared to the Norton, but it still has enough low-end and mid-range torque to amuse me and feels more substantial at interstate speeds - the extra 100 lbs or so  gross weight helps there - and the riding to wrenching ratio has been MUCH better on it than on the Norton.  I personally haven't seen much in the way of performance upgrade tips, parts, &/or recommendations that don't involve large amounts of money, but then I haven't really been looking.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SpaceViking on January 30, 2021, 04:54:11 PM
David Dowling, 40, Metal artist/fabricator, Portland Oregon
First time Guzzi owner, just picked up a 2017 V7 III and so far I love it. Oh, to never tension and lube a chain again! I like to tinker with things, so there's sure to be some customization pictures and questions coming as I tear apart a perfectly good machine to make it into "art".

Past bikes:
Suzuki VStrom 1000
Suzuki SV650
Ducati ST2
Kawasaki EX500
Honda CB650
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Uncle_Lui on February 01, 2021, 05:40:15 PM
Hello everyone,

Luis Borgen
Had a Kawasaki 750 in 1982-1984 and sold it.
Then I did a million other things and now I wanted to get back in to riding so after 36 years...
I now have a Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber... Wonderful bike for sure.

I work for AT&T Federal (Civilian Accounts) and live 35 miles west of DC in Centreville, VA (Between Fairfax City and Manassas)

And I can't wait for spring to come back so I can go out riding again (not much fun for me to ride in the cold)

I hope to see some of you out there in the road. .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hearingi on February 08, 2021, 10:41:46 AM

I'm Chris.

I help run a veterinary clinic with my girlfriend. She's the doc, I keep the lights on and make sure everyone gets paid.

I'm in the great sea of corn and soybeans that is most of the state of Illinois, close to St Louis.

In November I bought myself a 2020 V7iii Stone, Night Pack.

I haven't been riding for years. I'm excited to explore the Midwest on it, especially along the rivers here and up by the Great Lakes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tbax on February 12, 2021, 02:58:03 PM

Tom Baxter
Denver, Co (formerly Columbus Ohio for many decades). Retired lawyer.  Rode several bikes out here in the 3 year process of retiring.  I always managed to turn a 2 day trip into a week or so...just love the high plains after Topeka. We all think of the beauty of the mountains west of Denver, but the plains have their own lovely byways.   
Recently purchased my first Guzzi, the V85TT from Erico, here in Denver. Not love at first sight, but love at first ride.   
First bike, Yamaha YDS2 in early 60s, dozens of bikes since.  Tracked Ducatis from 1975 thru 2017. Now retired, and do not want to pay for belt and valve maintenance any more. In the 70s, I enjoyed working on my 2 valve, a/c R BMWs and the V85 looks to be similar in those opportunities.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: len on February 15, 2021, 06:38:06 PM
Hello all, My name is Len, I am 65 years old and retired mechanic. I have ridden motorcycles for more than 40 years., and I have had quite a few bikes of all kinds
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 9fingers on February 17, 2021, 07:16:07 AM
Scott Burghart
Lab furniture sales
Lafayette, NJ
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oggridley on February 21, 2021, 08:00:24 PM
Glad to finally be here after buying a 2020 V85TT, Ronald McDonald version.  Retired dairy farmer near Syracuse, NY, age = 68.  Owned lots of bikes, almost to many to remember ( MX, Trials, Dual Sport, Standards, no crotch rockets, no sky diving but have owned 3 pairs of PWC's in the past)  but currently: 1968 BSA 441VS ( project) but it has new tank which I am building the bike around, 1975 Yamaha XS 650 ( another project on the back burner - but it is complete), Yamaha TW200 ( they are all the same), Suzuki Burgman 400, Triumph Scrambler '08, Suzuki DL650, Honda NT700, Honda VFR 1200XD ( absolutely love the DCT...it is the future) and a Kawaski Teryx 750.  Looking for a Honda Monkey, had 2 Ruckus and they were a blast but 50cc is way slow.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kildareman on February 25, 2021, 06:18:48 AM
Hello all from Ireland.  Riding for a loooooong time. Been on my Tiger 800 for the last 10 years (well 10 years next week). Being vertically challenged it's been annoying me for a while - not the riding but more the manoeuvring around. It's just a big old lump. Or maybe that's my rationale for changing.  Anyway it will be replaced this year and it will be replaced with a new V7 850 stone, either the pale blue or Centenary colour way.

Keep it rubber side down folks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lad on February 27, 2021, 05:13:37 PM
Hello all from Ireland. 

...Not sure is there many from Ireland...hello from kilkenny anyway. Hon the leprechauns lad
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on February 27, 2021, 06:08:30 PM
...Not sure is there many from Ireland...hello from kilkenny anyway. Hon the leprechauns lad

 We have a few Irish members , welcome folks .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Thack on February 28, 2021, 08:48:23 AM
Help My name is Mike. I bought a very used 05 Breva 750ie. I have a few older Ducatis so I look forward to bringing this Guzzi back to its glory.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kildareman on February 28, 2021, 08:57:21 AM
We have a few Irish members , welcome folks .


Best county. My wife is a Kilkenny woman. Was married in Jenkinstown and reception in NewPark.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lad on February 28, 2021, 11:43:17 AM
Best county. My wife is a Kilkenny woman. Was married in Jenkinstown and reception in NewPark.

haha, two good spots alright, I pass them everyday.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nwguy on March 04, 2021, 04:52:10 PM
Howdy all. I just re-purchased a 2008 Norge that I sold 7 years ago. Great to have it back. Only 4k more miles on it than when I sold it. Runs perfectly but needs new battery (I think). May need to deal with startus interruptus.

From Poulsbo, WA, recently retired. Besides motorcycles, I'm a waterman (windsurf, hydrofoil windsurf, SUP, trimarans). Goofy website here with ride reports and other motorcycle stuff:


The Norge.

(https://i.ibb.co/cwB5XC0/IMG-20210302-143946026-HDR.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cwB5XC0)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Leashes on March 07, 2021, 07:24:32 PM
Hello everyone!
I'm writing from beautiful wet drippy Western Washington where I am once again elbows deep in the guts of my beloved problem child V50 III. It was an ill-considered beer-fueled craigslist buy after I was flush with cash from the sale of an exotic ducati about 9 years ago. Since she's been running well, I have of course decided to do extensive maintenance. That's the way it goes, right?  I am looking forward to discussing all the fun v50 joys such as gear oil barfing and the canned ham airbox.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brobro on March 08, 2021, 08:12:03 AM
Greetings.  I finally own a Guzzi after 57 years of riding motos.
Here's a pic of me & my little sister back in 1964 on my first bike.  Owned about 25 other bikes since then.  Ridden in 49 US states, 10 Canadian Provinces, 12 European countries and 4 Aussie states.   Currently have an Indian Roadmaster and wanted a "smaller" second bike 😆 so I got a Cali 1400 Touring.

(https://i.ibb.co/f44FhvC/My-beautiful-picture.jpg) (https://ibb.co/f44FhvC)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jamied on March 10, 2021, 09:03:34 AM
James D, 48yrs old, Mechanic, North Jersey. First time Guzzi owner, V85TT.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on March 10, 2021, 02:47:18 PM
James D, 48yrs old, Mechanic, North Jersey. First time Guzzi owner, V85TT.

Greetings and welcome to the group.

Hope you can make the National in New Hampshire in June.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nikos900 on March 12, 2021, 08:30:17 AM
Hello everyone!

Nikos, from Athens, Greece,  enjoying a V50 III and close to a 1999 California Special
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jbell on March 17, 2021, 11:31:37 AM
Help My name is Mike. I bought a very used 05 Breva 750ie. I have a few older Ducatis so I look forward to bringing this Guzzi back to its glory.

Hey Mike.  Welcome to the forum.  There are already several forum members in the Houston area, I'm up near Austin.  Don't know what you need help with but I'm confident someone here can provide answers........Jack .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seez0916 on March 18, 2021, 06:16:48 AM
Hey All
Live in Queensland Australia.  After many years of Ducati and BMW ownership I brought a V85 Travel.  Loving the bike and about to head off around Australia on it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Brian675 on March 19, 2021, 10:54:46 AM
Brian, living in Mission BC. I have had several Guzzis in the past and right now I have a 2015 Griso with 70,000kms and a 2016 Stelvio with 68,000kms. Griso running like a top and the Stelvio awaiting me rebuilding its starter.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bsanorton on March 20, 2021, 09:08:06 AM
Rich a NJ/NY transplant now living in Northeast Florida for the past 14 years. 1st street bike was a 73' Honda CB450 in 76', moved on to a Triumph Trident, Norton's and HD's shortly after. Have never been with out a Norton in my garage since 79'. Love all marques, currently have a Suzuki GT750 I've refurbished. Got the Buell bug in the early 2000's, had one ever since. Always admired Moto Guzzi from a far. Got serious about purchasing one when I met a fellow Bueller who also had a collection of Guzzi's. He has made a few specialty items for Buell (which I purchased) and Moto Guzzi. Was going to buy one of his V11's, but I was late on the draw. Continued my search and found a lovely 2001 V11 Rosso Mandello. Still new to me and trying to become familiar with these odd birds, LOL.
(https://i.ibb.co/Fn0jchm/2001-Moto-Guzzi-resize-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Fn0jchm)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gallazblue on March 24, 2021, 11:06:10 AM

From France, just got my new Guzzi a few weeks ago and super excited about it :)

See you all soon!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dragonstale74 on March 25, 2021, 07:20:28 PM
Jay Partner in York, PA

2006 Breva
2018 Goldwing Tour
2021 CSC TT250

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Momo on March 27, 2021, 07:32:52 AM
Jay Partner in York, PA

2006 Breva
2018 Goldwing Tour
2021 CSC TT250

I'm in Gap,corner of routes 30 and 41,  Larry
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Alfetta on March 31, 2021, 05:52:42 PM
I just read the request for an introduction.... so...

Name, Dale
Age, 58
occupation: engineer
humor: odd (at best)
Interest: Bikes of all kinds, rear engine cars, (mids are ok). 2 stoke fanatic, all things mechanical, Argentina red wines,
Currently: racing vintage motocross, Hare and hounds, and single track.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KirriePete on April 02, 2021, 05:57:44 AM
"Introduce yourself" - how many times have I had to do that in management seminars, training courses etc. back when I had a proper job?

The name's Pete, I'm a Cockney living in Kirriemuir, Scotland - home of Peter Pan, birthplace of Bon Scott  :bow: and the town where they had the famous ball (4 & 20 virgins ....)

Just turned 60 in March, spent a bit of my Civil Service pension pot on a nice clean 2006 Breva 750 to replace/augment my ageing (t)rusty old Honda Deauville in my "last job on the wind down to retirement" as a motorcycle instructor.

Riding history - started (legally) at 16 and never really stopped, so that's 44 years man and boy on machinery from mopeds to megacruisers, now spend my time trying to force some of that experience into the heads of new riders in and around Dundee.

Outside interests - I've got 3 grandsons and a granddaughter on the way, so what makes you think I have time for any other interests?  Sprawled on the settee with an adult beverage watching the racing (MotoGP, Superbikes, even F1!) on TV is about as far as it goes these days.

I'll no doubt be in and out of here as I get to grips with the peculiarities and sense of humour of the Italian engineers who put my bike together.

So that's me - see you around!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rasta Ronny on April 05, 2021, 09:02:17 AM
I live outside of Philadelphia.  I am 56.  I have had a handful of Japanese bikes prior to my first Guzzi in the past year.  I work for a pharma company.  I spend most of my time trying to make for a happy home.  I enjoy riding boards on snow, concrete, salt and fresh water.  I just enjoy being outdoors.  I am a church goer and spend some time trying to live what I believe. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: themagicman321 on April 09, 2021, 01:22:56 PM
Hello all, I am from san antonio texas, and just got my first of many guzzis. I just got an 07 breva 1100 in pristine shape..with only 6500 miles...I am wanting to get a 1200s, a griso, and maybe a few other models in the future..I am long time motorcyclist for 49 years now, I used to roadrace professionally,(7 time national champ), still love sportbikes, but the arthritis in the shoulders cannot handle being bent into a pretzel...lol  ..I still own about 200 motorcycles, but most are parts bikes..still race enduros...but enough of that..if anybody has a cat delete for the breva 1100 please get with me as this thing is just too quiet and needs a boost of power...or if you hear of a deal on any of the bikes I want , please let me know...Thanks and looking forward to this journey with guzzis and more..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzzistiDan on April 14, 2021, 05:09:47 PM

I'm in Augusta GA, and just got a new to me 2016 Stornello to escape the daily grind.

Previous bikes (both Guzzis and Also Rans) in no particular order of ownership:

Honda CB250 Superdream
Guzzi V50ii
Suzuki GS650 (Trike)
Suzuki GS650 Bandit
Honda CB750
Guzzi California EV1100i
Victory Kingpin Tour

Great bikes (and trike) all, each with their own stories to tell.  Keep the shiney side up!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on April 14, 2021, 06:34:36 PM
I visited the old dealer there in Augusta when I 1st came to GA from IL. They had just taken the sign down out front and still had Guzzi's on the floor. I'd rather ride there than across to west side of ATL from Auburn,GA.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 14, 2021, 06:57:00 PM
I visited the old dealer there in Augusta when I 1st came to GA from IL. They had just taken the sign down out front and still had Guzzi's on the floor. I'd rather ride there than across to west side of ATL from Auburn,GA.

Saw my first Guzzi - probably an Ambassador - in December 1969, at a dealer just outside Ft. Gordon, GA.  Was fascinated at the time, but was pretty sure that my next duty post was going to be waaaay further west from there (i.e. RVN, & I was correct) so didn't think about actually buying one.  Fast forward to November 2013 when I finally bought one.  Guzzis were never even on my radar during the years in between.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on April 14, 2021, 08:48:51 PM
I got on a 850T in 76 and haven't looked at anything else since. I did notice an Eldo after high school but got a 71 Bonnie instead.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: inemet on April 18, 2021, 10:24:22 AM

I am from Croatia, 46yrs old, mechanical engineer.
Last month I bought Breva 750, 2004, and decided to join this forum.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 18, 2021, 11:14:58 AM

I am from Croatia, 46yrs old, mechanical engineer.
Last month I bought Breva 750, 2004, and decided to join this forum.

 Cool , I think we have 2 members now from Croatia  :thumb:

 Looking forward to some pictures and ride reports from your lovely area .

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on April 18, 2021, 03:12:01 PM

I am from Croatia, 46yrs old, mechanical engineer.
Last month I bought Breva 750, 2004, and decided to join this forum.

Way back in 1998, I spent 7 months living and working with the SFOR in Sarajevo, BiH, and drove close to 10K miles (16K+ km) in Bosnia and Croatia.  I don't think I went a single day without wishing that I had a motorcycle in either country.  So many beautiful roads and places to visit.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gorgo on April 19, 2021, 09:50:06 PM
Hi all! I'm a twenty three year old restaurant manager from the Chicago suburbs. I'm relatively new to motorcycling (interested for a long time but only got my license last year) and have been looking for my second bike for a while now, which with any luck will end up being a Guzzi.

Thank you for having me here!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: timzim on April 20, 2021, 03:53:15 PM
Hello all,  I'm a 53 year old boiler house operator in Wisconsin. I bought my 75 T 25 years ago in boxes and pails.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: oldbike54 on April 20, 2021, 11:11:30 PM
Hello all,  I'm a 53 year old boiler house operator in Wisconsin. I bought my 75 T 25 years ago in boxes and pails.

 You were a brave 28 year old  :thumb:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: deeveeance on April 26, 2021, 12:45:07 PM
Hi all, long time lurker and just got my first "newer" motorcycle (2016 V7 ii Scrambler).

30 years old
Portland, OR
IT for the Multnomah School District
Interests: Computers, gaming, motorcycles, 1970's muscle cars, biking, and raising exotic pets.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: militos on April 26, 2021, 05:10:50 PM
Hello, Hola everyone.
My name is Emilio Ramirezaguilar
I'm 56
Live in Redwood City Ca.  USA.
Service Technician.
Currently restoring my  1972 Moto guzzi El dorado CA. 850cc police version.

Thanks for having this website for us.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ludgidiya on May 03, 2021, 10:44:37 AM
Hello, my name is
Angel Angelov (52),  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
an Electrical Engineer working for Canada Post - 5 ton truck driver.
Purchased recently:
2008 Moto Guzzi Norge
30 years ago I rode German machine MZ250 and I'm back.
Good to have this forum
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JYR on May 07, 2021, 01:20:58 PM
Hi all,
108 pages of listing of Guzzi riders around here! Fantastic! OK, my turn.
My first name is Jean-Yves, I am 52 and work at University (teacher researcher in Geology).
I have travelled a lot for work and not so much for biking, though.
I am living in Lille, close to the Belgium border in N France. Okay, it's flat, and not funny for motorcycling.
I have had small off-road motorbikes when I was teenager, but life passed by and I forgot how much I liked this freedom feelling of riding a motorbike until about 10 years ago, when I had the occasion to do this again as a passenger on a bigger machine (sorry, a Honda CBF1000 set up for touring). It was with my brother, the best connoisseur (hey, initially a French word) in our family. I swore to pass the driving test... and here am I.
In contrast to my brother, who likes technology and performance, I like authenticity, not to say uncertainty in how much the machine is reliable, but the feel of strength and steam... hahaha!
I like Italians (we share Europe with the English, the Germans, the Spanish, and the others... yes, the English too, I said, not a mistake) and Italian style.
I was interested in MG very soon in fact and when I came to the point of choosing a brand and a model, the airplane V engine, the sound, the historical continuity... and the fantastic place these bikes are built at, waoh... I had to go for a Guzzi, no matter the others said is was outdated and unreliable.
My first Guzzi was a V7 Stone of 2012. I loved it but after one year, I wanted more power, and I replaced it with a black Griso 1100 of 2007. It was in 2015. Yet I had not the opportunity of riding it far away or outside the country, I am really found of this machine. I am member of 2 forums in France but I admit that I visit them mostly to grab info. Moving to your forum is an opportunity for looking Guzzis from a different perspective. I jumped because I am planning to upgrade my Griso for longer touring and this is here that I got the most interesting examples of luggage and other specific fits.
As I said I am professor... and you might see this while counting the lines above. Sorry thus, I stop here...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shorties178 on May 10, 2021, 02:56:24 AM
Hi All,
First time Guzzi owner. Got a new V85TT Travel in January & slowly kitting it out for purpose.
I'm a Wastewater Treatment Plant operator and live in South West Rocks, which is a seaside town at the mouth of the Macleay River, Mid North Coast, NSW, Australia.
I'm a returning rider after 15 years lots of new technology since I last had a bike.
The wife and I are planning on exploring NSW & Qld by back road, camping & making new freinds.
Mick & Cheryl Short - 59&61 yrs
Title: ..Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim Gooding on May 20, 2021, 03:37:45 PM
Hi my name is Jim, I live in Chichester UK
There are 3new things in my life
1. A 2008 Moto Guzzi V1200 Sport, traded for my beloved Himalayan
2.  A return to motorcycling after an enforced break since Dec 20 due
Medical nonsense
3. At midnite on the 25 May I get to be 17 again and will get my licence back & get to ride the bike that’s been sat outside the trailer home since last Friday.
I start a new job in early June & sadly the Enfield is just too small for the ride.
But boy am I excited
The bike has 41k miles but only 1 owner
He spent well on a GPR Can plus custom headers & a K+N Airfilter
He spent vainly on carbon fibre bits
He spent oddly on a cigarette lighter power socket under the seat
I’m feeling a bit like an archaeologist searching thru service docs to see what has & hasn’t been done.
I discovered the K+N hadn’t been cleaned since ‘17 , the plugs are pitted & sooty( I guess from the dirty Airfilter) - my question to the universe is why spend on carbon bits but neglect the lungs and heart of your wheels?
Anyway new plugs waiting to be fitted and you can eat your dinner off the K&N
Sadly I bought the bike with the promise of a service pre delivery
At best I’ve got a new filter and an engine that’s over full of oil; it keeps dripping oil onto the ground from an overflow pipe by the back wheel. . At worst it’s going to be a warranty war with the shop.
5 days til freedom....
Title: Re: ..Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 20, 2021, 05:07:31 PM
Hi my name is Jim, I live in Chichester UK
AT best I’ve got a new filter and an engine that’s over full of oil; it keeps dripping oil onto the ground from an overflow pipe by the back wheel.

If you haven't had a Moto Guzzi before, before doing anything expensive try to find one of the several threads on this forum discussing oil level recommendations for various models.  I don't know if it will apply to your specific model bike, but MANY of the MG models do best with a bit less than the amounts recommended in the factory literature - not a lot less, but enough to avoid having the engine spew oil or oil mist out of one or more breather tubes onto parts of the bike, your boots/shoes/pants legs/etc.  I tried chasing down a "minor oil leak" for a couple of years before I came across the advice to fill only to about the half-way mark on the dipstick on my bikes.  Miraculously, my "oil leak" disappeared when I followed that advice.   :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 20, 2021, 05:33:53 PM
 :thumb:  +1.  My immediate thoughts.

Jim, do you own a Breva 1200 Sport?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim Gooding on May 20, 2021, 06:30:59 PM
Hi I know the bike as a 1200 4v sport
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 20, 2021, 06:40:07 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: V2Dave on May 20, 2021, 06:49:58 PM
Gday, Dave from NZ, Coastal Master, MEC5, AB Seaman.
MK5 or 89 LeMans 1000, 03 Tuono, 93 Daytona another MK5 on the way and a Tuono Racing...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim Gooding on May 20, 2021, 09:50:42 PM
Thanks for the abrevia 1200 link
Funny thing is they mention the tested bike as having 4plugs, my owners manual mentions both versions
Mine only has 2
No adjustable front forks
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nyb98 on May 22, 2021, 08:57:44 AM

I'm new here from Los Angeles and I'm student :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 22, 2021, 04:05:38 PM
Welcome.  Susanville rally is coming up, if you want some other Guzzi riders.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bossler on May 27, 2021, 02:35:18 AM
Hello from Germany.

I bought a neglected 1985 V65SP with an almost complete spare engine and spare gearbox end of 2019 with the intention to do some servicing and ride mid 2020... but no cigar.
It's like pandora's box, every part I remove for servicing reveals two new things that require attention. But I guess I'm not alone with this experience.
Situation now: Completely stripped, bike parts everywhere in bags and boxes, engine rebuild ongoing (final cleaning, waiting for some parts).
50% confident that the V65 will be on the road in 2021  :laugh:
Hope to get some help here during the re-build.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Daniel on May 29, 2021, 06:37:21 PM
Hi, there!
I am from São Paulo-Brasil and Iam glad for having been accepted as a member of this forum.
Retired from automotive industry (Ford Motor) since 2000, I own a Le Mans 1000 V 1991 MY since 1995.
(https://i.ibb.co/QbpGQDF/Passeio-Cabreuva-270321-5.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QbpGQDF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zjohn on May 30, 2021, 10:06:09 AM
Zack Johnston
Northeast North Carolina
47 yrs old. Riding and fixing motorcycles since I was a kid.
Diesel, construction equipment technician by trade. Currently service manager for John Deere dealer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on May 30, 2021, 06:00:10 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 31, 2021, 09:12:55 AM
Nothing runs like a Deere w/a Binder chasing it!  A few Guzzi's over that way, Welcome all.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mihael on June 01, 2021, 07:20:18 AM

Mihael; Croatia; 40 years old. Owning V7 Classic 2010.

Logged here to get some tips and hidden gems about guzzies.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GdayM8 on June 04, 2021, 01:45:57 AM
G'day all.

Just joined as I await delivery of my new V85TT Travel from Seattle
Very happy to be getting back on a Guzzi after a long absence. Thanks to Steve for the test spin.
Way to close to 60, ex-pat Aussie now living in Alaska.
Already found help here from Matt and Bill. Thanks guys!
Been riding, building and maintaining my own for 35 years now

Be safe all

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on June 09, 2021, 06:15:23 PM

Good evening -- or whatever it is if/when you read this -- from the top of Virginia.

I just finished reviewing Luap's rules for new members.  I am fairly confident that I can "refrain from posting Political, Religion, Pornography (unless it's their naked motorcycle)," but am much less sure about "and other senseless drivel."   :laugh:  But I'll do my best. 

Of course, I am not actually new here in one sense.  I posted for years as "Bill Hagan," but took a sabbatical for a bit a few years ago.

I am still, doh, Bill Hagan, but use the "Iron Cross Junction" as it combines my German heritage and our home.  We live in the unincorporated (and "un" in most every other sense except being a rural delight) of Cross Junction, Virginia.  Just shy of W.V., Md., and only 30 miles from the Penna. line, it's a rider's dream right out of my driveway.

I am pretty busy over the next few days.  Kathi, my Perfect Pillion & Polish Princess, is "as we speak" at 33K feet on her way to Seattle to squeeze three of our thirteen (gasp  :rolleyes:) grandkids. A bright woman, she knows better than to be here for another iteration of "Moto Grappa Tech & Tire Days."  This -- MGTTD MMXXI -- starts Friday.  I will, of course, even if begged not to  :grin:, post pix of that after it ends Monday.  If at all curious what I am talking about, here are pix of the February and July 2020 sessions.

https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGTD-III-Feb-2020/n-T55GLT/ (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGTD-III-Feb-2020/n-T55GLT/) & https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGGG-MMXX/n-L73Bmz/ (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGGG-MMXX/n-L73Bmz/)


Proud Member of Moto Guzzi's Envy-of-the-Industry Post-Sale R&D Program!

1998 V11 EV (104K miles)
2004 V11 Ballabio, Sold ... sigh ... Grazie per il tuo servizio! (26K miles)
2007 Norge (84K miles)
2010 Griso 1200 (27K miles)
2016 V7 II Stornello (8K miles)
2017 V7 III Special (10K miles)




Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gerryp on June 09, 2021, 06:29:16 PM
Good evening -- or whatever it is if/when you read this -- from the top of Virginia.

I just finished reviewing Luap's rules for new members.  I am fairly confident that I can "refrain from posting Political, Religion, Pornography (unless it's their naked motorcycle)," but am much less sure about "and other senseless drivel."   :laugh:  But I'll do my best. 

Of course, I am not actually new here in one sense.  I posted for years as "Bill Hagan," but took a sabbatical for a bit a few years ago.

I am still, doh, Bill Hagan, but use the "Iron Cross Junction" as it combines my German heritage and our home.  We live in the unincorporated (and "un" in most every other sense except being a rural delight) of Cross Junction, Virginia.  Just shy of W.V., Md., and only 30 miles from the Penna. line, it's a rider's dream right out of my driveway.

I am pretty busy over the next few days.  Kathi, my Perfect Pillion & Polish Princess, is "as we speak" at 33K feet on her way to Seattle to squeeze three of our thirteen (gasp  :rolleyes:) grandkids. A bright woman, she knows better than to be here for another iteration of "Moto Grappa Tech & Tire Days."  This -- MGTTD MMXXI -- starts Friday.  I will, of course, even if begged not to  :grin:, post pix of that after it ends Monday.  If at all curious what I am talking about, here are pix of the February and July 2020 sessions.

https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGTD-III-Feb-2020/n-T55GLT/ (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGTD-III-Feb-2020/n-T55GLT/) & https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGGG-MMXX/n-L73Bmz/ (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/MGGG-MMXX/n-L73Bmz/)


Proud Member of Moto Guzzi's Envy-of-the-Industry Post-Sale R&D Program!

1998 V11 EV (104K miles)
2004 V11 Ballabio, Sold ... sigh ... Grazie per il tuo servizio! (26K miles)
2007 Norge (84K miles)
2010 Griso 1200 (27K miles)
2016 V7 II Stornello (8K miles)
2017 V7 III Special (10K miles)



Bill, Good to see you here as well as on ADV Rider.

I really enjoyed meeting you and  Kathi at the 2015 National.

I'll be bringing up some Jefferson small batch to enjoy at the Inn. 

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 09, 2021, 08:07:09 PM
Welcome back Bill!  🤙🤙🤙
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on June 09, 2021, 09:22:58 PM
Good to see you here Bill. Looking forward to more of your witty comments.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Muzz on June 11, 2021, 03:03:45 AM
Welcome back Bill!  🤙🤙🤙

My sentiments exactly.  Good to see you again. :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tatsudoshi on June 11, 2021, 01:40:04 PM
Good Day Everyone

I am 58 and getting younger by the day, I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
I am the proud new owner of a 2016 MG V7 II Special, she is like new with only 1170kms on the clock when I picked her up,
I have owned a few different motorcycles over the years but this is my first Moto Guzzi, and now that I own one I am realizing that this should have happened a long time ago, she just oozes character, truly an amazing machine.
I am in Calgary Alberta Canada

Take Care and God Bless

(https://i.ibb.co/C25Ft96/Moto-Guzzi-V7-II-2016.jpg) (https://ibb.co/C25Ft96)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 11, 2021, 03:21:47 PM
Welcome to the forum!  Yokoso ite kudasai, masushita!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on June 14, 2021, 07:18:47 PM
Good Day Everyone

I am 58 and getting younger by the day, I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
I am the proud new owner of a 2016 MG V7 II Special, she is like new with only 1170kms on the clock when I picked her up,
I have owned a few different motorcycles over the years but this is my first Moto Guzzi, and now that I own one I am realizing that this should have happened a long time ago, she just oozes character, truly an amazing machine.
I am in Calgary Alberta Canada

Take Care and God Bless

(https://i.ibb.co/C25Ft96/Moto-Guzzi-V7-II-2016.jpg) (https://ibb.co/C25Ft96)


Nice photo of your fine-looking V7.   The red tank is especially fetching livery.

I actually prefer my Stornello (a V7 II like yours) to my my V7 III.  I wish you many miles of smiles.


P.S.  I turn 74 next month; I view your age as teenage territory.  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hansiedog on June 17, 2021, 12:52:54 AM
Good morning,

My name is Tim Rodgers from a village called Codnor, in Derbyshire, England.

60 years old and work as a service support tech in a flooring factory.

I own a 1200 Sport 8V (roller tappets) and a 1400 California.

Best wishes,

Tim Rodgers

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: corsajim on June 17, 2021, 02:58:54 PM
Hi, I've just agreed to buy a 96 Sport 1100, my first Guzzi, but Laverda owner since '85. Always liked the look of the Le Mans MK1 and they really do make the best looking cafe racers. Anyway still waiting to have it delivered as the seller was going to get it MOT'd and new tyres fitted, hopefully be here next week.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brother dave on June 18, 2021, 07:59:38 AM
Dave Mihelcic
Ashburn VA
Retired Fed and Consultant

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jdmckay on June 18, 2021, 12:18:01 PM
Jim McKay
IT/Tradesman/Environmental (water) 501c advocacy, English teacher & now semi retired
Albuquerque & Ho Chi Mihn City (eg. Saigon)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aklawok on June 22, 2021, 10:52:26 AM
  well...I finally did it. went and drank the (cappuccino flavored) Kool-Aid!
been trolling craigslist for few months now mostly looking for/similar to a v-strom dual sport with nothing in my budget or that got more than a lookee. then up pops the cal-vin looked gorgeous and fairly cheap..got a good look but i graze on...but that bike just got stuck in my head...few days later, listing still there and started researching it (including lurking here till now!) the more i learned the more i like, i am not a harley rider, almost exclusively a honda man. so this Ital. thing is gonna be totally new territory for me. well contacted the seller and turned out to be a 2 owner garage kept bike with 20k miles....darn! i cuold not talk myself out of it, bought it on photos only ( i live in nome 500 air mile from fairbanks AK) $4700. that was june 1. bike arrived friday, with some delay and i am a happy camper. the pics. did not do it justice! will tell story in future posts.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on June 22, 2021, 05:40:15 PM
 :thumb: :thumb:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorana on June 24, 2021, 02:45:56 PM
I’m a middle-aged, self-employed motorcycle industrialist living in Southern California.

I am the co-founder and product manager at Biltwell Inc., a small motorcycle parts and riding gear company dedicated to the blue-collar bikerider.

I have a couple Biltwell Gringo helmets.. love them.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Berber on June 27, 2021, 10:13:54 AM
N. Paul TonThat
Marlborough, MA
Nonprofit management consultant (IED)
Buying v85tt - was a Ducatista for many years

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoMegalomaniac on July 01, 2021, 10:35:38 PM
Hello all,

Zack from Vancouver, but the other one (in Washington)
I do computer stuff
Picked-up a V85TT a few months back that I'm enjoying thoroughly

Glad to join the fun!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tiki Joe on July 02, 2021, 11:10:12 AM
Hello all,

Zack from Vancouver, but the other one (in Washington)
I do computer stuff
Picked-up a V85TT a few months back that I'm enjoying thoroughly

Glad to join the fun!

I was in Vancouver 2 weeks ago for a wedding that was up in Hood River.  Absolutely beautiful area!  Made a trip over to Cannon Beach and up to Astoria and back to Vancouver.  I'll go back there for sure.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MotoMegalomaniac on July 03, 2021, 02:14:54 AM
I was in Vancouver 2 weeks ago for a wedding that was up in Hood River.  Absolutely beautiful area!  Made a trip over to Cannon Beach and up to Astoria and back to Vancouver.  I'll go back there for sure.

Love Hood River.  I spent last weekend there rafting with friends.  We do have some great scenery up here!  :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sparky7760 on July 05, 2021, 02:19:19 PM
Brian Rohloff
Vergas, Minnesota
2007 Norge 1200
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Superexcellent on July 06, 2021, 05:14:11 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/wzPH7VY/20210630-165037.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wzPH7VY)
Hi, I am Ian and am aged 74 and live in Northants, UK. I have just bought a 1980 V50 II as I wanted a more civilised bike for Vintage rides. It's only got 24,000 miles on the clock, had some loving owners but been slightly neglected for the last 10 years. I will bring it up to scratch by giving it a full service and fitting some stainless parts. It's a delight to ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sniffipn on July 06, 2021, 10:57:27 PM
good morning,

deciding its time to take guzzi lemans 2 out of hibernation
at 58, have a few bikes
employed as a product engineer - rubber mouldings
live in the uk at maryport, cumbria

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: El Vikingo Tropical on July 09, 2021, 07:59:08 AM
I use to rebuild and modify old bikes as an hobby, Now I’m up for making my first Guzzi.
I have bought two of them the first one is an 1980 SP1000 who haven’t been at the road for many years, the idea is build some nice classic road racer of this, I went for a couple of wire wheels from a California 1000 who a guy at the island was selling for 250€ once there, he ask me why I dident take the rest of the bike as well helping him cleaning the garage and so I did, I really don’t know yet what I will do with this one, I will pop up something I suppose ..

Cheers from Gran Canaria island 🏝
(https://i.ibb.co/Gd8Sx21/6-A7-D3005-8-EF6-46-B5-B6-F9-606419396566.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Gd8Sx21)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chris on July 13, 2021, 06:20:34 PM
Howdy, I’m mew to Moto Guzzi but got my first motorcycle , a Honda trail 90, in 1968. Many bikes, the last 35 years dominated by BMW, but others. Over time lost the affection for BMW Motorrad for many reasons. In early 2020 just before lockdowns I got got rid of the bmws, found  a new 2017 California 1400. Rode it home 350 miles in January to be sure it worked. Now only have about 4kmiles due to reality of the last months, but really really like this motorcycle and, so far, the community. Didn’t expect that to be a thing but it’s a very nice group. Even just as an mechanical object, just really brings back something those other boys managed to design out and lose somehow. So I’ll be around here looking for answers to this same old questions that have already been answered and asked many times. I’ll be that guy, no doubt. Just saying I’m beyond being shamed.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: von smallhausen on July 16, 2021, 04:48:51 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/jk35284/PXL-20210715-092317033.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jk35284)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zurn on July 17, 2021, 10:33:06 AM
Been a long time since I was active on a forum. Last was a split between a couple gaming forums and the VTX Owners Association forum.

I recently changed from cruisers to ADV bikes. I moved from an 800 pound VTX 1800 Retro to a CB500X. (with a few years in between.) The 500X was a great little bike but kind of short on the power. I fell in love with the V85TT when it came out. A dealer nearby had a 2020 in stock with 6100 miles. I hit them hard with the usual questions. Why did the last owner trade it in, do they have a tech to work on Moto Guzzi, etc. The prior owner trades in every year for a new bike. Wyoming rancher I think. Their techs are still versed in the MG quarks so they can work on them. Unfortunately due to the Companies' stance on non-dealers(they gave up their contract with Guzzi last year) they are unable to reset the service alert nag. I can live with that. The 30 minute ride home with the nearly new V85 was so much more fun than the ride to get it on the 500X, even with a light rain shower for most of it. Love, love love this bike.

Into question answers;
Age: 57
Occupation: Direct Support Provider for adults with developmental and physical disabilities. Also have been a computer tech and builder. Hardware is my friend. Software always tries to kick my ass.  :laugh:
Location: half an hour from Sturgis, the home to one of the most insane biker get togethers you will ever see.

Happy to be here! Look forward to learning more on this model and logging some miles.

(https://i.ibb.co/VxhSHwz/20210713-140326.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VxhSHwz)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sparkyrasmus on July 22, 2021, 01:56:34 PM
Stephen, 70Years, Marshall, Minnesota, 98 V11EV.   
I just made it through the ordeal of bleeding brakes on the V11EV's linked brake system.  At least I hope I have made it.  I finally hooked up a pressure bleeder into the reservoir feed and removed the rear caliper from the frame and hung it upside down.  Whew,  Pedal!  I'm waiting to see if there are more bubbles coming to the top before I reinstall tank and other removed parts.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzifan18 on July 25, 2021, 08:44:01 PM
Calvin,  40 years oldish, Brisbane Australia -  Audace 1400
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Advguz on August 02, 2021, 09:05:54 AM
Hello all,
    I like motorcycles. :drool:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spydie on August 02, 2021, 03:03:04 PM
Hi All.  I'm 70 years old and just purchased my 7th 2021 bike for this year, the V7 Centenario.  I remember seeing these V-twins when I was a kid, but never was interested in them, although they were definitely different, but they looked so huge back then, and maybe looked like "old man bikes."  And I NEVER saw one on the road (just like I don't yet today).  But now I'm an "old man" so I guess this is the bike for me.  I had just bought a new Kawasaki W800 and I stumbled upon these bikes online and started researching them, then I HAD to have one (just three weeks after my W800 purchase).  I've GOT to stay off the computer.  It's costing me a fortune.  I just put 250 miles on it since I got it yesterday and my first impression is it has a TON of power, a very unique engine whine, loud clunking in the first 3 gears, and unusual sound and feel when idling.  The downside is, after all my reading reviews and watching videos and everyone bragging about how long-distance comfortable it was and the soft suspension, it actually rides a lot harsher and choppier on these rough NM roads than my W800 does.  And yes, I took off all the pre-load I could on the rear shock (I weigh 127 lbs).  But it feels like a keeper anyway, but probably not my long-distance bike.  Now I've got to find a rear rack for it (dealer says those and the windshields haven't made it to the US yet), a centerstand to aid in maintenance, A HELMET LOCK (this is the second bike (first was Royal Enfield Himalayan) out of my 61 bikes that didn't have a helmet lock.  Doesn't anyone wear helmets anymore?) and a windshield.  My occupation is motorcycle rider!  I live in southern New Mexico.

(https://i.ibb.co/jVhcZKm/IMG-2227.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jVhcZKm)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on August 02, 2021, 04:38:40 PM
Nice job if you can do it. I spent too much when I tried it. They did make bigger ones than the smallblock V7 line, that's what i ride is the one's you remember. I'll get a bigger one when I grow up. I'm only 67.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stanfromhell on August 04, 2021, 04:13:27 PM
Hi, thanks for including me in your forum
Stan Sandstrom Langley BC Canada
72 Year old lifetime rider
Currently ride 1947 Guzzi GTV, 1956 Sunbeam S8, 2000 Yamaha Roadstar mildly customized.
The GTV is by far my favorite.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Womble on August 06, 2021, 01:47:14 AM
Just popped in to say 'Hi', looking to buy a V7 in the near future, I used to have a V50 many years ago and would like a return to a 'proper' motorcycle :)

I'm in the UK, south coast in Dorset.

Currently riding a BMW F800GT, following a long line of previous BMWs
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spydie on August 06, 2021, 01:50:52 AM
Just popped in to say 'Hi', looking to buy a V7 in the near future, I used to have a V50 many years ago and would like a return to a 'proper' motorcycle :)

I'm in the UK, south coast in Dorset.

Currently riding a BMW F800GT, following a long line of previous BMWs

congratulations.  I hope you get a new V7.  I just bought the V7 Centenario and am going to attend my first Guzzi Rally  on August 19-22 in Datil, New Mexico USA..  So far with with a little over 400 miles I love the bike.  The suspension is a little harsh/choppy on the rough NM roads (my Kawasaki W800 is much better) but I love the sound of the V7 engine.  I hope you get one.  It is a fantastic bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on August 07, 2021, 04:51:53 AM
Hi, thanks for including me in your forum
Stan Sandstrom Langley BC Canada
72 Year old lifetime rider
Currently ride 1947 Guzzi GTV, 1956 Sunbeam S8, 2000 Yamaha Roadstar mildly customized.
The GTV is by far my favorite.  :laugh:
Welcome aboard Stan, you and your Guzzi will fit right in here - Roy
(https://i.ibb.co/D9ZLWVm/DSCN0330.jpg) (https://ibb.co/D9ZLWVm) (https://i.ibb.co/FstJGmy/DSCN0712.jpg) (https://ibb.co/FstJGmy)
I have known Stan for many years, he recently sold his 1946 Indian Chief and became owner of this beautiful old girl oozing character out of every pore.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bigedf150 on August 09, 2021, 07:53:39 AM
jeff biagetti
barberton ohio
firefighter/paramedic and wearer of various hats! (retired)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TheMuffinMan on August 11, 2021, 10:57:31 AM
35 now? Geez I'm getting old.  :grin:
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spydie on August 11, 2021, 01:11:44 PM
35 now? Geez I'm getting old.  :grin:
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

I remember when I was 35... 35 years ago.  I never thought I was getting old at that age.  Now at 70 I can see the shadow of the bearded guy with the Scythe standing behind me.  But I can still outrun him and I still have a garage full of motorcycles and I ride every day.  It keeps you young.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dublicious on August 11, 2021, 06:02:43 PM
Software Developer
Bucks County, PA

Just got a 2020 V7 Stone S a few months ago
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vi Carious on August 11, 2021, 09:30:29 PM
Hello all,

Chris, 61, CMM programmer, NW Indiana

Will post my Guzzi backstory in discussion forum...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spydie on August 11, 2021, 11:06:37 PM
Hello all,

Chris, 61, CMM programmer, NW Indiana

Will post my Guzzi backstory in discussion forum...

One more year and you can retire and ride your bike all the time!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wpalmo on August 11, 2021, 11:53:38 PM
Hi All,
My name is Warrick and I live and reside in Perth Western Australia.
I have owned many motor cycles over my 52 years on this planet. Most memorable are a Moto Guzzi Sport 1100 and also a bevel drive Ducati 1978 SS.
I have just purchased a customised LeMans III and am looking forward to getting back on an air cooled V twin.
I am sure I will have a few questions for the forum as I begin my new relationship with Moto Guzzi.
Thanks in advance for the wisdom that resides on these pages.
Regards Warrick.
(https://i.ibb.co/wcRj69d/08537-A06-7055-4020-8923-0-CD8-DE7-F5-DAE.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wcRj69d)

(https://i.ibb.co/mGb8RrR/F7-DCD74-B-00-D1-4385-AD88-3-D9-ABB1-BA112.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mGb8RrR)

(https://i.ibb.co/swyBN3T/005615-EF-FDBA-4-C98-B598-BDAB26-AB5-B63.jpg) (https://ibb.co/swyBN3T)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Spydie on August 12, 2021, 10:16:07 AM
Hi All,
My name is Warrick and I live and reside in Perth Western Australia.
I have owned many motor cycles over my 52 years on this planet. Most memorable are a Moto Guzzi Sport 1100 and also a bevel drive Ducati 1978 SS.
I have just purchased a customised LeMans III and am looking forward to getting back on an air cooled V twin.
I am sure I will have a few questions for the forum as I begin my new relationship with Moto Guzzi.
Thanks in advance for the wisdom that resides on these pages.
Regards Warrick.
(https://i.ibb.co/wcRj69d/08537-A06-7055-4020-8923-0-CD8-DE7-F5-DAE.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wcRj69d)

(https://i.ibb.co/mGb8RrR/F7-DCD74-B-00-D1-4385-AD88-3-D9-ABB1-BA112.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mGb8RrR)

(https://i.ibb.co/swyBN3T/005615-EF-FDBA-4-C98-B598-BDAB26-AB5-B63.jpg) (https://ibb.co/swyBN3T)

Tell us about the LeMans.  What year is it?  HOw many miles are on it?  Do you know how many owners it's had?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wpalmo on August 18, 2021, 07:30:41 PM
My new Guzzi is a 1982 Lemans III. I think I am the third owner. The previous owner did the mods that you can see in the images.

Borani spoked wheels

Lemans I tank

38mm Marzocchi forks

Agostini rear sets

Custom stainless exhaust

Custom seat

Custom dash.

It rides beautifully and looks like a cross between a 1000S and a Lemans I. My 2 favourite Guzzi’s. Looking forward to chatting more about Guzzi’s on the forum.

Regards Warrick.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ramblejam on August 18, 2021, 11:23:34 PM

Couple pics from a journey this past weekend - thanks for having me.

(https://i.ibb.co/d09dsWS/PXL-20210814-115752215.jpg) (https://ibb.co/d09dsWS)

(https://i.ibb.co/gPYvSkS/PXL-20210814-112833534.jpg) (https://ibb.co/gPYvSkS)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on August 20, 2021, 08:32:17 PM

Couple pics from a journey this past weekend - thanks for having me.

(https://i.ibb.co/d09dsWS/PXL-20210814-115752215.jpg) (https://ibb.co/d09dsWS)

(https://i.ibb.co/gPYvSkS/PXL-20210814-112833534.jpg) (https://ibb.co/gPYvSkS)

Welcome, Justin.

Nice job, pix, & Norge.

Are you in Nelson County?  My "grandfolks" started there vic. Pottinger's Creek c.1785.  Moved to Daviess County c.1830.

I'll be back next week for my [gasp; year deleted!  :clock:] DCHS high-school reunion; then again in late September for my semiannual "mutton run" to St. Mary's (Whitesville) picnic.  Will do a cameo at Ky. Guzzi rally on way there, then run back through New Hope and "Old Catholic Country" environs on way back.

See, e.g., this of a previous mutton run:

https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Men-Motorcycles-Mutton/n-GRNH7j (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Men-Motorcycles-Mutton/n-GRNH7j)

Hope to see you then or some other day along the way.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Michael Moore on August 20, 2021, 09:20:49 PM
Hello, I'm a returning Guzzi owner, though not much of a Guzzi rider.  I raced for 46 years (MX, trials, and RR) and seldom rode on the street. 

I had about 100 miles on a friend's V7 Sport (purchased from Rissman Motors in Albuquerque, NM) in the early 1970s, a mile or so on another friend's lightly modded V50 Monza, and then a couple of miles on a V65SP I bought that proved to be suffering from terminal clutch slip.

In 1993 I bought a lightly crashed/singed 1979 1000SP as a project.  As is the case with many of my projects, it was quickly turned into a safe (i.e. non-running) motorcycle while I schemed on what I wanted to do with it.  Over the next nearly 20 years it sat in storage while various work was (or was not) done and parts were accumulated.  I sold it to a friend at the end of 2010 who continued the scheming/accumulation process.  There were some issues with outside supplier work that had him stymied and he lost interest, and I've just bought the project back from him.  I guess it has been a long enough time that I'm now interested in it again. 

It would be nice to get the big Guzzi going, but there's still a fair bit of work to do and the fiddling process is often enough to satisfy me.  So I'm working on new grandiose plans for the bike, and hopefully it will actually be done (enough) to ride some day.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Turbhome on August 21, 2021, 10:38:34 PM
Greg Turbin, 56
Post Falls, ID
Pastor - Real Life Ministries Post Falls
2010 Moto Guzzi Stelvio
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ramblejam on August 22, 2021, 04:41:53 AM
Appreciate the kind words and warm welcome, Bill.

Thank you for sharing the travelogue pictures - looks like an excellent journey with good times and food to be had. Spied a few nice beverage selections in there as well!

I'm a few counties east of Nelson, about an hour south of Lexington. I'll send you my number via PM - if you need a hand with anything as you're passing thru the area, or just want to drop in along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Never would have imagined there would be an honest-to-goodness Moto Guzzi rally so close to here up in Frankfort! Hopefully will be able to make a visit this year.

Safe travels!

Welcome, Justin.

Nice job, pix, & Norge.

Are you in Nelson County?  My "grandfolks" started there vic. Pottinger's Creek c.1785.  Moved to Daviess County c.1830.

I'll be back next week for my [gasp; year deleted!  :clock:] DCHS high-school reunion; then again in late September for my semiannual "mutton run" to St. Mary's (Whitesville) picnic.  Will do a cameo at Ky. Guzzi rally on way there, then run back through New Hope and "Old Catholic Country" environs on way back.

See, e.g., this of a previous mutton run:

https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Men-Motorcycles-Mutton/n-GRNH7j (https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Men-Motorcycles-Mutton/n-GRNH7j)

Hope to see you then or some other day along the way.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on August 22, 2021, 05:44:12 AM
Appreciate the kind words and warm welcome, Bill.

Thank you for sharing the travelogue pictures - looks like an excellent journey with good times and food to be had. Spied a few nice beverage selections in there as well!

I'm a few counties east of Nelson, about an hour south of Lexington. I'll send you my number via PM - if you need a hand with anything as you're passing thru the area, or just want to drop in along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Never would have imagined there would be an honest-to-goodness Moto Guzzi rally so close to here up in Frankfort! Hopefully will be able to make a visit this year.

Safe travels!

Responded to your PM.  You get up mighty early ... or stay up late.   :wink:

Go here -- https://mgnoc.com/rally_calendar.html (https://mgnoc.com/rally_calendar.html) -- and scroll down to late September for details of the Kentucky event.

I'm still trying to decide which Guzzi in my moto-harem gets the nod for that event.  :grin:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kredge75 on August 23, 2021, 01:28:29 PM
Hi all,
My name is Ted and I live in Altadena, CA. I've just acquired my first Guzzi- '75 850T. I've owned plenty of old and new, Japanese, British, Italian but never a Moto Guzzi. I have to say I'm really chuffed over this one. I can't stop looking at it. And the crank torque reaction along with the drive shaft jacking effect- you should see me wobbling along the driveway before I set off. I love it.

I got it from a guy in WI who did me a solid by taking care of the cylinders and other issues before shipping it off to me. Since I got it a few weeks ago I've put lower bars on it and added new switches; Greg Bender wiring adapters and relay kit; F09 caliper; seat; tank lined (excellent place in North Hollywood); and PWK 34 carbs (VHB's were missing too many parts). 

Before and after:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: svanbremen on August 27, 2021, 08:39:53 AM
Hi, Stefan from the Netherlands. 35 years old and I work in IT.
Bought my V65C for 150euros from my father in law.

Besides having to fix a lot of things (everything made out of rubber for example) also in the proces of rebuilding/modding it to my liking.

Also ride a Honda CX500 in prestine condition.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hendy on August 28, 2021, 01:01:09 PM
Hi. Roy from Scotland.  Retired Telecoms/IT engineer.
Found myself owning a 1971 V7 special one day.  Got the Guzzi vibe and traded my Triumph Tiger for a Stelvio.  Liked the V twin and the shaft drive but it was a heavy beast, so when the V85 appeared I got one as soon as poss.  Then came lockdown...
And some classic Triumphs to keep me busy in the workshop.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Douguzzi on August 30, 2021, 10:48:39 AM
Doug Buchner
Maintenance Manager
Saanichton, BC, Canada
New to site and MG,  2012 Stelvio NTX
Any Stelvio owners on southern VI?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Artic-Matti on September 01, 2021, 01:41:32 PM
Hello All!

Newbie here, not with bikes!

Riding since 12 yrs old, now I am 58 yrs young!

Owned bikes from MX dirt to asphalt race tracks.

In total about 50 different in the beginning they were Japanese nowadays more Euro made and lately mainly Italian.

'98-03 RSVmille
'00-08, Husaberg 450
'08 Stelvio 4V
'13 RSV4 aprcFactory

Thank You!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Amstaff on September 06, 2021, 12:14:11 PM
Greetings WildGuzzi members,

I’ve been delinquent not posting the intro before participating. Very appreciative of this forum and the info available.

I’ve been riding since a teen in the ‘70s, first on dualsport bikes, then on streetbikes, and since the early ‘90s and still, off road.

Lifelong resident of the Albany NY, area.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ambassador Dreamer on September 14, 2021, 08:10:24 AM
Hi, this is Ambassador Dreamer,
It's been quite a few years since I've been on. But, I decided to come back.
I had dreams of purchasing a Guzzi for years, but had put that aside due to pressure from family.

Now, I finally gave into my dream to ride a Guzzi.
So, I'm  about to purchase a 2021 V7 from a dealer near me.

The only thing is, I'm not a big fan of the new branded digital speedometer and headlight.

With that being said,  can I switch them out later?

 Probably a silly question , but this is coming from a Crusty Newbie.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ambassador Dreamer on September 14, 2021, 09:58:57 AM
Sorry, I fogot to mention my name and age. My name is James Garcia l Live in So. Carolina. I'm 53 now and just wanting to get riding on a Guzzi. It's been a desire of mine for quite a few years. I unfortunately put my dreams aside, but now I am moving forward with this dream. Just got to make time to take the DMV motorcycle permit test and set a date for the MSF course. I know, I'm probably a bit up there to do this, vut I really feel the urge. Could it be Mid-life crisis?
Maybe..... :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tiki Joe on September 14, 2021, 04:25:11 PM
Sorry, I fogot to mention my name and age. My name is James Garcia l Live in So. Carolina. I'm 53 now and just wanting to get riding on a Guzzi. It's been a desire of mine for quite a few years. I unfortunately put my dreams aside, but now I am moving forward with this dream. Just got to make time to take the DMV motorcycle permit test and set a date for the MSF course. I know, I'm probably a bit up there to do this, vut I really feel the urge. Could it be Mid-life crisis?
Maybe..... :)
Some call is a Mid-Life Awakening!! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziken15 on September 18, 2021, 09:28:35 PM
  I’m kinda retired. Started riding again in 2014 after 30 years off. I kept riding by the Guzzi dealer on my old Honda ST 1100 on my way to the Honda repair guy and though I’d never heard of Moto Guzzi decided to stop by. I ended up joining the club and by 2015 found myself riding my own 2014 California Custom. I think I have about 60,000 miles or so on motorcycles since starting again.
 We no longer have a Guzzi dealer here in Portland so I guess that makes me an orphan. We have a great club though.

2014 California Custom
2016 V7 II (wife’s bike)
2004 Ducati ST4S
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: enxdtw on September 20, 2021, 05:33:52 AM

I'm Dave,

I'm 51 and living in Hamburg, but originally from the UK.

I had a Guzzi 1000sp years ago and fancy getting another (having tried other motorcycles).
It was a good bike but it ended up in an minor accident, that for some reason the insurance wanted to write the bike off for.

I am thinking of getting either a v65sp or a police T5. I am a bit worried that the v65sp will be too cramped & uncomfortable, and that the T5 will have the same rock hard suspension my 1000sp had.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: max045 on September 21, 2021, 09:39:21 AM
I'm Max , in my early 30's, from New Jersey. I have been riding a few years and had a few motorcycles in the past.
I am looking into purchasing a Moto Guzzi as a secondary bike and to teach my wife to ride. I have considered many other models (triumphs,hondas) and landed on MGV7. Going to see one nearby today.

I also currently own a BMW S1000R and a Carbon Diavel.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 2slow on September 21, 2021, 02:32:52 PM
Bob Hand



western colorado

I like and brand
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mysz75 on September 25, 2021, 07:21:43 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/sPPvXC3/IMG-20210509-174316118-HDR.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sPPvXC3)
<br Cześć
Lat 46
Motocykle: Moto Guzzi Stelvio 8v 2011
                Yamaha xtz 750 super tenere 1991
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Martins on September 27, 2021, 02:39:31 AM
Hi Everyone

Almost 45.. :sad:
Material Manager
Portuguese, currently in the United Arab Emirates
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ti-volker on September 27, 2021, 12:20:11 PM

I'm the new guy, my name is Volker, I'm 60 years old and I'm from Germany.

Having already owned two motorcycles (Honda Sevenfifty from 2003, Triumph Street Triple R from 2010), I didn't really plan to get a new bike. Especially not a Moto Guzzi! Rather a Triumph Thruxton R.
But a visit to a motorcycle show in spring 2017 changed everything! Because there I saw the V7 III Anniversario, and I was so taken with the sight of it that I could only think of this bike :)

With a lot of luck I found a dealer who could still get me a new machine. Since Easter 2017 I am the proud owner of this bike and have not regretted the purchase since then.

Now I have registered here to be able to exchange with you.

Until then


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redblur on September 27, 2021, 01:26:47 PM
Eric Morin
Late mid 50s
Rhode Island
Currently riding a 92 BMW K75
About to acquire a K7 Special
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: demet on September 28, 2021, 06:44:05 PM
Demetrius, Portland OR, designer, photographer, craftsman.

Have had a few airhead beemers, and now a 1971 Ambassador, that needs some TLC.

(https://i.ibb.co/G0yZvXx/IMG-20210928-160723.jpg) (https://ibb.co/G0yZvXx)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kellercycle on September 29, 2021, 12:51:12 PM
 Hi I am new to the world of Moto Guzzi after being in the industry with Japanese motorcycles for over 50 yrs pulling wrenches, managing service departments and running dealerships .I bought  # 0 2020 V 7 racer 10 th anniversary bike .Harkens back to when the bikes were more pure .Absolutely love the bike and the attention the chrome type tank gets . I see members listing previous bikes they've owned .Heck guys I would run out of room. A couple of historic bikes I've owned are 1970 Kawasaki H1 500 that I rode in the late seventies and a 1982 Kawasaki KZ 1000 R1 Eddie Lawson replica of which I owned # 256 of only 750 made .Toured through 43 of our great states obviously on varied Japanese motorcycles .Look forward to being a member of this moto Guzzi group .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: brmoke on October 04, 2021, 11:33:25 AM
Hi at all,

I'm 58 and live in the Black Forest in Germany. After many years without a Guzzi I just bought a Griso 1200 SE from 2012 as second bike beneath my Moto Morini Granpasso, modified into a Granferro (presented in 2009 but never put into production). I already owned a 850 T3 California, a V35, a V65 and a 1000 SP/NT, converted into a naked. As an automotive engineer I' m interested in technical improvements and my Griso will be intensely rebuilt, as I picked her up after years of use at the mediterranean sea and slight deteriorations due to the salty climate  :wink:. I searched for over a year, but for corona reasons it wasn' t so easy to get abroad and most countries here in Europe have/had different regulations.

So long, Benedikt
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: toomanybikes on October 04, 2021, 04:48:22 PM
Steve, 58, greater Boston, software
Recently picked up my first guzzi, a '14 Cali Custom with 3k miles.
Plenty of other bikes have been in&out of the garage over the last few years, mostly vintage Japanese resurrections, but two Triumphs as well.

(https://i.ibb.co/FhG4KNG/PXL-20210829-185740943.jpg) (https://ibb.co/FhG4KNG)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: photorich65 on October 18, 2021, 01:29:43 PM
Hello all,

I'm Rich from Kirkland WA, a suburb of Seattle.  56 years old and recently back into motorcycling.  I have a Triumph Bonneville and Guzzi Stornello. 

Both exceptionally fun bikes.  I've replaced factory lighting with LED and done a few mods to streamline and lend a certain dirt track vibe. 

Look forward to meeting other enthusiasts and using the forum as a modification resource !

(https://i.ibb.co/Z8XzttW/image1-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Z8XzttW)

(https://i.ibb.co/DbFPkwf/image0-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/DbFPkwf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on October 30, 2021, 08:27:44 AM
Hello all,

I'm Rich from Kirkland WA, a suburb of Seattle.  56 years old and recently back into motorcycling.  I have a Triumph Bonneville and Guzzi Stornello. 

Both exceptionally fun bikes.  I've replaced factory lighting with LED and done a few mods to streamline and lend a certain dirt track vibe. 

Look forward to meeting other enthusiasts and using the forum as a modification resource !

(https://i.ibb.co/Z8XzttW/image1-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Z8XzttW)

(https://i.ibb.co/DbFPkwf/image0-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/DbFPkwf)

Howdy, Rich.

Nice Stornello.

I'm more of a poseur and stock kind of guy, so mine -- with exception of a decal or two and Barkbusters (more for cold and wet than real bark  :wink:) -- doesn't look nor is it ready for the mud in your pix.  I ride off-pavement quite a bit, but (almost) never off road.

I have five Guzzis, and like them all, but if I had to give up all but one today, the Stornello would survive the cut.  :bow:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: melwil50 on November 05, 2021, 04:55:29 PM
Hi I'm Mel, I live in SW Florida. This is my first Moto Guzzi, 2021 v85tt adventure, in the process of making it mine. I've been riding for 50+ years.
I also have a 2013 Honda Gold Wing with 227,000 miles.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Speciality on November 06, 2021, 01:49:30 PM
Hi. I’m Alan from England. I’ve been riding for 50+ years and have recently bought a very low mileage V7 850 Special in grey. I’ve previously owned a California III back in 1991, the fairly rare fully faired model. My other bike now is a 2020 Honda NC750X. I prefer to do my own servicing on my bikes and, after the first service, shall continue to do so on my Guzzi, to which I’ve already added Hepco and Becker soft pannier mounts, a Fenda Extenda and fork gaiters (boots in the USA?) from the Stone model. I have Mistral short silencers on order. Loving my Special so far but can’t wait until it’s fully run-in.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bee on November 07, 2021, 07:10:48 AM
Hello all. Another newbie from England. 52 yrs old, been riding since I was about 16 when I cut my teeth on an old farm scrambler type ‘thing’. Anyway it was enough to hook me into motorbikes and I have had a bike of some sort pretty much ever since. I do have another bike, an immaculate 20 year old Pan European 1100. I prefer simple bikes and like to spanner on them (but know my limits and am not too proud to ask for help when I need it or am out of my depth!).   Anyhoo, Last week I bought a new V7 850 Centenario, should arrive in a week or two, just waiting for a centre stand to be fitted. I love the looks, the simplicity of it and let’s be honest Guzzi’s are just that bit special aren’t they. So, going to dive into the forum and try to find out as much as I can about it and how to look after it. Probably first service will be at the dealer (yea I know) but if there are any niggles (or warranty issues) with it at least I shouldn’t have to battle with them over it aswell.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EagleGuzzi on November 08, 2021, 03:03:18 PM
Hello everyone!  :laugh:
My name is Max, I come from Veneto, Italy
I am happy to have found this group for Moto Guzzi.  :azn:
In the spring of 2021, I bought the California EV. two-tone blue from 2001, with 70,000 kilometers (43500 miles) and well maintained. It had only one owner, who used it in the summer.
I worked a bit before racing, because it had been standing still for a year. Since it was leaking oil from the bevel gearbox, I opened it and found that the pinion was worn out.
I spent 1000 euros, over budget  :cry:
Then I traveled 3000 km up and down the Dolomites.
Now I am refurbishing it, because I have had problems with the 5th gear, and an oil leak behind the flywheel.  :sad:

I hope you like the photos I post.

My English won't be perfect because I use the translator.
Thank you all!

(https://i.ibb.co/17G32Ct/20210615-13442m0.jpg) (https://ibb.co/17G32Ct)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on November 08, 2021, 05:52:34 PM
Hello everyone!  :laugh:
My name is Max, I come from Veneto, Italy
I am happy to have found this group for Moto Guzzi.  :azn:
In the spring of 2021, I bought the California EV. two-tone blue from 2001, with 70,000 kilometers (43500 miles) and well maintained. It had only one owner, who used it in the summer.
I worked a bit before racing, because it had been standing still for a year. Since it was leaking oil from the bevel gearbox, I opened it and found that the pinion was worn out.
I spent 1000 euros, over budget  :cry:
Then I traveled 3000 km up and down the Dolomites.
Now I am refurbishing it, because I have had problems with the 5th gear, and an oil leak behind the flywheel.  :sad:

I hope you like the photos I post.

My English won't be perfect because I use the translator.
Thank you all!

(https://i.ibb.co/17G32Ct/20210615-13442m0.jpg) (https://ibb.co/17G32Ct)

Hello to you, Max.

Your English — or Google’s translator — is quite fine.  I “translated" my English version into Italian, below.

Welcome to wildguzzi.  I was unable to enlarge your photo, but I have always liked the blue versions.

I, too, have a California EV.  My is a 1998 in the much-maligned and (much coveted!) “hotdog & mustard” colors.   :grin:

I rode mine a few hundred miles today in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.  As I live within a few miles of all of those states, it is easy to see those and more in but a few hours.




On my ride today, I stopped to visit another Guzzista in Pennsylvania who served me a drink you will recognize.  As I was riding, I did not accept his offer to “correct” it with grappa!  But, as I am home now, I think I will do that as soon as I post this.  :thumb:


BTW, I lived in Zanè (Thiene)(VI) many years ago, and thus my affection for Moto Guzzis. We return to visit Italy when we can, which is never often enough. 

Best wishes from the top of Virginia,

Bill Hagan


Ciao a te, Massimo.

Il tuo inglese - o il traduttore di Google - va abbastanza bene. Ho “tradotto” la mia versione inglese in italiano, di seguito.

Benvenuti a wildguzzi. Io, per avere un California. Il mio è un 1998 nei tanto denigrati e ambitissimi colori “hot dog e senape”.

Oggi ho percorso la mia per poche centinaia di miglia in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland e Pennsylvania. Dato che vivo a poche miglia da tutti questi stati, è facile vedere quelli e altro in poche ore.


Durante il mio viaggio oggi, mi sono fermato a visitare un altro Guzzista in Pennsylvania che mi ha servito un drink che riconoscerete. Mentre cavalcavo, non ho accettato la sua offerta di “correggerla” con la grappa! Ma, dato che sono a casa ora, penso che lo farò non appena pubblicherò questo.


A proposito, ho vissuto a Zanè (Thiene) (VI) molti anni fa, e quindi il mio affetto per Moto Guzzi. Torniamo a visitare l'Italia quando possiamo, il che non è mai abbastanza.

Tanti auguri dall'alto della Virginia,

Bill Hagan

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Frazer on November 09, 2021, 09:09:36 AM
Greg Dineen
Retired Mechanical Designer
Age 66
Lakeville MN
2007 Breva 1100
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vintagehoarder on November 10, 2021, 07:16:44 AM
Demetrius, Portland OR, designer, photographer, craftsman.

Have had a few airhead beemers, and now a 1971 Ambassador, that needs some TLC.

(https://i.ibb.co/G0yZvXx/IMG-20210928-160723.jpg) (https://ibb.co/G0yZvXx)

Sweet Ambassador, sounds like we would get along, this is a great community!  Welcome!
(https://photos.smugmug.com/1973-Moto-Guzzi-eldorado-850/i-fRKSwsG/0/2595952d/M/20210925_071333%20%281%29-M.jpg) (https://curtedwards.smugmug.com/1973-Moto-Guzzi-eldorado-850/i-fRKSwsG/A)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Snow Leopard on November 14, 2021, 09:49:23 AM
Hello to everyone.   I am Martin Walker, age 71, retired high school teacher.   My interests are motorcycles (of course), camping and hiking, canoes (I build cedar strip boats) guitars, and spending time with my family.  I live in East Tennessee.

Current bikes:

1997 Triumph Tiger
2002 Guzzi Stone
2005 BMW F650GS

Previous Guzzis:

1970 Ambassador
1973 Eldorado (two of those)
1974 850T (cafe racer)
2000 Jackal

Other brands, probably twenty or thirty bikes, mostly Japanese and German, with a couple of British bikes in there.  Making a list would take awhile, but you get the idea.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EDWARDDOSKEY on November 16, 2021, 01:30:50 PM
Ed Doskey
59 Y.O.
New Orleans La
Currently riding a 2014 California Tourer
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SSGG Geezer on November 20, 2021, 09:19:01 AM
I was supposed to be SSG Geezer but I did not catch my misspelling when I registered!  I was too excited after riding my new V85TT after it was delivered yesterday!
Southern Indiana,
Former Military,
Back to riding again after removing the ball and chain.

(https://i.ibb.co/jbcrsPm/IMGP1216-2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jbcrsPm)

img upload (https://imgbb.com/)

Happy to be here!
Regards, Thomas
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SSGG Geezer on November 20, 2021, 10:06:28 AM
Hello all,
Just got a follow up call from Enzo Miller at Cadre Cycle in Cincinnati.  He answered a question I had but was just calling to see how I liked my new Travel. You can tell a dealership actually cares about what they are doing when you get a call to check in after the sale.  I had a great walk through from Joe when he delivered my bike also. I can wholeheartedly recommend Cadre if you are anywhere in the Central US.  They are busy for good reason as they are committed to good service.  If you are nearby, stop in and see them, you may end up with a new Guzzi!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Old V7s on November 21, 2021, 03:50:19 AM
G'day from Queensland Australia,

Been riding Guzzi's since 1995, had 9 Guzzi's in total to date. The current stable includes 2019 V85TT, 1972 V7 Sport, 1971 Nuovo Falcone (needs restoration), 1967 V7 700. Yes, I'm obviously crazy like many others on this forum lolol, but I do loves these beautiful Italian machines.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fredrik on November 21, 2021, 09:17:15 AM
Hello all.

Thanks for being let in the forum.

My name is Fredrik, live in south of Sweden. 47 years old and work daytime as a maintenance manager on a power plant. I am also involved in our familiy buisness that i a tuning and engine overhaul workshop.

Recently bought my first Moto Guzzi, a V7 Special -1971.

I also have some Urals and IZH motorcycles and the russian bikes have been my main hobby the last 26 years.

My bikes at the moment:

Moto Guzzi V7 -1971
Ural Retro -2010
Ural Вояж -1999
IZH Jupiter-3.01 -1980
IZH Planeta-5 -1993
Suzuki Volusia -2004
Yamaha Tenere 660 -1993
SMC 720 MBX -2016 ATV

(https://i.ibb.co/8XdzgwZ/8-F0-DA6-A9-2-E35-451-E-A31-C-2-E3-AC3-E041-FC.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8XdzgwZ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorhead30510 on November 23, 2021, 07:48:28 PM
Old guy here, 81 years of age, and riding since 1958.  Lots of great bikes over the years, including once long ago a Guzzi 1100 Sport.  Have been down to just two bikes the last year or so; an old favorite 2012 Suzuki DL650 V-Strom and a new favorite, a 2019 Royal Enfield INT650 twin.  Neither is really well suited as a 2-up bike for me and my pillion ladyfriend of many thousands of miles, as we've found the V-Strom a little too tall and top-heavy when loaded; the Enfield is too cramped.  Scratching my head to think of a good standard (where did all the UJMs go?), the V7 has popped onto my radar.  I do like an engine with character (my two Buells were among my favorites for that very reason).  Critical will be passenger-peg-to-passenger-seat orientation, so I've got to wait until the Atlanta dealer gets something in stock to do a trial sit.   I'm off to Florida soon for the next three months, so maybe I'll visit the Tampa dealer and compare offers.  At any rate, I may well be joining the group of Guzzi Owners so I look forward to putting some faces with names.

Pete Tamblyn
Cleveland, GA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on November 24, 2021, 09:38:19 AM
I don’t want to lure you away from MG but a Triumph T120 might fit the bill. I just got one for touring, but I still have my V7lll  for local riding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorhead30510 on November 25, 2021, 09:18:04 AM
I don’t want to lure you away from MG but a Triumph T120 might fit the bill. I just got one for touring, but I still have my V7lll  for local riding.
Thanks for that suggestion (a T120 Triumph).
I thought I had stumbled on the perfect "last bike of my life" to ride off into the sunset on (metaphorically, at least) when I bought a 2018 T120 with no test ride of any duration.  I discovered it had an incurable light-switch throttle and that its handling was slower and heavier than a previous 800 Triumph I had enjoyed.  I sold it and moved to a 2019 Enfield INT650.  I love the "smallish-ness" of that bike for solo, but I'm now groping for something that feels accommodating for my ladyfriend 2-up without going to a LARGE bike.  All the adventure-styled bikes carry their weight too high for garage and slow-speed maneuvering.

Maybe my best bet is a Honda CB1100, which still might just feel too bulky at 550 lbs wet.

Maybe I should just forget it and resign myself to being content with our CanAM F3-Limited and kiss good-bye to the thrill of leaning in a curve.  At least it doesn't try to fall over when we stop!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on November 28, 2021, 07:43:37 AM
Thanks for that suggestion (a T120 Triumph).
I thought I had stumbled on the perfect "last bike of my life" to ride off into the sunset on (metaphorically, at least) when I bought a 2018 T120 with no test ride of any duration.  I discovered it had an incurable light-switch throttle and that its handling was slower and heavier than a previous 800 Triumph I had enjoyed.  I sold it and moved to a 2019 Enfield INT650.  I love the "smallish-ness" of that bike for solo, but I'm now groping for something that feels accommodating for my ladyfriend 2-up without going to a LARGE bike.  All the adventure-styled bikes carry their weight too high for garage and slow-speed maneuvering.

Maybe my best bet is a Honda CB1100, which still might just feel too bulky at 550 lbs wet.

Maybe I should just forget it and resign myself to being content with our CanAM F3-Limited and kiss good-bye to the thrill of leaning in a curve.  At least it doesn't try to fall over when we stop!


Good morning ... at least it's that here at the top of Virginia as I peck out this comment.

I'm not (yet) 81, but have your taillights in sight.   :wink:

Also looked you up on the web.  Interesting moto-background:  :bow:

In fact, while my brother in Hiawassee rides (a Ducati, for shame  :grin:), I forwarded your "mentor" bio to him because of the mention of your stained-glass experience!  Long story.   :rolleyes:

But ... back to motos, and Guzzis in particular.

For the likes of aging you, others, and me, most any of the new lighter machines will do.  You have enough experience to find what is right.

But, as you well know, your mention of the "lady friend & 2-up" riding complicates things.  Lots.  The desired combo of enough power for two and the lightness for the one -- e.g., in manhandling it around the garage, etc. -- is a conundrum.

I am married to Kathi, my Perfect Pillion & Polish Princess  :kiss: -- who also indulges me in my Guzzi disease.  She is a slip of a thing; I am ... erm ... not.

She loves riding our Norge, and, almost as much, the EV.

I find the former more of a handful when two-up and loaded with fuel and Kathi's various and seemingly ever-growing stock of "essentials."  The latter, while old in years and miles -- a '98 with 106K -- still soldiers on.  "Bill N" here has 130K on his!

Here are two (highly sought after) HDM EV's (Hot Dog & Mustard).  Mine is to the front. Russ Huffman (a south Georgia fellow), visiting us on his way home from Maine last summer, is at rear.  Hes been to the Prudhoe Bay on that one! 


You might consider a Cali as they are out there, inexpensive, and easy to work on.  They aren't particularly light, but the low COG makes the weight seem less than it would be on a taller machine.  "Californias" look like cruisers, but are built on Tonti "sport bike" frames -- OK, OK, 1968 sport bikes!   :wink: -- so they handle remarkably well for "old cruisers."  My EV has been all over your north Georgia stomping grounds and now the grand roads of Virginia and West Virginia.  With panniers and a tail box, Kathi can (almost) carry everything she needs while she enjoys herself back there ... and  I pretend (unsuccessfully) that I am Rossi.

More pix of a recent ride here: https://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=113066.0 (https://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=113066.0)

But ... if you want something new (as I am, too, just now), you might consider two Guzzis: the yet EICMA-only V100 (see other threads here) ot the V7-850.

The former is in my sights, but too speculative as to weight, etc., to get serious about just yet.

The V7-750-OS (On Steroids) is already on the roads in enough numbers and with credible reviews from "real people" to warrant a look.

There are threads here on wildguzzi about it, but you might also take a look at this: https://advrider.com/f/threads/moto-guzzi-v7-850.1486696/ (https://advrider.com/f/threads/moto-guzzi-v7-850.1486696/)

I have a v7 III.  A sweet machine.  I have not tested it two-up, as my fighting weight worries me if I added even svelte Kathi.  But, Bob Wegman who posts here and on ADVR regularly, has ridden it two-up on day rides without issues. 

A Daytona-area Florida friend -- "Lash" here and on that thread -- rode my V7 III 1600 or so miles in October.  He now has a V7-850 and has posted about it.  Knowing he had that one on order when he rode my III, I specifically asked him to compare the two for two-up riding.  He has since told me (to no surprise) that it has noticeably better power than the III.

Obviously, as with all such things, YMMV, but I tell you the above for such value as it may have as you look around.

If ever this way, stop in.

Apologies for the TLDR post, but I can't help it.   :embarrassed:


P.S. Feel free to continue this off-line: wrhagan AT earthlink.net

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tparr on November 29, 2021, 02:14:13 PM
Timothy Parr
59 years old
Retired Air Traffic Controller
bought a Ural sidecar as a my first bike in 2018, Wanted to experience two wheels so I rebuilt a 1969 Moto Guzzi, Then got its grandson, a 2019 V7III for my son and daughter to ride with me.

testing adding photos

(https://i.ibb.co/k0BNXvs/all-dressed-up.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k0BNXvs)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Manu.f on December 08, 2021, 09:34:44 AM
Manuel Fontecha. La Rioja (Spain).
Interests: Motorcycles and Rock and Roll.
Nice to be here!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mrbreeze on December 08, 2021, 11:48:38 AM
Hello everyone,

I am MrBreeze, aka Jeff IRL. I hail from Tennessee. I am about to turn 63 and I recently acquired my first Moto Guzzi, a 2007 Breva 1100. I have owned about 25 other bikes, all but one was Japanese. I also owned a BMW R1100R for a couple of years. Currently I also have a 2012 Goldwing in the garage. It's a great bike and really good at two up, for that annual ride with Mrs. B.

The Breva belonged to my uncle, who is pushing 75 now. He called me up one day and asked me if I would be interested in buying the Breva. Of course I said "yes".

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Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mattstark on December 11, 2021, 05:56:00 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm Matt from Charlotte, NC. I've been exclusively a Japanese bike guy, but I've just ordered a 2022 V85TT Travel after test riding a base model. I'm looking forward to learning more about Moto Guzzis while I wait (not so) patiently for my new bike to arrive! Other bikes in the garage are:

1975 Suzuki TS250
1978 Yamaha RD400E (undergoing restoration)
1982 Kawasaki AR80
1993 Suzuki GSX1100G
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dirty_Dave on December 12, 2021, 08:38:59 PM
The name is Dave

I have been in the auto repair industry for 28 years

Old enough to know better, still young enough to not care.

Denton (Redneckistan) NC

Multiple rides:
07 1200 Norge  51K MILES
07 R1200RT  97K MILES
07 Vulcan 900 Classic LT  78K MILES
02 YZF600R  117K MILES

Love them all.

(https://i.ibb.co/bBwQMj2/20200820-182026-3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bBwQMj2)

(https://i.ibb.co/5KVw4q0/20210809-104051.jpg) (https://ibb.co/5KVw4q0)

remove duplicate lines (https://dedupelist.com/)

(https://i.ibb.co/bbYQV6N/20210807-210919.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bbYQV6N)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: merlinj79 on December 12, 2021, 08:52:14 PM
Hi All!

Rick in San Diego. Dirt bike and bimmer guy in my youth, took a break for a few years when things got busy with family. Bought a V7 iii stone last year right before the rona. New to Guzzi, the dealer is down the hill from me and it just caught my eye.

Wife, bike and I on our 20th anniversary (took a ride around Tahoe to celebrate in Incline Village).

(https://i.ibb.co/8gndrjQ/Anniversary.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8gndrjQ)

remove duplicates online free (https://dedupelist.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nomoduc on December 14, 2021, 11:44:10 AM
Hello Guzzi  family!
My name is Lynn Baza
Aircraft technician ( mechanic)
I just moved to Houston Texas from CA. Now living up in Conroe.

I purchased my 83 SP in 2017 but have been riding on the road since 85 mostly sportbikes from a Ninja 900 up to my last one 00 RC51. Many more in between. In 95 was my first Italian steed a 916 where I began doing trackdays. Fun!!!   In 06 I started moving away spprtbikes to a 90 Hawk GT which I ride on street and cont.trackdays.
Looking to meet up with locals near me to show me the roads. Sorry fir the long intro. LoL
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BMWMG on January 04, 2022, 01:18:55 PM
David from the Northshore of Massachusetts right next to New Hampshire.

Owner of a 2018 Guzzi V7 III which I will be using as a trade-in for a 2021 V7 soon.

Employee, (Lab Tech) with the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.

My other motorcycle is a BMW 2021 R9T.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kidsmoke on January 04, 2022, 01:49:06 PM
David from the Northshore of Massachusetts right next to New Hampshire.

Owner of a 2018 Guzzi V7 III which I will be using as a trade-in for a 2021 V7 soon.

Employee, (Lab Tech) with the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.

My other motorcycle is a BMW 2021 R9T.

Welcome to the fray, David. I hail from Exeter. Although I now find myself woefully far from either ocean or mountain, in Indy. Lots of Guzzisti, however. And I do get back there several times a year.

Wonder how long it'll be before you're drawn into a R9T vs Griso debate.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BMWMG on January 04, 2022, 02:20:58 PM
To me comparing a Guzzi to a BMW is like comparing an apple to an orange. I like both for different reasons.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Royce on January 08, 2022, 11:38:09 AM
Royce living in Colorado Springs, working with a group of talented network admins and getting ready for a change,  have completed 68 trips round the sun.
My last bike was a 83 Honda Silverwing, transverse mounted V twin.  I got off that bike over 20 years ago and pursued other interests.  For the last 3 years I have been looking at buying a bike for fun trips on twisty roads.  Have considered Harleys, and Indians, came close to buying a couple of times, but I cannot get that transverse mounted twin out of my mind.  And that leaves me back at looking at the Guzzi's.  I should add this is not the first time.  I have lusted after a Guzzi for decades and the time has come.  Would prefer one made prior to the advent of traction control.  Prefer to do my own maintenance, am here to learn and will be checking out the FAQ's.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Willy Nilly on January 16, 2022, 01:58:45 PM
Hi there! I’m Willy in the San Francisco Bay Area. I,m a retired industrial electrician. I just purchased used a 2016 VII special. The previous owner did quite a few mods some good,(suspension and Mistral exhaust),some not so good (butchered fenders, missing covers etc). I’m looking forward to working on this as a new project bike. I currently own a Suzuki 1200 Bandit and a BMW F800GT. The Guzzi will be used by my wife as well and she is pretty exited about it. This bike with the lower weight and horsepower should be a kick on the twisty roads around here. I’ll post more as things progress
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redrider on January 17, 2022, 06:11:20 PM
Well, I am back after several years of not. Joe Dawes, Columbia SC, retired MSF, Def. Driving instructor and budding curmudgeon. Any one for steel cut oats?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motorhead30510 on January 18, 2022, 10:15:02 PM

Pete, age 82, still enjoying ridng. 

Retired from the following: Public Health Administration, Chicken Processing, Trim Carpentry, Stained Glass Studio Operator, and Motorcycle Proficiency Instruction.  The perfect Jack of All Trades and loved them all.

Ladyfriend and I love to travel (previously on 2 wheels; now a CanAm), camp (Forest River Work and Play), and involve the grandkids when we can.
Residence is just south of Cleveland, GA, very very very close to some of the best roads in the world...but I'm always more interested in learning about yours.

Have owned an astonishing number of motorcycles over the years; happy the great majority of them are in someone else's garage.  The ones that won't leave mine are a Suzuki V-Strom and a RE 650 twin.  Lately I've grown curious about the V7 line of Guzzis, and will be lurking and learning here on this forum, open to new ideas and friends.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PDQ911 on January 18, 2022, 11:16:43 PM
Many thanks for having me in the Wild... and hello from Sydney, Australia.

I still love my V7 50 Anniversario, but I find myself lusting after a Tenni Green Griso (got to be one of the most beautiful bikes I have ever seen), and more recently I've started looking longingly at California Touring's (1400).

I have been trying to find out detail on how the specifications of Cali's have changed year to year since 2013.  Also I quite like the Eldorado Bianco look, and am wondering what years EB was available.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ride safe, and thanks again

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: henwilv on January 20, 2022, 11:39:29 AM
Timothy Parr
59 years old
Retired Air Traffic Controller
bought a Ural sidecar as a my first bike in 2018, Wanted to experience two wheels so I rebuilt a 1969 Moto Guzzi, Then got its grandson, a 2019 V7III for my son and daughter to ride with me.

testing adding photos

(https://i.ibb.co/k0BNXvs/all-dressed-up.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k0BNXvs)

Currently for sale on Ebay Germany

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: gbritton on January 25, 2022, 08:48:27 AM
gbritton Adirondacks, NY  66 retired radio announcer, copy writer, program and production director including 2.5 years in Northern Italy for US ARMY early 80s.   Second career as Audio Visual tech and floor manager, some on the road at many destination locations all over the US.
2001 Calif special
1981 V1000G5
1979 CX100 Lemans
2013 Honda CB1100 (With a Hannigan fairing!)
1970 Triumph 500  (scrambler mode)
2021 Royal Alloy GT150 (the right price I could not resist  well done copy of Lambretta)
Have been to a few of the National Guzzi Rallies  Buena Vista, Va.  and if I remember right Saranac Lake, NY
Always look forward to Moto Guzzi and riders showing up for Americade in Lake George, NY.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rainrider on January 27, 2022, 02:53:13 PM
Eric; 48; software tester; Portland, Oregon; year-round commuter; recovering ice hockey player.

Recently replaced my daily rider ('97 BMW R850R) with a slightly-used 2016 V7ii Stone. I also have a 1987 K75 which I've had for 13 years, and which I may just keep around indefinitely.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Been off this forum for a while. I get distracted easily. I guess I'm 53 now. Still testing software, but now I do it from the luxury of my home office, 200 miles south of Portland in the lower Umpqua watershed. Sold the V7ii, Sold the K75, selling my '07 F650GS, happily riding a 2020 V85TT. Still riding in the rain, when it rains. Still learning the good roads around here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: philfingers on January 30, 2022, 06:43:51 PM
Hi thanks for letting a mere human in 😊

Phil 49

Worcestershire, UK

Solid fuel industry, make car and motorcycle (specifically Ducati starter cables) parts

Stelvio NTX 09

Had a number of Ducati’s, Bimotas and an Aprilia over the years. That and bike engined cars.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: audiowize on February 01, 2022, 10:15:51 AM
Hi, I'm Paul from Seattle.  I'm 38, work in the audio kit industry, and just picked up a very lightly used (970 miles) 2008 1200 Sport recently.  I also have a pile of Convert parts waiting to be assembled.
(https://i.ibb.co/xX1mCBg/IMG-20220123-190606-028.jpg) (https://ibb.co/xX1mCBg)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on February 01, 2022, 11:31:27 AM
Welcome, you'll find it pleasant here, you may be treated decently. This V700 Steve from the other forum.
Tell the guys here what kit is fitted on your Sport12, the factory hot rod stuff!! Most here never seen it on a bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: audiowize on February 01, 2022, 02:33:53 PM
Ha, man I hope so.  That other forum was not a particularly pleasant place!  (Lacking in southern hospitality you might say?)

A riding buddy of mine called me up out of the blue a few weeks ago and said his college buddy wanted to sell his Guzzi.  Apparently the two of them went to the dealership together, and major peer pressure was applied to grab this little 1200 Sport.  The dealership put on some kind of performance kit that came with a different ECU, an upgraded exhaust, and pod style intake filters. 

(https://i.ibb.co/dQcN08x/1643316651261.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dQcN08x)

After a few rides, the owner had a heart attack and nearly died in the hospital, then found himself on blood thinners.  He had a low speed drop that crunched the crash bars and left a couple of small chips in the tank, then decided it just wasn't worth it to keep riding with the  risk of bleeding out from a minor injury.

...so the bike sat, and from what I can tell it probably sat without being ridden for the better part of a decade until I picked her up!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on February 01, 2022, 06:31:04 PM
Sounds like you have a nice Sport.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ctdrac on February 02, 2022, 09:47:41 PM
Don E.
age 57
communications tech/grandpa/husband/handyman (this comes with being married for the past 35 years) and sometimes
motorcycle mechanic.
California, Arizona, now Texas panhandle
Rebuilt a few motorcycles, sold a few (many I wish I had not) and at the moment doing without any bikes in the garage.
Some may have read my post about my dad's Convert and that is what brought me here, and I think I am going to like it here!

1995 Triumph Daytona 900
2007 Honda VFR
1997 Honda VFR
Canam spyder roadster
Canam RT limited
Honda Shadow
Honda Goldwing
A ton of dirt bikes
ALL gone
Coming very soon 1977 Guzzi 1000 Convert!!!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CoolBreezeBreva on February 05, 2022, 06:59:01 PM
How Dee!

New to the Board here.

Tom's my name.
50 years young in Cincinnati, Ohio. Worked most of my life as a special education teacher but recently made the jump to working in social services. Current Guzzi is a red 07 Breva 1100---my dream bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzistaNC on February 12, 2022, 10:47:02 AM
Hello everyone!

SB here, 28, currently living in NC. Bought my first "big boy" in summer of 2020 (a 2013 V7) after riding my dad's bikes here and there but being too broke to get one of my own. I come from a long line of guzzisti: my dad's first bike was a '79 V35 mkII, he then bought a California 850. My (older) brother's first bike was a Griso, and he just bought a 1931 GTV 500!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RDmally on February 12, 2022, 04:15:50 PM
Hey folks,

Guzzi guy in Tennessee. Rmally..aka Randy.

Sold the Stornello last year but coming back for more, hopefully securing a V7 ll or lll soon.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Road Rocket on February 13, 2022, 04:12:14 PM
I have been here before with the Rough Edges Racing name...Went on a deletion binge so got a new name but the same obnoxious personality
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: callouscrab on February 14, 2022, 06:45:55 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/rbSpC0V/V7-Stone-Azzuuro-Ghiaccio.png) (https://ibb.co/rbSpC0V)

Hello Everyone - Callous Crab from the San Francisco Bay Area checking in! The photo shows my MotoGuzzi - a 2021 V7 Stone in Azzurro Ghiaccio. I used to ride 100CC bikes in college and now 20 years later, the V7 seems like a fantastic upgrade.

I have been a lurker for a while, finally decided to register!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Neutant on February 18, 2022, 06:08:57 PM
Bob from Newton, New Jersey - USA.
I have 2 Harleys a 1983 Wideglide and a 2017 Roadglide (touring).
I watched the Moto Guzzi 100th anniversary video and remembered conversations with Guzzi owners over the years. I decided to check them out and found a 2018 V7II Carbon Shine. Some of the Pennsylvania guys might recognize it. I got to take it out for a short ride on a warm day last week, can't wait for warmer weather when i can wear lighter clothing.
I'm retiring in 2 weeks, been a factory mechanic for 45 years. Looking forward to enjoying my time, It's what I
(https://i.ibb.co/2k6j1bc/Guzzi-2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2k6j1bc)
've worked for.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grasscutter on February 19, 2022, 08:28:00 PM
Zac. Omaha, NE.  Self employed lawn & landscaper, 25+ yrs.
Started buying project motorcycles during winter off season.
Currently have around 80 in my collection. (25 years of winter off season will do that to you!)
Keep to the 15% or under rule for projects. Right now only 9 are in line for reconditioning.
The rest are properly stored- fresh fuel and battery would get them rolling again.

This is my 1st Guzzi.  Breva 750 bought cheap, PO couldn't get it started.

Been across country more times than I can remember, on all different sizes of bikes.
Heres a few highlights: SS 1000 and Iron Butt certificates on a GL500i (hondas 'poor mans' Guzzi), went camping 1100 mile RT on a Honda Cm250 Custom.  5 years ago did a 1400 mile "crap bike challenge" and rode from Omaha to Phoenix on a Honda Cb650 ($275 all in.  $175 for the bike + a few bucks for minor tuneup stuff).  Ran perfect the whole way down. Did full recondtioning of it in Phoenix at my brothers place, sold it for $1700, bought a Suzuki SV 650 and rode that back to Nebraska

Well, that's my introduction.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Graywulf on February 23, 2022, 03:52:46 AM
Hi everyone,
Returnee to the 'fold' after a 20yr lay off from owning a 'goose'. Previously owned a Spada and an early (carbed) Cali 1100. Own/owned a variety of Japanese cruisers, still have two big Yammies. But always missed my Cali, (which was PX'd as the then G/friend didn't like riding on it (seat/suspension too hard). I've got a great 2 up touring bagger, 1998 Royal Star Tour Classic, big soft and comfortable. But this new addition was for sale in a local shop, not cheap, but when I saw the advert? I went in on Monday morning and did the deed, they were a bit surprised I didn't even want to road test it, until I said I'd owned an 1100 Cali before.
        It's the 'perfect' touring bike for New Zealand roads, (We ain't called 'godzone' for nothing) we have so many roads that equal or downright 'outclass' the Dragon Tail. In 1000 miles you can through forest, to mountain, to savanna type plains, to rural twisty roads, coastal riding, round lakes, to fiords or beaches.
  I'm almost at retirement age, and I intend to do a good lot of riding. The Cali is going to be my 'solo' ride. She has a Canam Spyder RT 1330.
  Anyway, this is the beauty that caught my eye, and emptied my wallet  :tongue:

(https://i.ibb.co/vLbndVf/Guzzi-80th.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vLbndVf)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on February 24, 2022, 10:00:33 AM
Wow, nice 80th model. Worth the $ for that leather.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Goran on February 27, 2022, 03:13:25 AM

Goran from Croatia, 44 years old, Guzzi driver from 2004. Owner of a convert Le Mans 1000, completely rebuilt in 2012. Last year I've bought a Cali 3 1993 and currently working on it.
Hope to find new knowledge about Guzzi and to expand what I learn so far... Cheers

(https://i.ibb.co/QN32jPB/DSCN1242.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QN32jPB)

(https://i.ibb.co/PzjtSpn/001.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PzjtSpn)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on February 27, 2022, 07:14:40 AM

Goran from Croatia, 44 years old, Guzzi driver from 2004. Owner of a convert Le Mans 1000, completely rebuilt in 2012. Last year I've bought a Cali 3 1993 and currently working on it.
Hope to find new knowledge about Guzzi and to expand what I learn so far... Cheers

(https://i.ibb.co/QN32jPB/DSCN1242.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QN32jPB)

(https://i.ibb.co/PzjtSpn/001.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PzjtSpn)

Dobrodošao, Goran!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: AndrewMk on March 03, 2022, 05:03:03 AM
Hi dear brothers in Guzzi's,

I am Andrew Makarenko, 49 years old
From: Borispol, Kiev region, Ukraine
Education: radio design, agriculture machines engineer
Occupation : design, production master furniture factory
Family: married, one son

I like strong and reliable sings. Also I like Italy people. In 2021 I have bought MG Breva 750ie. I prefer to service it myself and happy to find nice documentation from the factory manufacture. To be honest I like to modify bike and make it useful.  I hope to find here like-minded people.
(https://i.ibb.co/6sHjd7n/photo-2021-05-24-14-47-41.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6sHjd7n)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on March 03, 2022, 06:24:12 AM
Welcome, Nice bike!! Hope you, family, and bike are safe.

A copy of Service manual--


Copy of parts manual---


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ncdan on March 03, 2022, 03:21:15 PM
Welcome Andrew to Wild Guzzi.
There’s a wealth of information here on the forum from folks who have owned and ridden these bikes for decades and are more than willing to share their knowledge and experience with you.
Most of us also use this great resource for assistance with machines other than bikes at times.
Feel free to contact me by PM if you need assistance you are not sure about with the way the forum functions and if I don’t know I’ll get you answers.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on March 03, 2022, 03:31:15 PM
Hi dear brothers in Guzzi's,

I am Andrew Makarenko, 49 years old
From: Borispol, Kiev region, Ukraine
Education: radio design, agriculture machines engineer
Occupation : design, production master furniture factory
Family: married, one son

I like strong and reliable sings. Also I like Italy people. In 2021 I have bought MG Breva 750ie. I prefer to service it myself and happy to find nice documentation from the factory manufacture. To be honest I like to modify bike and make it useful.  I hope to find here like-minded people.
(https://i.ibb.co/6sHjd7n/photo-2021-05-24-14-47-41.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6sHjd7n)

Ласкаво просимо, Андрію!

З найкращими побажаннями для миль посмішок на ваших машинах, і, особливо, що Мото Guzzi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kja on March 21, 2022, 03:44:17 PM
I am Kendall and live in South Carolina.  I bought a 2006 Moto Guzzi Norge manufactered in Jan of 2007.  Don't you just love those Italians.  They have their own calandar.  I have sold off a number of my motorcycles in the last couple of years.  The Guzzi was put into storage in 2013. This winter I woke the beast up thinking I would sell it too.  My mistake was that I took it out on the road for a little ride.  The joy came back and so I have decided to keep it until death do us part. 

It is red, has 72,000 miles and zip ties that hold on the fairings.

See you on the road - maybe
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on March 21, 2022, 06:54:02 PM
I am Kendall and live in South Carolina.  I bought a 2006 Moto Guzzi Norge manufactered in Jan of 2007.  Don't you just love those Italians.  They have their own calandar.  I have sold off a number of my motorcycles in the last couple of years.  The Guzzi was put into storage in 2013. This winter I woke the beast up thinking I would sell it too.  My mistake was that I took it out on the road for a little ride.  The joy came back and so I have decided to keep it until death do us part. 

It is red, has 72,000 miles and zip ties that hold on the fairings.

See you on the road - maybe

Howdy, @Kendall.

I, too, have a Norge, vintage, '07, but built in November 2006. 

Mine has 85K miles and, regrettably, suffered early-on (and, thankfully, in warranty) from two not uncommon issues with some (but not all) "early" (as in build dates before March 2007), i.e., oil-pump and CARC failures.  With the mileage you have on yours, you obviously have past the danger zone with both of those. 

Mine, too, suffers from tupperware issues, but, as you, have learned that there are workarounds.  You must be a lightweight as most of us with any significant "avoirdupois," have had to replace the original shock or at least spring to deal with suspension underperformance, especially if two-up.

@Huzo -- an Ozite who speaks some English  :wink: -- here has about our combined mileage on his '07.   :bow:

Unless you are in a witness-protection program as are many of us here  :grin:, where are you in S.C.?  I ride to Atlanta and other destinations dfown that way at least once a year.  We could have a Norge reunion.   :boozing:


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kja on March 22, 2022, 04:24:17 AM
Bill, I live in Rock Hill.  I guess it was a good day in January when they put my Norge together since I have not had the oil pump or Carc problems. I have another bike for two up.  Do let me know if you are heading somewhere this way.

Thanks for the note,

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chatmanx on March 22, 2022, 07:12:05 PM
Steve Chatman

65 and recently retired from higher education

I live in Davis, near Sacramento.

I have ridden off and on since I was 12, mostly Japanese 4 cylinders.

I have a 2017 Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer. My first Moto Guzzi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: glenm64 on March 26, 2022, 07:22:19 PM
Hi all
Thought Id better get around to an intro.
Im a round barrel Tonti lover. Had old faithful since the early 80's. Originally it was a T3 cali, but I rescued it from someone who butchered it for racing. Shes a 1000cc with lots of mods. Im in the midst of getting a Convert for old age.
(https://i.ibb.co/XzrxbpD/20211208-095309.jpg) (https://ibb.co/XzrxbpD)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: fatkid on March 30, 2022, 01:00:34 PM
James from Vancouver BC. 65 years old and retired.
Started 15 years ago with my 73 Eldorado then added a California II and most recently a Quota.
Safe to say I like their product.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: wojeepster on March 30, 2022, 05:22:27 PM
I started looking for a moto guzzi six months ago. I missed a few then found a 2004 California ev. I love this motorcycle. I am 68, retired for 6 years. I live near pisgah forest and the blue ridge parkway in Hendersonville, NC. I have a mill and I weld I was a car mechanic in the 70's. I rode motorcycles in the 60's, 70's and 80's  last time was about 1992.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FarmallA on April 04, 2022, 09:22:58 PM
Hi everyone
Steve Hyer here, Sheffield, Southern Berkshire County, Massachusetts.

67 years old, Jeweler (retired mostly).

Hobbies (besides MC):  Music (Mandolin, Guitar, Voice), Tractor (now a Kubota), Lake Sailing (O'Day 19 Weekender), Motor boating (15ft 1959 MFG Cambridge w/1964 Johnson 40hp Electramatic outboard), cutting firewood (getting a little tired of that).  Camping (1974 Constructam Coral made in Belgum).  Sportscars (1995 Miata at the moment).  Newbie at golf.

(https://i.ibb.co/tH1VqPS/V50.jpg) (https://ibb.co/tH1VqPS)

image hosting (https://imgbb.com/)
Volunteer firefighter.

Current bikes:
1981 Moto Guzzi V50 Mostly Monza with V65 motor and V7 Sport tank. The PO put it together, it's a work in progress, but a surprisingly fun bike to ride.
1999 Monster 750
1994 Honda VFR750.
Prior bikes: 1999 BMW R1100RT, BMW F650 (wife’s), Harley Dyna Low Rider (wife’s), 1972 Honda CB500, 1986 Honda VFR750, 1984Kawasaki KZ550GPZYamaha SX650, Kawasaki EX500, Suzuki GS1000, and my first, a Yamaha SX650 that I started with in the mid 90’s

I've been lurking here for a little while. Judging by what i've seen, seems like we might get along fine.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Billiez on April 09, 2022, 12:25:50 PM
Billy Bilcliffe hence Billiez
Retired 66yrs

Cali 05' EV 1100

Cali 97' Special 1100

97' Sport 1100

XL 450

XL 250

SL 250

SL 350


My mate had a Le Mans Mk11, an he let me have a ride which is a rare thing, fell in love with the torque and tone, so saved and bought my 1st Guzzi new 97' Sport. Since then I'm converted, as I love the nuts and bolts approach to repairing and replacing myself while learning something new along the way.
Over the yrs I have meet many "Guzzi Brothers" in many places, and the connections last a lifetym...
I've just had a 12yr hiatus sadly regretting selling my 1st Cali along the way due to no time to enjoy a regular ride.
I miss the days of no helmets, and getting hit by a bug or two...lols  only been bee stung once in all these yrs with a open face....
Live in WA Au, the job took me across the Nullabor on steel tracks for long shifts and fatigue was my best friend most of the time over the last 18 yrs.
I will spend hrs on this site for brain picking, enjoying the knowledge and characters that pop up..
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Phantom Boomer on April 13, 2022, 07:55:28 PM

A bit late with this, but life tends to get in the way of fun.

I really am a Boomer, I hit 70 in March.  Didn't start riding 'till my early 50s.  Wish I had started sooner, but wife (late) was not hot on bikes, however, I did get her into guns, so it was a bit of a break even.

Had my newbie crash on my friends SV650, bike needed minor repairs, I needed two rotator cuff surgeries. Bought a mid 90s BMW F650, which was way too tall for me, I'm 5'8" with stubby legs, when I'm sitting down, I look 6' something. Further complication is some range of motion issues in my hip, so, even with cruisers, I'm dragging my boot across the seat.

Bought a Honda 750 Shadow, had some problems since I had not followed Doc's instructions on my first surgery and my shoulder was still messed up, got rid of both of those and bought a BMW Z3 with low miles. Had fun with that, then got the itch to try bikes again.

Took a lot of group lessons, then bought a Suzuki S40 (aka Suzuki Savage). Had my second newbie issue on that, got cocky in a right hand turn, bounced over the median and into the incoming left turn lane. Sprained my knee on that one. After healing up, got smart and took private lessons
one on one. That guy (former USMC DI) turned me around.

Put 6K miles on the S40 in 6 months, traded it for a Kawi Vulcan Custom. Before the year was out, added a Suzuki SFV 650 (Gladius). Had to give those up after a few years (financial ) issues.

Was able to get into my '02 Honda VT1100C3, at the time, 16 years old and only 14K miles +/-).

Fell in love with the V7 and after a while managed to get this one, had only 860 miles, guessing was military owner since it was out of state. Probably got shipped out here then deployed. Had the engine guards, driving lights, and a Renthal bar on it, which puts me in a nice upright geezer position. Added a Givi tail rack and top case. Had an MRA windshield, with deflector in my pile of stuff. Need to make some adjustments to that since I'm getting buffeting quite a bit, maybe a taller screen.

Gotta get some pics for it one of these days.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rgiorgio on April 14, 2022, 12:43:09 PM
New Member here:

Im in South Florida, Florida Keys
2021 V7 Centenarion with some mods(http://[img]<br />[url=https://ibb.co/GvvnBbW][img]https://i.ibb.co/GvvnBbW/4.jpg)[/url]

(https://i.ibb.co/t4YwsGK/DGR-Official-Registered-Logo-267x300.png) (https://ibb.co/t4YwsGK)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bubwheat on April 15, 2022, 11:04:58 AM
Bill Wheatley, 73, retired, living in Morelia, Mexico. I'm in the market for a used Adventure Touring Bike, and I'm looking really hard at finding a nice gently used Stelvio I can procure! I'll be back living in El Paso within 6 months and hoping to have a bike by then. Happy riding!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Newbert1 on April 15, 2022, 11:47:16 AM
Phil Newton 68 baker/chef/food writer/self unemployed whenever possible. Galveston, Texas

Interests: paddle boarding, cycling, brick oven cooking.

Current steed: 2002 California Special Sport (Duracell version)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mhmclaugh on April 15, 2022, 03:43:23 PM
Hey Guzzi World,

I'm Matthew in North Texas.  I love motorcycles.  I've rarely met one that I didn't like.  As a hobby, I am "youtube" trained mechanic who loves reading a good, juicy Factory Service Manual and memorizing detailed torque specs.  I thoroughly enjoy motorcycle forums, and this one is already proving itself right out of the gates.

I've had one Guzzi in the past.  '04 California and I seem to recall it was a touring model with the factory fairing.   Of course, it had been laid down and the fairing was scuffed and the windshield cracked, so a professional painter friend repaired the scuffs and repainted, and I cut about 4 inches off the top of the shield (thought I would explain why it looks stubby in the pic).  I repaired and replaced the mechanicals as necessary, and I also polished the weathered chrome on that bike unmercifully.  It was beautiful.  I sold it when the bike found the right buyer.

(https://i.ibb.co/nCNbhWg/MG-0064.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nCNbhWg)

I just recently acquired a 2008 Norge (and yes, I know exactly how to pronounce it after reading a hundred or so pages of the thread).  It needs some love and attention, and I've come here, on the advice of the previous owner, to humbly request your guidance.  My goal is to get this thing back to 100% functional condition, update with the appropriate mods, and then work on the polish job.

(https://i.ibb.co/x5bWW7P/Moto-Guzzi-Norge-LI.jpg) (https://ibb.co/x5bWW7P)

All the best from Texas!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mainsail on April 16, 2022, 04:45:56 PM
Hello all!

I just bought a 2017 V9 Bobber with 4150 miles.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of farkles available for these, which is OK since there isn't much I want to change.

The previous owner swapped in smaller LED turn signals, Zard exhaust, remapped the fuel, upgraded rear shocks, and a Shad seat.

There doesn't seem to be any storage anywhere on the bike- right now the registration paperwork is just pressed under the seat.

The one thing I really want is a rear rack. I'll be driving this to work regularly and I need some place to strap down my lunchbox. The problem is the only rack I can find is made for the bike with both seats installed, but mine has a nice Shad solo seat. That means the rack would be way out at the end of the fender with a lot of empty space between it and the seat.

I've contacted some metal fab people but either the job is too small or they never reply, likely because the job is too small.

(https://i.ibb.co/Ssb9cNj/GuzziRt.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Ssb9cNj)

(https://i.ibb.co/yWJHdvV/Guzzi-Front.jpg) (https://ibb.co/yWJHdvV)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gabbydad on April 20, 2022, 07:23:30 AM
Hello everyone, I’m a long time Guzzi admirer and first time owner.

I’m Bill Braile, 56 and live in NJ just outside Philadelphia.

I bought a 2007 California Vintage with 44k miles and I’m completely in love with this bike already and am looking forward to doing a mild restoration/overhaul.  My goal is to ensure I get another 44k miles at least!

Fun fact, one of my best mates has the exact bike and that’s what got me interested.   I also currently own a 2020 BMW R Nine T Pure.
(https://i.ibb.co/Pmxqt3Z/D95-C275-A-C50-F-472-F-9957-BB16635-A60-DC.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Pmxqt3Z)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eHenry on April 21, 2022, 07:39:44 PM
Hello, Guzzi folks!

It's been about 20 years since I've been here at Wildgoose, and while I got out of riding for a decade and a half (long story), I've been back for a few years and I'm now thinking about a California 1400... so I'm doing my research and reading up on what I might be getting myself in to. 

Some here might remember me, Erston from Louisiana who had a 1990 Mille GT.  I'm in Tacoma, Washington now and using my middle name of Henry... but Erston still works too if that is how you remember me.

Pics of my old bike:


Thanks for having me, and thanks for the great forum!

~ Henry

BMW R1100R, Guzzi pondering
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: YanksTT on April 26, 2022, 04:59:07 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/KyMfxBc/IMG-1255.jpg) (https://ibb.co/KyMfxBc)

(https://i.ibb.co/c36LX1y/IMG-1276.jpg) (https://ibb.co/c36LX1y)

(https://i.ibb.co/V29LT2k/IMG-3693.jpg) (https://ibb.co/V29LT2k)

(https://i.ibb.co/ZcwyKPv/IMG-4563.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ZcwyKPv)

image uploading (https://imgbb.com/)

Hello from the Pacific Northwest,
I'm enjoying my V7III Carbon that I rode home from San Diego last year.  I also just found an MGX-21 in Sacramento.  Previous Guzzi's were a black Quota and a black Griso 8V.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SydBarrett on April 28, 2022, 09:08:01 AM
Hello Guzzisti!

I am 40yo from Palermo!
Lat year I decided to change my Ducati Monster due to some back pain with the new V7. The dealer in Palermo wasn't nice to me and my Ducati so in November I got a second hand 2010 Triumph Scrambler. It's an amazing bike and an amazing engine, but coming from a Vespa 150 and a Ducati Monster 620, I feel that the engine is "too smooth".

Now I have decided to get an older Guzzi and customise it!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mailman on May 01, 2022, 09:41:54 AM
Greetings from Sunny Surprise Arizona, my name is Bob and I’m a retired postal worker, I have owned or been involved with motorcycles since about 1970, took a 20 year break when my kids were young and then got back into it. For the last 17 years I have been restoring and riding vintage bikes and I owned a couple new ones over the years also.
I just sold two vintage Yamahas that I restored, the red one is 50 years old and the black one is 45 years old.
(https://i.ibb.co/fS1M3K7/7634-E6-A6-A2-B4-4-D28-AADC-D8-F117-F6-A800.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fS1M3K7)

(https://i.ibb.co/5nq2C9w/A64-B7703-4-B9-D-456-B-BE90-68318-A52-D77-F.jpg) (https://ibb.co/5nq2C9w)

Their sale proceeds will be going to a new Guzzi V7 850 Special, which I have put a deposit on and now I may have to wait until the end of the year to receive!  That’s a new experience for me!

(https://i.ibb.co/HNxLXQ4/FBB8252-A-8-B5-D-44-AE-B2-FA-7-A4-C5-CA6-E68-B.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HNxLXQ4)

In the meantime, I want to absorb as much information as I can,  I plan on doing as much work on my bike that my abilities will allow. I’m a pretty fair mechanic, but that has all been on older bikes that didn’t have all the electronics and emissions systems.  I have managed to find a PDF repair manual, and a PDF parts manual, I’m still trying to locate a free PDF engine manual if anybody knows of one?

So I’ll be hanging around and I hope to get to know some of you better, and if my ship ever comes in, I’ll show off my bike! 😃
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ramsaye on May 05, 2022, 10:02:58 AM
Hello all from London (UK)
Thought I’d sign up as this forum has been very useful in helping me decide whether to take the plunge into my new purchase, lots of useful info here. I expect to have lots of questions for you all in the future.

(https://i.ibb.co/d6kqn7G/586-B50-CF-ED3-F-4-B7-F-89-F2-F4243-CB34-E2-D.jpg) (https://ibb.co/d6kqn7G)

(Don’t worry, the pic is just for posing, I geared up after it was taken)
Title: New member from FL, USA
Post by: damiandadv on May 12, 2022, 12:00:57 PM
Hi fellow riders
I am a new member from Florida
I have been riding for 39 years and I owned several motorcycles (mostly BMWs) during all this time and I am a big fan of the drive shaft driven bikes and I am looking forward to find a nice Norge to add to my garage, I am riding a 21' 1250 RT at the monent
I'll see you all on the road somewere someday....
Safe riding
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: johnnyknight on May 17, 2022, 07:07:07 AM
Hello all from Amsterdam!

I am a new rider. I got my license in September and picked up a V85TT in October. I actually dropped it at the end of the test ride but knew it was the bike for me...

I appreciate all the advice and reviews that I've come across on this forum--to include the ongoing search for the perfect windscreen setup. Decided it was finally time to register and say hi.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: harley21 on May 21, 2022, 08:39:11 AM
Hi everyone, I am new here .. so excited to be the part of this community
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: angusmcoz on May 30, 2022, 06:39:56 AM
Hello to all! I've been blessed with the motorcycle addiction since my first bike in 1975 (1975 Yamaha DT175). At the age of 62 I've thinned the herd to a 2020 Suzuki DL1050 and the latest addition, a 2017 V9 Bobber. This is only the second Moto Guzzi I've owned with the first being a 2006 750 Breva. Yesterday I did the first service on the V9 (only had 1006 miles when purchased and not serviced) and damn I've missed the simplicity of an air cooled twin. Reminds me of the BMW twins of old. The 2018 Goldwing I sold this spring took a Master's degree from the Rube Goldberg School of Abstract Engineering just to get to the air cleaner. Don't get me wrong, the Wing was an amazing motorcycle but simple to maintain it was not. Seems as I age I'm getting nostalgic for the simpler times. Thanks for having me!
(https://i.ibb.co/rwMbx7J/IMG-20220528-205657533.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rwMbx7J)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roland on May 30, 2022, 08:52:48 AM
Ci@o tutti,
I am happy to have been accepted here today
I am 61, I live in France and I ride my Quota 1000ie for 30 years now !
I own 3 other Guzzis, but not in condition to be used for the time being.
What made me come here is my search for information about the swingarm bearings of my Stelvio 8v which I own for 3.5 years now, and which I still do not use ...
I've been o the USA on business several times long ago, and hope to find the time to make some road trip there.
Maybe meet one or another of you then.
(https://i.ibb.co/3FrPbbR/signal-2021-03-02-08-18-44-730.jpg) (https://ibb.co/3FrPbbR)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Richiez22908 on May 30, 2022, 09:37:27 AM
So happy to be here... and finally on a Guzzi!

Richie down in South Florida. Play guitar(badly), husband and father of two wonderful kids(but I am biased) lucky to have great friends and an amazing wife that actually pushed me to get this bike.

I'll turn 50 in January and bought my 50th present early. A V7 Sport from my birth year(actually was built in November of 72).

I've had Harleys(one for a loooong time) and stopped riding when my daughter was born 14 years ago. My old riding buddies gave me a loaner for Biketoberfest a couple years back and I was back in the saddle... bought a Ducati Scrambler 1100 not long after. Loved that bike but always wanted a real old Italian, like me... and cannot believe I actually have this bike. I get "goose" bumps every time I walk over to it.

It came with the original manual and workshop manual... I plan on grabbing Guzziology. I'd love advice on any good other shop manuals, as I'd like to do all the maintenance(and any repair work that arises) myself.

When I am not on it, I'll be browsing around here, learning and absorbing all I can.

(https://i.ibb.co/ySWFsRv/811-C34-C4-7-F4-F-41-DA-BFAE-3-DBD05-B33691.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ySWFsRv)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 30, 2022, 10:39:40 AM
Welcome Richie, Nice Sport!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Richiez22908 on May 30, 2022, 11:46:00 AM
Welcome Richie, Nice Sport!!

Thank you!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fodbin on June 01, 2022, 02:05:42 AM
Hi Fodbin here, thanks for admitting me to the group.

Retired Financial planner

Living in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia

Just bought a 1990 Mille Gt from USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Hasaf on June 06, 2022, 08:06:29 PM
Robert Crawford
Age 55
I am a middle school teacher in South West Kansas. I teach Computer Applications, Personal Finance, Robotics, and Programming (well, we use Arduinos, but it is still programming).

I got rid of my last motorcycle, a Yamaha V-Star, when I was out of the country from about 2006 - 2014. Then recently the bug bit again.

I went out and got a used BMW f650cs. My wife was not pleased. Finally, it came out that she was not against a motorcycle, she was just unhappy that I got an old motorcycle. So she encouraged me to look around. I will say it, the V7 Stone E5 looks very attractive.

I am sure people here will know if I decide to get one.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Sparky7760 on June 12, 2022, 07:59:18 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/JxJgBd3/20220320-125656.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JxJgBd3)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stuarto72 on June 14, 2022, 06:16:59 PM
Stuart Ostroff, 73 YO, live in Richmond, VA.  Presently ride a 2021 V85TT, a Triumph Tiger 800, and a Yamaha Virago 1100 with a Dnepr sidecar (from Ukraine, not Russia).  I have had 5 Moto Guzzis, first was a 69 V700 to which I mounted a Jawa Velorex sidecar. 

Over the many years I have had 45 bikes, ranging from a Dunstall Dominator Atlas 750 purchased in London, an FJR, 2 HD police bikes, 2 Buells, 5 BMWs including an RT-P police bike, Honda ST1300, and more . . . . .

After 50 years in industry designing and building special machinery I find myself semi-retired, an adjunct instructor at a local Community College teaching mechanical engineering courses, process control and robotics. 

Also involved with Iron Butt Assoc since 2002, done many Saddle Sore Ride, and most recently a Bun Burner 1500, riding from Richmond to Denver in 35 hrs. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KevinCTofel on June 20, 2022, 08:26:15 AM
Hey Guzzi Gang! Glad to be here. I’m Kevin C. Tofel from Harleysville, PA. I’m an independent tech blogger and student of computer science / programming. I only started riding recently, learning on a 2021 Honda PCX scooter that bought this year. I put 900 miles on it since February and took my MSF course last month with my son. He bought a 2014 Suzuki Burgman 200 scooter that I owned but barely used for the last 3 years.

Of course, once we passed our test in the MSF course, we got the need to go with manual bikes.  :cheesy: So he immediately bought a Kawasaki Z400. I do like my little PCX but it’s not keeping up with him and we like to ride together. After weeks of searching for decent used bikes, I stumbled onto 2015 Moto Guzzi V7 with 3,800 miles and, after review and a test ride, I rode it home this weekend! (Sorry PCX: You served me well but you’re going up for sale now)

(https://i.ibb.co/c1B8fN3/1-CC78145-F703-487-A-B1-D8-265-D2-B2-FAAB1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/c1B8fN3)

I’ll be taking it easy on the roads (and doing TONS of practice) as I transition because this is a huge change. I’m 5’5” on a good day and 145 pounds; this is a lot of bike for me. More than enough than I’ll ever need. So far though, I’m thrilled with the Guzzi. Looking forward to learning more about it, wrenching around and becoming a better rider.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MTHaas on June 20, 2022, 11:50:36 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/NVgX37P/KIMG2081.jpg) (https://ibb.co/NVgX37P)

Greetings from Upstate SC. Been playing with motorcycles for 40+ years. Always had a soft spot for Guzzis. Inherited a very rough maybe 67 V700 in 93. eventually had to let it go, lack of support capital.
Had another 67 V700 stalk me on Craigslist in 2015, while in Ft Myers FL for a few months. Inevitably it followed me home.  Did minor mods and upgrades.
I adopted a 08(?) Nevada that my son rebuilt with a V7 sport tank with external fuel pump and Laced on 18"wheels. Lately I am developing a relationship with a 2021 V85TT Travel that I just bought.
(https://i.ibb.co/ygYVC6d/guzzi1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ygYVC6d)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cbevis on June 23, 2022, 10:50:01 AM
Apologies...I posted a question prior to reading and following the instructions...

Hi there.  My name is Chris Bevis, mid-40's, from Minnesota, i'm an architectural consultant...and I like doing silly things with motorized vehicles.

The short list of projects in my garage at the moment aren't really relevant to a motorcycle forum, so i'll keep that part of my introduction brief:
1966 Volvo Amazon - currently installing a Mercedes M113 5L V8 and a Chrysler NSG370 6-speed transmission.
1970 Volvo 164 - finished a 100% mechanical restoration a couple years ago and now I just drive it.  I love straight 6's and manuals!!
1980 Volvo 262 C Bertone - I swapped an old SBC 350, into this car over a decade ago, and recently axed the ol' slushbox 4-speed auto for a 5-speed manual.  Lowered, tucked, everything is a solid mount...tons of fun for a mid-20s - early-30s driver.  Now I'm mid-40s and the car is super uncomfortable to drive, lol...i'm putting all the rubber back into this car as we 'speak.'
1988 Chevy Suburban - lifted on cheap 4" springs...bought it as an overlander, but haven't really done anything with it yet.  LOTS to do to get it ready. Axle swap with portal rebuilds, ax the 4" brodozer springs for a legitimate 2" lift, ditch the TBI 350 for a 4-cylinder diesel, racks, bars, outfitting, all the things...to be continued.
2006 Volvo V70R - daily driver...that I do stuff to for no other reason than to drive the rest of the local Volvo community crazy. The latest project was installing a custom roof rack that just pisses everyone off...

OTher than that...as far as motorcycles go....my dad had dozens growing up, as well as a bunch of really cool Cushman scooters, but i've only ever had one bike. 

(https://i.ibb.co/X80XLWs/20170506-165556.jpg) (https://ibb.co/X80XLWs)

(https://i.ibb.co/BKwfTWX/20170506-164931.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BKwfTWX)

1980 Honda CX500.  I got it in pieces (1,153, but who's counting?) from a guys garage who's Craigslist add was litterally "Get it the F!@# out of my garage..."  I show up at this guy's place, he opens the garage door, and the thing was packed top to bottom with crap.  He says "there's about 6 bikes worth of parts in there, whatever looks like it belongs to a Honda...take it."

Took a year and a half, but I eventually got a running bike out of it.  Really wish i'd never sold the thing....

Anyhoo...that's me!  Currenntly looking at a '94 California...finger s crossed!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rrojaswahl on June 28, 2022, 09:36:23 PM
Roy Rojas Wahl, best :-) customer of Piaggio group: 1985 Vespa PX200E Lusso (still alive and running!!!), 2010 Moto Guzzi California Vintage (deceased & totaled by obnoxious car driver), and 2014 California 1400 Touring (still riding today)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nitro69 on June 29, 2022, 07:44:56 PM
Hi Every one..........thanks for adding me.
My Name is Dino, I am 52 years of age
I live in beautiful Western North Carolina

Bike inventory: 1992 ZX Ninja (first bike)
                        1998 Buell S1W White lighting
                         2002 MG V11 Lemans
                         2009 HD  CVO Springer
                          2010  MV Agusta F4 (Custom Cafe racer)
                           2014 Husky FE501
                            2023 Stark Varg (waiting on delivery)

                             wife's Inventory:  2009 KLX250sf
                                                       2013 MG V7 racer
                              Kids Inventory:  Oset 16.5
                                                       Yam TTR50
                                                        Yam  TTR90
                                                       Kawasaki KLX250S....2ea.

Hobbies........To many to list.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bikeguy2 on July 03, 2022, 01:47:37 PM
Goot Morning. Tim, 62, retired HD Mech from Vernon BC.  Whilst there are 6 or 7 bikes in the garage (usually old beemers, some japanese) this will be mine first M.G. I joined here because of the resource. So, thanks! for being here all you bonafides and esp the founder/operator of the site.
Cheers tim
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on July 03, 2022, 01:53:17 PM
What kind of Guzzi does a H-D Mech ride Tim, it's afternoon here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on July 04, 2022, 07:19:02 AM
What kind of Guzzi does a H-D Mech ride Tim, it's afternoon here.

Good question, Steve.

I also wondered about Sig. Tofel, who hails  from Harleysville, Pa.!

Several interesting additions to membership recently, e.g. Roy Wahl's, with a running ’85 Vespa.  :bow:

Title: Greetings from Down Under
Post by: Bull Tahr on July 11, 2022, 11:14:57 PM
Hi Everyone,
Late 50's , Ex "Midfield" racer, back on bikes after a 30 year hiatus.......
Formed a riding group in my town, most of us are Grey hairs that are trying to re-living our youth! :angel: :angel: :angel:
I love all Italian bikes
Current bikes: Ducati Multistrada 2004 and a 1997 Guzzi 1100 Sport IE.
There are more Guzzis in our area than I realized, so will add some group ride pics in due course...........
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: tngarren on July 15, 2022, 05:27:27 PM

New member: Terrell Garren, 63, retired military, North Carolina.  Dreamed of owning a Guzzi for many years.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ELIMINATOR on July 19, 2022, 02:22:33 PM

 Trev Jenkins.


Hampshire, England

Quality control

Moto Guzzi 3 1000cc 36MM carbs, Digiplex
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: redride on July 21, 2022, 10:10:28 AM
Hello all

Aman Dhaliwal

SW Ontario

Engineer, tinkerer

750 Breva
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SlowSpeed on July 22, 2022, 02:23:44 PM
"God bless all here....."

Retired Marine Engineer and Class Surveyor, (an Inspector of Ships' Hull & Machinery).

At age 71, I set out to take up motorcycling.  In the space of six days, I took the MSF Safety Course, I got the "M" on my license, and I took delivery of a '98 Moto Guzzi V-11 Bassa.   It took me another month to figure out how to drive it safely.  Four years on I have put more than 18,000 miles on it.   Love that machine, but it is the only motorcycle that I've ever known.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: baxterday on July 25, 2022, 10:32:25 AM
Bill Baxter, I live in Ellijay Georgia and have been riding Guzzi's since 1993, when I bought a LeMans SE.  We currently have four, a Lario, V7 III racer, LeMans IV and a SPIII I just picked up in Oklahoma City on this past Friday.  Married with 5 kids who all live at home. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sea_scum on August 01, 2022, 04:54:01 AM
Hello to everyone,
My name's Artem, 34 y.o.
Currently i live in Bulgaria and this is my recently acquired '78 SP1000.

(https://i.ibb.co/tbwdn4h/viber-image-2022-07-24-15-55-57-043.jpg) (https://ibb.co/tbwdn4h)

(https://i.ibb.co/5kbVD7K/viber-image-2022-08-01-12-48-10-710.jpg) (https://ibb.co/5kbVD7K)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ryan on August 03, 2022, 08:55:59 AM
Nice bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Redracechris36 on August 11, 2022, 07:28:48 PM
Hello all:
52 years old
Director for Biologics for a large CRO
Just purchased a 2013 Norge GT. Sold a Ducati 620 Dark for this MG. Looking forward to interacting with everyone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: cgsctk on August 11, 2022, 08:10:41 PM
Howdy all!
Philipp; mid-30s; east Bay Area, CA
Currently own a 2007 Breva 1100 (image to prove that with bungee straps, all things are possible)

(https://i.ibb.co/v39Zncm/breva-crater-lake.jpg) (https://ibb.co/v39Zncm)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: TurcoLoco on August 14, 2022, 04:13:24 PM

I thought I went thru registering and introducing myself to a few MG forums but I guess I missed the introduction part on this one!
Anyhow, I bought a 2017 Stelvio in early 2019, had the 600-mile service done, removed CA canister couple of years back. Installed Fuel Optimisers (02 sensor hack).
I have been doing the fluid flushes myself using good stuff and the bike has been running great.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gustav on August 16, 2022, 07:03:18 AM
Hello, this is my introduction. Screen name is Gustav, that is the poodles name, My name is Paul. Recently bought a 2007 Nevada Classic, which is having starting issues, as I've read some of these "modern bikes" have. Hope to get it fixed soon. Re-tired, now part-time staff at church. Age is 70, still  with original wife. Have wanted a Guzzi for the past 45 years, figured now or never. Life is good, thank you all for having me. Paul
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on August 16, 2022, 09:50:39 AM
Hey Paul, I used to go to Dale's in Rock Island pretty often in the 80's when I farmed south of DeKalb, IL
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Gustav on August 16, 2022, 04:09:08 PM
   Thanks Steve. Yes sir, I remember Dale's Ducati, a true Ma & Pa shop. Every time I'm in R.I., I think about Dale and his family. Paul
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: faber75 on August 18, 2022, 08:39:09 AM
Hi everyone, I'm fabio from Italy, I am a CAD designer.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on August 21, 2022, 09:58:57 AM
Hi everyone, I'm fabio from Italy, I am a CAD designer.

Benvenuto, Fabio.

Where do you live in that wonderful country?

And, own a Guzzi now or "still looking?"

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Iron Cross Junction on August 21, 2022, 10:00:17 AM
Hi Fodbin here, thanks for admitting me to the group.

Retired Financial planner

Living in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia

Just bought a 1990 Mille Gt from USA


No pix?  Didn't happen.   :laugh:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: charleetho on August 22, 2022, 07:33:43 AM

My name is Charlie. 60 years old and from Denver Colorado.
I've been riding since I was 16. I've owned close to 30 motorcycles over that time. Seems 3 in the stable is my optimal number. Currently I have a 2018 Gold Wing, a 2022 KLR650 and (drum roll please) a 1996 California 1100! My first guzzi!

(https://i.ibb.co/LPY0mNx/PXL-20220819-191317740-MP.jpg) (https://ibb.co/LPY0mNx)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on August 22, 2022, 11:35:20 AM
Hey Welcome, Is that the one out there that was for $1500 for sale? Looks like it!

I just tuned my buddies 01 Cali a year ago, he's from Denver. He came here cause he knows my work, but don't like the guys wrenching out there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: leftcoastpj@gmail.com on August 24, 2022, 03:29:44 PM
Patrick from Oregon with an 07 Norge here. Appreciative of the electrical threads as a stalker to help me sort out my little electrical fire.

I've got a youtube channel that features the Norge, if you want to see, you'll find it. My 07 is red and not running currently, youtube isn't that big.

My brother has an old cop bike Guzzi, I like Guzzis.  :)

07 Norge
12 Honda Big Chuckus
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Teddo on August 28, 2022, 04:41:40 PM
Hello I'm Ted Scherrer in Bellingham Washington, USA. A few years ago I finally got what I consider a new modern bike, (after a lifetime of beat up Hondas!) a V7iii Racer!  After years of research I concluded Moto Guzzi is just about the most classic manufacturer out there.  I love this bike.  Oddly enough I've not spotted any other V7s around here! So here I am to be with those that can relate!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: charleetho on August 31, 2022, 08:53:36 AM
Yes, that is the one. It was 10 minutes from my house.
I was really looking for a V1100 Sport, but for $1,500, I have my first Guzzi. I could flip it in the spring if I didn't like it. Well, I really like it!

Cosmetically it is amazing for a 26 year old bike. I've changed all the fluids, plugs and adjusted the valves. Needs carb adjustments.
Where are you located?


My name is Charlie. 60 years old and from Denver Colorado.
I've been riding since I was 16. I've owned close to 30 motorcycles over that time. Seems 3 in the stable is my optimal number. Currently I have a 2018 Gold Wing, a 2022 KLR650 and (drum roll please) a 1996 California 1100! My first guzzi!

(https://i.ibb.co/LPY0mNx/PXL-20220819-191317740-MP.jpg) (https://ibb.co/LPY0mNx)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tom on August 31, 2022, 01:03:44 PM
Hello I'm Ted Scherrer in Bellingham Washington, USA. A few years ago I finally got what I consider a new modern bike, (after a lifetime of beat up Hondas!) a V7iii Racer!  After years of research I concluded Moto Guzzi is just about the most classic manufacturer out there.  I love this bike.  Oddly enough I've not spotted any other V7s around here! So here I am to be with those that can relate!

Check out the local WA club of the MGNOC.  Very active.  They just did the Deep Forest Campout in Randle, WA.  South of Mt. St. Helens.  West of Yakima.  There's also the OR club of the MGNOC.  They sponsor local rallies too.  You'd be surprised at the number of Moto Guzzis in the PNW. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Velvettoast on September 09, 2022, 05:09:19 AM
Hi, I'm Steve from North Yorkshire in England.

Just bought my first Guzzi, a 2008 V7 Classic, one previous owner and with only 2500 miles on the clock.

It now has 3500 after 15 days - the benefit of being retired!
(https://i.ibb.co/vVsWqXX/20220830-104701.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vVsWqXX)

(https://i.ibb.co/Ch8cqyd/20220825-112449.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Ch8cqyd)

(https://i.ibb.co/1zxb8m1/20220830-110223.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1zxb8m1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mikeysduck on September 12, 2022, 07:06:13 PM
Dad bequeathed me his 1993 Daytona. I have to say it's a looker.

I loaded it up in TX and brought it home last week. It has around 43,500 miles. The heads are anything but stock. If something goes wrong I'll be looking for a new heads/ motor. I will post photos under the valve cover, when I get there. It could be a while.

It starts, and runs well. I'll go for new tires, a complete fluid change in all systems, and a timing belt. Elbow grease is needed in large quantities. It has all kinds of interesting spares a new oil pump, in a box, custom steel oil pump gear, all types of home made tools for motor clutch maintenance. The original aluminum oil pump gear was replaced with a stock aluminum gear. That aluminum gear is a weak spot on these motors.

Note the lowered foot pegs, brake lever and oil cooler. The cooler uses a GM oil filter of some sort. I don't know what is going on with the kick stand. It does not auto retract. It has some sort of extension.

I wonder if any Guzzi motors would bolt into the frame... Other than a Centauro.

(https://i.ibb.co/stpfH2K/IMG-1377.jpg) (https://ibb.co/stpfH2K)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on September 13, 2022, 09:41:01 AM
Wow, isn't that nice!! Stand has been moved back, new was on motor up front. If stand is original there was a knob on the pivot pin. Most wanted it ground off so stand could move w/o pulling spring over it. The knob was there for spring to flip stand up. Maybe get a pin w/a knob.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: crackerguy on September 15, 2022, 04:18:50 PM
Hi there,
My name is Graham, I currently have a couple of dirt bikes, a KTM Duke 890r as my street bike and recently procured this:

(https://i.ibb.co/445pzSH/ambors.jpg) (https://ibb.co/445pzSH)

1970 Ambassador, supposedly was a CA police bike at some point. 17,000 miles on odometer and is in pretty good shape except...will be posting about that soon. I have been reading through the site and there is obviously tons of knowledge here about these bikes, hope to tap into it.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Colin Gibson on September 19, 2022, 02:05:48 AM
Hi Colin Gibson,
Joined a few weeks ago
 Location Scotland UK.
 Current Bikes  1989 SP3 , 1976 KZ900ltd 1975 GT850 California (in bits )
A great forum for Guzzis .Well done all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SgnDen on September 19, 2022, 05:44:17 PM

I'm glad to have found this forum. Seems active.

I have had more bikes than I care to admit and currently looking to add something I can cruise around in New England. I have a BMW 1250GS Adventure in CO and want something for CT.  I was about to break down and get another Harley but they're everywhere and I've owned 3 of 'em in touring platform. Was pretty sure I was going to get a Fat Boy for more basic 'muscle cruiser' sort of thing.  I had a Triumph Thunderbird Storm 1700 great bike but pretty piggish handling-wise so I sold it.

I am trying to learn as much as I can about the Moto Guzzi Audace bikes because I'm seriously considering one with extremely low miles for $9K.  It's a 2016 in basically new condition.  However, I seem to find a lot of talk about how these didn't sell well in dealers and were going for crazy low prices...lower than $9K anyway new.

If I need to sell, will it be hard to find any takers in your collective opinion?  I can't find much about what a good price might be so I'm a little gun shy about paying more than I should.  I know, "buy what you like", etc etc etc but hoping maybe someone has advice around pricing.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on September 20, 2022, 09:30:49 AM
I can address this but I don't I should do it here. Start a thread with this question.   :grin:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CRbob on September 21, 2022, 06:01:04 PM
Hello Everyone. My name is Bob. I live in Castle Rock, Colorado. I am 73 years old and retired a year ago and moved to Colorado from Indiana. First time Moto Guzzi owner having just bought my retirement present of a 2022 V7 Stone. Still working on the break in mileage but loving the bike. Long time motorcyclist since 1971. I would love to find a riding buddy in my area if anyone interested.
Glad to be part of this group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kgujas on September 26, 2022, 03:26:23 AM
My name is Kristijan, I am  from Belgrade, Serbia .
I have a Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX 2011, small tank .
I am working in IT industry , and love bikes  .
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bruno44 on September 28, 2022, 04:31:54 AM
Hi everybody ! :bow:
My first name is Bruno. I am 66 years old, retired, living in France, in Nantes close to sea. :boozing:
I have owned a Guzzi Le Mans V11 (2003) for these last 2 years until I had a crash with it. :sad: :sad:
I have just buyed a 1997 V10 Centauro, 44.000 km : a 30 year old dream.  :whip2:
At the time, my friends dissuaded me, telling that I could not stand its "random reliability" (actually, I used to leave the whole week-end long for long range trips...). :thewife:
Now that I am retired, i have time to improve my Centauro, as a hobby, however its precedent owner has done nearly everything on it......
I enjoy riding it, however I keep it for short trips (using my ZX-10R for long ones).
I am interested in Centauro mechanics, as a hobby, and do nearly evrything (but paint) on my bikes.... :bike-037:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roamer on September 29, 2022, 04:38:54 PM

I am 73, retired, living in Angels Camp, California.  I started riding about around 1971.  Suzukis. 350 twin, GT380 triple, GT550 triple, 250 dirt, all were 2 stroke. Then a GS650 4 cylinder shaft drive.  Stopped riding for about 30 years.  Last October I bought 1984 HONDA V4 Liquid Cooled Magna V30. I had it shipped from the Seattle area.  Then decided to get something completely different.  After reading about various makes and models, I settled on a 2017 Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer.  I shortly found one I couldn’t walk away from.  It had 2400 miles and over $5000 spent on accessories, came with a new battery and 13 months paid registration. And I could ride it home as it was less than 2 hours away.  😎
(https://i.ibb.co/T4MqjR9/B85-E857-E-B010-465-D-BBB7-97-F7-AA0900-CC.jpg) (https://ibb.co/T4MqjR9)

(https://i.ibb.co/PwHjMrY/F9300203-2581-4-C2-B-824-C-597-CBB6-D582-B.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PwHjMrY)

(https://i.ibb.co/PCTkTLJ/43442936-F2-F3-4-D89-A1-F1-2-F2-CAF040-DD5.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PCTkTLJ)

(https://i.ibb.co/sR45q51/5476-E1-DA-2628-4618-AAED-80-D10-F073-CAF.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sR45q51)

(https://i.ibb.co/yhb15bK/7-AF9-E6-D5-919-B-46-AA-88-B0-0-F1-CF13-CD9-E7.jpg) (https://ibb.co/yhb15bK)

(https://i.ibb.co/Jk0w343/BF48-F099-6100-4716-8647-4-EB7-AC5072-CA.png) (https://ibb.co/Jk0w343)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ryan on September 29, 2022, 08:03:59 PM
So now your the kinda guy, that likes to roam around...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Roamer on September 30, 2022, 07:03:38 PM
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Maturecruiser on October 15, 2022, 05:21:51 AM
Hi I'm Geoff from Perth Western Australia.
After 25 years of Harley cruising I needed to reduce the weight to something more maneuverable. About 10 months ago I stumbled across my 2017 V7iii Stone. Purchased after a 10 minute ride. Best fun ever.
Now changed the mufflers to Mistral and its even more fun. Slowly learning about the bike and the Guzzi idiosyncrasies.
Thanks for the acceptance.
I've had 3 attempts at loading a bike picture but no joy so far.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grainbelt on October 17, 2022, 10:39:09 AM
Been pondering it for a long time and finally found the right ride.  Thanks for all the hospitality at the MN and WI Guzzi rallies over the years, I'll try to keep my pants on going forward.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: kirito165 on October 20, 2022, 09:44:56 PM
hello im jorge i have a 03 moto guzzi california special sport  that i will start fixing as my first bike. im thankful of having the opportunity of being part of the guzzi family.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MuddaGooz on October 28, 2022, 08:04:46 AM
Good morning!

My name Christof, live in Baltimore, profession is real estate agent and I ride a V85TT Travel and a Yamaha Super Tenere.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Karkaliev on October 31, 2022, 12:00:46 PM
Hi guys, my name is Ivo and I’m from Las Vegas Nevada. I owned a 2000 MG California and regretted every moment after I sold it. After a long search I found my dream. Me and my partner in crime love it
(https://i.ibb.co/SQ89Fpr/BDFD31-B8-0733-4-D18-AF9-D-CE0-B7-D472-B53.jpg) (https://ibb.co/SQ89Fpr)

(https://i.ibb.co/Mh6VMNm/311-A6-FB7-3376-4542-A9-B4-99231-AC86-C7-D.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Mh6VMNm)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on October 31, 2022, 01:33:05 PM
Nice Rig. I have a Cal2 w/sidecar.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CasperM67 on October 31, 2022, 07:20:01 PM

Gilbert Moore here in Athens, Ohio USA.

40 year rider, 17 year instructor.  Father of instructors.  Engineering techie, bad singer and worse guitar strummer, husband of the world's most patient woman.

I just picked up my uummmm,,,, 10th? motorcycle?  First time Moto Guzzi owner with a new-to-me 2006 Breva 1100.  Just rode it home today and blown away.  My last quality ride was a BMW R1200R and this has everything I loved about the Beemer and more.  Love it and can't wait to get back out there.

Question - I like to ride into the cooler months and have found that hand guards keeping the wind off of the fingers help a lot.  My Breva has heated grips and I rode home on a cool day today with them on "Simmer" and it was wonderful, but guards are needed when it gets colder.  Has anybody installed the MG Factory parts (PN 983157)?  How about the Barkbusters Storm S7?  Did they fit?  Recommendations please.

Thanks for running this board.  I'm looking forward to interacting with the group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dr Ratbagg on November 01, 2022, 09:45:06 AM
Howdy, my name is Chet. I'm a retired bus driver residing in Marysville WA. Presently I ride a Yamaha Tenere which I will sell this spring and replace with a Moto Guzzi California.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scruffy on November 05, 2022, 11:01:31 PM
Gudday guys, just a hello and a quick intro.
54 years old, been riding (Road) since I was 15.
Engineering Manager for a transport company in New Zealand (Hi Otis).
Many many bikes over the years but currently riding a V11 Ballabio and restoring a CB500.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Deacon Sean on November 08, 2022, 05:23:48 AM
I am Sean.
I work as an artist/ metal fabricator in Indianapolis/Richmond IN
Known to a few here, but looking forward to getting to know a few more
I have wanted to own a Guzzi ever since my buddy let me ride his Le Man's
Back many years ago... Well, I finally got one '03 Titanium ( not quite a Le Man's, but I love it none the less)
Thanks for letting me join the group.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Meon2wheels on November 08, 2022, 10:30:59 PM
Hi, My name is Jim.  I've been riding for 51 years, now 65 and a retired aviation executive.  I currently ride a Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX 1200 which I bought last year and absolutely love.  Passions include competitive shooting, learning guitar & music theory, Jeep/4WD adventures, bicycling, and outdoor cooking.  As most of you do, I service my own bikes.   I ride often and look forward to meeting up with anyone interested in short or long distance rides.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzziV50 on November 14, 2022, 02:57:56 PM
Stan Smith, Reading, PA, 74, retired motorcycle parts monger, been riding since I was 18, did some drag and road racing, owned Gainesville Cycle in FL for a few years, founded Rocky Point Cycle (www.rockypointcycle .com) and sold Norton and BMW parts for 28 years before retiring, like to ride, shoot, photography, and exploring with my dog (German shepherd/Huskie mix). I've owned more bikes than I can remember, including a M-G Convert and Nuovo Falcone with a Velorex sidecar, currently own my trusty '75 Norton Commando (bought in 1978) and '72 BMW R75/5 (celebrates her 50th birthday this year), and a recently purchased a 1982 MG V50 III, which might be one of the most delightful bikes I have ever ridden! It was part of a collection for many years, so has low mileage (4,500), but I had to go through everything, like replacing the 40 year old rubber brake lines and what looked like 40 year old brake fluid.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ital4me on November 15, 2022, 07:56:24 AM
Hi folks, I am a returning member and it's nice to be back. For medical reasons I have been off the road for about 5 years. My last post here was in 2017 I think. I am back and recommissioning my CX100. It's been in good heated storage but still needs things sorted out. It's not very original being a former race bike. I have to say it's awesome to me. Very recently I have sold a few bikes but I will always keep the Guzzi (electric start is one reason) it has such a nice visceral feedback that I crave. My love of Italian bikes started with a ride on an 850 LeMans. I was hooked.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GaryRad on November 21, 2022, 08:15:01 AM
Good day all, been away from bikes (and cars) for the last 5 years. Moved here to Valencia, Spain in 2017 and decided to stay forever. I started a 7-8 with a "Lil Indian" minibike, was given a Jawa 350 to get running and tossed knobbies on it, then a Honda 50cc moped, then a 175 Bultaco, then to a new 1971 Bultaco 250 Alpina I raced in Enduros. For the road a Triumph 500 Tiger, a 650 Yamaha, and a Honda 500 4cyl. Kids came and that was it for bikes, took up car racing in a 911 Porsche from 2006 to 2017, retired and moved here. This coming year my wife and I will get our EU driving licenses (US license is invalid after 6 months and there is no exchange program) and I intend to buy a new bike to use (mostly) on secondary roads to explore the country a bit. The Moto Guzzi (V7 IV Special E5) has an appeal to me, as does Triumph (T120), Indian (Scout), Honda (Rebel & Transalp) and BMW (F900R). My biggest concern here in Valencia, as all of these dealers are a walk/short taxi/bus ride away, will be the "after-sale" service. The most obscure dealer is the Moto Guzzi, as they seem to fucus on Vespa/Piaggio/Aprilla scooters and (from pictures) have maybe one of two Guzzi's in the shop. Anyway, look forward to asking questions in the Discussion forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Revcdl on November 21, 2022, 04:46:59 PM
Hello, My name is Clayton. I'm a Millwright in a combined cycle natural gas power plant. I've been riding for 30 years or so. I just picked up a V85TT GDO last week. Unfortunately winter has just begun here in Saskatchewan so I'll have to wait a few months before I can ride it. This is my first Guzzi. My Dad bought an Eldorado brand new in 74 and still has it so I'm familiar with the brand. I'm looking forward to putting on some miles.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SeaBee on November 21, 2022, 09:14:36 PM
Hello gang!

My name is Chris, I'm 56, and I push a mouse for a living in Victoria, British Columbia.

I just bought a 1969 V7.  I've had other Moto Guzzis (2004 V11 Sport with flaking motor paint and bad big-end; and a 1983 LeMans Mk.III which was lovely but far too uncomfortable for me).

A loop frame has been my dream since seeing one at age 5 -- it was the first motorcycle I remember being impressed by.  I'm no stranger to Italian motorcycles, (along with their vices and virtues) with a long history of owning & riding Laverdas (I currently ride a 3CL and a 1200 Mirage), and various trials and dual-sport bikes.

Thanks for letting me in.  I'm looking forward to virtually meeting you all!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ddrillmaker on November 26, 2022, 08:49:56 AM
Hi All,
My name is Tam. I'm 30 yo, and I'm a priest from Wilmington, Delaware.
I like motorcycles, travel, muscle cars, and reading a bit  :grin:

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this forum.
Good bless you!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on November 26, 2022, 12:51:57 PM
One of my customers from IL became a priest, he's in OH. He is of the Eastern Orthodox Church. I was amazed when I got an email asking me questions on his Sport from 96. I tell riders the Pope rides a Guzzi, in reality the Papal Police. Welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mikef on December 02, 2022, 05:39:10 PM

Mike Fossl, 62, retired, Pender Island, BC, Canada
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: komzoom on December 10, 2022, 08:39:49 PM
Hello world!
My name is Dmitry. I'm 44. I live in Austin TX (AS1Racing :wink:)
I changed my KLR to Norge. Since I repair all my vehicles, and for that reason I inevitably came here.
I am a CDL driver and mechanic of agricultural machinery.
I will be glad to take advantage of the wisdom of collective intelligence :weiner:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CanonVanagon on December 12, 2022, 01:52:14 PM
New 22 V7 owner located in Colorado. First time Guzzi owner.
(https://i.ibb.co/Qk5XPbN/IMG-4668.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Qk5XPbN)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: disco_cisco on December 14, 2022, 09:17:27 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm 33 years old and from Portugal.

Bought my first bike (2021 V7 Stone Special) last year.

I'm looking into expanding my Guzzi knowledge and also into getting some advice from more senior members regarding mechanical issues.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: noamlu on December 20, 2022, 04:19:36 AM
Hi everyone,
Noam from Lod Israel

Riding a V85TT for the last 9 months and 15K Km ,which is my first Guzzi ever
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: HPRifleman on December 22, 2022, 03:30:06 PM
My name is Konrad and my Moto Guzzi stable is pictured below. I grew up with Guzzis as my family had a dealership years ago. The wall sign is an actual dealer sign that hung over the front door of the dealership. It now hangs in my garage and is illuminated when I want to add a bit of ambiance.

My first Guzzi was a T5. But I traded that in for the 1000 LeMans in 1989 when I was still a teenager. I have kept that ever since and recently added the 850.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on December 22, 2022, 07:32:59 PM
Welcome, sent you a PM.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rogerlse on December 26, 2022, 02:18:29 PM
 HI my nam
(https://i.ibb.co/s6HTgKT/bikes-2022-001.jpg) (https://ibb.co/s6HTgKT)
 :gotpics: :bike-037: :bike-037:e is Roger Hinton, I live in New Zealand and am a retired Motorcycle dealer. I have a1974 Benelli 250 2c, a 1978 Moto Guzzi v5011 and a 1985 Moto Guzzi Imola11
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzziscoot on January 06, 2023, 05:31:38 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Scott aka Guzziscoot, from south Louisiana. I was on this forum a few years back with the same user name. I met a few of you at rallies and rides. The last several years I haven't been riding. Looking to ease back into it. May be in the market for a clean well sorted Tonti frame in the very near future. Thanks for having me back! Looking forward to the discussion....
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rixcafe on January 08, 2023, 11:16:38 AM
Hello Rick from Dirty Durham NC.

I have been a motorcycle enthusiast forever and always wanted a Guzzi. Life is short.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vagrant on January 08, 2023, 04:10:07 PM
Guzziscoot, so why did you leave and come back?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Damien00 on January 09, 2023, 04:22:20 PM
Damien, 50

Sp1000, subtle cafe'd and beautifully a bit rough around the edges.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Stan the man on January 10, 2023, 08:56:10 PM
I'm Stan, 62 from Sydney Australia
I began riding in the 70's. Stopped while the family was growing up.
Not too long ago I bought my first Guzzi - California 1100 2007 Touring. A lovely bike with gobs of torque!!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: EldoBlanco on January 11, 2023, 10:23:07 AM
It's Jason 42, I'm a property manager here in New York and a BMW airhead GS fan, I recently branched out with my first Guzzi, a white '73 Eldorado w/ 950kit and Bender wiring harness, otherwise appears all original.
Hope to roll out this spring for the first time and maybe meet some of you in person on the road!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob T on January 11, 2023, 05:10:48 PM

Thank you for accepting me into the group. My name is Rob from Brisbane, Australia, I have been a Guzzi enthusiast for 38 years and in many ways enjoying my riding more than ever ....perhaps something to do with getting back into longer distance riding again in 2022 on my Cali.
I ride a 1979 850 Le mans 11 and 1995 California 1100i

Best regards and happy riding :thumb:

Rob T
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MGB71 on January 12, 2023, 02:23:47 PM
Marc - new owner of a 2020 V85tt. First Guzzi for me in over 45 years of active riding.

Lexington, VA
4 rescued siberian huskies
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hammer on January 18, 2023, 03:00:53 PM
 Hello, My name is Leo (hammer) I live in Belhaven NC but grew up in the Bronx NY. Just turned 71 years old Jan 16th. My main bike is a 2020 Royal Enfield Interceptor. My 1977 Convert will need a little work before it returns to the road. Now I'm working on a friends 2003 Stone. Worked in the medical field most of my life.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: richardelsberry on January 18, 2023, 03:49:31 PM
Hello Wild Guzzi riders

My name is Richard.
I live in Saint Paul Minnesota
I'm 68
Just purchased a 2022 Moto Guzzi V85 TT Centenario
An upgrade from my 1995 Gold Wing
Love the ride and it appears to be an accessible bike to work on for those of us with reasonable mechanic skills
Did not nearly get enough time to ride before having to winterize it until May
Thanks for allowing me in. I look forward to ready and sharing tips and advice from/with you all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: FarmYard on January 20, 2023, 06:49:56 AM

Hi All,

I'm an American, but have lived in Bavaria near Munich for the past 35 years.

I'm a long time rider (since I was 9!) and currently ride a Yamaha Tracer 900.

I'm about to retire (hopefully) and would like a project to keep me out of the house. To that end, I've considered buying an older Guzzi.

Looking forward to the discussions here.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zsolt22 on January 20, 2023, 10:09:01 PM
Hi all, I'm Zsolt. I run Crusty Cycle, an online vintage Guzzi parts store located in Minneapolis. You can find the store at crustycycle.com Many of you have likely bought used parts from me before on eBay where I sell under the name: zsolt22. I've recently expanded into new parts but still keep the focus on loop and early Tonti bikes. I hope you take some time to check out my store. Let me know if you are looking for something in particular that doesn't seem available and I'll try to source it for you. Thanks.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: afulltank on January 23, 2023, 09:25:18 PM
Hello I'm Daryl
60 years old, body moves like 59, mind aspires like 27
middle of Canada

work: real estate

Married, daughter 22, son 18

Hobbies: hockey, real estate, cycling
               now, a Guzzi!

Motorcycles in inventory:    2022 MG V7 Stone

I’m happy about the 5000 km’s I put on from July to Nov/22, first year. A great adventurer friend is a mentor that just road to Tuktoyaktuk 2 years in a row 21/22. He was definitely having all the fun I thought. I road when I was a kid. My friend took his new MG V85 and among all the beautiful kinds of bikes I was drawn to MG for many reasons. Its history, motor, shaft drive air cooled. I hope to solo to Newfoundland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon in 2023. I will ride my MG to France. Thanks for letting me in, looks like a great forum with so much knowledge and experience.

(https://i.ibb.co/m4jyhcC/20220715-154845.jpg) (https://ibb.co/m4jyhcC)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bulitt on February 21, 2023, 06:48:12 PM
Hey folks, just bought a 22 VT85TT Guardia.  I live in N. Florida and will of course have plenty of questions as I get to know this bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: VStarRider on February 23, 2023, 05:55:13 PM
Just joined ... age 47, public school administrator, upstate NY.

Currently own two Royal Enfields (Classic 350, Himalayan) and one Gold Wing.

The REs taught me to appreciate a simple, light bike.

I am looking at the V85TT Travel as a possible replacement for the Wing. 

That's why I am here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DoubleThumper on February 26, 2023, 07:29:40 PM
Hello to all forum folks!

I've been semi-lurking for a little while and have been a Guzzi fan for over a decade, ridden a few, owned none.

I come from a land of ice and snow (Ontario, Canada) and wish to learn more from those that beat the tarmac with their favourite ride.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Oddiron on March 01, 2023, 08:27:21 PM
Hi folks, Glenn here. I’m a lifelong motorcyclist and retired electro-mechanical field engineer. I started out as a machinist and motorcycle mechanic, got a degree and worked in the printing and publishing industry most of my career. I split my time between South Florida and North Carolina, which is my preferred riding location. Currently I’m riding my 74 Norton Commando, 2002 Triumph Trophy 1200 and my recently purchased 2007 MG Breva 1100. I
(https://i.ibb.co/DV5dyLt/5-A3-FEA81-208-A-43-F6-992-C-93176728-F458.jpg) (https://ibb.co/DV5dyLt)

(https://i.ibb.co/KjwcMtR/67684300-D770-4-E6-A-99-C9-20531-DE9444-C.jpg) (https://ibb.co/KjwcMtR)

(https://i.ibb.co/VJ26M8x/D0-A63402-E661-4229-81-A9-23-FFEB930-A34.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VJ26M8x)
had a V10 Centuro a few years ago but found it a bit high-strung for my taste. Anyway, I’m glad to be here and look forward to learning and sharing with you all!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: al_roethlisberger on March 09, 2023, 09:17:05 PM
Hi all,

Long-time Guzzi owner, off-an-on rider over the last 20+ years...

I started my Guzzi journey back in Northern California where I picked up my 2002 V11 Lemans new, and then moved out to North Carolina in the mid-2000s, where we are today.

I thought I had already been a member here sometimes in the ages ago, but I guess not!   :wink:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dave Swanson on March 09, 2023, 09:30:46 PM
Hi all,

Long-time Guzzi owner, off-an-on rider over the last 20+ years...

I started my Guzzi journey back in Northern California where I picked up my 2002 V11 Lemans new, and then moved out to North Carolina in the mid-2000s, where we are today.

I thought I had already been a member here sometimes in the ages ago, but I guess not!   :wink:


Welcome back Al.  And good luck with that Cali Vintage.  It looks like a good one. 

If you were inactive for a long time your old profile probably was caught up in a housecleaning. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Papa Lazarou on March 16, 2023, 11:31:57 AM
New here and thanks for letting me in.

I've recently downsized from a Griso 1200SE to a 750Viii, which I'm hoping I won't regret too much. Why the change? Because I'm old and needed something lighter. Trying to find a workshop manual link for it but the ones I can find seem to have expired.

The little V7 is quite revvy for a Guzzi. Reminds me a bit of a Morini 3 1/2 I had.

Had a few Guzzis over the years-a couple of 850T3s, a T3 Cali, a Spada, plus the Griso and now the V7. I was on the Griso Ghetto before this. Still on ST.Org. Used to be on STN.

I'm in the UK. Used to work in forensic mental health; now retired.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on March 16, 2023, 06:02:09 PM
Welcome, know the handle from the Ghetto. Last V7III I saw was 21 book. That would be the 850.
Otherwise it's 2017 Anniversary model.  I go here----------------

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Papa Lazarou on March 17, 2023, 02:18:29 AM
Welcome, know the handle from the Ghetto. Last V7III I saw was 21 book. That would be the 850.
Otherwise it's 2017 Anniversary model.  I go here----------------


Many thanks Steve. I've also found a V7iii specific workshop manual in English, if there's anywhere to upload it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nursed on March 19, 2023, 06:07:14 PM
54 years old
Emergency Room Nurse
Washington state
This is my 10th motorcycle -- but my first Guzzi. A 2017 V7 Special with just 959 miles on it.

(https://i.ibb.co/mv2qjvN/MGcoveredbridge.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mv2qjvN)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MAXiDROME on March 20, 2023, 07:32:32 AM
Hi all!
I'm Max, 43 years old, from Yekaterinburg, Russia
This is my first Guzzi, my friend from Switzerland gave it to me 3 years ago, and last autumn I rode it home.
(https://i.ibb.co/rs3b9dD/IMG-6901.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rs3b9dD)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mechatoine on March 28, 2023, 12:03:50 PM
G'day all!
I'm Antoine, 35 yo, Frenchie living in the USA since 2009.
Mechanical engineer by education, I work as engineering manager for an industrial machinery OEM.
I live in the Chattanooga, TN area since 2011.
I remember while growing up in France seeing a documentary about Moto Guzzi, this would have been around 2005-ish. It stuck with me for all these year.
Fast forward 15-20 years and I purchased my first Guzzi - a 2018 V7 III Rough. I absolutely LOVED this bike. Because of circumstances (divorce) I had to sell it and stay away from bike for a little time.
But I finally managed to get back on one last week, a 2014 California 1400 touring. I couldn't be happier, and looking forward to many adventures on my trusty Guzzi.

(https://i.ibb.co/swgQmx4/IMG-8893.jpg) (https://ibb.co/swgQmx4)

image hosting free (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grounded45 on April 01, 2023, 10:28:41 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/fnqYPMT/thumbnail.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fnqYPMT)
My name is Laurent ,55 years old, tattooist , living in Paris ,France (Europe)
'got a 1983 Le Mans III , kinda stock except a Mistral complete exhaust line and a few things , and another Le Mans 3 , the grey one ,completely stripped now ,that i'm currently rebuilding with spices inside.
(https://i.ibb.co/82F3tN1/thumbnail-IMG-5057.jpg) (https://ibb.co/82F3tN1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MtnAir on April 03, 2023, 01:23:32 PM
Hello from Colorado's Front Range.  Girlfriend and I are longtime riders, last month we decided to add a couple modern airheads to the garage.  Picked up these '22 v7 850 Specials.  Mine's the blue one.

(https://i.ibb.co/482mf6K/Two-Guzzis.jpg) (https://ibb.co/482mf6K)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MerleLowe on April 18, 2023, 07:14:52 AM
Hello all!
My name is Matt (not Merle as my handle might suggest)
First-time Guzzi owner in north west Georgia, USA
Work in software support
Old enough to know better
After decades of eyeballing Guzzis, bought a V85TT in Nov 22.
Prefer to work on my own bikes which seems to be common with Guzzi owners.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on April 18, 2023, 10:09:30 AM
Welcome from Auburn, GA way over in Barrow Co. I used to work in Dahlonega at the Hill.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: splicer on May 07, 2023, 07:47:04 PM
Hi folks, I'm new here (again). Steve aka Splicer. I remember some old faces and names from when I was (semi-) active here years ago. I used to be in the SF Bay Area (San Francisco and Alameda) where I had an '04 Stone and later an '04 Nero Corsa. Now I'm in upstate New York near Albany/Troy and I haven't had a Guzzi in about ten years. But I'm back with a silver '08 Norge!

Riding Northern CA is really how I made it my home. My plan, now that I'm in upstate NY, is to do the same here. I swear I've felt incomplete without a Guzzi. It's good to be back in the saddle.

(https://i.ibb.co/4K46mbQ/IMG-4489.jpg) (https://ibb.co/4K46mbQ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dane Hellyer on May 19, 2023, 12:58:33 AM
Good Morning All from South Africa

My Name Is Dane, I am 35 years old, I have been around and involved and riding motorcycles since the age of 2.
Racing was a big part of my life and for that, I studied mechanical engineering.
Iv been specializing in Italian bikes for some time now and worked internationally.
For the last couple of years. I have been running the workshop for Aprilia and Motoguzzi South Africa but due to internal issues I have found myself back with Ducati South Africa but with my own customer database from Motoguzzi and Aprilia.
I have since purchased my own Lonelec tools and trying to establish myself and support my customers.
I don't own my own Guzzi unfortunately, but I find it very rewarding to see my customers happy with my work. 

Thank you

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 19, 2023, 07:41:13 AM
Welcome Dane, I'm about done with my wrenching on others bikes at 70yrs old.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Zeekster on May 19, 2023, 11:36:32 AM
Well hello everyone, I'm the new owner of a 2018 V7 III carbon (dark). My first MG. I'm an older rider(65yrs on two)just about to turn the big eight 0. love the bike#00051 but...it rides like a tractor,any thing I can do for this? thanks in advance. Zeek :bike-037: :popcorn:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on May 19, 2023, 02:04:22 PM
Well hello everyone, I'm the new owner of a 2018 V7 III carbon (dark). My first MG. I'm an older rider(65yrs on two)just about to turn the big eight 0. love the bike#00051 but...it rides like a tractor,any thing I can do for this? thanks in advance. Zeek :bike-037: :popcorn:

Welcome Zeek!

I can't give you any tiips on making the V7 III ride more smoothly except for you to wear a lumbar support belt and avoid potholes & big bumps!   :grin:

On the other hand, you're my hero just based on your age!  I just turned 78 and my back & hips have started to limit my riding somewhat - the product of both a somewhat hard life at times plus poor decisions during the periods that life wasn't being hard - LOL!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 19, 2023, 03:34:22 PM
If you don't want it to ride like a tractor keep rpm's above 3500, welcome from the junior age of 70.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Timber22 on May 22, 2023, 04:45:12 PM
Greetings!  My name is Mark.  I'm 62 and now (mostly) retired.  I'm from eastern Pennsylvania.
I have a 2022 V7 Stone and a 1980 V50.  I'm glad to be included here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mondo on May 30, 2023, 06:41:34 PM
Greg Kane (Mondo) here. Old retired fart currently on an FJ-09 with many years on ST1300’s. I am about to pull the trigger on a V85 TT for numerous reasons and found this group to assist with any questions, farkles, etc.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nobade on May 31, 2023, 06:41:28 AM
Andy Overstreet, Union WV. Been Guzzi curious for years, now it's time to start getting serious about it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 31, 2023, 10:14:25 AM
Greg Kane (Mondo) here. Old retired fart currently on an FJ-09 with many years on ST1300’s. I am about to pull the trigger on a V85 TT for numerous reasons and found this group to assist with any questions, farkles, etc.

Ha, Ha, I grew up in St. Charles . Hot Rod cars running from the police. Back & forth from Rex's to McDonalds.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ted Bell on June 04, 2023, 05:01:52 PM
Hello.  Ted here.  I'm a 54 year old District Attorney in western North Carolina.  I'm what I believe is referred to as a returning rider.  Had dirt bikes growing up, then a 250 Kawasaki Ninja when I was 19 which was traded in on a '89 or so 750 Ninja after about a year.  Rode that for a while but sold it when I was sent to Korea in the Army.  never got another bike and was out of motorcycling for many, many years until I became friends a handfull of years ago a guy who was hardcore into bikes and raced.  Looking back on it, I'm amazed I survived those Ninja years- no protective gear except a helmet - shorts, t-shirts, and sneakers.  A year or so ago I bought his '81 Yamaha XS 650 (which my wife was not that supportive of).  He and I rebuilt it and modded into a cafe racer.  Many hours of wrenching, kick start only, rear sets, and clip ons.  Funny how my re-entry bike is about 20 years older than my last bike all those years ago.  I have discovered that I still enjoy curvy roads, but at mild speeds.  However, while my XS looks awesome and is fun in curves, it's not that good for for straight roads - the riding position gets painful after a few miles.  I keep my eye out for something that would be a better fit for my current riding desires: pokey, relaxing, and comfortable.  New doesn't appeal to me - I find myself gravitating to older, dare we say antique or classic, bikes, and I find working on them just as enjoyable as riding.  I saw a '72 Ambassador 750 on Bring a Trailer a couple of weeks ago (sold on 5/21) that was exactly what I was looking for.  I loved the style, and the look of that particular bike (down to the brown leather seat), and while I've never sat on one, the ridiing position looked like exactly the thing I was wanting.  Plus, I loved the 'antiqueness' of the thing. 


However, the wife was not at all in favor of buying another bike ( i.e. she was dead set against it) so I missed out.  And ever since then I have deeply regretted not buying it.  I'm pretty sure my regret is lasting longer than my wife's anger would have, so I have been kicking myself big time for not going ahead on it.  But, it did convince me that an older Moto Guzzi is what I'm wanting, so I figured I would lurk on here for the time being, and maybe, just maybe, I will eventually find a similar bike available or, ideally, that bike being re-sold.  So, here I am.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on June 04, 2023, 10:26:04 PM
I saw a '72 Ambassador 750 on Bring a Trailer a couple of weeks ago (sold on 5/21) that was exactly what I was looking for.  I loved the style, and the look of that particular bike (down to the brown leather seat), and while I've never sat on one, the ridiing position looked like exactly the thing I was wanting.  Plus, I loved the 'antiqueness' of the thing. 


However, the wife was not at all in favor of buying another bike ( i.e. she was dead set against it) so I missed out.  And ever since then I have deeply regretted not buying it.  I'm pretty sure my regret is lasting longer than my wife's anger would have, so I have been kicking myself big time for not going ahead on it.  But, it did convince me that an older Moto Guzzi is what I'm wanting, so I figured I would lurk on here for the time being, and maybe, just maybe, I will eventually find a similar bike available or, ideally, that bike being re-sold.  So, here I am.

I think that you can consider yourself lucky that you "missed out" on the BaT Ambassador.  Most of the items on BaT are bid considerably above what you can find elsewhere in the same or better condition if you keep looking.  Ambassadors or Eldorado 850s aren't rare and there are many around that are in good condition and won't need any more work to get them fully sorted out than some of the "fully restored" bikes sold on BaT.  I'd recommend finding out who the local old Guzzi "gurus" are within a reasonable distance from where you live & just call or email them to let them know you're in the market and see if they know of any good ones for sale.  Apparently, a good percentage of the ones for sale change hands by word-of-mouth rather than public listings.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ted Bell on June 08, 2023, 09:48:49 AM
I think that you can consider yourself lucky that you "missed out" on the BaT Ambassador.  Most of the items on BaT are bid considerably above what you can find elsewhere in the same or better condition if you keep looking.  Ambassadors or Eldorado 850s aren't rare and there are many around that are in good condition and won't need any more work to get them fully sorted out than some of the "fully restored" bikes sold on BaT.  I'd recommend finding out who the local old Guzzi "gurus" are within a reasonable distance from where you live & just call or email them to let them know you're in the market and see if they know of any good ones for sale.  Apparently, a good percentage of the ones for sale change hands by word-of-mouth rather than public listings.

Thank you for the info.  I hadn't thought about looking for local Guzzi owners - excellent idea.  Thank you!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GmaninAZ on June 12, 2023, 10:43:39 PM
71 yr/young this July, retired, first Guzzi, but many other bikes. Been riding since about 14 yr/young.

2023 V100S Verde with 300 miles now, and a coolant leak. I have a short video of where mine is leaking from; it is at the large lower (I believe) hose connected to an aluminum tube with a smaller tube branching off and behind it. How do I find the posts here on this issue, and share my video  please? I love the bike but this looks like the clamp is not tight enough, and is very dissapointing.
I also have a neutral safety switch issue. When I shut the bike off after a ride it is in neutral. When I come back to re-start, or after sitting overnight upon turning the key to ignition, the gear indicator will show 2 gear and will not start, even though it is in neutral I have to engage first gear and roll the bike either forward or backward and hear a slight click and N will show in the dash enabeling  a start.

Thank you Gary

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LooseClutch on June 16, 2023, 08:16:12 AM
71 yr/young this July, retired, first Guzzi, but many other bikes. Been riding since about 14 yr/young.

2023 V100S Verde with 300 miles now, and a coolant leak. I have a short video of where mine is leaking from; it is at the large lower (I believe) hose connected to an aluminum tube with a smaller tube branching off and behind it. How do I find the posts here on this issue, and share my video  please? I love the bike but this looks like the clamp is not tight enough, and is very dissapointing.
I also have a neutral safety switch issue. When I shut the bike off after a ride it is in neutral. When I come back to re-start, or after sitting overnight upon turning the key to ignition, the gear indicator will show 2 gear and will not start, even though it is in neutral I have to engage first gear and roll the bike either forward or backward and hear a slight click and N will show in the dash enabeling  a start.

Thank you Gary

Hey Gary! I'd say welcome to the forum but I'm new too.
I travel to Tempe half a dozen times a year. If you're interested in a meet up, send me a private message.
I've considered renting a motorcycle while there. I've considered going up to the Canyon but figured that maybe too ambitious. Might be better to try some local routes early in the morning, if you have any suggestions?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LooseClutch on June 16, 2023, 08:25:18 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm 33 years old and from Portugal.

Bought my first bike (2021 V7 Stone Special) last year.

I'm looking into expanding my Guzzi knowledge and also into getting some advice from more senior members regarding mechanical issues.

Nice! I'm just bought my first MG last year, a '22 V7 850 Stone. You've got great taste!  :thumb:
Title: Introduce yourself to the group!
Post by: LooseClutch on June 16, 2023, 08:59:19 AM
I'm back riding again for the first time in over 20 years, riding a '22 V7 850 Stone.

A perfect day for me is coffee with a nice breakfast, 100-150 mile ride, spinning a record on the turntable, and relaxing outside in the evening. It's been an amazing return, logging over 4k miles so far.

Glad to be here in the forums, I hope to contribute quality content and support the community. 

I'm in my 40s, living in the States. I've also joined MGNOC, the AMA, and another Guzzi forum (don't tell the moderators here). MGNOC published an "article" I wrote for them called "Start Something Old" that has more details about my return to riding, I think it's page 12 in the March issue?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dee_DV on June 19, 2023, 10:06:33 AM
Hi Everyone,

Dieter, from Belgium, born in 1975.

2019 Moto Guzzi V7 Special iii
1973 Moto Guzzi V7 G50 GT
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Daniel Lucas on June 19, 2023, 08:42:43 PM
Just got signed up here. Daniel Lucas from Iowa. Retired engineering technician. Recently purchased 1975 850T from my uncle. 6800 miles and runs like a top but could use some work
(https://i.ibb.co/LZTd0BH/20230616-122046.jpg) (https://ibb.co/LZTd0BH)
. What I know about Moto Guzzis wouldn't fill up a shot glass. So much to learn.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on June 20, 2023, 09:19:53 AM
Welcome, keep an eye on the chrome bores of cylinders for bubbles & flaking off of chrome. Moisture gets under the chrome from sitting. There is a good rally in Elkader, IA. Check out MGNOC, the Guzzi club here in USA.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jumpmaster on June 20, 2023, 11:14:55 AM
Welcome, keep an eye on the chrome bores of cylinders for bubbles & flaking off of chrome. Moisture gets under the chrome from sitting. There is a good rally in Elkader, IA. Check out MGNOC, the Guzzi club here in USA.

Also, "This Old Tractor" which is accessible online, and the book "Guzziology" should both become your new best friends for awhile as you ease into the old Guzzi world.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: faffi on June 24, 2023, 12:30:23 PM
I'm from Norway, been riding since 1980, and own my second 850 Guzzi. The first, an Eldorado from 1972, was a project never finished, and the current is an absolutely mint V9 Roamer that I bought with only 4211 km (2616 mi) on the dial, and two weeks later the odo reads 6161 km (3828 mi).


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: LooseClutch on June 28, 2023, 12:10:03 PM
Just got signed up here. Daniel Lucas from Iowa. Retired engineering technician. Recently purchased 1975 850T from my uncle. 6800 miles and runs like a top but could use some work
(https://i.ibb.co/LZTd0BH/20230616-122046.jpg) (https://ibb.co/LZTd0BH)
. What I know about Moto Guzzis wouldn't fill up a shot glass. So much to learn.

Hio, I'm from Ohio. Practically neighbors!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Arkyinny on July 07, 2023, 08:44:09 PM
Hi Y'all,

As my tag implies, I'm an Arkie stuck in NY. Been here since Christmas '72, so not much prospects of moving out to be seen!`I'm 76 years old, a retired network engineer. My interests are motorcycles, of course, and running.

I just traded my Triumph Trophy SE for a '22 V85 TT Guardia D’onore; I've put a couple hundred miles on it so far, and I'm really loving it. I also have an '82 Honda Nighthawk project bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Grrant1058 on July 11, 2023, 04:25:52 PM
Hi, this is Ron Grant from Brisbane Australia. Retired motorcycle apparel manager, 64 yo and married. On my third Guzzi being a 2019 V85TT.
(https://i.ibb.co/rw6LK7m/Urban.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rw6LK7m)

image uploader (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Fredbj on July 19, 2023, 08:33:32 AM
Hello there

Frederik from Denmark.
I got my first Guzzi 10 years ago. The old Stornello Sport was replaced by a SP1000. My all time dream-guzzi has always been the V7(00).
I got the chance to trade one 3 years ago.

Love most vintage bikes and cars.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: rex007can on July 21, 2023, 02:33:32 PM
Hello everyone.
My name is Pat, and I'm an a... oh wait... wrong meeting.

I'm 56, my bike path has been BMR R80/7 --> 2001 Guzzi V11 Sport --> Tiger 955 --> Tiger 800 --> KTM 450EXC-F --> KTM 1190 Adv --> and now I'm just back from the dealership, having traded the KTM for a 2020 V85TT Adventure (in white and red)

Back into the Guzzi fold, so to speak.
I got into adv riding to challenge myself some, then I got into full enduro for a while, until I broke my ankle...in a trail, in the woods, by myself. I don't have an offroad riding buddy and it made me realize that riding alone in the middle of the woods may not have been the smartest idea... So...

The KTM1190 is an absolutely MAD bike to ride, with gobs of power... but it's... hmm... boring.
The V85TT's looks had me staring at them since they came out, and one was available at a close dealer, with the right price on it.

It's a bit of a gamble because I feel like I'm probably going to miss the horses... but... F it... that Guzzi sound has to be worth a shot again.

That is all...
Have a nice day.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zo1100 on July 24, 2023, 12:34:32 AM
I'm Zoltán from Cluj, Romania.
I work as an electrical/ hardware engineer and I just bought a Moto Guzzi California 1100 from 2001.

and I'm not young enough to think I know everything :)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on July 24, 2023, 08:42:47 AM
Welcome, nice bike & great attitude. I have a 98, same bike different ECU. Find it all you are looking for with the search.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lada73 on July 25, 2023, 08:32:43 AM
Thanks for letting me join this forum.
My name is Lars and i'm from from Denmark.
I have a California vintage 2006 that I love. It is my first Moto Guzzi.
Best Regards.
(https://i.ibb.co/7xDvd25/20230627-122335n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/7xDvd25)

(https://i.ibb.co/68zSsZy/20230627-115002n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/68zSsZy)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: dumbquestion on July 26, 2023, 12:40:02 PM
Nate, Educator, California - central valley.  Just bought my first Moto Guzzi; a 2022 v85 Travel.  Coming from a long history of 1100cc cruisers, it's a lovely switch. I'm digging it so far.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MCR on August 02, 2023, 01:40:17 PM
I'm Michele from Turin Italy, 54. I'm an electronic designer of ECU.
I bought last november a Norge 1200 8V of 2015 (but build in 2011) rollerized by me.
I came from 13 years lived with a fantastic Aprilia Caponord 1000 ABS destroyed in a crash one year ago.
Now I' m riding my first Guzzi and then discovered this forum very interesting.
Pride to be part of this group :weiner:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nick P on August 04, 2023, 06:51:41 PM
Hey everyone.

Nick Pender. Age 26, Painter by trade. Located in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zoltm on August 07, 2023, 02:13:37 PM
Hello my name is Vitaly i am from Ukraine Kyiv, my work reflash ecu, srs, immo.
I have kess galetto v54 ktag abrites piasini x100pro orange vvdi mini vvdi prog and others.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: csteiner on August 07, 2023, 03:17:09 PM
Hello everyone

Christoph Steiner, 64 from Switzerland. Last year I bought my first Moto Guzzi, a 2006 Breva 1100 (14'000 km).

(https://i.ibb.co/wWY5DcD/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wWY5DcD)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jerry-Jay on August 13, 2023, 09:31:44 AM
Jerry here. I sold my Indian Chieftain last spring so I could purchase a new Toyota RAV4 for the wife.. Angry with myself for doing so. After a year without a motorcycle, I really need to ride. I decide that I really don't need a bagger anymore. I think the MG V7 or V9 look pretty dam good. Just need to decide on which one.

My previous rides: 2004 HD Sportster, 2004 Victory Kingpin and a 2014 Indian Chieftain.

I am 59. A fisher, photographer,MC rider
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BuckyMoto on August 13, 2023, 03:01:26 PM

From Northern Ireland

V85TT owner - 1st Guzzi I've ever owned.

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@buckymoto1784/videos

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bucky_moto/

(https://i.ibb.co/W5DqtV2/2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/W5DqtV2)

(https://i.ibb.co/RYY2mxk/3.jpg) (https://ibb.co/RYY2mxk)

(https://i.ibb.co/wwCMVJd/12.jpg) (https://ibb.co/wwCMVJd)

(https://i.ibb.co/LZD0ty1/8.jpg) (https://ibb.co/LZD0ty1)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: briang on August 15, 2023, 02:55:40 PM
Greetings again!
Having enjoyed my experiences with a number of V11 models by Moto Guzzi, I have decided to become somewhat more adventuresome and venture into the world of the V10 version.

In this regard I have recently acquired a 1998 Centauro from an older collector, which has very low mileage to date.  Something on the order of 7000 miles.

Having seen such limited use, this particular motorcycle has likely not seen any of the usual modifications that have been designed to address the characteristic concerns of the original V10 design.

Although there is much information written about these various issues, I have been unable to find a comprehensive list of these issues and their fixes.  Also I can find very little in the way of tutorial or instruction on the modification processes.  Surprisingly, I cannot find even one YouTube presentation on the V10 engine and its usual mods.

Can someone point me to a good resource from which I can start my Moto Guzzi V10 education?

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on August 16, 2023, 08:51:19 AM
Welcome, Centy's are sweet. Tech's at most shops don't do tutorials on media BS. Not much out there.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SgnDen on August 16, 2023, 10:02:14 PM
Hello from Boulder, Colorado, USA.

After having owned many bikes of several brands over the past 30+ years, I'll have my first Moto Guzzi delivered sometime this weekend (hopefully). It's a 2018 Audace Carbon with ~900 miles on 'er.  Looking foward to all there is to come. I currently have a 2020 BMW R1250GS Adventure and just sold my 2006 Honda Goldwing. I try to keep it down to no more than a couple of bikes at a time.

(https://i.ibb.co/bKtCDHF/2018-Moto-Guzzi-Audace.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bKtCDHF)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GmaninAZ on August 20, 2023, 10:08:01 PM
Forgot to introduce myself over the last two months or so. So hello, V100S Verde.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zoeraphaela on August 23, 2023, 06:50:01 PM
Zoe, Pacific Northwest USA, 2017 V7 III Stone.

It wasn't what I thought I would get for a first bike, but after no luck finding the "perfect" hand-me-down starter bike, well...
It's absolutely amazing and I love it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Checkswrecks on August 24, 2023, 10:23:59 AM
About to buy a V85TT Centenario with boxes in Maryland so doing a lot of learning here.
Forum name Checkswrecks is because I'm a semi-retired major aircraft accident investigator (NTSB) and life-long mechanic. Also am still a moderator at the Yamaha Super Tenere forum.
Thanks all,
Title: Deena from South Africa
Post by: dena@xsinet.co.za on August 24, 2023, 12:54:20 PM
Deena here from Durban, South Africa. Glad to be here. I have a 1981 V50 ll. Ongoing project. I am a semi-retired piping designer and former time-served mechanical fitter for the petrochemical oil & gas industry. Other bikes:- 1960 Triumph 5TA-Speed Twin; 1983 Z550F and 2011 CB1000R.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bruno Villaret on August 29, 2023, 10:28:20 AM
Bruno...living in Italy....not too far from the Guzzi factory in Mandello del Lario. I never thought I would ride a Guzzi...until today. Starting my own 850T3 restoration and will need a LOT of your help.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Orazio_Salvo on August 30, 2023, 02:16:48 AM
Hello to every one, I'm Orazio an  happy owner of a nevada 750. I joined the forum also because I'm passionate about ecu mapping and I use guzzidiag to work my other bike: ducati hypermotard 2013
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Adam on September 04, 2023, 05:49:50 PM
Adam from Oregon. Looking to get into the adventure riding mode as I near retirement and retire my commuter 2011 KLR650 bike.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lcvier on September 05, 2023, 10:02:49 AM
free lance photographer
'12 V7 Stone
Rotterdam (NL)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vinmar9 on September 06, 2023, 07:47:54 PM
My name is Vince, I live in California and I'm a new owner of a 1951 Airone Sport. Doing a google search I don't see many with the full fender in the rear like my bike. Can anyone verify they are correct?  I have all the original paperwork and title for the bike. I inherited thd bike from my Uncle as well as a 1954 Triumph Terrier

(https://i.ibb.co/7YMYqFH/IMG-1976.jpg) (https://ibb.co/7YMYqFH)

(https://i.ibb.co/vXCn3Sd/IMG-1977.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vXCn3Sd)

make image png online (https://imgbb.com/)

(https://i.ibb.co/60M1nXq/IMG-1975.jpg) (https://ibb.co/60M1nXq)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: parker.evan on September 09, 2023, 12:51:40 AM
Hi there! My name is Evan. I live in Central Coast region of California, near San Luis Obispo, and am 34. I work mostly retail, some defense contractor work, and am planning on joining the coast guard now that the age limit was raised...

Anyway, I just purchased two Moto Guzzis - a red 2000 Quota 1100 ES and a 2021 V9 Bobber Centennario! I'm having a little trouble with the old one, mainly dealing with the consequences of an overfilled transmission and gearbox, and a leaking muffler seal... But I am thrilled to own these wonderful machines and have utilized this forum recently to great effect!

Thank you for reading

(https://i.ibb.co/sy1sLpX/PXL-20230825-162700058-MP.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sy1sLpX)

(https://i.ibb.co/4K1DkVW/PXL-20230804-012444640.jpg) (https://ibb.co/4K1DkVW)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zrexrich on September 12, 2023, 07:56:40 PM
age 54
Washougal, WA

Recently purchased my first Moto Guzzi, a 09' Norge.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Avisbabes on September 27, 2023, 04:36:21 AM
Glad to be inducted as a member of this proud community
(https://i.ibb.co/kJhXqr0/PXL-20230607-113455822.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kJhXqr0)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vtduc on September 29, 2023, 07:55:59 AM
Hi All,

New to the group....
Dave (aka vtduc)
Age 64
Location Vermont, USA
Bike 1982 1000 SP NT
(Cagiva Gran Canyon, Ducati Elefant 900, Aprilia Futura)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GmaninAZ on October 01, 2023, 02:26:44 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/YR0j3XD/IMG-3639.jpg) (https://ibb.co/YR0j3XD)

(https://i.ibb.co/jHrYWVY/IMG-3642.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jHrYWVY)

(https://i.ibb.co/njfvMrG/05-26-2023.jpg) (https://ibb.co/njfvMrG)
Gary, Phoenix, AZ

I forgot to introduce myself, so here it is:

My first Guzzi, V100S Verde

1966 BSA Lightning
'71 Suzuki TS250R
'74 CZ 250 Enduro
'79 XLCH
'86 VFR
'92 CBR 600 F2
'96 GSXR 750
2000 RC51
'04 ZX10R
'05 Victory Hammer
'07 Victory Kingpin
'09 FLHX
'23 V100S
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: steviesea on October 03, 2023, 02:25:21 PM
Stephen, 57, living in the Wild West of Kerry in Ireland.

My first Guzzi is a 2021 V7 850 Stone, I've wanted one for a long long time, ever since I rode a friend's Le Mans Mk II.

Very happy with it, I'm coming off a high-mileage FJR and the change of pace is welcome.

I put Angel GTs on, that made a big difference to comfort and confidence. Suspension front and rear is next. After that brakes, pipes, a map...

Meanwhile I'm just enjoying it.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bmw111 on October 06, 2023, 12:38:04 PM
Bill in New England. First Moto Guzzi after almost 30 motorcycles. 2017 V7 III Stone with 2019 Stripes/Sketch Kit. Enjoying the bike immensely.

(https://i.ibb.co/vcxBYMv/IMG-7950-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vcxBYMv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MakoGuzzi on October 06, 2023, 09:07:51 PM
Hello All! I am Zac from the hills of Connecticut, my Guzzi is a '99 Bassa with ~7800mi. This is my first guzzi, and second bike overall. Going from a TW200 farm bike to the Italian thoroughbred was night and day!
I would like to thank you all for the wealth of knowledge in the forum. Has made learning the new bike a much easier process.
(https://i.ibb.co/b3bkfJQ/373038330-681476373502790-8244153114720450365-n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/b3bkfJQ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Lorelai on October 10, 2023, 05:23:52 AM
Hello from Northern Colorado, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, one of the most beautiful places to ride.

This my first motorcycle, a 2013 v7 Stone.
I just inherited/purchased it in June, took the MSF, and got my endorsement in July.
I've since put about 2,300 miles on it.
The bike was well taken care of and loved by the previous owner, and she's been the perfect first for me.
I've replaced the rear brake pads, and I am learning my own maintenance and repair, by researching forums like this one, watching YouTube videos, and from a relative that's wrenched on and ridden motorcycles forever.
(He heartily approves of my Guzzi)

I've ridden on the back of quite a few motorcycles, over the years, but riding my own is a whole new experience, that I can't believe I didn't do before,
and now it's all I want to do, every day.

(https://i.ibb.co/Gx98Ln9/20230917-160221.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Gx98Ln9)

(https://i.ibb.co/1Md807Q/20231005-190735.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1Md807Q)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motor-sheep on October 13, 2023, 06:09:09 AM

Hello everyone,

CB750 , then Moto Guzzi V7 iii driver. 365 days a year. As long as it's not slippery on the road, I drive and go!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Ryan on October 16, 2023, 12:52:17 AM
Hello from Northern Colorado, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, one of the most beautiful places to ride.

This my first motorcycle, a 2013 v7 Stone.
I just inherited/purchased it in June, took the MSF, and got my endorsement in July.
I've since put about 2,300 miles on it.
The bike was well taken care of and loved by the previous owner, and she's been the perfect first for me.
I've replaced the rear brake pads, and I am learning my own maintenance and repair, by researching forums like this one, watching YouTube videos, and from a relative that's wrenched on and ridden motorcycles forever.
(He heartily approves of my Guzzi)

I've ridden on the back of quite a few motorcycles, over the years, but riding my own is a whole new experience, that I can't believe I didn't do before,
and now it's all I want to do, every day.

(https://i.ibb.co/Gx98Ln9/20230917-160221.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Gx98Ln9)

(https://i.ibb.co/1Md807Q/20231005-190735.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1Md807Q)

Welcome. It is a drug, and once you are hooked, well, there is no step program to save you.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Howardhughes on October 19, 2023, 06:50:03 AM
Bruce in Charlotte NC, First MG, a 2013 v7 stone, returning to riding after 30+ years break ( practice skills needed). A lot I need to get up to speed on. Thanks for  the  web site. OH BTW Where can I find a PRINTED manual for  my 2013 V7.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stevoreno on October 19, 2023, 07:47:28 AM
Steve 58 Murfreesboro
(https://i.ibb.co/sb10JZL/20231014-114130.jpg) (https://ibb.co/sb10JZL)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on October 19, 2023, 09:07:58 AM
Bruce in Charlotte NC, First MG, a 2013 v7 stone, returning to riding after 30+ years break ( practice skills needed). A lot I need to get up to speed on. Thanks for  the  web site. OH BTW Where can I find a PRINTED manual for  my 2013 V7.
Welcome, don't know if MG still makes hard copies but you can print your own from a PDF file.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mazzeratzi on October 19, 2023, 10:04:30 AM
Hello Everyone!

Bay Area California rider new to the group.
I have had a few Guzzis over the course of the years (LeMans I and III). I currently own a 2020 V85TT and I just picked up my first loop frame. A 1970 Ambassador in great original condition. Needs a few minor things but I'm loving the bike so far.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RadarVector on October 19, 2023, 10:24:01 PM
Hello, I just joined the forum. I've owned several Guzzi's in the past, just bought a red base V100. I feel the hand of Aprilia all over this bike and I'm loving it. Hoping for a very mild winter! Ciao.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: s151669 on October 23, 2023, 08:54:45 AM
Hello everyone.
Jyrki Saarela, 48, Code Monkey, Tampere, Finland

Not yet(?) a Guzzi owner but toying on the idea.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: midnite4sound on October 31, 2023, 01:04:07 PM
 Greetings everyone,
So happy to be here in good company.

Billy Britt
Virginia native
Production Sound Mixer
Sound Designer

2007 Moto Guzzi Norge 1200
2003 Honda VTX 1800
2023 KLR 650

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: midnite4sound on October 31, 2023, 01:09:04 PM

So happy to be here in good company.

Billy Britt
Virginia native
Production Sound Mixer
Sound Designer

2007 Moto Guzzi Norge 1200
2003 Honda VTX 1800
2023 KLR 650

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ironborn65 on November 06, 2023, 06:58:03 AM
Hi everyone,

thanks for accepting my membership, I'm glad to be here.
A few words about me:
I'm Italian
I own a MG T3, Cali II, Cali III and V7 Centenario 2021 and ... a Honda Four CB 750 K2, ah ... and a Vespa 125 VNBT.
I can do some restoration and mechanical repair but I'm learning while doing and I need the support and consultancy of a friend who is an active member here in this community  :grin:
I love to exit from my comfort zone even if it brings some challenges and risks, this apply for my job (IT) as well as for my passions like DIY, retro computing and vintage motorcycle restoration.

what else ... I did some road tour in the USA back in the 90s and in 2004/2005, now I love to go around the Alps that I can reach in less then an hour  :azn: Since I own the V7 I neglect the vintage ones ... my bad  :wink:

it's all by now

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rower30 on November 07, 2023, 02:07:28 PM
Hi everyone,

New MG V100S MANDELLO owner here. First Guzzi! I'll comment on it where appropriate.

Oxford, OH
Age 66 years
Semi-Retired, work part time for Blue Jeans Cable as the ICONOCLAST design Engineer.
Interests certainly include motorcycles.
Bikes owner in time prder as far back as I can recall;
'74 Kawasaki F11 250 Enduro (made one out of two for $300.00)
'74 MAICO 450 4 speed GP bike
'77 Yamaha RD400
'78 Suzuki DR370 thumper
'78 MAICO 250 motocrosser
'79 MAICO 250 motocrosser
'79 HOND CB750F
'81Yamaha IT175
'83 MAICO 250 motocrosser
'92 KTM 250DXC
'92 BMW R100RT
'23 MGuzzi V100S Mandello

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Shiny Hat on November 13, 2023, 03:45:46 PM
Hello all,
I live in NEPA (north east PA)
62 and retired, married 40 and counting.
I owned many bikes, enough that I would have to sit and think long and hard to remember all of them.
This is my first MG, 2003 California Stone. I really like this bike and hope it stays together (if it’s older, made of metal and needs love, it’s for me).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: WhipTease on November 13, 2023, 04:52:48 PM
Hi fellow Guzzi-ists!

Michelle from Massachusetts, USA.  Proud new owner of a brand new 2022 V85 TT!  Dad got me into Guzzis  :grin:

1981 Monza v50 (my first bike) - sold...miss her
2004 Breva 750 - will be for sale
2014 Honda Grom - stolen & totaled
2022 V85 TT...my bestie!

See y'all on the road!
(https://i.ibb.co/7zS4m6P/IMG-7772.jpg) (https://ibb.co/7zS4m6P)

(https://i.ibb.co/25PZ6GZ/Attachment.jpg) (https://ibb.co/25PZ6GZ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vagrant on November 14, 2023, 08:34:16 AM
Great dad!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: PRM on November 24, 2023, 10:57:42 AM
Hi guys,

Patrick Ross-Martin here, 25 male from Southwest England.

Currently on a motorcycle tour of the US. Unemployed/Living on the road
In DC at the moment, N Carolina next week and Florida the week after.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MG_rider on November 28, 2023, 12:00:32 PM
Al here.  '23 V100 Mandello S.

NW Oregon dirt home summer.
Baja Sur tierra casa winter (presently)
Started riding 1965
Riding/owner continuously since 1976
Many bikes past.

MG above
Honda 1100 Blackbird
Honda XR600 here in baja
Honda 230L town bike in baja
KTM 950A
Kawa Voyager xii
Suzuki GSXR750 track bike
Suzuki DR650
Triumph 955 Speed Triple
All run/ridden

9 years club road racing
16 years founding partner PSSR track days

Good times!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: plainjs on November 29, 2023, 05:38:20 PM
Hello all
Guzzi’s rule!

Born and raised Liverpool UK, lived in La La land the last 38 plus years, I know its been that long because thats the last time Oakland/Loss Angeles/Oakland/Lost Wages RAIDERS won anything!

74 LAPD Eldo
2017 Anniversario
Not sure which one is prettier, guess it doesn’t matter!!!

(https://i.ibb.co/qWxmmXp/IMG-1970.jpg) (https://ibb.co/qWxmmXp)

(https://i.ibb.co/NV1VBNk/IMG-3519.jpg) (https://ibb.co/NV1VBNk)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on November 30, 2023, 08:16:16 AM
I really, really like your V7. The Eldo isn't too shabby either.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SailorJack on December 08, 2023, 02:53:29 PM
Hello!!!!  Soon to be an new 2023 V85TT Adventure owner here in middle TN.  Meeting the dealer delivery driver tomorrow to pick my new ride.  Looking forward to many easy miles on the new Italian ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barnardini on December 11, 2023, 02:34:12 PM
Hello all,
Living in The Netherlands
Age 77
Guzzi Converts since 1987 1x 1975 and 1x 1976 sold
1x California 1100i converted to Convert
1x Ducati 860GTS 1976 first owner
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dieself on December 26, 2023, 01:18:38 PM
I'm 70
A Retired Electrician.
Married 24 years, three kids, four grandkids, and a dog.
I'm a member of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club.
I've been riding since I was 12 and I have never met a motorcycle I didn't like.
My favorite bikes are Harleys and Moto Guzzis. I recently put my Road King up for sale due to hands locking up and not being able to operate the clutch. So I recently bought a 1977 Convert. "I just want to ride man, I just want to ride!"
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Rob-Dog on December 27, 2023, 02:23:29 PM
Rob Ashton
Living in  Dunedin> Otago > New Zealand
Been working at sea as a Marine Engineer for abot 15 years > Presently Rig Mechanic
Riding a 78 G5 and Restoring  a 88 LM1000

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dandyw on December 27, 2023, 10:42:36 PM
Hi, I’m Dan Walkowski from Portland, Oregon. I’m a business broker in town by day and I tinker with cars and motorcycles as a hobby.
I have a 1968 Norton Commando and a 1980 BMW R100S Exclusive.
I do not own a Moto Guzzi yet, but would love to find a MkII Lemans to be the next caretaker of!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Saladin on December 28, 2023, 03:04:53 PM
Hi all.

Never owned a Guzzi , despite several episodes of lust over the years ( Sport 1100 / 1200 Sport / 1200 Griso ) and nearly pulling the trigger.

Just turned 50 and I'm looking for info / user reports on the V85tt series.  The seat position, fuel range , engine config and just the classy allrounder look mean that this could well be my next - final? - daily user.

Only trouble is, getting a demo ride in Melbourne, Australia is virtually impossible.  The store retailers have little apparent interest in Guzzi, it seems they took it on because they wanted the Aprilia range and Piaggio insisted all or nothing.  So they can sell me a bike, but I'd be buying figuratively blind.

Safe travels.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: stanogriso on December 30, 2023, 01:55:13 PM
Stano Duda
Connecticut, USA
Stelvio 2009
Griso 2013
Honda CBR110xx 2002
Jawa350 634 1979
Jawa 350 361 1969
Jawa 350 Californian 1974
CZ 125,CZ 175 
Jawa 210

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: barender on December 31, 2023, 10:40:14 AM
New member from Georgia and looking to buy a new V7 and was wondering on any thing to be aware of on reliability and maintenance. I am 75 and have 3 bikes now (2 Can Am Spyders and a Honda CTX700) and possibly replacing the CTX. The V7 looks like a possible replacement with a low seat height and reasonably low weight. Any input would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vagrant on January 01, 2024, 12:46:51 AM
The v7's are as solid as anything out there. Just a lot more fun!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: spiggs on January 01, 2024, 12:23:58 PM
Greetings.  I am the new owner of a 1980 Le Mans CX100.  This bike had been sitting for around 20 years partially disassembled in a garage just down the street from me.  One of those stories where a neighbor walked by and causally mentioned having their Dad's old motorcycle in the garage and if I knew anyone who would be interested in it.  Well I took a look and said yes I do know someone!  I always loved the look and sound of the Moto Guzzi Le Mans and am excited to have this project.  The prior owner was an engineer and obviously loved to modify his bikes which I don't mind but it will be a bit of a puzzle to get it back together.  I'll start another thread asking about some of the mods hoping others can share details and/or the wisdom(or not) behind them.

The Le Mans joins a BMW R65LS in my garage along with a Fiat X1/9. Toyota MR2, and various vacuum tube audio amplifiers.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moparnut72 on January 01, 2024, 12:42:43 PM
Nice collection!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: doniv on January 01, 2024, 01:28:46 PM
Hello, folks! Great to be here, and thrilled to be the proud owner of a '79 Tonti frame 1000 SP. She's not in great running condition but I'm keen on getting her to good health soon. I've got an '86 BMW R100 awaiting my attention as well, which my '21 Yamaha Tenere 700 has been sucking up of late. I've usually been on 2 wheels the last 25 years and use my T7 as my commuter as well. I love working on motorcycles and I'm looking forward to learning from the good folks here as I get my Guzzi back in great working condition. Wish you all a very happy new year with miles and miles of smiles!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bronzestar1 on January 02, 2024, 09:28:22 AM
Coming back to the Guzzi fold after several years of non-ownership.  I have a deposit down on a 2024 V7 Stone Corsa, and already ordered Stage 1 parts for it (Ago reverse cone mufflers, airbox lid elimination kit, UPMAP tuner).  Parts are already at the dealer, just waiting for the bike to arrive.  I've owned numerous Guzzis in the past (Eldo LAPD, V50, Jackal, V11, Sport 1100), so definitely wanted another air-cooled model.  Saw a pic of the Corsa and knew that was going to be my next Guzzi!  Hoping to take delivery of it this month...
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SandSquid on January 04, 2024, 08:33:20 AM
Hello from Seattle. I just bought my first Moto Guzzi, a '16 VII Stone with 3K miles, a couple weeks ago. I owned an Enfield Interceptor 650 for a few years before selling it earlier in 2023  to help fund a side-by-side purchase. I had every intention of buying another Interceptor when the time came, but saw a nice used Guzzi for sale and decided to give it a test ride - mostly just to scratch an itch. I fell in love with it mid-ride and went home with it. I was sold. Now I'm looking forward to adding some simple, tasteful mods to personalize it a bit before the riding season hits here.

Looking forward to learning all about this bike!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vagrant on January 04, 2024, 11:30:04 AM
This is the place to ask your muffler ? You just might find a good set of used slip ons in the classifieds here or by asking. They don't fit the newer v7's.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DistriroF on January 08, 2024, 11:55:59 AM

 Hi.  I am Manuel, 65 yo retired now for 10 years.
 Full time rider until six weeks ago when me and my first Guzzi, a ten month old Mandello S, were punted by an old, confused lady in an SUV.  The bike is currently in Intensive Care but will make it.

Have been through Brigg & Stratton :), Bultaco, Honda, Yamaha, Ducati, Triumph,, and several BMW and now very exited to own a Moto Guzzi, now here to listen to expert advice.

I currently reside in Arizona with great riding roads in and around the state.  This is the third state in the fifth country.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Cmando on January 15, 2024, 05:12:04 PM
Chris, 61 years young. Restoring Lario 650. Other bikes BMW R1100RS. Sailing, camping, cycling.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: vindex1963 on January 27, 2024, 04:55:56 PM
Here I am with my new to me 1975 850T I'm picking up tomorrow.
(https://i.ibb.co/z8N3Wbn/411491368-25360742073540022-6626117954486761563-n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/z8N3Wbn)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Carl Wyatt on January 28, 2024, 01:30:26 AM
Hello all,

I've just joined this forum but have been a Guzzi rider since 2014, I currently own a 2022 V7 Stone and have also opened two other small block Guzzi's and well as various Cagivas, Hondas, KTMs and Triumphs.

I'm 36, live in the UK and mostly ride for recreation.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: timk on February 16, 2024, 08:08:23 AM
hello all.  i am new here.  im in the market for another bike and have had my eye on a 2016 eldo.  never had a guzzi before but i rode a friends back in the 90s when i was on a bonneville.  these days i ride a ducati urban enduro cafe bike but would like a cruiser.  this is gonna seem odd but i am torn between spending some of my recent pay from a side job on the eldo or on a ural gear up.  i used to drive a bmw r100/velorex rig for my year round transport in the 90s and am having some pangs of nostalgia for the sidecar. tell me about the eldo. i can get one for less than the ural but i can only buy one or the other right now and cant decide.
(https://i.ibb.co/3r909qb/Image-40.png) (https://ibb.co/3r909qb)

(https://i.ibb.co/kqy1h9D/20191128-113638.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kqy1h9D)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zZavarivach on February 16, 2024, 11:04:19 AM
Hello Guzzistas,

Brand new Guzzista here.
Name is Tomislav or Tom if you wish, from Serbia.

Returning biker, after years and years of not having a motorcycle, I bought a Royal Enfield Meteor 350. Had it for a year exactly, just enough to get back the confidence and the feeling, then upgraded to a V7 850 Special, Blu Formale  :grin:

My friend in the same time got a Breva 850, he's a noob for internet forums so any questions about the Breva 850 I'll post on his behalf  :cool:
We are now 850 relatives waiting for spring.
Guzzi is very rare here on the roads (not to mention ads), we both bought these bikes imported, V7 from Germany, Breva from Italy.

Best regards, will upload picture with both bikes
(https://i.ibb.co/42DrW2f/427688680-10163398279813242-2623246332264915881-n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/42DrW2f)

(https://i.ibb.co/dJPPWkj/427704365-10163398279848242-864298191662285242-n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dJPPWkj)

(https://i.ibb.co/zJhT5pg/427471957-10163398279653242-8087307760209200344-n.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zJhT5pg)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzziwit on February 16, 2024, 08:32:45 PM
Bernie Dwyer, 61, IT sales & service, Queensland Australia

Hi all, proud owner of a 1976 850 LeMans and now, a 2019 V85TT. One is never enough. I've got a couple of Yamaha dirt bikes, too.

I've had the LeMans since 1984, approaching 500,000 kms, worn out the top end twice, it's on the last oversize pistons but I don't expect to need another rebuild as I don't ride it very much these days. I've come to the conclusion that it's a young mans bike. It still has the ability to thrill and delight, but a couple of hours in the saddle has me needing a nap and a hot bath 😀

Bought the V85TT a couple of weeks ago. Previous owner was a maintenance god, he sent me a spreadsheet of everything he's done, from oil changes to upgrades. It's such a nimble bike and a big contrast to the LeMans.

The weather here has been miserable for the last few weeks and while I don't mind riding in the rain, it's tiresome when it's ALL THE TIME - so i haven't had a chance to take the newcomer for a decent ride yet.

I've got my Lonelec cable (acquired in the sale) and Guzzidiag, so I'll soon be diving into that to learn about what's happening
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: NH_GuzziGuy on February 29, 2024, 07:05:54 AM
Hello All!

Mike from Manchester NH, in the United States. 41 years old, forecast consultant.

I've been riding for about 12 years. I just recently purchased a 2023 V85TT Adventure, picking it up this weekend and I can't wait. I also have a 2016 Kawasaki Versys 1000. Prior bikes include Suzuki DRZ-400SM and a Kawasaki Ninja 650.


Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Jim Marshall456 on March 02, 2024, 07:49:25 AM
Hi folks
New member here, Jim Marshall age 62 happily retired and living in York, England UK (although originally from Edinburgh, Scotland).
I ride a 2021 850 V7 Stone Centenario, a 1981 Laverda Alpino and a 1978 Suzy TS185 - quite an eclectic mix! I'll be asking for tyre recommendations soon for the V7 as it's due a new set.
(https://i.ibb.co/k6twvTX/Double-Guzzis-at-Helmsley.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k6twvTX)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 2valve Tom on March 03, 2024, 07:40:00 AM
Happy to be back on a 2 valve Guzzi. Let the fun begin!

(https://i.ibb.co/jhNdsXW/IMG-4116.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jhNdsXW)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ucwinters on March 07, 2024, 10:34:10 AM
Ed Winters from Kerrville, TX (best place to live in TX if you like to ride m/c's)

Retired & 75 yrs young

Have owned all of the Japanese brands, a couple of Multistrada's and 3 Beemers (currently have a R1200RS & a R1200GS).

Hope to buy a 2024 V85 TT when they become available.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GunnarG on March 08, 2024, 01:52:02 PM
My name is Gunnar.I live in Denmark and drive Moto Guzzi Centaro , Griso 1200. and Triumph RS 955I Have ridden motorcycles for over 50 years. Have had many MCs mostly English
Title: Wants a Guzzi and a Fuzzi feeling that goes with it.
Post by: anglojaxon on March 12, 2024, 03:45:10 PM

I'm Ian and I don't own a Guzzi. I currently own an Interceptor 650 and a R1200GS.

I was curious about the Guzzi's before the interceptor, like most people the closest dealer was 3 hours away so I got the Interceptor. Then again, I've seen 4 BMW dealers come and go in my state over the years. Never totaling more than one at a time. It's true Harley has more dealers, but they have more shitty dealers too. I now have a dealer within range, so I don't have to take PTO to see a bike.

So I've been thinking about a Guzzi. I lament the few times I didn't pull the trigger on a California 1400 and alas they are not making them. I suspect it'll come back with a version of the Stelvio engine. I've seen a few for sale with low miles but it appears accessories are rarer than a hen's tooth than they were before.

The interceptor is fine enough and fully kitted with S&S pipes, cat-less header, DNA fuel filter and a PC. The wife doesn't want me to sell it because she finds it easier to climb on. Weird that someone that swims, walks, runs and does yoga bitches about climbing on the GS. The Interceptor is fine solo, two up it drags ass up hills. Great commuting bike though. I'd really loose my ass on a trade, if anything the son will get it. He's a Harley guy, yet likes the bike. He's always tinkering with his FXR and StreetGlide and one's always down.

The Stelvio in my opinion wouldn't be a good replacement for the GS, if I didn't have a GS it would be a fine choice. I simply can't part with it. I hear a lot of the features are after sale add-ons (like PFF, etc). I've got way too much money in the GS to let it go for a bike that has less. I would say the Stelvio is likely a better deal for anyone that balks at a GS. They are now stupidly higher in price. I just have too much wrapped in accessories. The V85TT is still too tall for the wife. She's more of a short jaunt passenger. She's literally an 80 year ago women inside. I call her "The Dream Crusher."

In short I'm leaning toward a V7 special, stone special. It appears I get the Hepco Becker mounts for my C-Bow and Orbit cases to swap out from the Interceptor.  I would love a California or El Dorado more than a V7 but they are harder to find and further away and generally get sold before I can get motivated to get them. Any advice on that would be appreciated.

I'd get a Heritage softail but I really don't care for the culture wrapped around it. I still have memories of being caught in traffic on the Ultra and getting close to having a heart stroke. Fine winter bike though.  Realistically I'm not fat enough to own a Harley because I'm slim and my wife is attractive. I just look like I rented the bike.

I'm actually not found of the BMW culture. They can be real assholes themselves (It's not real BMW!). I did write about my BMW expertise here:


You might find it more entertaining than the BMW community I shared it with. Most of the people I offended with this already died of old age.

I have owned:
Intercpetor 650
2018 R R1200GS
BMW F800GT (It's not real BMW)
BMW K75S (It's not real BMW)
1200 Sportster (Not a real Harley)
2004 UltraClassic
BMW G650GS (It's not real BMW)
Honda Shadow (dependable and boring).
Aermacchi HD 250 (Closet thing to an Italian bike I've owned.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: BigRob on March 13, 2024, 04:29:47 PM
thanks for the membership !
BigRob from Kiama in NSW ,Australia.
I have an 81 cali 2 and just purchased a 2009 Stelvio 1200, plus others
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Angelman on March 13, 2024, 08:55:17 PM
Keith here from Alberta, Canada. 

   I have a 22 TT 85. First Guzzi. Had lots of various bikes over the years. This one is particularly interesting. Like people say about the Guzzis
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mistral4 on March 16, 2024, 09:21:41 AM
Hi All,
New to Guzzi, had my heart set on the V100 but test rode the V85TT and loved it, first world problems I know, Love the look of the 24 V85tt
It will be one of those two bikes come June,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MCRIV on March 18, 2024, 01:02:54 PM
Age 47
From VA
Active Duty
1974 750S full restoration

(https://i.ibb.co/cc74LRr/750-S.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cc74LRr)

(https://i.ibb.co/k36zRL5/750S.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k36zRL5)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: grandpaul on March 22, 2024, 09:09:27 AM
Howdy, from central Texas! (formerly from Laredo on the Mexico border)

I've been riding for over 50 years, have owned 173 bikes (mostly British/Triumph/Bonnevilles), and currently have 13 bikes (no Guzzis at the moment, I used to have a scruffy '74 Eldorado 850 with a Cozy convertible sidecar).

I retired from Motorcycle Restorations/Rebuilds/Custom Builds (Born Again Bikes) in 2018; I did that for 13 years and completed over 100 major client projects in that time, besides a dozen or so of my own.

Former U.S.Navy Aviation Ground Support Electrician, former A/C business owner, former Computer business owner, formerly in Commerical Construction and Mechanical / Electrical Engineering, also all manner of other jobs including Sous Chef for a year.

NAUI certified Open Water SCUBA diver, (2) tandem sky dives, water & snow skier, hunting & fishing, camping & traveling, drawing & drafting.

Married 40 years (in June), 5 kids ranging from 48 to 13 (yes, you read that right), 8 grandkids, and ONE great-granddaughter!

Currently (mostly) ride a 2000 Triumph Legend 900 triple or an 01/03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R.

I designed and built my own "Hangardominium" with shop & hangar for my Quicksilver MX Sprint II Ultralight.

Also have:
'66 Triton (hand built Bonneville engine in Featherbed frame) that I built
'65/66/67/68/69/70 Triumph Bonneville 650 that I built for AHRMA's Historic Production Heavyweight roadracing class (raced in '07, '08 & 2010). Best finish was 2nd at Willow Springs in 2010. Finished 5th in '08 Championship (22 riders in class, with many 750 triples & 4s) only raced 1/2 of the events.
'69 BSA Lightning 650, restored by a fellow Texan, acquired as partial payment for a Norton restoration
'72 BMW R75/5 Boxer that belonged to my late friend Nacho
'74 Norton Commando 850 custom that I built using some nice Dreer VR880 parts & e-start
Original Kenny Dreer "New Norton" monoshock prototype bike, most parts of which were shown at announcement of the (then) new Norton America
'82 Honda MB5 that I restored
'83 Honda VF750F V4 Interceptor that I refurbished
'92 Yamaha TDM850 "bug eyes" in work to wake up after 8 years
'00 Triumph legend already mentioned
'01/03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R that I salvage built
'03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R that I am in the process of modifying to "Adventure" style just because so many people said NOT to
My wyfe has a 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 V-twin power cruiser

I am here to get assistance in selling my late friend's (2) '06 Breva 1100s.

That's about it...

(https://i.ibb.co/pncnhLP/IMG-5730.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pncnhLP)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Indypikes on March 22, 2024, 07:10:09 PM
Welcome and good luck with the sale. You can also post on the Moto Guzzi National Owners Club website although you will have to pay a small fee to list and post pictures as you are not a paying member. I've had good luck with Cycle Trader as well.

Regards, Scott
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: notbenh on March 24, 2024, 08:19:19 PM
Hello all.

I recently added a v7iii Milano to the garage to sit next to my pair of Vespas.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jhem68 on March 24, 2024, 10:22:40 PM
Welcome. Great addition to your garage! I also have a Milano and think that it is the best package offered in the V7lll range.

John H
(https://i.ibb.co/nss9v8r/IMG-3036.jpg) (https://ibb.co/nss9v8r)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: notbenh on March 25, 2024, 08:34:10 AM
Welcome. Great addition to your garage! I also have a Milano and think that it is the best package offered in the V7lll range.

John H

Thanks for the warm welcome! I agree the Milano really is a very elegant blend of the aesthetics of the special with the practicality of the stone.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: mew215 on April 03, 2024, 09:53:05 AM
Hi!  I'm Max, 38 years old from Philadelphia.  I'm self employed as a clinical social worker, and I'm also getting back into my art practice (ceramics.)

I'm purchasing a 2022 V7!  So excited to ride it.
My partner has a 2017 Triumph Street Twin with a lot of cool mods.

I've been riding a 1978 Honda CX500, It is so cool but Im not mechanically skilled, or inclined enough, to keep dealing with what it needs all the time.  Its had all kinds of issues over the past couple years, it ends up financially not so great over time either...  I wanted a newer bike that will be in the garage less and ridden more!

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: REBRACN on April 09, 2024, 07:19:51 AM
Ron Branom


Director of Construction and Facility Operations at The Mayflower

2023 V85 TT

Been riding since I was 4!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: hovent on April 17, 2024, 07:57:22 PM
My Name is Scott
Live in Kaneohe, Hawaii USA
I have a 2006 Breva V1100

Over 60 for sure! Still riding till I die!!

Semi retired, it's Hawaii... we all have to keep working here to survive.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: red stripeguz on April 22, 2024, 11:58:54 AM

just turned 60 and just got my motorcycle license AND a new 2023 V7 Special


Leander Tx USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: red stripeguz on April 22, 2024, 12:03:29 PM
Howdy, from central Texas! (formerly from Laredo on the Mexico border)

I've been riding for over 50 years, have owned 173 bikes (mostly British/Triumph/Bonnevilles), and currently have 13 bikes (no Guzzis at the moment, I used to have a scruffy '74 Eldorado 850 with a Cozy convertible sidecar).

I retired from Motorcycle Restorations/Rebuilds/Custom Builds (Born Again Bikes) in 2018; I did that for 13 years and completed over 100 major client projects in that time, besides a dozen or so of my own.

Former U.S.Navy Aviation Ground Support Electrician, former A/C business owner, former Computer business owner, formerly in Commerical Construction and Mechanical / Electrical Engineering, also all manner of other jobs including Sous Chef for a year.

NAUI certified Open Water SCUBA diver, (2) tandem sky dives, water & snow skier, hunting & fishing, camping & traveling, drawing & drafting.

Married 40 years (in June), 5 kids ranging from 48 to 13 (yes, you read that right), 8 grandkids, and ONE great-granddaughter!

Currently (mostly) ride a 2000 Triumph Legend 900 triple or an 01/03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R.

I designed and built my own "Hangardominium" with shop & hangar for my Quicksilver MX Sprint II Ultralight.

Also have:
'66 Triton (hand built Bonneville engine in Featherbed frame) that I built
'65/66/67/68/69/70 Triumph Bonneville 650 that I built for AHRMA's Historic Production Heavyweight roadracing class (raced in '07, '08 & 2010). Best finish was 2nd at Willow Springs in 2010. Finished 5th in '08 Championship (22 riders in class, with many 750 triples & 4s) only raced 1/2 of the events.
'69 BSA Lightning 650, restored by a fellow Texan, acquired as partial payment for a Norton restoration
'72 BMW R75/5 Boxer that belonged to my late friend Nacho
'74 Norton Commando 850 custom that I built using some nice Dreer VR880 parts & e-start
Original Kenny Dreer "New Norton" monoshock prototype bike, most parts of which were shown at announcement of the (then) new Norton America
'82 Honda MB5 that I restored
'83 Honda VF750F V4 Interceptor that I refurbished
'92 Yamaha TDM850 "bug eyes" in work to wake up after 8 years
'00 Triumph legend already mentioned
'01/03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R that I salvage built
'03 Kawasaki ZRX1200R that I am in the process of modifying to "Adventure" style just because so many people said NOT to
My wyfe has a 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 V-twin power cruiser

I am here to get assistance in selling my late friend's (2) '06 Breva 1100s.

That's about it...

(https://i.ibb.co/pncnhLP/IMG-5730.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pncnhLP)

Howdy fellow Leander-thal
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: witnesstoo on April 24, 2024, 03:29:53 PM
Chuck Keen

Down in Matagorda County Texas (SSW of Houston)

70 years old ... riding most of my life, started in dirt, but mostly big cruiser and touring bikes (Harley, Victory, Indian, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph)  downsized bike-wise a few years back --- back protesting lifting 900+ lbs bikes off the kickstand ... tried a Ural sidecar rig for awhile, unique bike (would have enjoyed more if I still lived somewhere with hills and forest roads) just sold it ... supplemented that with a 2017 V7 III Stone <-- Just traded that in on a new 2023 V85tt Adventure (Blue, White, Red)

Worked in Nuclear Power most of my life, retired now ... 8-1/2 years in the US Navy, then 35+ years at civilian nuclear powered electric plants in Arkansas and Texas.

Not much in the me-too thing ... don't much care to see myself (so to speak) coming down the road.   Also like a bike that makes me look back and appreciate it when I park ... as well as something simpler I am confident in wrenching on myself <<--- Moto Guzzi sort of ticks all those boxes.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Costellon on May 05, 2024, 06:44:41 PM
Greetings Guzzers !!!

Nick, Galway, 3rd attempt at posting, west coast of Ireland - first Guzzi - non runner - Fe o2 special - What could possibly go wrong ? It'll be grand !

2 weeks ago I offered an old friend help in moving his 98 EV1100 Cali. It had not been turned over in 10 years and in that time had been moved from damp shed to damp shed. It was in a pretty sad state unfortunately.
Life and circumstances separated my buddy from his Guzzi a few years after they drove from Ireland to Greece and through most of Italy having done the entire Adriatic loop - twice.

On the day - it turned out that the shed that he intended to put it in was too small by four inches .... that afternoon I made my friend an offer - and it’s now mine. I know the history of the bike and remember riding it when my buddy imported it from the UK 24 years ago, It was interesting and I enjoyed it. He's still very attached to it and will be welcome to use it anytime he likes

It's now 2 weeks later, totally stripped the entire rolling chassis and sent 2 boxes of bits off to be blasted and powder coated (VERY carefully - all breathers blocked and threads etc .. protected) - should be done by Tuesday evening - getting wheels (gently) blasted on the same day, tyres coming this week also - bearings are on the bench.

I removed the motor and tranny in one go in the first instance and split them today - WET CLUTCH !!!! Smells like gear oil - transited through the input shaft ... I’ve boiled the oil out of contaminated brake shoes and pads in the past - even worked on a K1100 clutch - but I think I’ll be investing in new clutch spongey bits.

The front suspension is shot, fenders are rotten through, all chrome is peeling, electrical connectors around many of the relays have exploded through the plastic due to the rusted contacts, paint has peeled of the frame & swing arm, tyres are shot and flat, the wheels have things living on and in them, brakes need total refurb, all the mechanical and gassy bits are sound - turns over, gears do gearey stuff, entire fuel system has to be overhauled, instruments etc

Front and rear fenders, wiring loom, front forks (complete), relays, some cabling and other bits and bobs 2nd hand from Italy arrived for under €550 shipped off Fleabay.

I'm not a fan of the curvy fuel tank styling and am hoping to find a colour that'll bring me 'round - any and all suggestions appreciated.

Beemers are normally my thing (over 35 years with airheads and 15 with oilheads), lost count at over 100 bikes a long time ago. In March and early April I finished a 6 month build on a 76' R75/6 and a quick refresh on a 1980 Yam XJ650 special (both happily re-homed). The stable currently consists of a "dark black" 98' Triumph thunderbird that I rescued from a cafe racer boy and a 2015 NC750X manual that I thump around on.
Normally go through (restore or refresh) 3 or 4 bikes a year but the T-bird and NC have been keepers for the last few years. I plan to keep the Guzzi for the foreseeable but its an interesting undertaking - should be ready in June if I don’t head back to sea  ... Hehe

Please be patient when I ask stupid questions- thanking you in anticipation.

I look forward to hopefully learning more about my Guzzi from you guys, gals, vowels, consonants, nouns, verbs and squiggles


Be well all
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: GuzzizzuG on May 08, 2024, 12:46:55 PM
Hi Everyone! Brad from PA, USA, and I work on computers. Bought my Moto Guzzi about a year ago, it's also my first brand new motorcycle. 2022 V85TT Adventure. I've been riding on and off for about 20 years. Hopefully now I can spend more time riding and less time wrenching.

(https://i.ibb.co/F3x7vYT/thumbnail-20230316-223037651-i-OS.jpg) (https://ibb.co/F3x7vYT)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: SkyPilot on May 11, 2024, 03:53:34 PM
Greetings from the PNW, USA guys and gals.

Retired Airline Pilot, 56 years riding experience, Hondas to Harleys.  Of all the bikes I've owned or ridden, none gave me a bigger smile than my new '23 V7 Special red stripe.  For pure riding experience, Guzzi's got the Goods!

Riding, more riding, musician, good food, more riding, golf.

Life is better on two wheels.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: weld86 on May 21, 2024, 08:33:19 AM
Hello from Agua Dulce, CA
64 years old. Just retired from owning Canyon Welding. We are a precision welding shop with FAA certifications.
Just purchased a '17 Stelvio NTX. My third Guzzi.
Motorcycles, Golf and Grandkids.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: davenull on May 26, 2024, 03:18:19 PM
Hi all, my name is Dave, new rider from Italy, currently based in Germany!

If everything (price negotiations) goes well, I'll be a proud "Moto Guzzi v7 850 Special ('22)" owner this upcoming week!
I tried it last week and immediately fell in love with the bike. I've tried BMW (non-boxer engine), Triumph Bonneville and some Honda stuff, and while I did enjoy the Bonneville more than anything before, I thought the Bonneville T120 was too powerful for the type of bike it is, and also "too smooth" if you know what I mean. Meanwhile, the 850cc engine in the v7 fits perfectly and I like how it maintains its character throughout the rev range.
I guess it would be an understatement to say that I'm hyped to get my bike soon, and I'm already planning my trip to Mandello. :P

Anyway, looking forward to checking this forum once in a while, as I've read some threads before (it seems to list well on my search engine) and it seems you guys are having a good time here!
Title: ReIntroductions thread for me.
Post by: blacktruck on May 29, 2024, 06:40:24 AM
Well now. It's been awhile. I bought an almost new Norge in 2011 and joined this esteemed group of ne'er-do-wells. I hung out here for a few years and then as they say, life got in the way of my pursuit of two wheeled bliss. I spent my formative years with my Norge mostly in Afghanistan with only few riding breaks taken when I made it back to the US. After that was over for me, I took another position within the company managing a new project in Texas. I had put about 25K happy miles on the Norge then ran into a problem that just chapped me and I sold it. To this day, I miss that bike. In the subsequent years, I bought a couple new bikes and currently ride a 17 Triumph Trophy SE. It is a truly great road machine but the urge has never left me to get another Guzzi. The 1400 Californian is the all time most beautiful touring bike IMHO but I am leaning towards a used Stelvio for a few reasons. I hope to be retiring this year so a reliable bike with tractor like performance and reliability seems to be a good idea. It is good to be back. I've been riding for more than 50 years. Several different types and brands. I am an engineer by trade specializing in repair solutions for construction equipment. It is good to be back on the pages here. I missed the fellowship and friendly committed atmosphere to the brand that you all have here. I am glad to be back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on May 29, 2024, 07:19:15 AM
Welcome back BlackTruck, Yes, I remember the handle when you were here before. Ride Safe.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Burns on May 29, 2024, 03:15:22 PM
Howdy  Y'all

I'm a recently retired Attorney/Civil Servant preparing for my personal Route 77 journey on my recently acquired Norge 1200 "Sofia"

I live in Olympia WA and will make the 50TH ANNUAL MGNOC NATIONAL RALLY JOHN DAY OREGON my first stop on my way to Big Bend Texas and on to the Texas Hill Country and stops en route, I'll be in my birthplace, Fort Worth Texas on my 77th Birth Day (hence the Route 77 trip name)

I look forward to the Guzzi Life!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: blacktruck on May 29, 2024, 03:51:42 PM
Welcome back BlackTruck, Yes, I remember the handle when you were here before. Ride Safe.
Your name also, I recall. I have always been a fan of not so mainstream bikes and the Guzzi was a favorite of mine. It was my start into a sport touring bikes. As I approach retirement, I want to get another Guzzi. I am glad to be back on these pages again.
Thanks for the reply.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RTD on June 03, 2024, 12:17:59 AM
56, arizona, art, noise.

Late bloomer on riding: Took the MSF course at 52 and promptly bought a Royal Enfield Meteor 350 to practice and gain skills. Love that machine but after a few years it’s finally Graduation Time. Picking up a 2019 V7 iii Stone this week.

Here to take wisdom & hopefully give some back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Mercurysilver on June 05, 2024, 12:29:41 AM
After 50+ motorcycles in the family and 54 years of motorcycle license, finally the first Guzzi ! Long time enthusiast, enjoying my '21 V7 Stone in Ice Blue, glorious color, same color on the Gray Goose Vodka Martini bottle :) hmm, may be a name there?
I rode my friends MG many time and always liked them, now it's full time

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Pistonbroke on June 09, 2024, 02:40:13 PM
64, retired. and from the UK. 40 years since my first Guzzi, many makes/models in between, including 4 more Guzzis, now got another. Man, prices have gone up a lot for spares since my last one in '98. Hopefully I don't need too many.......
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xander on June 10, 2024, 11:13:13 AM
Hello, all!

I'm Xander, 55, a US Navy veteran and semi-retired Web Developer / IT Consultant in Tampa Bay, USA.

I've been a biker since about 13 and owned a handful of bikes, but I've not ridden or owned one for at least 20 years, until just recently when I found my latest true love.  I've passed my motorcycle rider's course (wasn't required back in the day) and I'm committed to the ATGATT club.

This is my first Moto Guzzi and my first adventure bike.  She's a '21 V85TT Adventure Centenario and I think she's gorgeous.  :drool:
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: eljayski on June 19, 2024, 08:59:56 AM
Hi there! Larry from Loveland, Colorado. Retired Colorado State University accounting professor. Bought two Guzzis, V7 and V100, in the last month!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xander on June 19, 2024, 09:09:42 AM
Hi there! Larry from Loveland, Colorado. Retired Colorado State University accounting professor. Bought two Guzzis, V7 and V100, in the last month!
And another addict is born.  Hello, Colorado!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: afulltank on June 20, 2024, 01:13:48 PM
hello from the centre of Canada, Daryl, 61, real estate. Rode when I was a kid, admired bikers at ferry crossings while holding the hands of my 2 little kids. Not little anymore, away we go.

Got my license in June 2022 and bought a 2022 V7 Stone. it now has 17,000 km's on it. Went to Quebec City last year and leaving shortly to Newfoundland. First year I almost drove off the highway going 60, I went past the rumble strip of the paved shoulder, that was close! Found out my head bearings were shot. Bottom rusted right out, top less bad.

I hope to post of my upcoming trip.  :grin:

(https://i.ibb.co/HYSNmp4/20230703-143127.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HYSNmp4)

(https://i.ibb.co/xfQ42WJ/20230704-202722.jpg) (https://ibb.co/xfQ42WJ)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Nowheelies on June 20, 2024, 06:36:57 PM
Very casual lurker due to busy life, but decided it is time to stick my toe in the water. I bought a 2012 Norge late last summer with low miles. In an attempt to replace my FJR I ran across the Norge and boy howdy! I thought I liked the FJR and I guess I did, but this goofy Norge has got to be the most fun I have had on two wheels since I was a kid. Excepting an oil sensor leak that was present when purchased and fussing around trying to get keys made (it only came with one) it has been an absolute dream to own. Mrs. Nowheelies likes it as well and in my book that is a huge win. Must keep Mrs. N happy.

Ride mostly NE Minnesota, which means seasonal, unfortunately. No long trips, our style is more trailer to a part of the world we wish to be in and use either a camper or pickup box tent as a base camp.

One question that has been nagging me since day one. What on earth is the chrome lined black hole in the center of the bike. If I get sucked into it do I start speaking Italian? Will Mrs. N start weaving her way into a tarantella move? Is a pizza forthcoming?
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on June 21, 2024, 07:10:00 AM
Nowheelies, welcome to the forum. the chrome hole is nothing, just a hole. Serves no purpose. I would check the heads to make sure the motor has been rollerized. Do a search to find out more. AND there is a rally up there this weekend.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Tkelly on June 21, 2024, 01:02:14 PM
hello from the centre of Canada, Daryl, 61, real estate. Rode when I was a kid, admired bikers at ferry crossings while holding the hands of my 2 little kids. Not little anymore, away we go.

Got my license in June 2022 and bought a 2022 V7 Stone. it now has 17,000 km's on it. Went to Quebec City last year and leaving shortly to Newfoundland. First year I almost drove off the highway going 60, I went past the rumble strip of the paved shoulder, that was close! Found out my head bearings were shot. Bottom rusted right out, top less bad.

I hope to post of my upcoming trip.  :grin:
There is an island with an undersea iron mine near StJohns,a beautiful city with a gigantic Basilica and amazing museum called the Rooms.Beer is rather pricey but made from icebergs.Hope the weather is good .

(https://i.ibb.co/HYSNmp4/20230703-143127.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HYSNmp4)

(https://i.ibb.co/xfQ42WJ/20230704-202722.jpg) (https://ibb.co/xfQ42WJ)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Piranha32005 on June 23, 2024, 04:52:45 PM
Jason from Nebraska. I have been riding a 2003 California evt for the last couple years and just purchased a 2017 MGX-21 last week. I just have to wait for it to be shipped, but that is lined up and should arrive hopefully by the Fourth of July. Both bikes are relatively stock.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OwenC on June 26, 2024, 08:14:43 AM
Hi, Owen from a land down under (Queensland, Australia).  I am retired and have a small collection of motorcycles.  Latest addition is a 1975 T3. My other bikes are mainly old brits with an SL350 Honda K2 thrown in for good measure.  I enjoy making parts for my collection and for a small selection other folks.  Thanks for letting me join.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: zip50 on July 03, 2024, 02:12:02 PM
Name is Tim from Lincoln, MA. Just brought home a 2018 V7 III Carbon Shine. Looking forward to learning and sharing with this group.
(https://i.ibb.co/xL9sssv/IMG-3730.jpg) (https://ibb.co/xL9sssv)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 70Ambo21V7 on July 03, 2024, 05:11:41 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/Wvs90gZ/20240504-072705.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Wvs90gZ)

(https://i.ibb.co/jZZsq0J/20190613-174844.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jZZsq0J)
New 'real human.'  Been lurking thinking I was already a member but when I tried to log in I found I didn't have human staus yet.

Have one of my Grandfather's Ambassadors, 1970, I'm rebuilding plus I bought a 2021 V7 Special last year. Was recently accepted (I think) into a build fellowship so that resparked interest in working on the Ambassador.

Anyway, happy to be here and look forward learning and contributing where I can.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DeeTeeBee on July 18, 2024, 01:52:00 AM
Hi y'all!  I'm Derek, I'm 53, I manage to make a living making musicains sound good (and occasionally joining them on stage), and I live in Pasadena, CA.  I brought home a 2023 V7 850 Special back in March and have spent the last few months making some additions.  I put Bitubo suspension in front and back (MAJOR improvement!) and added some H&B luggage, a windsheild, and centerstand.  I love it!!  Will be lurking around here and chiming-in/asking-for-advice as needed!!
(https://i.ibb.co/hF52k2P/IMG-2705-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/hF52k2P)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: aiknight on July 22, 2024, 11:47:30 AM
Hey all,

Adam Knight
46 years old
Married with two kids (boys)
Solution Consultant Manager at Markem-Imaje
Hobbies are Cars & Motorcycles
Canton, GA (North of Atlanta)
I currently owns one bike (Honda Trail125) and looking for buying a Guzzi
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xander on July 22, 2024, 12:29:24 PM
Hey all,
I currently owns one bike (Honda Trail125) and looking for buying a Guzzi

Hey there!  I recommend a V85 TT, '21 or later for the upgraded tech, and if you can find one, the Centenario.  Here's mine:

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on July 22, 2024, 07:08:48 PM
Hey all,

Adam Knight
46 years old
Married with two kids (boys)
Solution Consultant Manager at Markem-Imaje
Hobbies are Cars & Motorcycles
Canton, GA (North of Atlanta)
I currently owns one bike (Honda Trail125) and looking for buying a Guzzi
Welcome, there was a MGNOC club dinner in Canton on 16th, guys from around area. I'm over by Winder.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: motojobobo on July 22, 2024, 10:09:46 PM
Roger here, 60 years old, currently a rancher raising Nelore cattle in eastern/lowland Bolivia.

Got my hands on my very first Guzzi 12 days ago, a 2021 V85TT. In love with it!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MrFixit on July 25, 2024, 09:50:30 PM

Bob Wortman  66 Northeast Alabama USA

I am retired from a career as an engineer and maintenance manager in a high tech industry.  I have many interests. Theology, philosophy, recovery, motorcycling, home and professional sound systems, music, photography, fishing, shooting, whatever catches my ear or eye.

(https://i.ibb.co/XCYp80J/PXL-20240306-204643405-Original.jpg) (https://ibb.co/XCYp80J)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DWEL on July 26, 2024, 01:26:45 PM
Hi there,
My name is Dave and I have 2 guzzi's now. I picked up this 2002 California Special Sport last weekend. It is in amazing condition.

(https://i.ibb.co/h2K5GsP/2002-CALI-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/h2K5GsP)

(https://i.ibb.co/j4kPBXG/2002-CALI-2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/j4kPBXG)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Kiwi_Roy on August 14, 2024, 06:17:36 PM
Very casual lurker due to busy life, but decided it is time to stick my toe in the water. I bought a 2012 Norge late last summer with low miles. In an attempt to replace my FJR I ran across the Norge and boy howdy! I thought I liked the FJR and I guess I did, but this goofy Norge has got to be the most fun I have had on two wheels since I was a kid. Excepting an oil sensor leak that was present when purchased and fussing around trying to get keys made (it only came with one) it has been an absolute dream to own. Mrs. Nowheelies likes it as well and in my book that is a huge win. Must keep Mrs. N happy.

Ride mostly NE Minnesota, which means seasonal, unfortunately. No long trips, our style is more trailer to a part of the world we wish to be in and use either a camper or pickup box tent as a base camp.

One question that has been nagging me since day one. What on earth is the chrome lined black hole in the center of the bike. If I get sucked into it do I start speaking Italian? Will Mrs. N start weaving her way into a tarantella move? Is a pizza forthcoming?
I believe that hole is used to susspend the bike on the assembly line in the factory,
I used it on my Griso to lift the bike off the ground for tire changing etc.
I posted sketch of how to do that a couple of years back.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: ZGuzzi on August 22, 2024, 07:41:24 PM
Hey all!

My name is Zack. I'm a California native, but currently in Indiana to get a PhD in Music Education.

I've been riding Guzzis since 2015. First a '10 Griso, then a '17 Cali14 Custom, and now a '14 Stelvio NTX.

Been working through lots of problems the previous owners left me, but I've been enjoying the journey and all the knowledge I'm picking up along the way.

I commute on my bike a lot and have put down about 9k miles since I bought it last April.

When I'm at a place to get a second bike, I'm considering a V7 Racer (or maybe a V7 850 I convert into a Racer style), a Le Mans, or an older El Dorado. Really leaning towards the older bikes.

Looking forward to hanging around here more.

Me on pickup day with the Stelvio:

(https://i.ibb.co/HV88sQF/IMG-2889.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HV88sQF)

A random lake I found while stretching the Stelvio's fire-road legs:

(https://i.ibb.co/cbRJ4RR/IMG-3400.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cbRJ4RR)

 Previous Cali14:

(https://i.ibb.co/hXGNQZ5/IMG-2421.jpg) (https://ibb.co/hXGNQZ5)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moto Mike on August 25, 2024, 09:46:20 PM
My name is Mike, thank you for having me. I'm a 46 year old working class guy that lives in Oregon. I grew up in SoCal and started riding in the dirt at age five, then transitioned to road bikes as an adult. I’ve been very fortunate to have owned many different makes and models (Japanese/european) over the years, each with their unique character and purpose. As I’ve aged, I have found that I prefer European motorcycles. Triumph and Moto Guzzi are at the top for me. I enjoy doing my own maintenance and mods. I recently sold my 2009 Triumph Bonneville and 2016 Street Triple Rx and replaced them with a 2017 MG V7 iii Stone and 2019 Yamaha XT 250 dual sport. This is my first Moto Guzzi, I bought it for the reasons a lot of people do.. the pursuit of character, old school analog feel, but with modern engineering. I have been enjoying my time with the V7! I bought it used with 1100 miles on the clock, it was completely stock. I've made a few changes so far.. generic bar end mirrors, Hornet fly screen, Leather Works saddlebags, and Raask slip on silencers. I have installed GuzziDiag on my laptop and purchased the proper cables. I have successfully connected to my bike and will continue to familiarize myself with the tool. This awesome resource and community is one of the main reasons I decided to pull the trigger and buy my V7. I want to be apart of it, exchange knowledge, experiences and offer anything that I can.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Vagrant on August 26, 2024, 07:00:40 AM
First welcome.
You just asked a question on another forum. You will be reamed out there for mentioning Guzzi dia.
I'll answer it here. The v7III hates water in switches and anywhere near the O2 sensors. Get a can of Deoxit and flush out your starter button and switches regularly. Make sure the battery cables are spotlessly clean. Especially where the ground strap attaches to the back of the engine.  Use the Guzzi dia to clear the codes and then to shut off the O2 sensors. It should run fine then. If not, ask your questions on this forum.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Moto Mike on August 26, 2024, 09:52:51 PM
First welcome.
You just asked a question on another forum. You will be reamed out there for mentioning Guzzi dia.
I'll answer it here. The v7III hates water in switches and anywhere near the O2 sensors. Get a can of Deoxit and flush out your starter button and switches regularly. Make sure the battery cables are spotlessly clean. Especially where the ground strap attaches to the back of the engine.  Use the Guzzi dia to clear the codes and then to shut off the O2 sensors. It should run fine then. If not, ask your questions on this forum.

Thank you!
I only got as far as my introduction on that site, I was warned and my reference to it was deleted. I did not mean to break the rules there, I just ignorantly stepped into it, if you know what I mean. I will gladly take your advice and look into the switches. If you have time, I posted more details on this site under General. Subject V7 and the 3 codes that popped up when using GuzziDiag. I would love to hear your feedback!
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DustdevilDave on September 04, 2024, 12:10:48 PM
Always liked Guzzi's as they were a tinkerer's bike.

It's the "V" the way it was meant to be !
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on September 04, 2024, 04:30:58 PM
Welcome Dave
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: DustdevilDave on September 04, 2024, 06:42:21 PM
Dave Stiles
76 years young
Retired Navy/Marine Corps, Gov't Contractor'
Previous bikes : 750 Sport, 1100 Bassa, assorted other makes and models
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, tinkering with stuff.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Maniu_POLSKA on September 06, 2024, 09:47:27 AM
Hello everyone I am from POLAND and I am the happy owner of MOTO GUZZI 1400 AUDACE. Previously I rode 1200 4V SPORT for 7 years which is for sale.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on September 06, 2024, 01:21:02 PM
Welcome to the Wild Side
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: lcjohnny on September 06, 2024, 01:27:39 PM
Hi not-yet-70-year old from Bristol UK
Just bought a V85TT

Keen to learn

Guzzistory = Spada SP1000, V50iii, Lario, GRiSO 1200
(other bikes were ridden)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: uncleal13 on September 07, 2024, 09:57:17 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/0rwTgW7/IMG-4595.jpg) (https://ibb.co/0rwTgW7)
[/img]Allan Wilson
Retired - busy, don't know how I had time for work in the past
Was in Canadian Armed Forces, mostly semi-truck driver after that.
Just last year I got back into motorcycling after 36 years.
 Newer bikes are a pain to service, people said Moto Guzzi was easiest.
Last week I bought a one owner 2008 1200 Sport with 35,000 kms.

Pilger, Saskatchewan, Canada

past bikes:
2024 Royal Enfield Bullet 350
2001 Honda Shadow 750 ACE
1982 Kawasaki KZ1100
1976 Suzuki GT 750 two stroke
1977 Yamaha TX500
1972 Honda CB350 twin
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Dumon on September 11, 2024, 09:39:16 AM
Hey there, my name is Simon Kullmann, I'm 21 years old from Germany and i am a trainee as IT system administrator
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Bill W on September 16, 2024, 06:43:05 AM
Hey all
Bill from Atlanta,Ga. ( 66yrs old )
Self employed for 42yrs
Got back into bikes 7yrs ago when my ( then ) 19yr old son bought his first bike.
I'm currently on my second Cali 1400 touring ( first one got totaled 2yrs back ). I also have a 2000,Triumph Adventurer 900.
Best Regards

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Seweryn on September 17, 2024, 08:37:16 AM
Hi All,

I am an amateur living in Ireland.  Not a teenager, but starting with motorcycling rather late in my career.  Recently got a Moto Guzzi (1200 Sport) that I have been working on for some time trying to get it running properly :-).  Project in progress and going rather well.

All The Best,
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jsherm01 on September 25, 2024, 11:41:23 AM
Hello. I'm awaiting delivery of a 2015 V7II Special. I live near Hillsdale Kansas with a wife, three horses, eight chickens, a 60's era Sears Gilera 125, 1995 Gas Gas Pampera 250, 2000 Kawasaki W650, 2019 Ducati Scrambler Sixty2, 2023 KTM 390 Adventure, and 2023 HD Pan America.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: OlyMoto on October 03, 2024, 11:02:07 AM
I've perused this site anonymously for years, and with a new found interest in vintage bikes of all flavors questions need answers. I've newer Guzzis but am now looking at old. I'll start to pester y'all.

My primary two wheeled interest lies with trials, both vintage and modern. Have a couple TY's and a Fantic, and am also a modern bike dealer for Vertigos. For the purposes of this site though, I've a GRiSO and V85TT but am hoping to pick up a LM III in the next couple of weeks. I've found a seemingly nice, well cared for example but am soaking up as much info as possible here so I know what to look for when I make the 4+ hour drive to check it out.

Looking forward to bumping into some of you in the PNW.

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: 707hatter@gmail.com on October 05, 2024, 08:46:54 PM
Doug Downie, 62, engineering designer in Central Oregon, USA
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Larry H on October 12, 2024, 12:57:07 AM
Hi there,

I am Larry
Living in Sydney, Australia
70 yrs old
Mechanical design engineer but not working any longer
Have a LM1 (currently in pieces) and has recently traded a BMW F700GS for a second-hand V85TT 2022

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Montana Guzzi on October 13, 2024, 09:09:53 AM
My name is Jason Timm. I'm the current Montana rep for the MGNOC.
I've got a 1975 850T and a 1998 v11 EV in the garage.
(my wife has a ktm 390 duke, but I don't hold it against her hahaha)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: guzzisteve on October 14, 2024, 04:56:51 PM
Welcome from a past Rep, Got a GREAT one here in GA. A friend of mine is buried in Big Sky Country. Old time Guzzi guy & wife. SideCar guy too.
Long Live the Club MGNOC it's the only club in US that has functions on USA soil that is not a test ride.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: shepped on October 15, 2024, 01:24:01 PM
Hi All
Proud owner of a Moto Guzzi Nevada 750 ie in desperate need of some TLC
Live in Surrey in United Kingdom
57 years old and have been riding bikes for 40 years but first Guzzi so be gentle with me
Love tinkering with all my bikes but will no doubt need need help with this one as it has been sitting outside for 5 years
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: CORDE on October 26, 2024, 06:31:48 AM

Here Corde from Spain,
In love with Guzzis since i was a child and my neightbor had a refurbished police motorbike.
I ride now a v7 stone III (second hand) because i was obsessed with it. Impossible for me not to have it. Im sure  it will be with forever.
I found this forum because i had a problem with the console that now is already fixed.

Thanks for exist
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: apoc330 on October 30, 2024, 03:51:02 PM
Sean Knox
Manor, Texas

Love working fixing, working on and building things and don't too much care what it is.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: MR B on November 06, 2024, 04:48:53 AM
Hello everyone,
I am Sean from Scarborough, UK.
Own a EV1100 California, and a Breva 750
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: nikwax on November 09, 2024, 12:34:18 PM
Hi all,

Mark here. I'm back to MG and Wild Guzzi after an eight year break. Just bought a 2007 Breva 1100.  I'm a retired software engineer and systems analyst.

I live on the coast of NW Washington state, not far from Vancouver BC. If any of you folks live in the Vancouver or Seattle areas, give me a shout.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: KenO on November 12, 2024, 08:41:59 AM
Hi all,
I am a new member of this forum.

59 YO
45 years riding
Live in southeast US
Currently own a restored '73 BMW R60/5 and a 2016 Kawi Versys 650.
Ready to sell the Kawi and considering replacing it with a V85 Travel.
I have never owned an MG before though I had a couple of uncles that did back in the 70s and 80s.
Happy to be here...

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: skibum69 on November 15, 2024, 07:43:29 AM
Hello out there! Mike Buhler new to Moto Guzzi with a V11 Sport Naked recently gifted to me by my uncle.

57 these days. I'm a film technician and a rigger for Cirque du Soleil.

I live in New Melbourne, Newfoundland. Very few Guzzi's up here.

'82 BMW R65 LS
'83 BMW R100 RS
'99 BMW R1100 S
'03 Moto Guzzi V11 Sport Naked
'06 Aprillia SR 50
'06 KTM 640 Adventure
'07 KTM 525 XCW
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: JGW5 on November 18, 2024, 03:22:55 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Greg Woods, I am 58 years old and work as an airfield manager in NM.

My only bike right now is a '24 V7 Stone Corsa, but I've been a licensed motorcycle rider for 30+ years.   Kind of feel like I am learning how to ride again, as it's been a few years since my last bike. 

Always loved Guzzi's, so when I decided to buy another bike, I went with a Guzzi. 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Felixflyscars on December 21, 2024, 12:32:35 AM
Thanks for having me. George Barnes, currently self unemployed, 60, Southern Oregon.  Have a little gaggle of Guzzis, always one or two in line for repairs or maintenance.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Littlefield on December 22, 2024, 08:09:32 PM
David Littlefield from San Antonio, TX. 72 yr old retired mechanical engineer. I enjoy building and fixing things. I’ve been riding mainly Triumph triples, currently a Tiger 800, but have always been interested in owning a Moto Guzzi. When the stars align I’ll try a get a test ride on a V85. There’s a dealer here in San Antonio and AF1 is not too far up the road.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xander on December 23, 2024, 10:37:20 AM
David Littlefield from San Antonio, TX. 72 yr old retired mechanical engineer. I enjoy building and fixing things. I’ve been riding mainly Triumph triples, currently a Tiger 800, but have always been interested in owning a Moto Guzzi. When the stars align I’ll try a get a test ride on a V85. There’s a dealer here in San Antonio and AF1 is not too far up the road.

Howdy, David!  I'm a fellow builder and fixer of things and a proud V85 owner.
(https://www.ezriilc.com/images/Catey/Me+Catey+ATGATT_222.jpg)  :gotpics:

The Tiger 800 is a beautiful bike.  Got pics?

I'm also new to Moto Guzzi and I can highly recommend the 2021 (or newer) V85 TT.  It's a bit tall, but now that I'm used to mine it's a breeze.  However at ~500 pounds US, she does require finesse at low speed and some strength in the parking lot.  Mine is an E5 model (new for some '21s) that takes the standard ODBII interface for easy diags and whatnot.  She loves an open, curvy road and kicking up some occasional dirt.  Modern ABS and traction control are must-haves for me.  I like the Centenario for the lovely paint scheme.

I went for over a decade without a bike and now that I've regained my confidence, my V85 has become an agile and sexy dance partner that draws plenty of nice comments.  :cool:  I bought her nearly new at just over 3k miles and after putting another 1k+ on the clock I'm happy to report zero factory problems.  I think the original owner was in over their head and laid her down once or twice but one can't tell by looking.  I lucked into finding a Centenario at a dealer right around the corner which is great for getting some extra keys made and an ECU update.  I've owned plenty of Japanese bikes (love 'em), but I've never tried a Triumph - though I've always wanted to.

Cheers!  We'll see you around.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: bjor1978 on December 27, 2024, 09:11:05 PM
Hello everyone, I’m a long time Guzzi admirer and first time owner.

I’m Bill Braile, 56 and live in NJ just outside Philadelphia.

I bought a 2007 California Vintage with 44k miles.......
(https://i.ibb.co/Pmxqt3Z/D95-C275-A-C50-F-472-F-9957-BB16635-A60-DC.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Pmxqt3Z)

Hi all. I am Brendan, 46 years old originally from UK and now in Connecticut. I just bought the sweet CalVin from Bill - such an excellent chap and already helped me a ton with info. 

Please be patient with me and expect some dumb questions as I get to know the bike, and guzzis, better.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: RileyHouston on December 31, 2024, 04:10:51 PM
My name is Riley Houston and I'm a 47 year old in Spring, TX and I recently purchased a new to me 2022 V85TT with 2400 miles on the ODO.  I've been riding for 31 years and this is my first Italian motorcycle and if all goes well, it won't be my last!  Most of the motorcycles I've owned have been Japanese with the majority being Honda.  To a lesser extent, I've owned Harley Davidson, Victory, Triumph, and BMW.  I'm looking forward to learning a lot from y'all!

(https://i.ibb.co/c3fk7MS/IMG-4241.jpg) (https://ibb.co/c3fk7MS)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chapulin on January 02, 2025, 05:29:06 AM
I am Chris, 64, an engineer from Germany. I have owned bikes since I was 15, all makes Moto Guzzi, AWO, BMW, Junak, Ural, Matchless, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki etc, drove from Alaska to Argentina on a 700 Maxim, all around Brazil on a Honda 450 etc. After unexpectedly having loads of fun riding across the Philippines on a puny XR150, I have started liking off-roaders and have been dreaming about a Moto Guzzi V 650TT.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Xander on January 03, 2025, 10:22:13 AM
My name is Riley Houston and I'm a 47 year old in Spring, TX and I recently purchased a new to me 2022 V85TT with 2400 miles on the ODO.  I've been riding for 31 years and this is my first Italian motorcycle and if all goes well, it won't be my last!  Most of the motorcycles I've owned have been Japanese with the majority being Honda.  To a lesser extent, I've owned Harley Davidson, Victory, Triumph, and BMW.  I'm looking forward to learning a lot from y'all!

(https://i.ibb.co/c3fk7MS/IMG-4241.jpg) (https://ibb.co/c3fk7MS)
Hello, Riley!

Your story is similar to mine, just add 10 years.  I've also recently lucked into a nearly new '21 V85 TT Centenario with 3100 miles on the ticker, and I just love it.  I think you will too.

Happy trails!  The V85 can actually handle them.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Scott Carpenter on January 15, 2025, 12:08:34 PM
Scott Carpenter 58, Principal Environmental Health Officer/Team Leader - South West England. Born in Australia, lived in England since the age of 34. 2004 Breva 750. My 20th year on a Breva! 
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Littlefield on January 24, 2025, 08:28:08 PM
David Littlefield from San Antonio. 73 yrs old retired mechanical engineer. Recently picked up a 2022 V85. I’ve ridden mostly Triumph triples but have always been attracted to the MG brand. Looks like the weather will be warming up here so I’ll be able to get in some riding. A few of us have a trip to Big Bend in early April, get a chance to really check out the comfort. Seems pretty good so far.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Littlefield on January 25, 2025, 05:34:38 PM

(https://i.ibb.co/kcPRgbG/IMG-2102.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kcPRgbG)

(https://i.ibb.co/djvhFfT/IMG-1454.jpg) (https://ibb.co/djvhFfT)

(https://i.ibb.co/k1RTfW8/IMG-0203.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k1RTfW8)
Howdy, David!  I'm a fellow builder and fixer of things and a proud V85 owner.
(https://www.ezriilc.com/images/Catey/Me+Catey+ATGATT_222.jpg)  :gotpics:

The Tiger 800 is a beautiful bike.  Got pics?

I'm also new to Moto Guzzi and I can highly recommend the 2021 (or newer) V85 TT.  It's a bit tall, but now that I'm used to mine it's a breeze.  However at ~500 pounds US, she does require finesse at low speed and some strength in the parking lot.  Mine is an E5 model (new for some '21s) that takes the standard ODBII interface for easy diags and whatnot.  She loves an open, curvy road and kicking up some occasional dirt.  Modern ABS and traction control are must-haves for me.  I like the Centenario for the lovely paint scheme.

I went for over a decade without a bike and now that I've regained my confidence, my V85 has become an agile and sexy dance partner that draws plenty of nice comments.  :cool:  I bought her nearly new at just over 3k miles and after putting another 1k+ on the clock I'm happy to report zero factory problems.  I think the original owner was in over their head and laid her down once or twice but one can't tell by looking.  I lucked into finding a Centenario at a dealer right around the corner which is great for getting some extra keys made and an ECU update.  I've owned plenty of Japanese bikes (love 'em), but I've never tried a Triumph - though I've always wanted to.

Cheers!  We'll see you around.
Greetings. Yes, picts of ex Tiger 800, older Tiger 1050 and a cafe 70 Norton project bike. Gotta have something to tinker with.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Chouchen29 on February 04, 2025, 07:13:32 AM
Hi, everyone,

My name is Patrice, 51 yo, I live in France, after a few years with a 2006 1200 Norge, I just bought a 2012 California 1400 touring.
I also own two Nortons ( 1973 Commando roadster and 650SS ).
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: justanut on February 09, 2025, 03:23:46 PM
Hello. I’m Josh 48 from Western Pa. Getting back on 2 wheels after a long time away. Prospective Guzzi buyer and hope to get some advice from the members here.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Oca Grassa on February 09, 2025, 05:18:39 PM
Hello fellow Guzzisti! Thanks for adding me to the forum/board. My name is Sean, I’m 58 and a retired US Air Force Aviator, currently still working for the Air Force as a program manager in aviation support.

I chose my user name because the Norge has a fat a$$ with the bags on. Oca is goose in Italian. Grassa is Italian for “fat slob”….picture Homer Simpson and that’s sorta a visual for Grassa.

I live & work in the San Francisco Bay Area. I live roughly halfway between SFO and SMF. Been riding for 35 plus years, primarily sport bikes all that time. Picked up an ‘08 Norge last November. Slowly been going through the things it needs to be a reliable commuter…but riding it everyday!

Lots of other bikes in the garage, pretty much all sports bikes. The Norge is the 1st/only sport tourer in the stable. Only other bike I’d consider remotely close is an ‘83 Suzuki XN-85 Turbo. It’s a project of epic proportion…not been ridden in well over 25 years. Tires look like plastic…

The others….1992 Oil Boiler GSXR750, also a project in a retro-mod kind of way. 1993 Ducati 900SS, also a project. The runners are a 2000.5 Aprilia Mille R, a 2000 996, 2004 GSXR-600 and a 2007 Monster S2R1K. Then there is the basket case, a 1994 EX-500 which is literally nothing more than a frame, tank & seat pan….and an engine with no internals. Another project I’ll get to one day.

The Norge has plenty of company. So far I’ve ridden the Norge to work every day, rain or shine. Really like the heated grips for one, and the hard luggage for another. Here’s a pic from the day I picked it up:
(https://i.ibb.co/Qvr5mN6t/IMG-5671.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Qvr5mN6t)

Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: sanderoudev on February 18, 2025, 07:14:15 AM
Hi, my name is Sander and i'm from the Netherlands.
Currently own a 2016 V7 Stone II and a 1974 850T which i'm currently rebuilding.
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jd on February 20, 2025, 04:43:01 PM
Greetings, I have rejoined after being away for a while.
Specialty Chemical Research
(https://i.ibb.co/BVKwxbnM/img-9124.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BVKwxbnM)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: Guzzitex on February 24, 2025, 09:09:49 AM
Hello everyone,

New Braunfels, Texas

Riding for 30 plus years, started looking for a Guzzi a couple of years ago and was set on a V11 Lemans to complement my Ducati 900ss CR. Missed out on a few and never considered a Stelvio 1200, never a fan of the adventure bike until taking a 1500 mile trip through Washington State on a Yamaha Super Tenere, then I understood what those bikes are about. Just purchased a low mile 2015 Stelvio 1200 NTX and love it. Appreciate all the valuable information from everyone found here on Wild Guzzi!

(https://i.ibb.co/chjsxKZy/Stelvio.jpg) (https://ibb.co/chjsxKZy)
Title: Re: Introductions thread...Introduce yourself to the group !
Post by: jawry on March 03, 2025, 02:39:16 PM

Names Iain Rathie. I work as a Safety Manager (in Australia) and am 60 years old.

Cheers, Iain